Updater archive for #14gevpff3p1gs

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The Gauntlet - Platinum

[Further Info] Randomized Explorers of Sky, our savefile from the pre-Platinum intermission to be specific

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[Info] At 8d 14h 0m, the stream went offline which marks the end of the Platinum run! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Our current intermission game is PMD (the game, not our Dialga, Kappa)

[Info] Just posting a quick summary while the updater is dark for this past 8 hours. Notable catches based on stream-feed: 8d 4h 38m Caught a Lv. 50 Mesprit! Nickname: ABUU14456, 8d 9h 45m Caught a Lv. 70 Palkia! Nickname: DD♀♀♀. We spent some time in the Battle Factory and there's about 2 hours of the run left.

8d 2h 53m Also caught a male Lv. 2 Starly! No nickname.

8d 2h 50m Oh wait, first: caught a male Lv. 3 Starly! Nickname: ZPPPOOROGD.

[Meta] With all that excitement done, the Live Updater is going dark for now. You can check out #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

8d 2h 45m We save! In-game time: 179:57.

8d 2h 43m All of our badges now have 4 sparkles! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ They're so beautiful!

8d 2h 27m We're currently trying to polish our badges.

8d 2h 20m We watch some TV.

8d 2h 19m We talk to Mom and heal (although we were at full health). She tells us she and Diamond's mom hang out a lot.

8d 2h 18m We fly from Twinleaf Town to Twinleaf Town.

8d 2h 14m We attempt to transfer Pokémon from our Gauntlet Emerald save, but we're unable to, and we instead reenter our save file. We start playing the Wii.

[Info] Gauntlet Blaze Black 2 will begin Sunday, April 12th at 4 AM UTC. Gauntlet Platinum will end and Intermission will begin at 6d10h, at 6 PM UTC/about 12 hours from now.

8d 2h 8m The credits begin to play, and .iecbw bikes her way home...

[Info] Chat has voted, and it looks like we're staying in Pokémon Platinum for 12 more hours!

[Fluff] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ INTERNAL SERVER ERROR RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

[Chat] tppsimulator: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE CELLPHONE and Skitty and dog ones

8d 1h 56m Still sitting on the Hall of Fame screen, staring at what might be the final screen of the run.

8d 1h 52m We walk up and put our Pokémon in the Hall of Fame! We're the League Champion, congratulations!!

[Chat] tppsimulator: The RESCUE DBstyle

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

8d 1h 49m We send out Giratina and use Charge Beam, and Mirror Coat doesn't do much from that. We get the Special Attack boost and next turn we use Draco Meteor, and Milotic faints! DEFEATED CHAMPION CYNTHIA!

8d 1h 49m Milotic is sent out. We use Earth Power and it uses Mirror Coat, and PMD faints! We have Weavile and Giratina left.

8d 1h 47m We use Dragon Pulse and get a crit, leaving Togekiss with low health. (Luckily it's not Fairy this gen.) It uses Aura Sphere and takes us to half health. Cynthia uses a Full Restore and we Dragon Pulse again, and again the next turn. We get another crit and Togekiss faints.

8d 1h 47m Togekiss comes out and uses Aura Sphere; BFG faints! We send out PMD.

8d 1h 46m Aura Sphere again; this time we use Earthquake and Lucario goes down.

8d 1h 46m We send out BFG. Lucario uses Aura Sphere and we survive and use Synthesis.

8d 1h 44m Lucario is sent out. We Waterfall again and it flinches, which means Steadfast raises its speed. Cynthia uses a Full Restore and we Ice Beam, and next turn it's faster and uses Aura Sphere. Lumineon faints!

8d 1h 44m Spiritomb is sent back out and we finally take it down with Waterfall. Garchomp is sent out and we Waterfall; it uses Dragon Rush but misses, and next turn we crit Ice Beam.

8d 1h 43m We open with Waterfall and Spiritomb flinches. Cynthia uses a Full Restore as we Waterfall again. She withdraws to Roserade as we Waterfall, and we use Ice Beam, taking Roserade down.

8d 1h 42m Vs. Champion Cynthia, attempt #4! Lumineon vs. Spiritomb.

8d 1h 40m Waterfall is a OHKO on Espeon. Defeated Elite Four Lucian!

8d 1h 39m Waterfall makes Bronzong flinch, and another Waterfall does the job. AAAL reaches Lv. 67! Espeon is sent out.

8d 1h 38m Light Screen goes down. We use Waterfall and crit, OHKOing Gallade, and the rain stops. Bronzong is sent out.

8d 1h 37m Waterfall takes the mime down. Alakazam is sent out and we use Ice Beam; it uses Energy Ball, leaving us with 69 HP. Waterfall finishes it off next turn.

8d 1h 36m Vs. Elite Four Lucian! Attempt #8. Lumineon vs. Mr. Mime. We Surf and leave it with low health, and it sets up Light Screen. Lucian uses a Full Restore as we Rain Dance.

8d 1h 35m Rapidash turns: 1; Magmortar turns: 1, and also Surf's a crit that turn. Flareon turns: 1. Defeated Elite Four Flint!

8d 1h 34m Number of turns Houndoom is around: 1. Number of turns Infernape is around: 1.

8d 1h 33m Vs. Elite Four Flint! Attempt #12. Lumineon vs. Houndoom.

8d 1h 31m Surf takes down Rhyperior. As Hippowdon comes out we Rain Dance yet again, but it uses Yawn, and we Surf it before we can fall asleep. Weavile reaches Lv. 66! Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

8d 1h 30m Surf OHKOs Gliscor. We try to Rain Dance again and Golem uses ThunderPunch, but next turn we OHKO that with Surf as well.

8d 1h 29m We use Surf but Whiscash survives and uses Earth Power. Bertha uses a Full Restore and we take the opportunity to Rain Dance, which means our next Surf is a OHKO.

8d 1h 28m Vs. Elite Four Bertha! Attempt #13. Lumineon vs. Whiscash.

8d 1h 27m We walk away from Aaron, then end up standing in front of him again.

8d 1h 25m PMD uses Flamethrower; it's super effective. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

8d 1h 24m We use Fire Blast, but it misses. Scizor uses Iron Head and gets a crit; Altaria faints! We send out PMD.

8d 1h 24m We Fly again. Heracross attempts to use Stone Edge, but to no avail, and it faints to Fly too. Scizor is sent out.

8d 1h 23m Vespiquen is sent out. We use Fly and evade its Power Gem, and next turn it faints. Aaron sends out Heracross.

8d 1h 22m We open with Fly as Yanmega uses Double Team. It's faster next turn and uses Double Team again, but we still land Fly and it faints. Aaron sends out Drapion and uses Ice Fang; we set up Dragon Dance and faint Drapion with Earthquake.

8d 1h 21m Elite Four Attempt #13 begins! Vs. Aaron! Altaria vs. Yanmega.

[RIP] Rip Elite Four Attempt #12.

8d 1h 18m We get in a Night Slash against Gallade, but Stone Edge hits and Weavile faints! Blacked out!

8d 1h 18m Weavile finishes Mr. Mime off with Night Slash. Weavile reaches Lv. 65! Lucian sends out Gallade.

8d 1h 16m Lucian uses a Full Restore. We use Earthquake. Mr. Mime uses Psychic and gets a Sp.Def drop as we use Curse, which means that the next Psychic is a KO. BFG faints! Only Weavile remains.

8d 1h 15m We get Mr. Mime down to low health before it strikes with Psychic. Lumineon faints! We send out Torterra.

8d 1h 15m Vs. Elite Four Lucian! Attempt #7. Lumineon vs. Mr. Mime.

8d 1h 12m Surf OHKOs Rapidash, too. And also Magmortar. Flareon manages a Quick Attack before it meets the same fate. Defeated Elite Four Flint!

8d 1h 11m We OHKO Houndoom with Surf, then take a break for Rain Dance. Infernape uses ThunderPunch; we respond with a Surf that washes it away.

8d 1h 10m Vs. Elite Four Flint! Attempt #1. Lumineon vs. Houndoom.

8d 1h 9m Hippowdon gets soaked by Surf. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

8d 1h 8m Golem is sent out, and we OHKO it with Surf. Weavile reaches Lv. 64! We OHKO Rhyperior, too.

8d 1h 5m Vs. Elite Four Bertha! Attempt #12. Lumineon vs. Whiscash. We open with Waterfall and it uses Sandstorm; Bertha uses a Full Restore as we Waterfall again. Our third Waterfall finishes it, and Bertha sends out Gliscor. We use Rain Dance as it uses Earthquake, and then take it down with Surf.

8d 1h 3m We send out Lumineon to get revenge; Aaron uses a Full Restore as we use Surf, which Scizor barely survives. Another Surf deals with that, though. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

8d 1h 1m Scizor is sent out, and we Earth Power that too. Scizor uses Night Slash, and we use another Earth Power before it lands a crit - AK faints!

8d 1h 1m Giratina is sent out. Drapion uses Ice Fang and we flinch. A second Ice Fang leaves us at about half health before we take it down with Earth Power.

8d 0h 59m Another Flamethrower takes down Vespiquen. Drapion is sent out and outspeeds with Ice Fang, leaving us at 1 HP. We use Dragon Pulse and it barely survives, snacking on its Sitrus Berry. It uses Ice Fang again and PMD faints!

8d 0h 57m Heracross is sent out. We use Flamethrower, and Heracross lives to use Close Combat, leaving us with low HP. Aaron uses a Full Restore, but thanks to that Close Combat drop Flamethrower takes it down this time. Vespiquen is sent out and we use Flamethrower again; it survives and uses Defend Order.

8d 0h 56m We send out PMD. Yanmega uses another two Double Teams and we miss Flamethrower twice. It uses Bug Buzz, but it's not very effective; Flamethrower finally hits, taking Yanmega down.

8d 0h 56m Another Double Team. A couple Air Slashes later and Altaria faints!

8d 0h 55m Yanmega lands an Air Slash crit. We Fly, and on that turn it tries to Air Slash again; our Fly misses.

8d 0h 55m We set up two Dragon Dances. Yanmega uses Air Slash, then Double Team. Our Fire Blast misses as it Double Teams again.

8d 0h 54m Elite Four Attempt #12 begins! Vs. Aaron! Altaria vs. Yanmega.

[RIP] RIP Elite Four Attempt #11.

8d 0h 50m We send out Dialga. Houndoom uses Sunny Day and we use Earth Power, which it barely survives. Flint uses a Full Restore as we Earth Power again, and it clutches again. Houndoom finally uses Flamethrower and PMD faints! Blacked out!

8d 0h 49m Houndoom opens with Flamethrower and Torterra faints! Only PMD remains...

8d 0h 49m Vs. Elite Four Flint! Attempt #10. Torterra vs. Houndoom.

8d 0h 46m We send out Dialga and use Earth Power, finishing Rhyperior off. Hippowdon is sent out and we use Dragon Pulse; it uses Earthquake. Bertha uses a Full Restore as we Dragon Pulse again. We use Flamethrower for disrespect and finish it off. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

8d 0h 45m Rhyperior is sent out. We get a Shadow Claw crit and it uses Megahorn; Weavile faints!

8d 0h 45m Golem is sent out and we use Ice Punch again. Golem uses Fire Punch but we barely clutch to pull off another Ice Punch, finishing it off.

8d 0h 44m We send out Weavile and take down Gliscor with Ice Punch. Weavile reaches Lv. 63!

8d 0h 43m Ice Fang flinches us. With another Ice Fang, Giratina faints!

8d 0h 43m We take Whiscash down with Draco Meteor. Gliscor is sent out and uses Ice Fang, and we use Shadow Ball, getting a Sp.Def drop. Next turn Gliscor uses Ice Fang again and we attempt Charge Beam.

8d 0h 42m We send out Giratina. Charge Beam doesn't work, and Whiscash uses Zen Headbutt.

8d 0h 41m Whiscash survives our Surf and uses Earth Power again; we're left with 1 HP, but the weather takes care of that. Lumineon faints!

8d 0h 41m Third Rain Dance is the charm? Whiscash uses Earth Power again. Next turn we use our last Rain Dance PP and Whiscash re-sets up Sandstorm; the residuals take Lumineon to low HP.

8d 0h 40m Vs. Elite Four Bertha! Attempt #11. Lumineon vs. Whiscash. We open with Rain Dance and Whiscash uses Earth Power. Next turn we Rain Dance again and it uses Sandstorm.

8d 0h 37m We set up Rain Dance for good luck. Scizor uses X-Scissor, but next turn we Surf to finish it off. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

8d 0h 36m We send out Lumineon. Yanmega uses Bug Buzz and our Surf misses. Next turn, it sets up another Double Team...and Surf hits this time, critting for good measure. Yanmega finally goes down! Aaron sends out his last Pokémon, Scizor.

8d 0h 35m Yanmega uses Air Slash, and Altaria barely clutches to Fly again. It uses Bug Buzz while we're in the air, and we miss again; with one more Air Slash Altaria faints!

8d 0h 34m Our Fire Blast misses and Yanmega sets up another Double Team. It's at +2 speed now, but with those Dragon Dances we still outspeed with Fly. Next turn it's faster than us to set up another Double Team, and Fly misses.

8d 0h 34m Vespiquen is sent out. We use Fire Blast and crit to take it down. Yanmega is sent back out and we use an extra Dragon Dance as it uses Double Team.

8d 0h 33m Anyway, Drapion is sent out and uses Ice Fang, taking us to low health. We set up Dragon Dance, and next turn we use Earthquake, taking Drapion down.

8d 0h 32m We try to use Earthquake. Predictably, it doesn't work; Yanmega sets up Double Team. It uses Air Slash as we Earthquake again. Next turn, Aaron...switches out for Heracross??? Fire Blast OHKOs it, and Altaria reaches Lv. 83!

8d 0h 31m Elite Four Attempt #11 begins! Vs. Elite Four Aaron! Yanmega vs. Altaria.

[Info] Our current win/loss records for the E4 rematch: Aaron - 10/0; Bertha - 9/1; Flint - 6/3, Lucian - 3/3, Cynthia - 0/3.

[RIP] RIP Elite Four Attempt #10.

8d 0h 28m We manage one more Dragon Pulse before Gallade disrespects us with Stone Edge; PMD faints! Blacked out!

8d 0h 28m We send out Dialga and use Dragon Pulse. Gallade drops below half health and uses its Sitrus Berry, then uses Drain Punch, getting a crit; Dialga is left with 12 HP.

8d 0h 26m We use Brick Break, removing Reflect. Gallade lands a Stone Edge and AAAL faints! Only PMD is left standing.

8d 0h 26m Weavile uses Ice Punch. Mr. Mime survives and sets up Reflect, and we use Night Slash to take it down. Weavile reaches Lv. 62! Gallade is sent out.

8d 0h 24m Vs. Elite Four Lucian! Attempt #6. Torterra vs. Mr. Mime. It uses Psybeam and BFG faints! We send out Weavile.

8d 0h 22m Flareon uses Overheat again, but thanks to that drop from earlier we survive to use Earthquake, and Flareon goes down. Defeated Elite Four Flint!

8d 0h 21m We use another Charge Beam and Flareon uses Overheat. With the Burn damage, AK faints! We send out Torterra.

8d 0h 19m Next turn the rain ends and Magmortar gets a Flamethrower crit. With that Charge Beam boost, we use Draco Meteor and take Magmortar down. Flareon is sent out, and we outspeed with another Draco Meteor. For those keeping track at home, we're at -2 now. Flareon uses Will-O-Wisp and Giratina is burned.

8d 0h 18m We send out Giratina. Magmortar outspeeds with Thunderbolt, and we use Draco Meteor. Magmortar lives and heals with a Sitrus Berry, then uses Thunderbolt again as we Charge Beam.

8d 0h 18m We try to Rain Dance again. Magmortar uses Thunderbolt and Lumineon faints!

8d 0h 17m We take a little break to use Rain Dance. Rapidash tries to start Solarbeam, but we Surf it down before it can.

8d 0h 16m Surf OHKOs Houndoom and then Infernape.

8d 0h 16m Vs. Elite Four Flint! Lumineon vs. Houndoom.

8d 0h 13m Hippowdon is sent out. As usual, Surf is a OHKO. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

8d 0h 12m Golem is a OHKO, too. Weavile reaches Lv. 61! Rhyperior is sent out and we use Waterfall, but that's still a OHKO.

8d 0h 12m Gliscor is sent out and we OHKO with Surf.

8d 0h 11m We try to Rain Dance again and Whiscash uses Earth Power again. Next turn Surf takes it down.

8d 0h 10m Vs. Elite Four Bertha! Attempt #10, Lumineon vs. Whiscash. We open with Rain Dance and Whiscash uses Earth Power.

8d 0h 8m We use Waterfall, bu it's not quite enough, and Scizor gets a bit of damage with Night Slash. With one more Waterfall, Scizor faints. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

8d 0h 7m We use Ice Beam, and Vespiquen clutches, setting up a Defend Order. Aaron uses another Full Restore and we Ice Beam again. One more Ice Beam is enough to do the trick, and Aaron sends out Scizor.

8d 0h 5m We send out Lumineon and use Surf to finish Drapion off. Heracross is sent out, and we use Surf on that, too. It survives and uses Close Combat, and next turn Aaron uses a Full Restore. We use Waterfall and take Heracross down, though. Next out is Vespiquen.

[Fluff] Oh yeah, I forgot to say this -- welcome to Day Nine!

8d 0h 3m We take down Yanmega with Fire Blast. Drapion is sent out and uses Ice Fang, and we set up a Dragon Dance. We try to run away, then use Fire Blast, taking Drapion to half health before it Ice Fangs again. Altaria faints!

8d 0h 2m Elite Four Attempt #10 starts! Vs. Elite Four Aaron! Altaria vs. Yanmega.

8d 0h 2m We take AAAL's Life Orb and replace it with the EXP Share.

7d 23h 55m We sit down in the corner, looking through our Pokémon menu...

[RIP] RIP E4 Attempt #9.

7d 23h 51m We send out Weavile. Garchomp is faster and lands another Dragon Rush, which means AAAL faints! Blacked out!

7d 23h 50m We send out Giratina, but Garchomp lands Dragon Rush and AK faints! Only Weavile is left standing...

7d 23h 48m We send out PMD and use Dragon Pulse, finishing Spiritomb off. Garchomp comes out and outspeeds with Earthquake; just like before, we live...but unlike last time, Garchomp barely survives, and eats its Sitrus Berry too. Next turn it uses Brick Break, and PMD faints!

7d 23h 47m We open with Razor Leaf, but it doesn't do much. Spiritomb uses Silver Wind; it's super effective. We use another Razor Leaf and Spiritomb uses Dark Pulse; BFG faints!

7d 23h 47m The stream goes down for the 48-hour reset. When it comes back, we're talking to Cynthia already! Vs. Champion Cynthia, attempt #3! Spiritomb vs. Torterra.

7d 23h 44m Espeon moves first with Shadow Ball. Next turn Lucian uses a Full Restore, and we Shadow Ball again, taking Espeon down. Bronzong is sent out, and we Shadow Ball again, getting a Sp.Def drop. Bronzong uses Calm Mind to undo that. We Shadow Ball again, taking Bronzong to low health, but it keeps using Calm Mind, one last Shadow Ball finishes the job. Defeated Elite Four Lucian!

7d 23h 43m We send out Giratina and open with Shadow Ball, which takes Gallade down. AK reaches Lv. 69! Espeon is sent out.

7d 23h 42m We use Surf, and Gallade recovers with a Sitrus Berry. One hit from Gallade means Lumineon faints!

7d 23h 41m We use Waterfall, but thanks to Reflect Alakazam survives, using Energy Ball and taking us to 12 HP. Another Waterfall finishes it, and Gallade is sent out.

7d 23h 40m Vs. Elite Four Lucian! Attempt #5. Mr. Mime vs. Lumineon. We open with Ice Beam and the mime sets up Reflect. Surf finishes it off. Lucian sends out Alakazam.

7d 23h 38m Flareon is sent out, and we mix things up with Waterfall. Still a OHKO, though. Defeated Elite Four Flint!

7d 23h 38m Rapidash is sent out. This is also a OHKO. Magmortar is sent out...how many Surfs will this take to KO? That's right, it's one.

7d 23h 37m Surf takes care of Houndoom easily. Infernape is sent out, and Surf OHKOs that too.

7d 23h 36m Vs. Elite Four Flint! Attempt #8. Houndoom vs. Lumineon.

7d 23h 35m Surf OHKOs Hippowdon easily, too. Defeated Elite Four Bertha!

7d 23h 33m Surf is a OHKO on Golem. Rhyperior is sent out and we use Waterfall, OHKOing that as well. Sandstorm ends just in time for Hippowdon to be sent out, bringing the sand back.

[Chat] tppsimulator: lol it's real bro

7d 23h 32m Bertha sends out Gliscor. We use Surf, getting a critical hit and taking Gliscor down. Golem is sent out.

7d 23h 31m Vs. Elite Four Bertha! Lumineon vs. Whiscash. We use Waterfall and Whiscash flinches. Next turn we use Rain Dance, and Whiscash responds with Sandstorm. We go back to Waterfall and finish it off.

7d 23h 30m Lumineon uses Ice Beam. Sadly, it's not 4x SE, so Vespiquen clutches to use Defend Order. Another Ice Beam deals with it, though. Defeated Elite Four Aaron!

7d 23h 29m We use Waterfall. Heracross survives and uses Stone Edge, but misses. Next turn, Aaron uses another Full Restore as we Waterfall again. One more Waterfall does the job, and Aaron sends out Vespiquen.

7d 23h 27m We switch to Lumineon. Scizor uses Night Slash, but it doesn't do very much; next turn, we use Surf, but Scizor barely survives. It uses X-Scissor this time. Next turn, Aaron uses a Full Restore, and we use Waterfall. Another Waterfall takes Scizor down. Aaron sends out Heracross.

7d 23h 25m Yanmega vs. Altaria. We open with Fire Blast, which is a OHKO. Next out is Drapion, which outspeeds and uses Ice Fang, getting a crit. Altaria faints! We send out Giratina. Drapion uses Ice Fang again, and we use Draco Meteor, taking Drapion down. Aaron sends out Scizor.

7d 23h 24m We walk back inside. Elite Four Attempt #9 start! Vs. Aaron!

[RIP] RIP Elite Four Attempt #8.

7d 23h 22m Lucario uses Aura Sphere and we use Curse. Another Aura Sphere means BFG faints! We black out!

7d 23h 21m Cynthia sends out Lucario, which also knows Earthquake. PMD faints! Only BFG is left.

7d 23h 20m We send out Dialga and use Dragon Pulse, finishing Roserade off. Cynthia sends out Garchomp. It's faster than us and uses Earthquake, but we survive and use Dragon Pulse; Garchomp goes down. PMD reaches Lv. 74!

7d 23h 19m We get a crit against Spiritomb and it goes down! Roserade is sent out and we use Surf again, but it's not very effective--it still takes Roserade to half health, though. Roserade uses Energy Ball and Lumineon faints!

7d 23h 19m We open with Rain Dance and Spiritomb uses Dark Pulse, taking us to about half health. (BFG and PMD are both alive at full health; the rest of the team is fainted.)

7d 23h 18m Vs. Champion Cynthia! Attempt #2. Lumineon vs. Spiritomb.

[Info] Since the last update, we've still been rematching the E4, and we're on attempt #8 right now. Looks like we just defeated Lucian.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark

7d 19h 45m We send out AK. Garchomp lands a Dragon Rush, which crits and knocks out AK. Blacked out.

7d 19h 44m We send out AAAL. Brick Break 1HKOs AAAL.

7d 19h 43m Cynthia sends out Garchomp. Garchomp uses Brick Break, which takes PMD down to 8 HP. PMD uses Dragon Pulse, which leaves Garchomp similarly in red, before its Sitrus berry. Garchomp's second Brick Break takes down PMD.

7d 19h 42m Cynthia sends out Spiritomb. We send out PMD. PMD strikes first with Dragon Pulse. Spiritomb responds with Dark Pulse. PMD's second Dragon Pulse takes down Spiritomb.

7d 19h 41m We continue on to the champion's chambers. Vs. Champion Cynthia

7d 19h 40m Lucian sends out Espeon. Espeon strikes first with Psychic. PMD responds with Dragon Pulse. The two repeat the turn, causing Espeon to faint. Lucian defeated.

7d 19h 39m We send in PMD. Lucian Full Restores Bronzong. PMD tries Dragon Pulse before switching to Flamethrower. The Flamethrower is a critical hit, and takes down Brozong. PMD grew to Lv 72.

7d 19h 38m Lucian sends out Brozong. It tanks a Surf and an Ice Beam, then finished off AAC with a Psychic attack.

7d 19h 37m We send out AAC. AAC's Waterfall takes out Mr. Mime. Reflect wears off. Lucian sends out Alakazam, who is 1HKOed by Waterfall. Lucian's Gallade barely survives a Waterfall, activates a Sitrus Berry, then takes AAC down to 16HP with Leaf Blade. AAC uses surve to finish off Gallade.

7d 19h 36m Lucian sends out Mr. Mime first. We sends out BFG. Mr Mime starts with dual screens; BFG starts with Curse, followed by Earthquake. The earthquake deals half health to Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime uses Psychic, dealing half health to BFG. BFG uses curse again, and BFG faints to Mr. Mime's next Psychic attack.

7d 19h 34m We spend a minute failing to find the back door to Flint's arena, rubbing our face against the back wall instead. When we reach Lucian's room, we talk to Lucian right away. Vs. Elite Four Lucian

7d 19h 31m We send out AAC. AAC 1HKOs Flint's Houndoom, Infernape, Rapidash, Magmortar and Flareon in turn with a sequence of Surfs. Flint Defeated.

7d 19h 30m We're we spend a bit being too busy trying to use Move3 to advance Flint's dialog. Vs. Elite Four Flint. Flint sends out Houndoom, which strikes first, KOing !! with a Sludge Bomb.

7d 19h 27m Bertha's Golem and Rhyperior are also 1HKOed by surf. Bertha sends out Hippowdon, which starts a sandstorm. Hippowdon survives a surf, lands an Earthquake. Bertha heals Hippowdon. AAC uses Surf again, this one takes out hippowdon. Bertha defeated

7d 19h 25m Bertha sends out Gliscor. AAC 1HKOs Gliscor with Surf.

7d 19h 25m Bertha sends out Whishcash. We send out !!, and immediately switch to AAC. Whishcash starts a Sandstorm. AAC uses Waterfall to deal significant damge ot Whiscash. Whiscash's Earth Power does less damage to AAC. Bertha heals Wishcash, while AAC starts a Rain Dance. AAC uses another Waterfall, this one takes out Wishcash. !! grew to Lv 79.

7d 19h 23m We continue down the corridor. We spend some time looking around the arena before initiating the battle. Vs. Elite Four Bertha.

7d 19h 20m Aaron sends out Heracross. !! flies to avoid Hearcross's Rock Slide, and 1HKOs Hearcross with the damaging part of the Fly Attack. Aaron sends out Scizor. !! 1HKOs Scizor with Fire Blast. Aaron defeated.

7d 19h 19m Vespiquen next. !! uses Fly. Vespiquen buffs with Defend Order. Fly misses, and Vespiquen continues buffing with Defend Order. !! lands her second fly, which deals 3/4 damage despite the +3 defense. Vespiquen attacks with Rock Gem; !! finishes of Vespiquen with Fire Blast.

7d 19h 18m Drapion next. !! uses Fly, which takes out about half of Drapions health and activates an Sitrus Berry. Drapion lands an Ice Fang, which deals a similar amount of health to !!. !! uses Earthquake to finish of Drapion. !! grew to Lv 78.

7d 19h 17m VS Elite Four Aaron.. He sends out Yanmega against !!. Yanmega sets up with Double Team and Speed Boost, while !! attempts to use Fly. A fly hits, despite the double teams, and takes down Yanmega.

[info] ₽28672 | Balls: 473 | Pokedex: 321 / 466 / 493

!! (Altaria) ♀ [Sky Plate] Lv.77 Fly / Fire Blast / Earthquake / Dragon Dance
BFG (Torterra) ♂ [Razor Claw] Lv.60 Earthquake / Razor Leaf / Curse / Synthesis
PMD (Dialga) [Adamant Orb] Lv.71 Dragon Pulse / Flamethrower / Earth Power
AACm neg (Lumineon) ♂ [Sea Incense] Lv.100 Surf / Waterfall / Ice Beam / Rain Dance
AAAL (Weavile) ♂ [Life Orb] Lv.58 Ice Punch / Night Slash / Brick Break / Shadow Claw
AK (Giratina) [Griseous Orb] Lv.67 Draco Meteor / Shadow Ball / Earth Power / Charge Beam

7d 19h 15m We enter the building, and continue to start a e4 rematch attempt #1

7d 19h 14m We move !! to the front of the party.

7d 19h 12m We fly to the Pokémon League.

7d 19h 11m We rearrange movesets. Draco Meteor is moved to AK's move1, and Dragon Pulse is moved to PMD's move1.

7d 19h 7m We use a TM30, and teach Shadow Ball to AK

7d 19h 6m We go through our TMs. We boot up Secret Power but don't use it. We momentarily consider giving the Return TM to someone. We leave our bag, and walk around the Move Deleter's house.

7d 19h 2m We go to the Move Deleter; PMD forgets Rock Smash; AK forgets Rock Climb

7d 19h 0m We fly back to the Move Deleter's hometown, Canalave City.

7d 18h 59m We move Rock Climb to first in AK's moveset, and Rock Smash to the front of PMD's moveset.

7d 18h 58m We ride south across another rail. We find smashable rocks, one of which PMD does smash, and we pick up TM30 Shadow Ball.

7d 18h 57m We ride across a rail, where a ninja kid jumps us. Vs. Ninja Boy Davido and his Mothim. AK obliterates the bug with Draco Meteor. Davido defeated.

7d 18h 56m We Rock Climb our way west, back the way we came. We almost register the Pal Pad, then we get on the bike.

7d 18h 53m We teach Rock Smash to PMD

7d 18h 52m We leave the house. We walk south, and we pick up a Zinc.

7d 18h 50m We move AK's Shadow Force to first in its moveset. We talk to the elder inside the house, and she teaches AK Draco Meteor over Shadow Force.

7d 18h 48m We walk into a nearby house. We stand in the doorway. Menacingly. We take out our Pokedex, and stare at the search mode selection screen.

7d 18h 46m We use the newly-taught Rock Climb to descend a rocky cliffside into a pit, and ascend the other side. At the top, a Dragon Tamer spots us. Vs. Dragon Tamer Patrick. AK and Gible keep missing each other, between the fog and Shadow Force. The second Shadow Force hits, and knocks out the Gible. Patrick defeated.

7d 18h 43m We teach AK Rock Climb over Dragon Claw

7d 18h 42m Despite not being able to see anything, we notice that the cliff below us is very rocky and ask ourselves whether a Pokémon's move will scale it.

7d 18h 39m We boot up HM8. We find out that PMD is not compatible with Rock Climb.

7d 18h 38m While continuing down the route, we draw "Hi!" on the Poketch's drawing app a few times.

7d 18h 35m We continue walking east, into Route 210's fog.

7d 18h 34m We decide we don't want to walk to Celestic Town; we fly there instead.

7d 18h 33m We continue walking, and step into Mt. Coronet. We step out, and look at our trainer card.

7d 18h 30m We leave the city to the east, entering Route 211.

7d 18h 28m We walk down the city streets and shove our Poketch and AK's cry into the faces of some fellow pedestrians.

7d 18h 26m We play AK's cry using the Poketch. We go through our TMs again, and we use TM57 to teach AK Charge Beam

7d 18h 24m We boot TM55, but don't teach Brine to anyone.

7d 18h 23m We boot up TM35, but cannot teach Flamethrower to AK. We settle for teaching Flamethrower to PMD.

7d 18h 22m We search through our Bag's TM pocket. We evidently don't find what we're looking for. We switch AK to the front of the party.

7d 18h 18m We enter an apartment building, and find the Name Rater. We change Dialga's nickname to PMD. The name rater decrees the new nickname a better nickname than the old one.

7d 18h 16m We fail to command a longer-distance fly, so we settle for flying to Eterna City.

7d 18h 12m We fly to Floaroma Town.

7d 18h 12m We leave the house, and walk far enough away to not block the door. We move AAAL's Ice Punch to Move1, then move BFG's Earthquake to Move1.

7d 18h 10m We enter the Move Deleter's House. We make Dialga forget Rock Smash, AK forget Rock Climb and Dialga forget Strength.

7d 18h 6m We fly to Canalave City.

7d 18h 5m We look at !!'s Sinnoh Champ Ribbon and Footprint Ribbon.

7d 18h 3m We consider moving around the order of Dialga's moves, cancel out, then go back in reorder Dialga's moves to Rock Smash / Strength / Dragon Pulse / Earth Power

7d 18h 0m We give a Razor Claw to BFG. We close the bag.

7d 17h 59m We search through our bag until we find a Life Orb. We give that Life Orb to AAAL.

7d 17h 58m We give a Sky Plate to !!.

7d 17h 57m We open our Bag, and give an Adamant Orb to Dialga.

7d 17h 56m We remove the mail that BFG was holding, and send it to .iecbw's PC. Followed by doing the same to AAAL's mail.

[Info] Even though some party members don't have mail, they all do have a ball capsule.

7d 17h 52m We walk out of the swamp voluntarily.

7d 17h 50m We run across a Drapion. It watches carefully as we throw four Safari Balls at him. Caught a male Lv. 28 Drapion! Nickname: W2XPO♀POGU

7d 17h 46m We walk west, passing the southern-most rail station. We get stuck in the first mud tile we reach.

7d 17h 39m We encounter a Bibarel and Hoothoot, throw one ball at each before they flee. We then encounter a Carnivine, and it sticks around long enough for us to throw six safari balls at her. Caught a female Lv. 28 Carnivine! Nickname: KLLLIJW44

7d 17h 33m We surf across a pond, and on the other side, we find a Red Shard

7d 17h 31m We walk around the swamp, getting stuck in the mud repeatedly as we do so. We don't see any Pokémon not registered in our 'dex, so we don't attempt to catch any, but we do Pick up a Green Shard

7d 17h 22m We find a few Skorupi and try to catch them. Eventually, one sticks. Caught a female Lv. 29 Skorupi! Nickname: AAHU😫

7d 17h 17m Threw a single Safari Ball at a wild Gulpin, Caught a female Lv. 30 Gulpin! No nickname

[Recap] We flew around a bit, we took Giratina's Experience Share, give Giratina a Griseous Orb, and now we're in the Great Marsh.

[info] ₽27320 | Balls: 473 | Pokedex: 318 / 466 / 493

Dialga [Snow Mail] Lv.71 Strength / Earth Power / Dragon Pulse / Rock Smash
BFG (Torterra) ♂ [Air Mail] Lv.60 Razor Leaf / Earthquake / Curse / Synthesis
AK (Giratina) [Griseous Orb] Lv.67 Earth Power / Dragon Claw / Shadow Force / Rock Climb
AACm neg (Lumineon) ♂ [Sea Incense] Lv.100 Surf / Waterfall / Ice Beam / Rain Dance
AAAL (Weavile) ♂ [Air Mail] Lv.58 Night Slash / Ice Punch / Brick Break / Shadow Claw
!! (Altaria) ♀ [None] Lv.77 Fly / Fire Blast / Earthquake / Dragon Dance

[Meta] Updater going dark again.

7d 16h 27m We go back inside Mt Coronet and battle a wild Chimecho. Giratina levels up to Lv 67

7d 16h 24m In celebration, we look at our trainer card and admire the view at the Hall of Origin.

7d 16h 23m We start using Timer balls a few times before switching to regular Poké Balls, then Great Balls. Caught a Lv. 80 Arceus! Nickname: A-KKKKKFZZ

7d 16h 18m We head inside Mt Coronet and back out. We play the Azure flute again. Up to Hall of Origin and we say hello to Arceus again. We start throwing Poké Balls.

7d 16h 15m We send out Torterra and start throwing Timer Balls. Arceus responds with Hyper Beam and Torterra faints. We try to send out Dialga but Dialga is too tired so we send out our Giratina. We flee!

7d 16h 13m We flee from Arceus! We head down the stairs into Mt Coronet and back outside. We decline to play the flute twice before deciding to do so. At Hall of Origin and encountered Arceus again.

7d 16h 11m We try to run but we can't escape. We continue to throw balls and Hyper Beam knocks out Altaria. We send out Weavile.

7d 16h 9m We start throwing Timer Balls while Arceus uses Refresh and Recover.

7d 16h 6m We begin to throw Poké Balls again. Hyper Beam knocks out Dialga. We send out Altaria and begin throwing balls again.

7d 16h 5m We head back inside to Mt Coronet and back to the peak. We play the flute again and walk back up to Hall of Origin. Encountered Arceus again!

7d 16h 4m Started throwing Poké Balls. Arceus sends out a Hyper Beam at Dialga. Too scary so we flee!

7d 16h 4m At the Hall of Origin. Encountered Arceus!

7d 16h 3m We made up to Spear Pillar at Mt Coronet and played the flute

[Meta] Live updater going dark now. You can continue to check stream-feed for bot updates, but it doesn't report legendaries right now FYI.

7d 15h 0m Outside of the caves, we fly from the peek of Stark Mountain to Hearthome City and enter the Poké Center. We heal.

7d 14h 58m We walk out of the room and back inside. Nothing here. We look through our bag and try to use an Escape Rope, but we are reminded there's a time and place for everything. We walk outside and use an Escape Rope and returned outside.

7d 14h 56m Lava Plume knocks out Dialga. We send out Altaria and then we flee. Heatran disappeared into the volcano.

7d 14h 54m We begin immediately tossing Poké Balls. Heatran sends out some Crunch and Lava Plume attacks against our Dialga.

7d 14h 54m Encountered Heatran!

7d 14h 39m Foe Noctowl is sent out. Our team wakes up and we take out foe Breloom and Noctowl. Black Belt Ray sends out Toxicroak. Dialga knocks out Toxicroak with Earth Power. Torterra levels up to Lv. 60. Bird Keeper Krystal and Black Belt Ray defeated!

7d 14h 36m We bump into two trainers. They send out Staravia and Breloom. We send out Dialga and Torterra. Dialga's Dragon Pulse takes out foe Staravia, and then Fearow. Breloom puts both our team members to sleep.

7d 14h 28m We shove some boulders out of our path while fleeing from wild Pokémon.

7d 14h 20m We make it to Stark Mountain and flee from the wild Pokémon there. Navigating around some hot lava, we enter the caves.

7d 14h 17m We hop a ledge and dash madly to the west and then up a hill. We get on our bicy to traverse some narrow paths.

7d 14h 14m We make a leap over a rock in our way, then inspect our settings and berries, and dismount our bike.

7d 14h 8m We try to hop over some rocks with the bicycle, but we land short.

[Info] During the past hour, 7d 13h 43m Caught a Lv. 30 Shaymin! Nickname: AABBBrsr ☺. We're currently in Route 227

[Meta] And with those rematches done, the updater goes dark. Check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for more updates.

7d 12h 9m We defeated Gym Leader Roark!

7d 12h 9m Dialga uses Rock Smash, which is enough to take out Tyranitar.

7d 12h 9m Tyranitar is sent out, whipping out a sandstorm. It takes an Earth Power attack, and sends Dialga in the red with Stone Edge. The next Earth Power sends Tyranitar in the red, who heals with a Sitrus Berry before leaving Dialga with 6 HP.

7d 12h 8m Probopass is next. Dialga uses Earth Power, which takes out the opponent in a single hit. Rampardos follows, but falls to Earth Power as well. Dialga grows to Lv. 71.

7d 12h 6m Golem is sent out, and gets hit with a Dragon Pulse as well, taking it out.

7d 12h 6m Roark sends out Aerodactyl. It uses Earthquake, and Dialga uses Earth Power in response. unfortunately, type matchups mean Dialga does not hit its target. Dialga is then hit with another Earthquake, then goes with the smarter option of Dragon Pulse, which takes out Aerodactyl.

7d 12h 5m We talk to Roark and agree to battle him. VS Gym Leader Roark!

7d 12h 3m We leave again to heal at the Pokémon Center.

7d 12h 2m We defeated Gym Leader Gardenia!

7d 12h 2m Elite Smug Fish uses Ice Beam, which takes out Bellossom in a single hit. Despite doing nothing to help, Giratina grows to Lv. 65.

7d 12h 1m We switch again, this time to Elite Smug Fish. Bellossom uses Roots, healing it a little every turn.

7d 12h 1m Gardenia uses a Full Restore. We decide to break the cycle of Earthquake and Giga Drain by sending out Dialga. Bellossom uses Sunny Day.

7d 12h 0m We send out BFG, which uses Earthquake. It doesn't do much damage. bellossom uses Giga Drain, which doesn't do much either, but lets it heal enough to survive the next Earthquake as well. Another Giga Drain is used, but leaving Bellossom with just enough to survive another Earthquake.

7d 11h 58m Bellossom uses Drain Punch, which takes Weavile down and allows it to heal about half its health.

7d 11h 58m Weavile uses Ice Punch again, and Cherrim can't withstand it. Bellossom is sent out by gardenia. Another Ice Punch sends it into the red.

7d 11h 57m We send Weavile, and it uses Ice Punch to take out Roserade. Cherrim is next.

7d 11h 57m Altaria uses Earthquake, which almost takes out Roserade. It eats a Sitrus Berry, then brings Altaria to 5HP with Sludge Bomb. Altaria is poisoned, which takes it out.

7d 11h 56m Altaria flies up again, meaning Fly takes out Torterra the next turn. Roserade is sent out.

7d 11h 55m Altaria flies up high, dodging Torterra's attack. Fly almost takes it out, but Altaria gets hit with Stone Edge. Gardenia uses a Full Restore, and Altaria sets up a Dragon Dance.

7d 11h 54m Jumpluff bounces again, but Dialga manages to hit it with Dragon Pulse after it lands, taking it out. Torterra is next, so we switch out Dialga for Altaria.

7d 11h 54m Jumpluff is sent out. It bounces, dodging Dragon Pulse. Next turn, Bounce paralyzes Dialga, which is unable to move.

7d 11h 53m We talk to Gardenia and accept her challenge. VS Gym Leader Gardenia!

7d 11h 52m We talk to Diamond, then enter the café again.

7d 11h 51m We leave the café for now and go to the Pokémon Center to heal.

7d 11h 50m We won the battle against Crasher Wake!

7d 11h 49m Ice Beam does next to no damage to the Elite Fish, which uses an Ice Beam of its own. Ludicolo almost goes down, and eats a Sitrus Berry. Next turn, it uses Energy Ball, but the Elite Fish is very bulky, and finally takes it out.

7d 11h 48m Giratina is our next Pokémon. Dragon Claw deals some decent damage, but so does Ice Beam. Giratina survives it though, and is switched out for our Elite Fish.

7d 11h 48m Ludicolo is sent out. Altaria applies the same strategy, but Fly misses. Ludicolo then uses Ice Beam, which is too much for it. Altaria goes down.

7d 11h 47m Floatzel is next. Altaria flies up high. Fly hits the next turn, and takes out Floatzel in one hit.

7d 11h 46m Altaria is sent out. It uses Dragon Dance for a boost, then gets hit with Stone Edge. It survives and uses Fly, which hits the next turn, and takes out Quagsire.

7d 11h 45m Quagsire is sent out. Weavile uses Night Slash, but it is not enough. Quagsire uses Stone Edge and Weavile is taken out.

7d 11h 45m Weavile is sent out. It uses Night Slash, which takes about a third of Gyarados health. Next turn, it uses it again, but an Aqua Tail leaves it with only 2 HP. A third Night Slash is enough to take out Gyarados for good.

7d 11h 44m Gyarados is next. BFG uses Synthesis to get back to full health, but gets hit with Avalanche, sending it to a quarter only. Next turn, it uses Curse, and another Avalanche does the deal. BFG faints.

7d 11h 43m Sharpedo is sent out by Wake. It uses Night Slash on BFG, which retorts using Razor Leaf. Critical hit! Sharpedo goes down.

7d 11h 42m We talk to Crasher Wake, and accept his challenge. VS Crasher Wake!

7d 11h 41m We defeated Pokémon Trainer Cheryl!

7d 11h 41m Blissey is sent out. Giratina uses Dragon Claw, which take out two thirds of its health, but it eats a Sitrus Berry to restore itself to about half its health. Next turn, another Dragon Claw takes it out.

7d 11h 40m Giratina vanishes once more for a Shadow Force, taking out Hariyama. Giratina grows to Lv. 64!

7d 11h 39m Hariyama is sent out by Cheryl. Giratina vanishes once more to dodge its attack, then hits with Shadow Force the next turn. Hariyama uses Earthquake.

7d 11h 39m Cheryl uses a Full Restore on Wailord, which then gets hit by Dragon Claw. The enxt Dragon Claw inflicts a critical hit, taking Wailord down for good.

7d 11h 38m Wailord is sent out. Giratina uses Dragon Claw. Wailord uses Water Spout. Next turn, Giratina vanishes, and Shadow Force hits one turn later,s ending Wailord into the red. Another Water Spout hits Giratina.

7d 11h 37m Giratina vanishes again, dodging Drifblim's attack. Next turn, Shadow Force hits and takes down Drifblim, who inflicts some damage through Aftermath.

7d 11h 36m We send out Giratina. It uses Shadow Force, which hits the next turn and takes down Wobbuffet. Drifblim is sent out.

7d 11h 35m We use Rock Smash for a tiny bit of damage. Her Wobbuffet uses Safeguard. Next turn, we hit it with Dragon Pulse, which is a poor choice as it uses Mirror Coat to send it back. Dialga goes down.

7d 11h 34m We talk to Cheryl, and accept her challenge. VS Pokémon Trainer Cheryl!

7d 11h 34m We talk to Buck. He heads off to the Battle Frontier.

7d 11h 32m We fly to the Survival Area.

7d 11h 29m We won! Maybe if we battle again in an hour, his Pokémon will gain 20 levels again.

7d 11h 28m Giratina underwent the same extreme level growth, but suffers the same fate.

7d 11h 28m This Staraptor has gained like twenty levels in an hour, but still goes down with a single Dragon Pulse from Dialga.

7d 11h 27m We are challenged by Ace Trainer Jake... again.

7d 11h 25m We're back to the game. We boot up the VS Recorder, then turn it off.

[Info] Unlike HeartGold and SoulSilver, the Sinnoh games have a once-per-day limit for transferring Pokémon from the GBA games. As such, we are unable to transfer Pokémon from Gauntlet Emerald again.

7d 11h 23m Sadly, it turns out we cannot transfer anything else.

7d 11h 20m The game is reset once more.

7d 11h 20m We saved again.

7d 11h 17m We exit onto Route 221.

7d 11h 16m We save a lot of data.

7d 11h 15m We obtain an Aspear Berry for completing the Capture Show.

[Info] All six of those Pokémon are from our Gauntlet Emerald run, by the way.

7d 11h 14m Caught a male Lv. 20 Lileep! Nickname: SZ

7d 11h 13m Caught a male Lv. 26 Spheal! Nickname: EEY

7d 11h 12m Caught a Lv. 71 Groudon! Nickname: AAATTTT

7d 11h 5m Caught a female Lv. 4 Marill! Nickname: BBUbbbdw

7d 11h 4m Caught a female Lv. 25 Oddish! Nickname: ODDISH

7d 11h 3m Caught a female Lv. 8 Zigzagoon! Nickname: A

7d 11h 2m The Capture Show has started!

7d 11h 1m We have chosen six Pokémon to migrate! Time for Pal Park now.

7d 10h 57m The game is rebooted.

7d 10h 57m m4_used_rollout is finally here, so we should be able to do Pal Park soon.

[Chat] shadow_z2201: everyting changed when the pal nation attacked. only M4, master of the PC, could bring balance. But when the chat needed him most, he vanished.

7d 10h 51m We released Abra, FC😊😊😊 (Magcargo), C (Clefairy), and Shellos.

[Info] The chat is hoping that PC noises will help summon m4_used_rollout.

[Chat] tppsimulator: release Pokémon could

Sim no

7d 10h 41m We keep booting up and turning off the PC.

7d 10h 40m We enter Pal Park again.

[Snark] Well, now that we killed an Azumarill, m4_used_rollout is definitely not coming to help us.

7d 10h 37m Her Azumarill survives Dialga's Rock Smash and use Bubblebeam, inflicting a few HP of damage. Then Dragon Pulse kills it. Not so smug now, are you Shannon.

7d 10h 37m Her Lopunny unsurprisingly goes down with a single Strength attack as well.

7d 10h 36m We are challenged by Ace Trainer Shannon. She mocks us for thinking we can beat her. Then we kill her Cherrim with a single Dragon Pulse.

7d 10h 34m We water the Pecha Berry seedling.

7d 10h 33m Picked up a Mago Berry.

7d 10h 33m While fighting wild Pokémon, Giratina grew to Lv. 63.

7d 10h 32m The wild Roselia escaped the Ball, so Dialga killed it.

7d 10h 31m We throw a Timer Ball at a wild Roselia.

7d 10h 28m Found TM81 X-Scissor!

7d 10h 27m We won the battle! That was easy.

7d 10h 26m Girafarig is next. Earth Power takes it out.

7d 10h 26m We are challenged by Ace Trainer Jake! He sends out Staraptor, which gets wrecked by our Dialga's Dragon Pulse.

7d 10h 25m We've left the building for now.

7d 10h 23m We're waiting for m4_used_rollout to show up and send us some Pokémon to catch.

7d 10h 21m We talk to the worker again, but he says we haven't made enough Pokémon migrate to enter.

7d 10h 20m We boot up the PC.

7d 10h 19m We talk to the attendant, but actually decline participating.

7d 10h 18m We fly to Pal Park and enter the building.

7d 10h 16m We're now on Route 202.

7d 10h 10m We leave the city and venture onto Route 218.

7d 10h 8m Dialga forgot Slash and learned Strength.

7d 10h 5m Dialga learned Rock Smash.

7d 10h 4m We are trying to get Altaria to learn Rock Smash, but it's proving difficult.

7d 10h 3m We taught Rock Climb to Giratina.

7d 9h 58m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

7d 9h 58m We woke up, and are now back in Canalave City.

[Info] There's four spaces in front of that name, they just won't show up here for some reason.

7d 9h 55m Caught a Lv. 50 Darkrai! Nickname: HHR''♂

7d 9h 53m We send out our Elite Smug Fish and resume throwing Timer Balls.

7d 9h 52m Weavile goes down.

7d 9h 51m We're now throwing Timer Balls, though it seems a bit early for that.

7d 9h 51m Weavile is now asleep and tormented by Bad Dreams. We keep throwing Poké Balls.

7d 9h 50m We start throwing Poké Balls again.

7d 9h 50m We send out Weavile. It uses Night Slash, bringing Darkrai in the red.

[Info] This is not our first attempt at Darkrai, but so far we have failed to catch it.

7d 9h 48m Giratina used Dragon Claw to bring it to half-health. Then, Giratina goes down.

7d 9h 47m We are currently fighting Darkrai!

[Meta] The Live Updater is going dark for now. For bot updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

6d 18h 51m Checkpoint in Survival Area.

6d 18h 50m We move to the Survival Area.

6d 18h 48m Geoffrey was guarding an item...Picked up a Dawn Stone!

6d 18h 46m We scale a Rock Climb cliff. Vs. Dragon Tamer Geoffrey! Altaria vs. Gabite. We Fly, avoiding Dragon Rush, and OHKO it. Next out is a rival Altaria; we Fly and it Dragon Dances. Next turn it outspeeds us and Dragon Dances again, and our Fly takes it to low health. It uses a third Dragon Dance as we fly again, and the next turn tries to use Dragon Pulse. Our Fly finishes it off. Defeated Dragon Tamer Geoffrey!

[Info] Giratina's holding the EXP Share.

6d 18h 41m We explore the rest of the area. Vs. Ace Trainer Quinn! Pinsir vs. Altaria. We move first with Fly, evading Pinsir's Rock Tomb, and take it down next turn. Next out is Lanturn, and we OHKO that with Earthquake. Defeated Ace Trainer Quinn!

6d 18h 39m We enter someone's house and have a chat about theology.

6d 18h 36m Harvested a Big Mushroom!

6d 18h 32m Headed up Route 225.

6d 18h 30m We talk to a nearby Fisherman. Obtained the Super Rod!

[Snark] flight area

6d 18h 28m We fly to Fight Area. Checkpoint in Fight Area.

6d 18h 25m We withdraw Dialga from the PC.

6d 18h 24m Drifloon takes a trip in and out of the PC.

6d 18h 21m We've dropped off Probopass in the PC. A Hippowdon was briefly in our team, but we put it back.

[Info] Also over the last few hours, we've made a lot of catches, including Dialga (no nickname) and Azelf (AAZZA♂♂♂♂♂). Other catches: Cherubi (E Moofiii), Bibarel (AK), Chimecho (AAAAA2224), Cacturne (HH2fkkkmg), Hippowdon (! ;NNg), and Drifloon (4 444443 U).

6d 18h 6m We encounter Arceus again, and it Hyper Beams us as revenge. Weavile faints! Blacked out! We wake up in Pastoria City.

6d 18h 4m Weavile punches Arceus in the face, freezing it; we immediately run away again.

6d 18h 3m Lumineon has fainted; Weavile is our only Pokémon left standing.

6d 18h 3m We encountered Palkia again and ran away, and now we're fighting Arceus again.

[Info] Since the last time the Live Updater was active, Lumineon reached Level 100! We also added Giratina to the team and gave it mail and a ball capsule. Plus, we defeated Cynthia again...though with her original team, not the rematch version. The rematch is unlocked after Stark Mountain.

6d 17h 56m Encountered Arceus again! ...and ran away again.

6d 17h 54m Well, at least we caught a female Lv. 34 Clefairy! Nickname: QOK-PCEE-.

6d 17h 53m Arceus made it down to 1 HP, but we decided to spare it by running away.

6d 17h 51m Quick update: We're at Arceus again, and it's struggling...again.

6d 9h 38m And it struggled itself to death, because it took so long it used all of its PP. Swell.

6d 9h 26m Quick check-in, we're fighting Arceus right now and just spamming balls trying to catch it.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for a bit. In the meantime, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

5d 22h 47m Vs. Swimmer♂ Glenn! Octillery vs. Altaria. We Fly and evade Octillery's Signal Beam, but it survives to use Ice Beam; Altaria faints! We send out Leafeon and take it down with Razor Leaf. Poliwhirl is sent out, but that's taken care of by Razor Leaf, too. Leafeon reaches Lv. 60! Defeated Swimmer♂ Glenn!

5d 22h 44m Vs. Swimmer♀ Sophia! Delibird vs. Altaria. We use Fly and Delibird tries to use Present. Delibird goes down. Sophia sends out Mantine and we Fly again as it attempts Confuse Ray. We're a much higher level, so it goes down in one shot. Defeated Swimmer♀ Sophia!

5d 22h 43m Caught a male Lv. 54 Sealeo! Nickname: AAAA.

5d 22h 41m We visit Route 230 and explore a little with Surf.

5d 22h 39m Diamond meets up with his dad and rushes off. We enter the Pokémon Center and checkpoint at Fight Area! Also, we heal!

5d 22h 36m Altaria is still fastest and uses Earthquake again. Everyone else on the field faints. Altaria reaches Lv. 71! Defeated Leader Volkner and Elite Four Flint!

5d 22h 35m Altaria outspeeds now and uses Earthquake. It OHKOs both Electivire and Flareon, but also takes Snorlax to half health. Snorlax tries to use Earthquake too but it doesn't do anything. Jolteon and Magmortar are sent out.

5d 22h 34m Electivire goes first with Thunder Punch, and Staraptor faints. Altaria sets up Dragon Dance and Flareon uses Overheat, but it doesn't do too much. Diamond sends out Snorlax.

5d 22h 33m Altaria reaches Lv. 70! We decide not to learn Sky Attack. Electivire and Flareon are sent out.

5d 22h 32m Staraptor Intimidates the opponents. Houndoom uses Sunny day and Altaria uses Earthquake, taking Houndoom to low health and critting Luxray, taking it down. Staraptor uses Close Combat to finish Houndoom off.

5d 22h 31m Diamond invites us to a Double Battle against Flint and Volkner! ...We say no. Wait, never mind - Vs. Leader Volkner and Elite Four Flint! Houndoom and Luxray vs. Altaria and Diamond's Staraptor.

5d 22h 30m We fly to Snowpoint City and take the ship to the Fight Area! Diamond is waiting to meet us.

5d 22h 19m We step back into the Daycare and talk to the man sitting at the table...Obtained the Daycare Checker app for our Pokétch!

5d 22h 16m Picked 4 Aspear Berries! We plant 2 Pecha Berries and water everything on this plot. All happy :) .

5d 22h 14m Back to Route 210.

5d 22h 13m Marill goes back to the Daycare. We take Probopass back from the Daycare.

5d 22h 8m We take Marill back from the Daycare.

5d 22h 7m We head back outside.

5d 22h 3m Abomasnow is returned to the PC.

5d 22h 1m We withdraw AAHHH (Abomasnow) from the PC.

5d 21h 58m Luxio gets bored and returns to the PC.

5d 21h 53m We withdraw AGGGGGGG1: (Luxio) from the PC. We briefly step away.

5d 21h 52m We create a new Ball Capsule design! We don't have anything to give it to, however...

5d 21h 49m A (Buizel) returns to the PC.

5d 21h 47m As we withdraw A (Buizel) from the PC, the Riot screen briefly flickers. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 21h 45m It's scary outside. ECNYAYE♂A returns to the PC.

5d 21h 44m ECNYAYE♂A (Kirlia) pokes its head out of the PC.

5d 21h 42m A SLUYG has Sticky Hold, so it's a bit hard to let go of! But with some effort, we deposit it back in the PC.

5d 21h 40m We withdraw A SLUYG (Shellos) from the PC.

[Fluff] 5d 21h 37m successfully signed our Trainer Card! Our penmanship is incredible.

5d 21h 26m We briefly withdraw Bibarel before depositing it immediately.

5d 21h 24m Deposited Manaphy in the PC!

5d 21h 23m We enter the Pokémon Center. We approach the PC, but get distracted by the town map.

5d 21h 20m We return to Solaceon Town.

5d 21h 16m Oh? Hatched a Lv. 1 Manaphy! No nickname.

5d 21h 12m According to the overlay, the egg is almost hatched...

5d 21h 0m Caught a female Lv. 17 Chansey! No nickname.

5d 20h 54m Currently patrolling the grass of Route 209.

5d 20h 48m Entered the Pokémon Center! Checkpoint in Solaceon Town!

5d 20h 46m We run back and forth, warming up the Egg.

5d 20h 44m Received the Manaphy Egg!

5d 20h 43m We enter the Mart a couple times. Seems like there's a package waiting for us...

5d 20h 41m Something strange...distortion! What's this? Inputs are freezing...oh, and the game also freezes. Loaded from slot 1.

5d 20h 39m We make a quick detour to Route 210.

5d 20h 37m We leave Probopass at the Daycare! Its Ball Capsule is removed. We run back outside.

5d 20h 35m We fly to Solaceon Town!

5d 20h 32m We talk to Lucas's sister, and she informs us that there's a swarm of Electrike at Valley Windworks. We run away.

5d 20h 30m We enter a house and go straight to their TV.

5d 20h 26m Lucas is waiting outside for us, and he says there's a message for us in Celestic Town. We look at our Pokedex rather than having a conversation.

5d 20h 25m We arrive in Sandgem Town and chat with Professor Rowan. He doesn't have much to say.

5d 20h 21m We venture onto Route 201.

5d 20h 20m We talk to our mother and heal.

5d 20h 19m Our mother informs us that Diamond came looking for us.

5d 20h 17m The game started again. We are in our room, checking our Pokédex, our Pokétch and our PC.

[Fluff] Given how this whole thing went, the chat is finding it very appropriate that the credits ended with the word "FIN".

5d 20h 11m The game has restarted, and the "resume shortly" screen has appeared.

[Fluff] #ThankYouFish #EliteFish

[Snark] If someone ever told me I'd get to see several hundred people sweep Cynthia at once with a freaking Lumineon...

5d 20h 4m And so, .iecbw and her team entered the Hall of Fame. The game is saved, and the credits roll.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノVICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノVICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 20h 2m TEH URN!

5d 20h 2m And so... We defeated Champion Cynthia!

5d 20h 1m Another Night Slash takes out Milotic. Weavile grows to Lv. 58.

5d 20h 1m Weavile is sent out. Cynthia refuses to elt the battle end, and uses a Full Restore on Milotic. Weavile uses Night Slash twice in a row, and gets hit by Surf.

5d 20h 0m Milotic is sent out. Lumineon uses Surf, which deals almost half damage. Milotic uses Surf as well, doing much less damage. Next turn, Milotic barely survives another Surf, then takes out Lumineon using Mirror Coat.

5d 19h 59m Lucario is sent out. Lumineon uses Rain Dance, then survives an Aura Sphere. It then takes out Lucario with Waterfall. Lumineon grows to Lv. 93!

5d 19h 58m Lumineon uses Surf against Garchomp. It barely survives and heals using a Berry, then uses Earthquake. Next turn, Ice Beam takes it out!

5d 19h 57m Lumineon uses Waterfall and takes out Togekiss as well!

5d 19h 57m Attempt #7 against Cynthia! Lumineon takes out both Spiritomb and Roserade!

5d 19h 56m Lumineon Waterfalls Bronzong and Espeon to death, Lucian down We have a full health party against Cynthia!

5d 19h 55m Lumineon Waterfall spams and one shots everyone in Lucian's party except Bronzong, Bronzong lives with red health and uses Calm Mind, He heals with a Full Restore

5d 19h 50m Full health and up against Lucian!

5d 19h 50m Lumineon to 92 after beating most of Flint's team, Flint down with 1 more Waterfall

5d 19h 46m Bertha down with literally 5 Surfs, very exciting gameplay here folks! Stay tune for me saying the same thing about Flint in a few minutes

5d 19h 42m Aaron down with surf/waterfall spam!

5d 19h 40m Attempt #22, We lead With Lumineon and Surf Spam the 1st 3 memebrs to reach level 91

5d 19h 35m Torterra Sent out, we use Curse, get Air Slash's, and throw a Quick ball as last ditch effort but failed,whiteout

5d 19h 33m We Strength and Air Slash KO's Leafeon**

5d 19h 33m We send in Leafeon and she uses Flamethrowe, we Razor LEaf and do small damage, She switches to Togekiss and We Razor Leaf it

5d 19h 32m We send Altaria, She Stone Edges and does half, we EQ to do more than hal, she misses the next one! And We KO! Garchomp's out and he's angry, Fragon Rush ki;;s

5d 19h 30m She sends Lucario and Aura Spheres, Probpass down!

5d 19h 29m We send in Probopass, Spirtiomb uses Shadow Ball, dropped spD and we Thunder Wave it, We Power Gem, Shadow Ball again and we're almost down to half health, Power Gem takes it down!

5d 19h 28m She uses A Full Restore and ice Punch does about 1/3, Weavile down to Silver Wind

5d 19h 27m Vs Cynthia We set up Rain Dance twice and she two shots with Shadow Ball, Fish down! Weavile sent out we use ice Punch and crit! Spritomb at red hp, it uses Silver wind and gets a omniboost!

5d 19h 24m We land a critical hit on Bronzong to one shot and Espeon goes down, Lucian down!

5d 19h 23m Alakazam is sent out and meets a similar fate, and so does Gallade! Level 90 Lumineon at the moment

5d 19h 22m Vs Lucian!, Mr Mime vs our Lumineon, we lead with Waterfall and ohko!

5d 19h 22m We're at Attempt #21, Lumineon at under half health and everyone is at full

[Meta] And with that brief update on our failure, the updater goes dark again.

5d 18h 8m BFG is hit by Air Slash and almost goes down. Unfortunately, Razor Leaf does very little damage. Next turn, BFG goes down, and we black out.

5d 18h 6m Togekiss takes out Weavile using Aurasphere. BFG is our last remaining Pokémon.

5d 18h 6m Two more Brick Breaks and Lucario goes down. Togekiss is sent out.

5d 18h 5m Weavile uses Ice Punch again. It does little damage but manages to freeze Lucario. Weavile then uses Brick Break, but Cynthia uses a Full Restore before it can finish off Lucario.

5d 18h 4m Weavile is sent out. It takes out Roserade (not Roselia, sorry) with an Ice Punch. Lucario is sent out.

5d 18h 4m Lumineon set up Rain Dance and used Ice Beam against Spiritomb to finish it. It then brought Roselia into the red before going down as well.

5d 18h 3m 5d 18h 2m Attempt #4 against Cynthia! Spiritomb just took down Leafeon, who still managed to get it in the red after wasting one of Cynthia's Full Restores.

5d 13h 43m We just reached Cynthia for the first time

[Update] In the downtime, we've managed to defeat Bertha twice and Flint once, but have yet to beat Lucian

[Meta] Updater's going dark now. For continued botted updates, be sure to check out #stream-feed in the TPP discord server

5d 6h 14m We send in Leafeon, our final hope, and he starts using bullet seed. Scizor's x-scissor takes Leafeon down to yellow health. Leafeon makes a final stand with bullet seed, but falls to x-scissor! Blacked out! RIP attempt #7!

5d 6h 13m We send in torterra, who uses rock climb. Scizor's x-scissor takes torterra down to yellow health, with a second x-scissor taking down torterra!

5d 6h 11m We send in probopass. Scizor's iron head does a bit of damage, while power gem puts scizor in the yellow. A second iron head puts probopass at yellow health and a second power gem puts scizor at red. Aaron uses a full restore, disrupting our plans to finish this with a rock smash. Iron head leaves probopass with 16 health and flinched, and a final iron head takes out probopass!

5d 6h 9m Scizor gets sent in next. Ice punch is less effective against scizor, while an x-scissor takes out weavile!

5d 6h 8m We send in weavile. Aaron heals with a full restore. Weavile's ice punch takes heracross down to half health, with a second ice punch finishing off the beetle

5d 6h 7m Aaron's next mon his heracross. Lumineon's surf leaves heracross on a sliver of health, while heracross's horn attack takes out lumineon!

5d 6h 7m We send in lumineon next, who uses surf, taking drapion into yellow health. Drapion eats his sitrus berry and uses a couple of cross poisons while lumineon sets up rain dance then surf, taking out drapion

5d 6h 5m Aaron sends in drapion, who uses ice fang. Altaria falls!

5d 6h 5m Yanmega starts off with air slash, cutting a chunk of altaria's health. Fire blast puts yanmega into the yellow. A second air slash puts altaria into low yellow, while a fire blast takes out yanmega

5d 6h 4m We head into the Elite Four, attempt #7. We find Aaron and talk to him. Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt #7! Altaria versus yanmega

5d 6h 1m We enter the Pokémon League and heal our team!

5d 5h 52m We head outside and start grinding in the water instead. Altaria grows to level 48!

5d 5h 50m Lumineon grows to level 62!

5d 5h 45m While switch grinding, weavile faints!

5d 5h 38m Altaria gets poisoned by a wild golbat

5d 5h 35m We step outside, ride down the waterfall, and make our way to Victory Road for some grinding

5d 5h 33m We console ourselves by riding the basement escalator a bit

5d 5h 31m Leafeon switches to bullet seed, which does next to nothing, while a second attack order takes out Leafeon! Blacked out! RIP attempt #6!

5d 5h 30m We send in Leafeon next, who uses strength to take vespiquen to yellow health. Vespiquen issues a heal order, recovering to near full health. Strength takes vespiquen to just above half health while attack order takes Leafeon to just below half health

5d 5h 29m Aaron heals vespiquen with a full restore and torterra takes a chunk of health off with rock climb. Vespiquen orders another attack and torterra falls!

5d 5h 28m We send in torterra who starts cursing. Vespiquen heals with heal order. Vespiquen gets off an attack order and torterra uses rock climb. A second attack order leaves torterra in low yellow health, while rock climb leaves vespiquen with a sliver of health

5d 5h 27m Lumineon sets up a rain dance as heracross uses a close combat, reducing lumineon to red health. Lumineon's rain-powered surf takes out heracross. Aaron sends out vespiquen next, and surf leaves the bee at yellow health. Vespiquen's attack order takes out lumineon!

5d 5h 25m We send in lumineon. Yanmega continues with the bug buzzes and our fish hits an ice beam, taking out yanmega. Heracross up next

5d 5h 24m We send in probopass. Yanmega's bug buzz does little damage. The dragonfly dodges a power gem and uses bug buzz again, then dodges a second power gem before landing a critical bug buzz. Probopas continues missing power gem as bug buzz takes out probopass!

5d 5h 22m Weavile gets sent in. Yanmega's bug buzz OHKOs weavile!

5d 5h 21m Altaria takes to the air again and misses again. Yanmega continues raising evasion and speed. Fly misses again and yanmega performs 2 air slashes, taking out altaria!

5d 5h 20m Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt #6! Altaria v yanmega. Yanmega's air slash takes a third of altaria's health as altaria starts setting up dragon dance. Yanmega switches to double team then back to air slash, as altaria uses dragon dance then flies. Yanmega takes the free turns to boost evasion with double team and fly misses. Altaria tries again and misses again

5d 5h 18m We switch altaria to the front of the party. After an indecisive struggle, we march back into the Elite Four for the sixth time

5d 5h 14m We start up the PC and try depositing mon, but they've all got mail

5d 5h 12m Gliscor switches back to ice fang. Torterra survives again and heals with synthesise again. Another ice fang and torterra is reduced to 15 HP. Torterra curses. Gliscor switches to fire fang and torterra fals! Blacked out! RIP attempt #5

5d 5h 11m we send in torterra who takes out whiscash with razor leaf. Bertha sends out gliscor. Gliscor's ice fang leaves torterra on yellow health. Torterra curses. Gliscor switches to fire fang, and torterra hangs on with 1 HP, then heals with synthesise

5d 5h 9m We move onto the next room and talk to Bertha. Versus Elite Four Bertha, attempt #2! Probopass versus whiscash. Whiscash leads with earth power, putting probopass in the red. Probopass uses rock smash. Whiscash follows up with aqua tail. Probopass falls!

5d 5h 6m We send in probopass, who uses power gem. Vespiquen falls. Elite Four Aaron defeated!

5d 5h 5m We send in weavile who finishes off scizor with brick break. Weavile is now level 53! Aaron sends in vespiquen next. Ice punch puts vespiquen at red health, while an attack order takes out weavile!

5d 5h 4m We send in lumineon who starts off with rain dance. Drapion's cross poison takes a bit of lumineon's health, but surf puts drapion in red health, forcing the scorpion to eat a sitrus berry. Drapion falls to the next surf and scizor comes out, barely tanking a surf and taking lumineon to red health with x-scissor. Aaron heals scizor and lumineon's surf takes the bug back to red health. Scizor's quick attack takes out lumineon!

5d 5h 2m We send in altaria. Aaron heals heracross with a full restore. Altaria uses dragon dance then fly, dodging a stone edge then taking out heracross. Probopass grows to level 54! Aaron sends in drapion next, whose ice fang leaves altaria with 7 HP and frozen. Aerial Ace finishes off altaria!

[Info] We got a redsplit on Bertha

5d 5h 0m We switch out to Leafeon, who's put to yellow health by close combat. Leafeon uses strength to take heracross to red health with a crit. Heracross's mega horn takes out Leafeon!

5d 4h 59m Yanmega starts off by boosting stats with double team. Power gem still hits for an OHKO. Heracross is up next for Aaron

5d 4h 58m We march straight back in for the fifth attempt. We talk to Aaron again. Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt #5! Yanmega versus probopass

5d 4h 56m Aaron sends out scizor. Lumineon's surf leaves scizor on red health. Scizor's x-scissor leaves lumineon on yellow health. Aaron heals and lumineon surfs again, this time without the rain boost, leaving scizor on yellow health. Lumineon sets up rain dance then gets taken out by x-scissor! Blacked out! RIP attempt #4!

5d 4h 55m Aaron heals heracross as we send out lumineon to use rain dance followed by surf. Heracross falls. Aaron sends out vespiquen, and lumineon uses surf to put vespiquen in the yellow. Vespiquen issues an attack order then falls to a second surf. Lumineon grows to level 61!

5d 4h 53m Leafeon up next, starting off with a round of bullet seeds. Heracross barely survives and megahorns Leafeon. Leafeon falls!

5d 4h 52m We send in torterra next. Heracross OHKOs torterra with mega horn

5d 4h 50m Weavile up next. Weavile starts off with ice punch, but gets taken out by close combat

5d 4h 50m We send in altaria next. Heracross's stone edge OHKOs altaria!

5d 4h 49m Heracross up next. Heracross uses close combat, taking out heracross!

5d 4h 48m Yanmega starts off with double team, dodging probopass's attack. Speed boost boosts yanmega's speed between turns. Yanmega continues with the double team, but gets hit by power gem and goes down

5d 4h 47m We head straight back in for attempt 4. We talk to Aaron. Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt #4! Yanmega versus probopass

5d 4h 45m Leafeon gets sent in, starting off with strength. Gliscor's fire fang leaves Leafeon with 5 HP. Leafeon steals some health with giga drain then falls to earthquake! Blacked out! RIP E4 attempt #3!

5d 4h 44m We send in torterra, who takes out whiscash with razor leaf. Bertha's next mon is gliscor, who bites down with ice fang and freezes torterra...who defrosts immediately and flinches. A second ice fang takes out torterra!

5d 4h 43m We move on swiftly to Bertha, the ground-type Elite Four member. Versus Elite Four Bertha, attempt #1! She leads with whiscash and we send in probopass. Whiscash immediately takes out probopass!

5d 4h 42m Leafeon defrosts and gets hit by poison jab, taking him down to yellow health. Leafeon's strength takes out drapion. Elite Four Aaron defeated, attempt #3!

5d 4h 40m Probopass's flash cannon knocks drapoin below half health, forcing the scorpion to eat a sitrus berry before knocking probopas to red health with x-scissor. Power gem and rock smash continue whittling drapion's health. We switch out to Leafeon, who is immediately frozen by ice fang

5d 4h 39m Probopass comes out and uses power gem, reducing scizor to red health. Scizor continues using iron head while probopass paralyses with thunder wave, then finishes off the bug with power gem. Aaron's drapion makes his debut, starting off with an ineffective x-scissor. Probopass paralyses drapion then switches to power gem. Drapion continues using x-scissor

5d 4h 37m Aaron sends out scizor next. Lumineon uses surf to reduce scizor's health to a sliver, while x-scissor does the same to lumineon's health. Aaron heals with a full restore, which means the killing surf only reduces scizor's health to yellow. Scizor uses quick attack, taking out lumineon!

5d 4h 35m Surf reduces vespiquen's health to yellow. Vespiquen issues a defence order, then falls to ice beam

5d 4h 35m Lumineon comes out and starts ran dancing. Heracross's mega horn takes lumineon to half health. Surf takes out heracross. Probopass levels up to level 53! Aaron sends out vespiquen next

5d 4h 34m We send in weavile. Weavile's slash takes a chunk of heracross's health. Heracross's stone edge OHKOs weavile!

5d 4h 31m We switch out to altaria who takes a close combat attack. Heracross switches to stone edge, taking out altaria!

5d 4h 30m Yanmega starts off by boosting stats with double team. Probopass's power gem hits anyway, OHKOing yanmega. Aaron sends out heracross next

5d 4h 29m We sneak up behind Aaron and talk to him. Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt #3! We lead with probopass and he leads with yanmega

5d 4h 28m We head into the Elite Four for our third attempt

5d 4h 26m We walk up to Nurse Joy and hand her our balls. We heal the team!

5d 4h 24m Back outside and into the Pokémon League. We start up the PC. We shut it down, scream like a little girl, and flee

5d 4h 14m Leafeon grows to level 51

5d 4h 12m Back onto Victory Road

5d 4h 11m Caught a male level 17 remoraid! Nickname UU

5d 4h 10m We hook a remoraid. We try catching the fish

5d 4h 7m We try a spot of fishing and pull up a most fearsome foe - a magikarp

5d 4h 3m Altaria falls to the wild tentacool's wrap!

5d 4h 3m Probopass faints! We send in altaria, who gets poisoned

5d 3h 52m Or not. We're grinding in the water outside of the League. Probopass grows to level 52!

5d 3h 51m We leave Victory Road and head to the waterfall. We're returning to the Pokémon League to heal

5d 3h 45m A graveler's explosion leaves probopass at red health

[Chat] Sim suggests using science on the bug guy

5d 3h 38m A wild graveler falls. Probopass grows to level 51

5d 3h 36m We enter Victory Road and start beating up the local rhyhorn

5d 3h 33m We hop on lumineon and surf downwards. Looks like we're going to grind in Victory Road

5d 3h 32m We step outside and ride down the waterfall, then turn around and head back up. Back into the Elite Four building...or not. We're back outside

5d 3h 30m We send in our final mon, torterra. Torterra starts off with rock climb, taking scizor down to yellow. Scizor uses night slash. Torterra keeps rock climbing, while scizor's x-scissor takes out torterra! Blacked out! RIP attempt #2!

5d 3h 28m We send in Leafeon. Aaron heals scizor with a full restore. Leafeon's strength does nearly no damage, while x-scissor leaves Leafeon in yellow health. Giga drain is even less effective. Leafeon goes down to a second x-scissor

5d 3h 27m Lumineon keeps using ice beam. Scizor defrosts and uses x-scissor, taking lumineon to yellow health. A surf puts scizor on red health, while a second x-scissor takes out lumineon!

5d 3h 26m Aaron sends in scizor next. Lumineon's ice beam does little damage but freezes scizor

5d 3h 26m Lumineon up next. The fish uses ice beam, finishing off heracross with a crit. Aaron sends out vespiquen next. Lumineon uses another ice beam, taking vespiquen to just above half health. The queen be orders an attack, taking a bit of lumineon's health. A second ice beam leaves vespiquen on red, and vespiquen heals with heal order. Lumineon persists with the ice beams and vespiquen falls. Lumineon reaches level 60!

5d 3h 23m We send in weavile next. Weavile starts with a metal claw, taking a quarter of heracross's health. Heracross uses close combat, taking out weavile!

5d 3h 22m We call upon altaria next. Altaria goes down to a stone edge

5d 3h 21m He leads with yanmega and we send out probopass. Yanmega's bug buzz does little damage, while probopass's power gem takes out yanmega. Next up is heracross. The beetle gets off a close combat, taking out probopass!

5d 3h 20m We get a quick breath of fresh air then step into the League for attempt #2. We reset the stp counter and enter Aaron's room and talk to him. Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt #2!

5d 3h 18m We switch probopass to the front the party then reset our step counter

5d 3h 15m We send in torterra, whose rock climb does chip damage. Scizor uses x-scissor to end our dreams of a first attempt victory and take out torterra! Blacked out! RIP attempt #1!

5d 3h 14m Aaron sends in scizor next. Lumineon keeps surfing, putting scizor at yellow health. Scizor's x-scissor puts lumineon at red health, then finishes off lumineon with quick attack. Only torterra remains

5d 3h 13m We send in lumineon next, who makes it rain. Heracross continues with the close combats, putting lumineon's health into the yellow. Lumineon keeps dancing, dodges a mega horn, then surfs to take out heracross. Lumineon to level 59! Lumineon wants to learn silver wind, but we decline the request. Aaron sends out vespiquen next, who gets put to yellow health with surf then issues a defend order. A second surf and vespiquen is down

5d 3h 10m We send in probopass next, hoping type resistance will be our ally here. It is. Bug buzz does little damage, while power gem takes out yanmega. Probopass grows to level 50! Aaron sends out heracross next, who starts off with close combat. Probopass is down!

5d 3h 9m Weavile's up next. Yanmega's bug buzz OHKOs weavile!

5d 3h 8m We send in altaria next, who gets put to just above half health with air slash. Altaria uses dragon dance then fly while yanmega raises evasion with a couple of double teams. Fly misses, but altaria tries again while yanmega continues raising evasion and speed. Fly misses again, so altaria tanks an air slash and uses fire blast, taking yanmega to a sliver of health. Aaron fully restores yanmega and altaria tries another fly. This one lands, putting yanmega in red health. Yanmega's air slash takes out altaria!

5d 3h 6m Leafeon starts off with strength, doing a bit of damage to yanmega. Yanmega's air slash OHKOs Leafeon! Yanmega gains speed from speed boost

5d 3h 5m We make our way into the room. Aaron greets us cordially and tells us he wants to be perfect. Versus Elite Four Aaron, attempt 1! We send in Leafeon to face his yanmega

5d 3h 4m We ride the first lift up. Onwards, to glory! We stride forth, determination flaring in our heart as we turn around and run away

5d 3h 3m We enter the league. Dramatic music plays as we dawdle at the first lift and check our team. We switch Leafeon to the front of the party

5d 2h 59m We talk to the League gate guard, who verifies all our badges. A jingle plays and he steps out of the way, telling us to move onwards, to our destined glory

5d 2h 56m Eventually we find the centre desk. We heal our team!

5d 2h 55m Barry swears he'll get tougher and runs off. We try to heal our team but are directionally challenged

5d 2h 54m Torterra curses for further stat gains then tries another razor leaf. It crits and takes out snorlax. Diamond's final mon is floatzel, whose ice fang misses. Torterra's razor leaf hits though, taking out the otter. Torterra grows to level 50! Rival Diamond defeated!

5d 2h 53m Snorlax wakes up and body slams torterra. Our tortoise keeps cursing to modify his stats, tanking the body slams from snorlax. Torterra switches to razor leaf, taking snorlax to the red, and the large mon rests to restore health. Torterra also heals, with synthesis

5d 2h 52m We send in torterra, who uses some bad language towards snorlax. Snorlax rests and heals, and torterra keeps cursing

5d 2h 51m We send lumineon back into the fray, starting off with an ice beam that takes out roserade. Diamond sends out infernape next, and lumineon's surf takes the monkey out. Diamond's next mon is his wounded staraptor, who's finished off by surf. Snorlax out next for Diamond. Ice beam does minor damage, while body slam leaves lumineon in the red. Surf takes snorlax to yellow health, while earthquake takes out lumineon!

5d 2h 48m We send in probopass next, who starts off with power gem. Roserade uses giga drain to heal back some of the health as probopass repeats the power gem strategy. A critical giga drain leaves probopass in yellow health, but probopass paralyses roserade with thunder wave then hits a flash cannon to take roserade to yellow health. Roserade uses grasswhistle to put probopass to sleep, then uses giga drain to heal and shadow ball to finish off probopass!

5d 2h 46m Roserade's poison jab wakes up altaria, and altaria does the dance of dragons a couple of times. Roserade's poison jab takes altaria to yellow health and poisons altaria. Altaria flies up into the sky and faints from poison damage!

5d 2h 45m We switch out to altaria, and roserade drains some health for minor damage, then puts altaria to sleep with grasswhistle

[April Fools] 5d 2h 44m Lumineon dances and makes it rain while heracross uses night slash. We take advantage of the weather and have lumineon use surf, taking out heracross. Lumineon to level 58! Diamond sends in roserade next

[April Fools] 5d 2h 43m We head straight back to the Elite Four entrance and Barry Diamond rushes into us. He wants to beat our asses once more. Versus Rival Diamond, attempt #3! We lead with lumineon against his staraptor. Ice beam puts staraptor to red health while staraptor's close combat deals a chunk of damage. We switch to weavile, but Diamond predicts this and has staraptor use u-turn to deal heavy damage and switch out with heracross. Weavile's ice punch takes heracross to yellow health, but heracross's aerial ace takes out weavile! Lumineon back in

5d 2h 39m Snorlax wakes up and uses Body Slam, and Leafeon becomes paralyzed. The next turn we're fully paralyzed as it Body Slams again; we clutch a third to use Giga Drain, and... Diamond switches out in favor of Infernape for disrespect. We Giga Drain that too, and the next turn it uses Flamethrower; Leafeon faints! Blacked out! We wake up across the room.

5d 2h 38m We use Giga Drain and Snorlax uses Body Slam. Bullet Seed is a little more successful, but it's still chipping away. Snorlax uses Body Slam again. Next turn we Giga Drain and Snorlax uses Rest...we chip away at its HP again as it sleeps.

5d 2h 36m We use Dragonbreath, but it doesn't do much; Snorlax's Body Slam does a lot more. Dragon Dance isn't enough to save us either, and Altaria faints! Only Leafeon remains.

5d 2h 34m We send Altaria back out. Heracross uses Night Slash as we use Dragon Dance; next turn we use Fly. Heracross goes down, and Diamond sends out Staraptor. It Intimidates us, but Dragonbreath takes it down; Altaria reaches Lv. 47! Snorlax is sent out.

5d 2h 33m Unsurprisingly, Close Combat works here too. Probopass faints!

5d 2h 31m We send out Weavile and use Brick Break, which crits, taking Floatzel down. Diamond sends out Heracross. We use Slash, and Heracross uses Close Combat, which also gets an overkill crit. Weavile faints! We send out Probopass.

5d 2h 30m We decline to learn Refresh with our new level. Diamond sends out Floatzel. We switch out to BFG, just as Floatzel uses Ice Fang, which even crits for good measure. BFG faints!

5d 2h 27m Giga Drain crits and Lumineon faints! We send out Altaria. GrassWhistle misses and we use Fly, taking Roserade down. Altaria reaches Lv. 46!

5d 2h 27m Vs. Rival Diamond! Attempt #3. Staraptor vs. Lumineon. Ice Beam into U-Turn; Roserade comes out and we land Ice Beam, and it lands GrassWhistle. As we sleep it uses Giga Drain.

5d 2h 26m Bought 22 Heal Balls and 172 Poké Balls! Received 5 Premier Balls!

5d 2h 21m Currently browsing the Poké Mart's wares...

5d 2h 18m Focus Blast hits, and Probopass faints! Blacked out! We shuffle a couple feet to the left in defeat.

5d 2h 17m Snorlax uses Body Slam again, and our next Razor Leaf is a crit, taking it down. Infernape is sent out. It uses Focus Blast and BFG faints! We send out Leafeon, and Infernape uses Flamethrower, which is a OHKO - Leafeon faints! Only Probopass remains...

[Chat] tppsimulator: buy healing items

5d 2h 15m We send out BFG and start setting up Curse. Snorlax uses Rest. We use Synthesis, but it doesn't do much; on our next turn we use Curse again. Snorlax outspeeds next turn and uses Body Slam, and we use Razor Leaf.

5d 2h 15m Diamond sends out Snorlax. We use Ice Beam, but it doesn't do much; its Earthquake sends Lumineon to 2 HP. We get a crit Surf before another Earthquake means Lumineon faints!

5d 2h 14m Lumineon wakes up on the first turn! It takes down Floatzel with Surf. Staraptor is sent back out, and Surf finishes that off, too.

5d 2h 13m Floatzel's still faster, opening with Crunch...but we live with 4 HP, taking off. We get Floatzel to half health with Fly before it finishes the job with Aqua Jet; Altaria faints! Lumineon is sent back out. It's still asleep, though.

5d 2h 12m Heracross outspeeds with Rock Slide, taking us to low health. Altaria uses Dragon Dance, making it fast enough to outspeed with Fly. The next turn, Heracross goes down! Floatzel is sent out.

5d 2h 11m We try to switch out, but accidentally land an Ice Punch. Heracross uses Close Combat and Weavile faints! We send out Altaria.

5d 2h 10m As we sleep, Roserade uses Giga Drain, taking us to low health. We switch to Weavile as Roserade Giga Drains again; it's almost back to full health. ...But after an Ice Punch, it still goes down. Heracross is sent out.

5d 2h 9m We open with Ice Beam, and Staraptor clutches to use U-Turn. Roserade is sent out. We use Ice Beam again, and it uses GrassWhistle, putting Lumineon to sleep.

5d 2h 9m Oh, we found him. Vs. Rival Diamond! Attempt #2, Lumineon vs. Staraptor.

[Snark] Diamond's not here anymore...we knew he rushes around, but this is a little ridiculous.

5d 2h 7m Infernape uses Shadow Claw, and BFG faints! Blacked out!...but walking in checkpoints us, so we wake up about 5 feet away.

5d 2h 6m Heracross uses Close Combat again, taking us to half health. We use Curse and survive another Close Combat, then use Rock Climb; Heracross goes down. Diamond sends out Infernape.

5d 2h 4m Staraptor leads with Close Combat, and Probopass faints! We send out Weavile and use Ice Punch, taking the weakened Staraptor down. Diamond sends out Heracross, and we get in an Ice Punch before it strikes-- Weavile faints! Only BFG remains...

5d 2h 3m Oh, and we don't manage to heal, which means... Vs. Rival Barry! Diamond! Probopass vs. Staraptor.

5d 2h 3m Oh, and we don't manage to heal, which means... Vs. Rival Barry! Probopass vs. Staraptor.

5d 2h 2m Outside at the Pokémon League!

5d 2h 0m We make it up the Rock Climb cliff.

5d 1h 59m ...Oh yeah, Altaria has Natural Cure, so it's not paralyzed. What is is, though, is caught up in a Graveler's Selfdestruct. Altaria faints!

5d 1h 58m Altaria becomes paralyzed by a wild Onix.

5d 1h 56m Lumineon faints!

5d 1h 52m Still staying away from the ledge. Lumineon reaches Lv. 57!

5d 1h 50m Well, first we take a detour for an item. Picked up a Razor Claw!

5d 1h 48m Back upstairs. Vs. Ledge! Attempt #4.

5d 1h 42m We make it up the cliff, then immediately slide back down and over the ledge. Back around.

5d 1h 40m Back upstairs...ledge attempt #3.

5d 1h 35m There's an item behind him. Picked up an Ultra Ball!

5d 1h 33m Back on B1F, there's a trainer we skipped earlier. Vs. Ace Trainer Henry! Lumineon vs. Rhydon. Surf takes it down, and Carnivine is sent out...which goes down in one hit to Ice Beam. Defeated Ace Trainer Henry!

5d 1h 29m .......and we go back down the Rock Climb cliff, and over the ledge. Back downstairs we go.

5d 1h 28m Next up is Swablu. A Waterfall crit takes it down. The last Pokémon is Gabite; we switch to Ice Beam, which is an easy OHKO. Lumineon reaches Lv. 56! Defeated Dragon Tamer Clinton!

5d 1h 27m After a lot of wild encounters, we make it past the ledge and up the cliff. Vs. Dragon Tamer Clinton! Gible vs. Lumineon. We open with Surf and it goes down.

5d 1h 23m Back to 1F. In the distance, we hear the whispering of the ledge.....

[Fluff] 5d 1h 19m We just passed 600,000 inputs! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 1h 18m We save a lot of data. In-game time: 107:28.

5d 1h 18m On B1F, taking the waterfalls again.

5d 1h 14m We overshoot the Rock Cliff and trip off the ledge. Back downstairs it is.

5d 1h 14m We stare down the next ledge, but a wild Onix blocks our path... Lumineon reaches Lv. 55!

5d 1h 10m The next Drill Peck is a crit, which we barely survive. Empoleon clutches one last Giga Drain before Leafeon goes down! We send out Altaria and finish Empoleon off with Dragonbreath. Defeated Veteran Edgar!

5d 1h 10m Another Bullet Seed; Empoleon remembers it's a bird and uses Drill Peck. We start using Giga Drain, but Empoleon's damaging a little more than we're healing...

5d 1h 9m We switch to Leafeon. We start using Bullet Seed as Empoleon uses Growl.

5d 1h 8m Another Surf and Porygon-Z goes down. Tangrowth is sent out. We use Ice Beam and it goes down. Next up is Empoleon.

5d 1h 7m We head back to 1F. Vs. Veteran Edgar! (Attempt #2.) Porygon-Z vs. Lumineon. We open with Surf, taking it to low health, but it retaliates with Thunderbolt.

5d 1h 1m We pick up TM59 Dragon Pulse! ...and then immediately hop the ledge. Back to the waterfalls we go.

5d 1h 0m We explore floor B1F; Lumineon guides us up the waterfalls.

5d 0h 56m Lumineon reaches Lv. 54!

5d 0h 52m We solve the puzzles and move down to 1F.

5d 0h 46m Working our way through the Strength puzzles on 2F.

5d 0h 41m Lumineon reaches Lv. 53! We decide not to learn Bounce.

5d 0h 35m We reenter Victory Road.

[Fluff] The Dexnav told us to call Joey...who knew he was here in Sinnoh?

5d 0h 31m We send out Weavile and use Brick Break; Empoleon goes down! Next out is Tangrowth. We use Ice Punch...but it's not quite enough. Tangrowth uses Mega Drain, and Weavile faints! Blacked out! We wake up in the Pokémon Center outside Victory Road.

5d 0h 29m We use Strength, taking Porygon-Z down. Edgar sends out Empoleon, and we use Giga Drain. Empoleon uses Drill Peck, and Leafeon faints! Only Weavile is left standing, at 10 HP...

5d 0h 28m We open with Giga Drain, taking us up to full health. Porygon-Z uses Signal Beam; it's super effective. We use Giga Drain again and Porygon-Z uses Psychic; we live with just a few HP.

5d 0h 28m Vs. Veteran Edgar! Porygon-Z vs. Leafeon.

5d 0h 26m We head up the stairs to 1F. A trainer watches from around the corner...

5d 0h 8m Vs. Dragon Tamer Ondrej! Altaria vs. Leafeon. We switch to Weavile as it uses Dragon Dance, then take it down with Ice Punch. Next up is Gabite; we forget our type matchups and use Brick Break. We barely survive a Dragon Claw and use Ice Punch, taking it down. Weavile reaches Lv. 52! Defeated Dragon Tamer Ondrej!

5d 0h 4m Floatzel comes back for revenge. Altaria faints!

[Info] Oh yeah--and welcome to Day 6!

5d 0h 3m A wild Floatzel puts Altaria in danger, but we take care of it. Altaria reaches Lv. 45!

4d 23h 58m A wild Floatzel traps Lumineon in its Whirlpool. Lumineon faints!

4d 23h 55m Power Gem still works. Dusknoir uses Mean Look, and we try out Flash Cannon; it's a little bit stronger. Dusknoir uses Will-O-Wisp and Probopass is burned. Power Gem finishes the battle, though. Defeated Psychic Valencia!

4d 23h 54m Another Slash; we use Thunder Wave and Absol is paralyzed. A Power Gem crit finishes it off. Next up is Dusknoir.

4d 23h 54m Absol uses Slash to do an impressive 6 damage. We keep up the Power Gem spam.

4d 23h 54m Another Power Gem takes it down. Next out is Absol.

4d 23h 53m Since we don't have any attacks left, we switch to Probopass. Chimecho uses Psywave. We start using Power Gem as it tries Double Edge; it's not very effective.

4d 23h 52m Vs. Psychic Valencia! Lumineon vs. Chimecho.

4d 23h 50m We take the stairs to floor B1.

4d 23h 49m We use Bullet Seed, and three hits are enough to take Machamp down. Defeated Black Belt Miles!

4d 23h 48m We set up Rain Dance anyway. Machamp uses Scary Face again. This time, we switch to Leafeon; Machamp's third Scary Face misses.

4d 23h 46m Vs. Black Belt Miles! Machamp vs. Lumineon. We open with our last Waterfall, and Machamp flinches. We follow up with Ice Beam, taking Machamp to low health; it uses Scary Face...and we're out of attack PP.

4d 23h 45m We manage to evade the ledge, sprinting away at full speed.

4d 23h 41m We head north and take the stairs down to floor 1F. We cross a bridge, then hover ominously over a Rock Climb cliff, which leads straight to a ledge...

4d 23h 40m Our next Surf crits, taking Lickilicky down. Lumineon reaches Lv. 52! Defeated Veteran Clayton!

4d 23h 39m We use Waterfall, which doesn't do much...but it does get a flinch. We get more damage out of Surf, and Lickilicky uses Power Whip, taking us to low health.

4d 23h 38m Ice Beam still hits, and Staraptor goes down. Lickilicky is sent out.

4d 23h 38m We shove some more rocks around. Vs. Veteran Clayton! Staraptor vs. Lumineon. We open with Ice Beam, but it doesn't quite take it down. Staraptor uses Double Team.

4d 23h 35m We remember that Ice Beam exists, and Torterra goes down. Defeated Ace Trainer Sydney! She says we're tougher than everyone in the world.

4d 23h 34m We Surf as Clefable sets up Reflect. Another Surf takes it down. Next out is Torterra, and we use Waterfall. Torterra uses Leech Seed.

4d 23h 33m We solve the Strength loop. Vs. Ace Trainer Sydney! Clefable vs. Lumineon.

4d 23h 31m Back to the bottom left of floor 2F.

4d 23h 28m We take down a wild Steelix, and Lumineon reaches Lv. 51!

4d 23h 27m We trip and fall out of the puzzle area again.

4d 23h 25m We leave the area, then enter again. The puzzle resets. We start smashing some rocks.

4d 23h 17m All badges are now polished and sparkling ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

4d 23h 15m We rub our badges so much that they begin to sparkle. So far we polished 5 badges to sparkling perfection. We occasionally close the badge cover and rub the gym leader face pictures.

4d 23h 9m During the past few minutes, we looked at our trainer card and our badges. We touch our badges and they make clinking and squeaking noises.

4d 23h 0m We feed 2 Protein to our Lumineon. And two more on Probopass. We then feed Lumineon some Calcium and Zinc. Next we use a Full Restore on Lumineon.

4d 22h 54m We look at our medicine pocket for a while but decide to not use anything. We open and close our bag several times before deciding to use a PP up on Lumineon's Surf.

4d 22h 47m We bump into a trainer who we continuously missed during our grinding session. Lumineon takes out Mamoswine and Rampardos quickly. Lumineon levels up to Lv 50. The trainer's Mothim poisons Lumineon but we defeat Trainer Omar.

4d 22h 38m We continue to flee and battle wild Pokémon such as Graveler, Steelix, and Gabite. Lumineon levels up to Lv 49.

4d 22h 29m Lumineon grows to Lv 48 and wants to learn U-turn. After a long debate, we decide to not learn this move.

4d 22h 26m Entering a new area in Victory Road, we smash and move some rocks around. We also flee from wild Magneton.

[Info] In the past 6 hours, 4d 20h 53m we defeated Volkner on attempt #3, 4d 22h 0m we reached Victory Road.

[Meta] Live updater going dark now. As usual, check stream-feed for bot updates.

4d 16h 3m We enter Twinleaf Town and mom heals our team.

4d 16h 0m We enter Route 201 and flee from some wild Bidoof.

4d 15h 55m We stroll to Route 202 and into Sandgem Town. We visit the lab. The professor seems proud of us and tells us to get another badge.

4d 15h 52m Passing through Oreburgh Gate, we enter Route 203. Now in Jubilife City.

4d 15h 49m Spying an exit, we walk outside to Route 207 and make our way to Oreburgh City.

4d 15h 44m We flee from some wild Budew and head into Mt. Coronet. We smash some rocks at the entrance and walk deeper inside.

4d 15h 42m We enter Route 208 and begin battling a wild Bidoof. We gain some exp.

4d 15h 35m We open the fly map and browse the places we can visit. We decide on Hearthome City.

4d 15h 30m We open the team list and switch Altaria into first position.

4d 15h 26m We walk into Route 212 and rain drenches us wet. We find some berry plants and pick up some berries. We save the game! (Time: 97:37). The berry plant soil looked dry, so we watered them in the rain. We also planted a berry.

4d 15h 23m We look at some berry plants and water them. There. All happy! We pick a few berries too.

4d 15h 18m We head south to Route 213 and walk along the shore. We reach Pastoria City.

4d 15h 16m A NPC tells us of some sort of blackout and doesn't let us go east.

4d 15h 14m We make our way to Spring Path, Route 214, then Valor Lakefront.

4d 15h 11m We encounter some wild Graveler and Staravia. We elect to run from them.

4d 15h 7m We leap into a portal... and into Sendoff Spring. Cynthia tells us we should head to the lab of our news.

4d 15h 5m We try to toss a Master Ball but Giratina isn't in sight! Probopass paralyzes Giratina and we toss a Master Ball! Caught a Lv. 47 Giratina! Nickname: AK

4d 15h 3m We begin by tossing Poké Balls. Giratina vanishes instantly making it impossible to throw a Poké Ball. Lumineon faints and we send out Probopass.

4d 15h 2m We hear a frightening cry! WutFace Encounted Giratina!

4d 15h 2m Cynthia heals our team and tells us about Giratina.

4d 14h 59m Flash Cannon crit takes out Honchkrow. Cyrus sends out Weavile and Fake Out takes out Probopass. We send out Weavile. Weavile takes out foe Weavile with Brick Break. Weavile levels up to Lv 50. Cyrus defeated!

4d 14h 57m We send out Probopass but Crobat confuses Probopass with Confuse Ray. Air Slash from Crobat causes us to flinch. We manage to use Rock Slide and take out Crobat. Cyrus sends out Honchkrow.

4d 14h 54m Lumineon faints and we send out Torterra. Foe Gyarados takes out Torterra with Waterfall. Leafeon is sent out and uses Strength to take out Gyarados. Cyrus sends out Crobat and knocks out Leafeon.

4d 14h 53m Vs Cyrus attempt #3! We send out Lumineon who gets burned by Houndoom. We use Surf and take out our foe. Cyrus sends out Gyarados.

4d 14h 47m [Info] We're currently in the Distortion World making our way through the floating islands.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 12m As we exit the gym, this updater goes dark again. You'd normally be encouraged to check #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for further updates, but it's... kind of in an April Fools mood at the moment.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 9m We received TM08 Bulk Up.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 8m Aerodactyl uses Guillotine. We win and receive the Knuckle Badge!

[April Fools] 4d 11h 8m Celebi is hit by Powder Snow. Aerodactyl uses Lock On, then Celebi fails to use Sand Tomb.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 7m Celebi is sent out again and hit by Psybeam. Celebi uses Water Sport in response. Aerodactyl uses Quick Attack, and Celebi turns into a Rock type with Covnersion 2.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 6m Aero uses Seismic Toss, taking away almost half of Gorebyss health. Next turn it takes in sunlight. Gorebyss is still frozen when it's finally taken out by Solar Beam.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 5m Brawly uses another Hyper Potion on Gorebyss.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 5m We send out Aerodactyl. It uses Blizzard and freezes Gorebyss.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 4m Gorebyss uses Double Kick (how), then Signal Beam. Crawdaunt faints.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 4m Celebi endures Crawdaunt's waterfall. Brawly then withdraws it for Gorebyss. Next turn, he heals Gorebyss. Crawdaunt makes an Uproar in response.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 3m Celebi uses Bubble. Crawdaunt uses Nightmare, which obviously fails. Celebi then uses Powder Snow, and Crawdaunt goes for Peck, which takes away a quarter of Celebi's life.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 2m We send out Crawdaunt. It uses Rapid Spin.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 2m Brawly withdraws Gorebyss and sends Celebi. Dewgong makes a Substitute. The Perish count hits zero, and Dewgong faints.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 1m There's no running from a Trainer battle!

[April Fools] 4d 11h 1m Dewgong almost takes out Gorebyss with ThunderShock, then is Wrapped by Gorebyss.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 0m Gorebyss used Struggle through Metronome. Next turn it uses Perish Song. Dewgong then uses Vine Whip and does decent damage, then is hit by Twister.

[April Fools] 4d 11h 0m Dewgong drains a tiny bit of energy from Gorebyss. The Light Screen goes away. Dewgong uses Gust to little effect, and Gorebyss uses Grudge.

[April Fools] 4d 10h 59m We send out Dewgong. It uses Muddy Water, again to little effect. Gorebyss just heals with Slack Off.

[April Fools] 4d 10h 59m We send out Sunkern. It's immediately taken out by Eruption.

[April Fools] 4d 10h 58m Gorebyss hits us four times with Pin Needle. Piakchu fails to attack. Next turn, Gorebyss sets up a Light Screen while Pikachu misses. Piakchu uses Blizzard, to little effect. Gorebyss takes Pikachu out with Rock Slide.

[April Fools] 4d 10h 57m We challenge Gym Leader Brawly! He sends out Gorebyss.

[Meta] Alright, we all had a good laugh, but the updater is going dark now.

[April Fools] We did not actually receive a Pidgeotite. It was a joke. April Fools. Happy Charap.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 43m We meet the President of the Devon Corporation. He gives us a Letter to deliver to Steven Stone in Dewford Town, and offers us a Pidgeotite as thanks for our services.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 41m We obtained a Great Ball as a thanks for retreiving the Devon Goods.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 40m Caught a female Lv. 100 Skitty! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 37m Caught a female Lv. 100 Trapinch! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 37m Our Sunkern took out Charmeleon through Destiny Bond. I guess we'll never know if this really was our dear Churro.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 34m We're currently fighting a wild Charmeleon. Is this our Gauntled Red starter?

[April Fools] 4d 9h 34m A wild Absol used Self-Destruct on us. Both it and Piakchu fainted.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 32m Caught a female Lv. 100 Nidorina! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 28m We're back on Seafloor Cavern Route 116.

[Snark] Of course as soon as I type that we actually exit the cave.

[Snark] I wanted to stop updating as soon as we left this cave but we're hunting for badges. This is my punishment for not actively hating Metronome Ruby.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 24m Caught a male Lv. 100 Clefairy! Nickname: PJJJJ T

[April Fools] 4d 9h 23m We tried to use a Pecha Berry on Pikachu, to no effect.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 22m Caught a Lv. 100 P-Unown! Nickname: CC

[April Fools] 4d 9h 20m Caught a female Lv. 100 Ariados! Nickname: SS TT

[April Fools] 4d 9h 18m Picked up a Poké Ball.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 18m Finally freaking caught a female Lv. 100 Wigglytuff! Nickname: S A

[April Fools] 4d 9h 16m WIGGLYTUFF USED MORNING SUN.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 16m Our Crawdaunt used Destiny Bond. I suppose it too wants out of this battle already.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 15m Porygon2 has been taken out as well.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 14m Oh f*ck, Wigglytuff used Morning Sun, this is purgatory I swear.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 12m Dewgong was taken out as well.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 11m We've been fighting a wild Wigglytuff for a while now. it already took out both Pikachu and Sunkern.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 4m Caught a female Lv. 100 Nincada! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 2m Hoppip tries to endure a Sand Attack. Next turn, it goes down in one hit. We won! Peeko is saved!

[April Fools] 4d 9h 2m We challenge the Magma Grunt to a battle. He sends out Hoppip.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 0m We fled.

[April Fools] 4d 9h 0m Currently trying to catch a wild Camerupt. Surely Peeko can wait a few minutes.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 56m We're going to save Peeko now.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 54m We won!

[April Fools] 4d 8h 54m Dewgong used Self-Destruct. KA-POW.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 54m We send out Dewgong. It makes a Substitute.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 53m Chinchou finally takes down Porygon2. It only has a few HP left though.

[Snark] So that's why half the updaters refused to update this. Every battle takes three hours to get through.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 51m Chinchou used Endeavor. But it failed. Porygon2 used Detect. But it failed.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 50m Porygon2 was poisoned.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 49m Porygon2 takes down Stantler. Clark sends out Chinchou, and we can use Metronome again.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 48m Wow, Stantler just used Imprison twice in a row. What are the odds. This means Porygon2 can only use Struggle though, since both only know Metronome.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 47m Trading blows. Stantler is paralyzed.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 46m Hiker Clark sends out Stantler.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 46m Okay, so it could kill with two attacks, apparently.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 45m Porygon2 could kill with a single attack, but just used three non-damaging moves in a row.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 44m We send out Porygon2.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 43m Sunkern has been Ice Ball'ed to death.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 42m We sent out Sunkern.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 42m Pikachu is fainted now.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 42m Pikachu sleeps now.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 41m Pikachu has been yawned at.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 40m We are challenged to a battle by some Hiker. He sends out Swalot. Pikachu paralyzes it.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 38m We've been challenged to a battle by Lass Janice! She sent out Mudkip, but D the Pikachu managed to defeat it. We won the battle.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 37m We're still fighting the wild Lugia. I had time to program a script to add the [April Fools] tag with just one click. It's saving me a lot of time. I know you don't care. But it's April Fools Day, so I can be silly with these updates. Or "Charap", as I've been unsuccessfully trying to meme. You know, since we traded a mon named AFD?%%;"" for one named Charapduring Gauntlet Platinum. Anyway, we fled from the wild Lugia while I was typing this. Hope you're all having a good time.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 30m A wild Lugia appears.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 28m Bought 1 Poké Ball, 1 Poké Ball, 1 Poké Ball, 1 Poké Ball, and 1 Poké Ball.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 27m Sold 2 Antidotes, 1 Repel, 1 Hyper Potion, and 1 Parlyz Heal.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 25m We've arrived at Route 132 Rustboro City.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 21m Caught a female Lv. 100 Slowking! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 17m Caught a female Lv. 100 Clamperl! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 15m We're out of the woods.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 14m Caught a female Lv. 100 Rapidash! No nickname.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 12m We are struggling against a wild Rapidash.

[April Fools] 4d 8h 7m We are currently in Petalburg Woods. A Jynx exploded on us a minute ago.

[April Fool's] Caught a male Lv. 100 Shuckle! Nickname: J,,,.

[April Fool's] 4d 1h 21m Caught a male Lv. 100 Magby! No nickname. It joins our party.

[Meta] [April Fool's] The updater will be going mostly dark from here. The API has a mind of its own right now, so I'll try to document catches if I notice them. For very distorted bot updates, you can check out #stream-feed in the Discord.

[Info] [April Fool's] Once we get our first badge, TURBO ANARCHY will be deactivated. At the second badge, we'll return to Gauntlet Platinum.

[April Fool's] 4d 1h 9m Pikachu and Kabuto go down, but Sunkern lands a Sheer Cold. Defeated Youngster En!

[April Fool's] 4d 1h 6m Jumpluff goes down, and next up is Machop.

[April Fool's] 4d 1h 4m Vs. Youngster En! Jumpluff vs. Pikachu.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 59m Mew sweeps us and we black out. Back to Route 129 Town.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 50m Individual faints don't mean anything here; we're healed in between each battle. Sunkern still faints, though.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 49m The AI is smart enough to switch out of its own Perish Song. This kid has a Mew, somehow.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 47m Vs. Bug Catcher ! Corsola vs. Pikachu...he has a team of six Pokémon.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 40m Caught a female Lv. 100 Sunkern! Nickname: PPP. It joins our party.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 35m Vs. Rich Boy In! Meditite vs. Pikachu. Pikachu immediately faints and we send Omastar.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 33m We leave and head to Route 104 Mt. Chimney.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 31m Wally catches his first partner, a Chikorita! He names it RALTS.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 30m We enter Norman's gym. Wally shows up, ready to give us the catching tutorial.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 28m We escape the Pokémon Center, instead becoming stuck in someone's house.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 27m Checkpoint in Petalburg City Route 129.

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 22m Arrived at Petalburg City Route 129.

[April Fool's] [Fluff] I'm sure there's lots of black outs I've missed, but even so...

[April Fool's] 4d 0h 12m After a long struggle against a Registeel, we black out!

[Info] A few minutes ago, we caught a female Lv. 100 Omastar! Nickname: U.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 53m We blacked out somewhere in there. Anyway, caught a female Lv. 100 Shelgon! Nickname: ffeexqpoo.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 40m Pikachu faints to a wild Suicune.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 38m We encounter a wild Mewtwo! It uses Memento immediately.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 30m Kabuto's ability is ë AàëëBàëUbàë, and its moveset consists of T, B, ë7îRëピソRëLトRë, and Purge.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 28m Caught a male Lv. 100 Kabuto! No nickname. It joins our party.

[Snark] [April Fool's] 3d 23h 25m Do I really need to count every time we black out?

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 23m Blacked out to a wild Combusken.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 17m Blacked out again! These wild mon are dangerous...

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 15m We black out to a wild Porygon-2! Back to Route 123 Town.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 13m Brick Break is also SE. Defeated Youngster Ot!

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 12m HJK takes it down. Ot sends out Igglybuff.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 12m Vs. Youngster Ot! Pikachu vs. Poochyena.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 11m Parasect goes down. Defeated Bug Catcher K!

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 9m We land a Rock Slide and Ninjask goes down! K sends out Parasect.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 8m Vs. Bug Catcher K! Ninjask vs. Pikachu.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 8m We land a lucky Guillotine, and Skiploom goes down! Defeated Youngster Y!

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 6m Vs. Youngster Y, attempt #2! Skiploom vs. Pikachu this time.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 5m Blacked out! We wake up in Route 123 Town.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 5m Stream briefly goes down. When it returns, TURBO ANARCHY has been activated.

[April Fool's] 3d 23h 3m Back underwater. Vs. Youngster Y! Pikachu vs. Squirtle.

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 59m Blacked out! Back in Oldale Town Route 123.

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 56m Arrived at Route 102 also Underwater.

[Chat] M4_used_Rollout: .... I thought that was the rewind button

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 52m The screen flashes as we enter Oldale Town Route 123...we go back to the title screen! We wake up in Birch's lab.

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 49m We go back outside. Our mom wishes us a good journey as we head back to Route 101 Underwater.

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 48m We arrive at "Route 122" and enter the Lab. Obtained the Pokedex! Obtained a Poké Ball!

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 46m Defeated Rival May "A"! We follow her back to Littleroot Town.

[April Fool's] 3d 22h 45m Vs. Rival May "A"! Cyndaquil vs. Pikachu.

[April Fool's] We head north to "Granite Cave". In the wild grass, we encounter a Meltan...but we don't have any Poké Balls yet.

[April Fool's] Checkpointed in Oldale Town! Or, as the Dexnav calls it, Route 123.

[Snark] [Fluff] How do I even update this...

[Info] Our April Fool's host is a boy named SS! We rescued Birch by being knocked out by the wild Sunkern; he didn't notice anything wrong with this picture. Our April Fool's starter is a female Lv. 100 Pikachu named D. We're currently wandering around Oldale Town in utter confusion.

[Info] Between the last update and 3d 22h 6m, nothing notable happened aside from a few level ups. At 3d 22h 6m, the stream went down, and it just came back to Metronome Ruby's title screen

3d 19h 44m Weavile reaches Lv. 44!

3d 19h 33m We ski into the grass. Weavile reaches Lv. 43!

3d 19h 31m Back down the hill.

3d 19h 28m We boot up TM13! We teach Lumineon Ice Beam over Aqua Ring!

3d 19h 24m We do a little dance around the last item, then dig it out of the snow. Picked up TM13 Ice Beam!

3d 19h 23m Picked up a Max Potion!

3d 19h 22m Vs. Skier Andrea! Snover vs. Weavile. We use Brick Break, and Snover goes down. Defeated Skier Andrea!

3d 19h 22m Picked up an HP Up!

3d 19h 21m Picked up a Mental Herb!

3d 19h 20m We send out Weavile and use Brick Break; Snover faints. Defeated Skier Kaitlyn!

3d 19h 19m We try to set up Aqua Ring, but Snover uses Wood Hammer, and Lumineon faints!

3d 19h 19m Swinub uses Ice Shard, and we respond with Surf, taking it down. Next up is Snover.

3d 19h 18m Vs. Skier Kaitlyn! Swinub vs. Lumineon. We set up Rain Dance as Swinub uses Icy Wind.

3d 19h 17m Brick Break takes Swinub down in one hit. Defeated Skier Bradley!

3d 19h 16m Snover uses Ice Shard, but it's not very effective. We use Brick Break, taking Snover down. Next up is Swinub.

3d 19h 15m Bradley sends out Snover, bringing back the Hail. We switch out to AAAL as Snover uses Wood Hammer.

3d 19h 14m Snorunt uses Protect again, and we take advantage to set up Rain Dance. The next turn, we use Surf, taking Snorunt down. Lumineon reaches Lv. 36!

3d 19h 13m Vs. Skier Bradley! Snorunt vs. Lumineon. Snorunt opens with Protect, but we use Aqua Ring. After Hail and Aqua Ring, we have the same HP as when we started.

3d 19h 12m Surf almost takes down Machoke; it uses Cross Chop, but misses. Hail takes it down, though -- defeated Black Belt Philip!

3d 19h 12m We use Surf, and Machoke uses Vital Throw. We both take damage from the Hail.

3d 19h 11m We travel up a Rock Climb slope. Vs. Black Belt Philip! Machoke vs. Lumineon.

3d 19h 10m Looks like we stopped by the rest house--we healed!

3d 19h 9m We've made it out to Route 216.

3d 18h 53m Lumineon reaches Lv. 35! Learned Aqua Ring over Safeguard!

3d 18h 48m We descend deep into the fog of Mt. Coronet. Picked up a Green Shard!

3d 18h 39m Picked up TM69 Rock Polish!

3d 18h 36m We step into Mt. Coronet.

3d 18h 35m Picked up TM12 Taunt!

3d 18h 34m Vs. Bird Keeper Alexandra! She sends Starly. We set up Lumineon's Rain Dance and land Surf through Starly's Double Team. Next out is Hoothoot, who goes down in one hit. Defeated Bird Keeper Alexandra!

3d 18h 32m We explore Route 211.

3d 18h 28m We fly to Eterna City! Checkpointed in Eterna City!

3d 18h 23m After a lot of internal debate, we change our frame design! This one has a cute little bow. :)

3d 18h 16m We apply Mail to Weavile! Message: I love ABOMASNOW!

3d 18h 11m We complete the contest...it's close, but we finish in...fourth place! Try again next time!

3d 18h 3m We're showing off our dancing skills...our rhythm isn't so great.

3d 18h 2m We dress up for the contest! We put a mustache on our fin. It looks great, and we get one heart.

3d 17h 58m You know what will cheer us up? We enter the Contest Hall! WE enter Lumineon for the Cool Contest.

3d 17h 57m We check our Trainer Card and polish a few badges. Our reflection doesn't look impressed.

3d 17h 55m We try to shake off our defeat, stepping slowly outside.

3d 17h 51m We heal. The team was at full health, but I guess the psychological scars of defeat are still there.

3d 17h 50m We are back in Hearthome City.

3d 17h 50m Gyarados is sent out and uses Waterfall. Probopass is taken out, and we black out!

3d 17h 49m Crobat sues Air Slash for minimal damage. Probopass manages to use Rock Slide, but it is not enough. Crobat uses Air Slash, and Probopass hurts itself. Finally, after one last Air Slash, probopass takes down Crobat with another Rock Slide. Probopass grows to Lv. 48!

3d 17h 48m Crobat uses Confuse Ray once more and Probopass is confused. It hurts itself in confusion.

3d 17h 48m We send out Probopass again.

3d 17h 47m Altaria is sent out. Crobat poisons it, and Altaria does little damage. The next turn, it gets confused and hurts itself. It's then hit by one last attack. Altaria goes down.

3d 17h 46m Another Air Slash almost takes BFG down. Crobat is faster though, and Cross Poison takes BFG down.

3d 17h 46m We send out Probopass. Crobat uses Confuse Ray, and Probopass hurts itself in confusion. We switch to BFG the next turn, which is hit by Air Slash.

3d 17h 45m Crobat takes Leafeon down wit Poison Fang.

3d 17h 45m Leafeon is sent out. Cyrus uses a Full Restore. Leafon uses Giga Drain, then Strength, and barely survives a Heat Wave. It uses Strength again and defeats Honchkrow. Leafeon grows to Lv. 46!

3d 17h 44m Honchkrow is sent out Weavile uses Ice Punch and almost takes it out. Honchkrow uses Drill Peck and Weavile goes down.

3d 17h 43m We send out Weavile. It uses Brick Break, and Houndoom is defeated. Rain continues to fall.

3d 17h 43m Cyrus sends out Houndoom. Lumineon is hit by Thunder Fang, but survives and uses Rain Dance. It manages to outspeed Houndoom on the next turn and uses Surf, then is hit by another Thunder Fang. Lumineon goes down.

3d 17h 42m We are challenged by galactic Boss Cyrus!

3d 17h 41m We're having a bit of remorse about running away and go back down.

3d 17h 41m Cynthia goes to confront Cyrus. We go back up. Bye Cynthia, good luck with that whole ordeal.

3d 17h 40m We meet up with Cythia. A platform appears, and we go down.

3d 17h 38m The boulder goes down the pit and Mesprit flies away.

3d 17h 38m Mesprit is over there. We push a boulder towards the pit it's showing us.

3d 17h 35m We pushed the boulder down the pit.

3d 17h 35m Azelf is showing us a pit. There's a boulder over here. WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?

3d 17h 32m Anyway, we push it down the hole. The boulder, not Azelf.

3d 17h 32m Azelf appears and points us to the boulder. Good thing it did, who knows what we would have done otherwise.

3d 17h 30m We are now going down the waterfall, or up the waterfall. Both are right and both are wrong. We are traveling along it.

3d 17h 28m We are now upside down. Or we are perceiving ourselves as upside down. Time and space, do they even exist in this place. Perhaps we are neither upside down or right-side up. We merely are.

3d 17h 22m Taking leaps of faith again.

3d 17h 21m We are going up, up, up.

3d 17h 19m Also we can see Cyrus walking around on a platform nearby.

3d 17h 18m The scenery keeps appearing and disappearing. There is no such thing as reality. Only what you perceive, and what you believe to perceive.

3d 17h 16m We hear Giratina in the distance. Its shadow flies by. Chat freaks out.

3d 17h 14m We changed the frame type, this new one has little hearts on the side.

3d 17h 11m We meet Mesprit again, which tries to tell us something about that boulder over there.

3d 17h 8m We push a boulder into a pit, which makes Uxie fly away.

3d 17h 7m Deeper, actually.

3d 17h 6m We're going deeper again. Nevermind, we're going back up.

3d 17h 6m We surf and reach... nothing. Wrong way.

3d 17h 5m We jumped a ledge.

3d 17h 0m We took a leap of faith, fortunately a platform appeared under us.

3d 16h 59m Cyrus asks us if we understand the concept of genes. We do not.

3d 16h 58m We caught up to Cyrus!

[Chat] tomnookisaloanshark: Just go home to mom

3d 16h 54m No idea if we're making progress, but we sure are moving from places to other places.

3d 16h 51m We hear the faraway cry of some mystical creature... Nevermind, it's just Lumineon. Is this really the best time to play with our watch?

3d 16h 49m We meet up with Cynthia again. We are both sideways. Relatively speaking, of course.

3d 16h 47m We listened to Probopass' cry a few times and it sounds awfully creepy in this context.

3d 16h 44m Sneasel evolved into Weavile!

3d 16h 44m We use a Rare Candy on Sneasel. Sneasel forgets Beat Up ad learns Metal Claw!

3d 16h 39m We use a PP Up on Sneasel's Beat Up.

3d 16h 38m We use a Max Revive on Sneasel. Sneasel is fully healed.

3d 16h 37m We attempt to use an Ice Heal on Sneasel. But it won't have any effect.

3d 16h 35m We're going deeper.

[Chat] M4_used_Rollout: Ultra Space?

3d 16h 33m We're walking on the walls now. Or are they the walls? Were we walking on walls the whole time, and are now back on the floor? Who knows.

3d 16h 32m We meet Mesprit, which flies away.

3d 16h 29m We finally talk to Cynthia and enter the Distortion World.

3d 16h 27m We fail to enter Dialga's dimension.

3d 16h 26m The gigantic floating black hole portal right in the middle of Spear Pillar is apparently not so easy to find for us.

3d 16h 24m We're back at Spear Pillar.

[Snark] The plan was to get both Weavile and Chimecho, so uh, excellent job at failing on both fronts at once.

3d 16h 23m We fled.

3d 16h 23m We are throwing Balls at a wild Chimecho. It refuses to let itself be captured, and takes down Sneasel.

[Snark] Kinda wish I had been able to log in to the updater like half an hour earlier, not gonna lie.

[Info] We have just defeated Mars and Jupiter in battle, and witnessed Cyrus opening a portal to the Distortion World following a failed attempt to summon Palkia and Dialga. We have decided that saving the world could wait a couple minutes and are currently backtracking through Mt. Coronet.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. Make sure to check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates!

3d 2h 12m We explore a pile of snow... Picked up a Rare Candy!

3d 2h 8m We head back into Snowpoint City.

3d 2h 6m Picked up an Ultra Ball!

3d 2h 4m Caught a female Lv. 35 Snover! Nickname: AAHI CHAT.

[Chat] We've been mostly standing still for awhile, debating what to do with Sneasel.

[Info] Sneasel was holding a Grip Claw, which is a 50% chance.

3d 1h 51m Caught a male Lv. 35 Sneasel! Nickname: AAAL. It joins us in our party.

3d 1h 40m Swablu reaches Lv. 32! We decide not to learn Natural Gift.

3d 1h 40m We stroll down to Acuity Lakefront, exploring the tall grass.

3d 1h 36m We head south to the edge of town. Picked up an Ultra Ball!

3d 1h 33m Lumineon uses Surf, doing a little damage. Abomasnow uses Wood Hammer, and Lumineon faints! We black out! We wake up in Snowpoint City...

3d 1h 30m Leafeon faints! Only Lumineon remains...

3d 1h 30m We send out Leafeon and use Bullet Seed. Abomasnow uses Focus Blast.

3d 1h 28m We use Earthquake. Abomasnow uses Avalanche and BFG faints!

3d 1h 28m We send out Torterra and use Curse. Piloswine uses Avalanche. We use Razor Leaf and take Piloswine down. Next out is Abomasnow.

3d 1h 27m Candice sends out Piloswine, which outspeeds with Earthquake. Probopass faints!

3d 1h 26m Sneasel uses Faint Attack but it doesn't do much. We use Rock Slide. One more Faint Attack hits, and Sneasel goes down.

3d 1h 25m Sneasel uses Ice Shard and Swablu faints! We send out Probopass.

3d 1h 25m Vs. Gym Leader Candice! Attempt #1! Sneasel vs. Swablu.

3d 1h 10m Sneasel uses Faint Attack as we Giga Drain again. Another Slash and then Bullet Seed finishes it off. Defeated Ace Trainer Alicia!

3d 1h 10m Sneasel uses Slash and we use Synthesis. It tries out Screech as we use Giga Drain; we have most our health back now.

3d 1h 9m Sneasel's outspeeding us now. We use Bullet Seed twice after taking a few Faint Attacks, and Sneasel goes down. Another Sneasel is sent out.

3d 1h 8m We switch to Leafeon and Sneasel uses Faint Attack. We try Giga Drain as it uses Icy Wind.

3d 1h 7m Vs. Ace Trainer Alicia! Sneasel vs. Swablu.

3d 1h 0m Back in the gym, sliding around the ice.

3d 0h 58m We change back to Set mode.

3d 0h 56m Back outside.

3d 0h 55m After poking around the PC for a bit, we heal!

3d 0h 52m We leave and stop by the Pokémon Center.

3d 0h 47m We send out Torterra and use Earthquake. We barely survive an Ice Fang to manage another Earthquake, and Pilowswine goes down. Defeated Ace Trainer Isaiah!

3d 0h 46m Swablu faints to Ice Fang! We send out Probopass and use Rock Slide, but it doesn't do much. Piloswine uses Earthquake and Probopass faints!

3d 0h 45m We have a nice ice skating adventure, then run into a trainer. Vs. Ace Trainer Isaiah! Swablu vs. Piloswine.

3d 0h 36m We use yet another Super Potion. Sneasel uses Faint Attack twice, but we finish it off with Rock Smash. Defeated Ace Trainer Sergio!

3d 0h 35m We use up another Super Potion. Sneasel uses Faint Attack. It does that again, but we manage to use Rock Slide, and it barely survives.

[Info] Looks like earlier we turned Shift mode on.

3d 0h 33m We bring out Probopass and use Rock Slide. Snover faints, and Sergio prepares to send out Sneasel.

3d 0h 32m We use a Super Potion. Snover uses Wood Hammer and Lumineon faints!

3d 0h 31m We switch out to Lumineon. Snover uses Swagger.

3d 0h 30m After a nice stroll through the snow, we're back in the gym. Vs. Ace Trainer Sergio! Swablu vs. Snover.

3d 0h 11m We enter someone's house and try to trade our Medicham for her Haunter. Unfortunately, we don't actually have a Medicham.

3d 0h 7m ...Back outside the gym.

3d 0h 6m Back inside the gym.

[Info] Oh, and welcome to Day 4 of the run!

3d 0h 3m We also buy 2 Snow Mail!

3d 0h 0m We buy 201 Poké Balls, 40 Great Balls, and 2 Ultra Balls! We receive 2 Premier Balls!

2d 23h 53m We enter the Pokémon Center.

[Info] A few minutes ago, we healed!

[Meta] Updates will be sporadic for a couple minutes. While we're gone, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

2d 23h 28m We quickly step back outside.

2d 23h 24m The B bar dings, but just a moment too late--Finneon evolves into Lumineon!

2d 23h 23m We send out Finneon. Glalie uses Crunch and Surf takes it down. Finneon reaches Lv. 31! Defeated Ace Trainer Anton!

2d 23h 22m We clutch an Ice Beam at 3 HP and use our last Rock Slide. Glalie uses Crunch and Probopass faints!

2d 23h 21m Swablu faints! We send out Probopass. Glalie uses Ice Beam, taking Probopass to red health. We use Rock Slide.

2d 23h 20m Vs. Ace Trainer Anton! Glalie vs. Swablu.

2d 23h 18m Another turn of Protect. Glalie uses Ice Fang again and we get a crit Rock Slide, taking it down. Probopass reaches Lv. 41! Defeated Ace Trainer Savannah!

2d 23h 17m Glalie also opens with Protect, eating away at our Rock Slide PP. It uses Ice Fang and Rock Slide hits, but it survives.

2d 23h 17m Snorunt Protects against our first Rock Slide, but the second one hits...it barely survives, using Hail. The next Rock Slide takes it down, and Savannah sends out Glalie.

2d 23h 15m Snorunt keeps using Ice Fang. Probopass finally thaws out and lands a Rock Slide! Snorunt goes down.

2d 23h 15m Snorunt uses Protect, but we're still frozen solid.

2d 23h 14m Probopass becomes frozen. We use a Super Potion, but it doesn't help defrost it. Snorunt uses Hail.

2d 23h 14m We switch out to Probopass. Snorunt uses Ice Fang.

2d 23h 13m Swablu barely survives a hit from Snorunt to use Fly.

2d 23h 13m Vs. Ace Trainer Savannah! Snorunt vs. Swablu.

2d 23h 13m Entered the gym!

2d 23h 12m Back outside.

[Chat] :(

2d 23h 10m We deposit '): (Cleffa) in the PC.

2d 23h 8m We poke the PC.

2d 23h 2m Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint in Snowpoint City! We heal!

[Fluff] [Info] It's March 31st in game, meaning that the snow here is diamond dust today! https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Easter_egg#Diamond_dust

2d 22h 58m Arrived in Snowpoint City.

2d 22h 55m We reach Acuity Lakefront. Diamond taunts us from up the Rock Climb hill, which we can't climb yet.

[Chat] Y

2d 22h 54m Caught a male Lv. 33 Swinub! Nickname: Y.

2d 22h 51m With one more Giga Drain, Seaking goes down. Defeated Ace Trainer Olivia!

2d 22h 50m Leafeon uses Giga Drain and Seaking uses Supersonic, but misses. Leafeon uses Synthesis as Seaking uses Aqua Ring.

2d 22h 50m We send out Leafeon. Olivia sends out Seaking.

2d 22h 48m Buneary survives an Earthquake to use Dizzy Punch. The next turn, we use Synthesis and it uses Dizzy Punch again, barely surviving the Hail. Another Dizzy Punch and Razor Leaf takes it down, but Hail means BFG faints!

2d 22h 47m BFG uses Earthquake. Even with a burn, it takes down Kirlia in one shot. Olivia sends out Buneary.

2d 22h 47m Vs. Ace Trainer Olivia! Kirlia vs. BFG.

2d 22h 46m Strength finishes Riolu off. Defeated Black Belt Luke!

2d 22h 45m Leafeon uses Giga Drain, and Riolu uses Screech.

2d 22h 45m We send out Leafeon and use Strength; Machoke faints. Luke sends out Riolu.

2d 22h 44m We use Fly again, so Machop misses its Wake-Up Slap. Fly almost takes it down, but Revenge means Swablu faints!

2d 22h 43m We break through our Confusion to OHKO Croagunk. Luke sends out Machoke.

2d 22h 43m Vs. Black Belt Luke! Croagunk vs. Swablu. Croagunk uses Swagger as we use Fly.

2d 22h 41m Glaceon uses Icy Wind. We use Rock Throw and Glaceon barely lives.We take another Icy Wind before Rock Throw finishes it off. Defeated Skier Lexie!

2d 22h 41m Glaceon uses Quick Attack for a little bit of damage. Rock Slide takes it to half health.

2d 22h 41m With another Rock Slide, Piloswine goes down. Lexie sends out Glaceon.

2d 22h 40m We send out Probopass and use Rock Slide. Piloswine barely survives, but flinches.

2d 22h 39m Surf takes Piloswine to half health, but Icy Wind crits...we survive, only for the Hail to take us down. Finneon faints!

2d 22h 38m We switch to Finneon. Piloswine uses Take Down.

2d 22h 37m Vs. Skier Lexie! Piloswine vs. Swablu.

2d 22h 35m Dalton sends out Magmar and uses Will-O-Wisp; BFG is burned. We use Earthquake, and even burned it's still a OHKO. BFG reaches Lv. 44! Defeated Ace Trainer Dalton!

2d 22h 34m Electabuzz uses Swift. Earthquake takes it down. Swablu reaches Lv. 31!

2d 22h 33m We switch to BFG. Electabuzz tries to use Thunderbolt, but it doesn't work.

2d 22h 33m Vs. Ace Trainer Dalton! Electabuzz vs. Swablu.

2d 22h 32m We head up Route 217. We can barely see through all this blizzard. Maylene stops us on the way up and assures us she's not cold at all, whatsoever.

2d 22h 31m We save inside. Luckily, we're not in the bed, so it works just fine.

2d 22h 30m We heal again!

2d 22h 27m We go back to the rest house and watch some TV.

2d 22h 25m We send out Leafeon and use Bullet Seed. Dusclops uses Shadow Punch again. With another Bullet Seed, though, it goes down. Leafeon reaches Lv. 44! Defeated Ace Trainer Garrett!

2d 22h 23m Dusclops uses Shadow Punch, and we both take damage from Hail. Our burned Rock Slide doesn't do very much. The next turn, Rock Slide makes Dusclops flinch, but all that residual damage means Probopass faints!

2d 22h 22m Garrett sends out Dusclops. Rock Slide doesn't do much, and Dusclops uses Will-o-Wisp, meaning Probopass is burned. The next turn, we use Thunder Wave.

2d 22h 22m X-Scissor isn't very effective. Rock Slide is, though. Scyther goes down, and Probopass reaches Lv. 40!

2d 22h 21m With one moar X-Scissor, Torterra faints! We switch to Probopass.

2d 22h 21m Scyther uses X-Scissor, taking us to low health. We use Curse.

2d 22h 20m The mime uses Psybeam and we use Razor Leaf, taking it down. Garrett sends out Scyther.

2d 22h 20m Fly hits and we use Curse.

2d 22h 19m We switch out to BFG. Mr. Mime uses Fly.

2d 22h 19m Mr. Mime uses Light Screen and we use Take Down.

2d 22h 18m Mr. Mime uses Mimic and learns Fly. We use Mist.

2d 22h 17m Mr. Mime uses Reflect as Swablu uses Fly, and we both take Hail damage. It tries to use Psybeam but misses. Fly doesn't do much damage.

2d 22h 17m Vs. Ace Trainer Garrett! Mr. Mime vs. Swablu.

2d 22h 16m We heal!

2d 22h 15m We enter the rest house and rifle through their fridge.

2d 22h 13m Leafeon takes Sneasel down with one Bullet Seed. Defeated Skier Edward!

2d 22h 13m We switch out to Leafeon. Sneasel uses Beat Up for a very small crit. The rain stops.

2d 22h 12m Double Rain Dancing doesn't work well. Sneasel uses Beat Up and Icy Wind again as we try another Surf.

2d 22h 11m Sneasel cuts our health with Slash. Finneon sets up Rain Dance then uses Surf, and Sneasel retaliates with Icy Wind, which isn't very effective.

2d 22h 11m Vs. Skier Edward! He sends out Sneasel against Finneon.

2d 22h 9m We use Rock Slide again and Tropius uses Magical Leaf. One last Rock Slide finishes it off. Defeated Ace Trainer Laura!

2d 22h 9m Both sides are taking damage from the hail. Probopass uses Rock Slide and Tropius flinches.

2d 22h 8m Vs. Ace Trainer Laura! She sends out Tropius against Finneon. We switch out to Probopass as Tropius uses Magical Leaf.

2d 22h 6m Caught a male Lv. 33 Sneasel! No nickname.

2d 22h 6m Swablu faints to a wild Sneasel.

2d 22h 4m Caught a male Lv. 32 Snover! Nickname: XVOPBAPMZZ.

2d 22h 2m We emerge onto Route 216. It's snowing hard out.

2d 22h 0m Caught a female Lv. 32 Clefairy! Nickname: C.

2d 21h 59m Caught a female Lv. 34 Golbat! No nickname.

2d 21h 56m We pick up an Ultra Ball!

[Chat] :(

2d 21h 54m Caught a female Lv. 13 Cleffa! Nickname: '):. It joins us in our party.

2d 21h 49m We smash a rock and pick up an Ice Heal!

2d 21h 48m We enter Mt. Coronet.

2d 21h 47m We hop on our bike and ride out to Route 211.

2d 21h 44m Since Nurse Joy's right here and all, we heal.

2d 21h 43m We send out Torterra and use Earthquake. It doesn't affect Swablu, and takes down both Kirlia and Magnemite in one hit. Defeated Interviewers Roxy & Oli!

2d 21h 42m Kirlia uses Confusion and Finneon faints! Swablu lands a Fly on Kirlia and Magnemite's Spark takes it to half health.

2d 21h 41m Swablu uses Fly and Magneton's attack misses it. Finneon takes lots of damage.

2d 21h 41m We talk to a reporter inside the Pokémon Center...and they challenge us to a battle! Vs. Interviewers Roxy and Oli! They send out Magnemite and Kirlia against Swablu and Finneon.

2d 21h 40m We fly to Eterna City and enter the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed in Eterna City.

2d 21h 36m On our way back from the lake, we stop by Twinleaf Town. We stop by our house and talk to our mom, who asks us to rest up. We heal!

2d 21h 31m Mars monologues evilly, talking about Team Galactic's success in capturing the Lake Trio. Somehow she manages to slip away into the woods; Rowan catches up with us.

2d 21h 30m Purugly uses Slash and gets a crit, and BFG responds with Earthquake, taking Purugly down in one hit. Defeated Commander Mars!

2d 21h 29m We keep up the Razor Leaf spam, and Bronzor uses Extrasensory once it can move again. One Razor Leaf later, though, and it goes down. Mars sends out Purugly and leads with Fake Out.

2d 21h 28m Probopass faints! We send out Torterra and set up Curse as Bronzor uses Gyro Ball again. We start trying Razor Leaf and get a crit. Bronzor's fully paralyzed.

2d 21h 27m We use Rock Smash a little bit and Bronzor uses Gyro Ball. We paralyze it with Thunder Wave.

2d 21h 27m Probopass attacks itself again. Bronzor buffs its defense some more.

2d 21h 26m After a lot of tries, we land Rock Slide and Golbat goes down. Mars sends out Bronzor. We hit ourselves in confusion again as Bronzor uses Iron Defense.

2d 21h 25m We miss another Rock Slide. Golbat lands Supersonic and we hit ourselves.

2d 21h 25m Golbat starts using Bite. First our Rock Slide misses, then we flinch. We use Rock Throw, taking it to around 2/3 health.

2d 21h 24m Vs. Commander Mars! She sends Golbat vs. Torterra. We switch out to Probopass as Golbat uses Supersonic, but misses.

2d 21h 22m We send out Probopass. Stunky uses Night Slash but it's not very effective, and Rock Slide does lots of damage. One Night Slash and Rock Slide later, Stunky goes down. Grunt sends out Houndour, but we move first and OHKO it with Rock Throw. Defeated Galactic Grunt!

2d 21h 21m Stunky outspeeds with Night Slash and Finneon faints!

2d 21h 21m Grunt sends out Glameow. It uses Fire Fang too, and goes down in a couple Surfs. Defeated Galactic Grunt! ...Vs. another Galactic Grunt! This one sends out a Stunky.

2d 21h 19m Vs. Galactic Grunt! Houndour vs. Finneon. Houndour uses Fire Fang, but Surf takes it down in one shot. Finneon reaches Lv. 30!

2d 21h 18m Murkrow uses Night Shade on Leafeon as we use Synthesis. Rock Slide takes Murkrow down. Defeated Galactic Grunt and Galactic Grunt!

2d 21h 17m Leafeon uses Strength and Golbat goes down. Probopass reaches Lv. 39! The grunt sends out Murkrow.

2d 21h 16m Bullet Seed and Air Cutter again. It's a crit on Leafeon. Rock Slide finally hits and Golbat barely hangs on.

2d 21h 14m We switch out Finneon into Nosepass and use it to take down Glameow. Swablu uses Fly again but there's no target. The grunt sends out Golbat and hits Swablu with Wing Attack; Swablu faints! Nosepass's Rock Slide misses.

2d 21h 13m Finneon uses Surf again. Swablu lands its Fly and Croagunk goes down.

2d 21h 12m Finneon uses Surf, getting a crit on Swablu. Croagunk sets up with Nasty Plot as Swablu uses Fly.

2d 21h 11m Vs. two Galactic Grunts! They send out Glameow and Croagunk against Swablu and Finneon.. Glameow leads with Fake Out and Swablu can't move, while Finneon uses Attract on Glameow.

2d 21h 10m Arrived at Verity Lakefront.

2d 21h 5m We slide down Route 202.

2d 21h 3m Arrived in Jubilife City.

2d 20h 59m Also, we healed!

2d 20h 58m Out on Route 218. We pick up a Rare Candy!

2d 20h 52m We fly to Canalave City and enter the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed in Canalave City.

2d 20h 47m After approximately zero crits, we manage to faint Bronzor. Torterra reaches Lv. 43! Defeated Commander Saturn!

2d 20h 46m After all these Curses, we're slower than Bronzor now. We still haven't gotten a Razor Leaf crit, and BFG hits half health and heals again with Synthesis after another SpDef drop.

2d 20h 45m We heal with Synthesis as Bronzor uses Shadow Ball again, then try for a Razor Leaf crit again. Bronzor just really, really likes Shadow Ball; this time it gets a SpDef drop.

2d 20h 44m We use Razor Leaf, but it doesn't do much. Bronzor uses Shadow Ball.

2d 20h 44m Golbat already went down, so Saturn's last Pokémon is Bronzor. We use Curse as it sets up Iron Defense.

2d 20h 43m Toxicroak lands an attack after a few turns and Probopass faints! We send out Torterra and use Earthquake.

2d 20h 42m Currently fighting Commander Saturn! Probopass vs his Toxicroak. It's paralyzed and slowly taking damage from Rock Slide.

[Info] The Live Updater is still dark for now, but since the last update we defeated Byron and received the Mine Badge! We also deposited Floatzel in the PC and applied Mail to Finneon. Moveset-wise, we used a Heart Scale to teach BFG Earthquake over Absorb. Currently we're at Lake Valor fighting off Galactic Grunts, with an empty slot in our party.

[Meta] Updater is now going dark. Check stream-feed in a meantime.

2d 16h 10m We switch to Floatzel and take out Steelix with Aqua Jet. Hiker defeated!

2d 16h 5m Onix sets out a sandstorm while we use Rock Smash. Foe Onix faints and Hiker sends out Steelix. Steelix sets up with Rock Polish and Sandstorm. Probopass's Rock Smash deals small amounts of damage.

2d 16h 3m Our team is healed and we bump into Hiker Damon who challenges us. Probopass vs foe Nosepass. Rock Slide knocks out Nosepass and Hiker sends out Onix.

2d 16h 2m We walk back out of the room and into another room. We meet up with Riley!

2d 15h 59m A wild Golbat appears. Leafeon grows to Lv 43, forgets Magical Leaf and learns Giga Drain. Finneon grows to Lv 24. And we found an Elixir.

2d 15h 54m We continue to flee from wild Pokémon and head down an elevator. We go down a path and Worker Noel challenges to a battle! Leafeon is send out against foe Magnemite. Leafeon is able to knock out Magnemite and Noel sends out another Magnemite. We defeat Worker Noel!

2d 15h 52m We boot up Strength and Leafeon forgot Grass Knot and learned Strength.

2d 15h 49m We venture out of a room and into another room. We encounter wild Graveler but decide to flee. While slowly making down the path, Picnicker Summer asks us for a battle. Leafeon knocks out foe Raichu with Magical Leaf. We win!

2d 15h 45m We admire the items in our bag.

2d 15h 41m We pick up a Yellow Shard and place it our items pocket.

2d 15h 38m We find a Protector and put it in our bag.

2d 15h 34m We defeat Camper and take a look at our Pokedex. We then step towards an item but encounter wild Graveler.

2d 15h 27m ([Info] Riley, who gave us HM04, will meet up later within the caves.) Meanwhile we encounter Camper Lawrence. Probopass takes out Aipom and Finneon levels up to Lv 23. Foe Floatzel takes out Probopass. We send out Swablu.

2d 15h 26m We receive HM04. We open up and swap the position of Leafeon and Probopass before heading inside the caves.

2d 15h 25m We poke our Pokémon on the Poketch a few times before riding the boat to Iron Island.

2d 15h 18m We check the compatibility of Leafeon and Probopass on the Pokétch before heading into the Poké Center and heal our team.

2d 15h 13m Leafeon wakes up and manages to put Roserade in the red. Roserade faints! Diamond sends out Floatzel. Two Magical Leaf attacks takes out Floatzel and Diamond defeated!

2d 15h 10m Diamond uses heal item on Roserade. Roserades continues to use Grass Whistle and we slowly chip damage with Bullet Seed after waking up.

[Correction] Finneon learned Water Pulse over Gust

2d 15h 7m Roserade puts Leafeon to sleep and uses Giga Drain. Leafeon wakes up and we use Synthesis. Roserades puts us to sleep again.

2d 15h 2m Leafeon uses Synthesis while foe Heracross uses Aerial Ace. Magical Leaf takes out Heracross. Finneon grows to Lv. 22 and forgets Surf and learns Water Pulse. Diamond sends out Roserade.

2d 14h 58m Flame Wheel burns Torterra but we respond with Razor Leaf. Infernape can't move and we take out Infernape. Diamond sends our Heracross and knocks out Torterra with Night Slash. We send our Leafeon and we both slowly make damage to each team.

2d 14h 55m Probopass sends out Rock Slide while foe Staraptor uses Take Down. We knock out Staraptor and Diamond sends out Infernape. We paralyze Infernape with Thunderwave. Probopass sends out a Rock Slide just before fainting to Mach Punch. We send out Swablu with Fly. Swablu faints and we send out Torterra.

2d 14h 53m We venture out of the Poké Center and take a walk around the city. We walk to the bridge and we find Diamond. Vs Diamond attempt #6! We switch out Leafeon for Probopass.

2d 14h 47m We send out Finneon who is quickly knocked out. We send out Floatzel and faints to Mach Punch. We send out Leafeon who becomes burned by Flame Wheel. We slowly chip away at Internape but we black out again.

2d 14h 44m Rock Slide takes out Staraptor and Finneon grows to Lv 21. Diamond sends out Infernape and takes out Probopass. We switch to Swablu and is quickly taken out too. We switch to Torterra but is knocked out by Flame Wheel in 2 turns.

2d 14h 42m Vs Diamond attempt #5! We switch out Leafeon with Probopass and send out a Rock Slide against Staraptor. We exchange moves but they miss a few times.

2d 14h 40m Leafeon is knocked out. We send out Finneon and use Rain Dance. Infernape responds with Mach Punch and we black out.

2d 14h 36m We send out Swablu but isn't able to withstand Brick Break and faints. We send out Leafeon and use Bullet Seed. It barely makes a dent in Infernapes's HP bar. Infernape attacks with Flame Wheel.

2d 14h 34m Floatzel uses Aqua Jet and it's super effective, but is no match for Mach Punch. Floatzel faints and we send out our Torterra. Infernape sends out Flame Wheel while we use Curse. Torterra has fallen.

2d 14h 32m Thunderwave paralyzes Staraptor, and Probopass takes out our foe. Probopass grows to Lv. 37. We give up learning Sandstorm. Diamond sends out Infernape and knocks out Probopass. We send out Floatzel.

2d 14h 30m Vs Diamond attempt #4! We send out Leafeon and swap back to Probopass. Foe Staraptor uses Double Team a few times and we send out Rock Slide.

2d 14h 27m Leafeon uses Magical Leaf while Infernape knocks us out with a Flame Wheel. We black out. DexNav says "Good effort". (Thanks, DexNav)

2d 14h 24m We send out our Torterra. We use Synthesis and Curse a few times while Infernape uses Flame Wheel. Torterra is knocked out and we send out Finneon. Mach Punch sends Finneon's HP to 1 to give us a chance to Surf. Finneon faints and we send out Leafeon.

2d 14h 21m Our Finneon levels up to Lv. 20. Diamond sends out Infernape and knocks out our Probopass. We send our Floatzel and respond with a Aqua Jet, but is no match for our foe's Mach Punch! Floatzel faints. We send out Swablu but Swablu is taken out too!

2d 14h 19m We bump into Diamond and challenges us to a fight. Attempt #3! We send out Probopass against Staraptor. Rock Slide takes it down!

2d 14h 17m We're currently in Canalave City and heal our team.

2d 3h 30m The live updater thread will be going dark again, check #stream-feed in the meantime.

2d 3h 30m Caught a male Lv. 23 Chatot! No nickname.

2d 3h 30m Leafeon fainted!

2d 3h 17m We're chucking Poké Balls at a Lv. 23 female Chatot. We run.

2d 3h 17m Leafeon has leveled up to 36! Leafeon learned Magical Leaf over Sand-Attack!

2d 3h 7m Caught a Lv. 25 female Shellos! No nickname.

2d 3h 5m Probopass faints to a wild Buizel.

2d 3h 1m Arrived on Route 213.

2d 2h 59m We head back outside.

2d 2h 58m We deposit KKK (Geodude) in the PC. We wander into the corner.

2d 2h 56m We release jfabi ii (Staravia).

2d 2h 54m We deposit Chatot in the PC. We withdraw jfabi ii (Staravia) from the PC.

2d 2h 49m We withdraw KKK (Geodude) and TTYRR (Chatot) from the PC.

2d 2h 48m We deposit Lickitung and Houndour in the PC.

2d 2h 45m We return to Pastoria City and enter the Pokémon Center. We poke the PC with a stick and run away.

2d 2h 42m Caught a female Lv. 23 Buizel! Nickname: QZ♂NOM.

[Info] It's an East Shellos, even though the overlay shows it as West.

2d 2h 40m Caught a male Lv. 25 Shellos! Nickname: A SLUYG. It joins our party.

2d 2h 35m We escape back outside.

2d 2h 32m We head upstairs and flicker the PC on and off.

2d 2h 30m Deposited Hippopotas in the PC.

2d 2h 29m We turn on the PC, then sprint away.

2d 2h 25m We reach Pastoria City and enter the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed in Pastoria City!

2d 2h 23m Caught a male Lv. 25 Chatot! Nickname: TTYRR.

2d 2h 22m All the plants are watered now. There, all happy! :)

2d 2h 21m Planted a Rawst Berry! Picked an Aguav Berry! Planted another Rawst Berry!

2d 2h 20m Picked a Rawst Berry!

2d 2h 18m Picked an Aguav Berry! Planted a Chesto Berry!

2d 2h 17m Picked a Rawst Berry! Planted a Chesto Berry! We water it, and it looks happy.

2d 2h 15m Arrived on Route 213.

2d 2h 13m We stroll down towards Valor Lakefront.

2d 2h 12m Caught a male Lv. 21 Geodude! Nickname: KKK.

2d 2h 9m We head back to Route 214.

2d 2h 3m We buy 107 Poké Balls and 24 Great Balls! We receive one Premier Ball!

2d 1h 57m There's a promotion for the Pokétch here! We install the Counter app.

2d 1h 56m After a few rounds, we head back outside and visit the mall.

[Fluff] ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

2d 1h 44m We enter the Game Corner. After a few minutes deciding what machine to try, we sit down for some nice classic gambling.

2d 1h 40m We heal! Checkpointed in Veilstone City.

2d 1h 38m We enter a building, and someone offers to analyze our team's Hidden Powers. We decline, wandering slowly back outside.

2d 1h 36m Arrived in Veilstone City.

2d 1h 30m We pick up a Big Root!

2d 1h 28m We use Grass Knot and Kadabra uses Psybeam, but another Grass Knot finishes it. Defeated Psychic Mitchell!

2d 1h 27m Duskull uses Shadow Sneak as we hurt ourselves in confusion. The next turn, we snap out of it and land Grass Knot, taking Duskull down. Kadabra is sent out.

2d 1h 27m Grass Knot takes Duskull to around half health as it uses Pursuit again. It barely clutches another Grass Knot to use Confuse Ray.

2d 1h 26m Leafeon uses Synthesis, going back to almost full health. Duskull uses Pursuit.

2d 1h 26m Vs. Psychic Mitchell! He sends out Duskull against Leafeon.

2d 1h 25m Leafeon defeats a wild Graveler and reaches Lv. 35!

2d 1h 24m One last Wormadam form is sent out. It uses a neutral Hidden Power and we one-shot it with Razor Leaf. Defeated Beauty Devon!

2d 1h 24m Wormadam uses Protect, but we outplay with Curse. It uses Bug Bite once more before we nail it with Razor Leaf and it goes down.

2d 1h 23m A different form of Wormadam is sent out. It uses Hidden Power, but whatever it is, it does small neutral damage. We use Razor Leaf again.

2d 1h 22m We set up a couple more Curses before using Razor Leaf again. Wormadam goes down, and Lickitung reaches Lv. 21! Lickitung learns Stomp over Supersonic!

2d 1h 22m Wormadam uses Hidden Power again as we use Razor Leaf. We switch to Curse as it tries out Bug Bite. It uses Protect again and our Leech Seed fails for multiple reasons.

2d 1h 21m We clutch another Bug Bite and use Wrap again. Then we switch to Torterra; Wormadam's Protect fails.

2d 1h 20m Wormadam hits itself in confusion, but then snaps out of it. Lickitung lives a Bug Bite and uses Wrap.

2d 1h 19m We switch out to Lickitung, and Wormadam uses Confusion. It uses Hidden Power, which must be Fighting type as it's super effective; we land Supersonic to confuse it.

2d 1h 18m Bullet Seed doesn't do much, either. Wormadam uses Bug Bite again.

2d 1h 18m We use Grass Knot, but it doesn't do much. Wormadam uses Bug Bite.

2d 1h 17m Vs. Beauty Devon! She sends out Wormadam against Leafeon.

2d 1h 10m Our next attack crits, taking Porygon down. Defeated Collector Jamal!

2d 1h 9m Vs. Collector Jamal! He sends out Porygon, and it traces Leafeon's Leaf Guard. We use Grass Knot, taking it to half health, and it sets up Agility.

2d 1h 4m Picked up a Red Shard!

2d 1h 3m Leafeon reaches Lv. 34!

2d 1h 1m We arrive on Route 214.

2d 0h 59m We spot something hiding in the tall grass. Picked up an Ultra Ball!

2d 0h 57m Cynthia gives us the SecretPotion and says it's for some Psyduck. She wanders off cryptically.

2d 0h 57m The grunt stumbles down the road, defeated. Cynthia shows up to talk to us about lore, and Diamond tracks us down before rushing off again.

2d 0h 56m We use Supersonic, but it misses; Croagunk fails to move again. The Wrap residual damage takes it down. Defeated Galactic Grunt!

2d 0h 56m We send out Lickitung. Croagunk's fully paralyzed, and we use Wrap.

2d 0h 55m We send out Houndour and use Bite. Croagunk uses Revenge and crits; Houndour faints!

2d 0h 54m We hit ourselves again and Croagunk uses Revenge. We manage another Rock Slide before a second Revenge finishes the job. Probopass faints!

2d 0h 54m We use Thunder Wave and Croagunk uses Swagger. The next turn neither of us can move.

2d 0h 53m After one more chase, he gives up on running. Vs. Galactic Grunt! Croagunk vs. our Probopass. It uses Sucker Punch as we use Rock Slide; neither one does much.

2d 0h 52m That Galactic grunt seems to be getting tired...he still runs away, though.

2d 0h 51m We stroll across Valor Lakefront.

2d 0h 49m We pick up a Yellow Shard!

2d 0h 47m We track down the grunt again. Looker shows up a second late and rushes after him...

[Chat] #AerialAceKreygasm

2d 0h 44m We smash a rock, and behind it...Picked up TM40 Aerial Ace!

2d 0h 43m We follow the grunt to Route 213, but he doesn't seem interested in battling right now...

2d 0h 39m We talk to Crasher Wake. In the distance, something explodes...A Galactic grunt shows up to mock us as Crasher Wake runs off. Barry decides to guard the gate.

2d 0h 37m We heal!

2d 0h 35m Entered the Pokémon Center.

2d 0h 32m Inside, we make friends with a trainer's Psyduck. It seems confused.

2d 0h 30m To cool off after that fight, we're hanging out in someone's house.

2d 0h 29m We leave the gym.

2d 0h 27m Diamond meets us outside the Gym. Wake follows us out of the gym. Diamond and Wake exchange words, then both run off towards the marsh. We, instead, reenter the gym.

2d 0h 25m We walk around the perimeter of the gym to the exit, and leave the gym.

2d 0h 24m We send out BFG. BFG leads with Leech Seed, then finishes Quagsire with a Razor Leaf. Leader Wake Defeated. Obtained the Fen Badge. Received TM 55 Brine.

2d 0h 23m We send out AHSIP, which goes down to a Water Pulse.

2d 0h 23m Wake sends out a Quagsire. Quagsire lands a Rock Tomb, taking ☺☺☺ down to Red Health. ☺☺☺ uses Bullet Seed, which does slightly less than half health to Quagsire. Quagsire knocks out ☺☺☺ with a final attack.

2d 0h 22m Wake sends out Floatzel. Floatzel does big damage with Ice Fang, but not enough to take out ☺☺☺. A critical Grass Knot from ☺☺☺ does take out Floatzel.

2d 0h 21m Vs Leader Crasher Wake. Wake sends out Gyrados. We send out ☺☺☺. ☺☺☺ starts with a Synthesis. Gyrados Bites while ☺☺☺ uses Grass Knot. ☺☺☺ uses Synthesis to heal the bite damage, then finishes Gyrados with a final Grass Knot. ☺☺☺ grew to Lv 33.

2d 0h 19m We complete the gym puzzle again, but hit that green button undoing the gym puzzle a second time. We go around the course again, and third time is the charm. We reach Crasher Wake.

2d 0h 8m We play with the Poketch calculator a bit before going around to complete the gym puzzle again. Then we start going around to complete that puzzle, but rapidly flip through our Poketch apps while we do so.

2d 0h 2m We press the blue button to raise the water level to its highest level, and create a path to Crash Wake. We walk down the path, but step on a green button before reaching Wake, breaking the path.

2d 0h 0m Samson sends out a Shellos. Shellos makes it rain, while ☺☺☺ continues with Bullet Seed. Shellos misses a Water Pulse, and ☺☺☺'s next Bullet Seed takes out Shellos. Samson defeated.

1d 23h 59m Samson sneds out a Golduck. ☺☺☺ heals with synthesis, followed by attacking with Bullet Seed, while Golduck attacks with Fury Swipes or Confusion. ☺☺☺ finishes the Golduck with a Grass Knot.

1d 23h 58m We find a second blue button, guarded by a different Sailor. Vs. Sailor Samson. He sends out Wingull against ☺☺☺. ☺☺☺ tries sand attack, but Wingull's keen eye prevents accuracy loss. ☺☺☺ switches to Bullet Seed, and outdamages the Wingull's Wing Attack, defeating Wingull.

1d 23h 57m We press forward, ignore a fisherman, press a green button to lower the water level, then continue pressing forward. We press an orange button to lower the water level all the way, and continue down the path.

1d 23h 54m Caitlyn sends out a Marill. Marill starts to Rollout, while ☺☺☺ uses a Synthesis, followed by a Bullet Seeds until Marill faints. Caitlyn defeated.

1d 23h 53m ☺☺☺ uses Bullet Seed, and Azumarill uses Aqua Ring to counter the sandstorm damage. ☺☺☺ uses a few more Bullet Seeds, and the Azumarill faints. ☺☺☺ grew to Lv 32.

1d 23h 52m Caitlyn sneds out an Azumarill next. GME confuses Azumarill, then switches out for AHSIP. Azumarill hits itself in confusion, and AHSIP tags out for ☺☺☺. Azumarill hits itself again.

1d 23h 49m We sned out GME. Azurill charms GME, which allows her to survive a few Knock Offs. GME lands a few attacks, but still falls to a third Knock Off.

1d 23h 48m We walk around a Tuber, then talk to her from behind. Vs Tuber Caitlyn. GUEF deals a lot of damage to her Azurill, but the azurill takes out GUEF's two HP with a water gun. GUEF faints.

1d 23h 46m The stream ends momentarily, but resumes quickly. We press the blue button and continue forward.

1d 23h 45m Damian sends out a Pelipper. The Pelipper is unable to get through the HP GUEF gained from leveling up, and GUEF defeats Pelipper with a pair of Rock Slides. Damian defeated.

1d 23h 44m We walk down a different path. A sailor guards a blule button. Vs. Sailor Damian. We send out GUEF against a Wingull, and immediately go to switch him out, but then decide he can say in. GUEF survives a Wing Attack and defeats Wingull with a Rock Slide. GUEF grew to Lv 33.

1d 23h 41m We press a green button to raise the water by one level. We try to walk across some rafts, but our ground is at the highest level; the rafts aren't high enough for us to cross yet.

1d 23h 40m We continue down the path and talk to a gym trainer. Vs Fisherman Walter. He sends out a Whishcash, who takes GUEF down to 2 HP with a Magnitude 7. We switch out GUEF for ☺☺☺. ☺☺☺ attacks with Bullet Seed, tanks a Water Pulse, then defeats the Whishcash with a Grass Knot. Walter defeated.

1d 23h 36m We try to return through the path we came, but the lowered water level turned that path into a dead end. We turn around and walk down the path forward.

1d 23h 34m Vs. Tuber Jacky. He sends out Bibarel first. Bibarel yawns while GUEF uses Thunder Wave. GUEF uses Rock Smash, then falls asleep while Bibarel starts a Rollout, but is stopped by paralysis. GUEF wakes up and uses Rock Smash until Bibarel faints. Jacky defeated.

1d 23h 33m We enter the gym and walk up the center path and around stand between a tuber and an orange button. We eventually decide to press the orange button first, which lowers the water level, then challenge the tuber.

1d 23h 28m We return to the Poké Center and we heal. We leave the center and head towards the gym.

1d 23h 26m We send out BFG, who takes out the last sliver of Roselia's health. Diamond sends out Buizel. Builzel growls while dodging the first fo BFG's razor leaf. Buizel lands an Aqua Jet, butis hit by a Razor Leaf and faints. BFG grew to Lv 36. Diamond defeated.

1d 23h 25m We send out APIRG. He survives a Magical Leaf, while Roselia survives a Bite. APIRG faints to a second Magical Leaf.

1d 23h 24m ☺☺☺ runs out of Synthesis before Roselia runs out of Magical Leaf. ☺☺☺ does some more damage with Bullet Seed, but ☺☺☺ faints to more magical leaf attacks.

1d 23h 21m Diamond sends out Roselia, and ☺☺☺ tries the same strategy with Sand Attack, but Roselia's Maical Leaves keep hitting. ☺☺☺ uses bullet seed, with an interspersed Synthesis to avoid fainting, while Roselia continues its barrage of Magical Leaf.

1d 23h 18m We send out ☺☺☺. ☺☺☺ starts with a few Sand Attacks, while Monferno attempts to Leer, usually either missing or being stopped by paralysis. After the second Leer that hits, ☺☺☺ switches to Bullet Seed and Grass Know while Monferno attempt to use Flame Wheel, but repeatedly misses. ☺☺☺ lands enough attacks to take down Monferno.

1d 23h 15m Diamond sends out Monferno. GUEF paralyzes Monferno, and lands a Rock Slide before GUEF faints to Mach Punches.

1d 23h 14m We walk up to the gym again, and Diamond rechallenges us. Vs. Pastora!Diamond Attempt #2 Staravia starts with Double Team, and dodges a few attacks, but falls to the first of GUEF's Rock Slides that hit.

1d 23h 12m We give BFG a new mail. The mail says "Hello! AAH!"

1d 23h 6m We remove remove BFG's mail.

1d 23h 2m We send out BME. Buizel lowers BME's attack with Growl, then strikes with Aqua Jet, while BME fails to confuse Buizel. A confusion hits, but BME is taken down by the continuing sandstorm. Blacked Out

1d 23h 1m Diamond sends out a Buizel. Buizel defeats APIRG with a water attack.

1d 23h 0m We send out APIRG. He survives a Magical Leaf, while Roseila barely survives a Bite. Roselia is then taken down by the sandstorm.

1d 22h 58m We send in BFG, who starts setting up with Curse. Roselia continues with Magical Leaf, while being buffeted by the sandstorm. BFG fails to inflict Leach Seed on Roselia a few times, before switching to Razor Leaf, which the Roselia dodges. A final Magical Leaf takes down BFG

1d 22h 57m We send out AHSIP, which starts a sandstorm. The enemy Roselia takes out AHSIP with a single Magical Leaf attack.

1d 22h 56m ☺☺☺ continues using Bullet Seed. ☺☺☺ lands a Magical Leaf. ☺☺☺ recovers with Synthesis, before switching back to not very effective Bullet Seeds. Roselia alternates between Magical Leaf and Poison String. Roselia's attacks eventually knock out ☺☺☺

1d 22h 54m We send out ☺☺☺ against Monferno. Monferno uses a Flame Wheel, while ☺☺☺ uses a sand attack, followed by an ineffective Bullet Seed. ☺☺☺ dodges the third and fourth Flame Wheel, after which Diamond switches out Monferno for Roselia.

1d 22h 52m Diamond sends out Monferno, who defeats GUEF

1d 22h 52m Diamond bumps into us just before we enter the gym. Vs Diamond GUEF vs. Staravia. Staravia starts with Double Team, but still is hit by two rock slides. Staravia uses Endevor, taking GUEF down to 4 HP. GUEF takes down Staravia with a Rock Smash. GUEF grew to Lv 32

1d 22h 49m We leave the Poké Center

1d 22h 48m Grace sends out a Clefairy, who has a musical-note ball capsule. GUEF takes the clefairy down with a Rock Slide followed by a Rock Smash. Grace sends out a second Clefary, also with a musical-note ball capsule, who uses Follow Me until GUEF takes her out with Rock Smash. Grace defeated.

1d 22h 47m We head to the Poké Center, and We heal. We walk to the escalator up, but don't step on it. Then we talk to someone in the center, and are challenged by Idol Grace.

1d 22h 44m We continue west until we reach Pastora City.

1d 22h 43m We start heading west. We encounter Beauty Cindy. GUEF suffers repeated attack reductions via charm, and fails to paralyze the limber Glameow. Still, a Rock Slide manages to crit and take out the Glameow. Cindy defeated.

1d 22h 41m We are challenged by Tuber Jared next. GUEF takes out his three Shellos with two Rock Slide attacks each, suffering no damage in the process. Jared defeated.

1d 22h 39m We continue south, and are challenged by Tuber Chelsea. GUEF takes out the tuber's Marill with Rock Slide. Chelesa defeated.

1d 22h 37m We talk to an employee, who says there are no reservations avaliable, but invites us to still rest a bit anyway. We heal

1d 22h 35m We arrive at Valor Lakefront.

1d 22h 34m Douglas sends out his final Pokémon, a Flareon. We switch out ☺☺☺ for AHSIP. AHSIP to takes out the Flareon with a combination of Bite and sand stream. Douglas defeated

1d 22h 31m The collector sends out a Vaporeon, who takes out GUEF with a few Water Guns. We send out ☺☺☺ who defeats the Vaporeon with Bullet Seed

1d 22h 29m Going further south, we walk down from the cliffside and encounter Collector Douglas. Jolteon vs GUEF. Jolteon doesn't do much damage, but manages to hit repeatedly unlike GUEF. Still, GUEF lands enough rock throws through the sand attacksto take out Jolteon. GUEF gew to Lv 31 GUEF learned Rock Slide over Tackle

1d 22h 26m We continue south, encounter Ruin Maniac Ronald. He sends out Shieldon. GUEF's uses repeated Rock Smashes to defeat Shieldon. Ronald defeated.

1d 22h 24m We switch to APIR. He is unaffected by Bronzor's Extrasensory, and defeats Bronzor with a Bite. Bryan sends out a Cranidos, who uses take down to not quite take down APIR. APIR's bites take down Cranidos. Bryan defeated.

1d 22h 22m We encounter Ruin Maniac Bryan. GUEF vs Bronzor. Neither side's attacks do much to the other's steely hides.

1d 22h 21m We walk down the cliff side and we find a Magmarizer

1d 22h 20m We head down to Route 214.

1d 22h 17m We leave the warehouse and return to the streets of the city.

1d 22h 16m We go to the item Looker pointed out and We pick up HM02 Fly

1d 22h 16m The Croagunk finally goes down, defeating the grunts. The grunts flee, and Looker walks up to us to show us a Galactic-owned property, including pointing out a HM2 on the ground for us to steal.

1d 22h 14m The first grunt sends out a Stunky. GUEF uses Rock Throw to deal a lot of damage to the Stunky, while Clefairy summons an eruption with metronome to knock out Stunky. Clefairy and GUEF take out the other grunt's Zubat. They take a while to take out the grunt's Craogunk, including Clefairy metronoming a U-Trun to drag out Lucas's Priplup.

1d 22h 10m We walk around the city and find Lucas and some Galactic Grunts. We tag-team with Lucas to battle the two grunts. GUUEF uses rock throw to KO one of the grunt's Zubat, koing it. GUEF grew to Lv 30. Lucas's Clefairy uses gravity, while the other zubat attacks Clefairy.

1d 22h 6m We go to the city Poké Center and We heal

1d 22h 4m We leave the Game Corner.

1d 21h 58m We got a shiny Clefairy bonus round. We're not doing so good at following the Clefairy's directions, however.

1d 21h 46m We open the menu every other step while heading towards the game corner. We enter the game corner, and sit down at one of the slot machines.

1d 21h 44m We leave the gym and hang around the southeast corner of the city.

1d 21h 40m BFG continues with Razor Leaf to sweep through Maylene's Machoke. Maylene Defeated. Received the Cobble Badge and TM60 Drain Punch.

1d 21h 39m We send out BFG next. The trade Drain Punches and Leech Seeds, repeated draining the others health. BFG intersperses a few curses, before switching to Razor Leaf. The Razor Leaves take out Lucario.

1d 21h 37m Maylene sends out Lucario. Lucario takes minimal damage from ☺☺☺'s Bullet Seed, and knocks out ☺☺☺ with a force palm

1d 21h 36m We send out ☺☺☺. Meditite falls to ☺☺☺'s repeated bullet seeds.

1d 21h 34m We send out GUEF, who is 1HKOed by Meditite's Drain Punch. GUEF faints

1d 21h 33m We complete the puzzle, and reach Maylene again. Vs. Maylene attempt 2

1d 21h 22m We reenter the gym, and find the tire piles to be reset.

1d 21h 21m We emerge from the Veilstone Poké Center and head back to the Veilstone Gym.

1d 21h 19m We send out BME, who faints to Machoke's next attack. Blacked out.

1d 21h 18m We send out APIRG. APIRG lands a Smog, but APIRG faints to Machoke's Rock Tomb.

1d 21h 18m Maylene sends out a Machoke last. It lands a Karate Chop and BFG faints

1d 21h 17m Maylene sends out Lucario second. Lucario lands a Force Palm, and manages to survive a Razor Leaf. Lucario lands a second hit, but falls to the second Razor Leaf. BFG grew to Lv 35.

1d 21h 16m Vs. Leader Maylene. She sends out Meditite; We send out BFG. Meditite leads with Fake Out. Our first successful attack is a Curse. Meditite uses Drain Punch, while we continue stacking curses. We use a Razor Leaf, which takes down Meditite.

1d 21h 14m We try to push down the tire pile infront of maylene again, from a different angle this time, before we use the aforementioned punching bag to knock down the aforementioned tire pile Maylene.

1d 21h 13m There's a set of three tire piles in the northwest quadrant of the gym. We finish maneuvering punching bags around to knock down those three piles, clearing the path to the final punching bag.

1d 21h 6m We send out ASSIP. Heracross uses Brick Break on ASSIP, taking him down to a sliver of health. ASSIP uses Take Down, which knocks out both himself and the Heracross. Jeffrey defeated.

1d 21h 4m Jeffrey sends out Heracross, who does a decent job at tanking ☺☺☺'s attacks. Heracross takes out ☺☺☺ with an Arial Ace.

1d 21h 3m We continue west, to the contraption on that side. We push a punching bag around a bit, but then wander off, getting spotted by Black Belt Jeffrey.

1d 20h 57m We walk counterclockwise around the northeastern ring, and push a punching bag to knock down a pile of tires. We then try to push down the tire stack infront of Maylene ourselves, but fail to do so.

1d 20h 55m Rafael sends out Machoke. ☺☺☺ continues with Bullet Seed. Machoke identifies ☺☺☺ before landing a critical Karate Chop. ☺☺☺'s third Bullet Seed takes out Mahoke. Rafael defeated.

1d 20h 54m Croagunk uses Swagger; ☺☺☺ lands a bullet seed through the confusion the first time, hits itself in confusion the second time, then lands bullet seed the third time, defeating the Croagunk.

1d 20h 53m We are spotted by another Gym Trainer. Vs. Black Belt Rafael, who starts with a Croagunk. ☺☺☺ leads with Sand Attack, while Croagunk lands a Faint Attack. ☺☺☺ uses synthesis to outheal Croagunk's Revenge attack.

1d 20h 51m Darren sends out Meditite. MEditite gets off an attack, but ☺☺☺ defeated Meditite with Bullet Seed. Darren sends out a Machoke, and ☺☺☺ switches back to Grass Knot. The Machoke falls. ☺☺☺ grew to Lv 30. Darren defeated.

1d 20h 49m Vs. Black Belt Darren. ☺☺☺ uses Grass Knot while Machop switches between Karate Chop and Foresight. The repeated Grass Knots cause Machop to faint.

1d 20h 48m We walk across the ring and walking down the east side, where we originally ascended. We push some punching bags north, and reach the northeaster ring.

1d 20h 46m We walk down the west side of this ring, but find that path to be a dead end.

1d 20h 45m BFG continues with Razor Leaf, knocking out the remaining two Machoke in turn. BFG grew to Lv 34. Colby defeated.

1d 20h 43m We send out BFG. BFG's Razor Leaf leaves Machoke with a sliver of health. MAhoke's Karate Chop does little damage. BFG's second Razor Leaf knocks out the first machoke.

1d 20h 42m GUEF uses Rock Throw on the enemy Machoke for minimal damage. The Machoke's Karate Chop knocks out GUEF.

1d 20h 42m We step onto the south-east ring. The Black Belt already there challenges us. Vs. Black Belt Colby.

1d 20h 41m We push some punching bags around. The Poketch's step counter displays 2064.

1d 20h 37m Lucas intercepts us on our way to the gym. Lucas admits that he's spent some time gambling. Then Crasher Wake comes out of the gym, and vouches for Maylene's toughness. We enter the gym.

1d 20h 35m We mess with the Poketch - making it play the cries of our party members, focusing on AHSIP and ☺☺☺.

1d 20h 31m We enter the Veilstone Poké Center. We heal We flee the Poké Center.

1d 20h 27m We leave the Ruin Maniac's cave and head north back to Veilstone.

1d 20h 26m We find the other rare thing that's in this cave. Caught a male Lv. 22 Hippopatas! Nickname: AAAAAHSSIP

1d 20h 24m We finally pick up the item ball. Obtained TM28 Dig.

1d 20h 22m We see an item in the north-west corner of this tiny cave. Wild Geodude keep interrupting us in our attempts to the item ball, however.

1d 20h 17m We enter the Ruin Maniac's cave. The ruin maniac has made little-to-no progress so far. He challenges us to a race: we catch Unown, he'll dig.

1d 20h 16m Caught a male Lv. 24 Houndour! Nickname: AAAPIRGGGG

[info] ₽2896 | Balls: 22 | Pokedex: 283 / 394 / 493

GUUEEEEFFn (Probopass) ♂ [Air Mail] Lv.29 Tackle / Thunder Wave / Rock Throw / Rock Smash
☺☺☺’) ! (Leafeon) ♂ [Air Mail] Lv.29 Sand-Attack / Bullet Seed / Grass Knot / Synthesis
BFG (Torterra) ♂ [Air Mail] Lv.33 Leech Seed / Absorb / Curse / Razor Leaf
BMME NPZZZ (Lickitung) ♂ [Lagging Tail] Lv.20 Supersonic / Defense Curl / Knock Off / Wrap

1d 15h 35m We do not participate in any contests, but we do participate in a PC shuffle.
1d 16h 10m Battled Route 209!CedricDiamond three times, winning on that third try
1d 16h 27m Reached Solaceon Town.
1d 17h 3m We received a Seal Case.
1d 17h 14m Caught a Female Lv. 19 Staravia! Nickname: jfabi ii.
1d 17h 18m Caught a Female Lv. 21 Noctowl! Nickname: I.
1d 17h 33m Caught a Female Lv. 20 Marill! No nickname
1d 18h 34m Caught a Male Lv. 21 Marill! Nickname: ; #”%.
1d 18h 38m We give BFG an Air Mail
1d 18h 41m We deposit all of our new catches.
1d 18h 54m We temporarily withdraw a Buneary and a Geodude before immediately putting them back
1d 19h 7m Caught a Male Lv. 20 Lickitung! Nickname: BMME NPZZZ.
1d 19h 11m BFG evolves into Torterra. BFG learned Leech Seed over Mega Drain
1d 19h 28m ☺☺☺ learns Synthesis over Sand Attack.
1d 19h 28m After a few blackouts while attempting to traverse Route 215, we reach Veilstone City.
1d 19h 39m We pick up a Coin Case. We do a bit of gambling.
1d 19h 58m We head south to Route 214

[Meta] And this is where we leave you. Updater's going dark, but StreamFeed will still be providing updates in #stream-feed in the Discord server

1d 15h 28m We enter the Contest Hall

1d 15h 25m We leave the church and head into somebody's home. There's no goodies here to pilfer so we leave

1d 15h 23m We enter the church. It's eerily silent

1d 15h 22m We heal our team! Which now consists of probopass and leafeon (both mailed) and roselia (not mailed). We leave the centre

1d 15h 20m We deposit gabite!

1d 15h 18m We store cherrim and chingling then close down the PC

1d 15h 17m We enter the Pokémon Centre and activate the PC, then shut it down, several times

1d 15h 12m We leave the gym

1d 15h 10m Probopass wakes up and takes out haunter with Rock Throw. Leader Fantina defeated after 2 attempts! We win the relic badge! We also gain TM65 Shadow Claw!

1d 15h 10m We call upon probopass next, and mismagius confuses the living compass. Probopass takes out mismagius with rock throw and grows to level 26! Fantina's final mon is haunter, who misses hypnosis and gets hit by probopass's thunderwave. Probopass switches to rock throw then self harms due to confusion. Haunter's shadow claw does next to nothing, while rock throw puts the ghost into the yellow. Probopass gets put to sleep, leading to turns of paralysis and sleep causing no moves. Haunter continues using shadow claw ineffectively

1d 15h 8m We send in leafeon. Shadow ball takes leafeon down to half health, while leafeon's bullet seed puts mismagius into red health. Leafeon gets taken out by the next shadow ball!

1d 15h 7m We send in gabite, whose dragon rage takes out duskull. Fantina sends out mismagius, who confuses gabite with confuse ray. Gabite uses dragon rage anyway, taking mismagius to half health and forcing the ghost to eat a berry. Shadow ball leaves gabite on red health, and dragon rage leaves mismagius on red health in turn. Fantina heals mismagius and gabite lands another dragon rage. Gabite gets taken out by the next shadow ball!

1d 15h 5m Duskull's shadow sneak takes out chingling!

1d 15h 4m Chingling hits duskull with a couple of confusions, bringing the reaper to red health. Duskull continues using pursuit against us. Fantina heals Duskull

1d 15h 4m We find Fantina. Versus Gym Leader Fantina, attempt #2! She sends out duskull and we lead with cherubi. Cherubi leeches duskull and lays down a leech seed. Cherubi gets taken out by future sight! We send in chingling

1d 14h 59m We make it to the next room

1d 14h 58m In the darkness, we end up going through the wrong door and are back at the start

1d 14h 56m Back to the gym as we make our way through the darkness again

1d 14h 52m We leave the gym and head to the Pokémon Centre. We're given the option to heal our team, but decline and leave. We realise how stupid that was and head back in. We heal our team!

1d 14h 48m We send in leafeon next, who starts off with bullet seed, taking out the haunter. Ace Trainer defeated after 3 attempts

1d 14h 47m Gabite is sent in. Haunter's shadow ball takes gabite to 16 HP, and gabite's dragon rage puts haunter in yellow health. A second shadow ball takes out gabite!

1d 14h 46m We send probopass back in, who gets hit with confuse ray. Our living compass gets a rock throw off anyway, but gets put to sleep with hypnosis. Gastly starts using night shade, taking probopass to yellow. Probopass wakes up and hits himself, and a second night shade leaves him on 4 HP. He snaps out of confusion and takes the gastly out with rock throw. Next up is haunter. Haunter's shadow ball finishes off probopass!

1d 14h 44m We switch to cherubi, who survives a night shade, but falls to the second!

1d 14h 43m Ace Trainer Allen leads with gastly and we send out probopass. Gastly helps us out by using curse, putting himself in range to be KO'd by rock throw. Allen sends out the second gastly

1d 14h 42m We get caught by Allen again on our way to Fantina

1d 14h 40m We enter the gym, our team rearranged and ready to take on Fantina

1d 14h 39m The performance round is over and we're onto declaring the winner. We did quite well in the visuals round but sucked at dancing, while our acting was also decent, but probopass is still in last place overall. Flappy the starly wins

1d 14h 33m Next round is the acting contest, where mons use their moves

1d 14h 31m The second round of the contest begins. We keep missing our cues

1d 14h 30m The other contestants are Sara with Batty the zubat, Tiffany with Flick the shinx and Connor with Flappy the starly

1d 14h 30m We're given 60 seconds to decorate our mon with the theme of "The Colorful". We stick a pink spot on probopass, then a brown spot and a red feather

1d 14h 28m We head to the Contest Hall and enter probopass into a normal-rank cool contest. As we enter, we change into a pink flowery dress

1d 14h 21m Burnt bits float to the top as we finish our first poffin

1d 14h 21m We are determined to cook in a group though, and keep selecting the option, but eventually realise we're forever alone and choose to cook by ourselves. We stick a berry in the blender and are instructed to start blending. The mixture starts burning, so we're told to hurry with the stirring

1d 14h 19m As this relies on the DS Wireless Communications faculties, it's unlikely we'll actually find anybody who'll join our group

1d 14h 18m We back out because we selected the group option, and we've not got a group, then we try the group option again

1d 14h 18m We enter a different house, looks like an eatery of some kind. We talk to an old man who tells us that many cooks makes poffins better, then we talk to a lady who lets us cook our berries into poffins. We save the game

1d 14h 15m We enter the fan club. There's an interviewer lady and a bunch of mons running around. We talk to the chairman, who advises us to feed our mons poffins and enhance their contest stats. He hands us a poffin case!

1d 14h 14m Back into Hearthome City. We switch the Pokédevice thingy to the step counter

1d 14h 12m Out onto Route 208 now

1d 14h 11m We take the quick way through Mt Coronet, smashing 4 rocks as we go

[Correction] We were in Wayward Cave when we had Mira with us, not Mt Coronet

1d 14h 10m We enter Mt Coronet

1d 14h 10m On Route 207 now

1d 14h 9m We head south and cut down a pair of trees to continue on our way. We didn't have to cut down both of them, but we did so anyway

1d 14h 6m We've also bade farewell to Mira, the child we were escorting, so we're no longer receiving free healing after battles

1d 14h 4m Finally we make it out of Mt Coronet and onto Route 206

1d 14h 0m After taking out a geodude, probopass is now level 25, and learns thunderwave over harden!

1d 13h 53m We pick up an escape rope!

1d 13h 46m Probopass grows to level 24 by defeating an onix

1d 13h 39m Probopass grows to level 23 while battling a wild onix

1d 13h 30m Probopass grows to level 22 as we fight a wild onix and zubat

1d 13h 28m We switch probopass to the front of the party

1d 13h 20m As we make our way through the darkness, we listen to the cries of our mons and check our bag for spare mail

1d 13h 17m Gible grows to level 24 and evolves into gabite!

1d 13h 8m In the downtime, we entered Mt Coronet where we caught a male level 19 gible called N◆◆;!●●’’(, levelled him up to level 23 and met up with a fellow traveller who is now healing our team after every battle

[Meta] Updater is going dark now, check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord.

1d 11h 32m We leave town and enter Route 208.

1d 11h 30m We talked a bit to the lady inside, then left.

1d 11h 29m We're in church now.

1d 11h 26m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

1d 11h 25m We leave once more, with ₽8 in our pocket.

1d 11h 24m Bought 2 Poké Balls. Bought 2 Poké Balls again.

1d 11h 23m Nevermind, we had some regrets and went back inside.

1d 11h 23m We leave the Poké Mart with ₽808.

1d 11h 23m Also sold 1 Pearl.

1d 11h 22m Sold 1 Blue Shard.

1d 11h 20m Bought 5 Poké Balls.

1d 11h 20m Sold 1 Super Repel and 1 Up-Grade.

1d 11h 19m Sold 1 TinyMushroom.

1d 11h 17m Bought 3 Poké Balls.

1d 11h 17m We enter the Poké Mart.

[Fluff] I ship it

1d 11h 15m While I was making jokes about emoticons, we got back in Hearthome City.

[Chat] チリーン (tranzi72): breed them to get |=

[Fluff] So our team now has a cheerful Leafeon =) and a dejected Roselia D=

1d 11h 11m We threw another Poké Ball, and finally... Caught a female Lv. 20 Roselia! Nickname: D= ~… ) ;;

1d 11h 10m The next Poké Ball fails.

1d 11h 10m Leafeon sends Roselia in the red with a Quick Attack. Roselia sends it in the red as well.

1d 11h 9m Another Poké Ball fails.

1d 11h 9m Another Roselia appears, and Leafeon uses Quick Attack. We then throw a Poké Ball, which fails to catch.

1d 11h 7m Another Quick Attack kills Roselia.

1d 11h 7m Leafeon uses Quick Attack once more, leaving Roselia in the red.

1d 11h 6m Another Poké Ball... Nope.

1d 11h 6m Roselia escapes one more Poké Ball and Mega Drains a tiny bit of health.

1d 11h 6m We throw another Poké Ball. Roselia escapes and paralyzes Leafeon.

1d 11h 5m Leafeon uses Quick Attack and sends Roselia in the orange. We throw another Poké Ball, but it fails again.

1d 11h 4m We throw another two Poké Balls. No dice.

1d 11h 3m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Roselia. It escapes.

1d 11h 2m We get through Mt. Coronet and make our way to Route 208.

1d 11h 0m We are back inside Mt. Coronet.

1d 10h 57m We pick up a Revive.

1d 10h 51m Onix is sent out and the same thing happens. Hiker Kevin is defeated!

1d 10h 51m Leafeon grows to Lv. 25! =)

1d 10h 50m A third Geodude goes down the same way.

1d 10h 50m Another Geodude is sent out and suffers the same fate.

1d 10h 50m Leafeon uses Bullet Seed. Geodude unsurprisingly goes down.

1d 10h 49m We are challenged by Hiker Kevin! He sends out Geodude.

[Snark] So that was ten minutes well spent, maybe check Bulbapedia next time guys.

1d 10h 47m We finally booted up HM01... Turns out none of our Pokémon can learn Cut.

1d 10h 46m We switched Leafeon to the first party slot and Chingling to the fourth.

1d 10h 42m We're currently shuffling around menus, trying to teach Cut to something. We almost switched to Mono sound, checked Victreebel in the Dex a few times, switched around some of Leafon's moves, and occasionally looked inside our Fashion Case.

1d 10h 36m We exit Mt. Coronet from the other side, reaching Route 207.

1d 10h 33m We enter Mt. Coronet.

1d 10h 31m Chingling gets paralyzed, then we escape.

1d 10h 30m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Roselia.

1d 10h 29m We deposited Budew and Bibarel right after the updater went dark, and are now wandering around Route 208.

1d 10h 24m [Meta] Updater's going dark now

1d 10h 21m Mismagius uses psybeam. Budew falls! Blacked out!

1d 10h 20m Magical leaf leaves bibarel at low health. The beaver eats an oran berry then hits herself in confusion, then gets hit by mismagius's magical leaf. Bibarel down! We send in budew

1d 10h 19m As mismagius gets to low yellow health, Fantina heals witha Super Potion. Probopass falls! We send in bibarel, who dodges confuse ray and uses water gun, but gets hit with the second confuse ray

1d 10h 18m Both mons are now in the yellow thanks to shadow ball and rock throw, though mismagius heals with a berry then switches to magical leaf

1d 10h 18m We send in probopass next, who dodges some shadow balls, uses a rock throw, then starts using harden. The next shadow ball lands for minor damage

1d 10h 16m Leafeon uses a second bullet seed, which nearly takes out duskull. Duskull burns leafeon with will-o-wisp then falls to leech seed damage. Fantina sends out mismagius next, who confuses leafeon. Leafeon's grass knot does little damage while mismagius's shadow ball does heavy damage. Leafeon uses sand attack, then mismagius follows up with psybeam. Leaveon is down!

1d 10h 15m Fantina heals duskull with a Super Potion as leafeon uses a second bullet seed

1d 10h 14m We send in leafeon, who starts off with bullet seed

1d 10h 14m We send in cherubi. Duskull uses future sight and cherubi uses growth. Duskull burns cherubi with will-o-wisp then follows up with pursuit as cherubi uses leech seed. The future sight attack lands. Cherubi is down!

1d 10h 12m We find Fantina. Versus Gym Leader Fantina! She sends out duskull and we send in chingling. Chingling falls to shadow sneak!

1d 10h 7m Back into the gym

1d 10h 6m Back out to the city. Looks like we're headed for the gym again

1d 10h 4m We heal at the centre

1d 10h 0m Back to Hearthome City

1d 9h 53m We find a tiny mushroom!

1d 9h 52m Probopass is now level 21!

1d 9h 47m Caught a level 18 female bibarel! No nickname

1d 9h 46m We try catching a wild bibarel but keep failing

1d 9h 44m We head onto Route 208 for more training

1d 9h 42m We head to the Mart. We buy 21 Pokéballs!

1d 9h 40m We send in budew. Haunter uses shadow ball. Budew falls! Blacked out!

1d 9h 39m We send in cherubi next. Cherubi falls to a shadow ball!

1d 9h 38m We send out chingling. Shadow ball OHKOs the bell!

1d 9h 37m A 5-hit round of bullet seed finishes off gastly. Haunter up next. Leafeon uses another bullet seed and haunter's shadow ball leaves leafeon in the yellow. Leaveon hits himself then gets taken out by shadow ball!

1d 9h 36m Leafeon grows to level 24! Allen sends in a second gastly. Leafeon starts off with bullet seed then gets confused by confuse ray

1d 9h 35m We send in leafeon, who finishes off gastly with bullet seed

1d 9h 34m We send out probopass who gets hit by gastly's night shade twice, but gets off two rock throws. Probopass falls to the third night shade! Gastly is on 1 HP

1d 9h 33m As we make our way through the gym, we get caught by Allen again

1d 9h 28m We return to the gym

1d 9h 24m We send in our final budew. Shadow ball OHKOs! We black out!

1d 9h 23m Haunter's shadow ball OHKOs cherubi!

1d 9h 23m Cherubi grows to level 11! Allen's final mon is haunter

1d 9h 23m We send in cherubi next. Attacks fail all round, but cherubi manages to get a leech seed off. Gastly confuses cherubi and the plant uses growth, while leech seed finishes off gastly

1d 9h 21m A second bullet seed leaves gastly on red health, while another night shade takes out leafeon!

1d 9h 20m We send in leafeon next. Hypnosis puts the eeveelution to sleep then resumes night shading, followed by sucker punch. Leafeon wakes up and uses bullet seed

1d 9h 19m Chimeco falls to a final night shade!

1d 9h 19m Fastly night shade takes a chunk of chimeco's health, with a second taking chingling to 6 HP. The baby bell continues napping

1d 9h 18m We send in chingling next, who gets put to sleep by gastly's hypnosis

1d 9h 18m As we make our way through the maze, one of Fantina's goons, Ace Trainer Allen, catches us and challenges us to a battle. We send out probopass and he sends out gastly. Gastly uses curse and survives a rock throw, but falls to the second. Meanwhile probopass is in red health as Allen sends out his second gastly, who gets off a night shade. Probopass falls!

1d 9h 13m We end up back at the start

1d 9h 8m We pass through the first room easily enough

1d 9h 7m We've been given a flashlight and now have to make it through this dark maze of tombstones

1d 9h 7m We enter Hearthome Gym. Time for a gym challenge!

1d 9h 6m We heal our team!

1d 9h 4m We enter Hearthome City and head for the centre

1d 9h 3m We send in leafeon, whose bullet seed finishes off bonsly. Artist William defeated

1d 9h 2m We send in budew, who uses cut. Bonsly/s mimic becomes cut. Budew continues cutting while bonsly uses rock slide and flail. Budew falls!

1d 9h 1m As we make our way back to Hearthome, we get caught by Artist William. He sends otu a mime jr and we send out probopass. Mime Jr start off with meditate, but a single rock throw takes out the clown. William sends out bonsly next, who tanks a rock smash then takes out probopass with low kick!

1d 8h 58m We leave Mt Coronet

1d 8h 58m Nosepass evolves into probopass!

1d 8h 58m Nosepass grows to level 20!

1d 8h 55m Back into Mt Coronet for some more grinding

1d 8h 53m We leave Hearthome and head to Route 208

1d 8h 51m We heal our team!

1d 8h 50m Leafeon uses grass knot as Mime Jr sets up reflect. A second round of bullet seeds and Mime Jr falls. Clown Lee defeated

1d 8h 50m We enter the Pokémon Centre. We talk to a clown called Lee and begin a battle. Leafeon v Mime Jr. Leafeon starts off with bullet seed while mime jr. uses double slap

1d 8h 47m We head onto Route 208 and enter Hearthome City

1d 8h 40m While training in Mt Coronet, chingling falls against a wild meditite

1d 8h 35m We enter Mt Coronet

1d 8h 33m Leafeon grows to level 23!

1d 8h 33m Gligar uses fury cutter as leafeon switches to grass knot. Gligar hardens, but a single quick attack finishes the bat off. Austin's final mon is luxio. Leafeon's bullet seed takes half of luxio's health, while luxio's spark does next to nothing. A second round of bullet seeds and luxio is down. Youngster Austin is defeated

1d 8h 32m We send in leafeon next, who takes out buizel with a single grass knot. Austin's next mon is gligar. Leafeon starts using bullet seed

1d 8h 31m Nosepass switches to rock tomb. Buizel switches to water gun and nosepass faints!

1d 8h 30m Harden won't go any higher, but we keep ordering nosepass to harden

1d 8h 29m Buizel continues using swift, pursuit and quick attack while nosepass continues hardening

1d 8h 29m We head onto Route 207 and use the dowsing machine. There's a hidden item nearby but we ignore it. Youngster Austin tells us he's got energy to burn so we begin a battle. Nosepass versus buizel. Buizel leads with pursuit then quick attack while nosepass hardens

1d 8h 26m We pass through the Cycling Road part of Cycling Road. We find some growing razz berry plants and water them

1d 8h 23m Back outside. We head south and hop on our bike, making our way onto Route 206 aka Cycling Road

1d 8h 21m We wander into Eterna City and head for the centre. We heal our team!

1d 8h 20m We pick 2 cheri berries then plant one of them!

1d 8h 19m We pick 2 chesto berries and plant a cheri berry!

1d 8h 18m After a bit of training, during which nosepass is paralysed, we leave the forest

1d 8h 11m We enter Eterna Forest

1d 8h 10m We head west to Route 205

1d 8h 9m We leave the centre and swap nosepass to the top slot

1d 8h 8m Magnemite falls. Cherubi grows to level 10 and learns leech seed! We take our revenge on the interviewers. We take a step to the left and heal our team!

1d 8h 7m We send in cherubi next. Nosepass is taken out by sonic boom

1d 8h 6m Chingling is taken out by self damage! Magnemite is on low health and misses a sonic boom

1d 8h 6m Magnemite's spark leaves chingling at 1 HP. Nosepass's rock throw does next to nothing and chimeco is paralysed. Magnemite's sonic boom leaves nosepass on red health, while chimeco's psychic leaves magnemite in yellow health. Magnemite confuses chingling but chingling confuses magnemite with confusion

1d 8h 3m Magnemite paralyses chingling with thunderwave while ralts puts chingling into the yellow with razor leaf. Nosepass's rock throw takes out ralts

1d 8h 3m Magnemite's sonic boom hits chimeco and chimeco hits ralts. Ralts's magical leaf takes a chunk of nosepass's health as nosepass tackles, leaving ralts with a third health left

1d 8h 2m We decide to try again, given how close we came to winning

1d 8h 1m We scurry to the nearest Pokémon centre...which is literally 1 tile away

1d 8h 0m We send in budew next. Our mons start a cut/tackle team up while magnemite cuts budew's health in half with sonic boom, misses the next, then finishes off budew with sonic boom. Cherubi falls to the next sonic boom! Blacked out!

1d 7h 58m Leafeon turns his attention to magnemite. Bullet Seed and tackle do little damage though, but enough to put magnemite into the yellow. Magnemite confuses leafeon, who hits himself into perfect sonic boom killing range. Magnemite attacks and leafeon dies to sonic boom!

1d 7h 57m Leafeon's bullet seed puts ralts into the yellow. Magnemite's sonic boom hits leafeon. Ralts tries to flee with teleport and cherubi tackles. Leafeon's next bullet seed takes out ralts. Magnemite hits leafeon with sonic boom again. Cherubi's tackle does next to nothing

1d 7h 55m Magnemite's next sonic boom takes out nosepass! Ralts uses lucky chant again and cherubi tackles. We send in leafeon next

1d 7h 55m We send in cherubi next. Magnemite's sonic boom leaves cherubi at low health while ralts's magical leaf leaves nosepass at a third health

1d 7h 54m Magnemite starts off with spark, leaving chingling in red health. Chingling's psychic does little damage against magnemite. Ralts starts a lucky chant and nosepass's rock throw finishes off chingling!

1d 7h 53m Magnemite's sonic boom cuts a chunk of chimeco's health. Chimeco growls and ralts' razor leaf hits nosepass. Nosepass uses rock throw, hitting chingling

1d 7h 52m We talk to the TV key and begin a battle. Interviewers Roxy and Oli send out magnemite and ralts. We send in chingling and nosepass

1d 7h 50m We enter the local centre and heal our team!

1d 7h 50m Now in Eterna City

1d 7h 48m Onto Route 205, Eterna City side

1d 7h 47m Chingling grows to level 21!

1d 7h 38m Onto Route 205 and back into Eterna Forest

1d 7h 34m Back to Floaroma Town

1d 7h 32m We use the recently acquired TM. Leafeon learns bullet seed over growl!

1d 7h 30m We head out onto Route 204 and pick up a TM09 Bullet Seed!

1d 7h 29m We leave the shop

1d 7h 25m We get a sprayduck from somebody else in the shop

1d 7h 24m We grab an aspear berry from a lady in the shop

1d 7h 23m We enter the flower shop

1d 7h 22m In Floaroma Town

1d 7h 17m We leave Eterna Forest and end up on Route 205

1d 7h 16m Leafeon learnt grass knot over tackle! TM86 used up

[Correction] Leafeon, not glaceon

1d 7h 14m Eevee grows to level 22, learns quick attack over helping hand! Eevee evolves into glaceon!

1d 7h 11m We heal eevee with a Super Potion!

1d 7h 10m Eevee's poison fades away

1d 7h 10m We restore eevee's tackle PP with an ether! Eevee is now down to 5 HP

1d 7h 5m We heal eevee with a Super Potion!

1d 7h 4m Eevee poisoned once again

1d 7h 0m Eevee grows to level 21! Doesn't evolve though. Seems the B bar is still broken

1d 6h 59m Another antidote heals eevee!

1d 6h 58m A wild budew poisons eevee again

1d 6h 56m We heal eevee with an antidote!

1d 6h 55m Eevee is poisoned again

1d 6h 52m We use an antidote, curing eevee's poison! Time to start the counterattack against this budew! A tackle OHKOs

1d 6h 51m We heal budew with a Super Potion!

1d 6h 50m We use a Super Potion on eevee! Wow, those 10 HP will really matter!

1d 6h 48m We use an energy powder to heal eevee! Wow, those 3 HP will really matter!

1d 6h 47m A wild budew poisons eevee

[Fluff] The mail reads Hello! ABRA

Hello! ABRA

Hello! ABRA

1d 6h 46m We give eevee an air mail to hold!

1d 6h 44m We swap eevee to the top of the party. We're near the mossy rock, which means it looks like we're getting a leafeon!

1d 6h 41m We're back in Eterna Forest. Our team's in good shape except for budew who's on red health

[Meta] Okay, the Live Updater is going dark again. For more updates, check out #stream-feed in the Discord.

1d 4h 0m Inside someone's house, watching the news.

1d 3h 54m We gave a Soothe Bell to Chingling, and then headed back to the Pokémon Center...Deposited Grotle again.

1d 3h 45m Gave Nosepass an Air Mail.

1d 3h 27m We crawl back upstairs and escape outside.

1d 3h 25m We trip down the escalator. We almost land on our face, but luckily the PC is there to catch us...?

1d 3h 23m Checkpointed in Oreburgh City.

1d 3h 22m Arrived in Oreburgh City.

[Info] Chingling was holding a Colbur Berry; that's a 5% chance hold item.

1d 3h 17m Caught a female Lv. 19 Chingling! Nickname: Keppffkxnv. It joins us too.

1d 3h 15m Caught a male Lv. 18 Nosepass! Nickname: GUUEEEEFFn. It joins us in our party.

1d 2h 58m We ran away from town; we're currently in Mt. Coronet.

[Info] AA (Kricketot), DMHHIEAGZE (Pachirisu), and YVVGCR44 S (Meditite) were released. It also wasn't mentioned that we caught that female Lv. 17 Gible, named BLDPOY GG; it was in our party for awhile before the PC trip. We also caught a Lv. 18 Bronzor named AA.

[Info] Since the last update, we visited the PC; Gible, Gligar, Kricketune, and Gastly were deposited. Some Pokémon were released; watch this space for the obituaries...

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for a little while. For bot updates, check #stream-feed in the Discord.

0d 22h 43m BFG reaches Lv. 30!

0d 22h 40m Caught a male Lv. 16 Gligar! Nickname: X 11. It joins our party.

[Info] Still in the grass of Route 207, warding off lots of encounters.

0d 22h 29m Budew faints to a wild Ponyta.

0d 22h 18m Gastly faints to a wild Gligar.

0d 22h 17m We use Mega Drain and Onix goes down. Defeated Hiker Theodore!

0d 22h 16m BFG uses Razor Leaf and Onix faints. Gastly reaches Lv. 14! Theodore sends out another Onix.

0d 22h 16m We switch out in favor of BFG. Onix uses Screech.

0d 22h 15m Vs. Hiker Theodore! He sends out Onix against our sleeping Gastly.

0d 22h 14m Picked up a Super Repel.

0d 22h 9m Caught a male Lv. 18 Kricketune! Name: AFHHHOO!;. It joins our party.

0d 21h 43m We move a few tiles left and pick up another Poké Ball!

0d 21h 42m We pick up a Poké Ball!

0d 21h 37m Back to Route 207.

0d 21h 34m Back outside in Oreburgh City.

0d 21h 30m Withdrew Budew and Grotle from the PC.

0d 21h 18m Never mind, Wurmple and Bidoof are in the PC again.

0d 21h 18m Withdrew AA-k""V the Bidoof.

0d 21h 16m We withdraw Wurmple again.

0d 21h 15m We deposited BFG, Bronzor, and Togepi in the PC. Current party is Gastly.

0d 21h 6m Wurmple returns to the PC.

0d 21h 3m We deposit Shellos in the PC. Nice to visit with you, FFC.

0d 20h 59m Withdrew Gastly, Wurmple, and FFC (Shellos) from the PC. Bronzor also took a loop through, but it's still in the party.

0d 20h 56m Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed in Oreburgh City. We're staring at the PC...

0d 20h 53m Arrived in Oreburgh City.

0d 20h 51m We send out BFG. After a few turns. Pachirisu faints. Defeated Picnicker Lauren!

0d 20h 50m We send out Togepi. Unfortunately, it's still Lv. 1. Togepi faints!

0d 20h 50m Bronzor faints!

0d 20h 48m We've reached Route 207. Vs. Picnicker Lauren! Bronzor vs. her Pachirisu. Pachirisu starts spamming Spark as we use Confusion.

[Info] Togepi has Hustle and a Gentle nature.

0d 20h 45m Hatched a female Lv. 1 Togepi! Name: FFFGFGYHH.

0d 20h 38m We deposit Meditite and Budew in the PC.

0d 20h 37m We deposit Charap in the PC.

0d 20h 27m Vs. Cyclist James! Ponyta vs. BFG. After a couple Flame Wheels, BFG faints! Blacked out! We wake up in Eterna City.

0d 20h 24m The last Starly goes down. Defeated Cyclist Nicole!

0d 20h 24m The second Starly goes down. Next up is another Starly; it uses Quick Attack as we hit it with Razor Leaf.

0d 20h 23m Our next Mega Drain misses and Starly lands a Wing Attack. With one more Mega Drain Starly goes down! Next up is another Starly.

0d 20h 22m Vs. Cyclist Nicole! BFG vs. Starly. We open with Mega Drain, but all our attacks aren't very effective--it still does half health, though. Starly uses Double Team.

0d 20h 21m BFG uses Razor Leaf and takes down Shinx in one hit. Defeated Cyclist Rachel! BFG reaches Lv. 29!

0d 20h 21m After a couple turns, Charap faints! We manage to take Ponyta down with BFG; Rachel sends out Shinx.

0d 20h 19m After biking back and forth, we bump into another bike. Vs. Cyclist Rachel! Charap vs. Ponyta.

0d 20h 17m After a couple Quick Attacks, Meditite faints! We send out Grotle. Pikachu uses Double Team but our Mega Drain breaks through. Pikachu uses Slam and we use Curse; after another Quick Attack we finish Pikachu with Mega Drain. Defeated Cyclist Kayla!

0d 20h 16m Staravia cuts our health with Endeavor, but Charap takes it down. Defeated Cyclist John! We roll down the road--Vs. Cyclist Kayla! Pikachu vs. our Meditite. We open with Detect and start setting up with Meditate.

0d 20h 14m We send out Charap and take Starly down. Charap reaches Lv. 19! John sends out Starly; we use Fury Attack as he uses Double Team.

0d 20h 13m We send out Budew and it faints to one Wing Attack.

0d 20h 12m Starly wakes up and uses Endeavor, but it still fails. Bronzor's fully paralyzed, and the next Wing Attack takes it down. Bronzor faints!

0d 20h 12m Starly snaps out of confusion without any self-hits, but we put it to sleep with Hypnosis. Bronzor hangs on at 3 HP.

0d 20h 11m Endeavor still doesn't seem to work. Confusion slowly chips away at Starly's health, and it becomes confused.

0d 20h 10m Starly uses Wing Attack, then Quick Attack; we get in a Confusion but are caught by full paralysis.

0d 20h 10m John sends out Starly against Bronzor. It opens with Endeavor but fails; our Hypnosis misses.

0d 20h 10m Pikachu uses some Quick Attacks, but Bronzor takes it down. Bronzor reaches Lv. 16! We rush down the road and smack into another cyclist...Vs. Cyclist John!

0d 20h 9m Pikachu wakes up and uses Thunder Wave; Bronzor is paralyzed.

0d 20h 9m After a couple hits from Confusion, Pikachu becomes confused. We put it to sleep with Hypnosis and go back to Confusion.

0d 20h 8m We healed at the Pokémon Center. Then we hopped on our Bike and headed to Route 206. Vs. Cyclist Axel! Bronzor vs. his Pikachu.

[Info] Over the last hour, we deposited Buneary in the PC and received an Egg! We also taught Budew Cut over Absorb, and defeated Commander Jupiter. Right now, after getting the Bicycle, we're wandering around Eterna City.

[Meta] The Live Updater is going dark, check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for bot-run updates.

0d 18h 37m We try to write a letter for our Charap to hold. We keep changing our mind on what the first line should be, then cancel out entirely.

0d 18h 26m We look at the Air Mail's design. We start to give one to Budew, but can't decide what to write on it, so cancel out.

0d 18h 23m We switch BFG and YVGC's order in our party. The order is now Buneary / YVGC / BFG / Bronzor / Budew / Charap.

0d 18h 21m We leave the center, and flee south down to the intersection with the mart.

0d 18h 19m We enter the Eterna City Poké Center and We heal.

0d 18h 18m We leave the forest.

0d 18h 16m We reach the cuttable bushes at the yard border and cut one down.

0d 18h 15m We step into the chateau entrance, but don't go in deep before fleeing outside.

0d 18h 8m We use a second Potion on Bronzor, not quite topping off Bronzor's HP.

0d 18h 3m We use a Potion on Bronzor while in a battle with a wild Buneary.

0d 18h 1m We continue walking around the chateau's yard. We find an Ether.

0d 17h 57m Bronzor wakes up while fighting a wild Budew. The Budew proceeds to paralyze Bronzor. Bronzor defeats that Budew, and Bronzor grows to Lv 15.

0d 17h 54m We look at our trainer card, rotating it fairly quickly.

0d 17h 52m Bronzor is put to sleep by a wild Hoothoot. We run before Bronzor wakes up.

0d 17h 51m We flee the chateau and the spooky ghosts within.

0d 17h 46m We leave the TV room, reenter the TV room and check the TV again. Rotom doesn't seem to have reset yet.

0d 17h 45m We manage to send out Bronzor, then run from the rotom immediately after.

0d 17h 43m We continue wandering through the upper floor. We find a room with a giant TV. We punch the TV, and a Rotom comes out and attacks us. We throw Poké Balls at the Rotom, while the Rotom retailates. YVGC faints.

0d 17h 40m BFG's curse just isn't the same as these Gastly's curses. BFG faints

0d 17h 34m BFG takes down a wild Gastly. BFG grew to Lv 27. BFG learned Mega Drain over Tackle.

0d 17h 31m The gastly do have something that can hurt normal types. Buneary faints to a Gastly's Curse.

0d 17h 29m The wild gastly in the area have Mean Look, but Buneary has Run Away, which apparently overrides Mean Look in wild battles.

0d 17h 28m We walk into a dining room and watch a ghost float offscreen. Chat is appropriately spooked.

0d 17h 25m We enter the Old Chateau.

0d 17h 24m We enter Eterna Forest. We ignore the person standing near the cuttable bushes outside the mansion. We cut down one of the bushes and approach the mansion.

0d 17h 20m We wander west, entering Route 205.

0d 17h 18m We switch the positions of Charap and YVGR4 in our party. We repeatedly consider trashing our Guard Spec and X Sp Def, but don't go through with it.

0d 17h 15m We reselect the Fashion Case.

0d 17h 14m We deselect the Fashion Case.

0d 17h 13m We take the TM from Buneary.

0d 17h 12m Bunery is now holding the Grass Knot TM. We enter the Poké Center. We heal. We leave the Poké Center.

0d 17h 11m We switch Charap and Buneary's positions a third time.

0d 17h 10m We return Charap to the front of the party.

0d 17h 9m We boot up the Cut HM. Buneary forgets Pound and learns Cut!

0d 17h 8m We switch Buneary to the front of our party.

0d 17h 6m We leave the gym and stroll through the streets of the city.

0d 17h 4m Gardenia sends out Cherrim. It gets one turn of Sunny form before reverting. BFG gets taken down to 5HP, but takes down Cherrim before he gets taken out himself. Leader Gardenia defeated. Received the Forest Badge. Received TM86 Grass Knot.

0d 17h 2m Gardenia sends out Roserade. Roserade survives a tackle, and continues using grass not on BFG. Another tackle from BFG, and BFG takes out Roserade.

0d 17h 2m We send out BFG. BFG sets up with Curse while Turtwig sets up with another Reflect. Turtwig uses Grass Knot on BFG while BFG continues to set up. Turtwig sets up a Sunny Day. BFG switches to Tackle, and takes out Turtwig. BFG grew to Lv 26.

0d 17h 0m Charap vs Turtwig. Turtwig sets up a Reflect. while Charap refuses to obey us. Turtwig gets off a few Razor Leaves while Charap doesn't do much of anything. Charap faints.

0d 16h 59m We walk up the clock hands and reach Gardinia. Leader Gardenia Attempt #5

0d 16h 56m We enter the gym. We attempt to walk around the clock but can't squeeze through the fencing. We save.

0d 16h 54m We walk between the trees surounding the Gym, while repeatedly tapping Charap on the Poketch.

0d 16h 53m The fashion case is currently registered to the select button.

0d 16h 51m We reenter the Poké Center, and talk to the nurse this time. We heal.

0d 16h 51m We enter the Poké Center and walk up to the PC. We open the deposit menu. We close out of the PC before making any changes. We leave the Poké Center.

0d 16h 50m We walk through an alley between the Poké Center and an adjacent house, before seeing a fence and turning around.

0d 16h 49m After crossing a bridge and walking so as to not disturb the fishermen on that bridge, We reach Eterna City.

0d 16h 46m We exit Eterna Forest on the Eterna City side.

0d 16h 45m We run from whatever we encounter. We reach the southeastern before turning around and heading back north.

0d 16h 42m Chaprap fainted. We head deeper into the forest.

0d 16h 40m Caught a male Lv. 14 Beautifly! Nickname: GGHGGGGEEE. Sent to Box 1.

[info] ₽0 | Balls: 37 | Pokedex: 269 / 366 / 251

Charap (Chatot) ♀ [Leppa Berry] Lv.17 Peck / Fury Attack / Mirror Move / Sing
BFG (Grotle) ♂ [None] Lv.25 Tackle / Curse / Absorb / Razor Leaf
Buneary ♂ [None] Lv.11 Pound / Defense Curl / Foresight / Endure
Bronzor [None] Lv.14 Confusion / Hypnosis / Imprison / Confuse Ray
Budew ♂ [None] Lv.13 Absorb / Growth / Water Sport / Stun Spore
YVVGCR44 S (Meditite) ♀ [None] Lv.13 Bide / Meditate / Confusion / Detect

0d 14h 56m Caught a Female Lv. 13 Meditite! Nickname: YVVGCR44 S.
0d 15h 12m VS Leader Gardenia! Attempt #2!
0d 15h 24m VS Leader Gardenia! Attempt #3!
0d 15h 40m VS Leader Gardenia! Attempt #4!

Aside from that, in the past about two hours, BFG gained a level, Chaprap gained seven levels, and we are currently grinding in Eterna Forest for more Chaprap levels.

[Meta] Updater going dark, check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for more updates.

0d 14h 40m Found a Super Potion.

0d 14h 37m We traded away AFD?%%;"" the Buizel. Received a female Lv. 10 Chatot! Nickname: Charap

0d 14h 35m Nevermind. Goodbye, AFD.

0d 14h 35m A kid offers us to trade Buizel for a Chatot. We decline. For now.

0d 14h 32m Now in Eterna City.

0d 14h 30m We exit Eterna Forest to Route 205.

0d 14h 27m BFG uses Razor Leaf again. We win!

0d 14h 27m Meditite uses Confusion and takes out half of AFD's health. it uses Water Sport in response, but that move is freaking useless, come on.

0d 14h 26m BFG uses Razor Leaf, taking down Psyduck and most of Meditite's health.

0d 14h 26m They send out Meditite and Psyduck against our BFG and AFD.

0d 14h 25m We are challenged by Psychyc Cody & Rachael!

0d 14h 21m We enter Eterna Forest.

0d 14h 20m A wild Shellos was absorbed to death by BFG.

0d 14h 18m Found a Heal Ball!

0d 14h 17m We registered the Fashion Case.

[Fluff] Now the calculator says 6668008135.

0d 14h 11m Another Tackle finally takes Roselia down. We win, but we got sweeped.

0d 14h 11m We send out BFG. One Tackle sends Roselia straight to the orange, which it heals slightly through Mega Drain.

0d 14h 10m Buneary goes down in one hit, and Roselia is now back at full health.

0d 14h 9m Budew goes down as Roselia is almost back at full health. We send out Buneary.

0d 14h 9m Budew is sent out again. It uses Water Sport again, while Roselia does some decent damage with Mega Drain.

0d 14h 8m Bronzor faints!

0d 14h 7m Bronzor is in the red, while Roselia is keeping itself at the same level of HP thanks to another Mega Drain.

0d 14h 7m Roselia is at max Sp. Atk by now, and restores all of the damage done by the last Confusion with one Mega Drain.

0d 14h 6m We switch for Bronzor, which uses Confusion. Roselia is still using Growth.

0d 14h 5m We use Water Spout, in case this Roselia has any Fire-type moves.

0d 14h 5m Budew uses Stun Spore twice in a row, then starts using Absorb for scratch damage. Roselia is spamming Growth.

0d 14h 3m We are spotted and challenged by Aroma Lady Elizabeth! She sends out Roselia.

[Fluff] We wrote 8008135 on the calculator.

0d 13h 55m We enter Route 205.

0d 13h 53m Currently looking repeatedly at Graveler in the Pokédex.

0d 13h 51m We're now in Floaroma Town. We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

0d 13h 50m Back to the surface on Route 206.

0d 13h 49m Back into the Underground we go !

0d 13h 49m We saved a lot of data.

0d 13h 47m We throw a Net Ball. Caught a male Lv. 10 Buizel! Nickname: AFD?%%;""

0d 13h 46m We poison the wild Buizel and throw another Ball. Another fluke.

0d 13h 45m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Buizel ! It escapes.

0d 13h 42m We are currently wandering around the tall grass of Valley Windworks.

[Meta] And so, the updater falls dark. In the meantime, be sure to follow #stream-feed in TPPcord for run updates

0d 12h 56m We find a green shard that was rather not all that subtly hidden in the forest grass

0d 12h 54m We head into Eterna Forest, this time by ourselves. No partner to heal us every 5 steps

0d 12h 53m We make the mistake of talking to one of them. Fisherman Joseph sends out a goldeen and we send out grotle. Grotle absorbs goldeen's energy for a 2HKO and an easy victory. Grotle grows to level 24!

0d 12h 52m After heading upwards, we head to Route 205. There's a bunch of fishermen here

0d 12h 51m We jump aboveground and head north. There's a flashy looking building but we've been above ground too long! We scurry down beneath the dirt, where we belong

0d 12h 50m We head above ground and relocate before diving back down

[Meta] StreamFeed is now back to full backup reporting strength

0d 12h 46m Back above ground for some fresh air then back down to our underground lair

[Fluff] We will become a mole person, trading shiny trinkets for hair accessories

0d 12h 41m We head outside and dive underground

0d 12h 39m Back inside to take the challenge, if we can figure out this clock

0d 12h 36m We're back in the gym, listening to the upbeat tones. We turn round and leave, the thought of facing roserade just too much to bear

0d 12h 33m We head back above ground

0d 12h 28m As we wander through the depths, we uncover a trap that somebody carelessly left buried in the dirt. That was close, somebody could have had a nasty accident

0d 12h 26m We find another intresting all and uncover a red sphere and a blue sphere, but fail to prise the blue sphere loose before the wall collapses

0d 12h 20m We start mining a wall and uncover a heartscale! The wall collapses before we can even detect anything else

0d 12h 17m We head underground. Roark greets us and gives us a quick tour then leaves. We talk to a hiker who offers to trade, but neither of us have anything worth trading

0d 12h 12m We head outside and give grotle a soothe bell to hold

0d 12h 10m We rename grotle to BFG

0d 12h 8m We rename grotle to AA

0d 12h 8m We rename shellos to FFC

0d 12h 7m We talk to the name rater and he offers to rename grotle again, but we decline

0d 12h 4m We enter a building that had a sign out front. There's a few people here and a couple of tables with chairs. One of the old guys is a name rater, and we show him grotle. He offers to rename grotle, and we rename grotle to grotle!

0d 12h 2m We talk to Lucas's father and Professor Rowan's assistant, who happens to be in the Cycling Road gatehouse. He checks our Pokédex and gives us an EXP Share! Time to head northwards

0d 12h 1m Finally we figure out this infernal contraption called a door and head out to Eterna City, heading south towards Cycling Road. We get told that we're not allowed through because we don't have a bike

0d 12h 0m We boot up another PC, back out then ride the escalator for the fun of it. We talk to a woman upstairs who tells us grotle likes being with us

[Snark] The Wifi service that shut down several years ago. We'll make great use of it

0d 11h 56m We head downstairs and into the basement, where Teala gives us the tour. She gives us the Pal Pad and explains about the Wifi stuff. We head upstairs

0d 11h 55m We access the PC storage system and deposit geodude! We turn the machine off and step away

0d 11h 54m We're running around Eterna City. Currently in the upper levels of the Pokémon Centre, checking our bag and activating the PC

0d 11h 50m Sent out Geodude. But was OHKO'd by Turtwig. Geodude fainted! Blacked out!

0d 11h 50m Sent out Shellos. Turtwig used Razor Leaf. Shellos fainted!

0d 11h 49m Sent out Buneary. Buneary fainted!

0d 11h 47m Sent out Budew. Budew used Absorb. Turtwig used Razor Leaf! Budew fainted!

0d 11h 46m Sent out Bronzor. Turtwig used Razor Leaf. Bronzor fainted!

0d 11h 44m Turtwig used Grass Knot. Grotle fainted!

0d 11h 42m Gardenia uses a Super Potion.

0d 11h 42m Grotle vs Turtwig. Grotle used Tackle. Turtwig down to yellow.

0d 11h 41m VS Gardenia!

0d 11h 38m VS Aroma Lady Angela.

0d 11h 25m Grotle leveled up to 23!

0d 11h 25m VS Aroma Lady Jenny in the Gym.

0d 11h 12m Party status: Budew, Buneary and Bronzor have fainted.

0d 11h 4m VS Lass Caroline in the Gym.

0d 11h 0m Bought 2 Poké Balls and sold them again.

0d 10h 52m In the Eterna City Gym.

0d 10h 45m Bought 9 Poké Balls.

0d 10h 40m We're back in Eterna City. Obtained HM01 (Cut) from Cyntia!

0d 10h 32m Found an EnergyPowder!

0d 10h 28m Caught a Lv. 13 female Geodude! Nickname: EE.

0d 10h 26m [Chat] ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RAISE YOUR BRONZONGERS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

0d 10h 26m In Mt. Coronet. Caught a Lv. 14 Bronzor! No nickname.

0d 10h 24m Grotle leveled up to 22! Grotle did not learn Bite. Defeated Hiker Louis.

0d 10h 22m On Route 211.

0d 10h 19m Diamond takes us to the statue.

0d 10h 19m Obtained the Pokétch app "Friendship Checker".

0d 10h 18m Back in the Poké Center.

0d 10h 16m Outside.

0d 10h 15m Stored the Lv. 15 Shellos.

0d 10h 15m Stored Shinx.

0d 10h 13m Healed in the Poké Center.

0d 10h 10m Obtained the Explorer Kit.

0d 10h 8m Arrived in Eterna City.

0d 10h 6m Picked up some berries.

0d 10h 1m Caught a Lv. 13 female Wurmple. No nickname.

0d 10h 0m We're at the end of the Forest. Cheryl gives us a Soothe Bell. Now on Route 205.

0d 9h 53m Found a Potion!

0d 9h 49m Defeated the Bug Catchers.

0d 9h 45m Shellos leveled up to 15!

0d 9h 44m Shinx fainted.

0d 9h 40m Shinx leveled up to 13 and learned Spark!

0d 9h 39m Shinx leveled up to 12!

0d 9h 38m VS Bug Catcher Phillip and Donald.

0d 9h 37m Caught a Lv. 13 female Gastly! No nickname.

0d 9h 30m Found a Net Ball!

0d 9h 29m Defeated both trainers.

0d 9h 28m Abra's down. Shellos leveled up to level 13. (The other one)

0d 9h 25m VS two Abra. Shinx faints.

0d 9h 24m VS Psychic Lindsey and Elijah.

0d 9h 23m Obtained a Parlyz Heal!

0d 9h 22m Grotle tanks a gust then tackles the beautifly. We win the match. Cheryl heals our mons

0d 9h 21m Beautifly takes out budew with gust while chansey's refresh removes the paralysis. We send in grotle. Beautifly uses poison sting and grotle's tackle leaves beautifly at yellow health. Chansey panic heals with softboiled. Beautifly's gust does minor damage as grotle's absorb also does next to nothing. Chansey's attack is ineffective

0d 9h 18m We send in budew next. Pachirisu uses quick attack and beautifly's gust leaves budew on a sliver of health. Budew takes out pachirisu with absorb, growing to level 13! Does not learn mega drain

0d 9h 16m Pachirisu uses bide as beautifly takes buneary to red with gust. Chansey's egg bomb does little damage. Pachirsu unleashes the bide, taking out buneary. Chansey's egg bomb leaves pachirisu at red health

0d 9h 14m Silcoon's string shot lowers our team's speed and chansey misses an egg bomb. Pachirisu's spark paralyses buneary and chansey takes out silcoon with egg bomb. Jack sends in beautifly next. Beautifly uses silver wind. Buneary's pound takes pachirisu to yellow health as chansey heals.

0d 9h 12m Chansey heals as shinx takes cascoon to red health. Shinx goes down to a quick attack! We send in buneary next

0d 9h 11m We try to steal mons. Pachirisu's spark puts chansey into yellow health while cascoon lowers our team's speed with string shot. Chansey recovers health with softboiled

0d 9h 10m Jack sends out silcoon next. Pachirisu resumes quick attacking while shinx tackles silcoon, who hardens and chansey's attack misses. Pachirisu hits chansey with spark as shinx and cascoon exchange tackles. Chansey's egg bomb leaves silcoon in the yellow

0d 9h 9m Thanks to Cheryl following us, we get healed after every battle. We wander into a double battle with Bug Catcher Jack and Lass Briane. Shinx and chansey face wurmple and pachirisu. Pachirisu starts with quick attack, while chansey's egg bomb misses. Shinx and wurmple exchange tackles. Pachirisu's electrical attack paralyses chansey, while chansey's egg bomb and shinx's tackle take out wurmple. Shinx grows to level 11!

0d 9h 2m We see a buneary we like in the forest and try catching it. Caught a male level 11 buneary! No nickname. He takes the final spot on our team of unnicknamed mons

0d 8h 55m We have our eye on a budew and toss a ball. Caught a level 12 male budew! No nickname. He joins the party

0d 8h 50m We leave the house and head to Eterna Forest. We meet up with Cheryl and team up with her. Cheryl is now following us

0d 8h 47m We enter the house and rest up...or we would if we don't keep rejecting the offer of rest. Our team is healed!

0d 8h 45m Shellos is down to red health. A mud bomb takes piplup to red health. Shellos switches to water pulse and piplup uses bubble, leaving both mons on 1 HP Both mons miss their next attacks, but shellos lands the next water pulse, defeating piplup. Shellos grows to level 14! Picknicker Karina defeated

0d 8h 44m We pick up a repel! We run for a nearby house, but Picknicker Karina catches us, sending out her piplup. Shellos leads with water pulse, confusing the penguin, who uses peck anyway. Shellos switches to mud bomb, landing a crit and taking piplup to yellow health

0d 8h 42m We move northwards, into the path of Battle Girl Kelsey and her machop. Shellos uses harden and machop uses focus energy. Shellos's water pulse takes a chunk of machop's health while machop uses foresight. We resort back to our old ways as machop leers. Shellos's water pulse confuses machop, who hits himself and lets shellos sneak in a second water pulse. Battle Girl Kelsey defeated

0d 8h 38m After dancing around Hiker Nicholas, he spots us. Shellos versus onix. Onix's rock throw leaves shellos at yellow health while shellos's water pulse is an OHKO. Shellos grows to level 13! Nicholas defeated

0d 8h 36m Shellos goes down! Our only remaining mon is our other shellos. Aipom uses astonish and shellos uses water pulse, leaving the monkey at yellow health. Another couple of water pulses and aipom goes down. Zackary is defeated

0d 8h 35m We send in shellos as we resume our attempts to snatch this aipom

0d 8h 34m Next up is Camper Zackary and his aipom. We send in our battle weary grotle then resume our kleptomania as grotle weakens due to astonishes and burn damage. Grotle manages to get an absorb off, going from 10 HP to 17 HP then down to 9 HP. We try another ball and grotle faints to burn damage!

0d 8h 31m We pick up an X Sp. Def!

0d 8h 31m We get caught by Hiker Daniel, who has 3 geodude. Grotle comes out and takes out the first geodude with razor leaf, then switches to absorb for the second, regaining some precious hitpoints. We decide we want this geodude so start trying to steal again. Grotle's absorb quickly finishes the geodude, ending the battle. Grotle grows to level 21!

0d 8h 27m We try catching another shellos. The ball breaks without shaking, so we try another. Caught a level 12 female shellos! No nickname

0d 8h 20m We slather another tree with honey and add a bit more

0d 8h 17m We send in grotle. Ponyta's ember burns grotle, but our turtle absorbs some health which is immediately undone by burn damage. A second ember coupled with burn damage leaves grotle in the yellow, so we switch to shellos, who resists the ember. Ponyta switches to tackle while shellos's water pulse does heavy damage against ponyta. A second water pulse and ponyta is down! Camper Jacob defeated!

0d 8h 15m Back onto Route 205. We head northwards and get caught by Camper Jacob. He asks for a bout before the forest and sends out a ponyta. We send in shinx. Ponyta's ember puts shinx at half health, while shinx's tackle does nothing. A second ember and shinx goes down!

0d 8h 12m Back to Floaroma Town. Will we find the centre this time? We do and try to heal our team...if we can find Nurse Joy...We talk to Nurse Joy. Our team is healed!

0d 8h 10m We enter Floaroma Meadow. The B bar suddenly appears and successfully cancels...something. We find a small cottage in the meadow and slather a tree with honey

0d 8h 7m Back into Floaroma Town. We dally in the flowers for a bit as we make our way to the centre and overshoot the building

0d 8h 5m Back onto Route 205. The bridge northwards is clear. We pick a chesto berry!

0d 8h 4m We leave and Looker ambushes us, demanding to know where Team Galactic are. We tell him he's too late and he enters the Windworks then returns, telling us that Team Galactic are stationed in Eterna City. He leaves

0d 8h 2m We send in grotle, our final mon, whose tackle leaves zubat at red health. Zubat's attack is weak and a second tackle takes out the bat. Purugly's up next, starting off with a flinching fake out and following up with a faint attack. Grotle's razor leaf takes a chunk of purugly's health, with a second taking out the purugly. Grotle grows to level 20! Commander Mars defeated! Mars says we were too late, yells at her companion, and skedaddles. The scientist thanks us for saving him and says that the Galactic guys were talking nonsense. The scientist's kid comes running and thanks us too, and we take our leave

0d 7h 59m We send in the new recruit, shellos, then try to steal the zubat. Zubat bites down as we continue trying to be thieves, leaving shellos to suffer and flinch. With 4 HP left, shellos gets off a water pulse, but gets take out immediately afterwards!

0d 7h 56m Zubat takes out shinx with bite! A mercy killing

0d 7h 54m Zubat immediately poisons shinx with toxic and shinx uses tackle. Zubat follows up with bite as shinx tries a second tackle then a charge. The poison puts shinx in red health

0d 7h 53m We enter the Valley Windworks again and run through the building towards Commander Mars. We talk to her again and she goes on about how she wants to create a new world, acting as if we've never met before. We battle again, shinx versus zubat

0d 7h 50m We toss a ball at a wild shellos. We caught a female level 12 shellos! No nickname

0d 7h 46m We ignore the goons and head to the Windworks...slowly...slowly does it...

0d 7h 45m Back onto Route 205. We can retake the Windworks if we just apply our bullheaded stubbornness to the problem...except this time the bridge is blocked by a pair of Galactic grunts

0d 7h 42m Back to Floaroma Town. We heal our team and leave the centre, hanging our heads in shame that we left the Windworks in the hands of those crooks

0d 7h 40m We enter the next room and come face to face with Commander Mars. She tells us that they've got business here and we should butt out, but makes us a deal. We beat her, and Team Galactic leaves in peace. We send out grotle to face her zubat. Zubat badly poisons grotle with toxic, making this a race against time. Her zubat falls and she sends in purugly, while grotle has 7 HP. Purugly's fake out takes out grotle! Blacked out!

0d 7h 38m A razor leaf finishes off the glameow. Turtwig to level 19! Next up is stunky, who starts off with focus energy. A single razor leaf and the skunk is down. The grunt is defeated. Turtwig evolves into grotle!

0d 7h 36m We think we're invisible and try sneaking past the next grunt. He catches us somehow and we begin the battle, our turtwig against his glameow. Glameow's fake out causes turtwig to miss a turn, then the cat starts scratching. Turtwig uses tackle then starts using foul language by cursing

0d 7h 34m We send in turtwig, who tackles the bat. Zubat confuses turtwig with supersonic and turtwig starts self harming while the zubat drains health with leech life. Turtwig sees through the confusion to hit a tackle, taking zubat down to red health, though a leech life brings zubat back to yellow health. A final tackle and the Galactic Grunt is defeated. The defeated grunt says they need electricity

0d 7h 33m We sneak through the building but get caught by a Team Galactic grunt. He has a zubat. We have a shinx. Zubat's bite takes out the wounded shinx!

0d 7h 32m A wild buizel prevents us from fleeing, taking shinx down to red health. We approach the locked Windworks and unlock it with that stolen key we were given. Inside we find a Galactic grunt who complains that locking the door was pointless and runs off to warn the commander

0d 7h 30m We head east onto Route 205 and get stuck on a fence. After eventually correcting ourselves, we continue eastwards and end up at the Valley Windworks

0d 7h 28m We save the game and look at our trainer card, then fiddle around with our settings but cancel all our changes

0d 7h 26m We change our mind and heal our team! We leave the centre, resisting the siren call of the PC

0d 7h 26m We make our way to the Pokémon centre and decline healing. The PC calls to us...

0d 7h 23m We invade somebody's home. There's sure to be a healing bay around here somewhere! Nope, just some old guy going on about honey attracting mons

[Snark] Hmm, a key to a vital infrastructure building. Better give it to this random child I just met!

0d 7h 21m Back to Floaroma Town as we play with our device a bit. The noises it makes amuse us greatly

0d 7h 20m After getting this zubat down to yellow health, we try being a thief again then take out the zubat. Team Galactic grunt defeated. We apparently destroyed any hopes he had of getting a promotion. They flee, leaving an item behind. The old guy picks it up and gives it to us. We obtained the Works key and some honey!

0d 7h 18m Turtwig is now in yellow health. We finally realise that maybe we should do something about this and have turtwig use absorb to regain 1 HP, then follow up with a couple of tackles to take out the first zubat. The grunt sends out...a second zubat!

0d 7h 17m Zubat continues doing weak attacks against turtwig as we continue wasting balls

0d 7h 15m We try stealing this zubat. The zubat leeches some life from turtwig and we resume our kleptomaniac activities, with little success

0d 7h 15m Stunky's poison gas misses, but turtwig's tackle lands. Galactic grunt #1 defeated. He complains about having his pay docked and we go up against the second grunt. The B-bar appears briefly then disappears. It's turtwig against zubat

0d 7h 13m We send in turtwig. Stunky's fury swipes do minor damage and turtwig's tackle takes the skunk to yellow health. Stunky uses focus energy and a second tackle takes stunky to red health. Time for another ball? /s

0d 7h 12m We enter the Floroma Meadow and come across a couple of Team Galactic grunts who are bothering a nice old man for his honey. They tell us to scram then attack. Versus Team Galactic grunt #1. We send in shinx against his stunky, doing a chunk of damage then charging. We realise we don't have this mon yet and throw a pokéball, but it's blocked. This gives the stunky the opportunity to attack with fury swipes twice in a row. Shinx goes down!

[Snark] Hmm, a psychic-type whose cry keeps being played on repeat...where have I heard that before?

0d 7h 10m We play with the calculator, repeatedly playing jynx's cry

0d 7h 9m We step outside to Floroma Town, with our brand new team of turtwig and shinx

0d 7h 8m We withdraw turtwig!

0d 7h 7m We apply a few marks to shinx as we try to defy game logic and deposit our final mon again

0d 7h 5m We pick up budew from Box 1 and put him in Box 3 then rename Box 4 to Box 400

0d 7h 1m Back to Box 1 and we study the mons in the box. We nearly grab turtwig again but scurry to Box 5 instead

[Correction] We nearly grabbed turtwig, not bidoof

0d 7h 0m We nearly grab bidoof, but end up in Box 18 instead. We change the wallpaper of Box 18 to a mountainous theme

0d 6h 59m We're still struggling with the PC, seemingly unable to understand that we cannot deposit our final mon. We keep trying anyway

0d 6h 57m We scroll through our boxes then try to store shinx, our only mon, but this doesn't work. We shut down the PC and walk away. We talk to a random lady and learn how berries work. We return to the PC and try to get rid of this shinx again, but as he's our final mon we cannot deposit him

0d 6h 51m We store DMHH in Box 2

0d 6h 49m We withdraw DMHH.

0d 6h 48m We add a few spaces to the end of Box 18's name.

0d 6h 47m We open the Deposit menu, but only having Shinx, we don't make any adjustments to our party.

0d 6h 45m We store AA-k, Shellos, A, and DMHH in the PC, sending all four to Box 1.

0d 6h 42m We head back into the Poké Center. We hug the eastern wall.

0d 6h 41m We take a moment repeatly crossing the border between inside and outside the Center, then take he next moment repeatedly crossing the border between Floroama Town and Route 204

0d 6h 38m We heal We proceed to play with our Poketch, producing a bunch of early-Kanto Pokémon cries.

0d 6h 36m We return to Floaroma Town. We enter the Poké Center and we save a lot of data.

0d 6h 31m Still battling the Shinx that defeated AA-k, we throw a Poké Ball. Caught a male Lv. 10 Shinx! No Nickname.

0d 6h 30m We use a Potion on Shellos.

0d 6h 29m AA-k faints while battling a wild Shinx.

0d 6h 28m The grunt retreats into the windworks building. We walk into the grass outside.

0d 6h 27m We send out DMHHIEAGZE, and use an X Defense on DMH before Glmeow puts her to sleep. Glameow gets a few scratches in before DMH wakes up. DMH wakes up, uses Quick Attack, and the Glameow's growls significant;y dampaned the damage. After a few Quick Attacks, Glameow falls. AA-k grew to Lv 8. Grunt defeated.

0d 6h 24m A remains asleep despite the grows and scratches. Until he wakes up, using Water Gun on Glameow. When A is down to red health, we throw a Poké Ball at the trainer's Glameow. Glameow uses Growl in response. We use an X Attack on A. Glameow scratches A. A faints.

0d 6h 23m A bad guy tells us to not dare go into the windworks. Vs. Galactic Grunt. His Glameow puts AA-k to sleep. AA-k wakes up, and we switch AA-k out for A. Glameow puts A to sleep.

0d 6h 21m We find a Potion behind a windmill.

0d 6h 20m We throw few Poké Balls a wild Pachirisu. The final one we throw catches it. Caught a female Lv 11 Pachirisu! Nickname: DMHHIEAGZE

0d 6h 17m We spot an item ball on the other side of some fencing, but we can't reach it without Surf. We spot another wild Pokémon and throw a ball at it. Caught a male Lv. 9 Buziel! Nickname: A.

0d 6h 15m We throw a Poké Ball at the first wild Pokémon we find. Caught a female Lv. 9 Shellos! No Nickname.

0d 6h 14m We leave town and enter Route 205. A young girl spots us and pleads us to kick the bad guys out of the Valley Windworks.

0d 6h 12m We enter the Mart. We buy 11 Poké Balls. We leave with ₽34.

[info] ₽2234 | Balls: 12 | Pokedex: 261 / 357 / 251

AA-k““V (Bidoof) ♂ [None] Lv.7 Tackle / Growl / Rock Smash

0d 6h 10m We leave the Poké Center.

0d 6h 10m We open Someone's PC again. We release Shinx. We deposit AA into Box 1. We turn off the PC.

0d 6h 9m We open our PC and look at our mailbox, but we have no mail.

0d 6h 8m We place Kricketot into Box 1. We almost Turtwig the heart and diamond marks. We switch to Box 18, then turn off the PC.

0d 6h 7m We deposit Turtwig into Box 1. We release ARRL.

0d 6h 6m We enter the Poké Center and walk to the map that's near the PC. We turn back, and We heal. Then we go back to read the wall map. We boot up the PC. We open Someone's PC, pick up A.... move him around a bit, then put him back right where we found him.

0d 6h 3m We enter Floaroma Town

0d 6h 2m Twins Liv and Liz brag about being the best in their class. They send out a pair of Pachirisu against AA and Turtwig. AA fails to the Pachirisu's combined Quick Attacks. Turtwig retaliates with Razor Leaf. The Pachirisu then gang up on Turtwig, but Turtwig's Razor Leaves take out the Pachiirisu first. Turtwig grew to Lv 18. Liv and Liz defeated. Turtwig attempts, but fails, to evolve.

0d 5h 58m Brandon sends out Kricketot. Kricketot starts with Bide. Turtwig immediately tries his new Curse move. Then Turtwig misses his next attack. Kricketot fails to unleash energy and Turtwig continues with Curse. Kricketo starts another bide, but is 1HKOed with a Tackle. Brandon defeated.

0d 5h 56m We send out Turtwig. Turtwig takes out the Wurple with a few Tackles. Turtwig grew to Lv 17. We ponder a move learn for a moment, then decide that Turtwig forgets Withdraw and learns Curse.

0d 5h 54m We sneak past a Bug Catcher, only to double back and get spotted. Challenged by Bug Cather Brandon. His Wurple defeats Kricketot with Poison Sting and some extra poison damage.

0d 5h 53m We pick up an Awakening that was lying right on the beaten path.

0d 5h 52m We switch out Kricketot for Turtwig. Budew uses Absorb to minimal effect. Turtwig takes out Budew with a pair of Tackles. Kricketot grew to Lv 8. Taylor sends out Cherubi. Turtwig defeats the Cherubi with a few tackles. Taylor defeated.

0d 5h 50m We are spotted by Aroma Lady Taylor. Budew vs Kricketot. Kricketot starts with Bide, while Budew performs Growth and Absorb. Kricketot unleashes enrgey and starts another bide while Budew continues growing, with an interspersed Water Spout.

0d 5h 48m We pick up a Potion near a set of smashable rocks. We clear our Poketch's step counter. We smash a rock. We proceed out the upper path exit.

0d 5h 46m We step into the Ravanged Path, then step out to the natural light. We boot up HM6. We teach AA-k Rock Smash. We reenter the path.

0d 5h 43m Lass Samantha asks us for a battle. We oblige. Budew vs Kricketot. Gudew uses growth; Kricketot uses Growl. We switch out Kricketot for Turtwig. Budew continues growing. Turtwig takes out Budew with a pair of tackles. Kricketot grew to Lv 7!. Samantha defeated.

0d 5h 39m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Budew. Caught a male Lv. 4 Budew! Nickname: A..... Sent to Box 1.

0d 5h 35m Kricketot takes out a wild Starly by itself using only Bide. Kricketot grew to Lv 6.

0d 5h 32m We read a sign that tells us to get to Jubilife. Youngster Tyler challenges us with the Magikarp that his father gave him. Magikarp vs. Kricketot. Kricketot uses Bide; Magikarp uses splash. Seeing that the opponent is a master of prediction, we switch out Kricketot for Turtwig, who defeats the Magikarp with a pair of tackles. Tyler defeated.

0d 5h 30m We continue to Route 204. We are challenged by Lass Sarah. Her shinx and ARRL trade tackles; the shinx out-tackles our ARRL. ARRL faints. We send out our own Shinx. The two shinx continue to trade tackles. Shinx faints. We send in Turtwig who finishes off the opposing Shinx with a Tackle. Sarah defeated.

0d 5h 27m Lucas shares that the grunts were attempting to steal Rowan's research on Pokémon Evolution. Rowan and Lucas walk off. A random bystander was so impressed with our performance in that battle that he gives us a Fashion Case.

0d 5h 25m Stunky and Glameow vs AA-k and Lucas's Piplup. Piplup suffers Poison, and AA-k is knocked out. Piplup lands a critical Pound on Glameow. We send out Turtwig. Turtwig uses Razor Leaf, defeating the Glameow. Piplup uses Pound landing a critical hit on Stunky. Piplup faints to the damage from poison. Turtwig finishes off the Stunky with a Tackle. Turtwig grew to Lv 16 Grunts defeated.

0d 5h 23m We walk to the city's north exit, and encounter Rowan scolding some mystery men. Rowan insults their fashion, then sends Lucas and us to battle the two Galactic Grunts.

0d 5h 20m We reach Jubilife City. Looker spots us. He inquires whether we have a Pal Pad, says that there appear to be no shady characters in Jubilife, then runs off.

0d 5h 18m We head back into the grass, then walk south a we find an X Defend. We jump the ledge just south of the X Defend.

0d 5h 12m We emerge out the other side of the gate, on Route 203. We walk through some grass and We pick up a Repel

0d 5h 10m We try to leave the city to the east, but Diamond walks into us from behind. He says something quickly, then runs off ahead to the Oreburgh Gate. We follow, though we display no haste.

0d 5h 6m One of the people staring at the coal cube says that coal really is as black as they say. We leave the museum.

0d 5h 2m We talk to the two people behind the counter. One calmly welcomes us to the museum, while the other rants mad-scientest-like about how close he is to achieving fossil extraction.

0d 4h 59m We save just outside of the museum, then enter. We join the group of people who are staring intently at a giant block of coal.

0d 4h 53m We enter the Mart with ₽2522. We buy 6 Poké Balls, and 6 Poké Balls. We ask about Potions, but can't afford anything else. We leave with ₽122.

0d 4h 52m We walk towards the Mart. We look at the Pokedex again, although with more varied reading this time. We scroll as far down as Bellsprout before putting the Pokedex away.

0d 4h 47m We listen to a gentleman who shares rumors that hes heard about some Team Galactic group. We leave the center.

0d 4h 45m Our options include an enabled "Start = X" button setting. We heal.

0d 4h 43m We investigate the Poké Center's bookshelf, but don't find anything noteworthy. We save.

0d 4h 41m We read Squirtle's dex entry. Then we listen to Bulbasaur's cry.

0d 4h 39m We step inside the Poké Center, then step out just enough to not be blocking the entryway to look at our Pokedex again. We reenter the Poké Center and head to the Bookshelf and look at the empty dex entry for Venusaur.

0d 4h 37m We continue listening to the cries of Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard. These foreign Pokémon sure are interesting.

0d 4h 34m We look at our Pokedex, and read Red's entries about Charmander and Charmeleon.

0d 4h 33m We walk back into the gym. The gym guide asks us if his advice was helpful. Considering that we never received advice from him, no it was not. We walk back out of the gym.

0d 4h 31m We head towards the exit of the gym, opening the menu every other step. We reach the southern wall, and walk along the wall, still opening the menu repeatedly, until we leave the gym.

0d 4h 29m Roark sends out Cranidos, and taunts us saying "You think you can take out this Pokémon like the last one?" We proceed to do so, taking out Cranidos with two Razor Leaves. Roark Defeated. Received the Coal Badge. Received TM76: Stealth Rock.

0d 4h 27m Roark sends out Onix. Onix starts with Stealth Rock. Turtwig uses Razor Leaf to lower Onix to Red health. Roark uses a Potion. Turtwig defeats Onix with his next Razor Leaf. Turtwig grew to Lv 15.

0d 4h 26m We send out Turtwig. Turtwig takes out Geodude with Razor Leaf. Turtwig grew to Lv 14.

0d 4h 26m We send out Shinx. Geodude 1HKOS Shinx with Rock Throw.

0d 4h 25m Vs. Leader Roark. AA-k vs Geodude. AA-k misses his tackle. Geodude uses Rock Throw, and AA-k faints.

0d 4h 24m We walk up halfway the stairs to Roark's platform, then detour west, then head north and proceed to rub our face against the northern wall. We eventually find the one tile gap back to the main path, but overshoot and hit the eastern wall. We return to the path, then head south, before heading north.

[info] ₽698 | Balls: 1 | Pokedex: 260 / 350 / 251

AA-k““V (Bidoof) ♂ [None] Lv.7 Tackle / Growl
AARRRRRLL (Starly) ♂ [None] Lv.3 Tackle / Growl
Kricketot ♂ [None] Lv.5 Growl / Bide
Shinx ♀ [None] Lv.3 Tackle
AA (Kricketot) ♀ [None] Lv.4 Growl / Bide
Turtwig ♂ [None] Lv.13 Tackle / Withdraw / Absorb / Razor Leaf

0d 4h 21m We send out Turtwig. Turtwig uses its new Razor Leaf technique to take out the Geodude. Darius sends out Onix, which is 1KHOed by Absorb. Darius defeated.

0d 4h 20m We look in our bag. We consider using an X Attack, but ultimately don't. AA uses bide again. Geodude uses tackle twice. AA faints before it gets to unleash energy.

0d 4h 19m AA uses Bide. Geodude Tackes, then Defense Curls. AA unleashes energy. Geodude tackles again. We use a Dire Hit on AA, while Geodude repeats a Defense Curl. Geodude is barely at above half health, while AA is at 6/17 HP.

0d 4h 16m We walk up to the second gym trainer. Vs. Youngster Darius. We send out AA-k to start, then switch to AA the Kricketot. Geodude uses defense curl while AA uses Growl.

0d 4h 15m Geodude uses Defense Curl. We try to run again. Turtwig uses Absorb, which lowers Geodude to red health. Geodude Defense Curls again. A second absorb kos the Geodude. AA-k grew to Lv 7. Turtwig grew to Lv 13. Turtwig learned Razor Leaf Johnathan defeated.

0d 4h 13m We try to find another HP/PP Restore item to use, but find nothing. We try to run, but there's no running from a trainer battle. We switch out Turtwig.

0d 4h 11m We read a sign, telling us that this is the Oreburgh Gym. We enter. The first gm trainer spots us. Vs. Youngster Johnathan and his Geodude. We open by using a potion on AA-k. Geodude tackles to inflict more damge than we healed.

0d 4h 10m We leave the Poké Center. We head west towards the center of the city.

0d 4h 9m We leave the mine. We head to the Oreburgh Poké Center. We look at the flowers at the end of the reception desk. We pass the desk and approach the PC, only to flee to the opposite corner. A trainer tells us how to use the PC to store Pokémon.

0d 4h 1m We encounter a wild Onix. We tag out AA-k and send in AARRRRRLL. The Onix binds AARRRRRLL to prevent escape. AARRRRRLL growls a few times in retaliation. AARRRRRLL faints. We're unable to escape, and send in Turtwig. Turtwig tackles a few times to minimal effect, before switching to Absorb and KOing the Onix.

0d 3h 54m We try to walk up some stairs while under a conveyer belt, but apparently we can't fit under the belt and the high ground.

0d 3h 51m We hang out in a corner between some crates and an item ball. We pick up a Poké Ball.

0d 3h 49m We encounter a few wild Pokémon, but run from each one.

0d 3h 45m We switch the Poketch to the calculator app, and make it repeatedly play Jynx's cry. We delve back down the mine.

0d 3h 43m We walk up to a pile of dirt. We find a hidden Heart Scale. We pick up a not-hidden Dire Hit. Then we pick up a not-hidden Yellow Shard.

0d 3h 41m We poke the images of, and hear the cries of, AA-k and Shinx on our Poketch while heading south towards the mines.

0d 3h 40m We walk into the Poké Center and slowly approach the nurse. We heal. We more quickly run out of the Poké Center.

0d 3h 39m We move AA-k the Bidoof to the front of our party.

0d 3h 38m We look at our trainer card. We save. We look at our trainer card again.

0d 3h 35m We exit the mine, returning to Oreburgh proper.

0d 3h 33m AARRRRRLL faints to a wild Onix's Bind.

[Info] The current Pokedex caught/seen/total count is 260/350/493.

0d 3h 28m We find Roark demonstrating Rock Smash. He tells us the we could do this to with one simple trick: by obtaining his badge. He heads back to his gym.

0d 3h 26m We pick up a potion

0d 3h 25m [Meta] The Live Updater is going dark for now. For any updates, check the #stream-feed channel on the Discord server.

0d 3h 21m Kricketot is knocked out by a wild Onix's Rock Throw!

0d 3h 17m Exited the center then went straight down to the Oreburgh Mine.

0d 3h 16m We enter the Oreburgh Pokémon Center, effectively checkpointing there! We also heal our team!

0d 3h 14m A boy escorts us to the gym and upon arriving there, Diamond is standing in front of the gym entrance.

0d 3h 13m Entered Oreburgh City for the first time!

0d 3h 12m Bidoof goes down to a few Absorbs and a Tackle. Turtwig grows to Lv. 12!

0d 3h 11m Heading closer to the east exit, Picnicker Diana stops us with her Bidoof.

0d 3h 10m Shinx is next, which quickly goes down to a Tackle and two Absorbs.

0d 3h 9m Turtwig attacks Starly a few times, knocking it out. Turtwig reaches Lv. 11!

0d 3h 8m Kricketot uses Bide but it goes down before using it.

0d 3h 7m As we go east, Camper Curtis interrupts the trip there with a battle.

0d 3h 5m A Hiker stops us and gives us HM06 Rock Smash!

0d 3h 4m Entered the Oreburgh Gate.

0d 3h 1m Another Absorb takes out Machop, which led to winning.

0d 3h 1m Turtwig is up next, it tanks the Low Kicks and follows up with two Absorbs. Then Turtwig is healed by a Potion.

0d 2h 59m Shinx is sent out, it tackles Machop twice then gets one shot by Low Kick. Shinx fainted!

0d 2h 58m Machop uses Leer, followed by a Low Kick, taking out Bidoof!

0d 2h 57m Youngster Sebastian challenges us to a battle! He sends out Machop, his only Pokémon.

0d 2h 55m Bidoof is sent out, then Shinx uses 2 Leers then goes down to two Tackles from Bidoof, winning the battle.

0d 2h 53m Starly goes down to two Tackles from Shinx.

0d 2h 52m Starly is sent out next. It takes the Tackle well due to Shinx's debuffed Attack.

0d 2h 51m Bide fails due to Shinx using Leer, and Kricketot goes down to Tackle!

0d 2h 50m Kricketot is sent out and uses Growl 4 times in a row, while Shinx is using Tackle to whittle down Kricketot's health.

0d 2h 49m Youngster Dallas spots us and issues a battle!

0d 2h 48m Coming back to Route 203.

0d 2h 44m Exited the Pokémon Center and headed back into the city.

0d 2h 42m Numbers were inputted in the Pokétch's calculator. Cries such as Mewtwo, Taillow, and Bulbasaur were heard after pressing the equals button.

0d 2h 38m We enter the center then we heal our team!

0d 2h 36m Kricketot's cry is continuously playing on the Pokétch, followed by saving the game.

0d 2h 33m Entering Jubilife City.

0d 2h 30m Kricketot faints!

0d 2h 28m Bidoof faints!

0d 2h 26m Caught a male Lv. 4 Kricketot! No nickname. It joins our party, bringing us to a full six Pokémon.

0d 2h 25m Caught a female Lv. 4 Kricketot! Nickname: AA. It joins our party.

0d 2h 24m We use a Potion! Bidoof is back to full health.

0d 2h 22m Back out on Route 203.

0d 2h 16m Bought two Poké Balls, one Potion, and two Antidotes. We head back outside.

0d 2h 15m Bought another Air Mail.

0d 2h 8m We enter the Poké Mart. We buy 4 Air Mails!

0d 2h 5m We create a group! We harness all our creativity and call it C.

0d 2h 4m Diamond seems just as confused as we are. He runs away, and we run back to Jubilife City.

0d 2h 3m We send out our last mon, Bidoof. Chimchar uses Tackle, but it's not quite enough, and the level 2 Bidoof gets the victory! Bidoof reaches Lv. 5! Bidoof learns Growl! Defeated Rival Diamond!

0d 2h 2m After a lot of Leers, Chimchar uses Scratch! We just barely survive again...but so does Chimchar, and on the next Scratch Shinx faints!

0d 2h 2m We send out Shinx. Chimchar starts using Leer again as we get a crit Tackle.

0d 2h 1m We get Chimchar's attack down a few stages, enough to barely survive a Scratch. With another Scratch, Starly faints!

0d 2h 0m We chip away at Chimchar's health, but Turtwig faints to a crit Scratch. Next out is Starly. Chimchar uses Leer as we Growl.

0d 1h 59m Starly spams a lot of Growl, with the occasional Quick Attack. We use our standard Tackle spam for awhile, then try out Absorb. After a lot of turns Starly goes down! Next out is Chimchar.

0d 1h 57m We step onto Route 203. Vs. Diamond! He sends Starly against our Turtwig.

0d 1h 55m In return for our coupons three, we receive the Pokétch! Chat tests out their new technology.

0d 1h 53m After a long quest, the last clown grants us mercy. Received Coupon 2.

0d 1h 53m We pick up a Potion!

0d 1h 45m Another clown judges our soul, deeming us worthy. Received Coupon 3.

0d 1h 44m We pass the first Trial of the Clown. Received Coupon 1.

0d 1h 43m On our way out of the Trainer School, a man stops us to tell us about a Pokétch promotion! We have to talk to three clowns to get it.

0d 1h 39m Picked up an X Attack.

0d 1h 38m We talk to Diamond. We trade him the Parcel for the Town Map. He rushes off again.

0d 1h 36m Harrison uses an X Attack on his Starly; we stick to our classic Tackle spam. Defeated School Kid Harrison!

0d 1h 36m After doing some laps across the city, we stop by the Trainers' School. Vs. School Kid Harrison!

0d 1h 32m Checkpointed in Jubilife City! We bump into the PC, and the noise scares us so badly we leave without healing.

0d 1h 28m We encounter Lucas, who starts to give us a tour...except that Looker stops us. He gives us the Vs. Recorder and runs off.

0d 1h 27m Arrived in Jubilife City. We hide in the corner, which turns out to be a good idea-- we pick up a hidden Stardust!

0d 1h 26m Looks like our Tackle is better. Turtwig reaches Lv. 9! Turtwig learned Absorb! Defeated Youngster Logan!

0d 1h 26m Vs. Youngster Logan! He sends out Burmy against Turtwig. We both start spamming Tackle.

0d 1h 19m Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed at Sandgem Town! We heal!

0d 1h 19m We buy one Poké Ball! We head back outside.

0d 1h 17m We run away to Sandgem Town, stopping by the mart.

0d 1h 15m With just 2 HP left, Starly takes Bidoof down! Starly reaches Lv. 3! Defeated Lass Natalie! We hop over a ledge in joy.

0d 1h 14m We send out Starly and start spamming Growl. Bidoof keeps using Tackle.

0d 1h 14m After a few hits, Shinx faints!

0d 1h 13m We send out Shinx and miss our very first Tackle. Bidoof uses Growl.

0d 1h 13m We get a Tackle in before Turtwig faints!

0d 1h 13m Vs. Lass Natalie! She sends out Bidoof.

0d 1h 12m We both spam Tackle; Turtwig barely out-tackles Starly with low health. Defeated Youngster Tristan!

0d 1h 12m Vs. Youngster Tristan! He sends out Starly.

0d 1h 10m Caught a female Lv. 3 Shinx! No nickname. It joins the party.

0d 1h 9m We use that Potion from earlier on Starly.

[Snark] Quick, hide the Starly and Bidoof where he can't see them!

0d 1h 6m Lucas gives us five Poké Balls to "get us started."

0d 1h 5m Back to Route 202! Lucas is ready to give us that tutorial now.

0d 1h 3m Back to Sandgem Town.

0d 1h 1m We talk to a Poké Mart cashier. He gives us a Potion!

0d 1h 1m Turtwig reaches Lv. 8!

0d 0h 57m Back on Route 201. We've run out of Poké Balls.

0d 0h 54m We talk to Mom and we heal! We tell her about the journey we're headed on, and Diamond's mom stops by to visit too. Picked up the Parcel (and the Journal). We'd better deliver that to Diamond.

0d 0h 54m We visit our house, walk right past our mom, and sit down to watch TV.

0d 0h 50m Back to Twinleaf Town.

0d 0h 47m We throw a lot of Poké Balls at a wild Kricketot before running away. Down to 4 Poké Balls and that Premier Ball.

0d 0h 43m Caught a male Lv. 2 Bidoof! Nickname: AA-k""V. It joins our party too.

0d 0h 42m Caught a male Lv. 2 Starly! Nickname: AARRRRRLL. We add it to our party.

0d 0h 40m Back to Route 201.

0d 0h 37m Something's buried in the sand. Picked up an Antidote!

0d 0h 37m We visit Route 219. The sand is so pretty here.

0d 0h 35m We step onto Route 202! Wait, no, Lucas reminds us that we forgot to tell Mom where we went. Back to Sandgem Town.

0d 0h 33m Lucas takes us on a tour around town. As soon as he looks away, we stop by the the Poké Mart. Bought 17 Poké Balls! Received 1 Premier Ball!

0d 0h 32m Rowan forgot to give us something...Received TM27 Return!

[Info] Looks like we declined to name Turtwig.

0d 0h 30m Professor Rowan wants to entrust us with the Pokédex! ... We say no. Twice. Eventually we get the hint and take it. Received the Pokédex!

0d 0h 29m Arrived at Sandgem Town! We bump into Diamond, who rushes off. Lucas takes us into Professor Rowan's lab.

0d 0h 27m We defeat our first two encounters, a Bidoof and a Kricketot. Turtwig reaches Lv. 7!

0d 0h 24m Arrived at Lake Verity. There's some creepy guy monologuing by the lake; he says his name is Cyrus or something? That probably won't come up again. Anyway, Diamond realizes we don't have any Poké Balls, so we have to go visit the Professor first.

0d 0h 23m We head back to Route 201! We try to head right, but Diamond grabs us and drags us west, towards Verity Lakefront.

0d 0h 21m Back at home, we receive the Running Shoes! Professor Rowan wants to see us.

0d 0h 20m Diamond really, really loves the move Leer. Without taking any damage, Rival Diamond is defeated! Turtwig reaches Lv. 6!

0d 0h 19m Chimchar starts using Leer and we spam Withdraw. After a few turns we select Tackle.

0d 0h 18m Caught a Lv. 5 Turtwig! Vs. Diamond!

0d 0h 16m Arrived on Route 201. Diamond starts to teach us how to use Pokémon ... but Prof. Rowan stops us! We tell him we love Pokémon and he prepares to entrust us with our own!

0d 0h 10m We try to leave town, but our neighbor stops us, reminding us that Diamond is waiting in his house.

0d 0h 8m We leave our house, starting our journey...and then head right back inside. Too chilly out!

0d 0h 5m We make it into the naming screen! We're a girl named .iecbw! Our rival is named Diamond!

0d 0h 0m Gauntlet Platinum has begun! We're immediately trapped in the instructions.

[Info] Gauntlet Platinum will begin in 10 minutes!

[Info] The live updater will cover Gauntlet Platinum, which is starting in half an hour.