Updater archive for #1ci491antkthk

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The 10th Anniversary Gauntlet Colosseum

[Info] Pokémon XD will start today at 21:00 UTC.

The original updater was one long updater for the whole gauntlet; this archive splits the updater by game. Link to next updater archive

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[Chat] Wahi: time to grind vitamin money SanaeSip

5d 10h 33m We deposit the current team other than Plusle into the Married Box, then withdraw the HoF team excluding Hitmontop. We put Mantine and Suicune at the top of the party, and give Mantine an Amulet Coin. We begin an Under Colosseum challenge

5d 10h 28m We ride the UFO down to the Deep Colosseum. We take an Amulet Coin from Ho-Oh. We boot up a PC.

5d 10h 25m We use a TM25 to teach Latias Thunder over Charm

5d 10h 22m Plusle was given an Exp. Share to hold.

[Info] Latias and Metagross are exactly Lv 50. Minun is Lv 48. Ho-Oh is Lv 70. Feraligatr is either Lv 36 or 38. Plusle is Lv 13.

5d 10h 19m In the Under's shop, we buy a TM25

[Correction] The Ruby stuff earlier was in preparation for the Lv. 50 challenge stuff, but it was not itself creating a team for the Lv. 50 challenge stuff. Ruby does not have such a team ready now.

5d 10h 16m We ride to Mt. Battle, buy a Leftovers, then go to The Under

5d 10h 15m We look at our party and P★DA outside the Phenac Pokemon Center for a bit, then enter the center long enough to save, then leave town

5d 10h 4m We change our party to Minun, Latias, Metagross, Feraligatr, Ho-Oh and Plusle before fleeing the PC and the Pokemon Center

5d 9h 55m We boot up PC. We move Hitmontop, Gligar, Altaria, Suicune, Stantler and Mantine to the Married box. We withdraw Plusle.

5d 9h 50m We disengage from trading, and duo mode is disabled

5d 9h 48m Duo mode is enabled. The right inputs are going through. Traded Colosseum's Zigzagoon for Ruby's Mantine! Traded Colosseum's Ledian for Ruby's Minun! Traded Colosseum's Noctowl for Ruby's Latias!

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: It didn’t work because you hit Z
M4_used_Rollout: You opened the GB Player menu

5d 9h 43m We withdraw Ledian and Noctowl, and deposit Hitmontop and Gligar. We initiate a trade. duo mode enabled, although the right inputs don't seem to be going through to Ruby, so duo mode is then disabled.

5d 9h 38m We watch Bob Ross, as M4 switches the disks again. The GameCube loads the Colosseum disk on the first try. We load Story Mode.

5d 9h 34m [Ruby] We withdraw vvvjj the Latias and bnnuy the Minun, depositing a Zangoose and something else.

5d 9h 27m [Ruby] M4 loads up Ruby in the Game Boy Player. Used HM3 to teach Mantine Surf over Water Pulse

5d 9h 24m We save

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: the GameCube only refused to start 5 times yeah let’s switch discs again (referring to the difficulty loading Colosseum a few minutes ago after the brief Ruby play)

5d 9h 19m We learn that streamer intervention is required to trade since trading requires inputs on the GBA. Traded Colosseum's Mantine for Ruby's Zigzagoon! Took a TM40 from Zigzagoon. Used the TM40 to teach Gligar Aerial Ace over Guillotine

5d 9h 13m Colosseum is back. We enter story mode, and begin a trade

5d 9h 7m We briefly enter story mode and look at Ho-Oh, then go to trade, but cancel. Then, Colosseum is turned off, and Ruby is loaded into the Game Boy Player. Colosseum has some battle mode things that require Pokemon under level 50; so, we assemble a team in Ruby that is eligible for the level 50 battle modes

5d 8h 41m Defeated Mt.BtlMaster Inity!. Obtained 12707 Poke Coupons! Obtained Ho-Oh!

[Recap] Wes has been playing the Battle Mode Mt. Battle Doubles challenge.

4d 19h 13m Defeated Mt.BtlMaster Infin! Obtained 12707 Poké Coupons!

[Recap] In the time since the last update, we've been playing in Battle Mode, most notably going through Mt. Battle as aa, our character from Super Gauntlet Sapphire, using GBA/GCN connectivity. We're currently up to Area 7.

4d 3h 3m Togetic was purified! It grew to Lv. 25 and learned Metronome! No nickname.

4d 3h 1m Shuckle was purified and learned Safeguard! No nickname.

[Meta] We're about to enter Mt. Battle to grind, meanwhile the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 1h 47m We save.

4d 1h 46m We enter the building, boot up the PC, and deposit Stantler and Altaria to withdraw Togetic and Shuckle.

4d 1h 44m Anyway, we leave and head to Mt. Battle.

4d 1h 44m The imposter reveals his identity as Fein. He revels in the fact that he ruined our reputation, somehow forgetting the fact that there's a news reporter who saw the whole thing right next to us.

4d 1h 42m Defeated Shady Guy WES!

4d 1h 42m Earthquake again! Armaldo goes down!

4d 1h 42m Armaldo uses Aerial Ace, which hits Suicune.

4d 1h 42m Gligar uses Earthquake again. Hitmontop goes down, while Armaldo barely holds on. We send out Suicune.

4d 1h 41m Shady Guy WES sent out Armaldo, which gets hit with a Brick Break from Hitmontop.

4d 1h 40m We send out Hitmontop. Gligar uses Earthquake and Manectric and Milotic both go down, while Hitmontop loses a good portion of its HP. Gligar grew to Lv. 64!

4d 1h 39m We send out Gligar. Milotic then uses Ice Beam and Altaria faints!

4d 1h 38m The impostor sends out Manectric. Altaria uses Dragon Claw on it, then it uses Thunderbolt and takes down Mantine.

4d 1h 37m Altaria uses Fly on Milotic. Houndoom hurts itself in confusion, and Milotic almost takes down Altaria with Ice Beam. Mantine uses Water Pulse again, and Houndoom goes down!

4d 1h 36m Altaria flies up and dodges Houndoom and Milotic's attacks. Mantine uses Water Pulse on Houndoom, confusing it.

4d 1h 35m We send out Mantine.

4d 1h 35m The impostor sends Houndoom. Milotic uses Ice Beam and Stantler faints.

4d 1h 34m Altaria uses Fly and hits Milotic. Stantler uses Thunder, and Gyarados goes down!

4d 1h 34m After setting a Dragon Dance, Altaria flies up and dodges an Ice Beam from Milotic. Stantler misses with Thunder and gets hit by Hydro Pump.

4d 1h 33m The impostor sends Milotic next.

4d 1h 33m We throw the Master Ball! Snagged a male Lv. 20 Togetic!

4d 1h 31m The impostor WES sends Gyarados and Togetic. ANCA informs us that this is a Shadow Togetic!

4d 1h 30m Vs. Shady Guy WES!

4d 1h 30m We ride our bike to the Outskirt Stand, where we come face-to-face with Ancha the news reporter, Rider Willie... and ourselves!

4d 1h 29m There's new footage of "us", apparently live from the Outskirt Stand! Guess we know where to head next.

[Snark] This poor lady must be getting really sick of us breaking in to watch her TV.

4d 1h 28m We return to Pyrite Town and enter the old lady's house again.

4d 1h 27m We head to Realgam Tower and receive yet another e-mail. It's Nett asking us to watch the news again.

4d 1h 26m Chat is disappointed that the news jingle is different from usual and leaves already.

4d 1h 25m Just to make sure, we watch the report again.

4d 1h 25m We found one at the old lady's house. There's a report of us being sighted attacking people!

4d 1h 24m We head to Pyrite Town and begin searching for a TV.

[Snark] From experience, you really don't need to tell us to do that.

4d 1h 23m We ride to Realgam Tower, and receive a new e-mail. It's Nett, telling us to watch the news!

4d 1h 22m We take the elevator and leave The Under.

4d 1h 18m We go upstairs and talk to Bitt, who was guarding the door. He says he believes that it wasn't us attacking people.

4d 1h 16m We check the last e-mail again and see it's from Bitt.

4d 1h 15m Megg says we're her hero, but that doesn't really help us with our current situation.

4d 1h 13m We talk to Nett. He has nothing interesting to say.

4d 1h 12m We go down to the Kids Grid headquarters.

4d 1h 11m We head to the southern part of The Under.

4d 1h 5m We go down the elevator and heal.

4d 1h 4m We head to Realgam Tower again, and receive yet another e-mail. We've been seen attacking people with a Shadow Togetic? The mystery thickens. We head back to The Under.

4d 1h 2m We head to Phenac City, and receive another e-mail. Nett informs us that the last Shadow Pokémon out there is a Togetic.

4d 0h 59m We leave The Under and head to Realgam Tower. We receive an e-mail about us attacking someone?

4d 0h 56m Defeated Deep King Agnol! We win the tournament!

4d 0h 55m A perform the glitch and throw a Master Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 45 Shuckle!

4d 0h 54m Altaria comes down and takes out Shedinja with Fly. Shuckle uses Shadow Rush on Stantler.

4d 0h 53m We can't do the Infinite Balls glitch due to Altaria being in the air, so we throw a regular Ultra Ball. Shuckle escapes it.

4d 0h 52m Altaria flies up? Stantler uses Return, and it's enough to take Girafarig down; Agnol sends Shuckle next, and it turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 0h 51m Stantler then uses Thunder on Sableye, which faints as well. Altaria grew to Lv. 67! Agnol sends Shedinja to replace it.

4d 0h 51m Altaria uses Dragon Claw again, and Kingdra goes down. Agnol sends out Girafarig.

4d 0h 50m Altaria uses Dragon Claw on Kingdra, which loses two thirds of its health. Stantler hits itself in confusion. Kingdra uses Ice Beam on Altaria, but it survives with a silver of HP.

4d 0h 49m Agnol sends out Kingdra. Sableye uses Confuse Ray, and Stantler gets confused.

4d 0h 49m Altaria uses Dragon Claw on Sableye, taking out half its health. Stantler uses Thunder on Skarmory, and it goes down.

4d 0h 48m Agnol sends out Skarmory and Sableye.

4d 0h 47m It's the final round! Vs. Deep King Agnol!

4d 0h 47m Altaria uses Dragon Claw again, and Hitmontop finishes Mawile off. Defeated Hunter Grons!

4d 0h 46m We swap Stantler for Hitmontop, causing Mawile's attack to drop. Altaria uses Dragon Claw and Mawile uses Brick Break on Hitmontop, causing minimal damage.

4d 0h 45m Altaria uses Dragon Claw on Relicanth, and Stantler finishes it off with Thunder. Stantler grew to Lv. 64! Mawile uses Brick Break on Stantler again.

4d 0h 44m Grons sends out Relicanth. Mawile uses Brick Break on Stantler for a third of its health.

4d 0h 43m Altaria uses Sing, but misses. Stantler uses Thunder on Murkrow, which faints.

4d 0h 43m Stantler and Mawile both cause the opposing side to lose Attack due to Intimidate.

4d 0h 43m Grons sends out Murkrow and Mawile.

4d 0h 42m Semifinal time. Vs. Hunter Grons!

4d 0h 42m Altaria uses Dragon Claw on Misdreavus, and Stantler follows with Thunder. Misdreavus goes down; defeated Athlete Lorge!

4d 0h 41m Stantler uses Thunder, and Seadra goes down. Altaria grew to Lv. 66!

4d 0h 41m Altaria uses Dragon Claw again on Kecleon; due to Color Change, it is super effective and takes it down! Lorge sends out Misdreavus.

4d 0h 40m Lorge sends Seadra. Kecleon uses Slash on Stantler.

4d 0h 40m Altaria uses Dragon Claw on Kecleon. Kadabra uses Psybeam on Stantler, and it retorts with Return, taking down Kadabra.

4d 0h 39m Lorge sends Kadabra and Kecleon.

4d 0h 38m Second battle. Vs. Athlete Lorge!

4d 0h 38m Altaria uses Dragon Claw again, and Nincada faints as well. A flawless victory! Defeated Rider Nelon!

4d 0h 37m Stantler uses Return, and Horsea goes down as well.

4d 0h 37m Altaria uses Dragon Claw, and Shuppet goes down. Nelon sends Nincada.

4d 0h 36m First battle, vs. Rider Nelon! He sends Horsea and Shuppet, and we send Stantler and Altaria.

4d 0h 35m We reorder our party, then enter the next tournament.

4d 0h 33m We receive an e-mail from Nett informing us that the Deep King has entered the Deep Colosseum tourney.

4d 0h 32m We boot up TM02 and teach Dragon Claw to Altaria over DragonBreath!

4d 0h 31m Received TM02 Dragon Claw as a reward for completing the series of battles.

4d 0h 30m Gligar finally uses Slash, and Mantine goes down. Defeated Cipher Admin Ein!

4d 0h 29m Mantine uses Toxic, badly poisoning Gligar. Gligar hits itself in confusion again, and Suicune can't move because of paralysis.

4d 0h 29m Mantine uses Confuse Ray on Gligar, which then hits itself in confusion. Suicune uses Ice Beam, but Mantine still holds on.

4d 0h 28m Ein uses a Full Restore on Mantine. Gligar uses Slash on it, and Suicune follows with Ice Beam. Mantine still has about a quarter of its life left.

4d 0h 27m We send out Gligar.

4d 0h 27m Mantine used Twister again. Altaria hit itself in confusion, while Suicune uses Ice Beam. Altaria then suffers from poison damage and faints.

4d 0h 26m Gyarados thawed out and used Rain Dance. Altaria flies up, causing Mantine to miss its attack. Suicune then uses Ice Beam again and finishes off Gyarados.

4d 0h 25m Mantine used Twister, hitting both our mons. Altaria hit itself in confusion and Suicune didn't move due to paralysis. Gyarados is still frozen.

4d 0h 24m Mantine used Toxic, badly poisoning Altaria. Altaria flies up, and Suicune uses Ice Beam on Gyarados again.

4d 0h 23m Suicune uses Ice Beam, and Gyarados is frozen.

[Recap] We have three Pokémon left and have Suicune and Altaria out, while Ein is down to its last two, Gyarados and Mantine.

[Recap] We are currently at the Deep Colosseum, where we defeated Mirror. B, Dakim and Venus and are currently facing Ein.

[Recap] In the past few hours, we grinded at Mt. Battle to evolve a few Pokémon, namely Skiploom into Jumpluff, Slugma into Magcargo and Vibrava into Flygon.

3d 18h 54m Meditite evolved into Medicham!

3d 18h 53m Flaaffy evolved into Ampharos!

3d 18h 31m Quilava evolved into Typhlosion!

[Meta] The live updater is still dark at the moment. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 18h 7m Ursaring was purified! It grew to Lv. 46 and learned Faint Attack! Nickname: FISH.

3d 18h 5m Piloswine was purified! It grew to Lv. 44 and learned Endure! Nickname: AUv?!UlMo4.

3d 18h 3m Smeargle was purified! It grew to Lv. 46 and learned Sketch! Nickname: AAA.

3d 18h 1m Bayleef was purified! It grew to Lv. 34 and learned Sunny Day! Nickname: ACc. Bayleef evolved into Meganium!

3d 17h 59m Quilava was purified! It grew to Lv. 39 and learned Sunny Day! No nickname. Quilava stopped evolving!

[Recap] We finished going through the Snagem Hideout and snagged a female Lv. 45 Smeargle and a female Lv. 45 Ursaring!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 12h 11m Gligar uses Earthquake, and Starmie goes down. Defeated Team Snagem Driton!

3d 12h 10m We use Waterfall and Starmie gets confused.

3d 12h 10m We take down Seadra. Driton sends out Starmie.

3d 12h 9m Mantine protects itself. Stantler faints!

3d 12h 8m Pelipper goes down, and Driton sends out Lanturn. Mantine hits Seadra with Water Pulse, which attacks Stantler with Waterfall.

3d 12h 6m We swap Gligar for Stantler. Seadra uses Waterfall, and Pelipper uses Surf.

3d 12h 5m Driton sends out Seadra and Pelipper. We send Gligar ad Mantine.

3d 12h 5m We talk to a grunt wandering around. Vs. Team Snagem Driton!

3d 12h 4m Gligar then uses Earthquake and knocks out both Octillery and our own Suicune. Defeated Bodybuilder Lonia!

3d 12h 3m We set up the Infinite Balls glitch and throw the Master Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 43 Piloswine!

[Chat] Wahi: finally the soft sand

3d 12h 1m Lonia sends out Octillery and Piloswine. Hey, that Piloswine looks familiar... it's a Shadow Pokémon we failed to snag before!

3d 12h 0m Gligar uses Earthquake! Suicune holds on with a bit of health left, while both Flaffy and Dunsparce faints. Suicune grew to Lv. 59!

3d 12h 0m Vs. Bodybuilder Lonia! She sends out Dunsparce and Flaaffy.

3d 11h 59m We move onwards on go up a floor.

3d 11h 56m Suicune uses Surf, and both opponents faint. Defeated Cipher Peon Skrub! Gligar grew to Lv. 60!

3d 11h 56m We take down Huntail, and Wobbuffet faints to poison damage. Skrub sends out Medicham and Golem.

3d 11h 54m Huntail uses Hydro Pump despite infatuation, and takes down Hitmontop.

3d 11h 53m Our Pokémon attack Huntail while Wobbuffet is hurt by poison.

3d 11h 52m Hitmonlee uses Attract on Huntail, whih retorts with Hydro Pump. Suicune uses Aurora Beam on Wobbuffet, and it hits back with Mirror Coat.

3d 11h 51m Suicune sets up rain as well.

3d 11h 49m Hitmonlee poisons Wobbuffet with Toxic, and Suicune sets up Reflect.

3d 11h 49m Someone suddenly appears to ambush us! Vs. Cipher Peon Skrub! He sends out Wobbuffet and Huntail.

3d 11h 46m We head to the Team Snagem Hideout, and get yet another e-mail. It's a list of Shadow Pokémon we already snagged aside from Shuckle.

3d 11h 42m We go down to The Under, where we heal.

3d 11h 41m We head to The Under. We get another e-mail from Bitt, this time about a Smeargle and an Ursaring we might want to look for.

3d 11h 39m We leave the Cipher Lab and head to Realgam Tower. We receive an e-mail from Bitt regarding a rumoured new Snag Machine being built at the Snagem Hideout...

3d 11h 34m Defeated Cipher Peon Rosso!

3d 11h 34m Altaria grew to Lv. 61!

3d 11h 31m Snagged a male Lv. 30 Quilava!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 10h 23m We head to The Under, where we heal.

3d 10h 22m We then head to Phenac City and receive another e-mail informing us that Nett may have some information for us regarding new Shadow Pokémon.

3d 10h 21m We go to the Outskirt Stand and receive an e-mail from Nett, who discovered more Shadow Pokémon. We already snagged all of these except for Ursaring though.

3d 10h 18m We leave the room.

3d 10h 17m We send out Gligar. It uses Slash, and Grumpig goes dow. Defeated Cipher Peon Verde!

3d 10h 16m Hitmontop takes down Sharpedo. Grumpig then uses Extrasensory and Hitmontop faints!

3d 10h 14m Stantler uses Psychic again, and Muk goes down. Verde sends Sharpedo next.

3d 10h 13m Stantler uses Psychic on Muk, taking out half its health.

3d 10h 13m We use the Infinite Balls glitch to throw the Master Ball once more. Snagged a male Lv. 30 Bayleef!

3d 10h 11m Verde sends out Muk ad Bayleef. Said Bayleef is a Shadow Pokémon!

3d 10h 11m We keep going and find someone we haven't seen in a long time... Vs. Cipher Peon Verde!

3d 10h 8m Beautifly goes down, and we win the battle!

3d 10h 7m We swap Mantine forGligar, then Suicune finishes off Golbat with Ice Beam.

3d 10h 6m Mantine is still frozen, but Beautifly has switched targets to Suicune instead of finishing it off.

3d 10h 4m Fuston sends out Golbat. Mantine is still frozen and getting hit by Beautifly's Giga Drain attacks. We swap Altaria for Suicune.

3d 10h 4m Swellow uses Facade, but Altaria holds on to its last health point and uses DragonBreath, taking it down!

3d 10h 3m Delibird is taken down. Fuston sends out Swellow.

[Fluff] The urn appears on the set.

3d 10h 2m Altaria uses DragonBreath on Delibird, which uses Blizzard again. Beautifly keeps using Giga Drain.

3d 10h 1m Beautifly uses Giga Drain on Mantine.

3d 10h 1m We swap Stantler for Mantine, and Hitmontop for Altaria. Delibird uses Blizzard on both our Pokémon, and Mantine is frozen!

3d 9h 59m We get spotted by Team Snagem Fuston! He sends Beautifly and Delibird.

3d 9h 58m We go down some stairs and use a Super Potion on Stantler.

3d 9h 57m Sandslash goes down, and we win the battle!

3d 9h 56m Stantler takes down Swalot with Psychic. Hitmontop grew to Lv. 58.

3d 9h 55m Stantler uses Psychic, and Weezing goes down. Swalot is sent out next. Hitmontop uses Brick Break on Sandslash, which uses Slash on Stantler.

3d 9h 54m Crudo sends out Weezing.

3d 9h 53m Stantler grew to Lv. 58!

3d 9h 53m Stantler uses Calm Mind, then gets hit by Headbutt. Hitmontop uses Brick Break and Linoone goes down.

3d 9h 52m We push onwards. Vs. Bandana Guy Crudo! He sends Linoone and Sandslash.

3d 9h 49m Found 2 Max Ethers!

3d 9h 48m Stantler finishes off Shelgon. Defeated Bodybuilder Colas!

3d 9h 46m Shelgon gets hit by Return again. Hitmontop uses Brick Break, and Pupitar goes down.

3d 9h 45m Stantler uses Return on Shelgon, and Hitmontop takes down Carvanha with Brick Break. Colas sends Pupitar next.

3d 9h 44m Colas sends out Carvanha. Shelgon uses DragonBreath on Stantler.

3d 9h 43m Stantler uses Return, and Hitmontop follows with Brick break. Spinda goes down.

3d 9h 42m Colas sends out Spinda and Shelgon. We send Hitmontop and Stantler.

3d 9h 42m Vs. Bodybuilder Colas!

3d 9h 40m Found 3 PP Up!

3d 9h 38m We go up another floor.

3d 9h 35m Found an Elixir!

3d 9h 32m We push onwards, taking the stairs to the upper floor.

3d 9h 31m We save.

3d 9h 30m We withdraw Hitmontop and Stantler and deposit Qwilfish and Metagross.

3d 9h 28m We give Metagross the Metal Coat to hold.

3d 9h 28m We deposit Hitmontop and Stantler and withdraw Qwilfish and Metagross.

3d 9h 25m We then change the name of the Jail Box to Jailed.

3d 9h 24m We move Metagross to ESCAPED and Raikou to Jail. We then change the name of the ESCAPEDBox to Escaped.

3d 9h 20m We boot up the PC and move Meditite, Dunsparce, Ariaos, Yanma and Octillery from the ESCAPED Box to the Jail Box.

3d 9h 14m Another Water Pulse takes Masquerain down. Defeated Cipher Peon Nore!

3d 9h 12m Mantine hits Masquerain with Water Pulse. Stantler is hit by Giga Drain and Hydro Pump, but holds on and takes down Beautifly.

3d 9h 11m Nore sends Masquerain.

3d 9h 10m Forretres holds on to its last health point after getting hit by Water Pulse, and sets up Reflect on the opposing side. The next turn, it goes down.

3d 9h 9m Stantler gets paralyzed by Stun Spore.

3d 9h 9m Ninjask is down, and Nore sends out Forretress.

3d 9h 7m Vs. Cipher Peon Nore! He sends out Ninjask and Beautifly.

[Recap] We're currently inside the Team Snagem Hideout.

[Info] Tropius, Miltank, Absol and Houndoom were purified in the span between 3d 4h 14m and 3d 4h 20m

3d 8h 47m We use the Time Flute we got from beating Somek. Metagross was purified and learned Hyper Beam! Nickname: Fh DDcy/o, with two spaces in the middle.

[Recap] Some time before defeating Somek, we purified Tropius (Nickname: FZZHFFCAA), Miltank (Nickname: Whitney), Absol (Nickname: nqro♂!kc, with a space in front), and Houndoom (Nickname: WWecfj).

3d 8h 29m Defeated Mt.BtlMaster Somek!

[Meta] Purification updates aside, the updater is still dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 0h 37m Heracross was purified! It grew to Lv. 47 and learned Reversal! Nickname: EMXDDDD.

3d 0h 35m Murkrow was purified! It grew to Lv. 44 and learned Faint Attack! Nickname: W♂?.

3d 0h 33m Forretress was purified! It grew to Lv. 44 and learned Explosion! No nickname.

3d 0h 32m Tyranitar was purified! It grew to Lv. 56 and learned Crunch! No nickname.

3d 0h 30m Raikou was purified! It grew to Lv. 41 and learned Rain Dance and Spark over Leer! Nickname: LL.

3d 0h 28m Skarmory was purified! It grew to Lv. 49 and learned Drill Peck! Nickname: !!!!!.

[Meta] After this short update, the live updater is going back to darkness. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 19h 9m Remoraid was purified! It grew to Lv. 27 and learned Bubblebeam! Nickname: Panzer. Remoraid evolved into Octillery!

2d 19h 6m Yanma was purified and learned Detect! Nickname: ,,.

2d 19h 4m Ariados was purified and learned Spider Web! Nickname: ABoop!?!!.

2d 19h 2m Dunsparce was purified! It learned Spite! Nickname: B?/Oo/z.

2d 19h 0m Meditite was purified! It grew to Lv. 34 and learned Detect! Nickname: 999999999.

2d 18h 56m Sunflora was purified! It learned Sunny Day. Nickname: BWW.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 16h 3m Inputs get unmuted, and of course, the first thing we do is check the news, as Streamer's hand takes away our Memory Card to back up the save.

2d 16h 2m The game is saved. We find ourselves at the Outskirt Stand.

2d 15h 58m Inputs get muted, as credits begin rolling.

[Snark] Houou ex Machina

2d 15h 58m A fireball comes out of nowhere, and we spot Ho-Oh flying in the sky.

2d 15h 56m Defeated Cipher Head Evice! TEH URN!

2d 15h 56m We send out Stantler. The sandstorm hits all Pokémon on the field, including Slowking, causing it to faint!

2d 15h 55m DragonBreath and Water Pulse again. Slowking still has a bit of HP left, and uses Psychic, taking down Altaria.

2d 15h 54m Altaria uses DragonBreath and Mantine goes for Water Pulse. Slowking gets confused, and is loafing around.

2d 15h 53m Evice uses a Full Restore on Slowking again. Altaria uses DragonBreath, and Mantine follows with Water Pulse.

[Chat] tppsimulator: ah we were on the last guy sim

2d 15h 52m Altaria uses Dragonbreath and paralyzes Slowking. mantine then uses Water Pulse and takes down Scizor.

2d 15h 51m Scizor is sent out again. Mantine uses Blizzard, which Slowking dodges, but Scizor gets frozen!

2d 15h 50m We set up the Infinite Balls glitch once more and throw the Master Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 55 Tyranitar!

2d 15h 49m A sandstorm begins.

2d 15h 49m Altaria uses Fly on Slowking, and Mantine uses Water Pulse on Scizor. Scizor uses Baton Pass, and switches with Tyranitar... which turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 15h 48m Evice uses a Full Restore on Slowkin, waking it up. Mantine uses Water Pulse on Scizor, which uses Swords Dance.

2d 15h 47m Evice sends out Scizor. Slowking is still sleeping.

2d 15h 47m Altaria uses Dragon Dance, and Mantine finishes off Machamp with Water Pulse.

2d 15h 46m Altaria uses Sing again, and Slowking falls asleep too. Mantine uses Water Pulse again on Machamp, who is still asleep.

2d 15h 45m Altaria uses Sing, and puts Machamp to sleep. Mantine uses Water Pulse, and lands a critical hit. Slowking is loafing around.

2d 15h 45m Machamp is sent out by Evice.

2d 15h 44m Mantine uses Blizzard, and Altaria follows with Dragonbreath; Salamence is down! Altaria grew to Lv. 58!

[Chat] tppsimulator: evil mayor WutFace

2d 15h 44m Mantine uses Water Pulse and Altaria uses Dragonbreath. Slaking goes down, and Evice sends out Salamence. Slowking is loafing around.

2d 15h 42m We send out Mantine next. Slowking uses Psychic on it.

2d 15h 42m Altaria uses Fly on Slaking, which then uses Crush Claw and takes Suicune down.

2d 15h 41m Evice uses an X Attack on both of his Pokémon. Altaria flies up, while Suicune uses Surf.

2d 15h 40m Slaking uses Crush Claw on Suicune, and its Defense falls. Altaria uses Dragon Dance, and Suicune sets up Rain Dance. Slowking uses Skill Swap on Slaking, taking away its Truant ability.

2d 15h 40m Evice sends out Slaking and Slowking. We send Suicune and Altaria.

2d 15h 39m Vs. Cipher Head Evice! (Attempt #2)

2d 15h 39m We take the elevator back to Realgam Colosseum.

2d 15h 37m Altaria uses Sing, but misses, and gets taken down by Slaking. We black out!

2d 15h 37m Altaria flies up, while Slaking uses Skill Swap on its partner.

2d 15h 35m Salamence uses Aerial Ace, but Hitmontop holds on with one HP, before taking down Salamence with Brick Break! Hitmontop grew to lv. 54! Evice then sends Slaking and Slowking takes down Hitmontop with Psychic.

2d 15h 35m We send out Hitmontop. Both opponents have their Attack reduced by Intimidate.

2d 15h 34m Salamence uses Double Edge, but Gligar holds on. Altaria's attack misses, while Gligar uses Sludge Bomb on Salamence before fainting to a Water Pulse from Slowking.

2d 15h 33m We send out Gligar. Salamence uses Dragon Dance again. Altaria uses Fly and takes down Machamp; Evice sends Slowking next. Gligar uses Sludge Bomb on Salamence.

[Chat] tppsimulator: terra riku xemnas tppS Sephiroth

SaavTheDuck: That was the last guy sim

2d 15h 32m Altaria flies up again. Salamence uses Dragon Dance, and Machamp uses Cross Chop. It's a critical hit, and Stantler faints!

2d 15h 31m Mantine uses Water Pulse on Salamence, and Altaria uses Fly on Machamp. Salamence uses Double Edge and takes Mantine down. We send Stantler.

2d 15h 30m We send out Mantine. Mantine takes out Scizor, and Evice sends Salamence. Altaria flies up, dodging Machamp's Rock Slide, but Mantine gets hit by it.

2d 15h 29m Altaria misses with Fly, and Suicune uses Surf, which hits Scizor with a critical hit. Scizor uses Silver Wind, and Suicune goes down!

2d 15h 28m Altaria flies up. Scizor uses Swords Dance, and Machamp hits Suicune with Cross Chop.

2d 15h 27m Altaria uses Dragon Dance, and Suicune uses Rain Dance. Scizor and Machamp both attack Suicune, but the latter misses.

2d 15h 27m Evice sends out Machamp and Scizor. Our party was healed, so we send Suicune and Altaria.

2d 15h 26m Vs. Cipher Head Evice!

2d 15h 26m Nascour begs the pardon of his boss... who turns out to be Mayor Es Cade, or rather Cipher Head Evice! What a twist!

2d 15h 25m Suicune uses Surf and Dusclops goes down. Defeated Cipher Nascour!

2d 15h 24m We use the Infinite Balls glitch again and throw the Master Ball! Snagged a Lv. 50 Metagross!

2d 15h 22m Suicune uses Surf, while Dusclops takes down Gligar with Psychic.

2d 15h 22m Despite everything, Gligar holds on and manages to take out Gardevoir with another Sludge Bomb. Nascour sends out Metagross... and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 15h 21m Gligar uses Sludge Bomb. Gardevoir is poisoned, but Synchronize causes Gligar to get poisoned too! Suicune sets up Reflect, Gardevoir attacks Gligar, and Dusclops uses Confuse Ray to make Gligar confused.

2d 15h 19m We send out Gligar next.

2d 15h 18m Dusclops is sent out by Nascour. Mantine uses Blizzard, hitting Gardevoir but missing Dusclops. Gardevoir then takes down Mantine.

2d 15h 18m Suicune snaps out of confusion and uses Surf! Gardevoir takes little damage, but Xatu goes down.

2d 15h 17m We send out Mantine next. Suicune hits itself in confusion, and Xatu and Gardevoir both use Psychic on Mantine.

2d 15h 16m Stantler hits itself again and goes down!

2d 15h 16m Stantler hits itself again, but Suicune manages to use Surf, and Blaziken goes down! Gardevoir is sent next. Xatu uses Psychic, but Stantler hold on.

[Snark] ...thanks for the free boost? ...idiot?

2d 15h 15m Nascour uses a Hyper Potion on Xatu. Stantler and Suicune both hurt themselves in confusion. Blaziken uses Swagger on Stantler, but it's already confused.

2d 15h 14m Suicune hurts itself in confusion. Xatu then causes Stantler to get confused as well.

2d 15h 14m Stantler uses Thunder and Walrein is down! Nascour sends out Blaziken.

2d 15h 13m Stantler uses Psychic, taking away half of Walrein's health. Suicune is confused, but manages to use Surf. Both opponents hold on.

2d 15h 12m We send out Stantler. Both opponents see their Attack go down thanks to Intimidate.

2d 15h 12m Walrein takes down Altaria.

2d 15h 11m Nascour sends out Walrein and Xatu.

2d 15h 11m Our next opponent is here... Vs. Cipher Nascour!

2d 15h 10m Stantler uses Return, and Suicune uses Surf again. Both Cacturne and Cradily go down, and we win the battle!

2d 15h 8m Stantler uses Psychic, and takes down Vileplume! Cacturne is sent next. Suicune uses Surf, and Cradily retorts with another Sludge Bomb.

2d 15h 7m Ston sends out Vileplume next. Stantler uses Calm Mind, and Cradily uses Sludge Bomb on Suicune.

2d 15h 6m We throw the Master Ball again. Snagged a male Lv. 49 Tropius!

2d 15h 6m Vs. Cipher Peon Ston! He sends Cradily and Tropius. The latter is a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 15h 4m Stantler uses Psychic, but Magcargo holds on. Suicune then goes for Surf, and Magcargo and Torkoal both faint. Defeated Cipher Peon Nella!

2d 15h 3m Nella sends out Magcargo next.

2d 15h 3m We once more use the Master Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 48 Houndoom!

2d 15h 2m Nella sends out Houndoom and Torkoal, while we send Suicune and Stantler. ANCA warns us that Houdoom is a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 15h 1m Next battle, Vs. Cipher Peon Nella!

2d 15h 1m Suicune uses Surf, and Mightyena goes down. Defeated Rider Delan!

2d 15h 0m Suicune grew to Lv. 55! We send out Mantine next.

2d 15h 0m Altaria uses Fly, and Sharpedo goes down. However, due to Rough Skin, Altaria faints too.

2d 14h 59m Suicune sets up rain and Delan sends out Sharpedo. Next turn, Suicune uses Surf and Altaria flies up, dodging the opponents attacks.

2d 14h 59m We use the Master Ball again. Snagged a female Lv. 48 Absol!

2d 14h 56m Absol turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 14h 56m Defeated Bodybuilder Jomas! Our next opponent comes in. Vs. Rider Delan! He sends out Absol and Mightyena.

2d 14h 56m We throw the Master Ball, using the Infinite Balls glitch! Snagged a female Lv. 48 Miltank!

[Chat] tppsimulator: soon tppS

2d 14h 54m Suicune uses Surf and Zangoose goes down, while Miltank loses a little under half its health.

2d 14h 54m Jomas sends out a Miltank. It's a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 14h 53m Altaria uses Fly, and Porygon2 faints! Altaria grew to Lv. 57!

2d 14h 53m Our Altaria flies up, and our Suicune uses Surf. Zangoose uses Slash and Porygon2 uses Ice Beam, but both miss due to Altaria being in the air.

2d 14h 52m We take an elevator, and make it to the Realgam Colosseum. Vs. Bodybuilder Jomas, who sends out Zangoose and Porygon2.

2d 14h 38m Defeated Snaggem Head Gonzap!

2d 14h 36m Snagged a male Lv. 47 Skarmory!

[Recap] Since the last update, we have made our way to Realgam Tower, where we defeated Cipher Admin Miror B. and snagged a male Lv. 45 Delibird. After grinding in Mt. Battle, we made a detour to Agate Village and purified Delibird (Nickname: WEcawzeec), Vibrava (Nickname: Cea‥omnb), Ledian (Nickname: Mndmeoc), Aipom (Nickname: Ewfphh), Sneasel (Nickname: Ccefhi dvd), and Granbull (Nickname: Fecw xx g.). We then returned to Realgalm Tower and defeated Cipher Admins Ein, Dakim, and Venus, and snagged a female Lv. 45 Sunflora, a Lv. 40 Raikou, and a female Lv. 45 Heracross.

2d 5h 7m Handed over the Data ROM to Nett.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 2h 48m We return to The Under.

2d 2h 47m We enter the building again to check if the alarm is still going. It is.

2d 2h 47m We settle on the "Melody 3" ringtone.

2d 2h 46m We receive an e-mail. We boot up our P★DA and decide this is a good time to change our ringtone.

2d 2h 46m We leave the building.

[Chat] MariosYoshi: glad that the alarm is STILL GOING

2d 2h 42m Gligar learned Earthquake over Sand-Attack!

2d 2h 42m We boot up TM26.

2d 2h 41m Found TM26 Earthquake!

2d 2h 41m Found a Data ROM.

2d 2h 41m Defeated Cipher Admin Ein, but it's a bittersweet victory.

2d 2h 40m Raikou escapes from another Ultra Ball. We try to weaken it some more, but Stantler lands a critical hit and takes it down!

2d 2h 39m We throw an Ultra Ball but Raikou escapes. Stantler uses Return to weaken it.

2d 2h 36m Our Altaria uses Sing and puts Raikou to sleep. Stantler uses Thunder and lands a critical hit, taking down Ein's Altaria. Our Altaria grew to Lv. 52!

2d 2h 35m Raikoàu is sent next by Ein... It's a Shadow Pokémon! Altaria then uses Fly and Hitmontop goes down; we send out our own Altaria.

2d 2h 34m Stantler sets up another Calm Mind. Lanturn uses Hydro Pump on Hitmontop. Stantler then uses Calm Mind once more, then Hitmontop takes down Lanturn.

2d 2h 33m Stantler uses Thunder, and Golbat goes down. Altaria is sent out. Hitmontop then takes down Huntail, and Lanturn is sent to replace it.

2d 2h 31m Stantler sets up Calm Mind. Golbat uses Confuse Ray to confuse Hitmontop. Hitmontop uses Brick Break on Huntail, which then sets up rain.

2d 2h 30m Ein sends Golbat and Huntail. We send Hitmontop and Stantler.

2d 2h 30m Vs. Cipher Admin Ein! (Attempt #2)

2d 2h 26m We are back in the alarm realm.

2d 2h 23m Golbat uses Wing Attack. Hitmontop goes down and we black out!

2d 2h 23m Altaria tanks a hit from Hitmontop, then uses Ice Beam to take down Gligar.

2d 2h 22m Ein sends out Golbat. Altaria uses Ice Beam on Gligar; it holds on, but gets frozen.

2d 2h 21m Gligar uses Slash on Altaria, and Hitmontop takes down Lanturn with Brick Break. Gligar grew to Lv. 52 and learned Guillotine over Faint Attack!

2d 2h 20m We send out Gligar. Lanturn is immobilized by love.

2d 2h 19m Our Altaria uses Dragon Dance. Hitmontop uses Brick Break on Lanturn, which holds one. Ein's Altaria then uses Ice Beam and takes down our own Altaria.

2d 2h 18m Lanturn uses Thunder on our Altaria, which takes heavy damage from it.

2d 2h 18m Stantler uses Calm Mind. Hitmontop uses Attract on Altaria. Altaria then takes down Stantler, and we send out our own Altaria.

2d 2h 17m Huntail uses Surf again, and Stantler hits itself in confusion, but still has a single HP left. Hitmontop takes down Huntail, and Altaria is sent out by Ein. Lanturn can't move due to infatuation.

2d 2h 16m Huntail uses Surf! Both our Pokémont ank it. Stantler hits itself in confusion, then Hitmontop uses Attract on Lanturn.

2d 2h 15m We send out Hitmontop.

2d 2h 14m Huntail uses Confuse Ray, and Stantler gets confused. It hits itself in confusion. Suicune uses Surf again, then gets taken down by Lanturn.

2d 2h 14m Huntail uses Rain Dance.

2d 2h 13m We send out Stantler.

2d 2h 13m Suicune uses Surf. It deals only a little damage to both Pokémon. Mantine uses Water Pulse on Serpang. Lanturn then uses Thunder, and Mantine faints.

2d 2h 12m Ein sends out Lanturn and Huntail.

2d 2h 11m Vs. Cipher Admin Ein! (Attempt #1)

2d 2h 11m We go down the stairs, and come face-to-face with Ein.

2d 2h 10m Mantine uses Water Pulse on Medicham. It holds on, but get confused, before Suicune uses Surf and takes both it and Clamperl down. Defeated Cipher Peon Skrub!

2d 2h 8m Clamperl lost half its health to Surf. Skrub sends out Medicham, and Clamperl uses Iron Defense.

2d 2h 8m Mantine uses Water Pulse on Wobbuffet. Suicune then uses Surf again and Wobbuffet goes down.

2d 2h 7m Suicune uses Surf. Graveler goes down! Skrub sends out Clamperl next, and Mantine sets up Rain. Wobbuffet uses Mirror Coat and hits Suicune hard.

2d 2h 4m Skrub sends out Graveler and Wobbuffet. We send Suicune and Mantine.

2d 2h 4m On the other side, someone familiar is waiting! Vs. Cipher Peon Skrub!

2d 2h 3m We punch in the "Raikou, Entei, Mightyena" combination on the keypad, and the door opens.

2d 2h 2m We take the elevator back up, then another elevator back to the locked door.

[Chat] Wahi: ah yes

Wahi: Raikou, Entei and Mightyena.

2d 2h 1m We make our way back to the DNA Analyzer and check out the last DNA Sample we found. It's from Mightyena.

2d 1h 59m Found a Full Restore!

[Chat] Wahi: we need this song in pbr

2d 1h 56m We enter once more the part of the Lab where the alarm is blaring.

2d 1h 55m We boot up the PC and save.

2d 1h 54m We return to the Cipher Lab.

2d 1h 53m We leave The Under and travel to the Construction Site.

2d 1h 50m We travel again, to The Under. We take the elevator down and heal at the Poké Center.

2d 1h 49m We leave the area altogether and go to Phenac City.

[Chat] Pixietime: Wait we can just leave?

Yacker2: Worst security system ever OMEGALUL

2d 1h 48m We navigate back to the Lab's entrance and exit it.

2d 1h 44m Found a DNA Sample!

2d 1h 43m Altaria gets hit by Swift, but manages to use Dragonbreath. It tanks another Spark, then finally takes down Electrode for good. Defeated Researcher Dubik!

2d 1h 43m Altaria gets its stats lowered by Screech, then fails to move due to paralysis. It gets hit by Spark next and fails to move again.

2d 1h 42m Altaria gets hit by another Spark, then uses Dragonbreath to take down one of the Electrode.

2d 1h 42m Electrode uses Spark, and Stantler goes down.

2d 1h 41m We send out Altaria and Stantler, and the latter's Intimidate reduces the Electrode's attack.

2d 1h 41m As we rummage around, another researcher spots us. Vs. Researcher Dubrik! He sends out two Electrode.

[Chat] Wahi: wow i wonder what the third one is :)

2d 1h 39m We take the elevator down to the DNA Analyzer. We check out the DNA Samples we have, and they turn out to be from Entei and Raikou respectively.

2d 1h 37m We take the elevator and find a DNA Sample!

2d 1h 36m We're facing a locked door with a puzzle we don't have the answer to, so we backtrack for now.

2d 1h 34m Back to listening to the alarm.

2d 1h 33m Dragonbreath paralyzes Kadabra, but Altaria gets paralyzed too due to Synchronize. Stantler then finishes off Kadabra, and we win the battle.

2d 1h 33m We take out both Swellow and Kecleon. Remil sends out Kadabra.

2d 1h 30m Gligar goes down! We send out Stantler.

2d 1h 28m Remil sends out Kecleon. Altaria uses Dragon Dance, and Gligar uses Slash on Kecleon.

2d 1h 27m Snagged a male Lv. 43 Vibrava!

2d 1h 25m Altaria uses Sing, and Vibrava falls asleep. Gligar then almost takes Vibrava down, but it thankfully survives.

2d 1h 24m Vs. Cipher Peon Remil! She sends out Vibrava and Swellow. Vibrava is a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 1h 24m Magneton goes down too, and we win the battle! However, Kotan activates an alarm!

2d 1h 23m Ampharos goes down! Gligar however gets paralyzed by Static.

2d 1h 22m We send out Gligar. Ampharos attacks, but it has no effect on Gligar.

2d 1h 21m Altaria uses Dragonbreath on Ampharos. Magneton then takes down Suicune.

2d 1h 21m Ampharos is sent out next. Magneton attacks Suicune, which gets paralyzed.

2d 1h 20m Altaria uses Dragonbreath on Electrode, and Suicune finishes it off with Surf. Magneton is at low health. Altaria grew to Lv. 51!


2d 1h 19m The researcher sends out Magneton and Electrode. We send Suicune and Altaria.

2d 1h 19m A scientist spots us in the corridor. Vs. Researcher Kotan!

2d 1h 18m We take an elevator to the upper floor.

2d 1h 17m Snagged a male Lv. 43 Granbull!

2d 1h 17m Gligar uses Sand Attack on Granbull. Altaria uses Sing but misses.

2d 1h 14m We throw a Snag Ball, but Granbull escapes.

2d 1h 10m Altaria takes down Linoone.

2d 1h 8m We swap Suicune for Gligar.

2d 1h 7m Tanie sends out Linoone, while Granbull uses Scary Face on Altaria.

2d 1h 6m Granbull escapes from a Snag Ball. Suicune weakens it while Altaria uses Dragonbreath to take down Vigoroth.

2d 1h 1m Tanie sends out Granbull and Vigoroth. The former is a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 1h 0m Another ceiling peon appears! Vs. Cipher Peon Tanie!

2d 0h 58m We use Revives on Altaria and Suicune.

2d 0h 49m Found a DNA Sample!

2d 0h 47m Snagged a female Lv. 43 Ariados! Defeated Cipher Peon Lesar!

2d 0h 43m We take out Rhyhorn. Lesar sends out Grovyle next, which we also take down. Ariados uses Shadow Rush and Mantine goes down. We send out Stantler.

2d 0h 41m Vs. Cipher Peon Lesar. He sends Rhyhorn and Ariados. the latter is a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 0h 38m We take an elevator down.

2d 0h 36m Snagged a male Lv. 43 Forretress! Defeated Cipher Peon Vara!

2d 0h 32m We send out Stantler and use it to weaken Foretress. Mantine then uses Water Pulse and takes down Zubat.

2d 0h 31m Zubat is sent out by Vara. Foretress uses Shadow Rush and Altaria faints.

2d 0h 30m Mantine takes out Swablu with Water Pulse.

2d 0h 30m Vs. Cipher Peon Vana! She sends out Pupitar and Swablu. Mantine takes out Pupitar, and Vana sends Forretress next, which turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!


2d 0h 28m Another peon drops from the ceiling!

2d 0h 24m We meet someone who was hired to take care of Pokémon. He asks us if we want one, but then tells us they're all gone.

2d 0h 23m The Cipher Peon is defeated and we move onwards.

2d 0h 22m Snagged a male Lv. 43 Murkrow!

2d 0h 21m Murkrow escapes from another Snag Ball.

2d 0h 20m Mantine uses Wing Attack. Murkrow holds on.

2d 0h 20m We send Mantine back out, and throw another Ultra Ball. Failed again!

2d 0h 18m We throw an Ultra Ball, but Murkrow escapes. Hitmontop uses Endeavor, but Murkrow is in the air; it uses Fly, and Hitmontop goes down.

2d 0h 16m Altaria tries to put Murkrow to sleep, but it has the Insomnia ability.

2d 0h 15m We swap mantine for Altaria. Murkrow uses Fly on Hitmontop.

2d 0h 15m Hitmontop uses Brick Break, and Carvanha goes down. Murkrow flies up, and dodges Mantine's attack.

2d 0h 13m Lare sends out Murkrow. It's a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 0h 13m Lare sends out Nuzleaf and Houndour. Hitmontop takes down Nuzleaf, and she sends Carvanha next. Mantine then takes out Houndour. Mantine grew to Lv. 49!

2d 0h 12m Another peon drops from the ceiling. Vs. Cipher Peon Lare!

2d 0h 11m We use the Down St. Key to open a locked door and keep going.

2d 0h 10m Hitmontop uses Brick Break and Chinchou faints. We win the battle!

2d 0h 10m Hitmontop takes down Magnemite, and Lethco sends Chinchou. Mantine then uses Water Pulse and takes down Electrike.

2d 0h 8m Lethco sends out Magnemite and Electrike. We send Mantine and Hitmontop.

2d 0h 8m We talk to a scientist, who attacks us! Vs. Researcher Lethco!

2d 0h 7m We take the elevator back up, and go through the south-facing door.

2d 0h 3m We check the desk behind the researcher. Found the Down St. Key!

2d 0h 2m Gligar uses Slash, and Hitmontop follows with Brick Break. Magneton goes down. Defeated Researcher Coren!

2d 0h 1m We send out Hitmontop.

2d 0h 1m Magneton uses Thunder, and Suicune faints!

2d 0h 0m Coren sends out Magneton. Electrode uses Thunder on Suicune, which takes heavy damage but holds on. Gligar uses Slash on Electrode, and Suicune follow with Surf, taking it down.

[Snark] ...I'm having déjà-vu here.

1d 23h 59m Gligar voids a Thunder from Electrode. Suicune uses Surf, and Magnemite goes down.

1d 23h 59m We swap Mantine for Gligar.

1d 23h 58m Coren sends out Electrode and Magnemite, and we send Suicune and Mantine.

1d 23h 58m Another scientist spots us! Vs. Researcher Coren!

1d 23h 56m Gligar uses Slash, and Suicune follows with Surf. Magneton goes down, and we win the battle!

1d 23h 56m Electrode self-destructs! It doesn't do much damage to any Pokémon on the field aside from itself though.

1d 23h 55m We send Suicune and Mantine, but swap the latter for Gligar, which voids a Thunder from Electrode. Suicune uses Surf, and Magnemite goes down. Magneton is sent out next.

1d 23h 53m A scientist spots us! Vs. Researcher Odlow! He sends out Magnemite and Electrode.

1d 23h 52m We move onwards and take another elevator.

1d 23h 52m Furret and Castform are both at low health. Altaria takes down Castform, and Suicune uses Surf to take out Furret as well. Defeated Cipher Peon Cole!

1d 23h 50m The 48h stream reset obscured most of this turn.

1d 23h 49m Cole send out Castform, which changes into its Sunny Form. Furret then uses Rain Dance, and it changes to its Rain Form instead.

1d 23h 48m Remoraid now uses Sunny Day. Altaria uses Fly, and takes it down!

1d 23h 48m We throw a Snag Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 43 Aipom! Cole sends out Furret next.

1d 23h 46m Altaria uses Sing, but fails to put Aipom to sleep. Suicune weakens it further with Aurora Beam. Aipom uses Shadow Rush, and Remoraid follows with Surf.

1d 23h 45m Suicune weakens Aipom, which uses Fury Swipes on Altaria. Remoraid sets up rain.

1d 23h 44m Cole sends out Remoraid and Aipom. ANCA informs us that Aipom is a Shadow Pokémon!

1d 23h 43m As we make our way through, a peon drops from the ceiling! Vs. Cipher Peon Cole!

1d 23h 41m We go through and take the elevator.

1d 23h 41m After failing to open the locked door and blindly wandering around the accessible part of the Lab, we return to said door and realize we have to interact with the card reader next to it to open it.

1d 23h 33m After circling around the Lab, we enter inside.

1d 23h 30m Found 3 Revives!

1d 23h 27m We're back at the Cipher Lab.

[Recap] Since the previous update, we have cleared Mt. Battle all the way up to Area 8.

[Recap] Currently, we are climbing through Mt. Battle with a team consisting of Hitmontop, Mantine, Gligar, Stantler, Altaria, and Suicune.

[Snark] Less cute is that we also renamed our main PC Box to Jail.

[Fluff] We also renamed the Dating PC Box in which Espeon and Umbreon are stored to Married.

[Recap] Since the last update, we snagged a female Lv. 43 Sneasel, then purified Suicune (Nickname: LMCXX with two spaces at the end), Stantler (No nickname), and Gligar (Nickname: C‥rrpfffhh). We also defeated PreGymLeader Justy in Phenac City.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 4h 35m We entered a challenge at the Pyrite Colosseum

1d 4h 27m We use the F-Disk, and ride the UFO to the colosseum lobby. We ride an elevator to the surface. We go to Pyrite Town

1d 4h 25m We ride the UFO rightwards, then explore Venus's recording studio, then return to the UFO and ride the UFO to the center

1d 4h 21m We leave the kids grid shed.

1d 4h 19m We talk to Nett. Nett doesn't have anything new to tell us.

1d 4h 18m We ride the UFO to the main part of town, then walk to and enter the Kids Grid shed

1d 4h 16m We enter the herb shop. We talk to the shopkeep, but don't buy anything. We leave the shop.

1d 4h 14m We still can't enter a knockout challenge. We leave the colosseum lobby through the front door.

1d 4h 13m We heal a third time

1d 4h 12m We heal

1d 4h 11m We talk to the attendant at the Under Colosseum front desk. We are not able to enter a challenge at this time.

1d 4h 8m we also save

1d 4h 6m We pop up to the under colosseum lobby to heal, and withdraw Gligar and Stantler, and deposit Ledian and Dunsparce

1d 4h 0m We use a great ball. Snagged a male Lv. 43 Stantler!. Liaks defeated.

1d 4h 0m We throw a ball at Stantler and call ledian, neither to any effect. Stantler attacks Ledian, and Ledian faints. We send in Hitmontop.

1d 3h 58m Stantler uses Take Down on Ledian, reducing Ledian to Red. Ledian uses Shadow Rush on Stantler. Dunsparce enters Hyper Mode.

1d 3h 57m Altaria fails to sing Stantler to sleep. Stantler responds by using a Shadow Rush to knock out Altaria. We send in Dunsparce. Ledian uses Shadow Rush to knock out Roselia.

1d 3h 56m Stantler uses Shadow Rush and knocks out Mantine. We send out Ledian. Altaria uses Fly to take out half of Roselia's health. Roselia uses Magical Leaf to chip Ledian.

1d 3h 55m Altaria flies up high. Mantine uses Wing Attack and knocks out Gloom. Liaks sends out Shadow Stantler. Stantler intimidates Altaria and Mantine. Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Mantine.

1d 3h 53m Altaria's attack misses Roselia. Suicune uses Shadow Rush on Gloom for over half health. Roselia uses Magical Leaf to knock out Suicune. We send in Mantine. Gloom uses Razor Leaf to little effect.

1d 3h 52m Altaria flew up high. Suicune uses Shadow Rush to 1HKO Kirlia. Liaks sends out Gloom. Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Suicune.

1d 3h 50m Next down the staircase is Chaser Liaks. Liaks leads with Kirlia and Roselia.

1d 3h 49m We throw a Great ball at Gligar. Gligar breaks out. Gligar continues sleeping. Altaria uses Dragonbreath to reduce Gligar to half health. We throw a second Great Ball at Gligar. Snagged a male Lv. 43 Gligar! Frena defeated. Frena says she is going to cry, okay? and we say yes.

1d 3h 47m Altaria sings Gligar to sleep. Suicune uses Shadow Rush to 1HKO Jigglypuff. Altaria grew to Lv. 37.

1d 3h 46m Gligar wakes up, and uses Shadow Rush on Altaria. Suicune uses a Shadow Rush to 1HKO Teddiursa. Frena sends out Jigglypuff. Altaria uses Dragonbreath on Gligar.

1d 3h 45m Gligar uses Shadow Rush on Altaria. Suicune enters hyper mode. Altaria continues singing ineffectively. Shroomish uses Growth. With the Quick Claw, Altaria uses Sing, putting Gligar to sleep. Suicune uses a Shadow Rush to knock out Shroomish. Frena sends out Teddiursa.

1d 3h 43m Gligar starts with Sand Attack on Altaria. Suicune uses Shadow Rush on Shroomish. Altaria sings, but misses. Shroomish uses Growth.

1d 3h 42m Vs. Hunter Frena. Frena leads with Shroomish and Shadow Gligar.

1d 3h 41m We follow Venus to an the elevator, but cannot use the elevator ourselves. We start going down the giant metal staircase.

1d 3h 36m We take the Mystic Water from Feraligatr. We withdraw Suicune and deposit Feraligatr. We head back down to resume chasing Venus.

1d 3h 32m We heal.

1d 3h 31m We unlock a door, and go through the door and up a different flight of stairs to the colosseum lobby.

1d 3h 29m We open a chest and pick up a TM45 Attract. We then head down the stairs to follow Venus

1d 3h 28m We use the infinite ball glitch, and throw one Ultra Ball at Suicune. Snagged a Lv. 40 Suicune! Venus defeated! Venus runs away and we pick up an Ein File.

1d 3h 26m Ledian uses Shadow Rush and Altaria uses Dragonbreath to chip Suicune. Suicune is lowered to yellow health. Suicune continues sleeping

1d 3h 24m Altaria sings. Suicune is not affected. Suicune uses Shadow Rush on Mantine. Mantine uses Wing Attack on Suicune for chip. Suicune uses a Shadow Rush and knocks out Mantine. We send in Ledian. Altaria sings Suicune to sleep.

1d 3h 22m Altaria uses Dragonbreath, defeating Vileplume. Mantine uses Bubblebeam defeating Steelix. Mantine grew to Lv. 38. Venus sends out Shadow Suicune.

1d 3h 20m Altaria uses Fly on Vileplume. Mantine uses Bubblebeam on Steelix. Both targets survive with red health. Vileplume misses a Stun Spore. Steelix uses Rock Slide. Altaria and Mantine are hit but not badly hurt

1d 3h 19m We switch out Hitmontop for Mantine. Altaria flies up high. Vileplume attracts Mantine. Steelix uses Earthquake, not hitting either Altaria or Mantine, and taking out half of Vileplume's health

1d 3h 18m Hitmontop uses Triple Kick on Delcatty and is infatuated by Cute Charm on the first hit, then knocks out Delcatty with the remaining hits. Venus sends in Steelix. Altaria flies up high. Banette uses Psychic on Hitmontop. Hitmontop chips Steelix. Altaria hits Banette, and knocks out Banette. Hitmontop grew to Lv. 41. Venus sends in Vileplume.

1d 3h 16m Altaria hits Banette with Fly. Feraligatr uses Bite on Delcatty. Delcatty uses Thunderbolt on Feraligatr for half health. Banette uses Shadow Ball on Feraligatr for the other half. Feraligator faints; we send in Hitmontop.

1d 3h 15m Venus leads with Delcatty and Banette. Altaria flies up high. Feraligatr bites Banette for about a third health. Delcatty attracts Feraligatr. Banette flinches.

1d 3h 14m We attempt to go down the stairs, but Venus tells us to be quiet. Then Venus realizes who we are, and challenges us. Vs. Cipher Admin Venus

1d 3h 12m We ride the UFO rightwards. We enter Venus's recording studio. We explore the studio and talk to the camera crew as Venus and the anchor watch us. We open a chest and pick up three Rare Candy

1d 3h 10m We leave the colosseum, and ride the UFO to the UFO control panel. We use the R-Disk.

1d 3h 9m We ride the Under Colossum elevator to surface. We touch the world map, then ride the elevator back down to the Under Colosseum.

1d 3h 7m We heal

1d 3h 7m Used a TM 47. Altaria learned Steel Wing over Mirror Move!

1d 3h 5m We give a Quick Claw to Altaria. We boot up TM 25. Nothing in our current party can use it. We boot up TM 47. Feraligatr cannot learn Steel Wing.

1d 3h 2m Accessed the PC. Withdrew Ledian. Deposited Meditite. Saved.

1d 3h 2m We talk to someone looking over the edge of the chasm, but that person is completely unintelligible. We enter the colosseum lobby.

1d 3h 0m We head to the UFO control panel. We use the F-Disk. We then ride the UFO forwards

1d 2h 58m We enter the shop. We buy one TM25 Thunder. We leave with ₽1784.

1d 2h 55m The two peons flee. We talk to an onlooker, claiming to be lucky to see such a battle up close. The fence gate is locked. We talk to Silva. Silva gives us the R Disk through the fence.

1d 2h 53m Altaria uses Dragonbreath, knocking out Gloom. Altaria grew to Lv. 38. Dagur defeated.

1d 2h 52m We send in Hitmontop. Hitmontop intimidates Gloom. Hitmontop uses Agility. Altaria uses Fly, bringing Gloom to red health. Gloom uses Stun Spore, paralyzing Hitmontop.

1d 2h 51m Altaria uses Fly, knocking out Illumise. Gloom uses Razor Leaf. Dunsparce breaks out of confusion and uses Shadow Rush on Gloom. Altaria flies up high. Gloom uses Razor Leaf, missing Altaria and knocking out Dunsparce.

1d 2h 50m Altaria flies up high. Illumise uses Shock Wave on Dunsparce, reducing it to half health. Ariados' Night Shade misses Altaria. Dunsparce's Shadow Rush hits, knocking out Ariados. Dagur sends out Gloom.

1d 2h 49m Altaria uses Fly, taking out half of Illumise's health. Illumise uses Shock Wave on Dunsparce. Araidos uses Night Shade on Altaria. Dunsparce hits itself in confusion.

1d 2h 48m Altaria flies up high. Illumise uses Flatter on Dunsparse, confusing Dunsparse. Ariados's Night Shade misses Altaria. Dunsparse uses Sahdow Rush on Ariados.

1d 2h 47m We call Meditite. Altaria uses fly on Ariados. Illumise uses another Shock Wave to knock out Meditite. We send in Dunsparse. Ariados's Night Shade does not affect Dunsparce.

1d 2h 47m Altaria flies up high. Illumise uses Shock Wave and lands a critical hit on Meditite. Meditite barely holds on, and Meditite enters Hyper Mode. Ariados misses Altaria.

1d 2h 45m The other guard, Peon Dagur, fights us immediately. Dagur leads with Ariados and Illumise.

1d 2h 44m Using one more great ball, Snagged a male Lv. 40 Ledian! Kloak defeated.

1d 2h 44m We call Meditite. Ledian uses Supersonic to confuse Meditite. Altaria sings. We throw a Great Ball at Ledian. Ledian breaks out. Altaria is ineffective.

1d 2h 42m We throw a second Great Ball. Ledian breaks out and uses Shadow Rush on Mantine. Altaria sings more. Ledian breaks out of a third great ball, then uses one more Shadow Rush to knock out Mantine. We send in Meditite. Altaria continues to sing.

1d 2h 40m We throw a Great Ball at Ledian. Ledian breaks out, then uses Shadow Rush on Mantine. Altaria continues to sing ineffectively.

1d 2h 38m Ledian lands a supersonic, confusing Mantine. Altaria misses a Sing, then Mantine hits itself. Ledian's safeguard fades. Ledian sets up another safeguard. Altaria's sing is ineffective. Mantine attacks with Bubblebeam, reducing Ledian to half health

1d 2h 37m Ledian misses a supersonic. Safeguard protects Ledian from Altaria's Sing. Mantine uses a Bubblebeam to knock out Spinarak

1d 2h 36m Ledian uses Supersonic and Altaria uses sing. Both miss. Mantine uses Bubble beam on Spinarak, reducing spinarak to red. Spinarak uses Night Shade on Mantine.

1d 2h 35m Ledian uses Shadow Rush on Feraligatr. Feraligator hits itself again. Altaria misses. Spinarak uses Night Shade, knocking out Feraligatr. We send in Mantine.

1d 2h 33m Ledian uses Safeguard. Feraligatr hits itself again. Altaria uses Sing, but the Safeguard protects Ledian. Spinarak traps Feraligatr.

1d 2h 32m Ledian's second Supersonic hits Feraligatr. Feraligator hits itself in confusion. Altaria uses Fly on Volbeat. Volbeat faints. Kloak sends out Spinarak.

1d 2h 32m Kloak leads with Volbeat and Shadow Ledian. Ledian misses a Supersonic. Feraligatr uses Surf. Altaria flies up high. Volbeat raises its evasion with Double Team.

1d 2h 30m We leave the shed, and we hear shouts that the spy was found. We follow and see Sylva moved to a fenced-in area. We talk to one of the guards a few times until the guard fights us. Vs. Peon Kloak

1d 2h 28m We talk to Megg, then to Nett. Nett explains that the powerup part is for reestablishing communications with the Kids Grid. We go to leave, then Megg asks for our P★DA number, and we give the number to Megg.

1d 2h 25m We walk to the kids grid shed. The guard identifies us and the part we have, and tells us to enter. We do so. The guard announces our presence to the rest of the residents. We give the powerup part to Nett.

1d 2h 22m We leave the hotel, then walk to the UFO control panel

1d 2h 18m We return to the hotel. We save at the PC there.

1d 2h 17m We leave the junk shop. The game viewport eavesdrops on a conversation between Nascour, Venus and Ein, then watches Ein leave to the Lab.

1d 2h 14m Downstairs, we talk to a kid. The kid identifies us and asks us to deliver a part to Nett

1d 2h 13m We enter the Junk Shop. A patron tells us of a supposed railroad somewhere, while the shopkeep tells us that after his grandson joined the Kids Grid, parts keep disappearing from the shop. We go downstairs.

1d 2h 12m Altaria and Feraligatr attack a few more times to take out Wailord. Feraligatr grew to Lv. 36! Gurks defeated.

[Snark] Altaria's flying up high barely reaches Wailord's eyes. And yet wailord wouldn't be able to reach Altaria while Altaria is flying up high

1d 2h 10m Altaria flies up high. Feraligatr bites Wailord. Wailord flinches.

1d 2h 9m Altaria uses a Dragonbreath to finish off Feebas. Feraligatr bites Wailord. Wailord attacks Feraligatr for about a third

1d 2h 8m Gurks leads with a Lv. 38 Magikarp and a Lv. 38 Feebas. Altaria uses a Dragonbreath to 1HKO Magikarp. Gurks sends out Wailord. Feraligatr bites Feebas. Feebas tackles Feraligatr to deal 4 damage.

1d 2h 6m We go outside, cross the skybridge and enter the building there, and immediately leave. We then fight Chaser Gurks.

1d 2h 4m We go upstairs. There is a broadcast in which Venus complains about the spies not being caught yet. We talk to the patrons, who are discussing how to catch the spies.

1d 2h 3m We open the door to a hotel, then notice a chest nearby. We pick up three hyper potions. We then enter the grand hotel, and pay $1000 for a night stay. We heal

1d 2h 1m We walk up to the UFO. The UFO doesn't go anywhere. We walk south

1d 1h 59m We watch a news broadcast in which Venus warns about intruders in the under

1d 1h 58m Welcome to THE UNDER

1d 1h 57m Kai tells us a few times that "no matter what, the elevator is off limits". We walk around Kai, and use the Elevator Key to unlock the elevator. We ride the elevator down

1d 1h 53m Swablu evolved into Altaria! Altaria learned Dragonbreath over Safeguard.

1d 1h 51m Feraligatr leads with Surf, reducing Phanpy to Red and Vibrava to just over half. Swablu flies up high. Feraligatr uses a second Surf to take out both opponents. Swablu grew to Lv. 35. Kai defeated.

1d 1h 49m We enter the Pyrite Building. We talk to and fight Chaser Kai.

1d 1h 45m We leave Agate and ride to Pyrite Town

1d 1h 44m We reorder the party. Swablu and Feraligatr lead.

1d 1h 42m We return to the Agate Poké Center and heal.

1d 1h 41m We fight Cooltrainer Dury. Dury's Swellow 1HKOs Swablu, then Swellow repeatedly uses Refresh to no effect. Feraligatr and Hitmontop keep missing Dury's Rhyhorn, but eventually hit twice. Feraligatr grew to Lv. 35. Feraligatr's surf attacks also hit Swellow, and Swellow is knocked out. A few more attacks take out Dury's Sunflora, and Dury runs out of Pokémon.

[Info] The current party is: Swablu, Hitmontop, Mantine, Shadow Meditite, Feraligatr, Shadow Dunsparce

1d 1h 30m Withdrew Feraligatr. Deposited Sudowoodo. Withdrew Shadow Meditite. Deposited Hariyama. Withdrew Shadow Dunsparce. Deposited Flaaffy. Saved

1d 1h 23m Sudowoodo was purified! It grew to Lv. 37! Nickname: N♂♂CEFFP.

1d 1h 19m We walk in circles around the relic stone, trying to get that last bit of Sudowoodo's heart gauge emptied

1d 1h 15m Flaaffy was purified! No nickname

1d 1h 14m Makuhita was purified! Makuhita grew to Lv. 31 and learned Smellingsalt over Focus Energy. Makuhita evolved into Hariyama. Nickname: WECMOP.

1d 1h 10m Bought a bunch of Vivid Scents, and used them on mostly Sudowoodo

1d 0h 57m Obtained a Cologne Case

1d 0h 50m Used a Time Flute! Entei was purified! Nickname: TriHard.

1d 0h 47m Hitmontop was purified! It grew to Lv. 40! Nickname: Uppy.

1d 0h 8m Defeated Mirakle B. on the second attempt

0d 23h 31m Snagged a male Lv. 33 Dunsparce!

0d 23h 25m Snagged a female Lv. 33 Meditite!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 21h 25m We boot up the PC and save.

0d 21h 24m We also rename Mantine to opr ii.

0d 21h 22m We visit the Name Rater and rename Misdreavus to DDXWWWWMM.

0d 21h 18m We leave through Relic Cave, back to Agate Village.

0d 21h 16m Croconaw was purified! It grew to Lv. 34 and learned Rain Dance! Croconaw evolved into Feraligatr! Nickname: Z‥xno.

0d 21h 13m We arrive at the Relic Stone.

0d 21h 11m We head out to the Relic Cave.

0d 21h 9m Eagun instructs us to head to the Relic Stone and use the Time Flute to see what happens.

0d 21h 8m We go visit Eagun and report on our progress.

0d 21h 5m We leave Mt. Battle and head to Agate Village.

0d 21h 2m We heal.

0d 21h 1m We check an item box lying around. Found TM47 Steel Wing!

0d 21h 0m The actual Area Leader hands us what Cipher was after: obtained the Time Flute!

0d 20h 59m Dakim leaves the area. We check the floor and find the F-Disk.

0d 20h 57m Defeated Cipher Admin Dakim!

0d 20h 57m We try again... Snagged a Lv. 40 Entei!

0d 20h 56m Entei escapes and uses Bite, taking Furret down.

0d 20h 55m We bring Entei to low health, and throw an Ultra Ball using the Infinite Balls glitch.

0d 20h 53m Triple Kick hits Entei three times.

0d 20h 53m Entei uses Fire Blast again, and Sudowoodo faints. We send out Furret next.

0d 20h 52m Entei takes down Misdreavus. We send out Sudowoodo.

0d 20h 51m Entei uses Fire Blast, but Misdreavus holds on. Hitmontop hits it with Triple Kick, and Misdreavus with Psybeam, chipping away its health.

0d 20h 50m Entei uses Shadow Rush and takes Mantine down. We send Hitmontop to replace it. Misdreavus then uses Shadow Ball on Marshtomp, defeating it.

0d 20h 49m Dakim sends Entei next... and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 20h 48m Misdreavus uses Shadow Ball on Marshtomp, and Mantine goes for Bubblebeam on Camerupt. The latter goes down, and Mantine grows to Lv. 36.

0d 20h 47m Misdreavus takes down Metang, and Dakim sends out Marshstomp. Mantine then takes out Golem, and Camerupt is sent next.

0d 20h 47m Dakim sent out Metang and Golem. We swap Sudowoodo and Furret for Misdreavus and Mantine, and Both of Dakim Pokémon use Earthquake, only managing to hit each other.

0d 20h 45m We reach the tenth platform of Mt. Battle, and find ourselves facing against Cipher Admin Dakim!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 19h 31m We use a Hyper Potion on Hitmontop. Sudowoodo then uses Shadow Rush on Swinub, and it goes down. We win the battle!

0d 19h 29m We call out to Sudowoodo, but it's then Hitmontop's turn to go Hyper.

0d 19h 29m Hitmontop uses Shadow Rush again, and Larvitar goes down! Swinub sets up Amnesia, then Sudowoodo enters Hyper Mode again.

0d 19h 28m We call out to Sudowoodo. Hitmontop uses Shadow Rush on Larvitar, while Swinub and Larvitar both hit Sudowoodo for super-effective damage.

0d 19h 27m Hitmontop hits itself in confusion, and Sudowoodo enters Hyper Mode.

0d 19h 27m Hitmontop uses Shadow Rush on Baltoy, which retorts with Confusion. Hitmontop is confused! Swinub then uses Powder Snow, and Sudowoodo uses Shadow Rush as well, taking out Baltoy. Larvitar is sent out next.

0d 19h 25m We send out Sudowoodo and Hitmontop.

0d 19h 25m We face the next Trainer. Vs. Hunter Drovic! He sends out Swinub and Baltoy.

0d 19h 24m We enter Area 1 once more.

0d 19h 22m We heal.

0d 19h 21m Rather than moving onwards, we leave the Area.

[Snark] ...wait, "Turo"? Huh, have fun with that one, loremakers.

0d 19h 20m Hitmontop uses Shadow Rush, and Numel is down. Defeated Rider Turo!

0d 19h 19m Furret uses Strength, and Misdreavus follows with Psybeam. Numel is not down yet, but it wastes Stomp on Misdreavus. However, Furret's burn takes it down. We send out Hitmontop.

0d 19h 18m Misdreavus takes out Sandshrew.

0d 19h 17m Trapinch is down, and Sandshrew is sent out.

0d 19h 15m We enter Area 1 of Mt. Battle. The first Trainer there sends out Numel and Trapinch.

0d 19h 13m We leave Agate Village and head to Mt. Battle!

[Recap] We then returned for a second trip to the Relic Stone, and purified Furret (Nickname: LwN!♂), Qwilfish (Nickname: mx TTTT, with two spaces in the middle), Mantine (Nickname: b), and Swablu (Nickname: UK♂♂♂).

[Recap] Since the last update, we have received the Stone Tablet, allowing us to purify Pokémon. We returned to the Relic Stone, and purified Slugma (Nickname: UUUVvvv), Misdreavus (No nickname), Noctowl (Nickname: /OO), Skiploom (No nickname), and Quagsire (Nickname: MKLeq).

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 17h 42m We check the Relic Stone. It sure is a relic, and a stone.

0d 17h 41m The file mentions that Celebi can boost the purification process.

0d 17h 41m We arrive back at the Relic Stone. Found an Ein File!

0d 17h 38m We're back inside Relic Cave.

0d 17h 32m We enter the Poké Mart, then leave without buying anything.

0d 17h 30m We finally leave.

0d 17h 19m There's also a TV in this house, so we watch some news!

0d 17h 16m We make our way to the home of Senilor, who tells us more about Celebi, and how it can revive a Pokémon most pleasant memories.

0d 17h 7m We save.

0d 17h 7m We boot up the PC to deposit Remoraid and withdraw Hitmontop.

0d 17h 4m We head to the Poké Center, where we heal.

[Snark] What... what kind of name is Senilor...

0d 17h 2m We leave Eagun's house to go looking for Senilor, who might know something about Celebi.

0d 17h 0m We follow Eagun back to his home. Seems, however, he doesn't know much about the possible connection between Celebi and Shadow Pokémon.

0d 16h 58m We send Quagsire back out and use Surf, taking out Geodude. Defeated Cipher Peon Skrub!

0d 16h 56m Snagged a male Lv. 38 Hitmontop!

0d 16h 55m We send in Slugma, then swap Quagsire for Remoraid. Hitmontop takes out Slugma, but gets burned by Flame Body.

0d 16h 51m Hitmontop breaks free of a Great Ball, and wakes up! It uses Shadow Rush and Skiploom faints.

0d 16h 50m Another Mega Drain and Surf, and Wynaut goes down! Skrub sends Geodude.

0d 16h 49m Skiploom uses Mega Drain on Wynaut, and Quagsire follows with Surf. Both opponents are still asleep.

0d 16h 48m Hitmontop uses Shadow Rush, and Skiploom takes massive damage. It retorts by putting Hitmontop to sleep. Quagsire uses Surf again.

0d 16h 47m Skiploom uses Sleep Powder to put Wynaut to sleep, then Quagsire uses Surf.

0d 16h 45m Quagsire enters Hyper Mode. We call to it the next turn, whil Skiploom uses Mega Drain to finish off Clamperl. Skrub sends out his Shadow Hitmontop.

0d 16h 43m Plusle goes down! We send out Quagsire.

0d 16h 42m Skrub sends Clamperl and Wynaut. We send Plusle and Skiploom, then try to swap Plusle for Quagsire, but Shadow Tag prevents us from doing so.

0d 16h 41m We're back at the Relic Stone again! Vs. Cipher Peon Skrub!

0d 16h 39m We finally make it to Relic Cave again.

0d 16h 39m It doesn't help that the path is very narrow and ANCA keeps getting in the way.

0d 16h 37m WES seems to be having a little trouble finding the way to Relic Cave again.

0d 16h 24m We boot up the PC and save.

0d 16h 23m We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 16h 22m We leave Pyrite Town and return to Agate Village.

0d 16h 20m We leave the Pyrite Building.

0d 16h 17m We give Plusle the Exp. Share to hold.

0d 16h 16m We boot up the PC and deposit Swablu to withdraw Plusle.

0d 16h 14m We are back where we last saved... all the way back in the Pyrite Building.

0d 16h 13m Hitmontop takes down Quagsire; we black out!

0d 16h 11m Skrub swaps Clamperl for Hitmontop. It's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 16h 10m Quagsire misses with Slam, while Clamperl keeps increasing its defense. Wynaut is being mostly useless.

0d 16h 10m Slugma is taken down. We only have Quagsire left.

0d 16h 8m Clamperl takes down Sudowoodo and we send out Slugma.

0d 16h 8m We call to Sudowoodo, and it regains its senses. Quagsire finishes off Geodude, and Skrub sends out Clamperl next.

0d 16h 7m We send out Quagsire. Sudowoodo enters Hyper Mode!

0d 16h 6m Swablu uses Fly on Wynaut, but it doesn't do much. Geodude uses Double-Edge on it, and Swablu faints!

0d 16h 5m We send out Sudowoodo. Wynaut uses Counter, but it fails.

0d 16h 5m Skiploom uses Mega Drain again, on Wynaut, while Swablu flies up. Geodude attacks, and Skiploom faints.

0d 16h 4m We try to swap out our Pokémon, but Wynaut's Shadow Tag prevents it.

0d 16h 3m Skiploom almost takes out Geodude with Mega Drain, but it holds on. Wynaut sets up Safeguard.

0d 16h 2m Skrub sends out Wynaut and Geodude, we send Swablu and Skiploom.

0d 16h 1m It's our turn to intervene; vs. Cipher Peon Skrub!

[Snark] Myth Trainer Eagun, everyone.

0d 16h 0m Eagun sends out his Pikachu against the Peon's Hitmontop. Pikachu takes two hits and is taken down.

0d 16h 0m We arrive in front of the Relic Stone, where Eagun is confronted by a Cipher Peon.

[Recap] Our current team consists of Shadow Swablu, Shadow Skiploom, Shadow Remoraid, Shadow Slugma, Shadow Quagsire, and Shadow Sudowoodo.

[Recap] Since the last update, we snagged a female Lv. 33 Swablu, then defeated Cipher Admin Mirror B. and snagged his female Lv. 35 Sudowoodo. We later travelled to the Agate Village, and are currently inside Relic Cave.

[Meta] And to repeat the message from earlier: consider applying to join the live updating team, I promise you won't have to take 6-hour long shifts if you do

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 10h 10m We return to the room with the top of the stairs, then inputs stall

0d 9h 47m Past Noxy, we open a chest. Picked up three Ultra Balls. Hitting a dead end, we turn around.

0d 9h 46m We call mantine. Qwilfish uses one more Shadow Rush, and knock out the last Lotad. Noxy defeated

0d 9h 46m We call Mantine. Qwilfish uses Shadow Rush on the healthy Lotad, knocking it out. Noxy sends out another Lotad. Qwilfish uses another Shaodow Rush on the new Lotad, and knock it out. Mantine enters hyper mode. The poisoned Lotad uses Absorb on Mantine

0d 9h 44m Qwilfish uses Shadow Rush on a Lotad, knocking it out. It is replaced with another Lotad. Mantine enters hyper mode. The other Lotad attacks Qwilfish and is poisoned by Poison Point

0d 9h 43m We switch out Furret for Qwilfish and call Mantine. One lotad uses Sweet Scent, while the other uses Astonish on Qwilfish.

0d 9h 42m We continue past Rehan, and encounter Bandana Guy Noxy. Noxy leads with two Lotad. We call Furret. Mantine enters hyper mode. The Lotad use Sweet Scent and Growl to reduce our stats

0d 9h 40m Furret enters Hyper Mode. Mantine uses a Shadow Rush on Geodude. Geodude uses another Defense Curl. Furret uses Shadow Rush, landing a critical hit and knocking out Geodude. Rehan defeated

0d 9h 39m We call Furret and Mantine. Geodude uses another Defense Curl. Furret and Mantine use Shaodw Rush for chip damage. Geodude uses another Defense Curl.

0d 9h 38m Furret uses Shadow Rush on Slakoth, and Slakoth faints. Mantine lands a critical Shadow Rush on Geodude. Geodude continues to use Defense Curl.

0d 9h 37m Furret uses Shadow Rush to 1HKO Snorunt. Rehan sends in Slakoth. Mantine uses Shadow Rush on Slakoth, for just over half damage. Geodude continues to raise its defense.

0d 9h 36m Furret enters Hyper Mode. Mantine uses Shadow Rush on Geodude. Lotad and Geodude use Thief and Tackle on Furret. Furret uses Shadow Rush, knocking out Lotad. Rehan sends in Snorunt. Mantine enters Hyper Mode. Geodude uses defense curl.

0d 9h 34m We head east from the top of those stairs, and encounter Chaser Rehan. Rehan leads with Lotad and Geodude.

0d 9h 33m We talk to Maiz, then turn around away from the cave entrance. We find stairs up that we passed a few times before, and go up those stairs.

0d 9h 30m We talk to Twan as we continue towards the cave entrance

0d 9h 29m We return to and talk to Valen. We look around Valen's room, then return to the main hallway and continue south

0d 9h 27m On the east platform, we look north to see another broken bridge, then head up those stairs

0d 9h 26m We continue north, then turn around and inspect the room that Evat is in, but find nothing. We head down the stairs, then look north to a broken bridge, and then head east

0d 9h 24m Furret and Mantine use Quick Attack and Shadow Rush respectively on Lombre. Lombre is taken down to half health, then drains for bring its health above half. Furret lands a critical hit, knocking out Lombre. Evat defeated.

0d 9h 22m We go up the stairs, then encounter Roller Boy Evat. Evat has a Lotad and a Lombre. Furret and Mantine gang up on Lotad with Quick Attack and Shadow Rush respectively. Lombre uses Absorb on Furret.

0d 9h 20m We save

0d 9h 19m We continue west, across this bridge over the sewers. We encounter a staircase, a pc and a healing machine. We heal.

0d 9h 16m We use three potions and a paralyze heal on Croconaw.

0d 9h 13m Croconaw uses a Shadow Rush to knock out Cacnea. Sosh defeated.

0d 9h 11m Noctowl uses Reflect. Dunsparce uses Shadow Rush on Croconaw. Cacnea uses Pin Missile on Croconaw. Croconaw uses Surf. Dunsparce faints.

0d 9h 10m We use both of our super potions on Qwilfish. Dunsparce uses Glare to paralyze Croconaw. Cacnea drains Quagsire with Absorb, and Quagsire faints. We send in Noctowl.

0d 9h 8m Quagsire is in Hyper Mode so will not take a potion or a full heal. Qwilfish has no status, so will not take a full heal.

0d 9h 5m Croconaw uses another Surf, reducing Dunsparce to red health. Quagsire disobeys orders. Dunsparce and Cacnea attack.

0d 9h 3m Croconaw uses Surf. Dunsparce reaches half health. Quagsire enters Hyper Mode. Dunsparce uses Shadow Rush. Cacnea uses Pin Missile on Quagsire.

0d 9h 2m Croconaw uses Surf, and Quagsire uses Shadow Rush. Mareep faints. Sosh sends in Cacnea. Dunsparce uses Glare, and misses Croconaw

0d 9h 0m Vs. Rider Sosh. Sosh sends out Shadow Dunsparce and Mareep. We switch in Quagsire. Croconaw uses Surf. Dunsparce uses Shadow Rush. Mareep uses Thundershock, which does not affect Quagsire.

0d 8h 58m We turn around, return to the junction, then continue north. We reach a staircase, and descend

0d 8h 54m Just past Valen, we open a chest. Picked up a Full Heal.

0d 8h 51m Qwilfish enters hyper mode. Croconaw uses Surf. Lotad faints, and Slakoth is reduced to red health. Slakoth uses a Faint Attack on Qwilfish, reducing Qwilfish to 2HP. We call Qwilfish. Croconaw uses Surf, and Slakoth faints. Valen defeated.

0d 8h 50m Qwilfish uses Shadow Rush to knock out Whismur. Valen sends in Slakoth. Croconaw uses Surf. Lotad uses Mist.

0d 8h 49m We call Mantine. Croconaw uses Shadow Rush on Lotad, bringing it to red. Lotad uses Absorb on Croconaw. Wismur roars, forcing Croconaw to retreat and dragging out Qwilfish. Mantine is hurt by the burn and faints. We send out Croconaw.

0d 8h 47m We continue north past Twan, then take a turn east and encounter Hunter Valen. Valen leads with Lotad and Whismur.

0d 8h 42m We try to use a potion on Mantine, but cannot because Mantine is in hyper mode. We switch out Mantine for Quagsire. Croconaw uses Surf to knock out Numel. Twan defeated.

0d 8h 39m Mantine uses Shadow Rush to knock out Bagon. Twan sends in Numel. Croconaw uses Bite, knocking out Meditite. Mantine is reduced to 2 HP by burn damage

0d 8h 37m Mantine enters Hyper Mode. Croconaw uses Surf. Meditite uses Hi Jump Kick on Mantine. Bagon uses ember and burns Mantine

0d 8h 36m Mantine uses Shadow Rush on Meditite for about a fourth. Croconaw uses Bite on Bagon for about half. Meditite uses Confusion on Mantine. Bagon uses Bite on Croconaw.

0d 8h 34m We stay on the same floor, and turn north. We encounter Rider Twan. Twan sends out Bagon and Shadow Meditite.

0d 8h 31m We continue east further into the cave

0d 8h 30m We call Furret. Furret's shadow gauge is now three-fifths empty. Qwilfish uses Shadow Rush on Shroomish. Shroomish uses Headbutt, to knock out Furret. We send in Croconaw. Qwilfish uses another Shadow Rush to knock out Shroomish. Maiz defeated

0d 8h 28m We call both Furret and Qwilfish. Shroomish's Poison Powder has no effect on Qwilfish. Koffing uses Smog on Qwilfish for little effect. Furret enters hyper mode. Qwilfish uses Shadow Rush on Koffing, to knock out Koffing. Shroomish uses Poison Powder, but Furret is already poisoned

0d 8h 26m We attempt to throw a Great Ball at Koffing, but Anca stops us. We try to use a Potion on Furret, but Furret is in Hyper Mode and will not accept an item

0d 8h 24m Furret and Qwilfish both use Shadow Rush on Koffing, for about a third of Koffing's health each. Shroomish uses Poison Powder on Furret. Koffing uses Theif on Furret. Furret and Qwilfish both enter Hyper Mode. Koffing's Poison Gas does not affect Qwilfish. Shroomish uses Headbutt.

0d 8h 22m Maiz sends out Koffing and Ralts. We switch out Mantine for Qwilfish. Furret uses Shadow Rush to 1HKO Ralts. Maiz sends in Shroomish. Koffing's Poison Gas attack does not affect Qwilfish

0d 8h 20m We go down the first flight of stairs. Chaser Maiz spots us.

0d 8h 18m Mantine hits another Shadow Rush, and Lotad is knocked out. Simes defeated.

0d 8h 17m After another dual-hyper-mode-and-call cycle, we switch out Qwilfish for Croconaw, and Mantine successfully uses a Shadow Rush. Lotad continues to growl or perform weak attacks and be hurt by poison

0d 8h 14m Qwilfish and Mantine both enter Hyper Mode. Anorith and Lotad both attack Qwilfish, and are both poisoned by Poison Point. The poison damage knocks out Anorith. We call both Qwilfish and Mantine. Lotad growls.

0d 8h 13m We switch out Furret for Qwilfish. Mantine uses Shadow Rush on Anorith. Anorith and Lotad both use weak attacks on Qwilfish

0d 8h 11m We call Mantine. Furret uses Shadow Rush on Anorith. Anorith uses Harden again. Lotad uses Absorb to deal three damage to Mantine

0d 8h 10m We talk to and fight Performer Simes. Furret and Mantine, vs Simes's Anorith and Lotad. Furret uses Shadow Rush on Anorith, for half health. Mantine enters hyper mode. Anorith uses Harden. Lotad uses Growl to lower both of our attacks

0d 8h 6m We reach the roof, then enter Pyrite Cave

0d 7h 54m We respawn at the Pyrite Building front desk. We withdraw Qwilfish, and deposit Slugma. We climb the building.

0d 7h 53m We head up through town. When we read Duel Square, we talk to and fight Roller Boy Lon. Quagsire is knocked out by poison damage. Noctowl is knocked out** by Shadow Rush recoil. Slugma is immobilized by Igglybuff's Cute Charm, and knocked out by Azurill's repeated Water Guns. whited out

0d 7h 47m We ride to Pyrite Town.

0d 7h 47m We enter the cafe. Bought 30 Great Balls. We leave with ₽386 on hand. We ride to the Construction Area

0d 7h 44m We reach the town entrance, then ride to Outskirt Stand.

0d 7h 43m We use the elevator to return to the ground floor. We then leave the Pyrite Building and head south through town

0d 7h 40m We throw a Great ball at Qwilfish. Snagged a female Lv. 33 Qwilfish! Doken defeated.

0d 7h 40m We call Quagsire. Qwilfish uses Surf again. Noctowl's Hypnosis continues to not find Qwilfish. Qwilfish uses another Surf. Noctowl lulls Qwilfish to sleep. Quagsire enters Hyper Mode

0d 7h 38m We throw a Great Ball at Qwilfish. Qwilfish breaks out. Qwilfish uses Minimize again. Noctowl's Hypnosis fails. Qwilfish uses Surf, healing Quagsire. Noctowl's Hypnosis fails again, and Quagsire enters hyper mode.

0d 7h 37m We call Noctowl. Qwilfish wakes up, and uses Minimize to raise evasion. Quagsire uses a Shadow Rush on Qwilfish, and is poisoned by Qwilfish's Poison Point.

0d 7h 36m We throw a Great Ball at Qwilfish, then call Noctowl. Qwilfish continues sleeping. We call Quagsire. Noctowl uses Shadow Rush, and misses Qwilfish

0d 7h 35m Linoone uses headbutt on Croconaw, and Croconaw holds on with single-digit hp. Noctowl enters hyper mode. Croconaw uses Shadow Rush on Quilfish, the recoild reduces Croconaw to 2 HP, and Croconaw and is poisoned by poison point. Croconaw is hurt by poison and croconaw faints. We send in Quagsire. Linoone uses sand attack. Noctowl lands a Shadow Rush on Linoone and Linoone faints. Quagsire enters Hyper Mode. Qwilfish continues sleeping.

0d 7h 32m Linoone identifies Croconaw. Qwilfish uses Surf for chip damage. Noctowl's hypnosis works this time, and Qwilfish falls asleep. Croconaw uses Shadow Rush on Linoone, and Linoone holds on with a sliver of health

0d 7h 31m Linoone uses Headbutt on Noctowl. Furret uses Shadow Rush on Linoone for just over half damage. Qwilfish uses Poison Sting on Furret, poisoning Furret. Noctowl's Hyponisis misses Qwilish. Furret is damaged by poison and faints. We send in Croconaw.

0d 7h 30m Furret and Mantine both enter hyper mode again. Qwilfish lands a surf, and Goldeen confuses Furret with Suerpsonic. Furret uses a Shadow Rush on Goldeen. Qwilfish uses a Shadow Rusn on Mantine. Mantine uses Shadow rush on Goldeen, and both Goldeen and Mantine faint. We send out Noctowl. Doekn sends out Linoone

0d 7h 28m We reach the roof, then fight Hunter Doken. Doken sends out Shadow Qwilfish and Goldeen. Both our Furret and Mantine enter hyper mode. Qwilfish and Goldeen land their attacks. We call both team members to regain their senses. Qwilfish and Goldeen successfully attack again.

0d 7h 24m Mantine is moved to the second party slot, after Furret. We ascend through the building

0d 7h 22m Withdrew Mantine, deposited Flaaffy, then save. We inspect our current party

0d 7h 19m We head downstairs, down through an elevator. We open a chest and pick up three Hyper Potion. We go through the one-way door to the lobby, go behind the front desk, and access the PC.

0d 7h 16m Reath and Ferma flee. We talk to Silva. Then Mirror B talks to us through a TV screen, and invites us into the cave. We pick up an Ein File S from a nearby desk.

0d 7h 14m We throw a great ball at the Mantine. Snagged a male Lv. 33 Mantine!. Yanma uses a SonicBoom to finish off Croconaw. Slugma uses Shadow Rush on Yanma as Yanma uses Sonic Boom on Slugma for a couple of turns. Yanma faints. Ferma defeated.

0d 7h 10m We call both of our team members. Yanma uses a SonicBoom and Mantine continues sleeping. We call our team members again, and Yanma uses another Sonic Boom to knock out Noctowl. We send in Slugma

0d 7h 9m Yanma uses a SonicBoom on Noctowl, and Mantine uses Bubblebeam on Noctowl. Noctowl puts Mantine to sleep with Hypnosis. Croconaw uses Surf.

0d 7h 7m Yanma uses a Sonic Boom to knock out Quagsire. We send in Noctowl. Mantine uses Take Down on Noctowl. Croconaw uses a Shadow Rush on Mantine. Mantine's health is reduced to just over a fourth

0d 7h 6m We throw a Great Ball at Mantine. Furret uses a Quick attack on Croconaw. Mantine uses a Shadow Rush on Quagsire. Quagsire uses a Shadow Rush, lands a critical hit, and knocks out Furret. Ferma sends out Yanma

0d 7h 4m Furret uses a Quick attack on Croconaw. Mantine uses a Shadow Rush on Quagsire for chip. Croconaw continues to bite mantine. Quagsire enters Hyper Mode

0d 7h 4m Furret uses another defense curl. Mantine's Supersonic hits this time, confusing Quagsire. Crocornaw uses Bite on Mantine again. Quagsire uses a Shadow Rush to reduce Furret to red health

0d 7h 3m Furret uses Defense Curl. Mantine uses Supersonic, but misses. Croconaw uses Bite on Mantine for chip, and Quagsire uses Shadow Rush to take out half of Furret's health

0d 7h 2m We call Flaaffy. Mantine uses a BubbleBeam, and knocks out Flaaffy. We send in Croconaw. Quagsire uses a Shadow Rush, and knocks out Aipom. Ferma sends in a Furret

0d 7h 1m Aipom uses Astonish on Flaffy, and is paralyzed by static. Mantine uses Bubblebeam on Flaaffy. Flaaffy flinches. Quagsire uses a Shadow Rush on Aipom, reducing it to a sliver of health.

0d 6h 59m Vs. Peon Ferma. Furret enters Hyper Mode. Ferma's Aipom uses Agility. Ferma's Shadow Mantine uses a BubbleBeam to knock out Furret. We send in Flaaffy. Quagsire uses a Shadow Rush on Aipom

0d 6h 58m We call Furret, then switch Quagsire out for Flaaffy. Remoraid uses Shadow Rush of Furret. We throw a Great Ball at the Remoraid. Snagged a male Lv. 20 Remoraid! Reath defeated.

0d 6h 56m We throw a Great Ball at Remoraid. Luvdisk uses Agility. Furret uses a Shadow Rush to knock out Luvdisk. Remoraid attacks but misses

0d 6h 55m We throw a Great Ball at Remoraid, but it breaks out. Furret uses Shadow Rush to knock out Spinarak. Reath sends out Luvdisk. Remoraid uses Shadow Rush on Furret.

0d 6h 54m We find Silva inside, and two Peons. Vs Reath. Reath sends out a Shadow Remoraid and a Spinarak. We send out Furret and Quagsire.

0d 6h 53m We talk to the person blocking the cave entrance, and are told to enter the rooftop building. We do so.

0d 6h 52m We switch Croconaw down in the party order, then continue up to the roof

0d 6h 51m Furret enters Hyper Mode. Tentacool uses Acid for chip damage. Croconaw uses Bite for chip damage on Tentacool. Furret uses a Shadow Rush, and knocks out Tentacool. Elidi defeated

0d 6h 49m Back to the third floor. We reach Bodybuilder Elidi. Furret uses Helping Hand, and Croconaw uses Surf. The surf is not very effective against either the opposing Cacnea nor Tentacool. Neither opponent deals much damage to Furret either. Furret uses Shadow Rush and Croconaw uses Bite on Cacnea, and Cacnea faints.

0d 6h 45m We reach the ground floor, and we heal, the climb back up the stairs

0d 6h 44m After reaching the third floor, we check our party, notice that half of them are fainted, then turn around and head back down

0d 6h 42m We descend the building, returning to the computer on the ground floor. We withdraw Quagsire and deposit Misdreavus. We then return to climbing the building

0d 6h 39m Slugma is hit by the opposing Oddish's Petal Dance twice, then knocks itself out with the recoil from Shadow Rush. We send in Flaffy. Flaffy enters Hyper Mode, as Misdreavus continues being reliable and finishes off the opponents with more Shadow Balls. Toti defeated.

0d 6h 36m We continue down the hall. We fight Hunter Toti. We try to tell Furret to use Helping Hand, but Furret is in Hyper Mode and refuses. Furret is then knocked out by Toti's Horsea's Watergun. We send in Slugma, as Misdreavus continues to use Shadow Ball on the opponents.

0d 6h 33m We go into the next room, and open a chest to pick up a revive

0d 6h 33m We open a door, and look through a room with disheveled bookshelves full of apparently difficult books

0d 6h 31m We continue down the hallway. We fight Hunter Tura. Furret's Shadow Rush and Misdreavus's Shadow Ball knock out opposing Spheal and Snorunt.

0d 6h 29m We give a Spell Tag to Misdreavus to hold

0d 6h 26m We go up another set of stairs, to the third floor, then encounter Rider Raleen. Furret uses a Shadow Rush to knock out Raleen's Doduo. Misdreavus uses a Shadow Rush on Swablu. Ledyba uses a Supersonic to confuse Furret. Furret successfully uses another Shadow Rush to knock out Swablu. Misdreavus uses a Shadow Ball to bring Ledyba to red health. Furret uses another Shadow Rush to knock out Ledyba and defeat Raleen

0d 6h 22m Past Loba, we open a chest and pick up 5 great balls. We walk into the dead end, then return to the hallway

0d 6h 21m Furret pulls off a Shadow Rush to defeat Wingull, and Misdreavus uses Shadow Ball on Wooper. Wooper uses Tail Whip again. Furret enters hyper mode, then Misdreavus uses a Shadow Ball to knock out Wooper. Loba defeated.

0d 6h 20m We open a door that we had passed, then go through. Bandana Guy Loba spots us. We call Furret. The opposing Wingull uses Water Gun on Misdreavus. Misdreavus uses Shadow Ball on Wingull. Wooper uses Tail Whip.

0d 6h 14m We continue climbing the Pyrite building. We encounter Bodybuilder Akmen. The opposing Voltorb Charges repeatedly, while the opposing Electrike uses Quick Attack on our Furret. We call to our Furret to take it out of hyper mode, but Furret keeps entering Hyper Mode. Our Misdreavus uses shadow ball twice on the opposing Electrike then on the opposing Voltorb to knock them out. Akmen defeated

0d 6h 0m Withdrew Furret and deposited Makuhita, then saved

[Meta] And consider applying to join the live updating team, I promise you won't have to take 6-hour long shifts if you do.

[Meta] Alright, the live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 5h 51m We also find a PC and save.

0d 5h 50m We find a healing machine, so we heal.

0d 5h 49m We call Noctowl and it goes back to normal. Croconaw uses Surf again and Hoothoot faints. Defeated Roller Boy Pike!

0d 5h 48m We swap Makuhita for Noctowl. Croconaw uses Surf, taking out Taillow, while Noctowl enters Hyper Mode.

0d 5h 46m Pike sends out Taillow and Hoothoot.

0d 5h 46m We head deeper into the base. We are spotted by Roller Boy Pike!

[Chat] mostlynewblood: fiiiiine

0d 5h 44m Duking informs us that Cipher have kidnapped his Plusle. We decline to help a few times before eventually agreeing.

0d 5h 43m Snagged a female Lv. 33 Yanma! The battle ends, and the two peons run off while Duking arrives.

0d 5h 40m Croconaw use Bite to reduce Yanma's health some more.

0d 5h 40m We make another attempt, which fails again.

0d 5h 39m Yanma escapes the Great Ball however.

[Info] In Pokémon Colosseum, by using a Poké Ball on the first Pokémon's turn, then swapping its position in the menu on the second's Pokémon turn, the Poké Ball will be thrown but its quantity will not decrease.

0d 5h 37m We take the time to perform a glitch to use a Poké Ball without its amount decreasing.

0d 5h 32m Yanma's Uproar continues. Croconaw finishes off Surskit with Bite, while Flaaffy uses Thudner Wave to paralyze Yanma.

0d 5h 31m Surskit uses Quick Attack on Flaaffy. Yanma starts using Uproar, and Croconaw uses Bite on Surskit.

0d 5h 30m We swap Slugma for Flaaffy.

0d 5h 30m Surskit is sent out. Slugma uses Shadow Rush on it.

0d 5h 29m Yanma uses Sonicboom, but misses. Croconaw uses Surf and Nincada goes down!

0d 5h 28m Nore sends out Nincada.

0d 5h 28m We swap Makuhita for Slugma. Yanma uses Shadow Rush on it. Croconaw uses Bite and Pineco goes down!

0d 5h 27m Makuhita gets confused, and hits itself in confusion! Pineco begins using Bide.

0d 5h 26m Croconaw uses Bite on Pineco, which flinches. Makuhita misses with Cross Chop.

0d 5h 26m Nore sends out Pineco and Yanma, the latter of which is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 5h 25m A grunt inside recognizes us however, and the one that brought us decides to take care of us! Vs. Cipher Peon Nore!

0d 5h 24m Crossing the bridge, someone intercepts us and brings us to the inside of a warehouse... to present us with a Shadow Pokémon, apparently.

0d 5h 20m We exit the Pyrite Colosseum.

0d 5h 20m As a victory prize, we receive TM06 Toxic!

0d 5h 19m We call Flaffy to bring it back to its senses, while Croconaw finishes off both opponents with Surf. Defeated Bodybuilder Mirez!

0d 5h 18m Croconaw uses Scary Face due to an "up" input from sim. Goldeen uses Surf, and Flaffy enters Hyper Mode again.

0d 5h 17m Croconaw uses Surf again. Goldeen uses Peck on Flaffy, and the latter uses Shadow Rush on Delibird. Both opponents are now at low health.

0d 5h 16m Surf takes out Magnemite! Delibird is sent out next.

0d 5h 15m Croconaw uses Bite on Magnemite, which flinches. Goldeen uses Surf, and Flaffy enters Hyper Mode.

0d 5h 14m We call back Misdreavus and send out Flaffy. Croconaw uses Bite on Goldeen, and gets hit by Peck in return. Magnemite hurts itself again.

0d 5h 13m Magnemite hurts itself in confusion.

0d 5h 13m Misdreavus uses Confuse Ray on Magnemite. Corconaw follows up with Surf, and Goldeen does the same.

0d 5h 12m Mirez sends out Magnemite next. Goldeen attacks Misdreavus, but the attack doesn't affect it.

0d 5h 12m We swap Makuhita for Misdreavus. Croconaw uses Bite, and Bagon goes down!

0d 5h 11m Croconaw uses Scary Face and lowers Bagon's defense. Goldeen lands a critical hit with Horn Attack, and Makuhita gets brought down to low health. Makuhita retorts by using Cross Chop on Bagon.

0d 5h 10m Mirez sends Bagon and Goldeen.

0d 5h 10m Final Battle! Vs. Bodybuilder Mirez!

0d 5h 9m Defeated bandana Guy Vilch!

0d 5h 9m Makuhita takes down Vulpix with Vital Throw. Cacnea uses Absorb, which does little damage to Slugma. The latter retorts with Shadow Rush, and Cacnea goes down.

0d 5h 7m Slugma uses Shadow Rush, and Electrike goes down. Slugma gets paralyzed from Static as well. Vilch sends out Vulpix.

0d 5h 6m We swap Croconaw for Slugma. Makuhita uses Shadow Rush on Electrike, and gets paralyzed by Static.

0d 5h 5m Battle 3, vs. Bandana Guy Vilch! He sends out Electrike and Cacnea.

0d 5h 3m Natu goes down, and Meditite is brought to low health. Another Shadow Rush from Misdreavus, and Meditite goes down for good. We win!

0d 5h 2m We swap Makuhita for Misdreavus, and Croconaw uses Bite on Natu.

0d 5h 1m Tisler sends out Natu and Meditite.

0d 5h 0m Battle 2, vs. Chaser Tisler!

0d 5h 0m Barboach uses Secret Power and lands a critical hit on Makuhita. Next turn, Croconaw uses Bite, and Barboach goes for Secret Power again. Makuhita hangs on with a single HP, and takes out barboach for good. We win the battle!

0d 4h 58m Croconaw uses Surf. Sandshrew goes down, while Barboach goes down to half health.

0d 4h 58m Hoks sends Sandshrew and Barboach.

0d 4h 57m Battle 1, vs. Hunter Hoks!

0d 4h 57m We talk to the receptionist, and enter the tournament!

0d 4h 56m We're make our way back to the Pyrite Colosseum, in which we heal.

0d 4h 54m Duking has a favour to ask us. He wants us to win the knockout challenge to find out what's going on at the Colosseum. We accept.

0d 4h 53m We go to return the gear, and run into Duking having a conversation with the mechanic from earlier. We put the gear back in place, and power returns to the Colosseum!

0d 4h 50m We leave the Construction Site and return to Pyrite Town.

0d 4h 49m Found the Gear!

0d 4h 49m We leave town, and head to the Construction Site.

0d 4h 46m We enter the Colosseum. The receptionist tells us the Colosseum can't hold any battles right now, so we leave.

0d 4h 40m We leave the building and head for the Colosseum.

0d 4h 39m The engineer wants us to find the gear stolen by Silva. We decline a few times, then reluctantly accept.

[Chat] GoldenElucidator02: silva....ripped....

brespawn3: High quality rips tppS

0d 4h 37m We enter the building and learn that Silva ripped away a gear, which will cause the Colosseum to lose power.

0d 4h 36m As we head back to the Colosseum, a door opens, and a scientist drops to the floor, calling for help. An NPC enters the frame, sees the scientist barely conscious on the floor, and leaves.

0d 4h 32m As the battle ends, we get treated to a cutscene of Mirror B. getting a call from a man named Nascour, as they discuss the advancement of their plans.

0d 4h 30m Snagged a female Lv. 33 Furret!

0d 4h 29m Furret keeps trying to use Helping Hand.

0d 4h 29m Furret uses Helping Hand, but has no ally left. Misdreavus uses Confuse Ray to confuse it, and Croconaw reduces its HP with Bite.

0d 4h 27m Misdreavus uses Shadow Rush, and Machop goes down. Croconaw then uses Bite on Furret.

0d 4h 27m Croconaw uses Bite on Machop, which flinches.

0d 4h 26m Furret takes down Makuhita! We send out Misdreavus.

0d 4h 25m Croconaw uses Bite and Seedot faints. Machop is sent out next and gets hit by Shadow Rush from Makuhita.

0d 4h 24m Croconaw takes out Ralts, and Seedot is sent next. it gets hit by Makuhita's Shadow Rush.

0d 4h 22m Cail sends out Furret and Ralts. Furret is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 4h 22m We find Cail... and get challenged to a battle! Vs. Rogue Cail!

0d 4h 18m We're told Cail might know something useful, so we head out of the Colosseum to find him.

0d 4h 17m We talk to the receptionist, but apparently we haven't made it in time for registration.

0d 4h 15m We return to the Pyrite Colosseum.

0d 4h 12m We then take out Dustox, and win the battle.

0d 4h 12m Snagged a female Lv. 30 Skiploom!

0d 4h 10m A Snag Ball fails. Skiploom uses Mega Drain on Misdreavus, then Croconaw uses Surf and Oddish goes down. Dustox is sent next.

0d 4h 9m Vs. Rider Leba! She sends out Oddish and a Shadow Skiploom. Misdreavus uses Shadow Rush on Oddish, and Corocnaw follows with Surf, but Oddish holds on.

0d 4h 7m Misdreavus uses Shadow Rush, and Croconaw follows with Bite. Psyduck goes down, and we win the battle!

0d 4h 6m We call Misdreavus and get it to regain its senses. Croconaw uses Bite on Psyduck, which flinches.

0d 4h 5m We weaken Quagsire some, then use another Snag Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 30 Quagsire!

0d 4h 4m Misdreavus enters Hyper Mode!

0d 4h 4m Quagsire escapes from a Snag Ball. Psyduck then uses Confusion and Makuhita faints! We send Misdreavus, and it gets hit by Surf alongside Croconaw.

0d 4h 2m We then Challenge Bandana Guy Divel. He sends out Quagsire and Psyduck. Quagsire is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 4h 1m We call out to Flaffy, and it regains its senses. Croconaw uses Surf again and takes out Swablu. Defeated Roller Boy Lon!

0d 4h 0m Croconaw uses Surf, while Flaffy enters Hyper Mode!

0d 3h 59m We call Croconaw, which returns to its senses, and swap Makuhita for Flaffy.

0d 3h 58m Croconaw enters Hyper Mode. Swablu uses Peck on Makuhita, which retorts with Shadow Rush.

0d 3h 58m Swablu is sent out, while Croconaw takes out Igglybuff.

0d 3h 57m Snagged a male Lv. 30 Slugma!

0d 3h 57m We take out Azurill, and Igglybuff is sent next.

0d 3h 56m We head out, and challenge Roller Boy Lon. He sends out Azurill and Slugma, and the latter turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 3h 53m We save.

0d 3h 52m We rename the box in which we deposited Umbreon and Espeon to Dating.

0d 3h 50m We also deposit Umbreon.

0d 3h 49m We boot up a PC to withdraw Flaffy and deposit Espeon.

0d 3h 47m We heal.

0d 3h 47m We leave Battle Place and cross the bridge to head inside the Pyrite Colosseum.

0d 3h 45m Espeon uses Confusion and Shroomish goes down. We win the battle!

0d 3h 45m Snagged a male Lv. 30 Flaffy!

0d 3h 44m Shroomish paralyzes Espeon, but gets paralyzed in return due to Synchronize.

0d 3h 43m Croconaw goes down as well. We send Espeon.

0d 3h 42m We send out Noctowl.

0d 3h 42m We throw a Great Ball, but Flaffy escapes and takes down Misdreavus.

0d 3h 41m Croconaw uses Shadow Rush on Flaffy, and this time Misdreavus fails to attack.

0d 3h 40m Misdreavus uses Shadow Rush on Flaffy, but gets paralyzed by Static. Croconaw fails to attack at all.

0d 3h 39m We call out to our Pokémon, and they return to their senses. Shroomish uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Croconaw.

0d 3h 38m Both Croconaw and Misdreavus enter Hyper Mode. The screen briefly flickers again.

0d 3h 38m We challenge St.Performer Diogo! She sends out Flaffy and Shroomish; Flaffy is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 3h 36m Snagged a male Lv. 30 Noctowl! We win the battle.

0d 3h 35m We call to Misdreavus and it regains its senses. Noctowl flies up and dodges Croconaw's attack.

0d 3h 34m We call to Croconaw, and it wakes up. Meanwhile, Misdreavus enters Hyper Mode!

0d 3h 34m Wingull goes down to Shadow Rush, while Croconaw is still asleep.

0d 3h 33m Noctowl breaks free of another Ball, and takes out Makuhita! We send out Misdreavus.

0d 3h 31m We throw a Snag Ball, but fail the capture. Makuhita then uses Shadow Rush and takes out Ledyba. Wingull is sent next.

0d 3h 30m Noctowl uses Hypnosis, and Croconaw falls asleep.

0d 3h 30m We call to Croconaw and Makuhita, and both exit Hyper Mode.

0d 3h 30m Noctowl is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 3h 29m Nover sends out Noctowl and Ledyba.

0d 3h 29m Next up, we challenge Rider Nover!

0d 3h 27m Skitty uses Tackle, then gets taken out by Makuhita's Shadow Rush. Defeated Rider Vant again!

0d 3h 26m Zigzagoon goes down!

0d 3h 24m Snagged a male Lv. 30 Misdreavus! Vant sends out Zigzagoon next.

0d 3h 23m We challenge Rider Vant again. He sends out his Skitty and Shadow Misdreavus.

0d 3h 22m We head away and enter the Hotel. We pay ₽100 and stay the night, healing our team.

0d 3h 20m We take Zigzagoon down. Defeated Rider Vant!

0d 3h 19m Umbreon takes out Skitty and grows to Lv. 29!

0d 3h 18m Vant sends Zigzagoon next.

0d 3h 18m Umbreon uses Bite... and lands a critical hit, taking out Misdreavus! Oops.

0d 3h 18m Espeon uses Confusion. Skitty holds on! Misdreavus uses Shadow Ball and Espeon faints!

0d 3h 17m Umbreon uses Bite on Misdreavus, then Skitty uses Tickle on Espeon.

0d 3h 17m Another Shadow Ball, and Croconaw goes down! We send out Espeon.

0d 3h 16m We send Croconaw back out.

0d 3h 16m We recall Croconaw and send out Umbreon. Misdreavus uses Shadow Ball and Makuhita faints.

0d 3h 14m Vant sends out Skitty and Misdeavus. ANCA alerts us that Misdreavus is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 3h 14m We talk to another Trainer. Vs. Rider Vant!

0d 3h 13m It's Makuhita's turn to enter Hyper Mode! But Croconaw uses Shadow Rush and Zubat goes down; defeated Chaser Emok!

0d 3h 12m Croconaw enters Hyper Mode! It then takes out Gulpin, then falls asleep. We call its name, and it returns to its senses.

0d 3h 10m Some lady accosts us, and is being rather rude to ANCA, so we prepare to battle! Vs. Chaser Emok! She sends out Zubat and Gulpin.

0d 3h 9m We leave the secret headquarter, and witness Duking being yelled at by a friend of his for not standing up to Mirror B. We then leave Duking's house.

0d 3h 5m We enter a house and check a bookcase... there's a button in there! We press it and find a secret passage!

0d 3h 3m We talk to the receptionist. He offers us to spend the night for ₽100, but we decline.

[Snark] We're not being creepy or anything.

0d 3h 1m We enter a room in which someone is sleeping. He talks about Pokémon battles in his sleep.

0d 2h 59m We enter another room. Someone inside tells us about how Duking used to be a big name here, and how Mirror B. took over the town since.

0d 2h 57m We enter one of the rooms, but it seems nothing inside can be interacted with.

0d 2h 54m We enter the Pyrite Hotel.

0d 2h 54m We leave the old woman's house.

0d 2h 46m We watch some more news on TV.

0d 2h 42m We enter a house. The old lady inside thinks we're salesmen.

0d 2h 39m We stand outside the cell of another prisoner for a few moment, before heading away.

0d 2h 36m We find Folly and Trudly inside a jail cell. Apparently, they turned themselves in to hide from Mirror B.

0d 2h 33m We talk to Chief Sherles, who advises us to leave town as soon as possible.

0d 2h 32m We enter the town's police departm-- BOINGBOINGBOINGBOINGBOING

0d 2h 31m We leave Fateen's Fortune Telling.

0d 2h 27m We enter Fateen's Fortune Telling.

0d 2h 24m We leave the Construction Lot and head to Pyrite Town.

0d 2h 21m We're told we can't go in.

0d 2h 20m We leave Phenac City and arrive at the Construction Lot.

0d 2h 18m We switch Makuhita and Croconaw to the front of the party.

0d 2h 16m Umbreon uses Bite, and finishes off Spoink. Defeated Mystery Troop Bluno!

0d 2h 15m Snagged a male Lv. 30 Croconaw!

0d 2h 14m Bluno sends out Grimer and a Shadow Croconaw. We take out Grimer, and Bluno sends Spoink next.

0d 2h 13m We head out, and someone is blocking the way out of the city. Vs. Mystery Troop Bluno!

0d 2h 11m We then finish off Duskull, and defeat Trudly. Both grunts run off.

0d 2h 10m We throw a Snag Ball... Snagged a female Lv. 30 Makuhita!

0d 2h 9m Espeon uses Confusion, and Spianrak goes down. Trudly sends out Makuhita... and ANCA tells us she sees a black aura around it!

0d 2h 7m Trudly sends out Duskull and Spinarak.

0d 2h 7m The second thug wants a piece of us too! Vs. Mirror B. Peon Trudly!

0d 2h 7m Espeon uses Confusion on Lotad, and Umbreon finishes it off with bite. Next turn, Whismur goes down as well, and Espeon grows to Lv. 27. Defeated Mirror B. Peon Folly!

0d 2h 4m Folly sends out Whismur and Lotad.

0d 2h 4m Vs. Mirror B. Peon Folly!

0d 2h 3m We head inside the house of the mayor, and the thugs that tried to kidnap ANCA are inside... alongside their boss, Mirror B.!

0d 2h 2m We leave the Outskirt Stand and head back to Phenac City, where a lady informs us that a terrible incident has occurred!

0d 1h 58m Bought 22 Great Balls.

0d 1h 57m We check the news on TV.

0d 1h 55m We talk to the barman. He does have some Poké Balls lying around, and gives us some for free! Received 5 Poké Balls!

0d 1h 54m We leave the City and return to the Outskirt Stand.

0d 1h 53m The shop doesn't actually sell Poké Balls, but an NPC tells us someone at the Outskirt Stand used to sell some, so we head out.

0d 1h 48m We head to the Poké Shop.

0d 1h 46m The grunts take off. ANCA tells us she doesn't mind that we're a former Snagem member, and suggest we go buy some Poké Balls.

0d 1h 45m Next turn, Espeon attacks Koffing, which goes down. Umbreon grew to Lv. 28! Defeated Team Snagem Wakin!

0d 1h 44m We call Umbreon, but it's not listening. Espeon attacks Umbreon, to no effect.

0d 1h 43m Umbreon uses Bite on Koffing, which then attacks Espeon.

0d 1h 43m Wakin sends Corphish and Koffing. Espeon takes out the former with Confusion.

0d 1h 42m ANCA is shocked to learn we used to be part of Team Snagem. No time for questions though, it's battle time! Vs. Team Snagem Wakin!

0d 1h 41m We exit the Phenac Stadium... and run into a group of Team Snagem grunts!

[Snark] That's what we get for wasting time at the Pre Gym.

0d 1h 38m We are told the current challenge has already started, and we can't enter it.

0d 1h 38m We enter the Phenac Stadium.

0d 1h 37m Some NPC informs us the Team Snagem hideout blew up. Which we already know, because we regularly watch the news. Also, we're the one who did it.

0d 1h 35m We almost leave Phenac City, then go back and head for the Pokémon Stadium.

0d 1h 34m We leave the NPC Garden and exit the Pre Gym.

[Chat] Ony_126: It's an enclosure designed to keep NPCs happy and healthy

0d 1h 29m We take the elevator the NPC came from, into the basement. The NPC basement, if you will.

0d 1h 28m Justy compliments us on our victory. As a reward, we receive a White Herb!

[Chat] CinnamonRobin: Gwin? More like Glose Kappa

0d 1h 27m Another Bite attack, and Rhyhorn goes down. Defeated Lady Gwin!

0d 1h 27m Espeon goes for Helping Hand. Umbreon uses Bite, and Rhyhorn flinches.

0d 1h 26m Next turn, Geodude goes down! Rhyhorn uses Rock Tomb on Espeon.

[Chat] tppsimulator: @Wahi secretary. girlfriend. mail order bride. pick your news

0d 1h 25m Espeon uses Reflect, while Umbreon attacks Geodude with Bite.

0d 1h 24m Vs. Lady Gwin! She sends out Rhyhorn and Geodude.

0d 1h 23m Espeon uses Confusion, and Trapinch goes down too. Defeated Rich Boy Dugo!

0d 1h 22m We took out Swinub.

0d 1h 21m Next battle time. Vs. Rich Boy Dugo! He sends out Trapinch and Swinub.

0d 1h 19m Espeon uses Confusion again. Surskit goes down! Espeon grew to Lv. 26! Defeated CoolTrainer Liqui!

0d 1h 17m Our Pokémon get hit by Bubble, but barely suffer any damage. Espeon uses Confusion on Surskit, while Umbreon finishes off Marill with Bite.

0d 1h 16m Espeon uses Confusion on Marill, and Umbreon follows with Bite. Marill holds on and uses Defense Curl, while Surskit goes for Agility.

0d 1h 15m Liqui sends out Surskit and Marill.

0d 1h 14m Next battle. Vs. CoolTrainer Liqui!

0d 1h 13m Espeon uses Confusion again; Hoppip goes down. Defeated CoolTrainer Botan!

0d 1h 12m Espeon uses Confusion, and Sunkern goes down. Umbreon uses Bite, and Hoppip flinches.

0d 1h 11m Vs. CoolTrainer Botan! He sends out Hoppip and Sunkern.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: windows firewall was blocking the save call

0d 1h 10m We do as instructed and get into position. Justy informs us we're about to face four Trainers.

0d 1h 9m We talk to Justy, who instruct us to place ourselves on the Battle Area.

0d 1h 4m We talk to the teacher, and show her our P★DA, on which she adds the Strategy Memo feature!

0d 1h 2m We enter the Prestige Precept Center.

0d 1h 0m We leave the Poké Center.

0d 0h 58m We boot up the PC and save.

0d 0h 57m We go back to the Poké Center.

0d 0h 56m We leave the mayor's house.

0d 0h 54m The lady upstairs tells us it must be nice to travel with a cute girlfriend. Chat has conflicted reactions.

0d 0h 53m Once upstairs, we check the news again.

0d 0h 51m We go upstairs.

0d 0h 50m Es Cade suggest that we visit the Pokémon Stadium. First though, we check the news on TV.

0d 0h 50m We make our way to the house of the Mayor, and meet the titular Es Cade. ANCA reports on having seen a Pokémon with a dark aura, but Es Cade is having trouble believing it. He does, however, promise to investigate the matter.

0d 0h 46m We exit the Poké Center.

0d 0h 44m Speaking of, we save.

[Info] For those unaware: in Pokémon Colosseum, the only way to save is through the PC.

0d 0h 42m We walk to the PC and check out a shelf full of books. Then we boot up the PC.

0d 0h 42m We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 0h 39m We agree to escort ANCA to meet the mayor of the city.

0d 0h 38m Her name is ANCA!

0d 0h 37m We eventually cave in and free the girl inside the bag.

0d 0h 37m We repeatedly try to leave as a passerby keeps begging us to come help the person trapped inside the bag.

0d 0h 36m The ruckus attracted people, and the shady guys run off!

0d 0h 35m Espeon actually stops aiming for Umbreon and takes down the second Whismur. Umbreon grew to Lv. 27! Defeated Shady Guy Folly!

0d 0h 34m Espeon is using Confusion on Umbreon, which doesn't affect it. Umbreon, meanwhile, uses Bite, and on of the Whismur goes down after two hits.

0d 0h 32m The two guys spot us. Vs. Shady Guy Folly! He sends out two Whismur.

0d 0h 32m Arrived in Phenac City. As we enter the city, we run into two dudes carrying a bag... with someone inside?

0d 0h 31m Willie suggests we visit Phenac City. We follow his advice and leave the Outskirt Stand.

0d 0h 31m One more Confusion, and the second Zigzagoon goes down. Defeated Rider Willie!

0d 0h 30m Espeon uses Confusion and takes one Zigzagoon down. Umbron uses Bite, but the other Zigzagoon holds on.

0d 0h 29m Willie sends out two Zigzagoon. We send out Espeon and Umbreon.

0d 0h 28m Vs. Rider Willie!

0d 0h 28m We leave the building, and the man from earlier, named Willie, calls after us for a battle.

0d 0h 25m We check out what items WES has on him. Quite a bunch, actually. Then we return to watching the news.

0d 0h 22m We watch the news again.

0d 0h 21m We finally step away from the screen and go talk to the person sitting in the back of the bar.

[Chat] StarlightSearcher: Stop spamming A tppBlind

Ravendwyr: a

TheWorstGiratina: a

YugnatZero: a

[Chat] brespawn3: WE MUST STAY INFORMED

0d 0h 17m We, of course, watch the news again.

0d 0h 16m Some shady people leave the bar, then we enter. Inside, a news broadcast is playing, reporting on the explosion that occured at Team Snagem's base.

0d 0h 15m We arrive at the Outskirt Stand. We have with us a Lv. 26 Umbreon and a Lv. 25 Espeon.

0d 0h 13m We see WES escape from Team Snatch's base, not without blowing it up as he drives away with a wide grin.

0d 0h 13m We start the actual game! Our protagonist is named WES!

0d 0h 12m Meanwhile Streamer is fiddling with the camera to try and fix the flickering issue. It seems to be okay now.

0d 0h 11m We send out Claydol, and get burned by Flamethrower, but then manage to use Earthquake and take down Entei. We win the battle!

[Chat] SolarisSect: it wouldn't be a gauntlet run without technical difficulties

SolarisSect: this is however

SolarisSect: an actual fucking seizure warning

0d 0h 10m Flickering resumes. Porygon2 lands a few attacks before going down to Flamethrower.

0d 0h 9m Suicune goes down against Entei, and we send out Porygon2, which Traces Entei's Pressure. Meanwhile, a large green-tinted scanline is repeatedly going over the entire screen.

0d 0h 8m Cruik sends out Entei and... the TV starts to flicker really badly.

0d 0h 7m Suicune gets paralyzed! It then uses Surf, and Manectric goes down.

[Chat] Baa_tho: no game, only battles Kappa

0d 0h 7m Suicune uses Surf, and Golem goes down! Cruik sends Manectric.

0d 0h 6m Cruik sends out Golem, and we send Suicune. We set up Calm Mind, and Golem uses Earthquake.

0d 0h 6m We enter another Free Battle. Vs. CoolTrainer Cruik!

0d 0h 4m We send out Muk. Swampert uses Earthquake again, and it goes down. We lose the battle!

0d 0h 4m Tentacruel uses Surf. Swampert is at half its health, and uses Earthquake again. Tentacruel goes down!

0d 0h 3m We send out Tentacruel.

0d 0h 3m We use Flamethrower, which does little damage. Swampert uses Earthquake, and Entei goes down!

0d 0h 2m Parel sends out Swampert, and we send out Entei.

0d 0h 2m We enter Colosseum Mode for a Free Battle. Vs. Hunter Parel!

0d 0h 1m ...well, the run begins, the game itself will begin as soon as we manage to hit the "New Game" option.

0d 0h 0m The game begins!

[Info] Colosseum's title screen is up!