Updater archive for #1ci491antkthk

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The 10th Anniversary Gauntlet XD

[Info] Also, I am just now realizing that the announcement from two weeks ago stated that Super Gauntlet Black 2 and White 2 would begin on March 13th, obviously it was meant to be May 13th instead, aka in about an hour.

The original updater was one long updater for the whole gauntlet; this archive splits the updater by game. Link to next updater archive

[Intermission] We are currently back on the dual DS setup, playing The Sims on the left and Pokémon Conquest Ultimate on the right.

[Intermission] We are now playing Pokémon Channel.

[Intermission] A few hours ago, we have triumphed over the Orre Colosseum in Pokémon XD!

[Intermission] We are back in XD, and going through the Orre Colosseum with the Pokémon we trained in Ruby!

[Intermission] We are currently back to playing Pokémon Ruby, and have apparently conducted some trades with Colosseum and XD.

[Intermission] We have begun a week-long break from the Super Gauntlet that will be spent betting on Pokémon Battle Revolution matches. The Super Gauntlet will return with Pokémon Black 2 & White 2 on March 13th at 21:00 UTC.

[Intermission] There's currently a Pikachu plushie watching the CRT TV on which a Pikachu is watching TV.

[Intermission] The GameCube reboots, and we are back on Pokémon Channel! We are continuing from our last save file, playing as CHEEJ.

[Info] The poll concluded with a 65% vote for Pokémon Channel as the intermission game.

[Info] A Pokémon Battle Revolution break will begin at 21:00 UTC today! A poll is up to decide which game will be played in the meantime.

7d 5h 39m Credits begin to roll!

7d 5h 39m We save.

7d 5h 38m We get a final shot of David leaving the Snag Machine behind, as he won't have to use it anymore.

7d 5h 37m The people of Orre cheer for the fall of Cipher! ...for the third time!

7d 5h 35m Inputs get muted, but we still have some dialogue to mash through, so they are unmuted.

7d 5h 35m Defeated Grand Master Greevil! TEH FINAL URN!

7d 5h 34m Forretress uses Explosion! Jolteon faints, but so do Altaria and Aerodactyl!

7d 5h 34m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Granbull faints! Greevil sends out Aerodactyl. Altaria then uses Earthquake, but it does little damage to our Pokémon.

7d 5h 33m Jolteon uses Protect. Altaria uses Earthaquake, and Jolteon suffers no damage while Forretress tanks the damage easily. Granbull uses Earthquake too, and Forretress is the only one to take damage.

7d 5h 32m Greevil sends out Altaria. Granbull uses Shadow Ball on Jolteon, which doesn't do much.

7d 5h 31m We swap Dusclops for Jolteon. Forretress uses Pin Missile on Starmie, taking it down. Jolteon grew to Lv. 72!

7d 5h 30m Forretress uses Pin Missile on Granbull and hits thrice. Starmie uses Thunderbolt on Forretress, then Dusclops uses Icy Wind once again. Granbull uses Earthquake, but no Pokémon faints.

7d 5h 29m Swellow uses Aerial Ace on Forretress, then Dusclops goes for Ice Wind once again. Swellow is down! Dusclops grew to Lv. 70! Greevil sends out Granbull.

7d 5h 29m Forretress uses Pin Missile, and Manectric goes down! Greevil sends out Starmie.

7d 5h 28m Swellow uses Aerial Ace on Forretress again. Forretress uses Pin Missile and hits Manectric twice. Manectric uses Crunch on Dusclops again, and it once more uses Icy Wind in return.

7d 5h 27m Swellow uses Aerial Ace on Forretress, and Manectric uses Crunch on Dusclops. Forretress sets up a Light Screen, and Dusclops uses Icy Wind, lowering both opponent's Speed.

7d 5h 26m Greevil sends out Manectric and Swellow. We send Dusclops and Forretress.

7d 5h 26m Vs. Grand Master Greevil!

[Recap] We are now heading towards Greevil for a final rematch!

7d 5h 9m We completed the Psychic Card in Battle Bingo! We received 2500 Poké Coupons, as well as a Max Elixir, and have also unlocked a new play mode. This means we have cleared all Battle Bingo cards!

7d 4h 39m We completed the Counter Card in Battle Bingo! We received 960 Poké Coupons, as well as an Elixir.

7d 4h 0m We completed the Waterproof Card in Battle Bingo! We received 920 Poké Coupons, as well as an Elixir.

7d 2h 42m We reached Floor 100 of Mt. Battle and defeated Mt.BtlMaster Battlus!

6d 16h 42m We evolved a Phanpy into Donphan!

[Meta] Now the live updater is going from semi-darkness to complete darkness. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

6d 16h 12m We report our success to Beluh, and as a reward, we receive the Lucky Egg!

6d 16h 6m We relay the advice of Dr. Kaminko to Senilor, and he imitates Wobbueffet's cry, causing Wobbuffet to respond and regain its voice as the Cry Translator detaches from it!

[Snark] Can't get over that name. SENILOR.

6d 16h 5m We relay the advice of Dr. Kaminko to Senilor...

6d 15h 48m We found Wobbuffet, but it isn't reacting to the sound of its Voice Case...

6d 15h 38m We found Seedot and detached the Cry Translator from it.

6d 15h 36m We found Linoone and detached the Cry Translator from it.

6d 15h 28m We found Azumarill and detached the Cry Translator from it.

6d 15h 25m We found Castform and detached the Cry Translator from it.

6d 15h 15m We found Krabilly and Krabetty and detached the Cry Translators from them.

[Recap] Also about half an hour ago, we evolved a Surskit into Masquerain.

[Recap] Then at around 6d 11h 41m, we have defeated Cipher Admin Lovrina at the Orre Colosseum, thus starting the Lucky Egg quest. We're at the point where we need to look for mute Pokémon, and have already found Oddish and Magnemite.

[Recap] Then at around 6d 11h 41m, we have defeated Cipher Admin Lovrina at the Orre Colosseum, thus starting the Lucky Egg quest.

[Recap] At around 6d 5h 34m, we have achieved victory over Battle CD 50, thus clearing all Battle CDs!

[Recap] We've also evolved some more Pokémon, namely Vulpix into Ninetales, Nuzleaf into Shiftry, and Shellder into Cloyster.

[Recap] We've been spending time completing Battle CDs. W're still missing CDs 42 to 46, and have completed all others aside from 49 and 50.

5d 16h 49m Blissey congratulates us with a "Blissbliss!"

5d 16h 49m And with that last batch, we have purified every Shadow Pokémon!

5d 16h 48m Dragonite was purified! It regained Hyper Beam, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, and Heal Bell! Nickname: AUX, with two spaces at the end.

5d 16h 47m Tauros was purified! It regained Earthquake, Tail Whip, Body Slam and Refresh! Nickname: Q ZZRPPP.

5d 16h 45m Marowak was purified! It regained Earthquake and Sing! Nickname: WCCEE.

5d 16h 44m Rhydon was purified! It regained Megahorn, Helping Hand, Scary Face and Earthquake! Nickname: AG GYY.

5d 16h 34m Gulpin evolved into Swalot!

[Recap] We also had a Hoppip evolve into Skiploom, then a bit later into Jumpluff.

[Recap] At around 5d 5h 38m, we defeated Grand Master Greevil with his rematch team.

[Meta] Just like the Miror Radar, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

5d 5h 7m Mirror B. runs off, with his goons and Ludicolo in tow, disappearing for the last time. The Miror Radar is now broken.

5d 5h 6m Defeated Wanderer Miror B.!

5d 5h 6m We throw another Timer Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 55+ Dragonite!

5d 5h 5m We throw a Timer Ball. Dragonite escapes and uses Shadow Rush on Dusclops. Dusclops responds with Will-O-Wisp, but misses.

5d 5h 3m We send out Crobat, and Miror B. sends out his Shadow Dragonite.

5d 5h 3m Dusclops grew to Lv. 50!

5d 5h 3m Dusclops uses Helping Hand. One Ludicolo sets up rain, and Forretress uses Explosion. Both Ludicolo go down!

5d 5h 2m We send Dusclops Forretress uses Pin Missile, and another Ludicolo faints, to be immediately replaced by another.

5d 5h 1m Jolteon uses ThunderWave on the yet unparalyzed Ludicolo. Ludicolo uses Ice Punch and Jolteon faints.

5d 5h 0m The other Lusicolo fails to attack due to paralysis.

5d 5h 0m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Forretress follows with Pin Missile, taking down one Ludicolo. A fourth Ludicolo is sent out.

5d 4h 59m Jolteon uses Thunder Wave and paralyzes the third Ludicolo. Forretress uses Pin Missile on it. The other uses Hydro Pump, but Jolteon survives.

5d 4h 58m Another Ludicolo is sent out. Forretress uses Pin Missile. Ludicolo misses with Hydro Pump.

5d 4h 57m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and one Ludicolo goes down!

5d 4h 57m Jolteon protects itself. Forretress uses Pin Missile on one Ludicolo. Its partner can't move, and it fails to use Hydro Pump due to Protect.

5d 4h 56m Jolteon uses Bite. Forretress uses Light Screen. Jolteon gets hit by an Hydro Pump, but the second one misses.

5d 4h 55m Jolteon uses Protect, nullifying an Hydro Pump. Roselia paralyzes the other Ludicolo, and then the first one uses Hydro Pump and takes down Roselia. We send Forretress.

5d 4h 53m We swap Jolteon for Piloswine. Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump on Roselia, and the other uses it on Piloswine. Piloswine faints and we send Jolteon back out. Roselia paralyzes a Ludicolo with Stun Spore.

5d 4h 52m Jolteon uses Protect. Ludicolo uses Fake out on Roselia, which flinches. The other Ludicolo uses Rain Dance.

5d 4h 51m Miror B. sends out two Ludicolo. We send Jolteon and Roselia.

5d 4h 51m Vs. Wanderer Miror B.! (Attempt #4)

5d 4h 51m We are back once more.

5d 4h 50m Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes one of the Ludicolo. It uses Ice Punch and Roselia faints. We black out!

5d 4h 49m Another Ludicolo is sent out. The other uses Waterfall.

5d 4h 49m Roselia uses Giga Drain and one Ludicolo goes down. Roselia grew to Lv. 50!

5d 4h 48m Roselia uses Giga Drain again. One Ludicolo uses Waterfall. The other goes for Giga Drain. Roselia has half of its health remaining.

5d 4h 47m Roselia uses Giga Drain. One Ludicolo can't move, the other uses Giga Drain too.

5d 4h 46m Roselia uses Giga Drain and Piloswine uses Ice Beam. One Ludicolo also uses Giga Drain on Roselia, and the other takes out Piloswine with Waterfall.

5d 4h 45m The other Ludicolo uses Rain Dance.

5d 4h 45m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and Roselia uses Giga Drain. One Ludicolo uses Waterfall, and Crobat faints. We send Piloswine.

5d 4h 44m Roselia gets hit by Hydro Pump.

5d 4h 44m Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump on Crobat, which uses Wing Attack and takes one Ludicolo down. Another is sent out. Roselia uses Stun Spore to paralyze it.

5d 4h 43m We send out Roselia. Crobat attacks, and the other Ludicolo misses.

5d 4h 42m Ludicolo lands a critical hit with Hydro Pump and Forretress goes down.

5d 4h 41m We swap Roselia for Forretress. Jolteon is taken down by Hydro Pump, and we send out Dusclops. The other Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump and Dusclops faints too, we send out Roselia.

5d 4h 39m Both Ludicolo use Hydro Pump, but Jolteon protects itself. Roselia uses Stun Spore to paralyze one of them.

5d 4h 38m Ludicolo uses Fake Out, and Jolteon flinches. The other Ludicolo uses Rain Dance. Roselia misses with Stun Spore.

5d 4h 37m Miror B. sends out his first two Ludicolo. We send Jolteon and Roselia.

5d 4h 37m Vs. Wanderer Miror B.! (Attempt #3)

5d 4h 36m We head to the top of the lighthouse again.

5d 4h 35m Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump, and Piloswine faints! Once again, we black out!

5d 4h 34m Dusclops uses Helping Hand. Ludicolo uses Giga Drain, and Dusclops faints! Dragonite uses Shadow Rush on Piloswine, which uses AncientPower on Ludicolo.

5d 4h 33m Miror B. sends out Ludicolo and Dragonite, the latter being a Shadow Pokémon.

5d 4h 32m We send out Pilowswine.

5d 4h 32m Dusclops grew to Lv. 49!

5d 4h 32m Dusclops uses Helping Hand. Ludicolo uses Ice Punch on Dusclops, and its partner uses Waterfall on Forretress. The latter then uses Explosion, and both Ludicolo faint!

5d 4h 30m Ludicolo uses Waterfall, and Crobat faints. We send out Forretress. The other Ludicolo uses Ice Punch on Dusclops, which retorts with Shadow Ball.

5d 4h 28m The other Ludicolo uses Rain Dance. Dusclops uses Curse.

5d 4h 28m Crobat uses Wing Attack, taking down the paralyzed Ludicolo. Crobat grew to Lv. 51! A fourth Ludicolo is sent out by Miror B.

5d 4h 27m Ludicolo gets hit by Hydro Pump. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball on the remaining paralyzed Ludicolo.

5d 4h 26m Crobat uses Wing Attack, taking down one of the Ludicolo. Another one is sent out.

5d 4h 25m We send out Dusclops. The other Ludicolo fails to attack.

5d 4h 25m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Crobat uses Poison Fang. Jolteon then goes down to another Hydro Pump.

5d 4h 23m Jolteon paralyzes the other Ludicolo, then Roselia goes down to Hydro Pump. We send out Crobat.

5d 4h 22m We swap Forretress for Jolteon. One Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump on Roselia, and the other on Jolteon. Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes one of them.

5d 4h 21m One Ludicolo uses Fake out, and Roselia flinches. The other uses Rain Dance. Forretress uses Light Screen.

5d 4h 20m Miror B. sends out his first two Ludicolo.

5d 4h 20m Vs. Wanderer Miror B.! (Attempt #2)

5d 4h 18m We head back to the top of the lighthouse.

5d 4h 16m Dragonite uses Shadow Storm, taking down Dusclops. We black out!

5d 4h 16m Ludicolo uses Ice Punch. Dusclops holds on to its last HP and uses Shadow Ball, taking out one of the Ludicolo. Miror B. sends out Dragonite, and the Aura Reader reacts; it's a Shadow Pokémon!

5d 4h 15m Dusclops again uses Helping Hand, and Piloswine uses Ice Beam on one of the Ludicolo. Piloswine then gets hit by Hydro Pump and goes down.

5d 4h 14m The other Ludicolo uses Ice Punch on Dusclops. Rains ceases falling.

5d 4h 13m Dusclops uses Helping Hand and Roselia follows with Giga Drain. Ludicolo uses Seismic Toss, and Roselia goes down! We send out Piloswine.

5d 4h 12m One Ludicolo misses with Hydro Pump, and Roselia paralyzes it with Stun Spore. the other uses Ice Punch on Roselia, but it holds on. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball.

5d 4h 11m Miror B. sends out a fifth ludicolo. The one already there uses Ice Punch on Dusclops.

5d 4h 11m Dusclops uses Helping Hand, and Roselia uses Giga Drain, taking down one of the Ludicolo. Dusclops grew to Lv. 48!

5d 4h 10m One Ludicolo uses Ice Punch on Dusclops. Roselia paralyzes it as well. The other Ludicolo uses Waterfall on Roselia. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball on it.

5d 4h 9m Roselia uses Stun Spore one one of the Ludicolo. Both Ludicolo use Rain Dance, then Dusclops uses Shadow Ball on the paralyzed one.

5d 4h 7m Dusclops uses Helping Hand again. One Ludicolo uses Waterfall, and Jolteon faints. We send out Roselia. The other Ludicolo hits it with ice Punch. our Light Screen fades away.

5d 4h 6m Dusclops uses Helping Hand. One Ludicolo uses Ice Punch on Crobat, and the other takes it down with Waterfall.

5d 4h 5m We send out Dusclops, and Crobat takes out the already injured Ludicolo. Miror B. sends out a fourth Ludicolo.

5d 4h 4m Ludicolo uses Waterfall on Crobat, and its partner takes down Forretress with Hydro Pump.

5d 4h 3m Both Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump on Forretress, but the second one misses. Crobat uses Poison Fang on the poisoned Ludicolo, and Forretress uses Pin Missile on the other one. The former then goes down to poison damage, and Miror B. sends a third one.

5d 4h 2m Crobat badly poisons one of the Ludicolo. Both of them use Rain Dance, with the second of course failing. Forretress sets up a Light Screen.

5d 4h 1m Miror B. sends out two Ludicolo. We send out Forretress and Crobat.

5d 4h 1m We're at the top of the Gateon Port lighthouse... Vs. Wanderer Miror B.! (Attempt #1)

5d 3h 44m Lapras was purified! It regained Hydro Pump, Heal Bell, and Rain Dance! Nickname: AHIIIIR.

5d 3h 42m Manectric was purified! It regained Thunder, Rain Dance and Refresh! Nickname: MCDONALS.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check the news #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

5d 2h 1m Inside, we buy 21 Poké Snacks, then stop to watch the news.

5d 1h 58m Several Linoones later, we defeat Rider Willie.

5d 1h 50m Stopping by the Outskirt Stand; vs. Rider Willie.

5d 1h 48m We've re-cheesed all our Poké Spots.

5d 1h 42m We take out Greel's first Pokémon, but after a bit we black out. We decide to head elsewhere...

5d 1h 31m We pay our first visit to Orre Colosseum and, after some hesitation, step on in. Battle 1 start! Vs. Hunter Greel.

5d 1h 24m We go back inside and heal.

5d 1h 22m Another Earthquake finishes off Raichu and More Raichu. Is this an important battle? Sure. Defeated Myth Trainer Eagun. He informs us that Orre Colosseum is a thing that exists.

5d 1h 21m Dusclops faints as Piloswine's Earthquake takes out Pikachu and More Pikachu.

5d 1h 19m We switch to Dusclops and Forretress explodes, taking out out Eagun's Pichu and More Pichu. Next up are Pikachu and More Pikachu.

5d 1h 16m Oh yeah, we got that email earlier... Eagun is waiting for us outside. Vs. Myth Trainer Eagun!

5d 1h 14m We throw Exeggutor in to be purified and head outside.

5d 1h 8m After some light exercise, we get notified that the purify chamber is ready. Swellow is purified! It relearns Sky Attack, Baton Pass, Agility, and Facade. Nickname: Bob

5d 1h 5m We chucked our new legendary birds in to be purified and are now pacing back and forth in the lab lobby.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

5d 0h 55m Shadow Lugia was purified! It regained Psycho Boost, FeatherDance, Earthquake, and Hydro Pump! Nickname: FPu2o.

5d 0h 54m Snorlax was purified! It regained Fissure and Refresh! Nickname: BIDE.

5d 0h 51m Scyther was purified! It regained Razor Wind and Morning Sun! Nickname: L44 QQX-.

5d 0h 50m We enter the Purify Chamber room.

5d 0h 49m We get notified that Snorlax is ready for purification, and receive an e-mail from Eagun who wants to invite us to the Orre Colosseum.

5d 0h 48m Inputs are on again, and we continue playing.

5d 0h 47m The urn appears on the corner of the set.

5d 0h 46m Chat sheds a tear for Iwata as is tradition, and the title screen appears. Inputs are currently muted.

5d 0h 43m Credits begin rolling.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: Ardos died on the way to his home planet. Ho-oh blew up his helicopter

[Chat] Wahi: wow I can't wait for that sinister shot of Ardos walking away to be followed up in the next game!

5d 0h 42m We return to land, to triumphant acclaim all over Orre! Congratulations!

5d 0h 41m Greevil is furious. Ardos comes in, and suggests he blows up this entire place, which Greevil seems very willing to do, but Eldes comes as well and argues that Cipher is in shambles and was defeated by a mere kid, so it's pointless to go on. Greevil is convinced after all, and Eldes tells us to go.

5d 0h 39m Defeated Grand Master Greevil! TEH URN!

5d 0h 38m We throw a Timer Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 46+ Tauros!

[Snark] You don't seem to understand, Greevil. We're not trapped here with you. You're trapped here with us.

5d 0h 38m Tauros uses Shadow Hold.

5d 0h 37m We throw the Master Ball at Zapdos! Snagged a Lv. 50+ Zapdos!

5d 0h 37m Greevil sends out a regular Fearow. Just kidding, he of course sends out Zapdos, and it is a Shadow Pokémon.

5d 0h 36m We throw a Timer Ball. Snagged a Lv. 50+ Articuno!

5d 0h 36m We use a Max Revive on Forretress again.

5d 0h 35m We throw a Timer Ball at Articuno. It escapes. Tauros uses Shadow Rush, and Jolteon faints. We send out Piloswine, and Articuno uses Shadow Chill, taking down Forretress, which we replace with Dusclops.

5d 0h 34m We use a Revive on Dusclops.

5d 0h 33m We throw another Timer Ball. Articuno escapes. Forretress sets up Light Screen, and Tauros uses Shadow Hold.

[Snark] Greevil right now is probably like "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO KILL YOU, BUG?"

5d 0h 32m Jolteon uses Bite and lands a very scary critical hit, but Articuno survives. Tauros uses Shadow Rush, and Articuno takes down Roselia with Shadow Chill. We send out Forretress again.

5d 0h 31m We throw a Timer Ball at Articuno, but it escapes. Both opponents are immobilized by paralysis.

5d 0h 30m We use a Max Revive on Forretress.

5d 0h 29m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Articuno, taking out half its health. Tauros uses Shadow Hold, and Roselia uses Stun Spore to paralyze it. Articuno uses Shadow Chill on Jolteon, which holds on.

5d 0h 28m We send out Roselia.

5d 0h 28m Jolteon uses Thunder Wave and paralyze Articuno. Tauros uses Shadow Rush, but Piloswine survives. Shadow Chill, however, takes Piloswine down.

5d 0h 27m We send out Jolteon. Piloswine uses Charm to lower Tauros' Attack stat.

5d 0h 27m Tauros uses Shadow Hold to entrap us. Articuno uses Shadow Chill, and Forretress faints.

5d 0h 26m Tauros takes down Dusclops with Shadow Rush. We send out Forretress, and Articuno uses Shadow Chill on Piloswine.

[Snark] Shocker, I know.

5d 0h 24m Articuno is sent out next by Greevil, and it's a Shadow Pokémon.

5d 0h 24m We throw a Timer Ball at Exeggutor. Snagged a female Lv. 46+ Exeggutor!

5d 0h 23m Greevil sends out Tauros, which of course is a Shadow pokémon.

5d 0h 23m We use another Revive on Roselia. We then throw our last Ultra Ball. Snagged a Lv. 50+ Moltres!

5d 0h 22m We use a Revive on Forretress and throw an Ultra Ball, which Moltres escapes from before using Shadow Fire on Dusclops.

5d 0h 20m Moltres fails to be snagged again. Roselia uses Giga Drain, then gets hit by Shadow Fire. Exeggutor then uses Shadow End and Roselia faints.

5d 0h 19m We throw an Ultra Ball at Moltres, which escapes. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Exeggutor. None of the opponents manage to move this turn.

5d 0h 18m We send out Dusclops. Moltres fails to move.

5d 0h 17m We throw an Ultra Ball. Moltres escapes from it. Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Exeggutor. The latter uses Shadow End and Crobat faints.

5d 0h 16m Greevil sends out Exeggutor, which is of course a Shadow Pokémon. Crobat lands a critical hit on Moltres with Shadow Ball, and gets hit by Shadow Fire in response, leaving it only 10 HP.

5d 0h 16m We throw an Ultra Ball at Rhydon. Snagged a female Lv. 46+ Rhydon!

5d 0h 15m Crobat uses Shadow Ball on Rhydon, and Roselia hits Moltres with Giga Drain. Moltres uses Shadow Fire on Crobat, and Rhydon fails to move.

5d 0h 14m We send out Crobat. It uses Wing Attack to weaken Moltres, and Roselia follows with Giga Drain. Paralysis prevents both opponents from attacking.

5d 0h 13m Roselia paralyzes Rhydon as well, and Forretress attacks it with Pin Missile. Rhydon misses again with Shadow End, and Moltres takes down Forretress with Shadow Fire.

5d 0h 12m Roselia uses Stun Spore on Moltres, paralyzing it. Forretress uses Pin Missile on Rhydon, which responds with Shadow End but misses.

5d 0h 11m Moltres uses Shadow Fire, and Forretress is burnt. It sets Light Screen.

5d 0h 10m Greevil sends out Moltres and Rhydon. Both of them are Shadow Pokémon, of course.

5d 0h 9m Vs. Grand Master Greevil! (Attempt #2)

5d 0h 9m We go back up to face Greevil again.

5d 0h 8m We boot up the PC and swap Swellow for Shadow Lugia in the Purify Chamber.

5d 0h 7m Finally, we black out! Back on the lower floor.

5d 0h 6m Greevil sends out Exeggutor, and it is of course a Shadow Pokémon. Moltres takes down Crobat. next turn, it escapes from a Timer Ball, and uses Shadow Fire one Dusclops. Exeggutor uses Shadow Hold.

5d 0h 5m Snagged a female Lv. 46+ Rhydon!

5d 0h 4m Crobat uses Giga Drain on Rhydon, putting it at low health. Moltres uses Shadow Fire on Crobat, and Rhydon misses with Shadow End. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball on Moltres and takes away half its health with a critical hit.

5d 0h 3m Greevil sends out Rhydon and Moltres, both of them Shadow Pokémon. We send Dusclops and Crobat.

5d 0h 2m Vs. Grand Master Greevil! (Attempt #1)

5d 0h 2m Greevil is quite angry with us, and challenges us to an actual battle!

5d 0h 2m We throw another Timer Ball. Snagged a Lv. 50+ Shadow Lugia!

5d 0h 1m Snagging fails again, and Piloswine goes down to Shadow Blast. We send Crobat.

5d 0h 0m Another failed snag. Lugia is immobilized by paralyzsis.

4d 23h 59m Failed to snag again. Shadow Blast hits Piloswine.

4d 23h 59m Another Timer Ball fails. Shadow Lugia uses Shadow Blast on Piloswine. Our Light Screen wears off.

4d 23h 58m We send out Piloswine.

4d 23h 58m Another Timer Ball fails. Shadow Lugia uses Shadow Blast and Forretress faints.

4d 23h 57m Another Timer Ball. Failed again. Shadow Lugia can't move due to paralysis.

4d 23h 56m We throw another Timer Ball, which fails to snag again. Shadow Lugia uses Shadow Blast on Forretress.

4d 23h 56m Shadow Lugia escapes from another Snag ball and uses Shadow Down on both our Pokémon.

4d 23h 54m Shadow Lugia escapes from another Snag Ball. Forretress uses Pin Missile, then Jolteon goes down to Shadow Blast. We send out Dusclops.

4d 23h 53m We throw a Timer Ball, which fails. Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Shadow Lugia hits back with Shadow Blast.

4d 23h 52m Forretress uses Pin Missile again, and Shadow Lugia takes down Roselia with Shadow Blast. We send out Jolteon.

4d 23h 51m Forretress uses Pin Missile to weaken Shadow Lugia, and gets hit back by Shadow Blast.

4d 23h 50m We are facing Shadow Lugia. It uses Shadow Blast on Roselia, which responds with Stun Spore, paralyzing it. Forretress uses Light Screen.

4d 23h 49m Vs. Grand Master Greevil! (Attempt #1)

4d 23h 49m The back wall opens to let in Greevil's ultimate weapon... XD001, aka Shadow Lugia!

4d 23h 48m We take an elevator, and arrive before Greevil at last.

4d 23h 47m As we move onwards, we find 1 Max Revive.

4d 23h 45m We deposit Spearow back in the Purify Chamber and withdraw Crobat.

4d 23h 44m We withdraw Spearow from the Purify Chamber so we can take the Master Ball it's holding.

4d 23h 43m We deposit Lapras and Manectric in the Purify Chamber as well.

4d 23h 41m Inputs are functional again. We deposit Salamence in the Purify Chamber.

4d 23h 38m We boot up the PC and deposit Dugtrio in the Purify Chamber. We prepare to do the same with Salamence, but inputs seem to have broken...

4d 23h 34m We use the Healing Machine to heal.

4d 23h 34m Eldes lowers the glass wall and leaves.

4d 23h 33m Defeated Cipher Admin Eldes!

4d 23h 33m We throw a Net Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 44+ Lapras!

4d 23h 32m Dusclops uses Helping Hand and Crobat weakens Lapras some more with Giga Drain. Lapras uses Shadow Storm, hitting both our Pokémon.

4d 23h 31m We send in Dusclops and Crobat. We throw a Timer Ball, but Lapras escapes. Crobat uses Giga Drain to weaken it, and Lapras sets up Shadow Sky.

4d 23h 29m Lapras uses Shadow Storm, and Roselia and Piloswine both go down!

4d 23h 28m We throw another Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 44+ Marowak!

4d 23h 27m Lapras is sent out, and it's Eldes last Shadow Pokémon. Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Marowak.

4d 23h 27m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 50+ Salamence!

4d 23h 26m Roselia uses Stun Spore to paralyze Salamence. Marowak uses Shadow End, but Piloswine survives.

4d 23h 24m We send out Roselia. Piloswine takes down Flygon, and grows to Lv. 49! Marowak is sent out to replace it, and it's a Shadow Pokémon.

4d 23h 23m We throw an Ultra Ball. Salamence escapes and uses Shadow Hold, then Flygon uses Flamethrower, taking Forretress down.

4d 23h 21m Salamence is sent out, and it's another Shadow Pokémon. Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Ninjask goes down, ceding its place to Flygon.

4d 23h 21m We throw another Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 44+ Manectric!

4d 23h 19m We send out Piloswine.

4d 23h 19m We throw an Ultra Ball. Manectric escapes. Ninjask protects itself from Jolteon's Thunderbolt, and Manectric uses Shadow End. Jolteon survives, but gets taken down by Shadow Sky!

4d 23h 18m We swap Roselia for Jolteon. Ninjask attacks Forretress, and so does Manectric.

4d 23h 16m Ninjask protects itself, while Manectric uses Shadow Sky. Roselia paralyzes Manectric with Stun Spore, and Forretress sets up a Light Screen.

4d 23h 15m Eldes sends out Manectric and Ninjask, the former being a Shadow Pokémon.

4d 23h 15m Vs. Cipher Admin Eldes! (Attempt #2)

4d 23h 15m We make our way back up to Eldes.

4d 23h 12m Lapras however takes down Piloswine and we black out, so all of these snags were for nothing.

4d 23h 12m We throw another Timer Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 44+ Marowak!

4d 23h 11m We throw a Timer Ball, which fails. Marowak uses Shadow End and takes out Jolteon, losing half its health in the process.

4d 23h 9m Eldes sends out Lapras, and it's unsurprisingly a Shadow Pokémon.

4d 23h 9m We throw a Timer Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 50+ Salamence!

4d 23h 8m We send out Jolteon. Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Flygon goes down. Eldes sends out Marowak, which turns out to be another Shadow Pokémon.

4d 23h 7m Crobat brings Salamence to low health using Wing Attack. Salamence responds with Shadow Rush, and Crobat faints! We send out Roselia, which is immediately taken down by Double-Edge from Flygon.

4d 23h 6m We send out Piloswine. Flygon uses Double-Edge on Crobat.

4d 23h 6m Crobat uses Wing Attack on Salamence again. Salamence uses Shadow Rush, and Dusclops goes down!

4d 23h 5m Eldes sends out Flygon. The Aura Reader doesn't react.

4d 23h 4m Ninjask uses Protect. Crobat weakens Salamence with Wing Attack. Salamence traps our Pokémon with Shadow Hold. Shadow Ball fails due to Protect, but Ninjask goes down anyway due to Shadow Sky.

4d 23h 3m Eldes sends out Salamence, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well! We swap out Roselia for Crobat.

4d 23h 2m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 44+ Manectric!

4d 23h 1m Ninjask uses Aerial Ace, but Roselia holds on and uses Giga Drain to sap half of Manectric's health. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball, but Ninjask survives. Manectric then uses Shadow Sky, which inflicts damage to all Pokémon presents but itself.

4d 23h 0m Ninjask uses Protect. Manectric uses Shadow End but misses, and Roselia paralyzes it with Stun Spore. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball, but fails due to Protect.

4d 23h 0m Eldes sends out Ninjask and Manectric. Already, the Aura Reader reacts and informs us that Manectric is a Shadow Pokémon.

4d 22h 59m Vs. Cipher Admin Eldes! (Attempt #1)

4d 22h 59m Greevil seems pretty annoyed to see us come in here, and sends Eldes to take us down.

4d 22h 57m We throw an Ultra Ball... Snagged a female Lv. 40+ Dugtrio! Defeated Cipher Peon Kolax!

4d 22h 56m Dugtrio uses Shadow Break on Piloswine again, then gets paralyzed by Roselia's Stun Spore. Piloswine uses AncientPower to weaken Dugtrio.

4d 22h 55m We call Roselia, and it wakes up! Dugtrio uses Shadow Break on Piloswine, and Donphan hits Roselia with Rapid Spin. Piloswine then uses ice Beam and Donphan goes down.

4d 22h 54m Kolax sends out Dugtrio... and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 22h 53m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Donphan. Breloom uses Spore, and Roselia falls asleep. Donphan then hits it with Rapid Spin, and Piloswine uses Ice Beam to take down Breloom.

4d 22h 52m Kolax sends out Breloom and Donphan. We send Roselia.

4d 22h 52m Forretress gets frozen by Glalie, and Ampharos attacks it with Thunderbolt. Piloswine uses Earthquake, and all other three Pokémon go down, including Forretress. Roselia grew to Lv. 48!

4d 22h 51m We swap Roselia for Forretress. Piloswine gets attacked by Glalie, and Ampharos sets up Light Screen.

4d 22h 49m Kolax sends out Ampharos and Glalie. We send Piloswine and Forretress.

4d 22h 49m We run into one more peon on the way! Vs. Cipher Peon Kolax!

4d 22h 48m We come face-to-face with Greevil's wall of glass again, and step out to take the elevator instead.

[Recap] Since the last update, we spent time training on Mt. Battle, and evolved a Trapinch into Vibrava. We also made progress on Battle CDs, completing all of those we own up to CD 23. We have now returned to the top of Citadark Isle.

4d 19h 25m Mr. Mime was purified! It grew to Lv. 100 and regained Psychic and Follow Me! Nickname: Ur maawm.

4d 18h 52m Starmie was purified! It grew to Lv. 100 and regained Waterfall, Refresh and Ice Beam! Nickname: tsssrttaR.

4d 18h 49m Poliwrath was purified! It regained Hydro Pump, Helping Hand and Rain Dance! Nickname: AaKaAaUuUu.

4d 18h 47m Rapidash was purified! It regained SolarBeam, Sunny Day and Baton Pass! Nickname: w3oP“ 4x.

4d 18h 44m Solrock was purified! It regained Psychic, Sunny Day and Baton Pass! Nickname: BENqq.

4d 18h 5m We found Miror B. once more and snagged a male Lv. 43+ Swellow!

4d 16h 2m We tracked down Miror B. and snagged a male Lv. 40+ Scyther!

4d 15h 43m We completed the SOS Magikarp Card in Battle Bingo, receiving 960 Poké Coupons and an Elixir.

4d 13h 51m Found 1 PP Up!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 13h 42m We take the elevator back to the entrance of Citadark Isle.

4d 13h 40m We head back inside quickly to heal.

4d 13h 39m Defeated Cipher Admin Gorigan!

4d 13h 38m We throw a Timer Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 42+ Mr Mime!

4d 13h 37m We throw a Timer Ball. Mr. Mime escapes and uses Shadow Storm, then gets paralyzed by Roselia.

4d 13h 36m Gorigan send sout Mr. mime, and it's a Shadow Pokémon too! Roselia uses Giga Drain, and Walrein goes down!

4d 13h 35m We throw a Timer Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 42+ Poliwrath!

4d 13h 34m We throw an Ultra Ball. Poliwrath escapes. Piloswine uses Earthquake; weakening both opponents. Walrein uses Ice Beam, and Crobat faints!

4d 13h 32m Crobat uses Giga Drain on Crobat. Piloswine uses Ice Beam on Poliwrath, and it gets frozen. Walrein uses Ice Beam on Crobat, and it gets frozen as well.

4d 13h 28m Gorigan sends out Walrein and Poliwrath. The latter turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 13h 27m Crobat uses Confuse Ray, and Aggron becomes confused. Piloswine uses Earthquake, and Aggron and Ursaring both go down!

4d 13h 26m We swap Jolteon for Piloswine. Crobat uses Shadow Ball on Aggron, but it doesn't do much. Ursaring then uses Slash on Piloswine, and Aggron uses Earthquake, landing a critical hit on Piloswine which nonetheless survives with a third of its health left.

4d 13h 22m We swap Forretress for Jolteon. Crobat uses Shadow Ball on Slowking. Ursaring uses Earthquake, and Jolteon barely holds on, while Slowking goes down! Aggron is sent out.

4d 13h 20m Gorigan sends out Slowking and Ursaring.

4d 13h 19m Vs. Cipher Admin Gorigan! (Attempt #1)

4d 13h 19m As we prepare to leave, someone comes through the elevator. It's Gorigan!

4d 13h 16m We are faced with Greevil, who blocks the way with a wall of glass coming out of the ground.

4d 13h 14m We reach a Healing Machine and heal.

4d 13h 10m Defeated Cipher Admin Ardos!

4d 13h 9m We throw a Timer Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 43+ Electabuzz! We throw another Timer Ball and snag a male Lv. 43+ Snorlax!

4d 13h 8m Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Snorlax, but then gets taken down. Electabuzz uses Shadow Mist.

4d 13h 6m Kingdra goes down, and Roselia grows to Lv. 47! Ardos sends out his Shadow Snorlax.

4d 13h 5m Roselia uses Giga Drain. Heracross uses Rock Tomb on Jolteon, and Kingdra uses Ice Beam on Roselia. Ardos sends out his Shadow Electabuzz.

4d 13h 3m Kingdra uses Hydro Pump and Dusclops goes down. Heracross then uses Brick Break and Piloswine faints as well. We send out Roselia and Jolteon.

4d 12h 59m Kingdra uses Hydro Pump on Piloswine, but it survives. Pilowine uses Charm, and Dusclops uses Will-O-Wisp, burning Swellow, causing it to faint from burn damage.

4d 12h 55m We send out Piloswine. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball, and Alakazam goes down. Ardos sends out Kingdra.

4d 12h 54m Crobat uses Wing Attack again. Swellow uses Shadow Half, halving the HP of all four Pokémon. Alakazam uses Psychic, and Crobat goes down!

4d 12h 53m Crobat uses Wing Attack to weaken Swellow, which sets up Shadow Sky. Alakazam uses Fire Punch and Forretress faints! We send out Dusclops.

4d 12h 52m Ardos sends out Swellow and Alakazam, and we send out Crobat and Forretress. The Aura Reader informs us that Swellow is a Shadow Pokémon.

4d 12h 51m Vs. Cipher Admin Ardos! (Attempt #2)

4d 12h 50m We take the elevator to the upper part of Citadark Isle.

[Meta] Updater is coming out of semi-darkness as we are back on Citadark Isle.

4d 12h 46m Magcargo was purified! It regained Heat Wave and Refresh! Nickname: Fqrjiend.

4d 12h 43m Lickitung was purified! It regained Double-Edge and Helping Hand! Nickname: FIPganxv.

4d 12h 40m Chansey was purified! It regained Thunderbolt and Sweet Kiss! Nickname: FSaappyyn.

4d 12h 36m Kangaskhan was purified! It regained Earthquake and Sing! Nickname: 3!‥--?qQQ.

4d 12h 22m We found Miror B. at the Pyrite Colosseum and snagged a female Lv. 40+ Rapidash!

[Meta] The live updater is briefly going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 12h 4m We head to Pyrite Town.

4d 12h 3m Miror B. seems to be at Pyrite Town.

4d 12h 2m We are back at the Pokémon HQ Lab. After a few moments, the Miror Radar goes off!

4d 12h 0m Snorlax uses Shadow End and Forretress faints. We black out!

4d 11h 59m Snagged a male Lv. 43+ Swellow!

4d 11h 59m Snagged a male Lv. 43+ Electabuzz! Snorlax is sent out, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well. Swellow is immobilized by paralysis.

4d 11h 58m Electabuzz escapes from a Snag Ball. Swellow sets up Shadow Sky.

4d 11h 57m Electabuzz uses Shadow Half and halves the HP of every Pokémon present. Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Electabuzz thankfully barely survives. Piloswine then goes down to a Shadow Break from Swellow.

4d 11h 56m Swellow uses Shadow Break, and Crobat faints. We send out Piloswine.

4d 11h 55m We throw another Ultra Ball, and Swellow escapes again. Crobat takes out Heracross with Wing Attack, and Ardos sends out Electabuzz; it's another Shadow Pokémon!

4d 11h 54m We send out Crobat, which gets hit by Swellow's Shadow Break.

4d 11h 54m We throw an Ultra Ball. Swellow escapes. Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Heracross, which uses Brick Break in return. Jolteon faints and our Light Screen shatters.

4d 11h 52m Forretress uses Light Screen, and Swellow fails to move.

4d 11h 51m Another Thunderbolt, and Kingdra goes down. Jolteon grew to Lv. 46! Heracross is sent out by Ardos.

4d 11h 51m We send out Forretress.

4d 11h 50m Ardos' Alakazam is down. He currently had Kingdra and a Shadow Swellow out, while we have Jolteon and Roselia. Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Kingdra. Swellow uses Shadow Break on Roselia, then gets paralyzed by Stun Spore. Kingdra uses Hydro Pump on Jolteon. Then Roselia faints due to damage from Shadow Sky!

[Recap] After some wandering around, we are back on Citadark Isle, and facing Cipher Admin Ardos! (Attempt #1)

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[Chat] tppsimulator: sim RaccAttack /

4d 10h 7m We pay a very brief visit to the Battle SIM.

4d 10h 3m We get notified that Chansey is also ready to be purified.

4d 10h 0m Wandering around the lab a bit.

4d 9h 52m We chuck Magcargo, Starmie, and Solrock in to purify. Also, we heal.

4d 9h 50m Purified Hitmonchan! It relearns Mega Punch and Helping Hand. Nickname: AA!!!!!!!

4d 9h 46m Purified Hitmonlee! It learns Hi Jump Kick, Refresh, and Mind Reader. Nickname: Mettaton

4d 9h 40m Defeated Cipher Peon Kleef. We save, then make our way to the docks, eventually heading to the lab.

4d 9h 37m We get notified that our Hitmonlee is ready to be purified. Then we unlock the shortcut elevator! At ground level we're ambushed by Cipher Peon Kleef.

4d 9h 36m Snagged a Lv. 41 Shadow Solrock! Defeated Cipher Admin Snattle!

4d 9h 34m Jolteon clutches a Shadow Rave at 1 HP. We get very excited and then it faints anyway from the weather.

4d 9h 32m Snagged a Lv. 41+ shadow Starmie!

4d 9h 29m We begin chucking Ultra Balls at Solrock; meanwhile, Forretress almost takes out Starmie with Pin Missile. Both of our mon get confused.

4d 9h 28m A crit Double Kick takes down Castform; a shadow Starmie is sent out. Solrock keeps chipping us with Shadow Rave.

4d 9h 26m Jolteon comes out and finishes off Scizor; Forretress reaches Lv. 45. Castform is out next and eats our Pin Missile.

4d 9h 25m We paralyze Solrock; Dusclops and Roselia both faint.

4d 9h 25m We switch out Piloswine for Roselia and take big damage from Scizor before we land a burn on it; Solrock sets up uhhh the Shadow weather move I instantly forgot the name of.

4d 9h 21m Dusclops uses Helping Hand to boost Piloswine's Earthwuake, taking out Snattle's Metang. Quagsire is easy to take out from there; Snattle sends out a shadow Solrock.

4d 9h 18m Made it past the swiss cheese floor room. Vs. Cipher Admin Snattle!

4d 9h 11m We get a notification that Hitmonchan is ready to be purified. Also, we use two Full Restores to get Piloswine and Dusclops to full health.

4d 9h 9m Dusclops also reaches Lv. 45! Defeated Cipher Peon Gromlet.

4d 9h 8m Piloswine reaches Lv. 45!

4d 9h 4m We're ambushed on the way back from that dead-end chest. Vs. Cipher Peon Gromlet.

4d 9h 3m We save, then open a chest and obtain 3 Rare Candies! (or RARE CANDYs, as the game puts it)

4d 8h 59m Located the elevator to the top part of the big lava room. Making our way through...

4d 8h 55m We're back inside Citadark Isle, making our way through that one big lava room.

4d 7h 7m We tracked down Miror B. at the Realgam Colosseum and snagged a male Lv. 38+ Magcargo!

4d 6h 2m Dodrio was purified! It learned Drill Peck and Baton Pass! Nickname: ”” qqqqgh.

4d 6h 0m Golduck was purified! It learned Waterfall and Charm! No nickname.

4d 6h 0m Raticate was purified! It learned Super Fang and Refresh! Nickname: B zzo.

4d 5h 58m Altaria was purified! It learned DragonBreath, SolarBeam and Heal Bell! Nickname: Wmmjhh5.

4d 5h 56m Sableye was purified! It learned Shadow Ball and Helping Hand! Nickname: GOnnnbbaAA.

4d 5h 54m Farfetch'd was purified! It learned Slash, Swords Dance and Baton Pass! Nickname: OOPQSTTN.

4d 5h 52m Pinsir was purified! It learned Guillotine and Helping Hand! Nickname: MoPPs.

4d 5h 50m Magmar was purified! It learned Cross Chop, Fire Blast and Follow Me! Nickname: R QECC with a space at the end.

4d 5h 47m Banette was purified! It learned Faint Attack and Helping Hand! Nickname: SPooeclcMN.

[Meta] The live updater is going semi-dark. Expect less updates until we return to Citadark Isle, and check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 5h 41m We are back at the Pokémon HQ Lab. We save.

4d 5h 41m Jolteon is sent out, and immediately taken down. Scizor uses Aerial Ace, and Roselia faints. Snattle bows obnoxiously as we black out!

4d 5h 40m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss, and Scizor is confused. It uses Steel Wing nonetheless, and Dusclops faints.

4d 5h 39m Roselia uses Stun Spore, but misses. Scizor hits Dusclops with Steel Wing, and Metang almost takes down Roselia with Psychic. Dusclops misses as well.

4d 5h 38m Roselia uses Giga Drain, and Quasire faints. Scizor is sent out. Metang uses Psychic on Roselia. Dusclops attacks Metang with Shadow Ball.

4d 5h 37m Snattle sends out Quagsire and Metang. We send Roselia and Dusclops.

4d 5h 37m We take the elevator, and another old acquaintance arrives on the scene with a bone to pick with us. Vs. Cipher Admin Snattle! (Attempt #1)

4d 5h 35m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 39+ Chansey! Defeated Cipher Peon Leden!

4d 5h 34m We send in Jolteon and throw another Poké Ball. Chansey escapes and gets hit by Bite. It then snaps out of confusion and uses Shadow Rave again.

4d 5h 32m We throw a Poké Ball. Chansey escapes and uses Shadow Rave, causing Piloswine to faint.

4d 5h 30m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss, and Chansey gets confused. Piloswine uses Ice Beam again, and Chansey uses Shadow Hold.

4d 5h 29m Roselia uses Ingrain. Piloswine chips at Chansey's HP with Ice Beam. Chansey uses Shadow Rave.

4d 5h 27m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Exploud. Piloswine then uses Ice Beam taking Exploud down.

4d 5h 26m Roselia uses Stun Spore, and paralyzes Chansey. Piloswine uses Charm.

4d 5h 25m Chansey is sent out next. It's a Shadow Pokémon as well!

[Chat] Pokemario6456: Miror B drowning in new Pokemon

4d 5h 25m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Scyther faints! Oops.

4d 5h 24m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Stantler, taking it down. Piloswine grew to Lv. 43! Scyther is sent out next, and it turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 5h 23m We send out Piloswine.

4d 5h 23m Crobat uses Giga Drain on Stantler, and Roselia does the same. Stantler uses Stomp on Crobat, and Exploud takes it down with Hyper Beam.

4d 5h 22m Leden sent out Stantler and Exploud.

4d 5h 21m As we prepare to leave the area, we are ambushed by Cipher Peon Leden!

4d 5h 19m Back up we go.

4d 5h 17m Found 2 Revives!

4d 5h 16m Banette, Magmar and Pinsir are ready to be purified.

4d 5h 15m Fell down again.

4d 5h 15m Found 4 Full Heals!

4d 5h 13m We make our way back up.

4d 5h 10m Fell near an item chest. Found a Max Revive!

4d 5h 8m We take the elevator back up. Again.

4d 5h 3m Fell down.

4d 5h 3m We take the elevator back up.

4d 5h 1m Fell again.

4d 5h 0m We drop down again. We take a crane and head back up.

4d 4h 59m Found 3 Max Ethers!

4d 4h 58m Used a PP Up on Roselia's Giga Drain.

4d 4h 52m Part of the floor gave up under our feet and we fell back to the lower floor.

4d 4h 50m We save.

4d 4h 49m Defeated Cipher Peon Geftal.

4d 4h 49m Snagged a female Lv. 38+ Lickitung!

4d 4h 47m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, taking out half the health of Lickitung and freezing it.

4d 4h 46m Piloswine hits itself in confusion. Lickitung then uses Shadow Rush on it.

4d 4h 45m We throw an Ultra Ball, but it fails. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball, and takes out Magneton.

4d 4h 44m Piloswine uses Ice Beam again. Magneton uses Lock-On on Piloswine, and Lickitung uses Shadow Panic to get both our Pokémon confused. Still, Dusclops manages to use Shadow Ball on Magneton, but it holds on.

4d 4h 42m We swap Roselia for Dusclops. Piloswine uses Ice Beam on Magneton, which responds with Metal Sound. Lickitung uses Shadow Rush on Dusclops.

4d 4h 41m Piloswine inflicts minimal damage on Magneton, which uses Thunder and paralyzes Roselia.

4d 4h 40m Roselia uses Giga Drain again, and Lanturn faints. Geftal sends out Lickitung, which turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 4h 39m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Lanturn. Magneton uses Reflect, then Lanturn attacks Roselia with Water Pulse.

4d 4h 39m Geftal sends out Lanturn and Magneton. We swap out Crobat for Piloswine.

4d 4h 38m Another peon appears! Vs. Cipher Peon Geftal!

4d 4h 38m We ride the hooks before arriving at an elevator, which we enter.

4d 4h 37m Found 3 Timer Balls!

4d 4h 36m From platforms to multicoloured cranes.

4d 4h 36m We make it to an elevator and ride it. We get an e-mail from Eagun; his Pikachu tells us "Bigga bigga!".

4d 4h 35m We step on another moving platform and... dear, that's a lot of platforms.

4d 4h 34m Found 1 PP Max!

4d 4h 33m A notification informs us that Raticate is ready to be purified.

4d 4h 32m Crobat attacks Altaria, which hits back with DragonBreath. piloswine then takes Altaria down for good with Ice Beam. Crobat grew to Lv. 45! Defeated Cipher Peon Jaymi!

4d 4h 31m Piloswine uses Ice Beam and Vileplume goes down.

4d 4h 31m Crobat uses Giga Drain again, and Smeargle goes down. Altaria is sent out next!

4d 4h 30m Vileplume is sent out. Smeargle is charging up.

4d 4h 30m Crobat uses Giga Drain on Smeargle. Piloswine takes out Yanma with Ice Beam. Roselia grew to Lv. 44!

4d 4h 29m We swap our Roselia for Piloswine. We then take down their own Roselia, and Smeargle is sent out next.

4d 4h 27m Jaymi sends out Yanma and Roselia.

4d 4h 27m An ambush! Vs. Cipher Peon Jaymi!

[Snark] It's great because platforming is definitely our strong suit.

4d 4h 26m We go up another elevator, and come face-to-face with a bunch of moving platforms.

4d 4h 25m We check the Miror Radar and obtain no response. We save.

4d 4h 24m Both guards are gone and the way is free.

4d 4h 24m We throw another Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 38+ Hitmonlee!

4d 4h 23m We throw an Ultra Ball. Hitmonlee escapes, and uses Shadow Half, halving the HP of every Pokémon on the field. Roselia uses Ingrain.

4d 4h 22m Jolteon weakens Hitmonlee with Bite. Roselia uses Stun Spore, but Limber prevents Hitmonlee from getting paralyzed.

4d 4h 20m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and Hariyama goes down as well.

4d 4h 20m Another Thunderbolt takes down Metang. Petro sends out Hitmonlee, and it's another Shadow Pokémon!

4d 4h 19m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Metang, and Crobat goes for Wing Attack on Hariyama. Both attack back, but no Pokémon goes down this turn.

4d 4h 18m Petro sends out Metang. Grumpig is then taken down by Shadow Ball. And Petro sends in Hariyama as well.

4d 4h 17m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Skarmory goes down!

4d 4h 17m We swap Roselia for Jolteon. Crobat uses Shadow Ball, but Gurmpig holds on. Both opponents then attack Crobat, bringing it at low health.

4d 4h 16m Petro sends out Grumpig and Skarmory.

4d 4h 15m Defeated Cipher Peon Karbon! His partner immediately comes after us; vs. Cipher Peon Petro!

4d 4h 15m Snagged a male Lv. 38+ Hitmonchan!

4d 4h 14m We use an Ultra Ball. Hitmonchan escapes, and gets weakened by Giga Drain before hurting itself in confusion.

4d 4h 13m Another Shadow Ball, and Xatu goes down. Roselia uses Sweet Kiss, and Hitmonchan becomes confused. Hitmonchan uses Shadow Rush on Roselia.

4d 4h 12m Crobat uses Shadow Ball, but Xatu holds out before attacking back. Roselia uses Stun Spore to paralyze Hitmonchan, and it fails to attack as a result.

4d 4h 11m Karbon sends out Hitmonchan. The Aura Reader reacts, it's a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 4h 10m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and Medicham goes down. Xatu is sent out to replace it. Roselia then uses Giga Drain, and Golem goes down too. Crobat grew to Lv. 44!

4d 4h 9m Vs. Cipher Peon Karbon! He sends Medicham and Golem. We send Roselia and Crobat.

4d 4h 9m We arrive at a door guarded by two large goons, named Karbon and Petro. Of course, they want to stop us.

[Recap] After a few detours, we are back on Citadark Isle, where we defeated the peon to whom we had previously lost.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 3h 19m We take a rest in our bed.

4d 3h 18m We're back at the Pokémon HQ Lab.

4d 3h 18m Crobat uses Giga Drain on Torkoal. Ninetales uses Dig, and Roselia faints! Torkoal uses Flamethrower and Crobat faints as well. We black out!

4d 3h 16m Crobat uses Wing Attack on Ninetales, which digs a hole. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Crobat, and Torkoal sets up sun.

4d 3h 16m Ninetale suses Quick Attack on Crobat, which hits Torkoal with Wing Attack. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Ninetales, then gets hit by Body Slam.

4d 3h 14m Torkoal is sent out. Ninetales uses Flaethrower, but Roselia holds on and uses Giga Drain in response.

4d 3h 13m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and Cacturne goes down. Roselia grew to Lv. 43!

4d 3h 12m Another peon shows up. Vs. Cipher Peon Kolin! He sends Cacturne and Ninetales.

4d 3h 10m We throw another Snag Ball. Rapidash escapes, and gets taken down by Giga Drain. Oops again. Defeated Cipher Peon Kolest.

4d 3h 8m We send in Roselia.

4d 3h 6m There's a fair amount of stalling going on, so the battle isn't really progressing right now.

4d 3h 1m We throw a Net Ball. Rapidash escapes, and Jolteon uses Bite on it again. Rapidash uses Shadow Sky, and Jolteon faints.

4d 2h 57m We throw an Ultra Ball. Rapidash escapes, and gets hit by Bite again.

4d 2h 56m We throw a Poké Ball, but Rapidash escapes. Jolteon uses Bite. Rapidash uses Shadow Down.

4d 2h 53m We send in Crobat. Light Screen fades.

4d 2h 53m Rapidash uses Shadow Rave, and Dusclops faints.

4d 2h 52m Jolteon grew to Lv. 44!

4d 2h 51m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt to weaken Magcargo. Rapidash uses Shadow Rave, and Magcargo does the same. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball, and Magcargo goes down! Oops.

4d 2h 49m Dusclops uses Helping Hand on Jolteon, which takes down Muk with Thunderbolt. Dusclops grew to lv. 43! Kolest sends out Magcargo next, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well! Rapidash uses Shadow Sky.

4d 2h 48m We send out Jolteon. Kolest sends Muk and Rapidash, the latter of which turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 2h 47m Forretress uses Explosion and faints! It doesn't affect Dusclops, but both Camerupt and Weezing go down.

4d 2h 46m Kolest sent out Camerupt and Weezing. We swap Roselia for Dusclops. Forretress uses Light Screen. Weezing attacks Dusclops with Sludge, and Camerupt follows with Flamethrower.

4d 2h 45m Vs. Cipher Peon Kolest, who just dropped in our way!

4d 2h 44m Dusclops uses Helping Hand, and Crobat takes down Skarmory with Shadow Ball. Defeated Hunter Ibran!

4d 2h 43m Crobat uses Shadow Ball again. Skarmory gets hit by both confusion and burn.

4d 2h 43m Crobat uses Shadow Ball. Skarmory hits itself in confusion. Dusclops uses Will-O-Wisp and burns it.

4d 2h 41m Crobat uses Confuse Ray on Skarmory. The altter uses Steel Wing on Dusclops, which itself uses Shadow Ball and takes down Wobbuffet. Crobat grew to lv. 43!

4d 2h 40m We send Dusclops, which gets hurt by Spikes.

4d 2h 40m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and takes down Dodrio. Skarmory is sent next. Wobbuffet uses Mirror Coat, but it fails. Piloswine then faints from poison damage.

4d 2h 38m Weezing goes down! Wobbuffet is sent next. Piloswine uses Earthquake, taking down Forretress and half of Wobbuffet's health. Dodrio is sent to replace Forretress.

4d 2h 37m Crobat uses Wing Attack on the enemy Forretress. Piloswine uses Ice Beam on Weezing, which hold son and uses Haze. Forretress uses Take Down on Piloswine.

4d 2h 36m We swap in Crobat. Weezing uses Sludge again. The enemy Forretress misses with Take Down.

4d 2h 35m Vs. Hunter Ibran! He has a Weezing and a Forretress. The former poisons Piloswine, while the latter sets up Spikes.

4d 2h 33m Behind Nalix, we find 2 Hyper Potions!

4d 2h 33m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and Volbeat faints. Defeated Chaser Nalix!

4d 2h 32m Volbeat uses Protect, rendering both of our attacks moot.

4d 2h 32m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and Illumise goes down. Nalix sends Volbeat. Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Beautifly goes down as well.

4d 2h 31m Nalix sends out Illumise. Beautifly uses Whirlwind, but misses.

4d 2h 30m Crobat uses Wing Attack and Dustox goes down. Nalix sends out Sunflora. Piloswine uses Earthquake, and Sunflora goes down already. Piloswine grew to Lv. 42! It did not learn Mist.

4d 2h 29m We swap Roselia for Crobat. Dustox uses Psybeam on Forretress, which sets up a Light Screen. Beautifly uses Whirlwind, and forces Forretress to swap with Piloswine.

4d 2h 28m Nalix sends out Beuatifly and Dustox.

4d 2h 28m We talk to someone, who challenges us to a battle. Vs. Chaser Nalix!

4d 2h 27m We take the elevator to the upper floor. We get another e-mail from Eagun, who wrote us a haiku.

4d 2h 26m We return to the Healing Machine and heal.

4d 2h 26m We save.

4d 2h 25m We place Banette, Magmar and Pinsir inside the Purify Chamber.

4d 2h 22m A few steps further, we find a PC. We boot it up.

4d 2h 21m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss and Sunflora becomes confused. Forretress uses Pin Missile, and Sunflora goes down! Defeated Cipher Peon Kimly!

4d 2h 20m Roselia uses Giga Drain, and takes down Zangoose. Forretress uses Pin Missile on Sunflora, which uses Razor Leaf on both our Pokémon.

4d 2h 19m Roselia misses again, and Zangoose uses Crush Claw on Forretress. Sharpedo uses Screech, and Forretress responds with Pin Missile, taking it down! Roselia grew to lv. 42! Forretress grew to Lv. 43! Sunflora is sent next.

4d 2h 18m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Zangoose, then gets taunted by Sharpedo. Zangoose uses Slash on Forretress, which barely gets hurt from it but misses its next move.

4d 2h 17m Roselia uses Giga Drain, but misses. Zangoose uses Taunt on Forretress, and Sharpedo uses Bite on Roselia. Forretress hits Sharpedo with Pin Missile.

4d 2h 16m Sharpedo is sent out by Kimly.

4d 2h 16m Mightyena uses Bite on Roselia. Forretress uses Pin Missile and lands a critical hit, taking down Mightyena.

4d 2h 15m Roselia uses Giga Drain again, and Stantler faints. Kimly sends out Zangoose.

4d 2h 15m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Stantler. Stantler uses Sand-Attack on Roselia, and Mightyena follows with Bite. Forretress uses Pin Missile and hits Mightyena thrice.

4d 2h 14m Kimly sends out Stantler and Mightyena.

4d 2h 14m Back inside the lair. We get ambushed by Cipher Peon Kimly!

4d 2h 13m Behind the waterfall is a Healing Machine, so we use it to heal.

4d 2h 12m We move on to another part of the isle, passing by a large lava waterfall.

4d 2h 11m Defeated Cipher Peon Grupel!

4d 2h 11m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 36+ Magmar!

4d 2h 10m Crobat uses Confuse Ray, and Magmar hits itself in confusion.

4d 2h 10m We throw a Net Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 35+ Pinsir!

4d 2h 9m Jolteon uses Bite. It lands a critical hit, but Pinsir thankfully survives with a few HP, flinching. Crobat takes down half of Magmar's HP.

4d 2h 7m Crobat takes down Vileplume. Grupel sends out Pinsir, and it's a Shadow Pokémon too!

4d 2h 7m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt again, and Ninetales goes down! Magmar is sent out by Grupel, and it's revealed to be a Shadow Pokémon.

4d 2h 6m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Ninetales, and Crobat uses Wing Attack on Vileplume. Both hold on; Ninetales uses Flamethrower, and Vileplume goes for Acid.

4d 2h 5m Ninetales uses Flamethrower on Crobat.

4d 2h 5m Both of our Pokémon attack Houndoom, taking it down. Vileplume is sent out by Grupel.

[Snark] Amazing team synergy on the Cipher side.

4d 2h 4m Ninetales uses Sunny Day. Houndoom does so too, but it fails because, well, Ninetales just did it.

4d 2h 3m We swap Roselia for Crobat and Forretress for Jolteon.

4d 2h 2m Grupel sends out Ninetales and Houndoom.

4d 2h 2m Another peon ambushes us! Vs. Cipher Peon Grupel!

4d 2h 1m We push a third block into the lava river, and another section dries up.

[Snark] Sure, walk on the ground where hot lava was a second ago, I'm sure it isn't hot at all.

4d 1h 59m Instead, we head back and find another block we can push in the lava. This cuts off the flow, and the riverbed becomes accessible.

4d 1h 58m We push a block into the lava, creating a path we can cross through.

4d 1h 57m Eagun sends us another e-mail right away. It cuts off early and has a typo in the subject.

4d 1h 57m We get an e-mail notification. It's from Eagun, but it's empty.

4d 1h 56m We take an elevator to the upper floor.

4d 1h 56m Found 3 Hyper Potions.

4d 1h 55m Defeated Cipher Peon Litnar!

4d 1h 54m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 37+ Banette!

4d 1h 54m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss and Banette becomes confused. Forretress weakens it some more with Pin Missile, and it then hurts itself in confusion.

4d 1h 53m Roselia paralyzes Banette using Stun Spore. Forretress uses Pin Missile to weaken it.

4d 1h 52m Banette uses Shadow Rush on Roselia.

4d 1h 52m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 35+ Kangaskhan!

4d 1h 51m Forretress uses Pin Missile on Kangaskhan again, and it uses Shadow Mist once more.

4d 1h 51m Roselia uses Giga Drain again and Misdreavus faints! Banette is sent out, and it's another Shadow Pokémon!

4d 1h 50m Roselia uses Giga Drain on Misdreavus, which then hits itself in confusion. Kagskhan uses Shadow Mist.

4d 1h 49m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss and confuses Misdreavus. Misdreavus does manage to use Psybeam one Forretress, which attacks Kangaskhan with Pin Missile again. Paralysis prevents Kangaskhan from attacking.

4d 1h 48m Roselia paralyzes Kangaskhan, and Forretress weakens it with Pin Missile.

4d 1h 46m Misdreavus uses mean look on Forretress, which responds with Pin Missile. It doesn't do much.

4d 1h 46m Roselia uses Giga Drain, and Claydol goes down! Kangaskhan is sent out, and the Aura Reader informs us that it's a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 1h 45m Claydol is sent out next.

4d 1h 45m Electrode uses Thunderbolt and lands a critical hit on Roselia. Roselia uses Ingrain, and Misdreavus hits it with Pybeam. Forretress then uses Pin Missile, taking down Electrode!

4d 1h 44m Litnar sent out Electrode and Misdreavus. Electrode uses Facade, barely doing any damage to Forretress. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Electrode. Misdreavus uses Shadow Ball on Forretress, and also fails to do much damage. Forretress then sets up a Light Screen.

4d 1h 43m We run into another goon. Vs. Cipher Peon Litnar!

4d 1h 42m Found 5 Ultra Balls!

4d 1h 39m We find a couple of researchers. They don't seem to want to confront us.

[Meta] The updater is back, sorry it missed the battle.

[Meta] The updater is briefly going dark for this battle, apologies.

4d 1h 33m A peon drops from the ceiling! Vs. Cipher Peon Bastil!

4d 1h 33m We take the elevator to the lower floor.

4d 1h 32m We get back on track and head for the elevator.

4d 1h 31m We boot up the PC, and through some shuffling, we place Farfetch'd and Altaria in the Purify Chamber.

4d 1h 26m We use the Healing Machine to heal our team.

4d 1h 25m Rather than take the elevator, we go back towards the entrance. On the way, we find a Max Elixir.

4d 1h 24m Defeated Cipher Admin Lovrina! She's very upset and runs off. #SoDefeatedHer #SakuraMikuDefeated #NoMoreHashtags

4d 1h 24m Snagged a female Lv. 36+ Altaria! #Success #Snagged #CottonBird

4d 1h 23m Altaria takes down Jolteon! We send Forretress. #JolteonDown #Ouch

4d 1h 22m Another Ultra Ball. Altaria escapes once again. #CatchFailed3 #StayInTheBall #tppMay

4d 1h 22m Another Ultra Ball. Altaria escapes once again. #CatchFailed3 #StayInTheBall #tppMay

4d 1h 22m Another Ultra Ball. Altaria escapes once again. #CatchFailed3 #StayInTheBall #tppMay

4d 1h 21m We throw another Ultra Ball. Altaria escapes again. Altaria uses Shadow Break on Crobat. Our Light Screen wears off. #CatchFailed2 #UhOh

4d 1h 20m We throw another Ultra Ball. Altaria escapes and uses Shadow Break on Jolteon! #CatchFailed

4d 1h 19m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Altaria, which uses Shadow Mist in return. #MoreHashtags #IDunno #OutOfIdeas

4d 1h 18m We throw an Ultra Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 36+ Farfetch'd! #BeAThief #EZ

4d 1h 17m We swap Forretress for Jolteon. Crobat is confused, but uses Wing Attack on Farfetch'd. Altaria uses Shadow Break on Crobat, and Farfetch'd uses Shadow Sky. #FlashingLight #EpilepsyWarning

4d 1h 16m Altaria is sent out. It's a Shadow Pokémon too! Farfetch'd uses Shadow Panic. #TwoOfThem #PANIC #tppD

[Snark] Seems like Crobat has a pretty mean look already in this game. #Models #PokémonStadium #Blergh

4d 1h 15m Crobat uses Wing Attack, and takes down Roselia. Crobat grew to Lv. 42! It did not learn Mean Look. #NoThanks #LevelUp

4d 1h 13m Crobat uses Giga Drain. Forretress uses Pin Missile and takes down Gardevoir. Lovrina send sout Farfetch'd, which turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon! #WaifuMonDown #SaggingTime #Duck

4d 1h 13m Roselia uses Stun Spore on Gardevoir, but get paralyzed as well. Then, Gardevoir takes Roselia down with Psychic, and we send Foretress back out. Her own Roselia inflicts minimal damage to Crobat. #RIPFlowers #Chrysanthemum #Synchronize

4d 1h 11m We swap Fortress for Crobat. #TacticalRetreat #Something

4d 1h 11m Lovrina sent out her own Roselia. Our Roselia uses Giga Drain on hers. Gardevoir uses Thunderpunch on Forretress, and her Roselia uses Leech Seed. Forretress is immobilized by love. #HeartEmoji

4d 1h 10m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss, and Gradevoir gets confused. Gardevoir uses Attract on Forretress. #LoveWins #MaleGardevoir #TransRights

4d 1h 9m Gardevoir uses Psychic, but Roselia holds on. Forretress uses Light Screen. #Hashtag

4d 1h 8m Gorebyss goes down to a Giga Drain. Roselia grew to Lv. 41 and learned Ingrain over HiddenPower! #LevelUp #FlowerPower #OneDown

4d 1h 7m Lovrina sends Gardevoir and Gorebyss. #Pink #WaifuMon #NotShiny

4d 1h 7m Vs. Cipher Admin Lovrina! #Attempt1

4d 1h 6m We head for an elevator, and out comes someone we haven't seen in a while, Lovrina! #SakuraMiku #Waifu #SoGoingToDefeatHer

4d 1h 5m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Golbat faints. Defeated Hunter Jestal!

4d 1h 4m We swap Forretress for Jolteon. Roselia uses Giga Drain, and Seaking goes down. Golbat uses Astonish on Roselia.

4d 1h 3m Forretress uses Pin Missile on Sneasel, and it goes down. Seaking is sent out.

4d 1h 3m Sneasel uses Taunt on Roselia, which uses Giga Drain to take down Girafarig. Golbat is sent out.

4d 1h 1m Jestal sends Sneasel and Girafarig. Sneasel uses Screech on Forretress. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Girafarig, which retorts with Confusion. Forretress uses Light Screen.

4d 1h 1m "Are you someone suspicious?" Guy won't even let us lie to him and just attacks us. Vs. Hunter Jestal!

4d 0h 59m We put Roselia at the front of the party in Crobat's place.

4d 0h 58m Crobat uses Giga Drain, and Aron faints. Defeated Sailor Golos!

4d 0h 57m Forretress uses Pin Missile and hits Aron five times. Aron uses Iron Defense.

4d 0h 57m Pupitar is sent out by Golos. Crobat uses Giga Drain, and it goes down. Forretress grew to Lv. 41!

4d 0h 56m Crobat uses Giga Drain, and Corsola goes down. Forretress sets up Light Screen and Aron uses Take Down on Crobat.

4d 0h 55m In the next room, we are confronted by Sailor Golos. He sends Aron and Corsola.

4d 0h 53m We boot up the PC and place Raticate and Dodrio in the Purify Chamber.

4d 0h 51m We walk back to the Healing Machine and heal.

4d 0h 50m Defeated Chaser Furgy!

4d 0h 50m Snagged a female Lv. 34+ Dodrio!

4d 0h 49m Dodrio escapes from another Snag Ball and uses Shadow Blitz on Forretress.

4d 0h 48m Crobat weakens Dodrio some more with Giga Drain. Dodrio uses Shadow Shed to take our Light Screen down.

4d 0h 47m Dodrio escapes from another Snag Ball and uses Shadow Blitz on Crobat.

4d 0h 46m Crobat uses Giga Drain to weaken Dodrio, which hits Forretress with Shadow Blitz.

4d 0h 46m Dodrio escapes from a Snag Ball. Forretress uses Light Screen, and Dodrio hits Crobat with Shadow Blitz.

4d 0h 45m Snagged a female Lv. 34+ Raticate! We then swap Roselia for Forretress.

4d 0h 43m Crobat uses Giga Drain to weaken Dodrio. Raticate uses Shadow Rush on Roselia, which paralyzes it with Stun Spore. Dodrio can't move this turn.

4d 0h 42m Dodrio uses Shadow Blitz on Roselia, which paralyzes it with Stun Spore.

4d 0h 42m Crobat uses Giga Drain, and Whiscash faints. Raticate is sent out to replace it, and it's another Shadow Pokémon!

4d 0h 41m We swap Forretress for Roselia, then Crobat takes down Xatu with another Shadow Ball. Furgy sends out Wiscash, and Dodrio takes out our Light Screen with Shadow Shed.

4d 0h 39m Crobat uses Shadow Ball and Xatu barely survives. Dodrio uses Shadow Blitz on Crobat, and Xatu uses Night Shade on Forretress. The latter sets up a Light Screen.

4d 0h 38m We run into someone. Vs. Chaser Furgy! He sends out Xatu and Dodrio; the latter is a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 0h 36m We save.

4d 0h 35m While we're there, we deposit Sableye and Golduck in the Purify Chamber.

4d 0h 33m We find the Master Ball being held by Spearow in the Purify Chamber.

4d 0h 30m We check on our Pokémon in the PC.

4d 0h 29m Withdrew 1 PP Up.

4d 0h 28m We boot up the PC.

4d 0h 28m We enter the lair proper. We fin a Healing Machine and a PC there. We heal.

4d 0h 27m We talk to another sailor. They're surprised to see us having arrived here. We agree to let them have a ride in Robo Kyogre some time, and as thanks, he offers us Battle CD 31!

4d 0h 24m Defeated Navigator Abson!

4d 0h 24m Snagged a male Lv. 33+ Sableye!

4d 0h 23m Roselia weakens Sableye with Giga Drain.

4d 0h 23m Snagged a female Lv. 33+ Golduck!

4d 0h 22m Crobat weakens Golduck some more, while Roselia paralyzes Sableye. Sableye uses Shadow Blitz on Crobat, while Golduck fails to attack.

4d 0h 21m Crobat weakens Golduck with Wing Attack, while Roselia finishes out Pelipper with Hidden power. Sableye is sent out next, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well! Golduck uses Shadow Mist.

4d 0h 20m Crobat uses Wing Attack on Pelipper again. Roselia uses Stun Spore and Golduck is paralyzed, preventing it from attacking this turn.

4d 0h 19m We swap out Foretress for Roselia. Crobat uses Wing Attack on Pelipper, and Golduck uses Shadow Rave. Pelipper uses Aerial Ace on Crobat.

4d 0h 18m Mantine goes down. Abson sends out Golduck... It's a Shadow Pokémon!

4d 0h 17m Crobat uses Wing Attack on Mantine, which uses Agility. Pelipper uses Aerial Ace on Crobat, and Forretress sets up a Light Screen.

4d 0h 16m Crobat uses Giga Drain on Crawdaunt, almost taking it out. Pelipper uses Aerial Ace on Forretress, and the altter finishes off Crawdaunt with Pin Missile. Crobat grew to Lv. 41! Mantine is sent out.

4d 0h 15m Immediately, we are spotted by Navigator Abson! He sends out Crawdaunt and Pelipper, and we send Forretress and Crobat.

4d 0h 14m We board the Robo Kyogre, and off we go! Next stop, Citadark Isle!

4d 0h 12m We talk to Makan again, and he is willing to let us use the Robo Kyogre to go to Citadark.

4d 0h 12m We talk to Makan who berates us for coming behind the counter.

4d 0h 11m We head to Gateon Port and try to board the Robo Kyogre, but we can't yet. We head to the Parts Shop and talk to Perr.

4d 0h 1m We completed the Rock vs Flying Card in Battle Bingo and received 480 Poké Coupons as well as a Max Ether! We have unlocked the Expert Level Cards.

3d 23h 22m We completed the Pikachu Card in Battle Bingo and received a Max Ether.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[Snark] Bonsly Photo be like "0n0".

3d 22h 2m BINGO! We cleared the Bonsly Card! We receive 480 coupons, along with a Max Revive and a Bonsly Photo.

3d 22h 1m We turn panel 1x2 with Bonsly and reveal Abra. We manage to defeat it.

3d 22h 1m We turn panel 1x1 and reveal 1 EP. completed line 1 and a second diagonal, getting 2 EP. We give it all to Bonsly.

3d 22h 0m We complete column 2 and get 1 EP. We give it to Bonsly.

3d 21h 59m We turn panel 2x1 with Shedinja and reveal a Spoink. We defeat it.

3d 21h 59m We turn panel 1x2 with Shedinja and reveal an Abra. The Abra uses Fire Punch and we lose.

3d 21h 57m We turn panel 2x2 with Bonsly and reveal a Taillow. We defeat it.

3d 21h 56m Completed column 4, we get 1 EP and give it to Bonsly.

3d 21h 56m We turn panel 4x2 with Machop and reveal a Geodude. We get scared by Counter but defeat it.

3d 21h 55m Completed line 4, we get 1 EP. We give it to Machop.

3d 21h 54m We turn panel 4x4 with Machop and reveal a Larvitar. We defeat it.

3d 21h 53m We turn panel 2x4 with Kirlia and reveal a Makuhita. We defeat it.

3d 21h 52m Completed a diagonal, we get 1 EP. We give it to Kirlia.

3d 21h 52m We turn panel 1x4 with Bonsly and reveal a Surskit. We defeat it.

3d 21h 52m Completed line 3, we get 1 EP. We give it to Machop.

3d 21h 50m We turn panel 1x3 with Kirlia and reveal a Mankey. We defeat it.

3d 21h 49m We turn panel 2x3 with Machop and reveal a Shedinja. We catch it.

3d 21h 48m We turn panel 1x4 with Kirlia and reveal a Master Ball.

3d 21h 47m Completed column 3, we get 1 EP. We give it to Machop.

3d 21h 46m We turn panel 4x3 with Machop and reveal an Aron. We defeat it.

3d 21h 45m We turn panel 1x3 with Bonsly and reveal a Ledyba. We defeat it.

3d 21h 44m We turn panel 3x2 with Machop and reveal a Kirlia. We catch it.

3d 21h 43m We use Machop to turn panel 3x3 and reveal 2 EP. We give one to Machop and one to Bonsly.

3d 21h 42m We begin playing on the Bonsly Card. We turn panel 3x4 and reveal a Machop, which we catch.

3d 21h 41m We took the Bonsly Card to the Battle Bingo receptionist and unlocked it for play.

[Recap] Since the last update, we've completed Battle CDs 09, 11, 12, 13, and 14. We evolved a Sandshrew into a Sandslash and a Natu into a Xatu.

[Meta] ...alright, updater is going dark again for now.

3d 16h 54m We open the chest, and obtain the Master Ball!

3d 16h 53m Krane is standing near an item chest. He tells us there's something inside we can use during this last stretch of the battle against Cipher.

3d 16h 52m We save, just in case.

3d 16h 51m The floor open to reveal a flight of stairs...

3d 16h 51m We enter the room downstairs and Krane tells us he has something for us.

3d 16h 49m We take the elevator downstairs. The Spot Monitor rings.

3d 16h 47m We step into Prof. Krane's office, and Lily informs us that he is downstairs.

3d 16h 44m Pidgeotto was purified! It learned Wing Attack and Refresh! Nickname: AAmmoFHH.

3d 16h 17m Caught a male Lv. 20 Gligar! No nickname.

3d 16h 12m Caught a female Lv. 16 Phanpy! No nickname.

3d 16h 9m Caught a female Lv. 17 Aron! No nickname.

3d 15h 43m Caught a female Lv. 17 Phanpy! No nickname.

[Snark] Of course it had to be this specific Wooper.

3d 15h 34m Wooper evolved into Quagsire!

3d 12h 10m Received the Bonsly Card!

3d 12h 9m Bonsly starts to run away, then comes back to us. After a fade to black, we are at the ONBS to return it to its owner!

3d 12h 9m We stumbled upon Bonsly at the Rock Poké Spot. Streamer intervenes to walk very slowly to it.

[Meta] Anyway, the updater is still semi-dark for now.

[Recap] We have also completed all Battle CDs up to Battle CD 10 (aside from 09 which we are missing) and the 4-Type Battle Bingo card. Then we visited the Name Rater and renamed Crobat to Something again. We then returned to Battle Bingo and completed the Charmander Card.

[Recap] In the time since the last update, we have tracked down Miror B. at the Tower Colosseum and snagged a female Lv. 30+ Pidgeotto! We also caught a male Lv. 20 Phanpy (Nickname: Nebula). At the Lab, we purified Weepinbell (Nickname: Pog), Hypno (Nickname: xxxx), Primeape (Nickname: Uezcc), Arbok (Nickname: Caaac), and Venomoth (Nickname: yfhff4).

[Meta] Occasional updates aside, updater is still dark.

3d 4h 7m Butterfree was purified! It learned Psychic and Morning Sun! Nickname: AbeePTTTf, with a space at the end.

3d 4h 5m Shellder was purified! It learned Take Down and Refresh! Nickname: MCEEOpp.

3d 4h 3m Beedrill was purified! It learned Sludge Bomb and Baton Pass! Nickname: BEED.

3d 4h 2m Magneton was purified! It learned Double-Edge, Refresh and Rain Dance! Nickname: MNMNM.

3d 4h 0m Tangela was purified! It learned SolarBeam and Morning Sun! Nickname: WYEFG.

3d 3h 49m Caught a female Lv. 20 Trapinch! Nickname: A UU.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 3h 39m We saved!

3d 3h 39m The Miror Radar went off!

3d 3h 39m Found a list of all remaining Shadow Pokémon!

3d 3h 39m Greevil reveals XD001, the ultimate Shadow Pokémon, is finally ready! The communication ends and Gorigan runs away.

3d 3h 38m Gorigan is pretty angry. The scrren suddenly turns out to reveal Mr. Verich... who is actually Master Greevil, the big boss of Cipher!

3d 3h 37m Defeated Cipher Admin Gorigan!

3d 3h 37m Snagged a male Lv. 34+ Hypno!

3d 3h 36m Hypno escapes from Snag Ball and uses Shadow Storm.

3d 3h 35m Hypno uses Shadow Down and the Defense of both our Pokémon go down.

3d 3h 35m Piloswine uses AncientPower on Hypno. All of its stats get boosted.

3d 3h 34m Snagged a male Lv. 34+ Primeape!

3d 3h 33m Crobat uses Bite and Ursaring goes down. Hypno is sent out next; it's a Shadow Pokémon too! Primeape uses Shadow Rush on Piloswine, which uses Earthquake to damage both opponents.

3d 3h 32m Primeape is sent out by Gorigan. The Aura Reader reacts; it's a Shadow Pokémon!

[Snark] Yeah, not so funny when the roles are reversed, eh Gorigan?

3d 3h 32m Crobat uses Air Cutter. Piloswine uses Earthquake, and Lairon goes down, while Ursaring barely holds on.

[Chat] Wahi: PRChase the only one to go down was its own team mate!

3d 3h 31m We send out Piloswine. Lairon is not confused anymore and uses Earthquake, taking down Slowking. Crobat grew to Lv. 37! Gorigan sends out Ursaring.

3d 3h 30m Crobat uses Shadow Ball, but Slowking survives the hit. Roselia uses Magical Leaf and Lairon holds on as well. Slowking then uses Confusion and Roselia goes down.

3d 3h 29m Lairon uses Protect. Slowking uses Earthquake, and only Roselia is hit.

3d 3h 28m Gorigan sends out Slowking. Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Lairon.

3d 3h 27m Lairon hits itself again. Crobat uses Air Cutter, and Sealeo faints!

3d 3h 27m Crobat uses Confuse Ray on Lairon. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Sealeo, which survives the hit and attacks back. Lairon hits itself in confusion.

3d 3h 26m Gorigan sends out Lairon and Sealeo. We send Crobat and Roselia.

3d 3h 25m Vs. Cipher Admin Gorigan! (Attempt #1)

3d 3h 25m We enter the room that Smarton came out of, and come face to face with an old acquaintance...

3d 3h 24m Used a Super Potion on Crobat and Jolteon.

3d 3h 22m Defeated Cipher Peon Smarton!

3d 3h 22m We use an Ultra Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 33+ Arbok!

3d 3h 21m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt. Arbok holds on to its last few HPs.

3d 3h 21m Arbok uses Shadow Rush, hitting Crobat.

3d 3h 20m Jolteon grew to Lv. 39!

3d 3h 20m We use an Ultra Ball. Arbok escapes. Crobat uses Air Cutter and Cacturne goes down!

3d 3h 19m Crobat uses Air Cutter and Ursaring goes down. Smarton sends out Arbok; It's a Shadow Pokémon!

3d 3h 17m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Weezing, and Crobat finishes it off with Air Cutter. Smarton sends out Ursaring.

3d 3h 17m Weezing is sent out next.

3d 3h 16m We swap in Crobat, and Jolteon uses Thunderbolt to take down Huntail.

3d 3h 15m Vs. Cipher Peon Smarton! He sends out Huntail and Cacturne.

3d 3h 15m As we step away, the whole machine appears to fry! Someone comes rushing... It's Smarton!

3d 3h 14m We use the System lever to rise the Control machine voltage, driving it wild! Breaking sounds can be heard in the distance.

3d 3h 13m Jolteon uses Bite, and Roselia follows with Giga Drain. Piloswine goes down; defeated Cipher R&D Acrod!

3d 3h 12m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, taking down Seaking. Piloswine is sent out to replace it. Roselia then uses Giga Drain and Camerupt faints as well.

3d 3h 11m Seaking is sent out. Roselia uses Giga Drain and takes out half of Camerupt's health. Camerupt uses Rock Slide.

3d 3h 10m Jolteon uses Bite again, and Grumpig goes down. Roselia grew to Lv. 37! It did not learn Sweet Scent.

3d 3h 10m Jolteon uses Bite on Grumpig, which flinches. Roselia uses Giga Drain, taking down Seadra. Jolteon grew to Lv. 38! Camerupt is sent out next.

3d 3h 9m We talk to the researcher next to the Control Machine. Vs. Cipher R&D Acrod! He sends out Grumpig and Seadra.

3d 3h 8m We boot up TM26 and teach Earthquake to Piloswine over Mud Shot!

3d 3h 6m Found TM26 Earthquake!

3d 3h 5m Defeated Cipher Peon Angic!

3d 3h 5m We use a Great Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 32+ Weepinbell!

3d 3h 4m Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Weepinbell. It uses Shadow Hold to trap us.

3d 3h 4m We throw a Net Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 32+ Venomoth!

3d 3h 2m Jolteon uses Bite again, and Roselia takes down Hariyama with Magical Leaf. Weepinbell is sent out next, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well! Venomoth uses Shadow Mist.

3d 3h 1m Jolteon uses Bite on Venomoth. Roselia uses Stun Spore, but Hariyama is already paralyzed. Venomoth uses Shadow Rush on Roselia and Hariyama uses Bulk Up.

3d 3h 0m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Hariyama, which gets paralyzed. Venomoth uses Shadow Mist, then gets paralyzed as well by Stun Spore. Hariyama uses Rock Slide.

3d 2h 58m Roselia uses Magical Leaf and Golduck faints as well. Venomoth is sent out next, and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

3d 2h 58m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Hitmontop goes down. Fudler sends in Hariyama.

3d 2h 57m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Hitmontop, and Roselia uses Giga Drain on Golduck. Golduck uses Confusion on Jolteon, which becomes confused. Hitmontop uses Focus Energy.

3d 2h 56m Another peon is guarding the stairs to the Control Machine. Vs. Cipher Peon Angic! He sends out Golduck and Hitmontop.

3d 2h 55m Jolteon takes down Forretress. Defeated Cipher Peon Fudler!

3d 2h 54m Roselia uses Sweet Kiss, and Forretress gets confused! It uses manages to use Rapid Spin in spite of it.

3d 2h 54m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt and Crobat goes down. Roselia grew to Lv. 36!

3d 2h 53m Roselia uses Stun Spore, and Forretress gets paralyzed, preventing it from attacking.

3d 2h 53m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt and Mantine faints. Crobat is sent out in its place.

3d 2h 52m Roselia uses Giga Drain, and Golem faints as well. Jolteon grew to Lv. 37! Mantine is sent out to replace it.

3d 2h 51m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt and Machoke goes down. Fudler sends out Forretress.

3d 2h 51m We make it to the roof of the lair, and after the Spot Monitor rings, we get spotted by Cipher Peon Fudler! He sends out Machoke and Golem.

3d 2h 41m We return to the Cipher Key Lair.

3d 2h 41m We leave the Pokémon HQ Lab and head to the Cave Poké Spot. Nothing there.

3d 2h 32m We also place Tangela and Beedrill inside the Purify Chamber.

3d 2h 25m We place Shellder, Butterfree, and Magneton in the Purify Chamber.

3d 2h 19m Zangoose was purified! It learned Brick Break and Refresh! Nickname: BEN 188.

3d 2h 15m Growlithe was purified! It learned Flamethrower and Charm! Nickname: fxy!!!.

3d 2h 12m Paras was purified! It learned Spore and Refresh! Nickname: AA.

3d 2h 10m On second thought, we turn back and head to the Pokémon HQ Lab.

3d 2h 8m We also deposit Poké Snacks at the Cave Poké Spot, before returning to the Cipher Key lair.

3d 2h 6m We refill on Poké Snacks, and head to the Oasis Poké Spot to deposit a bunch of them.

3d 2h 2m We next drive to the Outskirt Stand.

3d 2h 2m We head back to the Cipher Key Lair, then leave again and check the other two Poké Spots. Nothing there.

3d 2h 0m We take out Sandshrew.

3d 1h 59m We head to the Rock Poké Spot and find a Sandshrew there.

3d 1h 58m We make our way out of the Lair.

3d 1h 53m We get a notification that Zangoose is ready to be purified. We then check the table and find the System Lever.

3d 1h 52m Defeated Cipher Peon Snidle!

3d 1h 52m We use an Ultra Ball. Snagged a Lv. 30+ Magneton!

3d 1h 51m Shedinja uses Dig on Dusclops, then gets taken out by Shadow Ball.

3d 1h 50m No more Ice Beam PP! Piloswine uses AncientPower on Magneton, and it uses Shadow Rave. Piloswine faints! We send Forretress back out.

3d 1h 48m Piloswine uses Ice Beam to weaken Magneton. It uses Shadow Sky, and Shedinja digs a hole, dodging Dusclop's attack.

3d 1h 47m Shedinja uses Aerial Ace on Piloswine.

3d 1h 47m We swap out Forretress for Dusclops. Piloswine uses Ice Beam and takes down Vibrava; Snidle sends out Magneton next, and the Aura Reader is responding, indicating it's a Shadow Pokémon!

3d 1h 45m Shedinja uses Leech Life on Forretress.

3d 1h 45m Snidle sends out Vibrava.

3d 1h 44m Piloswine uses Ice Beam on Wobbuffet. Forretress follows with Pin Missile, and Wobbuffet goes down.

3d 1h 44m We try to swap out Piloswine, but Shadow Tag prevents it.

3d 1h 43m Snidle sends out Shedinja and Wobbuffet.

3d 1h 42m A peon drops from the ceiling. Vs; Cipher Peon Snidle!

3d 1h 42m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Stantler goes down. Piloswine grew to Lv. 37! Defeated Cipher R&D Hospel!

3d 1h 40m Forretress uses Pin Missile, and Granbull goes down.

3d 1h 38m Stantler uses Sand Attack on Forretress. Piloswine uses Ice Beam on it, while Forretress misses with Pin Missile.

3d 1h 38m Piloswine uses Ice Beam on Granbull. It survives, but gets frozen.

3d 1h 36m Stantler uses Stomp on Piloswine, which then uses Ice Beam on Vileplume, taking it down. Granbull is sent out and Forretress sets up a Light Screen.

3d 1h 35m Forretress uses Pin Missile; it hits three times, and takes down Girafarig. Forretress grew to Lv. 38! Stantler is sent out next.

3d 1h 35m Girafarig inflicts a critical hit on Piloswine, which takes out Ariados with Ice Beam. Hospel sends out Vileplume.

3d 1h 34m Hospel sends out Girafarig and Ariados.

3d 1h 33m We enter a room and talk to the researcher inside. Vs. Cipher R&D Hospel!

3d 1h 32m We get a notification from the Spot Monitor.

3d 1h 31m We throw a Net Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 30+ Butterfree! Defeated Cipher Peon Targ!

3d 1h 30m Roselia uses Stun Spore, and paralyzes Butterfree. The latter uses Shadow Mist again.

3d 1h 30m We throw a Great Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 30+ Tangela!

3d 1h 28m Jolteon uses Hidden Power on Butterfree, and Roselia paralyzes Tangela with Stun Spore. Butterfree uses Shadow Rush, and Tangela follows with Shadow Rave; Jolteon faints! We send out Dusclops.

3d 1h 26m We heal Roselia, then throw an Ultra Ball, but Tangela escapes. Butterfree uses Shadow Mist and Tangela follows with Shadow Rave.

3d 1h 24m Tangela uses Shadow Rave again, and lands a critical hit on Roselia. Butterfree then uses Shadow Rush on Roselia, leaving it at low health.

3d 1h 23m We swap Forretress for Roselia. Jolteon uses Bite to weaken Tangela, which uses Shadow Hold to trap our Pokémon. Butterfree uses Shadow Mist.

3d 1h 21m Tangela uses Shadow Rave. Forretress weakens Butterfree slightly with Pin Missile.

3d 1h 21m Jumpluff uses Aerial Ace on Forretress. Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Jumpluff goes down; Targ sends out their Shadow Butterfree.

3d 1h 19m Targ sends out their Shadow Tangela.

3d 1h 19m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Azumarill goes down.

3d 1h 18m Forretress, which was seeded by Jumpluff, attacks it with Pin Missile.

3d 1h 18m Ninetales goes down. Targ sends Azumarill.

3d 1h 16m Targ sends out Ninetales and Jumpluff. We send Jolteon and Forretress.

3d 1h 15m We run into Cipher Peon Targ again!

3d 1h 14m As we go through the lair, the Spot Monitor reacts.

3d 1h 7m We use the machine at the lair to heal.

3d 1h 0m We leave the area and head back to the Cipher Key Lair.

3d 0h 58m We exit from the Lab.

3d 0h 52m We are back at the Pokémon HQ Lab.

3d 0h 50m Another Ultra Ball fails. Tangela uses Shadow Rave, and Dusclops faints, causing us to black out!

3d 0h 50m Tangela uses Shadow Hold. We use Shadow Ball to weaken it.

3d 0h 49m Light Screen wore off on our side.

3d 0h 49m We are down to Dusclops.

3d 0h 49m We switch to Ultra Balls, but Tangela escapes again. it uses Shadow Rave, and Crobat and Forretress both faint!

3d 0h 48m Tangela escapes from another Snag Ball and uses Shadow Rave again. Both our Pokémon survive with only a few HP left.

3d 0h 47m Tangela uses Shadow Rave. It inflicts a critical hit on Forretress. Both our Pokémon are now at low health.

3d 0h 46m We throw a Great Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 30+ Butterfree!

[Snark] One of these three moves is actually not a Shadow move.

3d 0h 45m Tangela escapes from a Great Ball. Butterfree gets hit by another Shadow Ball and uses Shadow Mist again. Tangela uses Shadow Rave.

3d 0h 44m Forretress sets up a Light Screen. Tangela uses Shadow Hold to prevent escape on our side.

3d 0h 43m Crobat uses Shadow Ball on Butterfree. The latter uses Shadow Mist.

3d 0h 43m We send out Crobat.

3d 0h 42m Tangela uses Shadow Rave, and Roselia faints as well.

3d 0h 42m Tangela escapes from a Snag Ball. Butterfree uses Shadow Rush and Piloswine goes down. We send Forretress back out.

3d 0h 41m Roselia uses Stun Spore, which fails again due to Safeguard. Piloswine weakened Tangela some more with AncientPower. Butterfree used Shadow Mist, and Tangela used Shadow Hold.

3d 0h 39m Azumarill is taken down by Roselia. Butterfree is sent out by Targ, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well! Piloswine uses AncientPower on Tangela.

3d 0h 38m Tangela uses Shadow Rave. Roselia uses Stun Spore, but Safeguard makes it fail. Piloswine uses Mud Shot on Roselia, and gets hit by a BubbleBeam from Azumarill.

3d 0h 37m Tangela is sent out by Targ. It's a Shadow Pokémon!

3d 0h 36m Ninetales uses Safeguard. Roselia uses Giga Drain on Azumarill, sapping two thirds of its health. Piloswine uses Mud Shot and Ninetales goes down.

3d 0h 36m We swap Dusclops for Roselia. Both opponents attack Piloswine.

3d 0h 35m Piloswine uses Ice Beam and knocks out Jumpluff. Azumarill is sent next.

3d 0h 34m Targ sends out Ninetales and Jumpluff. We swap Forretress for Dusclops. Ninetales uses Ember on Dusclops, which gets burnt.

3d 0h 33m Another peon is right around the corner. Vs. Cipher Peon Targ!

3d 0h 32m Piloswine uses Ice Beam and takes down Mightyena. Defeated Cipher Peon Flipis!

3d 0h 31m Mightyena uses Bite on Piloswine. Forretress uses Pin Missile, but misses.

3d 0h 31m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Noctowl goes down.

3d 0h 30m Flipis sends out Noctowl. Forretress uses Pin Missile again and takes down Chimecho. Forretress grew to Lv. 37! Mightyena is sent out.

3d 0h 29m Piloswine uses AncientPower, and Kecleon goes down. Piloswine gets a boost to all of its stats and grows to Lv. 36!

3d 0h 28m Chimecho uses Confusion on Forretress, which retorts with Pin Missile.

3d 0h 28m Piloswine uses Ice Beam on Kecleon. It gets frozen!

3d 0h 28m Vs. Cipher Peon Flipis! They send out Kecleon and Chimecho.

3d 0h 27m Found 1 HP Up!

3d 0h 25m Piloswine uses Mud Shot once more, and Ampharos goes down! Defeated Cipher Peon Kleto!

3d 0h 24m Piloswine uses Mud Shot on Ampharos. Tentacruel uses Wrap on Forretress, and Ampharos follows with Thundershock. Forretress then uses Pin Missile, and Tentacruel faints.

3d 0h 22m Tentacruel uses Constrict on Forretress. Piloswine uses Mud Shot on Tentacruel, which barely survives. Forretress misses with Pin Missile, and gets its speed lowered by Cotton Spore.

3d 0h 21m Tentacruel is sent out.

3d 0h 21m Absol uses Taunt on Forretress, which attacks with Pin Missile, taking Absol down.

3d 0h 21m Piloswine uses Ice Beam again and Donphan goes down. Ampharos is sent out.

3d 0h 19m We take out Smeargle with Ice Beam, and Donphan is sent out. Absol uses Bite, and Forretress flinches.

3d 0h 18m They send out Smeargle and Absol.

3d 0h 18m Another peon appears. Vs. Cipher Peon Kleto!

3d 0h 17m Up the stairs, we find 2 Hyper Potions.

3d 0h 16m Defeated Cipher Peon Lok!

3d 0h 15m We move on from Poké Balls to Great Balls. Snagged a female Lv. 30+ Beedrill!

3d 0h 15m Another Snag Ball fails. Forretress gets hit by Shadow Blitz, and our Light Screen fades away.

3d 0h 14m Another escape. Beedrill is paralyzed and can't move.

3d 0h 13m Beedrill escapes again and Roselia uses Stun Spore to paralyze it, before getting hit by Shadow Blitz.

3d 0h 12m Another failure at catching Beedrill, which takes down Jolteon! We send out Roselia.

3d 0h 11m Beedrill escapes from another Snag Ball, and uses Shadow Blitz on Forretress. The latter sets up a Light Screen.

3d 0h 10m Beedrill again uses Shadow Blitz on Jolteon.

3d 0h 10m Another Snag Ball fails. Jolteon uses Bite on Pidgeotto, and it goes down! Forretress grew to Lv. 36!

3d 0h 9m Beedrill escapes from another Snag Ball. Jolteon uses Hidden Power to weaken Pidgeotto. Beedrill uses Shadow Blitz on Jolteon, and Pidgeotto confuses Forretress.

3d 0h 7m Beedrill traps our Pokémon with Shadow Hold.

3d 0h 7m Beedrill escapes from another Snag Ball. Jolteon uses Thunderbolt and takes down Togetic. Pidgeotto is sent out, and it's a Shadow Pokémon too!

3d 0h 6m Lok sends out Togetic. Beedrill uses Shadow Blitz on Forretress.

3d 0h 6m We throw a Snag Ball, but Beedrill escapes. Furret uses Follow Me, before being taken down by Thunderbolt.

3d 0h 4m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt on Beedril, which survives. Beedrill uses Shadow Blitz on Jolteon, then Forretress uses Pin Missile, hitting Furret thrice.

3d 0h 4m Vs. Cipher Peon Lok! He sends out Beedrill and Furret. The Aura Reader reacts; that Beedrill is a Shadow Pokémon!

3d 0h 3m We go up another flight of stairs... but another peon stops us!

3d 0h 2m We push another box on another trigger to open another door.

3d 0h 1m Found 3 Full Heals!

3d 0h 0m Found a Max Revive!

3d 0h 0m We push another crate out of the way, which makes a door open.

2d 23h 57m We head back upstairs.

2d 23h 56m Found 1 Rare Candy!

2d 23h 56m Found 3 Ultra Balls!

2d 23h 55m Defeated Cipher Peon Jelstin!

2d 23h 55m One more Bite and Pin Missile, and Bellossom goes down. Jolteon grew to Lv. 36! It did not learn Pin Missile.

2d 23h 54m Both our Pokémon attack Bellossom, and it's down to a third of its health. Bellossom uses Sweet Scent.

[Info] Also, this confirms for certain that Hidden Power on Joltik is a Dragon-type move.

2d 23h 53m Roselia uses Absorb on Jolteon, and Forretress takes it down with Pin Missile.

2d 23h 53m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt, and Masquerain faints. Bellossom is sent out.

2d 23h 52m Jolteon almost takes down Roselia with Hidden Power and Bite, while two Pin Missiles from Forretress take out Hoppip. Masquerain is sent out.

2d 23h 50m Jelstin sends out Roselia and Hoppip.

2d 23h 50m We take the stairs that we just freed access to. There's items in sight, but first, Cipher Peon Jelstin drops down to attack us!

2d 23h 49m We use the Healing Machine to heal.

2d 23h 48m We take the stairs, then go back down to push a crate out of the way.

2d 23h 47m Used the PP Up on Roselia's Giga Drain.

2d 23h 46m Before taking the stairs, we open a nearby chest. Found 1 PP Up!

2d 23h 45m Sharpedo uses Rage on Piloswine, which then uses AncientPower on it. Forretress then uses Pin Missile, and Sharpedo goes down. Defeated Cipher Peon Gorog!

2d 23h 44m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Golbat goes down!

2d 23h 42m Golbat is sent out. Piloswine takes down Swalot with Mud Shot. Forretress grew to Lv. 35! Sharpedo is sent out next.

2d 23h 42m We send out Forretress again. We then throw a Snag Ball; Snagged a female Lv. 29+ Shellder!

2d 23h 41m Roselia uses Stun Spore on Shellder. Piloswine hits Swalot with Mud Shot. Shellder uses Shadow Blitz on Roselia, and Swalot takes it down with Sludge.

2d 23h 40m We swap Forretress with Piloswine. Shellder uses Shadow Blitz on Roselia, and Swalot follows up with Yawn.

2d 23h 39m Shellder uses Shadow Blitz on Forretress again, and it once more weakens it with Pin Missile.

2d 23h 39m Roselia use Magical Leaf, and Rhyhorn goes down. Gorog sends out Swalot.

2d 23h 38m We swap Jolteon for Roselia. Shellder uses Shadow Blitz on Forretress, which attacks it with Pin Missile again. Rhyhorn uses Dig and hits Roselia.

2d 23h 37m Jolteon uses Double Kick on Rhyhorn. Shellder uses Shadow Blitz on Jolteon. Forretress uses Missile Pin on Shellder, and Rhyhorn digs a hole.

[Chat] hrgbrlst: Gorog backwards tppS

2d 23h 36m Gorog sends out Rhyhorn and Shellder. The latter is a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 23h 35m We head for some stairs, but get intercepted. Vs. Cipher Peon Gorog!

2d 23h 35m We push some crates out of the way.

2d 23h 34m We're back inside the Cipher Key Lair.

2d 23h 32m We leave the Cipher Lab and head to the Snagem Hideout. We realize our mistake and leave to go to the Cipher Key lair instead.

2d 23h 31m Used a PP Up on Roselia's Giga Drain.

2d 23h 29m We enter the lab and replace Zubat with Spearow in Set 7 of the Purify Chamber, so it gets more flow from the Shadow Zangoose in it. It does not, due to it causing a duplicate typing to be present in it.

[Info] This and the fact that it seems to deal decent damage from Jolteon, which is a special attacker, seems to confirm Hidden Power to be Dragon-type on it.

2d 23h 23m Jolteon uses Hidden Power. It's not very effective. Forretress then finishes off Beldum. Defeated Cipher Peon Blusix!

2d 23h 22m Jolteon takes out Horsea, and Forretress defeats Goldeen. Blusix sends out Beldum.

2d 23h 20m Vs. Cipher Peon Blusix! He sends out Horsea and Goldeen.

2d 23h 19m Thunderbolt takes down Grimer too. Defeated Cipher Peon Purpsix!

2d 23h 18m Jolteon takes out Zubat, and Forretress misses Grimer, which uses Minimize.

2d 23h 18m Zubat is sent out. Forretress uses Pin Missile on Grimer again, and Grimer hits Jolteon with Sludge.

2d 23h 17m Jolteon takes out Tentacool with another Thunderbolt.

2d 23h 16m Jolteon uses Thudnerbolt and Koffing goes down. Purpsix sends Tentacool. Forretress uses Pin Missle on Grimer, and it uses Harden.

2d 23h 15m Vs. Cipher Peon Purpsix! He sends out Koffing and Grimer.

2d 23h 15m Back to the Cipher Lab.

2d 23h 14m Jolteon takes out Surskit.

2d 23h 13m We take out Aron and return to the Cipher Lab. The Spot Monitor rings again immediately, so we turn back and go to the Oasis Poké Spot, where we find a wild Surskit.

2d 23h 11m We head out to the Cave Poké Spot and find a wild Aron there.

2d 23h 9m We place Paras and Growlithe in Set 1 and 2 of the Purify Chamber respectively.

2d 23h 6m We boot up the PC and withdraw a PP Up.

2d 23h 5m We enter the Lab and heal.

2d 23h 4m We head to the Cipher Lab, and the Spot Monitor reacts again.

[Info] So far we've determined Jolteon's Hidden Power is neutral on Poison, Fire and Ground, which leaves only Flying, Dragon, Ghost or Dark as possible types it could be.

2d 23h 3m Joleon takes down the wild Sandshrew and grows to Lv. 35.

2d 23h 2m We head to the Rock Poké Spot and find a wild Sandshrew there.

2d 23h 0m We rush outside the lair once more.

2d 22h 59m The Spot Monitor is reacting again.

2d 22h 59m Threw another Snag Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 28+ Growlithe! Defeated Cipher Peon Humah!

2d 22h 57m We throw another Snag Ball. Growlithe escapes again, and attacks Jolteon once more.

2d 22h 57m We throw a Snag Ball, but Growlithe escapes. Jolteon takes down half its health with Hidden Power, and Growlithe retorts with Shadow Blitz.

2d 22h 55m Humah sends out Growlithe next, and it's a Shadow Pokémon as well! Jolteon uses Thunderbolt and takes down Seviper.

2d 22h 55m Snagged a male Lv. 28+ Paras!

2d 22h 53m Seviper uses Bite on Jolteon, and Forretress sets up a Light Screen.

2d 22h 53m Jolteon uses Thunderbolt and Murkrow goes down. Humah sends out Paras, and it turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon!

2d 22h 52m Vs. Cipher Peon Humah! They send out Murkrow and Seviper.

2d 22h 51m We place Jolteon and Forretress at the front of the party.

2d 22h 49m Crobat uses Air Cutter, and Illumise faints. Piloswine grew to Lv. 35! Defeated Cipher Peon Grezle!

2d 22h 49m We swap Roselia for Crobat. Illumise uses Water Pulse on Piloswine, and Ledian follows with Giga Drain. Piloswine uses Ice Beam and takes down Ledian!

2d 22h 47m Roselia takes down Minun, then Piloswine uses Ice Beam and takes out Beautifly. Roselia grew to Lv. 35! Grezle sends out Ledian and Illumise.

2d 22h 45m We are amcushed by Cipher Peon Grezle, who sends out Beautifly and Minun.

2d 22h 40m We head back to the Cipher Key Lair.

2d 22h 39m Caught a female Lv. 11 Surskit! Nickname: AAZ RSTIcc.

2d 22h 34m We head to the Oasis Poké Stop next, and find a wild Surskit there.

2d 22h 33m Piloswine uses Ice Beam and takes down Zubat.

2d 22h 32m We check on the Cave Poké Spot, and find a wild Zubat.

2d 22h 32m We check on the Rock Poké Spot. Nothing there.

2d 22h 32m We leave the area and head to the S.S. Libra.

2d 22h 31m We leave the lair, and the Spot Monitor rings again.

2d 22h 30m The Spot Monitor is ringing.

2d 22h 29m We boot up TM24 and Jolteon learns Thunderbolt over Shock Wave!

2d 22h 28m Found TM24 Thunderbolt!

2d 22h 26m Magical Leaf takes down Relicanth, and Mud Shot finishes off Lanturn. Defeated Cipher Peon Kollo!

2d 22h 25m Piloswine uses Mud Shot on Lanturn, which counters with Bubble on both our Pokémon.

2d 22h 25m Roselia takes down Clamperl. Relicanth is sent out.

2d 22h 24m Kollo sends out Lanturn. Clamperl uses Clamp, but misses.

2d 22h 24m Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Octillery, and Piloswine finishes it off with Mud Shot.

2d 22h 23m Kollo sends out Clamperl and Octillery.

2d 22h 23m Another ambush! Vs. Cipher Peon Kollo!

2d 22h 21m Found 2 Revives!

2d 22h 20m Roselia uses magical leaf, and Dustox faints. Defeated Cipher Peon Ibsol!

2d 22h 19m Roselia causes Dustox to get confused, and Piloswine takes down Volbeat with AncientPower. Piloswine grew to lv. 34! Roselia grew to Lv. 34!

2d 22h 17m Piloswine uses Ice Beam, and Xatu goes down! Volbeat is sent out. Dustox sets up a Light Screen.

2d 22h 16m Ibsol sends out Plusle and Dustox. Roselia takes down Plusle, and Ibsol sends out Xatu. Piloswine then uses AcientPower on Dustox, and gets hit back with Confusion.

2d 22h 14m As we explore the place, we are ambushed by Cipher Peon Ibsol!

2d 22h 12m Found 3 Hyper Potions!

2d 22h 10m We enter the building proper.

2d 22h 5m Wakin's Gloom uses Sleep Powder, and the guards are neutralized. We can now proceed inside!

2d 22h 4m The guards won't let us through, but they recognize the Snag Machine and want to take us down... but Gonzap and Wakin actually show up to take care of them for us!

2d 22h 3m As we get ready to enter, two guards come out of the lair to prevent us from entering.

2d 22h 1m We leave Agate Village and head to the Cipher Key Lab.

2d 21h 57m Gave the Sharp Beak to Crobat to hold.

2d 21h 56m We boot up the PC again and deposit Spearow to withdraw Roselia.

2d 21h 55m We take the Sharp Beak from Spearow.

2d 21h 54m We boot up the PC, and deposit Roselia to withdraw Spearow.

2d 21h 52m We enter the Poké Center and heal.

2d 21h 49m We boot up a PC and deposit Zangoose in Set 7 of the Purify Chamber.

2d 21h 47m We visit the Name Rater and rename Crobat to CWUUVVBBN.

2d 21h 42m We head to Agate Village.

2d 21h 42m We received a Spot Monitor notification. We found Bonsly at the Oasis Poké Spot, but it ran away.

[Recap] Since the last update, Golbat has evolved into Crobat and Swinub has evolved into Piloswine. We returned to the Cipher Key Lair, where we defeated Thug Zook and snagged a male Lv. 28+ Zangoose!

2d 18h 52m Nosepass was purified! It learned Thunderbolt and Helping Hand! Nickname: ACE5.

2d 17h 30m Caught a male Lv. 16 Zubat! No nickname.

2d 16h 0m Caught a male Lv. 12 Wooper! No nickname.

[Meta] We move on to Semifinals and the live updater is going back to darkness. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 15h 12m Defeated Wanderer Miror B.!

2d 15h 12m Snagged a female Lv. 26+ Nosepass!

2d 15h 11m Roselia uses Leech Seed on Nosepass. Swinub uses Ice Beam again and Ludicolo goes down. Nosepass can't move due to paralysis.

2d 15h 10m Roselia uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Nosepass. Swinub uses Ice Beam on Ludicolo, which uses Absorb on Roselia for minimal damage. Nosepass uses Shadow Wave again.

2d 15h 9m We have Golbat and Swinub out. We swap Golbat for Roselia. Swinub uses Ice Beam on Ludicolo, which uses Growl. Nosepass uses Shadow Wave and hits both our Pokémon.

2d 15h 8m Miror B. is down to his last two Pokémon, on of which is a Shadow Nosepass! The other is Ludicolo.

[Recap] We entered the Pyrite Colosseum and are now facing Wanderer Miror B.!

2d 14h 36m We cleared the 3-Type Card in Battle Bingo! We get 250 coupons as a reward.

2d 13h 19m We cleared the Dragonair Card in Battle Bingo! We get 250 coupons as a reward.

[Recap] Since the last update, we purified Togepi (Nickname: WWYff) and traded it for Hordel's male Lv. 20 Elekid (Nickname: ZAPRONG). We then went through the Snagem Hideout, where Duskull evolved into Dusclops, and we defeated Snagem Head Gonzap on attempt #2.

[Snark] "Is KKK okay?" "YES"

2d 3h 29m Caught a male Lv. 19 Wooper! Nickname: KKK.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 3h 26m We exit the S.S. Libra.

2d 3h 23m We heal by resting in the captain's cabin.

2d 3h 23m As we make our way towards the exit, the Spot Monitor goes off.

2d 3h 20m We make our way down for good this time.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: I'll have to check and see if the core doesn't support analog right or if the controller doesn't

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: it was impossible because the software is broken again

2d 3h 19m We almost leave, but realize we forget something, climb back to the hull, and pick up the Leftovers!

2d 3h 19m Streamer eventually just does the sneaking for us. We get close to Bonsly, when we receive an e-mail that cause Bonsly to flee for good!

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: I can do the creeping then if analog isn’t going to work

2d 3h 16m Short inputs sadly fail, as Bonsly notices us. Seems the length of the input doesn't matter, the stick needs to be pushed more weakly.

2d 3h 14m The run config is reloaded, and we can now move very slowly.

2d 3h 14m Streamer arrived in chat and is ready to activate short inputs.

2d 3h 4m We are staring at the "Your progress has been saved!" screen because it makes the "Saved 00m00s ago" timer reset continuously and it's kind of funny since we have nothing better to do right now.

[Snark] Streamer waiting room.

2d 2h 59m We save.

2d 2h 55m So, Bonsly, we meet again.

2d 2h 53m After much box-pushing and ledge-falling, we are back at the hull.

2d 2h 39m In one of the rooms, we get a box stuck against a wall and need to leave an come back to reset its position.

2d 2h 32m Sokoban time!

2d 2h 32m We go back to the S.S. Libra.

2d 2h 31m Golbat takes out the wild Sandshrew and grows to Lv. 27.

2d 2h 29m We exit the S.S. Libra and head out to the Rock Poké Spot. There's a Sandshrew there!

2d 2h 29m We get a Spot Monitor notification. Priorities...

2d 2h 28m We leave Realgam Tower and head to the S.S. Libra.

2d 2h 26m We visit the tower's shop, but interrupt our shopping as Streamer is in chat and can help us with Bonsly.

2d 2h 24m We head to Realgam Tower.

2d 2h 23m We place Togepi in Set 1 of the Purify Chamber, then leave.

2d 2h 20m We head to the Pokémon HQ Lab.

2d 2h 19m We head to the Cave Poké Spot... and it's Munchlax! The Herbalist apologizes to us, and gives us 10 Poké Snacks and a Revival Herb as compensation.

2d 2h 17m We get a Spot Monitor notification.

2d 2h 16m The remaining Linoone uses Heabutt on Golbat. Golbat uses Wing Attack on it, and Swinub takes it down with Ice Beam. Defeated Rider Willie!

2d 2h 16m Both Linoone use Headbutt, one on Golbat and the other on Swinub. Golbat then takes one Linoone down with Wing Attack, while Swinub flinches.

2d 2h 15m Both Linoone use Headbutt on Golbat. It retorts with Wing Attack on one of them, and Swinub hits the other with Ice Beam.

2d 2h 14m Swinub uses Ice Beam, and the second Zigzagoon goes down. Willie sends another Linoone.

2d 2h 14m Golbat uses Wing Attack and takes down the first Zigzagoon. Willie sent out Linoone.

2d 2h 13m Golbat uses Wing Attack on one Zigzagoon, and Swinub uses Ice Beam on the other. The former uses Mud Sport, and the latter attacks Swinub.

2d 2h 12m Willie sends out two Zigzagoon! We send Golbat and Swinub.

2d 2h 12m Vs. Rider Willie!

2d 2h 11m News watching time! But we only watch them once before leaving. The patron from earlier catches up to us, and asks for a battle!

2d 2h 11m We talk to another patron, who tells us he'd like to battle us on occasion.

2d 2h 9m Before we leave, Hordel tells us about the location of the Snagem Hideout.

2d 2h 8m We talk to the bartender and buy 4 Net Balls and 3 Timer Balls.

2d 2h 7m We talk to Hordel, who tells us about a Shadow Pokémon he managed to rescue from the Cipher Lab. We accept to take care of it so it can be purified. Obtained a male Lv. 25 Togepi!

2d 2h 5m We enter the bar, and news are playing! They report on the discovery of the S.S. Libra in the middle of the desert.

2d 2h 4m We ride back to the Outskirt Stand.

2d 2h 3m We boot up the PC and deposit Jolteon.

2d 2h 2m We heal.

2d 2h 1m We ride back to the Outskirt Stand, then actually go to the Cipher Lab to use the Heal Machine there.

2d 2h 0m Golbat defeats the wild Hoppip.

2d 2h 0m We head to the Oasis Poké Spot and find a wild Hoppip there.

2d 1h 59m Golbat takes down the wild Sandshrew, and we get another notification.

2d 1h 58m We check out all three Poké Spots, before finding a Sandshrew at the Rock Poké Spot.

2d 1h 58m Miror B. and his goons run off, and we get a Poké Stop Monitor notification.

2d 1h 56m Roselia uses Magical Leaf, and Nosepass goes down. Defeated Wanderer Miror B.!

2d 1h 55m Ludicolo uses Water Gun on Pineco. Golbat then takes it down with Wing Attack. Nosepass uses Shadow Wave again, and Pineco faints! We send out Roselia.

2d 1h 54m We send out Pineco. Golbat uses Wing Attack on Ludicolo, and Nosepass uses Shadow Wave, hitting both our Pokémon.

2d 1h 54m Miror B. sends out Ludicolo. It uses Water Gun and takes down Duskull!

2d 1h 53m Lombre uses Water Gun on Golbat. Golbat uses Bite on Nosepass, which flinches. Duskull uses Shadow Ball, and takes out the last Lombre.

2d 1h 53m Miror B. sends out Nosepass. It's a Shadow Pokémon... but we still haven't gotten the Snag Machine back.

2d 1h 52m Both Lombre use Water Gun on Duskull. Golbat uses Wing Attack on the Lombre at full health, and Duskull takes out the other one with Shadow Ball. Pineco grew to Lv. 30!

2d 1h 51m We switch Swinub for Duskull. Golbat uses Wing Attack on a Lombre, which hits back with Water Gun while the other Lombre uses Rain Dance.

2d 1h 50m Miror B. sends out another Lombre, while the one on the field uses Mega Drain on Swinub.

2d 1h 49m Golbat uses Wing Attack, and Swinub uses Ice Beam. A first Lombre goes down and Golbat grows to Lv. 26!

2d 1h 49m Miror B. sends out two Lombre. We send Golbat and Swinub.

2d 1h 49m We go to the Outskirt Stand, where we See Trudly, Folly and Miror B. come out! Vs. Wanderer Miror B.!

2d 1h 47m We take the elevator to the lower area of the Pre Gym, search for an item that's supposed to be there, then go back up as it seems we've already collected it.

2d 1h 45m Defeated PreGymLeader Justy! Received a Lum Berry and TM32 Double Team!

[Recap] We also took a detour by the Pokémon HQ Lab and purified Lunatone (Nickname: Mayul). We spent time reorganizing the sets to achieve max tempo and optimal flow in each one. We then went to Phenac City, and are currently facing the Pre Gym challenge.

[Recap] In the time since the last update, we've realized that we don't actually need to catch Bonsly, as we just left it there and the plot progressed anyway. As we exited the S.S. Libra, we ran into a group of Team Snagem members who stole our Snag Machine. We then visited a yet unidentified location for the first time where we defeated Thug Zook, but two buff goons still refused to let us through.

[Meta] This probably isn't happening without help from Streamer. In the meantime, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 21h 55m We try hugging the walls, but it doesn't slow us down enough. Bonsly keeps running away from us.

1d 21h 52m Seems we're not walking slow enough, as Bonsly notices us approaching and runs away.

1d 21h 51m We make our way to the hull... and spot Bonsly!

1d 21h 49m Finally made it! Found TM35 Flamethrower!

[Chat] prince_joeybonzo: SHUT UP CHEESE

1d 21h 48m We get a notification from the Poké Spot Monitor.

1d 21h 48m Fell again.

1d 21h 46m We go for another chest but fall again.

1d 21h 45m Found a Yellow Flute!

[Snark] Twitch Plays Sokoban

1d 21h 41m More boxes.

1d 21h 38m We do the thing again and find a Max Ether.

1d 21h 36m We place the box so as to be able to reach another item chest. Inside, we find-- oh, we fell down again.

1d 21h 33m We go down some stairs and find another box to push.

1d 21h 31m We go across and reach the other item box, in which we find 2 PP Ups!

1d 21h 29m We push the box against the lower wall of the room.

1d 21h 27m We go up the stairs, then back down to reset the box's position.

1d 21h 27m We check the Poké Spot Monitor. A wild Pokémon is at the Rock Poké Spot.

1d 21h 26m We just get the box stuck against the upper wall to make it easier to go across. We reach the first item chest and find a Fire Stone!

1d 21h 25m In the other chest, we-- nevermind, we fell again.

1d 21h 24m We push the box out of the way and head to the other item chest instead. We receive a notification from the Poké Spot Monitor.

1d 21h 24m We use the box to create a path to an item chest, in which we-- oh, we fell down.

1d 21h 22m We head to the lower floor. There's another box to push around here.

1d 21h 20m Going down from the room, we see something shine on the floor. Found Battle CD 18!

[Snark] I swear if we keep doing that I'm letting the updater go dark right now.

1d 21h 19m We heal again, then finally leave.

1d 21h 18m We step away from the bed, then go back to heal three more times.

1d 21h 17m We heal again, five times in a row.

1d 21h 16m The peon runs off, and some worker offers to heal us. He also asks us if we could check out some odd noises in the hull. We try to refuse about a dozen times before finally accepting.

1d 21h 13m Koffing goes down! Defeated Cipher Peon Smarton!

1d 21h 13m Mordred uses Thundershock, and Golbat follows with Wing Attack. Koffing holds on, and uses Psybeam on Golbat.

1d 21h 11m Golbat uses Wing Attack, and Teddiursa goes down as well. Pineco grew to Lv. 26!

1d 21h 10m Jolteon takes down Huntail! Smarton sends out Koffing.

1d 21h 9m We swap Pineco for Jolteon. Golbat attacks Teddiursa, then gets hit by Rock Tomb from Huntail. Teddiursa uses Aerial Ace on Jolteon, which doesn't do much.

1d 21h 8m Golbat uses Wing Attack, taking down Cacnea. Smarton sends out Teddiursa. Huntail uses Water Pulse on our Pineco, which sets up Spikes.

1d 21h 7m Vs. Cipher Peon Smarton! He sends out Cacnea and Huntail.

1d 21h 5m We go up another floor, and stumble upon an altercation between Gorigan and two Cipher peons.

[Info] Our current team consists of Golbat, Jolteon, Swinub, Roselia, Pineco, and Duskull. None of them are Shadow Pokémon.

[Snark] ...does a boat have "floors"? Ah, whatever.

1d 21h 2m We push a box, walk on the path we just made, and go to the upper floor.

[Snark] It's box-pushing time.

1d 21h 0m We enter the S.S. Libra and receive an e-mail from Justy, informing us that the Pre Gym in Phenac City is ready to reopen.

1d 20h 58m We save.

1d 20h 56m We arrive at the S.S. Libra for the first time.

[Meta] Aside from some occasional updates on catches and purifications, the live updater is still dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 19h 11m We talk to Blissey. Blissbliss!

1d 19h 11m Seel was purified! It learned Surf and Helping Hand! Nickname: F!!27LLLLL.

1d 19h 9m Meowth was purified! It learned Slash and Sing! Nickname: AZ J.

1d 19h 8m Grimer was purified! It learned Sludge Bomb and Helping Hand! Nickname: ccw44.

1d 19h 7m Spearow was purified! It learned False Swipe and Baton Pass! Nickname: AWMMWWeeee.

1d 19h 0m Caught a male Lv. 20 Zubat! No nickname.

1d 18h 2m Caught a male Lv. 16 Zubat! No nickname.

1d 17h 57m Caught a female Lv. 15 Phanpy! No nickname.

1d 17h 49m Traded our Surskit for Duking's Shuckle!

1d 17h 48m Traded our Wooper for Duking's Larvitar!

1d 17h 48m Traded our Trapinch for Duking's Meditite!

1d 17h 27m tppsimulator just tried to release Trapinch, but it was thankfully avoided.

1d 16h 19m Caught a male Lv. 17 Hoppip! No nickname.

1d 15h 44m Defeated Cipher Admin Snattle!

1d 15h 44m Snagged a Lv. 25+ Lunatone!

1d 15h 33m Vs. Cipher Admin Snattle! (Attempt #3)

1d 14h 49m Caught a male Lv. 14 Phanpy! Nickname: BNN !8.

1d 14h 23m Caught a female Lv. 11 Surskit! Nickname: EEeyw.

1d 14h 10m Zubat evolved into Golbat!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 13h 48m We enter the Pyrite Colosseum.

1d 13h 46m We return to Pyrite Town.

1d 13h 46m We head to the Rock Poké Spot. Nothing there.

1d 13h 46m We knock out the wild Zubat and leave.

1d 13h 45m We then go to the Cave Poké Spot, and find a wild Zubat there.

1d 13h 44m We take down the Hoppip.

1d 13h 44m We go to Kaminko's House, and get notified of a wild Pokémon at the Oasis Poké Stop, and of Grimer being ready to be purified. We first head to the Poké Stop, and find a wild Hoppip there.

1d 13h 40m We ride to Pyrite Town.

1d 13h 39m We're back at the Pokémon HQ Lab.

1d 13h 38m Another Snag Ball fails, and Lunatone wakes up. It uses Shadow Wave, and Zubat goes down! Metang then uses Confusion, and Pineco faints too! We black out!

1d 13h 36m Lunatone escapes form a Snag Ball, and Metang takes out Roselia with Confusion. We send out Pineco.

1d 13h 35m Jolteon fainted! We send out Zubat.

[Recap] Our team consists of Duskull, Roselia, Swinub, Zubat, Pineco, and Jolteon. Of these, Duskull and Swinub are fainted. Snattle is down to his last two Pokémon, a Metang and a Shadow Lunatone.

[Recap] We are currently facing Cipher Admin Snattle again! (Attempt #2)

[Recap] After losing to Cipher Admin Snattle on our first attempt, we caught a female Lv. 18 Aron at the Cave Poké Spot (Nickname: K), and purified Natu (Nickname: WAUCa) at the Lab, then purified Swinub (Nickname:Piggieoo55) **and Roselia** (Nickname: BB) at Agate Village.

[Recap] After a detour to catch a female Lv. 10 Phanpy at the Oasis Poké Spot (Nickname: Mmkpz? with a space at the end), and an unexpected game crash, we returned to Phenac City and snagged a female Lv. 22+ Swinub, a female Lv. 22+ Spearow, a male Lv. 23+ Grimer, and a female Lv. 23+ Seel.

[Recap] Since the last update, we've purified Snorunt (Nickname: Art) and Mawile (Nickname: BLLTT), then returned to Phenac City where we snagged a male Lv. 22+ Natu, a male Lv. 22+ Roselia, and a male Lv. 22+ Meowth.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 6h 18m We leave the shop

1d 6h 17m We buy 2 Great Balls and 2 Poké Snacks.

[Snark] "Do you use different healing items to heal different statuses? I get lazy and use a Full Heal for everything." Sir, you are assuming that we heal our Pokémon. We do not.

1d 6h 14m We enter the shop, and talk to the patrons

1d 6h 13m We enter a house. The kid inside complains that daddy is always studying and won't play with him. A bookshelf has a book titles "The Wild Pokémon Return". We find something something shiny in a different bookshelf, and the dad tells us to quiet down, the kid responding that this is what he's talking about. We turn on the tv and watch a NEWS broadcast. We then talk to the dad, who tells us that he's researching wild Pokémon. We leave the house

1d 6h 10m We go outside, and talk to a street performer. The performer complements OBNS and wishes to be on TV.

1d 6h 8m We get our fortune read by Fateen. Fateen tells us that the people of Phenac are being held prisoner, and that we need a key to let them out

1d 6h 7m We enter the fortune teller's house. We talk to the patron. We then look at the bookshelves, which are full of books about fortune-telling.

1d 6h 3m We save

1d 5h 56m We ride to Pyrite.

1d 5h 55m We throw a Pokéball. Caught a male Lv. 16 Hoppip! No nickname.

1d 5h 54m We leave Gateon Port and check the Oasis Poké Spot and find a Hoppip. Vulpix uses an Ember to bring the Hoppip down to yellow health. Hoppip tackles Vuplix.

1d 5h 51m We open the mailbox in or P★DA, then close without reading any of the four messages. We go downstairs, and as we're about to leave, we get another spot monitor notification.

1d 5h 49m We enter the parts shop. We watch the news once, then head upstairs and look around. A bookshelf there has a book named something like "Striving for Success as an Engineer"

1d 5h 43m We return to Gateon Port.

1d 5h 41m Vulpix uses Dig as Sandshrew uses Defense Curl. Dig hits for small damage. Sandshrew uses Scratch for about the same damage. Vulpix uses Heat Wave and knocks out the Sandshrew.

1d 5h 39m We check each spot, and find a Sandshrew at the Rock Spot

1d 5h 37m We ride to Gateon Port, and get a Spot Monitor notification once we arrive.

1d 5h 34m We leave town. We check all three Poké spots, and find a Munchlax at the Cave Spot. We receive 10 Poke Snacks and a Heal Powder as compensation.

[Chat] SolarisSect: I love treating my Something with love and affection
newbloodmoone: "keep treating your somthing with love and affection" feels weirdly like an inuendo and i don't know why

newbloodmoone: so is mordred connected to lightning in fate?
SolarisSect: @newbloodmoone yeah
SolarisSect: cool edgy RED lightning to be specific

1d 5h 28m *We rename Zubat to * Something

1d 5h 26m We rename Pineco to WURM

1d 5h 24m Instead of using the PC in the daycare, we go to the Pokémon Center and use the PC there. We withdraw Pineco. Then we return to the daycare.

1d 5h 18m We rename Jolteon to MORDRED.

1d 5h 17m We peak inside Eagun's house, then continue to the daycare. We find the name rater inside the daycare.

1d 5h 13m We talk to the Move Deleter and Move Reminder. Having not found the name rater, we ride to Agate Village

1d 5h 9m We leave the lab and ride to Mt. Battle

1d 5h 8m We use a more scents, then get a notification that Pineco is ready to be purified. We place Pineco in the center of the Purification Chamber's set 6. Pineco was purified! Pineco regained Pin Missile and Refresh. Nickname: COC.

1d 4h 58m We use some excite scents on Pineco.

1d 4h 58m The Porygon Z doll in the background is moved to atop the Nuzelf doll, and a doll of what chat seems to be calling a Korone is placed next to the GameCube

1d 4h 55m We use heal using the healing machine near the purification chamber.

1d 4h 53m We withdraw Zubat and deposit Nuzelf into Purification Set 6. We withdraw Duskull.

1d 4h 51m Duskull was purified! Duskull regained Shadow Ball and Helping Hand! Nickname: WingG.

1d 4h 49m We place Flaaffy, a Gligar, a Trapinch and a Zubat in the ring around Set 6, and Ralts in the ring around Set 7.

1d 4h 46m We place a Gligar, a Hoppip and a Wooper in the ring around set four.

1d 4h 45m We place Duskull, Mawile and Snorunt in the center of some of the Purification Chamber sets.

1d 4h 43m We ride around, eventually reaching the HQ lab. We enter the purification chamber. Ralts was purified! It regained Shock Wave and Sing. Nickname: K  roommm - two spaces.

1d 4h 39m We ride to Ciper Lab, then to Agate. We get a notification that Duskull is ready for purification. We ride to the Oasis spot and find a Munchlax. We receive 10 Pokésnacks and an energy root from the Munchlax's owner. We place as many snacks as we can at this spot.

1d 4h 36m We throw an Pokéball. Caught a male Lv. 19 Zubat! No nickname. We ride to Agate. Once we arrive, we get a spot monitor notification.

1d 4h 35m We send out Makuhita. Makuhita is hurt by poison and immediately faints. We send out Pineco.

1d 4h 35m Jolteon uses Quick Attack on the Zubat. Zubat bites Jolteon. Jolteon uses a second Quick Attack, taking Zubat to yellow. Jolteon barely survives another Bite. A third Quick Attack reduces zubat to red, and a third bite finishes off Jolteon

1d 4h 33m We place 9 pokesnacks next to the one snack still at the rock spot, then ride to Mt. Battle, Cipher Lab, then the cave spot and find a wild Zubat

1d 4h 31m We throw an Ultra Ball. Caught a male Lv. 15 Gligar! No nickname. When that battle ends, we get another spot monitor notification.

1d 4h 30m We send out Makuhita. Makuhita uses Fake Out. Gligar is reduced to red health and flinches. We throw a Pokéball but Gligar breaks out. Gligar uses Poison String. Makuhita uses Fake Out to no effect. Gligar uses another Poison Sting, and this one poisons Makuhita.

1d 4h 29m We throw an Ultra Ball. Gligar breaks out of that too. Gligar uses more Poison Sting. We throw a Pokéball. Gligar breaks out, attacks with Poison String. Nuzelf survives the attack, then faints to poison damage.

1d 4h 28m Nuzelf uses Secret Power. Gligar uses Poison Sting again. We throw a Pokéball. Gligar breaks out and continues to use Poison Sting

1d 4h 27m Gligar uses a poison sting, and knocks out Vulpix. We send out Nuzelf. Nuzelf uses a Giga Drain, and takes half of Gligar's health. Gligar uses harden. We throw a Pokéball. Gligar uses Poison Sting, poisoning Nuzelf

1d 4h 25m We ride to Mt. Battle, then to the cave spot, then the rock spot. We found a wild Gligar.

1d 4h 23m Nuzelf continues to use Giga Drain. Seviper hands on and licks Nuzelf. Makuhita uses a Rock Tomb and finishes off Seviper. Kapen defeated. We get a spot notification.

1d 4h 22m Nuzelf uses another Giga Drain to finish off Wailmer. Seviper bites Makuhita. Makuhita uses a Rock Tomb on Seviper. Seviper's speed fell.

1d 4h 21m Makuhita uses Fake Out on Seviper, for chip, but enough to reduce Seviper to yellow. Nuzelf uses Giga Drain on Wailmer for a large chunk of damage. Seviper flinches. Wailmer uses Water gun on Nuzelf.

1d 4h 20m We switch out Pineco and Duskull for Makuhita and Nuzelf. Seviper bites Nuzelf. Wailmer uses Water Gun on Makuhita.

1d 4h 18m Seviper and Wailmer attack Pineco. Pineco uses Shadow Blitz and Duskull uses Shadow Wave. Duskull enters reverse mode.

1d 4h 18m We switch out Jolteon for Duskull. Illumise tackles Pineco. Seviper licks Duskull. Duskull is paralyzed. Pineco uses Shadow Blitz and knocks out Illumise. Kapen sends out Wailmer

1d 4h 16m Jolteon uses a Quick Attack, reducing Illumise to red. Illumise tackles Pineco. Serviper bites Joteon, reducing Jolteon to red health. Pineco attacks Seviper for chip.

1d 4h 15m Jolteon uses a Quick Attack to knock out Volbeat. Kapen sends out Serviper. Illumise charms Pineco. Pineco uses Shadow Blitz on Illumise.

1d 4h 14m We switch out Vulpix for Pineco. Jolteon uses Thundershock on Volbeat, reducing Volbeat to Red. Illumise tackles Pineco. Volbeat uses Theif on Jolteon.

1d 4h 13m Jolteon bites and knocks out Spoink. Jolteon grew to Lv. 24! Kapen sent out Illumise. Volbeat attacks Vulpix, and vulpix hands on. Vulpix uses Heat Wave, and hits both opponents this time

1d 4h 12m Volbeat uses Quick Attack on Jolteon. Jolteon bites Spoink for two-thirds. Vulpix uses Heat Wave, but both opponents dodge the attack. Spoink flinches.

1d 4h 11m We head over to the shop. We talk to the clerk outside. The clerk tells us that the shop is closed. We say that Cipher is in town, and the clerk attacks us. Vs. Cipher Peon Kapen! Kapen sends out Volbeat and Spoink.

1d 4h 9m Jolteon uses another thundershock to knock out Corsola. Vulix digs underground. Teddirusa leers. Jolteon uses a thundershock to knock out Teddiursa. Vulpix grew to Lv. 19! Ezoor defeated.

1d 4h 8m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Corsola. Vulpix's dig attack hits Teddiursa. Teddiursa uses Fury Swipes and Corsola uses water pulse, both on Jolteon.

1d 4h 8m Jolteon uses Thundershock, knocking out Shuppet. Ezoor sends out Corsola. Vulpix digs underground. Teddiursa's attack misses Vulpix.

1d 4h 7m Ezoor leads with Teddiursa and Shuppet. Jolteon uses Thundershock on Teddiura. Vulpix uses Heat Wave, damaging Shuppet and missing Teddiursa. Shuppet uses Thundershock on Vulpix. Teddiursa digs underground

1d 4h 5m We return to Phenac. We open a chest and pick up 3 Ultra Balls. We try to talk to a lady, but she keeps moving. We eventually catch her, and engage. Vs. Cipher Peon Ezoor.

1d 4h 2m Vulpix uses a second Ember, bringing Hoppip to red health. Hoppip continues to tackle. We throw a Pokéball. Caught a male Lv. 18 Hippip! Nickname A55N N.

1d 4h 1m We head to the Oasis Poké Spot and find a Hoppip. We throw a Pokeball right away. Hippip breaks out and tackles Vuplix. Vulpix uses Ember for about a third of Hoppip's health. Hippip tackles again.

1d 3h 58m Bought 16 Excite Scent and 2 PokéSnack. We leave the mart with 149₽.

1d 3h 57m We start to head to the relic stone, but turn around before reaching the cave. We head to the mart, and get a spot monitor notification. We enter the mart anyway

1d 3h 52m We ride to Agate. We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 3h 50m We get a spot monitor notification. We head to the Pokespots. We find a Munchlax at the rock Pokéspot. The Munchlax's owner appears and gives us 10 Pokésnacks and an energypowder, then advertises her business and leaves.

1d 3h 45m We enter an empty house. We turn on the TV for some NEWS

1d 3h 44m We ask an fun guy if he is fake. The guy does not turn into a Cipher Peon, just telling us that we are rude for asking.

1d 3h 43m We pick up a Battle CD 16.

1d 3h 42m We look at the bookshelves in the Pokémon center. They are books about Pokémon. One book is titled Orre Region Pokémon Research. We leave the Pokémon center.

1d 3h 41m We enter the Pokémon Center. There is no one manning the front desk, and David won't operate the machine alone. We open the PC. We withdraw Pineco and depositing Trapinch into box 1.

1d 3h 39m Nuzelf uses Bullet Seed. Koffing uses Sludge to take out two thirds of Nuzelf's health. Trapinch uses a Faint Attack, and knocks out Koffing. Fenton defeated.

1d 3h 38m Nuzelf uses Bullet Seed on Koffing. Koffing misses a Smog attack. Trapinch uses Faint Attack. Koffing reaches yellow health.

1d 3h 37m Nuzelf uses Bullet Seed, and knocks out Mightyena. Koffing uses Sludge and knocks out Makuhita. We send out Trapinch.

1d 3h 36m Nuzelf is out of Giga Drain PP. Mightyena uses Odur Sleuth on Makuhita. Nuzelf uses Bullet Seed on Koffing. Koffing tackles Makuhita. Makuhita uses Arm Thrust, reducing Mightyena to red health.

1d 3h 35m Nuzelf uses Secret Power on Koffing. Koffings accuracy fell. Mightyena howls. Koffing uses Sludge, taking out half of Makuhita's health. Makuhita uses Arm Thrust on Mightyena. Mightyena is reduced to yellow health.

1d 3h 34m Nuzelf drains Goldeen. Goldeen faints. Makuhita grew to Lv. 21! Nuzelf grew to Lv. 22! Fenton sends out Mightyena. Koffing misses a Smog attack. Makuhita uses an Arm Thrust on Mightyena.

1d 3h 33m Makuhita leads with Fake Out. Nuzelf uses Giga Drain on Carvanha. Carvanha faints, and Nuzelf is restored to full health. Fenton sends out Koffing. Goldeen flinches.

1d 3h 32m We talk to a guy outside the Pokemon Center. The guy guesses that the commotion means that Cipher's cover is blown. Vs. Cipher Peon Fenton. Fenton sends out Goldeen and Carvanha.

1d 3h 31m We get a notification that Ralts is ready to be purified.

1d 3h 31m Blusix runs away. As opposed to all the other Cipher Peons around here who just sorta vanish.

1d 3h 30m Nuzelf continues using Giga Drain. Beldum is taken down to yellow health. Beldum uses Take Down. Makuhita uses Arm Thrust, hits three times, and knocks out Beldum. Blusix defeated.

1d 3h 29m Nuzelf uses a Giga Drain to knock out Goldeen. Belum uses Take down on Nuzelf. Makuhita uses Arm Thrust on Beldum

1d 3h 28m Makuhita uses a Fake Out on Goldeen. Nuzelf uses Giga Drain on Horsea for a 1HKO. Blusix sends out Beldum.

1d 3h 27m We return to Phenac. We engage the Justy closest to the south entrance. Vs. Cipher Peon Blusix! Blusix sends out Goldeen and Horsea. We send out Makuhita and Nuzelf.

1d 3h 25m We throw a Pokéball. Wooper breaks out, then slams Trapinch for just over half health. We throw another Pokéball. Caught a female Lv. 21 Wooper! Nickname: LLXXW.

1d 3h 24m We send out Trapinch. Wooper uses Amnesia. Trapinch bites Wooper for chip damage. Wooper uses Tail Whip. Trapinch bites. Wooper is brought down to yellow health

1d 3h 23m Jolteon uses a Quick Attack on Wooper for about a fifth. Wooper uses a Mud Shot on Jolteon. We throw a Pokéball. Wooper breaks out. Wooper uses a second Mud Shot, and Jolteon faints.

1d 3h 21m We get a spot monitor notification, and leave town. We check the oasis spot first and find nothing. We then check the cave and find a wooper.

1d 3h 20m Jolteon uses thundershock on Qwilfish for a knockout. Corphish uses Bubblebeam on Jolteon. Makuhita uses Arm Thrust on Corphish. Jolteon uses one more Thundershock to knock out Corphish. Makuhita grew to Lv. 20! Forgs defeated.

1d 3h 18m Jolteon bites Duskull, and Duskull faints. Forgs sends out Qwilfish. Corphish attacks Jolteon. Makuhita uses Refresh to no effect.

1d 3h 17m We engage a jogger running around the lower area's fountain. Vs. Cipher Peon Forgs. Forgs sends out Corphish and Duskull.

1d 3h 15m Makuhita uses Fake Out and Jolteon uses Thundershock; Sudowoodo faints. Jolteon grew to Lv. 23! Jolteon learned Quick Attack over Tackle! Pellim defeated.

1d 3h 13m Jolteon uses a Thundershock to 1HKO Clamperl. Vulpix digs a hole. Sudowoodo's attack misses Vulpix. Jolteon uses a Thundershock and Vulpix uses a Dig on Sudowoodo, bringing its health down to yellow. Sudowoodo throws a Rock at Vulpix, and Vulpix faints. We send in Makuhita.

1d 3h 12m We return to Phenac City. We talk to the greeter. The greeter says we should have stayed entertained at Relgam. Vs. Cipher Peon Pellim. Pellim sends out Sudowoodo and Clamperl.

1d 3h 10m We throw Pokéballs right away, but Phanpy breaks out of two. Vulpix uses a Heat Wave and knocks out the Phanpy.

1d 3h 8m We walk around a justy outside this house, and leave town. We visit the Rock Poké Spot and the Cave Poké Spot, finding nothing in either spot. We go to the Oasis and find a Phanpy.

1d 3h 6m We get a spot monitor notification. We enter the house east of the gym to rest and heal.

1d 3h 6m We leave the Mayor's house, and witness six Justies leave the Gym. The Justies count off, then scatter.

1d 3h 4m We look at our party. We rearrange Makuhita's moves, putting Refresh first and Fake Out second.

1d 3h 3m Nuzelf uses Secret Power on Ariados. Ariados uses Leech Life on Trapinch. Trapinch bites Ariados. Nuzelf uses Secret Power again, bringing Ariados to Yellow Health. Ariados misses its attack. Trapinch attacks, bringing Ariados to red. Nuzelf's next Secret Power knocks out Ariados. Nuzelf grew to Lv. 21! Trapinch grew to Lv. 21! Gonrag defeated.

1d 3h 1m Ariados uses Night Shade, knocking out Makuhita. We send out Nuzelf. Trapinch bites Ariados.

1d 3h 0m We throw a Pokéball. Snagged a female Lv. 20 Pineco! Ariados uses Night Shade on Trapinch. Trapinch uses Sand Attack on Ariados

1d 2h 58m We throw a Pokeball and Pineco. Jolteon uses Thundershock to take out the last of Murkrow's health. Makuhita grew to Lv. 19! Makuhita learned Fake Out over Brick Break! Gonrag sent out Ariados. Pineco uses Shadow Blitz to knock out Jolteon. We send out Trapinch.

1d 2h 56m Our Jolteon uses Thundershock on Murkrow, and Murkrow barely holds on. Murkrow uses Pursuit on Jolteon to bring Jolteon to red. Pineco attacks Makuhita, and Makuhita uses Brick Break on Pineco for barely and damage

1d 2h 54m We go downstairs, and encounter another Cipher Peon. Vs. Cipher Peon Gonrag. Gonrag leads with Murkrow and Shadow Pineco.

1d 2h 52m The current news broadcast is about the discovery of Wild Pokémon and Poké Spots in Orre

1d 2h 46m Exinn says that we weren't supposed to find the note, but that delivering the note to Justy now would be a waste. We turn on the TV in the mayor's bedroom and watch the NEWS

1d 2h 43m Jolteon uses a Thundershock, and Mightyena holds on but is paralyzed and unable to move. Makuhita uses a Brick Break to finish off Mightyena. Exinn defeated.

1d 2h 42m Jolteon uses another Thundershock to knock out Serviper. Mightyena uses Tackle on Jolteon. Makuhita uses Brick Break to deal half health to Mightyena.

1d 2h 41m Jolteon uses Thundershock to knock out Golbat. Jolteon grew to Lv 22. Exinn sends out Mightyena. Serviper uses Poison Tail and knocks out Duskull. We send in Makuhita.

1d 2h 39m Jolteon uses a Thundershock to take out half of Golbat's health. Golbat and Serviper both bite Jolteon to bring Jolteon to yellow. Duskull uses Shadow Wave and enters Reverse Mode

1d 2h 38m We throw a Pokéball. Snagged a female Lv. 20 Snorunt! Exinn sends out Golbat. Jolteon uses Thundershock for just under half of Serviper's health. Serviper uses another poison tail on Duskull.

1d 2h 36m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Snorunt, reducing it to yellow health. Snorunt uses Shadow Wave. Serviper uses Poison Tail to poison Duskull. Duskull uses Shadow Wave

1d 2h 35m Exinn leads with a Seviper and a Shadow Snorunt. We lead with Vulpix and Jolteon. Jolteon uses Thundershock on Snorunt for about a fourth. Snorunt uses Shadow Wave. Servivper attacks and knocks out Vulpix. We send in Duskull.

1d 2h 33m With the housesitter distracted, we go upstairs and find the Mayor's note. We read the note, then the housesitter confronts us. Vs. Ciper Peon Exinn!

1d 2h 32m We head to a house west of the gym. The people nearby complain that they haven't seen the mayor in a while. We enter the mayor's house and give the housesitter the music disk

1d 2h 30m We head up towards the Stadium, but an old man blocks us from entering since the stadium is no longer in use.

1d 2h 29m We leave the house, and talk to a person outside who praises the town.

1d 2h 27m We head to the upper part of town, then enter the house east of the gym. The resident invites us to rest. We pick up a Music Disk, and the resident tells us to keep the CD. We heal in one of the house's beds

1d 2h 24m We ride to Phenac City. We're allowed to enter, and we do so. Vulpix fainted from poison while walking.

1d 2h 23m We ride to Relgam Tower, then in the center of the entrance plaza

1d 2h 18m We save

1d 2h 17m We then visit the Oasis Pokéspot, and place 10 snacks there

1d 2h 16m We ride to the Cave Pokéspot. We place 10 snacks there.

1d 2h 14m We throw a Pokéball at Gligar, but it breaks out. Gligar uses Poison Sting again. We throw a second Pokéball. Caught a female Lv. 17 Gligar! Nickname: DENUVO.

1d 2h 12m Gligar uses Harden. Vulpix uses Heat Wave to take out half of Gligar's health. Gligar uses Poison Sting, and poisons Vulpix. Vulpix uses Ember, for chip damage.

1d 2h 10m We go to the Rock Pokespot, and find a wild Gligar

1d 2h 6m Vulpix was purified! Nickname: RAN.

1d 2h 4m We head to the Relic Stone

1d 2h 2m We ride to Agate Village

1d 2h 2m We return to the central chamber of the halls, and open a chest containing a Carbos. We head south, and return to the world map

1d 2h 0m We withdraw Makuhita and deposit Flaaffy into box 1

1d 1h 56m We move Shadow Ralts from Box 1 to the center of the third set of the purification chamber.

1d 1h 56m We withdraw Shadow Vulpix from the purification chamber, and deposit Numel into the ring of the third set of the purification chamber

1d 1h 52m We start navigating the corridors at the base of the tower. We find a healing kiosk and a PC

1d 1h 49m We go to Realgam Tower, and overhear a conversation between Trudly and Folly. We save

1d 1h 48m We try to enter Phenac again, but the greeter insists that we visit Realgam Tower.

1d 1h 47m Since we're the one millionth visitor to Phenac, we are given the Battle CD case, and a few battle CDs. We are told the location of Realgam Tower. Then we're kicked to the world map.

1d 1h 46m We visit the Rock Poke Stop, then enter Phenac City

1d 1h 45m Done watching NEWS. We leave that house, peak into the police station, then leave town

1d 1h 37m We enter a nearby house, walk up to the TV and watch the news

1d 1h 35m At the Pyrite Town shop, bought 20 Poke Snacks

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 1h 28m We go downstairs and heal.

1d 1h 27m Nett asks us to inform the Phenac City of an upcoming attack by Cipher.

1d 1h 24m Raichu uses Shock Wave, and Duskull faints. Flaaffy uses Body Slam and takes down Raichu. It gets paralyzed by Static, but we've defeated Cipher Commander Exol!

1d 1h 23m Nuzleaf goes down, and we send out Flaffy again.

1d 1h 22m Raichu attacks Nuzleaf, which survives with 1 HP and uses Giga Drain. Duskull uses Shadow Wave again, and Raichu is down to half its health.

1d 1h 21m Raichu attacks Nuzleaf again, then gets hit by Shadow Wave.

1d 1h 21m Snagged a female Lv. 22+ Mawile!

1d 1h 20m We throw a Snag Ball, but Mawile escapes. We then swap Flaaffy for Duskull. Raichu uses Dig on Nuzleaf.

1d 1h 19m We send out Nuzleaf, then use Thunder Wave with Flaaffy to paralyze Mawile.

1d 1h 18m Numel digs a hole. Mawile uses Shadow Rush again and takes down Trapinch!

1d 1h 18m We send out Flaaffy. Trapinch uses Bite on Mawile to weaken it.

1d 1h 17m Loudred goes down! Exol sends out Raichu. Mawile then uses Shadow Rush, and Jolteon faints.

1d 1h 16m Loudred uses Water Pulse on Trapinch.

1d 1h 16m Mawile attacks Numel and takes it down! We send out Trapinch.

1d 1h 15m Numel uses Dig, hitting Mawile.

1d 1h 15m Jolteon uses Bite again, and Girafarig goes down. Exol sends out Mawile, and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

1d 1h 15m Vs. Cipher Commander Exol! He send Loudred and Girafarig. Jolteon takes out half of Girafarig health, then loses two thirds of its own health to their attacks. Numel digs a hole.

1d 1h 13m We enter the room where Megg and Nett are kept. Nett begrudgingly hands over the Data ROM, and the Cipher Commander reveals they've wiped the ONBS servers clean of any copies he may have made. The Commander then notices us!

1d 1h 12m Before taking the stairs, we heal using the Healing Machine.

1d 1h 11m We head back to the ONBS building and make a rush for the roof.

1d 1h 9m We enter the Poké Mart. They still aren't selling Poké Snacks.

1d 1h 8m We ride back to Pyrite Town, and get another notification. Vulpix is ready to be purified.

1d 1h 7m We swap Flaffy for Nuzleaf, and take down Sandshrew.

1d 1h 6m We leave the building, then Pyrite Town and head to the Rock Poké Stop where we find a Sandshrew eating our Poké Snacks.

1d 1h 3m Detro asks us to help Megg, who is kept hostage in the room behind him! Right after, we receive a Poké Stop notification, so we do the sensible thing and leave to go check it.

1d 1h 2m Flaaffy uses Thundershock on Duskull. The latter uses Shadow Wave, and Trpainch finishes off Flaffy with Bite. Defeated Cipher Peon Feldas!

1d 1h 1m Trapinch still can't move.

1d 1h 1m One more Tackle, and Jolteon goes down. We send out Duskull.

1d 1h 1m Another Tackle hits Jolteon. It uses Bite on Flaaffy, while Trapinch is immobilized by paralysis.

1d 1h 0m Flaaffy uses Tackle. Jolteon can't move.

1d 1h 0m Snagged a female Lv. 20+ Ralts!

1d 0h 59m Ralts uses Shadow Wave, hitting both our Pokémon.

1d 0h 59m Ralts escapes from a Snag Ball. Jolteon uses Bite on Flaaffy, and gets paralyzed by Static.

1d 0h 58m Flaaffy uses Tackle again. Trapinch once more can't move.

1d 0h 58m Ralts is sent out; it's a Shadow Pokémon!

1d 0h 57m Jolteon uses Thundershock one more time, and Vigoroth goes down! Trapinch grew to Lv. 20!

1d 0h 57m Both of our Pokémon attack Vigoroth, which holds on and causes an Uproar.

1d 0h 56m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Vigoroth. The latter uses Focus Energy, and Flaffy hits Jolteon with a critical Tackle. Trapinch can't move this turn.

1d 0h 55m Feldas sends out Vigoroth. Flaaffy uses Tackle on Trapinch, and it retorts with Bite. Static causes Trapinch to get paralyzed.

1d 0h 55m Jolteon uses Bite again, and Kadbra goes down. Jolteon grew to Lv. 21!

1d 0h 54m We send out Trapinch.

1d 0h 54m Flaffy then uses Tackle on Numel, and Numel hits itself in confusion, causing it to faint.

1d 0h 53m Numel is confused!

1d 0h 53m Jolteon uses Bite on Kadabra, which itself uses Psybeam on Numel.

1d 0h 53m He sends out Kadabra and Flaaffy.

1d 0h 52m We're on the roof now, and there's another Peon standing guard. Vs. Cipher Peon Feldas!

1d 0h 52m We heal again before going upstairs.

1d 0h 51m Cipher Peon Lobar is defeated!

1d 0h 51m Snagged a female Lv. 19+ Duskull!

1d 0h 50m We throw another Snag Ball, but Duskull escapes again. Numel uses Ember once more, and Duskull uses Shadow Wave.

1d 0h 49m We use a Premier Ball. Duskull escapes, and gets hit by another Ember before using Shadow Wave.

1d 0h 48m Jolteon uses Bite on Misdreavus, taking it down. Numel uses Ember to weaken Duskull, which uses Shadow Hold to trap its opponents.

1d 0h 47m Lobar sends out Duskull. The Aura Reader is reacting, it's a Shadow Pokémon!

1d 0h 47m Jolteon uses Bite on Misdreavus. Sneasel sets up Reflect, and Misdreavus uses Astonish on Jolteon. Numel then uses Ember one more time, and Sneasel goes down. Numel grew to Lv. 18!

1d 0h 46m Numel uses Ember on Sneasel again.

1d 0h 46m Sneasel hits Jolteon with Quick Attack. The latter uses Thundershock, and Yanma goes down. Misdreavus is sent next.

1d 0h 45m Yanma uses Quick Attack on Numel. Jolteon uses Thundershock on Yanma, but it barely survives. Sneasel uses Scratch on Jolteon, then gets hit by Ember.

1d 0h 44m As we prepare to take the stairs, we get ambushed. Vs. Cipher Peon Lobar! He sends out Yanma and Sneasel.

1d 0h 44m We use the Healing Machine again.

1d 0h 43m Jolteon uses Thundershock, and Zigzagoon goes down. Defeated Cipher Peon Edlos!

1d 0h 42m Numel uses Ember on Zigzagoon.

1d 0h 42m Thundershock takes down Delibird. Numel grew to lv. 17! Jolteon grew to lv. 20!

1d 0h 41m Togetic goes down to Thudnershock! Delibird is sent out, and gets hit by Ember, which burns it.

1d 0h 40m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Togetic. Zigzagoon uses Odor Sleuth again, and Togetic uses Peck on Numel, which retorts with Ember.

1d 0h 39m Zigzagoon uses Odor Sleuth, before Numel attacks it with Ember.

1d 0h 39m Another Thundershock, and Furret faints. Edlos sends out Togetic.

1d 0h 38m Furret uses Quick Attack. Jolteon uses Thundershock on the latter, while Zigzagoon uses Tail Whip. Numel uses Dig, but Furret holds on.

1d 0h 37m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Furret. Furret uses Fury Swipes but misses. Numel digs a hole.

1d 0h 36m Edlos sends out Furret and Zigzagoon.

1d 0h 36m We enter another room in which a peon is standing guard. Vs. Cipher Peon Edlos!

1d 0h 35m We save.

1d 0h 34m We find a Healing Machine and use it to heal our team.

1d 0h 33m Nuzleaf uses Secret Power one last time, and Bellossom goes down. Flaaffy grew to Lv. 20! Defeated Cipher Peon Dilly!

1d 0h 32m Nuzleaf uses Secret Power, and Bellossom uses Stun Spore again to paralyze Flaaffy.

1d 0h 32m Flaffy uses Heal Bell to cure Nuzleaf again.

1d 0h 31m Nuzleaf uses Secret Power again, and Bellossom gets paralyzed. It then uses Stun Spore and paralyzes Nuzleaf again. Flaffy uses Body Slam.

1d 0h 30m Bellossom uses Absorb on Nuzleaf. Flaaffy uses Heal Bell, and cures Nuzleaf of its paralysis. Nuzleaf then uses Secret Power on Bellossom.

1d 0h 29m Luvdisc uses Tackle on Nuzleaf, doing negligible damage. Bellossom follows with Magical Leaf, then Flaaffy uses Thundershock on Luvdisc. Nuzleaf finishes off Luvdisc with Giga Drain.

1d 0h 28m Luvdisc gets hit by Bullet Seed, then Nuzleaf gets paralyzed by Stun Spore. Poison damage then causes Jolteon to faint! We send out Flaaffy.

1d 0h 27m Jolteon uses Bite on Bellossom. Luvdisc uses Tackle, but Jolteon holds on.

1d 0h 26m Bellossom is sent out next.

1d 0h 26m Dilly sends out Luvdisc. Jolteon uses Thundershock, and Mareep goes down as well.

1d 0h 25m Nuzleaf uses Fake Out, and Gulpin goes down!

1d 0h 25m Jolteon uses Thundershock again, and Gulpin once more attacks back with Sludge. Mareep then attacks Jolteon with Tackle.

1d 0h 24m We swap Numel for Nuzleaf.

1d 0h 23m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Gulpin again, which uses Sludge and poisons Jolteon. Mareep sets up a Light Screen, then gets hit by Dig but survives the hit.

1d 0h 22m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Gulpin. Gulpin uses Sludge on Numel. Mareep uses Tackle on Jolteon. Numel digs underground.

1d 0h 21m Dilly sends out Mareep and Gulpin. We send Numel and Jolteon.

1d 0h 21m We run into another peon. Vs. Cipher Peon Dilly!

1d 0h 20m We take the elevator, an on the upper floor find a Revive.

[Snark] I'm sure glad we went to hunt that Sandshrew instead of getting medical assistance for that guy who's been lying on the ground for a several hours now, clearly we have our priorities straight.

1d 0h 19m We're back inside the ONBS building.

1d 0h 17m We are back in Pyrite Town.

1d 0h 16m We boot up the PC again. We place Vulpix in the center of Set 2 of the Purify Chamber. After fiddling around with Sets some more, we eventually leave the Lab.

1d 0h 9m We go back to the Purify Chamber pad. Carvanha was purified! It learned Water Pulse and Refresh! Nickname: CWw!/gggGT.

1d 0h 6m We deposit Carvanha in the center of Set 2.

1d 0h 5m We leave the Chamber and boot up the PC to reorganize the sets.

1d 0h 5m Delcaty was purified! It learned Secret Power and Sweet Kiss! Nickname: PPurrrifed.

1d 0h 1m Makuhita was purified! It learned Brick Break and Refresh! Nickname: UU.

0d 23h 59m We enter the Purify Chamber room.

0d 23h 59m Delcatty is ready to be purified! We head to the Pokémon HQ Lab.

[Snark] Look, that Sandshrew was definitely worth abandoning all of these people to their hostage situation.

0d 23h 58m Caught a female Lv. 22 Sandshrew! Nickname: CmMo5-‥‥‥‥.

0d 23h 54m We leave Pyrite Town and head to the Rock Poké Spot. Oh! It's a wild Sandshrew!

0d 23h 53m We leave the Pyrite Colosseum.

0d 23h 52m We enter the Pyrite Colosseum and use the Healing Machine to heal.

0d 23h 51m As we cross the bridge to the Pyrite Colosseum, we also get notified that Makuhita is ready for purification.

0d 23h 49m We get a notification that a Pokémon was spotted at a Poké Stop, so we leave the building.

0d 23h 48m Dustox uses Gust on Nuzleaf, which hits back with Secret Power, taking it down. Nuzleaf grew to Lv. 20! Defeated Cipher Peon Mesin!

0d 23h 48m Flaaffy uses Body Slam on Dustox, but it still has some HP left.

0d 23h 47m Dustox attacks, and takes down Carvanha. We send out Nuzleaf.

0d 23h 47m We throw another Great Ball; Snagged a female Lv. 18+ Vulpix!

0d 23h 46m Vulpix uses Shadow Hold, preventing switching on our side.

0d 23h 46m We throw a Great Ball, but Vulpix escapes. Dustox uses Gust on Flaffy, but its not very effective. Flaffy retorts with Body Slam.

0d 23h 45m We send out Carvanha. Dustox uses Gust on it. Flaaffy then uses Thunder Wave to paralyze Vulpix.

0d 23h 44m Vulpix uses Shadow Wave. Trapinch faints!

0d 23h 44m Flaaffy uses Thundershock on Dustox again.

0d 23h 44m Mesin sends out Vulpix. It's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 23h 43m Dustox uses Confusion again, on Flaaffy. Spinarak then uses Constrict on it. Trapinch uses Bite again, and Spinarak faints! Flaaffy grew to lv. 19!

0d 23h 42m Dustox uses Confusion on Trapinch. Spinarak then uses Night Shade on it, but it survives with 1 HP and uses Bite on Spianrak. Flaaffy uses Thundershock on Dustox, but it does little damage.

0d 23h 41m We send out Trapinch. Flaaffy uses Thudnershock and takes down Beautifly. Dustox is sent out next.

0d 23h 41m Beautifly uses Gust, and almost takes out Numel; Spinarak then uses Constrict, and Numel faints!

0d 23h 40m Flaffy uses Thundershock, taking out half the health of Beautifly. Numel uses Ember and does the same to Spinarak.

0d 23h 39m Cipher Peon Mesin appears! He sends out Spinarak and Beautifly. We send Numel and Flaaffy.

0d 23h 38m As we keep going, Jolteon faints due to poison damage.

0d 23h 37m Jolteon uses Thundershock, and Carvanha follow with Bite. Koffing goes down! Carvanha enters Reverse Mode. Defeated Cipher Peon Rixor!

0d 23h 36m We swap out Nuzleaf for Carvanha.Jolteon hits itself in confusion, and Koffing misses with Poison Gas.

0d 23h 34m Jolteon uses Thundershock on Koffing. Chinchou uses Supersonic, confusing Jolteon; then, Nuzleaf takes it down with another Giga Drain. Jolteon grew to lv. 19!

0d 23h 33m Chinchou misses with Supersonic, then gets hit by Giga Drain.

0d 23h 33m Jolteon uses Thundershock, and Qwilfish goes down. Rixor sends out Koffing.

0d 23h 32m Chinchou is sent out by Rixor.

0d 23h 31m Jolteon uses Bite on Swilfish, which flinches. Nuzleaf uses Bullet Seed, taking Rhyhorn down! Numel grew to Lv. 16! Nuzleaf grew to Lv. 19 and learned Fake Out over Refresh!

0d 23h 29m Jolteon uses Bite on Rhyhorn. Qwilfish uses Poison Sting, and Jolteon gets poisoned. Rhyhorn attacks Nuzleaf.

0d 23h 28m Rixor sends out Qwilfish and Rhyhorn. We send Numel and Jolteon, then swap Numel for Nuzleaf.

0d 23h 27m Vs. Cipher Peon Rixor... again!

[Recap] We spent some time completing training programs at the Lab, and are now back in the ONBS Building.

0d 23h 18m Caught a male Lv. 19 Trapinch at the Rock Poké Stop! Nickname: VVNDegg.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 22h 30m We save.

0d 22h 29m We edit the position of our mons and get Maximum Tempo in both Set 1 and Set 2 of the Purification Chamber, before exiting.

0d 22h 16m We place Makuhita in Set 1 of the Purification Chamber.

0d 22h 15m Shroomish was purified! It learned False Swipe and Refresh! Nickname: Po33o.

[Snark] This pad has a broken hitbox I swear.

0d 22h 13m We head into the Purification Chamber room.

0d 22h 12m We leave Agate Village and head to the Pokémon HQ Lab.

0d 22h 11m We check out what the Mart sells. They do not sell Poké Snacks, and it turns out we already have a few Scents on us, so we leave without buying anything.

0d 22h 9m We enter the Poké Mart.

0d 22h 7m We leave the area once more.

0d 22h 7m Numel was purified! It grew to Lv. 15 and learned Take Down and Charm! Nickname: B Cccc nn.

0d 22h 4m We enter the Poké Center, then exit right away and head back to the Relic Stone.

0d 22h 3m Numel is also ready for purification.

0d 22h 1m We leave the Relic Stone area and get a notification that Shroomish is ready for purification.

0d 22h 0m We also gave the Soothe Bell to Carvanha to hold even though we're not sure it actually helps.

0d 22h 0m Carvanha is very close to being ready for purification, so we start running in circles around the Relic Stone.

0d 21h 54m Seedot was purified! It grew to Lv. 18 and learned Giga Drain and Refresh! Nickname: AAAEyS♀♀♀♀. Seedot evolved into Nuzleaf!

0d 21h 50m Mareep was purified! It grew to Lv. 18 and learned Body Slam and Heal Bell! Nickname: OYYxww3. Mareep evolved into Flaaffy!

0d 21h 47m We arrive before the Relic Stone.

0d 21h 41m We leave the area and head to Agate Village.

0d 21h 40m We exit the Lab.

0d 21h 36m We are back at the Pokémon HQ Lab.

0d 21h 36m Rhyhorn uses Stomp, and takes out Jolteon! Meanwhile Mareep has entered Reverse Mode; it takes damage from it and faints as well! We black out!

0d 21h 35m Jolteon uses Bite on Qwilfish, and gets poisoned by Poison Point. Qwilfish flinches! Mareep then attacks Qwilfish with Shadow Blitz and gets poisoned as well!

0d 21h 34m We send out Mareep, which gets hit by Rhyhorn using Stomp.

0d 21h 34m Qwilfish uses Poison Sting, and Seedot goes down!

0d 21h 33m We send out Seedot.

0d 21h 32m Jolteon uses Bite on Qwilfish. The latter uses Water Gun, and Numel faints!

0d 21h 32m Vs. Cipher Peon Rixor! They send Qwilfish and Rhyhorn.

0d 21h 31m We enter a room in which some peon is harassing Ancha, the news anchor. They notice us and challenge us to a battle!

0d 21h 27m Found an Ether!

0d 21h 25m We save.

0d 21h 25m Jolteon grew to Lv. 18! Defeated Cipher Peon Elox!

0d 21h 25m Chimecho uses Astonish on Carvanha, which faints. However, it gets hurt by Rough Skin and faints as well!

0d 21h 24m We swap Jolteon for Carvanha. Chimecho uses Growl, then Numel uses Ember on it but it survives.

0d 21h 23m Jolteon uses Bite again on Chimecho. Chimecho uses Astonish.

0d 21h 22m Jolteon uses Bite on Chimecho, which flinches. Tentacool causes Jolteon to get confused with Supersonic, then is taken out by Numel using Dig.

0d 21h 21m We call out to Jolteon. Numel digs underground and gets hit by Reverse Mode.

0d 21h 20m Tentacool uses Acid, missing Numel but hitting Jolteon. Numel then uses Dig on Tentacool.

0d 21h 20m Another Thundershock, and Doduo faints. Chimecho is sent out next.

0d 21h 20m Jolteon uses Thundershock, but Doduo holds on and uses Growl. Tentacool uses Acid, hitting both our Pokémon. Numel digs underground and takes damage from Reverse Mode.

0d 21h 19m Elox sends out Doduo and Tentacool. We send Numel and Jolteon.

0d 21h 18m We interrupt another peon. Vs. Cipher Peon Elox!

0d 21h 18m Mareep is ready to be purified!

0d 21h 16m Defeated Cipher Peon Torkin!

0d 21h 16m We throw a Premier Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 18+ Makuhita!

0d 21h 15m Numel entered Reverse Mode.

0d 21h 15m Mareep then weakens Makuhita with Thundershock.

0d 21h 14m We swap Carvanha for Numel, then Mareep paralyzes Makuhita with Thunder Wave.

0d 21h 13m Mareep uses Thundershock, and Surskit goes down as well.

0d 21h 13m Makuhita is sent out by Torkin, and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 21h 12m Surskit uses Bubble. Carvanha takes down Kecleon with Shadow Blitz.

0d 21h 12m We call out to Carvanha, and it regains its senses. Mareep is hit by Surskit, and Kecleon uses Bind on Carvanha again. Mareep then uses Thundershock on Kecleon, but it holds on to its last silver of health.

0d 21h 11m Mareep uses Thudnershock on Surskit, then Carvanha gets hurt by both Bind and Reverse Mode.

0d 21h 10m Surskit uses Water Sport. Carvanha uses Shadow Blitz on Kecleon, and enters Reverse Mode, before Kecleon retorts with Bind, getting hit by Rough Skin in the process.

0d 21h 9m Poison damage then takes down Delcatty! We send out Mareep.

0d 21h 9m We swap Numel for Carvanha. Delcatty uses Shadow Rush on Kecleon. Surskit uses Bubble on both our Pokémon, and Kecleon misses with Bind.

0d 21h 7m Torkin sends out Surskit and Kecleon.

0d 21h 7m Vs. Cipher Peon Torkin!

0d 21h 7m We take the elevator... and when we exit, there's a peon behind us! He was hiding on the elevator ceiling the whole time!

0d 21h 5m We swap Numel and Seedot in the party.

0d 21h 4m Seedot is ready to be purified!

0d 21h 4m Electrike uses Quick Attack on Seedot. Delcatty uses Shadow Wave, taking down Electrike. Seedot does the same, and Grimer goes down as well. Defeated Cipher Peon Mocor!

0d 21h 2m Electrike uses Quick Attack on Delcatty, which uses Shadow Wave on both opponents. Seedot then uses Bullet Seed, and hits Electrike twice. Grimer uses Pound on Seedot.

0d 21h 1m We call to Seedot and it snaps back to its senses. Delcatty gets poisoned by Grimer.

0d 20h 59m Electrike hits Seedot with Quick Attack. Delcatty uses Shadow Wave, hitting both opponents. Seedot uses Bullet Seed and hits Corphish four times, taking it down! Grimer is sent next, and Seedot enters Reverse Mode!

0d 20h 58m We had a bit of a party shuffle due to the latest purifications, and send out Seedot and Delcatty.

0d 20h 57m Mocor sends out Corphish and Electrike.

0d 20h 57m Opening another door, we interrupt a peon in the middle of threatening his hostages. Vs. Cipher Peon Mocor!

0d 20h 54m We unlock a door, freeing the employees behind it. They inform us that Megg, Nett's younger sister, has been taken hostage by Cipher.

[Recap] We've returned to the ONBS Building in Pyrite Town, which turns out to be under attack from Cipher!

0d 20h 21m Gulpin was purified! It learned Shock Wave and Sing! Nickname: mmmmMMMmmh.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: how did you guess my password?

0d 20h 4m Spinarak was purified and learned Dig and Refresh! Nickname: 5WY976.

0d 19h 54m Caught a female Lv. 16 Gligar at the Rock Poké Spot! Nickname: FFFROODOOO.

[Meta] Before heading to the ONBS, we're going to fight some Trainers around town, so the live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 19h 9m We leave the Cave Poké Spot and head to Pyrite Town.

0d 19h 8m We check out the center of the Poké Spot, but have no snacks left to set down there.

0d 19h 5m We get an e-mail from Nett, who apparently made an important discovery and wants us to come over quickly.

0d 19h 3m On the ground, we find that Folly dropped something. Obtained the Miror Radar!

0d 19h 1m Miror B. and his goons run off.

0d 19h 0m Defeated Wanderer Miror B.!

0d 18h 59m We throw a Great Ball. Snagged a Lv. 19+ Voltorb!

0d 18h 59m Jolteon uses Bite to weaken Voltorb. Voltorb uses Shadow Rush on Mightyena, and Lombre uses Mega Drain on Jolteon. Mightyena then uses Poison Fang and takes down the last Lombre!

0d 18h 58m The third Lombre uses Water Gun on Mightyena, which hits back with Poison Fang.

0d 18h 58m Jolteon grew to Lv. 17! Miror B. sends out Voltorb, and the Aura Reader reacts; it's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 18h 57m Jolteon uses Thundershock, and a second Lombre goes down.

0d 18h 57m Miror B. sends out another Lombre.

0d 18h 57m Jolteon uses Thundershock again. Both Lombre use Water Gun on Mightyena, which then uses Poison Fang and takes down one of the Lombre!

0d 18h 56m Miror B. sends out Lombre and Lombre. We send Jolteon and Mightyena. Jolteon uses Thundershock, and Mightyena follows with Poison Fang. One Lombre sets up rain and the other uses Mega Drain.

[Snark] Has it... Has it been spelt with a single "r" this whole time? Crap.

0d 18h 55m Vs. Wanderer Miror B.!

0d 18h 54m We accept to join Mirror B.'s posse, but despite how many times we do, he doesn't believe us.

0d 18h 53m Mirror B. is in the place!

0d 18h 53m Folly's Radar beeps, and disco music starts to play...

0d 18h 52m We leave the Oasis Poké Spot, and head to the Cave Poké Spot, where we stimble onto Folly and Trudly again!

0d 18h 52m Duking arrives, and has a favour to ask of us. He's hoping for us to find some rare Pokémon for him, specifically Trapinch, Surskit and Wooper.

0d 18h 51m We leave the area and head to the Oasis Poké Spot.

0d 18h 49m Duking then adds the Spot Monitor to our P★DA!

0d 18h 48m We place 10 Poké Snacks on the ground.

[Snark] Oh yeah, I know about Poké Spots, you gotta spin them to get items, right?

0d 18h 47m Received 10 Poké Snacks from Duking!

0d 18h 47m Pofty is there conducting an interview with Duking, talking about who Poké Spots function. Duking spots us, and asks us to come over.

0d 18h 46m We leave Pyrite Town, and head to the Rock Poké Spot.

0d 18h 41m We save.

0d 18h 40m We leave the Hotel.

0d 18h 38m Found 3 Great Balls!

0d 18h 38m Found a Focus Band in another of the rooms.

0d 18h 36m We enter the Pyrite Super Grand Hotel. Found a Parlyz Heal in one of the rooms.

0d 18h 35m As we exit the ONBS building, we see two old acquaintances from Colosseum chatting... It's Folly and Trudly, who get an e-mail from their boss and promptly run off.

[Recap] Since the last update, we handed over the Data ROM to Nett in Pyrite Town.

0d 16h 53m Baltoy was purified! It learned Rock Tomb and Refresh! Nickname: LLEE 611, with two spaces in the middle.

0d 16h 51m Houndour was purified! It learned Faint Attack and Charm! Nickname: AHPNN 9, with two spaces in the middle.

0d 16h 50m Spheal was purified! It learned Aurora Beam and Charm! Nickname: D ”Z, with two spaces in the middle and two spaces at the end.

[Meta] On that note, the live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 16h 0m We step out of the room, and Jovi runs off. Krane asks us to go check on Datan in his office.

[Chat] Ryodragon7: I see chibidokiNOTED

krizste: fulyl agree with your commentary on this project

Ravendwyr: hmm yes quite ravend7Notes

[Chat] krizste: whats your thogughts on the chamber blissy?

(Blissey answered "Blissbliss".)

0d 15h 56m We step out, and Krane asks what we thought of the Purify Chamber that we checked out for all of three seconds.

0d 15h 55m We step into the Purify Chamber.

0d 15h 53m Krane explains how the Purify Chamber works. We then take the time to talk to all the people present.

0d 15h 50m We head to the Purify Chamber, where all of the staff is present.

0d 15h 48m A researcher runs in with good news: the Purify Chamber is finally ready!

0d 15h 47m We take the elevator, and return to the Pokémon HQ Lab with Prof. Krane.

0d 15h 46m On the ground, we find a Data ROM! Krane thinks it might be of interest.

0d 15h 46m Lovrina is very angry with us, but leaves for the time being. #LittleBoy #VocaloidRage #LovrinaOut

0d 15h 45m Defeated Cipher Admin Lovrina! #WaifuDefeated

0d 15h 44m We throw another Great Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 18+ Delcatty! #CatCaught #Win #VictoryDance

0d 15h 44m Mightyena uses Poison Fang and Delcatty is badly poisoned. #UhOh #TimeLimit #CatchTheCat

0d 15h 43m We use a Great Ball, but Delcatty escapes! #Failure #LoveDoesNotWin

0d 15h 41m Ledian uses Aerial Ace, and Roselia goes down! #OneRemains #Ace

0d 15h 41m Lovrina sends out Delcatty. It's a Shadow Pokémon! #ShadowKitty #StealTheCat

0d 15h 40m Ledian uses Psybeam on Roselia. Luvdisc hits Mightyena with Water Gun, which hits back with Poison Fang. Roselia uses Poison Sting on Ledian, then Luvdisc faints to Poison Damage. #Hashtags

0d 15h 39m Poison Fang badly poisons Luvdisc. #PoisonedHeart #ChemicalRomance #PoisonedPoisson #Puns

0d 15h 38m Ledian takes down Beautifly with another Aerial Ace! Roselia is sent out next. #OneDown #Flower

0d 15h 37m Lovrina sends Luvdisc and Beautifly. Ledian uses Aerial Ace on the latter, and Mightyena uses Poison Fang on the Latter. #BeautifulMons #CatJAM

0d 15h 36m Lovrina wants us to convince the Professor to help her, but we refuse. She's not happy about it! Vs. Cipher Admin Lovrina! #VsLovrina #SoNotNice #Attempt1

0d 15h 35m As we make our way out, we suddenly run into the Cipher Admin running the place, Lovrina! #SakuraMiku #Busted

0d 15h 33m We also use a Potion on Mightyena.

0d 15h 32m We also use a Super Potion on Ledian.

0d 15h 31m Used a Revive on Ledian.

0d 15h 31m We go down the stairs and save.

0d 15h 29m First, we check the crate and find a Leaf Stone.

0d 15h 28m Naps runs off, and Krane comes with us as we prepare to leave this place.

0d 15h 27m Jolteon uses Bite again, and Mightyena finishes Beldum off with Dig. Defeated Cipher Peon Naps!

0d 15h 26m Jolteon uses Bite, and Mightyena digs underground, dodging Beldum's attack.

0d 15h 25m Beldum attacks and Ledian goes down! We send out Jolteon.

0d 15h 24m Mightyena grew to Lv. 20!

0d 15h 23m Rhyhorn is hit by Psybeam and hold sone, but then gets taken down by Dig. Ledian grew to Lv. 22!

0d 15h 23m Another Psybeam causes Slakoth to go down. Naps sends out Beldum next. Mightyena digs underground again, and Rhyhorn brings Ledian down to 3 HP with Horn Attack.

0d 15h 20m Ledian uses Psywave on Slakoth, and Mightyena uses Dig on Rhyhorn. Slakoth hits Mightyena with Scratch, and Rhyhorn follows with Horn Attack.

0d 15h 20m Mightyena digs a hole, and Rhyhorn attacks Ledian again.

0d 15h 19m Another Aerial Ace, and Murkrow goes down! Naps sends out Slakoth next.

0d 15h 19m Ledian uses Aerial Ace on Murkrow, then gets hit by Peck. Mightyena uses Poison Fang on Murkrow, and Rhyhorn hits Ledian with Horn Attack.

0d 15h 17m Naps sends out Murkrow and Rhyhorn. We send Ledian and Mightyena.

0d 15h 17m Krane is failing to convince Naps of turning against Cipher. Naps then notices us and recognizes us as the one who stole his Teddiursa! Vs. Cipher Peon Naps!

0d 15h 16m We take some stairs and arrive at the room where Professor Krane is held captive!

0d 15h 15m We go back to the lower floor, and use the ID Card to unlock the previously inaccessible elevator.

0d 15h 13m We go through the door and arrive back near the Lab's entrance. We take the elevator and use the Healing Machine to heal our team.

[Chat] JiraMewChu: Now we are legally scientist

0d 15h 11m We are getting close to our objective. Obtained the ID Card!

0d 15h 7m Snagged a male Lv. 15+ Shroomish!

0d 14h 50m Snagged a female Lv. 15+ Carvanha!

0d 14h 17m Poochyena evolved into Mightyena!

[Meta] The live updater is briefly going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 13h 42m We heal again.

0d 13h 42m We can finally open the chest, inside which we find an Ether.

0d 13h 40m Ledian uses Aerial Ace and finishes off Feebas! Defeated Cipher Peon Digor!

0d 13h 39m Feebas uses Splash. Poochyena responds with Poison Fang.

0d 13h 39m Ledian uses Psywave, and Makuhita goes down. Ledian grew to Lv. 19!

0d 13h 38m Feebas uses Tackle on Poochyena, but it holds on and retorts with Poison Fang.

0d 13h 38m Ledian takes down Machop. Digor sends Makuhita.

0d 13h 37m Feebas is sent out next.

0d 13h 36m Ledian uses Psywave on Abra, which uses ThunderPunch on Poochyena. The latter hits back with Bite, and Abra goes down.

0d 13h 34m Ledian attacks Machop with Aerial Ace, and Poochyena hits Abra with Bite. both opponents are at half-health.

0d 13h 33m We go for the item chest, but are interrupted by Cipher Peon Digor! He sends out Abra and Machop!

0d 13h 32m We heal.

0d 13h 31m There's another elevator right next to the one we took, leading to a room with a healing machine and an item chest.

0d 13h 30m We keep pushing forward, and find another elevator.

0d 13h 29m Bagon attacks Spheal, which hits back with Shadow Wave, taking down Bagon! Defeated Cipher Peon Solox!

0d 13h 28m Snagged a male Lv. 14+ Numel!

0d 13h 27m We call Baltoy, and it comes to its senses. Bagon uses Bite on Spheal, which uses Shadow Wave on both opponents.

0d 13h 26m We swap Ledian for Spheal, then take down Voltorb. Solox sends out Numel, which turns out to be a Shadow Pokémon! Baltoy then enters Reverse Mode!

0d 13h 24m Baltoy takes down Ralts! Solox sends out Bagon next.

0d 13h 24m Ledian uses Psybeam again. Voltorb holds on and uses Screech.

0d 13h 22m Ledian uses Psybeam on Voltorb, which retorts with Tackle. Baltoy uses Shadow Blitz on Ralts, which itself uses Confusion on Ledian.

0d 13h 21m Vs. Cipher Peon Solox! He sends out Voltorb and Ralts.

0d 13h 20m We keep going. Another peon appears!

[Snark] #Lovrina #BadBoss #Hashtags

0d 13h 17m We go back upstairs, and are treated to a cutscene of Lovrina trying to get information out of Krane.

0d 13h 15m Found a Revive!

0d 13h 15m We go upstairs, then realize we missed an item and go back down.

0d 13h 13m Ledyba evolved into Ledian!

0d 13h 13m Defeated Cipher Peon Nexir!

0d 13h 13m Snagged a female Lv. 14+ Spinarak!

0d 13h 12m We send out Spheal.

0d 13h 11m Spinarak escapes from another Snag Ball. It uses Shadow Blitz and takes down Poochyena.

0d 13h 8m We throw a Snag Ball, but Spinarak escapes! It uses Shadow Blitz on Houndour. Poochyena then uses Bite and Shuppet goes down!

0d 13h 7m Dig hits Spinarak, but thankfully doesn't do too much damage.

0d 13h 6m Nexir sends out Spinarak... It's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 13h 6m Ledyba grew to Lv. 18!

0d 13h 5m Houndour uses Ember, and Swinub goes down.

0d 13h 5m We swap Ledyba for Houndoor. Poochyena gets hit by Swinub then digs underground, dodging an attack by Shuppet.

0d 13h 3m Vs. Cipher Peon Nexir! He sends out Swinub and Shuppet.

0d 13h 3m We prepare to take the stairs, but another peon appears!

0d 13h 2m One more Psybeam takes Lileep down. Defeated Cipher R&D Mesak! Poochyena grew to Lv. 16!

0d 13h 1m Ledyba uses Psybeam on Lileep, and Poochyena follow with Dig. Lileep is still standing, and uses Astonish on Ledyba.

0d 13h 0m Anorith goes down to another Psybeam! Poochyena digs underground, and Lileep uses Acid again.

0d 12h 59m Ledyba uses Psybeam again on Anorith, and Poochyena reuses Posion Fang on Lileep. Then Lileep uses Acid, hitting both of our Pokémon.

0d 12h 58m Ledyba uses Psybeam on Anorith, which hits back with Scratch. Poochyena uses Poison Fang on Lileep, which responds with Astonish.

[Fluff] Praise.

0d 12h 56m The researcher sends out Anorith and Lileep.

0d 12h 56m We run into another mumbling researcher, who spots us. Vs. Cipher R&D Mesak!

0d 12h 55m We take an elevator to the lower floor.

0d 12h 53m Another Bite followed by another Poison Fang almost take out Taillow. Poison damage finishes it off, and we win the battle!

0d 12h 52m Jolteon uses Bite and almost takes down Doduo. Taillow also gets badly poisoned by Poison Fang, then Doduo faints to poison damage.

0d 12h 50m We switch out Ledyba for Jolteon. Poochyena uses Poison Fang and Doduo gets badly poisoned.

0d 12h 47m Javion sends out Doduo and Taillow.

0d 12h 46m We keep going, but a peon drops from the ceiling to stop us! Vs. Cipher Peon Javion!

0d 12h 44m Another Psybeam, and Zubat goes down. Defeated Cipher R&D Tekot!

0d 12h 43m Poochyena also grew to Lv. 15.

0d 12h 42m Ledyba uses Psywave on Zubat, but it holds on. Poochyena takes down Clamperl with Bite, and Ledyba grows to Lv. 17.

0d 12h 41m Clamperl uses Water Gun on Ledyba. Critical hit, but it doesn't do much.

0d 12h 41m Ledyba uses Psywave on Clamperl, and Poochyena takes down Corphish with Bite. Cipher R&D Tekot sands out Zubat.

0d 12h 39m Ledyba uses Aerial Ace on Corphish, and Poochyena follows with Poison Fang. Corphish uses Leer, and Clamperl hits itself again.

0d 12h 38m Ledyba uses Supersonic on Clamperl, which gets confused. Poochyena uses Poison Fang on Corphish, and gets hit back by Vicegrip. Clamperl hits itself in confusion.

0d 12h 36m Tekot sends out Clamperl and Corphish. We send Ledyba and Poochyena.

0d 12h 36m The scientist notices us; vs. Cipher R&D Tekot!

0d 12h 35m We keep going and run into a scientist complaining about the XD001 project not going right.

0d 12h 34m We run into a locked door. Wrong way.

0d 12h 34m We are now inside the Cipher Lab.

0d 12h 23m Snagged a female Lv. 17+ Seedot! Defeated Cipher Peon Greesix!

0d 12h 13m Snagged a female Lv. 17+ Gulpin! Defeated Cippher Peon Purpsix!

0d 12h 2m Snagged a female Lv. 17+ Mareep! Defeated Cippher Peon Yellosix!

0d 11h 48m Snagged a Lv. 17+ Baltoy! Defeated Cipher Peon Browsix!

[Meta] Purification and catch updates aside, the updater is still dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 11h 25m Snagged a female Lv. 17 Houndour!

0d 11h 17m Snagged a female Lv. 17 Spheal!

0d 11h 3m First visit to the Shadow Lab

0d 10h 18m First visit to Mt. Battle

0d 10h 8m Teddiursa was purified! It grew to Lv. 12! No nickname.

0d 10h 6m Poochyena was purified! It grew to Lv. 11! No nickname.

0d 9h 54m Ledyba was purified! It grew to Lv. 12! Nickname: ACE.

0d 7h 8m First visit to Agate Village

[Meta] While we're going through training programs, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 4h 51m Electrike uses Tackle on Marill. Geodude uses Earthquake, and takes out Slugma and Electrike. We win the battle!

0d 4h 50m Vs. Sim Trainer Jodlet! He sends out Slugma and Electrike, and we send Marill and Geodude.

0d 4h 50m We pick another program, "Moves That Hit Multiple Pokémon".

0d 4h 48m Vs. Sim Trainer Jodlet again. Our Rattata uses Quick Attack, and instantly takes out his Makuhita with a critical hit. We win!

0d 4h 46m We boot up the training program again.

0d 4h 45m Makuhita uses Brick Break again, and we lose the battle.

0d 4h 44m Rattata uses Quick Attack, and Makuhita uses Brick Break. We use Thunderbolt, and Makuhita holds on.

0d 4h 44m Sim Trainer Jodlet sends out Makuhita. We send out Rattata.

0d 4h 42m We boot up the Battle Sim System and pick the "Pokémon Types and Move Types" training program.

0d 4h 38m We swap Ledyba to the front of our party.

0d 4h 37m We use the healing machine to heal our party.

0d 4h 35m We enter the Lab, and talk to the researchers in the Purification Chamber room.

0d 4h 30m We're browsing the Strategy Memo.

0d 4h 23m We take the time to read the memos we just got.

0d 4h 22m Aidan greets us and hands us Krane Memos 3, 4 and 5.

0d 4h 21m We leave Gateon Port, and head to the Pokémon HQ Lab.

0d 4h 20m We watch the jugglers for a while, then leave the Klub.

0d 4h 14m We enter inside the Krabby Klub.

0d 4h 12m We return to the Krabby Klub and chat with some sailors.

0d 4h 11m We leave the Poké Mart.

0d 4h 8m We talk to a customer and receive a Potion.

0d 4h 7m We go upstairs, wander around for a bit, talk to a Munchlax, then go back downstairs.

0d 4h 4m We talk to the Poké Mart owner, but this place doesn't seem to be selling Poké Balls.

0d 4h 1m We enter the Poké Mart.

0d 4h 0m We exit the Poké Center.

0d 3h 59m We talk to the people upstairs, then go back downstairs.

0d 3h 54m We head upstairs.

0d 3h 51m We save.

0d 3h 49m We enter the Poké Center.

0d 3h 47m We leave the shop.

0d 3h 46m We talk to Perr, and he goes to fetch what we came for. Picked up the Machine Part!

0d 3h 45m We return to the Parts Shop.

0d 3h 44m We leave the shack.

0d 3h 42m We enter some sort of shack, in which we talk to an old man. He mentions an island surrounded by vicious currents that surely won't come up again later.

0d 3h 39m We exit the lighthouse and make the bridges rotate again.

0d 3h 38m We take the elevator back down.

0d 3h 37m We stand on the very top of the lighthouse. And just kinda stay there for a moment before leaving.

[Chat] CountRaposa: let's goo WHEEEEE

0d 3h 36m We take the elevator to the bottom of the lighthouse, then back to the top.

0d 3h 35m Defeated Bodybuilder Kilen!

0d 3h 34m We throw another Snag Ball. Snagged a male Lv. 10+ Poochyena!

0d 3h 34m We weaken Poochyena using Shadow Blitz and Lick.

0d 3h 33m We swap Jolteon for Ledyba, then Teddiursa uses Lick on Poochyena again.

0d 3h 32m Teddiursa uses Lick on Jolteon. Poochyena then uses Shadow Blitz on Teddiursa.

0d 3h 32m We throw a Snag Ball. Poochyena escapes.

0d 3h 31m Teddiursa uses Lick, and Poochyena is paralyzed.

0d 3h 31m Jolteon uses Bite and takes down Zubat.

0d 3h 30m Kilen sends out Zubat and Poochyena. The Aura Reader reacts to Poochyena, it's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 3h 29m Up there, we are challenged to a battle by Bodybuilder Kilen!

0d 3h 28m We arrive at the top of the lighthouse.

0d 3h 27m After the third floor unsurprisingly comes the fourth.

0d 3h 25m Third floor.

0d 3h 23m We take the stairs to the second floor.

0d 3h 22m We also find a Parlyz Heal!

0d 3h 21m Inside, we find a Potion.

0d 3h 20m We enter the lighthouse.

0d 3h 19m We go back, rotate the bridges, and find 3 Poké Balls.

0d 3h 16m We throw another Snag Ball. Snagged a female Lv. 10+ Ledyba!

0d 3h 15m We throw a Snag Ball, but Ledyba escapes. It uses Shadow Blitz on Teddiursa, which then takes down Taillow with the same move.

0d 3h 13m Vs. Casual Guy Cyle! He sends out Taillow and Ledyba. The Aura Reader reacts; Ledyba is a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 3h 13m We find a guy standing near a cliff and talk to him. He offers to battle us.

0d 3h 12m First, we take a detour to cross the bridges.

0d 3h 11m We move to the next dock, and spot Perr, who is just done fixing the bridges. He invites us to follow him to the shop.

0d 3h 9m As a reward for defeating him, we receive TM45 Attract!

0d 3h 9m Jolteon uses Tackle, and Marill goes down. Defeated Sailor Bost!

0d 3h 8m Jolteon uses Bite again. Marill holds on, and Teddiursa follows with Lick. Marill flinches!

0d 3h 7m Jolteon uses Bite on Whismur, which goes down. Teddiursa then uses Lick on Marill, which gets paralyzed before using Defense Curl.

0d 3h 6m Bost sends out Marill and Whismur.

0d 3h 6m We talk to a sailor, who asks us if we were captivated by his singing. We say no, and he challenges us to a battle. Vs. Sailor Bost!

0d 3h 0m We go back to the Parts Shop and get told someone from the shop is at the bridges.

0d 2h 58m We return to Gateon Port.

0d 2h 56m We save.

0d 2h 56m We leave the house and have a brief talk with Chobin before heading out.

0d 2h 53m Makan tells us the Machine Part is waiting for us at Gateon Port, so time to head back.

0d 2h 52m We find Makan and explain the situation to him.

0d 2h 51m Since we watched them all, we step away for now and go to the next room.

0d 2h 51m The presentations are looping around now.

0d 2h 49m Next presentation is about the Unhealthy Sandals.

0d 2h 48m The Haunted Radio! Spooky.

0d 2h 47m Ever heard of th Discount Calendar? Or the Poké Pole?

0d 2h 46m Next up, the Time-Cut Recorder!

0d 2h 45m Next presentation is about the Power-Saving Refrigirator.

0d 2h 44m We check the monitor and see a video presentation of the Power-Draining Lightbulb. Then another one about the Jet Vacuum Cleaner.

0d 2h 42m We enter the house.

0d 2h 41m Jolteon uses Bite, and Sunkern goes down. Teddiursa uses Shadow Blitz, and Magikarp faints as well. Defeated Kaminko Aide Chobin!

0d 2h 39m Vs. Kaminko Aide Chobin! He sends out Magikarp and Sunkern.

0d 2h 39m Once again, Chobin takes us for an intruder and tries to stop us.

0d 2h 37m We drive to Kaminko's House.

0d 2h 36m We exit the Krabby Klub and leave Gateon Port.

0d 2h 31m We find Mr. Verich and his underlings sitting there, and properly thank Ardos for his help earlier.

0d 2h 30m We finally step away from the screen, and climb upstairs.

0d 2h 17m The live updater hasn't gone dark, we're still watching news is all.

[Chat] FLASH_overlord: so what are we doing rn ?

CountRaposa: staying informed

0d 2h 9m The prospect of news without Psyduck abuse is too much for chat to stop.

0d 2h 3m We find a TV and watch the news! It talks about Krane's kidnapping, and the rumours of a Shadow Pokémon being involved.

0d 2h 2m Having proven ourselves a Trainer, we enter the Krabby Klub.

0d 2h 1m Wingull goes down as well, and we defeat Navigator Berk.

0d 2h 0m We take down Lotad, and Jolteon grows to Lv. 11.

0d 1h 59m Berk sends out Wingull and Lotad. We send Eevee and Teddiursa.

0d 1h 59m We head to the Krabby Klub, and get challenged by Navigator Berk!

0d 1h 56m We use the ThunderStone, and Eevee evolves into Jolteon!

0d 1h 53m We leave the shop.

0d 1h 53m Obtained a ThunderStone!

0d 1h 52m We talk to another person, who tells us the owner went to Kaminiko's Manor. In the meantime, he offers us to pick one of the items he picked up in his travels.

0d 1h 51m We go back downstairs, and talk to someone who informs us the owner went out.

0d 1h 48m We enter the Parts Shop, and go upstairs.

0d 1h 44m As we head to the Parts Shop, Emili and her mother spot us.

0d 1h 41m We save.

0d 1h 40m Zook runs off, and Mr. Verich leaves with his underlings.

0d 1h 38m Mr. Verich's underling sends out an Alakazam, and takes down Zook's Zangoose. Mystery Man Ardos defeated Thug Zook!

0d 1h 37m This guy's name is Zook, and he's not happy! He sends out a Shadow Zangoose, but some old man named Mr. Verich intervenes.

0d 1h 36m Lily runs off, and bumps into some thug.

0d 1h 35m We leave and ride to Gateon Port.

0d 1h 35m We exit the Lab. As we head out, a researcher calls up to us, and asks us to hold on to the Snag Machine. He also hands us Krane Memos 1 and 2!

0d 1h 33m Jovi wants to tag along, and joins the party.

0d 1h 32m We enter the upstairs room and talk to Lily. She says she has ordered a Machine Part at a shop from Gateon Port, and wants us to pick it up.

0d 1h 31m We also look at Eevee in the Strategy Memo.

0d 1h 30m We check the Shadow Monitor.

0d 1h 28m We return to the Pokémon HQ Lab after all.

0d 1h 27m We head to Kaminiko's House.

0d 1h 26m We exit the lab.

0d 1h 23m Krane was crucial to the current project... But Lily decides they can finish the Purification Chamber anyway! How inspiring.

0d 1h 22m The peons realize the machine on our arm is a Snag Machine! They take the Professor with them and leave!

0d 1h 21m We throw a Snag Ball! Snagged a male Lv. 11+ Teddiursa!

0d 1h 20m Naps sends out Teddiursa! Huh? We see a dark aura around it! Krane informs us this means the Aura Reader is responding, and it's a Shadow Pokémon!

0d 1h 19m Vs. Spy Naps!

0d 1h 18m We go outside, and find several people knocked out, while Krane is being taken away!

0d 1h 17m Suddenly, we hear ruckus outside! Some strange men took the Professor hostage!

0d 1h 16m Before leaving, Aidan also hands us 5 Poké Balls!

0d 1h 16m The Shadow Monitor has been added to our P★DA!

0d 1h 15m We put on the Snatch Machine!

0d 1h 14m We find Professor Krane, who wants to show us his latest achievement: a Snag Machine! We agree to test it for him.

0d 1h 12m He finally deigns respond to our A inputs and just tells us to go back downstairs.

0d 1h 12m We try to move closer and he keeps moving out of the way.

0d 1h 11m We go upstairs and try to talk to an old man who just won't answer.

0d 1h 8m We enter the Lab.

0d 1h 7m Lily thanks us for bringing Jovi back, who runs away remembering she was in the middle of playing hide-and-seek when she left.

0d 1h 5m We leave and ride to the Pokémon HQ Lab again.

0d 1h 3m As we exit the mansion, we get an e-mail for the Professor, who wants us to come back as quickly as possible.

0d 0h 59m We talk to Jovi, and ask her to come home. Of course, she assumes she's the one showing us the way home.

0d 0h 58m We check the shelves and see a book titled "What Makes an Invention a Bringer of Joy?".

0d 0h 57m We move over to the next room and talk to Makan. He asks us to tell Prof. Krane that the Machine Part he wanted is ready.

0d 0h 55m We save.

0d 0h 54m Chobin shows us a video of him presenting one of Kaminiko's inventions.

0d 0h 53m Jovi and Chobin invite us to come inside, so we do.

0d 0h 52m Chobin eventually realizes we're not an intruder. Jovi comes out of the house and immediately decides that we are lost.

0d 0h 51m Chobin sends out Sunkern. We use Tackle, and it retorts with Absorb. We use Tackle again, and it goes down. Defeated Kaminiko Aide Chobin!

0d 0h 51m A strange guy runs up to us, finding us suspicious. Vs. Kaminiko Aide Chobin!

0d 0h 50m "Wait! Who goes there?"

[Fluff] Chat is spooked.

0d 0h 49m We leave the Pokémon HQ Lab and ride to Kaminiko's House.

0d 0h 46m After watching the news some more and talking to a few researchers, we make our way back outside.

[Snark] Wow, we're being douchebags to this poor Psyduck.

0d 0h 39m We talk to a nearby Psyduck, who seems to be upset by the noise coming from the TV. We immediately turn it on again.

0d 0h 39m Just to make sure, we check the news again.

0d 0h 39m On the way out, a scientist mentions the TV being loud. We check out the news, and learn that the S.S. Libra, a large cargo ship carrying Pokémon, has suddenly vanished.

0d 0h 37m We find Adon hiding under a table. He tells us he was playing hide-and-seek with Jovi, but that she may have gone to Kaminko's Manor.

0d 0h 34m We leave our room and take the elevator upstairs.

[Chat] tppsimulator: i used espeon to go find sister

0d 0h 32m We also find 3 Potions.

0d 0h 32m We got an e-mail! It's from Krane, telling us to enjoy our newly obtained P★DA, and maybe to try talking to Adon who was playing with Jovi earlier.

0d 0h 31m We enter our room, and pick up the P★DA!

0d 0h 30m We enter the Lab again, through the western entrance.

0d 0h 28m We exit the lab building.

0d 0h 25m We take the elevator down once more.

0d 0h 24m We leave for now and go look for our sister instead.

[Chat] CountRaposa: WE BEAT THE GAME, M4 TIME FOR A NEW GAME Kappa

0d 0h 23m Paras falls to burn damage. Defeated Sim Trainer Jodlet!

0d 0h 22m Magikarp is put to sleep again. It wakes after a few turns and gets poisoned instead.

0d 0h 21m We use an Antidote on Magikarp. It's useless. We then use an Awakening and it wakes up.

0d 0h 20m Paras uses Sleep Powder and puts us to sleep.

0d 0h 20m We use a Burn Heal on Magikarp.

0d 0h 20m We send out Magikarp, and Sim Trainer Jodlet sends Paras. Both Pokémon are burnt.

0d 0h 19m We go check the Battle Sim System, and decide to take on the "Healing Status Problems" training program.

0d 0h 13m We boot up the PC. We try to deposit Eevee, but we obviously can't.

0d 0h 12m We talk to a Blissey. Blissbliss!

0d 0h 11m We talk to a scientist working on a special machine to catch Pokémon. Probably not important.

0d 0h 10m We've been asked to find our sister, so we take the elevator downstairs. Krane also told us he left a P★DA in our room.

0d 0h 7m We struggle to enter the door of the next room, but eventually make it and meet up with Lily and Professor Krane.

0d 0h 3m We have a female Lv. 10 Eevee with us.

0d 0h 3m It was all a simulation! We get out of the simulator.

0d 0h 2m We use Earthquake again, and Metagross goes down. Defeated Sim Trainer Losten!

0d 0h 2m We use Earthquake, and Metagross uses Sludge Bomb, poisoning Salamence.

0d 0h 2m No time to think about it, it's battle time! We're using a Lv. 50 Salamence and facing a Lv. 50 Metagross!

0d 0h 1m We are treated to a cutscene of a boat being taken away by an evil-looking Lugia.

0d 0h 0m The game begins, and we pick the name DAVID for our protagonist!

[Info] The title screen is up!

[Intermission] Our Sim is apparently named "Sim Ulator" by the way.

[Intermission] We're currently playing The Sims, and have been playing it for the past three hours.