Updater archive for #1ci491antkthk

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The 10th Anniversary Gauntlet Ruby/Sapphire

[Info] Due to unforeseen technical issues, Dual Diamond & Pearl has been delayed to March 11th, 21:00 UTC. A short season of Pokémon Battle Revolution will take place this weak in the meantime.

[Info] We are back in Stadium 2, and the next run has been confirmed to be Dual Diamond & Pearl, which will start on March 4th at 21:00 UTC! See you then!

The original updater was one long updater for the whole gauntlet; this archive splits the updater by game. Link to next updater archive

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 21h 19m [R] The Trick Master left a note stating he has left on a journey. We leave.

3d 21h 17m [S] Defeated Picnicker TERRA!

3d 21h 17m [R] Entered the Trick House.

3d 21h 17m [S] Relicanth wakes up and uses Dive. Swablu tries to sing again, but Relicanth is already back underwater. Dive hits once more, and Swablu goes down!

[Chat] Melia_Antiqua: VoHiYo Oh no, not a level 15 Swablu. Kappa

3d 21h 15m [S] Swablu is sent out, and we switch to Relicanth. Swablu puts it to sleep.

3d 21h 14m [S] Gorebyss is sent out. Latios uses Thunderbolt, and it goes down.

3d 21h 14m [S] Latios uses Luster Purge and Blaziken goes down.

3d 21h 13m [S] TERRA sends out Blaziken. We switch to Latios.

3d 21h 12m [S] Registeel grew to Lv. 63!

3d 21h 12m [S] Shiftry fails to inflict much damage to Registeel, which takes it down with two Metal Claws.

3d 21h 11m [S] Minun goes down. Shiftry is sent out.

3d 21h 11m [S] We send out Registeel.

3d 21h 11m [S] Minun is next. Pelipper uses Surf again, but Minun barely holds on and paralyzes Pelipper. It then uses Thunder and Pelipper goes down!

3d 21h 10m [S] TERRA sends out Grumpig! Our Pelipper gets confused, but takes it down by using Surf twice.

3d 21h 9m [S] Hey, that Secret Base looks familiar... Vs. Picnicker TERRA!

3d 16h 32m [R] Caught a female Lv. 50 Latias! Nickname: vvvjj.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 7h 13m [R/S] The stream goes down so M4 can get us a new card.

3d 7h 12m [S] Nope, we got third. Ah well.

3d 7h 10m [S] One of our opponents this time exploded on turn 2. Looks like we've been doing well...?

3d 7h 1m [S] Got last place in the contest. Undeterred, we enter a new one.

3d 7h 1m [R] Obtained a King's Rock.

3d 6h 58m [R] Obtained a Super Rod.

3d 6h 53m [S] Entered a Hyper rank Beauty Contest with Castform.

3d 6h 52m [S] We head outside and fly to Slateport.

3d 6h 50m [S] Got first place in the contest! Which is apparently a Super Rank Beauty contest, I was wrong. Castform receives a Ribbon!

[Info] Hearts translate to points. More points = good.

[Fluff] [S] I understand nothing of what's going on here, but we have lots of hearts on screen right now, which is probably good?

3d 6h 42m [S] Got to the Contest Hall and entered Castform in a Cool Contest.

3d 6h 40m [S] At the Poké Center now. Deposited Spinda and withdrew Castform.

3d 6h 36m [S] Registeel reaches Lv. 61! Bellossom returns and uses Hidden Power, only for us to take it out with a crit. Defeated School Kid n!

3d 6h 34m The last three Silver Winds don't rainbow, though, and we start using Earthquake. Dustox survives the second one at 1 HP and fires off a Shadow Ball, which does... 6 damage?, and we take it out with Metal Claw.

3d 6h 32m [S] Earthquake takes out Aggron and n sends out Dustox to use Silver Wind. It doesn't do much, but Dustox does get a rainbow boost as we set up again with Curse. ...The second Silver Wind also gives a rainbow.

3d 6h 32m [R] Deposited Beldum and withdrew Minun.

3d 6h 31m [S] Aggron doesn't quite fall to Surf, and takes out Pelipper with Rollout. We send out Registeel, our last mon.

3d 6h 30m [S] Pelipper's Surf leaves Sableye at 1 HP, so we take a Night Shade before finally fainting it. Aggron comes out next.

3d 6h 29m [S] We try to Brick Break Sableye, which doesn't work, and Slaking faints. Huntail is sent out next and does more damage, but also faints. We send in Pelipper.

3d 6h 28m [R] Reading the letter again.

3d 6h 27m [S] We send in Slaking as Whiscash falls asleep. We get it to red health before it wakes up and Waterfalls us, and then we crit Hyper Beam to take it out. Sableye is sent out and uses Brick Break, leaving us at 14 HP.

3d 6h 26m [S] Waterfall does over half our health. We yawn a second time, and Ice Beam finishes Chimecho off.

3d 6h 25m [S] After several dances, we start using Metal Claw on Bellossom, and then n figures out how to switch to Whiscash. We switch to Chimecho and use Yawn.

3d 6h 23m [R] Got a Lv. 5 Beldum! Nickname: Cob

3d 6h 22m [S] Registeel starts setting up as Bellossom locks into Petal Dance.

3d 6h 22m [R] Back to the house. We read the letter instructing us to pick up the Poké Ball.

3d 6h 21m [S] Huntail uses Waterfall and Camerupt goes down, replaced with Bellossom; we switch to Registeel.

3d 6h 20m [S] We attempt to use Hypnosis but miss. Camerupt cooks us with Overheat, so we switch into Huntail.

3d 6h 19m [R] We walk to the center and deposit Minun in Box 3.

[Chat] SolarisSect: this is also the last one I believe

3d 6h 17m [S] Located another host! Vs. School Kid n! Spinda vs. Camerupt.

3d 6h 15m [R] We walk outside and enter another house. There's a Poké Ball with a Beldum inside! ...but we don't have any party space.

3d 6h 14m [S] After some deliberation, we bike into the desert.

3d 6h 9m [S] Flew to Lavaridge Town, and we're now hopping some ledges to the east.

3d 6h 7m [R] Salamence begins to Dragon Dance as we switch, then does half our health with Earthquake, but we fire off Ice Beam and take it down, ending the fight. IS... POWER BATTLE, Devin cries out in defeat.

3d 6h 6m [R] Metagross lands an Earthquake, then faints to more Flamethrower; Salamence is then sent out. We switch to Gorebyss.

3d 6h 6m [R] Cooltrainer Devin informs us that POWER BATTLE IS ALWAYS TRENDY!, then sends out Heracross to start the battle. We start with Blaziken and take it out with Flamethrower, then Metagross comes out.

3d 6h 5m [S] Flew to Mauville.

3d 6h 4m [R] Show's over! We start to pick our Pokémon for the battle, then back out.

3d 6h 2m [R] We decline to battle the e-Reader Trainer and instead watch TV.

3d 6h 2m [S] Graveler uses Double-Edge, which does little damage. Registeel retaliates with Earthquake, and Graveler goes down! Defeated School Kid A!

3d 6h 1m [R] We enter the Backdoor House.

3d 6h 1m [S] Vileplume goes down! Graveler is sent next.

3d 6h 0m [R] We deposit Swablu and withdraw Grumpig again.

3d 5h 59m [S] Registeel goes to sleep again.

3d 5h 59m [S] Another Earthquake and Tentacruel faints! Vileplume is next.

3d 5h 59m [R] Flew to Mossdeep City and booted the PC again.

3d 5h 58m [S] Tentacruel is sent out, and it barely survives and Earthquake. Registeel uses Rest and falls asleep.

[Chat] Spiderpig2398: she never said the line BibleThump

3d 5h 56m [S] We use Earthquake. Azumarill takes the hit. A second Earthquake though, and it goes down! Registeel grew to Lv. 60!

3d 5h 56m [R] Withdrew Swablu.

3d 5h 55m [S] Registeel uses Earthquake, and Mightyena goes down! Azumarill is sent out again.

3d 5h 55m [S] Mightyena goes to sleep due to Chimecho's earlier Yawn, and Registeel takes advantage of it to boost its stats using Curse.

3d 5h 54m [R] Deposited Grumpig.

3d 5h 54m [S] We send out Registeel.

3d 5h 53m [S] Chimecho gets hit by Shadow Ball and faints.

3d 5h 53m [R] We boot up the PC.

3d 5h 53m [S] We send out Chimecho. We miraculously survive a Surf attack and use Psychic. A switches to Mightyena.

3d 5h 51m [S] Hyper Beam again, but Azumarill easily tanks it. Slaking faints.

3d 5h 50m [S] Azumarill is sent out. It uses Surf and takes out about half of Slaking's health.

3d 5h 50m [S] We send Slaking and use Hyper Beam. Hariyama faints and Slaking grows to Lv. 52.

3d 5h 49m [S] Brick Break! Spinda faints.

3d 5h 49m [S] Hariyama woke up.

3d 5h 49m [S] We spam Psychic and pray that Hariyama doesn't wake up.

3d 5h 48m [S] We send Spinda and put Hariyama to sleep.

3d 5h 48m [S] Pelipper uses Fly, but Hariyama has about twenty levels on our own Pokémon, so it tanks hits very well. Pelipper goes down.

3d 5h 46m [R] Arrived in Oldale Town.

3d 5h 46m [S] We switch to Pelipper. Hariyama uses Brick Break.

3d 5h 45m [R] We show our Pokédex to Prof. Birch.

3d 5h 45m [S] She sends out Hariyama, and we send Spinda.

[Info] This is A from the Pokémon Emerald run, way back in 2014!

3d 5h 44m [S] We venture further west, and fin another Secret Base... Vs. School Kid A!

3d 5h 43m [R] We go downstairs and talk to Dad. Received the S.S. Ticket!

3d 5h 42m [R/S] Inputs resume on both sides.

3d 5h 39m [R/S] We are back! A new Mystery Event is being loaded onto Sapphire.

3d 5h 34m [R/S] The TVs have switched to cartoons and commercials while the save is being backed up.

[Info] So anyway, context. tim was the main character of the Pokémon Sapphire sidegame, which we played back in 2022 in the corner of the screen alongside Pokémon Battle Revolution betting sessions. Meanwhile, ZZZZZZZ was the protagonist of PokéSus2, a romhack we played as an intermission in 2023, and in which every Pokémon sprite was replaced with an "amogus" sprite.

3d 5h 29m [S] Spinda uses Return, and Ninjask goes down at last. Defeated Youngster tim!

3d 5h 29m [S] Ninjask uses Protect to delay the inevitable.

3d 5h 28m [S] So, Ninjask, we meet again, and this time you cannot escape.

3d 5h 28m [S] Spinda uses Return. Critical hit! Manectric goes down.

3d 5h 27m [S] Chimecho goes down! We send out Spinda.

3d 5h 27m [S] We swap to Chimecho. Manectric uses Thunderbolt.

3d 5h 26m [S] Manectric is sent out by tim.

3d 5h 26m [S] Pelipper grew to Lv. 55!

3d 5h 26m [S] We send out Pelipper. Both sides use Surf, and Swampert goes down.

3d 5h 25m [S] Swampert actually survives Hyper Beam and almost takes down Slaking with Surf. It then uses Earthquake, and Slaking goes down!

3d 5h 25m [S] Ninjask is back again. It uses Baton Pass once more, to Swampert.


3d 5h 24m [S] Swellow uses Return and it... does very little damage. It gets Hyper Beam'd to death.

3d 5h 24m [S] Slaking uses Hyper Beam, and Gardevoir goes down. Ninjask is sent again, but it Baton Passes once more to Swellow.

3d 5h 23m [S] Anyway, Ninjask uses baton Pass and is swapped for Armaldo, and we send out Huntail, which takes down Armaldo. Spinda grew to Lv. 59! Gardevoir is next, and we switch to Slaking.

[Info] My bad, seems it was a different Secret Base that was right next to the previous one. Which, uh, makes more sense actually.

3d 5h 21m [S] tim sends out Ninjask. Spinda uses Return, and Ninjask boosts its Attack with Swords Dance.

3d 5h 20m [S] We exit the base, then enter again, and it changed... Vs. Youngster tim!

3d 5h 18m [S] Slaking uses Faint Attack, and Shedinja goes down. Defeated Picnicker ZZZZZZZ!

[Fluff] Chat is spamming the tppHP emote.

3d 5h 17m [S] Shedinja is sent out. It sets up Sunny Day.

3d 5h 17m [S] Sharpedo is sent out. It uses Surf, then gets Hyper Beam'd as well and goes down.

3d 5h 16m [S] Hyper Beam! Skarmory goes down.

3d 5h 16m [S] Skarmory uses Roar. Slaking is sent out and gets hurt by Spikes.

3d 5h 15m [S] Skarmory is sent out. We swap to Huntail, and Skarmory sets up Spikes.

3d 5h 15m [S] Fire Blast misses, allowing Registeel to take down Camerupt with one more Earthquake.

3d 5h 14m [S] Another Substitue is created then brokened.

3d 5h 14m [S] Camerupt makes a Substitute, which Registeel immediately breaks.

3d 5h 13m [S] Registeel takes down Sceptile as well. Camerupt is sent out.

3d 5h 13m [S] We send Registeel and boost our Attack and Defense, which allows us to tank Relicanth's Earthquakes quite efficiently. We take down Relicanth and Sceptile comes back out.

3d 5h 11m ZZZZZZZ's Sceptile took down Spinda, and her Relicanth defeated Pelipper.

3d 5h 07m [S] We enter a Secret Base on Route 121 and talk to the person inside... Vs. Picnicker ZZZZZZZ!

3d 4h 51m [S] A rogue input caused us to kill Regice. RIP.

3d 4h 44m [S] Vs. Regice!

3d 4h 39m [S] We were trying to stay still for two minutes to unlock Regice's door. tppsimulator decided this would be a great time to input.

[Chat] 🪣 If Bucket has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Bucket has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Bucket has only one fan then that is me. If Bucket has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Bucket, then I am against the world. 🪣

[Chat] tppsimulator: it's gorebyss WOOOOO

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 3h 58m [R/S] Inputs resume on Sapphire. Ruby is stuck on title screen until Streamer is available to back up the save.

3d 3h 52m [R/S] Inputs pause as we watch the credits from Ruby play out.

3d 3h 50m [R] TERRA entered the Hall of Fame with Minun, Blaziken, Zangoose, Gorebyss, Grumpig and Shiftry! Congratulations!

3d 3h 49m [R] Defeated Champion Steven! TEH URN!

3d 3h 49m [R] Another Flamethrower, and Claydol goes down!

3d 3h 48m [R] Claydol is sent out. Blaziken uses Flamethrower, and not only lands a critical hit but burns Claydol!

3d 3h 48m [R] Blaziken uses Brick Break and Cradily goes down. Blaziken grew to Lv. 63!

3d 3h 47m [R] We swap to Blaziken again. Giga Drain does minimal damage.

3d 3h 47m [R] Cradily is sent out. We try to run from the battle.

3d 3h 46m [R] Gorebyss sets up rain, then uses Surf. Armaldo goes down!

3d 3h 45m [R] Armaldo is sent out. We switch to Gorebyss.

3d 3h 45m [R] Blaziken uses Flamethrower, and Metagross goes down!

3d 3h 44m [R] We send out Blaziken again.

3d 3h 44m [R] Grumpig survives Meteor Mash and uses Shock Wave again. The second Meteor Mash however takes Grumpig down.

3d 3h 43m [R] Grumpig uses Shock Wave. Critical hit!

3d 3h 43m [R] Metagross is sent out. We switch to Grumpig.

3d 3h 42m [R] We send out Blaziken and use Brick Break, taking down Aggron!

3d 3h 42m [R] Aggron is sent out. Minun paralyzes it with Thunder Wave, then goes down from Earthquake.

3d 3h 42m [R] Another Thunderbolt and Skarmory goes down!

3d 3h 41m [R] Steven sends out Skarmory. We send Minun and use Thunderbolt. Skarmory gets paralyzed and can't move!

3d 3h 41m [R] Vs. Champion Steven! (Attempt #3)

[R] 3d 3h 39m Drake defeated

[R] 3d 3h 38m Gorebyss grew to lv66

[R] 3d 3h 37m VS Drake Gorebyss grew to lv65

[R] 3d 3h 34m Glacia defeated.

[R] [Info] E4 attempt... is it 11? 12? I've lost track but it's one of those two.

[R] 3d 3h 34m Blaziken grew to lv62

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 3h 8m [S] Vs. Beauty Ellie!

3d 3h 8m [R] Took the Exp. Share from Grumpig and gave it Lax Incense to hold.

3d 3h 7m [R] We go to Victory Road.

3d 3h 6m [R/S] Inputs freeze again as a new e-Reader card is scanned. The games then resumes.

[Snark] "I AM NOT HOPELESS BUT I GIVE UP" (Youngster Rudy, 2003)

3d 3h 4m [S] We defeated Youngster Rudy!

3d 3h 3m [R] Salamence uses Fly and Blaziken faints. We black out.

3d 3h 3m [S] Magikarp actually managed to take down Slaking...

3d 3h 2m [R] We send out Blaziken again.

3d 3h 2m [S] Rudy's last Pokémon is a Lv. 100 Magikarp. It uses Splash.

3d 3h 1m [R] Blaziken manages to defeat Flygon. Salamence is sent out, and we swap to Minun.

3d 3h 1m [S] Youngster Rudy has a Lv. 98 Cascoon, and a Lv. 99 Silcoon. They only use Tackle.

3d 3h 0m [R] Another Flygon is sent. It sets up Sandstorm.

3d 3h 0m [R] We send out Blaziken. Drake uses a Full Restore, but Blaziken manages to take down Flygon nonetheless.

3d 3h 0m [S] Another e-Reader Trainer arrived. Vs. Youngster Rudy!

3d 2h 59m [R] We send Zangoose and use Shadow Ball. Flygon uses Flamethrower and Zangoose faints.

3d 2h 58m [R] Flygon uses Crunch. It gets hit with Psychic, then another Crunch takes out Grumpig.

3d 2h 58m [R/S] Inputs resume.

3d 2h 56m [S] Sapphire is reset and the e-Reader menu appears. Inputs stop temporarily.

3d 2h 56m [R] Grumpig uses Psychic and Altaria goes down. Flygon is sent out.

3d 2h 56m [R] We send out Grumpig. We use Calm Mind and Altaria uses Dragon Dance.

3d 2h 55m [R] Gorebyss uses Psychic and lands a critical hit. Altaria then uses Take Down and Gorebyss faints.

3d 2h 54m [R] Altaria is sent out. Gorebyss sets up rain.

3d 2h 54m [R] We move Ice Beam to the first slot, then take down Shelgon with another Surf.

3d 2h 53m [R] Drake sends Shelgon. A double input causes Gorebyss to use Surf.

3d 2h 53m [S] We finally defeated PokéManiac Tyler!

3d 2h 52m [R] Vs. Elite Four Drake!

3d 2h 46m [S] We go right back in to take down Tyler and his stupid RNG.

3d 2h 45m [S] Lost to Tyler again.

3d 2h 44m [R] Glacia's second Glalie is taken down as well. A swift victory! Defeated Elite Four Glacia!

3d 2h 44m [R] Walrein is sent out, and Brick Break takes it down as well.

3d 2h 43m [R] The second Sealeo fares no better.

3d 2h 43m [R] Sealeo falls the same way. Grumpig grew to Lv. 50!

3d 2h 42m [R] Glacia sends Glalie, which Blaziken takes down with Brick Break. Blaziken grew to Lv. 60!

3d 2h 42m [R] Vs. Elite Four Glacia!

3d 2h 38m [S] We are taking another shot at PokéManiac Tyler.

3d 2h 37m [R] A second Banette is sent out. Zangoose uses Shadow Ball once more, and it faints. Defeated Elite Four Phoebe!

3d 2h 37m [R] Phoebe is out of healing items, and Sableye goes down.

3d 2h 36m [R] Sableye survives a Shadow Ball. Phoebe uses a Full Restore the next turn. We use Shadow Ball again, and she uses another Full Restore.

3d 2h 36m [R] Banette comes out. Shadow Ball takes it out easily.

3d 2h 35m [S] Lost to Tyler again.

3d 2h 35m [R] Zangoose manages to use Shadow Ball, and Dusclops faints!

3d 2h 35m [R] Zangoose is confused and hurts itself in confusion.

3d 2h 34m [R] We send out Zangoose and use Swords Dance.

3d 2h 34m [R] A second Dusclops comes out. It confuses Shiftry, then finishes it off with Ice Beam.

3d 2h 33m [R] Phoebe sends out Dusclops. We lead with Shiftry and use Faint Attack. Dusclops then self-defeats with Curse.

3d 2h 33m [R] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe!

3d 2h 31m [S] Back to the basement for a rematch. Vs. PokéManiac Tyler!

3d 2h 28m [S] We take the EXP. Share from Registeel and give it Leftovers.

3d 2h 26m [S] We lost to the e-Reader Trainer due to his Pinsir using Guillotine. "WAHAHAHA! THAT WAS SERIOUS 1-HIT KO!"

3d 2h 25m [R] Cacturne goes down as well. Grumpig grew to Lv. 49! Defeated Elite Four Sidney!

3d 2h 24m [R] Sharpedo goes down the same way.

3d 2h 23m [R] Absol is sent out. Brick Break takes care of it.

3d 2h 23m [R] Shiftry is sent out, and flinches us with Fake Out. Blaziken then uses Brick Break again, and it goes down.

3d 2h 22m [R] We send out Blaziken against Mightyena, and take it down with Brick break.

3d 2h 22m [R] Vs. Elite Four Sidney!

3d 2h 21m [R] We enter the Pokémon League again.

[Meta] And with that, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[R] 3d 2h 13m Minun falls. Wipe.

[S] 3d 2h 13m Game is reloaded in the Mystery Trainer house.

[R] 3d 2h 13m Minun survives Dragon Claw and lands a Thunderbolt. Drake heals, however, and Minun's Thunderbolt fails to kill.

[S] [Info] E-Reader is being pulled up. Inputs are frozen on both sides.

[R] 3d 2h 11m Minun comes in as a hail mary.

[R] 3d 2h 10m Blaziken lands Brick Break and tanks Crunch. Another Brick Break is not enough and Blaziken falls to Dragon Claw.

[Streamer] M4 removes the Latios figurine from the urn, signifying it has been hacked back into the Sapphire file.

[R] 3d 2h 9m Flygon goes down to Brick Break. Salamence comes in with Intimidate.

[R] 3d 2h 9m Blaziken Bulks Up. Flygon once again sets Sandstorm.

[R] 3d 2h 8m Blaziken comes in.

[R] 3d 2h 8m It doesn't miss. Shiftry falls.

[R] 3d 2h 8m Flygon flies up high!

[R] 3d 2h 7m Drake uses a Full Restore. Shiftry Giga Drains.

[R] 3d 2h 6m Grumpig goes down to a crit. Shiftry comes in as sand ends. Flygon sets it again as Shiftry Giga Drains.

[Snark] Riveting gameplay, I promise.

[R] 3d 2h 6m Flygon Digs. Grumpig sleeps.

[R] 3d 2h 4m Flygon Digs. Grumpig wakes up and Rests.

[R] 3d 2h 4m Sand ends, so Flygon sets it again. Grumpig continues to sleep.

[R] 3d 2h 3m Flygon Digs. Grumpig Rests.

[R] 3d 2h 2m Flygon sets sand while Grumpig comes in and lands Psychic. Flygon then Digs while Grumpig Calm Minds.

[R] 3d 2h 1m Altaria falls after landing another Dragon Breath. Gorebyss grew to lv63. Gorebyss then falls to Flygon.

[Info] It was a crit para.

[R] 3d 1h 59m Shelgon falls to Ice Beam. We set Rain on Altaria but are para'd by Dragon Breath.

[R] 3d 1h 57m Gorebyss is moved to the front. VS Drake

[S] [Info] Seinfield is now playing.

[R] 3d 1h 55m It's a pretty simple Brick Break sweep from here. Blaziken grew to lv59 and did not learn Sky Uppercut. Glacia beaten!

[R] 3d 1h 54m Blaziken Bulks Up while Glalie hits Ice Beam.

[R] 3d 1h 53m Vs Glacia

[R] 3d 1h 53m Blaziken is switched to the front.

[R] 3d 1h 50m The next Banette lives Shadow Ball, taking Zangoose out. Shiftry comes back and finishes it off with Faint Attack through the Full Restore. Phoebe defeated

[R] 3d 1h 49m Banette goes down. Zangoose grew to Lv. 53! Another Sableye comes in and brings Zangoose to the red before going down.

[R] 3d 1h 49m Banette comes in, tanking Shadow Ball but retaliating with Spite. Phoebe heals, so Banette takes Shadow Ball.

[R] 3d 1h 47m Shadow Ball is moved to Slot 1. Zangoose spams Shadow Ball, tanking an EQ. Dusclops falls. Shiftry grew to Lv. 49!

[R] 3d 1h 46m Switch to Zangoose to take the Ice Beam.

[Info] Faint Attack, not Fake Out.

[R] 3d 1h 46m Shiftry lands Fake Out and Dusclops faints to set a Curse.

[R] 3d 1h 45m VS Phoebe

[R] 3d 1h 45m Shiftry moved to front.

[R] 3d 1h 43m Sharpedo goes down but imparts Rough Skin damage. Cacturne falls. Sidney beaten

[R] 3d 1h 42m Absol goes down. Blaziken grew to Lv. 58!

[Snark] Boy nothing like spamming the a button amirite.

[R] 3d 1h 42m Mightyena falls to Brick Break from Blaziken. Shiftry Fake Outs, but falls next turn.

[S] Currently watching Scooby Doo while M4 sets up new E-Reader sets.

[R] 3d 1h 41m Vs. Sidney!

[R] [Info] E4 attempt #10

[Meta] The live updater is going dark again. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 1h 37m [R] Cradily is sent out! Gorebyss uses Ice Beam, but is then taken out by Giga Drain. We black out!

3d 1h 36m [R] Gorebyss is sent out. It uses Psychic, but Gorebyss survives and takes it down with Surf. Gorebyss grew to Lv. 62!

3d 1h 36m [S] Defeated Sailor Oscar!

3d 1h 35m [R] We send out Gorebyss. Metagross heals with a Sitrus Berry.

3d 1h 35m [R] Blaziken uses Flamethrower. It then gets hit with Psychic and goes down!

3d 1h 34m [R] We send out Blaziken, and take out Aggron. Metagross is sent out next.

[Snark] ...just realized that on the next attempt I kept referring to Aggron as "Galeking" because I am a moron.

3d 1h 33m [R] We send out Zangoose. We use Swords Dance, then Aggron uses Thunder and lands a critical hit; Zangoose goes down!

3d 1h 32m [R] Aggron is sent out next. Minun uses Charm to lower it's attack. Aggron then uses Earthquake and Minun faints.

3d 1h 32m [R] Steven sends out Skarmory. We send out Minun and use Thunderbolt. Minun takes a hit from Steel Wing, then takes down Skarmory with another Thunderbolt. Minun grew to Lv. 43!

3d 1h 30m [R] Vs. Champion Steven! (Attempt #2)

3d 1h 30m [S] Doing more e-Reader battles. Vs. Sailor Oscar.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 1h 0m [R/S] The stream returns, and the P is back in place.

3d 0h 59m [R/S] The stream goes down temporarily, as one of the Unown on the set has fallen down.


3d 0h 57m [S] We send out Spinda again. Ludicolo protects itself from Return, but gets hit the next turn and goes down! Defeated Camper Patrick!

3d 0h 56m [S] A critical hit with Crunch! Unfortunately, it is not enough to take down Ludicolo, and Huntail goes down.

3d 0h 55m [S] Ludicolo uses Toxic and Huntail gets badly poisoned. It uses Crunch, then gets hit by Leech Seed on top of that.

3d 0h 54m [S] We use Waterfall, and Ludicolo protects itself. It then dives underwater again.

3d 0h 54m [S] We send out Spinda. Ludicolo dives underwater, and we swap to Huntail, which takes the hit.

3d 0h 53m [S] Leech Seed takes the last of Registeel's health, and it goes down.

[Snark] Patrick, please.

3d 0h 52m [S] It then tries to use Toxic on Registeel.

3d 0h 52m [S] Ludicolo is sent out. It uses leech Seed on Registeel.

3d 0h 52m [R] Zangoose grew to lv. 52!

3d 0h 51m [S] Flygon uses Flamethrower. Registeel snaps out of confusion and uses Metal Claw. Flygon then uses Crunch, and Registeel takes it out for good.

3d 0h 51m [S] Another Metal Claw hits, and Xatu goes down. Flygon is sent out next.

3d 0h 50m [S] Xatu confuses Registeel again, causing it to hurt itself.

3d 0h 49m [S] Registeel uses Metal Claw, and almost takes Xatu down.

3d 0h 49m [S] Registeel wakes up. It hurts itself in confusion before snapping out of it and using Curse again.

3d 0h 48m [S] Registeel uses Rest to heal.

3d 0h 47m [S] Xatu confuses Registeel, which hurts itself in confusion.

3d 0h 47m [S] Xatu uses Psychic. Spinda puts it to sleep with Hypnosis, but its Chesto Berry wakes it up! We swap to Registeel and begin using Curse.

[Snark] Is it me or is Patrick not very smart.

3d 0h 45m [S] Patrick sends out Xatu. It wastes a Confuse Ray on the unconfusable Spinda, then tries to use Rest at full health.

3d 0h 45m [S] Vs. Camper Patrick!

3d 0h 44m [R] Grumpig grew to Lv. 48!

3d 0h 44m [S] We fly to Mossdeep City and go to the Backdoor House.

3d 0h 40m [S] We go to the Move Relearner, and Huntail learned Baton Pass over Ice Beam.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: we might do Col/XD as an intermission with Channel maybe

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: I need to send the input device back to Aiss along with one of those GameCubes so he can test all the games

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: Orre will not run into the same input issues. inputs don’t work at all in those games

3d 0h 38m [R] TERRA is currently grinding on Victory Road.

[Info] The card scanned on the e-Reader appears to have been Camper Patrick.

3d 0h 35m [R/S] Inputs resume!

3d 0h 35m [S] The e-Reader menu appears. We are shown the card about to be scan, then the game is reset.

3d 0h 34m [R/S] The stream returns!

3d 0h 30m [R/S] The stream goes temporarily down.

3d 0h 28m [S] We fly again, to Fallarbor Town.

3d 0h 27m [R] We bike to Victory Road.

3d 0h 27m [S] We fly to Lilycove City.

3d 0h 27m [S] Found a Heart Scale!

3d 0h 26m [R] We send out Shiftry. It gets hit by Sludge Bomb and goes down. Black out!

3d 0h 25m [R] Grumpig uses Rest and heals itself. Cradily uses Ancient Power and gets the omniboost from it, then it takes Grumpig down.

3d 0h 25m [R] Cradily uses Sludge Bomb and Grumpig is poisoned.

3d 0h 24m [R] We send out Grumpig and uses Calm Mind twice.

3d 0h 23m [R] Cradily is sent out. We use Surf again, then Gorebyss gets confused. It hurts itself, then is taken out by Giga Drain.

3d 0h 22m [R] We send out Gorebyss; it uses Surf, and Galeking goes down.

3d 0h 22m [S] We leave Mossdeep City and head south.

3d 0h 21m [R] Galeking is sent out. We use Thunderbolt again, then Minun is taken down by Earthquake.

3d 0h 21m [R] Minun uses Thunderbolt. Skarmory loses half its health and retorts with Steel Wing. A second Thunderbolt, and Skarmory goes down!

3d 0h 20m [R] Steven sends Skarmory. We send out Minun.

3d 0h 20m [R] Vs. Champion Steven! (Attempt #1)

3d 0h 19m [S] Defeated Psychic Natasha!

3d 0h 18m [S] Meanwhile Sapphire is fighting the current e-Reader Trainer, Psychic Natasha.

3d 0h 17m [R] Defeated Elite Four Drake!

3d 0h 16m [R] A second Flygon comes out, and another Ice Beam takes it down. Salamence is next, and it goes down the same way. Gorebyss grew to Lv. 59!

3d 0h 16m [R] Another Ice Beam takes down Flygon Gorebyss grew to Lv. 58!

3d 0h 15m [R] Gorebyss uses Psychic, then sets up rain, and finally defeats Altaria with Ice Beam. Flygon is sent out.

3d 0h 15m [R] Drake sends out Shelgon, and Gorebyss takes it out with Ice Beam. Altaria is sent out next.

3d 0h 14m [R] Vs. Elite Four Drake!

2d 23h 53m [S] Regirock fell to Struggle recoil

[R] [Info] E4 attempt #8

[Streamer] M4 opened up the urn that was placed in front of the Sapphire console, chucked a Latios figurine in it, and then closed the lid.

[Recap] Ruby has continued E4 attempts. Sapphire's controller was physically unplugged from the GameCube for the credits sequence. After the sapphire save was backed up, Sapphire rode the S.S Tidal and also used an Eon Ticket to visit Southern Isle, and have a long battle with a Latios that ended in running away

[R] [Info] E4 attempt #7

[Meta] Sorry, but that was way too chaotic for me. The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[R] 2d 21h 45m E4 attempt 5

[R] 2d 21h 44m Minun fainted while I looked away. Gorebyss came out but then also fainted. Wipe.

[S] 2d 21h 43m Registeel tanks an EQ, then hits EQ. Metagross falls. Steven defeated. TEH URN

[S] 2d 21h 42m At long last, Cradily goes down. Registeel grew to Lv. 58! Metagross comes in, EQ. Registeel lands a crit Metal Claw.

[R] 2d 21h 42m Grumpig falls. Minun comes in.

[S] 2d 21h 42m Registeel wakes and hits EQ, Steven heals Cradily and EQ again. Confuse Ray.

[R] 2d 21h 41m Glalie sets Light Screen to tank Psychic.

[S] 2d 21h 40m Registeel Rests.

[R] 2d 21h 40m Grumpig comes in to set Calm Mind, tanking Crunch.

[S] 2d 21h 39m As Registeel sets up six Curses, it once again hits itself in confusion due to Confuse Ray.

[R] 2d 21h 38m Blaziken thaws, gets frozen again, and slowly faints to Hail and Ice Beam chip.

[R] 2d 21h 38m Frozen by Ice Beam from Glalie while Blaziken Bulks Up.

[S] 2d 21h 38m Registeel hurts itself in confusion, so Rests.

[R] 2d 21h 37m VS Glacia

[S] 2d 21h 36m Send in Registeel and begin Cursing.

[Fluff] Someone help it's so hard to do this with two e4 attempts at once.

[S] 2d 21h 36m Cradily comes in and Huntail faints to crit Giga Drain.

[S] 2d 21h 35m Huntail comes in and takes down Armaldo. Aggron comes in and similarly falls to Waterfall. Huntail grew to Lv. 59!

[R] 2d 21h 35m Phoebe beaten.

[S] 2d 21h 34m Armaldo comes in, tanks Surf. Pelipper goes down.

[R] 2d 21h 34m Banette goes down. Sableye comes in.

[S] 2d 21h 33m Claydol comes in, survives Surf on 1 HP and Ancient Powers. Pelipper survives on 4 HP. Claydol goes down.

[S] 2d 21h 33m Skarmory goes down to Surfs.

[R] 2d 21h 32m Gorebyss grew to Lv. 44! Shiftry falls. Zangoose comes in.

[S] 2d 21h 32m Skarmory sets Spikes while Pelipper sets rain.

[S] 2d 21h 32m Vs. Champion Steven! (Attempt #1)

[R] 2d 21h 31m Banette misses Will-o-Wisp and falls to two Faint Attacks.

[R] 2d 21h 31m A crit Faint Attack takes Dusclops down. Shiftry grew to Lv. 46!

[R] 2d 21h 30m Dusclops falls to Faint Attacks, a second comes in.

[R] 2d 21h 29m VS Phoebe

[S] 2d 21h 28m Drake's entire team falls to Ice Beam. Salamence lands a Dragon Claw, then falls. Drake defeated

[R] 2d 21h 27m Gorebyss grew to lv43 and didn't learn Baton Pass. Blaziken grew to Lv. 53! Sidney beaten!

[S] 2d 21h 26m Altaria fell while I looked away.

[S] 2d 21h 25m Vs. Drake! (Attempt #2/3) Huntail spams Ice Beam against Shelgon.

[S] 2d 21h 25m Glacia defeated.

[S] 2d 21h 24m Glalie falls. Registeel grew to Lv. 57 and didn't learn Lock On.

[R] 2d 21h 23m This is pretty much a Brick Break sweep. Blaziken grew to Lv. 52!

[S] 2d 21h 22m Registeel Rests on Glalie.

[R] 2d 21h 22m E4 attempt 4. Vs. Sidney!

[S] 2d 21h 22m Walrein goes down.

[S] 2d 21h 21m Surf crits. Thankfully Metal Claw brings Walrein down to potion range and Registeel Rests.

[Snark] Thank you Sapphire for slowing your battle down for me to make recording easier.

[S] 2d 21h 19m Sealeo FINALLY falls. Walrein comes in.

[S] 2d 21h 19m Still on Sealeo with Rest strats to withstand Blizzard and hail chip.

[R] 2d 21h 18m Flygon outspeeds and hits DBreath. Wipe.

[R] 2d 21h 18m Salamence survives on a silver and hits DClaw. Blaziken survives on 6 HP and takes Salamence down.

[R] 2d 21h 17m Blaziken Bulks Up. Salamence Flies. Another Bulk Up. Salamence is paralyzed.

[R] 2d 21h 17m Blaziken uses Brick Break. Salamence is paralyzed. Berry pops.

[S] 2d 21h 16m Registeel once again Rests to withstand multiple Surfs.

[R] 2d 21h 16m Blaziken Bulks Up. Salamence is paralyzed.

[R] 2d 21h 16m Zangoose comes in but fails to kill with Strength and faints.

[S] 2d 21h 15m Glacia potions. Registeel keeps chipping.

[R] 2d 21h 14m Minun comes in, tanks Flamethrower to hit Twave.

[R] 2d 21h 14m Gorebyss faints to Dragon Claw.

[S] 2d 21h 14m Registeel Rests on Sealeo.

[R] 2d 21h 14m Grumpig faints. Gorebyss comes in.

[S] 2d 21h 13m After several Curses, Glalie goes down.

[R] 2d 21h 12m Shelgon goes down. Flygon comes in. It lowers Grumpig to red with Crunch but goes down to two +2 Psychics. Enter Salamence.

[S] 2d 21h 12m Glalie Hails while Registeel Curses.

[S] 2d 21h 12m Vs. Glacia!

[Info] that was ruby sorry

[S] 2d 21h 11m Psychic fails to kill. Rock Tomb lowers speed. Drake potions. Another Psychic.

[R] 2d 21h 11m Calm Mind on Shelgon Protect.

[S] 2d 21h 11m Registeel placed in lead.

[S] 2d 21h 10m Phoebe defeated.

[R] 2d 21h 10m Vs. Drake! (Attempt #1)

[R] 2d 21h 9m Party order is swapped, Grumpig lead.

[S] 2d 21h 8m Dusclops Confuse Rays as Pelipper chips it down with rain-boosted water moves.

[S] 2d 21h 8m Sableye falls. Dusclops comes in.

[R] 2d 21h 7m Walrein falls to Brick Break. Blaziken grew to Lv. 52! Glalie falls. Defeated Glacia

[S] 2d 21h 7m Sableye is asleep. Pelipper comes in and sets rain.

[R] 2d 21h 7m Two Sealeo fall to Brick Break.

[S] 2d 21h 6m Spinda survives on 1 HP but faints to Burn damage.

[R] 2d 21h 6m Blaziken defrosts and ohkos with Brick Break. Enter Sealeo.

[R] 2d 21h 6m Blaziken is frozen.

[S] 2d 21h 6m Sableye comes in. Spinda misses Hypnosis.

[R] 2d 21h 5m Blaziken vs Glalie. Blaziken Bulks Up.

[R] 2d 21h 5m Vs. Glacia! (Attempt #2)

[S] 2d 21h 5m Will-o-Wisp burns Spinda.

[S] 2d 21h 4m Dusclops goes down to repeated Shadow Balls. Banette comes in.

[S] 2d 21h 3m VS Phoebe Order was swapped so Spinda first. Hypnosis hits Dusclops.

[R] 2d 21h 3m Zangoose survives on 1 HP and defeats Banette. Phoebe beaten.

[R] 2d 21h 2m After tanking some EQs, Dusclops falls. A Banette is ohko'd by +2 Shadow Ball. Sableye falls to two.

[S] 2d 21h 2m Registeel wakes to finish Shiftry. Sidney defeated.

[R] 2d 21h 1m Zangoose Sword Dances through the confusion. Snap out to Shadow Ball.

[S] 2d 21h 1m Shiftry continues to spam Double Team.

[S] 2d 21h 1m Registeel uses Rest.

[R] 2d 21h 0m Dusclops confuses Zangoose. Zangoose spams Shadow Ball.

[S] 2d 21h 0m Registeel becomes confused again. It hits itself in confusion while Shiftry Double Teams.

[R] 2d 20h 59m Another Dusclops comes in. After trading Giga Drains and attacks, Shiftry goes down to Ice Beam. Zangoose comes in.

[S] 2d 20h 59m Few more of Sidney's mons fall. Registeel snaps out to hit Metal Claw on Absol. Shiftry comes in and uses Fake Out.

[R] 2d 20h 58m Shiftry lands Faint Attack but becomes confused. Dusclops eventually goes down.

[R] 2d 20h 58m Vs. Phoebe!

[S] 2d 20h 57m Sharpedo lands another Swagger. Registeel wakes in time to Earthquake.

[R] 2d 20h 57m Shiftry is moved to the front.

[S] 2d 20h 57m Sharpedo lands Surf. Registeel uses Rest.

[S] 2d 20h 56m Sharpedo comes in, uses Swagger. Registeel hits itself.

[S] 2d 20h 56m Another Curse. Mightyena thankfully falls to Metal Claw before it can Roar.

[S] 2d 20h 55m Mightyena Crunches. Registeel Metal Claws.

[S] 2d 20h 55m Registeel's Clear Body blocks Mightyena's Intimidate. Begin setting Curse.

[R] 2d 20h 54m Absol and Sharpedo both fall to Brick Break. As does Cacturne. Victory! Blaziken grew to Lv. 51!

[S] 2d 20h 54m Vs. Sidney!

[S] 2d 20h 53m Enter E4.

[R] 2d 20h 53m Shiftry comes in but falls to Flamethrower.

[S] 2d 20h 53m Heal at the Pokemon League.

[R] 2d 20h 52m Lead Blaziken into an Intimidate on Mightyena but take it out with Brick Break.

[R] 2d 20h 52m E4 attempt 3. Vs. Sidney!

[S] [Info] I haven't been counting, but I had to guess/estimate, I think Sapphire's E4 attempts are anywhere from 9 to 12.

[R] [Info] Two E4 attempts occured. Currently preparing for third attempt.

[Recap] Both sides are currently in the Mauville Powerplant.

[Info] Spinda has a fast exp curve, so it's very possible it's just levelling really quickly while Sapphire grinds out E4 attempts.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 8h 40m [S] We fly to Fallarbor Town

[Snark] Every time I look at Spinda's level, the number is one that doesn't make sense given the last number I saw. At the beginning of this shift, I couldn't tell whether Spinda's level was 30 or 40. And I thought its level was still 40, but suddenly it looked like Spinda grew to level 50? It is in character for Spinda to be confounding, but this is a bit much.
Unless Spinda was originally 48, Spinda was the one that grew to Lv 49 when I missed who gained that level, and then Spinda's next level grew to Lv. 50. I'll go with that.

2d 8h 39m [S] We send in Chimecho. Chimecho uses a Psychic to finish off Shelgon. Drake sens in a Flygon. Flygon uses Dragonbreath to knock out Chimecho. white out

2d 8h 38m [S] Vs. Elite Four Drake. Slaking uses Slack Off. The opposing Shelgon uses Dragon Claw. Shelgon misses a Rock Tomb. Slaking healed. Shelgon landed a Rock tomb. Slaking used Brick Break. Shelgon protects against another Brick Break, then uses Dragon Claw a few times to knock out Slaking.

2d 8h 38m [R] We heal at the pokecenter, then fly to Rustboro

2d 8h 34m [R] reaches Pacifidlog Town

2d 8h 34m [S] Hyper Beam takes out Glalie. Slaking grew to Lv. 45. Walrein is sent in. Walrein uses Blizzard a few times, and even hits once. Slaking uses Hyper Beam twice to knock out Walrein. Glacia defeated

2d 8h 32m [R] While fighting Swimmer Susie, Grumpig grew to Lv. 43. Grumpig did not learn Rest nor Snore

2d 8h 31m [S] We send in Slaking. Hyper Beam knocks out one Sealeo, then another Sealeo.

2d 8h 30m [S] Glalie switches to Crunch. Registeel wakes up and continues to use Aerial Ace. Glalie is worn down. Glacia sends in Sealeo. Registeel continues to use Aerial Ace. Sealeo uses Surf twice to knock out Registeel

2d 8h 28m [S] Glalie keeps using Ice Beam. Registeel wakes up, uses Earthquake. Glacia uses a potion. Registeel switches to Aerial Ace. Registeel rests again.

2d 8h 27m [R] We fight a swimmer, Grumpig grew to Lv. 42

2d 8h 25m [S] Vs. Elite Four Glacia. We send in Registeel against Glalie. Glalie uses Hail. Registeel is still asleep. Glalie uses Ice Beam. Registeel wakes up, uses Curse, then rests again.

2d 8h 23m [R] We fight and defeat Swimmer Rodney. Grumpig's Shock Wave defeats Gyrados.

2d 8h 19m [S] We send in Registeel, and Registeel rests. Dusclops uses Earthquake. We switch to Chimecho. Dusclop's Earthquake is ineffective. Chimecho uses Psychic. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball. Phoebe uses a Full Restore. Chimecho continues to use Psychic and lower Dusclop's Sp. Def. Another Psychic knocks out Dusclops. Chimecho grew to Lv. 40. Phoebe defeated.

2d 8h 15m [S] We send in Spinda. Sableye lands a Faint Attack. Spinda lands a Shadow ball. Spinda grew a level. Spinda's Shadow Ball takes out Banette. Dusclops uses Earthquake twice to knock out Spinda

[S] We send in Huntail. Some Waterfall attacks knock out Banette. Huntail grew to Lv. 46. Phoebe sens in Sableye. Sableye defeats Huntail.

2d 8h 13m [R] Grumpig defeats Swimmer Tisha's team

2d 8h 11m [S] Phoebe sens in Banette. Pelipper uses Surf. Banette uses Spite. Pelipper uses Surf. Banette uses Shadow Ball. Phoebe uses a potion. Pelipper uses Fly. Banette uses a Shadow Ball to knock out Pelipper.

2d 8h 9m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe. Registeel leads with Aerial Ace. The opposing Dusclops leads with Curse. We switch to Pelipper. Dusclops uses Shadow Punch. Pelipper uses Surf to knock out Dusclops.

2d 8h 9m [R] Vs. Swimmer Reed. Minun's Thunder takes out Carvanha, Carvanha, Sharpedo and Spheal.

2d 8h 5m [S] Registeel wakes up and uses Aerial Ace to knock out Cacturne, then two Earthquake to knock out Absol. Registeel grew to Lv. 47. Registeel uses two Aerial Ace to knock out the Double Teaming Shiftry. Sidney defeated

2d 8h 5m [R] Vs. Triathlete Allison. Minun grew to Lv. 40. Minun does not learn baton pass.

2d 8h 4m [S] Sidney sens in Sharpedo. Sharpedo uses Surf. Registeel uses Earthquaek to knock out Sharpedo. Cacturn uses Faint Attack for chip damage. Registeel uses Aerial Ace. Sidney uses a potoin. Registeel rests.

2d 8h 2m [S] We start another league attempt. Vs. Sidney. Registeel sets up with curse. Mightyena deals chip damage. Registeel uses two Earthquake to knock out Mighyena.

2d 8h 0m [S] Vs. Elite Four Glacia Glalie uses Crunch to knock out Chimecho. white out

[R] While fighting Cooltrainer Rubin, Gorebyss grew to Lv. 41

2d 7h 59m [S] We send in Chimecho. Dusclops uses Shadow Ball. Chimecho uses Psychic to knock out Dusclops. Phoebe defeated

2d 7h 57m [S] Slaking uses Faint Attack. Dusclops uses confuse ray then Earthquake. Slaking hits itself in confusion. Duslops uses Ice Beam, then Earthquake. Slaking uses another Faint Attack. Dusclops uses Earthquake. Phoebe uses a Full Restore. Slaking uses another Faint Attack. Dusclops uses Ice Beam to knock out Slaking.

2d 7h 55m [S] Huntail uses Waterfall to finish off Sableye, then uses Waterfall on Banette. Banette uses Skill Swap, then outspeeds on the next turn. Huntail endures the attack, and uses Waterfall to knock out Banette. Dusclops is sent in and finishes off Huntail. We send in Slaking

2d 7h 53m [S] Pelipper continues to use Surf. Phoebe uses a potion. Pelipper restores the rain, then uses another surf to knock out Banette. Pelipper uses Surf on Sableye. Sableye uses Psychic to knock out Pelipper.

[R] withdraw Shiftry. Deposit Blaziken. Withdraw Minun. Deposit Zangoose

2d 7h 51m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe. Pelipper uses Rain Dance then Surf on Dusclops. Dusclops uses Confuse Ray then Future Sight. Another Surf knocks out Dusclops. Pelipper grew to Lv. 47. Pelipper did not learn Spit Up.

2d 7h 49m [R] flies to Mossdeep

2d 7h 49m [S] saves

2d 7h 48m [S] We send in Slaking. Sharpedo misses a Swagger. Slaking uses Hyper Beam to knock out Sharpedo. Absol, as usual, uses Swords Dance then is knocked out by Hyper Beam. Slaking grew to Lv. 44. Slaking's Hyper Beam then defeats Shiftry. Sidney defeated

2d 7h 47m [S] Cacturne uses Needle Arm to knock out Spinda. We send in Registeel. Cacturne uses Leech Seed as Registeel uses Aerial Ace. Cacturne knocked out. Sidney sens in Sharpedo. Sharpedo uses Swagger. Registeel's Earthquake brings Sharpedo to low health. Sharpedo uses Surf to knock out Registeel

2d 7h 46m [R] Gorebyss grew to Lv. 40

2d 7h 45m [S] Registeel sets up curse as Mighyena deals chip damage. Registeel attacks. Mightena uses Roar to drag out Spinda. Sidney uses a potion. Spinda uses Return a few times to knock out Mighteyna. Registeel grew to Lv. 46

2d 7h 43m [R] we save

2d 7h 42m [S] We start another league attempt. Vs. Sidney

2d 7h 41m [S] We send in Spinda. Glalie uses Crunch to knock out Spinda. We send in Chimecho. Glalie uses Crunch twice to knock out Chimecho. white out

2d 7h 40m [S] Glacia sends in another Sealeo. Sealeo uses Attract. Slaking uses Hyper Beam to knock out Sealeo. Glacia sends in another Glalie. Glalie uses Ice Beam. Slaking is knocked out

2d 7h 39m [S] We move Slaking to third in the party. Vs. Elite Four Glacia. The opposing Glalie uses Hail. Slaking uses Hyper Beam. Slaking grew to Lv. 43. Slaking did not learn Flail. Glacia sens in Sealeo. Sealeo uses Surf. Slaking uses Hyper Beam to knock out Sealeo.

2d 7h 38m [R] We increase the PP of Blaziken's Brick Break

2d 7h 36m [S] Huntail knocks out Banette. Huntail grew to Lv. 45 Dusclops uses an Ice Beam to knock out Huntail. We send in Spinda. Dusclops uses Earthquake. Spinda uses Shadow Ball to defeat Dusclops. Defeated Phoebe

2d 7h 35m [R] Blaziken grew to Lv. 40. We move huntail tothe top of the part, then take a PP Up from Zigzagoon.

2d 7h 33m [S] Pelipper uses Surf and Banette uses Shadow Ball. A few Surf knocks out Banette. Pelipper uses another Rain Dance. Sableye uses a Faint Attack to knock out Pelipper. We send in Huntail. Two rain-boosted Waterfall knock out Sableye

2d 7h 31m [S] We send in Pelipper. Pelipper uses Rain Dance, then Surf. Dusclops confuses Pelipper. Another Surf knkocks out Dusclops.

2d 7h 30m [S] **Vs. Elite Four Phoebe. Registeel leads with an Earthquake. The opposing Dusclops uses Curse. Registeel uses another Earthquake. Dusclops uses Shadow Punch. The curse takes registeel to 2 HP. Phoebe uses a Full Restore. Registeel uses Earthquake, then is knocked out by the curse.

2d 7h 30m [Info] Sapphire has made it to Phoebe.

2d 7h 29m [R] We're biking back and forth near the entrance. Blaziken grew to Lv. 39. When we find a wild Haryama, the Haryama keep using Whirlwind to end the battle before we get experience for the battle.

2d 7h 28m [S] Absol lands an attack. Registeel wakes up, uses Earthquake, and Absol barely survives. A second Earthquake knocks out Absol. Shiftry uses Double Team. Registeel hits with an Aerial Ace. Sidney defeated

2d 7h 26m [S] Registeel's Aerial Ace knocks out Cacturne. Absol snatches Registee's Rest, but Absol's health is full. Absol uses Swords Dance and Registeel successfully uses Rest.

2d 7h 25m [S] A pair of earthquakes knocks out Mighyena. Registeel grew to Lv. 45. Sharpedo is sent in. Sharpedo uses Swagger. Registeel lands an Earthquake, knocking out Sharpedo.

2d 7h 23m [S] Vs. Elite Four Sidney. Registeel continues to curse. Mighyena tries a Take Down this time, before using Crunch.

2d 7h 22m [R] We leave the southern entrance and heal at the Poké Center. We return to Victory Road

2d 7h 22m [S] We give Huntail a Sea Incense to hold. We start another league attempt

2d 7h 21m [S] We send in Chimecho. Phoebe uses a Full Restore. Banette uses Shadow Ball to knock out Chimecho. We send in Spinda. Spinda defeats Banette. Phoebe sends in Dusclops. Spinda uses Shadow Ball. Dusclops lands a critical Earthquake. Spinda is knocked out. white out

2d 7h 20m [R] Gorebyss grew to Lv. 39

2d 7h 19m [S] Huntail uses Waterfall. Phoebe's Sableye uses Shadow Ball. Huntail is knocked out. We send in Pelipper. Pelipper uses Rain Dance, then Surf to knock out Sableye. Another Surf takes out most of Banette's health. A Shadow Ball knocks out Pelipper

2d 7h 17m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe Dusclops uses Curse on Pelipper. We switch to Huntail. Huntail uses Waterfall to knock out Dusclops. Pelipper grew to Lv. 45 and Huntail grew to Lv. 44. Huntail's Waterfall knocks out a Banette

2d 7h 15m [S] Leech Seed and Shifty's Fake Out knocks out Slaking. We send in Spinda. Shifty uses Double Team. Spinda uses Return. Shifty uses Swagger to raise Spinda's Attack but Spinda is immune to confusion. Another Return knocks out Shiftry. someone grew to Lv. 49 and did not learn flail. Sidney defeated

2d 7h 12m [S] Slaking uses Hyper Beam to knock out Sharpedo. Cacturn uses Leech Seed. Slaking defeats Cacturn. Absol uses Swords Dance as Slaking loafs. Slaking uses Hyper Beam to knock out Absol.

2d 7h 11m [R] enters Victory Road

2d 7h 10m [S] Sidney sends in Sharpedo. Swagger confuses Registeel and Registeel hits itself. Sharpedo uses Surf to knock out Registeel

2d 7h 10m [S] Registeel uses Curse to increase its own Attack and Defense. Mighyena uses Crunch. Registeel uses two Earthquake to knock out Mighyena.

2d 7h 9m [R] We fly to the southern half of Ever Grande City

2d 7h 8m [S] We start another league attempt. Vs. Sidney

2d 7h 8m [R] withdraw Blaziken. Deposit Shifty

2d 7h 8m [S] Phoebe sends in a Banette. Banette defeats Huntail. white out

2d 7h 7m [S] We send in Huntail. Phoebe uses a potion. Huntail uses Waterfall. Sableye uses Shadow Ball. Another waterfall knocks out Sableye

2d 7h 6m [S] We send in Spinda. Spinda uses Shadow Ball and Sableye uses Faint Attack. After a few turns of this, Sabeleye is reduced to red, but knocks out Spinda.

2d 7h 5m [R] We reach Petalberg and heal at the pokecenter

2d 7h 5m [S] Slaking grew to Lv. 42. Phoebe sends in Sableye. Slaking uses a Faint Attack. Sableye attracts Slaking, then continues to use Faint Attack. Slaking is immobilized by love as Sableye wears down Slaking.

2d 7h 3m [S] Pelipper is damaged again, but uses another Surf on Banette. Banette uses Shadow Ball. The curse knocks out Pelipper. We send in Slaking. Slaking uses Faint Attack to knock out Banette

2d 7h 2m [R] We water some razz berry trees

2d 7h 2m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe. Pelipper leads against the opposing Dusclops. Pelipper uses Rain Dance. Dusclops uses Curse. Pelipper is damaged from the curse. Pelipper uses Surf to knock out Dusclops.

2d 7h 0m [S] We take the amulet coin from Pelipper. We give Pelipper a Sea Incense, then take the Incenseand give Pelipper a Mystic Water instead.

2d 7h 0m [R] We ride our bike westward to Route 102

2d 6h 59m [S] Sidney defeated

2d 6h 58m [S] Slaking uses Hyper Beam to knock out Cacturn. Absol uses Swords Dance as Slaking loafs around. Slaking uses a Hyper Beam to knock out Absol. Sidney sends in Shiftry. Shiftry uses Double Team twice. Slaking's Hyper Beam hits

2d 6h 56m [S] Sidney sends in Cacturn. Cacturn uses Fain t Attack. Registeel hits itself to knock itself out. We send in Slaking.

2d 6h 56m [R] Withdraw Swablu. Deposit Blaziken. Withdraw Zigzagoon. Deposit Minun

2d 6h 55m [S] Mightenya continues to use crunch. Registeel uses Earthquake twice to knock out Mighyena.Sidney sends in Sharpedo. Sharpedo uses Swagger. Registeel uses Earthquake to 1HKO Sharpedo.

2d 6h 54m [S] Mightyena falls asleep. We switch to Registeel and try to set up Curse again. Mightyena wakes up and uses Crunch

2d 6h 53m [S] Chimecho uses Yawn. The Chimecho uses Calm Mind. Mightyena uses Crunch a few times to knock out Chimecho

2d 6h 51m [R] We reach Oldale Town and heal at the pokecenter

2d 6h 51m [S] After Registeel uses a few more Curses, Mighyena uses Roar. Chimecho is dragged out.

2d 6h 50m [S] Vs. E4 Sidney! We lead with Registeel. Mightyena's Crunch does chip damage Registeel uses Curse

2d 6h 50m [R] We bike west to Route 103. We ride up to some cuttable trees, We continue west, surfing across the route

2d 6h 49m [S] We fly to Evergrande. We heal. We start another league attempt

2d 6h 47m [S] We use all three Protein on Slaking

2d 6h 46m [R] We leave the trick house

2d 6h 46m [S] We fly to Slateport. We go to the market and buy three protein.

2d 6h 44m [R] We boost the PP of Shiftry's Giga Drain

2d 6h 44m [S] We fly to Fortree, leave eastwards, and fight and defeat the interviewers again. Slaking grew to Lv. 41. We decline an interview

2d 6h 43m [R] We walk past the back door and we fight and defeat Psychic Alexis. Then we write the secret code on the door and pass through. The Trick Master gives us a PP Max

2d 6h 41m [S] We leave eastwards to 118. We find the interviewers again. Very similar, but one of the surfs lands a critical hit on Exploud, so the two surfs are enough to take out Exploud. We decline an interview

2d 6h 40m [R] Vs. Hex Maniac Patricia. Shiftry defeats a Banette and Shiftry grew to Lv .43. Patricia defeated.

2d 6h 38m [S] We move Brick Break to the top of Slaking's move order, then fly to Mauville

2d 6h 38m [S] Vs. Interviewers Gabby and Ty. Slaking's Hyper Beam and Pelipper's Surf combine to defeat the opposing Magneton. Pelipper grew to Lv. 45. Another surf nearly takes out the opposing Exploud. Slaking then uses a Hyper Beam to finish off Exploud. Interviewers defeated. We decline an interview.

2d 6h 37m [R] Found the secret scroll

2d 6h 35m [R] Vs. Psychic Joshua. Kadabra uses Psychic to bring Gorebyss down to 6HP. Gorebyss uses Surf to bring Kadabra to similarly low health. We switch to Shiftry. Shiftry attacks, and knocks out Kadabra. Shiftry uses a Faint Attack to knock out a Solrock. Joshua defeated

2d 6h 34m [S] We fly to Lavaridge Town, then leave eastwards to Route 112 then Route 111

2d 6h 33m [S] We leave town eastwards, to Route 120

2d 6h 32m [S] We fly to Fortree City.

2d 6h 31m [S] We use TM 40 to teach Aerial Ace to Registeel over Metal Claw

2d 6h 30m [S] Spinda uses a Dizzy Punch. Two slashes from Absol finishes off Spinda. We send in Chimecho. Absol uses Slash. Chimeco uses Hidden Power, and Absol barely survives. Sydney uses a potion. Chimeco continues to use Hidden Power. Absol uses an Aerial Ace to knock out Chimecho. white out

2d 6h 29m [S] We send in Huntail. Huntail defeats Sharpedo. Sydney sends in Absol. Absol uses a Slash to finish off Huntail. We send in Spinda. Absol uses Swords Dance and Spinda uses Return. A Sitrus Berry restores Absol's health.

2d 6h 27m [R] We leave and reenter the trick out. We find the Trick Master concealed behind a window. We enter the puzzle

2d 6h 27m [S] Sydney sends in Sharpedo, and a Surf attack knocks out Registeel. We send out Pelipper. Sharpedo uses Swagger. Pelipper uses Shock Wave, for half health. Sharpedo uses Crunch. Pelipper hits itself. Sharpedo uses Crunch, knocking out Pelipper.

2d 6h 25m [S] Registeel wakes up at half health. Registeel uses Metal Claw, and fails to knock out Cacturne in one hit. A second Metal Claw knocks out Cacturne

2d 6h 24m [R] Zangoose was given the Soft Sand to hold

2d 6h 23m [R] Blaziken was given the Black Belt to hold

2d 6h 23m [S] Cacturne uses Faint Attack a few more times as Registeel continues to use Curse. At half health, Registeel uses Rest.

2d 6h 22m [R] Minun was given the magnet to hold

2d 6h 21m [S] We send in Registeel. Registeel uses curse as Cacturne deals chip damage, then uses Leech Seed

2d 6h 20m [R] We find the door and write the secret code on the door, and pass through. The Trick Master gives us a Magnet

2d 6h 20m [S] Sidney's Cacturn knocks out Slaking.

2d 6h 19m [S] Vs League. Vs. Elite Four Sidney. Slaking leads against Mightyena. Slaking uses Brick Break twice, but Mightyena uses Crunch a few times before going down.

2d 6h 18m [S] We enter the league building. We access Lanette's PC. We withdraw BHHJVX the Slaking and deposit Kecleon

2d 6h 17m [R] Vs. Ranger Sophia. Grumpig uses Shock Wave on Swablu. uses a Full Restore. Grumpig uses Shock Wave twice more to knock out Swablu. Grumpig grew to Lv. 40. Sophia's Roselia knocks out Grumpig. We send in Blaziken. Blaziken uses a Brick Break then a Fire Blast to knock out Roselia. Blakien grew to Lv. 39. Sophia defeated

2d 6h 15m [S] We leave A's secret base. The base is in a bush north of a lake. We fly to Evergrande City

2d 6h 13m [S] We save

2d 6h 12m [R] We find a scroll with a secret code

2d 6h 12m [S] We find another secret base. We enter A's secret base. "Welcome to my Pokemon Lab. I carry out research on battling in secrecy." We register this base.

2d 6h 12m [R] We continue navigating the rotating doors. Vs. Bird Keeper Benny. Grumpig's Shock Wave defeats the Swellow, bypassing the Swellow's Double Team. Grumpig grew to Lv. 39. More shockwaves knock out a Xatu and a Pelipper. Benny defeated

2d 6h 9m [S] We continue west, reaching Route 120.

2d 6h 9m [S] We walk around the spin mats, and access the PC. We register this base. We walk over the jump mats to reach and talk to ZZZZZZZZ. "We should have a race to see who can get nicer furnature". We step on the spin mats as we fail to leave, then jump past the jump mats and leave the base

2d 6h 5m [S] We enter the tree secret base. It is ZZZZZZZZ's Base.

2d 6h 4m [S] We talk to tim. "I went here, there everywhere before selecting this spot". We leave the secret base

2d 6h 4m [R] We navigate the rotating doors. Vs. Ranger Sebastian. Blaziken defeats Cacturne with a Fire Blast. Sebastian defeated

2d 6h 2m [S] We enter the cave secret base. The base belongs to tim. We register this base.

2d 6h 0m [S] Two secret bases entrances are visible. One is in a tree slightly east of the safari zone entrance, and one is a cave slightly south of the safari zone entrance. We pick up a Carbos

2d 6h 0m [R] We leave the trick house and reenter. We find the trick master concealed in a cupboard. We enter the puzzle

2d 5h 57m [S] Vs. Gentleman Walter. Pelipper surfs over Manectric. Walter defeated

2d 5h 57m [R] For beating the puzzle, the trick master gives us TM12 Taunt

2d 5h 56m [R] We read the secret code written on a scroll. We go to the door and write "TRICK MASTER is a genius" and the door opens

2d 5h 54m [R] The fourth and fifth machadolls' questions are answered correctly

2d 5h 54m [S] We leave town westward, to Route 121

2d 5h 53m [S] We fly to Lilycove

2d 5h 52m [R] We answer the second and third mechadoll's questions correctly

2d 5h 52m [S] We leave the secret base. We look at our trainer card. Id No: 49431. Money: ₽13269

2d 5h 51m [R] We enter the puzzle. We answer the first mechadoll's question correctly

2d 5h 50m [S] We talk to Terra, then boot up the PC. We read information. Then we register Terra's Secret Base

2d 5h 49m [R] We find the trick master concealed inside a planter.

2d 5h 48m [S] We enter Terra's secret base, inside a bush near the top of the route.

2d 5h 47m [R] We leave town northward. We enter the trick house.

2d 5h 47m [S] We leave town westward, to Route 119

2d 5h 46m [S] We fly to Fortree City and heal at the Pokecenter

2d 5h 46m [R] We fly to Slateport, then withdraw Zangoose and deposit Minun, then withdraw Minun and deposit Swablu

2d 5h 44m [S] We switch to Kecleon. Kecleon uses Psybeam on Rose's Gloom and Roselia. Gloom uses Acid a few times and Roselia uses Magical Leaf a few times. Both are defeated, defeating Rose.

2d 5h 43m [R] We access Lanette's PC. We withdraw Swablu and deposit Zangoose into BOX3.

2d 5h 39m [R] We save. We step through the center's door a few times. We check the trainer's eyes in the Pokenav.

2d 5h 39m [S] We leave the Pokecenter, and ride our bike east to Route 118. We rematch Aroma Lady Rose. Pelliper uses Surf to defeat the Shroomish.

2d 5h 36m [R] We enter the options and change the frame type. We enter the pokecenter

2d 5h 36m [S] We change the bard's song to ABRA IT DO THE DISAPPOINTMENT DANCE

2d 5h 33m [R] We look at our trainer card.
Id No. 33323. Money: ₽102615. Pokedex 39

2d 5h 32m [S] We listen to the bard's song

2d 5h 31m [S] We enter the Mauville Poké Center and heal

2d 5h 30m [S] After checking whether some other trainers want a rematch, we leave the route and enter Mauville

2d 5h 29m [R] We enter a western house. A kid asks us if we were the one who made the secret base on Route 119. We leave the house

2d 5h 28m [S] Rematch Triathlete Dylan. Doduo uses Pursuit on Pelipper when we switch to Kecleon, and uses Pursuit on Kecleon as we switch to Spinda. Spinda uses a Dizzy Punch to knock out Doduo. Dylan defeated. Dylan defeated

2d 5h 26m [R] We land at Mossdeep

2d 5h 25m [R] Vs. Swimmer Roland. Grumpig's Shock Wave defeats Carvanah. Roland defeated

2d 5h 23m [R] Vs. Swimmer Jenny. Grumpig uses Shock Wave, bringing Jenny's wailmer to red. A second Shock Wave knocks out Wailmer. Jenny defeated

2d 5h 21m [S] rematches Triathlete Maria. Pelipper Surfs over Maria's Doduo.

2d 5h 21m [R] surfs east out of Lilycove

[Info] [S]
e sa (Pelipper) 44
AIJKNN (Kecleon) 38
ALL1kkjjj8 (Chimecho) 47
Fe (Registeel) 44
hhn!!! (Huntial) 49
QQOO (Spinda) 40

[Info] [R]
reyn (Grumpig) 37
Wnnut "980 (Gorybyss) 38
IRPWWC (Nuzleaf) 42
WKKIII (Blaziken) 37
bnnuy (Minun) 39
GGGGUUuu (Zangoose) 40

2d 5h 17m [R] Used a TM to teach Blaziken Brick Break over Overheat

2d 5h 15m [R] Used a TM to teach Gorebyss Rain Dance

2d 5h 15m [S] While rematching Breeder Issac, Pelipper grew to Lv. 44

2d 5h 13m [R] We leave the pokecenter and go to the move deleter's house. Gorebyss forgets Waterfall

2d 5h 12m [R] deposits Swablu and withdraws Zangoose

2d 5h 11m [S] leaves the Verdanturf Poké Center, then heads east

2d 5h 10m [R] leaves the Lilycove Pokecenter, then goes back in

2d 5h 9m [R/S] The link is terminated

2d 5h 8m [R/S] The previous trade is undone; Blaziken is given to Ruby and Kecleon to Sapphire

2d 5h 7m [R] takes a Black Belt from Kecleon

2d 5h 5m [R/S] Ruby trades Blaziken to Sapphire. Sapphire trades Kecleon to Ruby

2d 5h 4m [R/S] The two sides mix records. After leaving the record-mixing room, the two sides then enter the trade room

[Recap] There was some base decoration on both sides. The two sides want to mix records, so there was some downtime to resolve technical difficulties

[Meta] TERRA leaves the Gym, aa buys more furniture, and the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 2h 54m [S] Sold 1 Nugget.

2d 2h 53m [R] Defeated Leader Wallace and received the Rain Badge! Received TM03 Water Pulse!

2d 2h 52m [R] One last Thunder, and Milotic goes down! Minun grows to Lv. 38!

2d 2h 51m [R] Another Thunder, then Milotic uses Water Pulse. The rain stops.

2d 2h 51m [R] We send out Minun and use Thunder. Milotic heals with Recover.

2d 2h 50m [S] We fly to Lilycove City.

2d 2h 50m [R] Milotic is sent out. Zangoose uses Strength, but is then taken down by Ice Beam.

2d 2h 50m [R] Seaking sets up rain, then uses Water Pulse, before Zangoose takes it down.

2d 2h 49m [R] Sealeo goes down! Seaking is sent out next.

2d 2h 48m [R] We send out Zangoose. It uses Strength, but Sealeo hangs on. Wallace uses a Hyper Potion.

2d 2h 47m [S] Meanwhile Sapphire is buying furniture in Fortree City.

2d 2h 47m [R] Sealeo is sent out by Wallace. Shiftry uses Faint Attack, and gets hit by Aurora Beam. Critical hit, Shiftry faints!

2d 2h 46m [R] Wishcash is next. We swap to Shiftry and use Giga Drain to defeat it.

2d 2h 45m [R] Minun uses Thunder and takes out Luvdisc.

2d 2h 44m [R] Vs. Leader Wallace! (Attempt #1)

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[R] 2d 1h 24m Taught Grumpig Calm Mind over Psybeam.

[S] 2d 1h 23m Running it back with a Smart Contest, starring Chimecho.

[S] 2d 1h 21m Ranked in fourth place.

[R] 2d 1h 14m Caught a Lv. 45 Groudon! Nickname: CC,.

[R] 2d 1h 12m Groudon is currently mowing through our team.

[S] 2d 1h 9m Entering a Smart Contest with Chimecho.

[R] 2d 1h 7m VS Groudon

[S] 2d 1h 7m Interviewed about our contest. Answer? Edifying.

[R] 2d 1h 5m Obtained HM07 Waterfall!

[S] 2d 1h 4m Came in 3rd place.

[R] 2d 1h 0m Enter Cave of Origin.

[R] 2d 0h 59m We encounter Steven and Wallace, who fill us in on Groudon's hidey hole in the Cave of Origin.

[R] 2d 0h 56m Arrive at the Center to checkpoint.

[R] 2d 0h 53m Arrive in Sootopolis City.

[S] 2d 0h 52m Enters a Tough Contests with Kecleon.

[R] 2d 0h 50m Jumpscared by a Swimmer.

[S] 2d 0h 50m Fly to Verdanturf.

[S] 2d 0h 46m Fly to Lilycove.

[R] 2d 0h 46m On Route 127/

[Fluff] Sapphire side is very much invested in Ruby's progress, one way or another.

[S] 2d 0h 43m Check the TV again, still seeing info on Ruby side's nicknames.

[Info] Nvm visuals are off again.

[Info] Stream visuals return but inputs are frozen while the e-reader card is scanned.

[Meta] Stream down while e-reader cards are scanned.

[R/S] 2d 0h 34m Both sides save.

[S] 2d 0h 33m Starmie's Thunderbolt crits, but it doesn't matter. Huntail falls. Loss.

[S] 2d 0h 31m Only a not-healed-before-battle Huntail remains. Salamence's Hydro Pump leaves Huntail at 6 HP and it retaliates with Ice Beam. Mence falls. But Starmie, cured by Natural Cure, returns.

[S] 2d 0h 30m Registeel sets two Curses but takes a hard Flamethrower. Taking a Crunch, Registeel responds with Metal Claw. However, the next Crunch crits, and Registeel falls.

[S] 2d 0h 29m Registeel comes in. Natasha swaps Starmie for Salamence.

[Streamer] "Freezing Ray" e-reader Trainer pack won in the poll for Ruby.

[R] 2d 0h 28m Ruby begins Surfing.

[S] 2d 0h 27m Chimecho goes down to Thunderbolt, but Starmie falls alseep.

[S] 2d 0h 27m Lead Chimecho. Withstanding a Psychic, Chimecho Yawns.

[S] 2d 0h 24m Sapphire re-attempts Psychic Natasha. Her dreaded Starmie comes out.

[Info] Also the Psychic that Sapphire fought was Psychic Natasha.

[Streamer] A poll went up for new e-reader sets for Ruby to download.

[R/S] 2d 0h 17m Both sides watch TV. Ruby's Terra and her Seedot are featured on Sapphire's TV!

[S] 2d 0h 16m Starmie's Surf was just too overwhelming. It's not a wipe, but it is a loss.

[S] 2d 0h 15m Spinda and Chimecho both go down. Only Huntail remains.

[S] 2d 0h 14m Sapphire too decides to take on the Mystery Trainer. A Psychic who leads Starmie, swap from Spinda to Chimecho.

[R] 2d 0h 14m It all comes down to Gorebyss. Ludicolo uses Thief, but falls to Psychic. Victory!

[R] 2d 0h 12m We are now in a Giga Drain war. Rain ends. Ludicolo hits Thief while Nature Power becomes Swift. Ludicolo survives on 1 HP, recovers with Giga Drain, and survives Faint Attack on 1 HP. Surf takes Shiftry down.

[S] 2d 0h 11m Huntail's Macho Brace is replaced with Mystic Water.

[R] 2d 0h 11m Ludicolo continues to hit Thief and recover with Shell Bell while Shiftry Giga Drains.

[R] 2d 0h 10m Ludicolo hits a soft Thief while Shiftry retaliates with Faint Attack. Ludi then sets rain while Shiftry Giga Drains.

[R] 2d 0h 9m Plusle goes down. Ludicolo comes in to land Surf, downing Zangoose. Shiftry comes in.

[R] 2d 0h 8m Plusle encores Zangoose into Shadow Ball, then hits a Fake Tears.

[S] 2d 0h 8m Arrive in Mossdeep.

[R] 2d 0h 8m After blanking a Night Shade, Sableye goes down to repeated Shadow Balls. Plusle comes in.

[R] 2d 0h 6m Enter the Mystery House to fight Gentleman Nils! Sableye vs Zangoose. Zangoose spams Shadow Balls while Sableye hits a Knock Off.

[R] 2d 0h 1m Arrive in Mossdeep City and enter the Center to heal and checkpoint.

[S] 2d 0h 0m Huntail grew to Lv. 43 and learned Baton Pass over Water Gun.

[S] 1d 23h 57m Fly to Mauville to heal.

[R] 1d 23h 56m Gorebyss grew to Lv. 37!

[R] 1d 23h 52m Battle against Triathlete Conna.

[S] 1d 23h 49m Returned to EV grinding Speed for Huntail.

[R] 1d 23h 47m Return to the surface to discover that awakening the drought monster had disastrous consequences for the ecosystem.

[R] 1d 23h 44m Maxie awakens Groudon! But it refuses to listen and heads for the surface, plunging the world into a horrible drought.

[S] 1d 23h 44m On Route 118.

[R] 1d 23h 43m Camerupt comes in and lands a crit Earthquake. Gorebyss comes in to Surf. Camerupt down. Victory!

[S] 1d 23h 42m In the PokeCenter-- no just left.

[R] 1d 23h 42m Another self-hit and Shock Wave finish Mightyena.

[R] 1d 23h 42m Maxie heals. Another Shock Wave.

[R] 1d 23h 41m Mightyena fights through Confuse Ray to land Scary Face. It then hits itself while we land Shock Wave,

[R] 1d 23h 41m Crobat goes down to Shock Waves. Mightyena comes back.

1d 23h 40m [S] In Mauville.

[R] 1d 23h 40m Shiftry goes down. Grumpig comes in.

[R] 1d 23h 39m Maxie swaps to Crobat. Shiftry's Nature Power becomes Shadow Ball.

[R] 1d 23h 38m Vs. Trainer Maxie! (Attempt #1) Mightyena vs Gorebyss. We swap to Shiftry on Swagger, then hit ourselves in confusion and take a Scary Face.

[S] 1d 23h 37m Currently in Rusturf Tunnel.

[R] 1d 23h 36m Currently in Seafloor Cavern. Picked up TM Earthquake!

[Recap] After some time spent EV grinding for Zangoose, who grew to lv40, Ruby is en route to Seafloor Cavern. Sapphire, meanwhile, is both EV grinding and money grinding, farming rematches against a Rich Boy with a Linoone, using Thief to steal the held Nugget and also an Amulet Coin to obtain higher prize money.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 21h 42m [R/S] Both sides leave the trade and the Cable Club Trading Center.

1d 21h 41m [S] Clamperl evolved into Huntail!

1d 21h 40m [R/S] Traded Ruby's Clamperl for Sapphire's Gorebyss! Well, traded back Ruby's Gorebyss from Sapphire to Ruby and Sapphire's Clamperl from Ruby to Sapphire... You know what I mean.

1d 21h 40m [R/S] Trading time again!

1d 21h 39m [S] Gave Gorebyss an Oran Berry to hold.

1d 21h 39m [S] We try to give Gorebyss a Nutpea Berry to hold, but it apparently can't be held.

1d 21h 37m [R] Gave Clamperl the DeepSeeTooth to hold.

1d 21h 37m [R/S] Both sides leave the trade temporarily.

1d 21h 35m [R/S] Traded Ruby's Gorebyss for Sapphire's Clamperl!

1d 21h 35m [R/S] Ruby selects Gorebyss, while Sapphire picks Clamperl.

1d 21h 32m [R/S] Both sides go to the upper floor of their respective Poké Center and enter the Cable Club Trade Center.

1d 21h 31m [R] We fly to Mossdeep City.

1d 21h 31m [S] We fly to Rustboro City.

1d 21h 30m [R] We talk to the Captain again and receive a DeepSeaTooth!

1d 21h 29m [R] Tossed 1 Full Heal.

1d 21h 29m [R] We fly to Staleport City and go to the docks. Capt. Stern offers to trade our Scanner for an item... but our Bag is full.

1d 21h 28m [S] We use Secret Power on another wall, and this time make the cave our Secret Base!

1d 21h 28m [S] We use Secret Power on a wall, but decline to make it our Secret Base.

[Chat] Babababababybella: I just drilled through the boat

1d 21h 26m [R] We use Dig and teleport outside the Abandoned Ship.

1d 21h 25m [S] After surfing a bit, we reach the upper part of Route 115.

1d 21h 25m [R] Yet another room opened, and we find the Scanner!

1d 21h 23m [R] In yet another room, we find a Luxury Ball!

1d 21h 21m [R] We open another room and find TM18 Rain Dance!

1d 21h 20m [S] We fly to Rustboro City and bike to Route 115.

1d 21h 18m [R] Found a Water Stone! Oops, the bag is full...

1d 21h 18m [S] We place Clamperl in first and take the EXP Share from it.

1d 21h 17m [S] Clamperl is sent out, and gets poisoned before fainting. Blacked out.

1d 21h 17m [R] We dive to the hidden part of the Abandoned Ship.

1d 21h 16m [S] A second Banette comes out, and takes down Chimecho with Shadow Ball.

1d 21h 16m [S] We send out Chimecho, which finishes off Banette.

1d 21h 15m [S] Spinda has no more Shadow Balls, and has to rely on Psychic. It's not enough to take down Banette, and Spinda faints.

1d 21h 15m [R] We surf onto Route 107 and enter the Abandoned Ship.

1d 21h 14m [S] Phoebe's Dusclops is taken down by Spinda's Shadow Ball. Banette is next, and it burns Spinda.

1d 21h 13m [R] We fly to Dewford Town and heal at the Poké Center.

1d 21h 12m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe! (Attempt #4)

1d 21h 12m [R] We boot up the PC and swap Gorebyss for Swablu.

1d 21h 12m [S] Shiftry is sent out, but Spinda manages to take it down. Defeated Elite Four Sidney!

1d 21h 11m [S] Absol is sent out and uses Swords Dance. Spinda uses return and defeats it. Clamperl grew to Lv. 39!

1d 21h 10m [S] We send out Spinda. Swagger raises its attack without confusing it. It uses Dizzy Punch, but Sharpedo holds on again. Spinda then uses Strength, and Sharpedo goes down.

1d 21h 9m [S] Registeel is taken down by Surf landing a critical hit.

1d 21h 9m [R] We boot up the HM and teach Dive to Gorebyss over Iron Defense.

1d 21h 8m [S] We send out Registeel. Earthquake almost takes out Sharpedo. Sidney uses a Full Restore, as Registeel hurts itself in confusion.

1d 21h 7m [S] Sharpedo is sent out, and it KOes Slaking.

1d 21h 7m [R] We visit the house of Steven Stone, and receive HM08 Dive!

1d 21h 6m [S] Cacturne takes down Pelipper. We switch to Slaking, which takes down Cacturne. Slaking grew to Lv. 40.

1d 21h 6m [R] Received TM04 Calm Mind!

1d 21h 5m [S] We enter the League again! Vs. Elite Four Sidney! We send Pelipper against Mightyena. Surf takes it down in a few turns and Pelipper grows to Lv. 42!

1d 21h 5m [R] Defeated Leaders Tate & Liza and received the Mind Badge!

1d 21h 4m [R] Sorlrock goes down! Luantone is healed by a Hyper Potion, but a combination of Surf and Faint Attack takes it down as well!

1d 21h 3m [S] We go to the Move Relearner and teach Faint Attack to Slaking. Then we fly back to the League.

1d 21h 3m [R] Lunatone holds on with a bit of HP the next turn, and both it and Solrock take down Zangoose! We send out Gorebyss.

1d 21h 2m [R] Shiftry uses Faint Attack, which deals a lot of damage to Solrock. Zangoose's Shadow Ball also deals heavy damage to Lunatone.

1d 21h 1m [R] Tate & Liza send Solrock and Lunatone. We send Shiftry and Zangoose.

1d 21h 0m [R] Vs. Gym Leaders Tate & Liza! (Attempt #1)

1d 21h 0m [R] We save.

1d 21h 0m [S] We fly to Fallarbor Town.

1d 21h 0m [R] Wheeeeeeeee! We sliiiiiide all the way to the Gym Leaders!

1d 20h 59m [S] Slaking literally cannot hit Dusclops, and so it just gets beaten up and eventually faints. We black out.

1d 20h 58m [R] Girafarig and Kadabra are both taken out by Shiftry and we win the battle.

1d 20h 57m [S] Clamperl faints. We send Slaking.

1d 20h 57m [R] Natu is taken down and Shiftry grows to Lv. 40.

1d 20h 57m [S] Clamperl takes Dusclops health to the red, but, but Phoebe uses a Full Restore.

1d 20h 56m [R] Vs. Psychic Fritz, who sends out Natu.

1d 20h 56m [S] Clamperl uses Waterfall. Dusclops wakes up and confuses us.

1d 20h 55m [S] We send out Slaking, but then swap to Clamperl.

1d 20h 55m [S] Dusclops is sent out. Chimecho uses Yawn, but is taken down by Shadow Punch before Dusclops falls asleep.

1d 20h 55m [R] Ralts is taken down by Shiftry, then Kadabra, and we win the battle.

1d 20h 54m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe! (Attempt #3)

1d 20h 54m [R] Vs. Psychic Virgil. Ralts is sent out.

1d 20h 53m [S] Shiftry is sent out, then taken down by two Brick Break attacks from Slaking. Defeated Elite Four Sidney!

1d 20h 53m [R] Vs. Psychic Samantha! She sends Xatu. Shiftry takes it out and we move on.

1d 20h 52m [S] Slaking uses Brick Break and Absol goes down. Clamperl grew to Lv. 38!

1d 20h 51m [R] Vs. Psychic Maura! She sends out Kadabra, which Shiftry takes out. Shiftry grew to Lv. 39! Shiftry then takes down Kirlia, and we win the battle.

1d 20h 51m [S] Eventually, Pelipper is taken down by Absol and we send out Slaking.

1d 20h 49m [R] Shiftry takes care of Kirlia and we win the battle before moving on.

1d 20h 49m [S] Pelipper uses Fly and Cacturne goes down! Absol is sent out next.

1d 20h 48m [S] We send out Pelipper.

1d 20h 48m [R] Vs. Psychic Preston! He sends out Kirlia.

1d 20h 48m [R] We enter the Mossdeep City Gym.

1d 20h 47m [S] Cacturne is sent out. Spinda uses Dizzy Punch before it gets taken out.

1d 20h 46m [R] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 20h 46m [S] With a few Shadow Balls, Sharpedo goes down! Spinda grew to Lv. 48!

1d 20h 45m [R] We arrive in Mossdeep City!

1d 20h 45m [S] We send out Spinda. Its attack is raised by Swagger and Own Tempo prevents confusion. Sidney then uses a Full Restore on Sharpedo.

1d 20h 43m [S] A combination of self-hits and Rough Skin followed by Surf cause Registeel to faint.

1d 20h 42m [S] Registeel keeps using Metal Claw as Sharpedo is sent out. Sharpedo uses Swagger, and Registeel's attack raises; but it gets confused.

1d 20h 41m [S] Registeel spams Metal Claw for a few turns, until Mightyena goes down with a critical hit. Registeel grew to Lv. 44!

1d 20h 40m [S] We enter the Pokémon League again. Vs. Elite Four Sidney!

1d 20h 39m [R] We boot up TM30 and Zangoose learns Shadow Ball over Slash.

1d 20h 37m [S] Withdrew 1 Moon Stone from the PC.

1d 20h 35m [S] Dusclops gets a final hit and Slaking goes down. We black out.

1d 20h 34m [S] We send Slaking, and use Slack Off to heal. Unfortunately, by gets frozen by ice Beam.

1d 20h 32m [S] Dusclops takes down Clamperl.

1d 20h 32m [R] We make our way out of the Magma Hideout.

1d 20h 31m [S] We send out Clamperl, while Dusclops restores its health with a Sitrus Berry.

1d 20h 31m [S] We send out Chimecho. It takes two Shadow Balls to the face and faints.

1d 20h 30m [S] Another Dusclops is sent out. It uses Earthquake and lands a critical hit! Registeel holds on, but then hurts itself in confusion and faints.

1d 20h 29m [S] After a little rest, Registeel uses Metal Claw. Three hits and Dusclops goes down.

1d 20h 27m [S] We send Registeel against Dusclops and start using Curse.

1d 20h 26m [S] Vs. Elite Four Phoebe! (Attempt #2)

1d 20h 25m [S] Clamperl grew to Lv. 37 and we win the battle.

1d 20h 25m [S] Shiftry is using Double Team a lot, but Hyper Beam hits it eventually and it goes down.

1d 20h 23m [R] Tossed 1 Hyper Potion and found a Nugget.

1d 20h 23m [S] We send out Slaking, which Hyper Beams on Absol, taking it down. Shiftry is next.

1d 20h 22m [S] Absol is sent out, and it defeats Spinda.

1d 20h 22m [R] Blaziken takes down Electrode.

1d 20h 21m [S] Sharpedo uses Swagger, which raises Spinda's attack. Thanks to Own Tempo though, it doesn't get confused, and takes down Sharpedo!

1d 20h 21m [S] We send out Slaking, which takes down Cacturne. Sharpedo is next, and we swap to Spinda.

1d 20h 20m [R] Next item is another Electrode, which takes down Zangoose! We send Blaziken instead.

1d 20h 20m [S] Pelipper is taken down.

1d 20h 20m [R] The Electrode self-destructs. We pick up the next item, obtained the Master Ball!

1d 20h 19m [S] Cacturne is sent out, and we switch to Pelipper.

1d 20h 19m [R] After some struggle in the teleporter maze, TERRA reaches a room with four items. She picks up the first one, but it's a wild Electrode!

1d 20h 18m [S] Mightyena is taken to red health by Metal Claw, but then uses Roar and forcibly switches out to Spinda, cancelling all of our stat changes. Spinda uses Strength and Mightyena is down.

1d 20h 16m [S] Registeel wakes up and uses Metal Claw. Then it goes back to sleep with Rest.

1d 20h 16m [R] A second Numel falls and Zangoose grows to Lv. 36. We win the battle.

1d 20h 15m [R] The Grunt sends Poochyena. We send Zangoose and take it down with Slash, then do the same to her Numel.

1d 20h 15m [S] After maxing out its stats, Registeel uses Rest to heal and falls asleep.

1d 20h 14m [R] While leaving the Magma Hideout, we get spotted by a Team Magma Grunt!

1d 20h 13m [S] Registeel is spamming Curse while enduring Mightyena's attacks.

1d 20h 12m [S] Sidney sends Mightyena, and we send Slaking, before switching to Registeel.

1d 20h 11m [S] Entered the Pokémon League again. Vs. Elite Four Sidney!

[Recap] Current teams are Zangoose, Blaziken, Minun, Shiftry, Grumping and Gorebyss on Ruby, and Spinda, Slaking, Chimecho, Pelipper, Registeel and Clamperl on Sapphire.

[Recap] Currently, Ruby just defeated Magma Admin Tabitha after raiding the Magma Hideout, while Sapphire flew back to the Pokémon League after hanging around Hoenn.

[Recap] Sapphire has also reached the Pokémon League, defeating Sidney after two attempts and making it to Pheobe once.

[Recap] Since the last update, TERRA obtained the Feather Badge, while aa obtained the Rain Badge and caught both Kyogre and Registeel.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 5h 22m [S] We boot up the PC and deposit Solrock to withdraw Relicanth.

1d 5h 20m [R/S] Both sides exit the trade and leave the Cable Club Trade Center.

1d 5h 19m [R] Clamperl evolved into Gorebyss!

1d 5h 19m [R/S] Traded TERRA's Solrock for aa's Clamperl!

1d 5h 18m [R/S] Trade initiated! Ruby selects Solrock and Sapphire picks Clamperl.

1d 5h 17m [R/S] We enter the Cable Club Trade Center.

1d 5h 17m [R/S] Both sides make their way to the top floor of their respective Poké Center.

1d 5h 16m [S] Clamperl is given the DeepSeaScale to hold.

1d 5h 16m [R] We place Solrock at the front of our party.

1d 5h 16m [R] We boot up the PC, deposit Zigzagoon and withdraw Solrock.

1d 5h 15m [S] We make our way to the Poké Center and boot up the PC. We deposit Marill and withdraw our Lv. 32 Clamperl.

1d 5h 14m [R] We boot up the PC, prepare to deposit Zigzagoon, but realize it's holding an item. Received a Rare Candy!

1d 5h 12m [S] There he is! We trade our Scanner for a DeepSeaScale!

1d 5h 12m [R] We go to the Poké Center and heal.

1d 5h 11m [S] We look around for Capt. Stern at the Shipyard, but realize he's not actually there. We exit and go to the docks instead.

1d 5h 9m [R] We exit the Gym and visit Wally's parents, who gift us HM03 Surf!

1d 5h 6m [R] Defeated Leader Norman and received the Balance Badge! Received TM42 Facade!

1d 5h 6m [R] We send out Nuzleaf. It uses Rock Smash, then Swift, and Vigoroth goes down!

1d 5h 5m [S] We exit the Ship and fly to Slateport City. We save.

1d 5h 5m [R] Minun is sent out. It manages to paralyze Vigoroth, which has the unfortunate side effect of making Facade much stronger. Minun faints.

1d 5h 4m [R] Vigoroth is sent out. Combusken lands a few Rock Smash attacks on it, but eventually faints.

1d 5h 3m [S] We meet up with the scientist, who asks us to deliver the Scanner to the Captain for him.

1d 5h 3m [R] Slaking goes down, and Combusken grows to Lv. 28! It doesn't learn Bulk Up.

1d 5h 2m [R] We use Rock Smash to lower Slaking's Defense a few times, preventing Focus Punch from landing each time.

1d 5h 1m [S] We dive our way back to the entrance the Abandoned Ship.

1d 5h 1m [R] Overheat deals a critical hit. Norman uses a Hyper Potion to heal Slaking.

1d 5h 0m [R] Zigzagoon faints by taking the Focus Punch destined for Combusken, which we send out again.

1d 5h 0m [R] We send Combusken and use Overheat. We then swap to Zigzagoon.

1d 4h 59m [R] The second Slaking is out... but it uses Facade rather than Focus Punch, and Zangoose goes down.

1d 4h 59m [S] Opened the last room and found the Scanner!

1d 4h 58m [R] Despite Norman using a Hyper Potion, Slaking goes down and Zangoose grows to Lv. 26.

1d 4h 56m [R] We send Zangoose against Slaking. We use Swords Dance once, survive Facade, then spam Dig.

1d 4h 56m [S] We open another room. Found a Luxury Ball!

1d 4h 55m [R] We are back, and we got the strat! Vs. Leader Norman! (Attempt #3)

1d 4h 55m [S] We open another room. Lots of hidden items there.

1d 4h 54m [S] We used TM18 and taught Rain Dance to Pelipper over Supersonic.

1d 4h 54m [R] We save.

1d 4h 53m [R] We send out Zigzagoon. Vigoroth takes it down and we black out.

1d 4h 52m [R] We send out Nuzleaf. Vigoroth takes it out with a critical hit.

1d 4h 52m [R] Vigoroth snaps out of confusion and takes down Spoink with Facade.

1d 4h 51m [R] We send out Spoink. it confuses Vigoroth, which hits itself. Norman uses another Hyper Potion.

1d 4h 51m [S] Found TM18 Rain Dance in one of the rooms.

1d 4h 50m [R] We send out Minun, which manages to paralyze Vigoroth. Minun goes down soon after however.

1d 4h 49m [R] We use Overheat, and follow up with Secret Power. Norman uses a Hyper Potion and Vigoroth takes down Combusken.

1d 4h 48m [R] Vigoroth is sent out, and it takes down Zangoose. We send out Combusken.

1d 4h 48m [S] We enter a room on the other side of the ship and find a Water Stone.

1d 4h 47m [R] The second Slaking is out. We continue do Dig to take advantage of Truant, then finish off Slaking with Strength.

1d 4h 47m [S] We dive in the submerged section of the Abandoned Ship.

1d 4h 46m [R] Dig tactics work! Slaking does not manage to hit us because of its loafing, and goes down! Zangoose grew to Lv. 25!

1d 4h 46m [R] Zangoose takes heavy damage from Facade but survives. Dig tactics begin.

1d 4h 45m [S] We board the Abandoned Ship.

1d 4h 45m [R] Slaking is sent out by Norman. We send Zangoose and use Swords Dance.

1d 4h 44m [R] We walk back into the Gym. Vs. Leader Norman! (Attempt #2)

1d 4h 44m [S] We surf onto Route 107.

1d 4h 42m [S] We heal at the Poké Center.

1d 4h 41m [S] We go back to the surface and fly to Dewford Town.

1d 4h 41m [R] Vigoroth is sent out by Norman. Nuzleaf uses Bullet Seed again, but is then taken out by Slash. Blacked out!

1d 4h 40m [S] Caught a female Lv. 30 Clamperl! Nickname: hhn!!!.

1d 4h 40m [R] Nuzleaf learned Faint Attack over Growth.

1d 4h 39m [R] We send out Nuzleaf, our last remaining Pokémon. It lands five consecutive hits with Bullet Seed, but it is just not enough. Two more on the next turn though, and Slaking goes down! Nuzleaf grew to Lv. 31!

1d 4h 38m [S] Caught a male Lv. 31 Relicanth! Nickname: BOOOOVVMNN.

1d 4h 37m [R] We send out Spoink. it confuses Slaking, but is then taken down.

1d 4h 37m [S] The wild Relicanth also took down Grovyle as we keep chugging Great Balls at it.

1d 4h 36m [R] We send out Minun. It uses Spark once, then faints to Facade.

1d 4h 35m [R] Norman uses a Hyper Potion. We keep going for Slash, but Slaking eventually uses Faint Attack and Zangoose faints.

1d 4h 35m [R] Another Slaking comes out. We Slash on its attacking turn to make Focus punch fail, and Sword Dance on its loafing turn to raise our stats.

1d 4h 34m [S] A wild Relicanth takes down Chimecho.

1d 4h 34m [R] We keep using the Dig strategy. We however run of PP, but Strength is enough to take down Slaking with one final hit!

1d 4h 32m [S] Caught a female Lv. 32 Clamperl! Nickname: nnut…’’98D.

1d 4h 31m [R] We use Dig once more, then Norman uses a Hyper Potion.

1d 4h 31m [R] We send out Zangoose again. We use Dig, and the underground turn allows us to dodge Slaking's next move.

1d 4h 30m [R] We send out Zangoose, then swap to Zigzagoon so it takes the next hit from Slaking. Zigzagoon faints.

1d 4h 29m [R] Slaking is sent by Norman, and it takes down Combusken.

1d 4h 28m [R] Vs. Leader Norman! (Attempt #1)

1d 4h 27m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer Jody! Combusken hits her Zangoose with a critical hit. Our Zangoose grew to Lv. 24!

1d 4h 25m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer Lori, who sends Linoone. We use Overheat with Combusken and take it down. Combusken grew to Lv. 27!

1d 4h 23m [S] A wild Chinchou paralyzed Chimecho.

1d 4h 23m [R] Combusken manages to take down Zangoose with Overheat, and we win the battle!

1d 4h 22m [S] We look around the seaweed for a Clamperl.

1d 4h 22m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer Berke! He sends out Zangoose.

1d 4h 21m [R] Combusken uses Rock Smash, then Overheat, and Linoone goes down. We win!

1d 4h 21m [S] We dive underwater!

1d 4h 20m [S] A third Tentacool is taken down. Chimecho grows to Lv. 34 and we win the battle.

1d 4h 20m [S] Another Tentacool follows. Chimecho takes it down as well.

1d 4h 19m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer George, who sends out Linoone.

1d 4h 18m [S] Vs. Swimmer Spencer! He sends Tentacool. Chimecho uses Confusion, and Tentacool goes down in two hits.

1d 4h 18m [R] Combusken uses Secret Power and Delcatty goes down. We win!

1d 4h 18m [S] We begin surfing down Route 127.

1d 4h 17m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer Mary! She sends Delcatty. Combusken begins using Rock Smash.

1d 4h 16m [R] Back at the Gym!

1d 4h 16m [S] We fly back to Mossdeep City and heal at the Poké Center.

1d 4h 15m [R] We leave the Gym and hurry to the Poké Center to heal.

1d 4h 14m [S] We use HM08 and Marill learns Dive over Tackle!

1d 4h 13m [R] We send Zangoose, which finally takes out Linoone. Zangoose grew to Lv. 23!

1d 4h 13m [S] We use TM04 and teach Calm Mind to Chimecho over Take Down!

1d 4h 12m [R] Spoink almost takes Linoone out, but faints as well.

1d 4h 12m [R] Nuzleaf faints as well and we send out Spoink.

1d 4h 11m [R] Combusken falls! We send out Nuzleaf.

1d 4h 10m [S] We boot up the PC and retrieve Marill.

1d 4h 10m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer Parker! He sends out Linoone, and Combusken Overheats at it.

1d 4h 9m [S] We fly to Mauville City, then deposit Baltoy into the Daycare.

1d 4h 9m [R] Vs. Cool Trainer Randall! He sends out Delcatty against our Combusken. They battle for a few turns, and Combusken eventually wins the battle!

1d 4h 6m [R] Received a Full Heal from Zigzagoon.

1d 4h 6m [S] We enter Steven Stone's house, and he gives us HM08 Dive.

1d 4h 5m [S] We leave the Gym.

1d 4h 5m [S] Defeated Leaders Tate & Liza and received the Mind Badge! Received TM04 Calm Mind!

1d 4h 4m [S] Another Shadow Ball, and Solrock goes down! Chimecho grew to Lv. 33, did not learn Double-Edge.

1d 4h 3m [S] Shadow Ball deals high damage to Lunatone. Another Surf, and Lunatone goes down, while Solrock barely holds on.

1d 4h 3m [R] We enter Petalburg's Gym.

1d 4h 2m [S] Tate & Liza send out Solrock and Lunatone. Pelipper uses Surf on them both.

1d 4h 2m [S] Vs. Leaders Tate & Liza! (Attempt #1)

1d 4h 1m [S] We made it to the Leaders... and teleport back to the start. Another turn on the slides, wheeeeeee!

1d 4h 0m [R] We heal.

1d 4h 0m [R] We arrive in Petalburg City, where we enter the Poké Center.

1d 4h 0m [S] We place Pelipper in second position of our team, and move Surf in first position of its moveset.

1d 3h 59m [S] Kadabra is next, and it goes down just as easily. Defeated Psychic Virgil!

1d 3h 58m [S] Vs. Psychic Virgil. He sends out Ralts, which falls quickly to Shadow Ball.

1d 3h 58m [R] We enter Petalburg Woods.

1d 3h 57m [S] Dizzy Punch is used a few times and Girafarig goes down. Chimecho grew to Lv. 32! Spinda then takes down Fritz's Kadabra, and we win the battle.

1d 3h 56m [R] We arrive in Rustboro City.

1d 3h 56m [S] Vs. Psychic Fritz! He sends out Natu, which goes down with one Shadow Ball. Girafarig is next and of course, Shadow Ball does nothing to it.

1d 3h 55m [R] Spoink takes down Nob's Machop and we win the battle.

1d 3h 55m [S] Wheeeeee! We're back at the start of the puzzle.

1d 3h 54m [R] We go through Meteor Falls, and on the other side, get challenged by Black Belt Nob!

1d 3h 53m [S] Vs. Psychic Samantha! She sends Xatu. Spinda uses Shadow Ball twice and it goes down. Spinda grew to Lv. 38! It does not learn Psych Up.

1d 3h 52m [S] Kirlia goes down the same way, and we win the battle!

1d 3h 52m [S] Spinda uses Shadow Ball, and Kadabra goes down! Kirlia is next.

1d 3h 51m [S] Vs. Psychic Maura! She sends Kadabra.

1d 3h 51m [S] We leave the Backdoor House and return to the Gym.

1d 3h 50m [R] Spoink grew to Lv. 29!


1d 3h 49m [S] Grovyle uses Cut, and thanks to the heightened attack, Shiftry goes down. Defeated Lady Astrid!

1d 3h 48m [R] We make our way down Route 114.

1d 3h 48m [S] Shiftry uses Swagger to confuse Grovyle, but it also raises its attack.

1d 3h 47m [S] Grovyle uses Cut, but it pretty much deals less damage than Shiftry's Leftovers heal.

1d 3h 46m [S] Shiftry takes down Pelipper with Faint Attack. We send Grovyle out.

1d 3h 46m [S] Shiftry is sent out last by Astrid. Pelipper is confused by Swagger, but then uses Fly, snaps out of confusion, and inflicts heavy damage. It then gets confused again.

1d 3h 45m [R] We use TM28, and Zangoose learns Dig over Fury Cutter.

1d 3h 44m [R] We visit the house of the Fossil Maniac again. Received TM28 Dig!

1d 3h 44m [S] Astrid sent out Mawile. Spinda Dizzy Punched it a bunch, but eventually fainted We sent Pelipper next, which used Surf to take down both Mawile and Minun.

[Info] Lady Astrid is a Trainer that appears in the Backdoor House after scanning a specific e-Reader card, which we did earlier.

1d 3h 42m [R] Found TM32 Double Team!

1d 3h 40m [S] We leave the Gym and visit the Backdoor House, where someone awaits us. Vs. Lady Astrid!

1d 3h 40m [R] Found a Max Ether!

1d 3h 39m [R] We are now on Route 113.

1d 3h 38m [S] Vs. Psychic Preston! Spinda defeats their Kirlia. Chimecho grew to Lv. 31!

1d 3h 36m [S] We enter the Mossdeep City Gym.

1d 3h 35m [R] We left the Fiery Path.

1d 3h 35m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 3h 34m [S] We set foot in Mossdeep City for the first time.

1d 3h 33m [S] Vs. Swimmer Roland. He sends out Carvanha, which Spinda takes down with Dizzy Punch. Onwards we go.

1d 3h 32m [S] Spinda takes down Jenny's Wailmer, and we win the battle.

1d 3h 32m [R] Spoink did not learn Magic Coat.

1d 3h 32m [S] We go back on the sea and head west. Vs. Swimmer Jenny!

1d 3h 31m [R] More grinding later, Spoink grew to Lv. 28!

1d 3h 28m [S] We make our way back to Lilycove City and enter the Poké Center to heal.

1d 3h 26m [R] We bike back to the Fiery Path.

1d 3h 25m [S] We're back on land.

1d 3h 24m [R] Received a Super Potion from Zigzagoon.

1d 3h 23m [S] We left the Aqua Hideout.

1d 3h 23m [R] We enter the house on Route 111 and heal.

1d 3h 21m [R] We left the Fiery Path and are biking on Route 111.

1d 3h 21m [S] Sadly, it is too late. Archie left with the submarine as we were battling! Nothing to do but leave now.

1d 3h 20m [S] Slaking uses Hyper Beam again. Mightyena goes down! Defeated Aqua Admin Matt!

1d 3h 19m [S] Mightyena is sent by Matt. It uses Swagger to confuse our Slaking.

1d 3h 19m [S] Sharpedo is sent out next. Slaking loafs around, then uses Hyper Beam. Sharpedo goes down!

1d 3h 18m [S] Matt sends out Carvanha, which Slaking takes down quite easily. Chimecho grows to Lv. 30 and learns Psywave over Uproar.

1d 3h 18m [S] Vs. Aqua Admin Matt!

1d 3h 17m [S] With that battle won, we keep going.

1d 3h 17m [S] The Grunt sends Zubat out. We send Slaking and use Hyper Beam. This isn't overkill at all.

1d 3h 16m [S] We keep going and get spotted again. Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 15m [S] We send out Chimecho, which finishes off Zubat. Defeated Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 15m [S] We use Giga Drain on the Grunt's Carvanha to heal Grovyle, then use Cut on his Zubat. However, with a critical Air Cutter, Grovyle faints!

1d 3h 14m [S] Onto the upper floor. Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 14m [R] Spoink grows to Lv. 27!

[Snark] "Boss... Is this good enough?" Buddy, your only Pokémon was defeated in a single hit, what do you think?

1d 3h 13m [S] Carvanha is sent out, and taken down by Grovyle's Leaf Blade. Defeated Team Aqua Grunt.

1d 3h 12m [S] We continue making our way through the hideout and get spotted again. Vs. Team Aqua Grunt.

1d 3h 11m [S] One more Cut, and we defeat Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 11m [S] Grovyle takes some damage from Carvanha, partly due to hurting itself in confusion, but takes it down. He sends Poochyena next.

1d 3h 10m [S] The Grunt then sends out Poochyena, which Grovyle also takes down. Carvanha is last.

1d 3h 10m [S] The Grunt sends out Zubat. Grovyle takes it down and Chimecho grows to Lv. 29!

1d 3h 9m [S] We teleport our way back to the room before the "maze" and go deeper into the hideout. Spotted by another Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 7m [S] Another item... BZZT! It's Electrode again! It self-destructs and Spinda faints!

1d 3h 6m [S] We give the Master Ball to Grovyle to hold.

1d 3h 6m [S] Another one... Found the Master Ball!

1d 3h 6m [S] Another item... found a Nugget!

1d 3h 6m [S] We take down Electrode and Spinda grows to Lv. 37!

1d 3h 5m [S] We pick up an item... BZZT! It was actually an Electrode!

1d 3h 5m [R] After some more grinding, Spoink grows to Lv. 26!

1d 3h 5m [S] Teleporter maze time. Thankfully there's not too many inputters. So this shouldn't take too long.

1d 3h 3m [S] Another Carvanha meets the same fate. Defeated Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 2m [S] Carvanha is next. Dizzy Punched down!

1d 3h 2m [S] The Grunt sends out Poochyena. Spinda uses Shadow Ball, then Dizzy Punch, and it goes down.

1d 3h 1m [S] Spotted again! Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 3h 1m [R] We move some more boulders and pick up a Fire Stone!

1d 3h 0m [S] The Grunt sends two Poochyena. Spinda uses Dizzy Punch to take them down, defeating him.

1d 3h 0m [S] Someone spots us! Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 2h 59m [S] We enter the Aqua Hideout.

1d 2h 58m [R] Found TM06 Toxic!

1d 2h 58m [S] We fly again, this time back to Lilycove City.

1d 2h 57m [R] We use Strength to move some boulders out of the way.

1d 2h 56m [S] We meet up with Captain Stern after he's done giving an interview. But uh oh, seems trouble is brewing! Team Aqua is stealing the submarine!

1d 2h 55m [S] We reorder our party, putting Spinda back in first, and fly to Slateport City.

1d 2h 55m [R] We boot up HM04 and teach Strength to Zangoose over Quick Attack.

1d 2h 52m [R] Back in the Fiery Path. Spoink grew to Lv. 25 and learned Confuse Ray over Odor Sleuth!

1d 2h 52m [S] Booting up the PC, we deposit Castform and withdraw Chimecho, then leave.

1d 2h 50m [S] We enter the Poké Center, place Castform in front of the party, and heal.

1d 2h 50m [R] We save.

1d 2h 49m [R] We make our way to the house on Route 111 where the old lady heals us.

1d 2h 49m [S] We fly to Lilycove City.

1d 2h 47m [S] Caught a female Lv. 28 Chimecho! Nickname: ALLlkkjjj8.

1d 2h 46m [R] We leave the Fiery Path.

1d 2h 45m [S] Chimecho puts Grovyle to sleep.

1d 2h 44m [S] While trying to catch a wild Chimecho, Spinda faints.

1d 2h 43m [R] Caught a female Lv. 14 Grimer! Nickname: T……”788KQ.

1d 2h 41m [R] A wild Grimer poisons Spoink.

1d 2h 38m [R] We enter the Fiery Path.

1d 2h 36m [S] After taking down a few Shuppet, Spinda grows to Lv. 36!

1d 2h 35m [R] We bike onto Route 111.

1d 2h 33m [R] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 2h 33m [R] We are back in Mauville City.

1d 2h 33m [S] We go into a patch of grass and start looking for wild Pokémon.

1d 2h 32m [S] We meet up with Archie. He is fed up with us, but leaves with the Red Orb before we can stop him. The old lady then gives us the Blue Orb.

1d 2h 31m [S] A second Carvanha goes down and we defeat the third Grunt.

1d 2h 31m [S] Vs. Team Aqua Grunt! This one sends a Carvanha. Spinda takes it out and grows to Lv. 35!

1d 2h 30m [R] We use Cut and get rid of some tall grass around us. Then we receive an Ultra Ball from Zigzagoon!

1d 2h 30m [S] Carvanha is next. Dizzy Punch takes it out in one go. Defeated Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 2h 29m [S] This one sends out Poochyena. We use Shadow Ball, then Dizzy Punch, and it goes down.

1d 2h 29m [S] Next one! Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 2h 28m [S] A third Zubat goes down the same way, and the Grunt is defeated.

1d 2h 28m [S] The Grunt sends out Zubat. Spinda uses Dizzy Punch and it goes down. Same with the second Zubat.

1d 2h 27m [S] Oh no, Team Aqua is there! Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

1d 2h 26m [S] We climb up Mt. Pyre and find a Max Potion.

1d 2h 25m [R] Still grinding on this side, Spoink grew to Lv. 24!

1d 2h 23m [S] We return inside Mt. Pyre.

1d 2h 22m [S] Grovyle's evolution was cancelled again.

1d 2h 21m [S] Two water encounters later, Grovyle grows to Lv. 37!

1d 2h 20m [S] We surf onto Route 122.

1d 2h 17m [R] Back on Route 117.

1d 2h 17m [S] We are now on Route 121.

1d 2h 17m [R] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 2h 16m [R] We rush back to Mauville City.

1d 2h 15m [S] We use a PP Up on Slaking's Hyper Beam, then leave the Department Store.

1d 2h 14m [R] Spoink grows to Lv. 23!

1d 2h 14m [R] A wild Roselia poisons Spoink.

1d 2h 13m [S] Sold 1 Parlyz Heal and 1 Ether.

1d 2h 12m [S] Sold 1 Full Heal and 1 Dire Hit.

1d 2h 12m [S] Sold 1 Max Ether.

1d 2h 11m [S] Sold 1 Nugget.

1d 2h 11m [S] Sold 1 Stardust.

1d 2h 10m [S] We then take the elevator to the 2nd floor. Bought 38 Great Balls.

1d 2h 9m [R] We return to Route 117 for more grinding.

1d 2h 9m [S] Taught Grovyle Giga Drain over Pursuit.

1d 2h 8m [S] Taught Castform Blizzard over Hail.

1d 2h 8m [R] We bike to Verdanturf Town, and heal at the Poké Center.

1d 2h 7m [S] We take the elevator to the fifth floor. Bought 1 TM14 Blizzard.

1d 2h 6m [R] Received a Nugget from Zigzagoon.

1d 2h 5m [S] We enter the Lilycove Department Store.

1d 2h 5m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 2h 4m [S] We fly to Lilycove City.

1d 2h 4m [R] Spoink grew to Lv. 22!

1d 2h 4m [S] Received TM19 Giga Drain!

1d 2h 3m [S] We make our way onto Route 123.

1d 2h 2m [S] We leave Mt. Pyre.

1d 2h 1m [S] We defeat a wild Shuppet and Spinda grows to Lv. 34! It did not learn Teeter Dance.

1d 1h 58m [S] We continue falling down holes, reaching the second floor

[S] We fall down another hole, and find a Sea Incense, but out bag is full.

1d 1h 57m [S] We fall down a hole, then pick up a Lax Incense

1d 1h 56m [S] We use the TM30 to teach Spinda Shadow Ball over Hypnosis

1d 1h 55m [S] We pick up a TM30

1d 1h 54m [R] We fight a wild Illumise. Spoink grew to Lv. 21

1d 1h 54m [S] Vs. Hex Maniac Valerie. Grovyle uses Pursuit. The opposing Sableye uses a Fury Swipes, then misses, then a faint attack to knock out Grovyle. We send in Spinda. Spinda uses Faint Attack to knock out Sableye. Valerie defeated

1d 1h 53m [R] We heal, then continue east

1d 1h 52m [R] We reach Verdanturf, enter the Pokecenter and save

1d 1h 51m [S] Vs. Hex Maniac Tasha. Grovyle outspeeds and knocks out Shuppet and Kadabra with one leaf blade each.

1d 1h 50m [S] We reach the fifth floor, then pace around near the stairs and fight a few wild Pokémon. Grovyle grew to Lv. 36. Grovyle did not evolve

1d 1h 50m [R] We smash the other rock in Rusturf tunnel

1d 1h 48m [R] We talk to a person who thanks us for for helping Devon. We receive a Repeat Ball. We enter Rusturf Tunnel

1d 1h 47m [S] Vs Black Belk Atsushi. Grovyle defeats the first two Pokémon, then Hariyama uses Whirwind to force out Castform. Castform uses Hail and Powder Snow on Haryama, until Haryama uses a Vital Throw to knock out Castform. We send Grovyle back in to defeat Hariyama.

1d 1h 45m [R] We bike north, then exit town eastwards. We enter Route 116

1d 1h 43m [S] We pick up a Super Repel, then fight Psychic William. Grovyle uses one Leaf Blade to defeat Ralts and two Leaf Blades to defeat Kirlia. Grovyle grew to Lv. 35. Grovyle did not learn Agility

1d 1h 41m [R] We enter the Rustboro Poké Center. We access Lanette's PC. We leave without doing anything

1d 1h 41m [S] Vs. Psychic Kayla. Grovyle cuts down Kadabra. Kayla defeated.

1d 1h 38m [R] We pass through Rusturf Tunnel, and reach Rustboro City.

1d 1h 36m [S] Vs. Pokémaniac Mark. We send in Grovyle against Lairon. Lairon uses Iron Defense. Grovyle uses Leaf Blade, lands a critical hit, and knocks out Lairon. Grovyle grew to Lv. 34. Mark defeated.

1d 1h 35m [S] We surf around Mt. Pyre, then enter through the south door. We being to ascend Mt. Pyre

1d 1h 34m [R] We enter Rusturf Tunnel, and leave through the third exit to the dead-end. We return to the tunnel

1d 1h 32m [S] We leave town to the west. We reach the junction below the safari zone, then surf south

1d 1h 30m [R] We leave Mauville, and pass through Verdanturf

1d 1h 29m [S] We enter the Lilycove Pokecenter, heal, and leave

1d 1h 26m [R] We heal in the Mauville Pokecenter. We talk to the Bard and hear the Bard's song

1d 1h 25m [S] We walk up a few flights of stairs. We talk to a clerk and buy a few tms. We use a TM15 to teach Slaking Hyper Beam over Yawn

1d 1h 20m [S] Brendan says he's going home and asks us what we're going to do. Brendan flies off. We enter the department store and draw a lottery ticket. None of the numbers matched

1d 1h 18m [S] Spinda uses a dizzy punch. A critical hit confuses Wailmer Wailmer lands a water pulse. Spinda's next dizzy punch knocks out Wailmer. Brendan sends in Shroomish. Spinda uses Hypnosis to pus Shroomish to sleep. Then, spinda uses psybeam a few times, and lands a critical hit to bring shroomish to red. Shroomish wakes up and uses mega drain to knock out Spinda. We send in Grovyle. A Cut finishes off Shroomish. Brendan defeated

1d 1h 16m [S] Vs. Trainer Brendan! Spinda uses a few Dizzy Punch attacks to defeat Swellow and Combusken.

1d 1h 15m [S] Brendan is standing in front of the department store. We save, then talk to Brendan. Brendan challenges us. We decline to battle the first time, then accept the battle the second time

1d 1h 15m [R] We take pick up a Claw Fossil. The nearby Root Fossil sinks into the sand

1d 1h 13m [R] Zangoose uses a Slash each to defeat Camper Cliff's Baltoy, Sandshrew and Baltoy

1d 1h 13m [S] We reach Lilycove City. We run to the Poké Center and heal

1d 1h 11m [S] Vs. Pokefan Vanessa. Pelliper uses surf to defeat a Pikachu.

1d 1h 10m [S] We fight Jr. and Sr. Kate and Joy. They have a Slaking and a Spinda. Our Slaking uses Strength on the opposing Slaking, then Pelliper uses surf to damage both. The opposing Slaking slack offs, and spinda uses psybeam. Pelliper uses surf to knock out spinda. A few more attack knock out the opposing Slaking. Pelliper grew to Lv. 38

1d 1h 10m [S] We fight and defeat Beauty Jessica. Then we see some Aqua Grunts head south to Mt. Pyre. We continue east, cutting a tree to get past.

1d 1h 9m [R] We enter the desert. Picked up a Stardust

1d 1h 7m [R] We use TM50 to teach Combusken Overheat over Ember

1d 1h 6m [R] We leave lavaridge and hop down the route 112 ledges. We boot up TM43, but do not teach Secret Power to Zangoose. We then use that TM to teach Combusken Secret Power over Focus Energy

1d 1h 5m [S] We reach Route 121. Pelipper defeats a Hex Maniac

1d 1h 3m [S] We continue south. We fight Bug Maniac Brandon. Baltoy defeats a Surskit with Rock Tomb. Baltoy grew to Lv. 29. A second Surskit knocks out Baltoy with bubblebeam. Pelipper uses Fly to knock out Surskit and also a third Surskit

1d 1h 2m [R] We take the Exp Share from Zangoose and give the Exp Share to Spoink. Zangoose is moved to the top of the party.

1d 0h 59m [R] We enter Lavaridge's Pokecenter. We inspect the PC. reyn is bashful and has Thick Fat. BOING is rash and has Thick Fat. We withdraw reyn and deposit WWUBWJ.

1d 0h 59m [S] We fight Ranger Jenna. The opposing Nuzleaf defeats Grovyle. Baltoy finishes off Jenna

1d 0h 55m [R] We set the frame to type 20. We leave the Jagged Pass to the south

1d 0h 55m [S] Cool Trainer Jennifer. Jennifer's Milotic knocks out Spinda. Grovyle uses Leaf Blade a few times as Milotic recovers repeatedly. Milotic eventually uses Water Pulse instead of recover. Grovyle's next Leaf blade knocks out Milotic. Grovyle grew to Lv. 33

1d 0h 54m [R] We throw several pokeballs at a new wild spoink. Caught a male Lv. 20 Spoink! Nickname: reyn.

1d 0h 51m [S] We continue through the route. Vs. a Parasol Lady and a Castform. Spinda uses Dizzy Punch, as Castform changes the weather to sunny, then hits itself in confusion. The parasol lady is defeated

1d 0h 49m [R] We find a wild Spoink, and throw a great ball at it. Caught a male Lv. 19 Spoink! Nickname: BOING.

1d 0h 48m [S] We exit Fortree to the east this time, and fight in the grass there

1d 0h 48m [R] We ride the cable car up Mt. Chimney, then enter Jagged Pass from the top

1d 0h 47m [S] Spinda grew to Lv. 31 after defeating a wild Tropius. We fly to fortree to heal

1d 0h 46m [R] We leave the Poké Center, then leave town. We step into the Jagged pass. Then we hop down the Route 112 ledges instead. We pick up a Nugget

[Info] Spoink's ability is Own Tempo, and nature is rash

1d 0h 43m [R] We take a Macho Brace from Nosepass. We access the PC. We deposit Nosepass and withdraw WWWUBWJ the Spoink

1d 0h 40m [R] When we exit the gym, Brendan encounters us, and gives us the Go-Go Goggles, then walks off. We enter the Poké Center and heal

1d 0h 38m [S] We return to that grass surrounding a bush at the top of route 119

1d 0h 38m [S] Spinda grew to Lv. 30 after defeating a wild Linoone. We fly back to Fortree to heal.

1d 0h 37m [R] We send in Zangoose. Zangoose uses Slash, landing a critical hit. Torkoal is unable to move. Another slash brings Torkoal to red. Torkoal uses flail to bring Zangoose to 4HP. Zangoose moves first, using slash to knock out Torkoal. Zangoose grew to Lv. 22. Defeated Leader Flannery and received the Heat Badge and TM 50 Overheat!

1d 0h 34m [R] We send in Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf uses weak rock smashes, as Torkoal is unable to move, then uses an Overheat to knock out Nuzleaf

1d 0h 34m [S] We leave town, westward this time. We enter the very tall grass surrounding a bush.

1d 0h 33m [R] We send in Zigzagoon. Flannery uses a Potion. Zigzagoon uses Cut. Zigzagoon uses another move, but Torkoal's white smoke prevents status drops. Torkoal uses Overheat to knock out Zigzagoon. We send in Combusken. Combusken uses Cut, as Torkal uses a few Body Slam to knock out Combusken.

1d 0h 32m [S] We fly to Fortree, enter the pokecenter and heal

1d 0h 31m [R] We send in Minun. Minun uses Spark, and knocks out Slugma. Flannery sends in Torkoal. Minun uses Spark, and paralyzes Torkoal. Torkoal is unable to move. Minun continues to use Spark. Torkoal lands two Body Slam, knocking out Minun.

1d 0h 29m [S] We leave town eastwards. We wander in the grass

1d 0h 29m [R] Flannery sends in a second Slugma. Slugma uses Flamethrower. A critical, sun boosted Flamethrower reduces Nosepass to 8 HP. Nosepass continues to use Rock Throw. A second Flamethrower knocks out Nosepass.

1d 0h 28m [R] Nosepass vs. Flannery's Slugma. Nosepass uses Rock Throw a few times. Slugma uses Sunny Day. Flannery uses a potion. Nosepass continues to use Rock Throw. Slugma misses a Smog Attack. Slugma lands a smog attack. A final rock throw finishes off Slugma

1d 0h 27m [S] We take the Exp Share from Baltoy

1d 0h 26m [R] Vs. Leader Flannery! (Attempt #2)

1d 0h 26m [S] We leave our house, then fly to Fortree. We step in the Poké Center to heal.

1d 0h 25m [S] We give the Amulet Coin to Spinda. Then we take a Mystic Water from Castform, and give that Mystic Water to Pelliper

1d 0h 24m [R] We reach Lavaridge, heal at the Poké Center, then enter the gym

1d 0h 24m [S] We talk to Mom. We show mom a balance badge, and Mom gives us an Amulet Coin

1d 0h 23m [S] We fly to Littleroot Town

1d 0h 23m [S] We toss one X Accuracy, 1 X Speed, and 1 Orange Mail

1d 0h 21m [S] We fight Ninja Boy Tsunao. A Koffing knocks out Spinda. Pelipper surfs away the rest of Tsunao's Pokemon. Pelipper grew to Lv. 37

1d 0h 20m [R] We throw a Premier Ball at a Spoink. Caught a female Lv. 18 Spoink! Nickname: WWWUBWJ.

1d 0h 18m [S] We cross the first bridge, going past where Steven gave us the Devon Scope. We fight Bird Keeper Colin. Two Dizzy Punch from Spinda knock out Natu. Spinda continues to use Dizzy Punch against the Swellow until the Swellow faints. Baltoy grew to Lv. 28

1d 0h 18m [R] We fight and defeat Camper Ethan

1d 0h 15m [S] Baltoy was given an Exp Share to hold. A Macho Brace was taken from Spinda. Spinda was moved to the top of the party, followed by Grovyle.

1d 0h 14m [R] While descending through Jagged Pass, we throw a Premier Ball at a Numel. Caught a male Lv. 18 Numel! Nickname: ..QEC.

1d 0h 10m [R] We leave town eastwards, and hop the ledges. We ride the cable car to the top of Mt. Chimney

1d 0h 10m [S] We leave town eastwards and enter the grass

1d 0h 9m [R] We save

1d 0h 9m [R] We send in Nosepass. Flannery uses a potion. Nosepass uses Rock Throw. Poison reduces Nosepass's HP to 2. We use a full restore on Nosepass. Slugma uses Flamethrower. Slugma uses Light Screen. Nosepass uses Secret Power. Slugma uses Flamethrower. Nosepass is burned. Nosepass chips with Secret Power. Slugma uses one more Flamethrower to knock out Nosepass. We send in Zigzagoon. Zigzagoon is knocked out. white out

1d 0h 9m [S] We fly to Fortree

1d 0h 6m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal

1d 0h 6m [R] We send in Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf uses Nature Power into Swift. A single Flamethrower knocks out Nuzleaf

1d 0h 5m [R] We send in Zangoose. Zangoose uses Sword Dance. Slugma uses Flamethrower to take out 2/3 of Zangoose's health. Zangoose uses Sword Dace again. Slugma uses a second Flamethrower to knock out Zangoose

1d 0h 4m [S] We leave the contest hall.

1d 0h 4m [R] Flannery sends in another Slugma. We switch to Minun. Slugma uses Flamethrower to take out half of Minun's health. Minun uses Spark to take out half of Slugma's health. Another flamethrower knocks out Minun.

1d 0h 3m [S] We look at our trainer card

1d 0h 3m [R] Flannery leads with Slugma. We lead with Nosepass. Slugma uses Smog to poison Nosepass. Nosepass uses Rock Throw twice. Flannery uses a potion. Slugma continues to use smog. Three more Rock Throw knock out Slugma.

1d 0h 1m [S] saves

1d 0h 1m [R] We reach Flannery. Vs. Leader Flannery! (Attempt #1)

0d 23h 59m [S] Castform moves first, dodging Zutzu's mean look this time. Rounds four and five repeat the hail-powder snow combo. The appeal combos commanded total attention. Castform won the normal beauty contest!

0d 23h 58m [R] A potion was used on Nosepass

0d 23h 57m [R] Zangoose is sent in to defeat Numel. Zangoose grew to Lv. 21. Andy defeated

0d 23h 56m [R] Vs. Kindler Andy. Nosepass withstands Slugma's Embers, and responds with Rock Throw. Andy sends in Numel next. We switch to Combusken. Numel growls as Combusken as Combusken uses Rock Smash. Numel knocks out Combusken.

0d 23h 56m [S] Round two. Casform uses hail and didn't stand out very much, but still gets to move first on round three. Castform uses Powder Snow for an appeal combo

0d 23h 53m [S] The other entrants are Slokth the Slakoth, Gulwee the Wingull, and Zutzu the Zubat. The first round, Castform was too nervous to move

0d 23h 52m [R] We fight and defeat Battle Girl Sadie

0d 23h 51m [S] We enter Castform in a normal rank beauty contest

0d 23h 51m [S] We fly to Verdanturf Town. We run towards the contest hall. We rearrange Castform's move. Hail / Powder Snow / Sunny Day / Rain Dance. We enter the contest hall.

0d 23h 48m [S] We leave the gym

0d 23h 47m [S] We boot up TM13 Ice Beam. We teach Baltoy Ice Beam over Mud Slap

0d 23h 46m [R] We return to the gym. We defeat Kindler Cole

0d 23h 44m [S] We send in Vigoroth. Altaria lands an Earthquake. Vigoroth lands a Strength, knocking out Altaria. Defeated Leader Winona. Vigoroth evolves into Slaking. Slaking did not learn counter. Received the Feather Badge and TM40 Aerial Ace!

0d 23h 43m [R] We leave the gym and stop at the pokecenter to heal.

0d 23h 43m [S] Two of Pelipper's Shock Wave knock out Skarmory. Altaria is sent out. Pelipper flies, and Altaria uses Dragon Dance. Altaria uses Dragon Dance again as Pelliper Files again. Altaria lands two Aerial Ace, leaving Pelipper at 3 HP. Pelipper confuses Altaria. Altaria hits itself, as pelipper flies. Winona uses a potion. Fly lands, then an aerial ace knocks out pelipper

0d 23h 41m [R] While fighting Axel, Nosepass is knocked out by a Numel and Zangoose grew to Lv 20.

0d 23h 40m [S] Winona sends in Skarmory. Vigoroth uses Yawn. Skarmory uses Steel Wing. Vigoroth's second yawn fails. Skarmory uses another Steel Wing, then falls asleep. Vigoroth uses Slack Off. We switch to Pelipper.

0d 23h 39m [S] Winona's Swellow uses Double Team, then is hit by a critical Strength. Winona sends in Pellipper. Pelipper can only use Water Gun as Vigoroth uses Strength. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 37 Vigoroth did not learn counter

0d 23h 37m [S] Vs. Leader Winona! (Attempt #5)

0d 23h 37m [R] We enter the Lavaridge Gym

0d 23h 36m [S] This is at least the third time we've talked to the camper on the way to Winona. "blush"

0d 23h 35m [R] We reach the bottom of the mountain pass, and enter lavaridge town. We enter the pokecenter and heal

0d 23h 31m [R] We head south, down the mountain path. We defeat Hiker Eric

0d 23h 31m [S] Altaria uses Earthquake and Dragonbreath as Castform is unable to move. Castform is knocked out. We send in Grovyle. Grovyle lands a Cut, survives an Aerial Ace, lands a second cut, then is knocked out by Dragon breath. white out

0d 23h 29m [S] Spinda lands a few Dizzy Punches, but is still taken down. We send in Castform. Altaria uses Dragon Breath, paralyzing Castform. Castform uses Powder Snow, and altaria barely survives. Winona uses a potion, as Castform continues to use Powder Snow.

0d 23h 28m [S] Pelipper uses Supersonic to confuse Altaria. Altaria hits itself. Altaira breaks out of confusion, and defeats Pelipper with a Dragon Breath. We send in Baltoy. Baltoy uses Ancient Power. Altaria uses Arial Ace and Dragon Breath to knock out Batoy. We send in Spinda

0d 23h 26m [S] Winona's Pelipper protects twice. Then Pelipper lands a Shock Wave to knock out Winona's Pelipper. Winona sends in Skarmory. Pelipper is reduced to 3HP, but two shock waves knock out Skarmory.

0d 23h 25m [R] The teams leave the summit. We take the meteorite from a machine

0d 23h 25m [S] Strength, Hyper Potion, Strength, Endevor. Vigoroth misses a Strength. Swellow knocks out Vigoroth. We send in Pelipper. Pelipper uses Shock Wave to knock out Swellow Pelipper grew to Lv. 36

0d 23h 24m [R] We send in Minun. Minun uses Quick Attack. Golbat uses a Wing Attack, both for chip. Maxie uses a potion. Minun uses spark to take out more than half of golbat's health. Maxie uses another potion. Minun uses spark twice more to knock out Golbat. Minun grew to Lv. 25 Maxie sends in Mightyna. Minun uses Spark to finish off Mightyena. Zangoose grew to Lv 19 and learned Slash over Leer. Maxie defeated

0d 23h 24m [S] Vs. Leader Winona! (Attempt #4)

0d 23h 21m [R] Nosepass lands a rock throw. Golbat lands a critical bite, then another bite. Nosepass hits itself. One more bite knocks out Nosepass

0d 23h 21m [R] We switch to Nosepass. Golbat uses Wing attack ineffectively. Golbat misses a supersonic. Nosepass lands a Thunder Wave, then lands a rock throw. Golbat lands a supersonic

0d 23h 20m [S] We reenter the gym

0d 23h 19m [R] We send in Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf uses Nature Power to summon Rock Slide. A critical hit knocks out Camerupt. Maxie sends in Golbat. Golbat uses supersonic to confuse Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf hits itself.

0d 23h 18m [R] We lead with Combusken this time. Combusken uses Ember to burn Mightyena. Mightyena uses Sand Attack. Combusken lands another Ember. Maxie switches to Camerupt. Combusken's ember is not very effective. Camerupt uses a Magnitude to knock out Combusken

0d 23h 18m [S] We send in Grovyle. An Aerial Ace knocks out Grovyle. white out

0d 23h 17m [S] Castform uses another Powder Snow. Altaira lands an Earthquake, then a Dragon Breath to knock out Castform.

0d 23h 16m [R] Vs. Magma Leader Maxie! (Attempt #5)

0d 23h 15m [S] We send in Castform. Altaria uses Dragon Dance. Castform uses Powder Snow.

0d 23h 15m [S] Altaira lands a Dragon Breath, knocking out Pelipper. We send in Baltoy. Altaira uses an Aerial Ace. Baltoy barely survives, then misses a Rock Tomb. Another Aerial Ace knocks our Baltoy. We send in Spinda. A Dizzy punch lands, confusing Altaira. Altaria attacks to knock out Spinda.

0d 23h 13m [S] Winona sends in Skarmory. Pelipper continues to use Shock Wave. Two Shock Wave hit. Winona uses a potion. Skarmory uses Aerial Ace to damage Pelipper. Three more Shock Wave knock out Skarmory. Winona sends in Altaria. Altaira uses Dragon Dance as Pelipper flies.

0d 23h 11m [S] Starting with Vigoroth vs. Winona's Swellow. Swellow leads with Double Team. Vigoroth lands a Strength through the Double Team. Winona uses a Hyper Potion. Vigoroth lands another Strength. Swellow uses Endevor. Vigoroth uses Strength to knock out Swellow. Then Vigoroth uses Strength to take out half of Pelipper's health, and Pelipper uses a Water gun to knock out Vigoroth. We send in Pelipper. Shock Wave defeats Winona's Pelipper

0d 23h 10m 0d 23h 10m [R] We ride north. The sandstorm is vicious. We can't pass through the desert. We go to the cable car, and ascend

0d 23h 9m [S] Vs. Leader Winona! (Attempt #3)

0d 23h 6m [R] We send in Zigzagoon. Camerupt lands a critical ember, knocking out Zigzagoon. white out

0d 23h 5m [R] We send in Zangoose. Zangoose uses Quick Attack. Camerupt uses Magnitude. Zangoose uses another Quick Attack. Camerupt uses tackle to knock out Zangoose

0d 23h 4m [S] We reenter the gym

0d 23h 4m [R] Camerupt uses a Magnitude and an ember to knock out Combusken. We send in Nosepass, and Nosepass is defeated. We switch to Minun. Camerupt uses Ember on Minun, then finishes with a Tackle.

0d 23h 3m [S] We send in Grovyle, and Grovyle is defeated. white out

0d 23h 3m [S] We send in Baltoy. Baltoy uses Rock Tomb, and Altaia uses Aerial Ace a few times to knock out Baltoy. We send in Spinda. Altaria uses Earthquake. Spinda barely survives and confuses Altaria. Altaria lands an attack anyway to knock out Spinda. We send in Castform. Castform survives an Earthquake, and uses Powder Snow. Altaira is Frozen. Winona uses a potion as castform continues to use Powder Snow. Altaria defrosts, and uses an earthquake to knock out Castform

0d 23h 0m [R] Nuzleaf vs. Mightyena. Mightyena intimidates Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf uses Rock Smash anyway as Mightyena uses Sand attack. This continues until Nuzleaf lands enough attacks to knock out Mightyena. Maxie sends in Camerupt, and defeats Nuzleaf. We switch to Combusken

0d 23h 0m [S] Vigoroth's Strength brings Swellow to Red. Winona uses a potion. A second Strength brings Swellow to red. Swellow's Endevor brings Vigoroth to red. Another strength defeats Swellow. Winona sends in Pelipper and knocks out Vigoroth. We send in Pelipper, and use Shock Wave to knock out Pelipper. Pelipper grew to Lv. 35. A few more shock wave also knock out Skarmory. Altairia uses Dragonbreath on Pelipper as Pelipper uses Fly

0d 22h 56m [S] Vs. Leader Winona! (Attempt #2)

0d 22h 56m [R] Vs. Magma Leader Maxie! (Attempt #4)

0d 22h 55m [R] We ride up the cable car

0d 22h 52m [S] We return to the gym.

0d 22h 52m [R] Nuzleaf is moved to the top of the party. We head north from Mauville, and smash the rocks on Route 111

0d 22h 51m [Info] [S] Castform is Female, Lv 25

0d 22h 50m [S] Castform uses Powder Snow, then hail. Then a few more Powder Snow. Winona uses a potion. A Steel wing takes Castform to 1HP. Skarmory misses, hail wears off, then a steel wing lands, knocking out Castform. white out

0d 22h 50m [R] We send in Minun. Camerupt uses Ember a few times as Minun uses Quick Attack. Minun is defeated. We send in the Lv. 4 Zigzagoon. Maxie uses a potion. Zigzagoon uses Cut. Camerupt attacks, knocking out Zigzagoon. white out

0d 22h 48m [S] An Aerial Ace takes Grovyle down to red. A Steel Wing misses. Then a second Aerial Ace knocks out Grovyle. We send in Spinda. Spinda manages to put Skarmory to sleep and confuse Skarmory, but Skarmory wakes up and knocks out Spinda. We send in Castform.

0d 22h 47m [R] We send in Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf uses Rock Smash. Maxie uses one potion, but the Rock Smashes still take out Mighyena. Nuzleaf grew to Lv. 30. Maxie sends in Camerupt. An Ember knocks out Nuzleaf

0d 22h 45m [R] Combusken is worn down by the bites. We send in Zangoose. Mightyena defeats Zangoose

0d 22h 45m [S] Skarmory survives a pair of Shock Waves, and attacks with Steel Wing to knock out Pelipper. We send in Grovyle. Winona uses a Potion on Skarmory as Grovyle uses Cut.

0d 22h 43m [R] We send in Combusken. Mightyena's Bite is less effective damage-wise, but still manages to flinch Combusken. Combusken uses a Focus Energy, and misses a Rock Smash, as Mightyena continues to Bite.

0d 22h 43m [S] Winona's Swellow attacks first, finishing off Vigoroth. We send in Pelliper. Swellow uses Double Team. Pelipper's Shock Wave hits. Pelipper continues to use Shock Wave, defeating Swellow and an opposing Pelipper

0d 22h 42m [S] Vs. Leader Winona! (Attempt #1)

0d 22h 40m [R] Vs. Magma Leader Maxie! (Attempt #3). Maxie's Mightyena leads with a Bite and Nosepass flinches. Mightyena uses another Bite, this time Nosepass ues Rock Throw. Mightyena uses another Bite, and Nosepass Flinches. Another bite knocks out Nosepass.

0d 22h 39m [S] We send in Pelipper, move Shock Wave to the top of the Party, then use Shock Wave to defeat Swellow. Another Shock Wave defeats Will's Pelipper . Pelipper grew to Lv. 34. Will defeated. Vigoroth did not evolve

0d 22h 38m [S] Vs. Bird Keeper Will. Vigoroth's Strength knocks out a Wingull. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 36. Will sends in a Swellow. We switch to Baltoy. Swellow's Endevor fails. Baltoy uses Ancient Power a few times. Swellow uses Quick Attack, then Double Team. Baltoy starts missing. Another Quick Attack knocks out Baltoy

0d 22h 37m [R] We ride the Cable Car to the top of Mt. Chimney

0d 22h 35m [R] Vs. Picknicker Carol with a Taillow. Nosepass's Rock Slide defeats the Tailow. Carol sends in Lombre. We switch to Zangoose. A few Fury Cutter knocks out Lombre. Zangoose grew to Lv. 18

0d 22h 35m [S] Vs. Camper Terrell with a Taillow. Vigoroth's Strength defeats the Taillow. Then Swellow. Vigoroth uses Strength. Swellow uses Endevor, bringing Vigoroth down to 4HP. A second Strength defeats Swellow.

0d 22h 32m [R] We pass the breakable rocks on Route 111

0d 22h 32m [S] Vigoroth's Strength defeats Bird Keeper Jared. Fighting Picknicker Kylee, Vigoroth leads with a Rock Smash, then uses Strength to defeat the Swablu.

0d 22h 30m [R] We reach and pass through Mauville

0d 22h 30m [S] We use the Devon Scope to reveal a Kecleon blocking the path to the Gym. The Kecleon flees. We enter the Gym.

0d 22h 28m [S] We return to Fortree, and visit the Poké Center to heal

0d 22h 26m [S] We cut a path to an item. We pick up a Rare Candy

0d 22h 26m [R] We leave Slateport, and bicycle north through Cycling Road

0d 22h 24m [S] We continue on, then encounter Steven on a bridge. Steven reveals a Kecleon, which then attacks. Kecleon screeches a Vigoroth, but a few of Vigoroth's strengths brings Kecleon down to red health. We throw a Great Ball. Caught a female Kecleon! Nickname: AIJKMN. Steven gives us a Devon Scope, then flies away

0d 22h 20m [R] We perform bike tricks in Slateport's outdoor market. Then we buy one TM 43.

0d 22h 20m [S] We talk to Ty. We fight then defeat Interviewers Gabby & Ty. We accept an interview. We answer "Gotcha".

0d 22h 18m [R] We bike through Cycling Road, and reach Slateport

0d 22h 16m [S] We pass through Fortree and enter route 120. We fight and defeat Parasol Lady Clarissa with Vigoroth's Strength. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 35

0d 22h 15m [R] We enter Route 111, but turn back and return to Mauville. We then leave south to Route 110. We enter Cycling Road.

0d 22h 13m [S] We enter the pokecenter and heal

0d 22h 12m [S] We enter Fortree City

0d 22h 12m [S] Vs. Ninja Boy Hideo. Vigoroth's Strength defeats the opponents.

0d 22h 12m [R] It takes a few tries, but we manage to take a Full Restore that Zigzagoon is holding.

0d 22h 9m [S] We fight and defeat Ninja Boy Yasu. Then enter the grass around a bush and fight some wild Pokemon.

0d 22h 8m [R] We send in Minun. Camerupt uses Ember to burn Minun as Minun uses Quick Attack. Minun is knocked out by another Ember. We send in Zangoose. Zangoose uses Quick Attack. Camerupt uses Ember to burn Zangoose. Zangoose uses Quick Attack. Camerupt uses Tackle to knock out Zangoose, then an Ember to knock out Zigzagoon. white out

0d 22h 5m [R] We send in Combusken. Combusken and Camerupt trade attacks. Camerupt is brought down to red, but Combusken falls first. We send in Nosepass. Maxie uses a Super Potion. Nosepass uses Rock Throw. Camerupt uses Magnitude, knocking out Nosepass

0d 22h 4m [S] Brendan gives us HM2 Fly. We teach Fly to Pelipper over Wing Attack.

0d 22h 3m [R] Mightyena is too paralyzed to move, as Nuzleaf uses Rock Smash to lower defense. Maxie uses a potion to heal, then Nuzleaf switches to Bullet Seed. Mightyena falls. Maxie sends in Camerupt. A few Embers from Camerupt knocks out Nuzleaf

0d 22h 2m [S] Two more Strength attacks knocks out Brendan's Shroomish. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 34. Brendan defeated.

0d 22h 1m [S] We continue east. Rival jumpscare. Vs. Trainer Brendan. Vigoroth uses Strength twice to knock out Brendan's Wailmer, then twice more to knock out Combusken.

0d 22h 0m [R] Vs. Magma Leader Maxie! (Attempt #2) Nosepass vs. Maxie's Mightyena. Mightyena bites, then Nosepass uses Thunderwave. We switch to Nuzleaf.

0d 21h 58m [S] The Aqua members leave. Received a Castform from the besieged scientists. We take another nap in the Weather Institute's bed.

0d 21h 58m [R] Combusken breaks a rock blocking our path. We continue north, then ride the Cable Car up Mt. Chimney

0d 21h 57m [S] We reach the Admin. Vs. Aqua Admin Shelly. Strength also 1HKOs Carvanha. Mightyena intimidates Vigoroth, then survives a Strength attack. Mightyena uses Swagger, then is hit by a second Strength and is defeated. Shelly defeated

0d 21h 55m [S] Vigoroth uses Strength to defeat one more grunt's Poochyena, Zubat and Carvanha.

0d 21h 54m [R] We reach Mauville, and checkpoint at the Poké Center. We continue north

0d 21h 53m [S] Vigoroth uses Strength to defeat another grunt's pokemon. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 33

0d 21h 52m [R] We bike through Rusturf Tunnel and Verdanturf Town

0d 21h 52m [S] Vigoroth's Strength defeats an Aqua grunt's Carvanha. Then we save. Then Vigoroth's Strength defeats a different grunt's Zubat and Poochyena. We head upstairs

0d 21h 49m [R] We pass through Rustboro City

0d 21h 49m [S] We fight and defeat Bird Keeper Hugh. We then enter the Weather Institute. We use the bed inside to heal.

0d 21h 47m [R] We take the Exp Share from Zangoose, then gave Zangoose the Exp Share

0d 21h 46m [S] Vs. Ninja Boy Takashi. A rain-boosted Surf from Pelliper knocks out the opposing Nincada, Koffing and Ninjask. Pelliper grew to Lv. 33. Pelliper did not learn Stockpile or Swallow.

0d 21h 45m [R] We leave town to the west. We pass through Petalberg Woods

0d 21h 43m [R] We send in Zangoose. A Quick Attack finishes off Camerupt. Zangoose grew to Lv. 17. Maxie sends in Golbat. A few Wing Attacks from Golbat knocks out Zangoose. whited out. We are sent back to Petalberg.

0d 21h 42m [S] Pelliper's Wing Attack 1HKOsout Ranger Jackson's Breloom. Then Pelliper's Shock Wave knocks out each of Bird Keeper Phil's pokemon. Pelliper grew to Lv. 32

0d 21h 40m [R] We send in Nosepass. Nosepass endures an Ember with 1HP, then Camerupt endures a Rock Throw. One more tackle knocks out Nosepass. Then Magnitude knocks out Minun.

0d 21h 39m [R] We send in Combusken. Combusken uses more Rock Smash, fnishing off Mightyena. Nosepass grew to Lv. 23. Maxie sends in Camerupt. Combusken uses Rock Smash. Camerupt uses Ember. With the use of a Super Potion, Camerupt survives and knocks out Combusken

0d 21h 38m [S] We exit mimic circle to the north. While fighting Ranger Catherine, Vigoroth faints.

0d 21h 37m [R] Nuzleaf uses Rock Smash a few times on the Mightyena, followed by a Bullet Seed, as the Mightyena continues to Bite. Maxie uses a Super Potion. Nuzleaf continues to use Bullet Seed. Mightyena continues to bite, knocking out Nuzleaf first

0d 21h 35m [R] We find Maxie, and Maxie monologues a bit. Vs. Magma Leader Maxie. Maxie's Mightyena leads with Sand Attack. Nosepass leads with Thunder Wave. Nosepass uses Thunder wave again, and Mightyena uses Crunch. We switch to Nuzleaf. Mightyena's Crunch is ineffective.

0d 21h 32m [R] Tabitha sends in another Numel. More of Combusken's Rock Smashes defeat this Numel. Tabitha sends in a Poochyena. Rock Smash also knocks out the Poochyena. Combusken grew to Lv. 26. Tabitha defeated

0d 21h 32m [S] We fight and defeat Bug Maniac Donald. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 32

0d 21h 31m [R] We continue along this path, and fight Magma Admin Tabitha. We send in Combusken against the opposing Numel. Combusken uses Rock Smash as Numel uses Ember followed by Tackles. The Rock Smashes wear down Numel

0d 21h 30m [S] We reach Route 119, and enter the forehead-high grass. Vs. Bug Catcher Kent and a Ninjask. Vigoroth defeats the Ninjask. Then we encounter and defeat Bug Catcher Greg

0d 21h 29m [R] After inspecting more battles between Aqua and Magma, we find an unoccupied Magma grunt. Nosepass handles the Poochyena easily

0d 21h 27m [S] We encounter Stephen, then continue on. Vs. a Bird Keeper. Vigoroth uses Strength to defeat the Wingull. Then fight Bird Keeper Chester. Vigoroth defeats the Tailow and Swellow. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 31. Vigoroth did not learn Slash.

0d 21h 23m [R] a fight between an aqua grunt and a magma grunt is blocking our path south. We talk to the grunts. We then head up instead

0d 21h 21m [S] We talk to a Fisher and receive a good rod. We then encounter Interviewer Gabby and Ty. Vigoroth and Grovyle team up to defeat Magnemite, then defeat Loudred.

0d 21h 20m [R] We enter the cable car building, and then enter the cable car to ride to the summit

0d 21h 19m [R] Vs. Hiker Brice. Nosepass uses Rock Throw on a Numel. Brice switches Numel out for Machop, we switch Nospass out for Combusken. Combusken defeats Machop, then finishes off Numel. Zangoose grew to Lv. 16

0d 21h 18m [S] We stop in the Poké Center to heal, then surf east

0d 21h 17m [S] Wattson is standing outside. We talk to Wattson and he tells us about New Mauville, and asks us to turn off the generator. Obtained the Basement Key

0d 21h 16m [R] We continue towards the cable car. We save. Vs. Hiker Trent. We send in Ziazagoon, who is 1HKOd by the opposing Geodude's Rock Throw. We switch to Nuzleaf, and Nuzleaf defeats that Geodude and three more Geodude with Bullet Seed.

0d 21h 16m [S] We bike through Cycling Road, and ride to Mauville

0d 21h 13m [S] We turn back and enter Bicycle Road from the southern gatehouse.

0d 21h 12m [R] Nosepass was given a Macho Brace to hold. We encounter and battle Interviewers Gabby and Ty. Minun 1HKOs the opposing Whismur with a Spark. Nosepass and the opposing Magnemite's attacks are ineffective. Minun's Spark deals more damage; two take out Magnemite. We decline to give a post-battle interview

0d 21h 11m [S] We surf across Route 103, then continue up the the ground path of Route 110, taking a surfing detour to pick up a Rare Candy

0d 21h 8m [S] We pass through Oldale Town

0d 21h 7m [R] We turn north, entering Route 111. We smash some rocks blocking our path, and continue north

0d 21h 5m [R] We pass through Verdanturf and continue through Route 117, reaching Mauville

0d 21h 4m [S] We go to the Petalberg Pokecenter. Deposited Masquerain

0d 21h 4m [R] smashes a rock in Rusturf Runnel. For clearing the path, we receive HM04 Strength

[Meta] And don't hesitate to let us know on Discord if you're interested in joining the live updater team!

[Meta] However, the live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 21h 2m [R/S] The games are back!

0d 21h 1m [R/S] TPP will resume shortly!

[Chat] TaviTurnip: omg even in 2024 this old game is still getting DLC DansGame

0d 21h 0m [S] Reset time again. Mystery Events are loaded once more and another card is scanned. "A new Trainer has arrived in Hoenn."

0d 20h 59m [R] We enter the Rusturf Tunnel.

0d 20h 59m [S] We talk to Dad and receive a Nutpea Berry. We save.

0d 20h 57m [S] Loading successful. The save is loaded and inputs are released again.

0d 20h 56m [S] The Mystery Event menu is brought up again... and a loading error occurs.

0d 20h 55m [S] Inputs gets frozen again as Sapphire is once more reset.

0d 20h 54m [R] Gave the Exp Share to Zangoose.

0d 20h 54m [S] We talk to our Dad. Received the Eon Ticket!

0d 20h 53m [R] Took the Exp Share from Nosepass.

0d 20h 52m [S] We enter the Petalburg Gym.

0d 20h 52m [R/S] Inputs are unleashed!

0d 20h 52m [S] The event has been loaded! The game tell us to go see our dad.

0d 20h 51m [S] The e-Reader has been plugged in!

0d 20h 49m [S] Inputs have stopped as Sapphire goes into the Mystery Event menu.

0d 20h 47m [R/S] Twitch Plays Pokémon will resume shortly!

0d 20h 46m [S] The game is reset!

0d 20h 45m [S] We swap Vigoroth and Masquerain slots, placing the latter in first position. Then we save.

0d 20h 44m [S] We take the Exp Share from Masquerain.

0d 20h 43m [S] Tossed 1 Wave Mail.

0d 20h 40m [R] We left Petalburg Woods. Picked up 5 Oran Berries and 6 Cherri Berries and planted two Bluk Berries, one Rawst Berry, and one Oran Berry.

0d 20h 37m [S] Threw away 1 Mech Mail and found a Rare Candy.

0d 20h 35m [R] Caught a female Lv. 5 Cascoon! No nickname.

0d 20h 34m [S] Vs. Youngster Allen! He has a Poochyena and a Taillow. Vigoroth basically tears through his team.

0d 20h 33m [R] Caught a female Lv. 5 Silcoon! No nickname.

0d 20h 32m [S] Vigoroth swiftly takes out both of Rick's Wurmple. We win the battle, unsurprisingly.

0d 20h 32m [R] We are currently in Petalburg Woods.

0d 20h 31m [S] Vs. Bug Catcher Rick! He sends a Lv. 4 Wurmple. Good luck, buddy.

0d 20h 31m [S] We go back to Oldale Town, then make our way towards Petalburg once more.

0d 20h 29m [R] Picked 6 Pecha Berries and planted a Razz Berry and two Bluk Berries.

0d 20h 29m [S] We leave Petalburg, and make our way to Route 103 to surf.

0d 20h 25m [R] We heal.

0d 20h 24m [S] Went back and changed the message to MYSTERY EVENT IS ABRA.

0d 20h 24m [R/S] Both sides confirm, but not simultaneously, as rogue inputs on Ruby cause Sapphire to confirm slightly earlier.

0d 20h 22m [R] Now Sapphire is done and waiting for Ruby to confirm.

0d 20h 22m [R] Ruby is done, and waiting for Sapphire to confirm.

0d 20h 21m [R/S] Both sides only need to input "IS" to complete the phrase.

[Streamer] (From Discord) I can’t believe people don’t know that the Eon Ticket transfers through record mixing

0d 20h 12m [S] We talk to the nurse and heal.

0d 20h 10m [R/S] Due to interference from some players, neither side has managed to type the phrase yet.

[Fluff] The "DON'T FORGET, YOU'RE HERE FOREVER" sign returns.

0d 19h 55m [R/S] Each side is cancelling out the other's text entry right now so entering the secret phrase is proving difficult.

0d 19h 54m [R] We also talk to the same NPC. First one to enter the secret phrase wins an Eon Ticket.

0d 19h 54m [S] We enter the Poké Center and talk to an NPC next to the PC.

0d 19h 52m [R] We make it to Petalburg City as well.

0d 19h 51m [S] We make it back on land, and to Petalburg City.

[Streamer] (From Discord) Anyway reminder: the first run to turn on Mystery Events (both of them have the ability) gets the Eon Ticket. I’m only scanning it once.

0d 19h 50m [R] We leave Rustboro City, heading south.

0d 19h 49m [S] Vs. Swimmer Luis! He only has a Carvanha, which Pelipper takes down with Shock Wave.

0d 19h 48m [R] We arrive back in Rustboro City.

0d 19h 48m [S] We are now surfing up Route 106.

0d 19h 47m [R] Picked up 3 more Bluk Berries and planted another Razz Berry.

0d 19h 47m [S] We reached Dewford City.

0d 19h 47m [R] Picked up 3 Bluk Berries and planted a Razz Berry.

0d 19h 46m [R] Found a Great Ball!

0d 19h 46m [S] Marill goes down to Pelipper, and so does Goldeen. Wingull is last, and Shock Wave takes it down. We win!

0d 19h 45m [R] We send Combusken, which finally defeats Seviper. We win the battle.

0d 19h 45m [S] Vs. Swimmer Beth! She sends Marill.

0d 19h 44m [R] Eventually, Nosepass goes down as well.

0d 19h 44m [R] Seviper poisons Nosepass.

0d 19h 43m [S] Surskit evolved into Masquerain!

0d 19h 43m [R] We send out Nosepass.

0d 19h 43m [S] Pelipper defeats Tentacool and Surskit grows to Lv. 23.

0d 19h 43m [R] Hector sends Seviper, which takes down Minun.

0d 19h 42m [S] Darrin sends Tentacool.

0d 19h 42m [R] Vs. Collector Hector!

0d 19h 42m [S] Vs. Swimmer Hector!

0d 19h 41m [S] Vs. Swimmer Tony! His Carvanha takes down Grovyle, then our Pelipper wins the battle by taking it down inr eturn.

0d 19h 39m [S] Leaf Blade takes Wingull down too, and we win!

0d 19h 39m [S] Tentacool goes down. Wingull is sent out.

0d 19h 39m [R] Found a Moon Stone!

0d 19h 38m [S] Vs. Swimmer Jerome. He sends Tentacool.

0d 19h 37m [S] We leave the Abandoned Ship.

0d 19h 36m [R] We are back in Meteor Falls.

0d 19h 36m [S] We save too.

0d 19h 34m [R] We save.

0d 19h 32m [S] We enter a room where we find TM13 Ice Beam.

0d 19h 30m [S] We meet a Scientist, who is looking for a Scanner. In the same room, we find a Storage Key.

0d 19h 29m [R] We leave and go back to Route 114.

0d 19h 28m [S] We take down Illumise as well and win the battle. Surskit begins evolving, but is stopped.

0d 19h 28m [R] We go back to the Poké Center and deposit Illumise while withdrawing Zangoose.

0d 19h 28m [S] Pelipper and Grovyle take down Volbeat. Surskit grew to Lv. 22 and Pelipper grew to Lv. 31.

0d 19h 26m [S] Vs. Young Couple Lois & Hal, who send out Volbeat and Illumise.

0d 19h 25m [S] Found a Revive.

0d 19h 25m [S] Machoke is next, and Grovyle takes it down too. Defeated Sailor Duncan!

0d 19h 24m [R] Received a Full Restore from Zigzagoon.

0d 19h 24m [S] Vs. Sailor Duncan, who sends Wailmer. Grovyle takes it down.

0d 19h 23m [S] We take down Charlie's Marill and win, but uh, yeah, that was weird.

0d 19h 22m [S] We board on the Abandoned Ship. Tuber Charlie... somehow challenges us through a wall??

0d 19h 20m [R] We exit the Poké Center.

0d 19h 19m [S] Marill, Wailmer and Wingull are all taken out by Grovyle, which grows to Lv. 32. Also, Surskit grows to Lv. 21.

0d 19h 18m [R] We walk back to Fallarbor Town and heal at the Poké Center.

0d 19h 18m [S] Vs. Swimmer Missy. She sends out Goldeen, which our Grovyle takes down easily.

0d 19h 17m [R] Nosepass grew to Lv. 22, forgot Block and learned Thunder Wave!

0d 19h 17m [S] Spinda takes down Carvanha, and we win the battle.

0d 19h 15m [S] We send out Spinda.

0d 19h 15m [S] Vs. Swimmer Mathhew. He sends out Carvahna. Vigoroth still only has Rock Smash, and it faints due to Rough Skin.

0d 19h 14m [R] We challenge PokéManiac Steve and take down his only Pokémon, Aron.

0d 19h 13m [R] Caught a female Lv. 15 Zangoose! Nickname: GU.

0d 19h 13m [S] Vigoroth hurts itself in confusion, which doesn't help. With only a single HP left though, it manages to take down Tentacool and win the battle. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 30!

0d 19h 11m [S] Tentacool is next and we're out of Strength PP, so we gotta do with Rock Smash, which deals significantly less damage.

0d 19h 11m [S] Wailmer comes out next and goes down just as quickly.

0d 19h 10m [S] Vs. Fisherman Carter, who sends out two Tentacool that go down in one hit from Vigoroth's Strength.

0d 19h 9m [S] Found a PP Up.

0d 19h 7m [S] Vs. Swimmer Alice. Goldeen, Wingull, and another Goldeen all fall one after the other to our Vigoroth. Surskit grew to Lv. 19 and learned Water Sport.

0d 19h 6m [R] We talk to a scientist, who tells us Team Magma stole a Meteorite from them.

0d 19h 5m [S] Vigoroth takes down Dustox, then Beautifly. Surskit grew to Lv. 18.

0d 19h 5m [S] Vs. Young Couple Mel & Paul! They send Beautifly and Dustox, while we send Vigoroth and Grovyle.

0d 19h 4m [R] We come face to face with some Team Magma Grunts! Team Aqua however comes to scare them away.

0d 19h 3m [S] Vs. Swimmer David. He has a Wingull and a Carvanha, which Vigoroth easily defeats. Surskit grew to Lv. 17!

0d 19h 2m [R] Caught a Lv. 14 Solrock! Nickname: CEE ZZUUH.

0d 19h 2m [S] Back on the water.

0d 19h 1m [S] We stop by an island and challenge Tuber Carmen. Vigoroth takes down her Marill with ease and we win. A few steps away, we challenge Tuber Gwen and take out her Marill just as easily.

0d 18h 59m [S] We go south to the beach, and start surfing on Route 109.

0d 18h 59m [R] Found a Full Heal.

0d 18h 58m [R] We enter Meteor Falls for the first time.

0d 18h 58m [S] We bike back to Slateport City and heal at the Poké Center.

0d 18h 57m [R] Combusken takes out both of Lenny's Machop, winning the battle.

[Fluff] The Balance Badge has been added to the badge case on the set.

0d 18h 56m [R] We send out Combusken.

0d 18h 56m [S] We gave the Exp. Share to Surskit to hold.

0d 18h 55m [R] Karate Chop lands a critical hit and Illumise faints.

0d 18h 55m [S] We exit the Trick House.

0d 18h 55m [R] Vs. Hiker Lenny! He sends Machop and we swap to Illumise.

0d 18h 54m [R] Nuzleaf wakes up in time to take down Geodude. Nosepass grew to Lv. 21! The next two Geodude are easily dealt with and we move onwards.

0d 18h 53m [S] We reach the end of the puzzle. The Trick Master wants to reward us, but our bag is full, so he teleports away without handing it over.

0d 18h 51m [R] Vs. Hiker Lucas! he sends Geodude. We send Nuzleaf, which is asleep.

0d 18h 50m [S] Pelipper takes out Breloom, and we win the battle. Proceeding forward, we find the scroll.

0d 18h 50m [R] Wingull is down, and Kindler Bernie is defeated.

0d 18h 49m [S] Vs. Battle Girl Jill and her Breloom. We swap to Pelipper.

0d 18h 49m [R] We swap to Minun.

0d 18h 48m [S] Grovyle takes down Meditite, and we win the battle!

0d 18h 47m [R] Nosepass takes out Slugma. Wingull is next.

0d 18h 47m [S] Vs. Battle Girl Cora, who sends Meditite. We send Grovyle.

0d 18h 47m [R] Vs. Kindler Bernie. He sends Slugma.

0d 18h 46m [S] Found a Mech Mail.

0d 18h 45m [S] Machoke comes out next. We swap to Pelipper and use Wing Attack to take it down, winning the battle.

0d 18h 45m [R] We sadly have no decorations aside from our Seedot Doll, which we cannot place on the floor.

0d 18h 44m [S] Vs. Black Belt Yuji. He sends Makuhita. Vigoroth uses Strength and it goes down. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 29!

0d 18h 43m [R] We use Secret Power on a wall, and decide to make this place our Secret Base!

0d 18h 42m [R] Found a Protein.

0d 18h 42m [S] We exit and enter again to take on the next puzzle!

0d 18h 40m [S] We rush to the end of the puzzle and enter the code on the door. The Trick Master rewards us with a Hard Stone.

0d 18h 38m [R] Nuzleaf uses Bullet Seed and Sandshrew goes down. Nuzleaf is next.

0d 18h 38m [R] Vs. Camper Shane. He sends Sandshrew.

0d 18h 37m [S] We found the scroll.

0d 18h 37m [R] Received a Seedot Doll!

0d 18h 36m [R] We visit Lanette's Lab.

0d 18h 36m [S] Pelipper takes out Nosepass with Surf, as well as the next Pokémon, Graveler. We win!

0d 18h 36m [R] Roselia is down as well. Nuzleaf grew to Lv. 29! Nosepass grew to Lv. 20! We win the battle.

0d 18h 35m [S] Geodude is down and Nosepass is next. We swap to Pelipper.

0d 18h 35m [R] Nuzleaf takes out Graveler rather easily.

0d 18h 34m [S] Vs. Hiker Alan. He sends Geodude.

0d 18h 34m [R] Vs. Sr. and Jr. Tyra & Ivy! They send Graveler and Roselia against our Nuzleaf and Illumise.

0d 18h 33m [S] Vs. Camper Justin! He sends Kecleon, which Vigoroth swiftly takes down.

0d 18h 31m [S] We exit the Trick House then enter again, ready to take on the next puzzle.

0d 18h 31m [R] The next Goldeen sent goes down, as well as Barboach which comes after. Defeated Fisherman Claude!

0d 18h 29m [R] Nosepass grew to Lv. 19!

0d 18h 29m [R] Vs. Fisherman Claude. He sends Goldeen, which Nuzleaf has no trouble taking out.

0d 18h 28m [R] Lombre is next. Nuzleaf takes two turns to take it down, winning us the battle.

0d 18h 27m [S] We used a TM and taught Shock Wave to Pelipper over Water Gun!

0d 18h 26m [R] Vs. Picnicker Nancy! She sends Marill, which Nuzleaf takes out.

0d 18h 25m [R] We exit the house and continue our way. Vs. Fisherman Nolan! He sends out Barboach, which Nuzleaf takes down with ease, winning the battle.

0d 18h 25m [S] We meet with the Trick Master and receive a Timer Ball.

0d 18h 24m [S] We found the scroll! We memorize the password and enter it on the door at the end of the puzzle.

0d 18h 23m [R] We then enter a house with a Tunnel behind it. At the end of it, we meet the Fossil Maniac, who refuses to give us any of his Fossils.

0d 18h 22m [R] We talk to a gentleman who gives us TM05 Roar!

0d 18h 21m [R] We leave the Poké Center and bike onto Route 104.

0d 18h 21m [R] We meet Lanette, the creator of Hoenn's Pokémon Storage System.

0d 18h 20m [R] We defeat Youngster Dillon and his Aron, then arrive in Fallarbor Town! We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 18h 19m [S] Vs. School Kid Georgia! Once again, Vigoroth swiftly takes out her Shroomish and Beautifly.

0d 18h 15m [S] Found a Harbor Mail.

0d 18h 14m [S] Vs. School Kid Paul! Vigoroth takes out his Numel, Oddish and Wingull, winning the battle with no trouble.

0d 18h 12m [R] Gave the Exp Share to Zigzagoon to hold.

0d 18h 11m [S] Vs. School Kid Ted! He only has a Ralts, which Vigoroth makes quick work of.

0d 18h 11m [R] Ninjask goes down as well. Minun grew to Lv. 24 and we win the battle.

0d 18h 10m [R] Nincada is down, and Lung sends Ninjask next.

0d 18h 8m [R] We swap to Minun.

0d 18h 8m [S] We found the Trick Master! He challenges us, and we enter the back room.

0d 18h 7m [R] Vs. Ninja Boy Lung! He sends Nincada.

0d 18h 7m [S] We enter the Trick House. We're being watched...

0d 18h 6m [R] We swap Nosepass and Nuzleaf positions in the party, putting the latter in first.

0d 18h 6m [S] Surf's up! We cross Route 103 to get to the other side of the water!

0d 18h 4m [R] We visit the house on Rout 113 and are given the Soot Sack.

0d 18h 3m [S] We venture back onto Route 102.

0d 18h 1m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 18h 0m [R] One Whismur down, one to go. Nuzleaf grew to Lv. 28! The second one goes down as well next. Combusken grew to Lv. 25! Nosepass grew to Lv. 18! We win the battle and save.

0d 17h 59m [S] Teached Surf to Pelipper over Growl!

0d 17h 57m [R] We swap Nosepass for Nuzleaf.

0d 17h 56m [S] We return to Petalburg and visit Wally's parents. Received HM03 Surf!

0d 17h 56m [R] Vs. Twins Tori & Tia! they send two Whismur. We send out Nosepass and Illumise, then swap the latter for Combusken.

[Snark] I guess TERRA does.

0d 17h 54m [R] We use a Revive on Nosepass.

[Snark] Who needs healing anyway.

0d 17h 54m [S] We leave the Gym, then Petalburg City.

0d 17h 53m [R] We send out Combusken, which takes down Numel. Defeated Parasol Lady Madeline!

0d 17h 51m [R] Vs. Parasol Lady Madeline! She sends out Numel against our Illumise.

0d 17h 51m [S] Defeated Leader Norman and received the Balance Badge! Received TM42 Facade!

0d 17h 50m [S] Slaking falls asleep, and Vigoroth spams Strength at it until it finally goes down.

0d 17h 49m [R] The fourth and last Koffing poisons Minun before going down. We win the battle!

0d 17h 49m [S] Pelipper goes down. We send out Vigoroth, which Yawns at Slaking.

0d 17h 49m [R] Nosepass goes down against the next Koffing. We send out Minun, which takes down the next two and grows to Lv. 23.

0d 17h 48m [S] Slaking comes out, and we confuse it too.

0d 17h 47m [S] We send out Pelipper, and confuse Vigoroth, before taking it down. Pelpiper grew to Lv. 30!

0d 17h 47m [R] Vs. Ninja Boy Lao! He sends out a Koffing which manages to poison Nosepass before getting taken down.

0d 17h 46m [S] Spinda uses Dizzy Punch. Norman uses a Hyper Potion on Vigoroth, then another as we keep using the move and even land a crit. Sadly, Spinda goes down eventually.

0d 17h 45m [R] The Youngster sends out Linoone, and we swap to Nuzleaf. Bullet Seed takes Linoone down, and we win!

0d 17h 45m [S] Vigoroth is next. Grovyle deals decent damage to it, but is then taken down. We send Spinda.

0d 17h 44m [S] Slaking is sent out. We send Grovyle. Facade leaves it with a single HP, and thanks to Slaking loafing around, it takes it down. Grovyle grew to Lv. 31!

0d 17h 43m [S] Vs. Leader Norman! (Attempt #1)

0d 17h 43m [R] Vs. Youngster Neal! He sends out Trapinch, which we take down with Nosepass.

0d 17h 42m [S] We send in Vigoroth and take down Zangoose, winning the battle. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 27!

0d 17h 42m [R] Nosepass grew to Lv. 17!

0d 17h 41m [S] Vs. Cool Trainer Berke! He sends out Zangoose, which takes down Baltoy after a few turns

0d 17h 39m [R] Caught a male Lv. 15 Spinda! Nickname: 20.

0d 17h 36m [S] We enter the Gym again and save.

0d 17h 34m [S] We exit the Gym and rush to the Pokémon Center. We heal.

0d 17h 33m [R] We walk back to the old lady's house on Route 111 and heal.

0d 17h 33m [R] Combusken gets paralyzed, but takes down Roselia, then Numel. Defeated Cooltrainer Brooke!

0d 17h 32m [S] Surskit finally manages to take down Delcatty. Surskit grew to Lv. 16! Defeated Cooltrainer Mary.

0d 17h 32m [S] Surskit is immobilized by love for several turns.

0d 17h 31m [R] We send out Combusken.

0d 17h 30m [R] Roselia is sent out, and it takes down Nosepass.

0d 17h 30m [S] Surskit is in love with the opponent's Delcatty, and keeps being put to sleep, so it actually has a hard time attacking.

0d 17h 29m [R] Vs. Cooltrainer Brooke! She sends Wingull. Nosepass takes some heavy damage but takes it down.

0d 17h 28m [R] We get on our bike and attempt to climb a slope, but turns out we have the wrong bike.

0d 17h 27m [S] Only Surskit is still standing, but for some reason the opponent refuses to finish it off.

0d 17h 27m [R] Picked up 6 Razz Berries and 4 Oran Berries. Planted two Razz Berries and two Oran Berries.

[Recap] TERRA is about to venture on Route 113, while Sapphire is fighting a Trainer in the Petalburg Gym.

[Recap] Current teams are Nuzleaf, Illumise, Combusken, Minun, Zigzagoon and Nosepass on Ruby, and Vigoroth, Baltoy, Pelipper, Grovyle, Spinda and Surskit on Sapphire.

[Recap] Since the last update, TERRA defeated Ledear Wattson and earned the Dynamo Badge, while aa defeated Leader Flannery and earned the Heat Badge.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 11h 1m [S] Picked up a Great Ball.

0d 11h 0m [R] Zigzagoon unsurprisingly also faints. Blacked out!

0d 10h 59m [R] Magneton vs. Combusken now. Sonicboom and Shockwave take Combusken down after a single Ember.

0d 10h 58m [R] We send out Nuzleaf and land one singular Bullet Seed before Voltorb gives up and Selfdestructs. Nuzleaf faints.

0d 10h 58m [S] Heading south out of the cave.

0d 10h 56m [R] Minun becomes paralyzed but gets Magnemite down to low health, and then Wattson uses a Super Potion. Our next Spark paralyzes Magnemite, which lets us live just long enough to take it down. Voltorb comes out and Minun faints to Sonicboom.

0d 10h 53m [S] Teams Aqua and Magma have some sort of slapfight and leave with the Meteorite. We should probably do something about that, but first let's go pick up this Moon Stone over here.

0d 10h 55m [R] Back to the gym. Vs. Gym Leader Wattson attempt #2! Minun vs. Magnemite.

0d 10h 52m [R] Got a PP Up from Pickup.

0d 10h 51m [S] Picked up a Full Heal.

0d 10h 51m [S] Defeated yet another Hiker (Lenny?) and arrived in Meteor Falls.

0d 10h 50m [R] We go back to Mauville and heal.

0d 10h 49m [R/S] Several of our Pokémon figurines faint and are replaced by an hourglass, telling us the save backup is approaching.

0d 10h 48m [R] Defeated Sr & Jr Amy & Meg. Minun reaches Lv. 20!

0d 10h 47m [S] Vs. Hiker Lucas now. Spinda reaches Lv. 21. Defeated Hiker Lucas.

0d 10h 44m [R] More gardening! Got 9 Wepear Berries and planted one Leppa and two Oran.

0d 10h 44m [S] Vs. Kindler Bernie.

0d 10h 42m [R] Defeated ᴾᴋᴹɴ Breeder Lydia.

0d 10h 41m [S] Defeated some camper whose name I didn't see. Spinda reaches Lv. 20! Wingull reaches Lv. 26 and evolves to Pelipper!

0d 10h 39m [R] Combusken reaches Lv. 21 and learns Sand Attack over Scratch.

0d 10h 37m [R] Vs. ᴾᴋᴹɴ Breeder Lydia.

0d 10h 37m [S] Vs. Sr. and Jr. Tyra and Ivy.

0d 10h 35m [R] Traded our Harbor Mail for a Coin Case!

0d 10h 33m [R] We start watching TV to calm our nerves. Apparently WKKIII's name is really good.

0d 10h 33m [S] Back to Fallarbor Town; we heal.

0d 10h 32m [R] Got HM06 Rock Smash.

0d 10h 31m [R] Minun gets Magneton to half health, then faints. Zigzagoon lands an emotional support Tackle before fainting as well. Blacked out!

0d 10h 30m [S] Spinda reaches Lv. 19; defeated Picnicker Nancy.

0d 10h 29m [R] Minun vs. Magneton. Our new Sparks don't do much damage, but we do paralyze it; it gets a Thunder Wave on us in revenge.

0d 10h 29m [S] Vs. Picnicker Nancy.

0d 10h 27m [R] Voltorb uses Sonic Boom, and we get a five-hit Bullet Seed, one of which crits. Wattson just uses a Super Potion; we get three hits this time. Then Voltorb uses Selfdestruct and Nuzleaf faints.

0d 10h 26m [R] Voltorb comes out and takes down Combusken with Spark. We send out Nuzleaf and use two Fake Outs, meaning Voltorb gets a free Spark that paralyzes us.

0d 10h 26m [S] Spinda reaches Lv. 18.

0d 10h 25m [R] Vs. Gym Leader Wattson! Combusken vs. Magnemite. It uses Sonicboom and Thundershock which get us to low HP, but we take it out with Ember. Minun reaches Lv. 19 and learns Spark over Growl!

0d 10h 23m [S] On Route 114 now. Vs. Fisherman Claude.

0d 10h 23m [R] We go back and heal, then reenter the gym.

0d 10h 20m [S] A nearby man gives us TM05 Roar.

0d 10h 19m [R] Oh hey, Zigzagoon has an item. Got a Full Restore!

0d 10h 18m [S] Bought 11 Great Balls and also pet a nearby Skitty.

0d 10h 16m [R] With Nuzleaf at 4 HP, we land a lucky five-hit Bullet Seed to finish off Guitarist Shawn's Meditite. Nuzleaf reaches Lv. 20!

0d 10h 14m [S] Defeated Youngster Dillon. We head to Fallarbor Town and heal and checkpoint.

0d 10h 13m [R] Finally defeated Guitarist Shawn. We move on to Battle Girl Vivian.

[Info] [S] Oh, also Grovyle reached Lv. 30 at some point.

0d 10h 12m [S] Defeated Ninja Boy Lung. He threatens to use his ninjutsu on us and we back away slowly.

0d 10h 11m [R] Vs. Guitarist Shawn; beating him up slowly with Bullet Seed.

0d 10h 10m [S] Spinda reaches Lv. 16 and learns Psybeam!

0d 10h 10m [S] Back outside; vs. Ninja Boy Lung.

0d 10h 8m [R] We finish Zigzagoon off with Nuzleaf. Defeated Youngster Ben.

0d 10h 9m [S] Picked up the Soot Sack.

0d 10h 7m [R] Vs. Youngster Ben, whose Zigzagoon has Thunderbolt which is kinda neat. Combusken faints.

0d 10h 6m [S] Defeated Twins Tori & Tia. We keep marching around in the ash.

0d 10h 6m [R] Entered the gym! Vs. Guitarist Kirk, who gets Combusken down to half health and paralyzed before we beat him. Minun reaches Lv. 18!

0d 10h 5m [S] Vs. Twins Tori and Tia. There sure are a lot of trainers here.

0d 10h 4m [S] Defeated our last trainer; vs. Parasol Lady Madeline, who we also take down quickly. Spinda reaches Lv. 15!

0d 10h 2m [R] Vs. ᴾᴋᴹɴ Trainer Wally! Ralts kind of just faints, but that's fine.

0d 10h 0m [S] Vs. Youngster Neal.

0d 9h 59m [R] Healed and checkpointed in Mauville.

0d 9h 59m [S] Gave Spinda the EXP. Share.

0d 9h 58m [R] Picked up an X Speed.

0d 9h 57m [S] Caught a female Lv. 14 Spinda! Nickname: QQOO

0d 9h 55m [R] Gardening time! Picked 9 Nanab Berries and planted a Cheri and a Leppa.

0d 9h 53m [R] Vs. Psychic Edward, who we defeat easily. Combusken reaches Lv. 20!

0d 9h 52m [R] Edwin was, in fact, neither a Hiker nor a Cooltrainer but a Collector. Either way, we just beat him.

0d 9h 50m [S] Our Wingull is so much better it even defeats her other Pokémon too. Very proud, Wingull reaches Lv. 25 and attempts to evolve! ...but we press B.

0d 9h 49m [S] Back outside. Vs. Cooltrainer Brooke. She sends out Wingull against our Wingull. We use Wing Attack and she uses Wing Attack.

0d 9h 50m [R] Back to Cooltrainer Edwin. Combusken fares a lot better this time now that it's fully healed.

0d 9h 48m [R] Oh, a few minutes ago we got Zigzagoon's item; obtained a Nugget!

0d 9h 44m [S] We notice the old lady's TV is playing and we're on screen! Interviewer Gabby compliments our battle skills and calls our comment of AZURILL very deep and thoughtful.

0d 9h 44m [R] A spinning Trainer blocks our path... Vs. Hiker Edwin with our 20% of a chicken. We do some decent damage to his Lombre, but eventually Combusken faints; we black out.

0d 9h 43m [S] We stop in a convenient house and take a nap. Healed!

0d 9h 41m [S] Got TM41 Secret Power.

0d 9h 39m [R] Paralyzed and with 9 HP left, Combusken takes Numel down. Combusken reaches Lv. 19! Defeated Brendan! Also, that means we get the Itemfinder.

0d 9h 38m [R] We send out Minun and get Numel down to a few HP with Quick Attack, but then Ember burns us and Minun faints from that. Only half a chicken remains...

0d 9h 38m [S] Vs. Cooltrainer Wilton.

0d 9h 36m [S] Out of the cave and doing some gardening. Got 4 Rawst Berries and 4 Pecha Berries.

0d 9h 36m [R] We do some decent damage with Bullet Seed, but a crit Ember takes out Nuzleaf. We send out Zigzagoon, who faints immediately but we notice it's picked up a new item. Neat!

0d 9h 35m [R] Nuzleaf takes Marshtomp down with Bullet Seed and Brendan sends out Numel.

0d 9h 34m [R] Combusken hits half health from some Leech Seed, but Shroomish goes down. Minun reaches Lv. 16! Marshtomp is sent out and we switch to Nuzleaf, getting a crit Fake Out.

0d 9h 33m [S] In the cave. Wingull finally faints to a crit from a wild Grimer.

0d 9h 32m [R] Headed up Route 110. Vs. ᴾᴋᴹɴ Trainer Brendan! Combusken vs. Shroomish, who paralyzes us with Stun Spore.

0d 9h 27m [S] Defeated Picnicker Carol; vs. Hiker Trent, who has four more Geodude. Wingull reaches Lv. 24! Defeated Hiker Trent.

0d 9h 29m [R] Healed; checkpoint in Slateport.

0d 9h 26m [R] We keep sailing from Dewford to Slateport, then head up the beach.

0d 9h 25m [S] Wingull reaches Lv. 23! Defeated Camper Larry, and vs. Picnicker Carol like immediately.

0d 9h 25m [R] We successfully talk to Mr. Briney and set sail to Dewford Town. Wheeeee!

0d 9h 24m [S] Beating up Camper Larry('s Pokémon) with Wing Attack.

[Fluff] PEEKO: Pii pihyoroo!

0d 9h 22m [S] Defeated Picnicker Irene, and also the nearby Camper Travis. We head onto Route 112.

0d 9h 21m [R] The dialogue for Mr. Briney defaults to "Cancel", so we go outside and try to steal his boat instead. Then we realize we don't know how to sail.

0d 9h 19m [S] We inform Gabby that the battle made us feel very AZURILL, then wander away to battle the nearby Picnicker Irene.

0d 9h 18m [R] In Mr. Briney's house. Debating whether we want to set sail to Dewford or talk to Peeko over and over.

0d 9h 16m [S] Vs. Interviewer Gabby & Ty. We manage to target their team and not our own in the double battle. They give us an interview...

0d 9h 13m [R] Headed south out of the forest and picked up a Poké Ball.

0d 9h 12m [S] Back to Mauville; we heal.

0d 9h 11m [R] Picked up an X Attack.

[Info] [R] Current team: IRPWWC, Lv. 20 Nuzleaf; WKKIII, Lv. 18 Combusken; bnnuy, lv. 15 Minun; QQEZXOO, Lv. 4 Zigzagoon.

0d 9h 8m [R] Nuzleaf reaches Lv. 20!

0d 9h 7m [S] Vs. Hiker Mike. We start beating up his army of Geodudes with Wingull's Water Gun.

0d 9h 6m [R] Picked up a Great Ball.

0d 9h 6m [S] Picked up a Max Ether.

0d 9h 3m [S] Taught Strength to Vigoroth

0d 9h 3m [R] Nuzelf was given the Miracle Seed to hold

0d 9h 2m [R] received a Miracle Seed

0d 9h 1m [S] passes through Verdanturf Town, entering Rusturf tunnel. Vigoroth smashes a boulder blocking the way. received HM04 Strength

0d 9h 0m [R] We enter Petalberg Woods, then cut a tree to the east of the entrance and walk past.

0d 9h 0m [S] We leave the gym, then head west through Route 117

0d 8h 58m [S] Received TM34 Shock Wave! from Wattson

0d 8h 58m [S] We send in Wingull. Wingull uses Supersonic to confuse Magneton. Magneton hits itself. Wingull uses Water Gun. Magneton hits itself. Wingull uses another Water Gun. Magneton hits itself, knocking itself out. Wingull grew to Lv. 21. Wingull did not learn Mist. Defeated Leader Wattson and received the Dynamo Badge!

0d 8h 56m [S] Vigoroth is unable to move, then Magneton wakes up. Vigoroth to be unable to move as Magneton uses Shock Wave twice to knock out Vigoroth.

0d 8h 55m [S] Wattson sends in Magneton. Magneton's Sonicboom misses. Vigoroth uses Yawn. Magneton uses Shock Wave. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash. Magneton falls asleep.

0d 8h 55m [R] We head south. We spot an item past a cuttable tree. We cut the tree and pick up an X Accuracy

0d 8h 54m [S] Wattson sends in Voltorb. Vigoroth continues to use Rock Smash as Voltorb uses Spark. Vigoroth breaks out of confusion and uses Yawn. Voltorb continues to use Spark, then falls asleep. Vigoroth uses Slack Off twice, then uses scratch. Wattson uses a Super Potion. A critical scratch knocks out Voltorb.

0d 8h 52m [S] Vigoroth uses Yawn. Magnemite leads with Thundershock this time. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash. Then Magnemite uses Thunder Wave. Magnemite falls asleep. Vigoroth is unable to move. Magnemite wakes up and uses Supersonic. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash to defeat Magnemite. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 25. Vigoroth did not learn Endure

0d 8h 51m [R] We enter the mart. bought 12 Pokeball. Received a Premier Ball

0d 8h 50m [S] We return to the gym. Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #7)


0d 8h 48m [R] Took a Protein from Zigzagoon

0d 8h 48m [S] We send in Grovyle. Grovyle uses Leaf Blade. Magneton uses Thunder Wave, then misses an Supersonic. Grovyle continues to use Leaf Blade. Leaf Blade outdamages Shock Wave per hit, but Wattson has Super Potions and Grovyle is paralyzed and confused. Magneton wears out Grovyle. We send in Wingull. Wingull uses Supersonic twice. Magneton hits itself. Wingull uses Growl. Magneton uses a Shock Wave to knock out Wingull. white out

0d 8h 47m [R] Used HM01, taught Cut to Zigzagoon

0d 8h 45m [R] We talk to the other resident of this house before leaving

0d 8h 44m [S] Voltorb misses an attack and Vigoroth is fully paralyzed. Voltorb uses Spark, then Selfdestruct to take Vigoroth down to 11 HP. Magneton uses Shock Wave to knock out Vigoroth

0d 8h 43m [R] We enter a house and talk to the resident. We receive HM01 Cut

0d 8h 43m [S] Vigoroth uses Yawn. Magnemite uses Thunder Wave then Shock Wave. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash. Magnemite falls asleep. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash a few more times knocking out Magnemite

0d 8h 42m [S] We return to the gym. Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #6)

0d 8h 40m [R] We enter Rustboro City

0d 8h 40m [S] We heal at the Mauville Poké Center

0d 8h 40m [R] We talk to an elderly lady north of the lake and receive a berry. We then pick two nearby Leppa berries and plant a chesto berry in its place. We then plant a pecha berry nearby. We pick another berry tree in that soil patch, then plant a berry in its place

0d 8h 38m [S] We use a Rare Candy on Grovyle. Grovyle grew to Lv. 29 and Grovyle learned Leaf Blade over Absorb. We move Vigoroth to the top of the party

0d 8h 36m [S] Grovyle grew to Lv. 28!

0d 8h 35m [R] We return to the front of the flower shop, and water the cheri and oran berry plants.

0d 8h 32m [R] We reach the north edge of Petalberg Woods. The berries planted here have sprouted. We walk past the flowershop to the back and fight some wildlife

0d 8h 30m [S] We return west to Route 117, and resume fighting in the grass

0d 8h 30m [S] Grovyle was poisoned, so we returned to the Mauville Pokecenter to heal.

0d 8h 29m [R/S] a Combusken figurine is added to the foreground, and another Combusken figurine is placed atop the left GameCube

0d 8h 26m [S] Grovyle grew to Lv. 27

0d 8h 25m [R] We head north, through Petalberg Woods

0d 8h 24m [S] We head east past the gym. We enter the grass on Route 117 and fight a wild Roselia. We switch Grovyle to the top of the party, then resume fighting the wildlife

0d 8h 22m [R] We sail with Mr. Briney to Dewford then to Petalberg

0d 8h 22m [S] We send in Grovyle. Grovyle uses Cut. Magneton uses Thunder Wave followed by damaging moves. Grovyle continues to chip with cut, but Magneton does more damage and knocks out Grovyle. white out

0d 8h 20m [S] We send in Wingull. Wingull uses Growl, then misses a Supersonic. Magneton wakes up, and uses a Shock Wave to knock out Wingull

0d 8h 20m [R] We head south through Slateport, and enter Route 109

0d 8h 19m [S] Voltorb lands a Sonic Boom before falling asleep. Vigoroth uses Slack Off to heal to full. Vigoroth uses Scratch. Then Voltorb wakes up, and selfdestructs to take out less than half of Vigoroth's health. Wattson sends in Magneton. Two Shock Wave knock out Vigoroth

0d 8h 17m [S] Vigoroth manages to be mobile enough to use enough Rock Smashes to knock out Magnemite. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 24. Wattson sends in Voltob. Vigoroth yawns as Voltorb uses Spark

0d 8h 15m [S] Back in to the gym. Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #5). Same opening moves as usual

0d 8h 15m [R] Mud Shot takes out Minun. Then Marshtomp takes out Zigzagoon. white out

0d 8h 14m [R] Brendan sends in Marshtomp. Combusken uses Ember. Marshtomp unleashes a Bide, then uses Mud Shot to knock out Combusken. We send in Nuzleaf. Nuzleaf uses Fake out, then is immobilized by paralysis. Marshtomp uses Water Gun. Nuzleaf's Fake Out fails, and a Mud Shot knocks out Nuzleaf.

0d 8h 12m [S] We send in Grovyle. Magneton uses Thunder Wave, then hits itself. Grovyle is unable to move. Magneton uses Shock Wave as Grovyle uses Cut. Wattson uses another Super Potion. Grovyle continues to Cut and Magneton continues to use Shock Wave until Grovyle faints. Whtie out

0d 8h 11m [R] Combusken uses Ember to burn and defeat Shroomish.

0d 8h 10m [R] Vs. Trainer Brendan! (Attempt #1). Nuzleaf vs. Shroomish. Nuzleaf leads with Fake out. We throw a pokeball at shroomish. We switch to Combusken

0d 8h 10m [S] We send in Wingull as Magneton falls asleep. Wingull uses Supersonic, then a few Water Guns until Mangneton wakes up. Magneton hits itself, then Wattson uses a potion to heal. Magneton uses a Shock Wave to knock out Wingull

0d 8h 8m [S] Vigoroth lands a Yawn. Magneton lands a Shock Wave before falling asleep. Vigoroth heals to full with Slack Off. Magneton wakes up, then Vigoroth uses Rock Smash. A critical Shock Wave knocks out Vigoroth

0d 8h 7m [R] Vs. Youngster Timmy. Nuzleaf wears down the opponents slowly with Bullet Seed. bunny grew to Lv. 15.

0d 8h 6m [S] Vigoroth lands a Yawn, then uses a Slack Off, then is unable to use Scratch. Voltorb wakes up, then selfdestructs. The explosion misses Vigoroth. Wattson sends in Magneton.

0d 8h 4m [S] Vigoroth continues to be unable to move, except when Slacking Off, as Voltorb chips down Vigoroth.

0d 8h 2m [S] Vigoroth lands two Rock Smashes. Magnemite wakes up. Vigoroth lands a third Rock Smash, knocking out Magnemite. Wattson sends in Voltorb. Voltorb uses Spark. Vigoroth breaks out of confusion, but is fully paralized. Vigoroth then uses Slack Off, then is fully paralyzed as Voltorb continues to use Spark.

0d 8h 0m [S] Vigoroth and Magnemite open with Yawn and Thunder Wave. Magnemite uses Confusion, then falls asleep. Vigoroth hits itself in confusion.

0d 8h 0m [R] picked up a Dire Hit

0d 7h 59m [S] We immediately return to the gym. Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #4)

0d 7h 57m [S] Magnemite takes out Grovyle. We send in Wingull. Wingull uses a Water Gun. Magnemite uses a ThunderShock to knock out Wingull. white out

0d 7h 56m [R] We don't have anyone that knows Cut. We leave the trick house and turn east

0d 7h 56m [S] With a bit more Magnemite falling asleep and waking up, and Vigoroth being unable to move, Magnemite lands a finishing blow on Vigoroth. We send in Grovyle. Grovyle lands a Cut, then Magnemite paralyzes Grovyle. Wattson uses a potion. Neither Grovyle's Cuts nor Magnemite's Thundershocks are very effective.

0d 7h 54m [S] Magnemite wakes up, uses supersonic to confuse Vigoroth, then is put back to sleep. Vigoroth hits itself, then manages to land a Rock Smash of Magnemite, then is unable to move again.

0d 7h 54m [R] heads north, then enters the Trick House. We find the trick master hiding under a table. The trick master invites us to a challenge. We enter a big hole behind a scroll

0d 7h 52m [S] Vigoroth vs Wattsons' Magnemite. Vigoroth leads with Yawn and Magnemite leads with Thunder Wave. Magnemite uses Thundershock, then falls asleep. Vigoroth is unable to move due to paralysis. Magnemite wakes up and uses Thundershock. Vigoroth continues to be unable to move. Magnemite continues to use Thundershock. Vigoroth uses a Yawn then a Slack Off as Magnemite falls asleep

0d 7h 49m [R] We talk to most of the people in the contest hall lobby. We receive a Pokéblock case

0d 7h 49m [S] returns to the Gym. Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #3)

[S] saves

0d 7h 47m [R] We leave the Pokecenter, then enter the contest hall. We don't have a contest pass, so can't enter a contest.

0d 7h 47m [S] We send in Grovyle. Grovyle defeats Voltorb. Wattson sends in Magneton. Grovyle's Cut does chip damage. Magneton's Shock Wave deals more damage, knocking out Grovyle. We send in Wingull. Wingull lands a Growl, then is knocked out by Shock Wave. Whited out.

0d 7h 46m [R] We deposit Oddish and Gulpin into Box 1

0d 7h 44m [S] Wattson sends in Voltorb. Vigoroth uses Yawn, then is immobilized by paralysis. Voltorb falls asleep. Vigoroth uses Slack Off, then is immobilized. Voltorb wakes up and uses Spark and Sonic Boom as Vigoroth remains immobilized until Vigoroth faints

0d 7h 44m [R] We enter Slateport, and heal at the Poké Center

0d 7h 43m [R] saves

0d 7h 42m [S] Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #2). Vigoroth leads against Wattson's Magnemite. Vigoroth leads with Yawn. Magnemite lands a Thunder Wave. Magnemite uses a Sonic Boom, then falls asleep. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash. Magnemite wakes up and uses Supersonic. Vigoroth uses another Rock Smash to defeat Magnemite

0d 7h 41m [R] Caught a male Lv. 12 Electrike! Nickname: AVDDDD.

0d 7h 39m [S] We return to Mauville and heal at the Poké Center. We enter the Gym

0d 7h 39m [R] We take a Super Potion from Zigzagoon

0d 7h 37m [S] We defeat Triathlete Jacob, then turn around and ride north through cycling road

0d 7h 36m [R] We only have Pokeballs left. We throw some at a Plusle. Caught a male Lv. 12 Plusle! Nickname: NNNNCC.

0d 7h 35m [S] Vs. Triathlete Jasmine. More Magnemite for Vigoroth to use Rock Smash on. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 23

0d 7h 32m [S] Vs. Triathlete Benjamin. Vigoroth continues using Rock Smash on Magmemite.

0d 7h 32m [R] threw a Great Ball at a Wingull. Caught a Wingull! No Nickname.

0d 7h 30m [R] Threw a Premier Ball at a Gulpin. Caught a male Lv. 12 Gulpin! Nickname: DEEZ.

0d 7h 28m [S] Vigoroth uses Rock Smash to defeat Triathelte Abigail's Magnemite

0d 7h 27m [R] We head back to the patch of grass south of the cycling road entrance. We throw a Premier Ball at an electrike, then two Premier ball at an Oddish. Caught a male Lv. 13 Oddish! Nickname: GGGGMMNNuu.

0d 7h 26m [S] We fight and defeat Psychic Jaclyn

0d 7h 25m [S] We leave town south, entering Route 110. We try to enter Cycling Road. The clerk doesn't let us enter on foot. We register the Mach Bike, then get on and enter Cycling Road

0d 7h 23m [S] We send in Wingull. Wingull lands a critical Water Gun, but is then taken out by a Shock Wave. whited out

0d 7h 23m [S] Wattson sends in Magneton. Grovyle continues to use Cut. Magneton uses Thunder Wave, then Supersonic. Grovyle hits itself. Magneton uses Sonic Boom twice to knock out Grovyle

0d 7h 22m [S] We send in Grovyle as Magnemite falls asleep. Grovyle uses Cut three times before Magnemite wake sup, knocking out Magnemite. Wattson sends in Voltorb. Grovyle continues to use Cut. Voltorb's Spark does chip damage. Grovyle knocks out Voltorb

0d 7h 20m [S] Magnemite continues to attack with Sonic Boom or Thundershock. Vigoroth uses Slack Off to heal when not unable to move from Paralysis. Vigoroth manages to use a Yawn, then is knocked out by Magnemite.

0d 7h 19m [R] We fight Pokefan Miguel, then Fisherman Andrew. While fighting Andrew, Nuzelf grew to Lv. 19 and learned Fake Out over Harden, but Nuzelf is poisoned

0d 7h 18m [S] Vigoroth vs the opposing Megnemite. Vigoroth uses Rock Smash, while Magnemite uses Thunder Wave and SonicBoom. When both reach red, Wattson uses a Super Potion to heal, and Vigoroth uses Slack Off to heal

0d 7h 16m [S] Vs. Leader Wattson! (Attempt #1)

0d 7h 15m [S] We return to the gym

0d 7h 14m [S] We leave the gym and visit the pokecenter to heal.

0d 7h 13m [S] Vigoroth is moved to the top of the party

0d 7h 12m [S] Combusken and Nuzelf defeat Twins Amy and Liv together. ** Combusken grew to Lv. 18** and Minun grew to Lv. 14*

0d 7h 13m [R] Battle Girl Vivian's Meditite finishes off Grovyle with a Confusion. Wingull comes in to defeat Vivian

0d 7h 10m [S] While fighting Guitarist Shawn, Grovyle grew to Lv. 26

0d 7h 9m [R] At the Trick House junction, we turn west, entering Route 103. Vs. Aroma Lady Daisy. Combusken uses ember, defeating the opposing Roselia

0d 7h 8m [S] Grovyle cuts through Youngster Ben's Pokemon

0d 7h 6m [R] We leave town north, entering Route 110.

0d 7h 5m [S] We enter the Mauville Gym. Fighting Guitarist Kirk, Grovyle grew to Lv. 25

0d 7h 4m [R] changed Zigzagoon's name to QQEZXOO

0d 7h 2m [S] We return to Mauville and heal

0d 7h 1m [R] We enter the Name Rater's house. Changed Minun's nickname to bnnuy

0d 7h 0m [S] We enter the Winstrate's house. We talk to the grandmother, Vicky, and the father, Victor, then leave the house

0d 6h 59m [S] Vs. Winstrate Vicky. Vicky's Meditite knocks out Vigoroth. Then Wingull knocks out Meditite. Winstrates defeated

0d 6h 58m [R] We inspect Zigzagoon, then withdraw Zigzagoon. We leave the Poké Center

0d 6h 57m [R] We enter the Pokecenter. Accessed Someone's PC. Deposited Tailow.

0d 6h 57m [S] Vigoroth scratches to defeat Winstrate Vivi.

0d 6h 56m [R] We move Minun to the top of the party, then move Minun back to the back. We give Minun an Exp Share. We return to Slateport

0d 6h 55m [S] We exit town north, and fight the Winstrates. Winstrate Victor is cut down by Grovyle. Winstrate Victoria's Roselia lands a Poison Sting on Grovyle, knocking out Grovyle. We send in Wingull. A Wing Attack knocks out Roselia. Wingull grew to Lv. 20

0d 6h 52m [R] We return to Route 110 and fight wild Pokemon in the patch of grass south of the southern cycling road entrance. We throw a Premier Ball at a Minun. Caught a male Lv. 13 Minun! Nickname: g.

0d 6h 50m [S] We step into Verdanturf, then return to Mauville and heal at the Pokecenter

0d 6h 48m [S] Vs. Breeder Isaac. Grovyle Cuts down a Whismur, then a Tailow's Quick Attack knocks out Grovyle. Vigoroth defeats the rest of Isaac's Pokemon. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 21

0d 6h 48m [R] returns to Slateport and heals at the Poké Center

0d 6h 45m [R] Minun wears down Nuzelf to red as Nuzelf wears Minun down to yellow. We switch to Combusken. A few Embers finishes off Minun. Isabel defeated

0d 6h 45m [S] Vs. Bug Maniac Dereck. Grovyle grew to Lv. 24, but is brought down to 3HP.

0d 6h 41m [R] Vs. Pokéfan Isabel. We send in Wingull against Plusle then immediately switch to Nuzleaf. Bullet Seed slowly chips away at Plusle and Plusle growls. Nuzelf grew to Lv. 18. Nuzelf continues to use Bullet seed against the Minun.

0d 6h 41m [S] We fight and defeat Triathlete Maria.

0d 6h 40m [S] Vs. Breeder Lydia. Grovyle sweeps. Grovyle grew to Lv. 23. Grovyle did not learn Screech.

0d 6h 36m [R] We exit Slateport northwards, and enter Route 110

0d 6h 35m [R] We leave the name rater's house, then we save

0d 6h 35m [S] We stop at the Mauville Pokecenter and heal, then return west to Route 117

0d 6h 34m [R] Changed Nuzleaf's name to IRPWWC

0d 6h 33m [S] We save

0d 6h 32m [S] Vs. Jr and Sr Anna and Meg. Grovyle fainted.

0d 6h 32m [R] Changed Nuzleaf's name to jiwww-

0d 6h 31m [S] We continue west. Vs. Triathlete Dylan. Grovile grew to Lv. 22

0d 6h 30m [R] We read the sign in front of the name rater's house, then enter. Changed Combusken's name to WKKIII

0d 6h 28m [R] We leave the museum. We move Taillow to the top of the party. We enter the Pokecenter and heal

0d 6h 28m [S] We return to Mauville, and see Wally in front of the Gym. Vs. Trainer Wally. Grovile uses Cut. The opposing Ralts uses Double Team. Grovile misses the next cut. Ralts uses Confusion and confuses Grovile. Grovile hits itself. Ralts uses Confusion. Grovile lands a second Cut, knocking out Ralts. Wally defeated.

0d 6h 25m [S] Vs. Guitarist Dalton. Vigoroth's Rock Smash defeats the Magnemite, and scratch defeats the Whismur. We move Scratch to the top of Vigoroth's move order

0d 6h 25m [R] Torchic uses Ember to roast the second grunt's Zubat. Torchic grew to Lv. 17 Then scratch to defeat the second grunt's Numel. Torchic evolved into Combusken. Maxie finds us, introduces himself, warns us to not mess with Team Magma's plans, then leaves. Delivered the Devon Goods

0d 6h 23m [S] We move Vigoroth to the top of the party, then move Fury Swipes to the top of Vigoroth's move set. Taught Vigoroth Rock Smash over Fury Swipes

0d 6h 21m [R] We find Capt. Stern. Then a pair of Magma Grunts finds us. Torchic uses Focus Energy then Scratch to knock out the first Grunt's Numel.

0d 6h 20m [S] Vs. Fisherman Wade. Absorb 1HKOs Carvahna. Wade defeated.

0d 6h 19m [S] While fighting Aroma Lady Rose, Grovyle grew to Lv. 21

0d 6h 18m [S] We stop in the Pokecenter and heal, then enter the Bike Shop. Rydel gives us a Mach Bike. We leave town to the east. We enter Aroma Lady Rose's sights, and she climbs a ledge to fight us

0d 6h 16m [R] We look around at some of the exhibits, and talk to some of the Magma Grunts. One of the grunts gives us TM46 Thief then runs off

0d 6h 15m [R] We enter the Oceanic Museum. We have ₽20, so cannot afford the entrance fee. The clerk asks if we are with the group that entered earlier and lets us through anyway

0d 6h 14m [S] We enter Mauville City. We enter a house. The resident gives us HM06 Rock Smash

0d 6h 13m [R] We enter the shipyard. We talk to Dock. Dock asks us to find Capt. Stern

0d 6h 12m [S] Vs. Fisher Dale. Vigoroth repeatedly uses Scrach to sweep through Dale's team. Vigoroth grew to Lv. 20

0d 6h 9m [R] We enter the Dewford Pokecenter. We talk to someone that tells us that rare stones can be found in Granite Cave. We talk to the other person in the center that tells us that HM moves can be used by fainted Pokemon. We leave the center, and sail with Mr. Briney towards Slateport

0d 6h 9m [S] Grovyle is knocked out by a wild Plusle

0d 6h 7m [S] Fought and defeated Psychic Edward

0d 6h 7m [R] We enter the mart. Bought 44 Pokeball, 1 Harbor Mail and 1 Great Ball. Received 4 Premier Ball. We then head south, and sail with Mr. Briney to Dewford

0d 6h 5m [S] We give Vigoroth the Silk Scarf in exchange for the Exp Share, then move Scratch to the top of the move order

0d 6h 4m [S] Vs. Collector Edwin. Lombre's Absorb is not every effective. Grovyle's Cut proves more effective. After defeating Lombre, Edwin sends out Nuzleaf. We switch to Wingull, and use a few Wing Attacks to knock out Nuzleaf. Slakoth grew to Lv. 19 and learned Faint Attack over Encore. Slakoth evolved into Vigoroth and learned Fury Swipes over Faint Attack

0d 6h 1m [R] talks to each of the rest of the Magma grunts in line.

0d 5h 57m [R] We talk to some Magma Grunts standing in line outside the Oceanic Museum. "Long line, huh?"

0d 5h 56m [S] Grovyle grew to Lv. 20

0d 5h 55m [R] We enter Slateport. We walk into the wall of the Pokecenter a few times before finding the door. We enter the Pokecenter and we heal

0d 5h 53m [S] We heal at the Slateport Pokecenter, then return to Route 110

0d 5h 52m [R] For defeating the three trainers in the shack, we receive six Soda Pop

0d 5h 51m [S] We move Grovyle to the top of the party, then turn back towards Slateport

0d 5h 50m [R] We step outside of the Soda House, then reenter to fight Tuber Simon. Nuzelf's Bullet Seed knocks out the Azurill and Marill.

0d 5h 50m [S] Slakoth is knocked out by poison while fighting a wild Wingull

0d 5h 48m [R] Vs. Beauty Johanna. Nuzelf hardens a few times, gets confused by Goldeen's Supersonic, then uses Bullet Seed to knock out Goldeen.

0d 5h 46m [S] We leave the trick house, return to the Slateport Poké Center to heal, then start heading up route 110

0d 5h 46m [R] We enter the Soda Shack. Vs. Sailor Dwayne. A Wingull finishes off Torchic with a Water Gun. Nuzelf uses Bullet Seed to the Wingull, then uses Bullet Seed and a Nature Power-turned-Swift to defeat a Tentacool and a Machop. Nuzelf grew to Lv 17

0d 5h 43m [S] We reach the end of the puzzle. We write the passphrase on the door, and enter the back room. The Puzzle Master gives us a Rare Candy, then vows to make a new puzzle before spinning away

0d 5h 41m [R] We move Torchic to the top of the party. We then fight Tuber Ricky. The Surfing Zigzagoon takes Torchic down to red health before Torchic knocks out the Zigzagoon. Torchic grew to Lv. 16 and learned Peck over Growl Torchic did not evolve

0d 5h 41m [S] We find the secret scroll and memorize the password

0d 5h 40m [S] Vs. Youngster Eddie. Zigzagoon uses Sand Attack and Tail Whip as Slakoth loafs around and misses Scrach attacks. Eventually a second Scratch connects, knocking out Zigzagoon. Eddie sends in a second Zigzagoon, which continues to use Sand Attack and Tail Whip. Zigzagoon switches to Headbutt as Slakoth still can't land a hit. Slakoth defeated. Wingull's Wing Attacks knock out the second Zigzagoon.

0d 5h 38m [R] Vs. Sailor Huey. Tailow's Wing attack knocks out Machop

0d 5h 36m [R] We walk around a bit, then talk to Mr. Briney again. We sail towards Slateport

0d 5h 36m [S] We move Encore to the top of Slakoth's move list, then move Slakoth to the top of the party

0d 5h 34m [S] Vs. Lass Robin. Slakoth grew to Lv. 18 Poison damage, inflicted in a prior battle, wears down Grovyle such that a Shroomish's Tackle knocks out Grovyle. Wingull finishes off Robin. Slakoth did not evolve.

0d 5h 34m [R] We enter the pokecenter and we heal. We leave, then talk to Mr. Briney a few times, declining to sail with him

0d 5h 31m [R] We leave the gym. We save

0d 5h 30m [R/S] The badge display is updated to include the Knuckle Badge

0d 5h 30m [S] Picked up an Orange Mail

0d 5h 29m [R] Vs. Leader Brawly! (Attempt #1) Machop uses Seismic Toss. Tailow uses two Wing Attack to knock out Machop. Tailow uses Focus Energy as Makuhita uses Bulk Up. Two more Wing Attack knock out Makuhita Tailow grew to Lv. 17. Defeated Leader Brawly and received the Knuckle Badge and TM08 Bulk Up!

0d 5h 27m [S] We go north, and enter the Trick House. We find the trick master hiding under the table. We pass through the scroll, and enter the puzzle

0d 5h 26m [R] Vs. Battle Girl Tessa. Tailow's Wing Attack 1HKOs each Meditite and the Machop in turn. Tailow grew to Lv. 15 and to Lv. 16

0d 5h 24m [S] We enter the Slateport Pokecenter. We move Pound to the top of Grovyle's move order, then use HM1 to teach Grovyle Cut over Pound. Then we heal

0d 5h 23m [R] Vs. Black Belt Hideki. A few Wing Attack knocks out Machop.

0d 5h 22m [R] Vs. Battle Girl Laura. Meditite detects one Wing Attack, but Tailow uses a Wing Attack and a Peck to knock out Meditite. Tailow grew to Lv. 14

0d 5h 20m [S] we save

0d 5h 20m [R] We enter the gym

0d 5h 20m [S] With wingull poisoned, we turn back towards Slateport

0d 5h 19m [S] Brendan send in Shroomish. Wingull knocks out the Shroomish. Wingull grew to Lv. 19 Brendan defeated

0d 5h 18m [R] We enter a house, talk to the resident and we receive a Silk Scarf. We save

0d 5h 18m [S] We send in Wingull. Combusken uses Focus Energy. Wingull uses Wing Attack twice, knocking out Combusken.

0d 5h 17m [R] Brendan sends in Combusken. Grovyle uses Quick Attack twice. Combusken uses Ember twice, knocking out Grovyle

0d 5h 16m [R] We sail with Mr. Briney towards Dewford

0d 5h 16m [S] Vs. Trainer Brendan! (Attempt #2). Grovyle Vs. Wailmer. Grovyle repeatedly uses Absorb. Wailmer uses a Growl and Splash before being knocked out.

0d 5h 14m [S] We leave Slateport to the north, and head towards Brendan

0d 5h 14m [R] We pass through Petalberg Woods

0d 5h 13m [R] We leave the building, then leave Rustboro City to the south

0d 5h 13m [S] We send in Slakoth. Shroomish uses Leech Seed on Slakoth and Slakoth uses Yawn to put Shroomish to sleep. Slakoth uses Scratch when it can, but Leech Seed keeps healing Shroomish. Shroomish wakes up, paralyzes Slakoth, then attack to knock out Slakoth. whited out

0d 5h 10m [S] Brendan send in Combuskin. An ember knocks out Grovyle. We send in Wingull. A few Wing Attacks knocks out Combuskin. Slakoth grew to Lv. 17. Brendan sends in Shroomish. Wingull uses a Wing Attack, then one of Shroomish's drain moves knocks out Wingull

0d 5h 9m [R] We enter the executive office, talk to Mr. Stone and receive an Exp Share

0d 5h 8m [S] We continue along the route, and we encounter Brendan. Vs. Trainer Brendan! (Attempt #1). Grovyle vs. Wailmer. Wailmer starts a Rollout, and Grovyle is Paralyzed. Rollout continues, but two successful Absorbs knock out Wailmer. Grovyle grew to Lv. 19

0d 5h 7m [R] We enter the Devon building

0d 5h 6m [R] We enter the Mart. We buy 11 Pokeball and receive 1 Premier Ball. We leave with $$4654 on-hand

0d 5h 6m [S] Vs. Younger Timmy. Grovyle sweeps, but does get paralyzed.

0d 5h 4m [R] We reach Rustboro City

0d 5h 3m [S] That was returning to Route 103. With every accessible trainer there defeated, we turn back to Route 110, then head east past the Trick Master's house. We pick up a Dire Hit

0d 5h 1m [R] We reach the north exit of Petalberg Woods

0d 5h 1m [S] Vs. Fisherman Andrew. Grovyle drains Andrew's Magikarp and a Tentacool using Absorb. Grovyle grew to Lv. 18

0d 5h 0m [R] We reorder Tailow's moveset. Wing Attack is now at the top, followed by Peck, Focus Energy, Quick Attack

0d 4h 58m [S] We turn back, and return to the Slateport Pokecenter and heal

0d 4h 57m [S] Vs. Pokéfan Miguel. Skitty knocks out Wingull. Slakoth knocks out the Skitty. Slakoth grew to Lv. 16

0d 4h 56m [R] Tailow grew to Lv. 13 and learned Wing Attack over Growl

0d 4h 55m [R] We head north, through Petalberg Woods

0d 4h 54m [S] Vs. Twins Amy and Liv. The twins use helping hand to help the other use non-damaging moves, then continue to use Helping Hand even after one of the two is defeated. Since we used damaging moves, we won.

0d 4h 51m [R] We step into the gym, then leave. We sail with Mr. Briney towards Petalberg

0d 4h 51m [S] We step west onto Route 103, then fight Aroma Lady Daisy. Roselia paralyzes Wingull, but two Wing Attack knock out Roselia. Wingull grew to Lv. 18 and Slakoth grew to Lv. 14

0d 4h 49m [R] We reach the Dewford Pokecenter and we heal

0d 4h 49m [S] Grovyle continues using Absorb to slowly drain Isabel's Minun, but is still worn down. Grovyle faints. We sing in Slakoth, and Slakoth uses a scratch to finish off Minun. Isabel defeated. We save

0d 4h 48m [R] We leave Granite Cave

0d 4h 48m [S] We head north to Route 110. Vs. Pokebal Isabel. Isabel's Plusle paralyzes Grovyle, then Grovyle uses Absorb to slowly drains Plusle

0d 4h 45m [R] We find Steven Stone. We deliver the Letter. In return Steven gives us TM 47 Steel Wing. We save

0d 4h 44m [R] We ascend a ladder, and reach the higher part of the well-lit ground floor

0d 4h 43m [S] We reorder the party. The new order is Grovyle, Wingull, Slakoth.

0d 4h 42m [R] We find a hidden Everstone

0d 4h 41m [S] One last Aqua grunt hanging around the museum gives us TM46 Thief. We leave the museum, then head to the Poké Center and we heal

0d 4h 40m [R] We throw a variety of Pokeballs at a wild Mawile, including all our Great Balls and Premier Balls. We eventually run from the Mawile

0d 4h 39m [S] Wingull also defeats the other grunt's Pokemon. Slakoth grew to Lv. 13. Archie arrives, warns us about meddling, then Team Aqua leaves.

0d 4h 38m [S] We deliver the Devon Goods to Captain Stern. Two aqua grunts confront us, and one fights us. Wingull uses a pair of wing attacks to defeat the grunt's Carvana.

0d 4h 36m [S] We enter the Oceanic Museum and pay the entrance fee

0d 4h 35m [S] We enter the shipyard. We talk to Dock. Dock tells us to find Captain Stern

0d 4h 34m [R] Tailow is knocked out by a wild Zubat. We run away from the zubat safely

0d 4h 34m [S] We enter Slateport, and head straight to the Pokecenter. We heal

0d 4h 32m [S] We sail with Mr. Briney towards Slateport

0d 4h 31m [S] Brawly sends in Makuhita and Makuhita finishes off Wingull. We send in Grovyle, who takes Makuhita down to red before falling. We send in Slakoth, which finishes off Makuhita. Defeated Leader Brawly and received the Knuckle Badge!

[Info] Errata: Grovyle grew to Lv. 17, not 100. Sapphire is going fast, but not that fast.

0d 4h 28m [R] Tailow grew to Lv 12

0d 4h 28m [S] Vs. Leader Brawly! (Attempt #3) Wingull vs. Machop. Wingull lands a critical Wing Attack, bringing Machop down to red. Machop lands a Critical Karate Chop. Brawly heals. Wingull uses two more Wing Attack. A Karate Chop brings Wingull to red. Brawly heals. A Critical wing attack and a second wing attack defeat Machop.

0d 4h 26m [R] We enter the Granite Cave. The Hiker just inside gives us HM05 Flash

0d 4h 26m [S] We enter the Gym

[Info] [R] The current party is Tailow, Nuzelf and Torchic, meaning that earlier Zigzagoon, Shroomish and Wurmple were deposited.

0d 4h 24m [S] We enter the Pokecenter and we heal

0d 4h 24m [R] Vs Fisher Elliot. Tailow defeats a Magikarp and Tailow grew to Lv. 10. Then Tailow defeats a Tentacool and Tailow grew to Lv. 11. Then Tailow pecks a second Magikarp. Elliot defeated

0d 4h 24m [S] We enter a house and We receive a Silk Scarf

0d 4h 23m [S] We sail back to Dewford

0d 4h 22m [S] Vs. Sailor Edmond. Wingull uses a water gun to knock out Slakoth. Grovyle uses Pound to defeat the Wingull, and Grovyle grew to Lv. 100 and learned Pursuit over Fury Cutter. Grovyle then slowly drains Wingull's health, defeating Edmond

0d 4h 21m [R] We return to the Pokecenter in Dewford, We heal, then head back to the northern Route

0d 4h 20m [R] Vs. a Fisher. Tentacool poisons Tailow, but Tailow knocks out Tentacool. Tailow grew to Lv. 8, learned Quick Attack, and grew to Lv. 9

0d 4h 17m [S] For defeating the three trainers in the soda shack, We receive six Soda Pop

0d 4h 16m [S] Vs. Tuber Simon. Slakoth fights Marill. Slakoth is taken down to red health, but does win

0d 4h 15m [R] We enter the Pokecenter, then leave.

0d 4h 14m [S] Vs. Sailor Dwayne. Wingull is defeated, but Grovyle handles the rest of Sailor Dwayne's Pokemon

0d 4h 14m [R] The trendy phrase is "Bored Child's Play"

0d 4h 14m [R] We enter Mr. Briney's Hut, and talk to Peeko twice, then talk to Mr. Briney and set sail to Dewford Town

0d 4h 10m [R] We plant two Pecha Berry in the Loamy Soil, just south of the woods, and water the newly planted berries and the pecha berry that was already planted there

0d 4h 9m [R] We pass through Petalberg Woods

0d 4h 9m [S] We return to Route 19, enter the soda shack and fight Beauty Johanna. Slakoth grew to Lv. 12

0d 4h 6m [R] enters the Pokecenter, accesses the PC and deposits Shroomish, and two other pokemon. We leave, then head south

0d 4h 7m [S] continues to Slateport, enters the Pokecenter and we heal

0d 4h 3m [S] Vs. Tuber Lola. Wingull defeats the two Azurill and Wingull grew to Lv. 17

0d 4h 2m [S] Vs. Tuber Rickey. Wingull's Wing Attack take out the surfing Zigzagoon, defeating Rickey

0d 4h 1m [S] Vs. Sailor Huey! He sends Machop. Wingull takes it out easily with Wing Attack, and we defeat him.

0d 4h 0m [S] We sail to the beach south of Staleport City.

0d 3h 58m [S] We send out Slakoth. It immediately goes down and we black out.

0d 3h 58m [S] Machop uses Karate Chop, and takes down Grovyle.

0d 3h 57m [S] We use Water Gun instead of Wing Attack due to Machop having raised its Defense. Eventually though, Machop takes Wingull out. Brawly then uses a Super Potion as we send out Grovyle.

0d 3h 56m [R] Received the Letter from Mr. Stone, as well as the PokéNav!

0d 3h 56m [S] Brawly sends out Machop. We once again spam Wing Attack with Wingull.

0d 3h 55m [S] Vs. Leader Brawly! (Attempt #2)

0d 3h 55m [R] Back in Rustboro City, the Dewford employee gives us another Great Ball to thank us for retrieving the goods, then takes us to meet his boss.

0d 3h 54m [S] We send out Slakoth. Makuhita uses Arm Thrust, and Slakoth goes down immediately. Black out!

0d 3h 53m [S] Makuhita is sent out. Grovyle manages to take away half of its health, but eventually goes down.

0d 3h 52m [R] Found a Poké Ball! We exit the tunnel.

0d 3h 52m [S] We send out Grovyle, which finishes Machop. Slakoth grew to Lv. 11!

0d 3h 52m [S] Machop lowered Wingull's Defense enough that Karate Chop does quite a bit of damage. Wingull brings it to the red again, then Brawly uses another Super Potion. Red health once more, then Wingull faints to another Karate Chop.

0d 3h 50m [S] We send Wingull against Brawly's Machop. It actually tanks it quite well, then another one. Brawly then uses a Super Potion.

0d 3h 50m [S] Vs. Leader Brawly! (Attempt #1)

0d 3h 49m [S] We leave the Gym to heal, then come back in.

0d 3h 48m [R] The Grunt sends out Poochyena. Torchic uses Ember a few times, and it goes down. Defeated Team Magma Grunt! Received the Devon Goods!

0d 3h 47m [R] We enter the Rusturf Tunnel and catch up with the Grunt! Vs. Team Magma Grunt!

0d 3h 47m [S] Vs. Battle Girl Tessa! She sends out Meditite, which Wingull takes down. The next Meditite falls to Wing Attack as well. Machop is next, and it goes down just as quickly. We win!

0d 3h 46m [R] The last Geodude is down, and Shroomish grows to Lv. 9! We win!

0d 3h 45m [R] Another Geodude down. Shroomish grows to Lv. 7 and learns Stun Spore! Shroomish grows to Lv. 8!

0d 3h 45m [S] Vs. Black Belt Hideki! he sends Machop, and Wingull deals with it easily, winning the battle.

0d 3h 44m [R] Vs. Hiker Clark! We send Shroomish to deal with his Geodude. Shroomish grows to Lv. 6!

0d 3h 43m [S] We enter the Gym. Vs. Battle Girl Laura! She sends out Meditite. Wingull takes it down with Wing Attack and grows to Lv. 16. We win!

0d 3h 42m [R] Vs. Lass Janice! She sends Marill, and we swap To Nuzleaf, which takes it down and grows to Lv. 16.

0d 3h 40m [S] We walk back to Mr. Briney's house, and sail on back to Dewford City!

0d 3h 39m [R] We move on to Route 116. Vs. Youngster Joey! Torchic takes out both his Zigzagoon and his Machop, and grows to Lv. 15!

0d 3h 36m [S] We put Wingull in front of the party instead of Slakoth.

0d 3h 35m [S] We give the Exp. Share to Slakoth to hold.

0d 3h 32m [R/S] Both games saved.

0d 3h 31m [S] We visit Devon Corp. and inform Mr. Stone that we delivered his letter. In exchange, we receive the Exp. Share!

0d 3h 30m [R] We save.

[Snark] Sure, there's a thief at large, but it's clear at this point that Ruby isn't in a hurry.

0d 3h 29m [R] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 3h 29m [S] We go through Petalburg Woods, and arrive back at Rustboro City.

0d 3h 28m [R] We visit a kid who wants to trade his Makuhita for a Slakoth. We don't want to and don't have a Slakoth anyway, so we leave.

0d 3h 25m [R] We leave the Gym, and see a Team Magma Grunt running from the employee we rescued earlier.

0d 3h 24m [S] We take the boat to the beach south of Staleport City, then change our minds and go back to Dewford Town, then to Route 104.

0d 3h 23m [R] Received the Stone Badge, along with TM39 Rock Tomb!

0d 3h 23m [R] Seedot evolved into Nuzleaf!

0d 3h 23m [R] Roxanne sends Nosepass. We spam Bullet Seed, and despite Roxanne healing Nosepass, it eventually goes down! Defeated Leader Roxanne!

0d 3h 22m [S] We visit the Dewford Hall and learn that the current trendy phrase is "NOISY HERO".

0d 3h 21m [R] Roxanne sends out Geodude. We send Seedot and use Bullet Seed. Roxanne heals with a Potion, but another Bullet Seed takes down Geodude. Seedot grew to Lv. 15!

0d 3h 20m [R] We're back at the Gym. Vs. Leader Roxanne! (Attempt #1)

0d 3h 20m [S] We enter the Poké Center of Dewford Town and heal.

0d 3h 19m [S] Vs. Fisherman Ned! He sends out Tentacool, and Wingull easily defeats it with Wing Attack. We win!

0d 3h 18m [R] We walk back to Rustboro City and heal.

0d 3h 17m [S] We leave Granite Cave.

0d 3h 14m [R] Caught a male Lv. 6 Whismur! Nickname: ABBIXU.

0d 3h 14m [S] We reach the end of Granite Cave and deliver the Letter to Steven Stone. He thanks us by giving us TM47 Steel Wing!

0d 3h 12m [R] Torchic grew to Lv. 14!

0d 3h 12m [S] As we make our way down the cave, Wingull grows to Lv. 15!

0d 3h 11m [R] A wild Whismur causes Seedot to faint.

0d 3h 8m [R] Received a Super Potion from Zigzagoon.

0d 3h 5m [S] Meanwhile, we are dwelling deeper into Granite Cave.

0d 3h 3m [R] Nincada fares no better. Defeated Bug Catcher Jose!

0d 3h 2m [R] We swap to Torchic, which takes out Wurmple. Silcoon is next, and one Ember takes it down too.

0d 3h 1m [R] Seedot uses Bullet Seed. It's not very effective.

0d 3h 1m [R] Vs. Bug Catcher Jose! He sends out Wurmple.

0d 3h 0m [R] Caught a male Lv. 6 Nincada! Nickname: IIJJE.

0d 2h 59m [S] Slakoth gets taken down by a wild Makuhita.

0d 2h 59m [S] We enter Granite Cave for the first time.

0d 2h 58m [S] Found a hidden Poké Ball on the beach!

0d 2h 58m [S] We switch to Grovyle. it takes down Tentacool, then a second Magikarp, and we defeat Fisherman Elliot!

0d 2h 57m [R] Found a Repel!

0d 2h 56m [R] Caught a male Lv. 7 Taillow! Nickname: .OOCVXx.

0d 2h 55m Tentacool is next, and it poisons Slakoth.

0d 2h 55m [R] We have gone back to Route 116 for some grinding, presumably to evolve Seedot.

0d 2h 55m [S] Vs. Fisherman Elliot! Slakoth takes down his Magikarp with no issue.

[Snark] Chat is, of course, spamming the !dewfon command.

0d 2h 52m [R] We enter the Poké Center in Rustboro City and heal as well.

0d 2h 52m [S] We enter the Poké Center in Dewford Town and heal.

0d 2h 51m [R] We leave the Gym for now.

[Snark] Don't get softlocked.

0d 2h 51m [S] We talk to Mr. Briney, and he takes us to Dewford Town!

0d 2h 50m [R] Seedot starts to evolve... and is denied.

0d 2h 50m [R] Vs. Youngster Tommy. Seedot takes down his Geodude and grows to Lv. 14.

[Snark] Peeko, you're... kinda in the way there...

0d 2h 49m [S] We arrive at Mr Briney's house. Now we just need to talk to him... Can you stay still for a second please?

0d 2h 49m [R] Third Geodude down. Defeated Youngster Josh!

0d 2h 48m [R] The second Geodude goes down to Bullet Seed as well. Seedot grew to Lv. 13 and learned Nature Power over Bide.

0d 2h 48m [S] We leave Rustboro City.

0d 2h 47m [R] Bide deals decent damage, and we finish off Geodude with Bullet Seed.

0d 2h 47m [R] Vs. Youngster Josh! He sends out Geodude. We use Bide with Seedot.

0d 2h 47m [R] We enter the Rustboro Gym!

0d 2h 46m [S] We enter the Cutter's House and receive HM01 Cut!

0d 2h 45m [R] Received the Quick Claw from the teacher!

0d 2h 45m [R] We enter the Pokémon School. Learning time?

0d 2h 44m [R] We make our way back to Rustboro City and heal at the Poké Center.

0d 2h 44m [S] We also received a Letter to deliver to a certain Steven Stone.

0d 2h 42m [S] Received the PokéNav from Mr. Stone!

0d 2h 42m [R] Lotad goes down. Seedot grew to Lv. 12! Torchic grew to Lv. 13! We win the battle.

0d 2h 42m [S] Back in Rustboro City, the Devon employee thanks us and brings us to Devon Corp to meet Mr. Stone.

0d 2h 41m [R] Vs. Twins Gina & Mia! We send Seedot and Torchic against Lotad and Seedot. Ember takes their Seedot down quickly.

0d 2h 40m [S] Treecko evolved into Grovyle! Learned Fury Cutter over Pursuit!

0d 2h 39m [S] Taking down wild Pokémon, Trecko grew to Lv. 16 and learned Pursuit over Leer.

0d 2h 39m [R] Bullet Seed proves much more efficient and takes down all three Magikarp in a row. Defeated Fisherman Ivan!

0d 2h 37m [R] Seedot is using Bide against Magikarp. Not a great strategy.

0d 2h 37m [S] We leave Rusturf Tunnel and make our way back to Rustboro City.

0d 2h 36m [R] Vs. Fisherman Ivan!

0d 2h 34m [R] Bought 12 Poké Balls!

0d 2h 32m [R] We arrive in Rustboro City and enter the Poké Center, where we heal.

0d 2h 32m [S] Treecko takes down Poochyena, and we defeat the Team Aqua Grunt, who hands over the Devon Goods. Peeko is rescued!

0d 2h 31m [R] We receive a Rare Candy from Zigzagoon's Pickup.

0d 2h 30m [S] We try to throw a Poké Ball at his Poochyena. The literal criminal tells us not to be a thief.

0d 2h 30m [S] We go after the Grunt and challenge him. Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

0d 2h 29m [R] A few Ember attacks and Shroomish goes down. We win!

0d 2h 28m [R] Haley sends Shroomish, we swap to Torchic.

0d 2h 28m [S] A wild Whismur took down Slakoth.

0d 2h 28m [S] Vs. Lass Haley! Seedot uses its brand new Bullet Seed to take down her Lotad and grows to Lv. 11.

0d 2h 27m [S] We reach Rusturf Tunnel, and learned that the Grunt kidnapped an innocent Wingull! The fiend!

0d 2h 26m [R] Vs. Lady Cindy! She sends out Zigzagoon, and we swap Seedot for Torchic, which takes out Zigzagoon. We win!

0d 2h 25m [S] Now that we've healed, after the Grunt we run!

0d 2h 25m [R] We use the TM we just received, and Seedot learns Bullet Seed!

0d 2h 24m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 2h 24m [R] Received TM09 Bullet Seed!

0d 2h 23m [S] As we exit the Gym, we see an Aqua Grunt running away from a clearly distraught Dewfon employee. Well, no time for that, we gotta heal first.

0d 2h 22m [R] Found a hidden Poké Ball and a hidden Super Potion!

0d 2h 22m [S] We send out Wingull, and Water Gun takes down Nosepass. Defeated Leader Roxanne and received the Stone Badge! Received TM39 Rock Tomb!

0d 2h 21m [R] Found a Potion.

0d 2h 21m [S] Nosepass is next. Treecko keeps using Absorb, but Rock Throw and Rock Tomb hurt it quite a bit. Roxanne heals Nosepass, and Treecko manages to take it back to orange health but eventually faints.

0d 2h 20m [S] Another Absorb takes down Geodude and heals Treecko a lot. Treecko grew to lv. 15!

0d 2h 19m [S] Roxanne sends out Geodude. Treecko uses Absorb and sends it into red health, then gets hit by Rock Tomb for half its own health.

0d 2h 19m [S] Vs. Gym Leader Roxanne! (Attempt #1)

[Chat] Spiderpig2398: don't overwater tppD

0d 2h 18m [R] We water our Oran Berries. We also plant a Cherri Berry.

0d 2h 18m [S] We are challenged by Youngster Tommy. His Geodude fair no better against our Treecko, and we quickly defeat him.

0d 2h 17m [S] The next two Geodude go down the same way, and Treecko grows to Lv. 14. Defeated Youngster Josh!

0d 2h 16m [R] We enter the flower shop and listen to the woman talk about Berries. Then we talk to another girl and receive the Wailmer Pail.

0d 2h 15m [S] Vs. Youngster Josh! He sends out Geodude. Unfortunately for him, or Treecko knows Absorb. Treecko grew to Lv. 13!

0d 2h 14m [S] We walk back to Rustboro City and enter the Gym.

0d 2h 14m [R] We finally leave Petalburg Woods. We plant an Oran Berry, pick up 2 Oran Berries, plant another Oran Berry, and pick up 2 Cherri Berries.

0d 2h 12m [R] Picked up an Ether!

0d 2h 12m [S] Machop is next, and Wingull takes it out as well. Wingull grew to Lv. 13!

0d 2h 11m [R] Torchic takes out Nincada, and Seedot grows to Lv. 10. Bug Catcher James defeated!

0d 2h 11m [S] Vs. Youngster Joey! He sends out a top percentage Zigzagoon, but Wingull easily takes it out.

0d 2h 10m [R] We get spotted by Bug Catcher James! He sends out Nincada.

0d 2h 10m [R] With the Team Magma Grunt defeated, the man thanks us by giving us a Great Ball.

0d 2h 9m [R] The Grunt sends out Poochyena. We swap Seedot for Torchic and spam Ember. Poochyena eventually goes down, and Torchic grows to Lv. 11.

0d 2h 8m [S] Vs. Hiker Clark! Wingull easily takes down all three of his Geodude with Water Gun, and grows to Lv. 12.

0d 2h 7m [R] We meet a man looking for a Shroomish, and some thug in red appears and challenges us! Vs. Team Magma Grunt!

0d 2h 6m [S] Defeating a wild Nincada, Wingull grew to Lv. 11.

0d 2h 5m [R] A wild Zigzagoon causes our Zigzagoon to faint.

0d 2h 4m [S] Absorb lets Treecko deal with Marill easily, and it goes down. Defeated Lass Janice!

0d 2h 3m [S] Vs. Lass Janice! She sends out Marill, and we switch Wingull for Treecko.

0d 2h 3m [R] Caught a male Lv. 5 Shroomish! Nickname: CC.

0d 2h 1m [S] Nincada is sent out next, and goes down easily. Defeated Bug Catcher Jose!

0d 2h 1m [S] Wingull takes down Wurmple, and Silcoon comes out next. A few Water Gun moves, and it goes down as well. Wingull grew to Lv. 10!

0d 2h 0m [S] Slakoth almost takes down Wurmple, but due to poison, it is Slakoth that faints.

0d 1h 59m [R] We are back in Petalburg Woods.

0d 1h 59m [S] Wurmple poisons Slakoth.

0d 1h 58m [S] We challenge Bug Catcher Jose! He sends out Wurmple.

0d 1h 58m [S] Taking down a wild Zigzagoon, Slakoth grew to Lv. 8.

0d 1h 57m [S] We run through Rustboro City and venture onto Route 116.

0d 1h 56m [S] We enter the Poké Center (not the same one obviously) and heal.

0d 1h 55m [R] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 1h 55m [S] We return to Rustboro City.

0d 1h 54m [R] We defeat Bug Catcher Lyle at last, and leave Petalburg Woods to return to Petalburg City.

0d 1h 53m [S] We talk to one of the girls in the flower shop and receive the Flower Pail.

0d 1h 52m [R] Wurmple grows to Lv. 4, but is taken down by one of the next Wurmple. We send out Torchic.

0d 1h 52m [S] Seedot is down as well! Defeated Twins Gina & Mia. We then walk back the Route and pick up 2 Oran Berries and 2 Cheri Berries.

0d 1h 50m [R] We swap Seedot for Wurmple.

0d 1h 49m [S] Lotad is down.

0d 1h 49m [R] Vs. Bug Catcher Lyle! Seedot uses Bide to take down his first Wurmple, and grows to Lv. 9.

0d 1h 48m [S] Vs. Twins Gina & Mia! We send Slakoth and Wingull against their Seedot and Lotad. We swap Wingull for Treecko.

0d 1h 47m [S] All three Magiakrp are down. Defeated Fisherman Ivan!

0d 1h 46m [R] A wild Zigzagoon takes down our own Zigzagoon.

0d 1h 44m [S] We leave the city to challenge Fisherman Ivan! He has three Magikarp, so despite Slakoth loafing around every other turn, this shouldn't be too much trouble.

0d 1h 43m [R] Found a hidden Potion!

0d 1h 43m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 1h 42m [R] We enter Petalburg Woods for the first time.

0d 1h 42m [R] We swap to Torchic and take down Zigzagoon. Torchic grows to Lv. 11.

0d 1h 41m [S] We arrive in Rustboro City.

0d 1h 41m [R] Vs. Rich Boy Winston! Zigzagoon is sent out.

0d 1h 40m [S] Shroomish goes down, and Treecko grows to Lv. 12!

0d 1h 40m [R] Picked up 2 Pecha Berries.

0d 1h 40m [R] Picked up 2 Oran Berries and planted a Pecha Berry.

0d 1h 40m [S] Treecko gets paralyzed.

0d 1h 39m [S] We swap to Treecko and take down Lotad. Haley sends out Shroomish.

0d 1h 39m [R] This time Torchic easily takes down Lotad, and grows to Lv. 10! It then takes down Taillow, and we defeat Youngster Billy!

0d 1h 38m [S] We are challenged by Lass Haley, who sends out Lotad.

0d 1h 37m [R] We challenge Youngster Billy again! He sends out Seedot again.

0d 1h 37m [S] Wingull takes out Zigzagoon and grows to Lv. 9!

0d 1h 37m [S] We make it out of Petalburg Woods and get challenged by Lady Cindy! She sends out a Zigzagoon.

0d 1h 35m [S] Picked up an Ether!

0d 1h 33m [S] We save.

0d 1h 32m [S] Wingull uses Water Gun, and Nincada goes down. Defeated bug Catcher James! Wingull grew to Lv. 8!

0d 1h 32m [R] Taillow easily takes down Wurmple, and we black out!

0d 1h 32m [S] Going through Petalburg Woods, we are spotted by a Bug Catcher. Vs. Bug Catcher James! He sends out Nincada.

0d 1h 31m [R] Seedot uses Bide again, but Taillow takes it down before it can unleash it. We send out Wurmple, our last Pokémon.

0d 1h 30m [S] Slakoth grew to Lv. 7 and learned Encore!

0d 1h 30m [R] We send out Seedot and use Bide. However, it fails due to Taillow not using any attacking moves.

0d 1h 29m [S] A wild Wurmple poisons Slakoth.

0d 1h 29m [R] Taillow is sent out! Zigzagoon can barely do any damage before going down.

0d 1h 29m [R] We send out Zigzagoon, which takes out the rest of Seedot's health points. Zigzagoon grew to lv. 4!

0d 1h 28m [R] Torchic fails to take down Seedot, and Bide hits back for a lot of damage. Torchic faints!

0d 1h 27m [R] Billy sends out a Seedot. We swap to Torchic.

0d 1h 27m [S] We run to the Poké Center in Petalburg City and heal.

0d 1h 27m [R] On the Route 104 beach, we get spotted by a Trainer. Vs. Youngster Billy!

0d 1h 25m [R] We go back to the Poké Center in Petalburg City and heal.

0d 1h 23m [R] By taking down a wild Wurmple, Seedot grew to Lv. 7 and learned Growth.

0d 1h 22m [R] After our Dad tells us that we should go challenge the Gym in Rustboro City, we leave and venture onto Route 104.

[Snark] What do you mean I've made that joke already, that was like an hour ago.

0d 1h 21m [R] A wild Ralts appears! Wally weakens it then throws a Poké Ball. Caught a male Lv. 5 Ralts! No nickname.

0d 1h 20m [S] While grinding, Wingull grew to Lv. 7!

0d 1h 20m [R] We enter the Petalburg Gym and meet up with our father. Wally comes in, and Dad asks us to got with him as he goes to catch a Pokémon of his own.

0d 1h 19m [S] We are back on Route 104, where we continue grinding against wild Pokémon.

0d 1h 18m [R] We save.

0d 1h 17m [R] We finally arrive in Petalburg City! We walk into the Poké Center and heal.

0d 1h 16m [R] Seedot fainted!

0d 1h 16m [R/S] Both sides are kinda just grinding on Route 102 right now.

0d 1h 14m [S] Wingull takes down the second Zigzagoon and grows to Lv. 6! Defeated Lass Tiana!

0d 1h 14m [R] Picked up 2 Pecha Berries and 2 Oran Berries.

0d 1h 14m [S] Vs. Lass Tiana! She sends out Zigzagoon, which takes out Slakoth. We send out Wingull, and it takes out Zigzagoon.

0d 1h 13m [R] Taillow goes down as well. Torchic grew to Lv. 10 and learned Ember! Defeated Youngster Allen!

0d 1h 12m [R] Torchic takes out Poochyena. Seedot grew to Lv. 6! Taillow is sent out next.

0d 1h 11m [R] Vs. Youngster Allen! He sends out Poochyena. We swap Seedot for Torchic.

[Chat] tppsimulator: taking bets; silcoon, cascoon, or that. tppD

0d 1h 10m [S] We run back to Petalburg City.

0d 1h 8m [S] Caught a female Lv. 5 Wingull! Nickname: e sa.

0d 1h 7m [R] Seedot grew to Lv. 5!

0d 1h 6m [S] And we are back on Route 104.

0d 1h 6m [R] We are back on Route 102.

0d 1h 5m [R] We talk to a store clerk outside. He tells us about Poké Marts and gives us a free sample. Received a Potion!

0d 1h 4m [R] After some struggling, we finally talk to the nurse and heal, then leave.

0d 1h 4m [S] A wild Pokémon takes down Slakoth, and we black out! We are back in Petalburg City.

0d 1h 2m [S] The Dewfon employee has a gift for us to thank you for helping him. Received a Great Ball!

0d 1h 1m [S] Slakoth manages to take down Poochyena. Defeated Team Aqua Grunt!

0d 1h 0m [R] We walk back to Oldale Town and enter the Pokémon Center. The PC is booted up, but we run away from it quickly.

0d 1h 0m [S] The Grunt sends out a Poochyena. We use our usual strategy, aka spamming Pound, but Treecko is already at low health and faints. We send out Slakoth.

0d 0h 59m [S] Some guy asks us if we've seen a Shroomish. Suddenly, some thug appears and challenges us! Vs. Team Aqua Grunt!

0d 0h 57m [S] We defeat Lyle's sixth and final Wurmple. Defeated Bug Catcher Lyle!

0d 0h 57m [R] We take down Rick's second Wurmple, ending the battle. Defeated Bug Catcher Rick!

0d 0h 56m [S] Lyle is sending an entire team of Wurmple at us. Treecko is taking them down one after the other. Treecko grew to Lv. 11 and learned Quick Attack!

0d 0h 55m [R] Seedot grew to Lv. 4! Torchic grew to Lv. 9!

0d 0h 55m [R] Vs. Bug Catcher Rick! He sends out Wurmple. Seedot uses Bide once, then we swap for Torchic.

0d 0h 54m [S] Vs. Bug Catcher Lyle!

0d 0h 54m [R] We swap Seedot for Torchic and take down Zigzagoon. Defeated Youngster Calvin!

0d 0h 53m [S] Caught a male Lv. 5 Slakoth! Nickname: BHHJVX.

[Snark] Wait, wait, you're sure you don't want a full team first? This seems a bit early.

0d 0h 52m [R] Vs. Youngster Calvin!

0d 0h 52m [R] We swap Torchic and Seedot's positions, putting the latter in first.

0d 0h 51m [S] We enter Petalburg Woods for the first time.

0d 0h 50m [S] We save.

0d 0h 50m [S] Winston sends out Zigzagoon. We just spam Pound at it, and while Winston does heal once at low health, we have no trouble taking it down. Treecko grew to Lv. 10! Defeated Rich Boy Winston!

0d 0h 49m [R] We walk back to Oldale Town and heal at the Poké Center.

[Snark] Reminder that Ruby has not yet reached the first Trainer in the game.

0d 0h 48m [R] We save.

0d 0h 48m [R] Caught a male Lv. 3 Wurmple! Nickname: ADDJII.

0d 0h 47m [S] We leave Petalburg City and get spotted further down the way by a Trainer. Vs. Rich Boy Winston!

0d 0h 46m [S] Wally thanks our Dad. The latter then recommends we go visit Rustboro City.

0d 0h 45m [R] Caught a female Lv. 3 Zigzagoon! No nickname.

0d 0h 45m [S] Wally encounters a wild Pokémon, and throws a Poké Ball at it... Caught a male Lv. 5 Ralts! No nickname.

0d 0h 44m [R] Caught a male Lv. 3 Seedot! Nickname: A.

0d 0h 43m [S] A boy named Wally comes in. Our Dad asks us to go with him as he goes to catch a Pokémon of his own.

0d 0h 42m [S] We enter the Gym in Petalburg City. Our Dad is there, hi Dad!

0d 0h 42m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 0h 41m [S] We dodge pretty much every Trainer on the way and arrive in Petalburg City.

0d 0h 41m [R] Onto Route 102 we go!

0d 0h 39m [R] We finally make our way to Route 101 once more.

0d 0h 39m [S] Chat was so excited that we ended up running away.

0d 0h 38m [R] We finally leave the house... and go visit our neighbour.

0d 0h 38m [S] A wild Ralts appeared! Chat is excited about it.

0d 0h 37m [R] Instead of pursuing the adventure, TERRA is just chilling at home with her Mom.

0d 0h 37m [S] Vs. Youngster Calvin! He sends out Zigzagoon, which we defeat easily. Treecko grew to Lv. 9! Defeated Youngster Calvin!

0d 0h 35m [S] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 0h 35m [R] We talk to our Mom, and receive the Running Shoes.

0d 0h 35m [S] We run back to Oldale Town.

0d 0h 35m [R] We make it back to the Lab and talk to Prof. Birch, who gives us the Pokédex! Brendan also has a gift for us, and hands us 5 Poké Balls!

0d 0h 34m [S] We talk to our Mom and receive the Running Shoes!

0d 0h 33m [R] We make our way down to Oldale Town and meet with Brendan, who asks us to meet him back at the Lab.

0d 0h 33m [S] Brendan also gives us 5 Poké Balls!

0d 0h 32m [S] We are back at the Lab, and Prof. Birch asks us to help with his research. Received the Pokédex!

0d 0h 32m [R] Brendan sends out Mudkip, and, well, it and Torchic just trade blows until Mudkip goes down. Torchic grew to Lv. 8! Defeated Pokémon Trainer Brendan!

0d 0h 31m [R] We made it to Brendan. Vs. Pokémon Trainer Brendan!

0d 0h 31m [S] We make our way down to Oldale Town. Brendan asks us to come to the Lab with him.

0d 0h 30m [R] Torchic grew to Lv. 7 and learned Focus Energy!

0d 0h 30m [S] Brendan sends out Torchic. Thanks to the level difference, we tank Scratch quite easily and take it down with a few Pounds. Defeated Pokémon Trainer Brendan!

0d 0h 29m [S] We made it to Brendan! He challenges us to a battle. Vs. Pokémon Trainer Brendan!

0d 0h 29m [S] Treecko grew to Lv. 8!

0d 0h 27m [R] Torchic grew to Lv. 6!

0d 0h 27m [S] We save too.

0d 0h 26m [R] We save.

0d 0h 26m [S] We enter the Poké Center in Oldale Town and heal.

0d 0h 25m [S] Treecko grew to Lv. 7!

[Info] Treecko is Lv. 6, I missed the level up, sorry.

0d 0h 23m [S] Back onto Route 101 we go.

0d 0h 23m [R] We enter the Oldale Poké Canter and heal.

[Snark] Nuzlocke failed.

0d 0h 21m [S] Wild Pokémon cause us to black out! We are back in our room at home.

0d 0h 21m [R] Arrived in Oldale Town.

[Fluff] Forgot to mention this, but Streamer's hand appeared to set Combusken and Grovyle figurines on top of the GameCubes after we picked our starters~

0d 0h 19m [S] We walk right past Oladle Town and onto Route 103.

0d 0h 19m [S] Arrived in Oldale Town.

0d 0h 18m [R] Onto Route 101 we go as well.

0d 0h 17m [S] We leave the Lab, and venture onto Roue 101.

0d 0h 17m [R] Received a female Lv. 5 Torchic! Nickname: AABBBBBBBB.

0d 0h 15m [S] Received a female Lv. 5 Treecko! Nickname: UUK.

0d 0h 15m [R] We picked Torchic as our starter!

0d 0h 15m [S] A wild Poochyena appears! We take it down and the Professor thanks us, taking us back to his lab.

0d 0h 15m [R] We make our way to Route 101, where we see Prof. Birch being chased around!

0d 0h 14m [S] We picked Treecko as our starter!

0d 0h 13m [S] Someone is shouting over there... It's the Professor! He's being chased!

0d 0h 13m [R] The boy's name is also Brendan (what are the odds), and he also leaves in a hurry.

0d 0h 12m [R] We once more read the boy's e-mails without even introducing ourselves. Double rude.

0d 0h 12m [S] We are back home in our room.

0d 0h 11m [R] Meanwhile, wet are meeting the neighbour on Ruby too. We go upstairs a few times, having trouble with the stairs...

0d 0h 11m [S] We end up actually talking to the boy. His name is Brendan, and he just remembered he was supposed to go help his dad. He leaves in a hurry, and so do we.

0d 0h 9m [S] We go upstairs where a boy is studying, and save the game before reading his e-mails. Rude.

0d 0h 8m [S] We enter our neighbour's home and meet the Professor's wife.

0d 0h 7m [R] Just missed Dad on TV. Mom suggests we go visit our neighbours.

0d 0h 6m [R] Ruby finally set the clock, it is 10am over there as well.

0d 0h 6m [S] We visited the lab, but found no one of note there.

0d 0h 5m [R] We check the GameCube in our room. Brain games!

0d 0h 5m [R] Meanwhile TERRA is just checking everything in her room, from her notebook, to her PC, to her map of the region.

0d 0h 4m [S] Dad is on TV! But we just missed it. We leave the house.

0d 0h 3m [S] Sapphire set the time, it is 10am.

0d 0h 2m [S] Sapphire is also playing as a girl, named aa!

0d 0h 1m [R] Ruby is playing as a girl named TERRA!

0d 0h 0m [R/S] The games have started!

[Info] Title screens are up! Three minutes to go!