Updater archive for #1ci491antkthk

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The 10th Anniversary Gauntlet Diamond/Pearl

[Intermission] Current intermission is divided into Animal Crossing on the left and PMD Explorers of Spirit, a romhack of PMD Explorers of Sky, on the right

[Info] The next run will be Pokémon Black & White, which will begin on March 18th at 21:00 UTC! See you then!

The original updater was one long updater for the whole gauntlet; this archive splits the updater by game. Link to next updater archive

[Recap] The game has ended, the urn has engulfed the entire screen, and we are now playing both Animal Crossing and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon as an intermission.

[Recap] At around 5d09h29m, AAAAAAA defeated Cynthia once again and entered the Hall of Fame with AEGIS the Bastiodon, KNIFE the Uxie, UH) the Empoleon, SOLARIS the Arceus, NpICHAA the Pachirisu, and HHEHEE the Noctowl.

[Intermission] Mystery Dungeon is resuming a save from January with a Lv 15 Squirtle named qq¿ftoB¡cd and Lv 15 Turtwig named R?888T555,
Animal Crossing is starting a new save, with 1cciv6❤️❤️ moving to unoovaef

[Info] The next run has been confirmed to be Dual Black and White, which will start on March 18th at 21:00 UTC! See you then!

[Intermission] Stream is back up, with Animal Crossing Wild World on the left side, and one of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of on the right side

[Intermission] Stream is back up, with Animal Crossing Wild World on the left side, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team on the right side

[Chat] The Urn will consume all

5d 9h 35m [D/P] Credits end, and the urn is resized to take up the whole screen. The stream is taken down

5d 9h 33m [D/P] Diamond's visuals and overlay are taken down, and the Urn grows to fill the blank space

5d 9h 30m [D/P] Inputs are muted, and credits play on the pearl side

5d 9h 30m [D] walked around the room a bit, then climbed back into bed and saved

5d 9h 29m [P] AEGIS the Bastiodon, KNIFE the Uxie, UH) the Empoleon, SOLARIS the Arceus, NpICHAA the Pachirisu and HHEHEE the Noctowl enter the Hall of Fame!

5d 9h 28m [D/P] the image of the urn behind the inputs is resized to be even larger, taking up the full width of the input bar

5d 9h 27m [P] Cynthia sends in Lucario. Arceus uses a Flamethrower and knocks out Lucario. Cynthia sends in Roserade. Arceus uses a Flamethrower and knocks out Roserade. Cynthia defeated

5d 9h 25m [P] Cynthia sends in Garchomp. Arceus continues to use Dark Pulse to deal less than half. Garchomp uses a Giga Impact. Arceus uses a Flamethrower, lands a critical hit and knocks out Garchomp.

5d 9h 24m [P] Arceus uses a Recover to return to full health. Milotic uses Ice Beam. Arceus another Dark Pulse, and Milotic flinches. One more Dark Pulse knocks out Milotic

5d 9h 23m [P] Arceus defrosts and uses a Dark Pulse. Milotic retaliates with Mirror Coat. Arceus uses Recover. Milotic uses Ice Beam. Arceus resumes using Dark Pulse as Milotic uses Surf.

5d 9h 21m [P] Arceus uses Recover. Milotic uses Ice Beam, and freezes Arceus. Milotic uses Surf a few times, then Mirror Coat, then Ice Beam while Arcues remains frozen solid

5d 9h 19m [P] Cynthia sends in Milotic. Arceus uses Dark Pulse, dealing less than half. Milotic uses Aqua Ring. Arceus uses a second Dark Pulse, and Milotic flinches. Arceus uses a third Dark Pulse, and Milotic barely holds on. Milotic uses Mirror Coat. Cynthia uses a Full Restore.

5d 9h 18m [D] goes to his room, then climbs into bed

5d 9h 17m [P] Cynthia sends out Gastrodon. Arceus uses Dark Pulse to inflict half of Gastrodon's health. Gastrodon uses Muddy Water. Arceus uses a second Dark Pulse, and Gastrodon holds on. Gastrodon uses Sludge Bomb. Arceus uses Dark Pulse to knock out Gastrodon.

5d 9h 16m [P] Arceus uses Cosmic Power. Spiritomb uses Embargo, but it fails. Arceus uses Cosmic Power to raise its defenses twice more. Spiritomb uses Silver Wind to deal three damage. Cynthia uses a Full Restore. Arceus uses a Flamethrower and knocks out Spiritomb. Bastiodon grew to Lv. 62, and Arceus grew to Lv. 84

5d 9h 15m [D] flies to Twinleaf and enters his house

5d 9h 14m [P] Vs. Champion Cynthia. Audio switches to Pearl. Cynthia's Spiritomb leads with Silver Wind, and Bastiodon uses Stealth Rocks. Spiritomb uses Embargo, and Bastiodon uses Toxic. We switch to Arceus. Spiritomb uses Silver Wind again

5d 9h 12m [D] flies to Survival Area.

5d 9h 12m [P] switches Bastiodon to the top of the party. We continue to the next room

5d 9h 11m [P] Arceus uses Dark Pulse to 1HKO's Alakazam, and Flamethrower to 1HKO Medicham. Lucian defeated

5d 9h 10m [D] flies to Fight Area

5d 9h 10m [P] Vs. Elite Four Lucian. Arceus uses Dark Pulse to 1HKO Mr. Mime, Flamethrower to 1HKO Bronzong and Dark Pulse to 1HKO Girafarig

5d 9h 8m [D] meanders around Twinleaf town some more, then flies to Hearthome

5d 9h 8m [P] We switch Arceus to the top of the party, then continue on to the next room

5d 9h 7m [P] Flint sends in Steelix. We switch to Arceus. Steelix uses Fire Fang for minimal damage. Arceus uses Flamethrower to defeat Steelix. Then Flint sends in Drifblim, and Arceus uses Flamethrower to knock out Drifblim. Flint defeated

5d 9h 4m [P] Flint sends in Lopunny. Empoleon uses Pluck. Lopunny's Mirror Coat fails. Lopunny uses Sunny Day. Empoleon uses a Surf attack. Lopunny uses Charm, then Empoleon uses a Flash Cannon. Lopunny faints

5d 9h 3m [P] Flint sends out Infernape. Infernape uses Flare Blitz to deal almost half damage to Empoleon. Empoleon uses Surf, and knocks out Infernape. Empoleon grew to Lv. 70

5d 9h 2m [P] Vs. Elite Four Flint. Flint's Rapidash leads with a Bounce, and Empoleon misses a Surf. The Bounce misses, then Empoleon hits with a Surf. Rapidash is knocked out

5d 9h 2m [D] We leave our house, then enter one of the other residences in the town

5d 9h 1m [P] We switch Empoleon to the top of the party, then move on to the next room

5d 9h 0m [D] goes upstairs to our room, and inspects the items around the room

5d 9h 0m [P] Bertha sends in Sudowoodo. Empoleon uses Surf one more time to knock out Sudowoodo. Bertha defeated

5d 8h 59m [P] Bertha sent out Whiscash. Empoleon continues to use Surf. Whiscash attacks with Zen Headbutt for minimal damage. Bertha uses a Full Restore. Empoleon continues to use Surf. A third Surf attack knocks out Whiscash

5d 8h 59m [D] looks at the journal

5d 8h 57m [P] We send in Empoleon. Empoleon uses surf to knock out Hippowdon. Bertha sends in Golem. Empoleon uses another Surf, and Golem is knocked out.

5d 8h 56m [D] We go home, talk to mom, heal, then watch TV

5d 8h 56m [P] Bertha sends in Hippowdon and a Sandstorm is whipped up. Pachirisu uses Grass Knot. Hippowdon uses a Stone Edge to knock out Pachirisu.

5d 8h 55m [P] Pachirisu uses Charm, but misses. Quagsire uses Dig, dealing large damage to Pachirisu. Pachirisu uses Grass Knot to knock out Quagsire.

5d 8h 55m [P] We switch Pachirisu to the front of the party, then moves on to the next room. Vs. Elite Four Bertha. Pachirisu leads with a Grass Knot, taking out half of the opposing Quagsire's health. Quagsire digs underground

5d 8h 54m [D] flies to twinleaf, and surfs in the pond at the south end of town

5d 8h 52m [D] inspects the hall of fame records

5d 8h 52m [P] Vs. Elite Four Aaron. Arceus uses Flamethrower to sweep through Aaron's bugs. Aaron defeated

5d 8h 50m [D] We take items from deposited pokemon that are holding items.

5d 8h 49m [P] We give a Sitrus Berry to Uxie, then begin a league challenge

5d 8h 48m [D/P] We apply ball capsules to our active team members

5d 8h 46m [P] We enter the lobby. We deposit Bibarel and withdraw Bastiodon. We deposit Honchkrow and withdraw Pachirisu

5d 8h 46m [D] files to Twinleaf, then flies to Sandgem

5d 8h 44m [D] flies to Sandgem town. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

5d 8h 42m [P] flies to the league

5d 8h 41m [P] SOLARIS 06 is renamed to SOLARIS

5d 8h 40m [D] After standing in the lobby looking at our bag, we step outside the tv station building and look through our bag there

5d 8h 39m [P] flies to Sandgem town and enter Lucas's house. The sister tells us that there are a bunch of Voltorb on Route 218. We fly to Eterna City

5d 8h 37m [P] goes to one of the tall residential buildings, and talk to the name rater. ;;Z YR the Arceus is renamed to SOLARIS 06

5d 8h 35m [P] uses an escape rope to leave the cave, then flies to Eterna City, enters the Pokémon Center and heal.

5d 8h 33m [P] A few dusk balls later and before Heatran wakes up from the Yawn, caught a female Lv. 70 Heatran! Nickname: HELLFROG.

5d 8h 31m [P] Arceus uses Dark Pulse a few times to lower Heatran's health to yellow, while Heatran deals chip damage to Arceus. We switch to Uxie. Uxie uses Yawn, then is Burned by Lava Plume, then uses a Shadow Ball to bring Heatran to red health. We start throwing Dusk Balls

5d 8h 28m [D] descends to the ground floor, then watches TV in the lobby. The show is talking about our 20-win streak at the battle tower

5d 8h 28m [P] reaches the inner sanctum. Vs. Heatran

5d 8h 26m [D] We go to the second floor, and enter the gallery. We look at some empty photo frames, then find a photo frame with a photo of a Scizor. We leave the gallery.

5d 8h 23m [D] We leave the GTS building and return to the TV Station building

5d 8h 21m [P] reaches the second room inside Stark Mountain

5d 8h 21m [D] talks to several of the people milling around the globe, and they talk about the globe. Then we talk to several people milling around the half of the building opposite from the globe, and they talk about trading

5d 8h 17m [D] We look at the Geonet globe. We register our home location as Kenya.

5d 8h 16m [D] runs over to the Global GTS building, and enters

5d 8h 14m [P] enters the Stark Mountain cave

5d 8h 13m [D] the president doesn't have any more apps for us. We leave.

5d 8h 13m [P] reaches the base of Stark Mountain

5d 8h 12m [D] We talk to the president again, and receive the Move Tester app

5d 8h 12m [D] runs to the Pokétch headquarters. We talk to the president and receive the Link Searcher app

5d 8h 10m [D] goes to the TV building and checks the Lotto Ticket. The last ticket matched, so we win a photo backdrop

5d 8h 8m [D] flies to Jubilife City

5d 8h 8m [P] reaches Route 227

5d 8h 7m [D] deposited Golduck and withdrew Raichu

5d 8h 7m [P] Arceus defeats a wild Pelliper and Arceus grew to Lv. 83

5d 8h 6m [D] steps out of the Poké Center, then reenters

5d 8h 4m [P] picked up a Lagging Tail

5d 8h 4m [D] boots up the PC and inspects WKKIII the Blaziken.

5d 8h 2m [P] goes east, and enters Route 226

5d 8h 2m [D] flies to the fight area. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

5d 8h 1m [P] enters a Mart. A postman is there. Received an Azure Flute. Bought some Ultra Balls. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

5d 8h 0m [D] We step out of the room and back in. Heatran did not respawn quite that fast. We use an Escape Rope.

5d 7h 58m [P] reaches the survival area. We talk to an old man, and the man says that the Magma Stone was found, so the legend was true

5d 7h 57m [D] Several timer balls later, Infernape is freed from a Fire Spin with 5HP left, and we run

5d 7h 55m [D] We send in Golduck. Heatran uses a Lava Plume and Burns Golduck, then Golduck uses Waterfall for chip damage. Heatran uses an Iron Head to knock out Golduck. We send in Honchkrow, and Honchkrow is quickly knocked out. We send in Infernape and start throwing Timer Balls

5d 7h 52m [D] Gastrodon is burned, then knocked out by Heatran

5d 7h 50m [P] Vs. Ace Trainer Rodolfo. Arceus roasts Rodolfo's Lickitung and Miltank, although Miltank does manages to barely survive the first attack.

5d 7h 48m [P] Spotted by Ranger Dwayne. Arceus uses Flamethrower to 1HKO Dwane's Donphan. Dwane defeated. We pick up a Revive

5d 7h 46m [D] Since Gastrodon resists Heatran's fire attacks and is holding Leftovers, Gastrodon is doing holding out well while we continue to throw Dusk Balls at Heatran

5d 7h 43m [D] While we throw a Quick Ball and Dusk Balls at Heatran, Heatran knocks out Girafarig with a Lava Plume attack

5d 7h 42m [P] is in Route 225

5d 7h 40m [D] We reach the back room. We encounter Heatran

5d 7h 40m [P] Buck does the thing. We use an escape rope to leave the cave

5d 7h 40m [D] The opponent sends in a Scyther. Gengar uses Thunderbolt on the opposing Scyther, Scyther faints then Gengar faints. Rampardos uses Zen Headbutt on Girafarig. A few more attacks later, the rest fo the opponent's pokemon are defeated. *Girafarig grew to Lv. 61 and Honchrow grew to Lv. 61

5d 7h 35m [D] Gengar uses Giga Drain on Rampardos and Rampardos barely holds on, then Girafarig uses Psychic to finish off Dunsparse. Gengar grew to Lv. 59. Rampardos uses a Zen Headbutt on Gengar and Gengar barely holds on. Girafarig falls asleep.

5d 7h 34m [P] reaches the end of the room. Buck enters the room and we follow

5d 7h 34m [D] Vs. Ace Trainers Skylar and Natasha. We send in Gengar and Girafaraig. Gengar uses Thunderbolt on the opposing Loudred for a 1HKO. Girafarig uses Psychic on Dunsparce. Duncsparce yawns. Skylar sends in Rampardos.

5d 7h 30m [P] Vs. Dragon Tamer Drake and Black Belt Jerret. Most of the opponents are defeated with Arceus's Dark Pulse attack

5d 7h 28m [D] passes through the first room, and reaches the second room

5d 7h 23m [D] enters the Stark Mountain cave

5d 7h 22m [P] Arceus grew to Lv. 82

5d 7h 22m [D] passes through Route 227, reaching the base of Stark Mountain

5d 7h 18m [P] Vs. Bird Keep Krystal and Black Belt Ray. Arceus roasts the opponents with Flamethrower. Meanwhile, Buck's Claydol attacks the opponents with either Ancient Power or Psychic. The opponents barely deal any damage in return.

5d 7h 12m [P] Arceus was given the Flame Plate to hold

5d 7h 11m [P] picked up a Flame Plate

5d 7h 8m [D] We move to Route 226

5d 7h 8m [P] encounters Buck. We team up with Buck.

5d 7h 7m [D] flies to Survival Area

5d 7h 6m [P] talks to Rival, who is standing outside the entrance to the next room. We then continue into the next room.

5d 7h 6m [D] bought 40 Dusk Ball

5d 7h 5m [P] smashed rocks and moved boulders to navigate the first room. Caught a male Lv. 56 Magcargo in a Dusk Ball. No nickname. Picked up a Full Restore

5d 7h 4m [D] looked at the ball pocket in the bag, then flew to the League

5d 7h 3m [D] Flew the survival area

5d 7h 1m [D] Returned to the Pokecenter, deposited Cranidos into box DEAOO and withdrew Golduck

5d 6h 58m [D] received a Cranidos. Nicknamed ZOE

5d 6h 58m [P] reached the cavern entrance, and heads inside

5d 6h 57m [D] deposited Golduck

5d 6h 56m [D] Flew to Oreburgh, then went to the Mining Museum. We give the fossil-studying scientist a skull fossil. The scientist won't give us a Cranidos until we make room in our party

5d 6h 54m [P] Currently climbing the outside of Stark Mountain

5d 6h 52m [D] In the survival area Poké Center, deposited Arceus and withdrew Golduck, then healed

5d 6h 39m [P] Caught a male Lv. 55 Camerupt! No nickname 5d 6h 46m [P] Caught a female Lv. 22 Rhyhorn! No nickname 5d 6h 47m [P] Caught a Lv. 56 Skarmory! No nickname 5d 6h 49m [P] Caught a Lv. 55 Fearow! No nickname

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[Chat] kattheswift: Dynamax Urn

5d 6h 24m [P] Vs. Pokémon Ranger Felicia. Arceus takes down her Lickitung and she sends out Vigoroth. Then inputs stop as the Diamond credits roll and Arceus and Vigoroth just stay there, staring at each other.

5d 6h 24m [D] The urn PNG got much bigger.

5d 6h 22m [D] p♀P once more enters the Hall of Fame, alongside ANNA the Girafarig, MIMAR the Gengar, W CCMNOE( the Honchkrow, p2WE♀L the Infernape, AG XO☃; the Arceus, and ABLOOO the Gastrodon!

5d 6h 21m [D] Defeated Ace Trainer Saul.

5d 6h 20m [D] Defeated Champion Cynthia!

5d 6h 20m [P] Vs. Ace Trainer Saul! He sends out Tauros.

5d 6h 20m [D] Lucario is sent out! We use Flamethrower again, and it goes down!

5d 6h 19m [D] Infernape grew to LV. 63!

5d 6h 19m [D] Roserade is sent out, and Flamethrower easily deals with it.

5d 6h 18m [D] Cynthia sends out Garchomp. It breaks the substitute with Brick Break, then gets taken down by a critical Focus Blast!

5d 6h 17m [D] Infernape uses Substitute despite already having one. Milotic uses Mirror Coat, which fails. Next turn, Flamethrower takes down Milotic.

5d 6h 17m [D] Another Flamethrower, as we try to save our last Focus Blasts. Milotic once again holds on however, then breaks the substitute. Infernape creates another one.

5d 6h 16m [D] Cynthia uses a Full Restore. We use Flamethrower.

5d 6h 15m [D] Milotic is sent out by Cynthia. Using the health regaines through the Shell Bell, Infernape creates a new Substitute, then uses Focus Blast. Milotic holds on, and uses Ice Beam on the substitute, which does not break.

5d 6h 14m [D] Cynthia sends out Gastrodon. Infernape uses Focus Blast, and takes it down.

5d 6h 14m [D] Infernape is low on health, but manages to take down Spiritomb with two Flamethrowers, although losing its latest substitute in the process.

5d 6h 12m [D] Another omniboost for Spiritomb... and then a fourth one. Chat erupts into incredulous laughter.

5d 6h 11m [D] Infernape starts to set up Calm Minds until its substitute fades away. Spiritomb gets another omniboost from Silver Wind. Infernape creates another Substitute which gets immediately broken, then another one again.

5d 6h 9m [P] Caught a female Lv. 55 Weezing! Nickname: KLPYT.

5d 6h 9m [D] Girafarig uses Substitute, then Baton Passes to Infernape.

5d 6h 9m [D] We send out Girafarig. Cynthia sends Spiritomb and uses Silver Wind. Girafarig doesn't take too much damage, but Spiritomb gets a boost to all its stats.

5d 6h 8m [D] Vs. Champion Cynthia!

5d 6h 8m [D] Caught a male Lv. 55 Rhydon! Nickname: RDQECEZ.

5d 6h 7m [D] Girafarig and Alakazam both get X-Scissored as well. Bronzong, the last Pokémon, is sent out... and goes down rather easily as well. Defeated Elite Four Lucian!

5d 6h 6m [P] Caught a female Lv. 20 Rattata! Nickname: @@%~😄~/.

5d 6h 4m Caught a male Lv. 51 Raticate! No nickname.

5d 6h 4m [D] Lucian sends Mr. Mime. Arceus uses X-Scissor, and Mr. Mime goes down. Medicham, which comes out next, goes down the same way.

5d 6h 2m [D] Vs. Elite Four Lucian!

5d 6h 2m [P] Caught a female Lv. 51 Banette! No nickname.

5d 6h 1m [P] Rapidash is down. Defeated Ace Trainer Ariana!

5d 6h 0m [D] Drifblim is sent out! Infernape uses Flamethrower, and thanks to its boosted stats, Drifblim goes down! Infernape grew to Lv. 62! Defeated Elite Four Flint!

5d 6h 0m [P] Chansey goes down at last, and Rapidash is next.

5d 5h 59m [D] With its stats maxed out, Infernape takes down Lopunny, then Steelix.

5d 5h 58m [D] Flint uses a Full Restore; we keep using Calm Mind.

5d 5h 58m [P] Chansey is sent out next.

5d 5h 58m [D] We swap to Infernape, and use Substitute to protect ourselves as we set up Calm Minds.

5d 5h 57m [P] Vs. Ace Trainer Ariana. She sends out Ambipom. Arceus takes it down.

5d 5h 56m [D] Charm again. We change tactics and badly poison Lopunny.

5d 5h 55m [D] Flint sends out Lopunny. It uses Charm to greatly lower Gastrodon's Attack, and as such is able to tank Earthquake pretty well.

5d 5h 54m [D] Infernape is next, and it uses Earthquake as well. Gastrodon tanks it pretty well, and its own Earthquake takes down Infernape.

5d 5h 54m [D] Vs. Elite Four Flint! He sends out Rapidash, which Gastrodon takes down with Earthquake as it absorbs sunlight.

5d 5h 53m [P] Caught a male Lv. 54 Hippowdon! No nickname.

5d 5h 52m [D] Whiscash is sent last, and Arceus takes it down as well. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

5d 5h 51m [D] Sudowoodo goes down and Golem is sent out. It gets taken out by Ice Beam.

5d 5h 50m [D] Hippowdon goes down, and Sudowoodo is sent out. Arceus uses Earth Power.

5d 5h 49m [D] Hippodown is sent out; we swap to Arceus.

5d 5h 48m [D] We send out Gengar and use Giga Drain on Quagsire, which goes down.

5d 5h 47m [D] Vs. Elite Four Bertha!

5d 5h 47m [P] Caught a female Lv. 53 Cacturne! Nickname: ZGOAC!.

5d 5h 46m [D] We take the Amulet Coin from Infernape and give it the Shell Bell.

5d 5h 45m [P] Defeated Pokémon Rangers Kyler and Krista.

5d 5h 43m [D] Heracross and Vespiqueen also go down to Flamethrower. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

5d 5h 42m [D] Drapion is sent out, and goes down as well.

5d 5h 42m [D] Beautifly is sent out, and goes down to another Flamethrower.

5d 5h 41m [P] The Pearl side is currently on Route 228. Vs. Pokémon Rangers Kyler and Krista!

5d 5h 41m [D] We set up a Substitute. Flamethrower misses dut to Dustox's many Double Teams, but hits the next turn, and Dustox goes down!

5d 5h 40m [P] Found TM37 Sandstorm!

5d 5h 40m [D] We are challenging the Pokémon League! Vs. Elite Four Aaron! He sends out Dustox, and we set up Calm Mind with Infernape.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark, probably until we challenge either a Legendary or the League. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

5d 4h 32m [P] We are currently grinding against Socialite Reina and Gentleman Jeremy.

5d 4h 30m [D] We teach Earth Power to Arceus over Hyper Beam.

5d 4h 29m [P] We go down Route 212.

5d 4h 28m [D] We exit the building and fly to Pastoria City to visit the Move Relearner.

5d 4h 26m [D] We boot up another TM and teach Arceus X-Scissor over Future Sight.

5d 4h 24m [P] We fly back to Hearthome City.

5d 4h 22m [D] We boot up a TM and teach Ice Beam to Arceus over Refresh.

5d 4h 22m [P] We teach Cosmic Power to Arceus over Refresh.

5d 4h 21m [P] We fly to Pastoria City and visit the Move Relearner.

5d 4h 20m [D] We deposit Golduck in the PC and withdraw Arceus.

5d 4h 19m [D] We heal.

5d 4h 18m [P] We boot up another TM and teach Dark Pulse to Arceus over Future Sight.

5d 4h 18m [D] We leave the Department Store and fly to the Pokémon League.

5d 4h 16m [P] We boot up a TM and teach Flamethrower to Arceus over Hyper Beam.

5d 4h 14m [P] We fly again, to Hearthome City.

5d 4h 14m [D] We enter the Veilstone Department Store.

5d 4h 12m [D] We fly to Veilstone City.

5d 4h 12m [P] On Route 213, picked up 5 Sitrus Berries and planted an Oran Berry. Then we flew to Oreburgh City.

5d 4h 8m [P] We deposit Bibarel and withdraw Arceus.

5d 4h 7m [D] We leave Spear Pillar through Mt. Coronet.

5d 4h 6m [P] We fly to Pastoria City, where we enter the Poké Center and heal.

5d 4h 6m [D] Caught a Lv. 80 Arceus! Nickname: AG XO☃;. Caught it at full health too, impressively enough.

5d 4h 3m [P] Noctowl takes down a wild Medicham and grows to Lv. 62.

5d 4h 2m [D] Girafarig is down.

5d 4h 2m [P] We used a Revive on Noctowl, then Bibarel fainted to a wild Chimecho.

5d 3h 59m [P] Caught a Lv. 80 Arceus! Nickname: ;;Z YR.

5d 3h 57m [P] Empoleon fainted from a Future Sight attack.

5d 3h 57m [P] Arceus froze from Ice Beam, and is at very low health...

5d 3h 56m [D] Gastrodon and Infernape have both fainted.

[Snark] Two of them...

5d 3h 54m [D] We open the Hall of Origin. Vs. Arceus!

5d 3h 53m [P] Uxie is down as well.

5d 3h 53m [D] Caught a Lv. 47 Dialga! Nickname: Bid.

5d 3h 50m [P] Bastiodon, Empoleon and Noctowl have all fainted. Uxie is trying to put Arceus to sleep, but our attempts to catch it are still inconclusive.

5d 3h 49m [D] Vs. Dialga!

5d 3h 48m [D] We arrived at the Spear Pillar. Repel's effects wore off.

5d 3h 46m [D] Found a Rare Candy!

5d 3h 41m [P] Arceus fainted again. Leaving and returning once more.

[Recap] [P] Between 4d 4h 41m and 5d 3h 5m: Pearl grinded in Victory Road, in the process ??? evolved into a Grass Cloak Wormadam at 4d 5h 39m, and caught a Magikarp named KAGIIIB at 4d 5h 49m and a Remoraid named NGUN at 4d 6h 15m. After an e4 attempt, pearl went around the region. Pearl rode down Cycling road and flew back tot he top to ride down again several times, hatching a Chansey egg at 4d9h51m. Pearl then fought Socialite Reina several times in a row, and used the prize money to buy a lot of coins which were exchanged for TMs. Pearl then fought Socialite Reina several more times, before then resuming League attempts and Urning. When Pearl came back online, Pearl went to Celestic Town get the Dialga entry, and then obtained the National Pokedex upgrade at 4d 17h 46m. Pearl recieved the Member Card, then went to full moon island and obtained a Lunar Wing, cured a boy's nightmares, then went to newmoon island and caught a Lv. 40 Darkrai at 4d18h15m named ;GUANO. Pearl recieved Oak's Letter. Pearl escorted Marley through a side path of Victory Road and then traversed Route 224, and found Oak at the end of the route. Pearl expressed thanks to EGGPLANT, and ran from Shaymin four times and knocked out Shaymin once before catching Shaymin. Pearl then went to Turnback Cave and caught Giratina. Pearl then went to the battle area, explored the battle area for a while, then visted the Pal Park and took part in a catching show. Pearl obtained an Azure Flute, then caught Palkia

[Recap] [D] Between 4d 4h 41m and 5d 3h 5m: Diamond fought and knocked out Uxie. Diamond caught a Lv. 50 Azelf in a Master Ball at 4d 5h 37m, nicknamed STICK. Received the National Pokedex upgrade at 4d 5h 42m. Then Diamond explored the battle zone. Then Diamond received an Eevee from Bebe, then explored the Snowpoint Temple. Diamond escorted Marley through a side path of Victory Road, then traversed Route 224, catching a Chatot while traversing the route and reaching the smooth mirror-like rock at the end of the route. Diamond entered Girafarig in a Normal Tough Contest and won, then entered Girafarig in a Great Cute contest and got fourth place. Then Diamond fought at the battle tower, getting a 20-win streak before loosing to Palmer. Diamond caught Giratina in a Dusk Ball. Entered Golduck in a Normal Smart contest and got fourth place, then entered Giaratina in a Normal Beauty contest and got third place. Diamond recieved Oaks Letter, then went to the rock on route 224, and expressed thanks to AMOGUS and caught Shaymin. Diamond escorted Buck through Stark Maountain. Diamond visited Fullmoon Island, obtained a lunar wing and cured a boy's nightmares, then obtained a Member Card and visited Newmoon Island and caught a darkrai. Diamond obtained an Azure Flute. Diamond visted Pal Park and took part in a catching show.

5d 3h 34m [D] We're back in Mt. Coronet

5d 3h 34m [P] Arceus fainted again, so we reset once more. Vs. Arceus!

5d 3h 33m [D] We're now on Route 207.

5d 3h 26m [D] We're now in Mt. Coronet.

5d 3h 25m [P] We leave, come back, and open the Hall of Origin again. Vs. Arceus!

5d 3h 24m [P] Arceus fainted again.

5d 3h 24m [D] We give Infernape a Shell Bell to hold.

5d 3h 22m [D] Caught a male Lv. 18 Zangoose! Nickname: GROOS0E.

5d 3h 19m [D] We leave Hearthome City and are now on Route 208.

5d 3h 16m [P] We come back to the Hall of Origin. Vs. Arceus!

5d 3h 15m [D] We are back inside the Foreign Building and playing music with our badges.

5d 3h 14m [P] We exit the Hall of Origin.

5d 3h 13m [D] We fly to Hearthome City.

5d 3h 13m [P] Arceus faints again. Bastiodon grew to Lv. 61!

5d 3h 12m [D] We fly to Sandgem Town, where a girl informs us of a swarm of Voltorb on Route 218.

5d 3h 8m [P] We return to the Hall of Origin. Vs. Arceus!

5d 3h 5m [P] Arceus has been knocked out.

[Recap] The Diamond side is currently inside the Foreign Building with a team consisting of Gastrodon, Infernape, Honchkrow, Gengar, Girafarig and Golduck, while the Pearl side is currently battling Arceus in the Hall of Origin with a team made up of Bastiodon, Noctowl, Honchkrow, Bibarel, Uxie, and Empoleon.

[Recap] The Pearl side has received ARYYYYYYYY (Latios), AIINBm (Kyogre), Bagon (Bagon), WWTHHHBB (Manectric), Castform (Castform), and , (Shuppet) from Super Gauntlet Sapphire through the Pal Park.

[Recap] The Diamond side has received CC, (Groudon), Jirachi (Jirachi), Cob (Beldum), WKKIII (Blaziken), vvvjj (Latias), and KEK (Kecleon) from Super Gauntlet Ruby through the Pal Park.

[Recap] Both sides have caught Giratina, Darkrai and Shaymin, and the Pearl side also caught Palkia.

[Info] The team on Pearl upon finishing the game was AEGIS the Bastiodon, HHEHEE the Noctowl, NpICHAA the Pachirisu, UH) the Empoleon, and KNIFE the Uxie.

[Snark] You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.

4d 16h 3m [P] The Pearl side urned.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 4h 41m [D] Vs. Aroma Lady Hannah!

4d 4h 40m [D] We fly to Hearthome City.

4d 4h 36m [D] Our Mom informs us that Barry came back, and is waiting for us at Snowpoint City.

4d 4h 36m [D] The game starts again. Chat is temporarily distressed as Infernape is missing from the overlay, but it comes back once inputs resume.

4d 4h 30m [D/P] Inputs stop as the credits roll.

4d 4h 27m [P] We planted four Sitrus Berries.

4d 4h 26m Entering the Hall of Fame! ANNA the Girafarig! p2WE♀L the Infernape! ABLOOO the Gastrodon! W CCMNOE( the Honchkrow! GOROCHU the Raichu! MIMAR the Gengar! Congratulations, p♀P!

4d 4h 24m [D] Defeated Champion Cynthia! TEH URN!

4d 4h 24m [D] Lucario is sent out! Another Flamethrower, and it goes down as well!

4d 4h 23m [D] Roserade is next! Infernape uses Flamethrower, and it goes down!

4d 4h 23m [D] Garchomp is sent out! It breaks the Substitute with Earthquake, then Infernape takes it down with Focus Blast!

4d 4h 22m [P] We retrieved an Egg from the Daycare. We're now on Route 210.

4d 4h 22m [D] Milotic is sent out. Focus Blast misses, but Milotic uses Aqua Ring. Next turn, Focus Blast hits and Milotic goes down! Infernape grew to Lv. 68!

4d 4h 21m [D] Gastrodon is sent by Cynthia. Infernape uses Focus Blast, and Gastrodon goes down.

4d 4h 20m [D] Infernape set up another Substitute, then used enough Calm Minds to now be at +6 Sp. Atk and +6 Sp. Def. It uses Flamethrower and Spiritomb goes down.

4d 4h 19m [P] We boot up the PC and deposit Honchkrow.

4d 4h 18m [D] The substitute fades while Infernape uses Calm Mind to boost its stats.

4d 4h 18m [P] We fly again, to Solaceon Town.

4d 4h 17m [D] Girafarig sets up a Substitute, then uses Baton Pass to switch to Infernape.

4d 4h 17m [P] We fly to Hearthome City.

4d 4h 16m [D] We send out Girafarig against Spiritomb and set up a Light Screen.

4d 4h 16m [D] Vs. Champion Cynthia! (Attempt #2)

[Recap] The Diamond side has made another attempt at the League, and is about to face Cynthia. The Pearl side deposited Noctowl in favor of Lopunny, then went through the League and lost to Lucian, before depositing Lopunny again and retrieving Honchkrow.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 3h 18m [P] Bastiodon goes down and we black out!

4d 3h 17m [D] We fly to Sunyshore City.

4d 3h 17m [P] Bastiodon kinda... can't damage Bronzong in any way, so it's just waiting for it to wake up and take us out of our misery right now.

4d 3h 15m [P] Uxie is taken out! We send Bastiodon.

4d 3h 15m [P] Uxie uses Yawn again, as Lucian sets up another Calm Mind.

[Snark] We can probably all agree that we hate Lucian so much right now.

4d 3h 13m [P] Bronzong is almost down... and Lucian uses a Full Restore.

4d 3h 13m [D] We take the Exp. Share from Gastrodon.

4d 3h 13m [P] We send out Uxie again.

4d 3h 12m [P] Bronzong uses Psychic, and Mismagius faints.

4d 3h 12m [D] We are walking back and forth to recharge the Vs. Seeker.

4d 3h 12m [P] Bronzong is now setting up Calm Minds.

4d 3h 11m [P] We send out Mismagius and confuse Bronzong.

4d 3h 11m [P] Empoleon uses Surf, triggering Bronzong's Sitrus Berry. Bronzong then wakes up and uses Earthquake; Empoleon is knocked out!

4d 3h 10m [P] We switch to Empoleon.

4d 3h 9m [D] We fly again, to Eterna City, then venture onto Route 205.

4d 3h 9m [P] Bronzong goes back to sleep.

4d 3h 8m [P] Bronzong wakes up and uses Gyro Ball. We use Yawn again. The Sitrus Berry heals us once more.

4d 3h 7m [P] Bronzong goes to sleep from Yawn after getting hit by Shadow Ball, and Uxie recycles its Sitrus Berry twice to heal.

[Snark] Sheesh guys, the Poké Center is not that far, use your legs.

4d 3h 6m [D] We fly to Veilstone City, where we already were.

4d 3h 6m [P] We switch to Uxie, which immediately heals with its Sitrus Berry.

4d 3h 6m [P] Lucian withdraws Girafarig, and sends out Bronzong instead, which walls Toxic thanks to its Steel-type.

4d 3h 5m [P] Bastiodon burrows underground while letting poison take effect.

4d 3h 4m [D] We use all 6 Calcium on Gengar.

4d 3h 4m [P] Girafarig gets badly poisoned by Bastiodon.

4d 3h 3m [P] Girafarig is sent out. We switch to Bastiodon.

4d 3h 2m [D] Bought 6 Calcium!

4d 3h 2m [P] Mismagius confuses Mr. Mime, then sets up a Substitute, as Mr. Mime uses Reflect, then gets taken out by Shadow Ball. Mismagius grew to Lv. 56!

4d 3h 1m [P] Lucian sends out Mr. Mime, and we send Mismagius.

4d 3h 0m [P] Vs. Elite Four Lucian!

4d 2h 59m [D] We enter the Veilstone Department Store.

4d 2h 58m [P] Drifblim is sent out. It uses Double Team, but doesn't dodge the critical hit from Surf that causes it to go down. Empoleon grew to Lv. 60! Defeated Elite Four Flint!

4d 2h 57m [D] We fly to Veilstone City.

4d 2h 57m [P] Flint uses a Full Restore. Empoleon uses Surf again, and Steelix goes down for good!

4d 2h 57m [P] We switch to Empoleon and use Surf. Steelix survives however.

4d 2h 56m [D] Gastrodon grew to Lv.54 and learned Recover!

4d 2h 56m [P] Dig damage plus poison take down Lopunny! Steelix is sent out next.

4d 2h 56m [D] We exit the Pokémon League building to grind against the wild Pokémon in the water.

4d 2h 55m [P] Lopunny sets up harsh sunlight. Bastiodon digs underground to get some shade (and also more importantly to stall).

4d 2h 54m [P] Bastiodon heals with Rest, then upon waking up badly poisons Lopunny.

4d 2h 54m [D] Alakazam takes down Infernape, and we black out!

4d 2h 53m [P] Lopunny is next. We switch back to Bastiodon.

4d 2h 53m [P] Infernape is sent out, and Empoleon easily takes it down as well.

4d 2h 53m [D] Alakazam is sent out.

4d 2h 52m [D] Infernape takes down Medicham with Flamethrower.

4d 2h 52m [P] Empoleon uses Surf as Rapidash aborbs light, and takes it down before it can attack.

4d 2h 52m [P] We swap to Empoleon. Flint uses a Full Restore on Rapidash.

4d 2h 51m [D] Ice Punch also takes down Honchkrow.

4d 2h 51m [D] We swap to gastrodon, who goes down to Ice Punch.

4d 2h 50m [P] Bastiodon badly poisons Rapidash, then sets up Stealth Rock, before going to sleep to heal with Rest.

4d 2h 50m [D] Lucian uses a Full Restore on Mr. Mime as we send out Honchkrow. Night Slash takes Mr. mime down, and Medicham is next.

4d 2h 49m [P] Vs. Elite Four Flint! We send Bastiodon against his Rapidash.

4d 2h 49m [D] Lucian sends out Mr. Mime. Gengar almost takes it out with Shadow Ball, but gets taken out itself by Psychic.

4d 2h 48m [D] Vs. Elite Four Lucian!

4d 2h 48m [P] We boot up TM30, and teach Shadow Ball to Uxie over Water Pulse.

4d 2h 47m [D] Drifblim is sent out. The substitute withstands Ominous Wind, and two Flamethrower attacks manage to take down Drfblim. Defeated Elite Four Flint!

4d 2h 46m [P] Sudowoodo can't do much against Empoleon, and goes down to Surf. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

4d 2h 46m [D] Steelix is sent out. Flamethrower takes it down swiftly.

4d 2h 45m [P] Two Surf attacks and Whiscash goes down. Empoleon grew to lv. 60!

4d 2h 45m [D] We send out Infernape and set up a Substitute, before taking down Lopunny with Flamethrower.

4d 2h 44m [P] Empoleon easily takes out Golem, and Whiscash is next.

4d 2h 44m [D] Girafarig uses Psychic, but Lopunny returns the damage twofold with Mirror Coat, and Girafarig goes down.

[Snark] I kept writing "Hippowdon" as "Hippodown" because I am an idiot.

4d 2h 43m [P] We send out Empoleon and use Surf. Hippowdon is taken out!

4d 2h 42m [D] Lopunny is sent out. We swap to Girafarig.

4d 2h 42m [P] Quagsire goes down to another Grass Knot. Hippodown is sent out next, and it tanks a Grass Knot before using Earthquake to take down Pachirisu.

[Snark] I hope Flint's room is well equiped to resist excessive seismic activity.

4d 2h 41m [D] We send out Gastrodon and use Earthquake. Infernape survives and heals with a Sitrus Berry, then hits us with an Earthquake of its own before going down to another Earthquake.

4d 2h 40m [P] Quagsire is sent out. Pachirisu uses Grass Knot.

4d 2h 39m [P] Vs. Elite Four Bertha!

4d 2h 39m [D] Infernape is sent out. It uses Earthquake, and Raichu faints.

4d 2h 39m [D] Raichu uses Thunderbolt, and Rapidash goes down. Gastrodon grew to Lv. 53!

4d 2h 38m [D] Flint sends out Rapidash, who springs up. Raichu uses Nasty Plot twice, and Rapidash gets paralyzed by Static as Bounce hits!

4d 2h 38m [P] Another Thunderbolt, and Vespiqueen goes down! Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

4d 2h 37m [D] Vs Elite Four Flint!

4d 2h 37m [P] Pachirisu uses Thunderbolt, and paralyzes Vespiqueen.

4d 2h 37m [P] We swap to Pachirisu, and use Thunderbolt. Beautifly goes down! Vespiqueen is sent out next.

4d 2h 36m [D] Sudowoodo is sent out. Raichu uses Focus Blast to obliterate it. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

4d 2h 36m [P] Heracross goes down to another Psychic. Beautifly is next.

4d 2h 35m [P] We send out Uxie. Psychic does decent damage to heracross, but so does a critical Night Slash to Uxie.

4d 2h 35m [D] Golem and Wiscash both go down to Grass Knot as well.

4d 2h 35m [P] Heracross is sent out. We swap back to Noctowl, and Heracross takes it down.

4d 2h 34m [P] We swap to Empoleon, and take down Drapion with Surf.

4d 2h 34m [D] Hippodown goes Hippo-down from Grass Knot.

4d 2h 33m [P] Noctowl gets poisoned but finally manages to put Drapion to sleep.

4d 2h 33m [D] Raichu grew to Lv. 59!

4d 2h 32m [D] Raichu uses Nasty Plot, then goes for Grass Knot, but Quagsire protects from it. Next turn however, Grass Knot lands and Quagsire goes down.

4d 2h 32m [P] Drapion wakes up, and Noctowl attempts a Silver Wind before missing again with Hypnosis.

4d 2h 31m [D] Vs. Elite Four Bertha!

4d 2h 31m [P] Noctowl misses again! It's now at orange health, but finally lands Hypnosis, and Drapion goes to sleep.

4d 2h 30m [P] Noctowl misses with Hypnosis.

4d 2h 30m [P] Dustox goes down. Drapion is sent next.

4d 2h 29m [D] One more Flamethrower, and Vespiqueen goes down! Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

4d 2h 29m [P] We send out Noctowl against Dustox and use Air Slash.

4d 2h 28m [D] Flamethrower takes down Heracross as well.

4d 2h 28m [P] Vs. Elite Four Aaron!

4d 2h 28m [D] Drapion goes down as well. Gastrodon grew to Lv. 52!

4d 2h 28m [D] Beautifly goes down and Infernape grows to Lv. 56!

4d 2h 27m [P] We send out Uxie and use Yawn. It then gets sent in the red by Muddy Water, and after landing a Psychic, it gets taken out by a critical Sludge Bomb. We black out!

4d 2h 26m [P] Gastrodon is sent out. It uses Earthquake, and Bastiodon faints.

4d 2h 26m [D] Infernape uses Flamethrower and Dustox goes down!

4d 2h 25m [P] Spiritomb is down at last, and Bastiodon grows to Lv. 59!

4d 2h 25m [D] Infernape takes advantage of its Substitute to max out its stats with Calm Mind.

4d 2h 25m [P] Bastiodon is using Dig while the poison slowly takes out Spiritomb.

4d 2h 24m [D] Infernape uses Substitute.

4d 2h 24m [D] Vs. Elite Four Aaron!

4d 2h 23m [P] Spiritomb is almost down, but Cynthia uses a Full Restore. Bastiodon wakes up, and badly poisons it again.

4d 2h 22m [P] Bastiodon sets up Stealth Rocks and badly poisons Spiritomb. It then uses Rest to heal from the hit it took from Spiritomb's attacks.

4d 2h 21m [D] We send out Infernape and use Focus Blast. Milotic retorts with Surf, and Infernape goes down! We black out!

4d 2h 21m [P] Cynthia sends out Spiritomb and we send Bastiodon.

4d 2h 20m [D] Milotic is sent out. It uses Ice Beam. Honchkrow faints!

4d 2h 20m [P] Vs. Champion Cynthia! (Attempt #1)

4d 2h 20m [D] Spiritomb goes for Silver Wind, while Honchkrow heals with Roost. It then tanks a Dark Pulse before taking Spiritomb down!

4d 2h 19m [P] Bronzong finally goes down! Defeated Elite Four Lucian!

4d 2h 19m [D] Cynthia uses a Full Restore on Spiritomb. We keep using Night Slash.

4d 2h 19m [P] Bronzong wakes up, but hurts itself in confusion.

4d 2h 18m [D] Cynthia sends out Spiritomb. We send Honchkrow and use Night Slash.

4d 2h 18m [D] Vs. Champion Cynthia! (Attempt #1)

4d 2h 17m [P] Bronzong hurts itself in confusion, then goes back to sleep. Uxie uses this opportunity to heal again.

4d 2h 17m [D] Honchkrow manages to take down Bronzong! Defeated Elite Four Lucian!

4d 2h 17m [P] Uxie racycles its Sitrus Berry again, while Bronzong, now waken, uses Calm Mind.

4d 2h 16m [D] Honchkrow uses Night Slash, while Bronzong is setting up Calm Mind.

4d 2h 16m [P] Bronzong is back to sleep. Uxie is using Water Pulse.

4d 2h 15m [D] Bronzong is sent out. Both sides are now at the same point...

4d 2h 15m [D] Honchkrow takes out Alakazam, then Girafarig. Honchkrow grew to Lv. 50!

4d 2h 14m [P] Bronzong wakes up and uses Gyro ball. Uxie holds on and recycles its Sitrus Berry to heal again, then makes Bronzong drowsy once more.

4d 2h 14m [D] Honchkrow is sent out, and takes down Medicham with Sucker Punch. Alakazam is next.

4d 2h 13m [D] Gengar goes down to a Fire Punch. We swap to Girafarig, which also goes down.

4d 2h 13m [P] Uxie recycles its Sitrus Berry to heal, then Bronzong goes asleep from yawn.

4d 2h 12m [D] We swap to Gengar, which gets hit by Ice Punch.

4d 2h 12m [P] Bronzong uses Earthquake and Pachirisu goes down. We send Uxie.

4d 2h 12m [D] Night Slash takes down Mr. Mime. Medicham is sent out.

4d 2h 11m [P] We send out Pachirisu. Lucian uses a Full Restore on Bronzong.

4d 2h 11m [D] We send in Anna and set up a Substitute. Lucian's Mr Mime takes it down, then we Baton Pass to Honchkrow.

4d 2h 10m [P] Bronzong actually doesn't manage to land an attack, but Mismagius is out of PP for Shadow Ball. It uses Attract, which has no effect, then gets taken down.

4d 2h 9m [D] Vs. Elite Four Lucian!

4d 2h 9m [P] Bronzong is hurting itself in confusion, letting Mismagius uses Shadow Ball unpunished.

4d 2h 8m [P] Bronzong is sent out. Mismagius uses Confuse Ray to, well, confuse it.

4d 2h 8m [P] Mismagius uses Shadow Ball to take down Alakazam. Uxie grew to Lv. 57!

4d 2h 7m [D] Infernape takes down Drifblim! Defeated Elite Four Flint!

4d 2h 7m [D] The substitute breaks, and Infernape uses Calm Mind, but then gets hit by a critical hit with Ominous Wind. It hold on though.

4d 2h 7m [P] Yawn puts Alakazam to sleep! We swap to Mismagius.

4d 2h 6m [D] Infernape takes down Steelix with Flamethrower. Drifblim is next, and Infernape uses Substitute.

4d 2h 5m [P] Lucian sends out Alakazam. It misses with Focus Blast, and Uxie uses Recycle to recover its Sitrus Berry, letting it heal.

4d 2h 5m [D] Steelix is sent out, and it takes out Gastrodon. We send Infernape.

4d 2h 4m [P] Uxie put Medicham to sleep with yawn while easily tanking Drain Punches. It then uses Psychic to chip at its health until it goes down.

4d 2h 4m [D] Gastrodon uses Surf, but it doesn't do much. Lopunny puts it into red health. Earthquake fails to take it down, then it sets up sun instead of finishing Gastrodon and goes down to another Earthquake!

4d 2h 2m [P] We swap to Uxie.

4d 2h 2m [P] Bastiodon uses Dig, and inflicts a critical hit. Girafarig goes down! Medicham is sent out next.

4d 2h 2m [D] Infernape went down! Lopunny is next.

4d 2h 1m [D] We send out Gastrodon. It tanks another Flare Blitz, and uses Earthquake.

4d 2h 1m [D] Flint sends Infernape and uses Flare Blitz. Raichu goes down!

4d 2h 1m [P] Bastiodon badly poisons Girafarig.

4d 2h 0m [D] Gastrodon grew to Lv. 51!

4d 2h 0m [D] Raichu uses Thunderbolt, and Rapidash goes down.

4d 2h 0m [P] Bastiodon uses Rest to heal.

4d 1h 59m [D] Flint's Rapidash bounces up, and our Raichu uses Nasty Plot to raise its stats.

4d 1h 59m [P] Mr. Mime snaps out of confusion, but infatuation holds it back long enough for us to finish it off. Girafarig is sent out next, and we swap to Bastiodon.

4d 1h 58m [D] Vs. Elite Four Flint!

4d 1h 58m [P] Despite infatuation and confusion, Mr. Mime uses Thunderbolt, and the Substitute fades!

4d 1h 57m [P] Mismagius uses Shadow Ball. Lucian uses a Full Restore, and Mismagius sets up a Substitute before confusing Mr. Mime with Confuse Ray, then incapacitating it further with Attract.

4d 1h 57m [D] Sudowoodo is sent out. Raichu uses Focus Blast, and it goes down! Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

4d 1h 56m [P] Lucian sends Mr. Mime, and we send Mismagius.

4d 1h 56m [P] Vs. Elite Four Lucian!

4d 1h 56m [D] Wiscash is sent out, but gets taken down the same way.

4d 1h 55m [D] Golem is sent out, then gets Grass Knot'ed down.

4d 1h 54m [D] Grass Knot takes down Hippodown (hey that rhymed).

4d 1h 54m [P] Pachirisu is burnt by Drifblim, which survives Thunderbolt but is then taken down by poison damage. Defeated Elite Four Flint!

4d 1h 54m [D] Raichu sets up Nasty Plot, then takes down Quagsire with Grass Knot. Hippodown is next.

4d 1h 53m [D] Vs. Elite Four Bertha! She sends Quagsire, and we send Raichu.

4d 1h 53m [P] We swap again, to Pachirsu. Drifblim gets an omniboost from Ominous Wind.

4d 1h 52m [P] Drifblim is using Double Team to raise its evasion, while Bastiodon uses Rest to heal.

4d 1h 51m [P] Drifblim burns Bastiodon, which badly poisons it in return.

4d 1h 51m [P] Steelix goes down, and Drifblim is sent out. We swap to Bastiodon again.

4d 1h 50m [D] Vespiqueen is Aaron's last Pokémon. It also gets taken out by Flamethrower. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

4d 1h 50m [P] Uxie uses Water Pulse, and Steelix gets confused!

4d 1h 49m [D] Gastrodon grew to Lv. 50!

4d 1h 49m [D] Heracross is sent out, and Flamethrower takes it down as well.

4d 1h 49m [P] We swap back to Uxie.

4d 1h 49m [D] Drapion goes down and Infernape grows to Lv. 55!

4d 1h 48m [P] Lopunny goes down at last! Steelix is sent out by Flint.

4d 1h 48m [D] Another Flamethrower and Beautifly is down! Drapion comes out next.

4d 1h 48m [P] Bastiodon burrows underground, then hits with Dig. Lopunny is still holding on.

4d 1h 47m [D] Flamethrower hits and Dustox goes down. Beautifly is next.

4d 1h 47m [P] We send out Bastiodon, which poisons Lopunny.

4d 1h 47m [D] After many turns of Calm Mind, Infernape uses Flamethrower, but misses twice due to Double Team spam from Dustox.

4d 1h 46m [P] Lopunny uses Sunny Day. Empoleon uses Surf, then goes down from its burn!

4d 1h 45m [P] Infernape goes down, and Lopunny is next. Empoleon suffers from its burn but holds one.

4d 1h 45m [D] Aaron sends out Dustox! Infernape sets up a Substitute before using Calm Mind.

4d 1h 45m [P] Flint sends out Infernape, which uses Flare Blitz. Empoleon gets burned!

4d 1h 44m [D] Vs. Elite Four Aaron!

4d 1h 44m [P] Empoleon grew to Lv. 59! It did not learn Hydro Pump.

4d 1h 44m [P] Empoleon uses Surf, and Rapidash goes down!

4d 1h 43m [P] Flint uses a Full Restore.

4d 1h 43m [P] Uxie endures another Flare Blitz, and retorts with Water Pulse. Rapidash bounces in the air, and we switch to Empoleon, who takes the hit from Bounce.

4d 1h 42m [P] We send out Uxie.

4d 1h 42m [D] We fly to the Pokémon League.

4d 1h 42m [P] Flint sends out Rapidash. It uses Flare Blitz on our Noctowl, and Noctowl faints.

4d 1h 41m [P] Vs. Elite Four Flint!

[Recap] The team on the Diamond side is currently composed of Raichu (GOROCHU), Gengar (MIMAR), Gastrodon (ABLOOO), Honchkrow (W CCMNOE(), Girafarig (ANNA), and Infernape (p2WE♀L). The team on the Pearl side is made up of Noctowl (HHEHEE), Mismagius (Queen), Bastiodon (AEGIS), Empoleon (UH)), Uxie (KNIFE), and Pachirisu (NpICHAA).

[Recap] Both sides have reached the Pokémon League! The Pearl side is currently making an attempt at defeating the Elite 4, while the Diamond side is doing some Contests instead.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 15h 13m [D] Got away safely!

2d 15h 13m [D] Vs. Dialga!

2d 15h 11m [P] We fly back to Veilstone City. We enter the Poké Center and heal.

2d 15h 11m [D] Defeated Galactic Boss Cyrus!

2d 15h 11m [D] We send out Girafarig. It also gets confused by Crobat, but manages to use Psychic, taking Crobat down! Girafarig grew to Lv. 41! It doesn't learn Zen Headbutt.

2d 15h 10m [D] Crobat is low on health, but Infernape keeps hitting itself in confusion. Infernape faints without managing to finish Crobat off.

2d 15h 8m [D] Crobat confuses Infernape with Confuse Ray.

2d 15h 7m [D] Infernape takes a Cross Poison, then lands a critical hit with Flamethrower! Crobat holds on, and Cyrus uses a Full Restore.

2d 15h 7m [D] We send out Infernape and use Focus Blast. Weavile goes down! Crobat is next.

2d 15h 6m [P] Meanwhile, the Pearl side is grinding by rematching Jeremy and Reina in a loop.

2d 15h 6m [D] Raichu uses Thunder Wave to paralyze Weavile, then lands a Thunderbolt. Then, Raichu faints to X-Scissor.

2d 15h 5m [D] Weavile is sent out by Cyrus.

2d 15h 5m [D] Gyarados is sent out by Cyrus. Raichu uses Thunderbolt again, and it goes down!

2d 15h 4m [D] Raichu uses Thunderbolt. Kinda overkill, but Honchkrow goes down and Raichu grows to Lv. 42!

2d 15h 4m [D] We send out Raichu.

2d 15h 4m [D] Dark Pulse takes down Gastrodon.

2d 15h 3m [P] We defeat Reina and move on.

2d 15h 3m [D] Cyrus uses a Super Potion, allowing Honchkrow to survive the next Surf attack.

2d 15h 2m [D] Gastrodon sets up rain, then uses Surf.

2d 15h 2m [P] Vs. Socialite Reina and her Roselia.

2d 15h 2m [D] Cyrus sends out Honchkrow against our Gastrodon.

2d 15h 2m [D] Vs. Galactic Boss Cyrus! (Attempt #1)

2d 15h 1m [D] The Lake Guardians appear! The Red Chain crumbled away, and Cyrus is not pleased with this turn of events.

2d 15h 0m [D] Barry heals us.

2d 15h 0m [P] Chatot goes down, and Noctowl grows to Lv. 43. Defeated Gentleman Jeremy.

2d 15h 0m [D] Golbat is down as well! Defeated Commanders Mars & Jupiter!

2d 14h 59m [P] Vs. Gentleman Jeremy and his Chatot.

2d 14h 59m [D] Empoleon hurts itself in confusion, but Honchkrow manages to take down Skuntank.

2d 14h 58m [D] Empoleon gets confused by Golbat, then so does Honchkrow.

2d 14h 57m [D] Barry sends out Empoleon.

2d 14h 57m [P] Now on Route 212.

2d 14h 57m [D] Air Cutter and Poison Jab cause Heracross to faint.

2d 14h 55m [D] We send Honchkrow, while Barry sends Heracross.

2d 14h 55m [D] Staraptor is taken out by Air Cutter, and so is Gastrodon.

2d 14h 55m [P] We fly to Hearthome City.

2d 14h 54m [D] Mars sends out Golbat, while Jupiter sends Skuntank.

2d 14h 54m [D] Purugly goes down. Golbat uses Giga Drain, which almost takes Gastrodon out. Surf then takes out Golbat with a critical hit, while Staraptor hangs on. Gastrodon grew to Lv. 40!

2d 14h 53m [P] Bought 5 Calcium, which we use on Uxie.

2d 14h 52m [D] Mars sends out Purugly, while Barry sends Staraptor.

2d 14h 52m [D] Surf again! Bronzor goes down, but so does Barry's Ponyta.

2d 14h 51m [P] Sold 1 Max Revive and 1 Hyper Potion.

2d 14h 51m [D] Barry sends out Ponyta, and Jupiter sends Golbat.

2d 14h 50m [P] Sold 1 Big Mushroom.

2d 14h 50m [D] With another Surf, one Bronzor goes down, as well as Barry's Munchlax! The other Bronzor holds on.

2d 14h 50m [P] Sold 1 Stardust and 2 Nuggets.

2d 14h 49m [P] Sold 1 Shiny Stone.

2d 14h 48m [P] AAAAAAA is using HP Ups to raise the base HP of Bastiodon and Uxie.

2d 14h 47m [D] Gastrodon uses Surf, hitting every Pokémon on the field.

2d 14h 46m [D] The Commanders send out two Bronzor. We send Gastrodon, and Barry sends Munchlax.

2d 14h 46m [D] Vs. Commanders Jupiter & Mars!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 11h 0m [D] we find the back of a door, but can't pass through. We turn around

2d 10h 58m [P] Caught a female Lv. 20 Abra! No nickname.

2d 10h 57m [P] Caught another female Lv. 22 Kadabra! No nickname.

2d 10h 56m [D] We go back down to the warehouse

2d 10h 56m [P] Using another Quick Ball, caught a male Lv. 22 Kadabra! No nickname.

2d 10h 54m [P] the next encounter is a Kadabra. We throw a Quick Ball at this one too. Caught a female Lv. 22 Kadabra! No nickname.

2d 10h 53m [P] throws a Quick Ball at a wild Abra. Caught a male Lv. 20 Abra! No nickname.

2d 10h 51m [D] We return to the locked door. We continue to not have the required special key

2d 10h 51m [P] Pachirisu defeats a wild Ponyta and Pachirisu grew to Lv. 42. We take the Hyper Potion that the Pachirisu was holding

2d 10h 46m [D] returns to the teleporters. We teleport to a room with a laptop. We try to interact with the laptop, but get no response

2d 10h 45m [P] rides to Route 215

2d 10h 43m [P] Bikes through town, then spots an item, and heads for the item. After a rock climb, we find a full incense

2d 10h 41m [P] flies to Veilstone

2d 10h 40m [P] enters the mart. bought 61 Dusk Balls and 21 Quick Balls. We leave the mart

2d 10h 37m [P] walks back to Pastoria, then flies to Snowpoint

2d 10h 35m [D] We head up the stairs into the headquarters. We talk to a grunt that doesn't have pokemon, then look inside a box an find nothing

2d 10h 34m [P] enters Route 213. We water the plants in the soil patch, then pick 5 Sitrus Berries and 5 Pomeg Berries from two trees. We scatter Growth Mulch into the two plots, then plant a Sitrus Berry and a Hondew Berry

2d 10h 29m [P] flies to Pastoria

2d 10h 29m [P] flies to Veilstone

2d 10h 28m [P] uses an Escape Rope to leave the ruins

2d 10h 27m [P] In a Great Ball, caught a Lv. 25 Unown D! Nickname: DONUT. This Unown's Hidden Power was not very effective against Pachirisu.

2d 10h 24m [D] Back in the warehouse part, we pick up a Zinc

2d 10h 24m [P] We find he bottom large room. We pick up a Nugget, a Mind Plate, a Rare Candy, and an Odd Incense. We read the inscription in the back of the room

2d 10h 22m [P] continuing to check the dead-ends, found a Big Mushroom

2d 10h 21m [P] checks each of the dead-end rooms while heading down the ruins. found an escape rope

2d 10h 21m [D] we return to the stairs that were just before the teleporters

2d 10h 18m [P] found a Repel in the north-west room of the ground floor

2d 10h 17m [D] defeats another Galactic Grunt.

2d 10h 17m [P] leaves the center, then heads east and enters the Solaceon Ruins

2d 10h 15m [P] flies to Solaceon Town. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

2d 10h 15m [D] We reach a door. A special key is needed to open the door. We turn back

2d 10h 14m [P] Skier Andrea spots us. Pachirisu's Thunderbolt takes out Andrea's Staravia. We continue on, and pick up a TM13 Ice Beam

2d 10h 12m [P] We continue along the cliff, dodging the Skiers' sights. We pick up a Mental Herb and a HP UP

2d 10h 11m [P] rides Bibarel up a rocky cliff, then fight Black Belt Philip. Pachirisu U-Turns away from the opposing Machoke, and we send in Mismagius. Mismagius defeats the opposing Machoke. Philip defeated.

2d 10h 10m [D] we find and defeat a grunt that has a Wurmple, a Dustox and a Cascoon. Murkrow grew to Lv. 43.

2d 10h 7m [D] We go up a flight of stairs, fight a grunt that has a Glameow, then enter the teleporters

2d 10h 6m [P] reaches Route 216

2d 10h 5m [D] Fighting another Grunt. Raichu knocks out a Dustox and Bronzor. Raichu grew to Lv. 41.

2d 10h 5m [P] We enter a different house. We show the hiker inside the Rock Climb HM, and the Hiker gives us an Icicle Plate

2d 10h 2m [P] In Route 217, we enter a house. The resident gives us a Spell Tag. We leave the house, take a few steps, then reenter the house. The resident is gone. Spooky.

2d 10h 1m [D] We go down the corridor and a grunt spots us. Raichu uses a Thunderbolt to knock out the grunt's Golbat. We continue down the corridor

2d 9h 59m [D] Picked up a Dusk Stone, then goes down the stairs

2d 9h 58m [D] We enter the storage building. The grunt inside tells us that the storage key is safe with the guard in front of the main building. We use the Storage Key to open the door.

2d 9h 56m [D] We walk to the front of the Galactic Building. A grunt remembers us and runs off. The grunt dropped a storage key. We pick up the storage key

2d 9h 55m [P] We weaken a Machoke and throw two Ultra Balls. The Machoke breaks out, then is knocked out by hail

2d 9h 52m [D] flies to Veilstone City. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

2d 9h 51m [P] leaves for the Acuity Lakefront

2d 9h 51m [D] looks at the shop inventory but doesn't buy anything. We talk to someone else in the shop and receive a Choice Specs. We go back to the clerk and buy 31 Dusk Balls. We leave the building

2d 9h 48m [D] enters a building in the north-west corner of town.

2d 9h 48m [P] flies to Snowpoint City

2d 9h 48m [P] leaves the Galactic Building, and flies to Eterna City

2d 9h 47m [D] flies to Eterna City, then can't get the cursor on the fly map to hit Celestic Town, so walks to the east part of town, then flies to Celestic

2d 9h 46m [P] finds a PP Up in a potted plant

2d 9h 45m [P] leaves the center, and rides up to the Galactic Building and enters

2d 9h 43m [P] flies to Veilstone, then enters the Pokecenter. We access the PC, and give the deposited Purugly the Silk Scarf to hold

2d 9h 42m [D] We walk behind the house, and pick up a HM08 Rock Climb. We reenter the house. The hiker gives us an Icicle Plate.

2d 9h 41m [D] We enter a house. The resident hiker tells us "If only I still had that HM, I'd be able to scale sheer cliffs"

2d 9h 39m [D] We fight and defeat Skier Lexie

2d 9h 39m [P] enters the Game Corner, and starts buying coins. We leave the Game Corner, then enter the adjacent building and exchange coins for a Silk Scarf

2d 9h 35m [P] flies to Veilstone City

2d 9h 35m [D] We enter the lake area, and see a Galactic Commander leave after having defeated Barry. We talk to Barry, Barry leaves and then we leave to Route 217

2d 9h 34m [P] we talk to someone who has dropped a suite key. We give that person a suite key. She enters the suite, and we follow. We receive a Lava Cookie

2d 9h 32m [D] We don't have Rock Climb in the bag. We continue moving to the Acuity Lakefront

2d 9h 31m [P] picks up a PP Up

2d 9h 30m [P] picks up a Suite Key

2d 9h 30m [D] leaves the gym, then moves to leave town, but before exiting town checks the bag.

2d 9h 28m [P] flies to Pastoria City, then heads east to Route 213

2d 9h 27m [D] Candice sends in Sneasel. Infernape uses a Flamethrower to knock out Sneasel. Defeated Leader Candice and received the Icicle Badge!

2d 9h 26m [D] Candice sends in Medicham and we send in Infernape. Medicham uses Ice Punch and Infernape uses Flamethrower. Medicham detects the next attack. Infernape uses another Flamethrower to knock out Medicham. Infernape grew to Lv. 40

2d 9h 24m [P] uses an Escape Rope to leave the cave

2d 9h 24m [D] Raichu uses Thunderbolt. Abomasnow is knocked out. Raichu is buffered by hail, and faints.

2d 9h 23m [P] smashes a rock and moves a boulder, and picked up a TM01 Focus Punch

2d 9h 23m [D] Raichu uses Thunderbolt. Snover barely holds on. Snover uses Leer. Raichu continues to be hurt by hail. Raichu uses another thunderbolt to knock out Snover. Candice sends in Abomasnow.

2d 9h 21m [D] Raichu uses Thunderbolt. Snover continues to be immobilized. Raichu uses a second Thunderbolt, reducing snover's health to a sliver. Snover plants roots with Ingrain. Candice uses a potion, and Raichu uses Nasty Plot.

2d 9h 20m [D] Candice leads with Snover. We lead with Raichu. Snow Warning starts a hailstorm. Raichu leads with Thunder Wave, and the paralysis prevents Snover from moving

2d 9h 19m [D] walks across the icy floor and up and down the stairs to reach Candice. Vs. Leader Candice!

2d 9h 18m [P] has been reorganizing the items pocket of the bag

2d 9h 18m [D] the last snowball in the line to Candace is smashed through

2d 9h 16m [D] smashes through the last three snowballs in the bottom layer of the Snowpoint Gym

2d 9h 14m [P] enters the bottom floor of Oreburgh Gate

[D/P] now the input feeds are split

[Correction] The input feeds are still merged

2d 9h 6m [P] picks up a TM 29 Psychic

2d 9h 5m [D] enters the gym, and fights Ace Trainer Brenna

2d 9h 4m [D/P] dual mode is reenabled.

2d 9h 4m [P] heads to Route 211

2d 9h 4m [D] has been stuck in the deep snow in Snowpoint City almost this entire time

2d 8h 57m [P] flies to Eterna City, then flies to Celestic Town and enters the Pokecenter. We walk to the PC, then take a Moon Stone from a stored Cleffa. We move several pokemon around the boxes, then Deposit Mespirit and Withdraw Bib the Bibarel

2d 8h 46m [P] flies to Sandgem Town, heads south to Route 220, and picks up a Splash Plate

2d 8h 45m [P] Found a TM84 Poison Jab

2d 8h 42m [P] Caught a male Lv. 16 Roselia! No Nickname

2d 8h 40m [P] The poffin bag and seal case are moved up in the bag. We fly to Hearthome, then leave southwards to Route 212

2d 8h 35m [P] received a Seal Case

2d 8h 33m [D/P] !disabledualmode

2d 8h 33m [P] flies to Solaceon Town

2d 8h 31m [D/P] The stream is back up

2d 8h 19m [D/P] both sides save . The stream is taken down to return to the emulator

2d 8h 18m [D/P] AAAAAAA steps back into position for another battle, but p♀P goes to leave. As communications end, both sides register nqpppnl and a;;; in the pal pad.

2d 8h 17m [D/P] Manaphy uses an Ice Beam to knock out Roserade. nqpppnl and p♀P are out of Pokemon; a;;; and AAAAAAA win.

2d 8h 16m [D/P] Manaphy hits Roserade with Ice Beam; Roserade barely holds on. Roserade hits Manaphy with a Petal Dance, then becomes confused. Manaphy attacks Roserade with Grass Knot, which fails to knock out Roserade and gets Manaphy poisoned due to Roserade's Poison Point. Roserade uses Absorb, to deal chip damage on Manaphy. Manaphy is hurt by poison, but also heals due to Leftovers.

2d 8h 15m [D/P] Pikachu hits Raichu with Dig. Raichu is knocked out, but Raichu's Static paralyzes Pikachu. Roserade uses Petal Dance, hitting and knocking out Empoleon. Roserade continues to Petal Dance, hitting and knocking out Pikachu. a;;; sends in Manaphy

2d 8h 13m [D/P] Pikachu digs underground. Roserade uses Stun Spore, but misses. Empoleon uses Blizzard, inflicting about 1/5th damage on Roserade and landing a Critical Hit on Gastrodon to knock out Gastrodon. p♀P sends in Raichu.

2d 8h 12m [D/P] Empoleon uses Aqua Jet on Shinx. Pikachu uses Dig on Shinx, and the combined assault knocks out Shinx. Gastrodon uses Mud Bomb on Pikachu and hits. nqpppnl sends in Roserade

2d 8h 10m [D/P] Empoleon moves first with Aqua Jet, taking out the last sliver of Flareon's health. Pikachu digs underground. Gastrodon uses Mud Bomb, and misses Pikachu. nqpppnl sends in Shinx.

2d 8h 9m [D/P] Flareon uses Fire Blast on Mespirit, knocking out Mespirit. Pikachu attacks Gastrodon using Dig, then Gastrodon attacks Gastrodon in confusion. AAAAAAA sends in Empoleon

2d 8h 8m [D/P] Flareon hits Mismagius with a Fire Blast, knocking out Mismagius. Pikachu digs underground. Gastrodon uses Mud Bomb, but the available target is underground. AAAAAAA sends in Mesprit

2d 8h 6m [D/P] Flareon breaks out of confusion, but is still immobilized by love. Pikachu lands a Dig attack on Flareon. Mismagius uses confuse ray on Gastrodon. Gastrodon uses Surf; Flareon barely holds on, while Pikachu and Mismagius suffer only chip damage

2d 8h 4m [D/P] Flareon manages to use a Fire Blast, breaking Mismagius's substitute. Pikachu digs underground. Mismagius uses a shadow ball on Gengar, knocking out Gengar. p♀P sends in Gastrodon

2d 8h 2m [D/P] p♀P withdraws Raichu and sends in Gengar. Flareon hits itself again. Pikachu uses dig on Gengar, but dig missed due to levitate. Mismagius uses confuse ray on Gengar

2d 8h 2m [D/P] Flareon hits itself in confusion. Pikachu digs underground. Mismagius attracts Raichu. Raichu's thunderwave misses.

2d 8h 0m [D/P] Flareon continues to be immobilized by love. Mismagius creates a substitute. Raichu uses another Thunderbolt, and Gardevoir is knocked out. a;;; sends in Pikachu

2d 7h 59m [D/P] Flareon is unable to move due to the attraction. Mismagius confuses Flareon with Confuse Ray. Raichu uses a Thunderbolt on Gardevoir. Gardevoir is unable to move due to paralysis.

2d 7h 58m [D/P] Flareon moves first, attacking Gardevoir with Fire Blast. Gardevoir holds on, and throws a Focus Blast a Flareon. Mismagius attracts Flareon, and Raichu paralyzes Gardevoir.

2d 7h 57m [D/P] The battle begins. nqpppnl and p♀P in the blue corner, and AAAAAAA and a;;; in the red corner. a;;; sends out Gardevoir and AAAAAAA sends out Mismagius. nqpppnl sends out Flareon and AAAAAAAA sends out Raichu.

2d 7h 54m [D/P] enter the communication club coliseum for a multi-battle.

2d 7h 52m [D] Used the thunderstone. Pikachu evolved into Raichu

2d 7h 52m [D/P] Leave the union room

2d 7h 51m [D/P] try to initiate a battle, but "If you want to battle, you need two Pokemon that are Lv. 30 or lower"

2d 7h 47m [D] takes the thunderstone from Gengar. We try to use the thunderstone but "Use" is not avaliable right now

[D/P] A lot of record mixing and showing of trainer cards also occurred

2d 7h 44m [D/P] Traded Diamond's Mesprit for Pearl's Gengar!

2d 7h 41m [D] invites to draw with a;;;. "No touchscreen ☹" is drawn, then a;;; leaves.

2d 7h 40m [P] Gengar was given a Thunderstone to hold

2d 7h 36m [D/P] Traded Diamond's Haunter for Pearl's Mesprit! Haunter evolved into Gengar!

2d 7h 34m [D/P] a;;; and nqpppnl also enter the union room

2d 7h 33m [D/P] enter the union room

2d 7h 32m [D/P] stream back up. Running on real hardware

2d 7h 01m [D/P] save inside a Pokécenter (snowpoint and sunnyshore respectively), and the stream is taken down

2d 6h 54m [P] picked up the zap plate

2d 6h 46m [P] reached Sunyshore City

[Meta] Okay now we're going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 6h 36m [P] Also healed. Withdrew Mesprit and deposited Bibarel (in our KANTOOOO box).

2d 6h 36m [D] Healed. Back to Snowpoint.

2d 6h 34m [P] Caught a Lv. 50 Mesprit (using our Master Ball)! Nickname: FORK

2d 6h 32m [P] Oops wait Vs. Mesprit

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 6h 28m [P] Walking back and forth between Jubilife and Route 202 in a roamer-summoning ritual.

2d 6h 26m [D] Taught Infernape Flamethrower over Close Combat.

2d 6h 26m [P] Healed. In Jubilife City.

[Chat] Wahi: Without other games, even in postgame the only thing you can use the fire stone on is EEVEE Kappa

2d 6h 24m [D] Got a souvenir! Got a Fire Stone. Then we walk a few steps and pick up TM35 Flamethrower.

2d 6h 22m [D] Vs. and defeated Worker Conrad.

2d 6h 23m [P] We talk to Mesprit, which leaves. Professor Rowan appear to give us lore.

2d 6h 21m [P] At Lake Verity.

2d 6h 21m [D] Picked up a Rock Incense.

2d 6h 20m [P] Flew to Twinleaf Town.

2d 6h 19m [D] Picked up a Fire Stone.

2d 6h 19m [P] We have to go back in the cave to use our Escape Rope, but we manage it and land back outside.

2d 6h 18m [D] Defeated Worker Holden. Back to spinning around on the spinny tiles.

2d 6h 16m [P] We run back inside then outside to check if Palkia respawned. It didn't, but we pick up a Lustrous Orb.

2d 6h 16m [D] Vs. Worker Holden.

2d 6h 15m [P] We throw a singular Poké Ball and then run.

2d 6h 13m [P] Vs. Palkia! (We didn't get a heal, so it's 10% of an Empoleon and a sleeping Bastiodon...)

2d 6h 13m [D] Picked up a Burn Heal.

2d 6h 12m [D] Vs but also defeated Worker Dillan.

2d 6h 10m [P] Crobat does light damage while we Aqua Jet it to death. Empoleon reaches Lv. 45! Defeated Galactic Boss Cyrus!

2d 6h 10m [D] Inside Fuego Ironworks.

2d 6h 9m [P] It uses Aqua Tail next?, and our next Blizzard leaves it with 1 HP. We tank another Aqua Tail??? and finish it off with Pluck.

2d 6h 9m [P] We send in Empoleon. Gyarados uses Giga Impact for some reason, and we land one Blizzard but our second misses...

2d 6h 8m [P] We send out Bibarel for fun. It faints.

2d 6h 8m [D] By Fuego Ironworks.

2d 6h 7m [P] We give up and use Fly, which doesn't do much. Gyarados snaps out of confusion and Noctowl faints.

2d 6h 6m [P] We send out Noctowl. Gyarados self-hits and we miss a Hypnosis. We survive a Giga Impact but miss some more.

2d 6h 5m [P] Back to Mismagius, we use Confuse Ray and barely live an Aqua Tail. Then we use Attract, but Gyarados breaks through both of those and Mismagius faints.

2d 6h 4m [D] Caught a male Lv. 7 Pachirisu, no nickname.

2d 6h 3m [P] zzzzzzzz... We wake up and then go right back to sleep. Weavile finally faints to poison and Gyarados comes back, down to red HP from Stealth Rock.

2d 6h 1m [P] We also set up Stealth Rock while Weavile keeps spamming NVE moves, then use Rest. Weavile eats a Sitrus Berry.

2d 6h 1m [D] Surfing by Valley Windworks.

2d 6h 0m [P] We send out Mismagius and Cyrus switches to Weavile, so we switch to Bastiodon. Weavile uses X-Scissor, then Night Slash and we land a Toxic on it.

2d 5h 59m [D] Got Pikachu from the PC and deposited Bibarel in a box we've now named GAMERPAD. Then we fly and go to Route 205.

2d 5h 59m [P] Thunderbolt takes out over half of Gyarados's health but then Pachirisu faints.

2d 5h 58m [P] Honchkrow opens with Embargo and lets Empoleon just Blizzard it. Cyrus sends out Gyarados and we switch Pachirisu directly into an Earthquake, surviving with 1 HP.

2d 5h 56m [P] Cyrus does Cyrus things. Then Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf appear to undo said Cyrus things. He doesn't like it. Vs. Galactic Boss Cyrus!

2d 5h 55m [D] At the PC...

2d 5h 54m [P] Barry's Staraptor faints, replaced by Ponyta. We clutch the final Golbat's Air Cutter and obliterate the rest of the field with Surf. Defeated Commanders Juniper and Mars.

2d 5h 52m [P] Empoleon takes out Skuntank and then Purugly and reaches Lv. 44!

2d 5h 52m [D] Back to Snowpoint.

2d 5h 51m [P] Empoleon is slowly surfing through the Galactic teams (Golbat and Skuntank right now) and also Barry's team. Barry's Munchlax faints and he sends out Staraptor.

2d 5h 50m [D] Girafarig faints to a wild Sneasel.

2d 5h 48m [D] Meanwhile Diamond is at Acuity Lakefront.

2d 5h 47m [P] Currently on Spear Pillar, vs. Commanders Juniper and Mars.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 4h 21m [D] Glameow is sent out. It stupidly doesn't take down Pikachu despite it being at one HP, and is therefore taken down. We win!

2d 4h 20m [D] Infernape takes down Glameow, while Pikachu defeats Golbat.

2d 4h 19m [D] Silcoon goes down, and the Grunts send Golbat.

2d 4h 19m [P] We press a button, and the three Lake Guardians are set free!

2d 4h 18m [D] Vs. Galactic Grunts! They send Silcoon and Glameow.

2d 4h 18m [P] Toxicroak is sent out. A few more Shadow Balls, and it goes down. Defeated Commander Saturn!

2d 4h 17m [D] We arrive at Lake Verity. Prof. Rowan is there, as well as some Grunts!

2d 4h 16m [D] We save.

2d 4h 16m [P] Bronzor is sent out next. It manages to confuse Mismagius, but then goes down to two Shadow Balls.

2d 4h 15m [D] We fly to Sandgem Town.

2d 4h 15m [P] Saturn sends Kadabra, which Mismagius takes down with Shadow Ball. Mismagius grew to Lv. 40!

2d 4h 14m [P] We enter the room where Uxie is held. Vs. Commander Saturn!

2d 4h 12m [D] Using Shadow Ball, Haunter takes down Bronzor. Defeated Commander Saturn!

2d 4h 12m [P] Received a Great Ball from Pachirisu.

2d 4h 11m [D] Haunter uses Hidden Power and takes down Toxicroak! Bronzor is sent out next.

2d 4h 11m [P] Bastiodon takes down Sneasel. Defeated Galactic Boss Cyrus! Obtained the Master Ball!

2d 4h 10m [D] Pikachu takes a bad hit but barely holds on. We swap to Haunter.

2d 4h 10m [P] Rock Tomb fails to take down Sneasel, which heals with a Sitrus Berry.

2d 4h 10m [D] Pikachu takes down Kadabra, and Toxicroak is sent out next! Pikachu paralyzes it.

2d 4h 9m [P] Sneasel is sent out! Pachirisu uses U-Turn, and swap places with Bastiodon.

2d 4h 9m [D] Saturn sends Kadabra.

2d 4h 9m [D] Vs. Commander Saturn! (Attempt #1)

2d 4h 9m [P] Golbat is next! Pachirisu uses Thunderbolt, and Cyrus heals with a Super Potion. Two more Thunderbolts, and Golbat goes down! Pachirisu grew to Lv. 39!

2d 4h 8m [D] Beautifly is taken down as well, and Murkrow grows to Lv. 37! We win!

2d 4h 7m [P] Cyrus sends out Murkrow. Pachirisu uses Thunderbolt, and it goes down.

2d 4h 7m [P] Vs. Galactic Boss Cyrus! (Attempt #1)

2d 4h 7m [D] Dustox goes down and Pikachu grows to Lv. 39!

2d 4h 6m [P] We reach a locked door, which we unlock using the Galactic Key. On the other side is Cyrus!

2d 4h 6m [D] Croagunk is down. Dustox is next.

2d 4h 5m [D] Vs. Galactic Grunt! They send out Croagunk.

2d 4h 5m [D] Pikachu then takes out Croagunk, and we win the battle.

2d 4h 4m [P] We go back downstairs to heal in the beds.

2d 4h 4m [D] The Grunt sends Golbat. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to take it down.

2d 4h 4m [P] Received an Escape Rope from Pachirisu.

2d 4h 3m [D] Meanwhile, there's Grunts on this side too now! Vs. Galactic Grunt!

2d 4h 3m [P] Croagunk is down and the Grunt is defeated.

[Chat] Spiderpig2398: pixie's cousins tppD

2d 4h 2m [P] Stunky is down, and Croagunk comes out next.

2d 4h 1m [D] We've arrived at Lake Valor. Only there's no water left...

2d 4h 1m [P] Vs. Galactic Grunt. They send out Stunky.

2d 4h 1m [D] Caught a female Lv. 22 Staravia! No nickname.

2d 4h 1m [P] Pachirisu bolts down Glameow, and we win the battle.

2d 4h 0m [P] Stunky goes down as well. Glameow is next.

2d 3h 59m [P] Pachirisu takes down Croagunk and Stunky is next.

2d 3h 58m [P] Vs. Galactic Grunt! They send out Croagunk.

2d 3h 57m [P] We find some beds, and take a rest to heal.

2d 3h 56m [P] Silcoon is down and we win the battle.

2d 3h 55m [P] Golbat goes down, and Silcoon comes out next.

2d 3h 55m [D] Now on Route 214.

2d 3h 54m [P] Golbat is sent out.

2d 3h 54m [D] We use TM52 and Infernape learns Focus Blast!

2d 3h 54m [P] Golbat goes down, and The Grunt is defeated. Another one spots us!

2d 3h 53m [D] We use TM90 and Infernape learns Substitute.

2d 3h 53m [P] Vs. Galactic Grunt! He sends Golbat. Empoleon takes it down, and another Golbat follows.

2d 3h 52m [D] We swap Infernape's Fist Plate for a Wide Lens.

2d 3h 51m [P] We enter the Galactic HQ through the main building and unlock the door inside.

2d 3h 50m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

2d 3h 50m [D] We walk into the Prize Corner and get a Wide Lens and TM90 Substitute.

2d 3h 49m [P] We use the path we unlocked to leave the HQ, and fly to Veilstone City.

2d 3h 48m [D] Bought 3000 Coins.

2d 3h 48m [P] We use the Galactic Key to unlock a door, then keep going.

2d 3h 47m [P] Found a Galactic Key!

2d 3h 46m [P] Found TM36 Sludge Bomb!

2d 3h 46m [P] We receive an Ultra Ball from Pachirisu.

2d 3h 45m [D] We enter the Veilstone Game Corner.

2d 3h 45m [P] Another Kadabra follows. It fares no better, and Purugly grows to Lv. 41.

2d 3h 44m [P] Fredrick sends out Kadabra. Empoleon takes it out.

2d 3h 44m [P] We keep going down the Galactic HQ, and are spotted by Scientist Fredrick.

2d 3h 42m [D] We fly to Veilstone City.

2d 3h 42m [P] We use Surf and Stunky goes down. We win!

2d 3h 41m [P] Stunky is sent out next.

2d 3h 41m [P] Bronzor is down. Empoleon grew to Lv. 40!

2d 3h 40m [D] As we exit the library, a sailor runs to us and informs us of a huge explosion at Lake Valor.

2d 3h 40m [P] Intruder alert, another Grunt spots us! He sends Bronzor.

2d 3h 39m [P] Another Grunt spots us and throws a Stunky at us. Empoleon defeats it and we keep going.

[Chat] Spiderpig2398: someone set us up the bomb tppS

2d 3h 38m [D] Rowan tasks us with investigating Lake Valor... when suddenly, the entire room shakes!

2d 3h 38m [P] Cascoon is down, and the Grunt is defeated.

2d 3h 37m [P] Dustox is down as well. The Grunt sends Cascoon.

2d 3h 36m [D] Upstairs, we meet up with Barry, Dawn, and Rowan.

2d 3h 36m [P] Wurmple is down and Dustox is next.

2d 3h 36m [D] We enter the Canalave Library.

2d 3h 35m [P] Vs. Galactic Grunt! He sends out Wurmple.

2d 3h 35m [D] As we exit the Gym, we meet up with Barry outside.

2d 3h 34m [P] Found TM49 Snatch!

2d 3h 33m [P] Empoleon takes down Glameow and we move on.

2d 3h 33m [D] Took the Amulet Coin from Murkrow and gave it the Exp. Share.

2d 3h 32m [P] Another Galactic Grunt spots us. She sends a Glameow.

2d 3h 31m [P] Mismagius takes down Bronzor, and we win the battle.

2d 3h 30m [P] Vs. another Galactic Grunt, who sends out Dustox. Purugly is forced out by Whirlwind, and Bastiodon finishes it off. Purugly grew to Lv. 40. Bronzor is next, and we switch to Mismagius.

2d 3h 30m [D] Defeated Leader Byron and received the Mine Badge! Received TM91 Flash Cannon!

2d 3h 29m [D] Infernape also takes down Steelix in one hit, and grows to Lv. 39.

[Snark] Oh phew, there we go.

2d 3h 28m [D] Byron sends out Steelix.

[Snark] Wow, that's two Steel-types that aren't Steelix, what the heck is going on.

2d 3h 27m [D] Bastiodon is next. Infernape uses Close Combat, and it also goes down in a single hit.

2d 3h 27m [D] Byron sends Bronzor. Infernape uses Fire Blast, and Bronzor goes down.

2d 3h 27m [P] We receive a Great Ball from Pachirisu.

2d 3h 26m [D] Vs. Leader Byron! (Attempt #1)

2d 3h 26m [D] We move Infernape to the front of the party.

2d 3h 26m [P] Purugly took some notable damage from a critical Wing Attack, but managed to take down Golbat, defeating the Grunt.

2d 3h 25m [P] The Galactic Grunt sends out Golbat. We send Purugly.

2d 3h 25m [P] We go down a floor. Spotted by a Galactic Grunt!

2d 3h 24m [D] Pikachu takes down Azumarill in two turns with Thunderbolt and we win the battle.

[Snark] Are we in the wrong Gym or something.

2d 3h 24m [D] Vs. Ace Trainer Breanna. She sends out an Azumarill.

2d 3h 23m [P] We use the Dusk Stone and Misdreavus evolves into Mismagius!

[Snark] Absolutely love this Steel-type Gym that's 90% Onix, a few Steelix, and one random Skorupi.

2d 3h 22m [D] David sends out a Steelix, and Gastrodon takes it down just as easily.

2d 3h 21m [P] Found a Dusk Stone!

2d 3h 21m [P] We go to the warehouse where we previously found HM02, and unlock a door using the Storage Key.

2d 3h 21m [D] Vs. Black Belt David! He sends... an Onix. We take it down with Surf.

2d 3h 19m [D] Gerardo sends out another Onix and we take it down just as easily. Gastrodon grew to Lv. 38!

2d 3h 19m [P] We spot a Galactic Grunt. He recognizes us and runs off, but drops an item which we pick up. Obtained the Storage Key!

2d 3h 18m [D] Gerardo sends out an Onix, which Gastrodon takes down with Surf.

2d 3h 18m [P] Vs. Worker Gerardo.

2d 3h 17m [P] We fly again, to Veilstone City.

2d 3h 16m [P] We fly to Eterna City.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: Pearl might get to draw when we switch to real hardware but since that's going to be a very short stay...

2d 3h 15m [D] We take down Skorupi, and next comes Steelix, which Surf takes down just as easily, winning us the battle.

[Snark] Nice Steel Gym.

2d 3h 14m [D] Vs. Ace Trainer Cesar, who sends out Skorupi.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: wow Barry got rekd

2d 3h 14m [P] At Lake Acuity, we spot Commander Jupiter having an argument with our rival. Jupiter leaves, and our rival seems quite distraught before leaving as well.

2d 3h 12m [P] We make our way to Acuity Lakefront.

2d 3h 12m [D] Vs. Worker Gary, who has an Onix. For a change, we use Mud Bomb, which still takes it out immediately. Battle won.

2d 3h 10m [D] All three Onix get easily swept by Gastrodon's Surf, and we win the battle with no trouble. Gastrodon grew to Lv. 37!

2d 3h 8m [D] Vs. Worker Jackson. He owns three Onix.

2d 3h 8m [P] Defeated Leader Candice and received the Icicle Badge! Received TM72 Avalanche!

2d 3h 7m [P] We send Purugly. It uses Return, and Sneasel goes down!

2d 3h 7m [P] Fly does some decent damage, but Sneasel retorts with Avalanche and Noctowl faints.

2d 3h 6m [P] Candice sends out Sneasel. Noctowl flies up.

2d 3h 6m [D] Vs. Black Belt Ricky! He sends out Steelix, which Gastrodon easily takes down using Surf. We win the battle.

2d 3h 5m [P] Noctowl uses Fly, and Abomasnow goes down.

2d 3h 5m [P] We send out Noctowl. Noctowl flies up and dodges Grass Whistle.

2d 3h 4m [P] Abomasnow uses Wood Hammer, and Bastiodon goes down! It takes recoil damage, which gets healed by its Sitrus Berry.

2d 3h 4m [D] Entered the Gym of Canalave City!

2d 3h 4m [P] Abomasnow uses Grass Whistle and Bastiodon falls asleep.

2d 3h 3m [P] Bastiodon badly poisons Abomasnow.

2d 3h 3m [P] Candice sends out Abomasnow, which takes some damage from Stealth Rock on entry.

2d 3h 2m [D] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

2d 3h 2m [P] Bastiodon wakes up, and misses with Rock Tomb. However, hail damage actually takes down Medicham's remaining HP! Bastiodon grew to Lv. 41!

2d 3h 1m [P] Medicham has been badly poisoned as well, while Bastiodon stalls using Rest again.

2d 3h 0m [D] We visit the Move Deleter, and make Infernape forget Rock Smash and Flame Wheel.

[Fluff] I'd snark about the Ice-type Leader using a Medicham but you know what, I actually like this. She's friend with Maylene so it makes sense, and it adds unexpected variety to her team. It's cool.

2d 2h 58m [P] Medicham is sent out by Candice. It uses Ice Punch, which doesn't actually do much to Bastiodon.

2d 2h 58m [P] Bastiodon wakes up, and immediately uses Rest again. Snover uses Avalanche one more time before poison damage takes it out for good.

2d 2h 56m [P] Bastiodon used Rest to heal, while poison damage is continuing to increase.

2d 2h 56m [P] Candice uses a Hyper Potion.

2d 2h 55m [D] We fly to Canalave City.

2d 2h 55m [P] Bastiodon uses Rock Tomb. Snover's roots healing is undone by its poisoning.

2d 2h 54m [P] Snover uses Ingrain, while Bastiodon sets up Stealth Rocks.

2d 2h 53m [P] Aegis badly poisons Snover using Toxic.

2d 2h 53m [P] Candice sends out Snover. We send Bastiodon.

2d 2h 53m [P] Vs. Leader Candice! (Attempt #1)

[Recap] The Diamond side is currently on Route 209, with a team consisting of Haunter, Pikachu, Gastrodon, Murkrow, Infernape, and Girafarig. The Pearl side is inside the Snowpoint Gym, with a team made up of Bastiodon, Noctowl, Misdreavus, Pachirisu, Empoleon, and Purugly.

1d 16h 46m [D] Defeated Leader Fantina and received the Relic Badge! Received TM65 Shadow Claw!

1d 14h 54m [P] Defeated Leader Byron and received the Mine Badge! Received TM91 Flash Cannon!

1d 14h 47m [D] Monferno evolved into Infernape!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 12h 46m [P] Surfing to the other end of the floor, picked up a TM31 Brick Break TM

1d 12h 45m [D] defeats another pair of restaurant patrons. Shellos grew to Lv. 30. Shellos evolved into Gastrodon

1d 12h 43m [P] On the lower level, we surf west and encounter a strength rock, and a veteran. Vs. Veteran Grant. Noctowl defeats the opposing Riolu; Misdrevus defeats the opposing Graveler. *Glameow grew to Lv. 33.* The opposing Staraptor defeats Misdrevus and Noctowl. Bastiodon knocks out the opposing Staraptor. Grant defeated.

1d 12h 40m [D] Vs. PI Kendric and Beauty Gabriella. Shellos and Girafarig are about eight levels higher than the opposing Goldeen and Finneon, so have no problem with the fight.

1d 12h 36m [D] enters the Valor Lakefront. We rest in the front building and heal. We head north into the restaurant.

1d 12h 34m [P] rides east, entering Oreburgh Gate. We smash a rock blocking the path north, and continue up that path and down some stairs

1d 12h 33m [D] Vs. Tuber Chelsea. We send in Pikachu. The opposing Bibarel uses Defense Curl. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt. Bibarel faints. Chelsea defeated.

1d 12h 32m [D] We encounter the grunt along the beach. The grunt runs off again.

1d 12h 32m [P] We reorder the party, moving Noctowl to the front and Glameow to the back. Glameow was given the Exp Share to hold.

1d 12h 30m [D] recommends that we chase after the galactic grunt that barry interrupted us from chasing. We continue east to Route 213

1d 12h 29m [D] Barry sends in Prinplup. Haunter uses Night Shade as Prinplup growls. A few Night Shade attacks knocks out Prinplup. Barry sends in Ponyta. Ponyta growls. Haunter uses a few more Night Shade to knock out Ponyta. Haunter grew to Lv. 28 and learned Payback over Confuse Ray. Rival defeated

1d 12h 28m [P] moves a Psyduck and a Wingull from box 8 to Box 1, and takes a Chople berry from a Buneary in the box. We deposit Pachirisu and withdraw Lopunny.

1d 12h 26m [D] Bary sends out Roselia. We switch to Haunter. Roselia uses ineffective attacks while Haunter uses Hidden Power. Hidden Power is super effective. A second Hidden Power knocks out Roselia.

1d 12h 25m [D] walks eastward, then spots a Galactic Grunt. The grunt runs off, then Barry jumps us. Vs. Rival. Shellos vs. Barry's Starly. Starly uses Wing Attack and Shellos uses Water Pulse. Starly uses Endevor to bring Shellos to 17 HP. Shellos uses another Water Pulse to knock out Starly.

1d 12h 22m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

1d 12h 22m [D] returns to the surface

1d 12h 21m [P] flies to Oreburgh

1d 12h 21m [D] uses to explorer kit to descend to the underground

1d 12h 20m [D] returns to the surface

1d 12h 20m [P] picks up a Leaf Stone

1d 12h 19m [P] finds a hidden Antidote

1d 12h 17m [P] picks up a Miracle Seed.

1d 12h 16m [P] surfs south cross the river, and enters Floaroma Meadow.

1d 12h 16m [D] saves, then descends to the underground

1d 12h 14m [P] We walk out of the ironworks building

1d 12h 14m [D] We walk out of the Great Marsh

1d 12h 13m [P] We navigate to the giant furnace at the center of the building. Picked up a TM35 Flamethrower. We talk to Mr. Fuego. Received a Fire Stone.

1d 12h 12m [D] We find another Croagunk, and throw a Safari ball at it. Caught a male Lv. 22 Croagunk! Nickname: BROCK.

1d 12h 10m [P] Vs. Worker Conrad. Conrad sends out Rapidash. We send out Noctowl. Rapidash lands a critical Stomp, for two-thirds of Noctowl's health. Rapidash uses a Take Down to knock out Noctowl. We send in Bastiodon. Bastiodon moves first, and misses. Rapidash uses Take Down to chip. Bastiodon uses a Rock Tomb. Rapidash's Ember also deals chip damage. Bastiodon uses another Rock Tomb, landing a critical hit. Rapidash faints. Bastiodon grew to Lv. 33. Conrad defeated.

1d 12h 9m [D] picked up a Full Heal

1d 12h 6m [P] In the south-east quadrant of the building, we find a Rock Incense

1d 12h 2m [P] We ride more spinny tiles to the east side of the factory. picked up a fire stone

1d 12h 1m [D] Caught a female Lv. 20 Budew! Nickname: BLUD. Box 1 is full, so Budew was transferred to Box 2.

1d 12h 0m [P] We switch to Empoleon. Steelix misses with a Slam attack. Steelix uses a Dragonbreath for 4 HP. Empoleon uses Surf, knocking out Steelix. Holden defeated

1d 11h 58m [P] Glameow uses Blizzard to chip Steelix. Steelix uses Dragonbreath, paralyzing Glameow. Glameow uses Iron Defense. Steelix attacks, and Glameow misses a Blizzard

1d 11h 57m [D] Caught a female Lv. 21 Quagsire! Nickname: CLODSIRE.

1d 11h 56m [P] We ride some spinny tiles to Worker Holden, and fight. Glameow charms the opposing Steelix. Steelix attacks with Dragonbreath. Glameow uses Iron Defense via Assist. Steelix starts a sandstorm. We use a Hyper Potion on Glameow. Steelix lands a critical hit slam. The sandstorm damage reduces Glameow to 1HP. We use another Hyper Potion. Steelix uses Rock Polish.

1d 11h 50m [D] We throw three Safari Balls at a Marill. Caught a male Lv. 21 Marill! Nickname: M4.

1d 11h 49m [P] Vs. Worker Dillan. Glameow uses Return, then the opposing Machop uses a Seismic Toss to knock out Glameow. We switch to Misdrevus, then revive Glameow. Machop's Seismic Toss is ineffective. Misdrevus uses Psybeam to knock out Machop. Dillian sens in a Machoke. Machoke uses Foresight. Misdrevus uses two Psybeam to knock out Machoke. Dillan defeated

1d 11h 47m [D] Caught a female Lv. 20 Azurill! Nickname: M4.

1d 11h 46m [D] We run from a few Bibarel. Then a Marill and a Quagsire runs from us, after one Safari Ball each

1d 11h 44m [P] enters the Ironworks Building

1d 11h 44m [P] Glameow defeats a wild Floatzel. Glameow grew to Lv. 32. Glameow did not learn Captivate

1d 11h 43m [D] throws two safari balls at a Croagunk, before the Croagunk flees

1d 11h 42m [P] tries fishing with an old rod, then uses a potion on Glameow

1d 11h 41m [D] We throw two Safari Balls at a Quagsire before the Quagsire runs away

1d 11h 39m [D] walks west from this tram station, and finds an Antidote

1d 11h 39m [P] a wild Shellos knocks out Glameow. After defeating the Shellos, we use a Revive to revive Glameow

1d 11h 39m [D] rides the tram to the middle station. We walk west a bit, then walk east crossing the tram tracks. Then turn around again, cross the tram tracks again and enter the station, riding to the front of the park

1d 11h 35m [D] enters the Great Marsh for another safari game

1d 11h 34m [P] right next to the landing spot, we pick a Kelpsey, 2 Wepear, 2 Wepear and a Sitrius Berry

1d 11h 33m [D] From the left binoculars, we see Marill, Croagunk and Bidoof. We go down the stairs

1d 11h 33m [P] lands at the Feugo Ironworks. A wild Pachirisu paralyzes Glameow. We use a Paralyze Heal to cure the paralysis.

1d 11h 31m [D] goes to the second floor of the marsh entrance building. We look through the middle binoculars, and see Psyduck and Budew.

1d 11h 29m [P] takes a Full Heal from Pachirisu

1d 11h 29m [D] encounters a few pokemon in that northeast patch. We run from all of them. We return to the tram station. We ride the tram back to the entrance, then walk out and end the safari game

1d 11h 26m [P] surfs westward along a river. Using a pokeball, caught a male Lv. 24 Wingull! No nickname.

1d 11h 25m [D] found a toxic plate

1d 11h 22m [D] We ride the tram to the back of the park. We head east from that tram station to the grassy area

1d 11h 22m [P] A honey tree is shaking. It is a Lv 7 Wurmple. Glameow knocks out the Wurmple. We slather the tree with honey.

1d 11h 21m [P] flies to Floaroma Town. We exit town east to Route 205. We pick a bunch of oran an pecha berries off of two trees.

1d 11h 20m [D] talks to someone near the entrance. Received a HM05 Defog

1d 11h 18m [D] enters the Great Marsh, and pays to begin a Safari Game

1d 11h 17m [D] withdraws Mimar the Haunter and deposits Buneary into Box 1

1d 11h 14m [D] flies to Pastoria City. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

1d 11h 12m [D] Navigating the fence maze a bit more, we find a Big Root

1d 11h 9m [D] picks up a hidden Heart Scale

1d 11h 8m [D] A wild Stunky knocks out Shellos. Buneary flees with the Run Away Ability.

1d 11h 7m [P] In addition to the slightly devious smile, a "HI" has been dotted onto the Pokétch canvas

1d 11h 4m [D] leaves Veilstone southwards, entering Route 214

1d 11h 3m [P] leaves the Oreburg museum

1d 11h 1m [P] talks to another patron. The patron reads a sign that claims that the mines extend to under the sea floor.

1d 11h 1m [D] flies to Veilstone City

1d 10h 59m [D] Bikes to the side of the Galactic Building, and picks up a PP Up

1d 10h 58m [P] We talk to the person studying fossils. We don't have any fossils to give

1d 10h 58m [D] leaves the forest, and flies to Veilstone City

[Chat] (about the dots on Pearl's drawing app)
MemeMeow6: almost a smiley face but slightly devious
Tranzaktsiya: tpp is always slightly devious

1d 10h 56m [P] One of the museum patrons expresses surprise that a piece of coal could be so big

1d 10h 55m [D] leaves the Old Chateau

1d 10h 55m [P] pokes at the drawing app on the Pokétch, drawing a few dots

1d 10h 53m [D] picks up a Dread Plate

1d 10h 53m [D] We find a TV that has an oddly malevolent feel

1d 10h 50m [D] explores the upper floor of the chateau. Found a TM90 Substitute

1d 10h 49m [D/P] The input streams are split

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: sometimes people ask me they sez "Hey how come dual runs are split controls instead of single controls" and like ok this is why

1d 10h 48m [P] enters the museum

1d 10h 47m [P] continues inspecting the Pokédex

1d 10h 47m [D] enters the Old Chateau.

1d 10h 46m [D] We pick up an Insect Plate.

1d 10h 45m [D] flies to Eterna City, then head west and enter Eterna Forest. We cut through the path to the Old Chateau, and pass though. We pick up an Ether

1d 10h 41m [D] flies to Veilstone City, then rides the bike around the border of town. We enter a house, and talk to a clown. The clown spins a coin then tells us to pick a hand. We guess that the coin in the left hand and fail. We try again and guess the right hand this time. Received a Coin Case

1d 10h 37m [P] wanders back into Oreburgh

1d 10h 36m [D] enters a house on the eastern outskirts of town. The resident tells us about seals. Received a seal case

1d 10h 35m [P] wanders north to Route 207

1d 10h 35m [D] enters Solaceon Town

1d 10h 33m [D] cuts a tree south of the tower, passes into the dead-end and picks up a TM47 Steel Wing

1d 10h 29m [P] leaves the Poké Center

1d 10h 28m [D] Defeating a wild starly, Shellos grew to Lv. 29. Shellos did not learn Body Slam.

1d 10h 26m [D] We pick 8 Razz Berries from two trees, and plant and water a Figy Berry and a Wiki berry in their place

[Snark] "Rowan's words echoed... AAAAAAA!" Being able to hear Rowan halfway across the region makes more sense now.

1d 10h 21m [P] Rowan's words echoed... don't ride your bike inside the Poké Center

1d 10h 21m [D] flies to Hearthome, then rides the bike eastward to Route 209

1d 10h 18m [D] We cut a tree to Scott's east, and just past the cut tree we pick up a TM34 Shock Wave

1d 10h 17m [P] We fly to Oreburgh. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

1d 10h 17m [D] We fight and defeat Jogger Scott and Scott's Staravia.

1d 10h 16m [D] We fly to Veilstone City, the leave westward to Route 215

1d 10h 12m [D] We head west to Route 205. We cut through the shortcut around Eterna Forest. We pick up a Silver Powder and a TM82 Sleep Talk

1d 10h 8m [D] flies to eterna city, enters the pokecenter and heads to the PC. We move an unnamed Wooper, UWU the Roselia and AYY the Bibarel from Box 2 to Box 1. Then we withdraw a Buneary that knows cut and deposit Mimar the Haunter.

1d 10h 6m [P] Misdreavus defeats a wild Psyduck and Misdreavus grew to Lv. 34

1d 10h 2m [D/P] Diamond inspects the party, while Pearl inspects the pokedex

1d 10h 1m [D] has been brushing against the eastern fence of Hearthome, just south of the gym, playing with either the bag or the marker app, until taking the step west that Pearl needed to reach the TM

1d 9h 59m [P] at the end of the accessible part of this river, picked up a TM 19 Giga Drain

1d 9h 57m [P] surfs eastward, down a river. A wild psyduck knocks out Glameow. We throw our only great ball at that psyduck. Caught a female Lv. 34 Psyduck! Nickname: QuaccAttac.

1d 9h 53m [P] talks to the fisher that gives the Good Rod. We ask the fisher to repeat the explanation on how to fish.

1d 9h 51m [P] leaves eastward, entering Route 209

1d 9h 50m [P] flies to Hearthome City

1d 9h 48m [P] surfed to the north-east corner of the route, and picked up a rare candy

1d 9h 47m [D] We head down to the bottom floor of the Pokecenter. Received the Pal Pad

1d 9h 47m [P] We surf around Miguel, and stand on the patch of land to Miguel's south. We then surf to the other shore of the route

1d 9h 45m [D] The signature consists of a dot near the middle, and a triangle of dots in the bottom-left corner

1d 9h 45m [D] rearranges the bag some more, then enters the pokecenter. We go to the second floor, and sign the back of our trainer card

1d 9h 45m [P] Miguel sends in a second Gyrados. Gyrados uses Leer to reduce Bastiodon's defense, then Bite for an ineffective hit. Bastiodon misses an attack then flinches. Gyrados uses Twister. Bastiodon lands a Rock Tomb. The Gyrados continues to chip, while Bastiodon uses a few more Rock Tomb to knock out this Gyrados. Miguel defeated.

1d 9h 43m [P] We send in Bastiodon. Gyrados uses Twister. Bastiodon misses the first Rock Tomb, then hits the next three Rock Tomb attacks to knock out Gyrados.

1d 9h 39m [D] moves the Sprayduck up to the third slot in the bag, then down to the fourth slot

1d 9h 39m [P] Vs. Fisherman Miguel. Glameow leads with a Charm, and Miguel's Gyrados uses Dragon Rage. We switch to Noctowl. Gyrados uses Twister to chip Noctowl. Noctowl uses Roost. Gyrados bites Noctowl, and noctowl faints.

1d 9h 38m [D] enters Bebe's house and talk to Bebe. We leave the house.

1d 9h 36m [P] Glameow uses Assist a few more asssists to knock out Lee's other two magikarp. Glameow grew to Lv. 31.

1d 9h 35m [D] We walk to the Pokemon Fan Club. We talk to the chairman. Received a poffin case

1d 9h 33m [P] Lee sends in a Magikarp. We switch to Glameow. Glameow uses Assist a few times, while Magikarp uses Tackle. Glameow uses Return to knock out Magikarp.

1d 9h 31m [D] leaves the building, then bikes to enter a different building, and goes up the elevator. We talk to the resident. Received a Shell Bell.

1d 9h 32m [P] Noctowl uses Fly. Gyrados bites Noctowl, and Noctowl flinches. Gyrados uses another Dragon Rage. Noctowl uses Fly. Gyrados leers at Noctowl, and Noctowl flies again. Gyrados is reduced to a few HP. Gyrados lands a twister, which deals a minimal amount of damage. Noctowl uses fly again to knock out Gyrados.

1d 9h 29m [P] Vs. Fisherman Luc. Glameow defeats Luc's Magikarp with Return. Luc sends in a Gyrados that intimidates Glameow. Glameow uses a Return. Glameow uses Charm, then Gyrados uses Dragon Rage. We switch to Noctowl

1d 9h 29m [D] enters a building, goes up the elevator, then talks to the residents

[Info] What Diamond was doing in the mines earlier while was searching for a Thunderstone for the purpose of evolving Pikachu

1d 9h 24m [P] leaves to Route 218

1d 9h 24m [D/P] Pearl flies to Canalave. Since Diamond hasn't been to Canalave yet, diamond can't fly there, desyncing the games. Diamond flies to Hearthome

[Chat] M4_used_Rollout: yeah I don't think this is like Touhoumon Moemon where you can desync the games easily
Wahi: i was gonna say we can just fly but we have the fliers in the same slot Kappa

1d 9h 21m [D/P] leaves the Jubilife Poké Center

1d 9h 19m [D/P] Synchronized, both teams walk to the pokecenter, and change PC box backgrounds to the newly-unlocked background: Diamond has Team Galactic, while Pearl has Nostalgic.

[Info] The first attempt at disabling dual mode resulted in disabling inputs to pearl. dual mode was reenabled briefly; and the second dual mode disable attempt, the input feeds were combined and now control both games simultaneously

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: hey I just thought of something fun M4_used_Rollout: !disabledualmode

1d 9h 15m [D] Obtained the marking map poketch app

1d 9h 14m [D] obtained the memo pad poketch app

1d 9h 13m [P] We leave the TV building, then bike to infront of the poketech headquarters

1d 9h 13m [D] We walk to to the poketech headquarters, then head up stairs

1d 9h 12m [P] Vs. Clown Lee. Lee sends in Mr. Mime. We send in Glameow. Glameow uses Return, and 1HKOs Mr. Mime. Lee defeated.

1d 9h 11m [D] We exit the building

1d 9h 11m [P] We go down a floor, then enter the gallery. We talk to the person there, who offers to take a picture if we dress up our Pokémon. We leave the gallery, and go down stairs

1d 9h 10m [D] We look at our trainer card. IDNo. 02996. We answer the director's questions again. "BATTLE ARMOR OLD MAN" and "FRISK POISON HEAL". We unlock some PC wallpaper.

1d 9h 6m [P] We answer the director's questions again. We unlock mystery gift.

1d 9h 4m [D] We give feedback "WI-FI CONNECTION". We unlock mystery gift

1d 9h 2m [P] We then give feedback "FIRE PHONE". The producer unlocks new wallpapers for our pc boxes

1d 9h 1m [D] We walk down the stairs. The producer asks our opinion on TV. We answer "EVERYONE HAPPY".

1d 9h 1m [P] ride the elevator up a few floors. The producer asks our opinion TV. We answer "TRAINER HABIT"

1d 8h 58m [D] goes up the stairs to the top floor and talks to someone. "Your exploits are fantastic"

1d 8h 56m [P] We fly to Jubilife, then ride to the Jubilife TV building. We draw a lotto ticket. This ticket doesn't match either

1d 8h 55m [D] We resurface. We run to the Jubilife TV building, and enter. We draw a lotto ticket. The ticket does not match

1d 8h 53m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

1d 8h 52m [P] We use a TM to teach Glameow Return over Fury Swipes

1d 8h 49m [P] Ponyta uses Take Down for chip damage. Bastiodon hits another Rock Tomb, knocking out Ponyta. Bastiodon grew to Lv. 32. Rival defeated

1d 8h 48m [P] We send in Bastiodon. Bastiodon's quick claw activates, and Bastiodon hits Ponyta with a Rock Tomb. Ponyta survives, and attacks with Fire Spin.

1d 8h 46m [P] Ponyta hits Noctowl with Take Down, and knocks out Noctowl

1d 8h 46m [P] Noctowl uses Roost to heal. Grotle uses Razor Leaf to undo the healing. Noctowl uses Fly. Fly is a critical hit, and Grotle faints. AXN sends in Ponyta. Pointed stones dig into Ponyta.

1d 8h 44m [P] AXN sends in Grotle. Misdreavus uses Attract, but Grotle manages to Bite Misdreavus, and Misdreavus faints. We switch to Noctowl

1d 8h 44m [D] Dug up a Moon Stone

1d 8h 43m [P] AXN sends in Buizel. Misdreavus uses Attract, and Buizel is immobilized by love. Misdreavus follows up with confuse ray. Buizel remains immobilized, but does manage to follow up with an Aqua Jet. Misdreavus creates a substitute. Buizel uses aqua jet twice to break the substitue, as Misdreavus uses Psybeam twice to knock out Buizel

1d 8h 41m [P] We switch to Misdreavus. We revive Glameow. Heracross is fully paralyzed and unable to move. Misdreavus uses two Psybeam attacks to knock out Heracross

1d 8h 39m [P] We switch to Noctowl. We try to give a Revival Herb to Bastiodon, then actually give on to Glameow. Heracross uses Brick Break to take out 2/3 of Noctowl's health. We switch to Glameow. Heracross uses Aerial Ace to take out a good chunk of Glameow's health. Glameow summons Iron Defense. Heracross uses a horn attack, which Glameow survives. Glameow summons a Thunder, and paralyzes haracross. Heracross uses a Brick Break, knocking out Glameow

1d 8h 37m [P] Heracross attacks with a Night Slash. Glameow calls Rock Tomb to slightly damage Heracross. Heracross uses Brick Break to knock out Glameow

1d 8h 36m [P] We send in Bastiodon as rival sends in Heracross. We give Glameow a revival herb. Heracross uses Aerial Ace to chip bastiodon. We switch to Glameow

1d 8h 35m [D] flies to Jubilife, then returns to the underground

1d 8h 35m [P] We switch back to Glameow. Glameow fails to hit Staravia a few times, as Staravia uses Take Down and Aerial Ace to knock out Glameow. We switch to Bastiodon, revive Glameow, then switch Glameow back in. Staravia uses a critical Take Down to knock out both Glameow and itself

1d 8h 33m [D] We surface, then fly to Eterna City. We change Murkrow's nickname to hat 🙂

1d 8h 32m [P] Staravia lands a Quick Attack, then Glameow calls Thunder, hitting Staravia. Staravia uses Aerial Ace, to knock out Glameow. We send in Bastiodon. We use a Revival Herb on Glameow. Staravia continues to increase evasiveness with Double Team

1d 8h 30m [P] We start to cross the bridge in town, but get jumped by the rival. Vs. Rival. Glameow uses Assist to call Stealth Rocks twice, as the opposing Staravia uses Quick Attack and Double Team. Glameow calls Psybeam and Blizzard, but Staravia dodges both and continues to use Double Team

1d 8h 28m [D] We attempt to sell a Fire Trap to a hiker, but don't have space to hold the spheres

1d 8h 28m [P] We move Glameow to the top of the party, then fly to Canalave

1d 8h 26m [P] We ride our bike around town, doing a circle around the house south of the palkia statue, then enter the medicine shop. bought 8 Revival Herb

1d 8h 23m [P] flies to Eterna City

1d 8h 22m [P] heals

1d 8h 22m [D] We use the Explorer's Kit, and return to the underground

1d 8h 21m [P] We enter the Canalave Poké Center. We access the PC. We consider changing Box 1's Wallpaper. We withdraw Mio the Glameow and deposit Lopunny into Box 1

1d 8h 20m [D] We fly to Hearthome City

1d 8h 18m [D] Several colored shards, two Heart Scales, three Sun Stones and a Skull Fossil are moved from the treasure bag to the primary bag. We resurface in Veilstone

1d 8h 16m [P] We send in Empoleon. Empolon attacks with surf, bringing the wild Floatzel to red health. Then we resume throwing Pokeballs. Several pokeballs later Caught a female Lv. 28 Floatzel! Nickname: V.

1d 8h 13m [P] Noctowl attempts to, but fails to put a wild Floatzel to sleep with Hypnosis. Floatzel knocks out Noctowl with Pursuit as we switch to Lopunny. Lopunny hits Floatzel with rock smash twice, then we start throwing poke balls. The floatzel keeps breaking out and landing attacks, knocking out Lopunny.

1d 8h 12m [D] digs up a third sun stone

1d 8h 7m [P] We slather honey on the nearby yellow tree

1d 8h 6m [P] waters the recently-planted pinap berry, then plants and waters three more Pinap berries in that soil patch

1d 8h 4m [P] Noctowl used hypnosis to put a Glameow to sleep, and we then throw a few pokeballs at the Glameow. Caught a female Lv. 30 Glameow! Nickname: Mio.

1d 7h 59m [P] Reordered the party. HHEHEE the Noctowl is now in front.

1d 7h 59m [D] triggered a confuse trap, then the trap wore off

1d 7h 57m [D] Mined up another Sun Stone

1d 7h 55m [P] Planted a Pinap Berry in that same patch of soil

1d 7h 53m [D] Mined up a sun stone

1d 7h 53m [P] From the soil patch on the western coast of Route 218, we picked a Rawst Berry, a Persim Berry, a Figy Berry, and a pair of Pinap Berries.

1d 7h 51m [P] saves

1d 7h 48m [P] Caught a female Lv. 29 Glameow! Nickname: CNyaaa🙂ᶻz

[Recap] Diamond has been mining underground since receiving the Fen Badge

1d 7h 25m [P] Received the Relic Badge!

1d 5h 53m [P] Obtained HM03 Surf

1d 5h 43m [P] Reached Celestic Town

1d 5h 40m [P] UH) evolved into Empoleon

[Meta] With that, the live updater is going back in the dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 5h 18m [P] Meanwhile, AAAAAAA is walking around in the fog.

1d 5h 17m [D] Defeated Leader Crasher Wake and received the Fen Badge! Received TM55 Brine!

1d 5h 16m [D] Thunderbolt hits, and paralyzes Floatzel. It restores health with a Sitrus Berry, but the next Thunderbolt takes it down. Pikachu grew to Lv. 29! It doesn't learn Feint.

1d 5h 15m [D] We send out Pikachu and finish off Quagsire with Grass Knot. Wake sends Floatzel next.

1d 5h 15m [D] Mud Bomb misses, letting Monferno live for another turn. However, Rock Smash fails to take down Qugsire, and Monferno is taken out.

1d 5h 14m [D] Quagisire is sent out by Wake. Monferno manages to take it down to orange health, and Wake uses another Hyper Potion.

1d 5h 13m [P] Using the Secret Potion we got from Cynthia, we ease up the Psyducks pain and free the path on Route 210. Cynthia arrives and we receive the Old Charm.

1d 5h 12m [D] Monferno manages to take down Gyarados! Monferno grew to Lv. 28!

1d 5h 11m [D] Gyarados uses Swagger and Pikachu gets confused. Wake uses a Hyper Potion and we switch to Monferno.

1d 5h 11m [D] Wake sends out Gyarados. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, and almost takes it down, but manages to paralyze it.

1d 5h 9m [D] Vs. Leader Crasher Wake! (Attempt #1)

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 4h 9m [P] Dug up a Size 4 Blue Sphere, a Size 14 Red Sphere, and a Size 13 Red Sphere. But our Bag is full, so we actually get nothing.

1d 4h 7m [D] Disengaged an Alert Trap 2.

1d 4h 7m [D] Disengaged a Smoke Trap.

1d 4h 6m [D] Disengaged a Move Trap +.

1d 4h 5m [D] Dug at another wall and obtained a Size 11 Red Sphere and a Size 11 Pale Sphere.

1d 4h 5m [P] We save then dig to the Underground.

1d 4h 3m [P] We go visit the Move Maniac. We give him a Heart Scale and teach Hypnosis to Noctowl over Confusion.

1d 4h 3m [D] Dug at another wall and obtained a Heart Scale and a Size 4 Red Sphere.

1d 4h 1m [D] A wall collapsed. Obtained a Size 1 Red Sphere, but missed out on a Fossil.

1d 4h 1m [P] We spread more Honey on the tree, then fly to Pastoria City.

1d 3h 59m [P] Caught a female Lv. 12 Wurmple! Nickname: E~@….

1d 3h 57m [P] We go up Route 205.

1d 3h 57m [D] Disengaged a Fire Trap.

1d 3h 57m [P] We fly to Floaroma Town.

1d 3h 56m [D] Dug up a Size 1 Red Sphere, a Size 4 Blue Sphere, and a Size 1 Pale Sphere.

1d 3h 55m [P] We boot up the HM and teach Fly to Noctowl over Hypnosis!

1d 3h 54m [D] We dug up a Size 19 Blue Sphere and a Size 18 Green Sphere.

1d 3h 53m [P] Found HM02 Fly!

1d 3h 53m [P] The Team Galactic Grunts run off. The way to the warehouse is clear, so we go in.

1d 3h 52m [D] Digging at another wall, we obtain a Size 21 Blue Sphere, a Size 19 Blue Sphere, a Size 10 Blue Sphere, a Size 8 Prism Sphere.

1d 3h 51m [P] Stunky goes down as well. Defeated Galactic Grunts!

1d 3h 50m [P] Beautifly is down! The Grunt sends Stunky, and we swap to Bastiodon.

1d 3h 49m [P] Beautifly uses Mega Drain, and Clefairy goes down! Lucas sends out Monferno.

1d 3h 49m [P] Clefairy's Metronome landed on Hyper Fang for a lot of damage to Beautifly. The other Grunt sends out Croagunk, which gets taken down by Confusion.

1d 3h 48m [P] Noctowl grew to Lv. 26!

1d 3h 48m [P] A few Confusion attacks, and Dustox goes down.

1d 3h 46m [D] Dug at another wall. Obtained a Revive and a Size 4 Green Sphere.

1d 3h 45m [P] The Grunts send out Beautifly and Dustox. We send out Noctowl, and Lucas sends Clefairy.

1d 3h 44m [P] We meet up with Lucas, and the Grunts won't give back the Pokédex. Double Battle time!

1d 3h 43m [D] Dug at another wall and obtained a Heart Scale and a Size 18 Green Sphere.

1d 3h 42m [P] Found a PP Up.

1d 3h 41m [P] Lucas is outside the Gym, and asks for our help! It appears Team Galactic stole his Pokédex.

1d 3h 40m [D] A wall collapses and we get nothing for it.

1d 3h 40m [P] Defeated Leader Maylene and received the Cobble Badge! Received TM60 Drain Punch!

1d 3h 39m [P] We send out Noctowl. It uses Natural Gift, and Lucario goes down!

1d 3h 38m [P] Lucario misses with Metal Claw, letting Pachirisu live for one more turn. Pachirisu goes down the next turn, leaving Lucario at red health.

1d 3h 37m [P] Thunder misses while Lucario keeps using Drain Punch and Force Palm.

1d 3h 36m [P] We send out Pachirisu and uses Charm. Force Palm is used again and Pachirisu is paralyzed.

1d 3h 36m [D] Another wall collapses. Obtained a Size 1 Pale Sphere.

1d 3h 35m [P] Lucario uses Drain Punch. Prinplup survives the hit, but paralysis prevents it from moving, and it goes down the next turn.

1d 3h 35m [P] Lucario uses Force Palm and Prinplup is paralyzed.

1d 3h 34m [P] Machoke is down. Maylene sends Lucario.

1d 3h 34m [P] Prinplup and Machoke trade blows. We send Machoke in the red, and Maylene uses another Hyper Potion.

1d 3h 33m [P] Using Pluck twice more, Meditite goes down! Machoke is sent out.

1d 3h 33m [D] Another wall collapses, we obtain a Size 4 Green Sphere.

1d 3h 33m [P] Meditite uses Detect to protect itself against our attack. The next turn, Pluck hits and almost takes it down; Maylene uses a Hyper Potion.

1d 3h 32m [P] Maylene sends out Meditite. We send Prinplup.

1d 3h 32m [P] Vs. Leader Maylene! (Attempt #1)

[Chat] tppsimulator: I won't listen. It isn't there. Wake up. Leave the shadow of some unseen gems, with lyrics for a thunderstone

1d 3h 31m [D] Dug up everything in this wall! Obtained a Size 6 Green Sphere, a Size 9 Green Sphere, and a Size 8 Red Sphere, and a Size 16 Red Sphere.

1d 3h 27m [D] Obtained a Size 4 Red Sphere. There was also a Thunder Stone in there, but the wall collapsed.

1d 3h 26m [D] Digging at another wall.

[Chat] MariosYoshi: the logic is simple most good items are big so you dont need to remove more than a single tile to see them

MariosYoshi: and thats why hammer is bad

MegaZard: my logic is simple, HAMMER GIVES DOPAMINE


[Chat] Gooshazzles: i can imagine diamond dual wielding his tools in rage

1d 3h 24m [D] Obtained a Size 8 Green Sphere and a Leaf Stone.

1d 3h 23m [D] We dig at another wall. This is looking like a Leaf Stone...

1d 3h 21m [D] We disengaged a Fire Trap.

1d 3h 21m [P] We are back in the Veilstone Gym.

1d 3h 20m [P] We use a Rare Candy, and Misdreavus grows to Lv. 23 and learns Psybeam over Psywave.

1d 3h 18m [P] Misdreavus defeated a wild Sudowoodo and grew to Lv. 22.

1d 3h 17m [D] Another wall collapses. Obtained a Size 1 Prism Sphere.

1d 3h 15m [P] We leave Veilstone City and go on Route 214.

1d 3h 14m [P] We leave the Game Corner and heal at the Poké Center.

1d 3h 13m [D] More digging. Obtained a Size 1 Prism Sphere and a Size 11 Blue Sphere.

1d 3h 12m [P] Bought 3500 coins.

1d 3h 11m [D] The wall collapsed! We obtained a Size 2 Green Sphere and a Size 1 Prism Sphere.

1d 3h 10m [P] We enter the Veilstone Game Corner.

1d 3h 9m [P] We leave the Veilstone Gym.

1d 3h 9m [D] We started digging at a wall.

1d 3h 9m [D/P] Alright, we are back again.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: are you KIDDING me

1d 3h 8m [D/P] Broke again.

1d 3h 7m [P] Machoke goes down. Deafeated Black Belt Darren!

1d 3h 6m [D/P] Inputs are back!

[Chat] gpikachu10: You know what this all is about? Us. Underground. In a cave. That's right, this is actually Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Us unable to input represents the chains of ignorance. We face a wall of some unseen gems, with only the shadow of a hint on the map before us. Our ignorance to the reality outside of the cave prevents us from inputting. We scream at the void, but the void won't listen. It can't listen. It isn't there. Wake up. Leave the cave. Maybe then we can play the real game.

[Chat] tppsimulator: so worst of times

[Snark] Okay now I'm starting to slowly go insane from the music loop.

[Fluff] At least this is great music to be stuck on.

1d 2h 31m [D/P] Inputs appear to have frozen.

1d 2h 31m [D] We dig to the Underground!

1d 2h 30m [D] We save.

1d 2h 30m [P] Machop is down as well. Another Machoke follows.

1d 2h 29m [P] Machoke goes down. Machop is next.

1d 2h 29m [D] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

1d 2h 28m [D] We fly to Pastoria City.

1d 2h 28m [P] Machoke is sent out.

1d 2h 28m [D] Exited the Lost Tower. We are back on Route 209.

1d 2h 28m [P] We are pushing the walls in the Gym to make a way to Maylene. While doing so, we get spotted by Black Belt Darren.

1d 2h 26m [P] Meditite goes down. Noctowl grew to Lv. 24! We win the battle!

1d 2h 25m [D] Time to climb down the stairs.

1d 2h 24m [P] Meditite is put to sleep by Noctowl.

1d 2h 24m [P] Vs. Black Belt Rafael! He sends out Meditite.

1d 2h 23m [D] We talk to the second old lady, and obtain a Cleanse Tag.

1d 2h 23m [P] We use a TM and teach Noctowl Natural Gift over Secret Power.

1d 2h 22m [D] We reach the last floor of the Lost Tower and talk to one of the old ladies at the top. Obtained HM04 Strength!

1d 2h 21m [D] Misdreavus is taken down as well and we win the battle.

1d 2h 21m [P] Took the Rawst Berry from Noctowl and gave it a Cheri Berry instead.

1d 2h 20m [D] Mike & Nat send out Misdreavus and Murkrow. They manage to take down Haunter and we send out Girafarig. Pikachu then takes down Murkrow and Girafarig grows to Lv. 31.

1d 2h 19m [P] Took the Exp. Share from Noctowl and gave it a Rawst Berry to hold.

1d 2h 19m [D] Vs. Young Couple Mike & Nat!

1d 2h 17m [D] Found TM27 Return!

1d 2h 16m [P] With one Confusion, Machokle goes down. Defeated Black Belt Colby!

1d 2h 15m [P] Misdreavus goes down and we send out Noctowl.

1d 2h 14m [D] Gave Pikachu the Amulet Coin to hold instead of the Exp. Share.

1d 2h 13m [P] The second Machoke is down, and Misdreavus is now facing a third one.

[Snark] Also sim almost made us not learn the move by inputting s at the worst possible time.

1d 2h 12m [D] Ponyta goes down as well. Pikachu grew to Lv. 26 and learned Thunderbolt over Sweet Kiss.

1d 2h 11m [D] Buizel goes down and Haunter grows to Lv. 27.

1d 2h 10m [D] Spotted by Belle & Pa Beth & Bob, who send out Ponyta and Buizel.

1d 2h 9m [P] A second Machoke is sent out, and gets similarly incapacitated.

1d 2h 9m [D] We use a TM and Haunter learns Hidden Power (Psychic) over Sucker Punch.

1d 2h 8m [P] Machoke goes down and Noctowl grows to Lv. 23.

1d 2h 7m [D] We swap Sucker Punch and Night Shade in Haunter's moveset.

1d 2h 6m [D] Bonsly goes down, and we win the battle.

1d 2h 5m [P] Machoke is confused and infatuated.

1d 2h 5m [D] We swap Haunter for Pikachu and use Grass Knot.

1d 2h 5m [P] Vs. Black Belt Colby. He sends out Machoke.

1d 2h 4m [D] Vs. Pokéfan Rebekah! She sends out Bonsly.

[Recap] The Diamond side is currently on Route 209 with a team consisting of Haunter, Monferno, Shellos, Murkrow, Pikachu, and Girafarig. The Pearl side just entered the Gym in Veilstone City, with a team made up of Misdreavus, Bastiodon, Prinplup, Pachirisu, Noctowl, and Lopunny.

[Recap] Since the updater was last active, the Diamond side earned the Cobble Badge, while the Pearl side obtained the Fen Badge.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Major events might still be reported sporadically, but continuous updates will cease for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 19h 32m [P] Prinplup grew to Lv. 29!

0d 19h 32m [D] Caught a male Lv. 22 Shellos! Nickname: AAYAXGP.

0d 19h 30m [P] The third Goldeen is down, and we win the battle!

0d 19h 30m [D] Another wild Buizel takes down Monferno.

0d 19h 29m [P] A third Goldeen is out.

0d 19h 29m [P] Goldeen goes down. Prinplup grew to Lv. 28 and did not learn Fury Attack. Another Goldeen comes next.

0d 19h 28m [D] Caught a female Lv. 22 Shellos! Nickname: WK YZ.

0d 19h 26m [P] Vs. PI Carlos! He sends out Goldeen.

0d 19h 25m [D] We eventually took down the wild Floatzel instead of catching it.

[Chat] tppsimualtor: reuse

0d 19h 24m [P] Found an X Sp. Def!

0d 19h 24m [D] A wild Floatzel took down Girafarig.

0d 19h 23m [P] Picked a Chesto Berry, a Cheri Berry, a Pomeg Berry, and a Sitrus Berry.

0d 19h 22m [P] Having won the battle, we continue our way.

0d 19h 22m [P] Kadabra is taken down as well. Pachirisu grew to Lv. 28!

0d 19h 20m [P] Misdreavus also goes down to Thunder. Next is Kadabra.

0d 19h 20m [D] Caught a female Lv. 20 Shellos! Nickname: ABLOOO.

0d 19h 19m [P] Abigail's Gastly goes down to Thunder. Misdreavus is next.

0d 19h 19m [P] We're back on Route 214, where we are challenged by Psychic Abigail.

0d 19h 17m [P] We enter a house in which a woman offers to give one of our Pokémon a massage. We get one for Prinplup, and the woman finds a Humming Note for us on it.

[Snark] Back in my day, we didn't hunt for a replacement Pokémon just because it had a bad nature, we used what we got even if it meant running Azumarill with Thick Fat.

0d 19h 15m [D] Caught a female Lv. 21 Shellos! Nickname: SHEELYYY.

0d 19h 13m [D] A wild Shellos took down Gastly.

0d 19h 13m [P] We use TM25 and Pachirisu learns Thunder over Swift.

0d 19h 11m [P] We use TM14. Prinplup learned Blizzard over Pound!

0d 19h 9m [D] Venturing on Route 213 again, we catch a male Lv. 21 Shellos! Nickname: Ff?.

0d 19h 9m [P] We talk to a clerk and receive the Counter App for our Pokétch!

0d 19h 8m [P] Bought 1 TM83 Natural Gift!

0d 19h 7m [P] Bought 1 TM52 Focus Blast!

0d 19h 6m [P] Bought 1 TM25 Thunder!

0d 19h 6m [P] Bought 1 TM14 Blizzard!

0d 19h 5m [P] We enter the Veilstone Department Store.

0d 19h 5m [D] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 19h 4m [P] We exit the Poké Center.

0d 19h 4m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 19h 3m [D] We are now in Pastoria City.

0d 19h 3m [P] We arrive in Veilstone City.

0d 19h 2m [P] Picked up a Mago Berry and a Wiki Berry.

0d 19h 1m [P] Quick Claw lets Shieldon deal the final blow to Gyarados, as it goes down. Shieldon grew to Lv. 28! It did not learn AncientPower.

0d 19h 0m [D] Gyarados goes down; Pichu grew to Lv. 19! We win the battle.

[Snark] Two of them...

0d 18h 59m [D] Vs. Fisherman Juan! He sends out Gyarados.

0d 18h 58m [P] We send out Shieldon to replace Lopunny. It misses with Rock Tomb. Gyarados gets confused as its move ends.

0d 18h 58m [D] The second Geodude goes down, as does the third. We win the battle!

0d 18h 57m [P] Gyarados uses Thrash and Lopunny faints.

0d 18h 57m [P] Prinplup uses Bide while Lopunny takes down Kadabra with Return.

0d 18h 56m [D] Geodude goes down! Another one follows.

0d 18h 56m [P] Monferno is then taken out by Bubblebeam. Gyarados and Kadabra are sent out.

0d 18h 56m [D] Vs. Collector Dominique! He sends Geodude.

0d 18h 55m [P] Glameow goes down to Jump Kick. Lopunny grew to Lv. 25!

0d 18h 55m [P] Dennis and Maya send out Glameow and Monferno.

0d 18h 55m [D] Found TM62 Silver Wind!

0d 18h 54m [P] Vs. Ace Trainers Dennis & Maya!

0d 18h 54m [P] Found a Full Heal.

0d 18h 52m [P] Found TM34 Shock Wave!

0d 18h 50m [D] Used a Potion on Girafarig.

0d 18h 47m [D] Murkrow takes down Kadabra and Pichu grows to Lv. 18, learning Nasty Plot over Tail Whip!

0d 18h 47m [P] Lopunny grew to Lv. 24 while grinding.

0d 18h 46m [D] Vs. Scientist Stefano. He sends Kadabra against our Murkrow.

0d 18h 45m [D] Found an Antidote.

0d 18h 43m [D] A wild Roselia took down Gastly and poisoned Murkrow.

0d 18h 43m [P] We take down Croagunk, and win the battle.

0d 18h 41m [P] Vs. Black Belt Derek! He has a Croagunk.

0d 18h 40m [D] The second Prinplup goes down, and we win the battle!

0d 18h 39m [P] Found a Fist Plate!

0d 18h 39m [P] Another Meditite is sent by Gregory, and Pachirisu takes it down. We win the battle!

0d 18h 39m [D] Jeffrey sends out another Prinplup. Marill goes down next.

0d 18h 38m [D] Prinplup is taken down. Pichu grew to Lv. 17.

0d 18h 38m [P] Machop goes down. Pachirisu grew to Lv. 27!

0d 18h 37m [D] Aipom is down, and Allison sends out Marill.

0d 18h 36m [P] We Spark down Meditite, and Machop is next.

0d 18h 35m [D] Spotted by Pokémon Rangers Allison & Jeffrey! They send Prinplup and Aipom.

0d 18h 35m [P] We cut a tree, and on the other side get spotted by Black Belt Gregory, who sends out Meditite.

0d 18h 34m [D] Found an Elixir!

0d 18h 34m [P] Received TM66 Payback!

0d 18h 32m [P] Shieldon is down as well. Defeated Ruin Maniac Calvin.

0d 18h 30m [P] Bronzor goes down. Shieldon is next.

0d 18h 29m [D] This sure is a Croagunk here in our Pokédex.

0d 18h 29m [P] Vs. Ruin Maniac Calvin! He sends Bronzor.

0d 18h 28m [P] We leave the Café Cabin and head to Route 215.

0d 18h 28m [D] Dejectedly, we leave the Pokémon Mansion and are back on Route 212.

0d 18h 27m [P] Vs. Waitress Kati! She sends out Clefairy. Pachirisu fell in love with it, but eventually managed to take it down, winning the battle.

0d 18h 27m [D] We also checked the "very expensive book on Pokémon", but it doesn't seem to contain a picture of Manaphy as we hoped...

0d 18h 26m [D] Found TM87 Swagger.

0d 18h 25m [P] We enter the Café Cabin and swap Shieldon Exp. Share for a Quick Claw.

0d 18h 24m [D] On second thought, we are back at the Pokémon Mansion.

0d 18h 23m [P] Happiny is sent out. One Pluck, and it is dealt with. Prinplup grew to Lv. 27! We win the battle.

0d 18h 22m [P] Clefairy survives one hit and uses Double Slap, but it does little damage. It goes down the next turn.

0d 18h 22m [D] Buneary goes down and we win the battle.

0d 18h 22m [P] Prinplup takes down Cleffa. Next is Clefairy.

0d 18h 21m [P] Vs. Pokémon breeder Amber! She sends Cleffa.

0d 18h 21m [D] We swap Gastly to Girafarig again.

0d 18h 20m [P] Prinplup and Pachirisu took down both opponents, and won the battle!

0d 18h 20m [D] Vs. Lady Melissa! She has a Lopunny.

0d 18h 19m [D] Girafarig takes down Luxio. Gastly grew to Lv. 24! We win the battle.

0d 18h 19m [P] Vs. Belle & Pa Ava & Matt! They have Stunky and Glameow.

0d 18h 18m [D] Jason sends out Luxio. We swap Gastly for Girafarig.

0d 18h 17m [D] We leave the Pokémon Mansion and are back on Route 212. Vs. Rich Boy Jason!

0d 18h 17m [P] Received TM51 Roost from a girl on Route 210.

0d 18h 16m [D] Swapped Pichu's Oran Berry for an Exp. Share.

0d 18h 14m [P] Aipom is back. We use Spark to take it down, and win the battle!

0d 18h 13m [P] Psyduck goes down too, and Pachirisu grows to Lv. 26!

0d 18h 13m [D] Caught a male Lv. 16 Pichu! Nickname: AWWFBILANL.

0d 18h 13m [P] Girafarig goes down. Psyduck is sent out.

0d 18h 12m [P] Girafarig also gets paralyzed.

0d 18h 11m [P] Pachirisu paralyzes Aipom, which uses Baton Pass to swap to Girafarig.

0d 18h 11m [P] Going up Route 2010, we are spotted by Rancher Marco, who sends out Aipom.

0d 18h 10m [D] We enter the Pokémon Mansion, and make our way to the Trophy Garden.

0d 18h 9m [P] Picked up two Aspear Berries, a Razz Berry, and a Pinap Berry.

0d 18h 9m [D] Girafarig wakes up and takes down Chatot! Girafarig grew to Lv. 26 and we win the battle.

0d 18h 8m [D] Girafarig is put to sleep as well.

0d 18h 7m [D] Right after, we get spotted by Gentleman Jeremy, who sends out Chatot. It puts Gastly to sleep and we switch to Girafarig.

0d 18h 6m [D] We switch Gastly for Girafarig. It takes down Roselia, and we win the battle.

0d 18h 4m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 18h 4m [D] We get spotted by Socialite Raina. She sends out Roselia.

0d 18h 4m [P] Now in Solaceon Town.

0d 18h 3m [D] We're making our way down Route 212.

0d 18h 3m [P] We exit the Lost Tower.

0d 17h 58m [P] Misdreavus goes down as well, and we win the battle!

0d 17h 57m [D] We withdraw Gastly and exit the Poké Center.

0d 17h 57m [P] Murkrow goes down. Shieldon grew to Lv. 27!

0d 17h 56m [D] We deposit Barboach, Buneary, and Happiny.

0d 17h 56m [P] Vs. Young Couple Mike & Nat! They send Misdreavus and Murkrow.

0d 17h 55m [D] We enter the Poké Center and boot up the PC.

0d 17h 55m [P] We find out the hard way that the Escape Rope does not work inside the Lost Tower. Back down the stairs we go, then.

0d 17h 54m [P] Received a Super Potion from Pachirisu.

0d 17h 54m [D] We arrive in Hearthome City.

0d 17h 53m [P] We arrive at the last floor, where we meet to old ladies. One of them gives us a Hidden Machine! Obtain HM04 Strength!

0d 17h 52m [D] We take down William's Mime Jr. and Bonsly, and win the battle.

0d 17h 52m [P] Found TM27 Return!

0d 17h 51m [D] We exit Mt. Coronet and get spotted by Artist William.

0d 17h 51m [P] Ponyta goes down as well, and we win the battle.

0d 17h 50m [P] Pachirisu takes down Buizel.

0d 17h 49m [P] Vs. Belle & Pa Beth & Bob! They send Buizel and Ponyta against our Pachirisu and Shieldon.

0d 17h 48m [P] We swap to Pachirisu and use Grass Knot, taking down Bonsly. We win the battle!

0d 17h 47m [D] Entered Mt. Coronet.

0d 17h 47m [P] Vs. Pokéfan Rebekah. She sends out Bonsly.

0d 17h 46m [D] Hatched a female Lv. 1 Happiny! Nickname: A.

[Recap] Diamond is currently on Route 206, with a team consisting of Barboach, Buneary, Monferno, Girafarig, Murkrow, and an Egg. Pearl is inside the Lost Tower of Route 209, with a team comprised of Shieldon, Pachirisu, Prinplup, and Lopunny.

0d 17h 2m [P] Caught a male Lv. 18 Staravia! Nickname: BURD.

0d 16h 16m [P] Found a Spooky Plate!

0d 15h 50m [D] Caught a Lv. 14 Bronzor! Nickname: bboo.

0d 15h 46m [P] Caught a male Lv. 16 Machop! Nickname: .

0d 15h 39m [D] Caught a male Lv. 15 Kricketune! Nickname: AK.

0d 15h 18m [D] Found a Draco Plate!

0d 15h 14m [D] Caught a male Lv. 13 Chingling! Nickname: AAD.

0d 15h 9m [P] Caught a female Lv. 4 Shinx! Nickname: GOOm7i-..

0d 14h 58m [D] Caught a female Lv. 13 Meditite! Nickname: NNN.

0d 14h 53m [P] Caught a male Lv. 15 Ponyta! Nickname: Pon.

0d 14h 46m [P] Caught a male Lv. 15 Kricketune! Nickname: DEQLEIUNEO.

0d 14h 46m [D] Caught a female Lv. 13 Ponyta! Nickname: KL.

[Meta] As pearl reaches the light, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 12h 8m [P] We reach the entrance of the cave. We and Mira part ways.

0d 12h 7m [D] Caught a female Lv. 14 Cleffa! Nickname: EEPY.

0d 12h 3m [D] fishes up a Barboach. We throw a Pokeball right away. Caught a male Lv. 15 Barboach!

0d 11h 59m [D] picks up an X Speed

0d 11h 57m [P] picks up a TM32 Double Team

0d 11h 57m [P] Buneary uses Endure. Pachirisu lands a critical hit with Spark, but Buneary endures the hit. Buneary uses a Quick Attack. Pachirisu uses a Grass Knock to knock out Buneary. Cassidy and Wayne defeated

0d 11h 56m [D] We rematch and defeat Hiker Robert. Shellos grew to Lv. 21

0d 11h 55m [P] Buneary continues to chip at Shieldon. Another Rock Tomb knocks out Aipom. Shieldon grew to Lv. 23. Wayne sends in a Zubat. We switch to Pachirisu. Both opponents chip Pachirisu. Pachirisu uses a Spark to knock out Zubat.

0d 11h 52m [P] Vs. Lass Cassidy and Youngster Wayne. Mira's Kadabra Misses. The opposing Buneary and Bidoof both attack Kadabra, knocking out Kadabra. Shieldon uses Rock Tomb twice on Bidoof to knock out Bidoof as Buneary chips Shieldon using Frustration. Wayne sends out an Aipom. Shieldon uses a Rock Tomb on Aipom to take out half of Aipom's health. Aipom uses Tickle on Shieldon. Sheildon's next Rock Tomb does not knock out Aipom.

0d 11h 49m [D] leaves town westward, entering Route 208

0d 11h 46m [D] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 11h 44m [D] We take one step in Hearthome, then head back through the gatehouse to Route 209. We talk to a fisher, and received a good rod. Then we enter Hearthome for real.

0d 11h 43m [D] We reach Hearthome City

0d 11h 42m [D] Vs. Jogger Richard. We switch to Gastly. Richard's Luxio bites Gastly, taking out most of Gastly's health. Gastly uses Sucker Punch. Luxio uses Spark, knocking out Gastly. We send in Girafarig. Girafarig uses Psybeam to knock out Luxio. Richard defeated.

0d 11h 39m [D] Fought and defeated Cowgirl Shelly. Monferno grew to Lv. 25

0d 11h 38m [P] picked up a Rare Candy

0d 11h 37m [P] Camper Deigo and Picnicker Tori. Mira's Kadabra defeats the Cascoon and Dustox, while Sheldon defeats the Silcoon and Beautifly. Shieldon grew to Lv. 22

0d 11h 34m [D] We continue south to Route 209. We fight and defeat Young Couple Ty and Sue.

0d 11h 30m [D] We enter the mart. Bought 53 Pokéballs, and received 4 Premier Ball. We leave the mart with ₽40 on hand.

0d 11h 27m [D] In town, we pick a Persim, two Nanab and a Figy Berries; and plant an Aspear, a Persim, and a Razz Berry

0d 11h 23m [D] We enter Solaceon Town, and heal at the Poké Center

0d 11h 22m [P] We fight and defeat Picnicker Ana and Camper Parker

0d 11h 22m [D] We pick two Aspear Berries, and plant a a pair of berries in their place. We pick a Razz Berry, and plant an Aspear berry in its place. We leave the fourth berry in that patch alone

0d 11h 19m [D] We find someone that claims to be resting, then we received a TM51 Roost

0d 11h 17m [D] Vs. Jogger Wyatt. We send in Gastly, then switch to Monferno. Monferno uses Fury Swipes as the opposing Ponyta uses Tail Whip and Growl. Monferno uses a pair of Rock Smash to knock out Ponyta. Wyatt defeated

0d 11h 15m [P] picks up a TinyMushroom

0d 11h 15m [D] We enter Route 110. We fight and defeat Breeder Amber. Gastly grew to Lv. 22 and learned Sucker Punch over Lick. Monferno grew to Lv. 24. Then we fight and defeat Bell and Pa Ava and Matt.

0d 11h 13m [P] Vs. Collector Terry and Ruin Maniac Gerald. Mira's Kadabra 1HKOs the opposing Gastly, then Prinplup 1HKOs the opposing Geodude with Bubble. Kadabra uses a Shock Wave and Prinplup uses Bubble, not knocking out the opposing Bronzor. Prinplup grew to Lv. 24 and learned Bubblebeam over Bubble. We switch to Shieldon. A few more attacks clears out the rest of the opposing team.

0d 11h 6m [D] We are spotted by Jogger Craig. Craig's Luxio's bite knocks out Shellos. Girafarig knocks out Luxio, Ponyta and Staravia. Girafarig grew to Lv. 25. Craig defeated.

0d 11h 1m [P] We continue wandering in the dark. We encounter a scared, lost girl that wants to get to the exit of the cave. Mira joins us

0d 10h 59m [D] We talk to a black belt, who warns us against the cycle of revenge, then gives us a tm. Received a TM66 Payback

0d 10h 57m [D] Vs. Black Belt Derek. Shellos and Derek's Croagunk each land a hit, then we switch to Girafarig. Croagunk's Swagger confuses Girafarig. Girafarig uses a Psybeam to knock out Croagunk. Derek defeated

0d 10h 55m [P] Prinplup defeats a wild Zubat and Prinplup grew to Lv. 23

0d 10h 54m [D] picks up a Guard Spec

0d 10h 52m [D] We throw a Pokeball at a wild Abra. The Abra breaks out, then teleports away

0d 10h 51m [D] Shellos grew to Lv. 20

0d 10h 49m [D] picks up a full heal

0d 10h 48m [D] We leave Veilstone westward, entering Route 215

0d 10h 47m [P] While wandering in the dark, we pick up an escape rope, then give Shieldon a Quick Claw to hold

0d 10h 38m [P] enters Wayward Cave

0d 10h 36m [D] found a relatively long north-south stretch in town and is riding north and south through that area

0d 10h 35m [P] Vs. Hiker Theodore. Geodude uses Rock Smash to slowly chip at Theodore's Onix, while the Onix chip at Geodude with Bind and Rage. We switch to Pachirisu, and knock out the Onix with Grass Knot. Geodude grew to Lv. 9. Pachirisu's Grass Knock also knocks out Theodore's other Onix.

0d 10h 29m [D] is riding around town on the bike

0d 10h 29m [P] picked up a Super Repel

0d 10h 26m [P] took a held great ball from Pachirisu

0d 10h 24m [P] picked up a burn heal

0d 10h 23m [D] returns to Veilstone Pokecenter. We withdraw Girafarig and deposit Buneary, then heal

0d 10h 22m [P] heads north, and manages to ride the bike up the quicksliding part. We continue north, cutting down the trees, and continue to below cycling road.

0d 10h 19m [P] Used a TM to teach Prinplup Pluck over Peck

0d 10h 18m [D] As we throw pokeballs at a Girafarig, Girafarig knocks out Monferno. Caught a female Lv. 24 Girafarig! Nickname: ANNA.

0d 10h 18m [P] Used a TM to teach Pachurisu Grass Knot over Quick Attack

0d 10h 16m [P] Taught Shieldon Rock Tomb over Take Down

0d 10h 15m [P] Taught Stealth Rock to Shieldon over Metal Sound

0d 10h 14m [P] enters the underground. We move several items from the underground bag to the main bag. We resurface, and give the museum guy a fossil. Obtained a **Obtained a Female Lv. 20 Shieldon! Nickname: AEGIS.

0d 10h 15m [D] We heal then leave town southwards. Psychic Abigail. Monferno defeats a Gastly that curses Monferno. Monferno grew to Lv. 23. Murkrow then defeats a Kadabra and a Misdreavus. Abigail defeated.

0d 10h 9m [P] continues south and enters Oreburgh City. We enter the museum. The clerk tells us that if we find a fossil, we should bring the fossil to him

0d 10h 7m [P] Pachirisu defeats the birds of a few cyclists. We reach the bottom of Cycling Road. We pick a berry tree. We encounter Lucas, and Lucas gives us a Vs. Seeker.

0d 10h 7m [D] enters Veilstone City

0d 10h 6m [D] Fought and defeated Ace Trainers Dennis and Maya in a double battle. A few of our pokemon go down in the battle, but Murkrow is still standing at the end of the battle. Murkrow grew to Lv. 27

0d 10h 0m [P] rides south. In the gate house, we talk to one of Rowan's Aides, and obtain an Exp. Share. We continue south to Cycling Road

0d 9h 59m [P] leaves the galactic building and goes to the cycle shop. Obtained a Bicycle. We leave the shop and register the bicycle

0d 9h 55m [D] Obtained a Fist Plate

0d 9h 53m [P] Defeated Commander Jupiter

[Recap] Pearl evolved a LGCHODQII into a Lopunny using happiness underflow. Both sides obtained a Forest Badge. Diamond caught a Gastly (MIMAR) and obtained an Egg in Hearthome City. Pearl caught a Shellos (ABB). Pearl spent a chunk of time in the underground. Diamond is heading through Route 215. Pearl is going through just completed the Team Galactic building in Eterna City.

0d 5h 20m [D] Caught a female Lv. 11 Murkrow! Nickname: A #🙂4F44.

0d 5h 16m [D] Caught a female Lv. 11 Buneary! No nickname.

0d 5h 14m [P] Caught a female Lv. 11 Buneary! Nickname: NPCHOAR.

0d 5h 11m [P] Caught a female Lv. 10 Buneary! Nickname: LGCHODQII.

0d 5h 7m [P] Caught a male Lv. 10 Buneary! Nickname: gdd.

[Meta] Anyway, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates, and don't hesitate to chime up if you're interested in joining the live updating team.

0d 4h 55m [D] Aaaaand we ran.

0d 4h 54m [D] Another wild Murkrow appears, so we once more take down Cheryl's Chansey.

0d 4h 51m [D] We meet up with Cheryl and team up with her once more.

0d 4h 50m [P] Caught a female Lv. 10 Buneary! Nickname: PVFerl9w.

0d 4h 49m [D] Defeated Camper Zachary.

0d 4h 49m [D] Back on Route 205. Vs. Camper Zachary!

0d 4h 47m [P] A wild Budew poisons Pachirisu.

0d 4h 47m [P] While fighting wild Pokémon, Pachirisu grew to Lv. 19.

0d 4h 47m [D] We enter the Poké Mart and buy 6 Poké Balls.

0d 4h 45m [D] We're back in Floaroma Town.

0d 4h 44m [D] Shinx and Geodude both go down! Blackout!

0d 4h 43m [P] Found a Honey!

0d 4h 42m [D] Monferno goes down!

0d 4h 39m [D] We use our third and last Potion on Monferno.

0d 4h 39m [D] We use another Potion on Monferno.

0d 4h 38m [D] We use a Potion on Monferno.

0d 4h 37m [P] We switch Buneary to the first slot of the party.

0d 4h 36m [D] While attempting to catch a wild Murkrow, Shellos went down.

0d 4h 35m [P] Caught a male Lv. 10 Buneary! Nickname: Disogwuy.

0d 4h 33m [D] While fighting wild Pokémon, we take down Cheryl's Chansey so we can attempt a catch without it interfering.

0d 4h 30m [D] Found an Antidote.

0d 4h 29m [D] We meet Cheryl, who asks us to guide her through Eterna Forest. Travel buddies!

0d 4h 29m [P] Found a Potion.

0d 4h 28m [D] We enter a house, in which we are offered the chance to heal.

0d 4h 28m [D] Defeated Camper Marina.

0d 4h 27m [D] Vs. Camper Marina! She sends out Piplup, and Shellos' Hidden Power turns out to be Fire-Type. We switch to Monferno.

0d 4h 26m [P] Kricketune is taken down, and Pachirisu grew to Lv. 18. We win!

0d 4h 25m [P] Cascoon goes down, and so does Burmy the same turn. Kricketune is sent out next.

0d 4h 24m [D] Machop is taken down by Water Pulse. Shellos grew to Lv. 16, and learned Hidden Power over Harden.

0d 4h 24m [P] Cascoon is paralyzed by Spark, and Chansey hits Burmy with a critical hit.

0d 4h 23m [P] Cascoon is sent out.

0d 4h 23m [D] Vs. Battle Girl Kelsey. She sends out Machop.

0d 4h 23m [P] Dustox goes down, and Pichirisu grows to Lv. 17. It does not learn Endure.

0d 4h 22m [D] Shellos takes down Onix, and we win the battle.

0d 4h 21m [D] Vs. Hiker Nicholas. He sends Onix.

0d 4h 20m [P] They send out Burmy and Wurmple. Pachirisu takes out the latter, and Dustox is sent out.

0d 4h 20m [P] Vs. Bug Catchers Phillip and Donald!

0d 4h 19m [P] Pachirisu gets poisoned by a wild Budew.

0d 4h 19m [D] Shellos takes down Hiker Daniel's Geodude, Machop, and second Geodude. Shellos grew to Lv. 15! It then takes down his Bidoof and we win the battle.

0d 4h 16m [D] Vs. Hiker Daniel.

0d 4h 12m [D] We save.

0d 4h 12m [P] Pachirisu grew to Lv. 16!

0d 4h 11m [P] Vs. Psychics Lindsey & Elijah! They both send out Abra. Pachirisu takes down the first one, then the second, winning the battle without trouble.

0d 4h 9m [P] Found a Parlyz Heal!

0d 4h 9m [D] We spread Honey on a tree.

0d 4h 8m [D] Shellos takes down Ponyta and we win the battle.

0d 4h 8m [P] Pachirisu takes down Cheryl's Chansey! But our own Pachirisu takes it down with two more Quick Attacks, and we win the battle! Pachirisu grew to Lv. 15!

0d 4h 6m [D] Vs. Camper Jacob! He sends out Ponyta.

0d 4h 6m [P] Beautifly goes down to another Spark. Chansey heals with Refresh.

0d 4h 5m [P] Spark deals heavy damage to Beautifly, and paralyzes it. Chansey, however, also gets paralyzed.

0d 4h 5m [P] Jack sends Beautifly next.

0d 4h 4m [P] Cheryl's Chansey takes down Silcoon. Pachirisu grew to Lv. 14.

0d 4h 4m [D] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 4h 3m [P] Silcoon is paralyzed.

0d 4h 3m [D] We enter the Poké Mart and buy 18 Poké Balls.

0d 4h 2m [D] We are back in Floaroma Town.

0d 4h 2m [P] Wurmple goes down, and Jack sends Silcoon.

0d 4h 2m [D] Pachirisu is down to 1HP but no longer poisoned.

0d 4h 1m [P] Vs. Bug Catcher Jack and Lass Briana! They send Pachirisu and Wurmple.

0d 3h 59m [D] We send out Monferno next and use Rock Smash. Purugly heals with an Oran Berry, but goes down to another Rock Smash! Shellos grew to Lv. 13! Defeated Commander Mars!

0d 3h 58m [D] Purugly is next. We swap Shellos for Shinx, which is immediately taken down.

0d 3h 57m [D] Mars sends out Zubat. Shellos gets poisoned, but manages to take it down.

0d 3h 57m [P] We meet a girl named Cheryl who asks us to accompany her through Eterna Forest.

0d 3h 56m [D] Vs. Commander Mars! (Attempt #1)

0d 3h 55m [D] Wurmple is taken down by Shellos. Glameow is next; Shellos confuses it, then takes it down, winning us the battle.

0d 3h 54m [P] Vs. Camper Marina! Prinplup takes out her Piplup. Pachirisu grew to Lv. 13, learned Spark over Growl!

0d 3h 54m [D] Vs. Galactic Grunt! He sends out Wurmple.

0d 3h 53m [D] Vs. Galactic Grunt! He sends out Cascoon. Shellos uses Water Pulse to take it down. Shellos grew to Lv. 12! We win the battle!

0d 3h 52m [P] Found a Repel.

0d 3h 51m [D] We use the key to unlock the Valley Windworks building and enter it.

0d 3h 49m [D] Back on Route 205. Picked up a Chesto Berry and a Pecha Berry.

0d 3h 49m [P] Prinplup takes down Onix, and Hiker Nicholas is defeated.

0d 3h 48m [P] Vs. Hiker Nicholas! He sends out Onix, and we swap Pachirisu for Prinplup.

0d 3h 48m [P] Found an X Attack.

0d 3h 47m [D] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 3h 47m [P] Prinplup takes down Bidoof, and Hiker Daniel has no more Pokémon. We win!

0d 3h 46m [D] We return to Floaroma Town.

0d 3h 46m [P] Prinplup takes down Geodude, Machop, and another Geodude, then grows to Lv. 21.

0d 3h 46m [D] The guy we just saved also gives us Honey.

0d 3h 45m [D] We take down Zubat, defeating the second Grunt. They leave in a panic, but leave behind an item. Received the Works Key!

0d 3h 44m [P] Vs. Hiker Daniel, who sends out Geodude. We swap Pachirisu for Prinplup.

0d 3h 43m [D] The second Galactic Grunt attacks us! He sends out Zubat.

0d 3h 43m [P] We spread some Honey over a tree.

0d 3h 42m [D] Shellos learns Mud Bomb over Mud Sport.

0d 3h 42m [P] Defeated Camper Jacob!

0d 3h 41m [D] Wurmple goes down, and Silcoon is next. Shellos also takes care of it, and grows to Lv. 11.

0d 3h 41m [P] Ponyta takes down Geodude and we swap to Pachirisu.

0d 3h 40m [D] Diamond had a very scary slowdown there.

0d 3h 40m [D] We enter the Floaroma Meadows, and confront the two Galactic Grunts there. The first one challenges us to a battle, and sends out Wurmple.

0d 3h 39m [P] We return to Route 205, and get spotted by Camper Jacob. He sends out Ponyta.

0d 3h 38m [P] We enter the Poké Center in Floaroma Town and heal.

0d 3h 36m [D] Shellos also takes down Wurmple, and we win the battle.

0d 3h 36m [P] With the worker rescued and the little girl relieved, we make our way towards the exit. First though, we consider using our TM for Hidden power, but eventually decide against it.

0d 3h 36m [D] Vs. Bug Catcher Brandon! Shellos takes out his Kricketot.

0d 3h 34m [D] The second Pachirisu is down. Shellos grew to Lv. 10! Twins Liv & Liz are defeated.

0d 3h 33m [D] One Pachirisu down, one to go.

0d 3h 33m [P] Both sides trade Scratch and Bubble attacks, until Purugly finally goes down! Defeated Commander Mars!

0d 3h 32m [D] We go down to Route 204 to challenge Twins Liz & Live and their two Pachirisu.

0d 3h 32m [P] Purugly comes out next. Thankfully, this time, Prinplup is not poisoned.

0d 3h 31m [P] Zubat goes down, and Prinplup grows to Lv. 20.

0d 3h 30m [P] Geodude goes down. We send out Prinplup.

0d 3h 30m [D] We walk back to Floaroma Town, and heal at the Poké Center.

0d 3h 29m [P] Zubat is sent out. Toxic misses our Geodude, but lands the next turn, poisoning Geodude.

0d 3h 29m [P] Vs. Commander Mars! (Attempt #2)

0d 3h 28m [P] We head back to Valley Windworks for revenge!

0d 3h 28m [D] One Rock Smash takes Glameow down. Monferno grew to Lv. 19, and learned Flame Wheel over Scratch!

0d 3h 27m [D] The Grunt sends Glameow. We send out Shellos, then swap to Monferno.

0d 3h 27m [P] Purugly is quite bulky, and poison combined with Scratch attacks eventually get the better of Prinplup. We black out!

0d 3h 26m [D] We talk to the grunt guarding the door... Vs. Galactic Grunt!

0d 3h 25m [D] Found a Potion.

0d 3h 25m [P] Prinplup finally takes down Zubat. Mars sends Purugly next, and we swap to Pachirisu, which gets taken down.

0d 3h 23m [P] Geodude goes down and we swap to Prinplup, which also gets poisoned.

0d 3h 23m [D] Caught a male Lv. 9 Shellos! Nickname: A...V.

0d 3h 21m [P] Geodude is poisoned.

0d 3h 21m [P] Mars sends out Zubat. We swap Pachirisu for Geodude.

0d 3h 20m [P] Vs. Commander Mars! (Attempt #1)

0d 3h 20m [P] Glameow is sent out next. Prinplup defeats it too, and we win the battle.

0d 3h 20m [D] We return to the Valley Windworks tall grass.

0d 3h 18m [P] We swap to Prinplup, which takes out Wurmple. Pachirisu grew to lv. 11!

0d 3h 18m [D] Bought 39 Poké Balls.

0d 3h 18m [D] We return to Floaroma Town and enter the Poké Market.

0d 3h 17m [P] Vs. Galactic Grunt! This one sends Wurmple.

0d 3h 17m [P] Prinplup defeats Cascoon and we move on.

0d 3h 17m [D] We want to catch a wild Shellos, but turns out we haven't gotten any Poké Balls since we wasted them all on Machop back on Route 207.

0d 3h 16m [P] Cascoon poisons Pachirisu. We switch to Prinplup.

0d 3h 15m [P] Vs. Galactic Grunt! He sends out Cascoon.

0d 3h 15m [P] We enter the Valley Windworks building!

0d 3h 14m [D] We venture onto Route 205, and a little girl asks us to find her father for her.

0d 3h 13m [P] We return to Valley Windworks.

0d 3h 13m [D] Two Galactic grunts are blocking the path to the Floaroma Meadow. Can't go there for now.

0d 3h 11m [D/P] Both sides enter the Floaroma Town Poké Center and heal.

0d 3h 11m [D] We arrive in Floaroma Town.

0d 3h 10m [P] Bought 1 Honey.

0d 3h 10m [D] Found an Awakening.

0d 3h 9m [D] Monferno makes quick work of Cherubi, and we win the battle.

0d 3h 9m [P] The Grunts flee, but they leave something behind. Obtained the Works Key!

0d 3h 9m [D] Monferno takes out Taylor's Budew. Cherubi is next.

0d 3h 8m [P] Prinplup easily wins the battle.

0d 3h 8m [D] Vs. Aroma Lady Taylor.

0d 3h 8m [P] After many turns, Pachirisu ends up in the red, and we switch it for Prinplup.

0d 3h 7m [D] We exit the Ravaged Path.

0d 3h 6m [D] Found an Antidote.

0d 3h 6m [P] This Grunt sends out a Zubat. We use Bide.

0d 3h 6m [P] The second Grunt attacks us as well! Vs. Galactic Grunt!

0d 3h 5m [P] Silcoon goes down, and Pachirisu grows to Lv. 10!

0d 3h 5m [D] Found TM39 Rock Tomb!

0d 3h 4m [P] Silcoon is next. Same strategy of just hitting it a lot.

0d 3h 3m [P] The Grunt sends out Wurmple. Pachirisu needs a few turns but takes it down.

0d 3h 3m [D] Entered the Ravaged Path.

0d 3h 2m [P] We enter Floaroma Meadow. More suspicious people! Vs. Galactic Grunt!

0d 3h 2m [D] We take down Sarah's Bidoof and win the battle.

0d 3h 2m [P] Picked up a Cheri Berry.

0d 3h 1m [D] We explore Route 204, Vs. Lass Sarah!

0d 3h 1m [P] Picked up an Oran Berry.

0d 3h 0m [D] Someone was watching our battle, and got so impressed that they hand us a Fashion Case.

0d 2h 59m [P] The Grunt is defeated; we hurry back to Floaroma Town to heal at the Poké Center.

0d 2h 59m [D] Monferno then takes down Zubat, and we win the battle.

0d 2h 59m [D] We send out Monferno and Turtwig against the Grunts' Wurmple and Zubat. Monferno takes out Wurmple... then Dawn's Turtwig.

0d 2h 58m [P] Geodude finishes off Glameow and grows to Lv. 8, learning Rock polish over Mud Sport.

0d 2h 57m [D] We return to Jubilife and head north. There are shady individuals there, and we team up with Dawn to battle them. Vs. Galactic Grunts!

0d 2h 57m [P] The Grunt sends Glameow. Pachirisu gets hit by Fake Out, then takes away some of Glameow's health. It unleashes Bide, then uses Quick Attack. Glameow survives however, and Pachirisu is taken down.

0d 2h 55m [P] Ah, someone is guarding the door and won't let us in. Vs. Galactic Grunt!

0d 2h 54m [P] Found a Potion.

0d 2h 54m [D] Defeated Lass Kaitlin.

0d 2h 54m [P] We exit the town and make our way back to Windy Windworks... wait, gotta make a stop first. Picked up a Pecha Berry and a Chesto Berry.

0d 2h 52m [D] Jumped a ledge. On the other side was a Trainer waiting to challenge us! Vs. Lass Kaitlin!

0d 2h 52m [P] We are back in Floaroma Town. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 2h 51m [D] Found a Repel.

0d 2h 50m [D] We take down Madeline's Starly and Bidoof. Monferno grew to Lv. 18. We win the battle.

0d 2h 49m [D] Back on Route 203. Vs. Lass Madeline.

0d 2h 49m [P] We exit the city and return to Route 204.

0d 2h 47m [D] We meet up with Barry, then make our way back through Oreburgh Gate.

0d 2h 47m [P] We talk to a fisherman and receive the Old Rod.

0d 2h 46m [P] We are back in Jubilife City.

0d 2h 45m [D] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 2h 44m [P] Machop goes down and Pachirisu grows to Lv. 9, learning Charm.

0d 2h 42m [P] Vs. Youngster Sebastian and his Machop.

0d 2h 42m [D] Defeated Leader Roark and received the Coal Badge! Received TM76 Stealth Rock!

0d 2h 41m [D] Rock Smash sends Cranidos into red health. Roark uses a Potion, but Cranidos goes down right afterwards!

0d 2h 41m [P] We defeat Zubat and win the battle.

0d 2h 41m [D] Monferno also takes down Onix. Cranidos time.

0d 2h 40m [D] Monferno uses Rock Smash on Geodude, which sets up Stealth Rock, then goes down. Monferno grew to Lv. 17!

0d 2h 39m [P] We take down Michael's Bidoof. Zubat is next.

0d 2h 39m [D] Vs. Leader Roark! (Attempt #2)

0d 2h 38m [P] We now go to Route 203. Vs. Youngster Michael!

0d 2h 38m [D] Taught Rock Smash over Taunt to Monferno.

0d 2h 37m [P] Received a Repel from Pachirisu.

0d 2h 36m [D] We send out Shinx, and it's swiftly taken down. We black out.

0d 2h 34m [D] We send out Geodude. It does minimal damage, then goes down.

0d 2h 34m [D] We use Taunt. Cranidos responds appropriately by taking out Monferno.

0d 2h 34m [P] Found a Paralyz Heal!

0d 2h 33m [D] Cranidos is out. It uses Pursuit twice. We get it down to orange health, and Roark uses a Potion.

0d 2h 32m [P] Defeated Youngster Tyler. We walk back to Jubilife City.

0d 2h 32m [D] Onix actually goes down!

0d 2h 32m [D] Onix is sent out, and Monferno has to make do with Ember and Fury Swipes.

[Snark] This was literally the worst possible time to forget this specific move, good job.

0d 2h 31m [D] Monferno uses Mach Punch. Roark's Geodude sets up Stealth Rock. Another Mach Punch takes it down. Monferno grew to Lv. 16, learned Fury Swipes over Mach Punch.

0d 2h 30m [P] Vs. Youngster Tyler! He sends Magikarp.

0d 2h 30m [D] Vs. Leader Roark! (Attempt #1)

0d 2h 29m [D] Mach Punch takes down Geodude and Onix. Defeated Youngster Darius.

0d 2h 29m [P] Samantha uses Budew. Pachirisu takes a while but eventually defeats it and grows to Lv. 8. Defeated Lass Samantha!

0d 2h 28m [D] Vs. Youngster Darius.

0d 2h 28m [D] We enter the Gym, and defeat Youngster Jonathon. Monferno grew to Lv. 15!

0d 2h 27m [P] Wurmple goes down, and Brandon is defeated. We continue our travels and arrive on Route 204, where we challenge Lass Samantha.

0d 2h 25m [D] We leave the mine and are back in Oreburgh City.

0d 2h 24m [D/P] The DexNav has been added to the overlay!

0d 2h 23m [P] Kricketot is down. Brandon sends out Wurmple.

0d 2h 22m [P] Vs. Bug Catcher Brandon. He sends out Kricketot.

0d 2h 21m [P] We return to Floaroma Town, and heal at the Poké Center.

0d 2h 19m [P] We save.

0d 2h 19m [D] We find Roark inside the Oreburgh Mine! He demonstrates the use of Rock Smash, then leaves.

0d 2h 18m [P] We use our Dusk Ball on a wild Pachirisu. Caught a male Lv. 7 Pachirisu! Nickname: NpICHAA.

0d 2h 18m [D] Found a Potion.

0d 2h 15m [D] We enter Oreburgh Mine.

0d 2h 14m [P] At Valley Windworks, we walk around the tall grass.

0d 2h 14m [P] We venture east, onto Route 205. A little girl asks us to find her father at Valley Windworks, right ahead.

0d 2h 13m [D/P] Both sides enter the Poké Center of their respective location and heal.

0d 2h 13m [P] We arrive in Floaroma Town for the first time.

0d 2h 12m [D] We are back in Oreburgh City.

0d 2h 12m [P] Found TM09 Bullet Seed!

0d 2h 10m [P] Prinplup takes down the second Pachirisu. Prinplup grew to Lv. 19, learned Bide over Water Sport!

0d 2h 10m [P] Pachirisu unleashes Bide, and Geodude goes down.

0d 2h 9m [P] Geodude grew to Lv. 7!

0d 2h 9m [P] One Pachirisu down; Geodude grew to Lv. 6!

0d 2h 8m [D] Chimchar evolved into Monferno, and learned Mach Punch over Leer!

0d 2h 8m [D] Battling against wild Geodude, Chimchar grows to Lv. 14!

0d 2h 7m [P] We send Prinplup and Geodude. The former uses Bubble on both target, while Geodude uses Mud Sport.

0d 2h 7m [P] Vs. Twins Liv & Liz! They send out two Pachirisu.

0d 2h 5m [P] Cherubi goes down too, and we win the battle.

0d 2h 5m [P] Budew goes down and Cherubi is next.

0d 2h 4m [P] Vs. Aroma Lady Taylor! She sends a Budew.

0d 2h 4m [P] We exit the path and are back on Route 204.

0d 2h 3m [P] Found TM39 Rock Tomb!

0d 2h 3m [D] We tried to catch a wild Machop... but ran out of Poké Balls.

0d 2h 1m [P] Found an Antidote.

0d 2h 1m [P] We enter the Ravaged Path.

0d 2h 0m [D] Found another Poké Ball!

0d 2h 0m [P] We take down Sarah's Bidoof and defeat her.

0d 1h 59m [P] We continue north to explore Rout 204. Vs. Lass Sarah!

0d 1h 59m [P] Someone from Jubilife TV saw our battle and was so impressed he gifts us a Fashion Case.

0d 1h 58m [D] Found a Poké Ball!

0d 1h 58m [P] Wurmple goes down first, and Zubat quickly follows. We win the battle!

0d 1h 57m [D] Shinx grew to Lv. 6!

0d 1h 57m [P] The grunts send out Wurmple and Zubat vs our Prinplup and Lucas' Chimchar.

0d 1h 57m [P] North of the city, we meet up with Professor Rowan and two shady individuals. We team up with Lucas; Vs. Galactic Grunts!

0d 1h 55m [P] We enter a building, in which a girl gives us a Quick Claw.

0d 1h 54m [D] Caught a female Lv. 7 Geodude! No nickname.

0d 1h 53m [D] We leave the city to explore Route 207.

0d 1h 52m [P] We enter the Poketch Company and receive the Memo App from the president.

0d 1h 52m [P] We are back in Jubilife City.

0d 1h 51m [D] We arrived in Oreburgh City.

0d 1h 51m [P] We take out Kaitlin other two Pokémon, and win the battle!

0d 1h 50m [D] Psyduck is next, and is taken down as well. Defeated Picnicker Diana.

0d 1h 50m [P] Vs. Lass Kaitlin! She sends Bidoof. We take it down and Prinplup grows to Lv. 18.

0d 1h 49m [D] Budew goes down to Ember. Chimchar grew to Lv. 13!

0d 1h 49m [D] Vs. Picnicker Diana, who sends Budew.

0d 1h 48m [P] We take out Madeline's Starly and Bidoof, then resume our travels.

0d 1h 48m [P] We meet up with our rival, who informs us we should get a bike in Jubilife City. On the way there, we get challenged by Lass Madeline.

0d 1h 47m [D] Vs. Camper Curtis. We take out his Shinx and win the battle.

0d 1h 46m [P] We enter the Poké Center and heal. Then we leave.

0d 1h 46m [D] A Hiker gifts us HM06 Rock Smash.

0d 1h 46m [D] Machop goes down, and we move on, entering Oreburgh Gate.

0d 1h 45m [D] Vs. Youngster Sebastian! He sends Machop.

0d 1h 44m [P] Defeated Leader Roark and received the Coal Badge! Received TM76 Stealth Rock!

0d 1h 43m [P] Piplup evolved into Prinplup!

0d 1h 43m [P] Cranidos uses Headbutt, but Piplup holds on, and takes down Cranidos!

0d 1h 43m [P] Bubble again, and Cranidos is at red health. Roark uses a Potion.

0d 1h 42m [P] Cranidos is sent out. It uses Pursuit and lands a critical hit. Piplup retorts with Bubble.

0d 1h 41m [P] Piplup takes down Roark's Geodude with Bubble, then his Onix as well. Piplup grew to Lv. 17!

0d 1h 41m [P] We're back in the Gym. Vs. Leader Roark! (Attempt #2)

0d 1h 40m [D] We switch to Shinx, then to Chimchar again, and take down Dallas' Kricketot. Chimchar grew to Lv. 12! Shinx grew to Lv. 5 and learned Leer!

0d 1h 39m [P] We send out Geodude. It survives the first attack but can't hurt Cranidos much. Next turn, it goes down and we black out.

0d 1h 38m [D] Vs. Youngster Dallas.

0d 1h 38m [P] Cranidos is sent out. It lands a critical hit with Headbutt and Piplup goes down.

0d 1h 38m [P] Piplup uses Bubble again, and Onix goes down.

0d 1h 37m [P] Piplup takes down Geodude with Bubble and grows to Lv. 16. Onix is next.

0d 1h 37m [D] Piplup goes down. Defeated Pokémon Trainer Barry!

0d 1h 37m [P] Roark sends out Geodude. We use an X Defend on Piplup.

0d 1h 36m [P] Vs. Leader Roark! (Attempt #1)

0d 1h 36m [D] Chimchar uses Ember, and Piplup is burned!

0d 1h 35m [D] Piplup is next. Chimchar uses Scratch.

0d 1h 35m [P] Onix goes down as well, and we win the battle.

0d 1h 35m [D] Barry sends Starly. Chimchar takes it down with two Embers and grows to Lv. 11.

0d 1h 34m [P] Vs. Youngster Darius. We take out his Geodude with ease, and he sends Onix next.

0d 1h 34m [D] We leave Jubilife City and enter Route 203. Vs. Pokémon Trainer Barry!

0d 1h 33m [P] Jonathon sends Geodude. We take it out with Bubble, and win the battle. Piplup grew to Lv. 15 and learned Peck over Growl!

0d 1h 32m [P] We enter the Gym. Vs. Youngster Jonathon!

0d 1h 31m [P] We enter the Poké Mart. Bought 11 Poké Balls!

0d 1h 31m [D] We return to see the man with our three coupons. Received the Pokétch!

0d 1h 30m [P] We enter a building and receive a Dusk Ball from one of the people inside.

0d 1h 30m [D] We found the last clown and obtained the third coupon!

0d 1h 29m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

[Info] Geodude's name is actually #)□🙂🙂 P R. I am not on top of things tonight.

0d 1h 27m [D] We enter a house and talk to the fisherman inside. Received the Old Rod!

0d 1h 26m [P] Caught a female Lv. 5 Geodude! Nickname: # )□🙂🙂 P R.

0d 1h 25m [D] Found another clown, and got the second coupon.

0d 1h 24m [D] We find the first clown and obtain the first coupon.

0d 1h 22m [P] Found a Poké Ball!

0d 1h 21m [D] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 1h 21m [P] We leave town and venture onto Route 207.

0d 1h 20m [P] We save.

0d 1h 20m [D] We meet up with the man working for the Pokétch company. Time to find three clowns.

0d 1h 19m [P] We make ou way to the Poké Center and heal.

0d 1h 19m [P] We exit Oreburgh Mine.

0d 1h 18m [D] We talk to Barry, and deliver the Parcel. In return, we receive the Town Map!

0d 1h 18m [P] By defeating wild Pokémon inside the mine, Piplup grew to Lv. 14!

0d 1h 16m [D] We talk to Harrison again and receive TM10 Hidden Power!

0d 1h 15m [P] We find Roark inside the mine, and he shows us how to use Rock Smash before leaving.

0d 1h 14m [D] Vs. School Kid Christine, who also sends Abra.

0d 1h 14m [D] Defeated Harrison; Shinx grew to Lv. 4.

0d 1h 13m [P] We visit the Oreburgh Mine. Found an X Defend.

0d 1h 11m [P] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 1h 12m [D] Vs. School Kid Harrison, who sends Abra.

0d 1h 11m [D] We enter the Trainer School.

0d 1h 11m [P] We exit the cave and arrive in Oreburgh City.

0d 1h 10m [D] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 1h 10m [P] Piplup lands a critical hit and Psyduck goes down. Piplup grew to Lv. 13 and we defeated Diana.

0d 1h 10m [D] We arrive in Jubilife City and meet up with Dawn.

0d 1h 9m [P] Budew is down and Psyduck is next.

0d 1h 9m [D] Defeated Youngster Logan. Chimchar grew to Lv. 10!

0d 1h 9m [P] We defeat Curtis. Right next to him is Picnicker Diana. She sends Budew.

0d 1h 8m [D] Vs. Youngster Logan, who sends Shinx.

0d 1h 7m [P] Vs. Camper Curtis! He sends Shinx.

0d 1h 7m [P] We enter Oreburgh Cave. Inside, a Hiker gives us HM06 Rock Smash!

0d 1h 3m [P] We take down Kricketot and Piplup grows to Lv. 12. Defeated Youngster Dallas!

0d 1h 2m [D] We take out both of Natalie's Bidoof and Chimchar grows to Lv. 9, learning Taunt.

0d 1h 2m [P] Vs. Youngster Dallas. He sends Kricketot.

0d 1h 1m [P] Turtwig finally goes down. Defeated Rival A XN%%%!

0d 1h 1m [D] Vs. Lass Natalie, who sends out Bidoof.

[Info] Piplup learned Water Sport, not Water Spout.

0d 1h 0m [P] Piplup keeps using Bubble, while Turtwig is mostly spamming Withdraw.

0d 0h 59m [P] Our rival sends out Turtwig. Piplup lands a critical hit with Bubble.

0d 0h 59m [P] Vs. Rival A XN%%%! He sends out a Starly. Piplup uses Bubble a few times and it goes down. Piplup grew to Lv. 11 and learned Water Spout.

0d 0h 58m [D] We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 0h 57m [P] We meet back with the man to exchange our coupons, and receive a Pokétch!

0d 0h 56m [P] We find the third clown and get the third and final coupon from him.

0d 0h 56m [D] We run back to Sandgem Town.

0d 0h 55m [P] We fin the second clown and answer his question correctly as well.

[Snark] I'm seeing plenty of clowns personally, but to be fair I do have the chat open.

0d 0h 54m [P] We meet up with a man, who asks us to find the three clowns hidden around town. We find the first one and correctly answer his question.

0d 0h 54m [D] Chimchar grew to Lv. 8!

0d 0h 53m [D] Vs. Youngster Tristan! He sends out Starly. Chimchar takes it down and we win the battle.

0d 0h 53m [P] We leave the Trainer School and make our way to the Poké Center to heal.

0d 0h 52m [D] Caught a male Lv. 3 Shinx! No nickname.

0d 0h 51m [P] Defeated Christine.

0d 0h 51m [D] We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Shinx, but it escapes.

0d 0h 50m [P] Vs. School Kid Christine! She also uses an Abra.

0d 0h 50m [P] Vs. School Kid Harrisson! We defeat his Abra and Piplup grows to Lv. 10.

0d 0h 50m [D] Dawn also gifts us 5 Poké Balls!

0d 0h 49m [D] Dawn caught a male Lv. 2 Bidoof! No nickname.

0d 0h 49m [D] We meet up with Dawn on Route 202, who shows us how to catch Pokémon.

0d 0h 48m [P] We enter the Pokémon School and meet our rival there. Received the Town Map!

0d 0h 47m [D] We arrive back in Sandgem Town, enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 0h 46m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 0h 45m [P] Arrived in Jubilife City.

0d 0h 44m [P] Defeated Youngster Logan.

0d 0h 44m [D] Chimchar grew to Lv. 7 and learned Ember!

0d 0h 43m [P] Vs. Youngster Logan! He sends Shinx.

0d 0h 43m [D] We leave Twinleaf Town and are back on Route 201.

0d 0h 43m [P] Piplup grew to Lv. 9!

0d 0h 42m [D] We accept to deliver a Parcel for our rival's mother.

0d 0h 42m [P] Natalie's first Bidoof is down! She sends a second one, which we also take out. Defeated Lass Natalie!

0d 0h 41m [D] We inform Mom of our upcoming journey, and receive the Journal.

0d 0h 41m [P] Vs. Lass Natalie, who sends out Bidoof.

0d 0h 41m [D] We enter home, and start watching TV.

0d 0h 40m [P] We defeat Tristan's Starly; Piplup grew to Lv. 8 and learned Bubble!

0d 0h 39m [P] Vs. Youngster Tristan! He sends out a Starly.

0d 0h 39m [D] We make our way back to Twinleaf Town.

0d 0h 38m [P] Obtained 5 Poké Balls from Lucas!

0d 0h 37m [P] Lucas caught a male Lv. 2 Bidoof! No nickname.

0d 0h 36m [P] We meet up with Lucas on Route 202, and he decides to show us how to catch a Pokémon.

0d 0h 36m [D] We exit the Lab, and Dawn shows us around town.

0d 0h 35m [P] Arrived again in Sandgem Town. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 0h 35m [D] Professor Rowan has something else for us: we receive the Pokédex!

0d 0h 34m [P] Piplup grew to Lv. 7!

[Chat] MemeMeow6: player 2 we girl

0d 0h 34m [D] Professor Rowan officially entrusts us with Chimchar, and we rename it to p2WE♀L.

0d 0h 32m [D] We arrive in Sandgem Town, and Dawn and Barry are both there to greet us.

0d 0h 32m [P] We leave Twinleaf Town once more.

0d 0h 31m [P] We inform our Mom that we're about to go on a journey. Our rival's mother comes in, and asks us to deliver a Parcel to him.

0d 0h 31m [D] While fighting wild Pokémon, Chimchar grows to Lv. 6!

0d 0h 30m [P] We're back in Twinleaf Town.

0d 0h 28m [D] Onto Route 201.

0d 0h 28m [P] We walk back, towards Twinleaf Town.

0d 0h 27m [P] We leave town, onto Route 202. Lucas is there.

0d 0h 26m [D] Received the Running Shoes!

0d 0h 26m [P] We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 0h 26m [D] We meet up with the Professor on Route 201, who is informed about the situation. Then we return home.

0d 0h 25m [P] Lucas is showing us around town.

0d 0h 25m [P] The Professor has something else for us... Received the Pokédex!

0d 0h 24m [D] Defeated the wild Starly! Dawn is pretty panicked about what we just did. We leave Verity Lakefront.

0d 0h 24m [P] Professor Rowan decides to let us have the Pokémon we borrowed earlier, and even nickname it. We rename Piplup to UH).

0d 0h 23m [D] Oh no, wild Starly! Guess we have no choice. We pick Chimchar as our starter!

0d 0h 22m [P] We make it to Sandgem Town and meet up with Lucas!

0d 0h 22m [D] We made it to Verity Lakefront! The Professor and his assistant are there, but they leave.

0d 0h 22m [P] While fighting against wild Pokémon, Piplup grew to Lv. 6!

[Info] My mistake, seems we backed out of calling our rival AA♂Zearlier and instead went with the default name of Barry.

0d 0h 19m [P] We venture onto Route 201!

0d 0h 19m [D] We enter our rival's house, and meet up with him upstairs. He runs off.

[Chat] Blarphemy: Diamond's getting fined a billion pokedollars at this rate

0d 0h 18m [P] We save.

0d 0h 18m [P] After meeting up with Professor Rowan again, we are now back home. Our Mom gives us the Running Shoes!

0d 0h 17m [D] Meanwhile, Diamond is fiddling with the options, trying to restore text speed to something less horrible.

0d 0h 16m [P] Lucas seems quite distressed that we took a Pokémon from the briefcase, and runs off. We leave Verity Lakefront.

0d 0h 15m [P] The wild Starly goes down, and we win the battle!

0d 0h 15m [D] We save, then walk towards Route 201.

0d 0h 14m [P] We pick Piplup as our starter!

0d 0h 14m [P] They forgot their briefcase... Oh no! Wild Starly!

0d 0h 14m [P] We exit the town and venture onto Route 201. Along with our rival, we make our way to Verity Lakefront, where we bump into the Professor and their assistant, who soon leave.

[Snark] Good thing Diamond switched to Slow Text mode before saving or that might have been too fast for us to handle.

0d 0h 12m [D] We save.

0d 0h 12m [P] We go upstairs. Our rival is there, but he runs off again.

0d 0h 11m [P] We enter our rival's house and start watching their TV.

0d 0h 9m [D/P] We meet up with our Rival on both sides! He runs off.

0d 0h 8m [P] We save.

0d 0h 8m [P] We try to leave, but get aggressively told to go see our rival instead.

0d 0h 8m [D/P] Both sides exited their houses.

0d 0h 7m [D] We left our room and were informed of our rival wanting to see us.

0d 0h 6m [D] We check our PC.

0d 0h 6m [P] We exit the room and are informed our rival is looking for us.

0d 0h 5m [D] The Diamond side named their rival AA♂Z!

0d 0h 5m [P] The Pearl side named their rival A XN%%%!

0d 0h 4m [P] The Pearl side picked a girl named AAAAAAA!

0d 0h 4m [D] The Diamond side picked a boy named p♀P!

0d 0h 2m [D/P] Both sides managed to inform the Professor that they need no further info.

0d 0h 1m [D/P] The current challenge is making it past the tutorials.

0d 0h 0m [D/P] The games have begun!

[Info] Due to technical issues, namely one of the physical 3DS not reading touchscreen inputs when in DS mode, the games will be played on emulator rather than on physical consoles as initially intended. Physical supports may return for the postgame however.

[Info] Title screens are up!