Updater archive for #14gevpff3p1gs

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The Gauntlet - Crystal

The live updater will not be running during Gauntlet Emerald, but will return for Gauntlet Platinum

This decision was hard to make, and required lots of thought and consultation with the Live Updater team. Due to reduced activity for updating Gauntlet Crystal compared to Gauntlet Red, the goal is to rest up during Emerald so we can come back strong during Gauntlet Platinum. StreamFeed will still be running during this run.

Link to next updater archive

[Snark] The runs over, go home.

8d 16h 29m Intermission Time! We're on the GBA Roulette, starting with some Spyro in preparation for Gauntlet Emerald.

[Snark] Hey, RED, you can't beat us with two battles like that! Cheater!

8d 14h 8m Vileplume charges up Solarbeam. After one more Razor Leaf, Meganium goes down! Whited out!

8d 14h 8m Vileplume hits itself in confusion. We get a crit Razor Leaf.

8d 14h 7m We survive another Petal Dance with 3 HP, but are fully paralyzed again...

8d 14h 7m Vileplume keeps Petal Dancing as we manage another Giga Drain.

8d 14h 6m We use Giga Drain, but it's not very effective. Vileplume uses Stun Spore, then uses Petal Dance and gets a crit while Meganium's fully paralyzed.

8d 14h 5m We say yes to the Trainer House again, with only one Pokémon remaining! Vs. RED (gauntlet)! Vileplume vs. Meganium.

8d 14h 2m Electrode uses Selfdestruct! ...but Meganium survives! Defeated RED again!

8d 14h 1m Electrode uses Swift as we use Body Slam, which crits. Electrode eats its Berry.

8d 14h 0m Rhydon recovers with its Berry, but it still faints to Meganium's Giga Drain. Red sends out Electrode.

8d 14h 0m We use Flamethrower again, but another Earthquake means Entei faints! Only Meganium remains...

8d 13h 59m We use Flamethrower and Entei barely survives an Earthquake. Red switches out to Dodrio, and our Flamethrower crits, instantly taking it down. Red sends out Rhydon again.

8d 13h 58m We send out Entei and use Flamethrower, taking Rapidash down. Red sends out Rhydon.

8d 13h 57m Another Fire Blast hits and Ursaring faints!

8d 13h 56m Fire Blast crits, and we survive the next Fire Blast with 12 HP to use Slash. Rapidash recovers with its Berry.

8d 13h 56m We switch to Ursaring as Rapidash uses Fire Blast.

8d 13h 54m Poliwrath recovers with its Berry, but that's not enough to protect it from Giga Drain. Red sends out Rapidash.

8d 13h 53m Machamp faints! We send out Meganium and use Giga Drain. Poliwrath hits us with Ice Beam.

8d 13h 52m Hypnosis misses and we land a Strength before Hypnosis finally hits. Poliwrath starts using Surf.

8d 13h 51m We send out Entei, then switch to Machamp. Poliwrath misses Hypnosis.

8d 13h 49m Rocky survives another Petal Dance and lands an Iron Tail; Vileplume faints! Red sends out Poliwrath.

8d 13h 47m We land another Surf before Politoed faints from Solarbeam! We send out Rocky and use Iron Tail as we take damage from Petal Dance.

8d 13h 47m We head back to the Trainer House. Vs. RED (Gauntlet)! We send out Politoed against Vileplume and use Surf; it charges Solarbeam.

8d 13h 42m Entei survives an Earthquake with Focus Band!...but its Flamethrower doesn't take out Miltank, who uses Return. Entei faints! Whited out!

8d 13h 42m Miltank uses Return as Entei uses Flamethrower.

8d 13h 41m Miltank uses Earthquake for disrespect and Meganium faints! Only Entei is left standing...

8d 13h 41m Meganium clutches a Return to crit a Giga Drain.

8d 13h 40m Miltank uses Return as we use Giga Drain. Both of us recover with Leftovers.

8d 13h 39m We send out Meganium. Miltank recovers most its missing health with Milk Drink as we use Giga Drain.

8d 13h 38m With another Earthquake, Machamp faints!

8d 13h 37m We send out Machamp. Miltank uses Earthquake and we use Vital Throw.

8d 13h 37m We survive another Earthquake to Slash again, but Ursaring faints from poison!

8d 13h 36m Miltank uses Earthquake as we use another Slash.

8d 13h 35m We send out Ursaring, who becomes badly poisoned by Toxic. Our Slash crits.

8d 13h 34m Miltank uses Earthquake and Rocky faints!

8d 13h 33m Rocky survives another Psychic to take Kenya down. Next out is Miltank.

8d 13h 32m Kenya uses Psychic and we miss Iron Tail. Our next Iron Tail hits and Kenya's defense drops.

8d 13h 31m We send out Rocky. Kenya has to recharge, and we use the turn to land an Iron Tail.

8d 13h 30m Kenya uses Hyper Beam and Politoed faints!

8d 13h 29m We head back to the Trainer House. Vs. EVAN! Noctowl vs. Politoed.

8d 13h 23m Raichu uses Mega Kick, and Rocky faints! Whited out!

8d 13h 22m Vs. (((! ...with only an 11 HP Rocky.

8d 13h 22m We walk upstairs and check out our reflection in the window. Lookin' good!

8d 13h 20m We clutch an Earthquake with 8 HP and finish off Rhydon with Iron Tail. Rocky reaches Lv. 77! Defeated Red!

8d 13h 19m Rocky is sent out. Earthquake takes us to half health, and we land an Iron Tail; Rhydon recovers with its Berry.

8d 13h 19m Machamp misses Cross Chop and faints to Earthquake. We send out Politoed and use Whirlpool, but miss, then Attract, which fails. Politoed faints! Rocky is left standing.

8d 13h 17m Electrode uses Thunderbolt, but Machamp clutches and lands another Cross Chop. Red sends out Rhydon.

8d 13h 17m Machamp takes Dodrio down with Cross Chop. Electrode is sent out and uses Swift; we land another Cross Chop and it recovers with a Berry.

8d 13h 16m Dodrio uses Tri Attack and Ursaring is paralyzed. We manage another Slash before going down to Tri Attack. Ursaring faints!

8d 13h 15m Rapidash uses Fire Blast; Slash takes it to low health, and it recovers with its Berry. It manages another Fire Blast before fainting. Ursaring reaches Lv. 79! Red sends out Dodrio.

8d 13h 14m We send out Ursaring. Poliwrath misses Hypnosis, and a Slash crit takes it down. Red sends out Rapidash.

8d 13h 13m After a couple Ice Beams, Meganium faints!

8d 13h 13m Poliwrath puts us to sleep with Hypnosis, then starts using Ice Beam.

8d 13h 12m We send out Meganium and use Giga Drain, putting Poliwrath at half health. It uses Amnesia and recovers with its Berry.

[Chat] Chat is having nightmares of Mt. Silver.

8d 13h 11m Poliwrath uses Surf and Entei faints!

8d 13h 11m Politoed reaches Lv. 68! Red sends out Poliwrath.

8d 13h 10m We use Flamethrower and Solarbeam crits. Vileplume recovers with a berry, but Flamethrower still takes it down.

8d 13h 9m Vs. RED (gauntlet)! He sends out Vileplume against Politoed. We switch out to Entei as Vileplume charges Solarbeam.

8d 13h 7m We go on a little walk, then reenter the Trainer House.

8d 13h 4m Hit by Return! Meganium faints! Whited out! We wake up in Viridian City.

8d 13h 4m Miltank uses Return as we use Body Slam. Both of us recover with Leftovers.

8d 13h 3m We send out Entei, who faints to a crit Earthquake. We send out Meganium and Miltank uses Earthquake again as we use Giga Drain.

8d 13h 1m Miltank uses Earthquake as we use Slash again. Another hit and Ursaring faints!

8d 13h 0m Return takes us to half health as we land another Slash crit. Miltank uses Milk Drink again.

8d 12h 58m With another Earthquake, Machamp faints! We send out Ursaring. Miltank uses Milk Drink, bringing it nearly to full health, and we use Slash.

8d 12h 57m Miltank uses Earthquake as we use another Cross Chop. It's also carrying Leftovers.

8d 12h 56m We send out Machamp. Miltank uses Toxic and Machamp is badly poisoned. Cross Chop hits but doesn't quite do a third of Miltank's health.

8d 12h 56m Miltank uses Earthquake and gets overkill with a crit. Rocky faints!

8d 12h 55m Kenya uses Psychic again; Iron Tail hits this time and drops defense. Kenya lands a Hyper Beam crit before Iron Tail finishes the job. Evan sends out Miltank.

8d 12h 54m We send out Rocky and use Iron Tail. Kenya recovers and uses Psychic; our next Iron Tail misses.

8d 12h 54m We use Waterfall on the recharge turn. Kenya uses Hyper Beam again and Politoed faints!

8d 12h 53m Kenya uses Hyper Beam, instantly taking Politoed into the red. We use Surf.

8d 12h 52m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer EVAN! He sends out a Lv. 100 Kenya against Politoed.

[Info] Since the last update, we caught a male Lv. 18 Houndour (no name) and a male Lv. 5 Kabuto (HHHPGFEULL). We also returned to the Trainer House: we lost to ((( again, then defeated the version of ((( with the Dual Blue team, then lost to him, then lost to Gauntlet RED. Currently we're still hanging out in the Trainer House.

[Info] We also continued our adventures at the Trainer House; here's all our battles from after our victory at Mt. Silver:

1) Lost to KAY (Burning Red); 2) Lost to ((( (Dual Red); 3) Defeated AJDNNW (Crystal); 4) Lost to RED (Gauntlet Red); 5) Defeated AJDNNW (Crystal); 6) Lost to EVAN (Anniversary Crystal); 7) Defeated RED (Gauntlet Red)

[Info] Since the last update, we've caught a lot of Pokémon. The full list is: Lv5♂ Squirtle (AAAAAAAAA); Lv20♂ Larvitar (AABKMMMDD); Lv5 Unown (no name); Lv20♀ Smeargle (no name); Lv22♂ Natu (AA); Lv17♂ Murkrow (SSRQIHHHH-); Lv18♀ Persian (AAAAAAABBG). We're currently searching the grass of Route 7.

8d 4h 7m We're currently grinding in the Trainer House in Viridian City. It's been set up so it can be accessed all the time. Cal has been replaced by a set of past hosts, including Kay of Burning Red, Red of Gauntlet Red, AJ of Crystal and Evan of Anniversary Crystal amongst others. We're currently facing Gauntlet Red's Red

[Meta] Updater's going dark now. Enjoy your post-game, guys. Many thanks to all our updaters over the past 2 runs, and you can continue to catch updates at #stream-feed on the Discord server

8d 0h 17m Stream's refreshed. Next run timer is now where the live splits were

8d 0h 17m Which means the next run will be at 1 AM UTC on Saturday 7 March

8d 0h 16m A timer's been put up for Gauntlet Emerald. It starts in 4 days, 12 hours and 44 mins

8d 0h 14m Inputs appear to have frozen. Inputs are still being queued up but we're stuck

Also Happy Day 9

8d 0h 11m And we're back in Viridian City, making our way north. Think we're just trying to fill the dex for now

7d 23h 58m We're sent all the way back to Mt Silver, cause we didn't checkpoint in Viridian City

7d 23h 57m Another ice beam and politoed is at 1 HP. A final ice beam and politoed falls! Blacked out! Kay wins this round

7d 23h 57m Politoed switches to whirlpool, leaving gyarados with a bit of health. Gyarados's thunderbolt leaves politoed on red health as the whirlpool damage finishes off gyarados. Next up is chansey. Politoed traps chansey in a whirlpool as chansey uses double team. Politoed tries attract again, but lesbianism still isn't a thing and it fails. Chansey's ice beam does minor damage. Politoed uses waterfall, doing chip damage, as ice beam takes more health from politoed and freezes the frog

7d 23h 54m We throw politoed, our final mon, into the fight. An ether proves useless, so politoed tries an attract. Alas, homosexuality doesn't exist in Pokémon it seems and attract fails. Gyarados puts politoed to yellow with 2 thunderbolts

7d 23h 53m A single strength leaves gyarados at red health. A single hydro pump finishes off ursaring!

7d 23h 53m We try ursaring next. Starmie's surf leaves ursaring at just above half health, while slash does a decent chunk of damage. A second surf and ursaring is at red health as the bear switches to strength, taking out the starmie. Ursaring grows to level 76! Gyarados returns

[Snark] Somehow I feel entei's roar wasn't a good choice

7d 23h 51m Steelix is sent in next. Starmie's surf takes out steelix!

7d 23h 50m We try machamp next. Starmie's psychic OHKOs machamp!

7d 23h 50m We send in meganium, who's put to red by a blizzard and gets frozen. The second blizzard misses as meganium's leftovers bring him out of red health. The third blizzard takes out meganium!

7d 23h 49m Our opponent today is Kay, our Burning Red host. Versus Pokémon Trainer Kay! He sends out DD) the hitmonlee and we lead with entei. Entei's flamethrower leaves hitmonlee on a sliver of health. Hitmonlee lands a hi jump kick as a second flamethrower takes out hitmonlee. Kay's next mon is gyarados, who entei flamethrowers. Gyarados responds with hydro pump, knocking entei to yellow health. Entei dodges a hydro pump then roars to bring out starmie. Starmie surfs and entei falls!

7d 23h 45m Into Viridian City and the Trainer House. Time to face more past hosts

7d 23h 42m We've got some postgame content to do. We make our way to the Victory Road gatehouse and return to Kanto. On Route 22

7d 23h 33m We enter the centre and heal our teams

7d 23h 32m ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 23h 31m We send in politoed. Pidgeot tries a sand attack but fails, while a water fall leaves pidgeot on red health, activating a berry. A second berry and pidgeot falls. Pknm Trainer Red defeated! The screen flashes and Red vanishes. TEH URN!!!

7d 23h 30m Venomoth poisons ursaring with poisonpowder and the bear gets off a strength, leving venomoth on a sliver of health. Venomoth disables strength, but we had the foresight to see this and had ursaring use fury swipes instead. Venomoth falls and Red sends out pidgeot. Pidgeot starts glowing as ursaring uses fury swipes to take a chunk of pidgeot's health. Pidgeot launches the sky attack and ursaring falls!

7d 23h 28m Ursaring dodges fury attack and continues using strength, knocking nidoking into the yellow and activating the berry. A second strength and nidoking falls. Next up for Red is venomoth

7d 23h 28m Lapras takes out steelix with surf! We send in ursaring, who starts off with strength to deal decent damage and flinch the lapras. A second strength takes out lapras. Red's next mon is nidoking

7d 23h 27m Thanks to the defence drop, two iron tails take zapdos back down to yellow. Red uses a full restore again. Steelix misses an iron tail. Zapdos brings steelix down to yellow health as steelix switches to crunch. Steelix tries earthquake to no effect as drill peck continues the death of 1000 cuts. Iron tail leaves zapdos on a sliver of health as drill peck knocks steelix to red health. Iron tail misses then hits to take out zapdos. Red's next mon is lapras

7d 23h 24m We send in steelix. Zapdos's drill peck does little damage, while steelix's iron tail is a bit stronger but still not very effective. The two mons repeat their attacks, with iron tail dropping zapdos's defence and zapdos landing a crit. As zapdos is taken down to yellow health, Red uses a full restore

7d 23h 23m Omastar is paralysed by body slam as he switches back to surfing. Meganium stubbornly continues using body slam as omastar is fully paralysed. Finally meganium starts drawing in sunlight as omastar withdraws into his shell, but the solar beam is too powerful and omastar falls. Red sends AA-j the zapdos back out, whose drill peck leaves meganium on 6 HP. Meganium launches a weak razor leaf before going down to a second drill peck!

7d 23h 21m Meganium is sent in next. Rather than use a grass move, meganium hits a body slam and takes a surf, healing some of the damage with a leftovers. Omastar switches to horn attack as meganium continues using body slam

7d 23h 20m We send in machamp next, who dodges a hydro pump and hits a weak strength. Omastar hits the next hydro pump, putting machamp at yellow health, as cross chop misses. Omastar's next hydro pump takes out machamp!

7d 23h 19m Rhydon's earthquake takes out steelix! We send in politoed, who hits a waterfall to take out rhydon. Pokémon trainer Red defeated! The screen flashes black and OG Red appears! Our team is healed and the battle begins! Zapdos versus entei. Zapdos's thunder knocks entei down to yellow health as roar drags out omastar. Entei's fire blast does minor damage as entei dodges a hydro pump. Entei's second fire blast misses but omastar's hydro pump hits. Entei is down!

7d 23h 17m We send steelix in. Electrode's swift does minor damage while steelix's iron tail takes a chunk of health. The second iron tail leaves electrode in the red, activating the berry. Electrode explodes, taking steelix to yellow health. Red's final mon is rhydon

7d 23h 16m We switch out to ursaring, who takes a third of his health in damage from a surf. The bear dodges a hypnosis and slashes poliwrath into yellow activating the berry. Poliwrath surfs again, knocking ursaring down to the yellow, and ursaring's second slash takes out poliwrath. Steelix grows to level 75! Red sends in rapidash next. A fire blast leaves ursaring at 5 HP and a single slash takes out rapidash. Red's next mon is electrode. A single swift and ursaring goes down!

7d 23h 13m We send in Rocky the steelix. Dodrio's tri attack does minor damage and steelix's iron tail misses. Second turn it;s the other way around as dodrio misses the tri attack and iron tail takes out dodrio. Red sends poliwrath back in

7d 23h 12m Entei roars, dragging out dodrio. Dodrio's tri attack takes out entei!

7d 23h 11m We talk to Red. Versus Pokémon Trainer Red, attempt #9! We send in entei against vileplume. Entei's flamethrower takes a chunk of vileplume's health, enough to activate the berry, and entei dodges a stun spore. The second flamethrower takes out vileplume. Red sends in poliwrath next and entei uses a weak flamethrower as poliwrath uses amnesia. Entei roars and drags out rhydon. Rhydon uses earthquake, sending entei into the red

7d 23h 9m Finally we reach the top of the mountain again. It's a bit chilly as we make our way towards Red once more

7d 23h 6m We stop stumbling around in the darkness and start stumbling around in the dimly lit part of the cave

7d 22h 59m We stride into Silver Cave once more

[Info] During the downtime, we faced Red for the eighth time and lost again!

7d 22h 58m We're currently grinding at the base of Mt Silver. All our mons are mid 60-70s. We enter the centre and heal our team!

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. For bot-run updates you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

7d 20h 55m Electrode finishes us off with Swift. Machamp faints! Whited out! Back outside Mt. Silver.

7d 20h 54m Politoed faints. We send out Machamp and survive a Thunderbolt, landing a Cross Chop.

7d 20h 53m Rapidash uses another Body Slam before we finish it off with Waterfall. Electrode is sent out.

7d 20h 51m Rapidash uses Body Slam and Politoed becomes paralyzed.

7d 20h 50m We survive a second Fire Blast but only hit two Fury Swipes. Rapidash recovers with a Berry and uses Fire Blast; Ursaring faints.

7d 20h 50m Rapidash is sent out. It uses Fire Blast as we use another Fury Swipes.

7d 20h 49m We send out Ursaring and take down Poliwrath with Fury Swipes. Ursaring reaches Lv. 74.

7d 20h 49m Rocky faints to Surf.

7d 20h 48m We bring out rocky and Poliwrath is fully paralyzed. Rocky keeps sleeping.

7d 20h 47m We switch to Rocky who falls asleep and is put at low health by Surf. We switch back to Machamp.

7d 20h 47m Meganium becomes frozen and faints. We send Machamp.

7d 20h 46m We use Giga Drain, and Poliwrath misses Hypnosis. It recovers with a Berry. We use Giga Drain again, taking it to low health, and it uses Ice Beam.

7d 20h 45m We use Body Slam and Poliwrath is paralyzed. It takes us to a little over half with Ice Beam.

7d 20h 45m We select Roar, meaning Poliwrath takes priority and uses Surf. Entei faints! We send out Meganium.

7d 20h 44m We use Flamethrower and Poliwrath uses Amnesia. After another Flamethrower it uses Surf.

7d 20h 43m We use Flamethrower as Vileplume charges up Solarbeam. Its Berry isn't enough to save it from the second Flamethrower, and it goes down. Poliwrath is sent out as we keep spamming Flamethrower.

7d 20h 42m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer RED (1)! Attempt #8. Entei vs. Vileplume.

7d 20h 41m Approaching the top of Mt. Silver.

7d 20h 26m Politoed faints! Whited out! Outside Mt. Silver.

7d 20h 26m Politoed clutches a Thunderbolt and is paralyzed. It's fully paralyzed.

7d 20h 26m Surf OHKOs. Red sends out Electrode.

7d 20h 25m Ursaring faints. We send out Politoed and use Surf.

7d 20h 25m At low health Ursaring wakes up and crits. Poliwrath faints. Rapidash is sent out.

7d 20h 24m Ursaring hibernates.

7d 20h 24m Ursaring is sent out. It falls asleep and Poliwrath uses Surf.

7d 20h 23m Meganium is sent out. We use Razor Leaf and are hit by Ice Beam. Meganium faints.

7d 20h 22m We clutch Surf but stay asleep. Machamp faints.

7d 20h 22m We send out Machamp and use Cross Chop. Surf hits. Hypnosis misses and we miss Cross Chop. Hypnosis hits.

7d 20h 21m Steelix faints. We send Machamp.

7d 20h 19m After another Ice Beam, Meganium is at low health. We switch to Rocky and take an Ice Beam to the face.

7d 20h 18m We send out Meganium and use Razor Leaf. Poliwrath uses Ice Beam.

7d 20h 17m With one more Surf, Entei faints!

7d 20h 17m Poliwrath sets up with Amnesia as Entei is fully paralyzed. Then Poliwrath uses Surf, taking Entei down to half health; Entei uses Flamethrower.

7d 20h 16m Vileplume recovers with a Berry, then starts charging up Solarbeam. A second Flamethrower takes it down, and Entei reaches Lv. 70. Red sends out Poliwrath.

7d 20h 16m Entei uses Flamethrower. Vileplume lands Stun Spore and Entei is paralyzed.

7d 20h 15m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer RED (1)! Attempt #7. Entei vs. Vileplume.

7d 20h 11m We reach the second floor of Mt. Silver.

7d 19h 58m All these wild encounters keep interrupting the music, but the band plays on.

7d 19h 56m We reenter Mt. Silver to the soothing tones of Born to Lose.

7d 19h 55m Electrode decides to finish things off by using Explosion. Machamp faints! Whited out! We wake up outside Mt. Silver.

7d 19h 55m Electrode uses Swift as Machamp uses Cross Chop.

7d 19h 54m Electrode uses Thunderbolt, and Politoed faints! Only Machamp is left standing.

7d 19h 54m Rapidash lands another Body Slam, then faints to Surf. Red sends out Electrode.

7d 19h 53m We send out Politoed. Rapidash uses Body Slam and Politoed becomes paralyzed; we use Waterfall and get Rapidash to low health. It recovers with a Berry.

7d 19h 53m We repeat that for a few turns; Ursaring falls to less than half health before taking Poliwrath down. Red sends out Rapidash.

7d 19h 52m We send out Ursaring. Poliwrath uses Surf as we use Slash.

7d 19h 52m Entei survives a Surf, but keeps sleeping. With another Surf, Entei faints!

7d 19h 51m With another Surf, Rocky faints! We send out Entei again and use another Flamethrower. Poliwrath puts it to sleep with Hypnosis.

7d 19h 50m We send out Rocky. Poliwrath uses Surf, taking Rocky to low health, and we miss Iron Tail.

7d 19h 50m Meganium sleeps through a solid few turns of Ice Beam, and then Meganium faints!

7d 19h 49m We send out Meganium. Poliwrath uses Hypnosis and we fall asleep; it starts using Ice Beam.

7d 19h 48m Entei uses Flamethrower, but it's not very effective. Poliwrath uses Amnesia.

7d 19h 47m Entei uses Flamethrower. Vileplume uses Stun Spore but misses, then recovers with a Berry. The second Flamethrower takes it down, though. Red sends out Poliwrath.

7d 19h 47m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer RED (1)! Attempt #6! Vileplume vs. Entei.

7d 19h 41m After some wandering in the dark, we emerge onto the second floor of Mt. Silver.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ DEFEAT RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ....PREMATURE VICTORY RIOT...?? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

7d 19h 26m Ursaring uses Slash, and Lapras finishes the job with Surf. Ursaring faints! Whited out! We wake up outside Mt. Silver, to the sounds of Joey calling.

7d 19h 26m ATV barely lives a Slash, critting a Leech Life before it goes down. Red sends out Lapras.

7d 19h 25m We get another Slash crit and Hydro Pump misses. Another Slash puts Helix in the red but Hydro Pump takes us to low health. With another Slash crit Omastar faints! Red sends out Venomoth, which outspeeds and uses Leech Life.

7d 19h 25m We outspeed and get a crit Slash; Helix uses Withdraw.

7d 19h 24m Nidoking leads with Fury Attack, but it doesn't do much. Ursaring uses Slash and crits, almost taking care of Nidoking, who recovers with a Berry. Fury Attack gets 4 hits before we land another Slash; Nidoking faints! Next up is Omastar.

7d 19h 23m Ursaring is the last one standing. Zapdos misses a Thunder and our Slash takes care of it -- Ursaring reaches Lv. 73! Red sends out Nidoking.

7d 19h 23m We send out Politoed. With just one Thunder, Politoed faints!

7d 19h 22m We select Strength after a lot of trying, and clutch one more Drill Peck at low HP, taking Zapdos to low health. After that, Rocky faints!

7d 19h 21m Red cheats with a Full Restore, and we go back to our Drill Peck/Crunch standoff.

7d 19h 21m We select Crunch, but it doesn't deal much damage. Zapdos keeps Drill Pecking away.

7d 19h 20m We miss two Iron Tails in a row, letting Zapdos get some extra Drill Pecks in -- and one's a crit. The third Iron Tail misses too and we try Earthquake, to no success.

7d 19h 20m With another hit Machamp faints! We send out Rocky and use Iron Tail. Zapdos uses Drill Peck but doesn't make much headway and we use another Iron Tail.

7d 19h 18m We send out Machamp. Zapdos uses Thunder, with Machamp clutching at 8 HP. Machamp uses Strength, sending Zapdos to half health; Red cheats with a Full Restore as we use Strength again.

7d 19h 18m Red leads with Zapdos and takes Entei down with a few Thunders -- Entei faints! We send out Meganium and live a Drill Peck only to miss a Razor Leaf. Another Drill Peck and Meganium faints too!

7d 19h 17m ...and the credits don't roll, and we speak to him again...Our team is healed, but Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer RED (the one from our first run) ?????

7d 19h 16m Electrode uses Swift once again, and our Iron tail hits and crits. Electrode faints! DEFEATED TRAINER RED!

7d 19h 16m Electrode's Defense drops as Iron Tail lands. Another Swift isn't very strong, and it just barely clutches Iron Tail to recover with one of those Berries.

7d 19h 16m Electrode uses Swift, and we use Iron Tail.

7d 19h 15m Fury Attack doesn't deal much damage. We land another Iron Tail and Dodrio goes down, meaning Rocky reaches Lv. 74! Red sends out Electrode.

7d 19h 15m Dodrio uses Tri Attack. We use Iron Tail but miss, and Dodrio tries out Fury Attack. Iron Tail hits this time, but Dodrio lives and also uses its Berry.

7d 19h 14m Fly connects, and Meganium faints! We send out Rocky and dig through our bag.

7d 19h 14m Our next Razor Leaf is a crit -- Poliwrath goes down! Next up is Dodrio, which outspeeds and opens with Fly.

7d 19h 13m We send out Meganium and use Razor Leaf. Poliwrath's Ice Beam takes us to half health but we recover a little with Leftovers. We repeat the next turn, with Meganium left at red health and Poliwrath at yellow health thanks to a berry.

7d 19h 12m Slash takes Rapidash to red health, but it recovers with the help of a Berry. It uses Fire Blast again and we clutch, but become burned. Slash crits to take Rapidash down before Poliwrath is sent out and uses Surf -- Ursaring faints!

7d 19h 11m We switch out in favor of Ursaring. Fire Blast hits this time, taking us to a little over half health. Rapidash outspeeds to use Fire Spin as we use Slash.

7d 19h 11m Rapidash uses Fire Blast, but misses, and we use Razor Leaf to get a little damage.

7d 19h 10m We send out Meganium and use Razor Leaf, and Rhydon goes down. Meganium grows to Lv. 64!

7d 19h 9m We sent out Entei against Vileplume and took it down in a few Flamethrowers. Red sent out Poliwrath in response, and Entei tanked a Surf to use Roar, bringing out Rhydon. Entei managed another Flamethrower before taking an Earthquake -- Entei faints!

7d 19h 9m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer RED! Attempt #5.

[Meta] The Live Updater is going dark again for now. For more updates you can check #stream-feed on the Discord.

7d 16h 1m ...but we checkpointed in Viridian City between those Kay battles, so that's where we wake up.

7d 16h 1m We send out Meganium, but Starmie is prepared for this and uses Blizzard. Meganium faints! Whited out!

7d 16h 0m We send out Machamp and immediately faint to Starmie's Psychic. Only Meganium is left standing...

7d 16h 0m Starmie uses Surf again and Rocky faints!

7d 15h 59m Another Surf lands and Ursaring faints! We send out Rocky.

7d 15h 58m Kay sends out Starmie and opens with Surf, taking us to half health. Ursaring uses Cut.

7d 15h 57m Kay sends out Hitmonlee. We use Fury Swipes again, and with three hits it's down.

7d 15h 57m We send out Ursaring. Gyarados's Hydro Pump misses and we use Strength; the next Hydro Pump hits, but it doesn't stop us from taking down Gyarados with one Fury Swipe.

7d 15h 56m We send out Entei and use Flamethrower, but it's not very effective. Hydro Pump lands and Entei faints!

7d 15h 55m Another Thunderbolt lands and Politoed faints!

7d 15h 55m Kay sends out Gyarados. It outspeeds and uses Thunderbolt; Politoed is paralyzed and can't move.

7d 15h 52m We switch out to Politoed. Charizard uses Earthquake, but we take it down in one Waterfall. Politoed reaches Lv. 62!

7d 15h 50m We take advantage of the recharge turn to Giga Drain again, but select Solarbeam as Raticate becomes able to move, taking another Hyper Beam to the face. Solarbeam takes down Raticate and Kay prepares to send out Charizard.

7d 15h 49m We switch out to Meganium and Raticate Body Slams us. We outspeed and Giga Drain, taking it to half health, before it retaliates with Hyper Beam.

7d 15h 48m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer Kay! He has his team from Burning Red now. After a couple Roar adventures with Entei, it's currently Politoed vs. Raticate.

[Info] While the Live Updater was down, we also challenged Trainer (((, one of our trainers from Dual Red/Blue, in the same Trainer House. When we blacked out, we returned and fought Kay. We're currently pacing around Route 1.

7d 15h 24m Aerodactyl uses Hyper Beam but we finish it off with another Fury Swipes. Charizard is sent out and falls in one set of Fury Swipes. Defeated ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer Kay!

7d 15h 23m We send out Ursaring and take Dragonite down with Slash. Next up is Amber, who hits Wing Attack as we use Fury Swipes.

7d 15h 22m Thunder takes Politoed to red health before Whirlpool's residual damage finishes it off. The last Dragonite arrives and uses Outrage; Politoed faints!

7d 15h 20m We use Whirlpool on Dragonite; it uses Thunder Wave and we become paralyzed. It lands a Thunder and we start using Surf.

7d 15h 19m Gyarados comes out and we switch out into Politoed to take it down with Surf. Ursaring reaches Lv. 72! Another Dragonite is sent out.

[Info] It seems like Kay/Cal actually has Lance's team.

7d 15h 17m Dragonite uses Hyper Beam and Entei faints! We send out Ursaring and Dragonite goes down to Slash; next up is Gyarados again.

7d 15h 16m We're currently fighting ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer Kay at the Trainer House! We sent out Entei against Gyarados and got in a few hits before using Roar; Entei's at low health as Dragonite is sent out.

7d 11h 32m Time to grind again. We slip into Silver Cave for an intense grinding session

[Snark] Maybe don't add a Red battle to the grinding session this time

7d 11h 30m Ursaring comes out and finishes off vileplume with a slash. Next up is AIIIIH the poliwrath. We try reclaiming poliwrath but fail as poliwrath uses surf a few times. Ursaring hangs on with 2 HP but then falls! Blacked out! Back to the base of the mountain

7d 11h 28m We try Rocky the steelix next. Earthquake leaves vileplume at red health as the final petal dance takes Steelix to half health. Red uses a second full restore, undoing all our hard work. Steelix uses strength then misses iron tail as vileplume draws in sunlight. The second iron tail puts vileplume at a third health as solar beam takes out steelix!

7d 11h 25m All that was for naught as Red heals vileplume with a full restore. Machamp's first cross chop misses, but the second hits for a crit. Vileplume paralyses machamp then starts up a petal dance, taking machamp to yellow health as machamp's attacks continue to do weak damage. The second petal dance finishes off machamp!

7d 11h 24m We switch out to machamp as vileplume draws in sunlight. We switch back to meganium, who gets taken to half health by the solar beam. Meganium switches to body slam as poison puts him in the red. Vileplume draws in more sunlight as body slam puts vileplume into the yellow and paralyses. Solar beam leaves meganium at 21 HP as vileplume eats a berry. Meganium's final body slam leaves vileplume in the red as poison damage finishes off meganium! Machamp in next

7d 11h 22m We send in meganium next and try to flee. Meganium uses giga drain for minor damage then dodges a stun spore, but gets hit by toxic

[Info] We went into this fight with entei down

7d 11h 20m Versus Red, attempt #4! We send in Politoed to face vileplume. Politoed's waterfall does minor damage as vileplume draws in sunlight and unleashes a solar beam. Politoed falls!

[Meta] The updater is going dark again for now. For bot-run updates you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

7d 9h 41m Back to Route 1.

7d 9h 40m We visit Professor Oak. He says our Pokedex is coming along well.

7d 9h 33m We enter Red's house and talk to his mom. She hasn't heard from him in awhile; she's worried about him...

7d 9h 30m We defeat a Lv. 2 Hoothoot and Entei grows to Lv. 66!

7d 9h 25m After looking deeply into our printer's eyes, we head down to Route 1.

7d 9h 15m We try to enter the Trainer House...but the attendant blocks us, saying it would be our second time today.

7d 9h 11m We make it up the ledge and into Viridian City.

7d 9h 8m Currently having fun trying to get back up the mini ledge.

7d 8h 58m We head east to Route 22.

7d 8h 53m We heal!

7d 8h 49m We walk into the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed on Route 28!

7d 8h 22m Arrived on Route 28.

7d 8h 16m We visit the rest house on Route 26 and heal!

[Info] On our trek back across Johto, we encountered Raikou for the first time on Route 29, meaning it's available to find! We also stopped to rematch Youngster Joey. We're currently heading across Route 27.

[Meta] Updater going dark

7d 6h 31m We use a max ether on meganium and lugia uses hydro pump again. We flee and lugia disappears

7d 6h 30m We send out meganium, who starts off with a giga drain doing minor damage. Lugia recovers, so we drain the health again, and lugia recovers again. A third giga drain and lugia switches to hydro pump, doing minor damage to meganium

7d 6h 28m We enter yet another room in the darkness of Whirl Islands. This may be the place...it is! Lugia is in frnot of us, and we talk to the legendary. Wild lugia encountered!

7d 6h 22m Still making our way through the darkness that is the Whirl Islands. Currently surfing on water

7d 6h 17m The Whirl Islands are very dark. We keep running into wild seel, who act as excellent fodder for testing our meganium's new solar beam on

7d 6h 13m We enter the Whirl Islands

7d 6h 11m We use whirlpool and dispel of a whirlpool. The way forth is clear

7d 6h 7m We feed a rare candy to meganium. Meganium grows to level 61 and learns solar beam over fury cutter!

7d 6h 4m Meganium grows to level 60 after beating up a wild tentacruel

7d 6h 3m We're now outside the Whirl Islands, trying to figure out which way to go

7d 5h 57m We head west to Route 40 and start surfing. We get caught by Swimmer Paula who says she's not got an inner tube. She leads with staryu and we send in meganium. Meganium's fury cutter leaves staryu on yellow health, with razor leaf finishing the job. Paula's next mon is shellder, who goes down to a single razor leaf. Swimmer Paula defeated

7d 5h 51m We enter the Pokémon Centre and heal our team!

7d 5h 48m After tossing several balls, we decide this isn't worthwhile and body slam the tentacool. We leave the water

7d 5h 47m We encounter a wild tentacool and attempt to capture the jellyfish. She escapes the ball

7d 5h 45m We head outside, stop by the docks and start surfing

7d 5h 41m We successfully print off a golduck dex entry

7d 5h 41m Currently trying to print stuff, but keep cancelling the print order

7d 5h 38m We enter Olivine Gym and talk to her. She wishes us luck

7d 5h 37m We wander into Olivine City and talk to a guy who marvels at our technology

7d 5h 35m Route 39. We dive over the ledge into the grass beneath Moomoo Farm, get stuck behind a trainer, then continue southwards, getting stuck on a fence

7d 5h 30m In Ecruteak City now. We're currently on the bike and we enter Route 38

7d 5h 28m We move onto Route 37. While battling a wild pidgey, we take this opportunity to use a dire hit before beating the tiny bird

7d 5h 22m Out onto Route 36

7d 5h 18m Onto Route 31. We surf for a bit then try tackling the cuttable tree so we can skip the grass. We succeed and enter Violet City

7d 5h 14m Erin calls us and refers to herself in the third person when talking about her ponyta

7d 5h 11m We talk to Youngster Joey, who says he's been waiting. We initiate a battle and he sends out his level 30 raticate. It's no match for our level 59 meganium, who OHKOs with a single body slam

7d 5h 9m Back outside and slowly making our way to Route 30. We try climbing up the ledge but it doesn't work

7d 5h 7m We leave the mart and barge into somebody's house. Cause intruding on random strangers is always fun

7d 5h 5m We enter Cherrygrove City and enter the mart

7d 5h 3m We catch a level 3 male pidgey! Nickname AJJJJJJJ

7d 4h 59m Out onto Route 29

7d 4h 57m We're currently in New Bark Town. Entei is currently fainted

[Meta] Updater going dark now

7d 3h 52m We're now on Route 28 at the Victory Road checkpoint gatehouse

7d 3h 49m Entei gets poisoned by a wild arbok. We flee in terror

7d 3h 47m Slowly making our way away from Mt Silver, checking the Itemfinder occasionally

7d 3h 43m We retreat out of Silver Cave

7d 3h 40m Back into the cave then back out, then back in

7d 3h 38m We send in our final team member, machamp, and have him use an ineffective strength. Rhydon's earthquake takes out machamp! We black out! Back to the base of the mountain

7d 3h 37m Next up for Red is rhydon. We consider switching mons. Rhydon uses earthquake and steelix falls!

7d 3h 36m Another fury attack/tri attack later leaves steelix at 150 health. Rocky's crunch does some damage to dodrio before trying another ineffective earthquake. We desperately try to escape, first by fleeing then by calling on our fainted meganium. In the end, we order Steelix to use earthquake followed by strength while dodrio continues using tri attacks. It's a death of 1000 cuts as steelix is taken to red health, but dodrio is also taken to red health by a second strength before being taken down by a third strength. Rocky the steelix grows to level 72!

7d 3h 33m We send in machamp, whose cross chop leaves rapidash in the yellow. Rapidash chows down on a berry then takes machamp to yellow health with a fire blast. A second cross chop and rapidash is down. Red's next mon is FJJAA) the dodrio. We send in Rocky the steelix to bear the brunt of a fury attack, then try an ineffective earthquake. We try stealing our old team back again as dodrio uses tri attack for minor damage

7d 3h 31m Red's next mon is J the rapidash. A single fire blast and ursaring is down!

7d 3h 31m We switch in Rocky, whose iron tail takes poliwrath to red. We switch in ursaring to finish the fight with slash, but not before being taken to 8 HP by 2 surfs

7d 3h 29m After being put to red health, politoed wakes up and misses a whirlpool. We try to reclaim our poliwrath but Red blocks the ball. A final surf and politoed goes down! We send in entei, who also falls to surf!

7d 3h 27m We send in politoed next and the two frogs use surf for minor damage. Poliwrath puts politoed to sleep with hypnosis then switches back to surf as our frog keeps napping

7d 3h 27m Up next is AIIIIH the poliwrath. We switch to meganium. Poliwrath starts with amnesia while meganium drains health with giga drain. It does minor damage. Meganium dodges a couple of hypnosis then uses some razor leaves. Poliwrath switches to ice beam, taking meganium to half health. Poliwrath eats a berry after being taken to half health then uses another ice beam, taking out meganium!

7d 3h 25m After a bit of faffing about, we talk to Red. Versus Pokémon Trainer Red! He sends out ---- the vileplume and we send out entei. Flamethrower takes half of vileplume's health and vileplume's stun spore misses. The vileplume eats a berry then goes down to entei's second flamethrower

7d 3h 20m We reach the peak and slowly make our way towards Champion Red. Our team's looking good health-wise, except for entei who's a bit above half health with some PP used

7d 3h 13m Entei gets hit by a wild machoke, but entei's roar scares off the machoke

7d 3h 12m After wandering through the dark, we make it to a light part of the cave. We're nearing the peak

7d 3h 4m Despite the enthusiasm of the local fauna to greet us, we flee from quite a few onix and graveler encounters

[Snark] That's how metal detectors work, right? They only ring if the metal item is buried, otherwise they don't react at all.

7d 2h 58m We stumble through the dark, using the Itemfinder to search for items. It says there's nothing nearby, even though we can clearly see an item ball on the screen

7d 2h 54m We enter Silver Cave.

7d 2h 54m Nope! ITEMFINDER isn't responding.

7d 2h 53m Towards Silver Cave we go once more.

7d 2h 52m We finally get to the Pokémon Center and heal.

7d 2h 51m We successfully switch the order of Flamethrower and Fire Spin in Entei's moveset. Also, we defeat the wild Ponyta.

7d 2h 50m Also, Entei missed with Fire Spin again.

7d 2h 50m Another wild Ponyta, just let us heal already.

7d 2h 50m We finally defeat the wild Arbok and rush for the Center.

7d 2h 48m We trap Arbok in Fire Spin. See, not that funny not being able to escape, eh?

7d 2h 48m We fail to escape again.

7d 2h 47m A wild Arbok appears. We fail to escape.

7d 2h 47m Doduo has been properly roasted, but we're heading back to the Center, because a paralyzed Entei is bad for us..

7d 2h 46m Entei was paralyzed by Tri Attack.

7d 2h 45m We almost reached the Silver Cave, but get interrupted by a wild Doduo. We attempt to burn it down but Entei misses.

7d 2h 43m We enter the Silver Cave Pokémon Center and heal.

7d 2h 41m We ran from another Ponyta, burned down another Tangela.

7d 2h 39m We are trying to take down a wild Ponyta with Fire Spin, but it's proving ineffective. The wild Ponyta is trying to take us down with Fire Spin, but it's proving ineffective.

7d 2h 36m Flame Spin takes it out. Let's try to find Mt. Silver now.

7d 2h 35m Entei tries to use Flamethrower on a wild Tangela and misses. TriHard to the end.

[Snark] Are we seriously getting lost on Route 28?

7d 2h 33m And now we're heading for the opposite direction altogether.

7d 2h 32m We turn around, encounter a Ponyta, and run from it.

7d 2h 31m This is a dead end.

7d 2h 31m We run from the Arbok, then from a Dodrio.

7d 2h 30m We run again, this time an Arbok appears.

7d 2h 29m We run, but another Ponyta appears.

7d 2h 28m A wild Ponyta jumps at us!

7d 2h 27m We're on Route 28.

7d 2h 25m We successfully navigate along the ledge and cross Route 26 to get to Mt. Silver.

7d 2h 21m We headed to the Trainer House to rematch Kay, but it turns out he didn't reset yet, so we're back on Route 22.

[Meta] Updater going dark. Bot updates will be posted to #stream-feed in the TPP discord server

7d 1h 27m Currently just running into wild mon in the Safari Zone. I think we're hunting chansey

7d 1h 18m We wander into the Safari Zone

7d 1h 10m And into Fuchsia City

7d 1h 8m We make it to Route 18

7d 1h 3m We find another slugma. After dealing minor damage, we throw a Pokéball. Caught a level 32 male slugma! Nickname AADDD

7d 1h 0m Route 17. More grass cycling

7d 0h 57m Back onto Route 16. Our slugma hunting escapades continue to yield few results despite much effort

7d 0h 56m Entei uses another fire spin, taking out slugma

7d 0h 55m Entei switches to fire spin, taking slugma to half health as slugma hits himself in confusion. Slugma is now at red health and unlikely to survive another blow

7d 0h 54m We find a wild slugma. After failing to find a ball, entei uses swagger, confusing the slugma

7d 0h 50m Back into the Route 17 grass

7d 0h 45m We make it back onto Route 16 by accident

7d 0h 44m Looks like we're aiming for the grass as we want a slugma, so we climb our way back up to the grass and come across a fearow

7d 0h 42m Back onto Route 17. We take the eastern path this time rather than the central path

7d 0h 39m We're slowly climbing back up and we make it to Route 16. We're free!

7d 0h 36m We succeed and print off a cloyster

7d 0h 35m We try printing out a cloyster, but there's a printer error

7d 0h 30m Now we're trapped on Cycling Road. We're at a junction, but Glenn is 1 tile west of us and the sea is directly east of us. We need to move up and around Glenn, but this is difficult as Cycling Road has downward momentum when you stop moving

7d 0h 28m We're currently facing off against a biker. Meganium takes down his last weezing, having taken down his koffing and magmar. Biker Glenn defeated

6d 22h 37m Caught a female Lv. 7 Ledian! Nickname: LMfffxxxuu

[Meta] The updater is going dark again. For bot-run updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

6d 21h 26m Poliwrath outspeeds and hits us with another Surf. Machamp faints! Whited out! We wake up outside Mt. Silver.

6d 21h 26m One more Surf and Rocky faints! Only Machamp is left standing.

6d 21h 26m This time, Rocky finally falls asleep. Poliwrath uses Surf again, putting us in the red.

6d 21h 25m Hypnosis misses this time. We use Crunch, but it's not very effective. Hypnosis misses again and Rocky uses Strength, putting Poliwrath at low health--but it recovers a little with a berry.

6d 21h 25m Ursaring sleeps until the bitter end. Ursaring faints! We send out Rocky.

6d 21h 23m We send out Ursaring. Poliwrath outspeeds and uses Hypnosis, putting the bear to sleep, then starts in on Surf again.

6d 21h 23m Poliwrath is at half health from Whirlpool, but it finally breaks free. A couple extra Surfs finish us off -- Politoed faints!

6d 21h 22m Poliwrath puts Politoed to sleep with Hypnosis, then starts using Surf again. Politoed takes a nice little nap.

6d 21h 21m Poliwrath uses Amnesia. We try to Attract it, but it fails.

6d 21h 21m Poliwrath uses Surf, not doing much. We get a Whirlpool crit, which also doesn't do much, but we start hitting residual damage.

6d 21h 20m Poliwrath uses Ice Beam and puts us at low health. We use Body Slam and recover a little with the help of Leftovers. It's not enough to save us, though -- Meganium faints! We send out Politoed.

6d 21h 19m Our second Flamethrower takes Vileplume down! Red sends out Poliwrath. We throw a Poké Ball at it, and Red presumably sighs in commiseration before using Surf. Entei faints! We send out Meganium.

6d 21h 18m Red sends out Vileplume and we send out Entei. We outspeed and open with Flamethrower, taking it to half health; it charges up a Solarbeam.

6d 21h 18m Vs. ᵖᵏᵐᶰ Trainer Red! Attempt #2!

[Info] During the break we switched PC boxes, and then caught a male Lv. 45 Magmar with no name.

6d 21h 13m Currently a few tiles away from Red, attempting to catch a wild Larvitar.

[Meta] With that, the Live Updater will be going dark again.

6d 19h 55m We emerge from the Poké Center at the base of Mt. Silver.

6d 19h 54m FJJAA) continues sratching at Rocky with Tri Attack or Fury Attack, while Rocky lands a cruch, before switching back to Earthquake. Rocky eventually switches to Strength. As rocky reaches red health, Rocky fails to pull off an Earthquake. FJJAA) finishes with a Tri Attack, Rocky Faints. Blacked out.

6d 19h 52m Red sends out JFFAA) (Dotrio, Lv. 77). JFFAA? takes out JSS?S with a Fly. We send in Rocky. FJJAA? normal type attacks prove not very effective against Rocky, while Rocky's Earthquakes prove entirely ineffective.

6d 19h 51m We send sout JSS?S. Karate Chop deals about half damage. JI?UT's earthquake deals about half damage. JI?UT uses Stomp, which fails to KO JS?S. KS?S takes out JIUT with a Vital Throw. JSS?S grew to Lv 63.

6d 19h 49m Red sends out JI?UT (Rhydon, Lv. 75). We look at our party and pack. BLlrk uses Flamethrower; a critical hit does about 2/5th health. JI?UT uses Earthquake; BLlrk faints.

6d 19h 48m We send out BLlrk, who is still asleep. We search through our bag, then decide to wait it out. J uses Body Slam, and fails to use Fire Spin. BLlrk wakes up and uses Flamethrower. J lands a Fire Spin. BLlrk's next Flamethrower takes down J. BLlrk grew to Lv. 62

6d 19h 46m Red sends out J (Rapidash, Lv 73). A Flamethrower sends CA.XX to red health. CA.XX's slash takes J down to yellow health; J recovers with a berry. J uses Stomp, which takes out CA.XX.

[Info] M4 realized that he took the snapshot of our Red team when Poliwrath was out of Surf and Ice Beam PP.

6d 19h 45m We send out CA.XX. AIIIH struggles at CA.XX. CA.XX uses Slash, which takes out AIIIH.

6d 19h 45m AIIIH uses more Hypnosis and Amnesia, until AIIIH starts to struggle. Struggle takes out Axtux.

6d 19h 43m AIIIH fails to put Axtux to sleep. Axtux responds with Surf. AIIIH puts Axtux to sleep the second time, and resumes using amnesia. Axtux wakes up an uses Surf. AIIIH recovers using a Berry.

6d 19h 42m BLlrk uses Swagger. AIIIH hurts herself in confusion. BLlrk tries another Flamethrower, then AIIIH puts BLlrk back to sleep. AIIIH resumes using Amnesia to no effect. We switch out BLlrk for Axtux.

6d 19h 41m Red sends out AIIIIIH (Lv 77). BLlrk's Flamethrowers don't do much damage, especially after AIIIIH sets up with Amnesia. AIIIIH puts BLlrk to sleep with Hypnosis. AIIIIH continues setting up until BLlrk wakes up, at which time AIIIH uses another hypnosis. AIIIH continues using Amnesia, even though her special defense won't rise any higher.

6d 19h 39m We send out BLlrk. BLlrk uses swagger on ----. Red uses a Full Restore. BLlrk uses Flamethrower, doing about half health to ----. Red uses a second Full Resore, and BLlrk uses Flamethrower again. BLrk finishes of ---- with a final flamethrower.

6d 19h 37m The two combatants continue trading blows. ---- recovers with a Berry. As a finisher, ---- fires a solarbeam, taking out ZZZZY.

6d 19h 36m ZZZY starts with a giga drain. It doesn't do much to ----. ---- responds with Stun Spore; ZZZZY is Paralyzed. ---- starts a Petal Dance. ZZZZY lands a Body Slam, paralyzing ----.

6d 19h 34m "..." Vs. Pokémon Trainer Red Red sends out ----

6d 19h 32m We can see a male player sprite a bit further up. An Ursarang interrupts us. Aside from 14 of ZZZZY's HP and most of his Giga Drain PP, we seem to be fully healed.

6d 19h 31m [info] ₽40328 | Balls: 98 | Pokedex: 155 / 215 / 251

ZZZZY (Meganium) ♂ [Leftovers] Lv.59 Giga Drain / Razor Leaf / Body Slam / Fury Cutter
BBBBLLlrk (Entei) [Focus Band] Lv.61 Swagger / Fire Spin / Roar / Flamethrower
AAAxtux (Politoed) ♀ [Mystic Water] Lv.58 Surf / Waterfall / Attract / Whirlpool
JJJJSSS??S (Machamp) ♂ [Pink Bow] Lv.62 Strength / Karate Chop / Vital Throw / Cross Chop
ROCKY (Steelix) ♂ [Metal Coat] Lv.71 Iron Tail / Strength / Earthquake / Crunch
CA.XX (Ursaring) ♂ [King's Rock] Lv.71 Slash / Cut / Fury Swipes / Strength

6d 19h 30m At the peak of Mt. Silver. We save.

[Meta] With that, the Live Updater will be going dark again. For bot-run updates, you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

6d 18h 13m As of now, we're currently wandering around Viridian City. Our final split has begun...Mt. Silver is waiting, whenever we choose to go there.

[Info] While the updater was dark, a few interesting things happened...

  • We defeated our Rival aaiiiaa at Mt. Moon.
  • Entei reached Lv. 61 and we taught it Swagger over Fire Blast. We can potentially relearn Fire Blast at Lv. 71.
  • We visited the Viridian Trainer House and encountered our Trainer from Burning Red, Kay!...or, as his name was displayed, Cal. He also only appeared to have three Pokémon, but we still blacked out to him, meaning he's still there waiting for us.

6d 18h 5m We receive the Earth Badge! We officially have all 16 badges!

6d 18h 4m Gyarados survives our Slash, then uses Rain Dance. Another Slash and it faints. Defeated Gym Leader Blue on our 2nd try!

6d 18h 3m Alakazam uses Disable, but it fails. Cut is a OHKO. Ursaring reaches Lv. 71! Blue sends out Gyarados.

6d 18h 3m Arcanine keeps up the Flamethrowers as we use Cut. After another Flamethrower, we take it down. Blue sends out Alakazam.

6d 18h 2m We tank a Flamethrower to manage two hits of Fury Cutter, but after that Meganium faints! We send out Ursaring.

6d 18h 2m Exeggutor faints, and Meganium reaches Lv. 59! Blue sends out Arcanine.

6d 18h 0m Solarbeam is barely outdamaging Meganium's Leftovers. We start using Fury Cutter.

6d 17h 59m Meganium uses Body Slam as Exeggutor charges up another Solarbeam. The eggs clutch and land the hit...and next turn, Blue cheats with another Full Restore.

6d 17h 58m More Razor Leaf as Exeggutor uses another Solarbeam; neither of us are doing much damage. The sun ends and we look at our items for advice.

6d 17h 58m Blue uses a Full Restore on Exeggutor, and we use Razor Leaf.

6d 17h 57m We get Exeggutor to low health before another Solarbeam takes us down. Politoed faints!

6d 17h 57m We use Surf and Blue responds with Sunny Day. Our Surfs aren't dealing much damage now...and Exeggutor uses Solarbeam, putting us in the red.

6d 17h 56m We send out Politoed and use Surf, taking care of Rhydon. Blue sends out Exeggutor.

6d 17h 55m We use Flamethrower and Rhydon uses Earthquake, taking us to low health. Our second Flamethrower almost defeats it, but with another Earthquake Entei faints!

6d 17h 55m We send Entei against Pidgeot and use Swagger. It uses Mirror Move so Entei is also confused. We break through our confusion and take it down with Flamethrower; next out is Rhydon.

6d 17h 55m We made it into Blue's gym after a lot of ledge-jumping! Vs. Blue!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark

6d 12h 24m We head down to the docks. We decline to go on the S.S. Aqua two times, then relent and board the S.S. Aqua.

6d 12h 18m We leave Diglett Cave on the Vermilion City side.

6d 12h 12m We enter Diglett Cave. BLlrk holds on against one Dugtrio using its Focus Band. We continue training BLlrk against the diglett in the cave.

6d 12h 1m We walk behind the Diglet Cave entrance. We find a Carbos.

6d 12h 0m Still in Route 2. We enter some guy's house and listen to his radio. The guy says we're the first visitor he's had in a while. Instead of a nugget of wisdom, He gives us a Nugget.

6d 11h 48m Bug Catcher Doug asks why girls don't like Bug Pokémon, then shows us his Ariados. BLlrk and ZZZY tag-team to defeat the Ariados, and thus the bug catcher.

6d 11h 37m On Route 2. BLlrk Fire Blasts through Bug Catcher Rob's Beedrill and Butterfree.

6d 11h 34m We pass through Viridian City, stopping just long enough to offend the coffee-drunk catching tutorial guy.

6d 11h 27m We encounter a pair of trainers on the way back to Viridian. The water types on Swimmer Seth's and Cooltrainer Quinn's teams manage to do not-insignificant damage to BLlrk. Both were defeated, but BLlrk is currently at red health.

[Info] So, yeah, we have the other seven Kanto badges. As for other things that happened, courtesy of StreamFeed:

6d 4h 29m ZZZZY (Meganium) learned Giga Drain over Poisonpowder! Used a TM19: Giga Drain.
6d 7h 11m Ledyba (Ledyba) has been released! Bye Ledyba!
6d 7h 23m Caught a Male Lv. 50 Snorlax! No Nickname

6d 11h 5m CA.XX is our only mon left, so we send him out. CA.XX takes down Gyrados with Cut. Blue sends out Rhydon. CA.XX's attacks prove not every effective, so we throw a ball at Rhydon. CA.XX is high enough level to survive a few Earthquakes, but the Earthquakes still takes down CA.XX before CA.XX can slash down Rhydon. Blacked out We emerge from the Cinnabar Poké Center.

6d 11h 2m Blue sends out Gyrados, who takes down Rocky with a water type move, and we Send out Axtux. Axtux and Gyrados trade weak blows. Blue uses a Full Restore on Gyrados. The two combatants continue trading weak blows until both are brought down to red again. Blue uses another Full Restore on Gyrados. Gyrados takes down Axtux with a Hyper Beam.

Blue sends out Alakazam, who takes down JSS?S with Psychic. We send out Rocky. Alakazam tries to recover from Rocky's Iron Tail, but Iron Tail still takes down Alakazam.

Blue starts with Pidgeot, who uses a few Wing Attacks to take down ZZZZY. We send out JSSS?S; his strength strength proves more effective and takes down the bird.

6d 10h 56m After circling the gym many a time, including jumping off the ledge many a time to celebrate #LeapDay, we enter the Viridian City Gym. VS Blue

[Info] At some point the live splits were turned off

[Meta] Okay, live updater going dark again

6d 7h 42m Ursaring tanks a surf then lands a critical slash, taking out omastar. Brock sends out onix so ursaring slashes twice, taking out onix but not before a sandstorm is set up. Brock's final mon is kabutops, who is put to yellow by a slash. Kabutops surfs, leaving ursaring at half health, while sandstorm damage puts ursaring in yellow. Kabutops endures, surviving a slash, but the next slash finishes off kabutops. Ursaring grows to level 70! Leader Brock defeated! Boulder badge obtained!

6d 7h 40m Versus Leader Brock, attempt #1 Entei versus graveler. Entei leads with flamethrower, OHKOing graveler. He sends out rhyhorn next, who also falls to flamethrower. His third mon is omastar. There's a few PraiseIts in chat as entei uses a third flamethrower for low damage. Omastar's surf leaves entei at a fifth health, so we switch out to ursaring

6d 5h 3m Quick update, we're currently in the Safari Zone (somehow) even though the sign out front said it was closed. Also the game thinks this place is Silver Cave. Also also, there's wild Charmander here.

[Meta] Updater dark again

6d 3h 3m We send in ursaring next, who OHKOs lapras with slash. She sends out quagsire and we consider switching but decide to keep ursaring front and centre. Another slash and quagsire is down. Misty sends in her ace, starmie, who also falls to a single slash. Gym Leader Misty defeated! Cascade Badge get!

6d 3h 1m Versus Leader Misty, attempt #1! Machamp and meganium have fallen! We've taken out Misty's golduck and are currently facing her lapras

[Meta] And with that, the live updater is going dark.

5d 23h 52m Erin calls us to brag that Erin's Ponyta defeated a Geodude. We read the slogans on the scrolls in the back of the dojo. Then we leave the dojo back to the city.

5d 23h 51m We manage to find a path to the item ball. We find a Focus Band.

5d 23h 50m We enter the Fighting Dojo. The only person inside tells us that the Karate King is currently in a cave in Johto. We try to walk through a statue towards an item ball. Then we walk around to the northeast corner, and try to walk through a different statue towards the item ball. We alternate between these two positions a few times.

5d 23h 47m We find the exit. We leave the gym.

5d 23h 39m We start trying to leave the gym, but the teleporters aren't any less confusing on the way out than the way in.

5d 23h 36m We stay in this room, and look at our Pokedex. The Pokedex tells us that Rattata are widespread in Kanto.

5d 23h 34m CA.XX 1HKOs Espeon with cut. CA.XX grew to Lv. 69. CA.XX repeats his performance on Sabrina's Mr. Mime. Alakazam pulls off a reflect, and survives CA.XX's Cut. Sabrina uses a Hyper Potion, and CA.XX cuts again. Alakazam uses Recover, but CA.XX's next cut still KOs Alakazam. Sabrina defeated. We receive a Marsh Badge

5d 23h 32m We find Sabrina again. We challenge her this time. Vs. Leader Sabrina CA.XX vs. Espeon.

5d 23h 30m We find Medium Rebecca. She claims that the power of those we defeated have come to her. CA.XX cuts down her Drowsee, and slashes through Hypno. Rebecca joins those that we have defeated.

5d 23h 27m We're spotted by Psychic Franklin. We look through our Pack. CA.XX cuts down Kadabra regardless. Franklin defeated.

5d 23h 25m We find Sabrina's Room. Then teleport out of the room. We reenter Sabrina's room, then leave, then teleport further away.

5d 23h 24m Medium Doris challenges us next. CA.XX cuts down her Slowpoke and Slowbro. Doris defeated.

5d 23h 22m While wandering the gym, we encounter Psychic Jared. CA.XX uses his strength to take down Jared's Mr. Mime, fury swipes to take out exeggute, and cut to take out the second exeggute. Jared defeated.

5d 23h 20m We walk up to the fighting dojo, but ignore that for the larger gym. We enter the Saffron City gym.

5d 23h 19m We look at our trainer ID. We walk up to a guy in an official-looking outfit. He tells us that the Magnet Train is not operating now. We leave the station.

5d 23h 17m We read a sign that says "Magnet Train". We turn back to investigate further, and enter the train station.

5d 23h 15m Inputs resume, and we resume walking clockwise around the city.

5d 23h 14m Parts of the overlay are reset, which at least caused the splits to recognize that we have the Thunder Badge.

5d 23h 13m We walk clockwise around the city. We reach the alley with Copycat's new house, then stare off to the west. The stream seems to have stopped taking inputs.

5d 23h 10m We walk through the gatehouse and we get stuck in the northwest corner of the gatehouse. Then we get stuck in the northeast corner. Then we enter Saffron City.

5d 23h 9m We walk up to the underground passage entrance; there is a guy blocking the door. He says the passage is closed until the Power Plant situation is resolved.

5d 23h 7m We surf across the pond in the middle of Route 6.

5d 23h 6m We head to the center of town, then head north to Route 6.

5d 23h 5m We try to head east, but there is a Snorlax blocking that path.

5d 23h 2m We take a step into the gate that leads to the underground path that leads to the docks. We then step out of that building.

5d 23h 0m We enter a house, go through its door three more times, then surf away from the house.

5d 22h 58m We cut the tree outside. Liz calls us, but forgets what she wanted to tell us. Then we surf to go around the spot where the cuttable tree used to be.

5d 22h 56m We talk to the gym guide. He says the battle was electrifying. Despite not a single electric-type move being used that battle. We leave the gym.

5d 22h 54m Electrode moves first, setting up a Double Team, but CA.XX's slash still hits, KOing the Electrode. Surge sends out an Electabuzz, which is 1HKOed with Slash. Lt. Surge defeated. We received the Thunder Badge

5d 22h 52m CA.XX lands a Strength, defeating Electrode. Surge sends out Magneton, who is 1HOed with Strength. CA.XX grew to LV 68. Surge sends in a second Electrode. We look at our party.

5d 22h 50m Remembering what the other Electrode did to us, we attempt to run. We can't run, so we throw a ball at the Electrode. The Electrode uses the opportunity to set up with Double Team. Electrode Double Teams again, and CA.XX misses a cut. Electrode fires off a swift, and CA.XX misses again. Electrode doubles up on double teams, and CA.XX keeps missing. We throw a ball at the Electrode.

5d 22h 49m Vs. Leader Surge. Raichu vs. CA.XX. CA.XX cuts Raichu for a 1HKO. Surge sends out Electroke, and we attempt to use an Ice Berry on CA.XX.

5d 22h 47m We talk to the Guitarist, and he tells us that the gym's traps aren't actually working. We look up, and see that the door is open. We walk up to surge.

5d 22h 46m We resume searching the trash cans, then Gentleman Gregory challenges us. CA.XX slashes through his Pikachu, then strengths through his Flaaffy. Gentleman defeated.

5d 22h 43m We send out ZZZZY. A Razor Leaf finishes off the Electrode. Juggler defeated.

5d 22h 42m Horton sends his second Electrode back out, and is hit by Fire Spin before being defeated by Flamethrower. Horton sends out a fourth Electrode, Bllrk goes back to Fire Spin, while the last Electrode also starts a Rollout. BLlrk misses two Fire Spins, allowing the Electrode's Rollout to make BLlrk faint.

5d 22h 39m Horton's second Electrode starts a Rollout, then is Roared away. Horton's third Electroke is trapped by Fire Spin, then starts a Rollout. BLlrk continues Fire Spin, while Electrode builds up Rollout, until the Electrode faints.

5d 22h 37m Before we can move, Juggler Horton challenges us. We attempt to use an Ice Berry on CA.XX. BLlrk Fire Blasts an Electrode to KO.

5d 22h 35m Guitarist Vincent challenges us. BLlrk defeats the guitarist's first Magnemite with Flamethrower. Then defeats a voltorb with Fire Blast. The second Magnemite manages to dmage BLlrk with Sonicbooms since BLlrk's first Fire Blast missed, and Roar has low priority. Still, BLlrk defeats the third and second magnemite with Flamethrower. Guitarist defeated.

5d 22h 30m We begin searching the trash cans, but don't find anything useful.

5d 22h 29m We cut the bush at the gym entrance, and enter the gym.

5d 22h 28m We switch BLlrk to the front of our party, making CA.XX second.

5d 22h 26m Liz calls us, and invites us to a rematch.

5d 22h 25m We find hidden a Full Heal, hidden in the bushes by the city's gym.

5d 22h 23m We leave the S.S. Aqua, and enter Vermilion City.

5d 22h 22m We give the metal coat to Rocky, trading it for the Hard Stone he was holding.

5d 22h 20m We almost give an ice berry to BLlrk.

5d 22h 18m We walk across the lower floor, and ascend the other set of stairs. We enter the captain's cabin. Inside, we find a little girl who wants someone to play with her. We tell her that her granfather is worried about her; we escort her to her grandfather. As thanks, the grandfather gives us a metal coat.

5d 22h 14m We head back downstairs, and talk to the sailor who was looking for his buddy. He thanks us for finding the slacker, then says that a little girl may have passed by here.

5d 22h 12m CA.XX also 1HKOs the sailor's Machoke and Psyduck with Slash. Sailor defeated. The sailor says physical labor is exhausting, then leaves the cabin.

5d 22h 11m We move to the next cabin to the left. We find the slacking Sailor. Sailor Stanly challenges us to battle. We try to use in Ice Berry on CA.XX, but he has no burn to heal. CA.XX slashes the sailor's machop to 1HKO.

5d 22h 8m We go to the next cabin to the left. The guy inside, Hiker Noland, asks us if we're alone, then challenges us to battle. CA.XX slashes his Lv. 31 sandslash and his Lv. 33 Golem in one hit each. Hiker defeated. Noland wonders aloud whether Kanto has any good climbing mountains.

5d 22h 5m We enter the northeast cabin. There doesn't appear appear to be anyone in this room.

5d 22h 4m We talk to a sailor, who also wants us to find someone - his buddy. He says the captain will be furious.

5d 22h 3m A man bumps into us. He says he's looking for his granddaughter and asks us to tell him if we find her.

5d 22h 1m We show a sailor our S.S. Ticket and enter the S.S. Aqua.

5d 22h 1m We cross the underground path to the ports.

5d 22h 0m We land at Olivine City

5d 21h 58m We reach Route 40.

5d 21h 55m We clear the whirlpool and leave then island's enclosure.

5d 21h 52m We take two steps into the island's cave then exit the cave.

5d 21h 50m We clear the whirlpool at, then enter the enclosure of the the northeast whirl island.

5d 21h 47m We save.

5d 21h 45m We swap around CA.XX's move order, putting Slash in first and Strength in last.

5d 21h 45m Swimmer Kirk says the waves here tire him out while he swims. That's why we don't swim. CA.XX displays his strength to Kirk's pair of Lv 20 Gyrados. Kirk's beat.

5d 21h 40m We leave the island enclosure.

5d 21h 39m Liz calls us to talk about how adorable her Nidoran is. "It always wants to nuzzle me". Good thing for her that her Nidoran isn't an electric Pikaclone.

5d 21h 37m Axtux clears the whirlpool again, but we don't pass through, remaining inside the whirl island enclosure.

5d 21h 34m We land on the 2x2 square of land that doesn't connect to any other land, then start surfing again. Then land on the same patch and We find a hidden Max Ether.

5d 21h 32m Axtux clears the whirlpool that blocked the entrance to the southwest whirl island.

5d 21h 25m We start surfing, and leave Cianwood for Route 41.

5d 21h 24m We repeatedly open the menu, occasionally looking at our options, but not changing those options.

5d 21h 19m Erin calls us to talk about Erin's Ponyta.

5d 21h 16m We leave the photo house.

5d 21h 15m Axtux's photo has been printed.

5d 21h 14m We print half of Rocky's picture before cancelling the print.

5d 21h 12m JSS?S's photo has been printed

5d 21h 11m ZZZZY's photo has been printed

5d 21h 8m Rocky's photo has been printed.

5d 21h 6m BLlrk photo has been printed.

5d 21h 3m We enter the house with the photo guy. We start commissioning photos, starting with CA.XX.

5d 21h 2m We reach Cianwood City.

5d 20h 58m As we reach Route 41, Kenji calls us and yells through the phone. "Oooooaaarrrgh!"

5d 20h 55m We run so far from the PC that we end up surfing to Route 40.

5d 20h 53m We step into the Olivine Poké Center, pace in the lobby for a bit, then leave the Poké Center.

5d 20h 51m We enter the city's mart. We start with ₽40519. We buy 52 Great Balls and 3 Super Potions. We walk away from the counter with ₽7219. Then we return to the counter and we buy 12 Great Balls. We leave the mart with ₽19.

5d 20h 43m We pass through Route 39, and reach Olivine City.

5d 20h 41m CA.XX demonstrates his strength to a wild Pidgeotto. CA.XX grows to Lv. 67.

5d 20h 37m We leave the city westward, and enter Route 38.

5d 20h 35m 5d 20h 34m We register the good rod for use with the select button. We repeatedly attempt to use the good rod in the middle of the street.

5d 20h 33m We look in our Coin Case. We have 882 coins.

5d 20h 32m CA.XX can move boulders. But there are not boulders to move. We continue digging around in our pack.

5d 20h 28m We enter the gatehouse that leads to Bell Tower, stand in the entrance hall for a bit, then leave.

5d 20h 25m We reach the outskirts of Ecruteak City. We look at our 'dex before continuing to the center of the city.

5d 20h 23m We resume our attempts to teach Sweet Scent to CA.XX. Still doesn't work.

5d 20h 22m Joey calls us. He says his Rattata is cooler than anything in our party. CA.XX tries to demonstrate his strength, though that's more a tough attribute than a cool attribute.

5d 20h 17m We attempt to use the Clear Bell, but get told that now is not the time to use that. We seem to have decided to stay off the bike. We're at the border between Route 36 and Route 37, alternating which side of the border we're on as we look through our pack.

5d 20h 14m We read a sign that advises us that we can use Dig to return to the entrance of a cave. We're nowhere near a cave, so I don't know why that sign is here, but the sign is here.

5d 20h 11m We continue getting on and off the bike after approximately every step.

5d 20h 11m We attempt to teach Sweet Scent to CA.XX, but the TM is incompatible.

5d 20h 9m We consider using TM 01 to teach Dynamic Punch to CA.XX, but back out.

5d 20h 6m We advance to Route 36.

5d 20h 4m We rapidly toggle between being on the bike and not being on the bike with select spam.

5d 20h 1m We register the bicycle for use on the select button, then start riding the bike.

5d 20h 0m Reena calls us and brags about her Starmie.

5d 19h 59m We cut down the route's other cuttable tree to avoid the other half of the route's grass. We enter Violet City.

5d 19h 58m We reach Route 31. We cut down a tree to avoid the first patch of grass, then continue north into the pond.

5d 19h 50m We continue up the route. We talk to Joey face-to-face.

5d 19h 44m We pass through the city and reach Route 30. We try to walk up the first ledge, to no avail.

5d 19h 43m We reach Cherrygrove City.

5d 19h 40m 5d 19h 40m We walk the long way around the route, using the path that doesn't require cutting any trees.

[info] ₽40519 | Balls: 41 | Pokedex: 154 / 204 / 251

CA.XX (Ursaring) ♂ [King's Rock] Lv.66 Strength / Cut / Fury Swipes / Slash
BBBBLLlrk (Entei) [Blu Apricorn] Lv.54 Flamethrower / Fire Spin / Roar / Fire Blast
ZZZZY (Meganium) ♂ [Moon Stone] Lv.53 Razor Leaf / Poisonpowder / Fury Cutter / Body Slam
JJJJSSS??S (Machamp) ♂ [Pink Bow] Lv.59 Cross Chop / Karate Chop / Vital Throw / Strength
ROCKY (Steelix) ♂ [Hard Stone] Lv.71 Iron Tail / Strength / Earthquake / Crunch
AAAxtux (Politoed) ♀ [Mystic Water] Lv.58 Surf / Waterfall / Attract / Whirlpool

5d 19h 37m We attempt to print a few more entries, but aren't patient enough to let the transmissions complete. We manage to print half of Bayleef's entry.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ LATE VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 19h 34m We play Quilava's cry on repeat for a bit, then print Quilava's dex entry.

5d 19h 30m We leave the lab, and start our long walk, entering Route 29.

5d 19h 28m We enter the lab and walk past Elm to admire our reflection in the window. We turn around and Elm gives us with the S.S. Ticket. He tells us three is a ship leaving from Olivine.

5d 19h 25m After a brief pause, we wake up outside our Mom's house! We stop inside to wave hello, but as we walk back outside we get a call on our Poké Gear...Professor Elm wants us to come see him?

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 19h 18m Entered the Hall of Fame! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ VICTORY RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

5d 19h 17m Aerodactyl tries Wing Attack this time. We use Surf, OHKOing Aerodactyl. Defeated Champion Lance! TEH URN!

5d 19h 16m Aerodactyl outspeeds with Rock Slide and we flinch.

5d 19h 16m We send out Politoed and OHKO Charizard with Surf. Lance prepares his last mon, Aerodactyl.

5d 19h 15m We send out Meganium and, with our last breath, use Razor Leaf. We clutch with 1 HP but Flamethrower does that easily. Meganium faints!

5d 19h 14m Lance sends out Charizard and uses Flamethrower. We survive but Iron Tail misses. Another Flamethrower and Rocky faints!

5d 19h 14m Another Outrage hit puts us almost to half health, but we land Iron Tail and Dragonite faints. Rocky hits Lv. 71!

5d 19h 14m Dragonite uses Outrage but gets barely any damage. Iron Tail hits and Dragonite survives with just a little health, locked into Outrage. Our next Iron Tail misses.

5d 19h 13m We send out Politoed to finish the job. Politoed reaches Lv. 58! As the last Dragonite is sent out we send out Rocky.

5d 19h 12m We're fully paralyzed on the recharge turn. Another Hyper Beam hits and we have bad luck with paralysis, followed by yet another Hyper Beam; Ursaring faints!

5d 19h 12m Next up is another Dragonite. It uses Twister and we break through the paraflinch with Slash, taking it to low health. We throw another Poké Ball for good luck, and Dragonite uses Hyper Beam; Ursaring hits half health.

5d 19h 11m We use Slash, and Dragonite barely lives. This time, Thunder Wave hits, and Ursaring is paralyzed. Dragonite uses Hyper Beam but it doesn't even take us to half health; another Slash finishes it off.

5d 19h 10m Gyarados goes down with one Slash. Next up is one of the Dragonites; after trying to send out a fainted Entei we keep out Ursaring and use a Poké Ball. Dragonite's Thunder Wave misses.

5d 19h 9m Vs. Champion Lance! Attempt #12. Ursaring vs. Gyarados.

5d 19h 8m We have 5 Pokémon left, although Meganium is barely hanging on. Ursaring is at nearly full health and we haven't used the other three Pokémon at all.

5d 19h 8m We send out Meganium and use Body Slam, surviving our poison with red health; Houndoom is fully paralyzed. We finish it off with a Razor Leaf crit. Defeated Karen!

5d 19h 7m Karen cheats with a Max Potion, and we manage one more Flamethrower before succumbing to Curse. Entei faints!

5d 19h 6m A Flamethrower crit puts Houndoom to half health. It uses Crunch, and with Curse we're at low health. We land another Flamethrower and clutch the next Crunch with 5 HP.

5d 19h 6m Murkrow is sent out. We OHKO it with Flamethrower. Next up is Houndoom.

5d 19h 5m As Gengar comes out, we send out Entei. We use Flamethrower and it survives, but uses Curse, taking itself out. Entei reaches Lv. 54!

5d 19h 5m With another Cut, Vileplume goes down. Next up is Gengar.

5d 19h 4m We throw a Poké Ball. Vileplume uses Moonlight to recover barely any health.

5d 19h 3m Vileplume is sent out. We break through our confusion and almost take it down with Cut...and thanks to King's Rock it flinches.

5d 19h 3m We switch to Fury Swipes, miss, and thanks to Confuse Ray become confused. On the next turn, though, Umbreon goes down.

5d 19h 2m Ursaring vs. Umbreon. We try to use Strength, remember we're out of PP, and switch to Slash. Umbreon clutches with a few HP, but its Sand Attack fails.

5d 19h 1m Vs. Karen! Attempt #19!

5d 19h 1m As we walk, Meganium takes more damage, but it's still standing so far.

5d 19h 1m Slash takes down Onix in a single blow. Defeated Bruno!

5d 19h 0m We switch to Slash, and Machamp goes down in one hit. Next up is Onix.

5d 19h 0m Next up is Hitmonchan. It lands a Mach Punch, which is the first damage Ursaring has taken, and we use our last Strength to take it down. Next up is Machamp.

5d 18h 59m Next up is Hitmonlee, which also goes down to Strength. Ursaring reaches Lv. 66!

5d 18h 59m Ursaring vs. Hitmontop. Hitmontop uses Detect against our opening Strength, but our next Strength takes it down.

5d 18h 58m Vs. Bruno! Attempt #21.

5d 18h 57m Oh, and with that Crobat's help, Meganium reaches Lv. 53!

5d 18h 57m Crobat manages a Wing Attack as we use another Razor Leaf. We switch to Body Slam and Crobat is paralyzed. Another Body Slam and Crobat goes down. Defeated Koga!

5d 18h 56m As Crobat comes out we switch in Meganium. We miss Razor Leaf and Crobat uses Toxic; Meganium is badly poisoned!

5d 18h 56m Koga sends out Muk. Strength is now a OHKO; last on the list is Crobat.

5d 18h 55m We hit Forretress with Strength, and thanks to that King's Rock it flinches. We repeat that same thing a second time. The third Strength takes it down.

5d 18h 54m Strength is an easy OHKO on Ariados, as well as the following Venomoth. Next up, Forretress.

5d 18h 53m Vs. Koga! Attempt #22. Ursaring vs. Ariados.

5d 18h 52m We walk right up to Koga, then smoothly dodge around him.

5d 18h 49m At level 65, Ursaring has no trouble with Slowbro, or with the last Xatu, either. Defeated Will!

5d 18h 48m Jynx similarly goes down to Strength. Exeggutor is sent out, and after examining our Ice Berry we decide to use Strength, taking it out in one shot.

5d 18h 47m Xatu vs. Ursaring. We open with Strength and Xatu goes down. Ursaring reaches Lv. 65!

5d 18h 47m E4 Attempt #26 begins! Vs. Will!

[RIP] RIP E4 Attempt #25.

5d 18h 43m Dragonite is confused, but it lands another Outrage hit on us anyway. Politoed faints! Whited out!

5d 18h 42m We finish off Dragonite with Whirlpool, wringing out some more valuable EXP. Another Dragonite is sent out and uses Outrage. We're paralyzed, and the next Outrage hit takes us to 2 HP before we use Waterfall.

5d 18h 41m We get two Surfs before Dragonite recovers and uses Thunder Wave; Politoed is paralyzed. Dragonite starts spamming Hyper Beam as we keep being fully paralyzed.

5d 18h 40m This Dragonite nails us with Hyper Beam; Ursaring faints! Politoed is the last mon standing.

5d 18h 39m Dragonite uses Twister; Ursaring falls to red health before taking Dragonite down with another Strength crit. Next is another Dragonite.

5d 18h 38m Ursaring vs. Gyarados. Gyarados opens with full-health Flail, and we get a crit Strength, taking it down. Next is Dragonite.

5d 18h 38m Vs. Lance! Attempt #11.

5d 18h 37m Lance is waiting for us. We have a paralyzed, low-health Ursaring, plus a full-health Politoed.

5d 18h 37m We bring out Politoed to finish the job with Surf. Houndoom goes down! Defeated Karen!

5d 18h 36m Another Flamethrower and Rocky faints!

5d 18h 36m Karen cheats with a Max Potion. Houndoom lives our Iron Tail again.

5d 18h 35m Karen brings out Houndoom. We switch in Rocky and instantly go to low health thanks to Flamethrower. At least our Iron Tail hits...but Houndoom clutches.

5d 18h 34m We throw yet another Poké Ball. Murkrow uses Whirlwind, bringing Ursaring back out. It hits us with Faint Attack before we take it down with Slash.

5d 18h 34m Next up is Murkrow. It lands a Faint Attack on us and we try to Earthquake it.

5d 18h 34m Gengar uses Lick and we respond with Earthquake; Gengar goes down.

5d 18h 33m Karen brings out Gengar and we bring out Rocky.

5d 18h 31m Our Fury Swipes miss, but so does Stun Spore. We're not as lucky next turn; Ursaring is paralyzed. Vileplume restores its health with Moonlight, but we take it down with more Fury Swipes.

5d 18h 31m After a few self-hits we land another Cut and Umbreon goes down. Next up is Vileplume.

5d 18h 30m We open with Cut. Umbreon uses Sand Attack so our next Cut misses, then applies more pocket sand. After the next miss it uses Confuse Ray.

5d 18h 30m Vs. Karen! Attempt #18. Ursaring vs. Umbreon.

5d 18h 28m We switch Rocky in as Onix uses Sandstorm. The next turn, Onix goes down to Crunch. Defeated Bruno!

5d 18h 27m We hit Onix with Slash, and thanks to our King's Rock it flinches.

5d 18h 26m We go back to Strength as Machamp comes out. Next up is Onix.

5d 18h 25m Hitmonlee falls to Strength, and Hitmonchan manages one Mach Punch before succumbing to Slash. Ursaring reaches Lv. 64!

5d 18h 24m Strength takes down Hitmontop in one hit. Hitmonlee is up next.

5d 18h 23m Vs. Bruno! Attempt #20. Ursaring vs. Hitmontop.

5d 18h 22m A few Crunches finish Muk off. Defeated Koga!

5d 18h 21m Muk takes advantage of our Poké Ball spam to use Minimize. We land a Crunch and it keeps setting up.

5d 18h 21m After a few failures, we pick Crunch, taking Crobat down in two hits. Koga's last Pokémon is Muk.

5d 18h 20m We send out Rocky. Koga uses Crobat and uses Wing Attack as we toss another Poké Ball and try to use Earthquake.

5d 18h 19m After a few low-damage turns, Forretress gives in and uses Explosion. Meganium faints!

5d 18h 18m Forretress successfully Protect stalls out Entei, who faints from poison! We send out Meganium and throw yet another Poké Ball.

5d 18h 16m We toss another Poké Ball. Venomoth's Supersonic misses, and we try out Fire Blast. Venomoth goes down.

5d 18h 15m We toss a Poké Ball. Koga is unamused. Venomoth uses Psychic.

5d 18h 14m We bring out Entei. Venomoth uses Toxic and Entei becomes badly poisoned.

5d 18h 14m Ariados goes down with one Strength. Next up is Venomoth.

5d 18h 13m Vs. Koga! Attempt #21. Ursaring vs. Ariados.

5d 18h 11m We send out Rocky. Xatu manages a Psychic before Iron Tail finishes it off. Defeated Will!

5d 18h 10m As Xatu comes out, we send out Machamp. After some contemplation we miss another Cross Chop. Xatu uses Psychic and Machamp faints!

5d 18h 9m We use Razor Leaf and Slowbro uses Amnesia, but falls to our next Razor Leaf. Xatu is up next.

5d 18h 8m Will sends out Slowbro and we bring out Meganium.

5d 18h 8m Our next Cross Chop hits and Exeggutor goes down.

5d 18h 6m We switch Machamp right into a Psychic. We miss our Cross Chop and another Psychic hits.

5d 18h 5m Exeggutor puts up Reflect as we Razor Leaf it again, then tries another Leech Seed. We switch to Body Slam and paralyze it before it tries out Psychic.

5d 18h 4m Jynx is easy to defeat, too. Will sends out Exeggutor, and we use our turn to switch into Meganium. Exeggutor's Leech Seed fails and we start using Razor Leaf.

5d 18h 3m Xatu goes down to one Strength. Next is Jynx.

5d 18h 2m E4 Attempt #25 begins! Vs. Will! Ursaring vs. Xatu.

[Fluff] Who bumped the lightswitch?

5d 18h 1m As we wait outside, Erin's phone call occupies us long enough that we watch the sun come up.

[Rip] RIP E4 Attempt #24.

5d 18h 0m Charizard uses Flamethrower and takes us to yellow health. We use Iron Tail and miss. The next Flamethrower means Rocky faints! Blacked out!

5d 18h 0m Rocky reaches Lv. 70! Next out is Charizard...

5d 18h 0m Dragonite has to recharge, but we use Earthquake. Next Dragonite uses Outrage and crits before we land an Iron Tail. Dragonite goes down.

5d 17h 58m We send out Rocky. We think about running away.

5d 17h 57m We land another Surf and Dragonite nails us with Hyper Beam. Politoed faints! Only Rocky is standing.

5d 17h 56m With another Surf, Dragonite goes down. Next up is that last Dragonite.

5d 17h 56m Dragonite uses Hyper Beam but misses. We land another Surf before Hyper Beam hits, bringing us to 8 HP.

5d 17h 55m We send out Rocky and miss Iron Tail, then bring out Politoed into Dragonite's Blizzard. We start using Surf.

5d 17h 55m Dragonite finishes the job with a fancy Hyper Beam. Ursaring faints, but we'll have a recharge turn now.

5d 17h 54m Dragonite uses Hyper Beam and puts us in the red. We're fully paralyzed but land a Fury Swipes on the next turn. Dragonite's Thunder leaves us with 3HP and we finish it off with more Fury Swipes. Next up is the other Dragonite.

5d 17h 53m Dragonite is sent out. We inspect the Squirtbottle, then throw a Poké Ball. Dragonite uses Thunder Wave and Ursaring is paralyzed.

5d 17h 53m We nail Gyarados with Strength, and it goes down. Ursaring reaches Lv. 63!

5d 17h 52m Vs. Lance! Attempt #10. Ursaring vs. Gyarados.

5d 17h 52m The Champion awaits...Rocky is at full health, with Ursaring and Politoed at half health.

5d 17h 51m Karen sends out Murkrow. We hit it with another Surf and it goes down. Houndoom is sent out next and that also falls to a single surf. Defeated Karen!

5d 17h 50m We bring out Politoed and use Surf. Gengar goes down, and Politoed reaches Lv. 57!

5d 17h 50m Gengar uses Spite, removing all of Cross Chop's remaining PP. Then we succumb to the curse and Machamp faints!

5d 17h 49m We try to run away. It isn't very successful. Eventually we try to Cross Chop the ghost, but it doesn't work; Gengar uses Lick and Machamp becomes paralyzed.

5d 17h 48m After a lot of thought, we switch out Ursaring...into Machamp, who also ca't hit Gengar. Gengar uses Curse, taking its HP to half.

5d 17h 46m Slash misses, but Vileplume's Stun Spore also misses, and it goes down to the next Slash. Next is Gengar.

5d 17h 45m We try to bring out the fainted Entei, but we don't have much luck. Instead we use Slash, getting Umbreon to low health; it responds with Sand Attack. Another Slash and it goes down. Next up is Vileplume.

5d 17h 44m Vs. Karen! Attempt #17. Ursaring vs. Umbreon.

5d 17h 43m With one last Strength, Onix goes down! Defeated Bruno!

5d 17h 42m We use Cut, but it's not very effective. Onix uses Earthquake. We get another crit Cut as Onix turns to Sandstorm.

5d 17h 42m We use cut, but crit, and Machamp goes down in one hit. Next and last is Onix.

5d 17h 41m We take down Hitmonlee with Fury Swipes. Hitmonchan is sent out next and we do pretty much the same thing. Next up is Machamp.

5d 17h 40m After some rough menuing, we use Strength, taking down Hitmontop in one shot. Next up is Hitmonlee.

5d 17h 40m Vs. Bruno! Attempt #19. Ursaring vs. Hitmontop.

5d 17h 38m Crobat outspeeds with Double Team, but our Slash still connects and it faints. Ursaring reaches Lv. 62! Defeated Koga!

5d 17h 37m We bring Ursaring back out and finish off Muk with an overkill crit Slash. Next and last is Crobat.

5d 17h 36m Muk is sent out. Entei uses Flamethrower, but Muk barely lives a crit -- but then it becomes burned. Still, Sludge Bomb means Entei faints!

5d 17h 35m We switch into Entei, getting hurt by the Spikes. Forretress uses Explosion; Entei clutches.

5d 17h 34m We use Cut as Forretress uses Strength, then try out Fury Swipes. Forretress uses Swift. Our next Fury Swipes is only 2 hits.

5d 17h 33m After looking through our bag, we focus and use Strength. Venomoth goes down, and Forretress approaches.

5d 17h 33m Ursaring vs. Ariados. We use Strength and take it down. Next up is Venomoth.

5d 17h 32m Vs. Elite Four Koga! Attempt #20.

5d 17h 29m Finally we break through our confusion and use Surf, and Xatu goes down. Defeated Will!

5d 17h 29m We hit ourselves in confusion as Psychic crits. Then again, except not a crit this time.

5d 17h 28m As Xatu comes out we send out Rocky, then change our minds and bring out Politoed.

5d 17h 28m We send out Machamp and Cross Chop takes Exeggutor down. Next up is Xatu.

5d 17h 27m We use Body Slam and Exeggutor uses Psychic. It clutches the next Body Slam and Meganium faints!

5d 17h 26m Another Razor Leaf takes Jynx down. Next up is Exeggutor.

5d 17h 25m We land a Poisonpoweder and Jynx misses with Lovely Kiss. Razor Leaf takes it to half health before it uses Ice Punch.

5d 17h 24m Slowbro lives Razor Leaf and manages a Psychic before we take it down. Next up is Jynx.

5d 17h 24m Slowbro uses Amnesia and we decide to bring out Meganium. Slowbro uses Curse.

5d 17h 23m Despite being confused, Entei takes Xatu down with Fire Blast. It lands another Fire Blast on its next target, Slowbro.

5d 17h 22m We bring out Entei. Xatu uses Confuse Ray.

5d 17h 21m E4 Attempt #24 begins! Vs. Will! Ursaring vs. Xatu.

[RIP] RIP E4 Attempt #23.

5d 17h 19m Knowing we can't take Charizard down, we just finish off with another Poké Ball. Rocky faints! Blacked out!

5d 17h 18m After a lot of failed turns, we finally take down Aerodactyl with Iron Tail. Next up: Charizard...

5d 17h 18m We finally find an attack and use Crunch. Aerodactyl keeps chipping away as we get unlucky with paralysis.

5d 17h 17m Rocky returns and tries Earthquake again. Surprisingly, it still doesn't work.

5d 17h 16m We switch into Machamp. Aerodactyl uses Rock Slide and crits, then outspeeds with Wing Attack. Machamp faints!

5d 17h 15m Aerodactyl uses Hyper Beam...and still doesn't do much. We miss an Iron Tail and again are fully paralyzed as it recharges with Wing Attack. And we use another Poké Ball.

5d 17h 15m Wing Attack doesn't do much either, but we're fully paralyzed...and we select Earthquake, so that doesn't work either.

5d 17h 15m After a lot of contemplation we send out Rocky...and throw a Poké Ball. Aerodactyl uses Ancientpower and gets very little damage.

5d 17h 14m Aerodactyl uses Wing Attack and Ursaring faints!

5d 17h 13m Dragonite uses Hyper Beam and we clutch at 8 HP. Our Cut misses but we land it on the recharge turn. Next is Aerodactyl.

5d 17h 12m We try to run away, but there's no escape from a Trainer battle. We recover our senses and use Fury Swipes, hitting four times. Dragonite barely survives and Ursaring is paralyzed.

5d 17h 11m Strength again. Dragonite clutches and tries Thunder Wave, but it fails. We Slash it down. Next out is the other Dragonite.

5d 17h 11m Ursaring OHKOs Gyarados with Strength. Ursaring reaches Lv. 61! Next is Dragonite.

5d 17h 10m Vs. Lance! Attempt #9! Ursaring vs. Gyarados.

5d 17h 9m Lance awaits us...currently standing are Ursaring and Machamp at half health, plus a decent-HP but paralyzed Rocky.

5d 17h 8m Karen sends out Houndoom and we bring out Machamp. We use Strength and Houndoom goes down. Defeated Karen!

5d 17h 7m We use our Switch On mode to bring Rocky back out. Gengar uses Curse and we select Crunch, taking Gengar down.

5d 17h 7m With one Strength, Murkrow goes down. Next up is Gengar.

5d 17h 7m We try Iron Tail but miss, and Murkrow drags out Ursaring with Whirlwind.

5d 17h 6m We manage to land an Iron Tail and Vileplume goes down. Next up is Murkrow.

5d 17h 6m Iron Tail misses and Rocky becomes paralyzed by Stun Spore. Vileplume starts in on Petal Dance.

5d 17h 5m Rocky uses Iron Tail, and Umbreon faints. Next out is Vileplume. We think about fleeing.

5d 17h 4m We immediately bring out Rocky. Umbreon uses Faint Attack.

5d 17h 4m Vs. Karen! Attempt #16. Ursaring vs. Umbreon.

[Chat] nice

5d 17h 3m Oh, and Rocky reaches Lv. 69!

5d 17h 2m Onix realizes it has Earthquake as we miss again. It still doesn't do much due to the level gap. Finally we land an Iron Tail and Onix goes down. Defeated Bruno!

5d 17h 2m We bring out Steelix and use Iron Tail, but miss. Onix uses Bind.

5d 17h 1m We use Karate Chop. The other Machamp clutches and lands a crit Cross Chop before we take care of it. (Our) Machamp reaches Lv. 59! Next is Onix.

5d 17h 1m We're not as lucky next turn, though, getting hit by Cross Chop. Politoed faints! We send out our own Machamp.

5d 17h 0m We use Attract again, and Machamp is stopped by its love.

5d 17h 0m We land a Whirlpool. Machamp breaks through its attraction and uses Cross Chop.

5d 16h 59m We send out Politoed and use Attract on Machamp. Bruno uses a Max Potion.

5d 16h 58m Machamp is sent out, and we bring out a heavily damaged Entei, taking it to half health with Flamethrower. Machamp uses Rock Slide and Entei faints!

5d 16h 58m Slash takes it down. Next is Hitmonchan, which lands a Mach Punch but also goes down to Slash.

5d 16h 57m We use Slash and take Hitmontop down. Next is Hitmonlee.

5d 16h 57m We throw a Great Ball. It's on the Dig turn, but Bruno still catches our Poké Ball midair, looking a little disappointed.

5d 16h 55m Ursaring vs. Hitmontop. We use Cut and it uses Dig; we look at our collection of berries.

5d 16h 54m Vs. Bruno! Attempt #18.

5d 16h 53m As we try to find Bruno, Entei is slowly taking damage from poison...something about this seems poetic.

5d 16h 53m We try to call our mom, but there's no service in here.

5d 16h 50m Next up is Crobat, who uses Double Team. Thankfully, Strength hits, and Crobat goes down. Defeated Koga!

5d 16h 50m We send out Ursaring again. After a few tries we take down Muk with a crit Strength.

5d 16h 49m Body Slam finally hits and Muk becomes paralyzed. Sludge Bomb finishes us off, though -- Meganium faints!

5d 16h 48m We bring out Meganium and keep missing with Razor Leaf as Muk reaches maximum tiny. With another Toxic Meganium is also poisoned.

5d 16h 47m Muk hits us with a Sludge Bomb. Entei uses Roar, but that misses too.

5d 16h 47m Muk just keeps getting tinier. Flamethrower misses and Toxic hits, poisoning Entei. More Minimize ensues.

5d 16h 46m We use Fire Spin and miss, then Flamethrower and miss. Muk's Toxic also misses.

5d 16h 46m We switch into Entei, taking damage from Spikes. Muk uses Minimize.

5d 16h 45m We Slash as Forretress sets up Spikes, and our next Slash is a crit, meaning Forretress goes down. Next up is Muk.

5d 16h 44m We pick out Slash and Venomoth goes down. Ursaring reaches Lv. 60! Next is Forretress.

5d 16h 43m Ariados goes down in one Strength. Next is Venomoth.

5d 16h 43m Vs. Koga! Attempt #19. Ursaring vs. Ariados.

5d 16h 41m After a lot of menuing we use Waterfall and crit. Xatu goes down. Defeated Will!

5d 16h 40m A couple more Waterfalls and Slowbro goes down. Last is Xatu.

5d 16h 39m We use Surf as Slowbro uses Psychic. Another Surf leads to Curse, and we switch to Waterfall as Slowbro lands another Psychic.

5d 16h 38m We switch out to Politoed. Slowbro starts using Amnesia.

5d 16h 38m After a few tries we take Exeggutor down with Fury Swipes. Slowbro is sent out.

5d 16h 37m Jynx is sent out. We cut it down with, well, Cut. Next up is Exeggutor.

5d 16h 35m Vs. Will! Ursaring vs. Xatu.

5d 16h 35m E4 Attempt #23 begins!

[RIP] RIP E4 Attempt #22.

5d 16h 34m One more Flamethrower and Rocky faints! Blacked out! Back outside.

5d 16h 33m Flamethrower sends us to half health, and Iron Tail puts Houndoom in the yellow...

5d 16h 32m Next up is Houndoom. We hit it with Iron Tail but it lives with a little HP. It tries to use Roar, forgetting we have one mon standing...Karen uses a Max Potion as our next Iron Tail misses.

5d 16h 32m Here Iron Tail OHKOs, too. Murkrow is up next. It outspeeds with Faint Attack before we slap it with Iron Tail and it goes down.

5d 16h 32m Iron Tail takes care of Umbreon. Next out is Vileplume.

5d 16h 30m We get Umbreon down to half health with Strength before finally falling to Faint Attack. Ursaring faints! Only Rocky remains.

5d 16h 30m Vs. Karen! Attempt #15, Ursaring vs. Umbreon.

5d 16h 28m Our next Strength takes care of Onix. Defeated Bruno!

5d 16h 28m Onix hits us with an Earthquake on that turn. We get back to Strength and Onix uses Earthquake again, but we clutch.

5d 16h 27m We bring out Ursaring and take Machamp down with Strength. Next up is Onix, which we get to half health with Strength before it uses Sandstorm. We throw a Poké Ball at it.

5d 16h 26m We use Whirlpool but miss, and Cross Chop is another crit. Politoed faints!

5d 16h 24m Bruno sends out Machamp. We stay in as Rocky, then bring out Politoed, getting crit by Cross Chop.

5d 16h 24m We bring out Steelix and, after a lot of menuing, use Earthquake. Hitmonchan goes down.

5d 16h 21m We survive the second Mach Punch, but Cross Chop misses. Another Mach Punch and Machamp faints!

5d 16h 21m We throw a Poké Ball. Hitmonchan pulls another Mach Punch.

5d 16h 20m Hitmonchan gets a Mach Punch crit and Entei faints!

5d 16h 20m Next up is Hitmontop, which goes down to a quick Cut. Bruno sends out Hitmonchan and we bring out Entei.

5d 16h 19m Hitmontop faints to Strength and Ursaring reaches Lv. 59! We decide not to learn Thrash.

5d 16h 17m Vs. Bruno! Attempt #17. Ursaring vs. Hitmontop.

5d 16h 16m We bring out Ursaring. Crobat uses Double Team, but our Strength still lands. Crobat faints! Defeated Koga!

5d 16h 15m We send out Politoed against Muk and start using Surf. Muk faints to a crit. Next and last is Crobat.

5d 16h 14m Forretress gets tired of our stalling and uses Explosion. Meganium faints!

5d 16h 14m We switch to Fury Cutter as Forretress gets off another Swift.

5d 16h 14m We land a Body Slam, paralyzing Forretress. It uses Swift as we hit it again. Next turn it's paralyzed.

5d 16h 13m We switch out to Meganium, taking damage from the Spikes.

5d 16h 12m We use Strength, and Forretress reacts with Swift. We try to run away.

5d 16h 11m We throw a Poké Ball at Forretress, and it takes advantage by using Spikes.

5d 16h 10m We use Strength and Ariados goes down. Next out is Venomoth, which falls in one hit too.

5d 16h 9m This time, we walk straight up to Koga. Vs. Koga! Attempt #18, Ursaring vs. Ariados.

5d 16h 7m Next out is Xatu. We hit it with Waterfall and it faints. Defeated Will!

5d 16h 6m Psychic does a little damage, and we use Waterfall, finishing off the eggs.

5d 16h 6m Exeggutor uses Psychic, putting us in the red. We bring out Politoed.

5d 16h 4m With another Karate Chop, Slowbro faints. Next out is Exeggutor, who uses Reflect as we Karate Chop it.

5d 16h 3m We use Karate Chop, putting Slowbro in the red. Slowbro uses Psychic.

5d 16h 2m Cross Chop does half of Slowbro's health. It responds by using Curse.

5d 16h 1m Will sends out Slowbro, and we bring out Machamp.

5d 16h 1m Entei finally wakes up and uses Flamethrower, taking Jynx down.

5d 16h 0m Jynx's next Doubleslap misses, but the one after that hits and is more of a Quadrupleslap. Entei slumbers on, and Psychic puts it in the red.

5d 16h 0m Jynx lands two Psychics as Entei takes a little nap.

5d 15h 59m We switched out to Entei and Jynx put us to sleep. Currently Jynx is doing a little damage with Double Slap.

5d 15h 57m We hit ourselves in confusion. Jynx lands a Doubleslap.

5d 15h 56m We open with Cut and get a 5% miss. Xatu uses Confuse Ray, and our next Cut hits, taking it down. Next out is Jynx...

5d 15h 55m Breaktime is over. Vs. Will! Xatu vs. Ursaring.

[Info] While the printer spam continues, let's have some E4 win/loss rates:

  • Will: 17/4
  • Koga: 16/1
  • Bruno: 14/2
  • Karen: 8/5
  • Lance: 0/8

5d 15h 51m We pull out our Pokedex for a PRINTER ERROR.

5d 15h 50m E4 Attempt #22 begins!

5d 15h 50m We poke the PC with a stick, then run away.

5d 15h 48m We bump into the PC. The bootup beep scares us so badly that we run back outside.

[RIP] Rip E4 Attempt #21. We go outside to contemplate our lives.

5d 15h 47m Flamethrower puts Machamp in the red as we use Vital Throw. Another Flamethrower and Machamp goes down! Blacked out!

5d 15h 46m Another Flamethrower and Rocky faints! Only Machamp remains...

5d 15h 46m Lance sends out Charizard and we bring out Rocky. It uses Flamethrower and brings us to the red as we use Iron Tail and miss.

5d 15h 45m Another Wing Attack as we select Vital Throw. Aerodactyl goes down.

5d 15h 45m Amber uses Wing Attack as we use Strength.

5d 15h 45m Machamp comes back out. We narrowly dodge the Poké Balls in our bag.

5d 15h 44m We switch out to Politoed, and Wing Attack takes it down. Politoed faints!

5d 15h 43m After some menuing, we use Cross Champ. Dragonite uses Thunder Wave, but it fails; we switch to Karate Chop and Dragonite goes down. Next up is Aerodactyl.

5d 15h 43m We send out Machamp and dig through our bag.

5d 15h 42m Gyarados goes down to another Body Slam. Lance sends out Dragonite and we Body Slam that too, but it responds with Blizzard. Meganium faints!

5d 15h 41m We use Razor Leaf and crit, putting Gyarados at half health. It uses Hyper Beam but we clutch, and we switch to Body Slam. Gyarados is paralyzed.

5d 15h 41m Vs. Lance! Attempt #8! Meganium vs. Gyarados.

5d 15h 39m Next up is Houndoom, which we hit with Cross Chop. Houndoom faints! Defeated Karen!

5d 15h 38m We decide to switch to Machamp, but Murkrow uses Pursuit, putting Politoed in the red. We land a Cross Chop with Machamp and Murkrow faints.

5d 15h 38m We throw a Great Ball, to no success, and take damage from Curse. Murkrow switches us out with Whirlwind. Politoed is sent out.

5d 15h 37m Gengar is sent out, and we switch to Rocky. Gengar uses Curse and we select Crunch; Gengar faints. Rocky reaches Lv. 68!

5d 15h 37m Cross Chop Crits and Vileplume faints. Machamp reaches Lv. 58!

5d 15h 36m Umbreon goes down to Cross Chop. Next up is Vileplume.

5d 15h 36m We switch to Machamp. Umbreon responds with more Faint Attack.

5d 15h 35m We use Razor Leaf and Umbreon uses Faint Attack. We contemplate switching out.

5d 15h 35m Vs. Karen! Attempt #14. Meganium vs. Umbreon.

5d 15h 33m Ursaring may have fainted, but we sure can still use Strength.

5d 15h 31m We steel our nerves and use Surf, taking care of onix. Defeated Bruno!

5d 15h 31m Scared, we try to run away...

5d 15h 30m Politoed finishes Machamp with Waterfall. Politoed reaches Lv. 56! Next up is Onix.

5d 15h 29m We send out Politoed again. Bruno uses a Max Potion as we Surf.

5d 15h 28m We switch back to Ursaring and use Strength; Machamp clutches and uses Cross Chop. Ursaring faints!

5d 15h 28m We start using Surf; Hitmonchan survives with a little HP and uses Thunderpunch, forgetting that there's no Physical/Special split yet. Another Surf takes it down. Up next is Machamp.

5d 15h 27m Next up is Hitmonlee, which we take down with Fury Swipes. As Hitmonchan is sent out we switch to Politoed.

[Info] During our Bruno search, we also turned on Switch mode.

5d 15h 25m We open by throwing a ball, which doesn't give us much luck. Hitmontop uses Dig, allowing us to get onto Strength, and hits us for a little damage before fainting. Ursaring reaches Lv. 58!

5d 15h 25m After trying very hard, we finally locate our next opponent. Vs. Bruno! Attempt #16; Ursaring vs. Hitmontop.

5d 15h 24m In all our wandering, Entei faints from poison.

5d 15h 21m We pace back in forth in Bruno's room, nearly falling into the lava. We make a quick save.

5d 15h 16m Next up is Crobat. We land Fire Blast and Crobat reaches low health, but is burned. It hits us with Wing Attack and then falls to that burn. Defeated Koga!

5d 15h 16m We switch to Fire Blast and Muk goes down.

5d 15h 14m We apply Flamethrower as Muk uses Acid Armor, then switch to Fire Spin; Muk uses Sludge Bomb. Entei becomes poisoned.

5d 15h 14m On the next try, we land Flamethrower, and Forretress faints. Next out is Muk.

5d 15h 13m We switch out to Entei and select Flamethrower, but Forretress uses Protect...

5d 15h 13m We switch to Strength as Forretress sets up Spikes, then uses Swift.

5d 15h 13m We realize we don't have this Pokedex entry yet and throw a Great Ball. It doesn't seem to work.

5d 15h 12m Venomoth falls to Cut. Next out is Forretress.

5d 15h 11m We use Cut and almost take Ariados down. It uses Double Team, but we find it with our next hit and it faints. Next out is Venomoth.

5d 15h 10m Vs. Koga! Attempt #17. Ursaring vs. Ariados.

[Meta] ...pretend I bolded that. Here: Defeated Will!

5d 15h 6m Will uses a Max Potion, but his greed is unrewarded as a Waterfall takes Xatu down. Defeated Will!

5d 15h 5m We look through our bag for good luck, then use Waterfall against the remaining Xatu. It clutches and uses Psychic.

5d 15h 4m Slowbro tries out Curse. Another Waterfall puts it in the red; Psychic puts us to half health. After one more Waterfall, Slowbro faints.

5d 15h 4m Will sends out Slowbro. We use Waterfall as it uses Amnesia.

5d 15h 3m Exeggutor really loves Psychic. A few Waterfalls later, though, and it's down. Meganium reaches Lv. 52!

5d 15h 2m We switch out to Rocky and take another Psychic...and we switch out to Politoed.

5d 15h 1m We start using Razor Leaf...it's not very effective, although we do get a crit. The eggs keep spamming Psychic.

5d 15h 1m We switch out to Meganium. Exeggutor uses Psychic.

5d 15h 0m Jynx is sent out. Slash is a OHKO. Next up: Exeggutor.

5d 15h 0m We immediately try to use a berry on Ursaring, but it doesn't seem to work. We switch to slash, and with a crit Xatu faints.

5d 15h 0m Vs. Will! Xatu vs. Ursaring.

5d 14h 59m E4 Attempt #21 begins!

5d 14h 58m We emerge onto Route 23 and make our way into Indigo Plateau.

5d 14h 52m Slowly ascending through Victory Road...

5d 14h 40m We reenter Victory Road.

5d 14h 31m Ursaring enters the front of the party.

5d 14h 26m Entei reaches Lv. 53!

5d 14h 22m Healed!

5d 14h 19m We hop into the rest house.

5d 14h 11m Still trying to change party order...

5d 13h 53m Next out is Nidoqueen, who uses Double Kick and gets one crit. Iron Tail is enough to finish it off. Defeated Cooltrainer Reena!

5d 13h 53m After a miss, we take down Starmie with Iron Tail.

5d 13h 51m Another Starmie is sent out. We switch into Rocky. Starmie hits it with another Bubblebeam.

5d 13h 51m Flamethrower almost takes care of Starmie, but Starmie gets a crit Bubblebeam, putting us at half health. Another Flamethrower finishes it.

5d 13h 50m Cooltrainer Reena challenges us to a rematch! She sends out Starmie against Entei.

5d 13h 50m We use an HP Up on Entei.

[Snark] Can you help us fix the party order, Monica? Please?

5d 13h 41m We read a book someone left open on the table...It's by one of the week siblings. They say their ideology is to help Pokémon trainers.

5d 13h 37m In a different house on Route 26. They have a TV, too.

5d 13h 25m It's a TV.

5d 13h 21m Currently running around inside the house.

5d 13h 13m Healed again.

5d 13h 9m Moved Entei to the start of the party. Entei reaches Lv. 52!

5d 12h 54m We approach Victory Road, then hop about ten ledges.

5d 12h 47m We heal again.

[Info] Current team status:

  • ROCKY (Steelix) | Lv. 67♂ | Hard Stone | Iron Tail/Strength/EQ/Crunch
  • BBBBLLlrk (Entei) | Lv. 51 | Blu Apricorn | Flamethrower/Fire Spin/Roar/Fire Blast
  • ZZZZY (Meganium) | Lv. 51♂ | Moon Stone | Razor Leaf/Poisonpowder/Fury Cutter/Body Slam
  • JJJJSSS??S (Machamp) | Lv. 57♂ | Pink Bow | Cross Chop/Karate Chop/Vital Throw/Strength
  • CA.XX (Ursaring) | Lv. 56♂ | King's Rock | Slash/Cut/Fury Swipes/Strength
  • AAAxtux (Politoed) | Lv. 55♀ | Mystic Water | Surf/Waterfall/Attract/Whirlpool

5d 12h 27m We went into the rest house and healed!

[Info] Since the last update, our team has gained a lot of levels, and Entei learned Flamethrower over Ember. We also dropped by the Name Rater and renamed Entei to BBBBLLlrk, and picked up a few cool items like TM48 Fire Punch, TM18 Rain Dance, and a bunch of Poké Balls. We're currently leaving Victory Road on our way to the rest house on Route 26.

[Meta] Updater's going dark for now. Be sure to follow all the action with our StreamFeed bot in the discord server, channel #stream-feed

5d 1h 10m We head to Route 29. Looks like we're headed for somewhere distant but due to the lack of flying mons and no PC in New Bark Town, we're walking through low level routes, just casually OHKOing level 2 sentret with earthquake

5d 1h 6m We talk to the Abra Man in Indigo Plateau but reject his services. We talk to him again and teleport to New Bark Town. We go say hi to Mom

5d 1h 5m Aerodactyl's hyper beam leaves politoed at 1 HP as the frog's surf takes out the aerodactyl. Lance's next mon is dragonite. Politoed surfs again, doing a bit of damage as dragonite's thunder finishes politoed! Wiped out! RIP champion attempt #4

5d 1h 3m Ursaring wastes the free recharge turn by missing an attack. We try stealing this aerodactyl but Lance stops us. Lance then punishes us by taking out ursaring with aerodactyl's hyper beam. We send in our final mon, politoed, who misses whirlpool

5d 1h 2m Ursaring gets sent in. Aerodactyl's ancientpower puts the bear into yellow health as ursaring's fury swipes does minor damage. Aerodactyl uses hyper beam, leaving ursaring with 27 HP, as fury swipes continues doing scratch damage

5d 1h 1m We send in machamp next. Cross chop misses as does dragonite's hyper beam. Machamp's strength puts dragonite on yellow as hyper beam leaves machamp with 1 HP. A second strength and dragonite goes down. Machamp grows to level 54! Aerodactyl up next, who takes out machamp with wing attack!

5d 1h 0m A final body slam and gyarados goes down. Meganium is now level 50! Lance sends out the first of his dragonites, who paralyses meganium with thunderwave then takes out meganium with blizzard!

5d 0h 59m We enter the champion's chamber. Versus Champion Lance, attempt #4! We lead with meganium, who uses 2 body slams and a poison powder, while Lance uses gyarados with rain dance and hyper beam

5d 0h 56m Gengar takes the last of strength's PP. It's too much and gengar uses a second curse, taking herself out. Karen sends in murkrow who goes down to a single slash. Karen's final mon is houndoom, whose flamethrower puts ursaring at just above half health. Slash takes out houndoom, Ursaring grows to level 54! Elite Four Karen defeated!

[Fluff] I don't think gengar can hit us. I'm unsure but I think gengar's only attacking move is lick, which cannot hit normal types

5d 0h 53m Gengar keeps spiting us. Cut continues to do nothing. Another destiny bond and gengar switches back to destiny bond

5d 0h 52m Gengar spites ursaring, reducing some PP. Our attempts to switch to an actually-usable mon continue to fail

5d 0h 51m We switch out to ursaring, who also cannot hit gengar. Gengar uses destiny bond to troll us

5d 0h 50m Gengar gets bored of waiting for us to attack and uses curse, knocking half her health out to lay a curse on machamp

5d 0h 49m We decide to teach machamp dynamic punch midbattle, but it doesn't seem to be working. We realise that machamp cannot hit gengar so try switching in steelix and entei, but they're both fainted

5d 0h 48m Vileplume continues using petal dance as machamp takes vileplume to the red with vital throw. Machamp finishes off vileplume with karate chop. Karen sends out gengar next, who licks machamp

[Snark] Phew, those 33 HP we restored with the full restore are really going to matter!

5d 0h 46m We heal machamp with a max potion then a full restore! Vileplume continues using petal dance

5d 0h 45m Machamp's cross chop fails and Umbreon's faint attack still does minor damage. Umbreon switches to confuse ray and machamp knocks himself down to yellow health. Umbreon continues the faint attacks as machamp's confusion wears off after 1 turn and he uses vital throw, taking out Umbreon. Vileplume up next for Karen, and the plant paralyses machamp with stun spore. Machamp still uses vital throw for major damage against vileplume as vileplume starts petal dancing. We use a max revive on meganium!

5d 0h 41m Machamp starts off with strength. Umbreon's faint attack does little damage

5d 0h 39m We enter the next room. Versus Elite Four Karen, attempt #7! We send in machamp as she leads with Umbreon

5d 0h 36m A final surf and machamp goes down. Bruno's final mon is onix. Politoed switches to whirlpool to OHKO onix. Elite Four Bruno defeated!

5d 0h 35m Politoed uses surf, taking out hitmonlee. Bruno sends out machamp next as politoed uses another surf to put machamp to yellow. Machamp's cross chop puts politoed into yellow. Bruno uses a max potion on machamp as politoed's surf undoes the healing

5d 0h 32m Hitmonlee's double kick does minor damage as politoed's attacks miss. More infatuation leads to more stalled turns

5d 0h 31m We send in machamp next then switch to politoed. Hitmonlee's swagger confuses politoed, but the frog sees through the confusion to use attract and infatuate hitmonlee. Politoed's confusion wears off as she tries to use attract again. Hitmonlee's hi jump kick does minor damage then misses a turn due to infatuation

5d 0h 27m Meganium's body slam paralyses hitmonlee. Hitmonlee skips a turn due to being fully paralysed. A second body slam puts hitmonlee into the yellow, as hitmonlee's hi jump kick takes out meganium!

5d 0h 25m A final body slam and hitmonchan goes down. Next up is hitmonlee

5d 0h 24m Meganium's body slam puts hitmonchan into the yellow. Hitmonchan's fire punch puts meganium into the yellow

5d 0h 20m Meganium uses body slam as hitmonchan uses fire punch, burning meganium

5d 0h 19m After a third razor leaf, hitmontop goes down. Bruno sends out hitmonchan next

5d 0h 17m Hitmontop starts with a weak quick attack as meganium uses razor leaf. Hitmontop is in the yellow while meganium is still healthy

5d 0h 15m We talk to Bruno. Versus Elite Four Bruno, attempt #9! We send in meganium as he sends in hitmontop

5d 0h 14m We move onto the next room, which is filled with bubbling pasta sauce...what do you mean, that's not pasta sauce?

5d 0h 13m We send in machamp, whose karate chop does minimal damage. Lucky crobat's next move is a missed toxic and the next karate chop finishes the job. Machamp grows to level 53! Elite Four Koga defeated!

5d 0h 11m Entei barely hangs on to attempt a roar, which fails as this is Koga's last mon. Crobat uses quick attack, taking out entei!

5d 0h 9m Entei's ember takes venomoth to yellow, as the moth misses a supersonic. A second ember and venomoth goes down. Koga sends crobat back out as entei continues using embers. Crobat sets up double teams again, but ember keeps hitting, slowly whittling down crobat's health. Crobat's wing attack puts entei into yellow health, then red health

5d 0h 8m Koga heals crobat with a full heal as entei negates the evasion boost with a roar, dismissing crobat and bringing out venomoth

5d 0h 7m The next fire blast lands, taking out muk. Koga sends in his crobat next. Entei uses a final fire blast, putting crobat at yellow health, as the bat raises evasion with double team.

5d 0h 6m Entei switches to fire blast, OHKOing forretress. Entei grows to level 47! Koga's next mon is muk, and entei continues with the fire blasts, putting muk at half health and burning the pile of sludge. Muk uses minimise to raise evasion, and fire blast misses as muk uses sludge bomb for minor damage

5d 0h 4m We enter Koga's room and talk to the ninja master. Versus Elite Four Koga, attempt #10! He leads with ariados and we send in entei. Entei's ember puts ariados into the red as the spider raises evasion with double team. Ember still hits, taking out ariados. Koga's next mon is Forretress

5d 0h 2m We change the party order a bit. Entei is now in second and will face Koga

5d 0h 0m We send in entei. Entei's ember takes jynx to half health, while psychic takes a third of entei's health. A second ember and jynx falls. Elite Four Will defeated!

4d 23h 59m Will's final mon is jynx. Jynx's ice punch takes out steelix!

4d 23h 59m Slowbro is put into yellow by crunch then uses curse to set up. Too bad it's a wasted move as a second crunch takes out slowbro. Will sends in his second xatu, who uses psychic and barely survives a crunch. Will cheats heals with a max potion and xatu is put back into the red with another crunch. Another psychic and steelix is put into the red. Steelix switches to strength to take out the xatu

4d 23h 57m Steelix finally sees through the confusion to use crunch. Xatu barely hangs on as another psychic puts steelix into the yellow. Steelix sees through another confusion to use a final crunch and take out the xatu. Will's next mon is exeggcutor, who is put into red by a single crunch. Exeggcutor sets up a reflect then goes down to a second crunch. Steelix grows to level 57! Will's next mon is slowbro.

4d 23h 55m Will sends in Xatu and we lead with Rocky the steelix. Xatu starts off with an ineffective psychic and steelix uses earthquake, which does nothing. Xatu then confuses our steel snake, who hits himself in confusion. Xatu switches back to weak psychics as steelix continues the self harm

4d 23h 54m We enter the Elite Four for the fourtheenth attempt. We talk to Will. Versus Elite Four Will, attempt #14!

4d 23h 53m We nearly teleport home but decide against it. We'd much rather take on another E4 challenge

4d 23h 52m Outside Indigo Plateau now

4d 23h 52m We send in our wounded machamp. Charizard takes out machamp with flamethrower! Blacked out! RIP attempt #3 at Lance

4d 23h 50m We're currently facing off against Champion Lance! So far his gyarados and 2 dragonite are down. He's sent out aerodactyl and we've sent out ursaring. Ursaring barely hangs on from a hyper beam to take out areodactyl as Lance sends in charizard, who uses flamethrower and takes out ursaring!

4d 22h 19m We just beat Karen! On attempt #4.

[Info] Entei just died to Forretress.

[Meta] Updater going dark. Be sure to use the Discord's #stream-feed if you need to know what's going on.

4d 21h 35m We wake up outside to our phone ringing. It's Picnicker Liz, but it turns out she just hd the wrong number.

4d 21h 35m Yeah, no. Petal Dance is too much for our frog. WHITED OUT!

4d 21h 34m Umbreon is down! Vileplume up next.

4d 21h 33m Vs. Elite Four Karen, attempt #3! Go Politoed go!

[Info] We're left with just Politoed for Karen. Let's see if she can work a miracle here...

4d 21h 31m Just one more attack from Politoed is all we needed for another victory against Bruno!

4d 21h 30m Bruno's Machamp was taken down to critical health, however, and Politoed finishes it off.

4d 21h 28m The battle proceeds much like the last ones at first, with Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan down in one shot each, but this time we switch to Strength early against Bruno's Machamp, and we're punished with multiple Cross Chop hits! Machamp is down!

4d 21h 26m Meganium is down in a couple turns! We send out Machamp to do his usual work. A KO against Hitmontop brings Machamp to level 51!

4d 21h 25m Vs. Elite Four Bruno! Attempt #5! We send out a quite ragged-looking Meganium against his Hitmontop.

4d 21h 23m Crobat is out next, and uses Double Team first as usual. Meganium is able to see through the illusions, though, and takes it out for a win against Koga! Meganium grows to level 47 in the process!

4d 21h 22m Fury Cutter continues to do little to Venomoth, who stacks confusion and toxic poison on Meganium. We finally opt for Body Slam and take out all of the rest of Venomoth's health in one blow.

4d 21h 20m We send out Meganium. His Fury Cutter does little to Venomoth.

4d 21h 19m We Roar Crobat away, not wanting to deal with its stall tactics. Venomoth is forced out, but it takes little damage before KOing Entei.

4d 21h 17m Entei is poisoned! Muk faints to the next Fire Blast, but the damage starts to build... Crobat is out next. Double Team lets the bat easily dodge Entei's last Fire Blast.

4d 21h 16m Fire Blast fares better than Ember this time, taking out Ariados and Forretress in one hit each. Muk is up next, and doesn't die so easily.

4d 21h 15m Vs. Elite Four Koga! Attempt #6! We send out Entei again.

4d 21h 14m We send out Entei, and takes out Jynx with Ember. Defeated Will!

4d 21h 12m Ursaring is down!

4d 21h 10m Will uses a Max Potion, but it doesn't matter since Ursaring OHKOs with Slash. Jynx is out last, and puts Ursaring to sleep and goes to town on him! Ursaring refuses to wake up!

4d 21h 9m We do finally KO Slowbro. Xatu is out next, and doesn't quite KO Steelix with Psychic, letting us take it to low health before Steelix faints to Leech Seed. We send out a bear.

4d 21h 8m Slowbro causes a bother by setting up Amnesia, halving Crunch's damage and letting Leech Seed do its work.

4d 21h 7m Crunch takes out Xatu, and Exeggutor falls too, after planting Leech Seed on us. Slowbro is out next.

4d 21h 6m We switch out to Steelix.

4d 21h 4m Vs. Elite Four Will! We send Entei out against Xatu.

4d 21h 3m Back in the building for attempt #10!

4d 20h 59m We are utterly helpless thanks to having only Normal- and Fighting-type moves. Karen toys with use by using Curse and Spite instead of just KOing quickly. We do eventually fall. WHITED OUT!

4d 20h 58m Machamp finishes off Vileplume. We're in uncharted territory now....... Oh right, she has a Gengar. How unfortunate.

4d 20h 56m Vileplume is out next. Politoed actually manages to survive a Petal Dance and take it to 1/3 health before going down! Politoed faints next turn though. All our hopes ride on Machamp.

[Correction] Er, Whirlpool

4d 20h 55m Waterfall still doesn't actually outright kill thanks to Umbreon's immense bulk, but infatuation keeps it from getting another chance and it faints to the swirling vortex.

4d 20h 53m Umbreon confuses Politoed, but we somehow manage to fumble a Full Heal out of our bag just at the right moment to bring her back to her senses. We then use Attract while Umbreon sits at about 5% HP.

4d 20h 52m And now, Vs. Elite Four Karen, attempt #2! We send out Politoed against her Umbreon.

[Info] For the record, this is attempt #9 at the Elite Four, with attempt #5 against Koga and attempt #4 against Bruno.

4d 20h 50m Onix deals small damage to Machamp, then whips up a pointless Sandstorm before fainting. Defeated Bruno!

4d 20h 48m We're out of Cross Chop PP, but a couple Strength hits take out Bruno's Machamp after he uses a Max Potion. Onix is out last.

4d 20h 47m Machamp misses a Cross Chop, but the next hits true and delivers another OHKO. Bruno's Machamp is up next, and survives a Chop, missing its own attack.

4d 20h 46m We send out Machamp in hopes of powering through again. Hitmontop and Hitmonlee fall to one hit each, and Machamp grows to level 50!

4d 20h 45m Vs. Elite Four Bruno! We send out Meganium against his Hitmontop, but he's not looking so good... a single Quick Attack knocks out Meganium.

4d 20h 43m We send out Politoed. She avoids getting poisoned and lands a couple Waterfalls to bring Crobat tumbling down! Beat Koga!

4d 20h 41m Crobat stacks up evasion boosts and then badly poisons Ursaring! We can't seem to land a single hit! Ursaring down!

4d 20h 40m Venomoth is easily taken out by Slash. Crobat is out last.

4d 20h 39m Ursaring deals with Muk. Ursaring to level 51!

4d 20h 38m Entei faints to Sludge Bomb. We send out Ursaring next.

4d 20h 36m Forretress is out again and... actually takes only less than half damage from Fire Spin somehow. And then it Protect stalls its own residual damage. What a battle. Ember takes it out finally, and Muk is sent out next.

4d 20h 35m We can't seem to hit Forretress, so we Roar it out, clearing the evasion boost. Crobat is forced out, and tries similar strats but we just blast it away as well. Ariados is back out and we burn it away.

4d 20h 32m Ember doesn't quite cook the spider in one shot. Ariados suddenly Baton Passes out, carrying a Double Team boost to... Forretress.

4d 20h 31m Vs. Elite Four Koga! We send out Entei against his Ariados this time.

4d 20h 28m We send out Meganium, and take... actually less than half damage from an Ice Punch. How about that. Avoiding the 2HKO, we take out Jynx for a victory against Will!

4d 20h 26m Xatu 2 is out next. Steelix survives a Psychic with 2 HP and dishes out a critical hit to knock Xatu out! What a clutch! Jynx comes out and finishes Steelix off though.

4d 20h 25m Exeggutor comes out and plants some Leech Seed before we Crunch it away too. Slowbro is out next, and avoids being 2HKO'd because of the Leech Seed's health drain. It just Curses with its extra turn though, and falls to another Crunch.

4d 20h 24m We make a couple switches and end up having Steelix out. A couple Crunches take Xatu out. Steelix to level 52!

4d 20h 20m We step right back inside. Vs. Elite Four Will!

4d 20h 17m Hitmonchan is out next. Steelix is knocked out and we're left with just Ursaring. The big bear puts up a wonderful fight, taking out Hitmonchan, but then Bruno's Machamp's Cross Chop takes him out. WHITED OUT!

4d 20h 16m Hitmonlee wails on Steelix much more effectively, avoiding an Iron Tail, but a second swing of Steelix's tail demolishes Hitmonlee in one hit!

4d 20h 14m Vs. Bruno! We send out the first of our two Fighting-weak Pokémon, Steelix, against his Hitmontop. Hitmontop foolishly Digs down into the ground and is shaken to bits with Earthquake! Hitmonlee out next.

4d 20h 13m Muk is pummeled away. Defeated Koga, taking very little damage in the process!

4d 20h 12m Steelix zeroes in and brings Crobat down with Strength. Steelix grows to level 51!

4d 20h 10m Crobat hovers far above Earthquake and produces its confusing afterimages with Double Team.

4d 20h 8m Venomoth surprisingly barely lives one Earthquake, but falls to the next. Crobat is out next.

4d 20h 6m Ariados is down in one Earthquake. Forretress is out next, and tanks decently, setting out a layer of Spikes and dealing... 4 damage to Steelix before fainting.

4d 20h 6m Vs. Elite Four Koga! We've got Steelix out agains Ariados.

4d 20h 4m We send out our bear and finish off Slowbro. Will defeated! We're already down to 2 Pokémon though.

4d 20h 3m Politoed faints.

4d 20h 2m We knocked out Xatu after about 10 turns. Slowbro is out now.

4d 19h 58m We send Politoed back out and throw more balls. What a great effort we're making here.

4d 19h 56m We send out Politoed, but then change our minds and go for an extremely strategic switch to Machamp. Shockingly, Machamp is down in one hit.

4d 19h 55m Xatu is sent out, and we break the Fury Cutter chain with a rather ineffective Razor Leaf. Meganium gets knocked out!

4d 19h 53m Meganium grows to level 46 from finishing off Xatu! Jynx is out next. Lovely Kiss thankfully misses, and we gain momentum with Fury Cutter, taking out Jynx and Exeggutor next.

4d 19h 52m We send out Meganium and throw another ball.

4d 19h 51m We pick Fire Blast after a couple turns. Xatu isn't quite taken out. Repeated Psychics take out Entei!

4d 19h 50m We try to catch Xatu, apparently getting confused from the future by the Confuse Ray it uses next.

4d 19h 48m Vs. Elite Four Will! Entei vs. Xatu again.

4d 19h 47m Locked ourselves into fighting the Elite Four again!

4d 19h 47m We give Entei a Great Ball to hold, for good luck.

[Chat] There's a tug-of-war going on of deciding whether to fight the E4 again or take the Abra man's Teleport to go visit Joey.

4d 19h 42m Checking out the top floor of Indigo Plateau.

4d 19h 40m Joey gives us a call. He's as excited about his rat as ever.

4d 19h 39m We try to hit the Murkrow Karen sends out with Earthquake, but it just hovers above it. Crunch works out poorly as well. Steelix is knocked out! WHITED OUT!

4d 19h 38m Vilplume is finished off. Steelix grows to level 50!

4d 19h 37m Machamp lives a Petal Dance on 1 HP!... But Vilplume also survives our return attack with a single pixel left. Machamp is down on the next hit. We only have Steelix left.

4d 19h 36m Her Umbreon is down in one supereffective hit. She sends out Vileplume to resist our Fighting attacks. This seems like cheating.

4d 19h 35m Karen laughs at our name before accepting the challenge. Vs. Elite Four Karen, attempt #1!

4d 19h 34m Well, whatever. We advance to Karen's chamber with just 2 heavily weakened Pokémon to our name.

4d 19h 34m We take a victory lap round Bruno's heated chamber. Why is it filled with lava anyway?

4d 19h 32m More Karate Chops knock that snake out! Finally defeated Elite Four Bruno! In a clean sweep no less!

4d 19h 31m Bruno uses a Max Potion, allowing his Machamp to take ours to about 1/3 HP before falling to repeated Karate Chops! Onix is out last!

4d 19h 30m Bruno's own Machamp is up next, and its bulging muscles are able to withstand a Cross Chop, but our bodybuilder dodges the return attack!

4d 19h 29m It's a battle of pure muscle, Machamp vs. Hitmontop. Our Cross Chop comes out first in Hitmontop is down in one hit. Bruno sends out Hitmonlee, but another single Cross Chop takes it out as well! Hitmonchan follows suit faster than I can type!

4d 19h 28m Vs. Elite Four Bruno! Hoo Hah!

4d 19h 28m We enter Bruno's chambers, but have a little trouble finding him, so we fiddle with the settings instead.

[Info] Steelix was whittled down to just under half health, even though each Wing Attack was doing barely noticeable damage.

4d 19h 26m Iron Tail misses again and again and again, but we finally switch to Strength to deal a finishing blow. Koga is down!

4d 19h 25m We send out Steelix, who misses several hits but doesn't mind too much thanks to his tough hide letting him shrug off Crobat's attacks. The damage slowly starts to stack up though...

4d 19h 24m Crobat barely survives an attack, and Koga heals it back to full with a Full Restore, the darn cheater! Ursaring is unable to land another hit. Ursaring faints!

4d 19h 22m Forretress initially starts to stall us out with Protect for poison damage, but then forgets the strategy and is down to a couple Surfs. Crobat is out, and a Double causes us to miss. Politoed can't take the poison damage anymore and goes down!

4d 19h 21m We finally wash the Muk away with Surf. Forretress is out next.

4d 19h 18m We suddenly remember we're in a trainer battle and have Politoed turn on the charm with Attract. Muk, not to be outdone in stalling, Minimizes its body and badly poisons Politoed.

4d 19h 18m We send out Politoed and continue to chuck balls.

4d 19h 17m Our collector's instincts kick in and we try to catch the paralyzed Muk. Meganium, meanwhile, is poisoned and KO'd by Sludge Bomb.

4d 19h 15m Meganium acts as a full-body flyswatter and takes down Venomoth no problem. Muk is out next, and immediately paralyzed.

4d 19h 14m With Ariados squashed, Koga sends out Venomoth and misses with a Supersonic.

4d 19h 12m Vs. Elite Four Koga! We send out Meganium against his Ariados. Despite the type disadvantage, we throw out some Body Slams.

4d 19h 11m Xatu down! Beat Will!

4d 19h 10m Exeggutor is cut down with ease, and Will sends out his last Xatu.

4d 19h 9m Ursaring finishes Slowbro off. Jynx is out next, but falls to a single mighty Slash! Ursaring to level 50!

4d 19h 8m We burn the opponent with Fire Blast while raises its stats. Entei barely hangs on from a Psychic, but then loses fortitude and hits its own self! Entei is down self-destructively once again!

4d 19h 7m Entei breaks through and takes out Xatu! Slowbro is next.

4d 19h 5m We trade Embers for Psychics at first, but then Xatu opts to confuse us with its ray.

4d 19h 5m Vs. Elite Four Will! Attempt # something or other! We send Entei out vs. Xatu.

4d 19h 4m We step into Will's chambers and steel our nerves.

4d 19h 3m Healed!

4d 19h 1m Out in fresh air! We step out of the cave and into the Indigo Plateau building.

4d 18h 56m Entei takes itself out thanks to a Golbat confusing it.

4d 18h 51m Entei grows to level 44!

4d 18h 43m We enter the gate, and head into Victory Road.

4d 18h 40m Healed at the rest house!

4d 18h 38m We're on Route 26 now.

[Snark] We make a move on Piers...

[Snark] Glitcher ZZDZZ: No, not that Piers.

4d 18h 32m We move to the piers.

4d 18h 28m We save all our hard work. Good job, team.

4d 18h 24m Entei succumbs to the poison while fighting a different Sandslash.

4d 18h 20m Entei is poisoned by a wild Sandslash.

4d 18h 19m Entei saves us from another with a mighty Roar.

4d 18h 17m Spooked by a wild Ponyta, we search through our bag for things to chuck at it, and end up using a Poké Ball. It doesn't work, so we just run.

[Meta] Just kidding.

[Meta] The Live Updater is going dark for now. For more updates you can check #stream-feed in the Discord.

4d 18h 8m Entei reaches Lv. 43!

[Snark] This poor person, pulling an all-nighter because we keep wandering into her house...

4d 18h 6m We go back inside and heal.

4d 18h 2m In between wild battles, the sun rises! Wild encounter rates have changed.

4d 17h 49m With Fire Blast, we're doing lots more damage to the wild Pokémon. Entei reaches Lv. 42!

4d 17h 48m We use TM38 to teach Entei Fire Blast over Leer!

4d 17h 44m We hide behind the rest house for awhile, and pick an Ice Berry!

4d 17h 40m We heal!

4d 17h 40m We check out our reflection in that house's window.

4d 17h 14m We enter the rest house on Route 26. We heal! Twice, for good measure.

4d 17h 12m Politoed reaches Lv. 48!

4d 17h 8m Meganium faints!

[Chat] u

4d 17h 3m Caught a male Lv. 20 Chinchou! Nickname: u.

4d 17h 3m Meganium becomes paralyzed.

4d 16h 59m Escaped onto Route 27.

4d 16h 54m We exit Tohjo Falls, then hop the ledge. Back inside.

4d 16h 34m We land in the corner and go fishing.

4d 16h 34m Meganium reaches Lv. 44!

4d 16h 31m After a lot of back and forth, we step back into Tohjo Falls.

4d 16h 10m Back out on Route 27, we hop in and out of the river.

4d 15h 59m We walk into Tohjo Falls.

4d 15h 55m That one fled, but we found another! Caught a male Lv. 28 Quagsire! Nickname: D.,-?. We have 58 Poké Balls and 2 Great Balls.

4d 15h 52m Currently throwing Poké Balls at a wild Quagsire.

4d 15h 50m Meganium reaches Lv. 43!

4d 15h 44m We try to add a nearby Trainer to our Poké Gear, but there's no room.

4d 15h 40m Entei faints.

4d 15h 38m Entei is poisoned thanks to a collection of wild Tentacool.

4d 15h 33m Also, while I was writing all that we picked up TM22 Solarbeam.

[Info] Since that last update, we've done some grinding, which means that JJJJSSS??SS evolved into Machamp! Steelix's moveset has changed -- we taught Crunch over Rollout and used TM26 to teach Earthquake over Bind. We also *made some catches -- a ♂ Lv. 34 Graveler named TKL!!!!!U., a ♀ Lv. 28 Raticate named , and a ♂ Lv. 15 Tentacool named BAIAS. We're currently on a little island on Route 27.

[Info] The Updater is still dark at the moment, but our team has changed a bit during downtime. We retrieved Entei at the same time we released Celebi, replacing the Crobat we left at the Daycare. Later, after our third attempt at the Elite 4, we did some grinding and AAAxtux evolved into Politoed.

[Info] We've reached the E4. Currently only been able to defeat Will

[Info] In the downtime, we caught entei and celebi then released celebi!

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for now. Be sure to check out #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates!

3d 20h 14m Currently patrolling the grass of Route 37.

3d 20h 9m We fly to Ecruteak City.

3d 20h 6m Currently fishing on the shore of Cianwood City.

3d 19h 58m We walk into a house on the shore and start taking pictures. A PRINTER ERROR serenades us.

3d 19h 56m Flew to Cianwood City!

3d 19h 56m We walk into Azalea Town and revisit Kurt's house. He doesn't bring up Celebi at all; we just hand over a Blu Apricorn and call it a day.

3d 19h 52m We also picked up a Full Heal someone left in the bushes.

[Info] Those are the MN character like in ᵖᵏᵐᶰ, so Celebi's nickname is... ][[yyᴹₙᴹₙᴹₙ ?

3d 19h 47m Caught a Lv. 30 Celebi! Nickname: ][[yyµµµ. Kurt tells us he's inspired by our victory and rushes back to his house. Black Belt Kenji also calls to congratulate us.

3d 19h 41m We immediately try to run, but we can't escape! We start throwing Poké Balls.

3d 19h 40m We approach Celebi's Shrine and put the GS Ball inside. Something is happening... Vs. Celebi!

3d 19h 39m Entered Ilex Forest.

3d 19h 38m We get the GS Ball back! Kurt tells us to rush to Ilex Forest.

3d 19h 37m We enter Kurt's house. He says something interesting is happening with the GS Ball, then rushes outside...

3d 19h 36m We walk into the Pokémon Center and heal! Checkpointed in Azalea Town.

3d 19h 33m We talk to a Slowpoke. It yawns.

3d 19h 33m Headed into Azalea Town.

3d 19h 32m We spot something behind the well...Picked up a Full Heal!

3d 19h 32m We walk back outside, and pace in a circle.

3d 19h 29m We fall into Slowpoke Well.

3d 19h 28m Emerged onto Route 33.

[Info] We currently have 84 Poké Balls and 24 Great Balls.

3d 19h 24m Caught a male Lv. 6 Sandshrew! No nickname.

3d 19h 20m We step into Union Cave. A Zubat flies into Poliwhirl's face. Poliwhirl reaches Lv. 37!

3d 19h 12m We head south, to route 32.

3d 19h 11m Vance calls us, and says he's on his way to taming the legendary birds. At the start of a very long road, maybe. During this, a picture of a Marill plush is printed. After the call, a second picture of a Marill plush is printed.

3d 19h 9m We attempt to print Igglybuff's Pokedex entry. After a few failed attempts, we succeed at printing Igglybuff's dex entry.

3d 19h 7m We print Togepi's Pokedex entry.

3d 19h 5m We head south from the tower and find a tree to have a good long look at. We save.

3d 19h 2m We give Axtux a Mystic Water in exchange for the Poké Ball she was holding.

3d 19h 0m We go into the Pokémon menu, and order Axtux to use Waterfall as a field move, but there are no waterfalls here to climb.

3d 18h 56m We print Spinarak's Pokedex entry.

3d 18h 56m We use a Rare Candy of JSS?S. JSS?S grew to Lv 43. JSS?S learned Cross Chop over Focus Energy.

3d 18h 54m We switch Focus Energy to first in JSS?S move list, since he has a move learn coming up next level.

3d 18h 51m Tully calls us, and says his Quilfish was defeated by an Ekans that was this big. He acknowledges that we couldn't possibly tell how big "this" is over the phone.

3d 18h 49m We surf across the lake east of Sprout Tower. We find a Rare Candy.

3d 18h 42m We heal in the Violet City Poké Center.

3d 18h 41m We reach Violet City.

3d 18h 38m We pick a Bitter Berry.

3d 18h 37m We step into Dark Cave from this side's entrance. We're used to the light now; we leave immediately.

3d 18h 33m We walk up to Joey. Excitedly, he says "Lets battle now". His Rattata is now Lv 15. It manages to get the first strike with a Quick Attack, but Axtux 1HKOs the Rattata anyway. Joey defeated. We continue our journey north.

3d 18h 30m We continue north, towards Mr. Pokémon's house, but reach grass and turn around.

3d 18h 29m We fish up a Poliwag. Our Poliwhirl dispatches it with Waterfall.

3d 18h 26m We head north to Route 30.

3d 18h 26m We surf off of Cherrygrove's shore, fight a wild Tentacool, then return to land.

3d 18h 23m We stop in the Chrerrygrove Poké Center. We talk to a guy who tells us about the free healthcare. We take advantage of it. We heal.

3d 18h 20m We stop in Cherrygrove's Poké Mart. We start with ₽6348. We sell both of our Red Apricorns, we sell our Experience Share and we sell a Max Repel. We buy 41 Poké Balls. We leave with ₽198.

3d 18h 16m We arrive at Route 29. We jump down a ledge, but cut down a tree so that we don't have to take the long path west.

3d 18h 14m Joey calls us and challenges us to a rematch.

3d 18h 13m Hiker Bailey wants to show us the power of mountain Pokémon. JSS?S 1HKOs all five of his Lv.13 Geodude with Strength. During this, JSS?S grows to Lv 42. Hiker defeated. Bailey says the battle's over and he doesn't mind loosing.

3d 18h 10m We leave the cave, and continue south.

3d 18h 6m We head outside through the door we entered this cave. It's still too bright out there, so we reenter the cave.

3d 18h 3m We see an item ball in the distance, and try to head towards it, but keep bumping into things in this pitch blackness.

3d 18h 2m Someone turned on the sun. Startled by this, we retreat to Dark Cave.

3d 18h 0m 3d 18h 0m We find a lake, surf on the lake, and Find a hidden PP Up in the middle of that lake. Then we pick a Mysteryberry from a nearby tree.

3d 17h 58m We encounter Hiker Michael. JSS?S beats up his Geodude and Golem with Karate Chop, then, having run out of Karate Chop PP, beats up his Graveler with Vital Throw. Hiker defeated.

[Snark] No, I can't give you my number, I don't even have a phone. **Ring ring** Not now Joey.

3d 17h 55m Blackbelt Kenji says he was training here alone, but since we found him he'll show us the fruit of his labor. Our Machoke beats up his Machoke fairly handily. Blackbelt defeated. Kenji resolves to train harder, and asks for our number, but we refuse. Joey calls us right after, unintentionally taunting Kenji. After that, we do give Kenji our number and register him in our Pokegear.

3d 17h 51m A trainer tells us that she's not too fond of overly powerful moves, since she doesn't want to hurt Pokémon.

3d 17h 51m We find a Max Potion.

3d 17h 49m 3d 17h 48m JSS?S beats up a few wild Geodude and Graveler. JSS?S grows to Lv. 41.

3d 17h 46m We leave blackthorn to the south, and jump a ledge, entering Route 45.

3d 17h 45m We enter the Poké Mart with ₽8410. We buy 14 Great Balls one at a time. leaving us with ₽10. We sell a Magnet, a full heal a max ether, an amulet coin and a leaf stone and a max revive. We leave the mart with ₽4460.

3d 17h 41m We root around in our pack. We register the Good Rod for use with the select button.

3d 17h 38m We switch the positions of Rocky and ABBp in our party order.

3d 17h 36m We fish up a Poliwag. JSS?S swats the Poliwag away. Then we surf across the pond back to Blackthorn City proper.

3d 17h 34m We leave the dragon den. Once we leave the cave, Prof.Elm calls us and tells us to swing by the lab so he can give us something.

3d 17h 33m We reach the room with the ladder, and walk around the ladder, but can't seem to find it. Until we do, ascend the ladder, and fall right back down the ladder.

3d 17h 32m A wild magikarp slows us down a bit, which helps us align ourselves to let Axtux calm the whirlpool.

3d 17h 30m We reach the den's whirlpool, and take some more spins in the whirlpool.

3d 17h 29m We head towards the exit of the cave. We bump into a low-leveled Magikarp every few tiles.

3d 17h 24m We head east and surf along that path. We find a Dragon Fang, but we still can't carry any more items.

3d 17h 22m We walk out of the shrine, and Clair gives us TM 24: Dragonbreath as an apology. Then she tells us how to get to the Pokémon League.

3d 17h 21m We land south of the shrine, and enter the shrine. The master quizes us. We answer the top choice each time. Pal; Strategy; Weak person. He does not like the weak person answer, so we answer Anybody instead. Love. Tough. He rejects Tough. Then switch to both. The master tells us to not loose our faith in Pokémon. Clair barges in and is shocked that we passed the quiz. The master forces her to give us the badge. We receive the Rising badge

3d 17h 17m Axtux clears the whirlpool, and we continue down the path that the whirlpool was blocking.

3d 17h 17m We find a whirlpool, and take a few spins in the whirlpool.

3d 17h 15m Then we head a bit north, and are spotted by Twins Lea and Pia. Their two Dratini each fall to JSS?S Karate Chops quickly. The twins say that they'll tell the master on us and he'll be angry.

3d 17h 15m We head down that shore. We find a Max Elixer, but can't carry any more items. We try to pick it up again anyway.

3d 17h 12m We head to the west shore, and another Cooltrainer tells us that we shouldn't be here and challenges us to battle. Neither of her Cooltrainer Cara's horsea stand long to JSS?S Karate Chops. Her Seadra lasts longer, but suffers a critical hit before the Seadra's Waterfalls can take down JSS?S. Cooltrainer defeated.

3d 17h 9m We head back to the north shore of the den, and head up the ladder and momentarily leave the cave, before heading right back down.

[Correction] During the battle with Clair, JSS?S grew to level 40.

3d 17h 4m We head south, and land on the shrine's backyard, but there doesn't seem to be an entrance to the shrine on this side.

3d 17h 3m We send out ABBp. ABBp's Fly defeats the dragonair. ABBp grew to Lv 35. Cooltrainer defeated. Darin still complains that we can't just go into the shrine; we walk past him despite his complaints.

3d 17h 1m A trainer challenges us, admonishing us for entering uninvited. Vs. Cooltrainer Darin. His Dragonair uses Dragon Rage while Axtux uses Whirlpool. Axtux switches to Waterfall, while Dragonair repeats Dragon Rage. Axtux repeats waterfall, bringing dragonair to yellow, while Dragonair uses a third Dragon Rage. Axtux faints.

3d 16h 59m We enter the dragons den. We stare at the north-west corner of the entrance, before heading down a ladder.

3d 16h 57m We head back up north, and surf in the water west of the gym.

3d 16h 55m We jump down the ledges to the south of the gym. We enter the Poké Center and We heal.

3d 16h 53m We leave the gym. A guy outside complements us, saying that he's never heard of anyone defeating Clair, other than Lance.

3d 16h 52m We head up one flight of stairs, walk around the second floor to the other flight of stairs, and walk down those stairs.

[Correction] 3d 16h 40m Kingdra recharges, then deals 1HP of damage to ZZZZY with a second Hyper Beam. ZZZZY Faints.

3d 16h 49m We print out Umbreon's entry one more time, then look through the rest of our dex, find nothing else worth printing and close the dex.

3d 16h 48m We start to walk out, but pull out our Dex, and print out Umbreon's empty dex entry at least five times on one continuous sheet.

3d 16h 47m Clair does not give us the badge though; she tasks us with going to the dragon den.

3d 16h 45m Clair sends out her third dragonair. It fails to paralize JSS?S with Thunder Wave twice, while JSS?S attacks with Karate Chops. When Dragonair reaches red, it switches to Dragonbreath, but it doesn't defeate JSS?S before it's final Strength attack. Dragonair faints. Clair defeated.

3d 16h 44m We try to cancel sending out our last 'mon, but eventually relent. We send out JSS?S. JSS?S and Kingdra trade a Surf and a Karate Chop, and Kindra faints.

3d 16h 42m We send out Rocky. Rocky starts a Rollout, while Kingdra restarts smokescreen. We throw a Poké Ball at Kingdra, and Kingdra layers the smokescreen. Then it uses surf to not-quite-KO Rocky. Rocky binds Kingdra, but Rocky faints to Kingdra's next surf.

3d 16h 40m ZZZZY recharges, then deals 1HP of damage to ZZZZY with a second Hyper Beam. ZZZZY Faints.

3d 16h 39m ZZZZY remains frozen solid. Kingdra tries to further add to the Smkescreen, but it stops lowering ZZZZY's accuracy after a point. Kingdra barely fails to KO ZZZZY with a Hyper Beam.

3d 16h 37m ZZZY remains frozen, while Kingra uses Smokescreen, then Surf. We throw a Poké Ball at Kingdra, while Kingdra layers the smokescreen.

3d 16h 36m We send out ZZZY. We look through our Pack, and find an Old Rod, but nothing to do with the old rod.

3d 16h 35m ABBp misses Kingdra with a fly. Kingra lands a critical surf, leaving ABBp with 3HP. ABBp lands it next Fly, while Kingdra lands its next Surf. ABBp faints.

3d 16h 34m Clair's third dragonair KOs CA.XX with an ice beam. We send out ZZZZY. The dragonair uses Ice Beam again, and ZZZZY is frozen. We switch out ZZZZY form ABBp, while Clair withdraws dragonair for Kingdra.

3d 16h 33m Clair sends out a second Dragonair. It uses dragonbreath and CA.XX is paralyzed. We use a Full Heal to heal the paralysis. Then Dragonair uses dragonbreath again, and CA.XX is paralyzed. CA.XX managed to pull off Cut a few times during this, and takes down the second dragonair.

3d 16h 31m We send out CA.XX. We uses cut, and takes down the first dragonair.

3d 16h 31m Dragonair uses Dragonbreaths for moderate damage while Axtux either suffers full paralysis or uses an ineffective Waterfall. After a few rounds, dragonair it taken down to yellow, but the dragonbreaths KO Axtux.

3d 16h 29m Axtux starts with an ineffective Whirlpool, and Dragonair starts with a Thunder Wave. Axtux is Paralyzed.

3d 16h 29m Vs Leader Clair Attempt #2. Axtux vs. Dragonair.

3d 16h 28m A gym trainer advises us that dragons are weak against dragon type moves.

3d 16h 28m We walk around the building's edge counterclockwise until we fall down a hole on the Clair-side of the lava.

3d 16h 26m We rereascend the stairs, head through the gap in the wall to our south, then walk up to and stare at the building's southern edge.

3d 16h 25m We reascend the stairs, then head south this time. We try to walk through the wall south of a gap, then head north and back down the stairs.

3d 16h 22m We push that boulder south a tile, then we fall down a hole next to the starting stairs.

3d 16h 21m We attempt to push the previously-mentioned boulder further into the wall. The boulder does not move.

3d 16h 20m We repeatedly attempt, but fail, to print out Quilfish's empty dex entry.

3d 16h 19m We rapidly switch between attempting to print Sneasel's empty dex entry and not printing it. The first note of the gym music plays repeatedly.

3d 16h 17m We go south of the aforementioned boulder, and read Mantine's Pokedex entry. Then, we print half of Mantine's dex entry twice.

3d 16h 15m We interact with a boulder, and activate Strength. The boulder was against a wall and couldn't be pushed anywhere useful, so we walk away from the boulder.

3d 16h 14m We talk to a gym trainer from behind. He talks about how this dragon clan can only use dragons after the master allows it.

3d 16h 12m We look at Stantlers Pokedex entry. Then we head up the stairs. Then we fall down the closest hole, and land right next to the stairs we just ascended. We ascend the stairs again.

3d 16h 11m We walk past some stairs and step onto a boulder that had previously been pushed into the lava. The boulder doesn't lead anywhere, though.

3d 16h 8m We enter the gym. We spend a moment looking out over the lava.

3d 16h 7m We surf on the water east of the gym, head out a tile, then return to shore.

3d 16h 6m We head north through the ledges towards the Blackthorn Gym.

3d 16h 2m We register the Old Rod to the Select Button.

3d 16h 1m We look at our settings, then we save.

3d 15h 59m We enter the Blackthorn Poké Center and We heal

3d 15h 58m We use ABBp to fly to Blackthorn City.

3d 15h 58m Since we're in the grove anyway, we pick a Pink Apricorn and a Green Apricorn. We attempt to pick a Yellow Apricorn, but we've run out of bag space.

3d 15h 56m We cut the tree separating us from Suicuine. We walk down, and Suicuine jumps over the trees to run away from us.

3d 15h 56m We boot up the Sleep Talk TM, but decline to teach it to anyone.

3d 15h 55m We boot up HM1, and Teach CA.XX Cut over Leer.

3d 15h 55m We swap Leer and Strength in CA.XX's movepool, so that Leer is first in his move order.

3d 15h 54m CA.XX used Strength. CA.XX can move boulders. However, there are no boulders out here.

3d 15h 53m We surf back to the central landmass.

3d 15h 52m We talk to Fisherman Tully, and he offers to share if he finds something good assuming we give him our phone number, and we do so. Registered Fisherman Tully in the Pokegear.

3d 15h 50m We continue heading east, and surf over to the route's eastern land mass.

3d 15h 49m We use HM06 and Axtux learns Whirlpool over Body Slam.

3d 15h 47m We boot HM05 and attempt to teach CA.XX flash, but CA.XX cannot learn Flash. Then we boot HM06 and fail to teach JSS?S Whirlpool.

3d 15h 45m We surf to the middle part of the route. We notice Suicune to our south. We interact with a cuttable tree, but none of our current party knows cut.

3d 15h 44m We walk out of the mart and head east to for Route 42.

3d 15h 42m We enter the Poké Mart. We buy 14 Poké Balls. We leave with ₽254 ready cash.

[info] ₽3054 | Balls: 42 | Pokedex: 144 / 191 / 251

AAAxtux (Poliwhirl) ♀ [Poké Ball] Lv.36 Waterfall / Body Slam / Surf / Attract
JJJJSSS??S (Machoke) ♂ [TM08 Rock Smash] Lv.39 Karate Chop / Focus Energy / Vital Throw / Strength
ROCKY (Steelix) ♂ [Hard Stone] Lv.43 Strength / Iron Tail / Bind / Rollout
CA.XX (Ursaring) ♂ [No Item] Lv.36 Strength / Leer / Fury Swipes / Scratch
ZZZZY (Meganium) ♂ [No Item] Lv.38 Razor Leaf / Fury Cutter / Body Slam / Poisonpowder
AABBBBBpp (Crobat) ♀ [Blu Apricorn] Lv.34 Fly / Leech Life / Confuse Ray / Bite

3d 15h 40m We walked into Ecruteak City's Gym. After falling into the abyss, we walked out of the gym. Democracy voting persisted until a quick UI reset.

[Info] To heavily abridge StreamFeed's info,

3d 13h 46m Caught a Male Lv. 10 Magikarp! No nickname.
3d 14h 0m VS Leader Clair! Attempt #1 Eight minutes later, Blacked out
3d 14h 45m Caught a Male Lv. 24 Gligar! No nickname.
3d 15h 16m VS Youngster Joey! (Rematch?) Defeated about a minute later.

[Meta] The live updater will be going dark for awhile; you can check #stream-feed in the Discord for bot updates.

3d 11h 55m After a lot of shuffling around, we pick up a hidden Carbos!

3d 11h 39m We reregister the Old Rod to Select.

3d 11h 36m Machoke reaches Lv. 37!

3d 11h 30m We give Machoke TM08 Rock Smash to hold. The Poison Barb is back in our bag.

3d 11h 19m We reregister the Bicycle to Select.

3d 11h 16m We take a chisel to an item stuck to the ice. Picked up a Max Potion!

3d 11h 15m Caught a female Lv. 23 Delibird! No nickname. We currently have 43 Poké Balls and 6 Great Balls.

3d 11h 13m We're so busy looking at our Pokégear that we fall down to B2F.

3d 11h 5m Reached Ice Path B1F.

3d 11h 0m With a few ice puzzles down, we pick up HM07 Waterfall!

3d 10h 50m Escaped from the ledge! Entered Ice Path!

3d 10h 42m We talk to the trainer watching us. Somehow he's still impressed with us...Added Vance's number to our Poke Gear.

3d 10h 38m Still trying that Route 44 ledge.

3d 10h 27m Our newly registered Itemfinder dings! Picked up an Elixer!

3d 10h 26m Machoke reaches Lv. 36!

3d 10h 24m Headed east onto Route 44.

[Chat] Current plan seems to be searching for Entei.

3d 10h 17m Going back and forth from Mt. Mortar to the Lv. 42 grass.

3d 10h 6m Currently patrolling the grass on Route 42.

3d 10h 2m We register the Itemfinder to Select! Back outside.

3d 10h 0m Back into that house again.

3d 9h 57m We wander back into the Mahogany Pokémon Center.

3d 9h 50m We wander through the wild grass, and Machoke reaches Lv. 35!

3d 9h 47m We finally escape and go back to Route 44.

3d 9h 47m We pace back and forth in that building that used to have the hideout. The scary music is gone now.

3d 9h 43m We walk into the Pokémon Center; currently checkpointed at Mahogany Town. And we heal!

[Info] Since the last update, we caught a female Lv. 21 Marill nicknamed AAAAADFEFX. We also did some leveling: Machoke reached Lv. 34 and learned Vital Throw over Leer! Also, Rocky is now Lv. 42. We're currently traversing some ledges on Route 44.

[Info] Also during the downtime, golbat evolved into crobat! We also caught a male level 7 totodile, a male level 15 sentret, a female level 15 mareep, a male level 15 gyarados, a male level 5 cyndaquil, and a female level 12 snubbull! No nicknames on any of them

[Info] In the downtime, we've cleared the Radio Tower of Rocket influence! We're currently gambling, in true TPP style

[Meta] This isn't a catchy tune, bot DansGame

2d 20h 42m We turn on the radio in our Pokegear, and there's a broadcast playing...Team Rocket has taken over the Radio Tower! They have some catchy tunes, too.

2d 20h 38m We walk outside, and get a call from Professor Elm...he says something weird is happening with Team Rocket? No, that can't be true...?

2d 20h 38m We smoothly move all the way to the start of the gym.

2d 20h 37m Received the Glacierbadge! We can now use Whirlpool in the overworld. Received TM16 Icy Wind!

2d 20h 36m The second Razor Leaf finishes it. Golbat reaches Lv. 24! Defeated Gym Leader Pryce!

2d 20h 36m We send out Meganium. Pryce uses a Hyper Potion and we use Razor Leaf, taking it to the red.

2d 20h 35m Next out is Piloswine. We look through our bag, but our Thunderstone doesn't do anything to help; we go back to Karate Chop. It takes Piloswine to half, but it uses Blizzard; Machoke faints!

2d 20h 35m Next out is Dewgong. It outspeeds and lands an Aurora Beam, taking us to low health. Karate Chop crits again and takes it down.

2d 20h 34m Pryce opens with a Seel. We Karate Chop it to half health, and it gets a crit Icy Wind. A crit Karate Chop finishes it off.

2d 20h 34m We slide our way to the top of the gym. Vs. Gym Leader Pryce!

2d 20h 27m Douglas tells us that Pryce likes to meditate under a waterfall. We slide away.

2d 20h 26m We switch to Strength, getting Cloyster to yellow health; it uses Withdraw. One more Strength finishes it off. Rocky reaches Lv. 38! Defeated Boarder Douglas!

2d 20h 26m We get a crit Bind, which doesn't do much damage. Cloyster uses Aurorabeam; it's slowly taking all that residual damage...

2d 20h 25m Switch mode is on, so we send out Rocky and use Sandstorm. Cloyster uses Withdraw.

2d 20h 25m We take Shellder down with some tactical Surfs. Golbat reaches Lv. 23! Next up: Cloyster.

2d 20h 24m Shellder confuses us with Supersonic, but we still manage to take it down with two Karate Chops. Next up is another Shellder; we switch out to Poliwhirl.

2d 20h 23m Challenged by Boarder Douglas! He sends out Shellder.

2d 20h 19m Challenged by Skier Clarissa! She sends out Dewgong and manages to Aurora Beam us, but Karate Chop is a 2HKO. Defeated Skier Clarissa!

2d 20h 17m Entered the Mahogany Town Gym!

2d 20h 13m We walk into the Pokémon Center and heal!

2d 20h 12m Back to Mahogany Town.

2d 20h 11m Escaped Mt. Mortar; back on Route 42.

2d 20h 6m What? Machop is evolving! Machop has evolved into Machoke!

2d 19h 56m We're slowly dealing with all the Rattata and Zubat in this cave.

2d 19h 45m After a few overshoots, we return to Route 42, then head back inside Mt. Mortar.

2d 19h 42m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal! Checkpoint in Mahogany Town.

2d 19h 40m Arrived in Mahogany Town.

2d 19h 35m A couple minutes ago, Golbat reached Lv. 21 thanks to that Exp. Share!

2d 19h 28m We duck into Mt. Mortar.

2d 19h 27m Challenged by Fisher Tully! He has a Qwilfish, which Machop takes care of pretty easily. Machop reaches Lv. 27! Defeated Fisher Tully! After declining a few times, we take his number.

2d 19h 25m We swing through Ecruteak and onto Route 42; we gaze out into the lake for awhile before starting to surf.

2d 19h 21m Back to Route 36.

2d 19h 19m We stop to harvest some berries along the way. Picked a Przcureberry!

2d 19h 18m We look at Liz and then run away. Headed back up Route 32.

2d 19h 16m She sends out her Nidoran♀, but it's still only Lv. 9. Machop deals with it in one hit. Defeated Picnicker Liz! Sounds like she's angry now...

2d 19h 15m We visit Liz, and she complains that we're late for her rematch. Challenged by Picnicker Liz!

2d 19h 13m On Route 32.

2d 19h 10m We ride into the Ruins of Alph.

2d 19h 8m With all our shopping taken care of, we head west onto Route 36.

2d 19h 6m We bought 24 Poké Balls and a Potion! We also sold a Red Apricorn!

2d 19h 3m Entered the mart.

2d 18h 59m We head into the Pokémon Center and we heal! Checkpointed in Violet City.

2d 18h 58m Back to Violet City.

2d 18h 55m Headed west again on Route 31. We pick a Bitter Berry!

2d 18h 48m Bill calls us to let us know that our PC box is full; we'll have to switch boxes if we want to catch anything else.

2d 18h 48m Caught a male Lv. 4 Hoppip! Nickname: AIIIOVY. We have 2 Poké Balls left, and...

2d 18h 38m After a few tries, we give Golbat the Exp. Share!

2d 18h 29m Caught a ♀ Lv. 3 Ledyba! No nickname.

2d 18h 28m Currently searching the grass at the bottom of Route 30.

2d 18h 17m We stop at the fruit tree outside, and pick a Psncureberry!

2d 18h 14m Mr. Pokémon is so excited that we change our minds. Handed over the Red Scale! Obtained the Exp. Share!

2d 18h 14m We walk back outside, then back in...

2d 18h 13m We talk to Mr. Pokémon! He's interested in that Red Scale...but we tell him he can't have it.

2d 18h 9m We look at a desk inside. There's a strange pile of coins we don't recognize. Professor Oak keeps yelling in our ears.

2d 18h 5m Entered Mr. Pokémon's house. We go up to sit on his couch.

2d 18h 2m We walk into Mr. Pokémon's house, then back out.

2d 18h 2m The sun is rising! Encounters change...now we're instead attacked by a flock of Pidgey.

2d 17h 56m We get caught in some tall grass and fend for our lives against a flock of Lv. 3 Hoothoots.

2d 17h 54m Onto Route 30. Mr. Pokémon's house appears on the horizon.

2d 17h 51m Caught a female Lv. 4 Poliwag! Nickname: J.

2d 17h 50m On Route 31 now. Almost there...

2d 17h 48m Arrived in Violet City.

[Chat] The plan seems to be picking up the EXP Share.

2d 17h 47m Headed south onto Route 36.

2d 17h 45m We arrive at Ecruteak City.

2d 17h 41m Headed up Route 39.

2d 17h 39m We switch party order: Rocky is now in third, with Golbat all the way at the back. With that done, we go on a slow stroll through town.

2d 17h 35m We enter the Pokémon Center and we heal! Currently checkpointed in Olivine City.

2d 17h 34m Biking our way into Olivine City.

2d 17h 33m We arrive on the shores of Route 40.

2d 17h 26m We defeat a wild Tentacool, and Golbat reaches Lv. 20!

2d 17h 22m Seaking isn't much stronger than its Goldeen friends, and falls in one hit. Defeated Swimmer♀ Kaylee!

2d 17h 22m Razor Leaf crits, which is definitely enough to take care of Goldeen. Next out is Seaking.

2d 17h 21m Our next attack misses, and poison finishes the job. Poliwhirl faints! We send out Meganium.

2d 17h 21m Next up: another Goldeen. We decide to try out Doubleslap this time, and it hits us with Horn Attack.

2d 17h 20m Kaylee sends out Goldeen against our Poliwhirl. We use Surf to get it to low health, and it uses Tail Whip. Another Surf finishes it off, even as we take some poison damage...Poliwhirl reaches Lv. 31!

2d 17h 19m We get spotted by a spinning Trainer. Vs. Swimmer♀ Kaylee!

2d 17h 18m Poliwhirl becomes poisoned by a wild Tentacruel.

2d 17h 15m Caught a Female Lv. 20 Mantine! Nickname: A. We now have 14 regular Poké Balls.

2d 17h 13m All that poison adds up, and Machop faints against a wild Mantine! We're currently throwing a lot of Great Balls at it.

[Snark] Perhaps we think that one can acquire an immunity to poison by making one hold a poisonous item? Probably wouldn't work after being poisoned even if the theory did work.

2d 17h 10m We give a Poison Barb to JSS?S.

2d 17h 8m 2d 17h 7m One of the Tentacool we encounter poisons JSS?S

2d 17h 6m We start surfing back towards Olivine. JSS?S beats up a few Tentacool along the way. JSS?S grew to Lv 26.

2d 17h 4m We enter the Poké Center and We heal

2d 16h 58m With a whole party of printed pictures, we leave the photo house.

2d 16h 58m We commission a third half-print of Rocky, and then manage to commission a whole print of Rocky thanks to the B-bar.

2d 16h 55m We print out another half-picture of Rocky.

2d 16h 54m We print out a few more pictures, including a full picture of ABBp.

2d 16h 50m After looking at the magazines on the shelves of the photo house, we commission another full print of ZZZZY.

2d 16h 47m We reenter the house and commission another half-print of Rocky.

2d 16h 45m We print the top half of Rocky's picture. Satisfied with that, we leave the photo house.

2d 16h 41m We print half of CA.XX's picture, then the whole of CA.XX's picture. We leave, then remember that we didn't print any pictures of Rocky yet, and thus return to commission more pictures.

2d 16h 38m We continue commissioning pictures of our Pokémon, mostly of JSS?S.



2d 16h 31m After a few attempts, we print the whole of ZZZZY's picture.

2d 16h 29m We print the top half of AABBp's picture, the the top half of Axtux's picture, then the whole of Axtux's picture twice. The B-bar appears intermittently during this.

2d 16h 26m After four pictures of JSS?S, we commission a picture of ZZZZY and manage to print the whole thing, thanks to a timely appearance of the B bar.

2d 16h 24m We commission a few more pictures of JSS?S. We manage to print both halves of JSS?S's picture the third time.

2d 16h 22m We enter a building. The person inside offers to take a picture of one of our team members. We let him take a picture of JSS?S. The overlay shows the printed picture.

2d 16h 19m We land on the shores of Cianwood City.

2d 16h 18m Lass Dana calls us, and thanks us for some battling tips that let her Flaffy defeat a wild Noctowl.

2d 16h 16m We boot up HM4 and We teach JSS?S Strength over Foresight

2d 16h 13m The swimmer sends out a Tenacruel. Tentacruel uses Constrict doing minimal damage; Rocky uses strength doing slightly over half damage. That turn repeats, and Tenacruel, and Swimmer Charlie are defeated.

2d 16h 11m Charlie sends out a Tentacool. Rocky fails to stack sandstorms, while Tentacool deals minimal damage with Constrict. The next few turns repeat as such, until Rocky switches to Strength and takes down the Tentacool

2d 16h 9m The turns continue with Bind and Aura Beam. Shellder is barely holding on when the Sandstorm peters out, but Rocky starts a new sandstorm, and the sandstorm damage takes down Rocky.

2d 16h 7m Shellder tackles Rocky, before switching to Aura Beam. Both do scratch damage. Rocky starts a sandstorm. Rocky switches to Bind while Shellder continues with Aurora Beam.

2d 16h 5m A swimmer spots us, and says he's loose and limber. Swimmer Charlie takes us on. Shelder vs. JSS?S. We try to switch out JSS?S out for JSS?S before switching to Rocky.

2d 16h 3m Axtux takes down a Tentacruel, but JSS?S was the vicinity long enough to get rewarded too. JSS?S grew to Lv 25. JSS?S learns Foresigt over Low Kick.

2d 15h 57m We head south through Olivine, and start surfing towards Cianwood.

2d 15h 55m We try to print a few Pokedex entries. After canceling a few prints, we stick with printing Umbreon's empty Pokedex entry. After the transmission completes, Umbreon's dex entry appears overlaying pinball and the game stats, before ascending over the party display.

2d 15h 49m We loiter at the north entrance to the city, repeatedly opening our menu. After a kid says it's cool that we have a Pokedex, we look at our Pokedex more closely.

2d 15h 46m We proceed through the routes and reach Olivine City.

2d 15h 44m We leave the Poké Mart. We have ₽4570 and 22 balls. We continue west, and enter Route 38.

2d 15h 41m We buy 1 Poké Ball, 1 Potion, 98 Antidotes, an Awakening and one Potion. We sell one Red Apricorn.

2d 15h 39m We buy 4 Poké Balls. We try to by 97 of a few things, but can't afford that many Balls or Poitions.

2d 15h 37m We but 6 Poké Balls and 3 Potions, this bunch all one at a time.

2d 15h 37m We buy 4 Poké Balls, 7 Great Balls, and 24 Potions

2d 15h 34m We enter the Poké Mart. We start with ₽30770.

2d 15h 31m We leave the Poké Center, then head to the center of town.

2d 15h 30m We step out of the Poké Center before heading right back in.

2d 15h 28m We go to the Poké Center's second floor. We look at the sign with our Player vs. Player record, which shows 0 wins and 0 losses.

2d 15h 26m We enter the Poké Center and walk around its interior.

2d 15h 25m We pass through a gate house and enter Ecruteak City.

2d 15h 25m We enter Mt. Mortar via its western entrance, just long enough to beat up a Marill.

2d 15h 23m We start surfing and reach the bit of land with Mt. Mortar's middle entrance. We spot Suicune to the south, on the other side of a line of trees, but press westward anyway.

2d 15h 21m We return to Mahogany Town. Then leave back to Route 42.

2d 15h 18m We step into Mr. Mortar before heading right back out.

2d 15h 17m We head out of town to the west. Despite being a bit indecisive at the border, we enter Route 42.

2d 15h 13m We leave the gym, and ride our bike back to the Poké Center. we heal.

2d 15h 12m Ronald sends out a Dewgong third. Its Aura Beam deals a critical hit, but ZZZY's Razor Leaves still take down the Dewgong. Boarder defeated.

2d 15h 11m Ronald's second Seel manages to Flinch JSS?S a few times with Headbutt. JSS?S faints. ZZZZY comes out to clean up, and does so by throwing Poison Powder over Seel. Seel faints due to the damage from poison.

2d 15h 10m We head down to the southwest corner. Boarder Ronald promises to freeze our Pokémon. Ronald's Seel uses Headbut and Aura Beam, neither of which freezes JSS?S before his Low Kicks take down The seel.

2d 15h 8m We skate up to the northeast corner and stare at the wall before skating down to Border Brad. Brad's first Swinub endures JSS?S's first Low kick, but falls to the second. Brad's second swinub dodges JSS?S's first Low Kick, but falls to the second. JSS?S grew to Lv 24. Boarder defeated.

2d 15h 6m We reenter the gym.

2d 15h 3m We momentarily get stuck behind the sign next to the gym.

2d 15h 2m We leave the Poké Center, get on our bike and immediately crash through the Poké Center's doors. We promptly get back on our bike and flee the scene.

2d 15h 0m We enter the Poké Center, and we heal.

2d 14h 59m Chad calls us and invites us to have a rematch with him.

2d 14h 58m We leave the gym, and get on our bike. for a tile. Then we get off the bike and walk around town

2d 14h 56m We send out Rocky. Jynx uses Powder Snow, while Rocky uses Sandstorm. Jynx uses Ice Punch, while Rocky uses Bind. Jynx continues with Powder Snow, while suffering residual damage. Rocky finishes with a Dig, defeating the Jynx. Skiier defeated.

2d 14h 54m The first gym trainer tells us that we have to think before we skate. Vs. Skiier Roxanne and her Jynx. The Jynx's Ice Punch 1HKOs JSS?S.

2d 14h 53m We leave the Poké Center, get on our bike, and ride it down to the Gym.

2d 14h 52m Once outside, we get on our bike, and ride it down to the Poké Center. We heal.

2d 14h 52m We head up the stairs once more. Then we leave the building.

2d 14h 51m We head up the previously mentioned stairs and into the "shop". Before heading back down the stairs and meandering a bit more inside the base.

2d 14h 49m Having spotted an item through the wall to the south of the aforementioned stairs, we head west until a break in the wall, head through the break, then head east towards the item. We find a Hyper Potion.

2d 14h 47m We step on a teleporter, which teleports us to a flight of stairs upwards. We head west, further into the base, instead of up the stairs.

2d 14h 46m We step on a Voltorb. CAXX defeats it, and CA.XX grows to Lv 35.

2d 14h 46m Lance heads out of the base. We also head upwards, out of the base. On the way, we find a Nugget.

2d 14h 44m Since all the electrode were defeated, Lance says the odd signal has stopped. He rewards us with a HM 06: Whirlpool.

2d 14h 42m We try going down the path south of the last electrode, before going down the path of the middle electrode again. Then we do find the last Electrode. The Electrode selfdestructs; CAXX hangs on with 5 HP.

2d 14h 41m We battle the middle Electrode second. It screeches, before CAXX demonstrates his strength and defeats the Electrode.

2d 14h 40m We approach the middle electrode, before then deciding that we actually want to battle the northern electrode first. The Electrode is faster than CAXX and pulls off a sonicboom, but falls to CAXX's strength.

2d 14h 39m The executives tell us that the base doesn't matter; they have larger plans now. The rockets run off. We enter the Electrode room, and Lance charges us with defeating half the Electrode while he defeats the other half.

2d 14h 38m The Rocket Executive's last Pokémon is a Murkrow. It too is defeated by CAXX's strength. Rocket defeated.

2d 14h 37m The rocket sends out a Gloom second. It, too, falls to CAXX's strength.

2d 14h 36m The rocket sends out an Arbok; we send out CAXX. CAXX defeats the Rocket Executive's Arbok with a Strength attack.

2d 14h 35m We open the door. We start to head in, but are stopped by two Rockets. Before they attack us, Lance comes and picks a fight with one of the rockets. The other picks a fight with us.

2d 14h 34m We head to the door, but smashing our face into the door doesn't seem to open it. The walls next to the door don't have handles.

2d 14h 33m We head past the Electrode room, almost go up the stairs to its south-west, then turn around. We then try to decide whether to go up the stairs or open the door.

2d 14h 31m We go past a different flight of stairs, but then return to head up that set of stairs. We emerge south-east of the Electrode-powered room, and try to navigate the passage to the Electrode room's door.

2d 14h 29m We seem to have accepted that we have to walk. We come across a flight of stairs; we go up it, realize that the stairs don't head where we wanted to go, go back down the stairs, and then continue down the hallway.

2d 14h 25m We stand at the top of those stairs, thinking about how much we want to - I'm going to guess what the select-registered item is - ride our bike. Then we trudge down the hallway, still wishing we could ride down the hallway instead.

2d 14h 21m Go down that flight of stairs, then go up the other, northern-more flight of stairs.

2d 14h 20m We slowly head back to the stairs, constantly thinking that now isn't the time to use whichever key item we have registered.

2d 14h 17m We go up a flight of stairs, then head south from those stairs to a dead-end room. We find TM46: Thief.

[Info] During the previous battle, ZZZZY grew to Lv 37.

2d 14h 14m We talk to a Murkrow that was also in this room. The Murkrow tells us that one of the passwords is "Hail Giovanni".

2d 14h 11m We send out ZZZZY. ZZZZY takes down the enemy zubat with a body slam. ZZZZY repeats this to 1HKO the executive's Koffing. The Executive sends out a Raticate last. The Raticate holds on barely after one Body Slam, and deals some damage to ZZZZY with Hyer Fang and Quick Attack but falls to the second Body Slam. Executive defeated.

2d 14h 10m ABBp and the enemy Zubat trade supersonics. ABBp hurts itself in confusion, while the enemy zubat breaks through its confusion instantly. We throw our Ultra Ball at the Executive's zubat. The zubat repeatedly bites APPb. APPb faints.

2d 14h 8m We open a door and enter the room. The rocket executive inside monologues at us before challenging us to battle.

2d 14h 7m Currently in the Rocket Base under Mahogany. Our rival walked up to us, told us that he was the the one that would be destroying Team Rocket, then sauntered off. We continue down the hallway we were going down. We pick up an Ultra Ball.

[info] ₽21770 | Balls: 0 | Pokedex: 132 / 177 / 251

JJJJSSS??S (Machop) ♂ [No Item] Lv.23 Low Kick / Leer / Focus Energy / Karate Chop
AAAxtux (Poliwhirl) ♀ [Poké Ball] Lv.30 Surf / Doubleslap / Water Gun / Attract
AABBBBBpp (Golbat) ♀ [No Item] Lv.19 Supersonic / Leech Life / Confuse Ray / Bite
CA.XX (Ursaring) ♂ [No Item] Lv.34 Strength / Leer / Fury Swipes / Scratch
ZZZZY (Meganium) ♂ [No Item] Lv.36 Razor Leaf / Fury Cutter / Body Slam / Poisonpowder
ROCKY (Steelix) ♂ [Hard Stone] Lv.37 Sandstorm / Dig / Strength / Bind

2d13h42m Picked up a Full Heal!

Picked up an Ice Heal!

After a close match, Poliwhirl eventually ends up beating Ditto. Scientist Mitch was defeated!

[Info] During the downtime, we made it deeper into the hideout and got two passwords from two Rocket Grunts. They're SLOWPOKETAIL and RATICATE TAIL respectively. Currently we're battling Scientist Mitch who appears to have his Ditto transformed into Poliwhirl.

[Meta] The Live Updater will be going dark for a little while, sorry! While we're gone, you can check the #stream-feed channel in the Discord.

2d 12h 41m We get the scientist talking about his secrets, then lean over his shoulder and smack all the buttons at his computer. The secret switch is turned off! Those Rocket Grunts from earlier won't follow us around now.

2d 12h 39m We sneak a look at the bookshelves nearby. One of the books is just the Team Rocket Oath.

2d 12h 39m Picked up a Guard Spec!

2d 12h 36m We take care of the first Magnemite with Strength, before running out of PP; Scratch handles the next one. Ursaring grows to Lv. 33! Next up is another Magnemite, which we defeat in two hits. Defeated Scientist Jed!

2d 12h 34m Vs. Scientist Jed! He sends out a Magnemite.

2d 12h 29m The Grunt copies their coworker and finishes up with a Rattata. Defeated Rocket Grunt! The prize money isn't bad, for this being a guard measure.

2d 12h 28m Another Rocket Grunt appears! This one opens with Zubat, which we take down right away. Grimer goes down quickly, too.

2d 12h 27m Zubat gets 2 HP of damage in on us, but we switch back to Strength. Defeated Rocket Grunt!

2d 12h 26m The grunt sends out a Drowzee, but they're still a much lower level than us, so Strength is enough for it. We take a little break to Leer at the Zubat that's sent out.

2d 12h 26m We set off another laser statue. Vs. Rocket Grunt!

2d 12h 21m Strength overpowers Grimer, as well as the next Pokémon, Rattata. Defeated Rocket Grunt!

2d 12h 19m The grunt sends out Zubat, which we take care of with Strength. Next out is Grimer.

2d 12h 19m Strength does just as well here, too. Defeated Rocket Grunt! Another jumps out to fight us!

2d 12h 18m The grunt sends out a Drowzee. Ursaring uses Strength and OHKOs it; next up is Zubat.

2d 12h 17m We head downstairs, into the hideout. One of the statues sets off an alarm. Vs. Rocket Grunt!

2d 12h 15m Back to that suspicious building! Lance asks his Dragonite to use Hyper Beam on a person, then leads us to a hidden staircase. We think about it deeply, then try to ride our bike down the stairs.

2d 12h 14m Arrived in Mahogany Town.

2d 12h 12m Picked up a Max Ether!

2d 12h 11m Ron sends out Nidoking against Ursaring. A single Strength defeats it. Ursaring reaches Lv. 32! Defeated Pokemaniac Ron!

2d 12h 10m A nearby Trainer complains that our rival mocked his Pokémon. Looks like he wants to take it out on us. Challenged by Pokemaniac Ron!

2d 12h 9m The printer party seems to be over...for now. Heading south out of the Lake of Rage.

2d 11h 52m tppsimulator: oh we aint catching the printer

2d 11h 47m Schoolboy Chad interrupts our printer excitement to let us know the local gossip.

2d 11h 44m The stream comes back! Our printer paper scrolls across the screen.

2d 11h 42m The Riot screen goes up, setting off a glitchy Porygon cry.

[Fluff] https://clips.twitch.tv/SplendidGiantMartenTakeNRG This is what the Printer did, by the way...

2d 11h 37m And with the Printer back in our bag, we talk to Lance! He suspects something is happening with Team Rocket; we offer to help.

2d 11h 33m With inputs frozen, someone pushes Wooper out of the way and turns on the printer. Something is happening...

2d 11h 33m The game goes dark, then returns to the smiling Wooper.

2d 11h 32m The riot screen goes down, but inputs don't move. Wooper's Pokedex image watches over us, smiling.

2d 11h 31m The riot screen goes up as we try to get our Game Boy Printer working.

2d 11h 28m Something strange...what's this? Transmitting?! Something seems to be happening with the printer!

2d 11h 20m The shiny Gyarados faints from our Strength. Obtained a Red Scale!

2d 11h 18m Golbat faints! We send out Rocky in its place...unfortunately, we're out of Poké Balls.

2d 11h 17m Arrived at Lake of Rage! We encounter a shiny Gyarados!

2d 11h 16m After a lot of turns on Confuse Ray and Supersonic, we manage to take down Slowbro with Golbat's Bite. Defeated Pokemaniac Ben!

2d 11h 13m After a few turns, Slowbro manages to overcome its attraction and Water Gun us. Poliwhirl faints!

2d 11h 12m Challenged by Pokemaniac Ben! He sends out a Slowbro. We use Attract, and it can't do anything.

2d 11h 11m The riot screen was up for a few seconds, but we're back already.

2d 11h 10m We enter a wild battle with Poliwhirl at 1 HP, but that won't stop it from reaching Lv. 30!

2d 11h 7m We toss our only Great Ball at a wild Girafarig, but it breaks free.

2d 11h 2m Lickitung faints from Surf. Defeated Pokemaniac Brent!

2d 11h 0m Vs. Pokemaniac Brent! He sends out Lickitung and gets a crit, and Machop faints! We send out Poliwhirl.

2d 10h 59m Clefairy uses Minimize, but we manage to take it down. Defeated Picnicker Tiffany! Machop reaches Lv. 23!

2d 10h 58m Vs. Picnicker Tiffany! She sends out Clefairy and we almost defeat it with Machop, but it Sings us to sleep.

2d 10h 53m We change our frame settings, then start kicking a wild Venonat.

2d 10h 52m After a dozen tries, we escape from Spencer, heading into the grass.

2d 10h 51m Spencer keeps asking us what's going on at the Lake of Rage. We're not sure, but he keeps asking.

2d 10h 50m Zubat falls to Surf and Poliwhirl reaches Lv. 29! Defeated Camper Spencer!

2d 10h 49m We switch out to Poliwhirl and handle Sandslash with Surf. Next up is Zubat.

2d 10h 48m Sandslash throws some pocket sand at us, and our Karate Chops start missing as it starts attacking. We contemplate switching out.

2d 10h 47m We take care of Sandshrew with a crit Karate Chop. Next up is Sandslash.

2d 10h 47m Out onto Route 43. Vs. Camper Spencer! He sends out Sandshrew against our Machop, and we start spamming Leer.

2d 10h 42m We enter a very non-suspicious building.

2d 10h 36m Entered the Pokémon Center. Checkpointed in Mahogany Town!

2d 10h 31m Arrived in Mahogany Town.

2d 10h 28m Since we only have one Great Ball, we walk right past Suicune and keep moving. The item on the shore catches our attention, though. Picked up a Super Potion!


2d 10h 27m We cross the water, and see a strange Pokémon standing behind the trees...

2d 10h 25m We try to ride our bike into the water on Route 42.

2d 10h 24m Arrived in Ecruteak City.

2d 10h 24m Machop reaches Lv. 22!

2d 10h 22m In the last couple minutes we successfully healed! Currently heading up Route 38.

[Info] Updater's going dark sorry!

Trying to heal but having difficulty

2d 10h 3m We Razor Leaf and crit again and she hits Screech's, another Razor kills it, Steelix and Jasmine down!, TM23 of course Iron Tail and Mineral Badge acquired

2d 10h 2m We use Poisonpowder and she Sonicboom's, we Body Slam to take it out and Meganium to 36, we fail Poison Powder and she misses Iron Tail, we Razor Leaf and she hits this time, another Razor is fire off and it crits! but She lives with red hp and hits another tail

2d 10h 0m We send in Meganium

2d 10h 0m Fury Swipes hits 3 times and crits the last one, T-wave paralyses, she Tbolt's and we Leer, Tbolt kills

2d 9h 59m We send in Ursarang and LEer she uses Tbolt, Fury Swipes kills, she sends in her 2nd Magnemite, we Fury Swipes again and hit twice, she fails T-wave

2d 9h 58m We send in Golbat and Confuse Ray to make it hit itself then use Leech Life and Tbolt kills

2d 9h 58m We send in Poliwhirl and Surf to do over half damage, Tbolt kills

2d 9h 57m Machop vs Magnemite, Tbolt kills

2d 9h 57m In Olivine Gym, Vs Leader Jasmine, Attempt #3!

2d 9h 54m Blackout

2d 9h 53m We use a berry to heal 10hp, take an Iron Tail and use Razor Leaf twice, and faint to 2 more Iron Tails

2d 9h 52m Meganium comes out and kills with Razor Leaf, she sends in Steelix

2d 9h 51m We use Bind and she missed Sonicboom, we Sandstorm and Faint to another Boom

2d 9h 51m We send in Steelix and use Sandstorm, she uses Sonic Boom and we're down to 3hp

2d 9h 49m We get Tbolt'd again and Faint

2d 9h 49m Ursarang vs Magnemite, we Strength and she uses T-wave to Paralyse us, after that she Supersonic's us and we hit ourself and take a Tbolt

2d 9h 48m In Olivine Gym, Vs Leader Jasmine, Attempt #2

2d 9h 39m In Olivine, checkpointed

2d 9h 35m Golbat down

2d 9h 26m Golbat to 19, learns Confuse Ray over Screech

2d 9h 24m Poliwhirl down

2d 9h 12m **Machop Fainted

2d 9h 6m Surfing to Olivine

2d 9h 5m We're back in Cianwood

2d 9h 4m We send in Poliwhirl and use Double Slap to hit 5 times, Thunderbolt kills, we black out

2d 9h 4m She sends in Steelix and we sandstorm, SonicBoom kills, we switch to Meganium, Poison Powder and die to Sonic Boom

2d 9h 3m We Dig and KO Steelix!

2d 9h 3m We use Sandstorm and she Screech's, We Sandstorm and she Rock Throw's, looks like she ran out of pp for iron Tail

2d 9h 2m We send in Meganium and use Poison Powder four times and she hits 3/4 of her Iron Tails, we switch to Steelix

2d 9h 1m We send in Golbat who uses Screech and dies to Iron Tail

2d 9h 0m We use Sandstorm 1 more time then switch to Ursarang who takes an Iron Tail badly and sand takes it to the red, we Strength once then faint

2d 8h 59m We Dig again to avoid another tail, hit and take it to yellow health and get hit by another Iron Tail, We Dig and she uses a Hyper Potion, We Sandstorm and she uses Iron Tail

2d 8h 58m She sends her own Steelix and We Dig to dodge a Screech, she uses Iron Tail crit

2d 8h 58m We strength and she Supersonic, we Dig but then hit ourself, and Sonicboom hits, Dig KO's next turn and Steelix to 36, learns Sandstorm over Tackle

2d 8h 56m Machop vs her Magnemite, she uses Thunderbolt and OHKO's us that level spike hurts!

2d 8h 56m In Olivine Gym, Vs Leader Jasmine, Attempt #1

2d 8h 54m We keep falling thru each floor until we're out, yikes our legs must be broken after Morty and this

2d 8h 51m She returned to her Gym

2d 8h 51m We give Jasmin the SecretPotion

2d 8h 46m In the lighthouse, heading to Jasmine

2d 8h 44m In Olivine City and Summary of what happened: Teddiursa to 30 and evolved to Ursarang

[Meta] Sorry, updater's going dark again

2d 8h 10m We enter the Pokémon centre and heal our team. We quickly skedaddle out of here

2d 8h 6m Inputs are working again. We appear to be trying to teach somebody Fly

2d 8h 3m Inputs seem to have frozen

[Info] During the downtime, poliwag evolved into poliwhirl and onix evolved into steelix!

2d 7h 58m We talk to Chuck's wife. She hands us HM02 Fly!

2d 7h 57m We step outside and try to talk to Chuck's wife, but keep missing her

2d 7h 55m Versus Chuck! We send out meganium (who evolved from bayleef during the downtime) who uses razor leaf twice, taking out Chuck's primeape. Chuck then sends in poliwrath who goes down in two razor leaves. Leader Chuck defeated! Obtained the Storm Badge and TM01 Dynamic Punch!

[Meta] Updater going dark again

2d 1h 17m After a series of dream eater, bayleef falls! Blacked out! RIP attempt #3!

2d 1h 16m Bayleef wakes up and continues using weak or non-effective moves before being put to sleep again

2d 1h 16m We send in bayleef, our final mon, whose attacks are either ineffective or do little damage. Bayleef is put to sleep as gengar starts feasting with dream eater again

[Correction] This is the third attempt, not the second

2d 1h 14m Gengar puts Rocky to sleep then starts eating dreams. Rocky's at half health as we try to steal this gengar. Rocky the onix goes down to a second dream eater!

2d 1h 13m We send in Rocky who obeys our command to use strength. Too bad it did nothing. Gengar's hypnosis misses

2d 1h 11m We send in teddiursa again to leer at the gengar. Gengar looks at teddiursa meanly, meaning there's no escape. We try to run but no luck. An offering of TM08 Rock Smash as a bribe also fails. Gengar puts teddiursa to sleep then eats our bear's dreams. Teddiursa is down!

2d 1h 10m Teddiursa is being massacred, so we try fleeing. No luck however, so we switch in machop instead. Gastly's spite attack fails. We switch to golbat, who takes a lick attack then screeches at gastly, who licks again. Golbat's bite takes out gastly. Machop grows to level 20! Morty sends out haunter. Haunter's night shade leaves golbat in the yellow, while bite takes a third of haunter's health. A second night shade leaves golbat with 5 HP while a second bite leave haunter in the yellow. A final night shade and golbat goes down! Machop is sent in to take some night shade damage, with low kick missing and leer lowering haunter's defence. Machop barely hangs on after a third night shade, but the fourth is too much. Machop goes down! Poliwag's up next. Haunter takes a chunk of health with night shade, but poliwag's surf takes out haunter. Poliwag is now level 20! Morty sends in gengar, who takes out poliwag with shadow ball!

2d 1h 6m Versus Gym Leader Morty attempt #2! Teddiursa v gastly. Gastly immediately curses teddirusa, whose strength attack fails. Gastly's follow up spite reduces strength by 2 PP while scratch does nothing. Meanwhile teddiursa is just above half health due to curse damage

2d 1h 4m [D] We make it through again and talk to Morty for the second attempt, this time in democracy. Or maybe not. [A] Anarchy activates at the last second

2d 1h 0m [D] Democracy activates and we start taking baby steps towards Morty

2d 0h 56m Back into the gym. Time to face the Elite Floor again

2d 0h 52m Teddiursa gets put to sleep then gengar starts snacking with dream eater. Teddirusa is down! Blacked out! RIP Morty attempt #1! Back to Ecruteak City Pokémon Centre

2d 0h 50m Our only mon left is teddiursa. We try sending in some of our more useful mons instead, as well as fleeing the battle, but it's useless. We send in teddiursa with a heavy heart, knowing there's nothing that can be done at this point

2d 0h 48m Bayleef tries to poison the poison-type haunter, as haunter finally lands a night shade quickly followed by a hypnosis. A second night shade leaves bayleef at just above half health, while a third attack leaves bayleef with 30 HP. Haunter uses minic then takes himself out with Curse. Bayleef grows to level 32! Up next is gengar. Bayleef wakes up and hits a weak razor leaf as gengar's dream eater fails. A second razor leaf hits and bayleef goes down to curse damage!

[Snark] Wow, not much happened that turn

2d 0h 46m We send in bayleef, whose body slam does nothing. Haunter's attack also misses. We check our bag then order another body slam as hypnosis misses again

2d 0h 45m We send in Rocky, our level 32 onix, who refuses to listen to us. Haunter's hypnosis misses but the two night shades leave Rocky on 32 HP. Rocky dodges a few more hypnosises while refusing to listen to us and using non-effective moves instead of the damaging moves we suggest. Rocky goes down to a fourth night shade!

2d 0h 43m Machop's back in. Machop is down to a night shade!

2d 0h 43m We send machop back in. Haunter uses a night shade as machop wakes up and leers at the ghost. We switch out to golbat, who gets hit by night shade for a third of her health, with a second night shade leaving her at 15 HP. Leech life does minor damage, healing a single HP. A third night shade takes out golbat!

2d 0h 41m We swap out to machop as haunter uses night shade to take a third of machops health. Haunter puts machop to sleep. Alas it seems machop is also useless in this fight, on account of having only normal and fighting moves. We swap back out to poliwag, who goes down in 2 night shades!

2d 0h 40m We swap out teddirusa, who could do nothing, for poliwag to dodge a curse and surf to take out gastly. Morty sends in haunter next. Haunter also curses as poliwag surfs again, leaving haunter in the red. Haunter puts poliwag to sleep, leaving our tadpole to be damaged by curse

2d 0h 39m Gastly uses some bad language and curses teddiursa. Meanwhile teddiursa does nothing. We dive into our bag, looking for something that could help, then try fleeing from the spoopy ghosts. Gastly's next move is to spite teddiursa, reducing strength's PP while fury swipes does nothing

2d 0h 37m Democracy was turned on so we could get through the maze. Currently facing Gym Leader Morty attempt #1! Teddiursa v gastly

[Info] Updater's going dark now

[Info] Nothing much happened except discussions about democracy

[Snark] The current updater may or may not have died of boredom, we'll keep you informed.

[Info] Will probably be boring for a while

1d 21h 26m Healed in Ecruteak and back to hel- err Morty's Gym

1d 21h 20m Did not learn Faint Attack

1d 21h 20m [Info] To level 22 sorry

1d 21h 12m Teddiursa to 20

1d 20h 57m Walked to Mt. Mortar

1d 20h 52m Finally out of the Gym

1d 20h 7m In Morty's Gym....again

1d 20h 5m Healed

1d 20h 3m In Ecruteak

1d 20h 2m Going back to Ecruteak

[Snark] Our team likes to fight stronger mons then die to rats huh

1d 19h 46m Golbat faints to a Rattata

1d 19h 41m Machop faints to Tauros

1d 19h 38m Poliwag faints to another Rattata

1d 19h 34m Poliwag to 19, learns Double Slap over Hypnosis

1d 19h 31m Teddiursa faints to a Rattata

1d 19h 25m Teddiursa reaches Lv. 21!

1d 19h 22m We use the last of our Poké Balls against a wild Miltank, but they fail.

[Info] Picnicker Liz lets us know she has a rematch ready on Route 32.

1d 19h 19m Out on Route 38, grinding.

1d 19h 13m We step outside.

[Snark] I promise I'm not asleep yet, we're still in the gym.

1d 18h 44m Back inside Ecruteak City Gym!

1d 18h 43m We stop by the Pokémon Center and heal! We rush outside.

1d 18h 37m We register the Itemfinder to Select!

1d 18h 34m Hanging out inside the Poké Mart.

1d 18h 30m Back to Ecruteak City.

1d 18h 30m Back outside on Route 37. Teddiursa reaches Lv. 20!

1d 18h 24m We place second in the contest! We win an Everstone! We're also officially keeping that male Lv. 13 Pinsir! We name it AFFFFFM and leave with our prize...if we want to, we can try again on Tuesday in-game.

1d 18h 23m Caught a Pinsir! We seem to be leaving, but I'll wait to give its info until we confirm that we're keeping it...

1d 18h 20m Entered the Bug Catching Contest! We keep Teddiursa with us and leave our other Pokémon at the front desk. We have 20 Park Balls to catch with.

1d 18h 19m We're trying to enter the Bug Catching Contest! Seems like we're having trouble answering the questions to get in, though...

1d 18h 18m We're back at the National Park.

1d 18h 6m We step back outside. The sun is rising.

1d 17h 59m After a lot of tries, we make it almost to the last path...but overshoot and fall back to the start.

1d 17h 46m Back inside the Ecruteak Gym.

1d 17h 45m We stop by the Pokémon Center and heal! Back outside.

1d 17h 43m We talk to the man, and he asks us if we like treasure hunting. We say no, and he seems disappointed. To make him feel better, we say yes next time instead -- he gives us the Itemfinder!

1d 17h 42m We try to Surf on top of the person. The main challenge to this is that we don't have the correct Gym Badge yet.

1d 17h 39m Teddiursa uses Strength inside someone's house. They don't seem intimidated.

1d 17h 35m Entered Ecruteak City again.

1d 17h 33m We toss our last Poké Ball at a wild Stantler, but it doesn't work.

1d 17h 27m We head back to Route 36.

1d 17h 26m Beverly tells us that her friend has a Marill, and she finds them very endearing.

1d 17h 24m Surf takes Snubbull to half health, and it responds with Surf, but recovers with the help of a Berry. The second Surf takes it down, though. Poliwag reaches Lv. 18! Defeated Pokefan Beverly!

1d 17h 24m We wander the grass for awhile before a trainer spots us. Challenged by Pokefan Beverly! She sends out a Snubbull against our Poliwag.

1d 17h 16m We try to enter the Bug Catching Contest! ...but we can't, since the first Pokémon in our party is fainted.

1d 17h 13m Tossed two of our Poké Balls at another Psyduck; we have one left.

1d 17h 6m Caught a female Lv. 12 Psyduck! Nickname: ACCL.d. We currently have 3 Poké Balls.

1d 17h 5m Tossing some balls at a wild Psyduck.

1d 17h 3m We use up an Ether on Teddiursa's Leer!

1d 17h 1m We explore inside National Park for awhile. Teddiursa faints to a wild Hoothoot!

1d 16h 55m Walked onto Route 36, in the gate to National Park.

1d 16h 49m Teddiursa reaches Lv. 19!

1d 16h 47m Grinding on Route 37.

1d 16h 44m Headed back outside.

1d 16h 26m Back to the Ecruteak Gym!

1d 16h 22m After a little walk, we're back to Ecruteak City.

1d 16h 18m Back to Violet City.

1d 16h 16m Riding our bike through the grass on Route 31.

1d 16h 13m We stop by the Dark Cave, then head back outside, then head back inside.

1d 16h 6m A sign tells us that Poké Balls only work against wild Pokémon.

1d 16h 5m We pay a visit to Youngster Joey, but it looks like he's not ready to battle right now.

1d 16h 1m Back to Route 30. With the help of a wild Hoothoot, Teddiursa reaches Lv. 18!

1d 15h 58m We enter the Mart. Bought 5 Poké Balls! With that, we head back outside.

1d 15h 53m We talk to the Guide Gent, and he gives us a tour around town. Received the Map Card! We add it to our Poke Gear.

1d 15h 51m Arrived in Cherrygrove City. We enter someone's house and watch their TV.

1d 15h 50m We find a fruit tree and pick a Berry!

1d 15h 49m On Route 31. We visit the Dark Cave before heading south.

1d 15h 44m Arrived at Violet City.

1d 15h 43m We head onto Route 36.

1d 15h 41m Caught a male Lv. 15 Ariados! No name. Down to one regular Poké Ball.

1d 15h 40m After a bit of Printer Error, we go back to training. Currently tossing balls at a wild Ariados.

1d 15h 30m Out on Route 37, grinding with the help of some wild Stantler.

1d 15h 27m Back outside, having a bike ride.

1d 15h 17m We poke our head out the door, look around for observers, then go back inside the gym.

1d 15h 5m Entered the Ecruteak City Gym!

1d 14h 57m We ride the bike straight into someone's house. They're reading a book, so they don't notice us.

1d 14h 54m Back outside.

1d 14h 48m Upstairs, trying to start up a trade. Looks like our friend isn't ready, though.

1d 14h 47m Visiting the Pokémon Center.

1d 14h 45m After gaining a little EXP, we head back into Ecruteak City. We take a brief pit stop at the Tin Tower before going back outside.

1d 14h 38m Now onto Route 36.

1d 14h 37m We realize we forgot a tree. Picked up a Blk Apricorn!

1d 14h 35m This is a bit late, but Poliwag also fainted while we were fighting that Stantler.

1d 14h 35m There's a couple fruit trees here... Picked up a Red Apricorn and a Blue Apricorn!

1d 14h 33m Caught a Female Lv. 15 Hoothoot! Nickname: AAAB. Down to 3 Poké Balls.

[Chat] There's the ether we lost Kappa

1d 14h 32m We pick up a hidden Ether!

1d 14h 30m Caught a Female Lv. 14 Stantler! Nickname: AAAA. After all that, we're down to 6 Poké Balls.

1d 14h 25m Another Stantler approaches. We use an Ether on Poliwag's Surf, then start throwing Poké Balls again.

1d 14h 23m We send out Golbat and just finish off Stantler with Bite. Current Poké Ball bag: Poké Balls - 16, Great Ball - 1.

1d 14h 22m Machop faints! We're using up a lot of Great Balls, which I'll update after we're done here.

1d 14h 18m Currently trying to catch a wild Stantler...Teddiursa faints!

1d 14h 15m We contemplate the Pokémon Center again before heading to Route 37.

1d 14h 12m Back to Route 42. We consult our Pokedex.

1d 14h 10m After a lot of falling, we head back outside.

1d 13h 59m Back inside the Ecruteak City Gym! We stare out into the Elite Floor...

1d 13h 58m Back outside, we're doing a nice lap around town.

1d 13h 56m Inside Ecruteak Pokémon Center. We heal!

1d 13h 55m Checkpointed at Ecruteak City!

1d 13h 53m We wander out onto Route 42.

1d 13h 47m Poliwag reaches Lv. 17!

1d 13h 45m Another Rattata jumps out and Tackles us. Teddiursa faints!

1d 13h 37m Teddiursa defeats a wild Rattata and grows to level 17.

1d 13h 36m We're back on Route 42.

1d 13h 35m We enter the local shop, but the owner looks shady so we immediately leave.

1d 13h 33m We talk to the guy blocking the entrance of the Gym. He does not let us in.

1d 13h 32m We finally manage to talk to the nurse and heal. We leave the Pokémon Center.

1d 13h 31m We entered the local Pokémon Center, but we've just been walking around so far.

1d 13h 27m We arrive in Mahogany Town.

1d 13h 27m Liz the Picnicker calls again, but she forgot what she wanted to say.

1d 13h 23m We exit Mt. Mortar and venture onto Route 42.

1d 13h 17m It took much more effort than it should have, but the wild Golbat is defeated and our own Golbat grew to Lv. 16.

1d 13h 13m We are facing a wild Golbat, and Rocky is ignoring our orders.

1d 13h 10m Machop is defeated by a wild Ratticate.

1d 13h 9m We go through a door. Still in Mt. Mortar.

1d 13h 6m A wild Marill takes down Poliwag.

[Snark] There seems to be a certain recurring theme with these Gauntlet runs nicknames.

1d 12h 59m We throw some Poké Balls at a wild Marill. The third one does the trick! Caught a male Lv. 15 Marill! Nickname: AAAS

1d 12h 55m Poliwag defeats a wild Geodude and grows to Lv. 16.

1d 12h 54m We pick up an Ether.

1d 12h 51m We venture deeper in Mt. Mortar again.

[Chat] tppsimulator has just declared that "Ass is illegal", which might explain why Igglybuff is not on our team anymore.

1d 12h 48m A wild Ratticate takes down our Teddiursa.

1d 12h 47m We venture deeper into Mt. Mortar.

1d 12h 45m We enter Mt. Mortar.

1d 12h 44m We leave Ecruteak City and enter Route 42. There, we pick up an Ultra Ball.

1d 12h 42m We enter the Pokémon Center and heal.

1d 12h 41m We're back in Ecruteak City.

1d 12h 41m Liz the Picnicker called us to talk to us about Whitney.

1d 12h 36m We're reading various Pokédex entries and triggering more Printer Error 2.

1d 12h 33m We check Sandshrew's Pokédex entry and are faced with a Printer Error.

1d 12h 31m We talk to a girl and receive a Thunder Stone!

1d 12h 30m Machop takes revenge on the aforementioned Ratticate, grows to Lv. 19, and does not learn Seismic Toss.

1d 12h 29m Poliwag is defeated by another wild Ratticate.

1d 12h 23m While grinding, Teddiursa is taken down by a wild Ratticate.

1d 12h 21m Joey called us. His Rattata is roaring to go, just like always. It's the only one he has, and he intends to become a great Trainer with it. He took down a Poliwag the other day; it was a cakewalk, which he attributes to him and his partner being so tough.

1d 12h 18m We leave Ecruteak City and enter Route 38.

[Snark] Aaaw, but we were making such good progress.

1d 12h 15m We left Ecruteak Gym.

1d 12h 0m We have not made any progress while I was writing down the names and levels of all our Pokémon.

[Info] Current Party:

  • CA.XX (Teddiursa) Lv.16

  • AAAxtux (Poliwag) Lv.15

  • JJJJSSS??S (Machop) Lv.18

  • AABBBBBpp (Golbat) Lv.15

  • ZZZZY (Bayleef) Lv.31

  • ROCKY (Onix) Lv.32

[Snark] I decided to take up this updating session because I figured there wouldn't be much to report for a while.

1d 11h 53m We are currently inside Ecruteak Gym.

1d 2h 50m Caught a male Lv. 15 Machop! Nickname: JJJJSSS??S

[Info] We have also caught a female Lv. 15 Golbat nicknamed AABBBBBppat 1d 1h 53m, and it is now part of the team.

[Info] AAAASSSSSS the shiny igglybuff was deposited! API is also reporting the release of D the rattata...again...

[Info] Updater's going dark, sorry!

1d 1h 41m Onix to 26

1d 1h 38m Heading to Mt Mortar

1d 1h 34m Apparently its the wrong time of the day, Poliwag, Teddiursa and igglybuff faint

1d 1h 25m In Burned Tower, hunting for Cyndaquil

1d 1h 16m Healed

1d 1h 14m Reached Ecruteak

1d 1h 6m Heading to Ecruteak

1d 1h 4m Bellsprout daycared

1d 1h 2m Bellsprout to 12, In Route 34

1d 0h 56m Healed btw

1d 0h 56m Walking to the Daycare

1d 0h 51m Bought 23 Poké Balls, 2 Great Balls, 2 Potions and sold everything except for the 2 potions in our bag, including Everstone, Miracle Seed, Bitter Berry, Hyper Potion, Escape Rope, Super Potions and a few Potions

1d 0h 41m Last Haunter comes out, Mean Look's and Igglybuff dies, Poliwag to 12 after Bayleef kills Haunter Grace down

1d 0h 37m Teddiursa dies after Curse hits 4 times, We switch back to igglybuff who takes another Curse and gets to level 11**

1d 0h 34m Vs Medium Grace, Haunter vs Igglybuff, she uses Curse and we switch to Teddiursa who she Mean Looks, then she Curses again, she's at 1hp

1d 0h 31m Sage Ping down!

1d 0h 30m Teddiursa to level 7

1d 0h 28m Onix takes down 4 Gastly, going down to the last one

1d 0h 25m Onix gets paralyzed, Teddiursa to level 6 after 1st Gastly dies

1d 0h 25m Bellsprout dies to Gastly

1d 0h 21m Inside Morty's Gym

1d 0h 20m We heal

1d 0h 17m We fall down a hole, meet the Legendary Beasts and Eusine and leave the Tower!

1d 0h 14m We send Onix and KO with Dig, Onix to 25, Rival down!

1d 0h 13m We trad Tackles and Ember until Bayleef faints

1d 0h 12m We hit ourself turn 1, get Bitten and Critted on, Tackle and get Leech Life'd and snap and Tacklem Poliwag to 11

1d 0h 12m Bayleef takes a Bite, and uses Tackle, Zubat uses Confuse Ray

1d 0h 11m We switch to Poliwag vs Zubat, we get hit by Bite, we switch to Bayleef

1d 0h 9m We switch Poliwag to Magneimte then switch to Onix being immune to ThunderShock, Dig KO's

1d 0h 8m Magnemite uses Thundershock to KO igglybuff

1d 0h 7m Learned Pound

1d 0h 7m Igglybuff outstalls Haunter's Spite and makes it Curse again, Igglybuff to level 9

1d 0h 4m Haunter uses Curse and Lick's to KO Bellsprout, We send in Iglybuf and he uses MEan Look while we counter with Sing, now we're using Charm while its sleeping

1d 0h 2m VS Rival aaiiiaa!, Attempt #2

0d 23h 56m We send Bayleef, we Tackle and he uses Supersonic to confuse us, we Tackle again and he Leech Life's, confusion clears and we KO with Tackle, level 27 get! He sends in Quilava we trade Tackle's and Embers, he gets a crit on the 2nd one and we die to the 3rd one, blackout

0d 23h 53m Onix faints to Zubat and Curse

0d 23h 53m He sends in Magnemite, we Dig and kill it before allowing it to do anything else

0d 23h 52m Onix to 24

0d 23h 51m Onix vs his Haunter, he uses Curse and we Dig, he fails a spite and Dig takes him down!

0d 23h 51m VS Rival aaiiiaa!

0d 23h 47m Poliwag faints

0d 23h 45m Teddiursa dies and we waste all our balls trying to catch a Cyndaquil but failing

0d 23h 36m Teddiursa to lv5

0d 23h 34m Bellsprout and Igglybuff faint to random wild rats

0d 23h 27m Inside the Burned Tower

0d 23h 25m We enter the center and talk to Bill, he talks about time capsules and we dont care and heal

0d 23h 22m Switched party order a bit, its now: Bellsprout/Igglybuff/Teddiursa/Poliwag/Onix/Byleef

0d 23h 14m 'AAAxtux' is is name

0d 23h 13m 0d 23h 12m Caught a Female Lv. 10 Poliwag!

0d 23h 10m Onix falls asleep then dies to Bubble

0d 23h 7m Back to hunting Poliwag

[Fluff] SCREW Irwin

0d 23h 5m We delete Irwin's number

0d 23h 4m We call Youngster Joey and arrange a battle

0d 23h 1m We're currently trying to delete Irwin's number

0d 22h 53m We find another poliwag and immediately flee

0d 22h 51m We find a poliwag. We try to catch the poliwag. We fail. Rocky is taken to 5 HP by a bubble attack. Rocky digs to dodge a hypnosis then takes out the poliwag

0d 22h 43m We reach Ecruteak City and start fishing. We land a bite! It's a magikarp!

0d 22h 41m We go talk to Psychic Greg. He sends out drowzee and we send out Rocky to screech. Drowzee puts Rocky down for a quick nap then eats Rocky's dream. It's unpleasant enough to wake up Rocky, who digs for an OHKO. Rocky grows to level 23, does not learn Harden! Psychic Greg defeated

[Snark] Irwin, we need to talk. It's not you, it's me. I just don't want to listen to you mention our Whitney victory again

0d 22h 39m Juggler Irwin calls us, being all clingy and gushing about us defeating Whitney for the third time

0d 22h 39m The twins send out a clefairy next. Rocky digs underground to dodge the attacks and strike from below, with a second dig finishing the fight. Twins Ann and Anne (Or is that Anne and Ann?) defeated

0d 22h 38m Ann and Anne send in a jigglypuff. We send in Rocky who binds the balloon then dig underground to dodge a pound. Dig does decent damage while pound does minimal damage. A second dig finishes jigglypuff off

[Snark] Wow, their parents must've hated them. Either that or not considered the implications of effectively giving them the same name

0d 22h 36m We speed through Route 36 and catch up to the twins Anne and Ann

0d 22h 32m We cut down another tree and make our way to Violet City

0d 22h 31m Back out onto Route 31. We find a potion lying on the ground!

0d 22h 28m We find a wild teddiursa. We attempt to capture the teddiursa. Caught a male level 2 teddiursa! Nickname CA.XX

0d 22h 20m We enter Dark Cave and get caught by a flying rat zubat, but successfully get away. That was close. Imagine the damage the level 2 zubat would have done against our level 22 onix

0d 22h 19m We head east to Route 31 then get stuck on a tree. After successfully navigating the tree, we then get stuck against a ledge, then another tree, then an NPC...

0d 22h 16m We pick up the hidden hyper potion! How'd that get there?

0d 22h 15m We find a random tree and cut it down. Take that, nature! It leads to a dead end

0d 22h 14m We waste all our money. Bought 12 Pokéballs!

0d 22h 13m In Violet City now

0d 22h 12m We pick up TM08 Rock Smash from a fat guy nearby! He was so impressed with our water spraying abilities he just had to give us random junk a prize

0d 22h 11m We reach the strange tree and water it a bit. Sudowoodo attacks! We try tossing a repel in the hopes of scaring away sudowoodo then switch to screeching. Sudowodo uses mimic, copying screech, as Rocky digs, leaving sudowoodo on red health. Sudowoodoo uses low kick as we reach into the bag but end up running

0d 22h 7m As we read the schedule for the contest, Irwin calls us to fangirl a bit

[Snark] We caught a bug a few days ago, can we enter that?

0d 22h 6m Wandering around National Park, and we're out. We talk to the Park security guard guy who tells us about the Bug Catching Contest, which isn't currently running

0d 22h 2m Onix digs underground to dodge an ember then OHKOs the magmar. Walt sends in a second magmar, who also goes down to a single dig. Rocky grows to level 22! Firebreather Walt defeated

0d 22h 1m Magmar's fire punch obliterates bellsprout! We send in onix

0d 22h 0m Back onto Route 35. We get caught by Firebreather Walt, one of the two spinners near the National Park south entrance, and he sends out a magmar. We send in bellsprout, who takes a smog attack and uses growth

0d 21h 57m We try the elder sister again. She gives us a squirtbottle! We flee with our well-gotten gains

0d 21h 56m We return to Goldenrod and head for the gambling den flower shop. We talk to the elder sister, who's too busy talking to her plants, so we try Florida Floria. She refuses to give us the pail we desire

0d 21h 51m We end up on Route 35 instead

0d 21h 50m There's a struggle for the PC but we back out, leaving the centre instead and heading for the gambling hall

0d 21h 48m We try again, this time agreeing. We heal the team!

0d 21h 48m We enter the Goldenrod City Pokémon Centre. Nurse Joy asks if we'd like to heal our team and we say no

0d 21h 45m We enter the Route 35 gatehouse and return to Goldenrod City

0d 21h 43m The boyfriend's up next. Camper Elliot thinks he can impress Brooke by defeating us, so we send out Rocky to deal with his sandshrew. Rocky screeches to lower the sandshrew's defence and the sandshrew scratches for minimal damage. Rocky then digs to dodge a sand attack, putting sandshrew to red health and dodging a second sand attack. Another dig and sandshrew is down. Rocky grows to level 21! Elliot sends out his marill next, and Rocky digs to avoid a rollout. Dig only does half damage on marill, who uses tail whip then defence curl as Rocky uses dig again, leaving marill in the red. Marill starts the rollout and Rocky digs underground again to interrupt the attack, finishing the marill and embarrassing Elliot in front of his girlfriend even further

0d 21h 40m We ride our bike through Route 35, only to be caught by a lady upset about her boyfriend being "weak". She decides to take her anger out on us, sending a pikachu to face our onix. Rocky digs a hole and pikachu uses double team. Rocky still hits and Picknicker Brooke is defeated

0d 21h 39m We make our way through National Park and onto the southern half of Route 35

0d 21h 35m We find Floria, the Flower Shop owner's little sister who she entrusted a complete stranger to go find. Floria tells us about how the fake tree moved when watered and says she's going to get a watering can from her sister, then runs off. We investigate the fake tree, which wiggles

0d 21h 33m We send out bayleef, who uses fury cutter for minor damage. Tangela's constrict drops bayleef's speed, and a second fury cutter does higher damage, with a final razor leaf taking out tangela and defeating the schoolboy. He offers us his phone number but we call him a nerd and tell him to get lost

[Snark] We're great parents!

0d 21h 32m We send out Rocky and swap Dig and Screech around, making Screech the top option. We switch out to AAAASSSSSS the igglybuff, who is indeed shiny. Tangela uses absorb, leaving our shiny newborn on 1 HP. A second absorb and igglybuff goes down!

0d 21h 30m Rocky grows to level 20! Mark admits his mind reading isn't perfect. (maybe he was reading the wrong mind? There's like 200 minds here) Joey calls us and we move on, only to be caught by Schoolboy Alan and his tangela

0d 21h 28m We exit back onto Route 35, east entrance, and get caught by Psychic Mark. He tells us he's going to read our thoughts as he sends out an abra. We send in Rocky, who takes out the abra with a single dig. Rocky grows to level 19! Mark has a second abra, who tries flashing Rocky, but Rocky burrowed underground to take out the abra. Finally Mark sends out kadabra, who tries a confusion but misses, before also being taken out by Rocky's dig

0d 21h 25m We enter National Park and take a pleasant stroll through the park

0d 21h 23m We pass through the Route 35 gatehouse and onwards to Route 35 proper. Slowly making our way northwards to the park

0d 21h 20m We enter the flower shop. We teach bellsprout cut!

0d 21h 15m We make it back to Goldenrod City. We look up pidgey's cry and the riot screen appears for a few seconds then disappears

0d 21h 14m Back to Goldenrod City and head north to the Route 35 gatehouse. Kenya's here, but will we pick the bird up?

0d 21h 12m We head out to Route 34

0d 21h 10m Rocky learns Dig over Roar! We no longer have TM28 Dig

0d 21h 7m Irwin calls us to congratulate us on our victory then reverts back to being his usual clingy self

0d 21h 6m After much select spamming, we make it outside and hop on our bicy

0d 21h 4m We buy three more Pokéballs! We poor now, too poor to shop here, but still we can dream as we try to buy 97 Great Balls

[Correction] 4 Pokéballs, not 3

0d 20h 57m We buy 3 Pokéballs and an escape rope! Alas, we don't have the money for repels or 98 Pokéballs, despite our attempts

0d 20h 53m We buy six Pokéballs! We also buy a potion!

[Chat] Chat seems to have decided our igglybuff is Ass Baby

0d 20h 49m We consider buying 95 Super Potions but realsie we don't have quite enough money for that

0d 20h 47m We're in the Pokémart, wandering around and pretending we're going to buy something. Youngster Joey calls us

0d 20h 46m Apparently this igglybuff is shiny

[Snark] Igglybuff is missingno confirmed

0d 20h 44m We nickname the igglybuff AAAASSSSSS

0d 20h 44m Huh? The egg...Igglybuff hatches from the egg!

0d 20h 44m Well, looks like we just got nominal hero'd into finding the little sister. We leave and hop on the bike. Isn't the life of a video game protagonist grand?

0d 20h 42m We talk to the shop owner. She says her little sister went to Route 36 and never returned...

0d 20h 41m We enter the flower shop next to the gym

0d 20h 39m The sunlight blinds us as we step outside. Our new baby didn't hatch inside the gym after all

[Fluff] The flowerboxes in this gym are more than just pretty obstacles. They actually form the shape of a clefairy

0d 20h 32m The egg looks like it may hatch soon. Will it hatch before we get out of here?

0d 20h 31m Whitney starts crying so we turn to leave, disturbed by this behaviour. A gym trainer tells us to try again and we talk to Whitney. She gives us the plain badge and TM45 Attract!

0d 20h 30m We send in bayleef and Whitney calls upon the infamous miltank. Miltank starts off with rollout, which misses, avoids a poison powder then starts stomping before getting a rollout off. Bayleef manages to get in a couple of razor leafs. Miltank falls. We win!

0d 20h 29m We get there at last. VS Whitney, attempt #3! Whitney sends out clefairy and we lead with AAAGGG the bellsprout. Clefairy's metronome becomes mega drain and bellsprout uses vine whip. Clefairy then metronomes into explosion, taking out bellsprout!

0d 20h 26m We'll get there eventually. Currently moving very slowly because every other input is select spam

0d 20h 23m We make our way up to the first gym trainer. She ignores us

0d 20h 22m Finally! We pass through the sliding doors and hear the gym music. Time for a challenge!

0d 20h 20m We didn't get a watering can. Instead, we're still stuck trying to enter the gym

0d 20h 16m We enter the flower shop. Will we get a watering can?

0d 20h 13m We attempt to get back into the gym. We enter the name rater's house then get a call from the bike shop. Apparently enough people have witnessed our flailing around in a futile effort to enter the gym that sales have shot through the roof! We get to keep the bike!

[Snark] All you had to do was enter the damn gym, Dpk!

0d 20h 11m The split turns red! :TriHard:

0d 20h 11m Oak keeps warning us not to dawdle, telling us it's not the time to hop on the bike

0d 20h 10m With 1 minute to go, we enter a random house near the gym. Which will really help us beat this split

0d 20h 8m We're rushing to the gym as we've got 4 minutes before the Whitney split turns red. Or we would be rushing to the gym if we weren't taking this tour of the backstreets of Goldenrod

0d 20h 6m Back in Goldenrod City. We hop on the bike and speed along to the gym, overshoot, get off the bike, turn around, overshoot again, get back on the bike, then get lost in a back alley

0d 20h 5m Irwin calls us with some exciting news...or not. Apparently he calls people just to laugh at them

0d 20h 3m We're currently in Goldenrod City Pokémon centre. Our team is currently fully healed due to our faint warping so we leave and head to Route 34 instead

0d 20h 2m Fury Cutter spam isn't enough to take care of it, though. Bayleef faints! We white out! Back to the Goldenrod Poké Center.

0d 20h 1m We start using Fury Cutter; our opponent Magmar uses Ember, but we're a much higher level.

0d 20h 0m A Trainer catches us on the way out...Challenged by Firebreather Walt!

0d 19h 58m After a lot of wild encounters and struggles with the fence, we manage to escape back to Route 35.

0d 19h 50m We pick up a Parlyz Heal!

0d 19h 47m Finally got past the fence. We pick up TM28 Dig!

0d 19h 42m Due to all these wild encounters, Bayleef is down to half health. Still looking for that gap in the fence.

0d 19h 39m We use Poisonpowder a few times before taking care of Cubone with Razor Leaf. Defeated Lass Krise!

0d 19h 37m After two Tackles, Oddish goes down. Bayleef reaches Lv. 26! Next up is Cubone.

0d 19h 37m Challenged by Lass Krise! She sends out Oddish.

0d 19h 29m Currently we're wandering in and out of the gatehouses, chasing after an item on the ground.

0d 19h 28m Voltorb faints! Defeated Schoolboy Jack!

0d 19h 27m Oddish faints from Tackle. Voltorb returns, and even its crit Tackle does barely anything to us.

0d 19h 26m We send out Bayleef and start working on Oddish with Fury Cutter. We double check on that Odd Egg to see how it's doing. It seems like our Awakening won't wake it up...

0d 19h 25m We change our minds and use Roar again. Oddish is sent back out, and we manage a single Tackle before it takes us out with Absorb. Rocky faints!

0d 19h 24m Oddish takes Rocky to half health with Absorb. We use Roar, bringing out a more favorable Voltorb.

0d 19h 23m We're Roaring all the wild Pokémon away, but Trainers still lurk in the grass. Challenged by Schoolboy Jack! He sends out Oddish as we send out Rocky.

0d 19h 21m We head back outside, then try to climb on top of a fountain. When that fails, we try out the wild grass.

[Fluff] You can turn on the PC from the side, at least here.

0d 19h 19m Deposited Bellsprout (unnamed) and Togepi!

0d 19h 18m We enter the National Park! Then we turn on the PC...

0d 19h 16m We decide to take Juggler Irwin's number, adding him to our PokeGear. We hop on the bike with joy.

0d 19h 14m With that X Attack, Voltorb is no challenge. Next up is a Lv. 14 Voltorb; we react with Tackle, and it copies us but misses. Defeated Juggler Irwin!

0d 19h 14m We send out Bayleef, and immediately try to use a Super Potion, before we use an X. Attack! Voltorb responds with Screech.

0d 19h 13m Next up is a Lv. 10 Voltorb, which gets us to 1 HP before using Screech. One last Tackle does the job--AAAGGG faints!

0d 19h 12m The next Voltorb is Lv. 6, which is enough to outspeed...but not enough to stop us. AAAGGG reaches Lv. 11! AAAGGG learns Wrap!

0d 19h 11m Challenged by Juggler Irwin! He sends out a Lv. 2 Voltorb, which we take care of easily with AAAGGG.

0d 19h 10m After some deliberation, we send out AAAGGG. We live a Magnitude 7 and use Vine Whip, and Diglett faints! AAAGGG reaches Lv. 10! Defeated Camper Ivan!

0d 19h 9m We send out Togepi...and this time, Diglett lands a Magnitude 10! Togepi faints!

0d 19h 8m Diglett gets a Magnitude 9, and Bellsprout faints!

0d 19h 8m Zubat meets its end from Cut. Next out is another Diglett, which opens with Growl before starting in on Scratch.

0d 19h 7m Diglett falls to Cut, and Bellsprout reaches Lv. 14! Next out is Zubat.

0d 19h 6m Challenged by Camper Ivan! He sends out a Diglett.

0d 19h 5m Back out onto Route 35.

0d 19h 1m Miltank starts readying Rollout. We keep going with Fury Cutter, but the third hit is enough to knock us out. Bayleef faints! Blacked out! Back to the Goldenrod Pokémon Center.

0d 19h 1m Miltank keeps using Stomp as we ready up Fury Cutter. We switch to Tackle, but a flinch stops us from trying it.

0d 19h 0m One more Stomp is enough to do it. Rocky faints! Only Bayleef remains.

0d 19h 0m A crit Stomp brings us to the red; we use another Roar, and Clefairy goes for a Doubleslap. We live, only to Roar again.

0d 18h 59m After one Rollout turn, we bring Clefairy back out. It uses Fire Blast, taking us to low health with a crit; we use another Roar.

0d 18h 58m We send out Rocky! The next Metronome gives Clefairy Belly Drum...and then we Roar it right out! Now facing Miltank. It opens with Stomp, and we flinch.

0d 18h 58m We send out Togepi against Clefairy. We both use Metronome...but Clefairy, at level 18, outspeeds and hits us with the resulting Earthquake. Togepi faints!

0d 18h 57m Vs. Gym Leader Whitney! Attempt #2!

0d 18h 53m Back inside the Goldenrod Gym!

0d 18h 52m Back to Goldenrod City.

0d 18h 50m Rocky is sent back out. We spend awhile digging through our bag before deciding on Tackle to finish Vulpix off. Togepi reaches Lv. 8! Defeated Picnicker Kim!

0d 18h 49m Never mind; Roar brings Togepi back out. We try to flee.

0d 18h 48m Togepi opens with Mud Slap, and Vulpix's next Roar misses. We switch our other Bellsprout right into an Ember, and AAAGGG faints! Rocky's turn.

0d 18h 48m Togepi opens with Mud Slap, and Vulpix's next Roar misses. We switch our other Bellsprout right into an Ember, and **AAAGGG faints!* Rocky's turn.

0d 18h 47m After we use Growth a few times, Vulpix remembers it has Ember, and then finishes the job with Quick Attack. Bellsprout faints! We send out Togepi.

0d 18h 47m Vulpix starts using Tail Whip; we decide to stay in this time, using Vine Whip.

0d 18h 46m We switch out in favor of Bayleef. Vulpix responds with Roar, dragging Bellsprout right back out again.

[Fluff] It was nice of her not to interrupt our call with Joey, though.

0d 18h 44m A trainer spots us and says she's headed to the gym, too! Vs. Picnicker Kim! She sends out a Vulpix as we send out Bellsprout.

0d 18h 44m To clear our heads, we decide to stop by Route 35, riding our bike as we go.

0d 18h 40m We decide not to cheat, instead using Tackle. Clefairy uses Doubleslap, and Bayleef faints! Blacked out! Back to the Goldenrod Pokémon Center.

0d 18h 40m Whitney opens with Jigglypuff. We only have a Bayleef with 5 HP; we dig desperately through our bag.

0d 18h 39m After trying to run over Whitney with our bike, we finally give in and talk to her. Vs. Gym Leader Whitney! Attempt #1.

0d 18h 39m Our next Razor Leaf is a critical hit! Defeated Lass Bridget!

0d 18h 38m As we fall to 2 HP, we switch to Poisonpowder...but Jigglypuff uses Sing and misses. With that defeated, Bayleef reaches Lv. 25!

0d 18h 38m We wake up, but use Poisonpowder again. Pound puts us to low health...and we clutch, switching to Razor Leaf. Jigglypuff faints, and Bridget sends out another.

0d 18h 37m Jigglypuff Sings us to sleep, but poison is dealing some slow damage to it. It decides to use Defense Curl.

0d 18h 36m Bridget sends out Jigglypuff. We open with Fury Cutter, but it uses Disable, so we switch to Poisonpowder as it starts using Pound.

0d 18h 35m After some intense pacing, we run into another trainer. Challenged by Lass Bridget!

0d 18h 31m We start out with Fury Cutter, then switch to Razor Leaf. Snubbull faints quickly. Defeated Lass Carrie!

0d 18h 29m Challenged by Lass Carrie! She sends out a Snubbull.

0d 18h 30m We also tossed a Lure Ball during that last Trainer battle. We're back to 0 balls.

0d 18h 28m One last Tackle takes it down! Defeated Beauty Samantha! We also get an extra ₽32 from Meowth's Pay Day.

0d 18h 27m We take care of one of the Meowths with Tackle; the other Meowth returns, tearing into us with Scratch.

0d 18h 25m We use Roar, dragging out another Meowth, which uses Bite. Rocky faints! All we have left is a Bayleef, alongside our egg.

0d 18h 23m We wander across the gym until we meet a trainer. Challenged by Beauty Samantha! She sends out a Meowth against Rocky.

0d 18h 19m We finish it off with Tackle for a little flair. Defeated Beauty Victoria!

0d 18h 17m This sentret's a little higher level, and it knows Fury Attack. Our Bind isn't doing much, but the residuals slowly chip away...

0d 18h 15m Quick Attack is dealing a little bit of our HP every time, but Bind is doing a lot more. Sentret faints, and Victoria sends out yet another Sentret.

0d 18h 15m The new Sentret starts using Defense Curl, as we stay on Bind.

0d 18h 14m A couple Binds are enough to take care of Sentret. Victoria sends out another Sentret.

0d 18h 13m Challenged by Beauty Victoria! She sends out Sentret as we send out Rocky. We open with Bind as we start using Tackle.

0d 18h 12m Entered the Goldenrod City Gym!

[Snark] Our Host learns the dangers of staying up late playing video games.

0d 18h 9m Back into Goldenrod City. Looks like the sun's rising now...

0d 18h 7m Got all the questions right! As a reward, we receive the Radio Card! We add it into our Pokegear.

0d 18h 3m Currently in the Goldenrod City Radio Tower, taking a quiz.

0d 17h 45m AAAGGG (Bellsprout) faints to a wild Rattata!

0d 17h 43m We register the Bicycle to Select!

0d 17h 39m We pick up an Antidote!

0d 17h 28m Back into Ilex Forest.

0d 17h 23m We stop by someone's house. He's impressed with us for defeating the Team Rocket grunts, and asks us to train with him sometime. We walk into the wall.

0d 17h 20m We reenter Azalea Town and visit Kurt. He's excited to see us, and gives us a Lure Ball! Then he sees that GS Ball we got earlier, and asks to take a look at it. Handed over the GS Ball! Sounds like it'll be 24 hours until he's ready.

0d 17h 15m We stop by Celebi's shrine, but it looks like we need to take the GS Ball someplace else. We start heading back to Azalea.

[Chat] Chat is beginning to worship the egg.

0d 17h 7m With the help of a wild Magikarp, AAAGGG (Bellsprout) reaches Lv. 8!

0d 17h 4m We fish up a wild Poliwag! Unfortunately, it proves to be too much for our little Togepi. Togepi faints!

0d 16h 58m We revisit an item we passed by earlier. Picked up an Ether!

0d 16h 53m That Spearow falls, too. Defeated Youngster Samuel!

0d 16h 52m Spearow faints easily to Fury Cutter. The other Spearow reappears to avenge its sibling.

0d 16h 51m We switch out to Bayleef and use Fury Cutter. After a few hits, Sandshrew faints. One of the Spearows returns.

0d 16h 50m We use Screech as Sandshrew starts to use Defense Curl.

0d 16h 50m We Roar again, hoping for something a little more interesting. This time we get a Sandshrew.

0d 16h 49m We switch out Togepi in favor of Rocky. Spearow uses Leer, and we Roar it away; another Spearow is sent out.

0d 16h 47m We try to use Mud Slap on the Spearow. It doesn't seem to be working.

0d 16h 45m Bellsprout(-C) faints! We send out Togepi.

0d 16h 43m Challenged by Youngster Samuel! He sends out a Rattata, and Bellsprout takes care of it for us with Vine Whip. Next up is Spearow.

0d 16h 42m Snubbull faints, and Bellsprout(-C) reaches Lv. 13! Defeated Pokefan Brandon!

0d 16h 42m Snubbull uses its held Berry to recover some HP, then tries out Tail Whip.

0d 16h 41m Challenged by Pokefan Brandon! He sends out a Snubbull against our Bellsprout(-C). We start using Vine Whip as it uses Scary Face.

0d 16h 39m Back onto Route 34.


0d 16h 27m We enter the Bicycle Shop! Obtained the Bicycle!

0d 16h 22m Back outside, running into everybody's houses.

0d 16h 20m We heal! Currently checkpointed in Goldenrod City.

0d 16h 18m With that excitement out of the way, we get some exercise on the stairs.

0d 16h 16m We enter the Pokémon Center, and as we try to leave...a Nurse appears! She says it's been two years since someone left this Poké Ball here...Obtained the GS Ball!

0d 16h 14m Arrived in Goldenrod City!

0d 16h 13m Fury Cutter takes care of Psyduck quickly. Defeated Camper Todd! We decline to take his number.

0d 16h 12m Challenged by Camper Todd! He sends out a Psyduck.

0d 16h 10m The Daycare Man tells us about Eggs, and says we can have something interesting if we want. Adopted an Odd Egg!

0d 16h 8m We decide to pay a visit to the Daycare.

0d 16h 7m We use Razor Leaf, and Mankey faints! Next up is Diglett, who faints quickly too. Defeated Youngster Ian!

0d 16h 6m Rocky faints! Only Bayleef remains.

0d 16h 5m We finally manage a Bind, but it misses. Our Screech hits, though, even as we reach low health.

0d 16h 5m We send out Rocky. Mankey uses Low Kick, and we're fully paralyzed.

0d 16h 4m Bellsprout faints!

0d 16h 3m Low Kick is enough to deal a third of our health. We use Vine Whip, but the second kick flinches us.

0d 16h 3m Challenged by Youngster Ian! We send out our remaining Bellsprout, and he sends out Mankey.

0d 16h 1m Hoppip puts up a fight with some Synthesis spam, but Razor Leaf is too much for it, and it faints. Defeated Picnicker Gina! She offers to give us her number, but we decline.

0d 16h 0m Bulbasaur faints! Gina prepares another Hoppip.

0d 15h 59m Tackle hits hard, and Bellsprout-C faints! We send out Bayleef and use Razor Leaf.

0d 15h 58m Bulbasaur tries to use Leech Seed on us, then tries out Vine Whip. We use Cut before switching to Wrap.

0d 15h 58m Hoppip faints! Gina sends out Bulbasaur.

0d 15h 58m We use Growth, then locate Cut. Hoppip uses Synthesis.

0d 15h 56m We use Wrap on Hoppip, and it uses Splash. Terrified, we try to run away.

0d 15h 55m Challenged by Picnicker Gina! She sends out Hoppip against our Bellsprout.

0d 15h 53m We talk to a Trainer in the gatehouse, and she gives us a gift! Picked up TM12 Sweet Scent!

0d 15h 51m Exited the forest onto Route 34.

0d 15h 41m We decide to go fishing. Looks like there's lots of Magikarp around here.

0d 15h 40m Looks like someone else tossed some items here... Picked up an X Attack!

0d 15h 39m We use TM31 to teach Togepi Mud Slap!

0d 15h 34m We pay a visit to Celebi's shrine.

0d 15h 29m We Cut the Venonat down, and Bellsprout reaches Lv. 12! (the one with Cut)

0d 15h 27m Arrived at Ilex Forest. A Venonat jumps out to greet us.

0d 15h 24m Arrived in Azalea Town.

0d 15h 23m We've escaped Union Cave and emerged onto Route 33.

[Info] The Old Rod is currently registered on Select, which is why Professor Oak keeps yelling at us.

0d 15h 11m Entered Union Cave.

0d 15h 6m We use a Potion on Bellsprout!

0d 15h 2m Rocky is currently paralyzed thanks to a wild Gastly. We're making slow progress down Route 32.

0d 14h 54m Looks like in the last few minutes, Rocky reached Lv. 18 and then we picked up TM05, then used it to teach Rocky Roar over Rock Throw. Also, it appears that Togepi fainted.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark.

0d 14h 38m We cut a tree to reach a blocked-off area of Route 32, but we jump off a ledge before doing anything in that area.

0d 14h 36m We throw our Poké Ball at a wild Wooper. It takes two shakes for the Wooper to escape.

[info] ₽141 | Balls: 1 | Pokedex: 117 / 151 / 151

Bellsprout ♂ [Parlyz Heal] Lv.11 Vine Whip / Growth / Cut / Wrap
Togepi ♂ [Bitter Berry] Lv.7 Metronome / Charm / Growl
AAAGGG (Bellsprout) ♂ [No Item] Lv.7 Vine Whip / Growth
ROCKY (Onix) ♂ [Hard Stone] Lv.17 Rock Throw / Screech / Bind / Tackle
ZZZZY (Bayleef) ♂ [No Item] Lv.23 Fury Cutter / Razor Leaf / Poisonpowder / Tackle

0d 14h 29m We take Bellsprout's Poké Ball and replace it with a Parlyz Heal. Then we heal Bellsprout with a Potion.

0d 14h 27m We pass through Route 30, then cut a path through Route 31, and reach Violet City.

0d 14h 19m We continue to Route 30. Bellsprout Grew to Lv 11. Bellsprout Learned Wrap.

0d 14h 15m We reach Cherrygrove City.

0d 14h 10m We cut a shortcut to Cherrygrove. We jump a ledge after, but the tree doesn't grow back before we use the shortcut again.

0d 14h 7m We boot up TM 49. We teach ZZZZY Fury Cutter; ZZZZY forgets Reflect.

0d 14h 6m We find HM1. Togepi is not capable of learning Cut. However, We teach Bellsprout Cut. We attempt to teach ZZZZY Fury Cutter, but are unwilling to give up any of the moves that ZZZZY already knows.

0d 14h 5m We give Togepi a Bitter Berry. Then we trade that Bitter Berry for our other Bitter Berry.

0d 14h 3m We loiter around the bottom of the route, occasionally opening our pack and rarely getting as far as not using a potion due to it not having any effect on a fully-healed Pokémon.

0d 13h 53m We enter Route 29.

0d 13h 48m We leave the lab.

0d 13h 45m We see a healing machine in Elm's Lab, but it takes us a while to find the controls. We heal. Twice for good measure.

0d 13h 42m We enter the lab, and walk past Elm to look at our reflection in the window. Elm notices that Togepi hatched from the Egg that he gave us, and gives us an Everstone.

0d 13h 39m Liz calls us, having had mistaken our number for Tania's number.

0d 13h 38m We pass through Route 29 without much issue. We reach New Bark Town.

0d 13h 33m We talk to the Guide Gent, but decline his services.

0d 13h 32m We reach Cherrygrove City.

0d 13h 27m Rocky took a bit of a beating from a wild Polywag and its Bubble, but we, undeterred, continue down to Route 30.

0d 13h 22m A wild bellsprout takes off AAAGGG's last two HP. AAAGGG faints. Rocky gets the revenge-kill.

0d 13h 21m Bug Catcher Wade offers to share berries that he finds with us, but we decline to give him our phone number.

0d 13h 18m We leave Violet City eastwards, although we seem indecisive about actually entering Route 31. Until we jump a ledge eastwards. We pick a Biter Berry off a tree.

0d 13h 14m We reach Violet City.

0d 13h 9m Joey calls us to brag about how his Rattata defeated a wild Polywag.

0d 13h 6m While in a battle against a wild Bellsprout, we switch Metronome to the top of Togepi's move list. Togepi uses Metronome to call Lock-On, then Togepi faints to a growth-boosted Vine Whip.

0d 13h 3m We encounter a wild Wooper. We use a Poition on Togepi to heal 8HP. Then we throw the Great Ball at the Wooper, who breaks free. Then we run from the Wooper.

0d 13h 2m We try to use a Potion on our fainted Bellsprout, but it won't have any effect.

0d 13h 0m We walk into the patch of trees behind the Poké Center. We find a hidden Great Ball.

0d 12h 56m We enter the Union Cave Poké Center. A patron tells us that there are good fishing spots around here. We receive an Old Rod. We leave the center without healing.

0d 12h 54m We leave Union Cave out of the North Entrance, and enter Route 32.

0d 12h 53m Switch-leveled Togepi against a few wild Pokémon. Togepi grew to Lv. 7. Togepi learned Metronome.

0d 12h 47m Bellsprout runs out of Vine Whip PP, leaving it unable to retaliate against the continued stream of wild Pokémon. Bellsprout faints.

0d 12h 46m We throw our only Poké Ball at a wild Geodude. The Goedude escapes. Bellsprout Vine Whips it to KO for its defiance.

0d 12h 42m Felling a few Rattata gets Bellsprout its next level. Bellsprout grew to Lv 10.

0d 12h 39m Bellsprout takes down a pair of Geodude with one Vine Whip each. Bellsprout grew to Lv 9.

0d 12h 37m Bellsprout takes down a wild Onix with a single Vine Whip. Bellsprout grew to Lv 8.

0d 12h 36m We continue into Union Cave.

0d 12h 35m We wander over to Route 30. A wild Rattata spots us, and we consider throwing a potion at it, but we run instead.

0d 12h 33m We buy 1 Poké Ball and 1 Potion. We leave the mart with ₽141.

0d 12h 32m We sell 1 Potion. Then we sell a second Potion

0d 12h 30m We buy 1 Super Potion

0d 12h 30m We return to Azalea Town. We step into Kurt's house but then leave, then head over to the mart.

[Correction] The API relatively recently but spontaneously started reporting a Rattata named D in Box 1, so maybe D the Rattata wasn't released after all.

0d 12h 20m We reunite Farfetch'd and the charcoal makers. We try to walk past them northwards, but get stopped by a cuttable tree. Then we walk past them westwards. Then we realize we do need to talk to the charcoal makers, and do so. Received HM01 Cut.

0d 12h 17m We throw our last Poké Ball at a wild Psyduck. The Psyduck escapes. We try to run, but the Psyduck won't let us run until it wags its tail at us a few times.

0d 12h 14m We continue chasing after Farfetch'd, leading it towards the west.

0d 12h 13m We find Farfetch'd in a northeast corner. We spook it, and it flees to the west, jumping up a ledge in the process.

0d 12h 10m We walk up to a Farfetch'd and bump into it. It doesn't run until we try to talk to it.

0d 12h 8m We enter Ilex Forest. An junior charcoal maker beseeches us to find his Farfetch'd. We head deeper into the woods.

0d 12h 6m We switch the party order of AAAGGG and ZZZY. Now the order is Bellsprout / Togepi / AAAGGG / Rocky / ZZZY. We leave the gym.

0d 12h 1m We hug the inside of the Gym's east wall, while toggling the menu open and closed, occasionally peeking inside our pack.

0d 11h 54m We switch AAAGGG and Togepi in our party order.

0d 11h 52m We enter the Gym.

[Chat] is using mails to post Vietnamese Crystal rival quotes, including the trashy man speech.

0d 11h 49m We make a quick stop to the Poké Center, and We heal

0d 11h 47m We switch the order of our party members. Now the order is Bellsprout / ZZZZY / Togepi / Rocky / AAAGGG.

0d 11h 46m ZZZZY tries to Reflect again, but it fails. Quilava continues using ember. ZZZZY tackles Quilava. Quilava hits ZZZZY with another Ember, which takes ZZZY down to 2 HP. ZZZZY pulls off a final Tackle to KO Quilava. ZZZZY grew to Lv 23. ZZZZY did not learn Synthesis. Azalea!Rival defeated.

0d 11h 44m We send out ZZZZY. ZZZZY sets up a Reflect, while Quilava Leers. We use a Potion on ZZZZY. Quilava uses ember. ZZZZY poisons Quilava with Poison Powder. Quilava repeats an ember.

0d 11h 43m Quilava KOs Togepi, then KOs AAAGGG, with an ember each.

0d 11h 43m aaiiaa sends out Quilava. We switch to Bellsprout, then throw a Poké Ball at Quilava. Quilava KOs Bellsprout with ember.

0d 11h 41m We throw two Poké Balls at aaiiaa's Zubat, while Zubat deals weak damage to ZZZZY. After that, ZZZZY tackles Zubat a few times to KO it.

0d 11h 40m ZZZZY tries a few ineffective moves on Gastly, while Gastly deals scratch damage with Lick. After trying every other move at least once, ZZZZY tries Razor Leaf twice, and KOs Gastly.

0d 11h 39m We head straight from the Poké Center to the rival encounter again. Vs. Azalea!Rival Attempt #6

0d 11h 38m Quilava sweeps through our Togepi and Bellsprout with Ember. Blacked out

0d 11h 37m We switch out Bellsprout for AAAGGG. aaiiaa switches out Gastly for Quilava, who knocks out AAAGGG with ember.

0d 11h 36m We send out Bellsprout. Gastly and Bellsprout trade scratch damage with Vine Whip and Lick. Gastly puts Bellsprout to sleep, then uses Spite to wipe out Vine Whip's PP.

0d 11h 34m ZZZZY hits Gastly with a Razor Leaf, before Gastly puts ZZZZY to sleep. Gastly licks ZZZZY while ZZZZY continues sleeping. ZZZZY wakes up and fails to Poison Gastly while Gastly continues to lick ZZZZY. ZZZZY faints

0d 11h 33m Vs. Azalea!Rival Attempt #5

0d 11h 31m We sell two Potions and an Escape Rope, then We buy two Poké Balls and two Potions. We leave the mart with ₽163.

[Info] Rocky has been holding a Hard Stone since, according to StreamFeed, 0d 6h 14m.

0d 11h 26m We buy 1 Poké Ball, 1 Potion and 1 Super Potion. We have ₽438 remaining.

[Info] Charcoal is the first item in this Mart's menu. At most marts, Poké Balls are the first item on the menu. Additionally, 1 charcoal costs ₽9800, so we can't accidentally use up our money on Charcoal. That may be why we're having more trouble than usual with this particular mart.

0d 11h 23m We give a Poké Ball to Bellsprout.

0d 11h 21m We switch ZZZZY to first in the party, and Rocky to second in the party.

0d 11h 17m We buy 1 potion

0d 11h 16m We step out of the mart before reentering.

0d 11h 15m Both other patrons of this mart talk about Great Balls, and about Kurt's custom Poké Balls. One says Great Balls aren't sold here and wishes Kurt would make Poké Balls for him; the other says Great Balls are better than Poké Balls, but Kurt's Poké Balls can be better than Great Balls in the right situation.

0d 11h 11m We loiter around the entrance of the mart, thinking out selecting a key item to register, before reentering the mart.

0d 11h 7m We leave the mart. We have ₽1938 remaining.

0d 11h 6m We attempt to buy 99 Charcoal, but don't have enough money. Then we actually Buy 2 Poké Balls and 1 Potion.

0d 11h 2m We enter the mart. We look at Cyndaquil and Quilava's empty Pokedex entries, before looking instead of the 'dex entries of some common birds.

0d 11h 0m We leave the gym, and head over to the Poké Mart, though we can't seem to find the Poké Mart's door.

0d 10h 58m We repeatedly get stuck between the gym statues and the wall while trying to find out of the gym.

0d 10h 56m We send out ZZZZY. Scyther deals massive damage to ZZZZY with another Fury Cutter, but ZZZZY survives and manages to finish off Scyther with a Tackle. Bugzy defeated. Received the Hive Badge. Received TM49: Fury Cutter.

0d 10h 55m Bugzy sends out Scyher last. Rocky pulls of one Rock Throw, but misses the next, running out of Rock Throw PP. Scyther manages to KO Rocky with a series of Fury Cutters.

0d 10h 54m Bugzy sends out Kakuna next, but it falls to Rock Throw quickly.

0d 10h 53m Metapod tackles Rocky, while Rocky ignores orders by binding Metapod, until it doesn't ignore orders and pulls of a pair of Rock Throw. Rocky grew to Lv 17

0d 10h 51m We finally find Bugzy. Vs. Leader Bugzy Attempt #1

0d 10h 49m The bug catcher sends out a Weedle next, which Rocky 1HKOs with Rock Throw. Bug catcher defeated.

0d 10h 49m A fourth gym trainer notices us. Challenged by Bug Catcher Al. He sends out Caterpie; We send out Rocky before switching to ZZZZY., then switch back to Rocky. Caterpie's tackles don't do much to Rocky. Rocky defeats Caterpie with a Rock Throw,

0d 10h 43m Bugcatcher Benny sends out a Beedrill last, who is 1KHOed by Rock Throw. Rocky grew to Lv 16. Bugcatcher defeated.

0d 10h 42m We switch out Togepi for Rocky. Kakuna's defense is high enough to withstand two Rock Throws, but it falls to the third.

0d 10h 41m We use an Antidote on Rocky, curing Rocky's Poison

0d 10h 39m Bugcatcher sends out a Kakuna next. We switch to Togepi. Kakuna buffs its defense, while Togepi lowers Kakuna's attack.

0d 10h 38m Third gym trainer tells us bugs evolve quickly. Bugcatcher Benny sends out a Weedle. We try to use an Antidote on everything except Rocky. Rocky ignores the first order, and misses a Rock Throw on the second order, but hits on the third order. Weedle defeated.

0d 10h 37m The second trainer complements us on saving Slowpoke Well. Bugcatcher Josh sends out Paras. Paras does not manage to take advantage of Rocky ignoring orders, though Paras does at least manage to Poison Rocky. Rocky eventually manages a pair of tackles, taking down the Paras. Rocky grew to Lv 15. Bugcatcher defeated.

0d 10h 34m The first trainer, Twins Amy & May, challenge us. Rocky sweeps through Spinarak and Lediba with Rock throw. Twins Amy & May defeated.

0d 10h 33m We walk to the gym, and use lots of Select buffering to enter the gym.

0d 10h 30m ZZZZY tackles Quilava, while Quilava switches between Leer and Ember. Quilava is lowered to red health, but still manages to defeat ZZZZY. Then Quilava sweeps through our two Bellsprout. Blacked out

0d 10h 29m ZZZZY tries to Poison Powder Zubat, while Zubat confuses ZZZZY. ZZZZY recovers from confusion, then Tackles Zubat. Zubat faints. ZZZZY grew to Lv 22.

0d 10h 27m We send out ZZZZY. Then try to send out Togepi or Rocky, despite them having no will to battle.

0d 10h 26m We send out Rocky, switch Rock Throw to first in his move list, then wait for Rocky to wake up. Rocky does wake up, pulls off one Rock Throw, then hurts itself in confusion, which after the damage from Zubat's Bites, Rocky faints

0d 10h 24m aaiiiaa sends out Zubat. We switch to Togepi. Zubat's attack is lowered, while Zubat bites. Togepi faints.

0d 10h 23m ZZZZY tries to set up Reflect, even when Reflect is already up, while Gastly whittles away at ZZZZY's health with Lick. ZZZZY manages to pull off a pair of Razor Leaves, KOing Gastly. Rocky grew to Lv 14. Rocky learned Rock Throw.

0d 10h 21m To shake things up, this time Gastly Hypnotizes Rocky. Rocky is put to Sleep. We switch to ZZZZY. ZZZZY is Paralyzed by Lick.

0d 10h 19m We continue walking laps clockwise around the gym, before straying enough to hit the rival encounter again. Vs. Azalea!Rival Attempt #4

0d 10h 16m We leave, and walk around the Gym again, and get a call from Picnicker Liz, who gushes about how cool Falkner is.

0d 10h 13m We walk around the Gym, before entering Kurts house.

0d 10h 12m We send out AAAGGG. AAAGGG faints to an Ember. Blacked out.

0d 10h 12m After much deliberation, we send out Togepi. Togepi Faints to an Ember.

0d 10h 10m Rocky Tackles Quilava a few times, but Rocky faints to Quilava's Embers.

0d 10h 9m Rival sends out Quilava, whose ember knocks out ZZZZY

0d 10h 8m The Rival sends out Zubat, we switch to Rocky. Zubat's Bites do more damage than Rocky's Binds. We switch out Rocky for ZZZZY. ZZZZY sets up an other Reflect, before Tackling Zubat to KO.

0d 10h 6m Gastly Paralyzes ZZZZY with Lick. ZZZZY either uses Reflect or misses its Razor Leaf. until it doesn't miss two Razor Leafs. Togepi grew to Lv 6.

0d 10h 4m We send out Togepi. Neither Togepi nor Gastly can harm the other. We switch Togepi out for ZZZZY.

0d 10h 1m We switch out Rocky for Bellsprout. Bellsprout survives a lick, and manages to pull off a Vine Whip on Gastly. Gastly uses Spite, and Bellsprout runs out of Vine Whip PP, and so Bellsprout switches to Growth. Gastly puts Bellsprout to Sleep, before licking Bellsprout again. Bellsprout faints.

0d 9h 58m The rival's Gastly licks Rocky a few times before Paralyzing Rocky. Meanwhile, Rocky ignores our orders to use Tackle, and Screeches instead.

0d 9h 57m We take an even more direct route from the Poké Center to the Rival encounter this time. Vs. Azalea!Rival Attempt #3

0d 9h 56m Quilava quickly takes out our AAAGGG and Togepi with a pair of Embers. As quickly as we could send them out at least. Blacked out.

0d 9h 55m ZZZZY is sent back out. ZZZZY uses reflect; Quilava uses Ember. ZZZZY faints.

0d 9h 54m Rival sends out Quilava, we switch out to Rocky. Rocky binds, then screeches at Quilava while Quilava uses Ember. Rocky faints to the repeated embers.

0d 9h 53m When ZZZZY gets low on heath, we switch it out for Bellsprout. Bellsprout faints. We send ZZZZY back in. ZZZZY defeats Zubat, but not before getting to red health.

0d 9h 52m The Rival sends out a Zubat, who confuses ZZZZY. ZZZZY does more damage to itself in confusion that Zubat manages with its bites. Zubat uses wither Bite if Reflect is up, or Leech Life otherwise. During this, we move Reflect to first in ZZZZY's move order.

0d 9h 48m Once again, Gastly begins by paralyzing Rocky, but isn't able to Paralyze ZZZZY with its Licks. Gastly defeated by Razor Leaves.

0d 9h 47m We walk from the Poké Center right back to the Rival aaiiaa encounter. Azalea!Rival Attempt #2.

0d 9h 45m Quilava uses status moves on Rocky, while Rocky either suffers full paralysis or ignores orders. Quilava switches to Ember, which eventually kos Rocky. Rocky faints. Blacked out.

0d 9h 44m We send ZZZZY back out, but it isn't able to stand the heat for very long. ZZZZY faints.

0d 9h 43m Togepi doesn't fare much better against Quilava. Togepi faints

0d 9h 43m The Rival sends out Quilava. We switch to AAAGGG, who is 1HKOed by an Ember. AAAGGG faints. We send out our other Bellsprout, who is similarly defeated. Bellsproute faints

0d 9h 41m Rival aaiiiaa sends out a Zubat. Zubat and ZZZZY trade Leech Life and Razor Leaf. Ocassionally we think about switching Pokémon, but keep deciding not to do so. The zubat faints.

0d 9h 38m We leave his house, and walk into a Rival encounter. His Gastly Paralyzes Rocky and Paralyzes ZZZZY before ZZZZY takes it down. Rocky grew to Lv 13.

0d 9h 37m We reach the Grunt who would become Proton, and challenge him. His Koffing doesn't stand long to ZZZZY. ZZZZY grew to Lv 21. Grunt defeated. The rockets leave the well, and Kurt takes us back to his house. healing us while he does so.

0d 9h 34m We talk to a Slowpoke with its tail cut off. It has mail attached. We decline to read it a few times, before deciding we do want to violate someone's privacy. It says something about looking after Grandpa, from Dad.

0d 9h 33m A third grunt challenges us. A series of Razor Leaves takes down the grunt's Rattata and two Zubat in succession. Grunt defeated.

0d 9h 31m Just past that grunt, we find a Super Potion.

0d 9h 30m A critical Razor Leaf takes down the Grunt's Ekans. Grunt defeated.

0d 9h 29m We walk further into the well, and get challenged by a second Grunt. Her Zubat tanks a few Razor Leafs, but Razor Leaf still outdamages the Zubat's Leach Life's healing.

0d 9h 28m A Rocket Grunt complains about Kurt yelling at him, then battles us. ZZZZY 1HKOs the first Rattata with Razor Leaf. The second Rattata barely survives ZZZZY's Tackle, but is taken down by the second Tackle. Grunt defeated.

0d 9h 26m We enter the Slowpoke Well, and walk past Kurt.

0d 9h 23m We enter Kurt's House. Kurt tells us about Team Rocket, and how they're at the well, then runs off.

0d 9h 21m We leave the forest, returning to Azalea Town.

0d 9h 20m Rocky faints to a wild Oddish's Absorb

0d 9h 17m We walk through a gatehouse and enter Ilex Forest.

[Info] An item in your PACK may be registered for use on SELECT Button.

0d 9h 15m We walk up to Kurt's house, but can't resist the ledge right outside his door, and jump off it.

0d 9h 13m We enter the Poké Center, we heal, and walk right out.

0d 9h 11m Hatched a male Lv. 5 Togepi! No Nickname

0d 9h 8m We circle the town's well, and a guy dressed in black prevents us from falling in. What a good samaritan.

0d 9h 7m We enter Azalea Town

0d 9h 7m We escape the cave to the south, and run into Hiker Anthony. He challenges us, but ZZZZY takes out both his Geodude and his Machop with three sets of Razor Leaf. ZZZZY grew to Lv. 20. Hiker defeated.

0d 9h 5m We use an X Attack on ZZZZY while in a battle with a wild Onix, just before running.

0d 9h 2m Firebreather Ray spots us, and sends his Vulpix against us. ZZZZY takes down the Vulpix quickly with Razor Leaf. Firebreather Ray defeated.

0d 9h 0m Down one more alcove, and we find an Awakening

0d 8h 57m We throw our Great Ball at a wild Wooper, but the Wooper escapes.

0d 8h 57m In a shorter, different alcove, we found a Potion

0d 8h 56m Rocky faints to a wild Wooper's water gun.

0d 8h 54m We encounter a bunch of wild Pokémon, but successfully run from each before the wild Pokémon can take out Rocky's last hitpoint.

0d 8h 51m We try to walk into side corner in the cave. Found a Great Ball

0d 8h 48m When Rocky gets down to 1HP, we switch it out for ZZZZY, who uses two Razor Leafs to quickly take down the second Koffing. Firebreather Bill defeated.

0d 8h 48m The firebreather sends out a second Koffing. The second Koffing has as few tricks as the first. Rocky loafs around a generation before Slakoth made it cool.

0d 8h 45m Rocky finally pulls of a Bind, while Koffing continues to Tackle. Then, instead of repeating a bind, Rocky Tackles, taking out the first Koffing. Rocky grew to Level 12

0d 8h 44m We try some reverse psychology, telling Rocky to Screech. Rocky obeys this time. Koffing continues tackling.

0d 8h 43m Firebreather Bill takes out his anger about Zubats confusing his Pokémon on us. Koffing vs Rocky. Rocky disobeys us, using Screech, while Koffing Tackles Rocky for minimal damage.

0d 8h 40m Currently in Union Cave, battling Hiker Rummell and this Geodudes. Neither Rocky nor the Geodudes are doing much damage to the other. And then we switch to ZZZZY, who deals massive damage with Razor Leaf, wiking out the rest of the Geodude. Hiker defeated.

[info] ₽902 | Balls: 0 | Pokedex: 116 / 146 / 151

ROCKY (Onix) ♂ Lv.11 Tackle / Screech / Bind
ZZZZY (Bayleef) ♂ Lv.18 Razor Leaf / Tackle / Poisonpowder / Reflect
Egg Lv.5
Bellsprout ♂ Lv.7 Vine Whip / Growth
AAAGGG (Bellsprout) ♂ Lv.7 Vine Whip / Growth

0d 8h 37m Since obtaining Egg, we Caught two Male Bellsprout, one unnamed, the other named AAAGGG and Released D the Rattata

0d 6h 25m Game's paused...and it's back.

0d 6h 24m Obtained Egg! (at the Violet City PokéCenter)

0d 6h 7m (Timescript for last update)

We just Beat Falkner with 2 Razor Leafs each for both his birds after critting the 2nd one, Zephyr Badge and TM31 Mud-Slap Get!

0d 5h 0m Chikorita evolved into Bayleef!

0d 4h 45m We trade our Bellsprout /V/to Kyle for his Onix named ROCKY!

0d 4h 36m Since last update, we've climb Sprout Tower, blacked out before we could beat the elder, and are now attempting to trade our Bellsprout for an Onix.

[Snark] Only reporting the important stuff. SeemsGood

0d 3h 11m Joey's calling for a rematch already.

0d 3h 4m We made it to Violet City!

0d 2h 49m Caught a Female Lv. 5 Bellsprout! Nickname: /V/.

0d 2h 42m Mom calls us as we make our way up Route 32 and says she's sad we didn't tell her we were leaving. We say not to save our money for us.

0d 2h 34m Since last update, Chikorita is now level 11 and knows Razer Leaf and we defeated Joey's top percentage Rattata in one hit.

0d 1h 13m Saved the game. The PokéDex counter in the save screen is gone.

0d 1h 8m Chikorita leveled up to 8! And now knows Razor Leaf.

0d 1h 2m Whited out again.

0d 0h 53m Chikorita leveled up to 7!

0d 0h 48m And whited out again.

0d 0h 48m [Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokémon: was Chikorita a mistake?

0d 0h 33m Whited out again.

0d 0h 30m Turbo was on for just a second.

0d 0h 28m Whited out again.

0d 0h 22m Stream is being adjusted and re-scaled.

0d 0h 19m Chikorita leveled up to 6!

0d 0h 16m Chikorita fainted! Whited out! Back at home.

0d 0h 11m We encounter some Pidgeys and Rattata.

0d 0h 11m Chikorita seems to have a bunch of spaces in front of his nickname: ____ZZZZY.

0d 0h 9m And we're outside on Route 29.

0d 0h 6m (Chikorita is male)

0d 0h 6m Went with Chikorita! Nickname: ZZZZY.

0d 0h 5m We're now in Elm's lab.

0d 0h 4m We sneak up to Silver.

0d 0h 3m Received the PokéGear.

0d 0h 2m And we've started! We're a boy, and it's morn 9:59! Our name is dᵖᵏ.

22 1/2 hours to Gauntlet Crystal! (Meant to do this at 24 hours to go...)