Updater archive for #14gevpff3p1gs

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The Gauntlet - Blaze Black 2

[Info] Gauntlet X begins Sunday, May 3rd at 21:00 UTC! Or almost exactly 6 days from now. In the meantime, our intermission will be Bravely Default. Have fun, everyone!

Link to next updater archive

[Info] Nope, Saltybet.

[Info] ...oh, hey, it's Barbie Horse Racing.

[Info] Stream's down right now. Intermission is coming, but for now we're watching Saltybet.

14d 23h 40m We reach the end of the credits, serenaded by a sweet music box....and then the first note of Born to Lose plays before the stream goes down. Good night, everyone.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VERY LATE VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

14d 23h 34m The credits start playing! The Elite Four is here for some reason.

14d 23h 32m Defeated Trainer Red! (the one from 2014). The Hall of Fame plays.

14d 23h 31m Defeated AJ. Vs. Red right now.

14d 23h 26m Quick update: we defeated the PWT Gauntlet and are currently defeating the original Season 1 gauntlet; Vs. AJ right now.

[Meta] While we're out here, the Live Updater will be going dark for awhile. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

14d 9h 9m We visit Route 6 for a bit to clear our heads.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #23.

14d 9h 5m We apply a Max Ether to Milotic's Surf, then use Thunderbolt to KO Lumineon. Weavile is sent out. We try to use a move, but it uses Brick Break. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 9h 4m Vs. Trainer .iecbw! Attempt #7. We put Lumineon to sleep; it's just a 47 HP Darkrai vs. the world right now...

14d 9h 4m We hit some pretty serious lag as we dig through the bag, running back and forth...

[Fluff] n's sprite appeared briefly in the crowd, but as soon as we opened our bag and looked away briefly she was gone...

14d 9h 0m We save! Current time: 338:33.

14d 8h 59m We let Whiscash sleep for a bit before taking it down. Aggron is sent out and we sleep it to break Bad Dreams before using Thunderbolt and Aggron goes down. Defeated Trainer n!

14d 8h 57m Darkrai's our last Pokémon. Dark Void misses and we take a Petal Dance to the face. Next turn it hits and we set up once before using Dark Pulse. Sableye comes out and we try to use an Old Gateau and clutch a Brick Break to KO with Dark Pulse. We OHKO Dustox too.

14d 8h 56m Bellossom comes out and we land a Rock Slide and take a Petal Dance. We Earthquake next turn and another Petal Dance hits; Krookodile faints!

14d 8h 55m Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #14. Krookodile vs. Camerupt. We Earthquake and OHKO.

14d 8h 54m We send out Darkrai and use a single Dark Pulse and Entei goes down. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 8h 53m Entei uses Fire Blast and we respond with Drain Punch, getting a crit. Another Fire Blast and we Thunderbolt, and it barely survives. Another Fire Blast and Eelektross faints!

14d 8h 52m We send out Eelektross and the bear's faster and lands a Strength but we use Drain Punch and take it down with most our health left. Entei is sent out.

14d 8h 51m Ursaring is sent out and we use Recover and lands a Strength crit...again. We Surf it to half health and it uses Cut for disrespect. Milotic faints!

14d 8h 50m Surf finishes Machamp off and Steelix is sent out. We use Surf but Sturdy activates and it uses Earthquake, putting us below half health. We Surf again to take it down.

14d 8h 49m We get Machamp down to half with Ice Beam before it uses Cross Chop. Porygon-Z faints! We bring Milotic back out.

14d 8h 48m We switch into Porygon-Z and choice Ice Beam. Meganium lives but sets up Solarbeam and next turn we take it down.

14d 8h 46m Politoed clutches a round of Toxic and we use Recover but it gets a crit anyway. We're at 225 HP as Politoed faints. Meganium's sent out and we bring out Landorus but instead of Solarbeam we get hit by Razor Leaf and Landorus faints!

14d 8h 45m We Ice Beam and Politoed uses Attract. Everybody settles down for some advanced stall tactics.

14d 8h 44m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #23. Landorus is still alive but we switch out to Milotic immediately and Politoed misses a Whirlpool, and we use Toxic and it Surfs.

14d 8h 42m We take Vileplume out with Fly. We Brick Break Dodrio but use Bulk Up on the Fly burn, and it hits...leaving us with 4 HP. We Fly and it uses Tri Attack on the empty air so we take it out. Rhydon is sent out and we take it out with EQ. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 8h 41m Vs. Trainer Red! Swift into Bulk Up into Explosion into an empty Earthquake. Poliwrath is sent out and we use Fly which KOs. Rapidash is sent out and uses Fire Blast and we retaliate with Earthquake, taking it down.

14d 8h 39m Booted up an HM. Milotic relearns Surf over Scald!

14d 8h 37m PWT Attempt #24 Start!

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #23.

14d 8h 33m Weavile uses Brick Break and gets a crit. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 8h 32m Vs. Trainer .iecbw! Attempt #6. We use Dark Void and next turn we Nasty Plot, and...then inputs freeze. Oh, they're back and we use Thunderbolt, taking Lumineon down. Weavile is sent out...

14d 8h 31m Dark Pulse takes out Aggron. Defeated Trainer n!

14d 8h 30m Dark Pulse KOs, and then we OHKO Dustox as well. Whiscash is sent out and we also OHKO, and then Aggron is sent out. We use Dark Void and Bad Dreams breaks its Sturdy.

14d 8h 30m Dark Void hits and we set up a Nasty Plot. Sableye keeps sleeping...

14d 8h 29m Only Darkrai is left. We use Dark Void for the Bad Dreams faint rare line. Sableye comes out next and we use Nasty Plot, and it uses Brick Break.

14d 8h 27m Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #13. Camerupt vs. Krookodile, and we OHKO with Earthquake. Bellossom is sent out and we use Rock Slide and survive a Petal Dance to use Crunch, but it survives and hits us again; Krookodile faints!

14d 8h 26m Entei hane a rest, and we put it to sleep before using Dark Pulse to put it at half HP. Another Dark Pulse and Entei goes down. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 8h 25m We send out Darkrai and use Dark Pulse. Ursaring clutches but it flinches and we take it down next turn. The last Pokémon is Entei.

14d 8h 24m We send out Eelektross and have a Strength/Drain Punch showdown for awhile--wait, no, Strength crits this turn and Eelektross faints!

14d 8h 23m Ursaring is sent out. We use Recover but it gets a Slash crit and Milotic faints!

14d 8h 22m We Recover and Steelix gets a hit on us from EQ. Scald brings it to 1 HP and Sturdy and we take another Earthquake and then Scald to finish the job.

14d 8h 21m We switch out of Milotic as Politoed goes down, then bring out Porygon-Z to take out Meganium; Machamp comes out next and we get it to half health with Ice Beam before Porygon-Z faints! We bring Milotic back and take a Karate Chop before taking Machamp down. Rocky is sent out.

14d 8h 17m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #22. We open with Recover and Politoed uses Attract. After a few Waterfalls and attracted turns, we manage to land a Toxic and it's all stalling from here.

14d 8h 15m We bring out Milotic. Fly cuts us to half health but we KO with Ice Beam. We Recover against Rhydon and it hits us back to about half health, so we just use Scald. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 8h 14m We take out Vileplume with Fly and then Brick Break Dodrio, then it uses...uh, Tri Attack. Landorus faints!

14d 8h 13m Rapidash comes out and uses Fire Blast and we KO it with Earthquake.

14d 8h 12m Swift into Bulk Up into, uh...into the game freezing for a bit. It comes back and we do a Swift/Bulk Up round again. One more Swift into Earthquake. Poliwrath is sent out and our Fly hits this time, taking it out.

14d 8h 11m PWT Attempt #23 Start! Vs. Trainer Red!

14d 8h 8m We wander Driftveil City for a bit...Picked up a Covenant Ore!

14d 8h 8m We buy 100 Full Restores and head outside.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #22.

14d 8h 5m Nasty Plot again, and Overheat actually hits this time. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 8h 4m Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #12. We use Nasty Plot and evade Overheat.

14d 8h 4m Dark Pulse takes down Ursaring. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 8h 2m Steelix sleeps. We set up a second Nasty Plot and then Dark Pulse. Steelix goes down and Ursaring comes out.

14d 8h 2m Entei's a sleepy puppy. We set up one Nasty Plot before Bad Dreams KOs. Steelix is sent out and Dark Void misses and it lands an Iron Tail.

14d 8h 0m We send out Porygon-Z and take down Machamp, then Entei puts us to half health with Fire Blast; we respond with Tri Attack, and then next turn another Fire Blast hits and Porygon-Z faints! Only Darkrai is left.

14d 8h 0m Machamp is sent out and we use Earthquake before it uses Cross Chop and Krookodile faints!

14d 7h 59m Ice Beam barely doesn't KO, and Milotic faints from Solarbeam. Krookodile is sent out and uses Crunch to finish the job.

14d 7h 58m Meganium is sent out and we use Ice Beam, and Meganium charges up Solarbeam...

14d 7h 57m On Politoed's last round, we manage to use Recover. We're left with 182 HP as Politoed goes down from poison.

14d 7h 56m After a few rounds we manage to Recover, and Politoed gets a Waterfall crit. Oh, and we're still trapped by Whirlpool. We take another few rounds of damage...

14d 7h 55m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #21. We open with Recover this time and Politoed uses Whirlpool, and next turn we Toxic and it uses Attract. We sit down for a few rounds of stalling.

14d 7h 54m Fly crits, but we survive and take Dodrio down with Scald. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 7h 53m We take Vileplume out with Ice Beam. Dodrio is sent out and hits us with a Fly and clutches our Ice Beam. It uses Fly again and we Recover.

14d 7h 51m Rapidash gets us to 2/3 health before we take it down with Scald. Vileplume is sent out.

14d 7h 51m We take down Rhydon but Eelektross faints to Rapidash's Fire Blast. Milotic is sent out.

14d 7h 48m Fly misses and Poliwrath uses Ice Beam; Landorus faints! We send out Eelektross and take care of Poliwrath, then start laying into Rhydon with Thunderbolt. It spams Rock Slide in response.

14d 7h 46m PWT Attempt #22 Start! Vs. Trainer Red! Orb vs. Lando again. Swift into Bulk Up into Explosion, which doesn't crit this time. Poli comes out and we Fly.

14d 7h 41m Booted up a TM...We teach Darkrai Thunderbolt over Psychic!

14d 7h 32m We talk to a clerk in the Farmer's Market. Received an Expert Belt!

14d 7h 27m We try to buy more Poké Balls, but we can't hold any more. We buy one lonely Full Heal!

14d 7h 26m We buy 8 more Poké Balls and then talk to a nearby woman about Heartbreaker Charles.

14d 7h 25m We buy 34 Poké Balls and receive 1 Premier Ball!

14d 7h 23m We buy 4 more Poké Balls!

14d 7h 22m We briefly switch cashiers...We buy 2 Red Shards!

[Chat] tppsimulator: Kappa so angry turn on Challenge mode

14d 7h 21m We buy 43 Poké Balls, 22 Great Balls, and 100 Revives! We receive 3 Premier Balls!

14d 7h 21m We buy...uh, a whole lot of stuff, total coming...

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #21.

14d 7h 18m Weavile is sent out and moves first with Brick Break. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 7h 18m Inputs briefly crash but when they come back we use Dark Pulse, taking Giratina out.

14d 7h 18m Another Nasty Plot. Inputs lag as AK wakes up and uses Dragon Claw again, putting us at red health.

14d 7h 17m We use a Full Restore on Darkrai and then use Dark Void, putting Giratina to sleep. We set up a Nasty Plot.

14d 7h 16m We send out Krookodile. We fail a Rock Slide and get hit by another Shadow Force. Dragon Claw hits and Krookodile faints!

14d 7h 16m Giratina is sent out and uses Shadow Force; Eelektross faints!

14d 7h 14m Altaria is sent out. It sets up a Dragon Dance and we Drain Punch but it's not very effective. Another Dragon Dance into Thunderbolt, and it uses Fly. We take it down with Thunderbolt.

14d 7h 14m Vs. Trainer .iecbw! Attempt #5, Lumineon vs. Eelektross. It goes first with Surf and we Thunderbolt, taking it down.

14d 7h 10m We run to the corner and dig through our TMs.

14d 7h 6m We OHKO it with another Earthquake. Dustox is sent out and that goes down to Earthquake too. Defeated Trainer n!

14d 7h 5m Aggron is sent out. It survives Earthquake thanks to Sturdy and misses its Iron Tail, and we take it out with another Earthquake. Sableye is sent out.

14d 7h 5m We use a Full Restore on Krookodile. We survive Dive and use Earthquake, taking Whiscash out.

14d 7h 3m We send out Krookodile and Bellossom survives Crunch to Petal Dance, which we barely survive. We finish it off next turn. Whiscash comes out and we use Earthquake, but it lives. It uses Dive.

14d 7h 1m We keep stalling with Recover for awhile. Petal Dance ends and Bellossom's confused again. We use Ice Beam and Bellossom just doesn't care about confusion, smacking us again; Milotic faints!

14d 7h 0m We Recover and Bellossom breaks through its confusion to Giga Drain. Another Recover and Bellossom snaps out of confusion and just goes right back to dancing...

14d 6h 59m We use Recover and Bellossom starts using Petal Dance. We keep spamming Recover and are almost at full health again next turn thanks to Leftovers, and then Petal Dance hits again and Belossom's confused now.

14d 6h 59m Vs. Trainer n! Camerupt vs. Milotic; we OHKO with Scald. Bellossom is sent out.

14d 6h 57m We OHKO with Dark Pulse. Steelix is sent out and we sleep it and break Sturdy with Bad Dreams, but it lives Dark Pulse anyway...and misses Iron Tail. We finish it with Psychic and then Ursaring goes down to Dark Pulse. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 6h 56m We take down Meganium with Dark Pulse. Machamp is sent out but that gets OHKO'd by Psychic. Entei is sent out.

14d 6h 54m After a long, long time, Politoed faints. Meganium is sent out and we switch to Darkrai. Meganium charges up a Solarbeam and our Dark Void misses so we're sent below half health. We sleep it anyway and set up some Nasty Plots.

14d 6h 52m We take a few hits before managing to Recover. Politoed just keeps on spamming water moves.

14d 6h 52m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #21. We open with Toxic and Politoed uses Attract.

14d 6h 51m Dodrio thaws and lands another Fly on us before we finish it with Scald. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 6h 50m Fly puts us at half health before we Ice Beam Dodrio. It lives but is frozen. We use Recover.

14d 6h 49m A turn later and Porygon-Z faints! We send out Milotic and KO with Ice Beam. Rhydon is sent out and we KO that too. Dodrio is sent out.

14d 6h 47m We send out Porygon-Z and take Rapidash out with Tri Attack, after taking a Fire Blast first. Vileplume is sent out and we get it to low health and it uses Stun Spore; Pory is paralyzed.

[Fluff] Since we lost to Red, his Pokémon's names have failed to load correctly; they're just species names now.

[Dev] M4_used_Rollout: I told you it'd break

14d 6h 46m Rapidash uses Fire Blast and Landorus faints!

14d 6h 44m Vs. Trainer Red! Swift into Bulk Up, into Explosion which crits. Poliwrath is sent out and we OHKO with Fly.

14d 6h 43m PWT Attempt #21 Start!

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #20.

14d 6h 41m Skip forward a minute or so... Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 6h 40m We send out Darkrai and decide that regular Poké Balls are working just fine. Rapidash uses Stomp a bunch of times.

14d 6h 38m After a lot of Poké Balls, Krookodile faints! It's down to Darkrai now.

14d 6h 37m Eventually, Milotic faints! We send out Krookodile and switch to regular Poké Balls. Rapidash traps us in a Fire Spin.

14d 6h 35m We send out Milotic and literal-throw some more. Oh hey, it's with Ultra Balls this time. Rapidash gets another crit Body Slam.

14d 6h 33m We send out Porygon-Z and dodge a Fire Blast and choice into Ice Beam. We decide to turn our throwing into literal throwing, tossing a bunch of Dusk Balls. Pony starts using Body Slam and gets a crit paralyze; we throw another Dusk Ball and Stomp hits and Porygon-Z faints!

[Chat] tppsimulator: Well lets die to be P

14d 6h 33m We send out Eelektross and take a Fire Blast, then apply Flamethrower to boost Rapidash with Flash Fire. Next turn Eelektross faints!

14d 6h 31m Swift into Bulk Up into Selfdestruct which crits and gets us to low health. We Earthquake the empty air. Poliwrath is sent out but we OHKO with Fly. Rapidash uses Fire Blast and Landorus faints!

14d 6h 30m PWT Attempt #20 Start! Vs. Trainer Red! Orb vs. Lando.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #19.

14d 6h 26m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #19, Politoed vs. Eelektross. It uses Attract and we can't move, and then it uses Surf and we clutch to use Thunderbolt and Politoed's paralyzed. After a few turns Politoed finally gets a hit off and Eelektross faints! Blacked out!

14d 6h 25m Dodrio spams Fly. We land a Flamethrower. Another Fly into Thunderbolt; Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 6h 24m We start using Drain Punch and take Rhydon out. Down to Dodrio vs. Eelektross now.

14d 6h 22m We send Milotic out and take a Petal Dance before Vileplume hits itself twice and then we Ice Beam it down. We poison Rhydon before Earthquake hits and Milotic faints!

14d 6h 21m Rapidash comes out. Fire Blast into Tri Attack crit. Vileplume is sent out and we Tri Attack; Vileplume uses Stun Spore into Petal Dance and we live with 13 HP but can't move, and next turn Porygon-Z faints!

14d 6h 19m We decide to start switch throwing instead; we bring Krookodile into a Surf and manage an Earthquake before Ice Beam hits. Krookodile faints!

14d 6h 19m We send out Milotic and use Toxic and then fall asleep to Hypnosis. Red says A in apparent confusion.

14d 6h 18m Poliwrath spams Hypnosis for bonus points as we continue to spam move4. After a few turns of sleep it finally uses Surf and Darkrai faints!

14d 6h 16m We send out Darkrai and start spamming items and Move4. Poliwrath helpfully spams Amnesia to make this take longer.

14d 6h 15m Poliwrath comes out and we Bulk up again, and it uses Ice Beam. Landorus faints!

14d 6h 13m PWT Attempt #19 Start! Vs. Trainer Red! Orb vs. Landorus. It Swifts and we Bulk Up, and then another Swift into Earthquake.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #18.

14d 6h 9m Whiscash is sent out and is faster with Waterfall. Thunderbolt still doesn't work on Ground and Whiscash Dives; we use a useless Full Heal for disrespect before Eelektross faints! Blacked out!

14d 6h 8m We use Thunderbolt but it doesn't work. Camel drops our Defense with Rock Smash. Next turn Crunch KOs.

14d 6h 7m We send out Darkrai and Dark Void misses and we take an Earthquake. Nasty Plot into another Earthquake means Darkrai faints! Only Eelektross is left.

14d 6h 6m Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #10. Camerupt vs. Porygon-Z. We Tri Attack and it uses Overheat and Porygon-Z faints!

14d 6h 5m We set up another Nasty Plot and Rocky wakes up, landing an Iron Tail. Dark Pulse takes it out though. Ursaring is sent out and we OHKO. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 6h 3m Entei gets off another Fire Blast and Krookodile faints! We send out Darkrai and put Entei to sleep and start setting up. Two Nasty Plots and then Darkrai faints to Bad Dreams. Steelix is sent out and we sing that a nice friendly lullaby.

14d 6h 3m Krookodile finishes Machamp off and gets a Moxie boost but Entei uses Flamethrower and Krookodile is burned so EQ doesn't OHKO.

14d 6h 0m Meganium is sent out and we freeze it with Ice Beam. It thaws out next turn but charges up Solarbeam and we take it out with yet another Ice Beam. Machamp comes out and we burn it with Scald which activates Guts and after a few turns Milotic faints! We send out Krookodile.

14d 5h 59m We get through a few rounds of Ice Beam/Waterfall before Politoed breaks up the pattern with Attract. We can't move next turn but after that we use Recover and Politoed uses one last Waterfall before poison finishes it.

14d 5h 58m Inputs are lagging a lot, but...Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #18, Politoed vs. Milotic. We Toxic and it Waterfalls, and now it's time to stall for a few turns...

14d 5h 56m Dodrio is sent out and we Fly early, so its Fly hits us and Landorus faints! We send out Pory and get outsped but we choice into Ice Beam. Fly hits us to half health and Ice Beam takes Dodrio out. Rhydon comes out and one Ice Beam means it's Rhydone. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 5h 55m Rapidash is sent out and gets us to low health with Fire Blast. We use Earthquake and KO. Vileplume comes out but we OHKO that with Fly.

14d 5h 54m PWT Attempt #18 Start! We run straight past Red for awhile before doubling back and finding him. Vs. Red! Electrode vs. Landorus. We set up a Bulk Up against Swift and it Selfdestructs. Poliwrath comes out and we use Fly, taking Poliwrath down.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #17.

14d 5h 51m Darkrai is sent out and finishes off Bellossom but we Dark Pulse next and get taken out; Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 5h 48m Vs. Trainer n! Camerupt vs. Porygon-Z. We choice into Shadow Ball and it uses Overheat, putting us at half health. We finish the job and Sableye is sent out, and gets us down to 2 HP as we spam but we get it down. Bellossom is sent out and we get in a hit before it Giga Drains our 2 HP up and Porygon-Z faints!

14d 5h 46m We take out Rocky and Ursaring is sent out; it goes first with Strength and we Flamethrower. Strength again and we Drain Punch and then we take another Strength and Eelektross faints! We finish the job with Darkrai. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 5h 45m We take out Entei with low HP remaining, then use Dragon Claw on Rocky before it takes us out; Krookodile faints! We send out Eelektross.

14d 5h 43m We send out Krookodile and use crunch, starting a Moxie chain. We take out Machamp with Earthquake and Entei is sent out, landing a Fire Blast as we Crunch.

14d 5h 42m After a few turns of all that, Politoed goes down. We Recover as Meganium's sent out and charges Solarbeam...We get an Ice Beam crit, possibly activating Overgrow if that's what Meganium has now that it's escaped the GBC, and Solarbeam KOs. Milotic faints!

14d 5h 41m We send out Milotic and use Toxic and Politoed uses Attract. It's time for some Ice Beam/Surf spam.

14d 5h 40m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #17, Politoed vs. Landorus. We Bulk Up and it disrespects with Whirlpool; Landorus faints!

14d 5h 39m We didn't Bulk Up this time so Rhydon survives our Earthquake with a few HP left and lands a Rock Throw, putting us to 18 HP but we take it out. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 5h 38m Dodrio is sent out and we Brick Break and then Fly to avoid Fly.

14d 5h 37m Vileplume is sent out and we Fly before it can land a Solar Beam.

14d 5h 36m Vs. Trainer Red! Electrode uses Swift and we Fly, and it explodes while we're in the air. We take off again as Poliwrath tries to use Ice Beam and OHKO it. Pony lands a Fire Blast and we EQ it down.

14d 5h 35m PWT Attempt #17 Start!

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #16.

14d 5h 33m We take a Surf to the face and Eelektross faints! Blacked out!

14d 5h 32m We're currently on PWT Attempt #16; we beat Red with only Eelektross remaining and are currently facing down Politoed.

[Meta] The live updater will be going dark for a bit.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #14.

14d 4h 49m We send in Porygon, who uses Shadow Ball to finish off Rocky. dpk sends in Ursarang, who finishes off Porygon in one more attack. Blacked out.

14d 4h 48m We send in Krok. Entei strikes first with a Fire blast, but Krok uses Earthquake to finishes off Entei. dpk sends out Rocky. Rocky uses an Iron Tail, which leaves Krok with 4HP. Krok uses Earthquake, which Rocky barely survives. A final attack knocks out Krok.

14d 4h 46m Darkrai is dragged out. Darkrai uses Dark Pulse, which fails to knock out Entei. Two Fire blasts from Entei knock out Darkrai.

14d 4h 45m We send in Porygon. Porygon uses Ice beam to finish off Meganium. dpk sends in Machamp. Porygon dodges a Cross Chop, and uses two Ice Beams to knock out Machamp. dpk sends in Entei. Porygon continues using Ice Beam, until Entei roars Porygon away.

14d 4h 43m dpk sends in Meganium. Milotic uses Ice Beam. Meganium charges a Solar Beam. Milotic uses another Ice Beam, then Meganium unleashes the Solar Beam. Milotic Faints.

14d 4h 42m Milotic uses Recover, then switches to Ice Beam while Politoad continues with Watefall. After a few turns of this, Politoad faints due to poison damage.

14d 4h 41m Vs. Trainer dPᴋ. Milotic vs. Politoad. Politoad leads with Attract then spams Waterfall, while Milotic spams recover. Milotic attempts to use Toxic, but can't due to love. Then Milotic uses Scald, which is ineffective due to Politoad's Water Absorb. Milotic finally lands a Toxic.

14d 4h 38m We send in Porygon, who finishes off Rhyhorn with an Ice Beam. Red defeated.

14d 4h 38m Red sends in Rhyhorn. Electross uses Drain Punch while Rhyhron uses Rock Slide for a few turns. Rhyhorn is taken down to red health, but Electross faints.

14d 4h 36m We send out Electross. Dotrio uses Fly. Electross uses Thunderbolt. Dotrio uses Fly. Electross uses Drain Punch. Dotrio uses Fly. Electoss uses a Crunch, which knocks out Dotrio.

14d 4h 35m Then, Landorous uses Fly to knock out Vileplume. Red sends out Dotrio. Landorus uses Bulk Up, and Dotrio uses Tri Attack to knock out Landorus.

14d 4h 33m RED sends out Poliwrath. Landorus uses Fly, knocking out Poliwrath. Red sends out Rapidash, which takes Landorus down to red health, then Landorus knocks out Rapidash with Earthquake.

14d 4h 32m Electrode vs. Landorus. Electrode starts with Swift. Landorus starts with Bulk Up. Both repeat their first turn actions. The third turm, Electrode continues swift, but Landorus switches to Earthquake, taking out Electrode.

14d 4h 30m PWT Attempt #14 begins! Vs. Trainer RED.

14d 4h 28m We fly back to Driftveil City

14d 4h 24m We begin another challenge, not of Area 10. Before leaving the elevator room, we retire from that challenge.

[Info] We currently have ₽3652936

14d 4h 20m We walk past a room with a psychic in it without battling the psychic. The next room has Scientist Ezio and a gentleman that we ignore. We quit the black tower challenge. The clerk seizes ₽102400 of prize money, since we didn't complete the challenge.

14d 4h 15m The first room on this floor has another Lass Rana, Backpacker Tabatha and another Scientist Fabius. Fabius says that the gate trainer is up above.

14d 4h 7m We find our way back to the elevator. We get in the elevator, and ride it to the 18th Floor.

14d 4h 5m The next room has Youngster Igor and Doctor Quince. After defeating Doctor Quince, he offers to heal our Pokémon. We heal.

14d 4h 0m We find our way back to Scientist Jaceory's room, then head east instead of south. We find a new room, containing Psychic Courtney, Youngster Karel.and School Kid Sadie. Karel believes in his Sceptile and Zebstrika partners since they have has been with him through it all. Karel says that the gate trainer is in a room with two trainers. Sadie is number one at "grades, footraces, everything". Sadie says that the gate trainer is female.

14d 3h 50m We find a new room, containing Lass Rana. She tells us that the gate trainer is female. The CGear is disabled.

14d 3h 47m After wandering around without finding new trainers, we start fiddling with the C-Gear. At first we attempt to access the dreamrealm, which failed due to a lack of access point. Then we access the Xtranscever, which made the game show a black screen. A savestate, just after defeating Uberto, is restored.

14d 3h 41m Psychic Uberto says that he used to be a clown. Our Porygon-Z 1HKOs a Vaniluxe with Shadow Ball, then is forced to switch out when Uberto reveals his own Porygon-Z. Electross takes down Porygon and hals most of the switch-in turn damage with Drain punch. We continue on.

14d 3h 35m That room contains Socialite Roza, Backpacker Lottie and Scientist Hetty. Roza says that the Boss Trainer is using a Latios. Lottie's Floatzel knocks out Landorus with an Ice Beam after one of Landorus's Fly attacks missed. Hetty's Vanilluxe knocks out Milotic with a Mirror Coat attack.

14d 3h 26m The next room contains Gentleman Nikolai and two other trainers. We defeat Nikolai, who says there is a doctor north of here. We move to the next room north.

14d 3h 22m Waiter Lionel tells us that this is "The third avenue of the abyss". His hint is that he saw the gate trainer "above a little while ago". We walk around the waiter to challenge Waitress Kimberley, who keeps trying to walk into Lionel's tile.

14d 3h 18m We walk infront of Backpacker Amos. who tells us to get our of his way. We defeat him in battle. Amos provides no hint. We move on.

14d 3h 16m We find and defeat Waitress Seraphy. Her hint is that the gate trainer is walking around. In the same room, we encounter and defeat Backpacker Loreta.

14d 3h 10m We stand in the middle of two people for a bit, then move a bit, allowing Scientist Fabius spots us. After defeating him, we stay in that spot until Backpacker Keane spots us. Landorus then defeat his two Pokémon.

14d 3h 6m Lass Libby spots us; Landorus uses Fly to take down Serperior. We send in Porygon, who uses Tri Attack to take down Jolteon before Jolteon's yawn can put Porygon to sleep. Libby says that the gate trainer is female.

14d 3h 4m School Kid Tomoyuki is scared and afraid and wants to go home, so of course we beat up his Pokémon. Cladol with a Fly attack. Cradiliy manages to Protect against a few of Landorus's attacks, but falls eventually too.

14d 2h 58m We find Psychic Blasco next. Landorous Bulks Up then Flies to take out Gengar, then uses Brick Break to take out Vanilluxe. The psychic complements our skills.

14d 2h 55m We come across a Scientist Jaceory who claims to have designed the building. Landorous knocks out his Vaniluxe and Typhlosion without taking damage, defeating that trainer.

14d 2h 52m We enter Black Tower and begin a challenge of Area 10.

14d 2h 49m We fly to Black City.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #13.

14d 2h 47m dpk sends in Rocky. Darkrai attempts to use Dark Void, but misses. Then Rocky uses Iron Tail to knock out Darkrai. Blacked out!

14d 2h 47m We send in Darkrai. Darkrai finishes off Machamp with a Psychic. dpk sends in Entei. Darkrai puts Entei to sleep with Dark Void. We then fiddle around in our bag until telling Darkrai to repeat Dark Void. Twice. Darkrai switches to Dark Pulse, then Entei wakes up and uses File Blast. Darkrai finishes off Entei with a Psychic.

14d 2h 44m We send in Krok. Krok uses Earthquake, which Machamp barely survives. Machamp knocks out Krok with a Cross Chop.

14d 2h 43m dpk sends in Machamp. Milotic leads with a Recover, while Machamp uses Karate Chop. Milotic repeats its Recover. Machamp switches to Cross Chop. Milotic switches to Scald, then Machmp knocks out Milotic with a Strength attack.

14d 2h 41m dpk sends in Meganium. Milotic Recovers, while Megainum starts absorbing light. Milotic halves Megainum's health with Ice Beam, then Megainum halves Milotic's health with Solar Beam. Milotic uses Ice Beam, which Megainum barely survives, while Megainum charges for another Solar Beam. Milotic Recovers, and barely survives Megainum's Solar Beam. Milotic finishes off Megainium with an Ice Beam.

14d 2h 39m Milotic leads with Toxic, while Politoad uses Waterfall. Mlotic uses Recover, then Politoad infatuates Milotic with Attract. Milotic attempts to use Ice Beam while Politoad uses Waterfall, except when we try to feed Milotic Lava Cookies, until Politoad faints from poison.

14d 2h 37m Vs, Trainer dP. Milotic vs. Politoad.

14d 2h 36m We send in Milotic. Dotrio dodges another Ice Beam with Fly, and lands the attack. Milotic lands the next Ice Beam, which Dotrio barely survives. Dotrio uses another Fly, while Milotic Recovers. Dotrio lands its Fly, then Milotic takes out Dotrio with the next Ice Beam. RED defeated.

14d 2h 34m Porygon is faster than RED's Vileplume and Rhyhorn, and 1HKOs each with Ice Beam. Dotrio dodges Porygon's first Ice Beam with Fly, and knocks out Porygon with that same Fly.

14d 2h 32m We send in Porygon. Rapidash resumes the Fire Blast, while Porygon uses Ice Beam to greater effect. Rapidash uses Fire Blast again, then Porygon takes out Rapidash with an Ice Beam.

14d 2h 31m We send in Electross. Rapidash uses another Fire Blast, which burns Electross. Electross uses Drain Punch to minimal effect. The two repeat the previous turn. On the third turn, Rapidash uses Stomp which knocks out Electross.

14d 2h 29m RED sends in Poliwrath. Landorous uses FLY to knock out Poliwrath. RED sends in Rapidash, which we throw a Poké Ball at. Rapidash uses Fire Blast, which burns Landorous. Rapidash uses Stop, which knocks out Landorous.

14d 2h 28m Electrode leads with a Swift, while Landorous leads with a Bulk Up. Electorde uses Swift again, then Landorous takes down Electrode with an Earthquake.

14d 2h 27m PWT Attempt #13 begins! Vs. Trainer RED. Electrode vs Landorous.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #12.

14d 2h 23m We send in Porygon. Porygon uses Shadow Ball to knock out Sableye. n sends in Wishcash. We throw more Dusk Balls. Wishcash uses Earthquake. Choice Specs forces Porygon to cintinue with Shadow Ball. Wishcash uses Dive, which knocks out Porygon. Blacked Out.

14d 2h 22m We send in Electross. Sableye uses Shadow Ball. Electross uses Crunch. We throw a Dusk Ball as Sableye, while Sableye uses Shadow Ball, lowering Electross's defense. Electross uses Flamethrower. Both combatants are at red health. We throw another Dusk Ball. Sableye's next Shadow Ball knocks out Electross.

14d 2h 20m n sends in Sableye. Darkrai uses the Dark Void and Nasty Plot, but Sableye wakes up and takes down Darkrai with something that looked like a Karate Chop.

14d 2h 19m We send in Darkrai. Darkrai puts Belossom to sleep with Dark Void, then starts setting up Nasty Plots. Bellossom wakes up, and hits itself in confusion. Darkrai finishes off Bellossom with a Psychic.

14d 2h 17m n sends in Bellossom. Milotic uses Recover. Bellossom uses Giga Drain. Milotic switches to Ice Beam. Bellossom starts a Petal Dance, which takes down Milotic.

14d 2h 16m Vs. Trainer n; Attempt #8. Milotic vs. Camerupt. Milotic leads with Recover. Camerupt attacks with Earthquake. Milotic uses Ice Beam. Camerupts next Earthquake brings Milotic down to red health. Milotic uses Scald, which knocks out Camerupt.

14d 2h 14m dPᴋ sends out Ursarang. Milotic burns Ursarang with a Scald, and Ursarang attacks. Milotic uses Recover, as Ursarang uses Slash. Milotic finishes of Ursarang with a Scald. dPᴋ defeated.

14d 2h 12m dPᴋ Sends in Rocky. Croc and Rocky trade earthquakes, and Croc faints. We send in Milotic, who fails to Toxic Rocky. Rocky continues using earthquake, while Milotic recovers. Milotic tries an Ice Beam, which freezes Rocky. Milotic Recovers, while Rocky remains frozen. Milotic knocks out Rocky with a final Ice Beam.

14d 2h 10m Entei Roars, which switches out Milotic for Croc. Entei uses Fire Blast, which burns Croc. Croc lands a critical Earthquake, which Entei barely survives. Entei falls to the second Earthquake.

14d 2h 8m dPᴋ sends in Machamp. Machamp misses a Cross Chop, and Porygon hits two ice beams, taking down Machamp. dPᴋ sneds in Entei, and we switch out Porygon for Milotic.

14d 2h 7m dPᴋ sends in Meganium, and we switch out Milotic for Porygon. Megainium attacks. Porygon uses Ice Beam, which Megainium barely survives. Porygon's second ice beam takes down Meganium.

14d 2h 6m Milotic uses Recover, and Politoad infatuates Milotic with Attract. We consider tossing a Dusk Ball, but fail to use an Ice Beam instead. Politoad continues using Waterfall. Milotic is again ordered to use Ice Beam, and actually does so this time. Politoad uses a Waterfall. Milotic fails to recover, Politoad uses Waterfall then faints to poison damage.

14d 2h 4m Vs, Trainer dPᴋ. Milotic vs. Politoad. We try to switch to Landorous, before attacking with Toxic. Politoad uses Waterfall. We use Scald, which heals Politoad via its water absorb. Politoad continues attacking with Waterfall.

14d 2h 2m Darkrai 1HKOs Red's Rhyhorn and Dodtrio with one Dark Pulse each. RED defeated!

14d 2h 1m RED sends in Vileplume. Darkrai puts Vileplume to sleep, uses one more Nasty Plot, then knocks out Vileplume with Psychic.

14d 2h 0m RED send in Rapidash. Darkrai puts Rapidash to sleep with Dark Void, then sets up with Nasty Plot, before attacking with Dark Pulse and knocking out Rapidash.

14d 1h 59m We send in Darkrai. Darkrai sets up with Nasty Plot, then Poliwrath puts Darkrai to sleep with Hypnosis. Poliwrath sets up with Amnesia, then starts using Surf before Darkrai wakes up. Darkrai uses a Psychic, but Poliwrath survives and continues using Surf. Darkrai's second Psychic kocks out Poliwrath.

14d 1h 57m Electrode starts by selfdestructing. RED sends in Poliwrath. Landorous flies, but misses the attack. Poliwrath's Ice Beam knocks out Landorous.

14d 1h 55m PWT Attempt #12 begins! Vs. Trainer RED. Electrode vs Landorous.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #11.

14d 1h 50m We put Lumineon to sleep and .iecbw informs us, MOVE1. We set up 2 Nasty Plots as Bad Dreams ticks down...and Lumineon wakes up and uses Surf. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 1h 49m Vs. Trainer .iecbw! Attempt #4. Lumineon vs. Krookodile. It's faster and uses Surf but we miss our Rock Slide. It uses Ice Beam and Krookodile faints! We only have an 18 HP Darkrai now.

14d 1h 49m Bad Dreams breaks Sturdy, so Aggron goes down. Defeated Trainer n!

14d 1h 48m We OHKO Dustox and then Bellossom is sent out and we miss a Dark Void, taking a Petal Dance before we KO it. Aggron comes out and we Dark Void that.

14d 1h 46m We send out Darkrai and use Dark Void, then set up a Nasty Plot, then another one. Dark Pulse takes Whiscash out and Sableye is sent out. We Dark Pulse that too.

14d 1h 45m We finish Camerupt with Crunch and Whiscash is sent out. It outspeeds with Dive and we Drain Punch once it's back. Waterfall next turn and we're in red health now as we use Crunch. Whiscash uses Ice Beam and Eelektross faints!

14d 1h 44m Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #7. Eelektross vs. Camerupt. We Drain Punch and then live an Overheat to Drain Punch again. Camerupt uses Rock Smash this time.

14d 1h 41m We set up a Nasty Plot and then use Dark Pulse, finishing Rocky off. Ursaring is sent out and we use Dark Pulse, but it clutches and uses Strength. Dark Pulse hits and Ursaring goes down. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 1h 41m We send out Darkrai and finish the job with Psychic. Steelix is sent out and we use Dark Void.

14d 1h 39m We send out Porygon-Z and take another Fire Blast before finishing it off with Tri Attack. Machamp is sent out and we keep being choiced. Machamp uses Vital Throw and Porygon-Z faints!

14d 1h 38m We send Landorus back out and use Earthquake, finishing Meganium off. Entei is sent out and we use Fly, then take a Fire Blast; Landorus faints!

14d 1h 37m We use Ice Beam as Solarbeam charges up, but the second Ice Beam doesn't quite KO due to Leftovers, and Solarbeam hits. Milotic faints!

14d 1h 36m We alternate between not being able to move and spamming Ice Beam. Politoed has one strat right now and it is Surf. It faints due to Toxic and Meganium is sent out.

14d 1h 35m We use Toxic on the frog and it uses some more Surf. Next turn we fall in love and can't move and take another Surf...

14d 1h 34m Vs. Trainer dPk! Politoed vs. Landorus. We switch out to Milotic as it uses Surf.

14d 1h 32m Dodrio is sent out. We Brick Break, then Fly to evade its Fly, taking it down. Rhydon is sent out and we OHKO with Earthquake. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 1h 31m We evade a Fire Blast to OHKO with Earthquake. Vileplume is sent out and we OHKO with Fly.

14d 1h 31m Poliwrath comes out and we OHKO with Fly. Rapidash is sent out.

14d 1h 30m Swift into one Bulk Up, and then another Swift before we Earthquake and take it down.

14d 1h 30m PWT Attempt #11 Begins! Vs. Trainer Red! Electrode vs. Landorus.

[RIP] ...uh, make that RIP PWT Attempt #10.

[RIP] RIP Elite Four Attempt #10.

14d 1h 22m Whiscash is sent out and survives our Dark Pulse to use Waterfall. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 1h 21m One Nasty Plot ethen Dark Pulse. Sableye is sent out and we OHKO with Dark Pulse. We OHKO Dustox too.

14d 1h 20m We send out our last mon, Darkrai. We miss a Dark Void and take a crit Petal Dance, then put it to sleep.

[Info] By the way, we're now over ₽3,000,000.

14d 1h 18m We send out Krookodile and KO with Earthquake. Bellossom is sent out and we use Crunch but it survives and uses Petal Dance. Krookodile faints!

14d 1h 17m Vs. Trainer n! Camerupt vs. Eelektross. We Drain Punch and it uses Overheat and Eelektross faints!

14d 1h 16m We send out Eelektross and take a Strength before using Thunderbolt to take it down. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 1h 14m Next turn Tri Attack crits and Rocky goes down. Ursaring is the last mon standing. We use the only move we can and it uses Strength and Porygon-Z faints!

14d 1h 13m Entei is sent out. Fire Blast misses and we get it to low health but the next Fire Blast hits before we can take it down. Steelix is sent out and we use Tri Attack and Iron Tail misses.

14d 1h 11m Machamp is sent out. We Scald and evade a Cross Chop, then use Toxic. Guts activates and we barely clutch a Cross Chop, using Recover. We Scald again and Milotic faints to another Cross Chop. We send out Porygon-Z and choice into Scald, finishing the job.

14d 1h 10m After lots of stalling Politoed goes down. Meganium comes out and gwe get an Ice Beam crit.

[Chat] tppsimulator tppS Kappa

14d 1h 8m Ice Beam and more Waterfall. Next turn we ehal it with Scald on Water Absorb.

14d 1h 7m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #10. Politoed vs. Milotic. We Toxic and it starts spamming Waterfall.

14d 1h 6m Dodrio goes down. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 1h 5m Dodrio is sent out and uses Fly. We tank and use Rock Slide.

14d 1h 5m Rhydon is sent out and we KO with Earthquake.

14d 1h 4m Rapidash comes out and Landorus faints to Fire Blast. We send out Krookodile to finish the job. Vileplume is sent out and we Crunch and it charges a Solar Beam, and Dragon Claw finishes the job.

14d 1h 1m Poliwrath is sent out and we OHKO with Earthquake.

14d 1h 1m PWT Attempt #10 Start! Electrode vs. Landorus. Looks like it's been spamming Swift for a few turns as we Bulked Up twice(?) but we now take it out with Earthquake.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #9.

14d 0h 54m Ursaring is sent out and we use Nasty Plot, and it finishes us off with Strength. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 0h 53m Steelix is sent out. We use Dark Pulse and dodge an Iron Tail to take Rocky down next turn.

14d 0h 53m We use Dark Void. Entei uses Fire Blast, putting us at half health. Dark Pulse finishes it though.

14d 0h 52m We use Psychic and Machamp goes down. Entei is sent out and we give it a nice little nap.

14d 0h 50m It's just Darkrai left now. We put Meganium to sleep and set up one Nasty Plot before we Dark Pulse. Machamp is sent out and we use Dark Void but miss. Machamp uses Cross Chop which also misses. Next turn we manage to sleep it.

14d 0h 49m Meganium drains our health up and Milotic faints!

14d 0h 48m We sneak an Ice Beam in and Politoed finally goes down. Meganium is sent out and starts charging Solarbeam and we're fully paralyzed. We take the hit and use Ice Beam.

14d 0h 47m We Recover next turn. Frog keeps up its favorite move...

14d 0h 46m Surf crits next turn and we still can't move. Next turn we get a Recover in, though.

14d 0h 44m Politoed starts surfing. It takes 4 turns before we manage to use Toxic.

14d 0h 44m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #9. Politoed vs. Milotic. It uses Attract and we can't move.

14d 0h 43m We send out Milotic. Dodrio uses Fly some more and we eat our Leftovers for 1 HP, evade Fly, and OHKO with Ice Beam. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 0h 42m Red sends out his last Pokémon, Dodrio. It uses Fly and Eelektross faints!

14d 0h 40m Rhydon is sent out. We use Flamethrower and it uses Rock Slide, getting us to low health. We Drain Punch which lets us live a Stomp, and then do that another time, finishing off Rhydon.

14d 0h 39m We send Eelektross out into the third Petal Dance. Vileplume's confused now and we use Flamethrower which KOs anyway.

14d 0h 39m We send out Krookodile and Earthquake once; Vileplume has a snack and then uses Petal Dance again and Krookodile faints!

14d 0h 38m We keep sleeping. We take a Petal Dance and Porygon-Z faints!

14d 0h 36m Vileplume is sent out and starts charging up a Solar Beam. We Recover and then switch out to Porygon-Z, surviving with low health.

14d 0h 34m We switch to Milotic and take a Fire Blast. Body Slam hits and Milotic is paralyzed and Rapidash survives Scald, using Body Slam again as we take it down.

14d 0h 33m Having enough of this, we switch to Porygon-Z; we fall asleep due to Hypnosis and take a Surf before Poliwrath faints. Rapidash is sent out.

14d 0h 32m We all just spam Ice Beam for awhile, it's riveting.

14d 0h 31m We trade some Ice Beams back and forth before going for Toxic. Poliwrath sets up some more Amnesia.

14d 0h 30m We send out Milotic and use Scald, but this has Water Absorb too. It starts using Surf.

14d 0h 28m Vs. Trainer Red! Electrode vs. Landorus. It uses Swift this time and we use Bulk Up. Another Swift before we Earthquake. Poliwrath is sent out and we use Bulk Up, and it uses Ice Beam; Landorus faints!

14d 0h 27m PWT Attempt #9 Start!

[Dev] M4_used_Rollout: I thought we'd try 2014 gauntlet after this | M4_used_Rollout: 2014 gauntlet isn't a gauntlet though. Once a trainer is defeated, they stay defeated

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #8.

14d 0h 22m We set up a Nasty Plot. Camerupt wakes up and uses Overheat and Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

14d 0h 21m Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #5! Camerupt vs. Darkrai; we open with Dark Void. n tells us A.

14d 0h 20m We put Ursaring to sleep and then use Dark Pulse, which crits and finishes it off. Defeated Trainer dPk!

14d 0h 19m We set up a Nasty Plot before using Dark Void. Rocky wakes up and uses Iron Tail, and next turn Dark Pulse finishes the job. Ursaring is sent out.

[Chat] There's a poll going on about Challenge Mode right now, and most of chat is talking about that.

14d 0h 18m We send out Darkrai and use Dark Pulse, finishing off Entei. Rocky is sent out and we put it to sleep.

14d 0h 17m ...strike that, Entei's holding a Focus Band. Entei uses Fire Spin for disrespect and Porygon-Z faints!

14d 0h 14m We send out Eelektross, who's slower and takes a Cross Chop before using Thunderbolt. We send out Porygon-Z and choice into Tri Attack. Entei is sent out and uses Fire Blast as we Tri Attack again. One more Fire Blast, which we take with 3 HP left, and then Tri Attack finishes it.

14d 0h 13m Machamp is sent out and we Recover, but Cross Chop outdamages. We use Scald and it uses Vital Throw; Milotic faints!

14d 0h 12m We Ice Beam again and another Solar Beam charges, and then we Ice Beam and finish it off.

14d 0h 11m Meganium is sent out. We use Recover and it charges up a Solar Beam, and we Ice Beam next turn but the attack hits. We Recover and Meganium uses Razor Leaf, and we both take a quick break to snack on our Leftovers.

14d 0h 11m We can't move again next turn; Waterfall has us almost down to half and Toxic finishes Politoed off. Meganium is sent out.

14d 0h 10m We use Toxic as Politoed keeps using Waterfall, but next turn we can't move.

14d 0h 8m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #8. Politoed vs. Krookodile. We use Rock Slide and take a Surf, and then Earthquake but it doesn't quite KO, and another Surf means Krookodile faints! We send out Milotic and use Scald but Politoed has Water Absorb now and it uses Attract, and then starts spamming Waterfall.

14d 0h 6m We send out Krookodile and use Earthquake, finishing Rhydon off. Defeated Trainer Red!

14d 0h 5m Dodrio is sent out. We Brick Break to outplay Fly...but it crits anyway. Rhydon is sent out and we miss a Fly, taking a Rock Slide, and we use Brick Break then take another Rock Slide. Landorus faints!

14d 0h 3m Poliwrath is sent out and we Earthquake it down. Rapidash comes out and uses Fire Blast and we respond with Earthquake, OHKOing. Vileplume is sent out and we use Fly, which is a OHKO too.

14d 0h 3m PWT Attempt #8 Start! Electrode vs. Landorus again. It uses Selfdestruct and we take the opportunity to Bulk Up.

13d 23h 56m We save! In-game time: 329:37.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #7.

13d 23h 54m We attempt to put Berry Juice on our poisoned wounds. It doesn't seem to help, and Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

13d 23h 52m Vs. Trainer .iecbw! Attempt #3. Lumineon vs. a very hurt, poisoned Darkrai. We give Lumineon some bad dreams, but it looks happy asleep anyway. .iecbw says MOVE1. We use a turn of Dark Pulse and live with 2 HP.

[Fluff] n says UP when defeated...another way to input that is n.

13d 23h 51m Moth's out of Silver Wind PP now so it wakes up and uses Shadow Ball. We Psychic to finish it off. Sableye is sent out and we put it to sleep, applying another round of Toxic to ourselves, and then we use Dark Pulse. Defeated Trainer n!

13d 23h 50m We send out Darkrai. Dustox has super rainbow speed now so it moves first with Toxic and Darkrai is badly poisoned! We give Moth a nap and set up some Nasty Plots anyway.

13d 23h 48m Dustox is back on Silver Wind, but Toxic is outdamaging that. We're not getting much damage from Scald either, though. One more Silver Wind and Milotic faints!

13d 23h 48m Dustox managed to use Toxic and Milotic is badly poisoned, and sounds like it got another rainbow off Silver Wind too.

13d 23h 47m We spend a few turns doing Moonlight vs. Scald, and then we use Recover one turn.

13d 23h 46m We get an Ice Beam crit and Moth uses Silver Wind again, getting a rainbow boost...it's faster now and uses Moonlight as we use Scald.

13d 23h 45m We send out Milotic and use Scald to finish Aggron off. Dustox is sent out and we use Scald. Silver Wind doesn't do much to us and we Recover and Dustox steals the idea and uses Moonlight.

13d 23h 44m Aggron is sent out. We use Earthquake but it has Gen 5 Sturdy, and it retaliates with Iron Tail. Krookodile faints!

13d 23h 42m Vs. Trainer n! Camerupt vs. Krookodile. Earthquake is a OHKO and Bellossom is sent out. We use Crunch and get a Defense drop and Bellossom starts using Petal Dance. Crunch KOs next turn. Whiscash is sent out and Earthquake is a OHKO now.

13d 23h 41m Entei's faster but Fire Blast misses, and we take it out with Earthquake. Defeated Trainer dPk!

13d 23h 40m Next turn we get a crit Ice Beam and Ursaring goes down. Entei is sent out and we use some more Scald, and it uses Roar, bringing out Krookodile.

13d 23h 39m We send out Milotic and use Surf Scald, finishing Machamp off. Meganium is sent out and we use Ice Beam and it charges up a Solar Beam, eating some Leftovers...Ice Beam still manages to KO. Ursaring is sent out and we use Scald and it uses Strength.

13d 23h 37m We send out Porygon-Z and choice into Tri Attack. Machamp is sent out and we Tri Attack before it uses Cross Chop and Porygon-Z faints!

13d 23h 36m We send out Eelektross and take a crit Surf to the face, then use Thunderbolt and finish off Politoed. Steelix is sent out and we use Flamethrower, and it uses Dragon Breath; Eelektross faints!

13d 23h 34m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #7. Politoed vs. Landorus. We get it to low health with an Earthquake but it uses Surf and Landorus faints!

13d 23h 33m We take Rhydon out with Earthquake. Defeated Trainer Red!

13d 23h 32m Vileplume is sent out and we use Fly. It tries to Petal Dance while we're in the air and we take it out. Dodrio comes out and we use Brick Break and it starts Flying; we Fly and do a sick backflip to avoid it in the air, then take it down. Rhydon is sent out.

13d 23h 31m Electrode explodes, but it doesn't half our defense this gen, so it doesn't do much. We use Bulk Up. Poliwrath is sent out and we use Earthquake. Rapidash is sent out and we dodge a Fire Blast and use Earthquake.

13d 23h 30m PWT Attempt #7 Start! Vs. Trainer Red! Electrode vs. Landorus.

13d 23h 26m We boot up a TM...Milotic learns Scald!

13d 23h 25m We wind our way back to the PWT, and stop by the Move Deleter. Milotic forgets Surf!

[Info] Looks like we beat two more levels of Black Tower since the last round of updates, and then went back to the PWT. On our fifth attempt we made it to .iecbw for the first time, though we only saw a few of her Pokémon.

[RIP] According to #stream-feed, this is...RIP PWT Attempt #6.

13d 23h 21m We send out Darkrai. Lumineon has Swift Swim, so it moves first with Surf. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

13d 23h 20m We're trading water moves back and forth, and it looks like Lumineon set up some Rain Dance. It takes us down with a Waterfall; Milotic faints!

13d 23h 19m We're back at the PWT! Vs. Trainer .iecbw! Attempt #2, apparently; we have Milotic and Darkrai left, and Milotic is poisoned.

[Meta] As we explore here, the Live Updater will be dark for a bit again. Be sure to check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

13d 20h 39m We successfully select Area 8. Our challenge begins for real this time!

13d 20h 38m We go to Area 6, then quit again.

13d 20h 36m We enter Black Tower and start our challenge! ...in Area 1. We quit back out.

13d 20h 34m We fly to Black City.

13d 20h 33m We call Yancy for the 52nd time.

13d 20h 28m We call Professor Juniper and then Cheren.

13d 20h 28m We fly to Lentimas Town.

13d 20h 27m We walk out of the Pokémon Center. The sun's setting...

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #4.

13d 20h 26m Machamp is sent out and we manage one Discharge before it uses Cross Chop and Porygon-Z faints! Blacked out!

13d 20h 26m Ursaring's up next. We choice into Discharge and Ursaring lands a Thrash before fainting.

13d 20h 25m We use Toxic on Poliwhirl but it uses Surf next turn and Milotic faints! But it faints too. Porygon-Z's the only one left.

13d 20h 23m Poliwhirl wakes up and gets a crit and Darkrai faints! We send out Milotic and have some paralysis and Attract fun for awhile.

13d 20h 22m We send out Darkrai and put Poliwhirl to sleep and then set up a Nasty Plot. Two, actually...

13d 20h 20m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #2, Poliwhirl vs. Krookodile. We Rock Slide and take a Surf, then use Dragon Claw, and Poliwhirl uses Waterfall; Krookodile faints!

13d 20h 19m As Dodrio uses Fly we Recover, and when it lands we use Ice Beam. We take a hit from Rapidash before using Surf and taking that out as well. Defeated Trainer Red!

13d 20h 18m We clutch a second round of Petal Dance and use Recover. Vileplume hits itself and we Ice Beam.

13d 20h 17m We send out Milotic and use Surf to take it down. We spam Recover for a few turns on Vileplume before using Ice Beam and then Milotic is paralyzed by Stun Spore. Vileplume starts using Petal Dance.

13d 20h 15m We managed to take Poliwrath out with Thunderbolt but spam it on the Ground-type Rhydon, who uses Strength. Eelektross faints!

13d 20h 14m PWT Attempt #4 is underway! Vs. Trainer Red! Looks like Landorus is already down and we're at Poliwrath vs. Eelektross.

13d 20h 2m We move Landorus up to the front of the party.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #3.

13d 19h 59m We try to drink a Berry Juice, but Krok doesn't want any. Entei uses Fire Blast. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

13d 19h 58m We put Meganium to sleep and set up another Nasty Plot, then apply some more Dark Pulse. Entei is sent out.

13d 19h 56m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #2. Poliwhirl vs. Darkrai. We open with Dark Void and set up one Nasty Plot. Poliwhirl lives a Dark Pulse but faints to Bad Dreams anyway. Machamp is sent out and we Dark Pulse but it flinches. Another Dark Pulse which crits to take Machamp down. Meganium is sent out.

13d 19h 56m We send out Darkrai and try to pour Berry Juice all over it; Fly connects before we manage to use Dark Pulse. Defeated Trainer Red!

13d 19h 54m We send out Porygon-Z. Dodrio uses Fly again and we try to use an item as it goes down. More Fly in which we use Tri Attack while it's in the air but don't manage to damage it before Porygon-Z faints!

13d 19h 52m We send out Krookodile and get outsped with Fire Blast, then KO with Earthquake. Dodrio is sent out and we try to use a Potion and it uses Fly, which we clutch to use Crunch. Next turn it uses Fly again and we use a Max Elixir on the fainted Eelektross. Fly hits and Krookodile faints!

13d 19h 50m We finish off Vileplume with Landorus's Earthquake. Poliwrath is sent out and we Earthquake and clutch an Ice Beam to Earthquake again. Rapidash is sent out and uses Body Slam; Landorus faints!

13d 19h 48m We send out Milotic and use Surf, taking Rhydon down. We Recover as Vileplume is sent out but it fails, and Stun Spore misses. It starts charging Solar Beam...We fail to Recover again before it hits. One more Recover for good luck and then Vileplume uses Petal Dance, which we clutch thanks to Leftovers, and we Ice Beam before Milotic faints!

13d 19h 46m We use Drain Punch but it doesn't do much, but at least we get some HP. Rock Slide hits. Rinse and repeat next turn except with an Oran Berry in the middle. One more turn of that and Eelektross faints!

13d 19h 45m PWT Attempt #3 Start! Vs. Trainer Red! Elec vs. Elec again. It uses Swift and we use Drain Punch, and then it tries Thunderbolt and we Flamethrower, giving it a burn. Electrode uses Selfdestruct and crits, but we survive easily. Rhydon is sent out.

13d 19h 41m As we walk out of the Pokémon Center, we're serenaded by the sweet sounds of BORN TO LOSE.

[Chat] M4_used_Rollout: Imagine losing to Entei

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #2.

13d 19h 39m Another Dark Pulse takes Meganium down. Entei is sent out. Dark Void misses and it uses Fire Blast; Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

13d 19h 38m We send out our last mon, Darkrai. We put Machamp to sleep to set up but it just faints to Bad Dreams. Meganium is sent out and we sleep that too, setting up before we Dark Pulse. Meganium wakes up but flinches.

13d 19h 37m We send out Milotic and Surf; Machamp gets a Karate Chop crit and Milotic faints!

13d 19h 36m Another Discharge takes Poliwhirl down and Machamp is sent out. We use Discharge and it uses Karate Chop; Porygon-Z faints!

13d 19h 35m Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #2. Poliwhirl vs. Porygon-Z. We choice ourselves into Discharge, and it lives and uses Surf.

13d 19h 34m Dark Pulse is an OHKO on Vileplume and Rhydon, too. Defeated Trainer Red!

13d 19h 33m Dodrio is sent out. We send out Darkrai and set up a Nasty Plot as it uses Fly, and set up again before it hits, then use Dark Pulse to take it down.

13d 19h 32m Electrode comes back out and explodes; Krookodile faints! We're both down to 3 Pokémon now.

13d 19h 31m We send out Krookodile and use Dragon Claw and Poliwrath sets up Amnesia. Earthquake into Oran Berry into Surf, and then we use another Earthquake to take it out.

13d 19h 29m We send out Landorus and get outsped with Fire Blast, going to yellow health before we use Earthquake and take it down. Poliwrath is sent out and we use Bulk Up and it uses Surf; Landorus faints!

13d 19h 28m Electrode eats an Oran Berry and then Red withdraws it in favor of Rapidash. It has Flash Fire now so it eats our Flamethrower and uses Fire Blast. Eelektross faints!

13d 19h 28m PWT Attempt #2 Start! Vs. RED! Electrode vs. Eelektross. Thunderbolt into Flamethrower, into Swift and more Flamethrower.

[Fluff] Last time, Red turned into an X when we talked to him from above, since he had no up-facing sprite.

13d 19h 26m We use 2 PP Ups on Pory's Tri Attack.

13d 19h 24m We walk back to the PWT and start digging through our bag...

13d 19h 23m We attempt to use some Calcium, but all our Pokémon have full EVs.

[RIP] RIP PWT Attempt #1.

13d 19h 19m Aggron is sent out and we use Dark Pulse, but it has Sturdy and uses Earthquake. Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

13d 19h 18m Whiscash wakes up and lands a crit Earthquake and we take it out with Dark Pulse. Dustox is sent out and we use some more Dark Pulse and OHKO. Bellossom is sent out and we OKHO again.

13d 19h 18m After a lot of internal struggle we send out Darkrai and use Dark Void. Whiscash looks very happy as it sleeps and we set up 2 Nasty Plot.

13d 19h 15m We send out Landorus and use Earthquake, finishing Sableye off. Whiscash is sent out and we use Earthquake before it uses Ice Beam and Landorus faints! Only Darkrai left now.

13d 19h 15m Sableye is sent out and Tri Attack doesn't affect it; it uses Brick Break and *Porygon-Z faints!

13d 19h 12m We talk to the next Trainer and update our Pokedex again. Vs. Trainer n! Attempt #1. Camerupt vs. Porygon-Z. We open with Tri Attack and paralyze it but it still uses Overheat before we take it out. We're running low on PP, though...

13d 19h 11m Ursaring is sent out and we use another Earthquake, and it uses Strength, putting us to what the API thinks is red health but in game preserves the fun music. We Brick Break to take it out. We win P?0000 again. Defeated Trainer dPk!

13d 19h 11m We use Earthquake and finish it off. Steelix is sent out and we use Earthquake, evading Rocky's Iron Tail and taking it down.

[Chat] TriHard

13d 19h 10m Entei is sent out. We use Tri Attack and it uses Roar, bringing out Landorus.

13d 19h 10m Meganium is sent out and we use another Tri Attack. It charges up a Solar Beam and uses its Leftovers, but Tri Attack still takes it out.

13d 19h 9m We send out Porygon-Z and choice ourselves into Tri Attack, taking Politoed out. Machamp is sent out and we use Tri Attack, freezing it solid. We use another Tri Attack to take it out.

13d 19h 8m The next Trainer tells us some more Dex info. Vs. Trainer dPk! Attempt #1. Politoed vs. Krookodile. We open with Crunch and it uses Surf; Krookodile faints!

13d 19h 7m Dodrio is sent out; it has a random ス at the end of its name. We both Fly and it gets the hit. We Bulk up and it Flies again and this time we get the outplay. Defeated Trainer RED! We win P?0000 and RED tells us START.

13d 19h 6m We send out Landorus and use Fly. Vileplume hits itself and Fly takes it out. Poliwrath is sent out and we use Earthquake, dropping it to half health; it snacks on another Oran Berry and uses Amnesia. We use Fly and avoid its Ice Beam, taking it out.

13d 19h 4m Body Slam again, but it does less thanks to Marvel Scale. Milotic uses Surf and takes Pony out, and we heal with Leftovers. Vileplume is sent out and starts using Petal Dance, which does a lot since everything's Lv. 100 now. We Surf and Petal Dance hits again; Milotic faints! Vileplume's confused.

13d 19h 4m Pony opens with Fire Blast and Eelektross faints! We send out Milotic and Rapidash uses Body Slam; Milotic is paralyzed. We use Recover.

13d 19h 3m Rinse and repeat on those moves for a few turns, and Rhydon goes down. Rapidash is sent out.

13d 19h 3m We use Flamethrower and it uses Rock Slide. We use Drain Punch and heal up, and Rhydon eats an Oran Berry before using Rock Slide some more.

13d 19h 2m Thunderbolt again and we take it out with a Drain Punch crit. Rhydon is sent out. We try to run.

13d 19h 2m PWT Attempt #1 Start! Vs. RED! Electrode vs. Eelektross. It opens with Thunderbolt and we Drain Punch. Red says A.

13d 19h 1m Professor Juniper tells us that there's been a mixup...she meant to give us the Gauntlet Pokedex, but something weird happened, and there's a tournament she's prepared to get it back!

13d 19h 0m We approach the PWT! Professor Juniper is here now...she's standing right next to the PC, and we have no mail.

13d 18h 59m We buy 2 Fresh Waters! We check the trash nearby, but it's empty.

[Info] Apparently, we've done every Yancy call now.

13d 18h 56m Back outside. We call Bianca but hang up immediately.

13d 18h 55m We talk to the Medal Man! He gives us 16 new medals one by one, then gives us 7 hint medals all at once.

13d 18h 52m Checkpoint in Driftveil City. We heal!

13d 18h 50m We walk up to Driftveil City. We switch Eelektross to the front of the party, sending Darkrai back to sixth.

13d 18h 48m We fly to the PWT.

13d 18h 46m Remember that Veteran from before the Ghetsis fight, who lied and said we'd fought Kyurem? He's back now. He helpfully informs us that we've now fought Kyurem, and that other legends might be in Dragonspiral Tower, such as the legends we've already caught.

[Info] Oh, forgot to mention: We're back in Standard Mode.

[Fluff] Inputs briefly crashed during that catch, and when they came back we were hitting the buttons so fast that they held on the touchscreen and did nothing. Good thing it's not a physical touchscreen!

13d 18h 42m Caught a Lv. 75 Kyurem! Nickname: AL.

13d 18h 40m Vs. Kyurem! It's taking a little nap...

13d 18h 40m We save! Current time: 324:34.

13d 18h 39m We enter the deepest part of Giant Chasm. Picked up a Poison Gem!

13d 18h 33m We pick up a Sun Stone!

13d 18h 28m Currently traversing the broken trees of Giant Chasm. We pick up a PP Up!

[Info] We removed the Mail from our party overnight; our current items are: Darkrai@Razor Claw; Krookodile@Shell Bell; PorygonZ@Choice Specs; Landorus@Earth Plate; Milotic@Leftovers; Eelektross@Wise Glasses.

13d 18h 20m We stop in Giant Chasm to fight Deoxys, but we already have it, so we beat it up with Dark Pulse.

[Info] Since the last round of updates, we finished off a level of Black Tower, then changed our party's items (update to come), then visited the Battle Subway for awhile. We then beat some vanilla PWT rounds, then went on a walk during which we caught a 45♀ Beautifly (​ IJIW) and then a 44♂ Dodrio (LJD). Also, the PWT is now available! But we're making a stop for Kyurem first.

[Meta] There aren't any windows in this building, so the Live Updater will be dark for awhile. In the meantime, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

13d 9h 47m We enter Black Tower and start our challenge in Area 6! ...Banjirou greets us as we enter the level, but he just says a little speech and takes the elevator, and everyone's heart rates go back to normal. We begin challenging the actual trainers on the floor.

13d 9h 41m Once we walk like 10 feet away, we're allowed to use Fly again, so we go to Black City. We heal!

13d 9h 39m We try to use Fly, but we can't use it onboard the ship.

13d 9h 38m Colress offers to have another Pokémon battle with us, but we run away as fast as we can.

13d 9h 37m Oh, or Brick Break works too, and takes out Light Screen which is pretty stylish. Defeated Colress!

13d 9h 36m We use Ice Beam and Magnezone sets up yet another Light Screen. We use Tri Attack next turn and Magnezone uses Flash Cannon. Next turn we use Ice Beam again, and another Flash Cannon hits. One more Tri Attack before Porygon-Z faints! Only Landorus is left. We popped Magnezone's Air Balloon, though...

13d 9h 35m We send out Porygon-Z and use Shadow Ball. Rotom lives but misses another Hydro Pump and we take it out with Tri Attack and Light Screen goes back down. Magnezone is sent back out.

13d 9h 33m Magnezone also uses Volt Switch and Milotic faints! Rotom comes back out and oh, it didn't have a Berry earlier, that was Leftovers. We send out Krookodile. We use Earthquake but it has Levitate, and Rotom sets up Light Screen. Earthquake again but Hydro Pump misses, and then Crunch but Hydro Pump hits and Krookodile faints!

13d 9h 32m Klinklang uses Wild Charge and we take it out with Surf. Light Screen's finally over now. Magnezone is sent out.

13d 9h 32m We send out Milotic. Rotom uses Volt Switch and brings out Klinklang, and we use Surf. Trick Room's over now and we use Surf some more, and Klinklang uses Thunder Wave; Milotic is paralyzed.

13d 9h 31m Wash Rotom is sent out and sets up Light Screen. We use Psychic and it recovers a little with a Berry, then hits us with Hydro Pump; Darkrai faints!

13d 9h 29m Beheeyem is sent out and we put it to sleep with Dark Void. We use Dark Pulse but it's carrying a berry that lets it live. Next turn we use Nasty Plot and it uses Trick Room. It uses Bug Buzz and we take it out next turn.

13d 9h 29m We send out Darkrai and use Dark Pulse. Metagross flinches and we use Dark Pulse next turn again, taking it out.

13d 9h 28m Metagross is sent out. It's faster and uses Meteor Mash, but we clutch and use Crunch. Next turn it uses Bullet Punch and Eelektross faints!

13d 9h 27m Colress leads with Porygon-Z, who's faster with Ice Beam. We use Drain Punch and it clutches and Colress uses a Full Restore next turn. We use Thunderbolt and next turn Pory uses Hyper Beam. We take it out with Thunderbolt.

13d 9h 26m We wander the Plasma Frigate for awhile, before realizing Colress is right on the deck of the boat. Vs. Colress! Challenge Mode attempt #1.

13d 9h 14m We step aboard the Plasma Frigate.

13d 9h 13m We use a Max Revive on Eelektross.

13d 9h 12m Eelektross faints and we run away.

13d 9h 10m We enter the Lab proper... Vs. Genesect! Although we already caught one.

13d 9h 7m Caught a Lv. 64 Klang! Nickname: )).

13d 8h 59m Caught a male Lv. 66 Weezing! Nickname: ))).

13d 8h 59m After some heavy surfing, we arrive at P2 Labs.

13d 8h 46m Arrived on Route 18.

13d 8h 42m We arrive on Route 17.

13d 8h 37m Back to Route 1.

13d 8h 36m We fly back to Nuvema Town.

13d 8h 31m We fly to Black City. Checkpoint in Black City.

13d 8h 29m Caught a female Lv. 70 Noctowl! Nickname: BIRDY🙂.

13d 8h 14m We go to Route 1 and take the river down to the dark grass.

13d 8h 10m We fly to Nuvema Town.

13d 8h 9m We warp out of the Entralink.

13d 8h 1m We go back to the Entralink and earn a HP Recovery orb, which gets added to our C-Gear. We walk around for a bit.

13d 7h 55m We boot up a TM and Milotic (re)learns Toxic!

13d 7h 54m We talk to the Move Deleter. Milotic forgets Waterfall!

13d 7h 52m We walk to the PWT.

13d 7h 50m We fly to Driftveil City.

13d 7h 48m We fail our first mission! Back to strolling around Pokestar Studios.

[Chat] M4_used_Rollout: this is some riveting berry gathering Kappa

13d 7h 46m We start our first mission again, which is to gather 5 berries in 3 minutes. We walk very slowly around Pokestar Studios.

13d 7h 43m We take our first mission! ...we fail before we even begin. M4 takes over again and warps us back to the Entralink.

13d 7h 39m After failing the movie's objective, we quit filming and go outside. As we run to pet a nearby Herdier, something strange happens...The Entralink is unlocked! We manage to pet the dog really quickly, and then we warp to the Entralink for the first time this run!

13d 7h 34m We walk back to the studio lobby from our new dressing room, then start filming Brycen-Man Strikes Back Harder again, except with Landorus this time.

[Fluff] Also, Leaf/A was one of our costars to congratulate us, since her battle sprite replaced Sabrina for that set of movies.

13d 7h 25m We talk to one of our coworkers, then go up and watch some TV, as is traditional.

13d 7h 23m We have access to a private dressing room now! There's a TV and everything.

13d 7h 21m Our latest movie's a hit! We walk outside and there's a special ceremony for us, with a bunch of our costars telling us how much they enjoyed filming. And there's a cool statue on that empty pedestal now, thanks to us!

13d 7h 13m We finish filming and head to the theater again...time to watch Brycen-Man Strikes Back Harder. Apparently, this is the final film to unlock.

13d 7h 8m We head back to the studios and start filming the the latest Brycen-Man film.

13d 7h 5m We finish watching. Looks like it was a hit!

13d 6h 57m We finish filming, knocking our prop opponent out, and we warp to the theater to watch the new movie.

13d 6h 49m We start filming Ghost Eraser 4 again.

13d 6h 48m Several rounds into the movie, we quit out.

[Info] The PWT Gauntlet will open at 15:00 UTC! Also known as 11.5 hours from now, or as 13d18h in-game time.

13d 6h 39m We start filming the latest movie available. As we scroll through the menu, some new information is added to the overlay...

13d 6h 37m It's a smash hit! We leave the theater and head back to the studio.

13d 6h 33m We're currently watching our latest movie, Ghost Eraser 3.

[Info] Since the last round of updates, we did some of the vanilla PWT rounds, then made a couple bonus Elite Four attempts; we didn't win, so we went to Black Tower for awhile before stopping to catch a Lv. 65 Mew (AATP) at 12d 14h 53m. We beat Rival y at 12d16h55m, then went back to Black Tower for some more rounds. We also beat Brawly again, who I think had a higher-level rematch after the Elite Four? Then we caught a ♀ Lv. 4 Ralts (AQZWR) at 12d 19h 43m, and then we proceeded to film a whole bunch of movies.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. For more updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

12d 10h 7m We fly to the PWT.

12d 10h 5m We save! Current time: 292:16.

12d 10h 1m Caught a female Lv. 23 Tympole! Nickname: MQNCRNY♀♂.

12d 10h 0m As we search the Route 16 grass, the sun begins to rise outside.

12d 9h 56m Caught a female Lv. 24 Minccino! Nickname: Minc.

12d 9h 53m Back into the Bridge Gate.

12d 9h 50m Caught a female Lv. 68 Swanna! Nickname: SwannaI.

12d 9h 47m We step onto Marvelous Bridge.

12d 9h 46m We pay a visit to Route 16.

12d 9h 43m We catch a ride back to Mistralton City, then fly to Nimbasa City.

12d 9h 35m Caught a male Lv. 35 Servine! Nickname: HI CHAT.

12d 9h 31m Caught a male Lv. 19 Nuzleaf! No nickname.

12d 9h 29m Caught a male Lv. 32 Servine! No nickname.

12d 9h 27m Krookodile faints to a wild Chansey.

12d 9h 24m Caught a male Lv. 54 Serperior! Nickname: SNEK.

12d 9h 18m We try to Fly, but we're told we can't use that here.

12d 9h 16m We throw another Poké Ball and get hit by Shadow Ball again. We finally select Crunch, and Musharna uses another Shadow Ball. One more Crunch takes Musharna out. Defeated Trainer Hilda! She says ...!! but doesn't go anywhere.

12d 9h 15m We send out Krookodile and throw some Dusk Balls. Musharna uses Recover and then uses Shadow Ball, which doesn't do much.

12d 9h 14m Musharna is sent out and we use Shadow Ball, getting a Sp.Def drop before it uses Psychic. Porygon-Z faints! Oh, and Musharna seems to have Leftovers.

12d 9h 13m We open with Discharge; Carracosta survives with slightly more than 1 HP and buffs with a Salac Berry, then uses Stone Edge. We take it out with another Discharge.

12d 9h 12m We send out Porygon-Z. Serperior sets up Calm Mind...or, uh, sets down Calm Mind since it has Contrary? We use Ice Beam and it survives with a Focus Sash; Hilda uses a Full Restore and we use Ice Beam again, taking it out. Carracosta is sent out.

12d 9h 11m We OHKO Volcarona with Dark Pulse. Serperior is sent out and we set up another Dark Pulse, and Leaf Storm hits. Darkrai faints!

12d 9h 9m We set up another Nasty Plot and then use Dark Pulse, taking Zekrom out. Potentially-Volcarona is sent out and falls asleep immediately, and we start using more Dark Pulse...we take it out in one hit and confirm it as Zoroark as usual. Real-Volcarona is sent out.

12d 9h 8m Vs. Trainer Hilda! Challenge Attempt #4; Zekrom vs. Darkrai. We put it to sleep with Dark Void and then Nasty Plot, but it wakes up and uses Bolt Strike, which we barely clutch. We put it back to sleep.

12d 9h 3m We fly back to Mistralton City and then to the Nature Preserve.

12d 9h 1m We fly to Lentimas Town.

12d 8h 58m We send out Krookodile (Leaf Storm). Krookodile faints!. We send out Milotic (Leaf Storm). Milotic faints! Blacked out!

12d 8h 57m We send out Eelektross. Leaf Storm. Eelektross faints!

12d 8h 56m We send out Porygon-Z. Leaf Storm. Porygon-Z faints!

12d 8h 55m Serperior is sent out and uses Leaf Storm, and Landorus faints!

12d 8h 54m We use Earthquake and Carracosta survives with Sturdy, munching on its Salac Berry. It uses Aqua Tail. Next turn we use Bulk Up and Carracosta uses Stone Edge, which we survive to use Earthquake again and take it out.

12d 8h 53m We send out Landorus and use Brick Break on "Volcarona"; it's super effective and Zoroark faints. Carracosta is sent out.

12d 8h 53m Dark Void misses and Volcarona uses Focus Blast; Darkrai faints!

12d 8h 52m We use Dark Pulse and Zekrom wakes up and uses Stone Edge. Hilda uses a Full Restore and we use two more Dark Pulses to take it out. Volcarona(?) is sent out.

12d 8h 51m Vs. Trainer Hilda! Challenge Attempt #3. Zekrom vs. Darkrai. We miss a Dark Void but it misses a Bolt Strike, so that's fine. We set up Nasty Plot.

12d 8h 49m Caught a male Lv. 18 Dewott! Nickname: Dew.

12d 8h 44m After another Audino false alarm, we start making our way down the narrow path...

12d 8h 42m We find a patch of shaking grass right as we start walking! ...it's an Audino.

12d 8h 40m We head to the airport and fly back to Nature Preserve.

12d 8h 36m Carracosta is sent out, but survives our Earthquake due to Sturdy and responds with Waterfall. Krookodile faints! Blacked out!

12d 8h 35m We send out Krookodile and Serperior uses Hidden Power, which isn't very effective but crits. We get a Crunch crit and Serperior goes down.

12d 8h 35m We send out Milotic, who meets a very familiar fate at this point. Milotic faints!

12d 8h 33m We send out Landorus and Leaf Storm hits; Landorus faints!

12d 8h 33m We send out Porygon-Z and Serperior collects its final Contrary boost; Porygon-Z faints!

12d 8h 32m Serperior boosts its SpAtk with Leaf Storm as we use Flamethrower. The second one hits and Eelektross faints!

12d 8h 31m We send out Eelektross. Night Daze misses and we use Drain Punch, which is not SE on bug, but sure is on dark; it takes Zoroark out and Serperior is sent out.

12d 8h 30m We set up another Nasty Plot...and then another, and Volcarona Zoroark wakes up, using Night Daze and losing some HP. Darkrai faints!

12d 8h 29m We set up a Nasty Plot and then Dark Pulse again, taking Zekrom out. Volcarona is sent out and we give that a nap too.

12d 8h 28m Vs. Trainer Hilda! Challenge Mode Attempt #2. Darkrai vs. Zekrom, who's still Lv. 105 but is showing up on Dexnav. We lead with Dark Pulse and take a Bolt Strike with 4 HP remaining, then put Zekrom to sleep.

12d 8h 26m We fly to the Nature Preserve.

[Fluff] Also, Dexnav couldn't read Hilda's party in that battle since her Pokémon were over Lv. 100.

[Info] Catches since we last left off: 65- Jirachi (AAAA....LM); 65- Regice; 55♀ Lapras (T); 60♂ Whiscash (WhiscashOC); 65♀ Gastrodon. We also seem to have failed in catching Giratina, Rayquaza, Dialga, and that shiny Arceus, who seems to have weakened us before the Hilda battle.

12d 8h 20m We fly to Mistralton City .Checkpoint in Mistralton City.

[Info] I don't think we beat Standard Mode Hilda before we switched over, but that was definitely Attempt #1 on Challenge Mode.

12d 8h 16m Volcarona's faster now and uses Bug Buzz. Milotic faints! Blacked out! ...and Volcarona faints from Life Orb damage, but that doesn't help much. We still wake up in Aspertia City.

12d 8h 14m Volcarona (?) uses Focus Blast and Porygon-Z faints! We only have Milotic left. We use Surf and Volcarona yeah, that's Zoroark -- well, it uses Night Daze and gets a drop. Next turn we take it out with Surf and the actual Volcarona is sent out, and we almost take it out but it uses Quiver Dance.

12d 8h 13m We send out Porygon-Z and Serperior decides to set up Calm Mind. We use Discharge. Next turn Leaf Storm misses and we take Serperior out with Ice Beam; Volcarona is sent out.

12d 8h 12m Carracosta uses Waterfall and Landorus faints! We send out Eelektross who barely survives a Stone Edge and uses Thunderbolt, taking Carracosta out. Hilda sends out a Serperior who's also Lv. 103 and starts giving us Iris flashbacks with Contrary Leaf Storm. Eelektross faints!

12d 8h 11m It's currently Landorus vs. Carracosta, who's Lv. 103. It survives our Earthquake with Sturdy, eats a Salac Berry, and uses Shell Smash. Hilda uses a Full Restore as we use another Earthquake...

[Info] Apparently, we defeated Challenge Mode Iris on our first challenge attempt at 12d7h43; we're currently facing Trainer Hilda, who has half our team down from a Lv. 105 Zekrom.

[Meta] With our fishing excitement over, the Live Updater will be going dark again now. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

12d 2h 27m Picked up a Max Elixir!

12d 2h 24m Caught a female Lv. 36 Goldeen! No nickname.

12d 2h 18m Fishing around in Striaton City.

12d 2h 8m We fly back to Striaton City and rush back to Route 3. We leave Meowth at the Daycare! We take Eelektross back from the Daycare!

12d 2h 5m We unwrap the Rare Candy and hand it back. Meowth reaches Lv. 51! ...but the B bar used up its energy a few seconds ago, so Meowth doesn't evolve.

12d 2h 4m Meowth looks like it's holding something...Received a Rare Candy!

12d 2h 4m With that all done, Yancy rushes off. We stare after her. Meowth presumably waves.

[Fluff] As the music for the trade started, the B bar sprung up.

12d 2h 3m Yancy wants to trade us her Meowth she got in another region; she'll take anything. We trade Dusknoir for Yancy's Meowth!

12d 2h 1m We swing by the Ferris Wheel. Looks like Yancy's here waiting for us! We hop on the ferris wheel together.

12d 2h 0m We fly to Nimbasa City and move Dusknoir to the front of the party, sending Darkrai all the way to slot 6.

12d 1h 58m We fly to Striaton City and walk to Route 3, where we swing by the Daycare... We drop off Eelektross in the Daycare! We get Dusknoir back from the Daycare!

12d 1h 54m We wake up back in our room as the word WINTER flashes ominously on the screen. We leave the house, then come back to talk to our mom! We heal! (even though we were healed already.)

12d 1h 53m With inputs frozen as the credits end, the game enters Challenge Mode! We also switch to Black City.

12d 1h 45m We step into the Hall of Fame and put our Pokémon in the machine. Our Pokémon's pictures flash across the computer, and fireworks go off as the credits begin to play again! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ。೨⋆

[Dev] M4_used_Rollout: PWT isn't ready yet btw still working on it ... M4_used_Rollout: but you can have Challenge Mode now

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

12d 1h 44m Dragonite is sent out and we use Dark Pulse, getting a flinch again, and we use one more Dark Pulse to take it out. Lapras is sent out and faints to one Dark Pulse. DEFEATED CHAMPION IRIS!

12d 1h 43m Hydreigon faints and Serperior is sent out. We use Dark Pulse and Serperior's Focus Sash activates but it flinches. Iris uses a Full Restore and we Dark Pulse again, taking it out.

12d 1h 42m Hydreigon joins its buddies for a little Dark Void nap. As it snores, we set up another Dark Pulse; Bad Dreams keeps doing background damage. We use Dark Pulse again.

12d 1h 41m We miss our first Dark Void and Excadrill sets up Swords Dance, but our next Dark Void hits. We get a Dark Pulse crit and Excadrill faints, and Hydreigon is sent out.

12d 1h 40m We open with Dark Pulse, putting Haxorus to sleep, and then set up a Nasty Plot. We take it out with Dark Void and Excadrill is sent out.

12d 1h 40m Vs. Champion Iris! Attempt #4. Haxorus vs. Darkrai.

12d 1h 38m Getting our exercise in as we approach Iris...

12d 1h 36m Cursed Body activates as Froslass faints, but Sableye is Shauntal's last Pokémon, so Psychic wouldn't have worked anyway. Sableye forgets it has Prankster so we move first with Dark Pulse and it faints. Defeated Elite Four Shauntal! (Whoops, that was Attempt #10, by the way.)

12d 1h 36m Golurk is sent out and we use Dark Pulse. Froslass is sent out and our Disable is over so we put it to sleep with Dark Void, breaking its sash with Bad Dreams before we finish it off with Psychic.

12d 1h 34m Jellicent comes back and we set up another Nasty Plot, putting us at +6, and it tries to Trick again but still fails. Shauntal brings out Chandelure which we take out with Psychic. Jellicent comes back and we Psychic it, finally taking it down.

12d 1h 33m Vs. Elite Four Shauntal! Jellicent vs. Darkrai. We set up a Nasty Plot, and then as we set up another Shauntal sends out Gengar. We try to sleep it but miss, and it uses Disable; Dark Void won't work anymore. We take it out with Psychic.

12d 1h 29m Musharna and Gothitelle finish our Crunch collection. Defeated Elite Four Caitlin!

12d 1h 28m Alakazam is second on our list. Metagross survives our Crunch and lands a Meteor Mash, and then Caitlin uses a Full Restore; we Crunch 2 more times to finish the job.

12d 1h 28m We send out Krookodile and use Earthquake and Gallade finally goes down. Reuniclus is sent out and is the first victim of our oncoming Crunch spam.

12d 1h 27m We send out Porygon-Z and use Discharge; Gallade responds with Close Combat and Porygon-Z faints!

12d 1h 25m Vs. Elite Four Caitlin! Attempt #9. Landorus (at 12 HP) vs. Gallade. It opens with Shadow Sneak and Landorus faints!

12d 1h 21m Liepard is sent out and boosts its Fake Out with a Normal Gem. Next turn we still just use Brick Break and Liepard goes down. Krookodile is sent out and uses Crunch, but we clutch and use Brick Break one more time and it faints. Defeated Elite Four Grimsley!

12d 1h 19m Krookodile Zoroark is sent out and immediately falls to Brick Break. Bisharp is sent out and we use Brick Break there too, and it uses its Focus Sash in order to land an Iron Head. Grimsley uses a Full Restore and Brick Break KOs this time.

12d 1h 18m Scrafty is sent out and we use Bulk Up, and it uses Dragon Dance. We Fly as it dances some more, and then it sets up another now that it's faster...oh, and it has a Coba Berry, but Fly finishes it off anyway.

12d 1h 18m Vs. Elite Four Grimsley! Tyranitar vs. Landorus. We open with Earthquake and get the OHKO.

12d 1h 14m Sawk is sent out and we apply Brick Break, and it misses its Stone Edge, letting us Brick Break it to victory. Defeated Elite Four Marshall!

12d 1h 13m Mienshao is sent out and opens with Fake Out. We use Fly next turn and it misses its High Jump Kick, breaking its own sash...and our Fly misses. We take a High Jump Kick before taking out Mienshao with Brick Break.

12d 1h 11m As usual, Lucario falls to Brick Break. Conkeldurr is sent out and we use Fly, taking it down. Throh is sent out and we use Earthquake, and it uses Circle Throw, bringing out Porygon-Z. We switch back to Landorus, and Throh uses Stone Edge, although it's dampened a bit by our fresh Intimidate. We take it out next turn.

12d 1h 11m Vs. Elite Four Marshall! Attempt #13. Landorus vs. Infernape, which we take out with Earthquake again.

12d 1h 9m E4 Rematch Attempt #13 begins!

[RIP] RIP E4 Rematch Attempt #12.

12d 1h 6m We send out Krookodile and Leaf Storm just keeps hitting forever. Krookodile faints! Blacked out!

12d 1h 5m We send out Milotic. Leaf Storm still hits and Milotic faints!

12d 1h 4m We send out Eelektross. Serperior uses even more Leaf Storm and Eelektross faints!

12d 1h 4m Serperior uses Leaf Storm and Porygon-Z faints!

12d 1h 3m We survive Hydreigon's Draco Meteor and use Tri Attack; it barely survives. Iris uses a Full Restore and we use Ice Beam, KOing. Serperior is sent out.

12d 1h 2m We open with Discharge and Haxorus is paralyzed, but it sets up Dragon Dance anyway. Next turn we get a Tri Attack crit. Hydreigon is sent out.

12d 1h 2m Vs. Champion Iris! Attempt #3. Haxorus vs. Porygon-Z.

12d 1h 1m We play chicken with the statue for awhile before pressing the button.

12d 0h 57m We run to the corner and move Porygon-Z in front of Krookodile.

12d 0h 54m Metagross is sent out and is holding an Air Balloon. It survives and uses Meteor Mash, and next turn Caitlin uses a Full Restore, letting us get in the two Crunches to take it down. Musharna is sent out and Crunch KOs, and then we KO Gothitelle too. Defeated Elite Four Caitlin!

12d 0h 53m We send out Krookodile and use Earthquake, taking Gallade out; Reuniclus is up next and we use Crunch, which OHKOs, and we start getting Moxie boosts.

12d 0h 52m Gallade wakes up after that Nasty Plot and uses Close Combat; Darkrai faints!

12d 0h 51m Vs. Elite Four Caitlin! Attempt #8. Gallade vs. Darkrai. We put it to sleep with Dark Void, then set up a Nasty Plot.

12d 0h 50m Defeated Elite Four Shauntal! Caitlin's the last E4 member standing.

12d 0h 48m Golurk is sent out and we take it out with Dark Pulse. Froslass is sent out and we put it to sleep; Bad Dreams breaks its Focus Sash and we take it out with Psychic. Sableye is sent out and sneaks in a Confuse Ray before we move, and we hit ourselves. Next turn we manage to use Dark Pulse, though.

12d 0h 46m We set up three Nasty Plots; Jellicent wakes up and use Trick, but that doesn't work on our mail. We take down Gengar with more Psychic and then Chandelure with even more Psychic.

12d 0h 45m Vs. Elite Four Shauntal! Attempt #9. Jellicent vs. Darkrai. We put it to sleep with Dark Void...

12d 0h 42m Oh, hey, we're back. Liepard uses Fake Out on the actual Pokémon, and next turn it uses Thunder Wave; Eelektross is paralyzed, but we get back to 2/3 health with Drain Punch. Defeated Elite Four Grimsley!

[Snark] Liepard used Fake Out on the inputs.

12d 0h 40m Liepard is sent out and inputs freeze...

12d 0h 39m An actual Krookodile is sent out this time, and it uses Crunch as we Drain Punch. Next turn we rinse and repeat, taking it down.

12d 0h 39m We send out Eelektross and Grimsley uses a Full Restore as we use Crunch. It uses Psycho Cut before we take it out with Flamethrower.

12d 0h 38m Krookodile is sent out and we use Brick Break--oh, nope, Zoroark is sent out and we use Brick Break. Either way it KOs. Bisharp is sent out and survives our Brick Break with its Focus Sash, and it lands a crit Iron Head. Landorus faints!

12d 0h 37m Scrafty is sent out and we use Bulk Up as it uses Dragon Dance. We Fly nd Scrafty sets up another DDance; next turn it uses Sucker Punch, which fails since we're in the air and all, and Fly takes it down.

12d 0h 36m Vs. Elite Four Grimsley! Attempt #9. Tyranitar vs. Landorus. We open with Earthquake and OHKO.

12d 0h 32m Sawk is sent out. We use Brick Break and it misses a Stone Edge, and we take it out next turn. Defeated Elite Four Marshall!

12d 0h 31m Mienshao is sent out and leads with Fake Out. We use Brick Break and it lands its High Jump Kick, and we finish it off with Earthquake.

12d 0h 30m Throh is sent out and we use even more Fly. It survives with its Coba Berry and uses Stone Edge, getting a crit. We Fly again and succeed in taking it down this time.

12d 0h 30m Lucario faints to Brick Break. Conkeldurr is sent out and we actually land our Fly this time, taking it down with a crit for good measure.

12d 0h 28m Vs. Elite Four Marshall! Attempt #12. Infernape vs. Landorus. We open with Landorus and take it out.

12d 0h 27m E4 Rematch Attempt #12 begins!

[RIP] #stream-feed missed an attempt, which means this is RIP E4 Rematch Attempt #11.

12d 0h 25m Serperior is sent out and uses Leaf Storm for style; Milotic faints! Blacked out!

12d 0h 24m We send out Milotic and Haxorus uses Outrage; we clutch and take it out with Ice Beam, even with its Yache Berry.

12d 0h 23m We outspeed with Dragon Claw and Haxorus sets up a Dragon Dance. Next turn it's faster with Aqua Tail, and Krookodile faints!

12d 0h 23m Vs. Champion Iris! Attempt #2. Haxorus vs. Krookodile.

12d 0h 22m Slowly walking up the stairs to Iris...getting a workout.

12d 0h 17m Liepard uses U-Turn and we use Recover; Liepard survives its Toxic damage, allowing the sand to hit us before it faints. Defeated Elite Four Grimsley!

12d 0h 17m Sucker Punch fails as we heal some more. Toxic and the sand slowly cut away Liepard's health.

[Chat] howlback: grimsley rolls dice to decide what move he uses

12d 0h 16m Liepard uses Sucker Punch as we try to Surf, but we can't move...

12d 0h 14m Liepard's Sucker Punch fails as we use Toxic. Liepard bounces off us with U-Turn, but there's nowhere for it to go; we use Recover.

12d 0h 13m Ice Beam finishes Bisharp off and Actual Liepard is sent out. It uses Thunder Wave and Milotic's paralyzed, and we can't move this turn.

12d 0h 12m Grimsley sends out Bisharp and we send out Milotic; Bisharp uses Sucker Punch and we use Surf. Next turn we Recover as it uses Psycho Cut.

12d 0h 11m Liepard uh, Zoroark uses Night Daze, taking Life Orb damage; we finish it off with Thunderbolt, but then take Sandstorm damage. Eelektross faints!

12d 0h 10m Scrafty uses Sucker Punch, but we Drain Punch again and take it down. Liepard is sent out.

12d 0h 10m Scrafty is sent out and uses Stone Edge, and we Drain Punch some more.

12d 0h 8m Krookodile uses Crunch and we use some more Drain Punch, getting us back up to half health again. Grimsley uses a Full Restore, allowing us to slurp up some more health. Next turn is Crunch and Drain Punch again, and Krookodile finally faints. After all that we're at 2/3 health.

12d 0h 7m We take another Stone Edge and use Drain Punch again. Grimsley sends out Fake Krookodile.

12d 0h 6m Vs. Elite Four Grimsley! Attempt #8?. Tyranitar vs. Eelektross; it goes first with Stone Edge, cutting us to half health, and we use Drain Punch. It's holding a Chople Berry to weaken the attack, but we still get lots of health back. Oh, and we're taking sandstorm damage.

12d 0h 2m Musharna is sent out and we use Crunch, OHKOing with the help of Moxie. Gothitelle is sent out and we Crunch that too. Defeated Elite Four Caitlin!

[Fluff] Oh, by the way, welcome to Day 13!

12d 0h 2m Metagross is sent out. It has an Air Balloon, so we use Crunch and have to take a Meteor Mash. Caitlin uses a Full Restore, but it doesn't fix the balloon, and we Earthquake to take Metagross out.

12d 0h 0m We send out Krookodile and use Crunch, taking Reuniclus out. Alakazam is sent out and we use Crunch on that too.

11d 23h 59m We use Nasty Plot, then attempt to use a Max Elixir. Reuniclus wakes up and uses Focus Blast. Darkrai faints!

11d 23h 58m We use Dark Pulse and Gallade faints. Reuniclus is sent out and we use Dark Void, giving it a little nap.

11d 23h 57m Vs. Elite Four Caitlin! Attempt #7, according to #stream-feed? It's Gallade vs. Darkrai, and we use Dark Void before setting up a Nasty Plot.

11d 23h 54m Cursed Body stops cursing us and we use Nasty Plot, taking Sableye out. Defeated Elite Four Shauntal!

11d 23h 53m We put Sableye to sleep with Dark Void, but it wakes up and uses Confuse Ray, and we use Nasty Plot.

11d 23h 51m Golurk is sent out and we use some more Dark Pulse. Froslass is sent out and we use even more Dark Pulse, but this one has a Focus Sash, and also Cursed Body goes off. Froslass uses Ice Beam. Next turn Shauntal uses a Full Restore as we're forced to use Psychic...it still KOs, though.

11d 23h 51m We OHKO Gengar with Psychic. Chandelure is sent out and we use Dark Pulse, OHKOing that too. Its Air Balloon pops sadly.

11d 23h 50m Vs. Elite Four Shauntal! Attempt #...8? Jellicent vs. Darkrai, anyway. We put the jelly to sleep with Dark Void, then set up Nasty Plot once before taking it out with Dark Pulse. Gengar is sent out.

11d 23h 47m We save! Current time: 282:14.

11d 23h 43m We put Sawk to sleep with some more Dark Void, getting some Bad Dreams damage, then take it out with Psychic. Defeated Elite Four Marshall!

11d 23h 41m We send out Darkrai. Marshall uses a Full Restore and we use Dark Pulse. We land a Dark Void and then use Psychic. Marshall sends out his last Pokémon, Sawk.

11d 23h 40m We send out Porygon-Z and use Tri Attack to finish Throh off. Mienshao is sent out and we stare at it for a little bit before using Tri Attack again; Mienshao survives with its Focus Sash and uses High Jump Kick. Porygon-Z faints!

11d 23h 39m We land a Fly on Throh, but it's holding a Coba Berry and uses Circle Throhw. Landorus faints!

11d 23h 37m We use Fly and the attack misses; Conkeldurr uses Ice Punch and we survive with 18 HP. We Fly again, evading Conkeldurr's Stone Edge, and Fly hits this time, taking Conkeldurr out.

11d 23h 36m Lucario is sent out, and we OHKO with Brick Break. Marshall sends out Conkeldurr.

11d 23h 35m Vs. Elite Four Marshall! Infernape vs. Landorus. According to #stream-feed, this is somehow attempt #11 on E4 Attempt #10. Either way we open with Earthquake and OHKO Infernape instantly.

11d 23h 35m Elite Four Rematch Attempt #10(?) begins!

[Info] Catches in the downtime: 65- Azelf (q); 65- Uxie; 65- Mesprit (Mespritvez); and a random 62♀ Nidorina (♀LI JCI).

[Info] Since the last round of updates, we seem to have spent most our time at White Treehollow again, with a couple tries at the Elite Four. Our whole team is Lv. 100 now, with Krookodile getting there at 11d8h37m, Landorus at 11d9h20m, Eelektross at 11d17h4m, and Porygon-Z at 11d20h51m, with its last level coming from a Rare Candy. We also defeated GAME FREAK Morimoto and Nishino at 11d15h13m and 11d15h22m.

11d 23h 26m We heal an extra time for good luck.

11d 23h 25m We stare blankly at the nurse in the Pokémon Center for awhile.

11d 23h 22m We send out Eelektross and Serperior is faster and uses Leaf Storm. We survive and use Flamethrower. Iris uses a Full Restore and we Flamethrower again. We throw a Dusk Ball for the sake of disrespect and Serperior uses Dragon Pulse. Eelektross faints! We black out!

11d 23h 21m We send out Milotic and use Ice Beam, but Haxorus has a berry and uses Outrage again. We Ice Beam again and it faints. Serperior uses Leaf Storm and Milotic faints!

[Info] This seems to be attempt #1 on Iris according to #stream-feed.

11d 23h 19m We miss our Dark Void and Haxorus lands an Outrage, and we Nasty Plot and Outrage hits again; Darkrai faints! It's a three turn Outrage...

11d 23h 18m Hopping on the updater really fast: we've been trying the Elite Four for awhile and we're Vs. Iris right now with full health Darkrai, Eelektross, Milotic; the others are fainted.

[Meta] Sadly, the updater will have to go dark again. Check out #stream-feed for more updates. ♀ N♀ OH APPP PPQQ!

10d 15h 24m We enter the nearby Pokémon Center and heal.

10d 15h 23m We leave the building.

10d 15h 21m Milotic uses Ice Beam, then gets hit by Thunder. Galvantula loses HP, meaning it's probably holding a Life Orb. Next turn, Surf hits it and it goes down. We have defeated Leader Elesa!

10d 15h 20m Galvantula is sent out by Elesa. It takes down Porygon-Z. Milotic is our next Pokémon.

10d 15h 19m We send out Porygon-Z again. It uses Tri Attack and takes down her Eelektross.

10d 15h 19m One more Aqua Tail takes down our Eelektross.

10d 15h 18m Hers uses Aqua Tail again. Ours responds with Drain Punch, healing some of the damage. Aqua Tail again from hers, and ours uses Thunderbolt.

10d 15h 18m Elesa sends out her own Eelektross. Hers uses Aqua tail, while ours is paralyzed.

10d 15h 17m Zebstrika bounces up again. When it comes down, Eelektross uses Drain Punch, taking it down.

10d 15h 17m Bounce does minimal damage to Eelektross, which still can't move.

10d 15h 16m Zebstrika comes down, and Bounce paralyzes Eelektross. Zebstrika bounces up again.

10d 15h 16m Zebstrika bounces up. It goes down, but Porygon-Z avoids the attack, and hits back with Tri Attack! Zebstrika springs up again, and we switch to Eelektross.

10d 15h 15m We send out Porygon-Z. It uses Tri Attack, then gets hit by Focus Blast. Porygon-Z is in the red, but still alive. It uses Tri Attack again, and defeats Ampharos. Zebstrika is next.

10d 15h 13m Darkrai uses Nasty Plot to raise its Special Attack. It gets greedy with a second Nasty Plot, but Ampharos wakes up and uses Focus Blast. Darkrai goes down.

10d 15h 12m We send Darkrai, which uses Dark Void. Ampharos avoids the attack and uses Focus Blast again. Darkrai goes for Dark Void again, and puts Ampharos to sleep.

10d 15h 12m Elesa sends out Ampharos. Krookodile uses Earthquake, but Ampharos seems to be holding an Air Balloon. It uses Focus Blast and Krookodile goes down.

10d 15h 11m We send out Krookodile. It gets hit by Cross Chop, then uses Earthquake and takes out Electivire. Moxie is triggered.

10d 15h 10m Electivire is next. It uses Ice Punch and Landorus faints.

10d 15h 10m Emolga uses Acrobatics again. Landorus flies up, and takes down Emolga with Fly.

10d 15h 9m Elesa uses a Full Restore. Landorus uses Brick Break.

10d 15h 9m Emolga uses Acrobatics again. Landorus flies up, then almost takes out Emolga as it comes down.

10d 15h 8m Emolga is Elesa's first Pokémon. It uses a Acrobatics. Our Landorus bulks up. The next turn goes similarly.

10d 15h 7m We enter the house where all the Leaders are hanging out and talk to Elesa. VS Leader Elesa!

[Info] I have been informed that StreamFeed has been lying to me and that we did not, in fact, defeat Pokémon Trainer Hilda during darktimes.

10d 15h 5m We exit the White Treehollow and fly to Nacrene City.

[Info] During the previous darktimes, we have caught a Lv. 50 Moltres (Moltresby), failed to capture both Latios and Victini, made another failed attempt at beating Hilda, caught a Lv. 50 Zapdos (Zapdos) and a male Lv. 50 Tornadus (Torna), went to the Nature Preserve to catch some Eeveelutions and defeated Pokémon Trainer Hilda, and caught a bunch of high-leveled Magikarp.

10d 15h 3m We fly to Mistralton City the White Forest and enter the White Treehollow.

10d 15h 1m We fly to Mistralton City again.

10d 15h 0m We fly to Mistralton City. No progress was made.

10d 14h 58m We are back in Mistralton City.

10d 14h 58m We send out Porygon-Z, our last Pokémon. Serperior uses Dragon Pulse and Porygon-Z faints. We black out.

10d 14h 58m We send out Krookodile, but it is immediately taken down by Leaf Storm. Serperior Special Attack has now risen to its maximum.

10d 14h 57m Serperior uses Leaf Storm, and its Special Attack rises sharply. Milotic survives and uses Ice Beam. Serperior survives thanks to a Focus Sash, but is frozen! Hilda uses a Full Restore on it, and Milotic uses Ice Beam again. Serperior survives and uses Leaf Storm again. Milotic faints. Serperior proves itself the superior snake for now.

10d 14h 55m Milotic uses Surf, which takes out Voclarona. Hilda sends out Serperior. It's the battle of the snakes!

10d 14h 55m Volcarona uses Fire Blast and Eelektross faints. We send out Milotic.

10d 14h 54m Hilda sends out her real Volcarona. It uses Hurricane and Darkrai faints. We send out Eelektross.

10d 14h 53m Hilda sends out Volcarona. Darkrai puts it to sleep, then takes it out with Dark Pulse, revealing it was a Zoroark all along.

10d 14h 52m Darkrai puts Zekrom to sleep with Dark Void. It then raises its attack with Nasty Plot. Zekrom wakes up, uses Bolt Strike but misses. Darkrai uses Nasty Plot again and gets hit by Bolt Strike. It then uses Dark Pulse and takes out Zekrom.

10d 14h 51m Hilda sends out Zekrom against our Landorus. Zekrom uses Outrage. Landorus answers with an Earthquake, which fails because of Zekrom's Air Balloon. Outrage then takes out Landorus the next turn, and we send Darkrai.

10d 14h 50m VS Pokémon Trainer Hilda!

10d 14h 49m We are currently in the Nature Preserve.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for a bit. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot-run updates.

10d 11h 20m We surf off the route's beach, and do the riding-a-Pokémon equivalent of shuffling back and forth on the water. We occasionally hit either the grassy island or the shallow area and fall off Milotic, but get back on relatively quickly.

[Fluff] Currently, Darkrai's Dark Void, Milotic's Recover, the Battle Bag's balls pocket, and the Dusk Ball in the Balls pocket are all hit by the MOVE2 coordinates. It's a rather elegant setup for legendary hunting, as demonstrated during the past few legendary battles.

10d 11h 12m We try to walk through a Sage, who tells us about the Abysmal Ruins. We walk around him, to pass through a gate and step onto Route 13, and check the Xtranscever again. Still can't call Yancy. We get on our bike, then head further into the route.

10d 11h 11m We step onto Route 14, check our Xtranscever again, and call Yancy. Either she tells us, or we tell her, that the Dowsing Machine can be used many places. We return to Undelia Town and check the Xtranscever, but can't cal Yancy again..

10d 11h 7m We step onto Route 12, then cross Lacunosa Town to step onto Route 13. Then we fly to Undelia Town.

10d 11h 4m We emerge from the Castelia City Poké Center, then fly to Lacunosa Town.

10d 11h 3m We send out Krookodile, who survives one Ice Beam and manages to deal massive damage to Porygon, but not fatal damage. Colress uses a Max Restore to heal Porygon; Krookodile uses Earthquake, which lands a critical hit, but Porygon survives using its Focus Sash. Porygon's next Ice Beam knocks out Krookodile. Blacked Out.

10d 11h 1m We send out Landorus. Landorus Bulks Up while Porygon recharges. Once Porygon gets to move, it strikes with an Ice Beam that 1HKOs Landorus.

10d 11h 0m We send out our Porygon-Z as Colress sends out his Porygon-Z. Colress' Porygon strikes first, with a Hyper Beam than takes out the rest of our Porygon's health.

10d 10h 59m We leave the warehouse-looking building, and walk a few steps over to enter the Plasma Frigate. We navigate the ship, find Colress, but pick up a revive before talking to him. Vs. Colress.

10d 10h 56m Milotic faints. We send in Porygon as the next meat shield. A few more Dusk Ball tosses later, Caught a Lv. 70 Genesect! Nickname: A.

10d 10h 49m We send in Eelektross, who uses Thunderbolt to reduce Genesect's health to a sliver. We resume throwing Dusk Balls. until Eelektross faints. We send in Milotic and continue throwing Dusk Balls.

10d 10h 47m The currents lead us to a warehouse-looking building. We enter, and find a lab inhabited by a Genesect. We engage. Genesect's Simple beam might have allowed Darkrai to keep up the Dark Void without risk of knocking out Genesect if Genesect didn't have the super effective moves to knock out Darkrai in two damaging hits. Darkrai faints.

10d 10h 43m We return to the northeaster surf spot, and start surfing this time. We get swept up by the currents of Route 17.

10d 10h 41m We traverse the island, including crossing the northern plateau and reaching the northeastern surf spot, before turning around and heading to a patch of grass in the northwestern corner of the island.

10d 10h 32m After being pushed around in a circle by a current, we reach Route 18 and disembark on the island.

10d 10h 30m Caught a Female Frillish. Nickname: KEK

10d 10h 29m We disembark a patch of land to the south, walk south to a gate, pass through the gate, reach Route 17, and continue heading west through Route 17.

10d 10h 25m We enter Route 1, head to the water, and start surfing westward.

10d 10h 23m Once we leave the cave, we fly to Nuvema Town enter someone's house and someone else's mom heals us.

10d 10h 21m On the way out of this cave, we talk to a Veteran who comments that maybe Dragonspiral Tower would be a good place to head and find some additional legendary Pokémon.

10d 10h 19m Milotic gets taken down to Red health, but isn't fast enough to recover before Kyurem's next Dragon Pulse. Milotic faints Instead of sending out a next Pokémon, we run. Kyurem vanishes, but Bianca and Cheren show up to tell us that Juniper is happy with out Pokedex progress and to say that maybe we'd be able to encounter other legendary Pokémon. We pick up the DNA Splicers.

10d 10h 13m We send out Porygon-Z, and continue tossing dusk balls. Kyurem knocks out Porygon-Z. We send in Milotic, who we do allow to occasionally Recover between our Dusk Ball throws.

10d 10h 9m We use the same Dark Void and Dusk Ball strategy to try to catch Kyurem, until Kyurem reaches yellow health solely from Bad Dream damage, at which point the Dark Void part is dropped. Kyurem, being awake enough to retaliate Knocks out Darkrai.

10d 10h 4m We walk through the cave's first room, and head to the center of the second room, where we encounter Kyurem.

10d 10h 1m We walk through a patch of dead trees, walking right past a Deoxys, to the eastern wall of this depression. We counterclockwise around the edge of the depression until we reach a cave at 12-o-clock., and we enter.

10d 9h 59m We quickly navigate the chasm maze, walk down a flight of stairs, and then exit the cave northward.

10d 9h 56m We cross Route 22, occasionally tripping over and immediately running from a wild Mienfoo. We enter the Giant Chasm.

10d 9h 48m We walk to the northern beach-and-rased-houses area of the city. We navigate the raised platforms and beaches, hitting a few dead ends, until we find the path to and reach Route 22.

10d 9h 42m We fly from Castelia City to Castelia City, for a net movement of 1 tile. We then Fly to Humilau City.

10d 9h 41m We buy 209 Dusk Balls in total, then we heal and leave the Poké Center.

10d 9h 41m We ascend one final level of the Dragonspiral tower, then Fly to Castelia City, enter the Poké Center and start buying Dusk Balls to replenish our supply.

10d 7h 39m VS PMɴ Trainer Cynthia! Attempt #2!
10d 7h 50m Defeated PMɴ Trainer Cynthia!
10d 8h 1m We go to Driftveil Drawbridge and start picking up various Wing items from bird shadows.
10d 8h 39m In one of the shadows, find and Caught a Male Lv. 30 Ducklett! Nickname: AA. Sent to Box 9.
10d 9h 3m Find a Raikou. After ten minutes of tossing Dusk Balls, Caught a Lv. 50 Raikou! Nickname: AAGGGGGQQJ.
10d 9h 8m We start climbing Dragonspiral Tower.
10d 9h 25m We encounter the static Shiny Reshram. Darkrai put Reshram to sleep with dark void, then we catch the Reshram in the first Dusk Ball. Caught a Lv. 75 Reshiram! Nickname: ResOZL.
10d 9h 28m We encounter the static Shiny Zekrom
10d 9h 36m Many dusk balls later, a critical capture catches Zekrom. Caught a Lv. 75 Zekrom! No nickname

[Meta] While we enjoy our phone tour of Unova, the Live Updater will be going dark for a bit. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

10d 7h 35m We fly to Undella Town and call Yancy some more.

[Chat] WanderingWispy: i love this view of r o c k

10d 7h 32m We head to the far north of the map, staring off the balcony at a large field of perfectly unique rocks.

[Info] Apparently we have now called Yancy 19 times.

10d 7h 30m We fly by Route 9, then head to Pokestar Studios.

10d 7h 23m We call Professor Juniper and then call Yancy...again. She says she wants to be cool.

10d 7h 22m We cross over into Lacunosa Town and immediately call Yancy again.

10d 7h 21m We go to Route 12 and call Yancy again. It's raining, but luckily our Xtransceiver doesn't short out or anything.

10d 7h 18m We fly to Lacunosa Town and call Yancy some more. She talks to us about Pokémon Musicals.

10d 7h 17m Caught a female Lv. 47 Houndoom! Nickname: PUPPY.

10d 7h 12m Caught a female Lv. 47 Garbodor! Nickname: ZAWA.

10d 7h 11m After throwing a lot of Dusk Balls, we run away. The Thundurus in our PC silently judges us.

10d 7h 8m Vs. Thundurus! Like last time, it's in Therian forme and shiny.

10d 7h 7m We step into the grass, and...it looks like there's an encounter waiting for us here...?

10d 7h 5m We swing by Route 9 and call Yancy some more.

10d 7h 2m We chat with Professor Juniper again.

10d 7h 1m We go back to Route 13 and call Bianca to chat.

10d 6h 58m We call Professor Juniper, and then call Yancy again. She says she likes Normal-types a lot.

10d 6h 58m We chat with Yancy again.

10d 6h 57m We briefly visit Route 13, then Route 12.

10d 6h 55m We fly to Lacunosa Town.

10d 6h 53m We call Yancy, and she chats for awhile before heading back to work.

10d 6h 50m We call Cheren and hang up immediately.

10d 6h 49m We call Yancy, then fumble our phone and hang up. We call Professor Juniper.

10d 6h 47m We head to Route 14 and hop on and off our bicy.

10d 6h 44m We send out Porygon-Z and, yeah, Manaphy uses Surf. Porygon-Z faints! Blacked out! Back upstairs. We head outside.

10d 6h 43m We send out Darkrai and Manaphy uses even more Surf; Darkrai faints!

10d 6h 42m Manaphy uses another Surf as we also Surf, and then disrespects us with Ice Beam. Milotic faints!

10d 6h 41m We send out Milotic and use Surf. Manaphy boosts its speed with a Salac Berry and uses Rest, then cures its sleep with Hydration. It sents up Tail Glow again and we use Surf some more...

10d 6h 40m Frederick sends out Manaphy as we send out Eelektross. Manaphy sets up Tail Glow and we use Thunderbolt, and then Manaphy uses Surf; Eelektross faints!

10d 6h 39m Tornadus is sent out. It uses Hurricane with a Flying Gem, and we hold on and use Rock Slide, which Tornadus barely survives. It uses U-Turn and Krookodile faints!

10d 6h 38m Vs. Boss Trainer Frederick! He leads with Politoed, who has Drizzle; we land a Fly before it uses Ice Beam and Landorus faints! We send out Krookodile and use Earthquake, taking the frog out.

10d 6h 35m Vs. Pokefan Colin! Landorus gets down to pretty low health before we take down Musharna, and Stunfish uses Endure on our Earthquake only to faint anyway to Brick Break.

10d 6h 30m Vs. Worker Jarvis! We switch to Eelektross and Forretress sets up Spikes, and Forretress survives our Flamethrower with Sturdy, munching on a Sitrus Berry as it sets up more Spikes. We shrug and take it out with Thunderbolt. Landorus reaches Lv. 80! Weezing faints to Thunderbolt too.

10d 6h 29m The nurse agrees to help us and we heal!

10d 6h 27m Vs. Nurse Mayo! Lairon survives our Drain Punch with Sturdy only to use Automize; Crunch finishes it off. Durant uses Shadow Claw before we roast it with Flamethrower.

10d 6h 25m Vs. Battle Girl Shomi! Shiftry manages a Fake Out before Eelektross uses Drain Punch and goes back to full health anyway. We use Crunch on Golurk to take that out.

10d 6h 22m Vs. Pokefan Simona! Alomomola uses Aqua Jet and Landorus faints! We send out Porygon-Z and Tri Attack that and Ice Beam Stunfisk, which uses Thunderbolt and then Endures our Shadow Ball before we finally take it out.

10d 6h 20m Vs. Breeder Cameliia! We switch to Eelektross against Happiny, who uses Shadow Ball, and then Drain Punch that and Blissey.

10d 6h 17m Vs. Breeder Owen! We wring some EXP out of Blissey and Happiny; Landorus is now hanging on at 7 HP from poison.

10d 6h 15m Vs. Roughneck Cullen! We switch out Landorus to Porygon-Z and Golurk uses Curs(e). We take it down with Ice Beam, and then take out Darmanitan with Tri Attack. Pory's now at half health from that Curse.

10d 6h 11m Vs. Worker Ryker! Miltank lives a Brick Break and uses Ice Punch, but we take it out next turn. We drop to red health, and as Forretress is sent out we switch to Eelektross; Forretress uses Magnet Rise, which doesn't protect it from our...oh, we use Drain Punch. It sets up Spikes and we use Flamethrower next turn, taking it out.

10d 6h 9m We head down to Floor 7. Vs. Janitor Shiloh! We take out Torkoal with Earthquake and Weezing survives our Fly, getting a crit Sludge Bomb; Landorus is poisoned! We still take it out with Brick Break, though.

10d 6h 7m With the help of the nurse, we heal!

10d 6h 5m Vs. Nurse Bellevue! We Crunch Lanturn, who gets in a Bubblebeam before we Crunch again. Eelektross reaches Lv. 89! Glalie survives a Flamethrower with the help of a berry, and it Protects next turn, but we finally manage to take it down with Flamethrower.

10d 6h 3m Vs. Roughneck Cullen! Darmanitan uses Encore at us, which fails, and we hit it with Thunderbolt and take down Beartic with Flamethrower.

10d 6h 1m Vs. Worker Makar! We take out Torkoal and Skarmory with Thunderbolt.

[Info] Catches while the updater was dark: 47♀ Stunfisk (DERP); 43♀ Swalot; 39♀ Houndour (DOGE); 43♂ Muk (HSOL SUX) (we released this one 10 minutes after catching).

10d 5h 58m Vs. Pokefan Nora! We take down Gastrodon with two Crunches, avoiding its Muddy Water, and then take out Alomomola with Thunderbolt.

10d 5h 56m Vs. Breeder Josiah! We slurp up Blissey's health with Drain Punch, putting us back to health, and then take down Happiny with more Drain Punch.

[Info] Since Yugnat's set of updates, we put Volcarona back in the PC and released Tropius, then went to Icirrus and sold about ₽350k of items to the Ore Maniac, which we used to buy 297 Ultra Balls. We then defeated N and received the Dark Stone (which we just used to run away). We defeated Cheren and Elesa as rematches, then defeated Wallace&Steven again before blacking out to them. We badgequested for a bit, before going to make some movies...after awhile, we defeated Alder and went to White Treehollow, where we gained a lot of levels. We then failed to catch Entei due to permanent sand in its location, then flew to Dragonspiral Tower where we ran from Giratina and went to visit Zekrom, which is where we picked up.

10d 5h 54m Vs. Battle Girl Carmina! We take out Sawk with Thunderbolt and Leavanny lands a Shadow Claw before going down to Flamethrower.

10d 5h 50m Vs. Janitor Caleb! We take Weezing out with Thunderbolt. Ferrothorn buys itself some time with Protect but we take it out with Flamethrower and Eelektross reaches Lv. 88!

10d 5h 48m We send out Porygon-Z and take down Miltank with Tri Attack. Defeated Worker Jervis!

10d 5h 45m Vs. Worker Jervis! Cofagrigus lives an Earthquake and Landorus is burned by Will-O-Wisp. We still take it out though and Landorus reaches Lv. 79! We decide not to learn Hammer Arm. Jervis sends out Miltank, and we Bulk Up and it uses Ice Punch, and Landorus faints from its burn.

10d 5h 42m Vs. Baker Nelly! We take out Exploud with Earthquake and Skuntank with...also Earthquake.

10d 5h 41m Vs. Black Belt Nico. We hit his Hitmonlee with Fly and his Darmanitan with Earthquake.

10d 5h 37m Vs. Nursery Aide Airi! We defeat her Exploud with Brick Break and her Hariyama gets in a Fake Out, and then our Fly misses...but it hits the second time, and the weakening berry isn't enough to save it. Defeated Nursery Aide Airi!

10d 5h 34m Vs. Breeder Marigold! Blissey vs. Landorus. We smash the egg with Brick Break. Landorus reaches Lv. 78! Happiny is sent out and also gets a Brick Break. Defeated Breeder Marigold!

10d 5h 33m We select Area 6 this time, and our White Treehollow challenge begins.

10d 5h 31m We enter the wrong area and leave again.

10d 5h 29m We enter Area 1 of White Treehollow. We leave and the attendant tells us better luck next time.

10d 5h 25m We use 5 more HP Ups on Landorus.

10d 5h 24m We use our last two Calciums and an HP Up on Landorus.

10d 5h 21m We use 4 Zincs and 2 Calciums on Landorus. We call Bianca and she tells us that we and Darkrai are great friends! :) Milotic and Landorus too.

10d 5h 20m We talk to the miner. We heal and our White Treehollow challenge begins! We quit immediately.

10d 5h 19m We use our other PP Max on Darkrai's Dark Pulse.

10d 5h 18m We use a PP Max this time on Earthquake.

10d 5h 17m We use a Clever Wing on Landorus, and use two PP Ups on Landorus's Earthquake.

10d 5h 16m We poke Landorus with a Dusk Ball.

10d 5h 15m We use a Muscle Wing on Landorus, then B out of the bag. We approach the desk inside White Treehollow.

10d 5h 15m We use 3 Irons, 2 Calciums, and 4 Carbos on Landorus.

10d 5h 14m We use 5 Proteins on Landorus.

10d 5h 12m We call Professor Juniper and ask her to check our Pokedex. She says we've seen 219 Pokémon. The National Dex we've always had says we've seen 629 Pokémon.

10d 5h 10m We save! Current time: 239:54.

10d 5h 9m Very slowly biking around White Forest.

10d 5h 4m ...and we ran. N tells us that we're an amusing trainer, and that oh, well, he's sure the world we want will be full of love anyway. Also Kyurem's available now. We walk to the giant hole in the wall and fly to White City.

10d 5h 3m Oh, hey, we just encountered Zekrom! Although we already caught it...This one's the vanilla version from the Dark Stone, with the cutscene in Dragonspiral Tower.

[Meta] The updater will go dark for now. Check out #stream-feed for continuous updates during darktimes. ♀ N♀ OH APPP PPQQ!

9d 16h 55m We fly to Striaton City.

9d 16h 54m We leave Join Avenue.

9d 16h 53m We try to participate again, but the raffles are over, so we leave. "♀ N♀ OH APPP PPQQ", says Asta.

9d 16h 52m We participate in Asta's lottery and win prize n°10: a Berry Juice.

9d 16h 52m We talk to Asta, who tells us "AABP0♀02 APPP PPQQ". Okay.

[Snark] ♀♀R doesn't give a damn about gender.

9d 16h 50m We recommend Jule Mart to someone who wanted to see a female clerk. They're not a fan either.

9d 16h 48m We recommend Dream ★ Arhippa to someone. They're not a fan.

9d 16h 45m We recommend Dream ★ Arhippa to a passerby. They like it much better than the previous person.

9d 16h 43m People continue to shout "AABP0♀02", "♀ N♀ OH", and "SEX😃" at us.

9d 16h 43m We talk to a passerby and recommend Dream ★ Arhippa. They're unconvinced.

[Chat] 3333qwappy3333: hashtages, SEX, NEVERLUCKY, wow TPP

9d 16h 38m We recommend Julie Mart to a customer, who tells us that ♀ N♀ OH, she's off. She seems to like it.

[Info] It's "AABP0♀02", not "ABBP0♀02". I can't keep up with slang these days.

9d 16h 36m We recommend Axel barber to a passerby. They're happy about it.

9d 16h 35m We recommend Jule Mart to a passerby. They exchange an "ABBP0♀02" and the customer leaves happy.

[Snark] Dude, it's 2020, don't dismiss a shop just because the owner is female.

9d 16h 33m We recommend Julie Mart to a passerby who wanted to see a male clerk. Julie is a girl, and the passerby is disappointed.

9d 16h 31m We gamble at Dream ★ Alta and win Prize n°7: a Max Ether.

9d 16h 28m We recommend Jule Mart to a passerby.

9d 16h 26m Join Avenue popularity went up enough to reach Rank 2.

9d 16h 26m We recommend Barber Axel to a passerby.

9d 16h 25m We direct a passerby to Dream ★ Alta.

9d 16h 24m We walk through Join Avenue. SEX😃

9d 16h 22m We fly to... Nimbasa City. Where we already were.

9d 16h 19m We take the Exp. Share from Volcarona.

9d 16h 18m Larvesta evolved into Volcarona!

9d 16h 18m We send out Milotic and unleash a wave of Surf upon Torkoal, which faints. Larvesta grows to Lv. 47. Flannery is defeated.

9d 16h 17m Magmortar fares no better against Earthquake. Torkoal is last, and sure enough, it's Earthquake'd, but survives and takes down Landorus by Fire Blast.

9d 16h 16m Camerupt is next, and Earthquake takes care of it. Blaziken suffers the same fate. Larvesta grows to Lv. 46.

9d 16h 16m Chandelure is sent out. We send Landorus. Earthquake fails miserably. Landorus then uses Fly instead, popping Chandelure's balloon and taking it down. Landorus grows to Lv. 73, doesn't learn Stone Edge. Larvesta grows to Lv. 45.

9d 16h 14m Houndoom is taken down by Earthquake. Moxie is triggered. Larvesta grows to Lv. 44! Due to burn damage, Krookodile faints.

9d 16h 14m We challenge Flannery again right away!

9d 16h 13m Chartor is the last Pokémon sent by Flannery, but it goes down to Earthquake as well. Moxie is triggered. We defeated Pokémon Trainer Flannery!

9d 16h 13m Camerupt is next, and is taken out by Earthquake. Moxie is triggered. Larvesta grows to Lv. 43.

9d 16h 12m Chandelure is sent out. Earthquake does not affect it. It counterattacks hard and burns Krookodile, before going down to Crunch. Moxie is triggered..

9d 16h 11m Magmortar is next. Earthquake takes care of it. Moxie is triggered. Larvesta grows to Lv. 42.

9d 16h 11m Blaziken is sent out. Another Earthquake take sit down. Moxie is triggered. Larvesta grows to Lv. 41.

9d 16h 10m She sends out Houndoom. Lrookodile uses Earthquake, taking it down. Moxie is triggered. Larvesta grows to Lv. 40, doesn't learns Bug Bite.

9d 16h 10m We challenge Pokémon Trainer Flannery to a battle!

[Info] Now that those two battles are over, here's what happened during the previous darktimes. We have attempted (and failed) to defeat the Elite Four rematch, fought (and whited out) against both Pokémon Trainer Hilda and Pokémon Trainer Hilbert, then made two more (unsuccesful) attempts at the Elite Four Rematch and the Hilda battle. We however managed to defeat Pokémon Trainers Wallace & Steven, then defeated Pokémon Trainers Chill & Cress as well. We also evolved a bunch of Pokémon, and caught several Legendaries: a Lv. 75 Mewtwo (T), a female Lv. 68 Heatran (ACCCMNMOO), a Lv. 65 Terrakion (Terrakion), a Lv. 68 Deoxys (HOO), a Lv. 65 Shaymin (6CUTEEE), a Lv. 75 Lugia (APPPMMMMOQ), a Lv. 75 Kyogre (AGTNPR), a Lv. 50 Articuno (GICREBOY4D), and a Lv. 65 Cobalion (AOWYZMEE). Sorry for the out-of-order update.

9d 16h 7m We fly to Nimbasa City.

9d 16h 5m We send out Larvesta, which gets hit by Stone Edge. We black out.

9d 16h 4m Krookodile is sent out and goes down immediately to the Outrage. Garchomp is now confused.

9d 16h 3m Garchomp is out. It uses Swords Dance. Milotic uses Surf, which takes out about half its health. Next turn however, Garchomp takes out Milotic in a single attack.

9d 16h 2m Roserade is next. Milotic uses Waterfall, which makes it flinch. Another Waterfall, then Roserade uses Sleep Powder but misses. Third turn, Waterfall hits and Sleep Powder misses. Finally, the fourth Waterfall takes it down. Larvesta grows to Lv. 39.

9d 16h 1m We send out Milotic. It takes down Lucario using Surf, and Larvesta grows to Lv. 38.

9d 16h 0m Lucario is out. Porygon-Z gets hit by Close Combat and faints.

9d 16h 0m We send out Porygon-Z and Ice Beam Spiritomb to death. Larvesta grows to Lv. 37.

9d 15h 59m Landorus uses Earthquake again, but another Psychic takes it down.

9d 15h 58m Landorus uses Bulk Up again. Spiritomb uses Confuse Ray and confuses Landorus. The latter manages to use Earthquake, then gets hit by Psychic.

9d 15h 58m We send out Landorus, which uses Bulk Up. Spiritomb uses Will-o-Wisp and burns it.

9d 15h 57m Spiritomb uses Sucker Punch. Darkrai hurts itself again. It then uses Dark Void, but Spiritomb dodges. Burn damage takes out Darkrai.

9d 15h 56m Darkrai uses Dark Pulse, taking out about half of Spiritomb's health. We then use a Potion on it, and Spiritomb confuses it again.

9d 15h 55m We throw an Ultra Ball. Darkrai gets burned.

9d 15h 55m Cynthia uses a Full Restore on Spiritomb. Darkrai hurts itself in confusion.

9d 15h 55m We switch to Darkrai. It uses Dark Pulse, then gets confused.

9d 15h 53m Spiritomb is sent out. Our Krookodile uses Earthquake, then gets confused. It hurts itself next turn, then gets burned by Will-o-Wisp.

9d 15h 53m VS Pokémon Trainer Cynthia!

9d 15h 52m We enter a house and find Cynthia inside.

9d 15h 51m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

9d 15h 50m Zinzolin arrives to talk to us, telling us about the Abyssal Ruins.

9d 15h 49m Salamence is the last Pokémon sent by y. Darkrai puts it to sleep, then uses Dark Pulse. Bad Dreams torments it but does not make it faint. One more Dark Pulse, and it's over. Larvesta grows to Lv. 36. Pokémon Trainer y has been defeated!

9d 15h 48m Bouffalant is next. Darkrai uses Dark Void to put it to sleep, then Dark Pulse. Bad Dreams torments Bouffalant enough to make it faint. Larvesta grows to Lv. 35.

9d 15h 47m We send out Darkrai and sue Psychic to take out Roserade. Larvesta grows to Lv. 34.

9d 15h 46m Roserade is sent out and uses Leaf Storm, taking out Porygon-Z.

9d 15h 46m Eelektross is sent out by y. Porygon-Z uses Tri Attack and paralyzes it, gets hit back, then takes down Eelektross with another Tri Attack. Porygon-Z grows to Lv. 80, and Larvesta grows to Lv. 32, then Lv. 33.

9d 15h 44m We send out Porygon-Z, which uses Discharge and defeats Samurott. Larvesta grows to Lv. 30, does not learn Flame Charge, then grows to Lv. 31.

9d 15h 43m Samurott is sent out by y. Landorus uses Earthquake, then is hit by a Water-type attack, taking it down.

9d 15h 42m Larvesta grew to Lv. 28, then to Lv. 29.

9d 15h 41m We switch for Landorus, while y heals his Togekiss. The latter uses Nasty Plot, while Landorus uses Bulk Up. Next turn, it stupidly goes for Earthquake, which has no effect. It then dodges Togekiss attack, and flies up, dodging a Fire Blast. Landorus avoids a Hurricane, flies up again, and takes down Togekiss as it goes down.

9d 15h 40m y sends out Togekiss. Darkrai puts it to sleep, then uses Dark Pulse. Togekiss eats a Salac Berry in its sleep and raises its Speed.

9d 15h 39m Seems we can't battle the former Gym Leaders until tomorrow, so we fly to Undella Town instead and talk to our rival. VS Rival y!

9d 15h 36m We fly once more, to Striaton City.

[Info] ₽57796 | Balls: 354 | Pokedex: 423 / 625 / 649

♛♛w (Darkrai) [Greet Mail] Lv.100 Dark Pulse / Dark Void / Psychic / Nasty Plot
APSEPIEMG (Porygon-Z) [Greet Mail] Lv.79 Tri Attack / Ice Beam / Discharge / Shadow Ball
TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Greet Mail] Lv.100 Surf / Dive / Waterfall / Recover
Landorusg (Landorus) ♂ [Greet Mail] Lv.72 Earthquake / Fly / Strength / Bulk Up
L GGG HGMY (Krookodile) ♀ [Greet Mail] Lv.88 Earthquake / Crunch / Rock Slide / Dragon Claw
AAULL YB (Larvesta) ♀ [Exp. Share] Lv.27 Ember / String Shot / Leech Life / Take Down

9d 15h 34m We fly to the White Forest.

9d 15h 33m Picked up a Red Shard.

9d 15h 33m We use the Xtransceiver to call Prof. Juniper.

9d 15h 32m We ran. It's gone.

9d 15h 31m We are facing Suicune! Darkrai puts it to sleep and we start throwing Ultra Balls.

[Meta] As we grind, the Live Updater will be going dark again. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

9d 9h 26m Back outside. We move Servine to the front of the party.

9d 9h 25m We withdraw Servine from the PC.

9d 9h 24m Scizor runs back to the PC.

9d 9h 23m We retrieve tp (Scyther) from the PC. We use a Metal Coat. Scyther evolves into Scizor!

9d 9h 21m Kingdra swims back to the PC.

9d 9h 19m We use a Dragon Scale. Seadra evolves into Kingdra!

9d 9h 17m We withdraw pp (Seadra) from the PC.

9d 9h 17m Ludicolo returns to the PC. It was nice to see you again, Ludicolo!

9d 9h 16m We spray a Repel on the PC screen to make it go away.

9d 9h 15m We use a Water Stone. Lombre evolves into Ludicolo!

9d 9h 14m We withdraw AATT6PGPSI (Lombre) from the PC.

9d 9h 13m Back to Route 3. We send Landorus back to the Daycare.

9d 9h 11m Booted up TM08. Landorus learns Bulk Up over Sandstorm!

9d 9h 8m We move Landorus to the front of the party.

9d 9h 8m We buy TM08 Bulk Up for ₽80,000.

9d 9h 6m We fly to Striaton City. Checkpoint in Striaton City! We heal!

9d 9h 6m We fly to Striaton City.

9d 9h 4m We get cornered by a frantically sprinting Krokorok. It growls at us.

9d 9h 2m Starmie chooses SE and uses Thunder again, but misses. We take it out with Surf. Defeated Wallace & Steven!

9d 9h 1m We use Psychic on Starmie, who uses Thunderbolt on Darkrai; Darkrai faints before we can aim at it with Ice Beam. Starmie uses Thunder again and we barely clutch, landing an Ice Beam crit. The rain stops...

9d 9h 0m Ludicolo uses Hydro Pump on Darkrai, sending it to red health. Ludicolo faints from Life Orb recoil. Wallace sends out the pair's last Pokémon, Starmie.

9d 8h 59m Ludicolo uses Giga Drain on Milotic, taking it to around half health and recovering to offset its Life Orb damage. We use another Dark Pulse and Ice Beam, which it clutches; Light Screen finally wears off.

9d 8h 59m We use Psychic and Ice Beam on Ludicolo, who sets up a late Rain Dance.

9d 8h 58m We take out Empoleon with another Dark Pulse but Ludicolo drains Eelektross's health and Eelektross faints.

9d 8h 57m Empoleon gets healed and we hit it with more Dark Pulse and more Thunderbolt. Eelektross takes a Hydro Pump.

9d 8h 56m We hit Empoleon with Dark Pulse and get a crit. Ludicolo misses a Hydro Pump and Empoleon sets up Agility. We use Thunderbolt on Empoleon but it clutches.

9d 8h 55m We take Claydol out with Dark Void and take Milotic out with Crunch. Wallace sends out Ludicolo and Steven sends out Empoleon.

9d 8h 54m We put Claydol back to sleep, then hit it with Crunch. Bad Dreams is slowly taking Milotic down.

9d 8h 53m We use Dark Void again. Claydol wakes up and uses Light Screen, and Thunderbolt doesn't work on Claydol.

9d 8h 50m After a struggle with the battle menu, we send out Eelektross and Darkrai. Steven sends out Claydol. We put both enemies to sleep with Dark Void and hit a Thunderbolt on Milotic.

9d 8h 47m We send out Landorus. Pory uses Discharge again and Landorus uses Earthquake, taking out Metagross but Porygon-Z faints too!. Milotic clutches and uses Ice Beam; Landorus faints!

9d 8h 46m Krookodile uses Earthquake, taking Pory past half health but doing some good damage on the opponents too. Milotic uses Hydro Pump and Krookodile faints! Porygon-Z uses Discharge and Milotic is paralyzed; Pory evades Metagross's Hammer Arm.

9d 8h 45m We explore town for a bit, then enter a different building where we see some familiar faces. Vs. Wallace & Steven! Milotic & Metagross vs. Porygon-Z & Krookodile.

9d 8h 38m We confidently tell the family that the answer is BEAUTY. They give us a Parlyz Heal anyway and tell us to come back tomorrow.

9d 8h 35m We exit the Center and enter a house. We get invited to an impromptu quiz; the family asks us for a Pokémon with two gears...it pulls up the word-choice menu.

9d 8h 33m We sell 2 Big Pearls for ₽7,500 each.

9d 8h 32m We sell a Comet Shard for ₽60,000.

9d 8h 31m We try to sell him the hack item Covenant Ore, but he doesn't know what it is.

9d 8h 30m Inside the Pokémon Center, there's an Ore Maniac looking to buy our items...He doesn't seem to want any Moomoo Milk, though.

9d 8h 29m We fly to Icirrus City. Checkpoint in Icirrus City.

9d 8h 27m We talk to our mom. We heal!

9d 8h 26m We fly to Aspertia City.

9d 8h 25m We surf over and find an item. Picked up a Water Stone!

9d 8h 21m We move Porygon-Z to the front of the party, then save again.

[Snark] This is our home now.

9d 8h 16m We poke around the staircase for a bit, and walk right into the wall. We save! In-game time: 219:43.

9d 8h 14m We boot it up...Landorus learns Brick Break!

9d 8h 13m We go to the other side of the cliff. Picked up TM31 Brick Break!

[Chat] MegaZard: tppS so thats how alder climbed this cliff

9d 8h 11m We use Surf, then take a staircase up the cliffside, looking over the road.

9d 8h 10m We fly to Floccesy Town and enter Route 19. Caught a male Lv. 5 Pidgey! Nickname: RARE.

9d 8h 1m Eelektross relearns Flamethrower!

9d 8h 0m Milotic learns Toxic!

9d 7h 58m We boot up TM13. Milotic relearns Ice Beam!

9d 7h 56m Eelektross forgets Cut!

9d 7h 53m We locate the Move Deleter. Landorus forgets Strength! Milotic forgets Waterfall and Dive!

9d 7h 49m We fly to the PWT.

[RIP] RIP Elite Four Attempt #2.

9d 7h 47m We use Thunderbolt again and Throh's paralyzed...but it still lands a Stone Edge. Eelektross faints! Blacked out!

9d 7h 46m This HJK connects too; we clutch and use Thunderbolt, and Mienshao becomes paralyzed, allowing us to take it out with another Thunderbolt. We use Drain Punch, which is enough to restore the normal music and survive a Stone Edge with 2HP.

9d 7h 45m Mienshao is sent out and demonstrates how to land a High Jump Kick. Milotic faints! Only Eelektross is left.

9d 7h 44m Lucario uses High Jump Kick and we're fully paralyzed. We take another HJK and land Surf; Marshall uses a Full Restore; we Dive and evade its HJK, and it barely survives our Dive after that. It misses an HJK while we're aboveground and faints.

9d 7h 43m Infernape uses Mach Punch and Krookodile faints! We send out Milotic and Infernape uses U-Turn, taking Life Orb damage. Lucario is sent out into our Recover.

9d 7h 42m Vs. Marshall! Rematch #2. Krookodile vs. Infernape.

9d 7h 39m Musharna is sent out, but we've got lots of Moxie boosts by now, and OHKO with more Crunch. Gothitelle is sent out...and, yeah, goes down to Crunch. Defeated Caitlin!

9d 7h 37m We take out Reuniclus with Crunch. Alakazam is sent out and uses Focus Blast, but misses. We use Crunch and take it out. Metagross is sent out; we use Crunch, popping its Air Balloon, and it uses Meteor Mash. Crunch finishes it off. Krookodile reaches Lv. 87!

9d 7h 36m We send out Krookodile. Caitlin uses a Full Restore as we Crunch, which it lives with a Focus Sash. We use Earthquake and get a crit on its remaining 1 HP; Reuniclus is sent out.

9d 7h 36m We send out Porygon-Z and use Shadow Ball. Gallade uses Close Combat again and Porygon-Z faints!

9d 7h 34m We use Dark Void, then Dark Void again. Gallade wakes up and uses Close Combat, which we clutch with 2 HP...but Gallade knows Shadow Sneak. Darkrai faints!

9d 7h 32m We move Darkrai to the front of the party again. Vs. Caitlin! Rematch #2. Darkrai vs. Gallade.

9d 7h 29m Actual Liepard is sent out, and it uses Thunder Wave; Milotic is paralyzed but we manage to Recover. It hits us once before falling to Surf. Defeated Grimsley!

9d 7h 28m Bisharp is sent out and starts using Psycho Cut on us as we use Recover, and gets a crit as we Surf. Its Sucker Punch fails as we Recover, but it works next turn as we take it out with Surf.

9d 7h 25m Grimsley sends out Krookodile, which uses Earthquake. We use Surf to take it out. Liepard is sent out and we use Recover, and it uses Night Daze, taking Life Orb damage. We Recover again and take another Night Daze, and our Surf takes Liepard out...wait, no, it takes Zoroark out, plot twist.

9d 7h 23m We send out Milotic and use Surf. Scrafty sets up a Dragon Dance. Everything's still taking damage from Tyranitar's Sandstorm; Grimsley uses a Full Restore and we Surf again, and again, taking it out.

9d 7h 22m Tyranitar outspeeds now with Stone Edge. Though it's Lv. 86, we clutch and take it out with another Earthquake. Landorus reaches Lv. 72! Scrafty is sent out and we use Earthquake again, and it uses Stone Edge. Landorus faints!

9d 7h 21m Vs. Grimsley! Rematch #2. We moved Landorus to the front of the party, so it's that vs. Tyranitar. We open with Earthquake and it uses Dragon Dance.

9d 7h 20m Elite Four Rematch #2 starts!

9d 7h 17m We heal!

9d 7h 17m Checkpoint at Pokémon League.

9d 7h 16m We fly to the Pokémon League.

9d 7h 15m After watching the river flow by for awhile, we step back into the grass...

9d 7h 11m Very slowly surfing down Route 6.

9d 7h 3m Back to Route 6.

9d 7h 0m Oh, and we're on Route 6 now. Caught a male Lv. 30 Basculin! Nickname: Bascul. We enter the Hidden Grotto and pick up a Repel!

[Info] Also, during the last "notable catches" block (i.e. before the Emboar updates), I missed some legends, including 68♀ Cresselia (in a Master Ball); 65- Regirock; 65- Regice.

[Info] New catches since Emboar's evolution: 23♂ Pansage (PansageY); 27♂ Panpour; 23♂ Pansear (Pansear22P); 30- Unown; 30- Unown (UnownOO); 30- Unown (Uno); 30♀ Archen (QBEOM OZG); 34♂ Dewott; 82♀ Chansey (AQ); 41♂ Servine; 67♂ Kecleon (Kecleon ​ ​ ​); 86♂ Pignite.

9d 6h 52m We fly to Driftveil City.

[Info] Since the last update, we badgequested for awhile and then visited the E4 rematch at 9d3h12m, where we beat Grimsley, Shauntal, and Caitlin but lost to Marshall. We then went back to Relic Castle for some badges we missed, then acquired the Permit for the Nature Preserve. We lost to Hilda once and beat Trainer Hilbert at 9d5h53m; that's also the battle where Darkrai joined the 100 Club. We've pretty much been badgequesting since then.

9d 6h 47m We talk to the medal man and receive a new medal.

9d 6h 46m Looks like our checkpoint's in Mistralton City.

9d 6h 45m We send out Eelektross and actually survive an Outrage, using Drain Punch for a little bit of damage. Still, Outrage connects again and Eelektross faints! Blacked out!

9d 6h 44m We send out Landorus and Zekrom uses Outrage; Landorus faints!

9d 6h 43m We send out Porygon-Z. Since Zekrom's level 100 and all, it outspeeds with Bolt Strike and Pory faints!

9d 6h 42m Vs. Trainer Hilda! Attempt #2; Milotic vs. Zekrom. We lead with Surf and get a crit, popping its Air Balloon, and it uses Bolt Strike; Milotic faints!

9d 6h 41m Caught a male Lv. 9 Flareon! No nickname.

9d 6h 32m Darkrai faints, and the auto coord for Dark Void overlaps with the Run button, so we run away. Arceus disappears somewhere...

9d 6h 30m After running past it too many times to count...Vs. Arceus! It's a guaranteed shiny. We put it to sleep with Dark Void right away, and...

9d 6h 30m Caught a male Lv. 76 Audino! No nickname.

9d 6h 29m We're in the Nature Preserve, orbiting around the overworld Arceus encounter... Caught a male Lv. 97 Dewott! No nickname.

[Meta] With that catchup done, the Live Updater will be going dark again; in the meantime you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

9d 1h 40m We fly to Nimbasa City.

[Info] (Like Tornadus and Thundurus, Landorus is shiny and in its Therian forme.)

9d 1h 38m We go outside, then change our mind. Landorus is back from the Daycare; Dusknoir goes back.

9d 1h 35m We stop by Route 3 and take Dusknoir back from the Daycare.

9d 1h 32m Emboar goes back to the PC. It was good to see you, Emboar!

[Info] Notable catches over the past few hours: Lv. 70 Landorus (Landorusg) @8d20h40m; Lv. 75 Dialga (Dialgaggg) @8d21h27m; Lv. 75 Palkia (agggg) @8d 21h 35m; Lv. 75 Zekrom (ZekromB) @8d22h7m. We had Landorus replace Dusknoir in our team for a bit, but Landorus and Dusknoir are currently in the Daycare.

9d 1h 28m We heal at the Striaton Pokémon Center. We get a new medal, and stand directly in front of the PC...

9d 1h 25m Brief update: we just beat Chili&Cilan in a double battle with Cress, which with the help of the Exp Share was enough to evolve our starter into Emboar!

[Meta] The Meloetta cryfest ends with a Noisemaker and a Badge Rain. Back to darktimes.

8d 18h 47m The [User] won a #648 Meloetta badge! is currently repeating on a loop.

[Fluff] We almost named it aaahhh66 z.

8d 18h 45m Caught a Lv. 65 Meloetta! No nickname.

8d 18h 44m We are in the Musical Theater facing Meloetta!

[Meta] What will hatch from this Egg? It doesn't seem close to hatching. In the meantime, this updater will go dark. Check out #stream-feed for more updates, assuming it doesn't undergo another freakout.

8d 18h 25m We have just entered Pinwheel Forest.

8d 18h 23m We arrive in Nacrene City.

8d 18h 23m We talk to a Breeder at the Nacrene Gate and receive a Pokémon Egg!

8d 18h 21m We move onward onto Route 3.

8d 18h 20m We leave the Pokémon Daycare, without our Dusknoir.

8d 18h 20m We deposit Lombre back into the PC without evolving it. Sorry Lombre, even after all this time, you don't get closure.

8d 18h 17m We withdraw AATT6PGPSI(Lombre).

8d 18h 15m We deposit Shelmet.

[Info] The Skorupi we released was named ae♂. I had to wait for StreamFeed to stop freaking out to tell me that.

[Snark] I worry about StreamFeed.

8d 18h 10m We withdraw Shelmet8 (Shelmet), but then change our minds and go back to the PC. Instead of depositing it though, we release a Skorupi.

8d 18h 8m We withdraw azzzz9999(Magmar), then use a Covenant Ore on it, but it has no effect. So we deposit it again.

8d 18h 4m We deposit Nidoking.

8d 18h 3m Nidoking forgets Horn Drill and learns Megahorn.

8d 18h 3m We use a Moon Stone and Nidorino evolves into Nidoqueen.

8d 18h 2m We withdraw Nidorino.

8d 18h 1m We boot up the PC once more and deposit Exeggutor.

8d 17h 59m We use a Leaf Stone, and Exeggcute evolves into Exeggutor!

8d 17h 57m We retrieve ,,,, (Exeggcute).

8d 17h 55m We boot up the PC once more and deposit Honchkrow.

8d 17h 53m We use another Dusk Stone, and Murkrow evolves into Honchkrow!

8d 17h 53m We withdraw lqz1zg (Murkrow).

8d 17h 52m We boot up the PC again and deposit Mismagius.

8d 17h 51m We use a Dusk Stone on Misdreavus, which evolves into Mismagius!

[Snark] StreamFeed is utterly confused

8d 17h 45m We withdraw GQT T…ig (Misdreavus).

8d 17h 44m We boot up the PC and learn that wallpapers have been added to it to commemorate our victory against Iris.

8d 17h 43m Dusknoir is left in the Daycare.

8d 17h 43m We enter the Pokémon Daycare.

8d 17h 42m We leave town and enter Route 3.

8d 17h 41m We talk to the person guarding the door of the restaurant. We decide not to go inside for now.

8d 17h 40m We reached Striaton City.

8d 17h 39m Swellow is last. It raises its Speed, which is futile as Thunderbolt takes it down immediately. We defeated Lass Mali!

8d 17h 38m Mali sends out Noctowl. It uses Extrasensory and barely survives Thunderbolt. Next turn, it uses Extrasensory again, before going down.

8d 17h 37m Staraptor is next. It uses Close Combat, which thankfully doesn't hit too hard, then gets taken out by Thunderbolt.

8d 17h 37m We send out Eelektross. It takes Unfezant down with Thunderbolt. Eelektross grows to Lv. 82.

8d 17h 36m Unfezant is next. We Sucker Punch it, but two Sky Attack are enough to defeat Dusknoir.

8d 17h 36m Pidgeot uses Hurricane, and Dusknoir responds with Strength. Next turn, Pidgeot uses Mirror Move to copy Strength, but it doesn't affect Dusknoir, which hit Pidgeot hard. One last Hurricane, and Pidgeot goes down to Strength.

8d 17h 34m We use Sucker Punch, which fails because Pidgeot uses Mirror Move to copy our Sucker Punch, which fails.

8d 17h 34m We are challenged by Lass Mali! She sends out a Pidgeot against our Dusknoir.

[Snark] Unless it involves a Rare Candy, of course. Then it's okay.

[Snark] What is this item? What is its purpose? As a TPP player, the concept of "reviving" a Pokémon is completely alien to me.

8d 17h 32m We pick up a Max Revive.

8d 17h 32m We wild Watchog thinks it's wise to use Mean Look on us. It gets critically Earthquake'd to death.

8d 17h 30m We leave the city and move onto Route 2. At the gate, we learn that there is a Pokémon outbreak on Route 16.

8d 17h 29m We leave the Pokémon Center.

8d 17h 28m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

8d 17h 27m We boot up HM05 next, which contains Waterfall. 1, 2, and... Ta-da! Milotic forgets Toxic, and learns Waterfall!

8d 17h 24m We boot up HM06, which contains Dive. Ta-da! Milotic forgot Ice Beam, and learned Dive!

8d 17h 21m We are now in Accumula Town.

[Snark] Do the last few minutes technically make Reese a Godslayer?

8d 17h 20m Milotic uses Recover again. Bastiodon tries to use Metal Burst, but fails. Another Surf, and it finally goes down. We have defeated Backpacker Jill!

8d 17h 19m Another Surf attack, but Bastiodon survives thanks to Sturdy. It hits hard, but Milotic still has 44 HP left. Next turn, it uses Recover to heal, and gets hit by Iron head for minimal damage.

8d 17h 18m Milotic is our last Pokémon. It uses Surf, and Archeops goes down. Bastiodon is Jill's last Pokémon.

8d 17h 17m Archeops is next. It uses Rock Slide on Porygon-Z, which doesn't manage to use Ice Beam. Another Rock Slide, and Porygon-Z faints.

8d 17h 16m We send out Porygon-Z. It uses Ice Beam, because Ice is super effective on Bug (it's not). Armaldo goes down.

8d 17h 15m Earthquake takes down Omastar. Armaldo is next. Krookodile uses Rock Slide, leaving it with only a few HP. Armaldo counterattacks, and Krookodile goes down.

8d 17h 15m We are challenged by Backpacker Jill! She sends out Omastar.

8d 17h 14m Cradily is Shane's last Pokémon. Earthquake is not super effective on it, but still manages to take it down. Backpacker Shane has been defeated!

8d 17h 14m Rampardos is sent out. Earthquake hits it just as hard as the other two, and it goes down. Moxie is triggered.

8d 17h 13m Carracosta is next. Both Pokémon use Rock Slide. next turn, Carracosta is taken down by Earthquake. Moxie is triggered again. Krookodile grows to Lv. 83!

8d 17h 12m Krookodile uses Earthquake, and Kabutops faints. Moxie is triggered, raising Krookodile's Attack.

8d 17h 12m We are challenged by Backpacker Shane! He sends out a Kabutops against our Krookodile.

8d 17h 10m There's something in the water! We surf to meet it. It's a Basculin. We just run.

8d 17h 7m We reach the land once more and make our way onto Route 1.

8d 17h 5m We surf away from the P2 Laboratory.

8d 17h 3m We leave and decide to run around the nearby tall grass.

8d 17h 0m We leave and re-enter, but Genesect does not respawn.

8d 17h 0m We use a Fluffy Tail, which ends the battle.

8d 16h 59m Krookodile uses Dragon Claw to lower Genesect's health a bit.

8d 16h 59m We keep throwing Great Balls.

8d 16h 58m We threw two Great Balls, to no avail. Genesect used Simple Beam on our Krookodile.

8d 16h 57m We are inside the P2 Laboratory and are currently facing Genesect!

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark again for now. For bot updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

8d 9h 32m Caught a female Lv. 64 Swadloon! No nickname.

8d 9h 28m We use Sucker Punch again and Granbull uses Outrage. Dusknoir faints! We send out Krookodile and finish Granbull off with Earthquake. Krookodile reaches Lv. 78! Crawdaunt is sent out and we use more Earthquake. Defeated Youngster Keita!

8d 9h 26m Vs. Youngster Keita! Primeape vs. Dusknoir. We start using Strength as Primeape uses Punishment, and then next time we use Earthquake. We use Sucker Punch to finish it off. Granbull is sent out.

8d 9h 26m Picked up an Ultra Ball!

8d 9h 25m Caught a female Lv. 64 Whirlipede! Nickname: a.

[Snark] To be fair, we keep attacking Cheren, too. He must be so confused...

[Info] Cheren's auto-healing us between battles. He's also attacking the wild Pokémon we're trying to catch...

8d 9h 17m Musharna is sent out. Stoutland finishes Clefable with Superpower and we Tri Attack Musharna, who picks on Stoutland with Psybeam. Stoutland uses Crunch and Musharna survives only to go down to Tri Attack. Defeated Rosalyn&Ike!

8d 9h 16m We send out Porygon-Z. Stoutland uses Crunch on Blissey, earning us both lots of experience. Pory reaches Lv. 76! We use Tri Attack on Clefable, who Double Slaps Stoutland 3 times.

8d 9h 14m Vs. Nursery Aide Rosalyn and Preschooler Ike! Butterfree & Blissey vs. Eelektross and Cheren's Stoutland. Stoutland uses Wild Charge to take out Butterfree and we use Thunderbolt on Blissey, who retaliates with Double-Edge. Eelektross faints!

8d 9h 13m Cheren's here in the forest! He says he's heard rumors of a Team Plasma hideout here in Pinwheel Forest, and asks if we can help...we say no, but he politely assumes we're just not ready, and we come back in a few seconds to say yes. He's following us around now.

8d 9h 10m Dragonair is sent out and outspeeds us with Outrage. We hit it with Thunderbolt and it uses its second Outrage turn; we use Drain Punch and crit, restoring our health a little bit. Druddigon is sent out and we use some more Thunderbolt and Druddigon uses Dragon Tail. Eelektross is auto-switched out to Darkrai, who takes Druddigon down with Dark Pulse. Defeated Preschooler Samantha!

8d 9h 10m Vs. Preschooler Samantha! Dratini vs. Eelektross. We use Thunderbolt and it uses Hyper Beam, which is terrifying. Crunch takes it out, though.

8d 9h 9m Cascoon is sent out and gets OHKO'd by Flamethrower. Defeated Preschooler José! He says our Pokémon look happy. :)

8d 9h 8m Vs. Preschooler José! Wurmple vs. Eelektross. The wurm is Lv. 75, but that doesn't help it survive our Flamethrower. Silcoon is sent out and we punch it, which isn't very effective; it uses Harden. We remember we have Flamethrower and use that again.

8d 9h 7m We talk to a Trainer blocking our path; he speculates about a legendary Pokémon that was here, but doesn't move.

8d 9h 6m We move Eelektross up to second, sending Darkrai to the fifth slot of the party.

8d 9h 4m Vs. Nursery Aide Ethel! Exeggutor vs. Dusknoir. We get hit by Wood Hammer and Dusknoir faints! We send out Dusknoir and KO with Dark Pulse. Dusknoir reaches Lv. 94! Miltank is sent out and we use Dark Pulse on that, too. Defeated Nursery Aide Ethel!

[Chat] Chat is debating how this preschooler got Pokémon strong enough to beat the Elite Four...

8d 9h 2m Elekid's Lv. 76, so it outspeeds with Thunder. We still KO with Earthquake, though. Magmar is sent out and uses Lava Plume, and we take it out with Earthquake too. Dusknoir reaches Lv. 72! Defeated Preschooler Jojo!

8d 9h 1m Arrived in Pinwheel Forest. Vs. Preschooler Jojo! Elekid vs. Dusknoir.

8d 8h 58m We arrive on Sky Arrow Bridge. Wow, this place is tall!

[Fluff] The screens in the gate zones are celebrating us becoming Champion.

8d 8h 56m We move Dusknoir to the front of the party.

8d 8h 55m We run across the city towards Skyarrow Bridge.

8d 8h 53m We take the boat to Castelia City.

8d 8h 50m We stop by the Pokémon Center. We heal!

8d 8h 42m We surf into Virbank City proper, tracking down an item. Picked up TM36 Sludge Bomb!

8d 8h 40m Caught a female Lv. 22 Basculin! Nickname: at pens666.

8d 8h 36m We call Professor Juniper as we surf. We go back to fishing.

8d 8h 31m Caught a female Lv. 6 Finneon! Nickname: aagpenkap ​.

8d 8h 27m We're back to fishing.

8d 8h 18m Caught a male Lv. 12 Ekans! No nickname.

8d 8h 16m Caught a female Lv. 13 Zigzagoon! Nickname: racc.

8d 8h 13m Caught a female Lv. 11 Machop! Nickname: grrter.

8d 8h 10m Caught a male Lv. 12 Makuhita! No nickname.

[Snark] Makuhita's about to gain a lot of EXP from that...

8d 8h 9m Darkrai faints to a Lv. 12 Makuhita.

8d 8h 5m Caught a female Lv. 7 Finneon! No nickname.

8d 7h 49m Still fishing away.

8d 7h 36m Caught a female Lv. 9 Corphish! Nickname: ttpp.

8d 7h 34m Darkrai is poisoned by a wild Qwilfish. We run away in fear of the Lv. 9.

8d 7h 31m We head to the Virbank Complex, where we head down to the river and trade a Poké Ball for a Great Ball. We start fishing.

8d 7h 29m We chat with the medal man, who says there's no more hints he can give us right now.

8d 7h 28m We head back to Virbank City and stop by the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint in Virbank City! We heal!

8d 7h 24m We talk to our first ever fan, who gives us a Pretty Wing! We head outside.

8d 7h 21m We talk with a cop, who gives us a Nugget and swears it's not a bribe or anything, no, where would we get that idea?

8d 7h 20m We talk with another fan, who gives us a Star Piece and says we remind her of her dead husband? We run away awkwardly.

8d 7h 19m We meet with a grunt who's still in Team Plasma, who gives us a Max Revive! She asks if it's okay for her to be our fan...we presumably inform her that the main plot is over and she can do whatever she wants now.

8d 7h 19m We talk to someone else, who says she's not impressed with us; we're better on the big screen...

8d 7h 17m Wait, maybe this kid is our youngest fan? Either way, we receive a Star Piece!

8d 7h 15m We talk to our youngest fan and receive a Nugget!

8d 7h 14m We talk to a former Plasma grunt, who's grateful they left so they can watch our movies. Received a Max Revive!

8d 7h 13m We talk to a fan and receive a Max Revive!

8d 7h 11m We make Monica so angry by defeating her that she destroys all of civilization. The audience gasps, and our director tells us our movie did excellently, and that Darkrai's a star! It'll play the star animation now, too.

[Chat] CatOnStilts: her legs are asleep, mood

8d 7h 10m We start watching the movie, which now features Darkrai using Dark Void and Dark Pulse on our giant girlfriend.

8d 7h 7m The director criticizes our dialogue choices, but we take down the prop with a combo of Dark Void and Dark Pulse. We warp to the theater and begin watching our newest film...

8d 7h 2m We make progress this time, but Darkrai faints again. We go back in and try one more time...

8d 6h 58m We try to film Giant Woman 3 again, but the prop Pokémon wakes up early and lands a Focus Punch again. We decide not to send that movie out, either.

8d 6h 53m Our opponent in this movie's a level 99 with Focus Punch; we successfully get it to sleep, then try to put it to sleep again, and it wakes up and OHKOs us before we can attack it...Hmm, that doesn't seem to be the shot we were going for. We decide not to submit that to the theaters.

8d 6h 50m We go back in with Darkrai, who's still fainted from earlier...but it's magically healed to start filming!

8d 6h 47m We start filming Giant Woman 3 with a rental Ducklett, then quit out as soon as we can.

8d 6h 46m We approach the green screen...our coworker outside tells us that we've unlocked Brycen-Man Strikes Back, as well as some other films he doesn't list.

8d 6h 44m Once we're at Pokéstar Studios, we visit our favorite tree...you know, that glitched one where we can surf. We try to fish up a bird or two, then hop back into normal reality.

8d 6h 42m We swing through Virbank City on our way to Pokéstar Studios.

8d 6h 38m Back to Route 20. The snow's falling gently.

8d 6h 36m We hug all the trees in the forest, then head back to Floccesy Town.

8d 6h 34m We catch a level 50 keldeo! Nickname Keldeoa

8d 6h 33m We send in krookodile and resume with the ball throwing

8d 6h 32m Dusknoir also falls!

8d 6h 32m Darkrai falls! We send in dusknoir and resume chucking dusk balls

8d 6h 29m Keldeo wakes up and we switch to dusk balls

8d 6h 29m We head into Pledge Grove and find keldeo. Versus Keldeo! Darkrai puts keldeo to sleep with dark void then we start chucking Pokéballs, but keldeo doesn't stay in. We try again regardless

8d 6h 26m We're in Floccesy Town now. There's an item by the side of Alder's house, which we grab. We pick up an X Speed!

8d 6h 24m We head north to Route 19. As we seem to be lacking a flying mon, we may be running to Humilau City to unlock some legendaries

8d 6h 22m The music stops and inputs freeze again for a few seconds

8d 6h 20m We try to leave but our mom catches us and tells us we've got a visitor. It's Professor Juniper Sr. He upgrades our Pokédex to the National Dex and our mom gives us some max revives as a gift. We leave and our rival y appears with his little sister. He tells us his little sister's been having dreams about a zoroark on Victory Road seeking us. He congratulates us on becoming champion then wanders off

8d 6h 16m Inputs freeze again as the screen turns white. The game's starting screen loads. The game is manually loaded and we're back in our room in Apsertia City

8d 6h 14m The music stops and inputs freeze. The splits and dexnav have also disappeared. Time resumes and the inputs fly

8d 6h 11m Now we watch the credits roll on as we make our way through Unova on our way back home

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

8d 6h 6m Iris pushes us into the Champion's Chamber, then we follow her to record our mons in the Hall of Fame

8d 6h 5m Darkrai sets up another nasty plot as hydreigon uses focus punch, which darkrai barely survives. Darkrai's dark pulse takes out hydreigon as Iris sends out archeops, who also falls to dark pulse. Next up is serperior, who falls to dark pulse as well. Darkrai puts haxorus, Iris's next mon, to sleep with dark void then switches back to dark pulse to ensure the defeat. Iris's final mon, feraligatr, comes out, and a single dark pulse takes out the croc. Champion Iris defeated! TEH URN!

8d 6h 3m We talk to Iris. Versus Champion Iris, attempt #4! Darkrai versus dragonite. Darkrai immediately starts off with dark void, putting dragonite to sleep, then sets up a couple of nasty plots before switching to dark pulse. Dragonite falls as Iris sends out hydreigon

8d 5h 59m We return to the central chamber and ride the statue down. Time for a champion battle

8d 5h 58m We immediately switch to milotic. Liepard uses fake out followed by thunder wave to paralyse miltoic while our water snake heals. Liepard uses u-turn to switch out scrafty as milotic's surf leaves scrafty on yellow health. Scrafty misses a hi jump kick, taking himself out, as Grimsley sends out houndoom next. Houndoom's dark pulse does minor damage while surf leaves houndoom at 1 HP, thanks to the dog's focus sash. Grimsley heals with full restore and milotic heals with recover. Dark pulse does minor damage but flinches our snake, but the second dark pulse doesn't flinch and milotic's surf takes out houndoom. Grimsley sends out honchkrow next, whose brave bird takes milotic to yellow health. An ice beam from milotic takes out honchkrow and Grimsley sends out krookodile next. Sucker punch does nothing as milotic heals, but the second sucker punch lands as milotic switches to surf. Krookodile falls and liepard comes back out, starting with a fake out to flinch milotic then using u-turn again to switch out with bisharp. Milotic's surf OHKOs bisharp and liepard comes out again. Liepard uses another fake out, causing another flinch. Milotic uses recover to heal health, causing liepard's sucker punch to miss. Liepard uses u-turn a few times as paralysis hacks keeps milotic from moving before landing a surf. Liepard goes down. Elite Four Grimsley defeated!

8d 5h 51m We enter Grimsley's chamber and talk to him. Versus Elite Four Grimsley, attempt #9! Darkrai versus liepard

8d 5h 48m Darkrai sets up another nasty plot. Beheeyen wakes up and fires off a thunderbolt as darkrai sets up another nasty plot before switching to dark pulse. Beheeyen goes down. Caitlin sends out reuniclus who also falls to dark pulse, so slowbro comes out, also going down to a single dark pulse. Metagross up next, but the air balloon doesn't protect against dark pulse. Metagross is down and gothitelle is up next to fall to a dark pulse. Darkrai grows to level 93! Caitlin's final mon, musharna, is sent out, only to also fall to dark pulse. Elite Four Caitlin defeated!

8d 5h 45m We move onto the next room, Caitlin's bedroom. Versus Elite Four Caitlin, attempt #9! Beheeyen versus darkrai. Darkrai starts off with dark pulse, landing a crit. Beheeyen survives thanks to focus sash and gets off a trick room. Caitlin heals beheeyen with a full restore as darkrai puts the alien to sleep with dark void, followed by a nasty plot

8d 5h 42m We send in milotic, whose surf takes out mienshao. Marshal sends out medicham, who survives a surf thanks to a focus sash, getting off a hi jump kick. Milotic recovers to heal the damage, and medicham's second hi jump kick puts milotic on red health. An ice beam takes out mienshao and sawk is sent out. Milotic heals a couple of times with recover while sawk misses a move while the second close combat hits. Sawk survives an ice beam due to sturdy and uses stone edge a couple of times, with milotic using recover. A second ice beam and sawk goes down. Marshal's final mon is conkeldurr, who survives a surf and uses drain punch. Milotic heals again with recover as conkeldurr attacks again. A final surf and conkeldurr is down. Elite Four Marshal defeated!

8d 5h 38m Darkrai puts throh to sleep with dark void then sets up a nasty plot. Throh wakes up immediately and gets off a bulldoze for minor damage. Darkrai's psychic takes out throh, so Marshal sends out lucario next. We consider switching to dusknoir but stay with darkrai as psychic takes out lucario. Marshal sends out mienshao next. We switch out to dusknoir, causing mienshao's hi jump kick to miss. Mienshao lands a critical stone edge, taking dusknoir to yellow health, as dusknoir's earthquake puts mienshao to red health. Marshal uses a full restore, allowing dusknoir to get off a second earthquake, but another stone edge and dusknoir goes down!

8d 5h 34m We head to Marshal's chamber next. Versus Elite Four Marshal, attempt #14! Darkrai versus throh

8d 5h 32m Darkrai starts off with dark void, putting jellicent to sleep, followed by psychic. This takes jellicent to half health, causing the jellyfish to eat a sitrus berry. Darkrai thinks up a nasty plot then switches back to psychic, taking out the jellyfish. Shauntal sends out chandelure out next, who falls to a single dark pulse. Darkrai grows to level 92! Drifblim gets sent out next, who also falls to dark pulse. Shauntal's next mon is golurk, who similarly gets taken out by golurk. Sableye up next. Sableye's trick does nothing, but darkrai's dark pulse takes out the sableye. Shauntal's final mon is cofagrigus, who also falls to dark pulse. Elite Four Shauntal defeated!

8d 5h 29m We enter Shauntal's chamber and talk to Shauntal. Versus Elite Four Shauntal, attempt #9! Darkrai versus jellicent

8d 5h 27m The music is muted as Born to Lose plays, while we try to get back to the Elite Four. We find our way in and are locked in for Elite Four attempt #15! We head straight to Grimsley's chamber, but back out as we realise we headed to the wrong room

8d 5h 25m We send in our final mon, eelektross, as Iris sends in feraligatr. Feraligatr gets off a waterfall, taking eelektross to half health, while thunderbolt takes feraligatr to half health in turn. Feraligatr's next waterfall takes out eelektross! Blacked out! Not teh urn...

8d 5h 23m We send milotic back in. Serperior's dragon pulse takes out milotic! Serperior's poison damage takes out the grass snake in turn, causing the experience to go to waste

8d 5h 22m Dusknoir gets sent in, who starts off with sucker punch to put serperior to yellow health. Leaf storm takes out dusknoir!

8d 5h 20m We switch out to porygon-z to take the next leaf storm, barely tanking the attack with 4 HP. A second leaf storm and porygon-z goes down!

8d 5h 20m We send in krookodile next. Iris heals hydreigon with a full restore as earthquake does nothing due to levitate. Hydreigon's focus blast leaves krookodile at red health, as the crocodile's dragon claw takes hydreigon to yellow health. A dark pulse takes out krookodile! Milotic up next, who gets put to yellow health with a fire blast. The water snake takes out hydreigon with ice beam. Iris sends out serperior next, who sets up a light screen while milotic uses recover. Serperior gets off a leaf storm, putting milotic to yellow health. Milotic poisons serperior

8d 5h 17m We climb the stairs to the Champion's Chamber and talk to Iris. She talks to us about how strong she is. Versus Champion Iris, attempt #8! Darkrai versus dragonite. Darkrai puts dragonite to sleep with dark void then thinks up a nasty plot. Dragonite wakes up and uses dargon dance. Both mons repeat their status-upping moves, then dragonite's outrage leaves darkrai at 15 HP while dark pulse takes out dragonite. Iris sends out hydreigon next, who barely survives a dark pulse and takes out darkrai with fire blast

[Snark] So the Elite Four, a bunch of four adults, are keeping a little girl who isn't related to any of them cooped up in the basement, and are being extremely restrictive on who she sees. Doesn't sound suspicious at all

8d 5h 13m Back to the central chamber. The statue's glowing now, so we step onto it and descend to the basement of the League

8d 5h 10m Honchkrow comes out next, who starts off with brave bird. Milotic uses toxic, poisoning the bird. Honchkrow's sucker punch fails as milotic uses recover, so honchkrow switches back to brave bird as milotic keeps recovering. Honchkrow uses a final brave bird, being taken out by recoil damage, while milotic heals back to full health. Grimsley sends out krookodile, who uses earthquake then goes down to surf. Grimsley's final mon is bisharp, who has an air balloon. Bisharp uses x-scissor, which milotic heals with recover, followed by iron head which flinches milotic. Bisharp uses sucker punch while paralysis hacks leave milotic motionless. Bisharp gets off another x-scissor, as milotic uses surf to take out bisharp. Elite Four Grimsley defeated!

8d 5h 7m Liepard paralyses milotic with thunder wave, but milotic's surf still takes out liepard. Grimsley sends out scrafty next, who gets off a hi jump kick, tanks a surf and heals a bit with a leftovers. Scrafty gets off a dragon dance then goes down to a second surf. Grimsley sends out houndoom, who sucker punches milotic. Paralysis hacks mean we miss a turn as houndoom gets off a dark pulse. Sucker punch fails as milotic switches to recover to heal, and the dark dog gets off a dark pulse and sucker punch. Milotic's surf nearly takes out houndoom, who survives with a focus sash, then gets healed with a full restore. A second surf takes out houndoom

8d 5h 4m Back to the central chamber as we march to take on the final E4 member, Grimsley. We step into his chamber, climb the stairs and talk to him. Versus Elite Four Grimsley, attempt #8! Milotic versus liepard

8d 5h 1m Darkrai puts beheeyen to sleep with dark void, allowing the nightmare mon to think up a nasty plot followed by a dark pulse. Beheeyen goes down. Caitlin sends out reuniclus, who also goes down to a single dark pulse, as does slowbro. Caitlin's next mon is metagross, who also gets taken out by a single dark pulse. Gothitelle comes out and, to nobody's surprise, also goes down to dark pulse. Musharna comes out and darkrai finishes the dark pulse sweep. Elite Four Caitlin defeated!

8d 4h 59m We return to the central chamber and enter Caitlin's chamber. She pops out of her flower and we confront her. Versus Elite Four Caitlin, attempt #8! Darkrai versus beheeyen

8d 4h 56m We enter Marshal's room next. Versus Elite Four Marshal, attempt #13! Darkrai versus throh. Darkrai starts off with a dark void, putting throh to sleep and allowing darkrai time to think up a nasty plot followed by a psychic, which takes out throh. Marshal sends out lucario next, who gets taken out by a critical psychic. Mienshao up next for Marshal, who also gets taken out by psychic. Marshal sends out medicham, who gets put to sleep with dark void then taken out with dark pulse. Marshal sends out sawk next, who also gets the dark pulse treatment followed by a psychic. Marshal sends out his final mon, conkeldurr, who also goes down to psychic. Darkrai grows to level 91! Elite Four Marshal defeated!

8d 4h 52m We use a couple of PP Ups on darkrai! Back to the central chamber

8d 4h 49m Darkrai starts off with dark void, putting jellicent to sleep and allowing bad dreams to inflict the jellyfish. Darkrai thinks up a nasty plot to boost special attack while jellicent remains asleep. Darkrai switches to psychic, putting jellicent to yellow health. Jellicent eats a sitrus berry and wakes up, but another psychic finishes off jellicent. Shauntal sends out chandelure next. Darkrai's dark pulse OHKOs chandelure and darkrai grows to level 90! Shauntal sends out drifblim next, who uses protect to dodge a dark pulse. Drifblim is burned by a flame orb and tries to set up a second protect, which fails. A dark pulse takes out drifblim and Shauntal sends out golurk, who goes down to a dark pulse. Sableye up next, who misses a trick attack and gets taken out by dark pulse as well. Finally Shauntal sends out cofagrigus, and darkrai uses a final dark pulse. Elite Four Shauntal defeated!

8d 4h 45m We get our team healed and step outside, then step inside for Elite Four attempt #14! We take a different path this time, heading into Shauntal's room for a change. Versus Elite Four Shauntal, attempt #8! Darkrai versus jellicent

8d 4h 41m We send in eelekross, who gets hit with ice punch then takes out sawk with thunderbolt. Marshal sneds in conkeldurr, and we waste turns using an oran berry while conkeldurr hits drain punch twice. Eelektross down! Blacked out!

8d 4h 39m Another surf which medicham survives thanks to fous sash. Medicham's hi jump kick takes milotic to half health, while we try feeding an oran berry to a fainted mon. medicham gets off a second hi jump kick and misses a zen headbutt, but milotic uses another surf and takes out medicham. Marshal sends out sawk next, who survives a surf then takes out milotic with close combat

8d 4h 37m We call upon milotic next, who surfs, taking out mienshao. Marshal sends out medicham

8d 4h 36m We send in krookodile next, who is OHKO'd by hi jump kick

8d 4h 35m We send in porygon-z, who barely survives a hi jump kick. Lucario falls to burn damage and Marshall sends out mienshao, who finishes off porygon-z with fake out

8d 4h 34m We send in dusknoir next. Lucario's dark pulse takes dusknoir to under half health while dusknoir's will-o-wisp burns lucario. A second dark pulse and dusknoir goes down!

8d 4h 33m Lucario's hi jump kick takes out darkrai!

8d 4h 33m We talk to Marshall. Versus Marshall, attempt #12! Darkrai versus throh. Darkrai starts off with dark void, which misses, while throh uses bulldozer. Darkrai's psychic nearly takes out throh, who uses bulldoze then gets healed with a full restore, as the second dark void hits, putting throh to sleep and allowing bad dreams to work its magic. Darkrai comes up with a nasty plot while throh dreams. Another psychic and throh goes down. Marshall sends out lucario next

8d 4h 29m We step outside and run around for a bit. We seem to be a bit undecided on where we want to go, but enter the Elite Four for attempt #13! We stride into Marshall's room for a cage match

8d 4h 23m Eelektross starts off with a thunderbolt while beheeyen reverses speed with trick room, then follows up with psychic. Eelektross's crunch takes out beheeyen and metagross is up next, with an air balloon. A second crunch critically hits and bursts the balloon, while a zen headbutt leaves our electric snake at 50 HP. Eelektross's flamethrower takes out metagross and Caitlin sends out reuniclus next. Eelektross dodges a flame blast and crunches the enemy, with the trick room fading away, allowing our electric snake to get in a second crunch, taking out the reuniclus and growing to level 77! Caitlin sends in slowbro next, who tanks a crunch, activates an eject button and switches out with gothitelle, whose psychic takes out eelektross! Blacked out!

8d 4h 20m We're back in the E4 central chamber. We admire the statue then make our way to Caitlin's room. We ascend the sparkly stairs and watch as the floating flower becomes a lady. We talk to Caitlin. Versus Elite Four Caitlin, attempt #7! Eelektross versus beheeyen

[Snark] Oh yeah, we've got this attempt in the bag. This will be teh urn for sure.

8d 4h 14m Eelektross uses Thundershock. Conkeldurr goes down, and Elite Four Marshal is defeated!

8d 4h 13m We send out Eelektross, our last Pokémon.

8d 4h 12m We waste another Oran Berry, and Milotic is finally taken down by Stone Edge.

8d 4h 11m Milotic uses Surf, and Conkeldurr hits back with Stone Edge.

8d 4h 11m We send out Milotic. It gets Drain Punch'ed and Payback'ed while we waste berries.

8d 4h 10m One more payback, and Dusknoir goes down.

8d 4h 9m Conkeldurr uses Payback, which does more damage this time around. Dusknoir's Earthquake is still not very powerful on it.

8d 4h 9m Conkeldurr and Dusknoir trade some light blows.

8d 4h 8m We send out Dusknoir. It uses Sucker Punch, and Sawk goes down. Conkeldurr is next.

8d 4h 7m We send out Porygon-Z, which is taken out by Close Combat.

8d 4h 5m Sawk is next. It survives Earthquake thanks to Sturdy, then takes down Krookodile with Close Combat.

8d 4h 4m We send out Krookodile. It uses Earthquake, taking out Medicham and triggering Moxie.

8d 4h 3m Darkrai uses Psychic to take down Mienshao. Medicham is sent out, and we waste a Chesto Berry. Darkrai then barely survives a Hi Jump Kick and uses Psychic, but Medicham has a Focus Sash. Another Hi Jump Kick and Darkrai goes down.

8d 4h 0m Darkrai boosts itself with Nasty Plot, then uses Psychic. Lucario goes down.

8d 4h 0m Lucario is next. Darkrai puts it to sleep, then uses Psychic, but it survives. Marshal uses a Full Restore. Darkrai uses Psychic, then puts it back to sleep.

8d 3h 59m Darkrai uses Dark Void to put Throh to sleep, then uses Psychic to take it down.

8d 3h 58m VS Elite Four Marshall, attempt #11!

8d 3h 57m Pokémon League, attempt #12.

8d 3h 55m Golurk is next. We throw a Dusk Ball at it, then waste a Chesto Berry, and we finally end up blacking out.

8d 3h 54m We throw another Dusk Ball. Drifblim faints from its self-inflicted burn.

8d 3h 54m We throw a Dusk Ball at Drifblim. Milotic then uses Surf, and Drifblim uses Thunder, paralyzing Milotic.

8d 3h 53m We send out Milotic, our last Pokémon. It uses Surf and takes out Chandelure.

8d 3h 52m Chaundelure is hit by Shadow Ball, but survives. It then uses Overheat, which takes down Porygon-Z.

8d 3h 52m Shauntal uses a Full Restore. Porygon-Z paralyzes Jellicent again with Discharge, while the latter uses Double Team. Shadow Ball then takes down Jellicent.

8d 3h 51m Shauntal sends out Jellicent. Porygon-Z uses Discharge, which takes about half its health, and Jellicent uses Double Team. Another Discharge does not take it down but paralyzes it. In return, Jellicent burns Porygon-Z with Scald.

8d 3h 50m VS Elite Four Shauntal, attempt #7!

8d 3h 47m We send out Milotic. It uses Surf, which almost takes out Conkeldurr. The latter uses Payback, which does little damage. Marshal uses a Full Restore, but another Surf brings it back to the red. Milotic uses Recover, and gets Drain Punch'ed. One last Surf, and Elite Four Marshal is defeated.

8d 3h 44m Conkeldurr throws a few Drain Punch and Mach Punch at Krookodile, which faints.

8d 3h 44m We send out Kookodile, which takes out Sawk. Medicham is next, and survives Earthquake thanks to its Focus Sash; however, its Hi Jump Kick misses and it faints from recoil.

8d 3h 42m We send out Darkrai again. Sawk uses Close Combat and takes it down.

8d 3h 41m We send out Eelektross. It gets hit by Hi Jump Kick, then takes down Mienshao with Thundershock. Sawk is next, and takes out Eelektross.

8d 3h 40m We throw a Dusk Ball. Dusknoir get shit by a critical Stone Edge. It then uses Sucker Punch, and gets hit again, leaving it at 5 HP. One last Stone Edge takes Dusknoir down.

8d 3h 39m Darkrai uses Psychic to take out Throh and Lucario. We then switch out to Dusknoir.

8d 3h 38m Darkrai uses Nasty Plot, and gets hit by Bulldoze, lowering its Speed. It then puts Throh to sleep with Dark Void.

8d 3h 37m VS Elite Four Marshal, attempt #10!

8d 3h 35m We enter the Pokémon League for attempt #11.

8d 3h 33m We run to the far right of the Pokémon League. It sure is a cliff.

8d 3h 32m We send out Eelektross, which is hit by Hi Jump Kick and uses Thunderbolt. Next turn, we finally black out.

8d 3h 31m We send out Porygon-Z and waste an Oran Berry. Porygon-Z faints.

8d 3h 30m We send out Milotic and resume throwing Dusk Balls as Mienshao uses Acrobatics. We end up using Surf and taking it down. Medicham is next, and we use two Oran Berry, one on a fainted Pokémon and another on Milotic, before the latter finally faints.

8d 3h 27m Four Dusk Balls, two Stone Edge and one Acrobatics later, Dusknoir faints.

8d 3h 26m We send out Dusknoir and start throwing Dusk Balls.

8d 3h 24m We send out Krookodile. It uses Earthquake and takes down Lucario, triggering Moxie. However, it faints against Mienshao.

8d 3h 23m We throw a Dusk Ball at Lucario. As a result, Darkrai goes down to a Hi Jump Kick.

8d 3h 22m Darkrai uses Dark Void and puts Throh to sleep, then boosts itself with nasty Plot. Then it uses Psychic to take down Throh.

8d 3h 21m VS Elite Four Marshal, attempt #9.

8d 3h 20m We go in for attempt #10.

8d 3h 17m We black out.

8d 3h 17m Metagross is sent out, and takes out Milotic.

8d 3h 17m Gothitelle is sent out. It endures a surf and uses Distortion. It then uses Thunder, Milotic survives and kills it with another Surf.

8d 3h 16m Milotic uses Surf, and Reuniclus faints. Milotic grows to Lv. 100, welcome to the club!

8d 3h 15m Milotic is our last Pokémon. Distortion is no longer in effect.

8d 3h 15m Reuniclus is out and takes out Krookodile with Focus Blast. We send out Eelektross, which itself gets hit by Psychic, and retaliates with Crunch. Another Focus Balst sends Eelektross down as well.

8d 3h 13m Krookodile uses Crunch on Beheeyem, which survives using Focus Sash. It uses Distortion. Caitlin then uses a Full Restore on it, before it falls to another Crunch. Moxie triggers.

8d 3h 13m VS Elite Four Caitlin, attempt #6!

8d 3h 12m We actually enter Caitlin's room this time.

8d 3h 11m Okay bye Marshal.

8d 3h 10m We... go back to Marshal's room. We, uh... We already beat Marshal.

8d 3h 8m Cofagrigus is last. Crunch sends it back to the Shadow Realm. Krookodile grows to Lv. 77, and Elite Four Shauntal is defeated.

8d 3h 8m Sableye is hit by Crunch, which is enough to take it down. Moxie is triggered again.

8d 3h 7m 8d 3h 7m Krookodile uses Crunch and Golurk goes down. Moxie raises Krookodile's Attack.

8d 3h 7m We send out Eelektross, which we immediately switch for Krookodile.

8d 3h 6m Golurk is out. Shadow Ball sends it in the red. It then uses Ice Punch, and Porygon-Z faints.

8d 3h 6m Drifblim is next. Shadow Ball takes three fourths of its health. It retaliates with Thunder, and another Shadow Ball takes it out for good.

8d 3h 5m Chandelure is out. Porygon-Z uses Shadow Ball again and takes it down. Porygon-Z grows to Lv. 75.

8d 3h 4m Shauntal uses a Full Restore. Porygon-Z uses Shadow Ball, taking out Jellicent for good.

8d 3h 4m We send out Porygon-Z. It uses Discharge, which gets disabled.

8d 3h 3m Jellicent restores health using a Sitrus Berry.

8d 3h 3m We use Sucker Punch but fail. Dusknoir is taken out by another Shadow Ball.

8d 3h 3m Jellicent uses Shadow Ball and actually gets burned by our Will-o-Wisp. Earthquake is available once more.

8d 3h 2m Jellicent uses Double Team and evades another Will-o-Wisp.

8d 3h 2m Jellicent uses Double Team after evading us again.

8d 3h 1m Jellicent uses Double Team again, but gets hit by Earthquake. Unfortunately, Cursed Body means it's now disabled.

8d 3h 1m Our Dusknoir is facing Jellicent. It uses Sucker Punch, but fails, as Jellicent chose to use Double Team. Next turn, it uses Double team again, evading our Will-o-Wisp. It uses Double Team a third time and evades our attack again.

8d 3h 0m VS Elite Four Shauntal, attempt #6!

8d 2h 57m Conkeldurr is out. Milotic uses Surf. Conkeldurr is in the red, and uses Drain Punch, plus Leftovers, restoring about half it health. Another Surf, and it goes down. Defeated Elite Four Marshal.

8d 2h 56m Milotic uses Toxic. Sawk uses Stone Edge but misses, then goes down to the poison.

8d 2h 56m Milotic is sent out. Marshal uses a Full Restore. Milotic uses Surf, but Sawk survives again.

8d 2h 55m Darkrai fails to put Sawk to sleep and is hit by Stone Edge. Darkrai uses Psychic, but Sawk survives thanks to Sturdy, and takes out Darkrai.

8d 2h 55m Darkrai puts Medicham to sleep using Dark Void. It then uses Psychic to take it out.

8d 2h 54m Darkrai uses Dark Void to put Throh to sleep, then uses Nasty Plot to raise its Special Attack. It then uses Psychic and takes out Throh, Lucario and Mienshao. Darkrai grows to Lv. 89.

8d 2h 51m VS Elite Four Marshal, attempt #8!

8d 2h 51m We switch Earthquake and Sucker Punch in Dusknoir's moveset.

8d 2h 48m 3... 2... 1... Ta-da! Dusknoir forgot Shadow Punch and learned Sucker Punch!

8d 2h 47m The plan is to teach Sucker Punch to Dusknoir, but we keep almost teaching it to Darkrai instead.

8d 2h 45m We're currently fumbling around our TMs.

8d 2h 40m We save.

8d 2h 39m Onto the Pokémon League for attempt #9.

8d 2h 38m We use our Rare Candy, so that Milotic grows to Lv. 99.

8d 2h 37m We get Medals! The 360 Boxed Medal, and the Exp. Millionaire Medal. Kudos to us!

8d 2h 35m Medicham is next. Milotic badly poisons it, but does not survive the next attack. We black out.

8d 2h 34m Milotic is up. It uses Surf. Sawk survives thanks to Sturdy, but its attack is not very strong. Milotic badly poisons Sawk, which uses Ice Punch before fainting. Milotic grows to Lv. 97.

8d 2h 33m Sawk is sent out, and takes out Eelektross.

8d 2h 33m We send out Eelektross. It actually takes Hi Jump Kick and retorts with Crunch. Nect turn, Hi Jump kick misses, and recoil damage takes down Mienshao! Eelektross grows to Lv. 76.

8d 2h 32m We send out Krookodile. It goes down immediately as well.

8d 2h 31m We send out Porygon-Z. It goes down immediately.

8d 2h 30m Another Stone Edge (not Rock Slide, sorry about that), and Dusknoir goes down.

8d 2h 30m Marshal uses a Full Restore. Duskoir uses Shadow Punch.

8d 2h 30m Mienshao uses Rock Slide, Dusknoir answers with Earthquake.

8d 2h 29m We send out Dusknoir. It and Mienshao trade some light blows.

[Snark] Okay, so I was off by a lot.

8d 2h 28m Darkrai uses Psychic to take out Lucario, but Mienshao actually manages to knock Darkrai out.

[Snark] Okay, so I was a little off.

8d 2h 28m We put Throh to sleep, then stupidly attempt to do so again. We then raise our stats with Nasty Plot, and Throh wakes up and does a tiny bit of damage. Then we take it out with Psychic.

8d 2h 27m VS Elite Four Marshal! Attempt #7!

[Snark] Ooooh, let me guess how this will go. We challenge Marshal, puts his first Pokémon to sleep, raise our Special Attack, then sweep his whole team with Psychic. Then we challenge Shauntal, puts her first Pokémon to sleep, raise our Special Attack, then sweep her whole team with Dark Pulse. Then we challenge Caitlin, puts her first Pokémon to sleep, raise our Special Attack, then sweep her whole team with Dark Pulse.

8d 2h 25m We enter the Pokémon League for attempt #8.

[Snark] Archeops, Serperior and Feraligatr? You'd think "The Girl Who Knows the Hearts of Dragons" would know what actually is and isn't a Dragon...

8d 2h 23m Feraligatr is next, and uses Ice Punch. Dusknoir goes down. We send out Krookodile. It uses Earthquake, but then gets hit by Waterfall and goes down as well. WE BLACK OUT.

8d 2h 22m Haxorus is out. Darkrai uses Dark Pulse, but Haxorus has a Focus Slash. Darkrai goes down. We send out Dusknoir, which barely survives another attack, and takes out Haxorus with Strength. Dusknoir grows to Lv. 71.

8d 2h 21m Iris sends out Serperior, which is taken out by Dark Pulse.

8d 2h 21m Archeops is next. Darkrai puts it to sleep, then uses Psychic. It goes down.

8d 2h 20m Darkrai uses another Nasty Plot. It gets hit hard, but survives and puts Hydreigon to sleep, before taking it out with Dark Pulse.

8d 2h 20m Darkrai uses Dark Pulse and takes out Dragonite. Hydreigon is next.

8d 2h 19m Darkrai raises its stats using Nasty Plot. Dragonite wakes up and does the same with Dragon Dance.

8d 2h 19m Iris sends out Dragonite. Darkrai uses Dark Void to put it to sleep.

8d 2h 18m VS Champion Iris! Attempt #2!

8d 2h 17m We are making our way to the Champion.

8d 2h 16m Chat is debating whether or not to heal.

8d 2h 12m Krookodile grows to Lv. 88.

8d 2h 12m We send out Krookodile. It uses Earthquake. A bit overkill, but Elite Four Grimsley is defeated.

8d 2h 11m Porygon-Z uses Discharge. Bisharp wakes up and uses Brick Break. Porygon-Z survives, and uses Discharge again. Bisharp has a silver of heath left, and takes down Porygon-Z.

8d 2h 10m We send out Darkrai. It puts Bisharp to sleep with Dark Void. We then switch it out for Porygon-Z

8d 2h 9m Bisharp is sent out. Milotic can't move, and Brick Break takes it down.

8d 2h 9m Liepard is back. It hits Milotic with Fake Out, then paralyzes it with Thunder Wave. Milotic can't move. it gets hit by Sucker Punch, but survives and uses Surf to take out Liepard.

8d 2h 8m Honchkrow is sent out. It gets hit by a wave of Surf and barely survives. It uses Brave Bird, and the recoil takes it out.

8d 2h 8m Milotic uses Surf, and Scrafty sets up a Dragon Dance. Too greedy; another Surf takes it out.

8d 2h 7m Milotic is sent out. It uses Surf, but Houndoom survives using Focus Sash. Grimsley heals Houndoom, but another Surf takes it out. Here comes Scrafty again.

8d 2h 6m Houndoom is sent out. It uses Overheat on Eelektross, which can't move. Another Overheat, and Elektross faints.

8d 2h 6m Grimsley sends out Liepard. Darkrai is switched out for Eelektross, which gets paralyzed by Thunder Wave. Liepard then uses U-Turn to switch with Krookodile. Krookodile uses Stone Edge, then Eelektroos hits it with Drain Punch. Another Stone Edge hits Eelektross, but Krookodile is taken out by one more Drain Punch.

8d 2h 4m VS Elite Four Grimsley, attempt #7!

8d 2h 1m Darkrai uses Dark Pulse to take out Beheeyem, Reuniclus, Slowbro, Metagross, Gothitelle, and Musharana. Elite Four Caitlin is defeated.

8d 1h 59m Darkrai puts Beheeyem to sleep, and raises its stats with Nasty Plot.

8d 1h 59m VS Elite Four Caitlin, attempt #5!

8d 1h 57m Cofagrigus is taken out by Dark Pulse as well. Elite Four Shauntal is defeated.

8d 1h 57m Chandelure, Drifblim, Golurk and Sableye are taken out by Dark Pulse. Darkrai grows to Lv. 87.

8d 1h 56m Darkrai uses Psychic, which doesn't take Jellicent out. The latter eats a Sitrus Berry and raises its evasion again, but another Psychic takes it down.

8d 1h 55m Jellicent is sent out. Darkrai puts it to sleep with Dark Void, and raises its Special Attack with Nasty Plot. Jellicent wakes up and uses Double Team to raise its evasion.

8d 1h 54m VS Elite Four Shauntal, attempt #5!

8d 1h 52m Darkrai uses Psychic to take out Mienshafoo, Medicham, Sawk, and Conkeldurr. Elite Four Marshal is defeated.

8d 1h 51m Darkrai uses Psychic to take out Throh and Lucario. Darkrai grows to Lv. 86.

8d 1h 50m Darkrai puts Throh to sleep using Dark Void, and raises its stats using Nasty Plot.

8d 1h 49m VS Elite Four Marshal, attempt #6!

8d 1h 48m Here we go again, Pokémon League, attempt #7.

8d 1h 47m Darkrai is our last Pokémon. Unfortunately, it's taken out as well. WE BLACK OUT.

8d 1h 46m We send out Milotic. It uses Surf, which does decent damage. Scrafty goes for another Dragon Dance, and thanks to the boosted Speed, takes out Milotic with a Hi Jump Kick.

8d 1h 44m Hi Jump Kick takes down Porygon-Z. One more Moxie.

8d 1h 44m Scrafty is now boosted by one Dragon Dance and two Moxie. We send out Porygon-Z.

8d 1h 44m We send out Eelektross. Scrafty uses Dragon Dance. Eelektross uses Flamethrower, which does little damage. Scrafty then takes out Eelektross.

8d 1h 42m Scrafty is sent out. It gets hit by Crunch for minimal damage. A Fighting move takes out Krookodile.

8d 1h 42m We send out Krookodile. Its Rock Slide misses, allowing Honchkrow to Roost. next turn however, it hits. Honchkrow barely survives, but is taken out by its burn.

8d 1h 41m Dusknoir uses Will-o-Wisp, burning Honchkrow. Honchkrow uses Heat Wave, and we reuse Will-o-Wisp for no reason. Dusknoir is then taken out by Sucker Punch.

8d 1h 40m We switch Darkrai for Dusknoir. Liepard uses U-turn, switching places with Honchkrow.

8d 1h 39m Grimsley sends out Liepard. We still lead with Darkrai.

8d 1h 39m VS Elite Four Grimsley! Attempt #6!

8d 1h 37m Musharana is last, and Dark Pulse is just as effective. Elite Four Caitlin is defeated!

8d 1h 36m Gothitelle is next and fares no better.

8d 1h 36m Metagross is sent out. It's holding an air Balloon, which pops when hit by a Dark Pulse. Also, Metagross faints.

8d 1h 36m Slowbro is next. Dark Pulse takes it out.

8d 1h 35m Reuniclus is sent out. It too falls to a powerful Dark Pulse.

8d 1h 35m Darkrai uses Nasty Plot and sharply raises its Special Attack. Next turn, it uses Dark Pulse, and Beheeyem goes down.

8d 1h 34m Caitlin sends out Beheeyem. Darkrai uses Dark Void and puts it to sleep.

8d 1h 34m VS Elite Four Caitlin! Attempt #4!

8d 1h 32m Cofagrigus is Shauntal last Pokémon, but it fares no better against Dark Void. Darkrai grows to Lv. 85. Elite Four Shauntal has been defeated.

8d 1h 31m Sableye is sent out. It fails to use Trick, then gets taken down as well.

8d 1h 31m Golurk is sent out. Dark Pulse takes care of it.

8d 1h 30m Drifblim is sent out, and protects itself from our attack. Next turn however, its taken down by Dark Pulse.

8d 1h 30m Chandelure is sent out, Darkrai uses Dark Void and puts it to sleep. It then uses Nasty Plot to raise its Special Attack again. It then finishes off Chandelure with Psychic. Dark Void is no longer disabled.

8d 1h 29m 8d 1h 28m Darkrai uses Nasty Plot to raise its Special Attack. Jellicent wakes up, and uses Double Team. Darkrai then uses Dark Pulse, and Jellicent Goes down, although Cursed Body is triggered.

8d 1h 28m Jellicent is sent out. Darkrai uses Dark Void and puts it to sleep.

8d 1h 27m VS Elite 4 Shauntal! Attempt #4!

8d 1h 24m Conkeldurr is Marshal's last Pokémon. Psychic takes it down immediately. Elite 4 Marshal is defeated.

8d 1h 24m Sawk is sent out. Darkrai puts it to sleep with Dark Void, then tries using the move again, which of course fails. It then uses Psychic and takes Sawk out.

8d 1h 23m Darkrai does not learn Dream Eater.

8d 1h 23m Medicham is sent out. Darkrai uses Dark Void, and puts it to sleep. Next turn, it uses Psychic, which is enough to bring Medicham down. Darkrai grows to Lv.83!

8d 1h 22m Mienshao is sent out and suffers the same fate.

8d 1h 21m Lucario is sent out by Marshal. Darkrai uses Psychic, and it goes down.

8d 1h 21m Darkrai uses Nasty Plot. Throh is still asleep. Next turn, Psychic takes Throh down.

8d 1h 20m Darkrai uses Dark Void and Throh falls asleep.

8d 1h 20m Marshal sends out Throh, we send out Darkrai.

8d 1h 20m VS Elite 4 Marshal! Attempt #5!

8d 1h 19m We have just entered the Pokémon League for attempt #6.

[Meta] With that over, the Live Updater will be going dark again. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

7d 8h 47m We Crunch right onto the egg, and Blissey faints. Eelektross reaches Lv. 69! Ludicolo is sent out and we use Crunch again. It uses Mega Drain so it barely survives our Flamethrower, then Mega Drains again. We use Drain Punch to finish it, for variety. Defeated Ace Trainer Lucca!

7d 8h 47m There's a trainer out here; she didn't notice all the explosions earlier. Vs. Ace Trainer Lucca! Dunsparce vs. Eelektross, who takes it out with Flamethrower and Thunderbolt. Blissey is sent out.

7d 8h 45m We switch Krookodile to the front of the party, then Dig all the way to Route 22.

[Chat] tppsimulator: WutFace

7d 8h 43m N gives an inspiring speech and Ghetsis teleports away in a fit. N talks to us and tells us to visit the Pokémon League, then flies off on Zekrom. y catches up with us, and we tell him things aren't over; he says he'll try to visit the League, too. We examine Ghetsis's cane that he left behind.

7d 8h 41m We send out Krookodile and Hydreigon outspeeds with Dragon Pulse, taking itself out from recoil. Krookodile reaches Lv. 69! We Crunch the empty air before Gyarados is sent out. We use Rock Slide and Gyarados flinches, then finish it with another Rock Slide. Defeated Ghetsis!

7d 8h 40m We get in a Double Team before Hydreigon wakes up, using Dragon Pulse and taking Life Orb damage. We use Dark Pulse again and Hydreigon repeats itself; Darkrai faints! Hydreigon barely hangs on through the Life Orb damage.

7d 8h 39m We send out Darkrai and finish Machamp with Dark Pulse. Hydreigon is sent out and we put it to sleep with Dark Void. We start spamming Dark Pulse as it sleeps.

7d 8h 38m We send out Porygon-Z and use Tri Attack. Machamp lives but is paralyzed; it uses DynamicPunch again and Porygon-Z faints!

7d 8h 38m Milotic reaches Lv. 83! Ghetsis sends out Machamp. We use Return and Machamp uses DynamicPunch; Milotic faints!

7d 8h 37m Genesect gets an Attack boost with Download. We use Surf and it uses Thunderbolt, and a second Surf is enough to take care of it. Ghetsis sends out Eelektross which we also start laying into with Surf as it uses Wild Charge. Milotic clutches as Eelektross hits low health from recoil, and Surf takes it down.

7d 8h 36m We send out Milotic. Ghetsis uses a Full Restore and we Surf to get the coffin to half HP. Cofagrigus uses Protect for some Leftovers health, but still faints to Surf. Ghetsis sends out Genesect.

7d 8h 35m Cofagrigus gets a double Protect, then hits us with Shadow Ball, then barely lives our Shadow Punch. Dusknoir faints due to poison. Trick Room ends.

7d 8h 34m Cofagrigus uses Toxic and Dusknoir is poisoned. We use Shadow Punch, giving us Mummy; Cofagrigus is healing with Leftovers. Cofagrigus stalls with Protect for a turn.

7d 8h 33m Vs. Ghetsis! Attempt #1. Cofagrigus vs. Dusknoir. We use Earthquake and get a crit, and Cofagrigus sets up Trick Room.

7d 8h 33m We send Darkrai out, put Kyurem to sleep with Dark Void, then finish it off with Dark Void. Kyurem and Zekrom separate, and N frantically heals us before...

7d 8h 30m Vs. Kyurem, attempt #4??? Krok's out front this time. We use Dig and Kyurem takes the opportunity to charge up Freeze Shock. Dig lands and Krookodile faints! We don't run this time, sending out Porygon-Z to use Tri Attack. Kyurem uses Fusion Bolt, getting a crit, and Porygon-Z faints!

7d 8h 28m We talk to it again. Vs. Kyurem, attempt #3...? Dusknoir's still down, so Freeze Shock charges up and we use Drain Punch with Eelektross. We clutch with 4 HP and Drain Punch again, and Eelektross faints! ...And we run away.

7d 8h 27m Vs. Kyurem! Dusknoir is our lead this time and as Freeze Shock charges up we use Will-O-Wisp. We live and use Earthquake, and Dusknoir faints...and we run away.

7d 8h 25m Back inside the cave. The Veteran from earlier has disappeared...

7d 8h 24m We make it out of the ice puzzle and head back toward the cave where Kyurem's waiting.

7d 8h 22m We talk with y. He gives us the same speech as earlier, then goes back to staring sadly at Liepard. We walk outside.

7d 8h 21m We enter the room where y is still waiting. We talk to Liepard, who just growls, and then we look at the screens.

7d 8h 16m Healed again.

7d 8h 14m We talk to another grunt, who says that we can use the Plasma Card to enter the password that we entered with the Plasma Card.

7d 8h 13m We talk to a nearby grunt. He says the password that we already used is the name of a Fire-type Pokémon.

7d 8h 12m We heal again.

7d 8h 8m The grunt tells us that the password we already used is the name of a white Pokémon.

7d 8h 7m A nearby Grunt's upset that we stole that. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Drapion vs. Dusknoir. It uses Crunch and we use Earthquake, and clutch the next Crunch to Earthquake again. Dusknoir reaches Lv. 64! Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 8h 5m We unlock the path to an item on the ground. Picked up a Power Band!

7d 8h 4m Found the doctor. We heal!

7d 7h 57m The grunt gives us a hint about the password we already used.

7d 7h 55m We find a grunt who hasn't heard about Kyurem yet. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Zangoose vs. Eelektross. It outspeeds with Close Combat and we take it down in one shot. Seviper is sent out and we use Drain Punch, but it's not very effective; Seviper uses Coil. Thunderbolt still takes it down, though. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 7h 54m Back inside the Plasma Frigate...

7d 7h 53m Back to the inner part of Giant Chasm...

7d 7h 46m Back to Giant Chasm.

7d 7h 39m Oh, and Eelektross reaches Lv. 68!

7d 7h 37m Solrock is sent out. We use Dig and Solrock's Earthquake deals double damage while we're underground, and also crits. Eelektross uses Crunch and Solrock lives. Tate uses a Hyper Potion. Dig fails and we use Eel's Crunch and then Krok's Crunch. Defeated Tate&Liza!

7d 7h 36m We send out Krookodile and use Dig. Lunatone hits Eelektross with Psychic and we hit it with Thunderbolt. Dig takes out Reuniclus and Lunatone attempts Psychic on Krookodile before falling to Crunch.

7d 7h 35m Route 22. Vs. Tate & Liza again! Gothitelle/Reuniclus vs. Dusknoir/Eelektross. Gothitelle lives a Crunch and a few hits take Dusknoir to low HP. Thunderbolt takes Gothitelle out next turn and Dusknoir uses Earthquake, and Reuniclus uses Psyshock. Dusknoir faints!

7d 7h 31m We step into the Humilau Gym really fast. The music's nice and calm in here.

7d 7h 30m All the way back to Humilau City, again.

7d 7h 28m We use Aqua Ring again and live a Dragon Pulse, then Recover as Freeze Shock charges again. We get a Return crit as Freeze Shock lands, then Return again...Kyurem, barely standing, realizes it's part Zekrom now and uses Fusion Bolt. Milotic faints! Blacked out!

7d 7h 27m Vs. Kyurem! We set up Aqua Ring and take an attack straight to the face. We Aqua Ring again as Kyurem uses Imprison, and Recover as it sets up Freeze Shock, then start spamming Return. Freeze Shock isn't very effective though.

7d 7h 26m Ghetsis tells us to challenge Kyurem, helpfully informing us that his cane stops our Poké Balls from working. We talk with N first, who begs us to save his friend.

7d 7h 22m After N's inspiring speech, Ghetsis reaches over, hits the off button on the triumphant music, and reveals that he's holding the DNA Splicers. Zekrom is sent back to its summon item...Kyurem changes form as it fuses with Zekrom!

7d 7h 21m We go a room deeper, where Ghetsis is waiting. Kyurem arrives, and aims a Glaciate right at us...but somebody stops the attack before it can land. N flies in on Zekrom and turns on his jukebox as the dragons stare each other down.

[Info] According to hack documentation, a couple Legendaries will be unlocked now that we've talked to that trainer.

7d 7h 19m There's a Veteran standing in the center of this room. We ignore him, then go back to visit him. He tells us that we just had a battle with Kyurem(?) and that we've proved ourself worthy with that(??), and now at Dragonspiral Tower some Pokémon will be waiting for us...

7d 7h 18m We escape the ice puzzle and head into the deepest part of Giant Chasm.

[Fluff] Sorry, y, hope we're not ruining your moment or anything...

7d 7h 15m We enter the room one last time, then leave the Plasma Frigate, emerging back at Giant Chasm.

7d 7h 13m All of the Shadow Triad vanish, leaving Liepard behind. y is a lot more subdued than usual. We leave the room, then warp back in, stepping toward him...then teleport back out. Then back in, as we remember we kinda have to take the stairs. ...Then back out.

7d 7h 12m Banette uses Shadow Sneak and Darkrai faints! Milotic still is at full HP and Bisharp can't reach us from the opposite corner. We use Surf to take out Banette and Milotic reaches Lv. 82! Bisharp awkwardly uses Aerial Ace from across the field, and we get an AUTO CENTER so we can see each other better. Bisharp uses Sucker Punch and we use Surf to take it down. Defeated Team Plasma Shadow!

7d 7h 10m We apply Dark Pulse to ourselves, and Porygon-Z faints! Darkrai barely survives an X-Scissor and Milotic uses Recover, but is at full HP. Only Darkrai and Milotic are left now.

7d 7h 7m We send out Milotic as Banette comes back out. Darkrai uses Dark Pulse on Bisharo as Milotic sets up Aqua Ring and Porygon-Z uses Shadow Ball, which Banette survives with Focus Sash to use Will-O-Wisp on Darkrai. Darkrai is burned. Bisharp keeps sleeping.

7d 7h 6m Darkrai takes out Accelgor with Dark Pulse. Porygon-Z uses Discharge and Dusknoir faints, but so does Weezing.

7d 7h 4m Banette switches out for Accelgor. Bisharp Sucker Punches Pory and Darkrai puts Accelgor and Bisharp to sleep. Pory Tri Attacks Weezing who clutches and uses Will-O-Wisp on Dusknoir, who's burned. Dusknoir Shadow Punches Accelgor. Weezing has Leftovers, it looks like...

7d 7h 3m Vs. Team Plasma Shadow! It's a triple battle; Bisharp/Banette/Weezing vs. Dusknoir/Porygon-Z/Darkrai. Bisharp has an Air Balloon as usual.

7d 7h 2m We try to go downstairs, but that extra Shadow Triad member pushes us out of the way.

7d 7h 1m We send out Darkrai and finish Venomoth off with Psychic. Defeated Team Plasma Shadow!

7d 7h 0m Ninjask uses X-Scissor as we use Drain Punch, which isn't very effective but still KOs. Bisharp uses Sucker Punch but we clutch and take it out with Flamethrower. The last enemy is Venomoth, who uses Bug Buzz; Eelektross faints!

7d 6h 59m We send out Porygon-Z and use Shadow Ball on Bisharp, who takes Pory to half health with Iron Head. We bring Eelektross up front and Bisharp uses Iron Head again, and we flinch.

7d 6h 57m Venomoth is back. We rotate Krookodile in and Bisharp uses Sucker Punch as we use Crunch to break its Air Balloon. Ninjask rotates in and uses X-Scissor; Krookodile faints!

[Fluff] Almost like I forgot Shadow Punch doesn't miss or something.

7d 6h 56m Gengar uses Dream Eater but uses some of that HP to Life Orb. Shadow Punch still hits and takes Gengar out.

7d 6h 56m Venomoth Baton Passes all that evasion to Gengar. Shadow Punch still hits, and next turn Gengar uses Hypnosis; Dusknoir is fast asleep.

7d 6h 55m One more X-Scissor. Ninjask lives our Shadow Punch and eats a Liechi Berry for more attack. Venomoth is back and Double Teams again and Will-O-Wisp fails because it's already burned.

7d 6h 54m More Double Team. Will-O-Wisp still hits, though. Ninjask swaps in and uses X-Scissor but it's not very effective, and we Shadow Punch it.

7d 6h 54m Bisharp uses Sucker Punch but it fails as we have Dusknoir use Will-O-Wisp...and miss. Venomoth hits front and uses Double Team and we land a Strength.

7d 6h 52m Oh, hey, we're back on the Plasma Frigate. Looks like we used a Hyper Potion on Dusknoir on our walk back, so we're fully healed, minus one PP. Vs. Team Plasma Shadow! It's the rotation one again; Bisharp/Ninjask/Venomoth vs. Dusknoir/Eelektross/Krookodile.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be dark for a bit again. In the meantime, you can check #stream-feed for bot updates.

7d 6h 35m Back to Humilau City. We save! In-game time: 170:03.

7d 6h 34m Ninjask uses X-Scissor on Darkrai but we Dark Pulse to take it out. We use Double Team but Venomoth's Bug Buzz still hits...Darkrai faints! Blacked out!

7d 6h 32m Gengar is sent out and uses Focus Blast, taking Life Orb damage as Eelektross faints! Krok is up front and attempts to use Earthquake on Ninjask. We Rock Slide but miss as Venomoth comes up and uses Double Team. Our Crunch hits, though...but Bug Buzz fihishes us off and Krookodile faints! Only Darkrai is left...

[Snark] Even though all it did was watch.

7d 6h 32m Darkrai reaches Lv. 74!

7d 6h 31m Vs. Team Plasma Shadow! This one's a rotation battle... Bisharp/Venomoth/Ninjask vs. our three remaining mon. Eelektross is out front and takes Bisharp's X-Scissor to use Thunderbolt. Its Air Balloon pops; it uses Sucker Punch and we finish it off with Drain Punch.

7d 6h 30m We send out Eelektross, evade Hypnosis, and use Crunch. Defeated Team Plasma Shadow! The other two Shadow Triad members appear...

7d 6h 29m Crobat has a variety of attacks, including a Flying Gem-boosted Acrobatics. We finally wake up after a few turns and use Surf; it survives and uses another Acrobatics, which we live at 4 HP, only to use Aqua Ring. One more Acrobatics and Milotic faints!

7d 6h 27m We send out Milotic and take Absol out with Surf. Crobat briefly appears but U-Turns and brings Scizor out, which goes down to two Surfs. Crobat's back and uses Hypnosis; Milotic falls asleep.

7d 6h 27m Absol is sent out. We use Tri Attack, which it survives to use Megahorn, putting us back at low health. Next turn it uses Sucker Punch and Porygon-Z faints!

7d 6h 25m We survive a hit from Bisharp to use Earthquake, but Bisharp has an Air Balloon. One more Iron Head and Dusknoir faints! We send out Porygon-Z and use Discharge; Bisharp is paralyzed, but still uses Brick Break. Next turn it tries to use a priority move but is fully paralyzed as we Recover, and we take it out with one more Discharge.

7d 6h 23m Ghetsis is monologuing. He talks to us about is evil plans until a Shadow Triad member shows up to tell him the plan's ready...y catches up with us, and the Shadow Triad member has a Liepard... Vs. Team Plasma Shadow! Bisharp vs. Dusknoir.

7d 6h 23m We talk to the grunt who blocked our path earlier. He starts crying and runs away; we step on the button...

7d 6h 22m We head back up and get stuck behind the password machine.

7d 6h 18m We make it down to the doctor again. We heal!

7d 6h 15m We leave the room and turn our Dowsing Machine on. We bump into Zinzolin as we try to reach the doctor again.

7d 6h 13m We keep talking to Colress a few times. He tells us where to go again, and again.

7d 6h 12m Colress asks if we're planning on reaching higher heights through understanding our Pokémon. We say no. He says we inspired him anyway somehow and gives us a nice speech about science and tells us good luck in our battle.

7d 6h 11m We're down to Milotic now, and send that out. Klinklang uses Wild Charge, which we clutch at red health...but the recoil takes it out! Defeated Colress!

7d 6h 10m Klinklang uses Shift Gear again, and this turn we're fully paralyzed. The gears use Wild Charge and we use Discharge; we're both pretty low on HP now. Klinklang uses Wild Charge again and Porygon-Z faints!

7d 6h 9m We send out Real Pory and use Shadow Ball, but it's not very effective. Magnezone uses Thunder Wave again and Porygon-Z is paralyzed. Mangnezone uses Flash Cannon and we take it out with Tri Attack. Klinklang is send out; that's Colress's last mon. It uses Shift Gear as we use Recover.

7d 6h 8m Magnezone uses Bug Buzz, taking us to low health. We land another Dark Void. As Magnezone sleeps we set up a little Double Team, but then Magnezone wakes up and uses Flash Cannon. Dusknoir faints!

7d 6h 7m We use Dark Pulse and Bad Dreams help finish Fake Pory off. Magnezone is sent out; this one also has an Air Balloon, but that's not relevant anymore as we use Dark Pulse some more. Magnezone uses Thunder Wave and Darkrai is paralyzed.

7d 6h 6m Fake Pory uses Ice Beam and Krookodile faints! It has Life Orb, so it takes a little damage. We send out Darkrai and put it to sleep with Dark Void.

7d 6h 5m We send out Krookodile and use Crunch, breaking Metagross's Air Balloon. It uses Agility, so next turn it outspeeds with Meteor Mash, taking us to half health. Earthquake takes Metagross down and Krookodile reaches Lv. 68! Colress sends out Porygon-Z.

7d 6h 4m Colress sends out Metagross. It's faster and uses Meteor Mash. Eelektross faints!

7d 6h 3m We send out Eelektross and use Thunderbolt, and dodge Hydro Pump. Trick Room ends this turn, though...Colress uses a Full Restore as we TBolt again. Hydro Pump misses again and it clutches our Thunderbolt...okay, this Hydro Pump actually hits, and crits. We barely hold on and Thunderbolt to take Rotom out. Eelektross reaches Lv. 67!

7d 6h 1m Dusknoir reaches Lv. 63! Colress sends out Wash Rotom. We're slower so we go first and use Shadow Punch, and it uses Hydro Pump, which we clutch with 3 HP. We use Earthquake but it has Levitate, and with one more Thunderbolt Dusknoir faints!

7d 6h 0m We use Shadow Punch and Beheeyem uses Trick Room. It uses Psychic, taking us to half health, but the next Shadow Punch finishes it.

7d 6h 0m Vs. Team Plasma Colress! Attempt #2! Beheeyem vs. Dusknoir.

7d 5h 58m We head back towards Zinzolin, accidentally step on the warp tile, and have to warp back down again.

7d 5h 54m We cross some precarious bridges and talk to a doctor. We heal!

7d 5h 51m We hop back downstairs and find a grunt we didn't fight yet. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Scizor vs. Eelektross. Yeah, we have Flamethrower. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 5h 48m Back on the Plasma Frigate.

7d 5h 46m We locate the shaky grass we were looking for! ...it's an Audino.

7d 5h 44m Sliding back and forth across the ice.

7d 5h 41m Caught a female Lv. 54 Abomasnow! Nickname: AbomasnoPV.

7d 5h 35m In the outdoor part of the chasm now. Caught a Lv. 50 Ditto! Nickname APPFG.

7d 5h 25m Picked up TM13 Ice Beam!

7d 5h 24m Fishing a few feet away from an item.

7d 5h 19m Caught a male Lv. 46 Steelix! Nickname: ATTP.

7d 5h 12m Eelektross reaches Lv. 66!

7d 5h 11m We pick up an Ice Gem!

7d 5h 6m We turn on our Dowsing Machine.

7d 5h 3m We move a Strength boulder and pick up a Star Piece!

7d 5h 2m We walk into a dust cloud. Picked up a Flying Gem!

7d 4h 59m Dusknoir faints!

7d 4h 58m Caught a Lv. 46 Cryogonal! Nickname: CryogonalP.

7d 4h 55m We pick up a Star Piece!

7d 4h 55m Dusknoir is poisoned by a wild Golbat.

7d 4h 51m We move a Strength boulder and pick up a Max Repel!

7d 4h 46m Entered Giant Chasm. Dusknoir reaches Lv. 62!

7d 4h 35m We use a Hyper Potion on Dusknoir.

7d 4h 32m We snap out of it and use Shadow Punch, and Cradily uses Gastro Acid. It survives our Strength to use another Ancient Power, and gets the boost this time! That means it's faster than us and uses Confuse Ray, but we still manage to use Will-O-Wisp, taking it down from its burn. Defeated Hiker Justin!

7d 4h 31m Cradily is sent out. We get excited and try to catch it, and it confuses us. We Shadow Punch and it uses Ancient Power. Next turn we hit ourselves as it sets up Amnesia...

7d 4h 30m Armaldo is sent out. We use Earthquake and it uses Ancient Power, and it clutches our second EQ to use Fury Cutter. We use up our last Earthquake PP to take it out, and Cradily is sent out.

7d 4h 29m Vs. Hiker Justin! Cranidos vs. Dusknoir. We use Earthquake to OHKO. Lileep lives our Earthquake to use Ancient Power but faints to another one.

7d 4h 27m We hop down into the doubles grass. Picked up a Rare Candy!

7d 4h 26m We take out a wild Piloswine and Dusknoir reaches Lv. 61! We decide not to learn Future Sight.

7d 4h 23m Caught a male Lv. 46 Delibird! Nickname: AATTPP.

7d 4h 19m We return to Route 22 and attempt to fall down a Strength pit.

[Snark] Hey, Colress, your Pory still isn't stronger! That was a draw!

7d 4h 14m We wake up in Humilau City and run outside.

7d 4h 13m Colress uses a Full Restore. We use Tri Attack and Fake Pory clutches again, landing its Hyper Beam this time. ...but it has a Life Orb, so at least it faints, too. Porygon-Z faints! Blacked out!

7d 4h 12m We send out Porygon-Z and use Tri Attack. Rotom uses Volt Switch and Colress's own Porygon-Z is sent out. It misses a Hyper Beam and barely lives our Tri Attack.

7d 4h 11m We send out Milotic. Rotom uses Thunderbolt and Milotic is paralyzed. We can't move. We try to use a Moomoo Milk but fail, and Rotom uses Thunderbolt again. Trick Room is over now...but oh, yeah, we're paralyzed and slower. Rotom uses more Thunderbolt and Milotic faints!

7d 4h 10m Colress sends out Wash Rotom, which uses Hydro Pump. Krookodile faints!

7d 4h 9m We open with Crunch but Beheeyem's Colbur Berry weakens it and Beheeyem lives. It sets up Trick Room. Beheyeem uses Bug Buzz and gets a Sp.Def drop; we're at kind of low HP, but take Beheeyem out with Crunch.

7d 4h 9m Vs. Team Plasma Colress! Beheeyem vs. Krookodile.

[Info] Between-battle update: on our way here we beat Tate&Liza for the tenth time, and also caught a male Lv. 45 Weepinbell (PEOOMPN).

7d 4h 6m We send out Milotic against the last Pokémon, Drifblim. Two Surfs are enough to take care of it. Milotic reaches Lv. 81! Defeated Team Plasma Zinzolin!

7d 4h 5m Weavile clutches the second Dark Pulse and wakes up to use Ice Punch. Darkrai faints! Weavile faints too, so no one gets the EXP.

7d 4h 4m Weavile is sent out. It uses Fake Out and loses HP from its Life Orb. We put it to sleep next turn, but we're slowly getting to low health from hail.

7d 4h 3m Zinzolin sends out Cryogonal. Dark Void hits again and Dark Pulse is a 2HKO here, too.

7d 4h 2m We send out Dusknoir and use Dark Void. Walrein takes a nice little nap. We use Dark Void twice, and despite Walrein's Ice Body and Leftovers the second one still KOs.

7d 4h 2m Walrein is sent out and uses Blizzard. Eelektross faints!

7d 4h 0m We send out Eelektross and take a hit from Abomasnow before KOing it with Flamethrower. Mamoswine is sent out. Hail is permanent this gen, so we're taking residuals every turn...Mamoswine uses Icicle Crash but we clutch and land a crit Drain Punch, which it barely survives. We clutch again and use another Drain Punch, taking it down...with the heal we survive the hail with 5 HP.

7d 4h 0m We try to use a Moomoo Milk on a fully healed mon. Abomasnow takes the opportunity to attack again and Dusknoir faints!

7d 3h 59m Vs. Team Plasma Zinzolin! Abomasnow vs. Dusknoir. It uses Blizzard and we use Shadow Punch, and next turn Sheer Cold fails and we Shadow Punch again.

7d 3h 58m We're back aboard the Plasma Frigate, this time located by Giant Chasm. We're fully healed thanks to a battle with a doctor a few minutes ago, and we just successfully entered the password to take down the barriers (RESHIRAM).

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for a bit. In the meantime you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

7d 2h 14m Vs. Swimmer♂ Harold! Prinplup vs. Krookodile. Yeah, Earthquake's a OHKO. Same with Octillery. And same with Blastoise. Krookodile reaches Lv. 66! Defeated Swimmer♂ Harold!

7d 2h 12m We pick up a Big Pearl!

7d 2h 8m Vs. Swimmer♀ Kaoru! Luvdisc vs. Krookodile. We take it out with Earthquake, and also take out Sealeo with Earthquake, and also take out Milotic with Earthquake (ooh hey, that one's a crit!), and also take out Whiscash with...wait, no, we use Crunch this time. On Seaking, too. Defeated Swimmer♀ Kaoru!

7d 2h 7m We go through the cave and go back to the northern part of Route 21.

7d 2h 0m We have a nice little surf for a bit, then head back into Seaside Cave.

[Fluff] [Chat] Chat has a brief debate over how the Plasma Frigate puzzles work. As it turns out, in Black 2 we get the electric gate puzzle first, but in White 2 the password puzzle comes first.

7d 1h 58m y rushes off again. Cheren's here to catch up with us; he tells us we can get to the Giant Chasm from Route 22.

7d 1h 56m y puts the pieces together and guesses why everything's made of ice right now. It has to do with the giant ice dragon in the room, probably. He has a heartfelt speech about Purrloin, and then some ninjas sneak up behind us and use Sucker Punch. The Plasma Frigate flies off; we're left standing on the beach on Route 21.

7d 1h 55m We send out Krookodile and use Crunch on Magnezone. It doesn't do much, but it doesn't need to. Krookodile reaches Lv. 65! Defeated Zinzolin&Grunt!

7d 1h 54m Weavile uses Ice Punch on Real Eel. Eelektross faints! Looks like Weavile has a Life Orb? But Samurott finishes it off with another Superpower. Magnezone uses Screech on Samurott.

7d 1h 53m Zinzolin sends out Drifblim and the grunt sends Magnezone. Drifblim uses Shadow Ball on us and Samurott uses Superpower on Magnezone, which barely survives. We use Thunderbolt and Drifblim faints. Magnezone uses Electro Ball; Samurott's now at half health. Zinzolin sends out Weavile.

7d 1h 52m y sends out Samurott as we send out Real Eelektross. Samurott takes out Carnivine with Megahorn and Walrein uses Earthquake, which doesn't work on us. We take it out with Thunderbolt.

7d 1h 51m Liepard lands a Night Slash crit on us. We avoid Walrein's Blizzard but Eelektross isn't so lucky; it does take down Liepard though. We land a little hit on Walrein. Carnivine is sent out and Walrein uses Earthquake, which only hits us. Dusknoir faints! Fake Eel uses Wild Charge to get Walrein to low health before Carnivine finishes it off. Oh, and Walrein has some Leftovers.

7d 1h 50m Zinzolin threatens us ominously, but y catches up to us. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt and Team Plasma Zinzolin! Walrein & Liepard vs. Dusknoir & y's Eelektross.

7d 1h 49m We head back to where that electric gate went down and warp up. Zinzolin is here to greet us...as is Kyurem, trapped below the floor.

7d 1h 48m We switch Dusknoir to the front of the party, with Eelektross now in second. We also switch Milotic from 5th to 6th, meaning Dusknoir is now 5th.

7d 1h 47m We take the warp behind him and step on the top left switch. Four of four down! We can now proceed.

7d 1h 46m The grunt sends out Raticate, which fails to use Endeavor. Thunderbolt takes it down. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 45m His buddy sees the fight and joins in a bit late. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Muk vs. Eelektross. We use Thunderbolt and Muk uses Sludge Wave; a second Thunderbolt is a KO. Eelektross reaches Lv. 64!

7d 1h 44m We warp around for a bit. Oh, hey, we missed a trainer in this room...Vs. Plasma Grunt! Skuntank vs. Eelektross. It moves first with Night Slash and we Thunderbolt, and it uses Flamethrower before we take it out. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 41m Stepped on the top right switch! Three down, one to go...

7d 1h 38m We take another warp and push the bottom right switch! Two down.

[Chat] tppAYAYA

7d 1h 35m Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Bisharp vs. Eelektross. We OHKO with Drain Punch, and the same's true for the Pupitar up next. Vileplume is sent out and Flamethrower takes it out. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 35m We take a couple warp panels and step on a switch! One down.

7d 1h 33m We chat with a grunt in the hallway. He laments how hard it is to get around this ship, then tells us we have to step on four switches to unlock the barrier.

7d 1h 31m We warp to another room and head back to the hall.

7d 1h 30m Hey, the ladder on this bed works. Time for a nap...We heal! Then we hit the snooze button and heal a second time.

7d 1h 29m We head one room north. The grunt in this room lets us pass, and we spot an item that fell out of someone's bed. Picked up TM60 Sucker Punch!

7d 1h 28m We send out Darkrai and finish it off with Dark Pulse. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 27m Magnezone is sent out. We use Rock Slide and it uses Flash Cannon; Krookodile faints!

7d 1h 25m There's another grunt chilling on the floor here. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Double Krookodiles. The other one has Intimidate, so it survives our Earthquake and sets up a Sandstorm that does nothing. We finish it off with Crunch, proving our croc is clearly better. But we're running low on health from poison...

7d 1h 23m We tiptoe past the other grunt while she's not looking. Across the hall, we enter another room. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Weezing vs. Krookodile. We use Crunch and Weezing survives to use Sludge Bomb; Krookodile is poisoned. We still take Weezing out. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 21m Another warp. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Scrafty vs. Krookodile. We use Earthquake, and it survives to use Crunch, which isn't very effective. One more Earthquake takes it out. Liepard is sent out and that one is a OHKO. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 20m We take another warp. In this room, the grunt shows us some pictures of Reshiram and Zekrom; we sticky tape them into our Pokedex.

7d 1h 19m We try to climb in a bunk bed, but we can't figure out how the ladder works.

7d 1h 16m We take the warp right back to that room, and this time a grunt notices us. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Sneasel vs. Krookodile. Earthquake takes it down, but this grunt actually has more than one Pokémon. Crunch takes out Druddigon, though we take damage from Rough Skin. Zweilous is sent out and, yeah, it goes down to one Earthquake. Krookodile reaches Lv. 64! Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 15m We enter the bottom right room. An alarm goes off throughout the ship, and we take a nearby warp panel to another room.

7d 1h 14m Vs. (even more) Team Plasma Grunt! Drapion vs. Krookodile. We use Dig for some variety, meaning Night Slash misses and we OHKO. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 13m Another grunt helpfully tells us how warp panels work.

7d 1h 12m We're in the barracks now. Vs. (another) Team Plasma Grunt! Krookodile vs. Scizor. It survives our Earthquake but doesn't do much damage, and another Earthquake finishes it off. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 1h 8m y tells us to split up, heading back to the docks to search for switches to deactivate. We repeatedly walk into the electric barriers. Ow.

7d 1h 7m We send out Krookodile and y sends out Samurott, who we take to half health with Earthquake, but Kangaskhan fainting is what matters. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt(s)!

7d 1h 6m We use Shadow Ball and take out Dusclops. Kangaskhan uses Outrage and we drop to low health. Fake Eelektross uses Wild Charge. Next turn we use Tri Attack on Eelektross, who faints. Outrage hits the only remaining mon, so Porygon-Z faints!

7d 1h 4m Banette Sucker Punches Eelektross. We use Discharge and Honchkrow faints; Banette's paralyzed and Fake Eel takes a little damage. Porygon-Z reaches Lv. 67! After a long internal struggle, we decide not to learn Hyper Beam. Eelektross takes out Banette; Dusclops and Kangaskhan are sent out.

7d 1h 3m Inside the ship now. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt x2! Banette&Dusclops vs. Porygon-Z&y's Eelektross. Dusclops is withdrawn in favor of Honchkrow and Banette uses Sucker Punch; we use Shadow Ball on Honchkrow and Fake Eelektross sets up Coil.

7d 1h 1m We explore a different dead end on the other side. Found TM67 Retaliate!

7d 1h 0m We save! In-game time: 164:30.

7d 0h 59m y is in a hurry, running to the uh...front of the ship? The bow! Yeah, that. We explore a dead-end corner.

7d 0h 58m The grunt sends out another Houndoom, which barely survives our Tri Attack to use Flamethrower. We finish it off next turn and Scolipede is sent out. That's a OHKO again. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

7d 0h 57m We get a warm welcome. Vs. Plasma Grunt! Mightyena vs. Porygon-Z. Intimidate drops our Attack but luckily we don't use that one; Tri Attack is a OHKO.

7d 0h 57m Back in the cave -- wait, no. Boarded the Plasma Frigate!

7d 0h 55m Back to Route 21, on the eastern side this time. y catches up with us and we begin to plan...then Marlon helps us access the Plasma Frigate. y rushes aboard, and we stand around in the waves outside.

7d 0h 54m We use the Colress Machine on a suspicious boulder. Turns out it's a Crustle! When it runs away the Colress Machine is broken, but the path is clear.

7d 0h 54m Picked up a Calcium!

7d 0h 51m We attempt to fish the rocks.

7d 0h 50m Back downstairs...wait, no, back upstairs. We hop the ledge and are back by the water.

7d 0h 49m We go up the stairs. Picked up TM06 Toxic! We also walk through a dust cloud and pick up a Poison Gem!

7d 0h 48m Vs. Black Belt Rich! Breloom vs. Porygon-Z. Tri Attack takes it out and Pory reaches Lv. 66! Sawk is sent out and Tri Attack finishes that off too. Defeated Black Belt Rich!

7d 0h 46m Picked up a Rare Candy!

7d 0h 43m Orbiting around the item trapped in the strength puzzle...

7d 0h 42m Caught a male Lv. 44 Eelektrik! Nickname: Eelek.

7d 0h 38m Caught a male Lv. 46 Dewgong! Nickname: AABBBBB.

7d 0h 34m Something's hidden in the dirt here. Picked up a Max Repel!

7d 0h 33m Caught a female Lv. 46 Crustle! Nickname: ATYPPC.

7d 0h 31m Dusknoir faints to a wild Crustle.

7d 0h 29m Vs. Black Belt Maki! Mienshao vs. Dusknoir. It uses Bounce as we try to Earthquake. Dusknoir becomes paralyzed but we still land an EQ next turn. Another round of Bounce and we're fully paralyzed next turn. One more bounce and we're still fully paralyzed, but it's out of PP on Bounce and uses U-Turn; we finally Earthquake to take it down. Dusknoir reaches Lv. 59! Defeated Black Belt Maki!

7d 0h 26m We get out of the water and go down to B1F of the cave.

7d 0h 23m We attempt to fish the Black Belt out of the ground. It doesn't work. Instead we start surfing and pick up a Heart Scale!

7d 0h 22m We set up Aqua Ring and Onix uses Stone Edge. It survives our Surf with Sturdy and uses Sandstorm, but we just use another Surf. Primeape is sent out and that's also an easy KO with Surf. Defeated Black Belt Drago!

7d 0h 21m Vs. Black Belt Drago! Onix vs. Eelektross. Onix gets a(n unnecessary) Stone Edge crit and Eelektross faints! We send out Milotic.

7d 0h 20m After the battle she gives us a Persim Berry! We hop a ledge to go down some stairs and reach the underground river.

7d 0h 18m Flygon uses Sandstorm and we use Drain Punch, getting Flygon to half health. It uses Hyper Beam next turn but we finish it off with another Drain Punch. Eelektross reaches Lv. 63! Sceptile is sent out and uses Leaf Blade; we Drain Punch again. Sceptile uses Detect to block our Flamethrower and we both take sand damage. We clutch Leaf Blade and Drain Punch again to take Sceptile down. Defeated Ranger Mikiko!

7d 0h 17m Back inside Seaside Cave. Vs. Ranger Mikiko! Gliscor vs. Eelektross. It sets up Swords Dance as we Flamethrower and next turn it uses Sky Uppercut. Our next Flamethrower takes it out and Flygon is sent out.

7d 0h 13m The doctor thanks us for the battle and we heal! (Twice.)

7d 0h 13m Tri Attack takes Sawsbuck down. Braid sends out Tropius and we get a Tri Attack crit, taking that out too. Defeated Doctor Braid!

7d 0h 12m We accidentally reenter Seaside Cave, beat up a Golduck, and go back to Route 21. Vs. Doctor Braid! Sawsbuck vs. Porygon-Z. We use Shadow Ball but it doesn't work, and Sawsbuck uses Double-Edge.

7d 0h 10m We send out Porygon-Z and finish Golduck off with Shadow Ball. Corsola is sent out and we OHKO with Discharge. Defeated Fisherman Kenzo!

7d 0h 9m Golduck is sent out and moves first with Aqua Tail. We use Strength and Shadow Punch comes back to us, but next turn is another Aqua Tail and Earthquake. One more Aqua Tail and Dusknoir faints! The rain is over now.

7d 0h 9m Shadow Punch takes Frillish down, but Cursed Body deactivates the move. Palpitoad is sent out and lives a Earthquake to set up Rain Dance. It has Swift Swim and hits us with Hydro Pump but we finish it off with Strength.

7d 0h 8m Vs. Fisherman Kenzo! Tirtouga vs. Dusknoir. We use a couple Earthquakes to take it down and Frillish is sent out.

7d 0h 7m Emerged onto Route 21.

7d 0h 4m Caught a male Lv. 41 Golduck! Nickname: Golduck ​.

7d 0h 2m Caught a male Lv. 40 Gurdurr! (Crit captures are getting pretty common.) No nickname.

[Info] Since the last block of updates ~13 hours ago, we caught 26 Pokémon, all of whom were new dex entries except the Duosion. In the interest of not spamming the updater, here's a screenshot of all their stats: https://i.imgur.com/z56H1EL.png

7d 0h 0m We pick up a Full Restore!

7d 0h 0m The clock ticks over. Welcome to Day 8, everyone!

6d 23h 59m We send out Krookodile and use Dig. Toxicroak Nasty Plots while we're down but Dig KOs. Krookodile reaches Lv. 63! Tia sends out Throh, who uses Endure to survive our Earthquake. A second Endure fails and Earthquake takes it down. Defeated Battle Girl Tia!

6d 23h 58m Vs. Battle Girl Tia! Eelektross vs. Toxicroak. We Crunch but it's not very effective, and Sludge Bomb means Eelektross faints!

6d 23h 55m Entered Seaside Cave. We just defeated Ranger Johan and his team of Aggron, Steelix, and Empoleon. He gives us a Persim Berry!

6d 23h 53m Caught a male Lv. 35 Frillish! Nickname: AAA....TPe.

6d 23h 51m Caught a female Lv. 31 Wailmer (with yet another crit)! Nickname: NNNTGI ♂G.

6d 23h 50m Caught a female Lv. 39 Horsea (with another crit)! No nickname.

6d 23h 49m We save! In-game time: 163:18.

6d 23h 46m We successfully use our Super Rod on a tile with a Trainer in it.

6d 23h 46m We call up our rival y on the Xtransceiver, then hang up immediately.

6d 23h 42m While we fish, Eelektross reaches Lv. 62!

6d 23h 30m We run our hands through our medal collection. They're nice and shiny. Blockbuster Star is now our favorite medal.

[Info] ...We visited a Move Tutor to teach Eelektross Drain Punch over Flash Cannon. We defeated Tate&Liza a couple times (up to 9 wins), and after a break to buy more balls and badgequest more we went to Opelucid City to beat Winona repeatedly (up to 8 wins). We also made friends with Breeder Magnolia, who's lagging behind Irene at 9 battles. As of now we're still badgequesting in Undella Bay.

[Info] Since the last set of updates, we tried a couple rental tournaments in the PWT, then went to Driftveil and defeated Norman a few times. We explored Chargestone Cave and Guidance Chamber on our way to Mistralton City, catching a few things as we went (list to come). We stopped by Celestial Tower and Twist Mountain before going back to Mistralton and flying to Lentimas Town, where we used 10 Blue Shards to teach Darkrai Dark Pulse over Shadow Ball. We hung out in the Reversal Mountain area before exploring Undella Town and the northern areas of Unova...

6d 23h 25m Caught a male Lv. 32 Chinchou (with a crit capture)! Nickname: ,,,, ).

6d 23h 19m Caught a male Lv. 32 Remoraid! Nickname: ATPX FWI ​ ​ (yes, that's 2 spaces at the end).

6d 23h 15m We're currently fishing in Undella Bay. Just caught a female Lv. 32 Chinchou! Nickname: AAE.

[Meta] Though the game hasn't gone dark anymore, the Live Updater will be. You can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

6d 10h 8m We talk with the Move Relearner, and scroll through possible moves for Darkrai...but as it turns out, she can't help us either.

6d 10h 6m We enter the main PWT building, then exit. We have a quick chat with the Move Deleter before remembering who he is, then run away.

6d 10h 4m We use Dig and exit Relic Castle! Arrived at the PWT.

6d 9h 51m Porygon-Z reaches Lv. 59!

6d 9h 45m Caught a female Lv. 30 Anorith! Nickname: AAAACULM.

6d 9h 42m Back to the center room.

6d 9h 40m Caught a male Lv. 30 Omanyte! Nickname: AAPUH.

6d 9h 34m Caught a male Lv. 30 Cranidos! Nickname: P.

6d 9h 27m We're back in the furthest right room. Somehow we can ride our bike up a mountain of sand.

6d 9h 19m Caught a male Lv. 30 Kabuto! Nickname: TPPP.

[Fluff] As we stumbled across a wild Baltoy, Dexnav suddenly yelled BOOOOOO at us. That's not a ghost type, Dexnav...

6d 9h 11m Caught a male Lv. 30 Aerodactyl! Nickname: PW♂QHW OY.

6d 9h 5m Caught a male Lv. 30 Shieldon! Nickname: ydddweDf・(.

6d 9h 1m We come to a halt in the rightmost room, facing off against a wild Shieldon. Eelektross faints!

6d 8h 58m Frantically biking back and forth between rooms. We got a little bit restless.

6d 8h 56m We went a little bit back in time there, which means Dusknoir faints again.

[Fluff] We just made about 2,100 extra inputs in a minute. TPP is a thing again!

6d 8h 54m Inputs are back! They're going so fast that they're lagging the overlay...

6d 8h 53m The screen flashes white, and we reload a previous savestate! Inputs still aren't running, however...

6d 7h 34m We've currently been on the broken screen for two hours.

6d 6h 35m We've currently been on the broken screen for one hour.

[Chat] [Fluff] We're currently at 574,721 inputs. Chat is seeing how fast we can get inputs going once the game is back up...

6d 6h 6m The darkness is getting a bit scary.

[Chat] tppsimulator: Pokémon dark voided the crash again Kappa

[Chat] Chat is slowly using up all their inventory items.

6d 5h 48m Still broken.

6d 5h 38m Still sitting on the black screen. Inputs are frozen like Unova.

6d 5h 34m As we ride our bike around, suddenly our game goes dark.....?

6d 5h 32m We're in the second-from-right room now. Dusknoir faints!

6d 5h 28m Biking in between the rooms. We're not having many encounters at the moment...

6d 5h 18m We head one room to the left.

6d 5h 15m We switch Dusknoir to the front of the party. Dusknoir reaches Lv. 47!

6d 5h 5m Back to looking for some other badges...we hop on our bike in the deserted room. The Professor doesn't think it's a room, so she doesn't yell at us.

6d 5h 3m We reach Volcarona's room, but it's empty...we stare at its portrait on the wall.

[Info] Since the last update, Eelektross has reached Lv. 50 and we caught a male Lv. 32 Meditite, nicknamed qot.

6d 5h 1m We've made it to Relic Castle and are slowly descending our way toward Volcarona's room.

[Info] With that last walk through Route 4, we've now fought Breeder Irene 100 times.

[Meta] And now, the updater goes dark once more. Check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for updates during the darktimes.

6d 4h 30m We head to the Pokémon World Tour area. We walk down a flight of stairs, then enter the Relic Passage.

6d 4h 26m We pass through Route 5, continue to the middle of Driftveil Drawbridge, then start walking back and forth. A shadow appears, we walk under the shadow and pick up a Pretty Wing. We then continue west to Driftveil City.

6d 4h 23m We continue through Join Avenue, and reach Nimbasa City. We walk to the entrance of the Battle Subway without entering, then continue north, walk up to the entrance of one of the stadiums without entering, then head west to Route 5.

6d 4h 19m We head north, back to Route 4 and into another Irene battle.

6d 4h 18m We move the Dusk balls down in our bag, below the Ultra and Quick balls, then move the Great Balls above the Dusk, Quick and Ultra balls.

6d 4h 16m We enter the Castelia City Poké Mart, and buy 99 Dusk Balls, followed by 1 Poké Ball, 1 Poké Ball, 1 Poké Ball, 1 Great Ball and 42 Great Balls. We leave with ₽408 and 261 balls of any type.

6d 4h 10m While heading sourth, we get stuck between a girl and her simisear. We pass by them, pass through Join Avenue, battle Irene again, then reach Castelia City.

6d 4h 7m We circle the route, step into the trailer, leave, then return to Nimbasa City.

6d 4h 3m We continue selling, with a Casteliacone for ₽2000. We sell 7 Lava Cookies for ₽4000 each, reaching ₽100000, then continue selling 6 more Lava Cookies. We leave with two lava cookies and ₽124568.

6d 3h 58m We continue by selling 2 Moomoo Milk. We leave, then reenter the trailer. We continue selling, with a Berry Juice of ₽1500, then one more Moomoo Milk, followed by a Fresh Water.

6d 3h 56m We sell a RageCandyBar for ₽6000, followed 15 Old Gateau for ₽4000 each, one at a time.

6d 3h 51m We head into a trailer, and talk to the maid inside. She can smell the edible items in our bag and wants us to sell her some, but we have trouble finding the items in our bag that she will buy.

6d 3h 48m We go down a street behind the Poké Center, we enter a building, look around and leave. We continue north, pass by the stadiums, then head west to Route 5.

6d 3h 46m We continue north, and pass through Join Avenue without talking to anyone. We reach Nimbasa City.

6d 3h 44m We head back north, to Route 4, and into another Breeder Irene battle.

6d 3h 43m We buy 24 Dusk Balls, leaving us with ₽728. We leave the Poké Center.

6d 3h 41m We head through Castelia City, and return to the city's Poké Center.

6d 3h 39m We head south, all the way back to Breeder Irene. And defeat her two Pokémon in two Crunches.

6d 3h 37m The raffle shop intrigues our inner gambling addict, causing us to head back from the edge of the avenue. We bump into a preschooler, who sets up Julie Mart, followed by a ranger who sets up Dream ★ Arhippa. We visit Dream ★ Asta and receive prize #10, a Berry Juice.

6d 3h 33m We reach join avenue. We talk to Janus of Janus Antiques, but don't buy anything. Then we go to Deli Antonie and don't buy anything there either. We start to leave northward, but bump into someone, who sets up the Florist Ainikki shop. Followed by bumping into a second person who sets up Dream ★ Asta.

6d 3h 29m Breeder Irene challenges us. pe 1HKOs each of her two Pokémon, defeating Irene.

6d 3h 28m We head down Castelia Street to the Center Area, and continue heading north to Route 4.

6d 3h 24m We walk to and enter the city Poké Center. Starting with ₽26448, we talk to the secondary mart clerk, and buy 2 Dusk Balls and 1 Quick Ball before leaving the Poké Center.

6d 3h 18m We return to the boat, and take the boat back to Castelia City.

6d 3h 15m We head straight to the lighthouse, and head down to its basement. We find a furnished room, but find no people of Pokémon there.

6d 3h 13m We leave that building and return to the docks. We get on a boat, and the boat takes us to Liberty Garden.

6d 3h 9m We enter a building and find the name rater, but don't change anyone's name. We go in the elevator, leave on a different floor, and find a group that congratulates us on our Medal Rally progress and gives us a Participation Prize medal.

6d 3h 5m We walk past the Casteliacone stand, reach the city's central plaza, realize there was no line, double back to the stand and buy a Casteliacone.

6d 3h 1m We take a ship ride to Castelia City.

6d 3h 1m We leave Pokestar studios. We meander around the streets before deciding to run to the docs, crashing into every pedestrian we can on the way.

6d 2h 53m We collect 15 Moomoo Millk, 10 Lava Cookies, 15 Old Gateaux, 5 Hyper Potions and a Rage Candybar from moviegoers who loved our latest version of Brycen-Man.

6d 2h 40m We do a shoot of Brycen-Man, bringing 😫😫w. 😫😫w uses Dark Void to put Brycen's Pawniard to sleep. The director cuts off the recording right there. We replace the previous Brycen-Man with the new one and watch the new film.

6d 2h 31m We do a good run of Brycen-Man, and do send that film to the theaters. We watch the new Brycen-Man recording.

6d 2h 28m We do a run of Mystery Doors 2, that I think was a good ending run, but we were unwilling to save and thus did not send that shoot to the theater.

6d 2h 21m Back to the soundstage. We unlock the Everlasting Memories script. We start shooting Mystery Doors of the Magical Land 2.

6d 2h 14m We look at the gross earning record board. The Giant Woman 3 highest gross earnings is ₽224.4 Billion; The Giant Woman 4's highest gross earnings ₽557.6 Billion.

[Fluff] You can somewhat tell that Gigantamax Monica's CGI prop cuts off from the camera scrolling around, but you can easily tell that the CGI prop's shadow is missing its top half. The left arm's shadow doesn't even connect to the main body's shadow.

6d 2h 6m We do a successful take of The Giant Woman 4, and send it off to the theaters. We follow to watch the new film.

6d 1h 57m After a take on The Giant Woman 4 in which we discover that Paralysis does not allow the rented nosepass to outspeed Prop O2, we shoot a good run through of Brycen-Man, then return to The Giant Woman 4 attempts.

[Chat] is debating whether lier can knock out Prop O1 in six turns; that being the requirement to get The Giant Woman 3's strange ending. Prop O1 doesn't have any moves that can hurt Dusknoir, so lier can survive; however Prop O1 is level 99, and burn damage can't do enough on its own in six turns to KO an opponent.

6d 1h 43m Having gotten the good ending to The Giant Woman 3, we've unlocked The Giant Woman 4 and start a shoot for new newly-unlocked film.

6d 1h 34m After another few more failed takes, we get a take in which we select good dialog and dodge Focus Punches with Fly attacks, allowing Ducklett to survive all six turns. We accept this take, send it to the theater, and watch the film.

6d 1h 21m Ducklett survives one turn before being knocked out. We decline to release this recording to theaters, and try to record the script again.

6d 1h 16m Our box-office record shattering movie unlocked the script for "Full Metal Cop". We start recording for The Giant Woman 3.

6d 1h 13m We go around, collecting tithes of milk and cookies from our adoring fans. We bump into the owner, who gives the highest regards to our strange movie.

[Snark] "You think the previous movies were too short? Then I'll show you a movie that's not too short! Hahahanonono, no! You're not supposed to like it!"

6d 1h 8m The Giant Woman 2's gross earnings is 612.0 Billion.

[Info] The other thing to note about that movie is that Drifloon ran out of PP during the move recording due to lier's Pressure ability. Drifloon wasn't allowed to struggle despite this. If Drifloon had more PP, or if Drifloon was allowed to Struggle, then lier probably would not have survived all ten turns.

6d 1h 1m We start to record "The Giant Woman 2" again, but bring lierO the Dusknoir instead of the rented Grimer this time. lier 1HKOs the Gligar, then stalls the remaining turns by using the ineffective Earthquake on Drifloon. We replace previous "The Giant Woman 2" recording with the new one.

6d 0h 54m We record the prologue scene of "The Giant Woman 2" a second time then bail. Then, we record the prologue and first turn of "The Giant Woman 2", but record the prologue and first turn before quitting.

6d 0h 44m We start recording "The Giant Woman 2", but bail as soon as we're allowed to.

6d 0h 42m We record "The Giant Woman 3". Ducklett is crushed by Crush Grip in the first scene. We don't release this recording to theaters.

6d 0h 38m "The Giant Woman 2" had fewer audience members than "The Giant Woman 1". And the audience we did have fell asleep around the midpoint of the movie, and loved a line around the 3/4 mark. Still, the movie was successful enough to unlock "The Giant Woman 3".

6d 0h 31m We start recording for "The Giant Woman 2". Grimer used swagger to help the opponent's Giglar's Swords Dance to reach +6 Attack; Giglar Baton Passed, and Grimer was knocked out by a +6 Payback on the fifth turn. We retire The Giant Woman and release The Giant Woman 2.

6d 0h 24m The director did not appreciate our take on the script. We agree, and decline to release the film to theaters.

6d 0h 20m We unlock "The Giant Woman 2". We start recording "Timegate Traveler 3".

6d 0h 15m The audience found the first half funny, showed no reaction for the second half, but still clapped at the end. The film was another spec-tac-ulah hit.

6d 0h 9m Using Minimize on the first turn didn't help Grimer survive Blitzle's stomp spam. Despite using Harden the rest of the time, our Grimer fainted on the sixth scene of eight. We release the new film, retiring the Brican Man film.

6d 0h 5m We enter the sound stage to record "The Giant Woman" using rentals.

6d 0h 3m After jumping in and out of that tree a few times, we return to the recording studio. We've unlocked the "Red Fog of Terror 2" script.


5d 23h 56m We leave the theater, look at a tree, and surf onto the tree.

5d 23h 52m The audience didn't seem to have much of a reaction during the movie, but applauded at the end. The movie's gross earnings is 64.6 Billion.

5d 23h 46m We keep telling the theater attendant that we want to watch movies other than our new one, and walk out of each movie before the movie's first line. On the third attempt, we watch The Red Fog of Terror.

5d 23h 43m Siglyph knocks out Prop C on the fourth turn, between Siglyph's Psybeam and Prop C hurting itself in confusion. We save the recording.

5d 23h 39m We reenter the recording studio. Shiny Flint tells us that we've even started to look like a star. Shiny Flint says he's made a script with us in mind, called "The Giant Woman". We try "The Red Fog of Terror" with rentals instead.

5d 23h 36m [info] ₽26548 | Balls: 90 | Pokedex: 275 / 520 / 649

pe (Eelektross) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.49 Crunch / Thunderbolt / Flash Cannon / Flamethrower
lierO 6 (Dusknoir) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.46 Strength / Earthquake / Will-O-Wisp / Shadow Punch
APSEPIEMG (Porygon-Z) [Greet Mail] Lv.58 Tri Attack / Recover / Discharge / Shadow Ball
L GGG HGMY (Krookodile) ♀ [Greet Mail] Lv.60 Rock Tomb / Dig / Crunch / Earthquake
TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Greet Mail] Lv.79 Return / Aqua Ring / Surf / Recover
😫😫w (Darkrai) [Greet Mail] Lv.71 Psychic / Double Team / Shadow Ball / Dark Void

5d 23h 32m We recently made a movie in which 😫😫w the Darkrai "broke" a Ledian's Black Belt, and are currently walking around the theater lobby receiving gifts from fans who loved the movie.

5d 16h 57m Caught a Female Lv. 45 Jellicent! Nickname: drebyhfYYV. Sent to Box 13.
5d 17h 0m Caught a Lv. 44 Staryu! Nickname: OPPPXXXXX.
5d 17h 32m Defeated PMɴ Trainers Tate and Liza!
5d 17h 33m Caught a Male Lv. 45 Gloom! No nickname.
5d 17h 35m Caught a Male Lv. 45 Weepinbell! Nickname: AUOPWWYY.
5d 17h 38m Encountered, but did not catch, Terrakion.
5d 17h 45m Caught a Female Lv. 46 Victreebel! No nickname.
5d 17h 50m Caught a Male Lv. 44 Piloswine! Nickname: SNV.
5d 17h 55m Caught a Female Lv. 46 Jynx! Nickname: GGGBN.
5d 17h 57m Caught a Male Lv. 46 Vanillish! Nickname: VanillisBB.
5d 18h 1m Caught a Female Lv. 45 Sneasel! No nickname.
5d 19h 42m Caught a Male Lv. 36 Galvantula! Nickname: AAAAAAVGGG.
5d 19h 51m Caught a Lv. 36 Electrode! No nickname.
5d 19h 57m Caught a Lv. 35 Rotom! No nickname.
5d 20h 7m Caught a Male Lv. 36 Durant! Nickname: DurantZMWW.
5d 20h 37m Caught a Male Lv. 35 Heatmor! Nickname: AAAAAKbecb. Filled Box 13.
5d 21h 7m Caught a Male Lv. 32 Larvitar! No nickname. Sent to Box 14.
5d 21h 13m Caught a Male Lv. 32 Wynaut! Nickname: qzi-y cy.
5d 21h 16m Caught a Female Lv. 34 Kangaskhan! No nickname.
5d 21h 20m Caught a Male Lv. 32 Teddiursa! Nickname: Teddiursww.
5d 21h 28m Caught a Female Lv. 34 Kangaskhan! No nickname.
5d 21h 40m Caught a Male Lv. 32 Teddiursa! Nickname: qqdumb.
5d 21h 44m Caught a Female Lv. 32 Deino! Nickname: yyyyyyy.
5d 22h 2m Caught a Female Lv. 35 Wobbuffet! Nickname: Wobbuffety.
5d 22h 4m We visit the Guidance Chamber.
5d 23h 2m We walk to Pokéstar Studios.

[Meta] And now, the updater goes dark once more. Check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for updates during the darktimes.

5d 16h 45m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

5d 16h 43m We stick our head through the photo stand.

5d 16h 43m We leave the Gym, and have a conversation with y and Marlon about Team Plasma.

5d 16h 42m We save.

5d 16h 41m We have defeated Gym Leader Marlon and receive the Wave Badge, along with TM55 Scald!

5d 16h 41m We send out Darkrai. It uses Psychic, which almost kills Jellicent. The latter uses Recover, and survives Shadow Ball. It uses Recover again, but the next Shadow Ball finally takes it down. We won the battle!

5d 16h 39m Surf does about a third of damage to Jellicent, while the combination of Shadow Ball and Leech Seed hits Milotic hard. Another Surf, and Jellicent heals using a Sitrus Berry. Shadow Ball and Leech Seed leave Milotic with only 7 HP. After using one alst Surf, it is taken down by Scald.

5d 16h 38m Ludicolo manages to Leech Seed Milotic, but finally goes down. Jellicent is Marlon's last Pokémon.

[Snark] Both Pokémon keep hitting each other but the HP just won't go down.

5d 16h 37m Ludicolo is sent against us. We use a move that has no effect, and get our energy drained. Next turn, Milotic uses Return, and its energy is drained again. Milotic uses Recover, and Ludicolo keeps using Giga Drain.

5d 16h 36m Milotic is sent out. It sets up an Aqua Ring and gets hit by Sludge Wave. It then use Return, and gets hit by another Sludge Wave. The next Return takes down Tentacruel. Milotic grows to Lv. 79!

5d 16h 35m Krookodile is sent out, and takes down Carracosta, triggering Moxie to raise its attack. Politoed is sent out, and gets hit by Earthquake, taking it down. Tentacruel is sent out, and almost takes down Krookodile with Scald. Unfortunately, it also burns it, taking it down as the turn ends.

5d 16h 34m Politoed triggers Drizzle, and uses Perish Song. Eelektross uses Thunderbolt, and paralyzes Politoed. Hypnosis fails. Marlon uses a Full Restore on Politoed, which gets hit by another Thunderbolt. Marlon switches Politoed for Carracosta, which takes the next thunderbolt. Eelektross is then taken down by Perish Song.

5d 16h 33m We reach Marlon once more! VS Leader Marlon, attempt #3!

5d 16h 25m Back inside the Gym.

5d 16h 24m We exit the Pokémon Center and save.

5d 16h 23m Krookodile uses Crunch. Ludicolo is still asleep, and healed by Rain Dish. Another Crunch, and Ludicolo wakes up. It uses Scald, and Krookodile goes down. We black out.

5d 16h 22m We send Krookodile, our last Pokémon.

5d 16h 20m Dark Void lands the second time around, putting Ludicolo to sleep. Leech Seed and Rain Dish heals it, but Bad Dreams hurts it. Darkrai lands a Psychic. Ludicolo wakes up, and Darkrai is burned by Scald. Darkrai manages to put it to sleep again, but is then taken down by Leech Seed.

5d 16h 19m We send out Darkrai. Its Dark Void misses, but Ludicolo's Leech Seed doesn't.

5d 16h 18m Ludicolo is sent out. It loses half its life to another Surf, then drains all of Milotic energy, taking it down. It also heals a little thanks to the rain.

5d 16h 18m We send out Milotic. Marlon uses a Full Restore, while we attempt to use Recover (and fail). Carracosta lowers its Special Defense and raises its Speed. Milotic uses Surf, and Carracosta only survives thanks to Sturdy. Next turn, it uses Stone Edge but misses, and then goes down to another Surf.

5d 16h 16m Carracosta is sent out. Porygon-Z lands a Discharge on it, but it doesn't suffice, and another Scald takes Porygon-Z down.

5d 16h 16m We send out Porygon-Z. Politoed uses Perish Song, and is then hit by Discharge. It uses Hypnosis the next turn and puts Porygon-Z to sleep. Porygon-Z gets hit by Scald, then wakes up and lands a Discharge. Politoed goes down and Porygon-Z grows to Lv. 55!

[Snark] We have not landed a single hit on this Politoed yet. This is going great.

5d 16h 13m Dusknoir is sent out, and is put to sleep by Hypnosis. It then gets hit by Scald twice and goes down.

5d 16h 12m We send out Eelektross which gets hit by Politoed's Blizzard. Critical hit! Eelektross goes down.

5d 16h 12m We reach the Marlon once more! VS Leader Marlon, attempt #2!

5d 16h 6m Back inside the Gym we go.

[Info] ₽8132 | Balls: 192 | Pokedex: 256 / 511 / 649

pe (Eelektross) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.47 Crunch / Thunderbolt / Flash Cannon / Flamethrower
lierO 6 (Dusknoir) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.45 Shadow Ball / Earthquake / Will-O-Wisp / Shadow Punch
APSEPIEMG (Porygon-Z) [Greet Mail] Lv.54 Tri Attack / Recover / Discharge / Shadow Ball
TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Greet Mail] Lv.78 Return / Aqua Ring / Surf / Recover
♛♛w (Darkrai) [Greet Mail] Lv.71 Psychic / Double Team / Shadow Ball / Dark Void
L GGG HGMY (Krookodile) ♀ [Greet Mail] Lv.59 Rock Tomb / Dig / Crunch / Earthquake

5d 16h 5m We predictably black out from Politoed very first attack.

5d 16h 4m We are currently in the Humilau City and have just challenged Marlon!. We however only have a low-HP Krookodile at our disposal.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be freezing in place for a little bit. While we're gone, be sure to check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot-run updates.

5d 11h 16m We send out Darkrai and use Double Team. Body Slam misses and Shadow Ball takes Zweilous out. Darkrai reaches Lv. 70! Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

5d 11h 16m We send Eelektross back out. Zweilous uses Dragon Rush and Eelektross faints!

5d 11h 15m Zweilous uses Dragon Rush and Dusknoir faints!

5d 11h 15m Zweilous gets Work(ed) Up again and we use Shadow Ball, which isn't very effective. Dragon Pulse strikes and we use Will-O-Wisp.

5d 11h 14m Zweilous comes out and uses Work Up. We use Flash Cannon and get a drop. We switch out to Dusknoir as Zweilous uses Body Slam, which doesn't work.

5d 11h 13m We go on a little slide. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Metang vs. Eelektross. It's faster and uses Psychic, getting a drop, and we use Thunderbolt. Metagross uses Hyper Beam, which we somehow survive, and Flamethrower takes it out. Eelektross reaches Lv. 44!

5d 11h 9m We hang out with a Plasma Grunt by the vending machines. They're still in operation, although it seems like they're selling frozen lemonade now...

5d 11h 8m Looks like they forgot to block off the Pokémon Center. We heal!

[Meta] Sorry, Team Plasma froze my computer.

5d 11h 7m We seem to have sent out Porygon-Z to take out Glalie, and are using Tri Attack on the last Pokémon, Garbodor, who faints. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

5d 11h 5m Glalie uses Ice Beam and Eelektross faints!

5d 11h 5m Glalie is sent out. It uses Ice Fang and we use Flamethrower, and it gets a burn.

5d 11h 3m Inputs freeze for a bit before we go explore the area. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Watchog vs. Eelektross. It uses Mean Look and we Thunderbolt, and it Hyper Fangs before we take it out. Muk is sent out and we spam some more Thunderbolt, and we get a crit to take it out.

5d 11h 1m Zinzolin arrives to threaten Drayden - oh, and us too, he guesses. Everything's made of ice now.

5d 11h 0m Hmm, chilly weather we're having, isn't it? Oh, and there's a boat with a gun.

5d 10h 59m We're having a nice history lesson, up until something explodes outside...

5d 10h 58m We go to visit Drayden's house. He gives us some lore about the legendary trio.

5d 10h 56m We give Krookodile a Greet Mail! Messages: Glad to meet you! I am 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙆 𝙔𝙊𝙐!; I'm an ADAPTABILITY-loving COME ON Trainer.; Let's ARCHEOPS sometime. Keep in touch!

5d 10h 50m We step outside and walk back inside, realizing we forgot something. We heal!

5d 10h 50m We withdraw Krookodile from the PC!

5d 10h 49m Back inside the Pokémon Center.

5d 10h 48m Back outside. We save! In-game time: 129:51.

5d 10h 44m We release Marowak! Goodbye, Marowak!

5d 10h 44m Withdrew " ') (Marowak) from the PC.

5d 10h 40m We release StaraviBI! Bi-bi, Staravia!

5d 10h 36m Back to Opelucid City. We heal! Bought 3 Poké Balls, 1 Great Ball, and 30 Ultra Balls!

5d 10h 32m Picked up TM84 Poison Jab! Picked up a Nugget!

5d 10h 31m Caught a male Lv. 50★ Thundurus! Nickname: yyyoetoop ​.

[Info] This is apparently a guaranteed shiny.

5d 10h 27m Vs. Thundurus!

5d 10h 23m Thundurus is watching all this from downstairs. It doesn't look too impressed.

5d 10h 20m Vs. Roughneck Reese! Skuntank vs. Milotic. Surf OHKOs and we take a break for Recover as Ariados is sent out. Ariados uses Spider Web and we use Aqua Ring as it uses Pin Missile. We use Return and Ariados uses Agility but we're still faster and take it down with Return. Defeated Roughneck Reese!

5d 10h 13m Caught a male Lv. 39 Poochyena! No nickname.

5d 10h 12m Back to Route 9. Picked up an Elixir!

5d 10h 9m We save! In-game time: 129:12.

5d 10h 8m Used the Reaper Cloth! lier0 6 evolves into Dusknoir!

5d 10h 6m We hit Eelektross with a stick.

5d 10h 5m Used the Dubious Disc! APSEPIEMG evolves into Porygon-Z!

5d 10h 4m Bought a Reaper Cloth!

5d 10h 1m Bought a Dubious Disc!

5d 9h 56m In the Shopping Mall.

5d 9h 54m Return isn't very effective. Pawniard's Assurance isn't very high leveled. Surf finishes it off and Weezing is sent out. Surf is a OHKO. Houndoom is sent out and Surf is probably enough to double OHKO. Defeated Biker Zeke!

5d 9h 53m We rush straight past Winona and onto Route 9. Vs. Biker Zeke! Pawniard vs. Milotic.

5d 9h 53m Back out in Opelucid City. We try to head west but get stuck in a corner.

[Info] We kept that split green with 1h43m38s to spare.

5d 9h 49m Received the Legend Badge! Received TM82 Dragon Tail!

5d 9h 49m More Surf. Altaria clutches and uses another Dragon Claw. Another Surf and Altaria faints. Milotic reaches Lv. 76! Defeated Leader Drayden!

5d 9h 48m We use Recover. Altaria uses Cotton Guard and buffs its defense. We use Return which doesn't do much anymore. Surf gets it to about half health as it uses Dragon Claw.

5d 9h 47m Haxorus uses Outrage, taking us into yellow health again. Surf takes it out, though. Drayden's last mon is Altaria, and the triumphant music starts playing...

5d 9h 47m Haxorus is sent out. Surf gets it to half health and Haxorus uses a gem-boosted Dragon Tail. It survives Return to Dragon Tail again. We just use Recover.

5d 9h 46m Drayden sends out Flygon. We use yet another Return and Flygon uses Dragon Tail also. We switch to Surf and Flygon faints.

5d 9h 45m Drayden sends out Druddigon. We use Return and Druddigon hits us with Dragon Tail; it has a Life Orb, it looks like. Another Return takes it out.

5d 9h 45m We Surf this time, but it does about the same amount...Zweilous hits itself yet again, poor thing. Return finally finishes it off. Milotic reaches Lv. 75!

5d 9h 44m We land another Return. This time Zweilous hits Dragon Tail; we're still almost at full health thanks to Aqua Ring. Drayden uses a Hyper Potion as we keep using Return.

5d 9h 43m We use Recover as Zweilous uses Outrage. We Recover again and the attack misses next turn thanks to Hustle. Zweilous is now confused and as we Aqua Ring it attacks itself. We use Return and Zweilous hits itself again.

5d 9h 43m Vs. Gym Leader Drayden! Attempt #1. Only Milotic is standing...Milotic vs. Zweilous.

5d 9h 41m Milotic uses Surf and Dusclops and Staravia faint! But Gible also faints and Garchomp/Gabite barely survive. Garchomp uses Outrage and is now confused. Gabite uses Outrage too. We Surf and take both the sharks out. Defeated Veteran Ron!

5d 9h 39m We use Nightmare, which fails, and then hit Darkrai with Return. Outrage finishes it off -- Darkrai faints! Duskclops takes a Stone Edge and Milotic takes an Outrage and Dusclops uses Earthquake. Staravia is sent out, Intimidating Garchomp and Gible.

5d 9h 37m Now up to the trainers we actually need to fight...we pick the one on the right, who does Triple Battles. Vs. Veteran Ron! Gible/Garchomp/Gabite vs. Dusclops/Milotic/Darkrai.

5d 9h 36m We use Nightmare too for flair, and that and Bad Dreams take Dragonite down. Defeated Veteran Rhona!

5d 9h 35m Dragonite uses Dragon Claw and gets a crit, meaning Porygon2 faints! We send out Darkrai and take a hit before landing a Dark Void. We start spamming Shadow Ball.

5d 9h 34m Dragonair uses Dragon Pulse and we can't move. Another Dragon Pulse and we use Tri Attack again which is boosted by Analytic, and Dragonair faints. Porygon2 reaches Lv. 53! Dragonite is sent out.

5d 9h 34m We send out Porygon2 to copy Dragonair's color palette. Pory is paralyzed by Thunder Wave as we use Tri Attack.

5d 9h 33m Dragonair is sent out and uses Thunder Wave; Eelektross is paralyzed and we start spamming Flash Cannon. Dragon Pulse is next and we're fully paralyzed, and ExtremeSpeed finishes us off. Eelektross faints!

5d 9h 31m Vs. Veteran Rhona! Altaria vs. Eelektross. We get a Dragon Pulse to the face and retaliate with Thunderbolt; Altaria's paralyzed. Next turn we Thunderbolt again and Altaria can't move. We keep it up next turn and Altaria tries to fix its speed with Dragon Dance but another Thunderbolt takes it down. Eelektross reaches Lv. 43!

5d 9h 30m Back to the gym.

5d 9h 28m We stop by the Pokémon Center. We heal!

5d 9h 26m We slam our dragon back and forth between the other dragon's arms. Ouch. Eventually, we manage to leave the gym.

5d 9h 25m The next path is a choice between Triple Battles and Rotation Battles...given that we have only two Pokémon standing, we can't do those right now, and have to go heal.

5d 9h 23m More Nightmare. Shadow Ball finishes Vibrava off. Defeated Veteran Jerry!

5d 9h 22m Kingdra's having a Nightmare and Bad Dreams, all at once. It clutches a Shadow Ball only to fall to Bad Dreams. Vibrava is sent out and that takes a little nap, too.

5d 9h 22m We send out Darkrai and use Shadow Ball, taking Druddigon out. Kingdra is sent out. We put it to sleep with Dark Void.

5d 9h 20m We choose the Attack path of the gym...Vs. Veteran Jerry! Druddigon vs. Dusclops. We clutch one attack to land a Will-o-Wisp, but then Druddigon uses Fire Punch and Dusclops faints! We send out Staravia for the Intimidate drop and outspeed with Aerial Ace; Druddigon uses ThunderPunch which we live thanks to the burn. Another Aerial Ace, and another TPunch and Staravia faints!

[Info] During the Virizion fight, during our final Poké Ball throw we passed 500,000 inputs!

5d 9h 17m With the help of Shadow Ball Fraxure goes down. Zweilous is sent out and is also spamming Outrage as we miss a Dark Void...the next one hits, though. We use Nightmare and a creepy effect takes over the screen; Zweilous is taking lots of residual damage. We use Shadow Ball and the Nightmare finishes it off. Defeated Veteran Lucius!

5d 9h 15m We send out Porygon2 and get Deino to low health with Discharge. It's confused from Outrage so after we Recover it hits itself and faints. Fraxure is sent out. This also knows Outrage and we manage a Tri Attack before Porygon2 faints!

5d 9h 14m Vs. Veteran Lucius! Eelektross vs. Deino. A couple hits and Eelektross faints!

5d 9h 12m Entered the Opeluid Gym. Received a Fresh Water!

5d 9h 11m The music slows, and the riot screen appears... ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 9h 10m Checkpoint in Opelucid City! We heal!

5d 9h 9m Arrived in Opelucid City. Iris has a chat with us about her grandpa, and we approach the Pokémon Center, then chill to listen to the musicians.

5d 9h 8m Caught a Lv. 50 Virizion! Nickname: Virizionpp.

5d 9h 7m Milotic faints!

5d 9h 0m Something's watching us from a nearby cliff... Vs. Virizion!

5d 9h 0m Our new ranger friend gives us an Aspear Berry!

5d 8h 58m Vs. Ranger Crofton! Zebstrika vs. Milotic...Surf continues to OHKO everything in our path. Meganium is sent out, and it survives Surf! It sets up Light Screen and Return takes it down. Mawile is sent out and we use Return again and it boosts its defense. Surf finishes it off. Defeated Ranger Crofton!

5d 8h 57m Noctowl is sent out. Surf, as expected, is also a OHKO. Hitmontop is Magnolia's last Pokémon, and it goes down fast to Surf. Milotic reaches Lv. 74! Defeated Professor Breeder Magnolia!

5d 8h 56m We rush straight through town and onto Route 11. Vs. Breeder Magnolia! Emolga vs. Milotic. Surf's a OHKO.

5d 8h 53m An old man blocks our path. Vs. Gentleman Stonewall! Lucario vs. Milotic. It uses Quick Guard and we set up Aqua Ring. It uses Quick Guard again as we use Surf and take it down. Surf takes down Durant too, and then Scizor. Defeated Gentleman Stonewall! His 999 winstreak is over, but he says he'll try again.

[Info] YPP's release after 6 minutes is one of the quickest, if not the quickest, catch to releases we've ever had

5d 8h 52m Arrived at Village Bridge.

5d 8h 50m Caught a male Lv. 42 Staravia! Nickname: StaraviBI. It fills that slot in our party.

5d 8h 42m Back to Route 12 again.

5d 8h 40m We release YPP (Beautifly)! That slot in our party is open again. Back outside.

5d 8h 40m Inside the Pokémon Center, poking the PC...

5d 8h 38m Lacunosa Town.

5d 8h 36m Caught a male Lv. 42 Beautifly! Nickname: YPP ​.

5d 8h 30m Hanging out in the grass again.

5d 8h 27m Return doesn't quite KO and Piloswine uses Mist. Surf definitely KOs, though. Defeated Battle Girl Azra!

5d 8h 26m Vs. Battle Girl Azra! Mienfoo vs. Milotic. We use Return and Mienfoo goes down. Piloswine is sent out.

5d 8h 24m Dusclops faints!

5d 8h 18m Dusclops faints! Oh, and Eelektross fainted a few minutes ago.

5d 8h 10m Exploring the grass of Route 12.

5d 8h 0m We deposit Tropius in the PC.

5d 7h 59m Darkrai and Milotic faint! Blacked out! Back to Lacunosa Town.

5d 7h 57m Still walking through the wild grass. Milotic reaches Lv. 73!

5d 7h 47m Picked up a Yellow Shard!

5d 7h 45m Caught a female Lv. 46 Girafarig! Nickname: ITHPEEQQQQ.

5d 7h 38m Picked up a PP Up!

5d 7h 36m Picked up a Timer Ball!

5d 7h 34m Caught a male Lv. 44 Cherrim! Nickname: A.

5d 7h 33m Dusclops faints!

5d 7h 33m We take out Cherrim's buddy Dustox and Porygon2 reaches Lv. 52!

5d 7h 30m We come across a wild Cherrim in Flower Gift form! It goes back to regular form immediately.

[Chat] HonshouReimu: pc it | HonshouReimu: it's pc'd

5d 7h 28m We save! In-game time: 126:33.

5d 7h 28m Caught a female Lv. 45 Rapidash! Nickname: PPCITGP.

5d 7h 23m We send out Milotic and use Surf. Eelektross faints! But both opponents also faint. Defeated Backers Cleo & Rio! They're surprised.

5d 7h 22m Both enemies use Stone Edge. Tropius faints! Eelektross uses Flash Cannon and gets Lunatone to half health with a Sp.Def drop.

5d 7h 22m Vs. Backers Cleo & Rio! Tropius and Eelektross vs. Solrock & Lunatone.

5d 7h 21m We remove Tropius's Mail and run back to Route 12.

5d 7h 19m We buy 21 Great Balls! Almost out of money now.

5d 7h 17m We double heal.

5d 7h 16m We stop by the Pokémon Center. We heal!

5d 7h 15m Back to Lacunosa Town. We get a call from Yancy.

5d 7h 14m Caught a male Lv. 42 Dustox! No nickname.

5d 7h 10m Eelektross faints! We get our revenge with Darkrai.

5d 7h 8m Eelektross is burned by a wild Ponyta.

5d 7h 6m We send out Porygon2. Blaziken uses Blaze Kick and we use Tri Attack, taking it out. Defeated Black Belt Jeriel!

5d 7h 5m Vs. Black Belt Jeriel! Blaziken vs. Tropius. Blaziken uses Brave Bird and Tropius faints!

[Snark] Wow, we picked up a stick off the ground. We're rich.

5d 7h 5m We head out to Route 12. Picked up a Stick!

5d 7h 1m Entered the Pokémon Center again. We heal! We receive a new medal, and we're told there will be a party at the Medal Rally Office for us now.

5d 6h 59m The grunt is very disgusted with the trashy man his defeat. Zinzolin says we remind him of a certain trainer from two years ago. They retreat, and y rushes after them, leaving us to go walk into some walls.

5d 6h 58m We use Surf and take Krookodile out and almost finish off Walrein. Flygon survives and uses Rock Slide to take Walrein out. Defeated Team Plasma Grunt and Team Plasma Zinzolin!

5d 6h 57m y sends out Flygon and we use Surf taking both enemies out. Flygon clutches our Surf and uses Crunch but there's no target. Walrein and Krookodile are sent out. y uses a Hyper Potion and we use Return on Walrein, who uses Blizzard, which Flygon luckily evades. It hits us, though. Krookodile uses Foul Play on Milotic and Walrein has Leftovers.

5d 6h 56m We send out Milotic and use Surf. Thanks to that Sp.Def drop on Samurott, it faints, and Swalot and Weavile clutch. Weavile Night Slashes and apparently it has a Life Orb. Swalot clearly has a favorite attack move, and our Sp.Def harshly falls again.

5d 6h 55m We switch out to Porygon2. Cryogonal uses Blizzard and Samurott uses Superpower, but Cryogonal holds on with Focus Sash. Swalot sprays us and harshly drops our defense which means when the next Blizzard hits Porygon2 faints! Samurott takes down Cryogonal with another Superpower, cutting its Defense even more, and Swalot keeps up the Acid Spray.

5d 6h 54m We tell y that we're not quite ready to battle yet. But then we come back and say we are. Vs. Team Plasma Grunt and Team Plasma Zinzolin! Swalot & Cryogonal vs. Tropius and y's Samurott.

[Info] Oh, we signed that Mail earlier as ABSOL.

5d 6h 53m We fly to Lacunosa Town. Checkpoint in Lacunosa Town, and we run right back outside. We run into y and Team Plasma...

5d 6h 51m We fly from Castelia City to Castelia City.

5d 6h 50m Back outside.

5d 6h 48m We rename Tropius again to BANB♀NAO A.

5d 6h 47m We rename the nameless Dusclops to lier0 6.

5d 6h 45m We rename the nameless Darkrai to 😫😫w.

5d 6h 44m We rename Tropius from aaaaaa--- to QWBOBNrber.

5d 6h 42m Gave Tropius the Greet Mail. Messages: Glad to meet you! I am 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊!; I'm a DOWSING-loving DOWSING trainer; Let's DOWSING sometime. Keep in touch!

5d 6h 38m We're currently in Castelia; seems like we're giving Mail back to Tropius again.

[Meta] Live updater going dark now.

5d 6h 25m We take the Mail from Tropius.

5d 6h 22m We take a rest and heal our team. And we save the game! We boot up Energy Ball and try to teach it again to Tropius.

5d 6h 21m We boot up a TM Energy Ball but decide to not teach it. Then, we shuffled the Lunar Wing to the free space. Again, we boot up Energy Ball. Tropius learned Energy Ball over Magical Leaf.

5d 6h 15m In that same pool of water, we Caught a male Lv. 40 Poliwag! Nickname: PPP

5d 6h 13m We surf on some water and pick up TM53 Energy Ball hidden out of view.

5d 6h 11m We defeat wild Linoone and then fly to Aspertia City.

5d 6h 8m We send in Milotic and use a Oran berry with no effect. We use Surf knocking Cobalion out. Milotic grows up to Lv. 72. Cobalion ran away!

5d 6h 6m We set up Double Team while Cobalion uses Sword Dance. We try to use a berry but it has no effect. We manage to use Dark Void and use Nightmare. Cobalion wakes up and knocks out Darkrai.

5d 6h 5m Encountered Cobalion! We begin with Dark Void.

5d 6h 4m We walk back into Route 13 and into the area where Cobalion idles.

5d 6h 1m We swap Darkrai into first position, then head into the Poké Center. We talk to the shopkeepers and buy 35 Poké Balls. Then, we heal our team.

5d 5h 59m We walk outside and find TM76 Bug Buzz

5d 5h 55m We get a berry from a NPC. We sneak behind them and take their Metronome. Also, we check out their empty trash can and their bookshelf.

5d 5h 52m We hear a story about some Pokémon from someone in the town. Professor and Bianca think it might be related to Zekrom.

5d 5h 48m A Cobalion catches our attention but we walk away and head into Lacunosa Town. We bump into Professor Juniper and Bianca.

5d 5h 46m Caught a female Lv. 38 Hoppip! Nickname: PGG. We walk around a bit and pick up a Max Ether.. We bump into Swellow and try to use a berry with no effect. Darkrai faints.

5d 5h 44m Found a Blue Shared. We walk around in some tall grass battling wild Pokémon while a Cobalion idles behind some trees.

5d 5h 42m Dusclops faints but we manage to knock out the enemy team quickly. We get a Sitrus Berry as a reward.

5d 5h 40m We make it on some land. Caught a male Lv. 39 Audino! Nickname: TPECUE. We then bump into Ranger Dianne. WHo sends out Ninetales, Typholosion, and Larvesta.

5d 5h 35m Fisherman Jones challenges us to a battle. We send out Darkrai against Vaporeon. Shadow ball knocks out Vaporeon and Starmie. Darkrai levels up to Lv. 69. Trainer defeated!

5d 5h 32m Our level 71 Milotic takes small damage from level 40 Huntail. We knock them out and also foe Crawdaunt. Fisherman defeated. We pop open the team list and swap Darkrai and Milotic order.

5d 5h 30m We bump into Fisherman Damon who sends out Kingler. We send out Milotic who takes them out with Return. Fisherman sends out Gorebyss who we also knock them out.

5d 5h 28m Caught a male Lv. 38 Wingull! Nickname: WingulO

5d 5h 23m Caught a male Lv. 40 Krabby! Nickname: Kra. We fish some more while surfing.

5d 5h 17m Dusclops is sent out and knocks out Floatzel with Shadow Ball. Dusclops levels up to Lv. 44 To celebrate our victory, we do some fishing.

5d 5h 16m We find TM29 Psychic in the water. We walk around on the shallow water and encounter Fisherman Vince. We send out Eelektross who faints from enemy Floatzel.

5d 5h 13m Caught a Lv. 44 Lunatone! Nickname: TPPPPPPZ

5d 5h 11m Wild Pokémon causes Porygon2 to faint. To recap, our team consists of Milotic, Eelektross, Porygon2, Darkrai, Dusclops, and Tropius.

5d 5h 8m We're in Route 13 right doing some catching and we caught a male Lv. 42 Skiploom! Nickname: AAATQ POCT

5d 3h 34m ot erbx (Victini) was released!

4d 19h 32m Caught a Lv. 68 Darkrai! No nickname.

[Meta] With that as our next goal, the Live Updater will be going dark. In the meantime, you can check out #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

4d 11h 7m We enter the airport, but we have to meet up with Professor Juniper first before we can fly.

4d 11h 3m Skyla follows us out of the gym and promises to let us fly in an airplane. For now, we're back in Mistralton City, celebrating our victory.

4d 11h 2m Received the Jet Badge! Received TM62 Acrobatics!

4d 11h 1m We use Surf which isn't very effective. Swanna uses Hurricane. The next Surf is enough to take Swanna out. Gliscor is next out and Surf is super effective, taking it out in one shot. Defeated Leader Skyla!

4d 11h 0m Skarmory is sent out and survives a crit due to Sturdy. It sets up Stealth Rock and restores health with Leftovers. Skyla uses a Hyper Potion which means Sturdy activates again but we take it down with our next Surf. Swanna is sent out.

4d 10h 59m We send out Milotic and use Surf and take Archeops down. Togekiss is sent out and survives a Surf but Hurricane misses. We Surf again to take it down. Milotic reaches Lv. 65!

4d 10h 59m Archeops opens with Head Smash and Porygon2 faints! But the recoil takes it almost to half health...

4d 10h 58m Made it to the top, without any fan nerfs! Vs. Skyla! Attempt #1! Archeops vs. Porygon2.

4d 10h 56m Thanks to all those Moxie boosts, Rock Tomb is a OHKO. Mandibuzz is sent out. We use Crunch but it's not very effective; Weak Armor takes effect and then Mandibuzz sets up Nasty Plot. Another Crunch is enough to take it down. Defeated Pilot Chase!

4d 10h 55m We send out Krookodile as the pilot sends Unfezant. We use Rock Tomb and it uses Heat Wave, and then we use Crunch to finish it off. Pelipper is sent out and clutches a Rock Tomb to use Surf and get us to half health. Another Rock Tomb finishes it off and Fearow is sent out.

4d 10h 53m Made it across the bridge. Vs. Pilot Chase! Skarmory vs. Tynamo. Brave Bird means Tynamo faints! We send out Victini and use Incinerate, but we're a bit underleveled for this enemy....Brave Bird takes us to half health and helps cut Skarmory's health too. Skarmory clutches and Brave Birds again, taking itself out... Victini faints! No one gets the EXP.

4d 10h 51m We've made it to a new safe zone! There's one bridge before the next trainer...

4d 10h 39m We follow a thin path back to the left of the map...there's a secret railing behind this saferoom! We fall back down onto that.

4d 10h 35m Remember Pilot Ewing from earlier? Last time he walked forward to block our path, but now he lets us slip by. We're halfway up the gym!

4d 10h 33m We've made it back to the left side of the gym and are fighting our way up.

4d 10h 7m Changing the scenery a bit helped clear our head(s?). We walk back into the gym.

4d 10h 4m Entered the Pokémon Center. We heal! We run back outside.

4d 10h 3m Back outside. We run into every wall in our path.

4d 10h 1m We hop back to the start of the gym, trying to escape...

4d 9h 59m We Surf and Togekiss lives, and then Surf again to take it down after one Air Slash. Staraptor comes back and lowers our Attack again, but we Surf it down. Aerodactyl is sent out, and Surf is super effective. Defeated Pilot Ewing!

4d 9h 58m We land another Return on the Staraptor who comes out; it bounces off us and back to the trainer. Togekiss is sent out. We set up Aqua Ring as it hits us.

4d 9h 58m Return takes Noctowl down. Milotic reaches Lv. 64!

4d 9h 56m We make it halfway up the next level... Vs. Pilot Ewing! Noctowl vs. Tynamo. We manage to land a Spark due to a Heat Wave miss, but the next hits and Tynamo faints! Only Milotic is left.

4d 9h 31m Still stuck in the bottom left corner.

4d 9h 6m Still working our way up the gym...

4d 8h 45m Drifblim uses a lot of Destiny Bonds, and we counter with Recover and Return...but the turn after it switches off Destiny Bond, we fall for it and it uses it again. We both faint. Defeated Pilot Winslow!

4d 8h 44m Drifblim hits us but we use Recover. Next turn it uses a Flying Gem-boosted Acrobatics, which we survive to use Discharge...and it uses Destiny Bond as we Recover again.

4d 8h 42m We send out Porygon2. We use Return as Tropius gathers even more swords...but another Return takes it down. Farfetch'd is sent out, and we use Discharge; Farfetch'd is paralyzed but still uses Acrobatics. Return takes it down and Drifblim is sent out.

4d 8h 41m Victini uses Flame Charge, but one hit from Tropius means Victini faints!

4d 8h 39m Krookodile is sent out. That Tailwind comes in handy this turn and lets it get off an Ice Beam, but Crunch takes it down. The Tailwind stops and Tropius is sent out. We miss Rock Tomb and Tropius uses Swords Dance...and we miss again. Tropius uses Leaf Blade and Krookodile faints to a crit!

4d 8h 38m We switch out to Dusclops. Sigilyph uses Ice Beam. It uses Tailwind even though it's already faster, and we Shadow Punch it. It puts us to low health with Psyshock and we punch it again, and an Air Slash means Dusclops faints!

4d 8h 37m We've unlocked a new trainer in the puzzle now. Vs. Pilot Winslow! Sigilyph vs. Tynamo.

4d 8h 37m Made it to the left section of the gym!

4d 8h 18m We make a couple loops trying for that third safe zone...

4d 8h 0m We make it to the third shelter! ... and immediately leave it, and fall back to the start.

[Info] We just passed 400,000 inputs!

4d 7h 43m We chill in the first shelter for awhile. Literally, this wind is pretty cold.

4d 7h 37m We fall on the next part, meaning we're back to the start...

4d 7h 36m We make it to the next safe zone and shelter there for awhile.

4d 7h 34m We cross to a tiny green space; we're sheltered here, but we can't really go anywhere, either...

4d 7h 33m Back to Skyla's gym.

4d 7h 31m Booted up a TM...We teach Krookodile Rock Tomb over Foul Play!

[Info] Catches we've made over the last hour-ish: Lv. 35♂ Cubchoo (goopcmowtb); Lv. 36♀ Zangoose (Zangoose p); Lv. 35♀ Spinda (tw p g ​); Lv. 34♀ Emolga (Em:-W); Lv. 34♂ Aipom (BTTRPM); Lv. 35♂ Sneasel (QTWP PYJQ); Lv. 36- Magneton (TPMP ​).

4d 7h 28m We buy 34 Poké Balls! Received 1 Premier Ball! Back outside.

4d 7h 26m Back to Mistralton City. We enter the Pokémon Center...we heal!

4d 7h 24m We ride our bike into a dust cloud! ...it's a Diglett.

4d 7h 23m We go up a level and have a little chat with Bianca.

4d 7h 22m We just beat a Trainer and Krookodile reached Lv. 53!

[Info] Since the last update, we did lots of catching on Route 7 and in Twist Mountain, blacked out, and then entered Chargestone Cave. We're currently biking around the lower areas of Chargestone Cave looking for uncaught Pokémon.

[Meta] And the live updater will be dark for a little bit again; you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for more updates.

[Info] Anyway, Pokémon caught over the past few hours: male Lv. 35 Cubchoo (t2p); male Lv. 36 Zebstrika (p). The Cubchoo was on our team for a bit; it got replaced by Dusclops.

4d 6h 1m Earthquake finishes off Arcanine. Defeated Youngster Cody!

4d 6h 0m Oh, and at the same time Porygon2 reaches Lv. 41!

4d 6h 0m Earthquake takes out Houndoom and Victini reaches Lv. 33! Victini learns Reversal over Quick Attack!

4d 5h 59m Krookodile takes out Stoutland and Krookodile reaches Lv. 52!

4d 5h 58m Vs. Youngster Cody! It's a rotation battle; he has Houndoom, Stoutland, and Arcanine. Tynamo faints to Houndoom's Fire Fang.

4d 5h 58m Caught a male Lv. 36 Zebstrika! No nickname.

4d 5h 55m Booted up another TM... Dusclops learns Earthquake over Curse!

4d 5h 51m We're in Mistralton City, and hop on our bike. Booted up a TM! Taught Victini Psyshock over Endure!

4d 5h 50m Oh, and we just gave Dusclops a Greet Mail! Messages: Glad to meet you! I am FRIEND CODE!; I'm a Badge-loving AAH Trainer.; Let's ELEGANT sometime. Keep in touch!

[Info] Quick update: Since the last message, we deposited Litwick and just withdrew Dusclops. We gained a few levels, which means Porygon2 learned Discharge over Thunder Wave. We bought a total of 69 Poké Balls, 1 Great Ball, 2 Potions, and 1 Repel, and got 4 Premier Balls.

[Meta] Live updater going dark now.

4d 3h 27m We heal our team.

4d 3h 22m Litwick has fainted.

4d 3h 21m Victini levels up to Lv. 31

4d 3h 18m A wild Elgyem causes our Tynamo to faint.

4d 3h 16m We continue our grind on the same 6 tiles of the floor.

4d 3h 4m Victini has grown to Lv. 30

4d 2h 59m Our Krookodile levels up to Lv. 51

4d 2h 57m We talk to someone here and our team is healed.

[Snark] The StreamFeed bot thinks we are using the PC at Celestial Tower

4d 2h 50m We continue our grind in Celestial Tower. Victini grows to Lv. 29

4d 2h 39m Victini levels up to Lv. 28

4d 2h 36m We continue to pace left and right, battling wild encounters, and gaining XP.

4d 2h 25m Victini levels up to Lv. 27 during a while battle.

[Meta] While we're still grinding, this updater will go dark. Check #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for yadda yadda yadda.

4d 2h 9m Victini grows to Lv. 26.

4d 2h 5m We spent the past twenty minutes grinding.

4d 1h 45m We talk to the nurse and heal.

4d 1h 43m Our Litwick is deafeated by a wild Litwick, which is then itself defeated by our Porygon2. Victini grows to Lv. 25, and learns Flame Charge over Psyshock.

4d 1h 40m Another Marowak is going against our Litwick. All of its moves fail though, because they're Normal-type, and it is thus easily defeated.

4d 1h 37m We defeated Marowak and Victini grew to Lv. 24.

4d 1h 35m We found a wild Marowak. We cannot catch it due to the aforementioned shortage of Balls.

4d 1h 29m We are still fighting wild Pokémon, and Victini grew to Lv. 23.

4d 1h 29m We are still fighting wild Pokémon, and Victini grew to Lv. 23.

4d 1h 25m We find a wild Banette, which is a Pokémon we haven't caught yet... But we don't have any Balls left.

4d 1h 21m We go back inside the tower.

[Snark] Twitch Plays Pokémon Randomized White 1 confirmed.

4d 1h 20m Caught a female Lv. 38 Drifblim! Nickname: rw1

4d 1h 19m We reached the top of the Celestial Tower.

4d 1h 15m Caught a male Lv. 37 Dusclops! No nickname.

4d 1h 14m Porygon2 is sent out, and we throw more Dusk Balls.

4d 1h 13m We use Tackle, which doesn't work. Tynamo is burned and cursed, but manages to use Thunder Wave the next turn. Then it faints.

4d 1h 12m We find another Dusclops and hurriedly switch from Victini to Tynamo.

4d 1h 5m We talk to the nurse and heal.

4d 1h 3m Caught a male Lv. 37 Chimecho! No nickname.

4d 1h 1m The repeated assaults of Chimecho actually managed to take down Krookodile while we were desperately throwing Dusk balls at it.

4d 0h 56m We encounter a wild Chimecho and try to catch it.

4d 0h 56m Caught a female Lv. 37 Haunter! Nickname: kknsooappp

4d 0h 54m We encounter a wild Haunter, that is unaffected when Krookodile uses Bulldoze. We start throwing Dusk Balls.

4d 0h 51m Caught a female Lv. 37 Murkrow! Nickname: lqz1zg

4d 0h 49m Krookodile takes away half of Murkrow health. We resume throwing Dusk Balls.

4d 0h 47m We tried to use a Fresh Water on Porygon2, but used it on a full health Pokémon instead. Porygon2 goes down.

4d 0h 46m We throw more Dusk Balls at the wild Murkrow.

4d 0h 45m A wild Murkrow takes down Tynamo.

[Snark] So we freed Litwick's party slot to get a Dusclops... Then caught another Litwick to fill it... Then finally found a Dusclops... Then ran from it. This is TPP at its finest.

4d 0h 43m We encounter a wild Dusclops and attempt to catch it. It knocks down Victini and we run.

4d 0h 42m We throw a Dusk Ball at a wild Litwick. Caught a female Lv. 36 Litwick! Nickname: qe , c

[Fluff] By the way, welcome to Day 4!

4d 0h 38m We have defeated a nurse, allowing us to heal.

[Info] ₽10290 | Balls: 41 | Pokedex: 186 / 397 / 649

ot erbx (Victini) [Greet Mail] Lv.22 Psyshock / Incinerate / Quick Attack / Endure
pe (Tynamo) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.29 Tackle / Thunder Wave / Spark / Charge Beam
APSEPIEMG (Porygon2) [Greet Mail] Lv.39 Thunder Wave / Recover / Return / Psyshock
L GGG HGMY (Krookodile) ♀ [Like Mail] Lv.50 Earthquake / Bulldoze / Crunch / Foul Play
TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Greet Mail] Lv.62 Return / Aqua Ring / Surf / Recover

[Info] During the darkness, we released Magnemite and noob (Voltorb). We returned to Liberty Garden and used our Master Ball to catch a Lv. 15 Victini. It had no nickname, but was soon renamed to ot erbx. We later caught a Lv. 28 Tynamo (pe) thatw as added to the team, deposited Litwick, and defeated Pokémon Trainer Juan. We are currently in Celestial Tower.

[Meta] Alright, the updater will go dark for now. Check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for more updates.

3d 16h 41m Caught a male Lv. 3 Patrat! No nickname.

3d 16h 40m Caught a female Lv. 4 Patrat! No nickname.

3d 16h 39m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Mime Jr. Caught a female Lv. 13 Mime Jr.! No nickname.

3d 16h 38m We end up knocking out both Pokémon, without catching Venonat.

3d 16h 35m We make our way onto Route 20. A wild Venipede and Venonat appear.

3d 16h 30m We encounter a Nidoran♂ and throw another Poké Ball. Caught a male Lv. 12 Nidoran♂! Nickname: aaan

3d 16h 29m We encounter a Nidoran♀ and throw a Poké Ball. Caught a female Lv. 12 Nidoran♀! No nickname.

3d 16h 28m We leave the area for now.

3d 16h 25m Caught a female Lv. 14 Pichu! Nickname: qtzpppplpo

3d 16h 23m Krookodile knocks down Elekid and we start throwing Poké Balls.

3d 16h 23m A wild Pichu and Elekid appear. We try to throw a Quick Ball at Pichu, but we can't, because it's a Double Battle.

3d 16h 19m We found a hidden TinyMushroom.

3d 16h 19m Same with a wild Growlithe.

3d 16h 17m We also try to catch a wild Magnemite, but run from it as well.

3d 16h 16m We try to catch a wild Croagunk, but then run from it.

3d 16h 13m We try to add a friend to our Pal Pad. His name is EATSIOP. We change our mind at the last second, however.

3d 16h 8m Caught a male Lv. 12 Elekid! No nickname.

3d 16h 4m We encounter two wild Magnemite. Krookodile uses Earthquake, which knocks them out both, but also takes out Porygon2. Then Moxie raises its attack by three stages, which would be great if the battle wasn't over already.

3d 16h 1m Caught a male Lv. 13 Growlithe! Nickname: ejosjo

3d 15h 46m Caught a female Lv. 12 Slugma! Nickname: tppge

3d 15h 43m Caught a male Lv. 13 Magby! No nickname.

3d 15h 41m Litwick is taken out by the wild Magby.

3d 15h 40m A wild Magby and Magnemite appear. Liwtick takes down Magnemite so we can try to catch Magby.

3d 15h 37m Caught a Lv. 14 Magnemite! No nickname.

3d 15h 33m Caught a Lv. 13 Voltorb! Nickname: noob

3d 15h 29m Now in Virbank Complex.

3d 15h 25m We board the ship to Virbank City.

3d 15h 23m We purchase 12 Quick Balls and leave.

3d 15h 22m We enter the local Pokémon Center.

3d 15h 19m We arrive in Castelia City.

3d 15h 18m Porygon2 makes short work of Togepi and Happiny; Breeder Irene is defeated.

3d 15h 18m We leave for Route 4, where we are challenged by Breeder Irene.

3d 15h 16m We purchase 1 Super Big Box.

3d 15h 16m We purchase 1 Chunk C Rank.

3d 15h 15m We go to Route 4, but then return to Join Avenue. We get the same shouts of "AABP0♀02!", with the occasional "SEX☺" thrown in.

3d 15h 14m We are now on Join Avenue, where the workers are greeting us by shouting "AABPO♀02!".

3d 15h 11m We are now in Nimbasa City.

3d 15h 11m Onto Route 5. We are booting up the C-Gear a lot and it's slowing us down a tad.

3d 15h 7m We are crossing the Driftveil Drawbridge.

3d 15h 6m We are biking around Driftveil City.

[Info] After said deposit, our team now consists of Porygon2, Litwick, Krookodile, and Milotic.

3d 15h 4m We blacked out against a wild Basculin on Route 6 and are now in Driftveil City. There, we save, then use the PC to deposit Azumarill and Duskull.

3d 14h 57m Tornadus manages to use Crunch before we use Recover and Milotic faints... And we choose to run away. Bye, Tornadus...

3d 14h 56m Tornadus is at a third of its health, but it's obviously still a tough catch. Milotic is using both Aqua Ring and Recover at regular intervals to avoid fainting.

3d 14h 53m We are currently throwing Poké Balls at Tornadus!

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. For bot updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

3d 9h 19m Krookodile reaches Lv. 42 with the help of a wild Audino.

3d 9h 17m Caught a male Lv. 27 Pachirisu! Nickname: PD MYWB.

3d 9h 14m Porygon2 faints to a Miltank and Pachirisu.

3d 9h 12m Booted up TM27 Return. We teach Porygon2 Return over Magnet Rise!

3d 9h 3m Porygon2 reaches Lv. 33!

3d 8h 57m Litwick faints!

3d 8h 53m We start rummaging through the wild grass. Litwick reaches Lv. 24! We decide not to learn Imprison.

3d 8h 50m Picked up TM43 Flame Charge!

3d 8h 50m Out on Route 5.

3d 8h 47m We receive the Evolution Tech medal! We throw it in our medal case and run away.

3d 8h 46m Checkpoint in Nimbasa City. We heal!

3d 8h 44m Oh, we're heading north, apparently. The 100th battle will be another time...see you later, Irene! We bike through Join Avenue into Nimbasa City.

3d 8h 42m Vs. Breeder Irene #91! ...Defeated Breeder Irene #91! Two Psyshock PP remain...

3d 8h 41m Vs. Breeder Irene #90! We defeat her easily, but Pory's running low on attack PP...

3d 8h 40m Whoops, this one's Breeder Irene #89, actually. This time we don't even fall asleep before defeating her.

3d 8h 38m Laying this egg puts our duck to sleep. Happiny briefly has the power of Psyshock, and then we wake up. Defeated Breeder Irene #89! Porygon-2 reaches Lv. 32!

3d 8h 38m We hop on our bicy and exit and enter the area again. Vs. Breeder Irene #88! Porygon-2's turn this time.

3d 8h 36m We admire our medal collection for a second.

3d 8h 35m Milotic gets quick revenge. Defeated Breeder Irene #87!

3d 8h 34m We're out of Flame Bursts, and we fall asleep before we can defeat Togepi this time. It uses Head Smash and Litwick faints!

3d 8h 33m After a lot of Flame Bursts and dropping to 12 HP, Happiny faints again. Defeated Breeder Irene #86!

3d 8h 31m Vs. Breeder Irene #86! Flame Burst can almost OHKO Togepi...but not quite. Back to sleep we go.

3d 8h 30m Litwick's in yellow health by the time we take Happiny down. Litwick reaches Lv. 23! Defeated Breeder Irene #85!

3d 8h 29m Everybody's confused right now, and little duckies are flying everywhere. They're adorable.

3d 8h 28m We wake up a little confused, like when you sleep in too long. Happiny's health slowly drops...

3d 8h 27m We take Togepi down and go back to sleep. Litwick is just a baby, it needs a nap.

3d 8h 26m We finish it with more Flame Burst for disrespect. Defeated Irene #84...Irene #85 begins.

3d 8h 25m Wow, not much happened that turn! And then we use Night Shade, which doesn't work, and Happiny removes its burn with Refresh. That might be the first time it's gotten to use that move? But we burn it again and get confused, again.

3d 8h 24m Happiny copies our Flame Burst, then uses Charm. We wake up and use Will-o-Wisp and Happiny tries to copy that, but it doesn't work either. We use Confuse Ray so we can say we've tried out all our moves, and then it also confuses us.

3d 8h 23m Night Shade doesn't seem to work on Togepi. Metronome calls Fissure but it fails, and we use Flame Burst as the egg uses Sweet Kiss. We hit ourselves in confusion as Togepi uses Yawn, then take it down...and fall asleep. Sleepy candle baby...

3d 8h 23m Vs. Breeder Irene #84! This will be Litwick's first battle.

3d 8h 22m Registered the XTranceiver to our Y-menu.

3d 8h 22m We flee back to Route 4. We move Litwick to the front of the party.

3d 8h 14m Caught a female Lv. 23 Vullaby! Nickname: ATP.

3d 8h 13m Back through the gate.

3d 8h 13m We make our way to the nurse. We heal! (Twice.)

3d 8h 11m And we're back! Scared of losing our data again, we save. In-game time: 79:33.

3d 8h 10m We load from an old savestate, looking at Milotic, but inputs aren't moving.

3d 8h 9m The game seems to have been turned into a white screen...

3d 8h 2m Gave Litwick a Like Mail! Messages: Do you know what they call ACCELGOR? / This CHAT is surprisingly ANGRY! / ACCELGOR sure is something. You should try it!

3d 7h 57m We give Litwick a Hard Stone.

3d 7h 52m With mothquest finally over, we use Dig and appear at Desert Resort.

3d 7h 49m Caught a female Lv. 25 Larvesta! Nickname: AAULL ​ YB ​.

3d 7h 35m Not much has changed; we're still searching the sand.

3d 7h 9m Still rolling around in the sand. There are a lot of ghosts watching us...

3d 7h 1m Caught a female Lv. 22 Litwick! Nickname: AAEEOODBDL. With that our party is full.

3d 6h 59m Krokorok reaches Lv. 41! Krokorok evolves into Krookodile!

3d 6h 49m Back through the quicksand.

3d 6h 47m Back into Relic Castle.

3d 6h 44m Back out to Desert Resort. The sand gets in our eyes.

3d 6h 42m Back upstairs.

3d 6h 40m Back through the quicksand. Caught a female Lv. 25 Duskull! Nickname: Duskull ​ Q. It joins our party.

3d 6h 38m We traverse the quicksand and make it down the staircase! There's only a Psychic there. We wave and go back upstairs.

3d 6h 36m Back upstairs again.

3d 6h 35m Wandering around B1F of Relic Castle.

3d 6h 30m We enter Relic Castle and slide down through the quicksand.

3d 6h 23m Back to the inner Desert Resort.

[Info] According to #stream-feed, we've now fought Breeder Irene 83 times.

3d 6h 19m We run into a police officer we skipped before. Vs. Policeman Dell! Riolu vs. Krokorok. The levels are pretty low here, so Bulldoze is an easy OHKO. The same's true for his Herdier. Defeated Policeman Dell!

3d 6h 17m Krokorok's in front this time, so the battle is pretty short. Defeated Breeder Irene again!

3d 6h 16m After awhile of watching the waves, we head north out of the city. Vs. Breeder Irene again!

3d 6h 11m Back outside. We gaze out into the ocean.

3d 6h 10m We deposit Sigil and Skarmory in the PC!

3d 6h 7m We're attempting to talk to all the Wi-Fi clerks, but not having much success. We do an interpretive dance to the PC.

3d 6h 3m We chat with a nearby Audino.

3d 6h 2m Going in and out of the Pokémon Center. We take a look at the globe, reminiscing over wi-fi days gone by...

3d 6h 1m We receive a couple new medals! They're beautiful and shiny.

3d 5h 59m We enter the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint in Castelia City!

3d 5h 56m We decide walking sounds hard and fly to the Castelia City Poké Center.

3d 5h 55m Sweet Kiss confuses us again and we hit ourselves. That means Copycat calls Sweet Kiss. We finally land an Air Cutter. Defeated Irene for the billionth time!

3d 5h 54m Happiny uses Copycat to spam Air Cutter against us, but it doesn't do much. We wake up to use Fury Attack but keep missing, and Happiny keeps using Copycat...

3d 5h 53m Vs Breeder Irene again! We're leading with Skarmory. We throw a few Dusk Balls at Togepi before taking it down with Air Cutter, then fall asleep from Yawn.

[Info] A few minutes ago we took the mail away from Sigil! Currently Milotic, Krokorok, and Porygon-2 have mail.

3d 5h 40m We fish up a lot of Clamperls, but toss them back until we find something new... Caught a male Lv. 15 Luvdisc! Nickname: P.

3d 5h 32m We unregister the Dowsing MCHN, register it again, then register the Super Rod. We start a nice relaxing round of fishing.

3d 5h 28m Down onto Route 4. We rush into the sand before Breeder Irene can see us.

3d 5h 26m We track down the nurse, who heals us again! We head down into the gate.

3d 5h 24m We check our town map. It doesn't help much; visibility's pretty low here...

3d 5h 22m Caught a male Lv. 23 Drifloon! Nickname: DrifloonP. With that, our party's full again.

[Info] Since the last update, we dropped off Litwick and Onix in the PC. We also caught a male Lv. 24 Skarmory nicknamed Skarmory (single space at the end), and it's currently in our party. We're digging through the sands of Desert Resort, looking for wild Pokémon.

[Meta] Time for the updater to go dark. Check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord for more updates!

3d 4h 19m We leave Relic Castle.

3d 4h 19m Caught a female Lv. 24 Chingling! Nickname: PZ4FFS

3d 4h 18m We encounter a wild Chingling and throw a Poké Ball at it.

3d 4h 14m Caught a female Lv. 25 Cubone! Nickname: ○) ▯ΔΔ4

3d 4h 12m We stumble upon a wild Cubone and attempt to catch it.

3d 4h 12m We're back upstairs.

3d 4h 12m We threw a Poké Ball at a wild Onix and landed a critical catch. Caught a female Lv. 24 Onix! Nickname: Onix🙂🙂

3d 4h 10m We found our fourth Litwick in the span of a few minutes. They are supposed to be just as rare as Larvesta, but we have not yet found the latter.

3d 4h 7m Caught a male Lv. 22 Litwick! Nickname: ,, ) . )

3d 4h 6m We found another Litwick and throw a Poké Ball at it.

3d 4h 3m We found a wild Litwick, but kill it with Water Pulse instead of catching it.

3d 4h 0m After battling a ton of wild Pokémon, Milotic grows to Lv. 55!

3d 3h 55m And back down the sandpit.

3d 3h 55m We make our way back up the stairs.

3d 3h 49m This is apparently not the time to use our Super Rod.

3d 3h 44m We entered Relic Castle and fell down a sandpit.

3d 3h 32m We tried to catch a wild Skorupi, but ended up running from it.

3d 3h 25m We entered the Desert Resort area.

3d 3h 23m We go back to Route 4 and are challenged by Breeder Irene. Milotic takes out both her Togepi and her Happiny without any trouble.

3d 3h 22m Everyone is shouting "SEX😄" at us.

3d 3h 21m We fly again, this time to Join Avenue.

3d 3h 21m We fly back to Castelia City.

3d 3h 20m We switch Milotic and Sigil in the team.

3d 3h 19m We check Porygon2 summary. It's somewhat of a clown. We also check Sigil summary. It hates to lose.

[Info] It seems we assumed the requirement for it to respawn was "wait for the next day", whereas it was in fact "wait 24 hours".

3d 3h 15m We enter Victini's room... It has not respawned.

3d 3h 13m We decided not to buy a drink from the vending machine. Also, the trash can next to it is empty.

3d 3h 12m We board the ship to Liberty Garden!

3d 3h 11m We fly away to Castelia City.

3d 3h 10m We actually leave the PWT building after all.

3d 3h 8m We talk to the registering lady and agree to participate in the Driftveil Tournament. We however take a long time to select our three participating Pokémon.

3d 3h 5m We ended up not using the PC after all. We save.

3d 3h 4m Speaking of which, we booted up the PC.

3d 3h 4m The chat is currently having terrible flashbacks about the PC of the PWT building.

3d 3h 3m Anyway, we flew to Driftveil City and entered the PWT building. Clay offered us to register for a tournament.

3d 3h 2m We'd use a time machine to go nowhere, use magic to be invisible, save money if we had a lot, go shopping on holidays, prefer sports games, think Battles are the most fun part of Pokémon, have played Pokémon for 0 to 5 years, and our favourite Leader is Marlon.

3d 2h 57m We'd like to be wise in the future, we're a realist rather than a dreamer, we want to work hard at popularity, our favourite music is pop, our favourite TV program is comedy, our favourite kind of movies are sci-fi.

3d 2h 54m We prefer to live in the city, we wish we had more money, our family is most important to us, we'd choose a smart partner over an athletic one, we value substance over appearance, and we like fun people.

3d 2h 52m Our hobby is exercising, our job is Student, we prefer Battles over Trades, we prefer Cool Pokémon, and our favourite type is Normal.

3d 2h 50m We prepare to leave, but someone calls us to ask a favor from us. It's a questionnaire!

3d 2h 49m We change it once more to just "8,JOJO".

3d 2h 49m We are asked what our happy message to passersby is. Our initial answer is "Awesome!", but we change it to "8J0", then to "8,JOJO♀".

3d 2h 46m We accept a survey request : Which version is more popular?

3d 2h 46m We are officially appointed as a statistician.

3d 2h 45m "What a wonderful phrase! It warms my heart."

3d 2h 45m We are asked how we thank passersby. Our answer is "TO♀FPPUO".

3d 2h 42m "Yup, it's a good greeting! It cheers me up!"

3d 2h 42m We enter the Passerby Analytics HQ and are asked how we greet passersby. Our answer is "SEX😄".

3d 2h 37m We boot up the PC. Both Unown are deposited.

3d 2h 36m We heal.

3d 2h 35m We switch Unown-A and Sigil again, then enter the Pokémon Center and buy 27 Dusk Balls.

3d 2h 34m We switch Sigil and Unown-A in our party, then Fly to Castelia City.

3d 2h 32m We enter the house of the reformed Team Plasma and chat up with Anthea and Concordia.

[Meta] I keep calling it Krokodile but it's actually Krokorok. Apologies about that.

3d 2h 29m We defeated Norman and canceled Krokodile's evolution.

3d 2h 29m Krokodile is sent out again, and defeats Kecleon with Crunch, which means Moxie raises its attack. Krokodile grows to Lv. 30 and learns Foul Play over Sand Tomb!

3d 2h 28m Another attack sends Porygon2 in the red. Porygon2 uses Psyshock, but gets knocked out by Aqua Tail.

3d 2h 27m Kecleon is sent out, while we send Krokodile, only to switch it for Porygon2. Kecleon uses Fake Out, which is strenghtened by a Normal Gem.

[Info] The Unown-? reported earlier is in fact an Unown-A by the way, the overlay is just lying to us.

3d 2h 26m Zangoose gets confused by Water Pulse, and hits itself. It's then poisoned by its Toxic Orb. We switch Milotic for Unown-A, which gets knocked out, before Zangoose faints as well from poison.

3d 2h 25m Slaking is sent out. Milotic uses Water Pulse, which lands a critical hit and sends Slaking in the red. Another Water Pulse defeats it. Zangoose is sent out.

3d 2h 24m Norman uses a Hyper Potion on Linoone, which gets hit by another Water Pulse. Finally, one last Water Pulse defeats it.

3d 2h 24m Milotic uses Recover, and takes a little damage from Seed Bomb. Milotic then uses Water Pulse, and Linoone its its Berry to raise its attack, then fails to use Belly Drum.

3d 2h 23m We send out Krokorok again, then switch it immediately for Milotic, which gets hit by ExtremeSpeed.

3d 2h 22m We switch Milotic for Unown-H. It actually endures a first attack, but then faints when hit by Extremespeed.

3d 2h 22m Milotic uses Water Pulse, then takes little damage from Earthquake. Next turn, another Water Pulse defeats Vigoroth. Linoone is sent out.

3d 2h 20m Krokorok takes a heavy hit, and we switch it for Milotic.

3d 2h 20m 3d 2h 19m Sigil paralyzes Vigoroth. Unfortunately, it only has 9HP left, and the next turn, a Sucker Punch makes it faint. We send out Krokorok.

3d 2h 19m We challenge Pokémon Trainer Norman! He sends out Vigoroth.

3d 2h 17m We enter the Pokémon Center to buy Dusk Balls, but they do not appear to be selling any.

3d 2h 15m We enter the Pokémon Center and... leave.

3d 2h 14m We're back in Driftveil City.

3d 2h 12m We exit Relic Castle and use Dig to return to the PWT.

3d 2h 10m Caught a female Lv. 30 Lileep! Nickname: Lileep ♛

3d 2h 8m We finally stumbled upon a wild Lileep. We paralyze it, and throw some Poké Balls at it.

3d 2h 2m And it's back to wandering around and fleeing from wild encounters.

[Snark] Do not comment on the name, do not comment on the name, do not comment on the name...

3d 2h 0m We threw a Poké Ball at a wild Unown. Caught a Lv. 30 Unown-H! Nickname: ASEX

3d 1h 53m We are currently wandering around Relic Castle. DexNav says there should be some low-chance Lileep and Anorith around, and Volcarona should respawn in about 2 hours.

[Info] ₽22516 | Balls: 163 | Pokedex: 144 / 326 / 649

Sigil (Sigilyph) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.34 Thunder Wave / Psybeam / Air Cutter / Fly
L GGG HGMY (Krokorok) ♀ [Like Mail] Lv.39 Dig / Bulldoze / Crunch / Sand Tomb
APSEPIEMG (Porygon2) [Greet Mail] Lv.31 Agility / Recover / Magnet Rise / Psyshock
TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.54 Return / Aqua Ring / Water Pulse / Recover
U (Unown-?) [None] Lv.30 Hidden Power
Unown (Unown-H) [None] Lv.30 Hidden Power

[Info] While the updater was dark, there's been some PC shuffling, which resulted in our team changing quite a bit, and in the release of Tyrogue and PPP (Ledyba). We defeated Pokémon Trainer Flannery, and later Gym Leader Elesa, earning the Bolt Badge. We later defeated Pokémon Trainer Norman as well. We also received a shiny Porygon, and used an Up-Grade that made it evolve into Porygon2. We then defeated GAME FREAK Morimoto and GAME FREAK Nishino. Another PC shuffle led to the release of C (Karrablast) and Starly. Finally, we defeated Gym Leader Clay and earned the Quake Badge. We are currently in Relic Castle, where Volcarona unfortunately used Whirlwind on us, and our team looks a tad different from twelve hours ago.

[Meta] After the movie, it's time for the screen to go dark. For bot updates, you can check out #stream-feed in the Discord.

2d 10h 6m It's a hit this time! Our fan gives us some Lemonades!

2d 9h 56m We go back and try to remake that movie...

2d 9h 48m We made a new movie! ...we lost 160 billion Pokédollars.

2d 9h 23m We pay a visit to Pokéstar Studios.

2d 9h 22m Back to Virbank City. We enter someone's house and pick up a Poke Toy!

2d 9h 14m Caught a male Lv. 5 Shellder! Nickname: TPN46 V😠😄😫.

2d 9h 7m Caught a female Lv. 3 Smoochum! Nickname: ,'' P g.

2d 9h 4m Since it's a double battle, we use Torment one last time before the turn ends and it's gone for good. Caught a male Lv. 11 Venipede! Nickname: A )-.

2d 9h 3m Krokorok reaches Lv. 32! Krokorok learns Dig over Torment!

2d 9h 0m Caught a male Lv. 5 Pidove! Nickname: ' 😄 😫)~☂b.

2d 8h 55m We bike out to Route 20.

2d 8h 54m Caught a male Lv. 13 Shellos! Nickname: ).

2d 8h 52m Caught a female Lv. 11 Electrike! Nickname: ElectDOG.

2d 8h 50m We take a detour to Virbank Complex, exploring the wild grass on our bike.

2d 8h 47m We use Air Cutter, and Scraggy uses Revenge to deal 5 whole HP. Brawly uses a Super Potion and Scraggy barely clutches again, using a Sucker Punch before going down. Brawly sends out Meditite and we use Psybeam to OHKO it; he sends out Makuhita next. Psybeam still OHKOs. Defeated ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer Brawly!

2d 8h 46m We send out Ledyba, who faints immediately to Ice Punch. Sigilyph is sent out.

2d 8h 45m We send out Tyrogue and use Fake Out...and then do it again, but it doesn't work. Scraggy uses Revenge, leaving us at low health, and we Tackle once before Tyrogue faints!

2d 8h 44m Machop Bulks Up again and then lands a DynamicPunch. We hit ourselves in confusion and it punches us again, leaving us with 1 HP, but we break through the confusion to use Fire Fang and take it down. Scraggy is sent out and uses Sucker Punch; Charmeleon faints!

2d 8h 43m Vs. Brawly! Machop vs. Krokorok. We switch out to Charmeleon as Machop sets up, then start using Fire Fang.

2d 8h 41m We set sail for Virbank City.

2d 8h 37m We walk back outside, then remember Krokorok is sleeping, so we go back inside. We heal!

2d 8h 34m We buy 94 Poké Balls and 7 Great Balls! Received one Premier Ball!

2d 8h 33m We enter the Pokémon Center. Checkpoint in Castelia City!

2d 8h 29m We chat with a worker on the docks, then go back to biking around.

2d 8h 27m We bike across town and enter the Bridge Gate, but it looks like Skyarrow Bridge is closed for inspection.

[Info] According to #stream-feed, that was our 74th matchup against Irene.

2d 8h 25m Back to Castelia City.

2d 8h 23m We Torment Togepi a couple times, just as this battle torments us. Yawn puts Krokorok to sleep so we switch to Milotic to OHKO everyone. Defeated Breeder Irene again!

2d 8h 22m We head south, and Breeder Irene is as excited to see us as ever.

2d 8h 21m We take a quick detour into a building, but get back on the bike again.

2d 8h 21m We escape the sand and head back to Route 4.

2d 8h 19m We're slowly traversing the Desert Resort, but it's hard to move on our bike.

2d 8h 17m We open our Medal Case and select our first medal as our favorite. It makes a nice little ding sound. We hop on the bike.

2d 8h 15m We step down to the Desert Resort gate, still searching through our bag.

2d 8h 14m We take the Exp. Share away from Charmeleon.

2d 8h 13m We talk to the nurse, and we heal

2d 8h 12m We enter the Desert Resort Gate from the north, then leave the gate to the north.

2d 8h 10m Krokorok was poisoned by a wild Skoropi.

2d 8h 5m We return to the nurse and we heal.

2d 8h 2m We search around a bit more, but find nothing, so we return to the wider desert.

2d 8h 0m We continue down the passage, and near the southern edge we find up a Max Ether.

2d 7h 58m We send out Tyrogue. Tyrogue survives a turn as Cotton Spore is non-damaging, then we switch out Tyrogue form Milotic, who takes out Maractus. Tyrogue grew to Lv 11. Charmeleon grew to Lv 30 Tami defeated.

2d 7h 56m We find a one-tile wide passage along the western edge of the desert, and walk down it. Backpacker Tami is there to greet us. Tami's Cacnea's sand attack causes Krokorok to miss one of her attacks, but after two hits Cacnea falls. Tami's Maractus repeatedly uses Sandstorm to regain health despite the sandstorm. Eventually Maractus switches to giga or mega drain, which knocks out Krokorok.

2d 7h 47m We find our way back to the nurse, and we heal.

2d 7h 47m We continue wandering the desert, occasionally glancing at the Pokémon menu

2d 7h 40m Spotted by and challenged by Backpacker Walt. Milotic sweeps through his Tympole and Barboach with Hydro Pump. Walt defeated

2d 7h 38m We reach the northern cliff of the desert, then walk south past the entrance to the Relic Castle, down to approximately the center of the desert

2d 7h 32m We pick up a Red Shard.

2d 7h 30m We send out Charmeleon as Sam sends out Machop. We attempt to give Charmeleon a Lava Cookie, while Machop lands low-damage damaging moves. Charmeleon switches to Ember, then Fire Fang, knocking out the Machop. Sam defeated.

2d 7h 28m Backpacker Sam locks eyes with us despite the sandstorm. Sam sends out a Chimchar. We throw a ball at the Chimchar. Chimchar and Krokorok trade attacks until Chimchar faints. Sam sends out a Buneary. Buneary survives the Sand Tomb, responds by Jump Kicking Krokorok down to three health, then surviving the sandstorm damage. Buneary's next attack knocks out Krokorok, while the sandstorm knocks out Buneary. Charmeleon grew to Lv 29.

2d 7h 25m We double back, find a nurse, and We heal. Then we continue west.

2d 7h 25m We walk through the Desert Resort Gate, then walk in circles on the north side of the gate a bit before continuing further.

2d 7h 21m We pass under the Highway. We attempt to give a stardust to Charmeleon, but back out. We reach the Desert Resort.

2d 7h 18m We change the order of Krokorok's moves. Troment / Assurance / Crunch / Sand Tomb.

2d 7h 15m We take a detour to look at one of the under-construction buildings as we return to the paved path.

2d 7h 12m We swap Krokorok and Milotic's party positions.

2d 7h 10m Having reached a dead end, and with all the nearby trainers defeated, we save.

2d 7h 8m We find the next members of this gang and challenge them to combat. Hoolagins Rob and Sal send out Zangoose and Seviper against Milotic and Krokorok. Milotic 1HKOs Serviper. Krokorok bites Zangoose; the Zangoose survives but Milotic cleans up on the next turn. Rob and Sal defeated.

2d 7h 4m We take a long look at Milotic's Move list, eventually deciding to switch Return to MOVE1 and Hydro Pump to MOVE2.

2d 7h 2m We pick up a Grip Claw.

2d 7h 1m We walk around a biker before talking to him. Vs. Biker Stanley. Mankey is 1HKOed by Water Pulse. We use an Oran Berry and a Poké Ball before Milotic attacks Parasect. Parasect survives the Return attack, uses Spore to put Milotic to sleep. Parasect deals minor damage to Milotic while we throw more balls at Parasect. Once Milotic wakes up, he finishes off Parasect. Stanley defeated.

2d 6h 58m We find a Stardust, then walk up to and challenge Roughneck Silvester, whose Pokémon don't fare much better. Milotic grew to Lv 40. Then Roughneck Joey spots us, challenges us, and is also defeated by Milotic. Charmeleon grew to Lv 28. Charmeleon learned Fire Fang over Dragon Rage.

2d 6h 54m We return to the pit, then ascend from the southwest corner, where a Youngster Sinclair spots and challenges us. Milotic's Water Pulse tears through Sinclair's Sandshrew, Sandslash and Tranquill. Charmeleon grew to Lv 27. Sinclair defeated.

2d 6h 51m We climb a set of stars to a gated area. We walk down the path, we walk around an item ball, then We pick up a TM28 Dig.

2d 6h 49m We walk down a set of stairs into a pit. Policeman Neagle asks us what we're doing around these parts, and sends out Arcanine. Milotic 1HKOs the Arcanine, after which Neagle lets us continue wandering around.

2d 6h 46m We stray from the asphalt path, walking into a work shed. We heal.

2d 6h 44m We reach Route 4. Irene spots us and challenges us to anther battle. Milotic takes care of the battle. Charmander grew to Lv 26. Charmander evolved into Charmeleon.

2d 6h 40m Some pedestrians expertly dodge us as we ride north on our Bike.

2d 6h 39m We emerge from Castelia City's Pokémon Center.

2d 6h 38m We send out Tyrogue, who lands a hit on Ampharos, but Tyrogue is knocked out in return. We send out Charmander against Emolga, who knocks out Charmander. Blacked out.

2d 6h 37m We send out Lediba, who is KOed by Ampharos's Volt Switch. Elesa switches to Emolga, we switch to Sigilyph. Emolga uses Volt Switch on Slighliph. Sligliph uses Whirlwind to drag Emolga back out. Emolga obliges by knocking out Sligligh with another Volt Switch.

2d 6h 35m We finish our catwalk. Vs Elesa Elesa sends out Emolga against Krokorok. Emolga leads with U Turn, knocking out Krokorok; Elesa switches to Ampharos.

2d 6h 33m We send out Krokorok, which causes Ampere to swap out Electorde for Lanturn. Lanturn takes a few hits, but is still knocked out by sand tomb and crunch; Electrode is send back out and falls not long after. Charmander grew to Lv 25

2d 6h 30m The next trainer is Beauty Ampere. Chincho goes down quickly. Stunfisk survives a bit longer, between good dodging skills, Milotic using Recover, attempts to be a thief, and Milotic getting paralyzed. Taking advantage of the paralysis, Electrode manages to knock out Milotic.

2d 6h 26m We continue down the catwalk. Vs. Beauty Fleming. Flemming's Luxio, Manetric and Flaffy take two Water Pulse each to take down, but don't do much damage to Milotic with their attacks. Charmander grew to Lv 23. Fleming defeated.

2d 6h 23m We start to walk down the catwalk, and am stopped by Beauty Nikola. Pikachu starts with Double Team, but is knocked out by Milotic's Return attack despite this. Charmander grew to Lv 21. Nikola sends out Elekid, whois knocked out by Hydro Pump. Milotic grew to Lv 39. Nikola sends out a Joltik, who barely survives Milotic's first attack, but does barely any damage in return to Milotic. Nikola defeated. Charmander does not evolve.

2d 6h 20m We walk around the grounds before finding our way to, and entering, the new gym. The Gym Guide gives us a Fresh Water.

2d 6h 16m We talk to someone infront of the ferris wheel. She challenges us to battle. At first we refuse, but then agree. Vs. Beauty December. Milotic uses Hydro Pump to knock out her Pachirisu. Charmander grew to Lv 20. Charmander did not evolve. December defeated. We then ride the ferris wheel with December.

2d 6h 14m We leave the old gym.

2d 6h 12m We press the red-line switch twice, then look at the track to notice that the tracks are not lit, press the button a third time, then walk into the poles at the side of the station before getting on the car and leaving at the station near the building entrance.

2d 6h 11m We ride the purple line for a full loop. Then ride the purple line to the other station. We talk to a person on this platform, who is not Elsa, but does gives us a Parlz Heal.

2d 6h 9m We pace at the station, allowing the car to pass a few times, before we attempt to enter the car and get interrupted by Lady Colette leaving that car. Milotic defeats her three Pokémon with minimal issue - aside from the ball we threw at Colette's Pachirisu. Charmander grew to Lv 19. Charmander learned Dragon Rage over Scratch. Charmander learned Scary Face over Growl. Charmander did not evolve.

2d 6h 5m We get on the green line car, and get off at the next station. We walk to the purple line station, but the car doesn't come, so we step on a switch, changing the purple line to include that station.

2d 6h 4m Rolan sends out a Pichu, which is 1HKOed by Milotic's Water Pulse. Charmander grew to Lv 11. Milotic uses Hydro Pump to 1HKO Rolan's next two Pokémon, which combined allow Charmander to grow to Lv 14. Rolan defeated.

2d 6h 2m We walk across the platform, and step an a green switch, to make that line reach our station. We wait at the station, and a trainer jumps out of the car before we can enter. Challenged by Rich Boy Rolan.

2d 6h 1m We get on the car for another loop. We stare at the south wall, causing us to slightly miss the next car. We get on the next car, and exit at the line's other station.

2d 5h 59m We get on a car for the modified blue line, and stay in the car for two loops before leaving from the station we started on.

2d 5h 58m We press a switch, which changes the path of the blue line.

2d 5h 57m We enter the car on the blue line, and exit at the line's other station.

2d 5h 57m The gym guide tells us about the gym challenge; how to ride the cars and change the track paths and such.

2d 5h 56m We reenter the old gym. We ride in the red-tracked coaster, but that line has no other stations, and we exit using the station we entered from.

2d 5h 54m We walk over to and look at the vending machines just west of the ferris wheel, then walk back and look at the vending machine just east of the ferris wheel.

2d 5h 52m After a few more loops, we leave the coaster at the other station and leave the old gym.

2d 5h 50m We get into a coaster, decline to leave at the exit right next to the part entrance, then leave at the exit we got on the coaster. Then we take that same ride again.

We tossed a slew of items. Six Soda Pops, a Lemonade, a TwistedSpoon, Eleven Red Shards, a Moon Stone, 3 Heart Scales, a Woodland Ore, a Stardust, a Green Shard, a DeepSeaTooth, a DeepSeaScale, a Soft Sand, a Guard Spec, an X Sp. Def. a Premier Ball, an Oval Stone, a Miracle Seed, a Quick Claw and an Amulet Coin.

Although, at least, now (( is holding an Experience Share and Tyrogue is holding an Eviolite.

[info] ₽830 | Balls: 99 | Pokedex: 89 / 221 / 649

TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.38 Hydro Pump / Return / Water Pulse / Recover
L GGG HGMY (Krokorok) ♀ [Like Mail] Lv.30 Crunch / Torment / Sand Tomb / Assurance
dpppp (Sigilyph) ♂ [None] Lv.26 Whirlwind / Psybeam / Air Cutter / Light Screen
PPP (Ledyba) ♂ [None] Lv.15 Comet Punch / Light Screen / Reflect / Safeguard
Tyrogue ♂ [None] Lv.9 Tackle / Helping Hand / Fake Out / Foresight
(( (Charmander) ♂ [None] Lv.10 Scratch / Growl / Ember / SmokeScreen

[Info] We harassed Breeder Irene a bit, we spent all our money on Poké Balls, we invited Janus to build a spot in Join Avenue, we made an attempt at the Battle Subway doubles train, there was a PC shuffle (no releases), and now we're navigating the old Nimbasa Gym.

[Meta] And with that, the updater goes dark once more. Check out #stream-feed on the TPP Discord to know if ♀♀R finally gets a Larvesta.

2d 3h 57m Back down the sandpit!

2d 3h 56m Caught a Lv. 25 Bronzor! Nickname: ottt

2d 3h 56m We find a wild Bronzor and throw a Poké Ball at it.

2d 3h 54m Back upstairs again.

2d 3h 53m We took out our bike, which we probably shouldn't be riding on the sandy ground of some ancient ruins' basement, but hey, Prof. Oak isn't there to tell us not to do it.

2d 3h 51m We jump down a sandpit and are now back downstairs. Th chat is hoping to find a Larvesta.

2d 3h 49m We finally get back upstairs.

2d 3h 45m While fighting against various wild Pokémon, Milotic grows to Lv. 38!

2d 3h 39m Caught a female Lv. 25 Litwick! No nickname

2d 3h 39m We encounter a wild Litwick and attempt to catch it.

2d 3h 36m Caught a Lv. 23 Baltoy! Nickname: ogyy

2d 3h 35m We attempt to catch a wild Baltoy.

2d 3h 33m We saved the game.

2d 3h 30m We encounter another Shuppet, and this one doesn't give us any trouble. Caught a female Lv. 23 Shuppet! Nickname: ,, )

2d 3h 25m Caught a female Lv. 22 Onix! No nickname.

2d 3h 24m We are now attempting to catch the aforementioned Onix.

2d 3h 22m We switched Milotic for Golett against a wild Onix. Golett's Rollout however misses a lot, and it ends up being defeated.

2d 3h 18m Found a Heart Scale!

2d 3h 17m We have defeated Psychic Perry! Then we fall down a sandpit.

2d 3h 17m Xatu is the last Pokémon. Milotic uses Recover to heal its burn damage, while Xatu sets up a Tailwind. Xatu copies our Water Pulse and does almost no damage, then Milotic shows it how it's down and uses a Water Pulse of its own to defeat it.

2d 3h 15m Ghastly is sent out. Hydro Pump takes it down as well.

2d 3h 15m Our newly acquired Hydro Pump makes short work of Natu.

2d 3h 15m We go back up the stairs and are challenged by Psychic Perry. He sends out Natu.

2d 3h 13m We found TM39 Rock Tomb!

2d 3h 11m Milotic forgets Twister and learns Hydro Pump!

2d 3h 11m Water Pulse takes Elgyem down, and Milotic grows to Lv.37!

2d 3h 10m Elgyem is sent out. Milotic recovers again and takes minimal damage from a Psybeam.

2d 3h 10m Magical Leaf is thankfully not even as harmful as the burn. Milotic uses Return two more times and takes out Kirlia.

2d 3h 9m Kirlia is sent out. Milotic uses Recover again to heal its burn damage, while Kirlia attacks with Magical Leaf.

2d 3h 8m Ralts traces our Milotic's Marvel Scale. Milotic uses Recover to heal. Next turn, it uses Return and almost takes out Ralts, which retaliates with Magical Leaf. One more Return and Ralts is down.

2d 3h 7m We are challenged by Psychic Dua! She sends out Ralts.

2d 3h 6m We made it past the second sandpit! Going down the stairs now.

2d 3h 4m Fell down the first sandpit again.

2d 3h 3m Shuppet cursed itself and fainted.

2d 3h 3m Shuppet manages to burn Milotic. We use Twister to weaken it before resuming the attempts to catch it.

2d 3h 1m We attempt to catch a wild Shuppet.

2d 2h 59m We do not fall down the second sandpit this time. We fall straight into the first one.

2d 2h 58m We're back on the upper floor.

2d 2h 57m Caught a female Lv. 23 Duskull! Nickname: ) )))

2d 2h 56m We run into a wild Duskull and attempt to catch it.

2d 2h 54m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Yamask. Caught a female Lv. 22 Yamask! Nickname: Yama !

2d 2h 53m We fall down the same sandpit as last time.

2d 2h 52m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Numel. Caught a male Lv. 23 Numel! No nickname.

2d 2h 50m We hit Golett with Twister, then throw another Poké Ball. Caught a Lv. 23 Golett! Nickname: Golett K

2d 2h 49m We throw a Poké Ball at a wild Golett. It fails.

2d 2h 48m We won the battle!

2d 2h 48m Kadabra is sent out, but Milotic also takes it down with Return.

2d 2h 47m We are challenged by Psychic Low! He sends out Spoink, who sets up a Light Screen. Milotic uses Twister, then takes it down with Return the next turn.

2d 2h 46m We manage to not fall into the first sandpit. We do not manage to make it past the second.

2d 2h 45m We just entered Relic Castle.

2d 2h 44m Girafarig uses Psybeam. Lombre uses Nature Power, which turns into Earthquake. Next turn, Girafarig goes for Psybeam again, while Lombre switches to Zen Headbutt. Girafarig almost takes out Lombre with Psybeam, but it survives and takes out Girafarig with Bubblebeam. Unfortunately, the sandstorm takes down Lombre. We win the battle, but no EXP is earned.

2d 2h 43m We are challenged by Psychic Tommy. He sends out Girafarig against our Lombre.

2d 2h 41m We saved

2d 2h 40m We talk to a nurse and heal twice.

[Info] During the darkness, we have obtained the Insect Badge, deposited Prinplup and Darumaka in the PC, and released Gurrdurr. Also, Sandile has evolved. We are now in the Desert Resort, where we have caught a Lv.26 male Sigilyph (dpppp) and a Lv.24 female Maractus (Maractustt), who are now part of the team.

[Meta] Live updater is going dark now.

1d 23h 50m We obtain Vs. Recorder and head down towards the Poké Center.

1d 23h 45m Lombre faints from Eelektross' attack. We send out Milotic but becomes paralyzed. A Thunderbolt takes out Milotic. We send out Gurdurr, then Prinplup, Krokorok, and finally Darumaka. But wait, Darumaka levels up to Lv. 30 and does not learn Belly Drum. Subway Bosses defeated!

1d 23h 43m Vs Subway Boss Ingo and Emmet attempt #3! Our Rosa's partner faints just like the last time but we manage to take out Chandelure. Lombre levels to Lv. 33!.

[Snark] stream-feed bot says otherwise and that we have won.

1d 23h 40m We send out Gurdurr, then Krokorok, and then Prinplup. We black out.

1d 23h 36m Lombre faints from foe Chandelure and Elektross' attacks. We send out our Milotic. A Thunderbolt knocks out our Milotic. We send out Darumaka but faints from a Flamethrower.

1d 23h 34m We accept a battle and vs Subway Boss Ingo and Emmet attempt #2!. Enemy knocks out our partner Snivy. Our Lombre becomes paralyzed and our partner Simipour faints too.

1d 23h 32m We buy a TM73 Thunderwave and head back out of the Poké Center to the Subway Bosses.

[Snark] The stream-feed bot kept saying we black out.

1d 23h 29m We encounter a wild Misdreavus. We toss a few Poké Balls but we black out.

1d 23h 28m We find a wild Exeggcute. Milotic takes damage from poison and faints.

1d 23h 24m We face Ranger Serenity. We send out our Milotic against Cottonee, who poisons Milotic. We knock our foe out. Foe Pinsir is sent out. Ranger defeated and we receive a berry as a reward.

1d 23h 22m A wild Combee appears! Caught a male Lv. 24 Combee! No nickname. We find a Woodland Ore.

1d 23h 18m A wild Audino knocks out Gurdurr. We head into Lostlorn Forrest and face Breeder Galen. We send out Milotic who is able to quickly defeat their Bonsly and Sudowoodo. Our Milotic levels up to Lv. 34. We knock out their Mudkip and Togetic and we defeat Breeder Galen.

1d 23h 15m Backpacker Ivan thinks their Piplup can defeat our Gurdurr. Gurdurr is able to knock them out. Ivan sends out Prinplup and Watchog, but respond with Wake-Up Slap. Trainer defeated. As soon as we finish the battle, a wild Minccino appears. Gurdurr grows to Lv. 32!

1d 23h 11m Hector sends out Treecko but we quickly defeat them. We walk further down the path and we face Backers Stu & Art. We send out our Gurdurr and Milotic against Illumise and Volbeat. Good team work allows us to defeat them. Gurdurr levels up to Lv. 31.

1d 23h 8m Hector's Aipom knocks out Lombre, we send out Darumaka who is able to knock out Aipom. Hector sends out Doduo who we manage to defeat. Trainer sends out Ambipom who knocks out our Darumaka. We send out Krokorok but our Krokorok faints too. We send out Gurdurr and Gurdurr levels up to Lv. 30.

1d 23h 5m We head to route 16 and Depot Agent Hank engages us in a battle. Foe Diglett is sent out against our Lombre and a quick Bubble Beam knocks our foe out. Hank sends out Dugtrio who puts Lombre in the red but we manage to knock them out. Trainer defeated, but we walk into Cyclist Hector who challenges us too.

1d 23h 2m We dress up Milotic with a small ribbon. This stranger tell us we have talent.

1d 22h 59m Someone there hands us a Prop Case! We try to leave but this stranger insists on selecting a Pokémon for dress up. We pick Milotic.

1d 22h 56m We take a brief ride on a ferris wheel with Beauty December. Then we head into the Musical Theater.

1d 22h 54m We wander around and challenge Beauty December. We send out Lombre against enemy Pachirisu. Lombre knocks them out and our Lombre levels up to Lv 32. Trainer defeated.

1d 22h 50m We send out Milotic and our partner sends out Simipour. We knock out Chandlure and our Milotic grows to Lv 33 and did not learn rain dance. Milotic is sent out but is knocked out. We send out Krokorok but we black out.

1d 22h 49m Chandlure and Elektross knocks out our Gurdurr and we send out Prinplup. They also knock out our partner. Prinplup faints as well.

1d 22h 47m We talk to the Subway Boss who tells us about double battles. We accept a challenge with the people there. Vs Subway Boss Ingo and Emmet!

1d 22h 45m We're currently in Nimbasa City.

[Meta] We're back in Castelia City. The updater will go dark for now.

1d 21h 47m We black out.

1d 21h 47m We send out Gurdurr. It gets hit by Psyshock, then uses Low Sweep. porygon2 then uses Tri Attack, and Gurdurr goes down.

1d 21h 45m Milotic uses Water Pulse, then gets paralyzed by Thunder Wave. Magnemite uses Signal Beam, confusing Milotic, which hits itself. It then uses Volt Switch again and Porygon2 is sent out, while Milotic knock itself down.

1d 21h 44m We send out Milotic. It uses Water Pulse, which is enough to knock Klink down. Magnemite is back.

1d 21h 44m Klink is sent out, and takes out Prinplup.

1d 21h 43m Prinplup is sent out. It endures Metang attacks and takes it down with two BubbleBeam. Prinplup grows to Lv.26!

1d 21h 43m Metang is sent out and takes out Darumaka. Sandile is sent out. Sandile uses Crunch and Metang retaliates with Bulldoze. Sandile goes down.

1d 21h 41m We send out Darumaka. It gets hit by thunderbolt, then uses Fire Fang. Colress uses a Hyper Potion on Rotom, which gets hit by another Fire Fang. Next turn, Darumaka survives another Thunderbolt and takes out Rotom! Darumaka grows to Lv.29! Sandile grows to Lv. 28!

1d 21h 40m Magnemite is sent out. It sues Volt Switch to swap places with Rotom, which gets hit by BubbleBeam. Air Slash then takes out Lotad.

1d 21h 39m We are challenged by Pokémon Trainer Colress, attempt #8!

1d 21h 38m Lotad uses Bubblebeam on Togepi. Togepi uses Metronome, which turns into Doom Desire. Togepi goes down. Happiny is sent out and goes down immediately. Breeder Irene has been defeated.

1d 21h 37m We're back on Route 4 and get challenged by Breeder Irene.

[Info] This was attempt #7 against Colress.

1d 21h 35m We black out! Back to Castelia City.

1d 21h 35m Sandile is sent out. Rotom uses Signal Beam, and Sandile goes down.

1d 21h 34m Prinplup gets hit by Thunderbolt and goes down immediately.

1d 21h 34m Milotic uses Water Pulse again, then gets hit by Thunderbolt and faints. We send out Prinplup.

1d 21h 34m We send out Milotic. It uses Water Pulse, then gets hit by Thunderbolt. Colress uses an Hyper Potion on Rotom, which then gets hit by another Water Pulse.

1d 21h 33m We send out Darumaka. it gets hit by Thunderbolt, and misses its attack. It then gets hit by another Thunderbolt, and manages to land a Fire Fang before finally going down.

1d 21h 32m We send out Gurdurr, who barely survives an Air Slash. Rotom then uses Dark Pulse, and Gurdurr goes down.

1d 21h 31m Magnemite switches places with Rotom, and Lotad still cannot move. Rotom then proceeds to take out Lotad.

1d 21h 30m Colress sends out Magnemite. Magnemite paralyzes Lotad, who uses Bubblebeam. Next turn, Magnemite uses Signal Beam, and Lotad cannot move.

1d 21h 29m Pokémon Trainer Colress challenges us to a battle! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

1d 21h 29m We move on and talk to Colress. Using some strange device, he gets the Crustle to stop blocking the road.

1d 21h 28m Lotad wakes up and uses Return. Breeder Irene has been defeated!

1d 21h 28m Happiny uses Sweet Kiss. Lotad is now both confused and asleep.

1d 21h 28m Togepi is sent out. Lotad uses Return. Togepi uses Yawn. Lotad uses Return. Happiny is sent out. Lotad falls asleep.

1d 21h 27m We leave and re-enter and challenge Breeder Irene.

1d 21h 26m Togepi is sent out. Lotad uses Return. Togepi uses Metronome, to no avail. Lotad uses Return again. Happiny is sent out. Lotad uses Return. Breeder Irerne has been defeated!

1d 21h 25m We exit Route 4 and re-enter... Breeder Irene wants to battle!

1d 21h 24m Breeder Irene is defeated!

1d 21h 24m Lotad forgets Absorb and learns Zen Headbutt!

1d 21h 24m Lotad uses Return again and knocks out Happiny. Lotad grows to Lv.31!

1d 21h 23m Lotad uses Return and Togepi confuses it. Next turn, Lotad manages to use Return again and knocks out Togepi. Happiny is sent out.

1d 21h 23m We are challenged by Breeder Irene! She sends out Togepi.

1d 21h 22m We exit the city and enter Route 4.

1d 21h 20m We just blacked out and are currently in Castelia City.

[Info] ₽1904 | Balls: 87 | Pokedex: 75 / 169 / 649

AATT6PGPSI (Lotad) ♀ [Antidote] Lv.30 Return / BubbleBeam / Absorb / Nature Power

VQFFEVNTIR (Darumaka) ♀ [Eviolite] Lv.28 Thrash / Fire Fang / Headbutt / Facade

TRSNNEAESK (Milotic) ♂ [Like Mail] Lv.31 Twister / Return / Water Pulse / Recover

L GGG HGMY (Sandile) ♀ [Exp. Share] Lv.27 Swagger / Torment / Sand Tomb / Assurance

TP (Prinplup) ♂ [None] Lv.25 Bide / Metal Claw / Bubble / BubbleBeam

AAAOAYT-UP (Gurdurr) ♀ Lv.29 [None] Rock Throw / Wake-Up Slap / Low Sweep / Smack Down

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. For bot updates, you can check #stream-feed on the Discord.

1d 9h 34m We take Zigzagoona's Full Heal. Now it can pick something up again.

1d 9h 32m Milotic reaches Lv. 21! Milotic learns Recover over Splash!

1d 9h 24m Caught a female Lv. 18 Cacnea! Nickname: CacneaU.

1d 9h 20m Caught a male Lv. 17 Sandshrew! Nickname: AACBRGLOL.

1d 9h 19m We escape from Irene and head out into the sand. Our bike gets stuck, and we have to fight off a few wild Pokémon.

1d 9h 18m Milotic reaches Lv. 20! Defeated Breeder Irene #9!

1d 9h 17m Looks like we might be doing this for awhile. According to #stream-feed, this is the ninth time we've battled Breeder Irene so far...

1d 9h 15m To spice things up we send out Lombre for Happiny. Nature Power is Tri Attack here, and Sweet Kiss confuses us. We still defeat it with Return, though. Defeated Breeder Irene again! ...and we leave and come back to fight her immediately.

1d 9h 14m We leave the area and come back. Vs. Breeder Irene! (Yet again.) We lead with Twister again but this time Togepi's Metronome calls Torment, and we Water Pulse and it uses Electro Ball. Twister takes it down.

1d 9h 12m Milotic wakes up and finishes Togepi with Water Pulse. Happiny is sent out and we Water Pulse there too, and get a crit; Happiny copies the move but it's not very effective. Return finishes it off. Defeated Breeder Irene!

1d 9h 11m We stop by Route 4. Vs. Breeder Irene! (Again.) Togepi vs. Milotic. We use Twister and Togepi yawns, and we manage Return before we fall asleep. Togepi's Metronome rolls Drain Punch.

1d 9h 8m We head outside and hop on our bicy.

1d 9h 7m We buy 24 Poké Balls and receive 2 Premier Balls!

1d 9h 5m We enter the Pokémon Center. After a brief chat about the Geonet, we heal!

1d 9h 2m Iris sees us on the way out; she asks us about y, then tells us to go challenge the gym.

1d 9h 1m Back to the docks of Castelia City.

1d 9h 0m We do several laps around a Veteran before managing to talk to him. He gives us some brief Castelia City lore.

1d 8h 58m We're out of balls now, but we still step outside in the rooftop grass for some air. Picked up a Moon Stone!

1d 8h 56m Caught a male Lv. 19 Gastly! Nickname: AAAKK.

1d 8h 52m Caught a female Lv. 17 Slowpoke! (With a crit capture!) Nickname: AAATBTPPP.

1d 8h 50m Caught a male Lv. 18 Grimer! No nickname.

1d 8h 48m Caught a male Lv. 17 Spinarak! Nickname: AAAA.

1d 8h 45m Milotic faints to a wild Spinarak.

1d 8h 43m Caught a female Lv. 17 Zubat! Nickname: A♂B UGE X.

1d 8h 41m Caught a male Lv. 16 Trubbish! Nickname: TrubbishB,.

1d 8h 39m Back to Castelia Sewers.

[Chat] tppsimulator: see easy every time

1d 8h 37m Caught a female Lv. 20 Rhyhorn! Nickname: ga J.

1d 8h 35m Caught a male Lv. 19 Roggenrola! No nickname. We also pick up a Hard Stone.

[Info] We also encountered Victini at 1d 3h 21m, but we fled. Other catches: Lv. 18♂ Sandile; Lv. 18♀ Hippopotas (QN); Lv. 17♀ Scraggy (NV); Lv. 20♂ Dwebble (DwebbV).

[Info] Also, it looks like we visited the Name Rater! Milotic's name is now Milotic and Lombre is LombreE.

1d 8h 29m Next turn we use Absorb instead. Staryu keeps using Swift but with the Absorb heals we're almost at full health again as it goes down. The last mon, Corsola, doesn't damage us much before it goes down to Absorb. Defeated Scientist Lumina!

1d 8h 29m We use Rock Slide again. Castform uses Powder Snow, but it doesn't do much. We get a flinch next turn, and the next Rock Slide takes it down. Staryu is sent out and outspeeds with Swift as we keep using Rock Slide, but we miss.

1d 8h 28m Vs. Scientist Lumina! Milotic vs. Cherubi; we switch out to Lombre. Nature Power is Rock Slide down here, and Cherubi flinches. Another takes it out and Milotic reaches Lv. 19! We turned on Shift mode at some point, but we don't switch as Castform is sent out.

[Info] Over the past few hours, we changed our party a lot; we caught a Lv. 20♂ Minccino (Minccinotu), a Lv. 17♀ Sandile, a Lv. 19♀ Darumaka, and a Lv. 10♂ Chikorita (ChikoritaY). All of those were in our party for awhile, but we released Sandile and deposited the others, as well as deposited Charmander. We then withdrew Zigzagoona and Piplup♀, and caught a Lv. 18♀ Sandile (L GGG HGMY) which is still in our party.

1d 8h 24m Caught a female Lv. 18 Timburr! Nickname: ag4 ayay. It joins us, and we now have a full party.

[Info] We're currently exploring Relic Passage, defeating a variety of trainers.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. For bot updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

1d 3h 1m Tri Attack is a OHKO. Defeated Fisherman Andrew!

1d 3h 0m We use Tri Attack again. Frillish uses BubbleBeam, but it's not very effective. We finish it off with Absorb, but Cursed Body disables that move; Squirtle is sent out. We use Tri Attack some more as it uses Withdraw, but that doesn't save it. Corphish is sent out.

1d 2h 58m Vs. Fisherman Andrew! Basculin vs. Lombre. It opens with Chip Away and we use Absorb, healing those HP right back. It uses Chip Away again and we use Nature Power Tri Attack, taking it down. Frillish is sent out; we use Tri Attack again but it doesn't affect it. Next turn we're more successful with Absorb, but it's using Night Shade.

1d 2h 57m We take back Lombre's Exp. Share in favor of a Guard Spec.

1d 2h 57m We use the Prism Scale on Feebas! Feebas evolves into Milotic!

1d 2h 56m Charmander puts the Prism Scale in its mouth. Ew, it's all covered in drool now.

1d 2h 55m We give Lombre an EXP Share to hold. We launch a Dire Hit into the free space of our bag.

1d 2h 55m We try to pick up the Prism Scale and accidentally start riding our bike.

1d 2h 54m We toss a Soothe Bell at Feebas. It bounces off, since it's already holding mail.

1d 2h 51m We take a relaxing walk along the shore. Picked up a Prism Scale!

1d 2h 49m Happiny manages to use Charm, but Return still takes it down. Lombre reaches Lv. 26! Defeated Breeder Irene!

1d 2h 47m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Breeder Irene! Lotad vs. Togepi. We use Bubblebeam and Togepi's Metronome calls Double-Edge. We finish it off with Return, and Happiny is sent out.

1d 2h 47m As we head north out of the city, Bianca chases us down and gives us the Dowsing Machine! She explains how to register items and then runs away. We head up to Route 4.

1d 2h 45m Back outside. We stare at the Casteliacone menu, but unfortunately we're low on money.

1d 2h 42m We talk to a lurking clown and receive a male Lv. 10 Charmander! No nickname. It joins our party.

1d 2h 40m Wandering around an office.

1d 2h 37m Checkpointed in Castelia City!

1d 2h 31m Britney sends out Bulbasaur. Return is a OHKO, too. Roselia is sent out and we use Tri Attack, but Roselia survives and uses Magical Leaf. Lombre faints! Blacked out! Back to Virbank City.

1d 2h 30m Vs. Clerk♀ Britney! Lotad vs. Budew. Return is a OHKO, but we're slowly taking damage from poison...

1d 2h 30m We crawl under a desk and pick up a Guard Spec.

1d 2h 28m We enter a building and receive another EXP Share!

1d 2h 27m A clown greets us as we leave the pier and gives us the Shiny Charm!

1d 2h 26m We board the ship and arrive in Castelia City.

1d 2h 23m Back to Virbank City.

1d 2h 21m The grunt flees; we catch up with Hugh for a quick chat before he runs off as well.

1d 2h 20m We send Lombre back out and finish Seviper off with Return. Lombre reaches Lv. 25! Lombre learns BubbleBeam over Growl! Defeated Team Plasma Grunt!

1d 2h 19m We switch to Feebas, removing our confusion. Seviper uses Poison Tail and Feebas faints!

1d 2h 18m Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! (Attempt #3.) This time Venipede leads with Protect as we use Return. Next turn we land a hit, but it uses Poison Sting and Lombre is poisoned. We take it down though, and Zubat too. We use Return and Seviper uses Swagger.

1d 2h 15m At the Pokémon Center, we acquire a few new medals.

1d 2h 14m We use Splash, and Seviper uses Bite; Feebas faints! Blacked out!

1d 2h 13m Feebas uses Return, but it doesn't do much. Seviper uses Swagger and we use Return again, and it uses Screech.

1d 2h 12m We use Return on Seviper, and it uses Swagger. Next turn we hit ourselves in confusion and it uses Poison Tail; Lombre faints!

1d 2h 12m Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! (Attempt #2). This time we start out with Return, and Venipede strikes for 4 whole damage. Another Return finishes it off, and Zubat goes down in one Return again.

1d 2h 10m We run back to Route 20.

1d 2h 8m We send out Feebas, which due to our victory at Pokéstar Studios has little sparklies now! Unfortunately, they don't defend it from Poison Tail, and Feebas faints! Blacked out! Back to Virbank City.

1d 2h 7m Seviper is sent out. We take it to half health with Return, but Poison Tail crits and Lombre faints!

1d 2h 6m Vs. Team Plasma Grunt! Venipede vs Lombre. We use Nature Power, but it turns into Seed Bomb, which doesn't do much; Venipede uses Screech. We switch to Return instead, and take it down; the grunt sends out Zubat, which is also OHKOd by Return.

1d 2h 2m Vs. Nursery Aide Kimya! Dunsparce vs. Lotad. We take it down in a single hit from Nature Power. Defeated Nursery Aide Kimya!

1d 2h 2m Filmed another movie, and it's a smash hit! We celebrate and head to Route 20, where ominous Team Plasma music is playing.

1d 1h 44m We're back in Pokéstar Studios.

[Info] Also, catches we've made since the last update: Growlithe 13♂; Shinx 13♀ (Shinxoobte); Croagunk 13♀ (ooypy); Magnemite 13; Elekid 12♂ (E“+X4 YY M); Audino 12♂ (AAAAAA☺'😄); Spearow 13♀ (Spea). It also looks like we managed to defeat Brawly on our fourth try, right before beating Roxie.

[Info] Since the last update, we beat Roxie and got the Toxic Badge at 1d 0h 12m! We then went to Pokestar Studios and deposited most the team except Lombre and Feebas. We made two movies and went back to Virbank City, where Feebas helped take down a Plasma grunt only to black out to Brawly. We bought 23 Poké Balls and received a Premier Ball, and are currently strolling through Virbank City.

[Meta] Live updater's going dark now. Be sure to follow all the action in the #stream-feed channel in the Discord server

0d 21h 16m We send in feebas. Croagunk's vacuum wave takes out feebas! Blacked out!

0d 21h 16m We send in zigzagoon, who turns purple after touching the spikes. Croagunk thinks up a nasty plot while zigzagoon uses return for little damage. Vacuum wave takes out zigzagoon!

0d 21h 15m We send in hoothoot, whose peck does little damage. Hoothoot goes down!

0d 21h 14m Lucario's return does a bit of damage to koffing. Koffing uses incinerate for a third of lucario's health. A repeat of their attacks leaves both mons on yellow, but lucario's speed proves the deciding factor, with a final return taking out koffing. Croagunk comes in and uses vacuum wave. Lucario faints!

0d 21h 13m We send in piplup, who is immediately poisoned. Roxie sends out koffing whose venoshock takes out piplup! Lucario sent in next

0d 21h 12m We talk to Roxie who threatens us with violence. Versus Gym Leader Roxie, attempt 2! She sends in trubbish who launches toxic spikes and we lead with lombre who uses tri attack. Trubbish lays down some more toxic spikes and lombre uses tri power again. Trubbish decides to explode, taking out lombre!

0d 21h 9m We decide to pick a fight with the DJ, but he refuses the challenge

0d 21h 8m We enter the nightclub/gym and try to make our way to the stage

0d 21h 4m We boot up TM47 Low Sweep. Lucario learns Low Sweep over Counter!

0d 21h 2m We boot up the Return TM. Lucario learns return over endure!

0d 20h 59m We buy 12 Pokéballs and get a free premier ball! We have ₽197 left, so we leave

0d 20h 57m We send in feebas, our final mon. Feebas uses return as lileep absorbs more sunlight. Another return which does little damage and solarbeam takes out feebas! Blacked out! We return some of Roxanne's money and travel all the way back to Virbank City

0d 20h 56m Nosepass's u-turn forces out lileep. The fossil absorbs light for a solar beam. Zigzagoon uses return, which doesn't do much, while solar beam takes out zigzagoon!

0d 20h 54m Lucario faints to nosepass's attack. Zigzagoon is sent in ext

0d 20h 53m Another aerial ace, and counter puts anorith into red health. Roxanne heals with a potion and lucario uses quick attack. Anorith's aerial ace leaves lucario with 5 HP. Force palm finishes off anorith. Roxanne sends in nosepass next

0d 20h 52m We ask for another battle. Lucario gets hit then counters, dealing a bit of damage. Anorith's rock slide reduces lucario's speed as lucario keeps countering, switching to a quick attack which activates anorith's berry juice. Anorith uses another aerial ace followed by rock tomb while lucario keeps quick attacking

0d 20h 50m We send in riolu, who takes out anorith with force palm. Roxanne sends out lileep, who also falls to force palm. Riolu grows to level 18! Roxanne sends in nosepass, who survives a force palm, eats a berry juice, launches a weak attack, then falls to the second force palm. We win. Riolu evolves into lucario!

0d 20h 49m We immediately ask for another battle. Hoothoot versus anorith. Anorith's attack takes hoothoot to half health, while hoothoot puts anorith to sleep then slowly whittles away health with peck. Anorith wakes up and uses rock slide. Hoothoot faints!

0d 20h 48m Riolu comes out and takes out the fossil with force palm. Roxanne sends out lileep next and force palm takes out that fossil as well. Roxanne sends in her nosepass, who gets taken to red health with force palm, eats a berry juice, then launches a couple of weak attacks at riolu. Force palm takes nosepass to red health again, paralysing the living compass, with a second force palm finishing off nosepass. We win!

0d 20h 46m Piplup's peck does little damage, while anorith's bug bite does significant damage. Bubble deals more damage. Roxanne heals and piplup takes anorith back to red health with bubble. Another bug bite and piplup goes down!

0d 20h 45m We enter Aspertia City and wander into the Pokémon school. We talk to a woman who says Alder refused to join the school, citing his age. We make our rway to the teacher and decline her offer for a battle, then accept it. Versus Trainer Roxanne! We send in lombre against her anorith. Lombre's tri attack becomes tri attack, which does a bit of damage, while anorith's rock slide and bug bite leave lombre on red health. A second tri attack takes anorith to red health, but the fossil eats a berry and heals to near-full health. Anorith's cross poison takes out lombre! We send in piplup next

0d 20h 40m We enter Floccesy Town and move on to Route 19

0d 20h 37m After an exciting five minutes, we decide the city's better and head northwards then westwards, passing through the gate...or trying to. Onto Route 20

0d 20h 31m We return to the Virbank Complex

0d 20h 30m We leave the Union Room and step outside. At some point our team got healed!

0d 20h 25m Back into the centre. We head upstairs and try to enter the Union Room, but get told to change our title. We get assigned the title of Pokémon Breeder, save the game, open wireless communications and enter the Union Room

0d 20h 21m We dawdle on the border between Virbank City and Virbank Complex. The city wins and we head to the Pokémon Centre. We talk to the badge guy and obtain the Old Rod Fisherman, Good Rod Fisherman, Battle Veteran, Magikarp Award and Pen Pal medals. We leave without healing and try to sneak into Pokéstar Studios, but get caught

0d 20h 12m A wild shinx does a number on zigzagoon, paralysing the raccoon and taking out zigzagoon!

0d 20h 10m Piplup faints while facing a wild magnemite

0d 20h 9m Piplup grows to level 14 by taking out a wild growlithe

0d 20h 4m Zigzagoon comes out to finish off the elekid, but gets paralysed in the attempt

0d 20h 3m While facing a wild elekid, riolu goes down!

0d 20h 2m Riolu fails to evolve

0d 20h 1m Riolu hits level 17!

0d 19h 58m Riolu is paralysed by a wild elektrike

0d 19h 56m Hoothoot faces a wild growlithe, but gets burned and goes down!

0d 19h 54m Riolu gets sent in to finish the fight and grows to level 16!

0d 19h 53m While battling a magnemite, lombre faints!

0d 19h 42m Lombre grows to level 22!

0d 19h 33m We return to the Virbank Complex

0d 19h 32m We make our way to the Pokémon centre and heal our team!

0d 19h 30m Zigzagoon comes out and takes on the audino, eventually winning. Zigzagoon grows to level 15!

0d 19h 28m We make our way back to Virbank city. There's some rustling grass but we ignore it. We get into a fight with an audino, and piplup goes down!

0d 19h 24m We get a full heal from zigzagoon!

0d 19h 18m Zigzagoon takes out the audino. Zigzagoon grows to level 14 and piplup grows to level 13!

0d 19h 18m We face off against a wild audino. This sack of EXP isn't going down without a fight though. After reducing piplup to red health, we switch to feebas, but feebas goes down! Zigzagoon sent in next

0d 19h 14m While facing a wild elekid, riolu faints to burn damage!

0d 19h 13m We're currently training at the Virbank Complex south of Virbank city

1d 12h 10m Riolu grows to level 15! Learns Force Palm over Return!

[Update] In the time the updater's been dark, we beat Cheren on the fifth attempt and caught a whole bunch of new mons

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for awhile. For bot updates you can check out #stream-feed on the Discord.

0d 9h 27m Swinub faints as well.

0d 9h 25m Lotad and Meowth faint to a wild Taillow. Swinub takes it down and Swinub reaches Lv. 7!

0d 9h 22m Lotad reaches Lv. 10!

0d 9h 17m We go back to the farmers and we heal!

0d 9h 12m Swinub faints to a wild Lillipup.

0d 9h 11m Swinub reaches Lv. 6!

0d 9h 7m Oh, and Swinub learns Mud Sport!

0d 9h 7m Meowth faints to a wild Lillipup. We take revenge and Swinub reaches Lv. 5!

0d 9h 4m Lotad faints!

0d 9h 1m We arrive at Floccesy Ranch and we heal!

0d 8h 58m Meowth reaches Lv. 3!

0d 8h 56m Lotad and Swinub faint to a wild Pidove. We run in terror.

0d 8h 50m After a quick detour back to the Pokémon Center, we arrive at Route 20 again.

0d 8h 46m We enter someone's house and go straight to their TV to calm down.

0d 8h 44m Withdrew Swinub, Hoothoot, and Tyrogue from the PC! We run away.

0d 8h 43m Deposited Patrat and Wurmple in the PC! Withdrew Meowth from the PC!

0d 8h 41m Withdrew the unnamed Wurmple from the PC! Withdrew Lotad from the PC!

0d 8h 35m A wild Houndour corners us. Patrat faints! We black out! Back to Floccesy Town.

0d 8h 31m Picked up an Oval Stone!

0d 8h 30m We flinch Poochyena 3 times in a row with one crit, taking it down. Patrat reaches Lv. 11! We don't learn Detect. Defeated Youngster Kenny!

0d 8h 29m Psyduck takes us to 1 HP, but we take it down. Poochyena is sent out.

0d 8h 28m We try to dodge that Youngster we blacked out to earlier, but he catches us. Vs. Youngster Kenny! Psyduck vs. Patrat. We use Bite as it Tail Whips.

0d 8h 19m We head back to Floccesy Ranch, talk to the farmer, and we heal! We pet their dogs.

0d 8h 13m Thanks to the sacrifice of a wild Wurmple, Patrat grows to Lv. 10! It's currently poisoned, however.

0d 8h 42m Currently grinding on Route 19.

[Chat] brandis41: you guys really like climbing stairs

0d 7h 52m We explore Route 19 for a few seconds before returning to the Pokémon Center again.

0d 7h 45m We heal, although we were fully healed already.

0d 7h 45m Going in and out of the Pokémon Center.

0d 7h 36m After a lot of encounters, Patrat (finally) faints! Blacked out! Back to Floccesy Town.

0d 7h 32m Still wandering through Floccesy Ranch, with Patrat clinging to life at 4 HP.

0d 7h 27m Patrat reaches Lv. 9!

0d 7h 11m Patrat also learns Bide.

0d 7h 10m We throw our single Poké Ball at a Lillipup, but it fails. We faint it instead and Patrat reaches Lv. 8!

0d 7h 7m Back to Floccesy Ranch.

0d 7h 0m We wake up in Floccesy Town and sprint outside.

0d 6h 59m Kenny sends out Poochyena and uses Howl as we start Tackling. Next turn it wins the speed tie and Patrat faints! Blacked out!

0d 6h 59m Psyduck manages one Scratch before fainting. Patrat reaches Lv. 6 7! Patrat learns Bite!

0d 6h 58m Currently meandering through Floccesy Ranch. Vs. Youngster Kenny! Patrat vs. Psyduck. It uses Leer and then Water Sport as we Leer and Tackle.

0d 6h 50m We enter the Pokémon Center, buy a single Poké Ball, and head back outside. We're down to P100 now.

[Info] Looks like in the last 24 minutes, we've deposited everything on the team but yy the Patrat. We're currently wandering forlornly around Floccesy Town.

[Meta] the Live Updater is going dark for now. You can check out #stream-feed in the Discord for bot-run updates.

0d 6h 20m We find a wild Riolu, We throw both of our Poké Balls at the Riolu; neither stucks. Bidoof proceeds to knock out the Riolu.

0d 6h 18m The janitor tells us that there might be items on the ground, and that we should pick them up if we find one.

0d 6h 17m Slakoth, manages an encore, while Bidoof continues to Tackle and knock out Slakoth. Orville defeated.

0d 6h 16m Orville sends out Slakoth. Patrat tackles Slakoth. Slakoth uses Encore. We switch out Patrat for Bidoof, while Slakoth loafs around. Bidoof growls, and Slakoth yawns. Bidoof tackles, then falls asleep, while Slakoth loafs around.

0d 6h 14m We send out Patrat. Pidove growls; Patrat leers. Pidove growls again, Patrat finishes off Pidove with a Tackle. Patrat grew two levels to Lv 6. Patrat learned Bite.

0d 6h 13m We send out yy. Pidove growls; yy leers. Pidovee switches to Gust, while yy continues to Leer. yy pulls off two tackles, but yy faints to Pidove's Gusts.

0d 6h 10m We send out eee, who manages to growl at Pidove, then eee faints to Pidove's Gust.

0d 6h 9m Orville's Pidove finishes off Lotad with a Gust.

0d 6h 9m We return to Janitor Orville for a rematch. He sends out Bidoof; we send out Lotad. The two trade growls, then Lotad switches to Absorb while Bidoof switches to Tackle. Bidoof's first tackle is a critical hit, although absorb healing allows Lotad to survive and take out Bidoof. Lotad grew two levels to Lv 8. Lotad learned Nature Power.

0d 6h 3m The door passed our tests. We head north and return to the ranch

0d 6h 1m We head towards Route 19, save, then turn back to perform more Poké Center door inspections.

0d 5h 59m The center doors continue to handle our stress testing.

0d 5h 58m We switch the order of the Unnamed Patrat and yy the Patrat in our Party. Then swap Lotad and Bidoof. The party order is now Lotad / Bidoof / Patrat / eee / yy.

0d 5h 57m We continue testing the Poké Center's doors. One such step into the center, we buy one Poké Ball and one Poké Ball.

0d 5h 53m We turn on the PC. Deposited VVV the Tepig We leave the Poké Center.

0d 5h 52m We find our way back inside the Poké Center. We talk to a guy who advises us to carry plenty of Potions and Poké Balls.

0d 5h 49m We stress-test the Poké Center's automatic doors. Then, we stay inside long enough to receive a few medals: the Dowsing Beginner, Naming Champ, Battle Learner and Noneffective Artist. Then, we leave the Poké Center.

0d 5h 44m We send out yy. The Pidove alternates between growl and Gust, while yy alternates between Leer and Tackle. As Pidove reaches red health, Pidove lands a critical hit gust, knocking out yy. Blacked out.

0d 5h 42m We send in eee. eee growls at Pidove, but eee falls to Pidove's gust attacks.

0d 5h 42m Orville sends out a Pidove, who moves with a Gust to knock out our Bidoof.

0d 5h 41m We head north, and encounter Janitor Orville, who asks to spar with us. Bidoof vs Bidoof. The two Bidoof trade growls and tackles, and both are brought to red before our Bidoof lands a finishing Tackle on the opposing Bidoof.

0d 5h 38m We walk down a grassy corridor, and We pick up a Quick Claw

0d 5h 37m Bidoof battles a wild Hoothoot, knocks out the Hoothoot, and Bidoof grew to Lv 8.

0d 5h 35m We send out Bidoof. Pidove and Bidoof trade Gusts and Tackles until Pidove faints. Bidoof grew to Lv 7. Molly defeated.

0d 5h 33m We send out the unnamed Patrat. Pidove uses Gust repeatedly; Patrat uses Tackle, then Leer, then Patrat faints.

0d 5h 32m Molly sends out Pidove. Pidove and Lotad trade growls for a four turns. They try a damaging move each, Gust and Astonish respectively, before trading growl for one more turn, after which Lotad tries absorb and Pidove resumes Gust. Gust outdamages Absorb; Lotad faints.

0d 5h 29m We send out Lotad. Azurill's water moves are ineffective against Lotad, but Lotad doesn't deal much damage with Aborb either. Azurill starts spamming Tail Whip, while Lotad's repeated Absorbs eventually knocks out Azurill. Lotad grew to Lv 6

0d 5h 26m Molly sends out a Mareep. We send out VVV. Mareep moves first, using Growl. VVV responds with Ember, knocking out the Mareep. Molly sends out Azurill. Azurill uses Water Sport, while VVV is immobilized. Azurill uses Bubble, and VVV responds with Tackle. Azurill's next Water Gun knocks out VVV.

0d 5h 25m We leave the patch of grass, and head through a break in the fencing northward. We walk around in a circle, and get spotted by a trainer. Vs. Lass Molly.

0d 5h 15m We resume shuffling back and forth, continuing the grind.

0d 5h 14m We stand in place, stunned at the lack of evolution.

[Info] There was no b-bar, nor forced evolution.

0d 5h 11m VVV reaches red health. VVV survives the next few battles regardless. VVV grows to Lv. 17. VVV does not evolve.

0d 4h 56m A Mareep's Static Paralyzes VVV.

0d 4h 52m We throw the Poké Ball at a wild Azurill. The Azurill escapes. VVV defeats Azurill with Ember for its insolence.

0d 4h 50m We enter Floccesy Ranch, and return to the patch of grass just west of the entrance.

0d 4h 50m We head north, back towards the ranch, until we get distracted by a parting in the trees. We go down the path and look at the rocks at the end of the path. We find a hidden Poké Ball

0d 4h 46m We enter the Poké Center, We heal, we stand in front of the shopkeepers for a moment, we leave the Poké Center.

0d 4h 44m VVV is down to red health. Unable to stand the ensuing *badom badom badom*, we flee the ranch's patch of tall grass and return to Floccesy Town.

0d 4h 38m VVV grew to Lv 16

0d 4h 29m We continue our sheep hunting session, featuring a lot of things that are not actually sheep.

0d 4h 21m While grinding, beating up a Riolu tipped YYY's experience to the next level. YYY grew to Lv 15. YYY learned Flame Charge over Tail Whip

0d 4h 14m We throw our last Poké Ball at a Psyduck. Caught a male Lv. 7 Psyduck! No nickname

0d 4h 13m Caught a female Lv. 8 Hoothoot! Nickname: Hoothootww

0d 4h 9m We find a Riolu, and throw half of our remaining Poké Balls at Riolu before knocking it out with VVV's Ember.

0d 4h 7m A Tyrogue escapes a few Poké Balls, then is taken down to red health with one of VVV's tackle, then escapes a few more Poké Balls. Eventually, one sticks. Caught a male Lv. 5 Tyrogue! No nickname

0d 4h 1m Caught a male Lv. 8 Mareep! Nickname: nine spaces followed by an s

0d 3h 59m We enter the tall grass and start chucking balls. A Hoothoot escapes us. However, Caught a female Lv. 7 Lillipup! No Nickname

0d 3h 56m We continue heading north, entering Floccesy Ranch.

0d 3h 55m We throw a Poké Balls at a wild Meowth until the Meowth stays in one. Caught a male Lv. 2 Meowth! Nickname: aaaaaaakw.

0d 3h 51m We head north then east, leaving the town and entering Route 20.

0d 3h 49m We emerge from the Floccesy Poké Center. We look at our trainer card as we walk the streets.

0d 3h 47m We send out Patrat. Lillipup strikes first, knocking out Patrat. Blacked out.

0d 3h 46m We carefully decide which of our remaining Pokémon to send out first. We send out eee, who manages to make the first move with Bide, but then eee is 1HKOed by Lillipup's Bite.

0d 3h 44m We send out yy, who was already badly damaged from the battle in which we caught yy. yy faints to Lillipup's next attack.

0d 3h 43m We send out Bidoof, who survives one strike from Lillipup, but Bidoof faints to Lillipup's next strike.

0d 3h 42m We send out Lotad. Lillipup uses the opportunity to buff, allowing Lotad to land an Absorb. Lillipup takes out Lotad with his next move

0d 3h 41m Cherren sends out Lillipup, who manages to strike and take down the last of VVV's health. VVV fainted.

0d 3h 40m Vs Cheren Attempt #2. VVV vs Minccino. Minccino starts with Attract, which immobolizes VVV. Minccino buffs with Work Up, while VVV continues to attracted. VVV pulls off an Ember, and Minccino starts attacking as well. VVV gets taken down to 3HP by the time their traded attacks take down Minccino.

[info] ₽620 | Balls: 22 | Pokedex: 11 / 36 / 649

♀♀VVVVVVV♀ (Tepig) ♂ [None] Lv.14 Defense Curl / Tail Whip / Ember / Tackle
Bidoof ♂ [None] Lv.6 Tackle / Growl
LotadOO R (Lotad) ♀ [None] Lv.5 Astonish / Growl / Absorb
yy (Patrat) ♀ [None] Lv.5 Tackle / Leer
eee (Kricketot) ♀ [None] Lv.3 Growl / Bide
Patrat ♀ [None] Lv.4 Tackle / Leer

0d 3h 37m We return to the city, then head striaght to the school-slash-gym. We stop in the school long enough to hear that normal types are weak to Fighting types, but there aren't many of those around these parts.

0d 3h 35m We walk past the Poké Center, then turn back and walk past the Poké Center in the other direction and walk north up to the town gate.

0d 3h 33m Having filled our party, we leave Route 19 and enter Aspertia City.

0d 3h 32m Caught a female Lv. 4 Patrat! No Nickname

0d 3h 31m We encounter a Purrlion, use a Fresh Water to heal scratch damage to Tepig, then flee from the Purrloin.

0d 3h 30m Also using a Premier Ball, Caught a female Lv. 3 Kricketot! Nickname: eee

0d 3h 28m We go to Route 19, and throw a Premier Ball at the first thing we find. Caught a Female Lv 5 Patrat! Nickname yy Added to the party.

0d 3h 26m We turn off the PC, and start running around the Poké Center until we flee the Poké Center and continue running around outside.

0d 3h 25m We keep just about depositing Tepig, but keep not quite going through with it. We released Purloin

0d 3h 24m We deposit tttg.

0d 3h 24m We look at the summary of our party Pokémon status using the PC interface.

0d 3h 23m We return to the Poké Center. We turn on the PC and deposit Swinub.

0d 3h 21m We walk into a house, and stand right between a kid and the TV. We watch one round of the celebrity channel. We leave the house, before entering and releaving the house.

0d 3h 19m After healing, we talk to the medal guy and receive two medals, one of which was the Light Walker medal. Then, we emerge from the Floccesy Town Poké Center.

0d 3h 17m We send out Swinub; Minccino takes out Swinub in one attack. Blacked Out

0d 3h 16m Cheren sends out a Minccino, who starts with Work Up; We send out tttg who starts with Bug Bite. Minccino uses attack, then a damaging move twice to knock out tttg.

0d 3h 15m We walk up to Cheren's balcony. Cheren says we should have a battle we'd both be proud of. Vs Cheren.

0d 3h 13m We walk around the yard, talking to the second gym trainer again and inspecting some of the yard's flood lights.

0d 3h 12m We send out ttttg the Sewaddle; Pedro sends out a Snubbull. tttg uses Bug Bite, to land a criit. Snubbull uses Charm to debuff tttg. tttg continues Bg Bite, while Snubbull uses Scary Face. The snubbull faints to the moves that actually deal damage. Pedro defeated.

0d 3h 9m Bidoof is send out, and Bidoof is 1HKOed by the uproar. We send out Lotad, who is also 1HKOed by uproar, although the Whismur finally faints from its burn.

0d 3h 8m We send out Aehs the Purloin; Purloin is 1HKOed by the Whismurs continued uproar.

0d 3h 7m Pedro sends out a Whismur. Tepig uses Ember to burn the Whismur, then Tepig Faints to an Uproar.

0d 3h 6m We go back to the first gym trainer. Vs. Youngster Pedro. He sends out a Rattata against Tepig. Rattata uses Tail Whip followed by Bite and Quick Attack. Tepig constantly uses Ember until Rattata faints.

0d 3h 5m Serena sends out Cleffa last. Cleffa continues charming Tepig, while Tepig uses ember to damage cleffa until Cleffa faints. Serena defeated.

0d 3h 4m Serena sends out an Igglybuff. Both sides use Defense Curls to buff, then Igglybuff uses Charm to lower Tepig's attack, and Tepig uses Ember to take down Igglybuff.

0d 3h 3m We talk to the second gym trainer. Vs. Lass Serena. She sends out Pidove, we send out Tepig. Tepig repeats embers until Pidov falls. Tepig grew to Lv 13. Tepig learned Defense Curl over Odor Sleuth

0d 3h 1m Cheren introduces himself, then tells us to defeat his two gym trainers. We ignore the first one, then check our Pokémon's status, then walk past the second one.

0d 2h 59m Clyde, the gym guide, stops us as we pass through the door and gives us a Fresh Water. He then explains what a Gym is.

0d 2h 59m We walk around the city in a circle, taking a long route to the trainer school. We enter the school, and pass through to the backyard.

0d 2h 56m We try to walk through the edges of the Aspertia Gate, but eventually find the door, and pass through the gate to reach Aspertia City.

0d 2h 54m We head uot of town to Route 19, where Alder stops us, jumps off a cliff again, then gives us a bunch of Oran Berries, then encourages us to challenge Gym Leaders.

0d 2h 51m Alder gives us a speech about type matchups, then heals our team again. We head outside and we receive the Medal Box! We receive our first set of Medals.

0d 2h 49m Another Water Gun and Tepig faints! We send out Sewaddle and Bug Bite until Oshawott goes down. Sewaddle reaches Lv. 11! Defeated School Kid Cassie!

0d 2h 48m We send Tepig back out. Panpour uses Lick a few times and Tepig is paralyzed, but we live long enough to take it down. Oshawott is sent out and starts using Water Gun.

0d 2h 48m After a few Scratches, Bidoof faints!

0d 2h 47m We send out Bidoof as Panpour uses Scratch; we start using Tackle.

0d 2h 45m After a few hits, we switch out to Purrloin. Panpour uses Lick as we use Growl, then starts using Water Gun, and Purrloin faints!

[Info] Oh, in that last battle Tepig reached Lv. 12.

0d 2h 45m Alder heals us between battles. Vs. School Kid Cassie! Panpour vs. Tepig.

0d 2h 43m Vs. School Kid Seymour! Pansage vs. Tepig; we take it down in a few Embers. Next out is Snivy, which we Ember once before missing and then trying a Poké Ball. We then remember it's a Trainer battle and Ember again. Defeated School Kid Seymour!

0d 2h 42m We head back to Floccesy Town and enter school.

0d 2h 38m Currently exploring Pledge Grove.

0d 2h 36m After turning on the PC a few times, we run back outside; we're currently hanging out at the north side of town.

0d 2h 32m We buy 23 Poké Balls and receive 2 Premier Balls!

0d 2h 29m We heal (again).

0d 2h 23m We return to Floccesy Town. Alder greets us, tells us we look way older, and asks us for some help. We instead duck in and out of the Pokémon Center, then run back to Route 19.

[Info] Oh, and Tepig got healed, presumably once we were done with the Herdier quest.

[Info] Also, over the last few minutes, we successfully located that Herdier.

0d 2h 22m Tepig has fainted, and we're currently heading back down Route 20.

0d 2h 13m Also, we save.

0d 2h 12m We pick up a Potion.

0d 2h 4m We talk to y and receive the EXP Share!

0d 2h 2m We talk to the farmer we're helping and we heal!

0d 1h 57m A wild Tyrogue breaks the last of our Poké Balls.

0d 1h 54m Caught a male Lv. 7 Lillipup! Nickname: arrrxr.

0d 1h 51m We head back to Floccesy Ranch and pet the Herdier repeatedly.

0d 1h 48m We save! In-game time: 1:46.

0d 1h 47m Back to Route 20.

0d 1h 43m We send out our last Pokémon, Swinub. Pidove uses Growl as we use Odor Sleuth, and then we go back to throwing Poké Balls. We pull off one last Tackle and one last Poké Ball before Swinub faints! Blacked out! Back to Floccesy Town.

0d 1h 40m Vs. Janitor Orville! Sewaddle vs. Bidoof. We test our our new Bug Bite as Bidoof uses Growl and Tackle, and after a few turns Bidoof goes down. Sewaddle reaches Lv. 10! Pidove is sent out, and we Bug Bite it once before throwing some Poké Balls at it. A crit Gust means Sewaddle faints!

0d 1h 37m With the battle over, we give y the Town Map. A farmer shows up and gives us a Soothe Bell, and gives one to y as well. They tell us their Herdier is hiding somewhere, and y rushes off to search for it; we follow him.

0d 1h 36m Oshawott seems to be stuck in a Tail Whip loop. After a lot of Tackles, Oshawott faints, and Sewaddle grows to Lv. 8 9! Sewaddle learns Bug Bite! Defeated Pokémon Trainer y!

0d 1h 35m We send out Sewaddle and use String Shot until we're faster, and then both of us start using Tackle. Oshawott spices it up with Tail Whip, too.

0d 1h 33m Oshawott recovers with its Oran Berry and keeps using Growl. It finally remembers it has Tackle and Lotad faints!

0d 1h 32m Bidoof faints too. We send out Lotad and start using Absorb. Oshawott's Water Gun isn't very effective...but we're also level 5, so our Absorbs don't do much. The heals help offset Water Gun though.

0d 1h 31m Purrloin faints as soon as we send it out. We send Bidoof instead and Tackle.

0d 1h 30m Taillow outspeeds with Peck and we use Tackle. Taillow sets up Focus Energy as we Ember, then we both start using Tail Whip and Growl. We snap out of it first and take Taillow down with ember. Tepig reaches Lv. 10! y sends out Oshawott, who's also Lv. 10 by now. A crit Water Gun means Tepig faints!

0d 1h 30m Vs. Pokémon Trainer y! Taillow vs. Tepig.

0d 1h 29m We mess around with the settings, turning Set Mode on.

0d 1h 28m We head up to Floccesy Ranch.

0d 1h 27m We hop the ledge, going back to the start of Route 20.

0d 1h 26m Caught a female Lv. 6 Seedot! Nickname: Seedotdn7.

0d 1h 24m We take down a wild Sewaddle and Tepig grows to Lv. 9! Tepig learns Odor Sleuth!

0d 1h 22m Caught a female Lv. 5 Lotad! Nickname: LOTADOO R. With that, our party is now full again.

0d 1h 21m Caught a female Lv. 4 Swinub! No nickname. It joins our party. Also, we pick up a Parlyz Heal as soon as that's done.

0d 1h 20m We give Sewaddle a Poké Ball.

0d 1h 14m We encounter a rare wild Bagon! ...but a couple hits from Rage mean Sewaddle faints! For the first time this run, we black out! Back to Floccesy Town.

0d 1h 11m We send out Sewaddle, and Hoothoot starts spamming Foresight and Growl, forgetting it has an attack. We take it down with Tackle and Sewaddle grows to Lv. 7! Defeated Youngster Petey!

0d 1h 10m After a lot of Tackles, Purrloin faints! Only Sewaddle is left, and with 4 HP.

0d 1h 9m Hoothoot Tackles us, but after our Growls it doesn't do much. We wake up and go back to Scratch spam...and then Hypnosis sends us to sleep again.

0d 1h 8m Hoothoot starts spamming Growl. We alternate between our only two moves, Growl and Scratch. Hoothoot realizes it has Hypnosis and puts us to sleep...and then it keeps spamming Growl anyway.

0d 1h 7m With a single hit from Hoothoot, Bidoof faints! We send out Purrloin. Hoothoot misses an attack and we use Scratch, but Purrloin's only Lv. 3, so it doesn't do much.

0d 1h 6m With the help of a crit Tackle, we take Lillipup down. Sewaddle reaches Lv. 6! We send Bidoof back out as Petey sends out Hoothoot.

0d 1h 4m Vs. Youngster Petey! Spearow vs. Bidoof. It uses Peck as we use Growl, and then also starts in on the stat drop party. We start Tackling, and Spearow gets so distracted by Leering and Growling that it goes down. We send out Sewaddle as Petey sends out Lillipup.

0d 1h 3m Caught a male Lv. 5 Sewaddle! Nickname: ttttg. It joins our party.

0d 1h 2m We send out Bidoof and start Tackling as Sunkern sets up with Ingrain and Growth, but it goes down before it can attack again. Defeated Lass Isabel!

0d 1h 0m Tepig uses Scratch and our Blaze burns it, allowing us to survive another Scratch and take it down. Tepig reaches Lv. 8! Tepig learns Ember! Pidgey is sent out and we try our brand new move; we're sent to 1 HP but survive to take it down. Sunkern is sent out and we use Tail Whip as it uses Absorb. Tepig faints!

0d 1h 0m We sprint straight to Route 20. Vs. Lass Isabel! Purrloin vs. Tepig.

0d 0h 59m Tepig reaches Lv. 7!

0d 0h 57m Caught a male Lv. 3 Purrloin! Nickname: AAAehhssss. With all those spots freed up, it joins our party.

0d 0h 56m Back outside, on Route 19.

0d 0h 54m Oh, not true anymore, because we heal!

0d 0h 54m Deposited everything but Tepig and the nameless Bidoof. We tried to deposit Bidoof too, but it's our last mon that's not fainted.

0d 0h 47m We enter the Pokémon Center! Checkpoint in Floccesy Town. A nearby Trainer advises us to read the Help menu in the PC; we run away.

0d 0h 45m Currently wandering between Route 19 and Floccesy Town.

0d 17h 40m We send out our other Bidoof. Ziggy starts spamming Growl as we Tackle away. It switches to Tail Whip and we keep attacking until it goes down. Bidoof reaches Lv. 6! Defeated Youngster Terrell!

0d 0h 39m We're currently in Shift mode, but decline to switch out as Terrell sends out Zigzagoon. It uses Tackle and AJPMMMIQQQ faints!

0d 0h 39m Patrat Leers one last time, and then we get a Tackle crit. AJPMMMIQQQ reaches Lv. 5 and learns Growl!

0d 0h 38m Patrat opens with Leer for disrespect. We pull off a Tackle before Tepig faints. We send out the nicknamed Bidoof and Patrat flinches us for a turn, then uses Leer. We're both Tackling at the moment.

0d 17h 37m Never mind, we're on Route 20 now. And we've just encountered our first Trainer! Vs. Youngster Terrell! Patrat vs. Tepig (poisoned at 1 HP).

0d 0h 37m We catch up with Alder, who tells us to head north to Route 20. We start heading south.

0d 0h 36m A nearby boy asks if we want to know what Alder taught him. We says we're not interested.

[Info] Our Pokedex hasn't carried over from the other Gauntlet runs yet, which is why we're currently at 6 seen and 4 caught.

0d 0h 30m Arrived in Floccesy Town! Tepig's at 1 HP, but it isn't taking damage since we're in the future of Pokémon now.

0d 0h 29m Caught a male Lv. 4 Patrat! No nickname. With that, our party is full...for now.

0d 0h 28m We encounter a Weedle and Tepig becomes poisoned.

0d 0h 28m As we dig through the tall grass, we pick up a Potion!

[Snark] Guys.....guys, I didn't mean........

0d 0h 27m Caught a male Lv. 2 Wurmple! Nickname: ADDDDFPPPR. It joins us as well.

[Snark] Next catch a Lv. 2 male Wurmple with a name, please...

0d 0h 24m Caught a male Lv. 3 Wurmple! No nickname. Also in the party.

0d 0h 23m Caught a male Lv. 4 Bidoof! Nickname: AJPMMMIQQQ. It joins us too.

0d 0h 22m Caught a male Lv. 5 Bidoof! No nickname. It joins our party.

0d 0h 21m We start exploring Route 19, only to be stopped by Alder. He says our Tepig looks fine ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ, then tells us to follow him.

0d 0h 18m We head into Aspertia Gate. Obtained the Bicycle!

0d 0h 14m Mom gives us the Running Shoes! y's little sister gives us two Town Maps and asks us to take one to him too.

0d 0h 13m Bianca leads us to the Pokémon Center and we heal for the very first time! She also introduces us to the PC, and the Mart that's a few feet away from the PC. Obtained 30 Poké Balls!

0d 0h 12m We trade off on our two moves. y gets a lucky hit that sends Tepig to 1 HP, but we manage to faint Oshawott. Tepig reaches Lv. 6! Defeated Pokémon Trainer y!

0d 0h 11m Vs. Pokémon Trainer y! He says he raised his Oshawott from an egg. Of course, we still mostly all know Tail Whip and Tackle...

0d 0h 9m Obtained a Lv. 5 Tepig! Nickname: ♀♀VVVVVVV♀.

0d 0h 8m We also receive the key for Black City! Not that any of these options are available at the moment...

0d 0h 7m We receive the keys for Easy Mode and Challenge Mode!

0d 0h 5m In typical TPP fashion, we delay our adventure by wandering into a random house instead.

0d 0h 4m After a chat with our mom, we head outside and meet up with y. Our adventure begins...

0d 0h 2m We're a boy! Our name is ♀♀R and our rival is called y.

[Info] The title screen is live! Blaze Black 2 is about to begin!