Updater archive for #1ci491antkthk

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The 10th Anniversary Gauntlet Scarlet Violet

[Info] We also have a date for the next and final run of the Super Gauntlet! Pokémon Legends: Arceus will start on August 5th, 2024 at 21:00 UTC!

The original updater was one long updater for the whole gauntlet; this archive splits the updater by game. Link to next updater archive

[Intermission] We have switched to a single-screen set-up, and are now playing multiplayer in Suika Game.

[Intermission] The games have now shifted to Untitled Goose Game on the left and Little Kitty, Big City on the right.

[Intermission] The left side is showing Densha de Go, while the right side is playing Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

8d 21h 08m [S/V] Both sides have simultaneously completed the Ace Academy Tournament, thus bringing the run to a close! TEH URN!

[Meta] And the live updater is still dark for now.

[Info] The bot appears to be operational again. The games come back on the screens and the plush is taken away. Inputs resume.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: but I’m looking into switching back to IRC

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: well right now we’re hitting the broken endpoint repeatedly hoping it alerts someone

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: The API we get the chat messages from has exploded

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: it’s broken on Twitch’s end

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: You tried to type “Taurass” and Nintendo shut the whole thing down

[Info] The bot is currently down, and Streamer just placed a plush of the "This is Fine" dog in front of the screens.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

8d 0h 2m [S] We fly into the Area Zero crater.

8d 0h 0m [S] We fly to the Zero Gate.

7d 23h 59m [S] More Exp Candies. Fidough grew to Lv. 37 and evolved into Dachsbun!

7d 23h 58m [V] As a thanks for our help, we receive a Choice Scarf and a male Lv. 15 Hisuian Growlithe from Perrin!

7d 23h 56m [S] We use Exp Candies, and Shroodle grows to Lv. 33, and evolves into Grafaiai!

7d 23h 56m [S] Deposited Clodsire and Wugtrio and withdrew Fidough and Shroodle.

7d 23h 56m [V] Turns out the pictures of Ursaluna actually ended up terrible... but Perrin's passion has been renewed nonetheless, so she's happy either way.

7d 23h 52m [V] We meet up with Perrin.

7d 23h 50m [V] We fly to Mossui Town.

7d 23h 48m [S] We use more Exp Candies. Wooper grew to Lv. 29 and evolved into Clodsire! It did not learn Amnesia.

7d 23h 46m [S] We use more Exp Candies. Wigglet grew to Lv. 31 and evolved into Wugtrio!

7d 23h 45m [S] More Exp Candies. Maschiff grew to Lv. 32 and evolved into Mabosstiff! It did not learn Comeuppance.

7d 23h 44m [V] Perrin got some great shots, and thanks us for our help, then she leaves.

7d 23h 43m [S] We use some Exp Candies. Primeape grew to Lv. 64! Frigibax grew to Lv. 37! Frigibax evolved into Arctibax!

7d 23h 42m [V] Caught a male Lv. 70 Ursaluna! Nickname: rTeddGgy.

7d 23h 41m [S] Withdrew Primeape, Frigibax, Maschiff, Wooper, and Wigglet.

7d 23h 41m [V] Flamigo uses Close Combat again and lands a critical hit! Ursaluna is down, and we throw a Premier Ball!

7d 23h 40m [V] We send out Flamigo, and use Close Combat. Ursaluna uses Blood Moon.

7d 23h 39m [V] Toxtricity uses Sludge Bomb. Ursaluna resists the attack, but gets poisoned. It then uses Earth Power, and Toxtricity goes down!

7d 23h 38m [V] We send out Toxtricity.

7d 23h 38m [V] Vs. Ursaluna, the Bloodmoon Beast!

7d 23h 37m [V] Perrin takes a picture, but the flash angers Ursaluna!

7d 23h 36m [S] Deposited Maushold, Bellibolt, Rabsca, Meowscarada, and Glimmora.

7d 23h 35m [V] Suddenly, we hear footsteps... and out comes a monstrous-looking Ursaluna!

7d 23h 34m [V] It's quiet...

7d 23h 33m [V] The Bloodmoon Beast has been located, and we and Perrin head out to find it...

7d 23h 27m [S] Deposited Breloom and withdrew Meowscarada.

7d 23h 27m [V] While we're having this talk, the data finished processing!

7d 23h 26m [S] Deposited the other Gardevoir and withdrew Rabsca.

7d 23h 26m [S] Deposited Gardevoir and withdrew Maushold.

7d 23h 25m [V] We tell Perrin that's rough. That gets a chuckle out of her.

7d 23h 24m [S] Traded Frosmoth online for a Shiny Yungoos!

7d 23h 23m [S] Traded Golduck online for another Shiny Gardevoir!

7d 23h 23m [S] Traded Tinakton online for a Shiny Gardevoir!

[Snark] #Mood...

7d 23h 22m [V] Perrin opens her heart about how she's been losing the passion she used to have for photography...

7d 23h 20m [V] We've taken all ten photos needed by Perrin, and the data gathered by the camera is currently being processed.

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side has captured Wo-Chien, Chien-Pao, Chi-Yu and Ting-Lu, while the Violet side has begun and is currently undergoing the Bloodmoon Beast sidequest!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

7d 3h 31m [S] We use a Fire Stone, and Growlithe evolves into Arcanine! It did not learn Extreme Speed.

7d 3h 29m [V] Caught a female Lv. 59 Kricketot! Nickname: KricketqqqQ.

7d 3h 28m [S] We use more Exp. Candies L. Growlithe grew to Lv. 70!

7d 3h 27m [S] We use some Exp. Candies L next. Growlithe grew to Lv. 57 and learned Rock Slide over Flame Wheel, and Flare Blitz over Fire Fang!

7d 3h 25m [S] We use more Exp. Candies XL. Growlithe grew to Lv. 46 and learned Crunch over Bite!

7d 3h 24m [S] We use some Exp. Candies XL; Growlithe grew to Lv. 30 and learned Fire Fang over Ember!

7d 3h 23m [V] Caught a male Lv. 60 Spinarak! Nickname: Spin.

7d 3h 21m [S] Deposited Maushold and withdrew Growlithe.

7d 3h 21m [V] We are back at Reveler's Road.

7d 3h 20m [V] Caught a male Lv. 54 Poliwag! Nickname: ag1.

7d 3h 20m [S] Perrin runs off. This is goodbye for now!

7d 3h 19m [V] Caught a male Lv. 55 Corphish! Nickname: Corp.

7d 3h 19m [S] We meet up with Perrin. Seems all the photos she took of the Bloodmoon Beast are terrible... but that she finally regained some enjoyment for her craft. As a thanks, she gives us a Choice Scarf, as well as a male Lv. 15 Hisuian Growlithe!

7d 3h 16m [S] We fly back to the Community Center.

7d 3h 16m [V] Received a Razor Fang as a reward for our Kitakami Pokédex reaching 110 entries.

7d 3h 16m [V] We beat the raid and catch Shiftry! Nickname: Shift.

7d 3h 14m [S] Deposited Shiftry and withdrew Tinkaton.

7d 3h 12m [S] Perrin comes to check on us, then we both head back to camp.

7d 3h 11m [S] Caught a male Lv. 70 Ursaluna! No nickname.

7d 3h 11m [V] We enter a 5★ Tera Raid against a Shiftry.

7d 3h 10m [S] We send in Orthworm and use Body Press, finishing off Ursaluna!

7d 3h 9m [S] Golduck uses Surf, taking down most of Ursaluna's health, then is taken down by Earth Power!

7d 3h 9m [S] Golduck uses Nasty Plot again, then barely survives a Blood Moon attack with only 4 HP left!

7d 3h 8m [S] We swap to Golduck, which uses Nasty Plot, while Ursaluna uses Calm Mind. The next turn goes identically.

7d 3h 7m [V] Caught a male Lv. 58 Pachirisu! Nickname: Qwweds.

7d 3h 7m [S] We use a Revive on Golduck. Ursaluna uses Blood Moon on Frosmoth.

7d 3h 6m [S] Vs. Ursaluna, the Bloodmoon Beast!

7d 3h 4m [V] We arrive at Reveler's Road.

7d 3h 4m [S] Out of the mist, a monstrous Ursaluna appears!

7d 3h 4m [S] Something huge is approaching...

7d 3h 3m [S] We chat with Perrin while the data collected by the camera is processing. After a few moments, the results are in!

7d 3h 1m [S] We manage to take a photo of a Volbeat. Survey complete!

7d 2h 59m [S] Another photo without a Pokémon in it.

7d 2h 57m [S] We take a photo, but there is no Pokémon in it.

7d 2h 56m [V] We won the raid and caught Conkeldurr! Nickname: Conkeqsldrr.

7d 2h 52m [S] We're just one photo away from being done, but are struggling to find a Pokémon for it.

7d 2h 51m [V] We enter a 5★ Tera Raid against a Conkeldurr.

7d 2h 45m [V] Caught a female Lv. 64 Weepinbell! Nickname: Weepinbujul.

7d 2h 42m [V] Caught a male Lv. 68 Ribombee! Nickname: Ribomee.

7d 2h 39m [V] Caught a female Lv. 66 Cutiefly! Nickname: fly.

7d 2h 37m [V] Caught a male Lv. 68 Gurdurr! No nickname.

7d 2h 36m [S] Took a photo of a group of Lotad.

7d 2h 34m [S] Got a decent shot of a Tynamo.

7d 2h 32m [V] Caught a male Lv. 65 Ariados! Nickname: Aro.

7d 2h 30m [V] Caught a male Lv. 68 Seedot! Nickname: Seed.

7d 2h 28m [V] We fly to the Community Center, head to a Poké Center, and heal.

7d 2h 27m [S] Took a photo, but the Pokémon is too small to be seen.

7d 2h 24m [V] Revavroom grew to Lv. 95 as we battle some wild Pokémon.

7d 2h 24m [S] Took a photo of some Hatenna.

[Recap] Since the last update, the Violet side has captured Okidogi, Munkidori and Fezandipiti, while the Scarlet side has met Perrin and begun the search for the Bloodmoon Beast!

[Meta] And now the live updater is going dark again. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

6d 20h 39m [V] The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Epilogue - Mochi Mayhem: The End!

6d 20h 38m [S] We visit Penny's dorm room.

6d 20h 38m [V] It's time for the group to head back to Paldea. Kieran and Carmine come to say goodbye.

6d 20h 35m [V] Several days later...

6d 20h 34m [V] Ha ha, actually she's fine.

6d 20h 33m [V] MOCHI MOCHI!

6d 20h 33m [V] Arven and Penny get caught up. Then we turn to face Nemona, and...

6d 20h 32m [V] Pecharunt's influence appears to be vanishing, and the citizens of Kitakami are back to normal.

6d 20h 31m [V] Caught a Lv. 88 Pecharunt! Nickname: saa.

6d 20h 30m [V] The next turn goes similarly, and Pecharunt goes down! Time to throw a Poké Ball!

6d 20h 29m [V] Kingambit uses tanks a Shadow Ball, then uses Kowtow Cleave. Massive damage!

6d 20h 29m [V] We send out Kingambit.

6d 20h 29m [V] Revavroom uses Iron Head, and Pecharunt flinches! It uses Iron head again, then is taken down by Shadow Ball!

6d 20h 28m [V] Revavroom uses Grind Gears, and Pecharunt uses Shadow Ball, popping its Air Balloon.

6d 20h 27m [V] Pecharunt takes down Ogerpon! We send out Revavroom.

6d 20h 27m [V] We send out Ogerpon and use Spiky Shield. Pecharunt uses Nasty Plot.

6d 20h 26m [V] Vs. Pecharunt!

[Recap] The Violet side has been going through the Mochi Mayhem epilogue, and is about to challenge Pacherunt!

[Meta] And the live updater is going dark again. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

6d 5h 14m [V] And so, Turo disappears back into the mist... We are back at the title screen.

6d 5h 14m [V] Turo wants to see the book about the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. He asks if he can have our book, and offers to trade us for it. We accept, and obtain the Violet Book!

6d 5h 12m [V] After Violet came back, we flew to the Crystal Pool... and out of the mist emerged a familiar face. It's Professor Turo? It seems he's coming straight from the past...

[Meta] On that, the live updater is going dark for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

6d 4h 52m [S/V] The Homestar Runner puppet gets close to the screen and then it gets covered up. When it comes back, the Violet side is showing a Pokémon anime episode while the save is being backed up.

6d 4h 51m [S] We get a call from Jacq about some black crystals, and how we must absolutely not attempt the Tera Raid they host.

6d 4h 50m [S] We beat the raid and catch Floatzel. Nickname: Float.

6d 4h 48m [S] We enter a 4★ Tera Raid against a Floatzel.

6d 4h 46m [V] Credits roll!

[Info] Inputs get disabled on the Violet side.

6d 4h 44m [S] We won the raid and caught Trumbeak! No nickname.

6d 4h 44m [V] Kieran finally seems ready to move on, and we try to show support.

6d 4h 43m [V] Caught a Lv. 85 Terapagos! No nickname.

6d 4h 42m [V] We throw an Ultra Ball...

6d 4h 42m [V] Toedscruel uses Giga Drain one more time, and that does it! Defeated Terapagos, the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero!

6d 4h 42m [S] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Trumbeak.

6d 4h 41m [V] We terastallize Toedscruel into the Grass-type, and use Giga Drain; another barrier down!

6d 4h 40m [V] Toedscruel uses Giga Drain, then Hydrapple uses Dragon Cheer to boost us. Terapagos uses Tera Starstorm again.

6d 4h 39m [V] Toedscruel uses Earth Power, and Terapagos goes for Tera Starstorm again. Hydrapple uses Syrup Bomb once more.

6d 4h 39m [V] Ogerpon uses Ivy Cudgel again. Terapagos responds with Tera Starstorm, and Ogerpon faints! Hydrapple uses Syrup Bomb, then we send out Toedscruel.

6d 4h 37m [V] Kieran joins us and sends out Hydrapple!

6d 4h 37m [V] We send out Ogerpon and terastallize it! It uses Ivy Cudgel, then gets hit by Zen Headbutt. Another hit breaks Terapagos' barrier, and it again absorbs our terastallization to make a new one.

6d 4h 36m [S] We beat the raid and caught Drednaw! No nickname.

6d 4h 34m [V] We send out Flamigo again. It uses Roost to heal, then Terapagos uses Zen Headbutt, taking it down!

6d 4h 33m [S] We enter a 4★ Tera Raid against a Drednaw.

6d 4h 33m [V] We swap to Skeledirge. It uses Torch Song, but gets taken down by Earth Power.

6d 4h 31m [V] We terastallize Flamigo into the Fighting-type, and use Close Combat! Its Terastal shield broke, but it absorbs our own Terastal energy to form another barrier!

6d 4h 30m [S] We beat the raid and caught Politoed! No nickname.

6d 4h 29m [V] Flamigo uses Brave Bird. Terapagos retorts with Tera Starstorm, and Carmine's Sinistcha goes down!

6d 4h 28m [V] We send out Flamigo. Terapagos uses Tera Starstorm, landing a critical hit on Sinistcha, which uses Life Dew again.

6d 4h 27m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, but is then taken down by Tera Starstorm! Carmine's Sinistcha uses Life Dew.

6d 4h 27m [V] Vs. Terapagos, the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero! (Attempt #1)

6d 4h 26m [V] Things are getting out of hand, and Kieran tries to call back Terapagos... but against all odds, it breaks the Master Ball!

6d 4h 25m [S] We enter a 5★ Tera Raid against a Politoed.

6d 4h 25m [V] Briar remarks that something isn't right. She asks Kieran to terastallize Terapagos... and its true form is revealed!

6d 4h 23m [V] Dragapult goes for Dragon Darts again! We even land a critical hit, which pisses off Kieran. Defeated Terapagos, the Indigo Disk!

6d 4h 22m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, then gets hit by Earth Power. Dragapult then goes for Dragon Dance before another Earth Power hits it.

6d 4h 21m [V] Terapagos immediately takes down Toxtricity! We send out Dragapult.

6d 4h 21m [V] With his new Legendary Pokémon in hand, Kieran wants to battle us again! Vs. Terapagos, the Indigo Disk! (Attempt #1)

6d 4h 19m [V] Kieran caught a Lv. 85 Terapagos! No nickname.

6d 4h 19m [V] It begins walking towards us, and Kieran throws a Master Ball!

6d 4h 18m [V] The gem comes off, and begins to shine. Terapagos awakens!

6d 4h 17m [V] We reached a room with a large crystal formation, and spot a gem encased in it. Kieran just decides to go for it, because he is still obsessed about beating us.

6d 4h 15m [V] We move onwards, and meet up with the rest of the team.

6d 4h 13m [V] We take down Garganacl. The path is cleared and Toxtricity grows to Lv. 87!

6d 4h 12m [S] Charizard learned Air Slash over Scary Face!

6d 4h 11m [V] We found a terastallized Garaganacl.

6d 4h 11m [S] We use a Rare Candy and Charmeleon grows to Lv. 66 and evolves into Charizard!

6d 4h 10m [S] We use Exp Candies on Charmander, which grows to Lv. 65 and evolves into Charmeleon!

6d 4h 7m [S] Deposited Miraidon and withdrew Charmander.

6d 4h 6m [V] We go through a tunnel and keep going deeper.

6d 4h 4m [S] Caught a male Lv. 64 Charmander! Nickname: besstSs.

6d 4h 2m [V] We found the secret area that was unlocked by defeating Garchomp, and find a whole bunch of Tera Shards in there, as well as a Revive, TM220 Meteor Beam, a Premier Ball, and some Stardust.

6d 4h 1m [S] A wild Charmander took down Golduck.

6d 3h 56m [S] We fly to the Central Plaza.

6d 3h 47m [S] Caught a male Lv. 72 Mightyena! No nickname.

6d 3h 47m [V] We fall waaaay down into the water below.

6d 3h 44m [V] Found a Hard Stone.

6d 3h 44m [V] Used a Hyper Potion on Toxtricity, Dragapult, Flamigo, Ogerpon, and Skeledirge.

6d 3h 43m [V] Used a Revive on Toxtricity, Dragapult, Ogerpon, and Skeledirge.

6d 3h 42m [S] Caught a female Lv. 65 Hattrem! Nickname: Hatter.

6d 3h 40m [V] We send out Toedscruel and finish off Garchomp. It seems a crystal disappeared somewhere in the distance...

6d 3h 39m [V] We reach a secret room with a Tera-Stellar Garchomp inside. Dragapult breaks its terastallization with Dragon Darts, then is taken down.

6d 3h 38m [V] Found TM150 Stone Edge!

6d 3h 34m [S] Caught a male Lv. 65 Greedent! No nickname.

6d 3h 32m [V] We make our way back and meet up with the team before moving on.

6d 3h 31m [V] We run and fall into the void below.

6d 3h 30m [S] Received 5 Exp. Candies M for reaching 200 entries in our Pokédex.

6d 3h 30m [V] We send out Toedscruel, which breaks the terastallization then takes down Iron Thonrs, clearing up the path.

6d 3h 29m [S] Caught a female Lv. 69 Lurantis! Nickname: Luranti.

6d 3h 28m [V] The Iron Thorns takes down Toxtricity!

6d 3h 27m [V] We reach the terastallized Pokémon, which is an Iron Thorns.

6d 3h 27m [S] Caught a female Lv. 65 Kirlia! Nickname: Kirel.

6d 3h 23m [V] Found a Hard Stone.

6d 3h 22m [S] Caught a female Lv. 68 Cramorant! Nickname: rpOamorant11.

6d 3h 21m [V] We almost fall down again but make it on a platform. Found a Stellar Tera Shard.

6d 3h 19m [V] We try to fly over but fall off the platform we landed on.

6d 3h 16m [V] Once again, there's a crystal formation blocking the way.

6d 3h 15m [S] Caught a male Lv. 67 Sudowoodo! Nickname: Sudowoo.

6d 3h 14m [V] We make our way back and move ownwards.

6d 3h 13m [V] Another Overdrive takes down Noivern, clearing the path below.

6d 3h 13m [V] Toxtricity uses Nuzzle to paralyze Noivern, then uses Overdrice, breaking its terastallization.

6d 3h 11m [V] After a few tries, we make it to the terastallized Noivern in the distance.

6d 3h 10m [S] We beat the raid and catch Lombre! No nickname.

6d 3h 8m [S] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Lombre.

6d 3h 2m [V] We find another crystal formation blocking our path.

6d 3h 1m [V] Found a Full Restore.

6d 3h 0m [S] We disband our online group.

6d 2h 59m [V] Caught a Lv. 65 Carbink! Nickname: Df/9.

6d 2h 58m [S] Caught a male Lv. 63 Sandshrew! No nickname.

6d 2h 55m [S] We receive a PP Up as a reward for reaching 90 entries in our Kitakami Pokédex.

6d 2h 55m [S] Caught a male Lv. 63 Timburr! No nickname.

6d 2h 53m [V] Found a Stellar Tera Shard.

6d 2h 49m [V] Obtained a Stellar Tera Shard.

6d 2h 48m [V] We spot a Tera-Stellar Glimmora. Dragapult uses Dragon Darts to break its terastallization, then to take it down. This causes the crystal to disappear.

6d 2h 47m [S] Caught a male Lv. 65 Sandslash! No nickname.

6d 2h 45m [S] We fly to the Paradise Barrens.

6d 2h 45m [V] We com face-to-face with a large crystal blocking the path. Briar would rather we don't try to smash through it though.

6d 2h 43m [V] Oops, we fell.

6d 2h 43m [V] We begin moving onwards.

6d 2h 42m [S] Caught a female Lv. 58 Alolan Muk! No nickname.

6d 2h 39m [V] We take the time to read the documents left behind by Professor Turo.

6d 2h 36m [V] We arrive deep into Area Zero, where we find a report written by Professor Turo.

6d 2h 36m [S] We take a selfie. We look sad in it but still applied a "bubbling hearts" effect.

6d 2h 34m [V] Carmine notices an elevator, which we take to go down deeper.

6d 2h 33m [V] Doors are hard but we eventually get in by ramming inside the stairs guard rail, somehow.

6d 2h 31m [V] We try to enter the Lab, but it seems we can't anymore. A voice asks us to insert the Indigo Disk, so we do so, which successfully unlocks the door..

6d 2h 30m [S] We terastallize Golduck into the Electric-type. It uses Tera Blast, and takes down Alomomola. Glimmora then uses Earth power to take down Torkoal. Defeated Mikkel of the League Club!

6d 2h 28m [S] Golduck takes down Flygon, and Glimmora does the same with Rabsca. Mikkel sends out Alomomola and Torkoal.

6d 2h 27m [S] Vs. Mikkel of the League Club! He sends out Rabsca and Flygon.

6d 2h 26m [V] We arrive at the bottom, and the rest of the group joins us as we face the door to the Zero Lab.

6d 2h 25m [V] We're asked to take the lead, and so we jump down the Area Zero crater.

6d 2h 23m [S] Caught a male Lv. 75 Araquanid! No nickname.

6d 2h 22m [V] We meet up with Briar, Kieran and Carmine. Cut to black, and we have arrived in Area Zero.

6d 2h 20m [V] Now that we've received the instructions, we can head out to meet up with the rest of the expedition team.

6d 2h 19m [V] We receive the Indigo Disk from Geeta.

6d 2h 16m [S] We won the raid.

6d 2h 16m [S] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Rhyhorn.

6d 2h 15m [V] Briar tells us about Terapagos, a Legendary Pokémon that might be residing deep within Area Zero, and is joined by Geeta and Rika who provide further explanations.

6d 2h 13m [V] Briar makes an announcement that she'd like to see us, Kieran, Carmine and Drayton, so we head to see her.

6d 2h 9m [V] Received a Master Ball from Drayton!

6d 2h 8m [V] Kieran is... predictably losing his mind over this.

6d 2h 8m [V] Defeated BB League Champion Kieran!

6d 2h 7m [V] Kieran terastallizes Hydrapple into the Fighting-type. Flamigo uses Brave Bird, but Hydrapple holds on. However, Toxtricity follows with Sludge Bomb, and Hydrapple goes down! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 86!

6d 2h 7m [S] Caught a male Lv. 68 Alolan Diglett! No nickname.

6d 2h 6m [V] Flamigo uses Close Combat, and takes down Incineroar! Flamigo grew to Lv. 95! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 85! Dragapult grew to Lv. 95! Toedscruel grew to Lv. 100! Toxtricity then takes down Grimmsnarl, and Kieran is down to his last Pokémon, Hydrapple!

6d 2h 4m [V] Kieran sends out Incineroar and Grimmsnarl. We send Dragapult. Grimmsnarl sets up Reflect, then Dragapult uses U-Turn, and swaps places with Flamigo. Toxtricity uses Sludge Bomb, poisoning Grimmsnarl. Incineroar uses Darkest Lariat on Flamigo, which doesn't do much.

6d 2h 3m [S] Caught a male Lv. 65 Galarian Slowpoke! No nickname.

6d 2h 1m [V] Porygon-Z uses Shadow Ball again, and Skeledirge faints! Toxtricity then uses Boomburst, taking down both opponents. Toxtricity grew to Lv. 84!

6d 2h 1m [S] Caught a female Lv. 56 Smeargle! No nickname.

6d 2h 0m [V] Kieran sends out Porygon-Z, and we send Skeledirge. Dragapult uses U-Turn on Porygon-Z, and switches places with Toxtricity. Porygon-Z uses Shadow Ball on Skeledirge, which does the same on Dragonite. Dragonite then uses Breaking Swipe.

6d 1h 57m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Ogerpon follows with Ivy Cudgel. Politoed goes down, and Kieran has another break down as we get a critical hit. Dragonite then takes down Ogerpon!

6d 1h 57m [S] Caught a male Lv. 67 Exeggutor! No nickname.

[Snark] Okay so maybe we are indeed actively hurting his sanity there.

6d 1h 55m [V] Kieran sends out Dragonite and Politoed. We send Ogerpon and Dragapult. Kieran actually gets mad that we brought Ogerpon to this battle.

6d 1h 54m [V] Vs. BB League Champion Kieran! (Attempt #1)

6d 1h 53m [V] We sign up for the official match! Drayton hopes we can make Kieran snap out of whatever he's going through.

6d 1h 51m [V] We fly to the entrance of the Terrarium.

6d 1h 51m [V] We receive a PP Up as a reward for reaching 90 entries in our Kitakami Pokédex.

6d 1h 50m [S] We beat the raid and catch Minun! No nickname.

6d 1h 50m [V] We beat the raid and catch Minun! No nickname.

6d 1h 47m [S/V] Both sides enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Minun.

6d 1h 46m [V] Deposited Kingambit and withdrew Ogerpon.

6d 1h 44m [V] Kieran arrives, and declares he wants to settle our rivalry once and for all before leaving.

6d 1h 44m [S] Caught a female Lv. 92 Mandibuzz! Nickname: Poq.

6d 1h 43m [V] Received TM226 Dragon Cheer!

6d 1h 42m [V] Defeated Drayton of the BB League Elite Four!

6d 1h 42m [V] Drayton send sout Archaludon, and terastallizes it into the Dragon-type! Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Haxorus goes down! Dragapult grew to Lv. 94! Flamigo then lands a critical hit with Close Combat, and Archaludon goes down! Skeledirge grew to Lv. 96!

6d 1h 40m [V] Drayton sends out Sceptile and Haxorus. Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Haxorus holds on thanks to Focus Sash. Sceptile uses Dragon Cheer and boosts Haxorus' stats, then Flamigo takes it down with Brave Bird. Flamigo grew to Lv. 94! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 83!

6d 1h 38m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Dragonite goes down. Flamigo then uses Brave Bird, and finishes off Kingdra!

6d 1h 37m [V] We swap Toxtricity for Flamigo. It gets hit by Extreme Speed from Dragonite. Dragapult then uses Dragon Darts, and Flygon goes down! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 82! Drayton sends Kingdra next.

6d 1h 37m [S] Caught a male Lv. 62 Pyroar! No nickname.

6d 1h 35m [V] Drayton sends Flygon and Dragonite, and we send Toxtricity and Dragapult.

6d 1h 35m [V] Okay, here we go! Vs. Drayton of the BB League Elite Four!

6d 1h 32m [V] Now we're ready for battle. Or are we? We talk to Drayton but then decline.

6d 1h 31m [V] Deposited Seadra, Meloetta, Araquanid, Flygon, Dewgong and Rhyhorn and withdrew Toxtricity, Dragapult, Toedscruel, Skeledirge, Kingambit, and Flamigo.

6d 1h 28m [V] We cleared the Elite Trial!

6d 1h 27m [V] Seel evolved into Dewgong! It did not learn Sheer Cold.

6d 1h 26m [V] Vibrava evolved into Flygon! It did not learn Dragon Claw.

6d 1h 25m [V] Zebstrika uses Spark again, and Araquanid faints! Vibrava then uses Earth Power and takes Zebstrika down. Defeated Ray the Student! Seel grew to Lv. 65!

6d 1h 24m [V] Zebstrika uses Spark on Araquanid, which gets paralyzed! Vibrava then uses Earth Power, taking down Magnezone. Araquanid grew to Lv. 60! Vibrava grew to Lv. 61!

6d 1h 22m [V] We swap Araquanid for Vibrava, which negates a Spark from Zebstrika. Seadra uses Dragon Pulse, and is then taken down by Tri Attack. We send Araquanid back out.

6d 1h 21m [V] Zebstrika uses Spark on Seadra, which retorts with Dragon Pulse. Magnezone uses Screech, then gets hit by Liquidation from Araquanid.

6d 1h 20m [V] Next battle! Vs. Ray the Student! He sends out Zebstrika and Magnezone.

6d 1h 18m [V] Horsea evolved into Seadra!

6d 1h 18m [V] We send out Araquanid. Horsea uses Dragon Pulse, and Araquanid follows with Liquidation. Bastiodon goes down! Horsea grew to Lv. 67! Defeated Craig the Student!

6d 1h 17m [V] Meloetta uses Hyper Voice. Horsea misses with Hydro Pump. Bastiodon uses Heavy Slam, and Meloetta faints!

6d 1h 16m [V] Meloetta uses Relic Song again, changing back to Aria Form. Horsea uses Hydro Pump, and Bastiodon is still asleep.

6d 1h 15m [V] Meloetta uses Relic Song and changes into the Pirouette Form. Bastiodon falls asleep. Horsea then uses Hydro Pump, and Rampardos faints!

6d 1h 14m [V] Vs. Craig the Student! He sends out Bastiodon and Rampardos.

6d 1h 12m [V] Meloetta uses Psychic again, and Dewgong goes down. It gets hit by icicle Crash, then Horsea takes down Sandslash with another Hydro Pump. Defeated Winter the Student!

6d 1h 11m [V] Meloetta uses Psychic on Dewgong. It retorts with Aqua Tail, and Sanslash follows with Icicle Crash. Horsea uses Hydro Pump on Sandslash.

6d 1h 10m [V] Winter sends out Alolan Sandslash and Dewgong, we send Horsea and Meloetta.

6d 1h 10m [V] Alright, now we're all set. Vs. Winter the Student!

6d 1h 9m [V] Oops, we don't meet the conditions for the battles. We boot up the PC and deposit Toxtricity to withdraw Araquanid.

6d 1h 7m [V] We talk to Drayton again, and begin the Elite Trial!

6d 1h 6m [V] Renamed Meloetta to Sirena.

6d 1h 5m [V] Deposited Kingambit, Flamigo, Dragapult, Skeledirge, and Toedscruel and withdrew Horsea, Meloetta, Vibrava, Rhyhorn and Seel.

6d 0h 56m [V] We rename Ogerpon from q to Fiona.

6d 0h 54m [S] We won the Raid and caught Comfey! No nickname

6d 0h 53m [V] We arrive at the Polar Plaza and talk to the staffer so Drayton can come and take us to the Elite Trial.

6d 0h 52m [S] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Comfey.

6d 0h 51m [S] Caught a male Lv. 62 Doduo! No nickname.

6d 0h 51m [V] We rename Ogerpon from FloikKoto q.

6d 0h 48m [V] We rename Ogerpon from Heropon to FloikKo.

6d 0h 47m [S] We fly to the entrance and walk to the Savanna Biome.

6d 0h 46m [V] Deposited Toxtricity and withdrew Ogerpon.

6d 0h 45m [S] We send 3,000 BP to the Terrarium Club, and new Pokémon can now appear in the Savanna Biome!

6d 0h 44m [S] We use 200 BP to support the Photography Club and unlock the lock-in update for our camera.

6d 0h 42m [S] We use 100 BP to support the Photography Club and unlock some new effects for our photos.

6d 0h 41m [V] Caught a male Lv. 64 Seel! No nickname.

6d 0h 41m [S] We use 50 BP to support the Photography Club and unlock some new effects for our photos.

6d 0h 39m [V] Caught a male Lv. 66 Horsea! No nickname.

6d 0h 38m [S] We send 10 BP to support the Baseball Club, and change our throwing style to the Smug style.

6d 0h 36m [S] We send 300 BP to support the Baseball Club, and unlock the Galarian Star throwing style.

6d 0h 36m [S] We send 150 BP to support the Baseball Club, and unlock some new throwing styles.

6d 0h 35m [V] We enter the Polar Biome.

6d 0h 32m [S] We fly to the entrance of the Terrarium.

6d 0h 28m [S/V] The Scarlet side takes a picture with the Violet side's character and two online players.

6d 0h 23m [V] We also fly to the Savanna Biome.

6d 0h 21m [S] We fly to the Savanna Biome.

6d 0h 20m [V] Drayton comes in and compliments our battling skills, then leaves to get ready as our last E4 match will be against him.

6d 0h 19m [S] We beat the Raid and catch Vulpix! No nickname.

6d 0h 18m [V] Received TM227 Alluring Voice!

6d 0h 18m [V] Toedscruel uses Sludge Bomb again, and Excadrill goes down! Defeated Lacey of the BB League Elite Four!

6d 0h 18m [S] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against an Alolan Vulpix.

6d 0h 17m [V] Lacey terastallizes Excadrill into the Fairy-type! Toedscruel uses Earth Power on it, then it almost takes out Toxtricity with High Horsepower. Toxtricity survives thanks to affection, and takes down Alcremie. Toxtricity grew to Lv. 81!

6d 0h 15m [V] We send out Toxtricity, while Lacey sends out Excadrill.

6d 0h 14m [V] Dragapult reappears, and Phantom Force takes down Slowbro! Dragapult grew to Lv. 93! Alcremie gets hit by another Sludge Bomb, but survives and takes down Dragapult.

6d 0h 13m [V] Lacey sends out Alcremie, and we send out Toedscruel. Slowbro uses Ice Beam on Toedscruel, then Dragapult vanishes, avoiding an attack from Alcremie. Toedscruel then uses Sludge Bomb on Alcremie, which get poisoned!

6d 0h 12m [V] Lacey sent out Galarian Slowbro. It uses Flamethrower and Kingambit goes down! Dragabpult then reappears, and takes down Primarina. Toedscruel grew to Lv. 98!

6d 0h 11m [S] Caught a female Lv. 64 Minccino! No nickname.

6d 0h 10m [V] We send out Dragapult. Whimsicott uses Moonblast, taking half of Dragapult's health. The latter vanishes, then Primarina uses Moonblast on Kingambit, which finishes off Whimsicott with Iron Head. Skeledirge grew to Lv. 95!

6d 0h 8m [V] Lacey sends out Primarina. Whimsicott uses Tail Wind, and Primarina takes down Flamigo with Moonblast. Kingambit then uses Iron Head on Primarina.

6d 0h 7m [S] Caught a male Lv. 67 Beartic! No nickname.

6d 0h 6m [V] Whimsicott sets up a Light Screen, then gets hit by Brave Bird, but hold son thanks to its Focus Sash. Kingambit uses Iron Head on Granbull, which goes down!

6d 0h 5m [V] Lacey sends out Granbull and Whimsicott, and we send out Kingambit and Flamigo.

6d 0h 5m [V] Vs. Lacey of the BB League Elite Four! (Attempt #1)

[Recap] The Scarlet side is doing some Tera Raids, while the Violet side passed Lacey's Elite Trial, and is about to battle her!

5d 23h 16m [V] Caught a Lv. 70 Meloetta! No nickname.

[Meta] The live updater is now going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

5d 21h 55m [V] Received TM207 Temper Flare!

5d 21h 54m [S] We fly to Naranja Academy.

5d 21h 54m [V] Defeated Crispin of the BB League Elite Four!

5d 21h 53m [V] We swap Flamigo for Toedscruel. It gets hit by Temper Flame and goes down! Skeledirge then uses Shadow ball, and takes down Blaziken!

5d 21h 52m [V] Crispin sends in Blaziken. We swap Toxtricity for Flamigo. Crispin terastallizes Blaziken into the Fire-type. Skeledirge uses Shadow Ball, then Blaziken uses Temper Flare. Flamigo survives the hit.

5d 21h 51m [V] Magmortar uses Heat Wave, and Toxtricity barely holds on. Exeggutor is then taken down by Torch Song. Toxtricity then finishes off Magmortar. Skeledirge grew to Lv. 94! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 78!

5d 21h 49m [V] We send in Toxtricity, and Crispin sends Exeggutor.

5d 21h 48m [V] Crispin sends out Camerupt. Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Rotom goes down! Kingambit grew to Lv. 80! Magmortar takes down Dragapult, then gets hit by Shadow Ball.

5d 21h 47m [V] Crispin sends out Camerupt. Dragapult uses Dragon Darts on both opponents, then gets burned by Will-O-Wisp. Skeledirge uses Shadow Ball on Camerupt, which faints!

5d 21h 46m [V] We swap Flamigo for Dragapult. Talonflame uses Flare Blitz, and faints to the recoil! Flamigo grew to Lv. 92!

5d 21h 45m [V] Crispin sends out Talonflame and Heat-form Rotom, and we send Kingambit and Flamigo. We swap Kingambit for Skeledirge. Talonflame uses Sunny Day, then Flamigo uses Brave Bird on it, but it survives thanks to a Focus Sash. Rotom uses Will-O-Wisp, which doesn't affect Skeledirge.

5d 21h 43m [V] Vs. Crispin of the BB League Elite Four!

5d 21h 40m [V] Elite Trial cleared!

5d 21h 39m [V] Crispin is quite satisfied with our sandwich it seems!

[Snark] I'm happy but also somehow disappointed?

5d 21h 38m [V] Some chili sauce, some mustard, three slices of onion, three chorizo sausages, three slices of jalapeño. We place the bread on top... so far so good... pin the pick... and we achieved sandwich!

5d 21h 37m [S] We save.

5d 21h 34m [S] We heal.

5d 21h 34m [S] We fly to the Central Plaza of Blueberry Academy.

5d 21h 33m [V] We return to talk to Crispin and begin making the sandwich!

5d 21h 31m [V] We trade our vinegar for a bottle of mustard.

5d 21h 30m [S] Defeated a wild Gimmighoul and got 50 Gimmighoul coins.

5d 21h 30m [V] We trade our prosciutto and olive oil for a jalapeño.

5d 21h 29m [V] We trade the eggs for some chorizo.

5d 21h 28m [V] Found an X Defense.

5d 21h 28m [V] We return to the previous student and offer the mayonnaise as an answer to the trivia question. As a reward, we receive some eggs, olive oil and vinegar!

5d 21h 26m [V] Carmela also heals us.

5d 21h 26m [S] Caught a female Lv. 37 Chansey! No nickname.

5d 21h 25m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and the other Pyroar goes down. Defeated Carmela the Student, and got some mayonnaise!

5d 21h 25m [V] We swap Kingambit for Dragapult. Flamigo uses Close Combat and takes down one of the two Pyroar.

5d 21h 23m [V] Vs. Carmela the Student! She sends out two Pyroar.

5d 21h 23m [V] A student is offering mayonnaise for a battle! "Oh, it's may-on now!"

5d 21h 22m [V] Someone asks us a trivia question. We know the answer is mayonnaise, but we don't have any.

5d 21h 21m [V] We trade a cucumber for a bottle of chili sauce.

5d 21h 21m [V] We are currently standing on a cactus. Ow.

5d 21h 19m [V] That one guy want prosciutto and olive oil, but we only have the former.

5d 21h 18m [S] We fly to the Dalizapa Passage.

5d 21h 17m [V] We go to another student and trade the potato salad for an onion, a cucumber and some prosciutto.

5d 21h 17m [V] We defeated Julienne the Student and got some potato salad!

5d 21h 16m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Camerupt goes down! Dragapult grew to Lv. 92! Kingambit grew to Lv. 79! Toedscruel grew to Lv. 97!

5d 21h 15m [V] We swap Kingambit for Dragapult, then terastallize Flamigo into the Fighting-type, which takes down Eelektross with Close Combat. Flamigo is then burned by Will-O-Wisp.

[Fluff] A Trainer named Julienne in a cooking challenge. I get it. That's funny.

5d 21h 13m [V] Vs. Julienne the Student! She sends Camerupt and Eelektross, and we send Flamigo and Kingambit.

5d 21h 12m [V] Someone is willing to trade us three ingredients for some potato salad... Oh, we know who can give us some of that!

5d 21h 10m [V] Marmelade or mustard, but we need vinegar...

5d 21h 9m [S] We climb up the mountain, then begin gliding away.

5d 21h 9m [V] Someone wants to trade two ingredients for a jalapeño. We, again, have currently nothing to trade.

5d 21h 9m [V] Someone offers to trade us chorizo for an egg, but we don't have any.

5d 21h 8m [S] We step into Glaseado Mountain.

5d 21h 7m [V] Someone offers to trade a cucumber for chili sauce or ketchup, but we don't have one.

5d 21h 6m [S] We fly Montenevera.

5d 21h 6m [V] Someone offers us potato salad. We decline.

[Snark] Time to make him our world-famous bread sandwich.

[Snark] Oh good, we are known to be particularly skilled when it comes to sandwich-making.

5d 21h 4m [V] Our task is to gather ingredients so we can make a sandwich.

5d 21h 4m [S] We heal.

5d 21h 4m [S] We fly to the Central Plaza of the Terrarium.

5d 21h 3m [V] We talk to the staffer so we can take the Elite Trial. Crispin arrives and takes us with him to proceed.

5d 21h 1m [V] We arrive at the Savanna Plaza.

5d 21h 0m [V] Toxtricity grew to Lv. 76!

5d 21h 0m [V] Caught a female Lv. 60 Vibrava! No nickname.

5d 20h 56m [V] Caught a female Lv. 66 Rhyhorn! No nickname.

5d 20h 55m [V] Found a Persim Berry, a Leppa Berry and a Chesto Berry.

5d 20h 54m [V] We heal.

5d 20h 51m [V] Received TM225 Hard Press!

5d 20h 51m [V] Defeated Amarys of the BB League Elite Four!

5d 20h 51m [V] We swap Toxtricity for Toedscruel, which gets hit by Zen Headbutt. Dragapult then uses Phantom Force, and Metagross faints! Skeledirge grew to Lv. 93!

5d 20h 49m [S] Found TM134 Reversal!

5d 20h 49m [V] Kingambit uses Low Sweep on Metagross, then gets taken down by Brick Break. Dragapult vanishes, and we send out Toxtricity.

5d 20h 48m [V] Amarys sends out Metagross. We swap Skeledirge for Dragapult. Amarys terastallizes Metagross into the Steel-type! Reuniclus uses Psychic on Dragapult, then is taken down by Kowtow Cleave. Kingambit grew to Lv. 78! Flamigo grew to Lv. 91! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 75!

5d 20h 45m [V] Reuniclus uses Psychic on Skeledirge, then gets hit by Kowtow Cleave. Scizor uses Pounce on Kingambit, then is taken down by Torch Song.

5d 20h 44m [V] Skeledirge uses Torch Song, and Skarmory goes down! Amarys sends out Scizor.

5d 20h 44m [V] Amarys sends out Empoleon. Dragapult uses Dragon Dance. Flamigo uses Close Combat, and takes down Empoleon! Dragapult grew to Lv. 91! Kingambit grew to Lv. 77! Toxtricity grew to Lv. 74! Toedscruel grew to Lv. 96! Skarmory then uses Whirlwind and forces Dragapult to swap for Skeledirge. Amarys sends out Reuniclus.

5d 20h 41m [V] We swap Flamigo for Kingambit. Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Dugtrio goes down. Skarmory uses Whirlwind, and Kingambit is swapped for Flamigo.

5d 20h 39m [V] We swap Kingambit for Dragapult. Dugtrio uses Iron Head on Flamigo, which then uses Close Combat on it. It holds on thanks to its Focus Sash. Skarmory then sets up Stealth Rock.

5d 20h 38m [S] We fly to Gracia Stones.

5d 20h 37m [V] Amarys sends out Skarmory and Alolan Dugtrio. We send Kingambit and Flamigo.

5d 20h 37m [V] Vs. Amarys of the BB League Elite Four! (Attempt #1)

5d 20h 37m [V] We head to the battlefield. Amarys asks us what we think of Kieran and we answer that we consider him a friend.

[Chat] krizste: we aced it first try Keepo

5d 20h 35m [V] Amarys is so disappointed with how bad we are at this that she just declares that we passed the trial.

5d 20h 35m [V] We make it through two rings, completely miss the third but almost make it through the fourth, and from then desperately try to stay on course but ultimately fail.

5d 20h 33m [V] Fifth attempt.

5d 20h 32m [V] We made it through two rings before crashing into a wall and going off the rails! That's double or previous record!

5d 20h 31m [V] Fourth attempt.

5d 20h 31m [V] Third attempt and we fly straight off course into a cliff wall and get stuck there until time runs out.

5d 20h 29m [S] We save.

5d 20h 28m [V] We try again aaaaaaand we go completely off-course and fail.

5d 20h 27m [V] And we failed.

5d 20h 26m [V] We have gone completely off course already.

5d 20h 26m [V] The trial begins, time to fly through the rings like we're Twitch Plays Superman 64.

5d 20h 25m [V] Amarys gives something to eat to our Miraidon, which will allow it to fly freely during the trial.

5d 20h 24m [V] We talk to the staffer, and Amarys arrives to take us to take the Flying Time Trial.

5d 20h 22m [V] We fly to the Canyon Plaza.

5d 20h 20m [S] Found a TM065 Air Slash.

5d 20h 18m [V] We fly to the Central Plaza of Blueberry Academy.

5d 20h 16m [S] We fly to Area Two of the West Province.

5d 20h 10m [V] One hamburger patty, three slices of green bell pepper, two slices of onion, five slices of tomato, two twigs of watercress... and it all crumbles as we try and fail to place the top half of the bread. Three stars.

[Fluff] Just chilling on a roof.

5d 20h 5m [S] We arrive in Porto Marinada.

5d 19h 59m [V] It's picnic time! This time, we're actually making a sandwich!

5d 19h 58m [S] Defeated a wild Gimmighoul and obtained 60 Gimmighoul coins.

5d 19h 57m [V] We save.

5d 19h 55m [V] Bisharp evolved into Kingambit and learned Kowtow Cleave over Aerial Ace!

5d 19h 54m [V] We finally find and defeat a third Leader Bisharp. Our own Bisharp grows to Lv. 76!

5d 19h 50m [S] We fly to the Asado Desert.

5d 19h 46m [S] Defeated a wild Gimmighoul and obtained 50 Gimmighoul coins.

5d 19h 44m [S] Found TM166 Thunder!

5d 19h 39m [V] We set up a picnic, it's sandwich time! We don't make a sandwich and pack up.

5d 19h 37m [S] We fly to Are Six of the South Province.

5d 19h 34m [S] We fly back to Area Three of the East Province.

5d 19h 33m [S] Defeated a wild Gimmighoul and obtained 50 Gimmighoul coins.

5d 19h 32m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

5d 19h 30m [S] We enter Area One of the South Province.

5d 19h 29m [S] Found a Revive.

5d 19h 24m [S] Defeated a wild Gimmighoul and obtained 10 Gimmighoul coins.

5d 19h 21m [S] We climb up the watchtower.

5d 19h 19m [S] We fly to Area Three of the East Province.

5d 19h 17m [S] Deposited Maushold and withdrew Miraidon.

5d 19h 16m [V] Found a PP Up.

5d 19h 13m [S] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

5d 19h 12m [S] Deposited Miraidon and withdrew Maushold.

5d 19h 12m [V] Nevermind, we pack up.

5d 19h 11m [V] We begin picnicking, it's sandwich time!

5d 19h 11m [S] We fly to Mesagoza.

5d 19h 8m [S] Used a third PP Up on Miraidon's Dragon Pulse.

5d 19h 8m [S] Used another PP Up on Miraidon's Dragon Pulse.

5d 19h 7m [S] Used a PP Up on Miraidon's Dragon Pulse.

5d 19h 5m [S] We visit the Chansey Supply store and buy 3 PP Ups.

5d 19h 3m [S] We fly to Naranja Academy.

5d 18h 59m [V] We defeat another Leader Bisharp.

5d 18h 49m [V] We defeat a Leader Bisharp.

[Snark] An actual nothingburger.

5d 18h 47m [V] Dropping the top half of the bread pushed the meat patties off the plate, leaving practically nothing inside the finished sandwich. We still get rated 3★ for it.

[Recap] The Scarlet side is currently in Area Five of the South Province, while the Violet side is making a sandwich near Caph Squad's Base.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

5d 14h 15m [V] We browse through our Adventure Guide.

5d 14h 11m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

5d 14h 7m [S/V] Both sides leave the trading menu.

[Snark] Well, traded back, but just try to follow because otherwise it'll get confusing.

5d 14h 6m [S/V] Traded Scarlet's Morpeko for Violet's Palafin!

5d 14h 4m [S/V] Traded Scarlet's Sinistcha for Violet's Varoom!

5d 14h 3m [S/V] Both sides open the trading menu.

5d 14h 2m [S] We deposit Sinistcha and withdraw Glimmora.

5d 14h 0m [S] We use a Masterpiece Teacup, and Poltchageist evolves into Sinistcha!

5d 13h 59m [V] We save.

5d 13h 58m [S] Found an Unremarkable Teacup.

5d 13h 57m [S] We fly to the Paradise Barrens.

5d 13h 56m [V] We use another Abiltiy Patch and change Avalugg's ability to Sturdy!

5d 13h 56m [V] We use an Ability Patch and change Revavroom's Ability to Filter!

5d 13h 53m [S] Deposited Glimmora and withdrew Poltchageist. Our team is now made up of Tinakton, Golduck, Poltchageist, Orthworm, Frosmoth, and Miraidon.

[Info] Of note, the Scarlet team currently contains Tiool the Tinkaton and Mmp??!!ƒ¤¤¤¤ the Frosmoth from our original Scarlet run of 2022, as well as oooz the Shiny Golduck from our Legends: Arceus run of the same year, all three obtained through online trades.

5d 13h 50m [S/V] Both sides leave the trading menu again.

5d 13h 47m [S/V] Traded Scarlet's Palafin for Violet's Poltchageist!

5d 13h 45m [S/V] We leave the trading screen on both sides, then re-enter it.

5d 13h 43m [S/V] Traded Scarlet's Ceruledge for Violet's Rabsca!

5d 13h 42m [S/V] Traded Scarlet's Rabsca for Violet's Morpeko!

[Snark] Yeesh, you take a break for a single day...

[Recap] Finally, the Scarlet side completed the game's Epilogue and caught Pecharunt!

[Recap] Meanwhile, the Violet side defeated the Loyal Three, caught Ogerpon, and completed the Teal Mask storyline! Later, they also caught Wo-Chien, one the Four Treasures of Ruin!

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side defeated Amarys, Crispin, Drayton of the BB Elite Four, then the BB League Champion Kieran, and defeated and caught Terapagos, thus completing the Indigo Disk storyline! Finally, thanks to Terapagos' power, they met and talked to the real Professor Sada!

[Meta] The live updater, however, remains dark for now.

[Recap] Since the last update, we have won the rematches against Larry, Iono and Katy on the Scarlet side, and against Larry, Grusha, Ryme, Iono, Tulip, Katy, Brassius and Kofu on the Violet side.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

4d 1h 44m [S] Caught a Lv. 57 Iron Valiant! Nickname: rwon Valiaen.

4d 1h 43m [V] Caught a female Lv. 59 Lycanroc! Nickname: Lycan.

4d 1h 42m [V] Caught a female Lv. 56 Zweilous! Nickname: Ww.

4d 1h 39m [V] Caught a Lv. 59 Iron Valiant! Nickname: /:;LIr--/-.

4d 1h 28m [V] A wild Iron Valiant takes down Dragapult!

4d 1h 23m [V] Caught a Lv. 58 Iron Jugulis! Nickname: In Jugulis.

4d 1h 22m [V] Avalugg fainted to a wild Iron Jugulis.

4d 1h 18m [V] Caught a Lv. 55 Roaring Moon! Nickname: MoonSs. Toadscruel grew to Lv. 80!

4d 1h 16m [V] The wild Roaring Moon takes down Revavroom!

4d 1h 11m [V] A Dugtrio comes to chill in the middle of our battle.

4d 1h 11m [V] Flamigo fainted to a wild Roaring Moon.

4d 1h 9m [S] Caught a Lv. 59 Iron Jugulis! Nickname: eDs.

4d 1h 6m [V] Avalugg grew to Lv. 75!

4d 1h 5m [V] Caught a Lv. 58 Iron Hands! Nickname: IrssddnHands.

4d 1h 3m [V] Flamigo grew to Lv. 75 after defeating a wild Bisharp.

4d 0h 58m [V] Deposited Corviknight and withdrew Revavroom.

4d 0h 56m [V] Caught a Lv. 59 Brute Bonnet! Nickname: BQqr. Dragapult grew to Lv. 74!

[Recap] Both sides are now in Area Zero, catching rare Pokémon.

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side has defeated Lacey of the BB Elite Four as well as won the rematch against Kofu.* Mystery Gifts were also used to **receive Roy's Fuecoco on the Scarlet side, as well as Liko's Sprigatito, Dot's Quaxly and YOASOBI's Pawmot on the Violet side.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 17h 54m [S] Caught a male Lv. 70 Fezandipiti! Nickname: skib.

3d 17h 40m [V] Found a Guard Spec.

3d 17h 37m [S] Vs. Fezandipiti!

3d 17h 32m [S] We fly to Kitakami Hall.

3d 17h 31m [V] Caught a female Lv. 18 Squawkabilly! No nickname.

3d 17h 30m [S] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

3d 17h 29m [V] Caught a female Lv. 20 Oricorio! Nickname: --0p.

3d 17h 28m [S] We fly to the Community Center.

3d 17h 27m [S] Caught a male Lv. 70 Munkidori! No nickname. Rabsca grew to Lv. 79!

3d 17h 26m [S] Munkidori takes down our Breloom! We send out Glimmora.

3d 17h 18m [V] We beat the Tera Raid and catch Haunter! No nickname.

3d 17h 17m [V] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Haunter.

3d 17h 13m [S] Vs. Munkidori!

3d 17h 11m [V] We fly to Area One of the East Province.

3d 17h 9m [V] Caught a male Lv. 42 Pichu! No nickname.

3d 17h 7m [S] We fly to the Infernal Pass.

3d 17h 7m [S] Caught a male Lv. 70 Okidogi! No nickname.

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side has completed Starfall Street by doing the last few conversations with Clavell and Penny, as well as made progress on the Indigo Disk storyline up to entering the Blueberry League. The Violet side, meanwhile, is currently in Alfornada.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 12h 29m [S] Caught a Lv 55 Brute Bonnet! Nickname: Br.

3d 12h 24m [S] flies to the Zero Gate, enters and teleports to Research Station 3

3d 12h 23m [S] uses 26 Protein, 26 Iron and a Carbos on Orthuiwm. We try using a Calcium on our other Pokémon, but it would have no effect.

3d 12h 22m [V] wanders around the base of the cavern a bit, the flies back to the Zero Gate and enters and teleports to the fourth research station

3d 12h 20m [S] uses a Fresh-Start Mochi on Orthuiwm

3d 12h 19m [S] goes to a Chansey Supply and buy 1 HP Up, 26 protein and 26 Iron

3d 12h 17m [S] goes to a Pokecenter store. We clear out our treasures pocket; selling 1 big bamboo shoot, 16 nuggets, 35 big nuggets, 23 tiny mushrooms, 9 big mushrooms, 25 stardust, 6 star pieces, 12 pearls, 18 big pearls, 10 pearl strings, 1 Honey, 4 Rare Bones and 2 Pretty Feathers; totaling over one million moneys.

3d 12h 15m [V] Caught an Iron Bundle

3d 12h 14m [V] enters the gate, teleports to one of the research stations, then teleports to research station 4, then leaves the research station.

3d 12h 11m [V] flies back to the Area Zero Gate

[Snark] Apparently, Toedscruel is fine with walking around in this inch-deep water, but the instant a battle starts, Toedscruel becomes hydrophobic and needs a floating platform to stand on.

3d 12h 8m [V] wanders around the floor of the area zero cavern

3d 12h 4m [S] We receive Pokédex completion rewards for having 120, 130, and 140 volumes.

3d 12h 3m [S] We leave the hair stylist. Orthworm is moves to the top of the party. We send out Orthworm, then take a self-portrait with the napping Orthworm

3d 12h 0m [S] switches to a different hairstyle, then puts on a white boater hat

3d 11h 59m [V] climbs to the top of one of the giant crystals

3d 11h 57m [S] switches to the pink pigtails hairstyle

3d 11h 53m [V] Toe autobattles some wild pokemon as we head deeper into the Area Zero

3d 11h 52m [S] goes to a hair stylist and looks at the style options

3d 11h 48m [V] leaves the research station. We check ribbons and change the active mark of some of our Pokémon

3d 11h 47m [S] keeps jumping and landing on, but sliding off of, the umbrellas in the plaza. We enter a bag store.

3d 11h 45m [V] uses a teleporter pad to go to Research Station No. 4

3d 11h 44m [S] leaves the academy building, and rides down to the Mezagoza plaza

3d 11h 44m [V] flies to Zero Gate

3d 11h 43m [S] goes to the bookshelves and talks to Raifort

3d 11h 43m [V] leaves the building

3d 11h 42m [S/V] heads to the entrance hall

3d 11h 42m [S/V] A tournament is proposed. Geeta agrees to participate if we lend a hand with her work inspecting the Gym Leaders.

3d 11h 38m [V] Received a Master Ball

3d 11h 38m [S] Received a Master Ball

3d 11h 38m [V] We go to the director's office. Clavell wants to discuss our achievements.

3d 11h 36m [S] We go to the director's office. Clavell wants to discuss our achievements.

3d 11h 35m [S/V] The games are rebooted. We listen to the title screen music for a moment before starting the games.

[Info] The right TV is showing the second anime episode, Pokémon Emergency. The left TV shows the last few moments of a live-action thing that I don't recognize, then switches to showing the same Pokémon anime episode.

3d 11h 25m [S/V] The camera is obscured for a moment, and when cleared the switches are gone and the "Backing up Save" sign is up

3d 11h 23m [S] Carmine calls us about the Blueberry Academy.

3d 11h 23m [S/V] We wake up in our room. Our friends are called to Clavel's office.

[Chat] ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪ HOMESTAR DANCE RIOT ♫ ┌༼ຈل͜ຈ༽┘ ♪

3d 11h 19m [S/V] The homestar puppet appears to sing and dance along with the credits song

3d 11h 17m [S/V] The credits roll

3d 11h 16m [S/V] The friends reflect on what just happened. We say we should make our way home.

3d 11h 14m [S/V] The professor regains senses. The professor tells us to find our own treasure, and that that as part of the protocol that reboots the time machine, the professor must leave. The professor bids us adieu as the time machine is activated just long enough send the professor through.

3d 11h 11m [V] Our Miraidon attacks with Tera Blast. The opponent uses Hyper Beam and we endure due to affection. Our friends cheer and we get an omniboost. Miraidon uses Endure, as Miraidon attacks with Power Gem, then a Hyper Beam. We terastallize , use a Tera Blast and defeat the opposign Miraidon

3d 11h 11m [S] Our Koraidon attacks with Collision Course. We endure. The opponent attacks with Giga Impact. Our friends cheer and we get an omniboost. We Terastallize, use Tera Blast and defeat the opposing Koraidon.

[V] The terrain became electrified. The opposing Miraidon taunts. Miraidon attacks.

[S] The sunlight turned harsh. The opposing Koraidon taunts. Our Koraidon uses Collision Course.

3d 11h 5m [S] sends out Koraidon

3d 11h 5m [V] sends out Miraidon

3d 11h 4m [S/V] Vs. Paradise Protection Protocol. The professor sends out the guardian of Paradise. We send out nothing since our Pokeballs don't work. We try to run.

3d 11h 2m [S/V] Our friends join us. The professor thanks us for stopping the time machine. The time machine starts to glow and the paradise protection protocol is activated.

3d 11h 1m [S] Sada sends in Roaring Moon. Roaring Moon is badly poisoned. Roaring Moon's attack is boosted by its booster energy. T333d uses a Population Bomb, which hits 6 times and knocks out Roaring Moon. Sada defeated.

3d 11h 0m [S] We switch to T333d. Flutter Mane uses Power Gem. T333d uses a Play Rough to finish off Flutter Mane.

3d 10h 59m [S] Sada sends in Flutter Mane. Flutter Mane is badly poisoned by the toxic spikes. Flutter Mane uses Shadow Ball to take out half of Rekoolor's health. Rekoolor responds with a Psychic which takes out half of Flutter Mane's health.

3d 10h 58m [S] Sada sends in Scream Tail. Scream Tail finishes off Belbo. We switch to Orthiwm. Orthiwm wakes up and attack with an iron tail. We switch to Rekoolor and use Revival Blessing to revive Belbo. The poison damage finishes off Scream Tail.

3d 10h 58m [V] Iron Valiant takes out Toe. We send in Mikroc. Microc uses a Torch Song to finish off Iron Valiant. Turo defeated

3d 10h 55m [S] Sandy Shocks attacks Orthiworn for little damage while Orthiworn rests. We switch to Belbo. Sandy Shocks attacks with Earth Power, taking Belbo to red health. Belbo attacks and, after the damage from toxic spikes, knocks out Sandy Shocks.

3d 10h 55m [V] We switch to Toe. Toe takes out Iron Hands. Iron Valiant is next.

3d 10h 54m [V] Turo sends out Iron Throns. Revaroom takes out Juglis as the snow stops. Turo sends out Iron Hands

3d 10h 52m [S] Sada sends out Brute Bonnet. Glimmer uses a Sludge Wave to knock out Brute Bonnet. Sada sends out Sandy Shocks and we switch to Orthuiwm

3d 10h 52m [V] Turo sends out Iron Bundle. We switch to Revaroom. Revaroom shifts gear, then terastallize . Iron Bundle starts some snowfall. A Tera Blast takes out Iron Bundle, and another takes out Iron Jugulis.

3d 10h 50m [S] Sada leads with Slither Wing. Glimmer spreads Toxic Spikes, then attacks with Meteor Beam to knock out Slither Wing

3d 10h 49m [V] Turo leads with Iron Moth. Toe attacks with Earth Power, and 1HKOs Iron Moth.

3d 10h 48m [V] Vs. AI Turo

3d 10h 48m [S] Vs. AI Sada

3d 10h 47m [S/V] talks to the professor. We are told to place the professor's book on the pedestal, and that the AI Professor will attack us when we do. We place the book on the pedistal.

3d 10h 44m [S] Glimmer is moved to the top of the party

3d 10h 44m [V] Toe is moved to the top of the party

3d 10h 44m [S/V] We enter the time machine and behold

3d 10h 43m [S/V] We follow the professor into an elevator. We ask the professor questions as the elevator descends

3d 10h 41m [S/V] Picked up a Booster Energy.

3d 10h 40m [S/V] walks further into the lab. The professor detects a human presence. The professor deactivates sleep mode and stands up. The professor recalls the second aidon, then reveals that the real professor passed away some time ago and the professor we've been talking to is an AI.

3d 10h 38m [V] enters the lab

3d 10h 37m [S] saves

3d 10h 37m [V] Arven tells us to go on while he fights off the other paradox Pokémon. We try to walk up to the lab entrance, but miss the ramp. We go up the ramp on the second attempt, but still can't quite manage to hit the lab entrance.

3d 10h 37m [S] A few of the paradox Pokémon flee, and Peony and Nemona follow. Arven and we fight a Flutter Mane. Arven tells us to go on while he fights off the other paradox Pokémon. We try to walk up to the lab entrance, but miss the ramp. We go up the ramp on the second attempt and enter the lab.

3d 10h 34m [V] A few of the paradox Pokémon flee, and Peony and Nemona follow. Arven and we fight an Iron Jugulis.

3d 10h 34m [S] Peony and we defeat a Brute Bonnet

3d 10h 33m [V] We and Peony defeat an Iron Hands. eepy gained a level and did not learn Double-Edge.

3d 10h 33m [S] A bunch of past Pokemon leave the lab and surround us. We and Nemona defeat a Great Tusk

3d 10h 31m [V] A bunch of future Pokemon leave the lab and surround us. We and Nemona defeat an Iron Treads.

3d 10h 30m [S] The lab door is opened. A Koraidon jumps down from above, screams at our Koraidon, then enters the lab.

3d 10h 28m [V] The lab door is opened. A Miraidon jumps down from above, screams at our Miraidon, then enters the lab.

3d 10h 27m [S] We fell really close to the Lab door. We walk up to the door and Sada calls us to tell us that we've found the Area Zero Lab and to prepare ourselves before opening the door.

3d 10h 26m [S] continues walking along the raised walkway. We keep having trouble running from the wild pokemon. Just before reaching the part of the walkway that gently descends to the cavern floor, we walk off the edge.

3d 10h 25m [V] Wanders around the cavern, On finding a particular door, Turo calls us to tell us that we've found the Area Zero Lab and to prepare ourselves before opening the door.

3d 10h 15m [V] eepy the Dragapult is moved to the top of the party. We walk off a cliff again, but this time are allowed to stay at the bottom

3d 10h 15m [S] Caught a male Lv. 59 Dudunsparce in a Quick Ball! Nickname: D1.

3d 10h 12m [V] uses a Full Restore on Revavroom, and uses revives and potions on Toe and and Florian.

3d 10h 13m [S] Caught a Gabite in a Quick Ball! No nickname.

3d 10h 10m [S] Caught a female Espathra! Nickname: Espat.

3d 10h 8m [V] tries to leave the research station but is stopped. We disable the fourth lab zero lock. We leave the research station.

3d 10h 7m [V] enters the fourth research station. Turo tries to talk to us but glitches out.

3d 10h 5m [S] Caught a male Garganacl! Nickname: Gargamel.

3d 10h 1m [S] disables the fourth lab zero lock. We talk to arven. then leave the research station

3d 10h 0m [S] enters the fourth research station. Sada tries to talk to us but glitches out. We read the research notes on the counter near the control panel. "If only there were two of me" and "Productivity has doubled after taking on my new assistant". We heal in the bed.

3d 9h 56m [V] walks off a cliff and falls into the water pools again. We hurry back to the group.

3d 9h 54m [V] We try to run from an Iron Bundle, but fail. Glovian is knocked out. Then we successfully run. We switch Toe the Toedscruel to the top of the party. Toe falls to the next Iron Bundle we encounter.

3d 9h 52m [V] falls off a cliff, into the water and then scurries back to our party

3d 9h 50m [V] Revaroom terastallizes and uses a Fighting Tera Blast to obliterate an Iron Bundle. We revive and heal Glovian.

3d 9h 47m [V] An Iron Bundle knocks out Glovian with an Ice Beam

3d 9h 46m [S] Caught a male Lv. 60 Zweilous in a Quick Ball! Nickname: Zwei.

3d 9h 43m [V] Uses a Max Revive on Glovian

3d 9h 41m [V] Caught a Lv. 58 Iron Bundle in a Quick Ball!

3d 9h 40m [V] A wild Iron Bundle knocks out Glovian the Flamigo.

3d 9h 40m [S] While descending through a cave, we reach a waterfall and admire the crystals

3d 9h 37m [V] While descending through a cave, we reach a waterfall and admire the crystals

3d 9h 36m [S] Caught a Lv. 58 Scream Tail! Nickname: Scream Ta.

3d 9h 32m [S] reenters the research station. We read notes on Koraidon on the counter next to the lock-disabling terminal. We leave the research station, and proceeds towards the cave

3d 9h 30m [S] disables the third Lab Zero lock, lies down for a rest, heals, then leaves the research station

3d 9h 29m [S] enters the third research station. Peony posits that Koraidon is a past pokemon too. Turo concurs.

3d 9h 27m [V] disables the third Lab Zero lock, then leaves the research station

3d 9h 27m [S] finds the third research station. Outside, Arven and we defeat an Great Tusk.

3d 9h 25m [V] We enter the third research station. Peony posits that Miraidon is a future pokemon too. Turo concurs.

3d 9h 23m [V] finds the third research station. Outside, Arven and we defeat an Iron Treads.

3d 9h 22m [S] Caught a female Lv. 59 Volcarona! No nickname.

3d 9h 22m [S] Belbo grew to Lv. 70

3d 9h 19m [S] Caught a Masquerain! No nickname. Gimmer grew to Lv 70

3d 9h 18m [S] A wild Volcarona knocks out Orthuiwm

3d 9h 15m [S] Uses a revive and some potions to heal Orthuiwm

3d 9h 14m [S] Orthuiwm grew to Lv. 67. Then, a wild pokemon knocks out Orthuiwm.

3d 9h 12m [V] Tries to walk off a cliff at a few spots, but we recoil from the edge. We try one more spot, and successfully walk off the cliff edge

3d 9h 11m [S] heals Orthuiwm and saves

3d 9h 8m [V] Professor Turo explains the paradox pokemon coming from a time machine and the distant future. We use a console in this station to disable one of the zero lab locks. Arven gives us the Violet Book.

3d 9h 6m [V] enters the second research station

3d 9h 5m [V] We find the second research station. Peony and we defeat an Iron Bundle outside

3d 9h 2m [V] On a narrow out cropping, picked up a gunk shot TM. We fall off another cliff, but this time we hurry back to not get separated from our companions

3d 8h 59m [V] walks off the edge of a cliff and falls off

3d 8h 58m [V] turns the background music down to zero

3d 8h 57m [S] heals Orthuiwm

3d 8h 54m [V] leaves the research station

3d 8h 54m [V] enters the first research station and disables the first zero lab lock.

3d 8h 52m [V] reaches the first research station. Nemona and we defeat a Glimmora outside.

3d 8h 49m [S] Nemona and Penny discuss their parents

3d 8h 48m [S] leaves the research station

3d 8h 47m [S] We listen to Arven repeatedly mutter "It can't be. It just can't. But then who?"

3d 8h 46m [S] Professor Sada explains the paradox pokemon coming from a time machine and the distant past. We use a console in this station to disable one of the zero lab locks. Arven gives us the Scarlet Book.

3d 8h 40m [V] Dragapult autobattles the Venomoth and Girafarig

3d 8h 37m [S] We enter the second research station.

3d 8h 36m [S] We check our Pokémon's ribbons, then save

3d 8h 36m [V] Professor Turo tells us to find and disable the four locks, then enter the lab. We start to explore inside Area Zero

3d 8h 32m [V] passes through the area zero gate and flies Miraidon down into area zero

3d 8h 28m [S] Encounters and defeats a Screaming Tail

[Meta] While the stream is down, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 7h 59m [S/V] Twitch Plays Pokemon will resume shortly! Thank you for watching!

3d 7h 44m [S] Reached the first research station and did the thing.

3d 7h 43m [V] Flew to Medali; healed.

3d 7h 37m [S] Glimmora reaches Lv. 68.

3d 7h 36m [V] Rolling around Artazon; Picked up an Energy Root.

3d 7h 33m [S] Bellibolt reaches Lv. 68.

3d 7h 31m [S] We've survived the cutscenes and are now exploring inside Area Zero.

3d 7h 22m [S] Arrived at Area Zero.

3d 7h 20m [V] A hand covers up the camera. When we can see again, we reenter the game.

3d 7h 19m [S] We fly to Medali; healed.

3d 7h 18m [S] Just defeated O'Nare of the Glitterati. Got 25 Big Nuggets and the Glitterati Case.

3d 7h 17m [V] Violet has also gone dark for a save backup.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[V] 3d 7h 10m Meowscarada arrives on the scene, and Terastallizes. Without the resistance, Flower Trick will hurt--- but with the Shift Gear, Revavroom outspeeds and ohko's Meowscarada with Poison Jab! Nemona defeated!

[V] 3d 7h 10m Goodra comes in and falls to Iron Head in one hit.

[V] 3d 7h 8m Dudunsparce comes in, tanking Poison Jab to retaliate with Hyper Drill for minimal damage, but then falling to the next Poison Jab.

[V] 3d 7h 8m Pawmot comes in. And is promptly decimated by Poison Jab.

[V] 3d 7h 7m Revavroom Terastallizes into a Fighting-Type and Tera Blast takes out Orthworm!

[V] 3d 7h 7m Orthworm comes in. Iron Head does miniscule damage but gets a flinch.

[V] 3d 7h 5m Revavroom comes in. Stone Edge does miniscule damage, allowing us to set Shift Gear. Iron Head takes down Lycanroc.

[V] 3d 7h 3m We set Dragon Dance as Nemona Stealth Rocks. Our next Dragon Dance is responded to with a crit Stone Edge, and Accelerock then takes Dragapult down!

[Info] I am mistaken. It seems you are instantly healed when you face Nemona.

[V] 3d 7h 2m Nemona leads Lycanroc while we lead our injured Dragapult. We did not heal since we faced Geeta...

[V] 3d 7h 2m VS Champion Nemona! (Attempt 1)

[S] 3d 6h 59m Encountered the Glitterati couple.

[Info] In the foreground, M4 is controlling a little puppet that reacted live to Violet's champion fight, and is still watching the screen.

[V] 3d 6h 55m En route to Mesagoza to face Nemona.

[S] 3d 6h 55m We are in the Glaceado Mountains for... reasons unknown to me.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

[V] 3d 6h 47m A beautiful Terastallization! Earth Power hits-- but it is not enough to take out Skeledirge! The game tries to proclaim that Torch Song is not very effective, but Glimmora still goes down. Top Champion Geeta defeated!

[S] 3d 6h 47m Kingambit gets Torch Song'd. Veluza falls to Shadow Ball. It's only Glimmora left.

[S] 3d 6h 46m Btw, Scarlet is back online and just talked to Penny to finish the Starfall Street storyline.

[V] 3d 6h 45m Chat is just spamming Torch Song and it's going too fast to keep up. Gogoat and Avalugg are both down now. (Help!)

[V] 3d 6h 44m Dragon Darts does about half. Espathra retaliates with Lumina Crash. Another Dragon Darts takes it out. Gogoat comes in so we swap to Skeledirge.

[Info] SV revives your party before you face the champion. It is not optional.

[V] 3d 6h 42m Geeta leads Espathra while we lead Dragapult.

[V] 3d 6h 42m VS Top Champion Geeta! (Attempt 1)

[V] 3d 6h 37m It all rests on a low HP Revavroom.... who outspeeds to hit Iron Head! Baxcalibur falls! Hassel defeated!

[V] 3d 6h 36m Toesdscruel deals double damage in the aftermath, outspeeding to land a fierce Earth Power, but then drops to Icicle Spear.

[V] 3d 6h 36m Baxcalibur comes in, Terastallizing. It takes out Skeledirge in a single Glaive Rush.

[V] 3d 6h 33m Skeledirge comes in to face Flapple. Torch Song and Throat Spray boost to +2 SpAtk but don't take Flapple out, and it lands Leech Seed. Shadow Ball then takes it down.

[V] 3d 6h 32m Throat Chop removes Dragalge but poison takes out Flamigo.

[V] 3d 6h 31m Brave Bird deals massive damage, but also triggers Poison Point. Flamigo survives the retaliatory Thunderbolt, however.

[V] 3d 6h 29m Sludge Bomb comes in, and Avalugg drops. We send in Flamigo.

[V] 3d 6h 28m Haxorus's Iron Head does minimal damage now, and Avalanche takes it down. Dragalge comes in.

[V] 3d 6h 27m Iron Head takes Avalugg to the yellow, but no flinch means a second Curse is set.

[V] 3d 6h 27m Iron Head fails to flinch again, letting us set Curse.

[V] 3d 6h 26m Avalugg survives the next Iron Head on 14 HP to Recover. Another Iron Head takes Avalugg into the yellow but we Recover again.

[V] 3d 6h 25m Haxorus comes in and lands an Iron Head that causes Avalugg to flinch.

[V] 3d 6h 23m Noivern hits Super Fang, then falls to a retaliatory Avalanche.

[V] 3d 6h 23m Hassel leads Noivern as we send in Avalugg.

[V] 3d 6h 22m VS Elite Four Hassel! (Attempt 1)

[V] 3d 6h 19m Only Flamigo remains, Terastallizing. It survives Poison Jab only to be poisoned, and Revavroom survives Close Combat on 5 HP. Flamigo falls to poison. Larry defeated!

[V] 3d 6h 18m Oricorio also lasts all of five seconds before dropping to Poison Jab.

[V] 3d 6h 17m Altaria is on screen for all of five seconds before dropping to Iron Head. Oricorio comes in.

[V] 3d 6h 17m Outspeeding now, Revavroom takes Staraptor down with Iron Head. Altaria comes in.

[V] 3d 6h 16m Revavroom sets up Shift Gear while tanking Close Combat.

[V] 3d 6h 14m Staraptor comes in. Skeledirge absorbs the Intimidate, but we swap to Revavroom to absorb the Brave Bird.

[V] 3d 6h 14m Tropius's Air Slash misses! Shadow Ball takes it down!

[V] 3d 6h 13m Larry opens with Tropius against Skeledirge. We punish this with Torch Song and Throat Spray. Tropius hangs on only to set sun.

[V] 3d 6h 12m VS E4 Larry! (Attempt 1)

[V] 3d 6h 9m Magnezone down. Tinkaton hits the field, getting some extra screentime due to Terastallizing and hits a Stone Edge, but it last a total of thirty seconds by my count before fainting. Poppy defeated!

[V] 3d 6h 8m Magnezone lives only thanks to Sturdy. It elects to set Light Screen rather than attack.

[V] 3d 6h 8m Corviknight is on screen for exactly two seconds.

[V] 3d 6h 7m Bronzong comes in. It falls to a Torch Song that hits an unnecessary crit.

[V] 3d 6h 6m Torch Song nearly takes out Copperajah, with Throat Spray raising SpAtk even more. Copperajah sets Stealth Rock.

[V] 3d 6h 5m Poppy leads Copperajah while we respond with our Skeledirge.

[V] 3d 6h 1m VS Elite 4 Poppy! (Attempt 1)

[V] 3d 5h 59m A final Giga Drain fells Clodsire. Rika defeated!

[V] 3d 5h 57m As Clodsire snoozes, Toedscruel unleashes a soft Earth Power, then follows with a fierce Giga Drain. Clodsire is in the yellow, now.

[V] 3d 5h 57m Clodsire Terastallizes and lands a Toxic, while Toedscruel unleashes a Spore.

[V] 3d 5h 56m Rika sends in Clodsire as we respond with Toedscruel.

[V] 3d 5h 54m Dragapult Phantom Forces to avoid Earthquake, but it's not enough to take Donphan down and a second Earthquake puts Dragapult in the red. Dragon Darts takes Donphan out but Life Orb steals the last of Dragapult's HP.

[V] 3d 5h 53m Dugtrio falls to Dragon Darts. Donphan comes in.

[V] 3d 5h 52m Camerupt goes down to Dragon Darts. Dugtrio comes in.

[V] 3d 5h 50m Camerupt is coming in so we swap to Dragapult.

[V] 3d 5h 49m Flamigo follows with a fierce Throat Chop that takes Whiscash down.

[V] 3d 5h 47m Rika leads Whiscash against Flamigo! Flamigo starts with a strong Close Combat while Whiscash uses Future Sight.

[V] 3d 5h 46m VS Elite 4 Rika! (Attempt 1)

[Snark] Rika: I honestly don't know why you bungled it before...

No comment.

[V] 3d 5h 44m Interview defeated after four attempts.

[V] 3d 5h 41m We finally remember who is the gym leader of Levincia.

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: oops I left the controller disabled I guess you’ll have to catch up in Violet first

3d 5h 39m [S] Title screen is up but attempts to start the game are not working.

[V] 3d 5h 36m They say third time's the charm but by my count this is the fourth time so let's see.

[Snark] Ash Ketchum: "That means... I'm stupid?" Pikachu: uproarious laughter

[Snark] This is my last time job-hunting all over again.

[Snark] Larry, Levincia, it's easy to get these things confused.

3d 5h 33m [V] Failure.

3d 5h 28m [V] Taking the interview again.

3d 5h 26m [V] We failed again.

3d 5h 25m [V] We take up the interview once again.

[Info] The Scarlet side gets disconnected while the save is backed up.

3d 5h 22m [S] Victory Road complete!

3d 5h 21m [S] Defeated Champion Nemona! TEH URN!

3d 5h 21m [S] Nemona terastallizes Skeledirge into the Fire-type! However, Glimmora still outspeeds and takes it down with Earth Power!

3d 5h 20m [S] Nemona sends out Skeledirge! It gets poisoned.

3d 5h 20m [S] Meteor Beam hits, and Goodra goes down!

3d 5h 19m [V] ...We failed the interview. Oops.

3d 5h 19m [S] Nemona sends Goodra, which gets poisoned. Glimmora charges up meteor Beam, then gets hit by Muddy Water.

3d 5h 18m [S] Nemona sends out Dudunsparce. Glimmora uses meteor Beam thanks to its Power Herb, and takes down Dudunsparce!

3d 5h 18m [S] We send out Glimmora, and use Earth Power, taking down Pawmot!

[Fluff] Streamer's hand just appeared in the corner of the screen to, uh... pump us up?

3d 5h 17m [S] Nemona sends out Pawmot, which gets poisoned. It then takes down Orthworm with Close Combat.

3d 5h 16m [S] Both sides use Body Press. Same thing the next turn, but our Orthworm survives, while hers goes down!

3d 5h 15m [S] We swap to our own Orthworm, and begin using Coil after getting hit by Body Press.

3d 5h 14m [S] Lycanroc uses Stealth Rock, and we use Earth Power, taking down Lycanroc! Nemona sends Orthworm next.

3d 5h 13m [S] Lycanroc uses Drill Run; Glimmora dodges the attack and uses Toxic Spikes!

3d 5h 12m [S] Nemona sends Lycanroc, and we send Glimmora.

3d 5h 12m [S] Vs. Champion Nemona!

3d 5h 11m [S] We arrive on the plaza where Nemona is waiting for us!

3d 5h 9m [V] We sit down, and our interview begins.

3d 5h 9m [S] We fly to Naranja Academy.

3d 5h 9m [V] We enter the building, and are greeted by Rika.

3d 5h 8m [S] Nemona, of course, is up for a battle! We agree to meet at Mesagoza.

3d 5h 7m [V] We approach the Pokémon League building, and Geeta welcomes us.

3d 5h 6m [S] As we leave the building, Nemona arrives, and is overjoyed to hear we were victorious! She suggests we be rivals for life, and we keep answering no, which she is not taking for an answer.

3d 5h 4m [S] Defeated Top Champion Geeta! Teh urn?

3d 5h 4m [S] Orthworm uses Iron Tail, and Glimmora goes down!

3d 5h 3m [S] Glimmora takes down Bellibolt with Earth Power. We send Orthworm next, and Glimmora uses Dazzling Gleam. it then uses Earth Power, healing us due to Earth Eater.

[Snark] Yeah, send that last, it's not like it has a useful ability for setting up entry hazards at the start of the battle.

3d 5h 2m [S] Geeta sends out Glimmora, and terastallizes it into the Rock-type.

3d 5h 1m [S] Geeta sends out Veluza. Parabolic Charge takes it down in two hits. Orthworm grew to Lv. 64! Rabsca grew to Lv. 69!

3d 5h 1m [V] Rather than meet up with Carmine, we fly tot he Pokémon League. We heal at the Poké Center.

3d 5h 0m [S] One more Parabolic Charge, and Gogoat goes down!

3d 5h 0m [S] The next turn is Parabolic Charge vs. Horn Leech once more. Bellibolt then uses Thunderbolt, and gets hit by Horn Leech again.

3d 4h 59m [S] Geeta sends Gogoat. It responds to Parabolic Charge with horn Leech, then with Bulk Up.

3d 4h 59m [V] The next day...

3d 4h 59m [S] Bellibolt uses parabolic Charge. Kingambit uses Kowtow Cleave, then another Parabolic Charge takes it down! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 70! Bellibolt grew to Lv. 67!

3d 4h 57m [S] Kingambit resist Population Bomb, and takes down Maushold! We send out Bellibolt.

[Snark] Yeah, great plan not sending this last, it's not like it would immensely benefit from it.

3d 4h 56m [S] Geeta sends out Kingambit.

3d 4h 56m [S] Geeta sends out Avalugg. It gets hit 10 times by Population Bomb, but survives and hits back, but goes down the next turn. Glimmora grew to Lv. 66!

3d 4h 55m [V] Carmine suggests we keep Ogerpon a secret from Kieran for now.

3d 4h 55m [S] Geeta sends out Espathra. Maushold uses Population Bomb, and Espathra goes down.

3d 4h 54m [S] Vs. Top Champion Geeta!

3d 4h 53m [S] It's time for the final test of the Champion Assessment!

3d 4h 52m [S] We get healed.

3d 4h 52m [V] We pick up the mask... Found the Teal Mask!

3d 4h 51m [S] Population Bomb takes down Baxcalibur! Defeated Hassel of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 51m [V] We catch up to the creature, but Carmine causes it to run away. We run after it, and it drops its mask in the panic!

3d 4h 50m [S] Haxorus goes down to Popualtion Bomb as well. Hassel sends Baxcalibur, and terastallizes it into a Dragon-type!

3d 4h 49m [S] Hassel sends Flapple, which Population Bomb takes down. Haxorus is next.

3d 4h 49m [S] Population Bomb takes down Dragalge, but Maushold gets poisoned! Orthworm grew to Lv. 63!

3d 4h 49m [V] We meet up with Carmine and Kieran, then spot Ogerpon in the distance.

3d 4h 48m [S] Maushold uses Population Bomb, and Noivern goes down! Dragalge is sent next.

3d 4h 48m [S] Hassel sends out Noivern, and we send Maushold. Maushold uses Tidy Up, and Noivern goes for Super Fang.

3d 4h 47m [S] Next round! Vs. Hassel of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 47m [V] Time's Up! We scored zero points.

3d 4h 46m [V] We begin a round of Ogre Oustin'.

3d 4h 45m [S] Defeated Larry of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 44m [S] Larry sends out Flamigo, and terastallizes it into a Flying-type! It uses Close Combat on Bellibolt, which retorts with Parabolic Charge, taking it down and healing fully! Bellibolt grew to Lv. 66!

3d 4h 43m [S] Oricorio uses Revelation Dance. Bellibolt uses Parabolic Charge, and Oricorio goes down! Glimmora grew to Lv. 65!

3d 4h 43m [S] Larry sends out Oricorio. It uses Teeter Dance, and Bellibolt gets confused, hitting itself!

3d 4h 42m [S] The next turn goes similarly, and Altaria goes down! Maushold grew to Lv. 72!

3d 4h 41m [S] Larry sends out Altaria. It uses Dragon Pulse, then Bellibolt uses Parabolic Charge.

3d 4h 41m [S] Bellibolt gets hit by Close Combat, which thankfully doesn't do much, then uses Parabolic Charge, healing the damage.

3d 4h 40m [S] Staraptor is sent out next. We swap to Bellibolt.

3d 4h 39m [S] Maushold uses Population Bomb. Hit 6 times! Tropius goes down! Bellibolt grew to Lv. 65! Rabsca grew to Lv. 67!

3d 4h 39m [S] Larry sends out Tropius, and we send Maushold.

3d 4h 38m [S] Next round! Vs. Larry of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 36m [S] Defeated Poppy of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 36m [S] Poppy sends out Tinkaton, and terastallizes it into a Steel-type! It uses Brick Break, but Orthworm tanks it and takes down Tinkaton with Body Press!

3d 4h 34m [S] Orthworm uses Body press, and Magnezone faints! Orthworm grew to Lv. 62!

3d 4h 34m [S] Orthworm uses Iron Tail. Magnezone sets up a Light Screen.

3d 4h 33m [S] Another Body Press hits Orthworm, but without the crit, it does negligible damage. Iron Tail then takes down Corviknight, and Magnezone is sent next.

3d 4h 33m [S] Poppy sends out Corviknight. Orthworm gets hit by a critical Body Press, then uses Iron Tail. Corviknight is still standing.

3d 4h 32m [S] Orthworm then uses Iron Tail, finishing off Bronzong!

3d 4h 32m [S] Orthworm uses Coil until its stats are maxed out, while its Leftovers bring it back to full HP.

3d 4h 30m [S] Orthworm sets up Coil, as neither Iron Head nor Zen Headbutt can hurt it much.

3d 4h 29m [S] Bronzong is sent by Poppy. We begin using Body press, while Bronzong triggers Earth Eater by using Earthquake. It then goes for Iron head for minimal damage that our Leftovers practically offset.

3d 4h 28m [S] Orthworm uses Body press, while Copperajah sets up Stealth Rocks. Orthworm uses Body press again, and takes it down! Maushold grew to Lv. 71! Glimmora grew to Lv. 64!

3d 4h 27m [S] Poppy sends out Copperajah, and we send Orthworm.

3d 4h 27m [S] Next round. Vs. Poppy of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 25m [S] Defeated Rika of the Elite Four!

3d 4h 25m [S] Maushold uses Bullet Seed. It hits 4 times, and Clodsire goes down! Orthworm grew to Lv. 61!

3d 4h 24m [S] Rika sends Clodsire as her last Pokémon, and terastallizes it into a Ground-type!

3d 4h 24m [S] Rika sends out Dugtrio. Maushold uses Population Bomb, and it goes down! Rabsca grew to Lv. 66!

3d 4h 23m [V] We ate a Candy Apple.

3d 4h 23m [S] We send out Maushold, and finish off Donphan.

3d 4h 22m [S] Donphan is sent out, and survives Flower Trick thanks to Sturdy! It then uses Poison Jab, and Meowscarada faints!

3d 4h 22m [S] Camerupt is sent out. Flower Trick takes it out right away. Bellibolt grew to Lv. 64!

3d 4h 21m [S] Meowscarada uses Flower Trick, and Whiscash goes down!

3d 4h 21m [S] Meowscarada uses Hone Claws, then tanks a Blizzard.

3d 4h 20m [S] Rika sends Whiscash, and we send Meowscarada.

3d 4h 20m [S] Time to go through the Elite Test! Vs. Rika of the Elite Four!

[Recap] Since the last update, the Violet side has continued the Teal Mask storyline, and just arrived at the Festival of Masks. Meanwhile, the Violet Side has made their way to the Pokémon League, and completed the first part of the Champion Assesment!

[Meta] And now, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 2h 11m [V] Starfall Street complete!

3d 2h 11m [V] We meet up with Penny, and learn the League is willing to forgive her in exchange for some volunteer work. To thank us for our help, she offers us a TM169 Draco Meteor!

3d 2h 8m [V] As we exit the Academy, we get a call from Penny. She wants to meet with us.

3d 2h 7m [V] In the office, Penny reveals that she got the LP she offered us by hacking the League's systems.

3d 2h 6m [V] We are back in our dorm. We head to the Director's Office.

3d 2h 5m [V] The members of Team Star are welcomed back to school, and they have to do community service as a punishment.

[Snark] I know I just saw that reveal on the Scarlet side but it's such a shocker every time.

3d 2h 1m [V] Clive arrives and reveals himself to be... Clavell in disguise??!

3d 2h 0m [S] We attend Tyme's class again.

3d 1h 59m [V] We get to see the flashback of "Cassiopeia" deciding to disband Team Star once more.

3d 1h 58m [V] Defeated Penny of Team Star!

3d 1h 58m [V] Avalugg grew to Lv. 61!

3d 1h 57m [V] We send Avalugg. It gets hit by Moonblast, but survives with a single HP and uses Avalanche. Sylveon goes down!

3d 1h 57m [V] Penny sends out Sylveon, and terastallizes it into the Fairy-type! Dragapult uses Phantom Force, dodging a Shadow Ball. It hits the next turn, but Sylveon survives and Dragapult goes down to its Life Orb!

3d 1h 55m [V] One more Dragon Dart, and Leafeon faints!

3d 1h 55m [V] Leafeon is sent out by Penny. Dragon Darts hits twice, but Leafeon holds on and uses Leaf Blade, bringing Dragapult to low HP.

3d 1h 54m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts. two hits! Vaporeon goes down!

3d 1h 54m [V] Dragapult uses Dragon Darts, and Flareon goes down! Vaporeon is sent next.

3d 1h 53m [V] We send out Dragapult and use Dragon Dance. Flareon uses Flare Blitz, which doesn't do much damage to Dragapult.

3d 1h 53m [V] Revavroom goes down!

3d 1h 52m [S] We attend Tyme's class again.

3d 1h 52m [V] We send out Revavroom. It gets paralyzed, but manages to take down Jolteon with iron Head. Flareon is next.

3d 1h 51m [V] Jolteon is next! It survives Close Combat, then takes down Flamigo with a super-effective move!

3d 1h 51m [V] Penny sends Umbreon, which Flamigo takes down with Close Combat. Flamigo grew to Lv. 61! Toedscruel grew to Lv. 64!

3d 1h 51m [S] Received 5 Exp Candies S!

3d 1h 50m [V] Vs. Penny of Team Star! (Attempt #1)

[Snark] What a twist, it's not like the Scarlet side already went through all of the same reveals less than an hour ago.

3d 1h 48m [V] We head to the schoolyard, where Cassiopeia arrives... and reveals herself to actually be Penny!

3d 1h 47m [V] We enter the Academy.

3d 1h 47m [S] Three out of five questions correct! Just enough to pass!

3d 1h 45m [V] We get the big reveal that Clavell is not actually Cassiopeia.

3d 1h 45m [S] The results are in...

3d 1h 44m [V] Defeated Director Clavell!

3d 1h 44m [V] Quaquaval uses Aqua Step again. Avalugg then uses Body press, and Quaquaval goes down! Avalugg grew to Lv. 60!

3d 1h 44m [V] Thanks to the extra speed, Quaquaval goes first and takes down Revavroom! We send Avalugg next.

3d 1h 43m [S] The exam is over! Pens down everyone.

3d 1h 43m [V] Revavroom uses Poison Jab, then Quaquaval uses Aqua Step! Revavroom is brought to low health.

3d 1h 42m [V] 3d 1h 42m [V] Quaquaval is sent out by Clavell, who terastallizes it into a Water-type!

3d 1h 42m [V] Revavroom uses Poison Jab, ignores an attack from Amoonguss, and then take sit down with one more Poison Jab.

3d 1h 41m [V] We send out Revavroom, and take down Polteageist! Amoonguss is sent out next.

3d 1h 40m [V] Clavell sends out Polteageist. Flamigo uses Throat Chop, triggering its Weak Armor, then gets taken down by Shadow Ball!

3d 1h 40m [V] Clavell sends Houndoom. Flamigo uses Close Combat, and take sit down! Reflect wears off on the opponent's side.

3d 1h 39m [V] Abomasnow is sent out, and snow begins to fall. Flamigo uses Brave Bird, and Abomasnow goes for Aurora Veil. Another Brave Bird, and Abomasnow goes down!

3d 1h 38m [V] Clavell sends out Oranguru. We use Throat Chop, and it sets up Reflect. Another Throat Chop, and Oranguru goes down!

3d 1h 37m [V] Vs. Director Clavell! (Attempt #2)

3d 1h 35m [V] We fly back to Uva Academy.

3d 1h 33m [V] Another Aqua Step, and Skeledirge faints! We black out!

3d 1h 32m [V] Quaquaval uses Aqua Step. Skeledirge takes some serious damage, then uses Yawn.

3d 1h 32m [V] Clavell sends out Quaquaval, and terastallizes it into the Water-type!

3d 1h 31m [V] We send out Skeledirge and use Torch Song, taking down Amoonguss! Skeledirge gets its Special Attack boosted by its Throat Spray.

3d 1h 30m [V] One final Hex combined with burn damage, and Toedscruel faints!

3d 1h 30m [V] Another Giga Drain fails to do much damage, while Amoonguss keeps using Hex.

3d 1h 30m [V] Toedscruel uses Giga Drain, which doesn't do much damage.

3d 1h 29m [V] Toedscruel tanks a hit, then uses Growth.

[Snark] I refuse to make a joke about Clavell being sus but it's very hard not to right now.

3d 1h 28m [V] Clavell sends out Amoonguss.

3d 1h 28m [V] Toedscruel gets burned, then takes down Polteageist with Giga Drain. Toedscruel grew to Lv. 63!

3d 1h 28m [V] Avalugg goes down! We send out Toedscruel.

3d 1h 27m [S] We attend Tyme's class. It's the midterm exam!

[Chat] tppsimulator: I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS a rollercoaster

3d 1h 27m [V] We send out Avalugg, which gets burned by Will-O-Wisp before using Avalanche. Polteageist then uses Shadow Ball, and Avalugg brings it too low health with another Avalanche.

3d 1h 26m [V] Clavell sends Polteageist. It uses Sucker Punch, and Dragapult faints!

3d 1h 25m [V] Revavroom goes down! We send out Dragapult, and use Dragon Darts. Houndoom brings us to low health, but we manage to finish it off.

3d 1h 25m [S] Perfect score! We pass the class and receive 5 Exp. Candies M!

3d 1h 24m [S] The results are in...

3d 1h 24m [V] Houndoom is sent out by Clavell.

3d 1h 23m [V] Abomasnow pops Revavroom's Air Balloon with Blizzard! It survives a first Iron Head, but falls to a second one.

3d 1h 22m [V] Clavell sends out Abomasnow. Snow begins to fall, which it takes advantage of to use Aurora Veil. It then takes down Flamigo, which didn't wake up in time. We send Revavroom.

3d 1h 22m [V] Clavell sends out Abomasnow. Snow begins to fall, which it takes advantage of to use Aurora Veil. It then takes down Flamigo*, which didn't wake up in time. We send Revavroom.

3d 1h 22m [V] Clavell sends out Oranguru. Flamigo uses Close Combat, then follows with Brave Bird. Oranguru goes down, but Flamigo falls asleep due to Yawn.

3d 1h 21m [S] We attend Jacq's class, and it's the final test!

3d 1h 20m [V] Vs. Director Clavell!

[Snark] Yeah, uh, doubting that somewhat.

3d 1h 20m [V] We return to Uva Academy... and Clavell reveals he was Cassiopeia this entire time!

3d 1h 16m [V] We failed the Tera Raid.

3d 1h 15m [S] We attend Jacq's class. It's about Pokémon evolution.

3d 1h 13m [S] We visit the nurse's office; and learned that Miriam passed the exam to become a teacher. She offers us 10 Max Revives!

[Chat] tppsimulator: oh no WAY tppD NO Jebaited

3d 1h 11m [V] We enter a 4★ Tera Raid against a Seviper.

3d 1h 11m [S] Team Star's members are reintegrated into the school, with the punishment of community service.


3d 1h 6m [S] Gasp! Clive was actually Clavell?!

3d 1h 4m [S] We get treated to one more flashback, telling us of when "Cassiopeia" made the decision to break up Team Star.

3d 1h 3m [V] We save.

3d 1h 3m [V] We sell some materials, then leave the Delibird Presents store.

3d 1h 2m [S] Defeated Penny of Team Star!

3d 1h 2m [S] Glimmora uses Meteor Beam, which hits immediately thanks to its Mental Herb. Sylveon goes down!

3d 1h 2m [S] Veevee Power! Maushold goes down! We send out Glimmora.

3d 1h 1m [S] Penny sends out Sylveon, and terastallizes it into a Fairy-type! We use Population Bomb again. Hit 4 times! Sylveon then uses Moon Blast, and brings Maushold to low HP.

3d 1h 0m [S] Penny sends out Leafeon. We use Popualtion Bomb again, but Leafeon holds own and uses Leaf Blade! It however goes down the next turn. Bellibolt grew to Lv. 63!

3d 0h 59m [V] We head to Delibird Presents and buy an Air Balloon.

3d 0h 59m [S] Jolteon is sent out by Penny. We terastallize Maushold into a Normal-type, and use Population Bomb once more. Jolteon goes down!

3d 0h 57m [S] Penny sends out Vaporeon, and Maushold uses Tidy Up twice before taking down its opponent with another Population Bomb. Maushold grew to Lv. 69!

3d 0h 56m [S] Glimmora grew to Lv. 62! Rabsca grew to Lv. 64! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 68!

3d 0h 55m [S] Penny sends out Flareon, which uses Baby-Doll Eyes. Maushold uses Population Bomb, taking Flareon down!

3d 0h 55m [S] We send out Maushold and use Population Bomb. Umbreon goes down!

3d 0h 54m [S] Orthworm get hit by a critical hit, but holds on and retorts with Body Press. Umbreon survives however, and uses Dark Pulse, taking down Orthworm!

3d 0h 54m [S] Orthworm uses Coil, and Umbreon uses Baby-Doll Eyes. The next turn goes similarly.

3d 0h 53m [S] Penny sends Umbreon, and we send Orthworm.

3d 0h 53m [S] Vs. Penny of Team Star! (Attempt #1)

3d 0h 52m [S] Clive joins us. There's at least one person we can trust not to lie to us about their identity.

3d 0h 51m [S] We exit Naranja Academy... and Cassiopeia comes to meet us, revealing her identity to actually be Penny!

3d 0h 18m [V] Defeated Pokémon Trainer Arven!

2d 23h 29m [S] Defeated Director Clavell!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 22h 42m [S] We arrive at the Poké Center of the Dalizapa Passage and heal.

2d 22h 41m [S] Hariyama protects itself from Body Press, but gets hit the next turn. It retorts with Seismic Toss. Another Body Press, and it goes down! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 66! We win the battle.

2d 22h 40m [S] Vs. Mihai the Student! He sends out Hariyama.

2d 22h 39m [V] We fly to the Poké Center, where we heal.

2d 22h 37m [V] We step into Area Two of the North Province.

2d 22h 36m [V] We save.

2d 22h 34m [S] Orthworm defeats Tauros and we win the battle, moving onwards.

[Snark] Next you'll be telling me that Clive was secretly someone else this whole time.

2d 22h 34m [V] Cassiopeia informs us that we now need to defeat the boss of Team Star... that is, themselves. Shocker!

2d 22h 34m [V] Received 20,000 LP and the ability to craft more TMs, as well as some materials.

2d 22h 33m [S] Vs. Teo the Student! He sends out Tauros.

2d 22h 32m [V] As we exit the base, we get another call from Cassiopeia.

2d 22h 31m [V] Carmen and Clive come in, and we get more backstory regarding how Eri joined Team Star in the first place.

2d 22h 31m [V] Received TM167 Close Combat!

2d 22h 30m [S] Vs. Sara the Musician! Orthworm takes down her Toxtricity and we win the battle.

2d 22h 30m [V] Team Star's Fighting Crew defeated!

2d 22h 29m [V] We get yet another flashback highlighting the time spent by Eri training the rest of Team Star.

2d 22h 29m [V] Defeated Eri of Team Star!

2d 22h 28m [V] High Horsepower hits, but Skeledirge holds on, and uses Torch Song again, taking down its opponent!

2d 22h 28m [V] We terastallize Skeledirge into the Fire-type! It avoids High Horsepower, then uses Torch Song!

2d 22h 27m [V] Vs. Caph Starmobile!

2d 22h 27m [S] Found a Rocky Helmet!

2d 22h 27m [V] Eri sends out Passimian next. Skeledirge uses Torch Song again, and it goes down.

2d 22h 26m [V] We send out Skeledirge, which gets hit by Dark Pulse then uses Torch Song. Lucario faints!

2d 22h 26m [V] Flamigo uses Brave Bird, but Lucario holds on, and takes down Flamigo!

2d 22h 25m [V] Eri sends out Lucario. Flamigo heals using Roost, and Lucario goes for Dragon Pulse.

2d 22h 25m [S] Found a Light Clay!

2d 22h 25m [V] Eri sends Annihilape next. Flamigo uses Brave Bird again, and it goes down.

2d 22h 24m [V] Flamigo uses Brave Bird, and Toxicroak faints!

2d 22h 24m [V] Eri sends Toxicroak, and we send Flamigo.

2d 22h 24m [V] Vs. Eri of Team Star!

2d 22h 23m [S] We fly to Alfornada.

2d 22h 23m [V] We did it! The Grunts retreat, and call their Boss for help!

2d 22h 21m [S] We place Orthworm in the front of the party.

2d 22h 21m [V] 24/30 Pokémon defeated, 4 minutes left.

2d 22h 19m [S] Retrieved a Focus Sash from Petilil in the PC.

2d 22h 19m [V] 16/30 Pokémon defeated, 6 minutes left.

2d 22h 18m [S] Found a Pecha Berry.

2d 22h 18m [V] Avalugg is down!

2d 22h 17m [S] Arven tries to think of someone who could assist us. We suggest Nemona, and he concludes that we'd need to get on her level first. Still, we have officially completed the Path of Legends!

2d 22h 16m [V] We go in with Flamigo, Revavroom and Avalugg.

2d 22h 16m [S] Defeated Pokémon Trainer Arven!

2d 22h 16m [S] Another Population Bomb, and Mabostiff goes down! Mabostiff grew to Lv. 61!

2d 22h 15m [V] We failed the raid, and make another attempt.

2d 22h 15m [S] Maushold hits 10 times with Population Bomb, but Mabostiff survives. It uses Crunch.

2d 22h 14m [S] Arven sends out Mabosstiff, and terastallizes it into the Dark-type!

2d 22h 14m [S] Cloyster is next! Maushold uses Population Bomb again, which hits 9 times and takes down Cloyster. Maushold grew to Lv. 66!

2d 22h 13m [S] Arven sends out Scovillain; it's taken out by Population Bomb.

2d 22h 13m [S] Toedscruel uses Earth Power, and Glimmora goes down! We send out Maushold and use Population Bomb; Toedscruel faints and Orthworm grows to Lv. 57!

2d 22h 11m [S] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Arven! (Attempt #1) Glimmora already took down his Greedent and Garganacl!

[Recap] The Scarlet side is currently facing Arven, while the Violet side is raiding the Caph Squad's Base!

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side defeated Team Star's Fighting Crew, while the Violet side defeated Team Star's Fairy Crew!

[Meta] For now however, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 20h 56m [V] Greeta and Nemona join us in the Gym lobby, informing us that we can now take on the test to face against the Pokémon League!

2d 20h 56m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

2d 20h 56m [V] Received TM120 Psychic!

2d 20h 55m [S] We trade our Squawkabilly online for a Petilil!

2d 20h 54m [V] Alfornada Gym defeated!

2d 20h 54m [V] Tulip sends out Florges, and terastallizes it into the Psychic-type! Flamigo uses Throat Chop, and takes it down in a single hit! Flamigo grew to Lv. 59!

2d 20h 52m [V] Espathra is sent out, and immediately taken down by Throat Chop.

2d 20h 52m [V] Tulip sends Gardevoir. It survives a Throat Chop, then retorts with Psychic, which Flamigo also survives. Another Throat Chop takes Gardevoir down! Toedscruel grew to Lv. 61!

2d 20h 51m [V] Flamigo uses Throat Chop, and Farigiraf faints!

2d 20h 51m [V] Tulip sends out Farigiraf. We send Flamigo.

2d 20h 50m [V] Vs. Gym Leader Tulip! (Attempt #1)

2d 20h 50m [S] We disband our online group.

2d 20h 50m [V] We report our success to the Gym staffer, then head onto the battlefield!

2d 20h 49m [S] We fly to the Central Plaza of Blueberry Academy.

2d 20h 48m [V] We passed the Gym Test!

2d 20h 48m [V] Revavroom grew to Lv. 59! Avalugg grew to Lv. 58!

2d 20h 48m [S] Maushold grew to Lv. 64! Flamigo grew to Lv. 64!

2d 20h 47m [V] Medicham is sent out. Flamigo uses Brave Bird, and Medicham faints.

2d 20h 47m [V] Indeedee survives a Low Kick and uses psychic, before going down to Throat Chop.

2d 20h 46m [V] Now it's time for a battle! Vs. Gym Trainer Rafael! He sends Grumping, which Flamigo takes down. Indeedee is next.

[Snark] TPP wins by doing absolutely everything.

2d 20h 43m [V] Since there is no penalty for pressing the wrong button, our strat is simply to press every button all the time. It works.

2d 20h 42m [V] We head to the Emotional Practice Area and talk to Dendra to begin our Gym Test.

2d 20h 39m [V] We heal at the Poké Center.

2d 20h 39m [V] We fly to Alfornada.

2d 20h 38m [V] Penny very conveniently arrives just in time to hand us some materials.

2d 20h 37m [S] Found a TM107 Will-O-Wisp and some Protein.

2d 20h 37m [V] Cassiopeia very believably tell us that they have no idea what the boss of Team Star is like. They then reward us with 7,000 LP and the ability to craft more TMs.

2d 20h 35m [V] Once outside the base, we get a call from Cassiopeia.

2d 20h 34m [S] Found a Dire Hit.

2d 20h 33m [V] Clive and Youssef arrive as well. Youssef tries to convince Atticus to attend class again, so that he doesn't get expelled.

2d 20h 32m [V] Received TM102 Gunk Shot!

2d 20h 31m [V] Atticus honourably accepts defeat. Team Star's Poison Crew defeated!

2d 20h 31m [V] We get treated to another flashback, of Atticus presenting the other Team Star leaders with the outfits he made for them.

2d 20h 30m [V] Defeated Atticus of Team Star!

2d 20h 30m [V] Flamigo uses Brave Bird! Toxic Debris scatters around our team, then the Navi Starmobile hits with a critical Flame Charge. It then poisons Flamigo, but is taken down by another Brave Bird!

2d 20h 29m [V] Vs. Navi Starmobile!

2d 20h 28m [V] One more Throat Chop, and Revavroom goes down!

2d 20h 28m [V] Flamigo uses Throat Chop, then gets hit by Iron Head. It then heals with Roost and tanks another Iron Head.

[Snark] Revavroom... on a Revavroom.

2d 20h 27m [V] Revavroom is next.

2d 20h 27m [V] Atticus sends out Muk next. Brave Bird takes care of it as well.

2d 20h 27m [V] Atticus sends out Skuntank. Flamigo uses Brave Bird and takes it down.

2d 20h 26m [V] Atticus makes his entry! Vs. Atticus of Team Star!

2d 20h 25m [V] 30 Pokémon down! We did it! The Grunts go to fetch their boss.

2d 20h 23m [V] 16 Pokémon down, we're about halfway there.

2d 20h 22m [V] It begins! We send out Flamigo, Revavroom and Avalugg to deal with Team Star's Poison-type Pokémon.

2d 20h 21m [S] Found TM162 Bug Buzz!

2d 20h 20m [V] We walk to the gate, and ring the bell to begin or raid on the Navi Squad's Base!

2d 20h 19m [V] As Clive and Youssef leave, we get a call from Cassiopeia.

[Snark] What a convenient reason to let us do all the hard work again.

2d 20h 17m [V] Clive arrives on the scene, and decides he wants to interrogate Youssef.

2d 20h 16m [V] Defeated Pokémon Trainer Youssef!

2d 20h 16m [V] Another Low Kick, and Shroodle goes down!

2d 20h 15m [V] Flamigo uses Low Kick, but Shroodle survives by a hair and uses Poison Jab.

2d 20h 15m [S] Found a Super Potion.

2d 20h 15m [V] Flamigo then uses Throat Chop, and Gulpin faints! Youssef sends Shroodle next.

2d 20h 14m [V] Flamigo uses Low Kick, and Gulpin goes for Stockpile.

2d 20h 13m [V] Youssef sends out Gulpin. We send Flamigo.

2d 20h 12m [V] The kid decides to defend the base, as he apparently owes a favour to Atticus. Vs. Pokémon Trainer Youssef!

2d 20h 12m [S] Found some Iron.

2d 20h 12m [V] We decide to salute them both upfront.

2d 20h 11m [V] We approach the Navi Squad's Base once more, and see a Grunt telling off some kid who wants to get inside.

2d 20h 9m [S] We find a Tera Fighting Corviknight. We run away.

2d 20h 8m [S] Found a Rare Bone.

2d 20h 8m [S] We approach the Caph Squad's Base, and get told by the Grunts inside to stay away.

2d 20h 6m [V] We enter Tagtree Thicket.

2d 20h 5m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

2d 20h 4m [S] Found an X Sp. Attack.

2d 20h 4m [V] We step into Area Three of the East Province.

2d 20h 4m [V] Found some Calcium.

2d 20h 3m [V] Found a Net Ball.

2d 20h 3m [S] Found an Elixir.

2d 20h 2m [V] Found TM091 Toxic Spikes.

2d 20h 0m [V] We return to Navi Squad's Base, and meet up with Clive.

2d 19h 57m [S] Found a White Herb and an Ultra Ball.

2d 19h 54m [V] We arrive in front of Navi Squad's Base. We do not appear to be welcome. We fly to Glaseado Mountain.

2d 19h 54m [S] We fly to Area Two of the North Province.

2d 19h 52m [S] We fly to Area Three of the North Province. We heal at the Poké Center.

2d 19h 51m [S] Penny also arrives on the scene right after the call by complete coincidence. She hands us a bunch of materials.

2d 19h 50m [S] We get another call from Cassiopeia. She gives us some backstory regarding Team Star... Received 10,000 LP and the ability to craft more TMs!

2d 19h 49m [V] We fly to Area Two of the East Province.

2d 19h 47m [S] Harrington and Clive arrive on the scene, discussing what actions must be taken. Well anyway, let's get going.

2d 19h 46m [V] Found TM073 Drain Punch!

2d 19h 46m [S] Received TM097 Dazzling Gleam!

2d 19h 45m [S] Team Star's Fairy Crew defeated!

2d 19h 45m [S] Ortega reluctantly accepts that he must step down.

2d 19h 45m [V] Found a Flying Tera Shard.

2d 19h 44m [S] We get treated to a flashback of Ortega's time in Team Star.

2d 19h 43m [V] Found a Super Potion.

2d 19h 43m [S] Glimmora uses Sludge Wave twice more, and takes down its opponent! Defeated Ortega of Team Star!

2d 19h 42m [S] Misty Terrain appears! Vs. Ruchbah Starmobile!

2d 19h 42m [S] Wigglytuff is sent out, and taken down the same way.

2d 19h 41m [S] Ortega sends out Dachsbun, and we swap to Glimmora. The latter uses Sludge Wave, and Dachsbun goes down!

2d 19h 40m [V] We arrive in Area Five of the South Province.

2d 19h 40m [S] Ortega sends Azumarill, which our Orthworm uses Heavy Slam again. It gets its Attack lowered by Charm, but takes Azumarill down after three hits.

2d 19h 39m [S] Vs. Ortega of Team Star! (Attempt #1)

[Recap] The Scarlet side is currently raiding Ruchbah Squad's Base!

[Meta] We've just done the whole cutscene on the Scarlet side, so the live updater is going dark now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 14h 20m [V] Miraidon regained the abiltiy to jump higher!

2d 14h 19m [V] Miraidon wants some of our sandwich. Telling it that it is ours is not an acceptable option.

2d 14h 19m [V] Lurking Steel Titan Defeated!

2d 14h 18m [V] We and Arven enter the cave, inside which we find the Salty Herba Mystica!

2d 14h 17m [S] Visited a clothing store.

2d 14h 17m [V] Defeated Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan!

2d 14h 17m [V] Our Skeledirge uses Torch Song, taking down Orthworm in a single hit!

2d 14h 16m [V] Orthworm breaks down a wall and eats some Herba Mystica, as Arven joins us. Vs. Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan! (Attempt #1)

2d 14h 15m [V] We get the angle right and manage to surprise Orthworm as it comes back out, drawing it out of the ground!

2d 14h 13m [S] We fly to Cascarrafa.

2d 14h 6m [V] Still chasing after Orthworm.

2d 13h 54m [V] We've resumed attempts to catch up to Orthworm.

2d 13h 52m [S] Arven reluctantly agrees to let us into Sada's lab, and we find ourselves back outside.

2d 13h 50m [S] Sada is surprised to hear Arven is with us. Turns out she actually needs his help, as he is the only one who can get into her lab...

2d 13h 49m [S] As Arven and Mabostiff celebrate, we get a call from Professor Sada. Koraidon has now regained the ability to jump higher!

2d 13h 47m [S] Mabostiff manages to get up, and to bring a ball back to Arven! He is overjoyed~

2d 13h 45m [S] Mabostiff gets some sandwich too.

2d 13h 44m [V] Orthworm is right below us... and it digs away as we try to jump it.

2d 13h 44m [S] We are once more denied the option to keep our sandwich.

2d 13h 43m [S] Koraidon comes out to beg for some of our sandwich, as expected.

2d 13h 42m [S] Lurking Steel Titan Defeated!

2d 13h 42m [S] We enter the cave alongside Arven. Inside, we find the Salty Herba Mystica!

2d 13h 41m [V] Found a Damp Rock.

2d 13h 40m [S] We use Body Press again and finish it off! Defeated Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan!

2d 13h 40m [S] Our own Orthworm uses Body Press and brings the Titan Orthworm to low health.

2d 13h 39m [S] Vs. Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan! (Attempt #1)

2d 13h 39m [S] The Titan Orthworm breaks down a wall and begins eating... Arven arrive son the scene, as Orthworm attacks!

2d 13h 38m [S] We got the reaction out of Orthworm! It comes out of the ground!

2d 13h 34m [V] We rearrange our team order.

2d 13h 29m [S] We had our chance, but a misinput caused us to miss.

2d 13h 26m [S] Currently running after Orthworm.

2d 13h 18m [S/V] We follow Orthworm on both sides, and now have to play catch-up with it again.

2d 13h 16m [V] We start the battle on this side too! Vs. Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan! It goes down with a single Torch Song from Skeledirge.

2d 13h 15m [S] A single Heavy Slam takes it out, and it runs away.

2d 13h 15m [S] We also managed to do it on this side! Vs. Orthworm, the Lurking Steel Titan!

2d 13h 13m [V] It worked! We got it to react!

[Info] We're adjusting our strategy: our plan is now to position ourselves so that we get Orthworm not before it digs away, but as it comes back out.

2d 13h 8m [S] We arrive in Area Three of the East Province, where the Titan Orthworm is located.

2d 13h 2m [S] We fly to Area Three of the North Province.

2d 13h 0m [V] A tad too early this time.

2d 12h 58m [V] Missed still.

2d 12h 57m [S] Used TM 121 to teach Heavy Slam to Orthworm over Iron Head!

2d 12h 54m [S] Caught a male Lv. 49 Spiritomb! Nickname: Spiritom. Glimmora grew to Lv. 59!

[Snark] People think Souls-likes are harsh trial-and-error games but have they tried Twitch Plays Catch-the-Orthworm.

2d 12h 51m [V] Dashed too late this time.

2d 12h 51m [S] Found a TM121 Heavy Slam!

2d 12h 49m [S] Caught a male Lv. 36 Snom! Nickname: Snomn.

2d 12h 48m [V] Missed again, dashed too early.

2d 12h 46m [S] Caught a Lv. 38 Bronzong! Nickname: Qqqq.

2d 12h 45m [V] Dashed too late this time.

2d 12h 43m [V] Missed again. We're figuring out the timing for one person to input "l3+up" to dash at Orthworm before it digs away.

2d 12h 41m [S] We fly to the Glaseado Gym.

2d 12h 39m [V] Missed again, but we were close.

2d 12h 37m [S] Used TM089 to teach Body Press to Orthworm over Rock Slide!

2d 12h 35m [S] Found a TM089 Body Press!

2d 12h 33m [S] We won the raid and caught Dunsparce! No nickname.

2d 12h 30m [V] Not fast enough, Orthworm dodged us.

2d 12h 29m [S] We enter a 3★ Tera Raid against a Dunsparce.

[Info] Our strategy to get the Titan Orthworm is to line up with it, open the menu, and have the entire chat spam "up" inputs until a single person presses "b" to exit the menu at full speed.

2d 12h 27m [S] Caught a male Lv. 46 Jumpluff ! No nickname. Orthworm grew to Lv. 54! Rabsca grew to Lv. 59!

2d 12h 27m [V] Missed Orthworm again.

2d 12h 27m [V] Missed Orthworm.

[Recap] The Scarlet side is currently exploring, and the Violet side is trying to get the Titan Orthworm.

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side defeated the Alfornada Gym and the Glaseado Gym, while the Violet side defeated the Montenevera and made it to the second sign in the Teal Mask storyline.

[Meta] On that, the live updater is going dark again. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 5h 46m [S] Received the Wellspring Mask, Hearthflame Mask, and Cornerstone Mask!

2d 5h 45m [S] Caught a female Lv. 20 Ogerpon! Nickname: Oyi.

2d 5h 43m [S] We throw a Dusk Ball...

2d 5h 43m [S] Population Bomb only needs to hit twice to take down Ogerpon! Furret grew to Lv. 16!

2d 5h 42m [S] Last mask! Vs. Teal Mask Ogerpon!

2d 5h 42m [S] Despite it resisting the hits, Population Bomb hits enough times to take down Ogerpon!

2d 5h 41m [S] Vs. Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon! Maushold uses Population Bomb again.

2d 5h 41m [S] Another Population Bomb does the trick, and Ogerpon puts on yet another mask!

2d 5h 41m [S] Ogerpon puts on its next mask! Vs. Wellspring Mask Ogerpon!

2d 5h 40m [S] We switch Orthworm for Maushold. It uses Population Bomb, and takes down ogerpon!

2d 5h 39m [S] Vs. Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 5h 4m [S] We beat the raid and caught Hoothoot! Nickname: Hoo.

2d 5h 4m [V] Hassel is there once more to congratulate us on our anticlimactic sweep.

2d 5h 4m [V] Received TM124 Ice Spinner!

2d 5h 3m [V] Glaseado Gym defeated!

2d 5h 2m [V] Zoroark forgot Scary face and learned Night Slash!

2d 5h 2m [S] We enter a 1★ Tera Raid against a Hoothoot.

2d 5h 1m [V] Zorua evolved into Zoroark!

2d 5h 1m [S] Found 2 Poké Balls and a Star Piece.

2d 5h 1m [V] Grusha sends out Altaria and terastallizes it into an Ice-type! Skeledirge uses Torch Song again, and it goes down. Defeated Gym Leader Grusha!

2d 5h 0m [V] Grusha sends out Cetitan. We use Torch Song again, and it goes down immediately. Skeledirge grew to Lv. 55! Zorua grew to Lv. 31!

2d 5h 0m [S] We fly to Mossui Town.

2d 4h 59m [V] Beartic is sent out by Grusha. We terastallize Skeledirge into a Fire-type, and use Torch Song again! Beartic goes down! Zorua grew to Lv. 30!

2d 4h 58m [V] Skeledirge uses Torch Song, and Frosmoth goes down.

2d 4h 58m [S] The online group disbanded.

2d 4h 57m [V] Grusha sends Frosmoth, and we send Skeledirge.

2d 4h 57m [V] Vs. Gym Leader Grusha! (Attempt #1)

2d 4h 56m [V] We step onto the battlefield. Grusha arrives!

2d 4h 55m [V] We return to the Gym to report our success.

[Fluff] The player hosting the picnic actually has Tiool the Tinkaton from our Scarlet run and oooz the Shiny Golduck from our Legends Arceus run on their team! Hello!

2d 4h 54m [S] We're invited to an online picnic.

2d 4h 53m [V] We succeed and pass the Gym Test!

2d 4h 52m [S] Gave Orthworm a Mirror Herb to hold!

2d 4h 52m [V] We enter the Snow Slope Run!

2d 4h 52m [V] Found TM052 Snowscape!

[Snark] Lazy.

2d 4h 50m [V] We fly back to the Glaseado Gym Poké Center.

2d 4h 50m [V] We talk to the staffer, and he lets us know where to head to for our Gym Test.

2d 4h 49m [V] We enter the Gym, and meet Jacq inside! He's glad to hear we've figured out what our Tresaure Hunt is about, and gifts us a Lucky Egg!

2d 4h 47m [S] We use more Exp. Candies M. Orthworm grew to Lv. 44!

2d 4h 47m [S] Orthworm forgot Bulldoze and learned Dig!

2d 4h 46m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

2d 4h 46m [V] We fly to the Glaseado Gym.

2d 4h 46m [S] We use some Exp. Candies M, and Orthworm grows to Lv. 32!

2d 4h 44m [S] Deposited Zangoose and withdrew Orthworm.

2d 4h 43m [V] Caught a male Lv. 36 Glaceon! Nickname: Glac3on.

2d 4h 43m [S] Received 5 bags of Stardust and 3 Exp. Candies M as rewards for filling our Pokédex!

2d 4h 41m [S] Caught a female Lv. 21 Shiny Orthworm! Nickname: Orthuiwm.

2d 4h 40m [V] Deposited Froslass and withdrew Zorua.

2d 4h 37m [S] We found a Shiny Orthworm!

2d 4h 36m [S] Made Zangoose remember False Swipe over Leer!

2d 4h 35m [V] We use a Dawn Stone, and Snorunt evolves into Froslass! It learned Hex over Protect!

2d 4h 35m [S] We place Zangoose in front of our party.

2d 4h 35m [S] We boot up the PC and deposit Ceruledge to withdraw Zangoose.

2d 4h 34m [S] ...instead, we fly to the Paradise Barrens.

2d 4h 33m [V] Deposited Capsakid and withdrew Snorunt.

2d 4h 32m [S] With this settled, it's time for us to catch Ogerpon itself...

2d 4h 31m [S] Kieran sends out Gliscor, which goes down just as easily. Defeated Pokémon Trainer Kieran!

2d 4h 31m [V] Deposited Flamigo and withdrew Capsakid.

2d 4h 31m [S] Dipplin sends out Dipplin, which Maushold also easily takes down.

2d 4h 30m [S] Kieran sends Probopass. Maushold uses Bullet Seed, gets hit by Power Gem, then takes down Probopass with another Bullet Seed and grows to Lv. 58.

2d 4h 30m [V] Deposited Maushold and withdrew Flamigo.

2d 4h 29m [S] Maushold uses Population Bomb to take down Yanmega. Kieran sends Poliwrath, which goes down the same way. Bellibolt grew to Lv. 55!

2d 4h 28m [V] We check our party and see that Tandemaus evolved into Maushold!

2d 4h 28m [S] We switch Rabsca for Maushold. Kieran sends Yanmega.

2d 4h 27m [S] Rabsca tanks a hit, then uses Bug Buzz and takes down Shiftry! Rabsca grew to Lv. 54!

2d 4h 27m [S] Kieran sends out Shiftry, and we send Rabsca.

2d 4h 26m [S] Kieran wants to battle us to determine who is more worthy of being Ogerpon's partner... Vs. Pokémon Trainer Kieran! (Attempt #1)

2d 4h 8m [S] Defeated the Titanic Fezandipiti and retrieved the Hearthflame Mask!

2d 3h 1m [S] Defeated the Titanic Okidogi and retrieved the Cornerstone Mask!

2d 2h 45m [S] Defeated the Titanic Munkidori an retrieved the Wellspring Mask!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 2h 35m [S] We beat the raid and catch Grubbin! Nickname: Gru.

2d 2h 34m [V] We succesfully defeated three wild Pokémon as Skeledirge! We obtain the Synchro Machine as a reward!

2d 2h 33m [S] We enter a 1★ Grubbin Tera Raid.

2d 2h 32m [S] Found a Super Potion.

2d 2h 32m [V] We get beat up by a wild Graveler, ending the experiment. We try again.

2d 2h 32m [S] Caught a female Lv. 13 Poochyena! No nickname.

2d 2h 30m [S] Caught a female Lv. 12 Bellsprout! No nickname.

2d 2h 28m [V] We try again! Our objective is once more to defeat three wild Pokémon.

2d 2h 27m [V] The experiment comes to an end.

2d 2h 24m [V] We go for a second round of the experiment. As we beat up wild mons, Tinkatuff grew to Lv. 35.

2d 2h 24m [S] The whereabouts of the Loyal Three are now marked on our map.

2d 2h 23m [S] We got our final clue and head back out of the village.

2d 2h 23m [V] We received 3 Rare Candies for partaking in the experiment!

2d 2h 22m [V] We're now playing as our Skeledirge!

2d 2h 20m [V] We talk to Synclaire and agree to participate in an experiment.

2d 2h 19m [V] Bought 38 Ultra Balls.

2d 2h 19m [S] We show our Maushold to a girl, who thanks us with by teaching us the "Heart (Left)" and "Heart (Right)" emotes.

2d 2h 16m [S] We get another clue.

2d 2h 16m [S] We get a clue about the whereabouts of the Loyal Three.

2d 2h 14m [S] Found a TM015 Struggle Bug!

2d 2h 12m [S] Caught a female Lv. 11 Cutiefly! Nickname: Cutie.

2d 2h 11m [S] Caught a male Lv. 12 Sewaddle ! Nickname: Se.

2d 2h 10m [V] We fly back to the Central Plaza, where we heal.

2d 2h 9m [S] We beat the Raid and caught Lombre! Nickname: Lombr.

2d 2h 8m [V] Caught a male Lv. 69 Plusle! Nickname: PlusKJjle81. Flamigo grew to Lv. 49!

2d 2h 6m [S] We enter a 3★ Lombre Tera Raid.

2d 2h 6m [V] Drakloak faints to a wild Plusle.

2d 2h 4m [S] We head onto Kitakami Road.

2d 2h 2m [S] We arrive back in Mossui Town.

2d 2h 2m [V] Caught a Lv. 68 Rotom! Nickname: qrrttB.

2d 2h 1m [S] Gave Bellibolt the Wise Glasses to hold. Gave Glimmora a Focus Sash to hold.

2d 1h 58m [S] Swapped Maushold's Lucky Egg for a Wide Lens.

2d 1h 56m [S] Ogerpon is now following us around!

2d 1h 56m [V] Avalugg goes down too! We send Toedscruel.

2d 1h 55m [S] We return the Teal Mask to Ogerpon!

2d 1h 54m [S] The Loyal Three run off. Carmine and Kieran arrive, and the latter apologizes for stealing the mask.

2d 1h 54m [V] Skeledirge goes down to a wild Rotom!

2d 1h 53m [S] Meowscarada easily takes down Munkidori. Defeated Munkidori!

2d 1h 53m [S] They notice us and attack! Vs. Munkidori!

2d 1h 52m [S] We come face to face with the Loyal Three bullying poor Ogerpon!

2d 1h 49m [V] Caught a female Lv. 65 Milcery! Nickname: Mi. Skeledirge grew to Lv. 52!

2d 1h 45m [V] Caught a male Lv. 68 Beartic! Nickname: Beartw.

2d 1h 44m [S] Volbeat is named VOoOO.

2d 1h 43m [V] Volbeat is named Volbeat12.

2d 1h 43m [S/V] We beat the raid and catch Volbeat on both sides!

2d 1h 41m [V] We join the Volbeat Tera Raid.

2d 1h 41m [S] We enter a 2★ Volbeat Tera Raid.

2d 1h 39m [V] Caught a female Lv. 62 Minccino! Nickname: pal.

2d 1h 37m [S] Found a Poison Tera Shard!

2d 1h 36m [S] Caught a male Lv. 26 Slugma! Nickname: Slu.

2d 1h 34m [S] We fly to the Crystal Pool in Kitakami.

2d 1h 32m [S] Bellibolt grew to Lv. 54! Maushold grew to Lv. 57!

2d 1h 32m [S] Caught a Lv. 70 Meloetta! No nickname.

2d 1h 31m [S] Meloetta takes down Ceruledge and we send Bellibolt next.

2d 1h 30m [V] Taught Curse to Avalugg over Body Slam!

2d 1h 30m [V] We head to the TM Machine and make a TM224 Curse.

2d 1h 29m [S] We sent Ceruledge next, and Meloetta puts it to sleep.

2d 1h 28m [S] We fly back to the Central Plaza.

2d 1h 27m [V] Caught a Lv. 66 Golett! No nickname.

2d 1h 27m [S] Meowscarada is put to sleep by Meloetta, then taken down!

2d 1h 26m [S] Meowscarada brings Meloetta to low health with two Flower Tricks, then we start throwing Ultra Balls.

2d 1h 25m [S] Vs. Meloetta! (Attempt #2)

2d 1h 24m [V] Avalugg goes down to a wild Scrafty!

2d 1h 24m [S] We hear the melody again...

2d 1h 19m [V] A wild Golurk takes down Skeledirge!

2d 1h 16m [S] We fly to the Coastal Rest Area.

2d 1h 15m [V] We begin climbing up a cliff.

2d 1h 15m [V] We enter the Canyon Biome.

2d 1h 14m [S] Meloetta uses Relice Song and Maushold goes down! We black out!

2d 1h 14m [S] We send out Maushold, our last standing Pokémon.

2d 1h 13m [S] Ceruledge goes down!

2d 1h 12m [V] We fly to the Central Plaza of Blueberry Academy.

2d 1h 12m [S] Meloetta puts Ceruledge to sleep.

2d 1h 11m [S] We start throwing Ultra Balls.

2d 1h 10m [S] We send out Ceruledge, which manages to burn Meloetta.

2d 1h 10m [V] Made Drakloak remember Dragon Dance over Quick Attack!

2d 1h 9m [S] Glimmora weakens Meloetta some, then gets taken down!

2d 1h 9m [V] Made Drakloak remember U-Turn over Infestation!

2d 1h 9m [S] We throw a Quick Ball. It fails.

2d 1h 8m [S] We interact with Meloetta. Vs. Meloetta!

2d 1h 8m [V] Made Drakloak remember Phantom Force over Bite!

2d 1h 8m [S] We find Meloetta dancing in the middle of the field!

2d 1h 7m [V] Made Skeledirge remember Yawn over Flamethrower!

2d 1h 7m [S] As we keep spinning, we hear a song in the distance...

2d 1h 5m [V] As we leave the cave, Professor Turo calls us and gives us a quick tutorial on climbing.

2d 1h 4m [S] We spin around and round and round.

2d 1h 4m [V] Thanks to the Herba Mystica, Miraidon regained the ability to climb steep cliffs!

2d 1h 3m [V] We eventually relent. Mabosstiff also gets some of Arven's sandwich.

2d 1h 2m [V] Miraidon comes out. We don't want to share our sandwich, but it insists.

2d 1h 1m [V] False Dragon Titan defeated!

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side has defeated the False Dragon Titan, while the Violet side just defeated it as well!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 23h 35m [S] We fly to Glaseado Mountain.

1d 23h 32m [S] We fall from the narrow path all the way into the water below.

1d 23h 28m [S] We step into Oni's Maw.

1d 23h 27m [V] We place Skeledirge at the front of the party.

1d 23h 26m [V] Made Krokorok remember Foul Play over Bite.

1d 23h 26m [S] We fly to Infernal Pass.

1d 23h 25m [V] We use a Rare Candy and Krokorok grows to Lv. 35! It does not learn Foul Play.

1d 23h 25m [V] We use some more Exp Candies. Krokorok grew to Lv. 34!

1d 23h 24m [V] Drakloak learned Dragon Pulse over Astonish!

1d 23h 24m [S] We learn from the caretaker that the villagers gave away the masks to the Loyal Three, and even fed them.

1d 23h 23m [V] Dreepy evolved into Drakloak!

1d 23h 23m [V] We use a Rare Candy and Dreepy grows to Lv. 50!

1d 23h 22m [S] We fly to Ogre Oustin'.

1d 23h 21m [V] We use the Exp Candies we just obtained from the Raid. Dreepy grew to Lv. 49!

1d 23h 21m [S] The Loyal Three head off into the distance.

1d 23h 20m [V] We won the raid.

1d 23h 20m [S] Suddenly, a beam of light erupts from the shrine... and the Loyal Three appear before us!

1d 23h 20m [V] We enter a 3★ Staravia Tera Raid.

1d 23h 19m [S] Kieran runs off and we get the Teal Mask back.

1d 23h 17m [S] Dipplin goes down. Meowscarada grew to Lv. 54! Defeated Pokémon Trainer Kieran!

1d 23h 16m [S] Shadow Claw takes down Gligar. Dipplin is next.

1d 23h 15m [S] Kieran sends out Gligar.

1d 23h 15m [S] Poliwhirl goes down to Shadow Claw.

1d 23h 15m [S] Bitter Blade takes down Cramorant. Poliwhirl is sent out next.

1d 23h 14m [S] Kieran sends out Cramorant.

1d 23h 14m [S] Bellibolt grew to Lv. 49!

1d 23h 14m [S] Kieran sends Yanma. Ceruledge uses Bitter Blade, and it goes down.

1d 23h 13m [S] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Kieran! (Attempt #1)

1d 23h 12m [S] We find Kieran in front of the shrine, and he's angry that we hid the truth about the ogre to him.

1d 23h 10m [S] We fly to Loyalty Plaza.

1d 23h 9m [S] We head back to Carmine's house. However, we learn that Kieran ran off with the mask!

[Fluff] "Sheesuuu! Susheee..."

1d 23h 6m [S] After some exposition from Ms. Briar, we fly to the Community Center.

1d 23h 5m [V] We use an Energy Root to heal Skeledirge.

1d 23h 5m [S] Found a Crystal Cluster! Ms. Briar then arrives on the scene.

1d 23h 5m [V] We use Exp Candies and Dreepy grew to Lv. 47!

1d 23h 4m [S] Ceruledge easily takes down Milotic. Ceruledge grew to Lv. 49! Maushold grew to Lv. 50!

1d 23h 3m [S] Carmine joins us, when suddenly, the ground rumbles... and a Milotic jumps out of the water! Vs. Milotic!

1d 23h 1m [S] We fly to the Crystal Pool.

1d 22h 59m [V] We save.

1d 22h 59m [V] Dreepy grew to Lv. 45!

1d 22h 59m [S] We head to Carmine's house, where her grandpa informs us he is missing a material to fix Ogerpon's mask.

1d 22h 58m [V] A wild Tatsugiri takes down Avalugg!

1d 22h 56m [S] The next day...

1d 22h 55m [V] Another Tatsugiri mementoes itself and Krokorok grows to Lv. 33.

1d 22h 55m [S] We fly back to Mossui Town.

1d 22h 53m [S] Snapped a new picture with Kieran!

1d 22h 53m [V] A wild Tatsugiri commits self-defeat with Memento and Avalugg grows to Lv. 47.

1d 22h 52m [V] "Susheee..."

1d 22h 52m [S] Kieran tells us about his lineage of mask makers.

1d 22h 51m [V] We use an Energy Root to heal Avalugg. Then we hear it again. "Susheee..."

1d 22h 50m [S] Bitter Blade goes brrrrr and Dipplin faints. Defeated Pokémon Trainer Kieran! Glimmora grew to Lv. 51!

1d 22h 49m [S] Ceruledge takes down Poliwhirl. Kieran is becoming more and more depressed as he sends out Dipplin.

1d 22h 49m [S] Poliwhirl is sent out by Kieran.

1d 22h 48m [S] Kieran sends out Furret, with another Bitter Blade takes down.

1d 22h 48m [V] Krokorok grew to Lv. 32!

1d 22h 48m [S] Ceruledge uses Bitter Blade, and Yanma goes down!

1d 22h 47m [S] Kieran sends out yanma.

1d 22h 47m [S] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Kieran! (Attempt #1)

1d 22h 45m [S] Kieran tells us the ogre used to come here a lot, according to legend.

1d 22h 45m [V] Caught a female Lv. 45 Tatsugiri! Nickname: Tatsug.

1d 22h 43m [V] "Susheee..."

1d 22h 42m [S] We arrive at the Paradise Barrens, and Kieran meets us there.

1d 22h 37m [V] We defeated Pikachu.

1d 22h 35m [V] We go online and enter a 2★ Pikachu Tera Raid.

1d 22h 35m [S] We fly to the Crystal Pool.

1d 22h 34m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

1d 22h 33m [S] We fly to Mossui Town in Kitikami.

1d 22h 32m [V] We save.

1d 22h 30m [V] Skeledirge grew to Lv. 49! Krokorok grew to Lv. 31!

1d 22h 29m [S] We use the Adamant Mint on Ceruledge.

1d 22h 28m [S] We enter the Chansey Supply store and buy an Adamant Mint.

1d 22h 26m [V] Avalugg grew to Lv. 46!

[Snark] Buddy, we basically just spammed Shadow Claw and Thunderbolt.

1d 22h 24m [S] Back in the Lobby, we meet Hassel again who praises us for our battling skills.

1d 22h 23m [S] Received TM114 Shadow Ball!

1d 22h 23m [V] Dreepy grew to Lv. 44! Krokorok grew to Lv. 30!

1d 22h 23m [S] Montenevera Gym defeated!

1d 22h 22m [S] Houndstone is then taken down as well! Defeated Gym Leader Ryme!

1d 22h 21m [S] Ryme terastallizes Toxtricity into the Ghost-type, but Ceruledge immediately takes it down with Bitter Blade! Rabsca grew to Lv. 47!

1d 22h 20m [V] Sandile grew to Lv. 29 and evolved into Krokorok!

1d 22h 19m [S] Ryme sends out Toxtricity.

1d 22h 19m [S] Mimikyu goes down! Maushold grew to Lv. 48! Houndstone then tanks a Thunderbolt before disappearing.

1d 22h 18m [V] Skeledirge grew to Lv. 48 taking down a wild Veluza.

1d 22h 18m [S] Bellibolt gets hit by Slash, then uses Thunderbolt, taking down Mimikyu's disguise. Ryme sends Houndstone.

1d 22h 17m [S] Ceruledge gets hit by Sucker Punch, then takes down Banette with Shadow Claw! Ceruledge grew to Lv. 48 and learned Bitter Blade over Flame Charge! Bellibolt grew to Lv. 48!

1d 22h 17m [S] Ryme sends Mimikyu and Banette, we send Ceruledge and Bellibolt.

1d 22h 16m [S] We arrive on stage! Vs. Gym Leader Ryme! (Attempt #1)

1d 22h 14m [S] We report to the Gym staffer. As we leave the lobby, we hear a rap battle happening on stage!

1d 22h 13m [V] Made Skeledirge remember Flamethrower over Yawn.

1d 22h 12m [S] Ryme arrives on the scene!

1d 22h 12m [V] Made Sandile remember Sand Tomb over Swagger!

1d 22h 11m [S] We passed the Gym Test!

1d 22h 11m [S] Ceruledge takes down Sableye. Meowscarada grew to Lv. 53! Defeated Gym leader MC Sledge!

1d 22h 10m [V] Made Sandile remember Crunch over Torment!

1d 22h 10m [S] Ceruledge uses Shadow Claw on Sableye, and Bellibolt takes down Drifblim with Thunderbolt. Sableye then lands a critical hit on Ceruledge.

1d 22h 9m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer MC Sledge! He sends out Sableye and Drifblim.

1d 22h 8m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer Lani! He sends out Misdreavus and Haunter. We take them both down easily and Bellibolt grows to Lv. 47.

1d 22h 8m [V] Caught a female Lv. 51 Scyther! No nickname.

1d 22h 7m [V] A wild Scyther takes down Flamigo!

1d 22h 7m [S] Ceruledge takes down Greavard, and Bellibolt takes down Shuppet. Rabsca grew to Lv. 46! Maushold grew to Lv. 48!

[Chat] GoldenElucidator02: we have to battle tool-assisted-speedrun tppS

1d 22h 6m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer Tas! He sends Greavard and Shuppet.

1d 22h 5m [S] We talk to MC Sledge, and get on stage!

1d 22h 4m [V] Caught a female Lv. 53 Golduck! Nickname: Golduk. Sandile grew to Lv. 27 and did not learn Crunch.

1d 22h 3m [S] We talk to the Gym staffer, who tells us about the Gym Test.

1d 22h 2m [V] We get out of the river.

1d 22h 2m [S] Gave Maushold the Lucky Egg to hold.

1d 22h 0m [V] We fell in the river and are currently moving back upstream.

1d 21h 59m [S] Received a Lucky Egg!

1d 21h 59m [S] We enter the local Gym, and meet Jacq inside!

1d 21h 56m [V] Sandile grew to Lv. 25!

1d 21h 56m [S] We swap Bellibolt and Rabsca's positions in our party.

1d 21h 54m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

1d 21h 54m [V] A wild Staravia takes down Toedscruel!

1d 21h 52m [S] We arrive in Montenevera.

1d 21h 51m [S] Maushold is brought to low health by Drill Run, and still asleep. It finally wakes up and uses Play Rough, taking down Dudunsparce! Ceruledge grew to Lv. 47! Glimmora grew to Lv. 50! Defeated Eduardo the Student!

1d 21h 49m [S] Maushold uses Play Rough, then gets hit by Drill Run before falling asleep.

1d 21h 49m [S] We swap to Maushold, which gets hit by Yawn.

1d 21h 49m [V] Deposited Varoom and withdrew Sandile.

1d 21h 48m [S] Eduardo sends out Dudunsparce.

1d 21h 48m [S] Polteigeist protects itself, then gets taken down the next turn by Shadow Claw.

1d 21h 47m [S] Vs. Eduardo the Student! He sends out Polteageist.

1d 21h 46m [V] We head into the Dalizapa Passage.

1d 21h 43m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

1d 21h 42m [V] We fly to Medali.

1d 21h 41m [S] Meowscarada grew to Lv. 52! It did not learn Knock Off.

1d 21h 40m [S] Maushold grew to Lv. 47!

1d 21h 39m [V] We fly to the Central Plaza.

1d 21h 38m [S] Rabsca grew to Lv. 45 and learned Bug Buzz over Struggle Bug!

1d 21h 37m [S] Ceruledge grew to Lv. 46!

1d 21h 36m [V] Found an Ether and a Leppa Berry.

1d 21h 36m [S] Caught a male Lv. 37 Cetoddle! No nickname.

[Recap] The Scarlet side is now in Glaseado Mountain, and the Violet side in the Coastal Biome.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for a few minutes, apologies.

1d 21h 20m [V] Found a Dawn Stone.

1d 21h 19m [V] Found a Max Ether.

1d 21h 18m [V] A wild Sawsbuck takes down Toedscruel.

1d 21h 18m [V] Found a Float Stone.

1d 21h 17m [S] We heal again.

1d 21h 16m [V] We fly to the Central Plaza.

1d 21h 14m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

1d 21h 13m [V] We enter the Chargestone Cavern.

1d 21h 13m [V] Found a Grass Tera Shard and a Snowball.

1d 21h 11m [V] We head into the Polar Biome.

1d 21h 6m [S] We flee from a wild Espathra, get immédiatement attacked by a wild Snover, flee again, only to get ambushed right away by a wild Lokix.

1d 21h 5m [V] We boot up the TM Machine.

1d 21h 4m [V] We enter the Central Plazza.

1d 21h 3m [V] We are currently in the Savannah Biome.

1d 21h 2m [S] We just stepped into Area Three of the West Province.

1d 21h 1m [S] We take down the wild Lycanroc. Maushold grew to Lv. 45! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 50!

1d 21h 0m [S] A wild Lycanroc takes down Rabsca!

1d 20h 59m [V] Found a TM229 Upper Hand!

1d 20h 59m [S] Clawitzer gets poisoned by Toxic Debris, then taken down by Sludge Wave! Defeated Vidal the Student!

1d 20h 58m [S] Clawitzer is sent out next.

1d 20h 58m [S] Glimmora gets hit by Sucker Punch, then takes down Toxicroak. Bellibolot grew to Lv. 44!

1d 20h 57m [V] Found some Iron.

1d 20h 57m [S] Toxicroak uses Sucker Punch, and Ceruledge faints! We send Glimmora.

1d 20h 56m [V] Found a Dark Tera Shard.

1d 20h 56m [S] Vs. Vidal the Student! He sends Toxicroak.

1d 20h 55m [V] Caught a male Lv. 57 Doduo! No nickname.

1d 20h 53m [S] Nil sends Farigiraf. We swap to Bellibolt and take it down! Rabsca grew to Lv. 43! Glimmora grew to Lv. 48! Defeated Backpacker Nil!

1d 20h 53m [V] As Cyano and Lacey present the Terrarium to us, an announcement is made, and Lacey suggests we head to the Coastal Biome.

1d 20h 50m [S] Ceruledge tanks Magical Leaf and uses Shadow Claw, then Lava Plume. Leafeon goes down! Ceruledge grew to Lv. 44!

1d 20h 50m [S] Vs. Backpacker Nil! He sends out Leafeon.

1d 20h 49m [V] We head onwards, and enter the terrarium!

1d 20h 48m [S] Maushold grew to Lv. 44!

1d 20h 47m [V] Still, we're allowed to continue, and are given a Blueberry Uniform and an Indigo Style Card

1d 20h 46m [V] Minun uses Helping Hand, and Plusle survives a Mud Shot before taking down Toedscruel! We lose the battle!

1d 20h 46m [S] We defeat some wild Pokémon. Bellibolt grew to Lv. 43! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 49!

1d 20h 45m [V] Minun uses Discharge again, and Avalugg faints!

1d 20h 44m [V] We send out Avalugg, and terastallize it into the Ice-type! Minun wakes up and uses Discharge, but Avalugg barely survives before using Avalanche on both opponents.

1d 20h 43m [S] Vs. Hiker Estela! She sends Wiscash. Ceruledge easily takes it down, and we win the battle.

1d 20h 43m [V] We send out Dreepy, which Plusle takes down before Toedscruel puts it to sleep again.

[Info] Both of Lacey's Pokémon are Lv. 70 while or highest is Lv. 46, so that doesn't help.

1d 20h 42m [V] Toedscruel puts Minun to sleep as well, and we send out Skeledirge. Plusle wakes up and uses Discharge, taking Skeledirge down before getting hit by Mud Slap.

1d 20h 40m [V] Another Discharge, and Varoom faints.

1d 20h 39m [V] Minun uses Discharge, boosting Plusle's Special Attack. Flamigo holds on with its Focus Sash, but get paralyzed, then is taken down by Plusle's own Discharge. Toedscruel puts Plusle to sleep, and we send out Varoom.

1d 20h 37m [V] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Lacey! She sends Plusle and Minun, and we send Toedscruel and Flamigo.

[Recap] The Scarlet side is currently scouring the Dalizapa Passage, while the Violet side has just begun their first visit to Blueberry Academy!

[Recap] Since the last update, the Violet side defeated Team Star's Fire Crew and the Medali Gym, while the Scarlet side defeated Team Star's Poison Crew!

[Recap] [V] 1d 12h 2m Found a raid. Caught a Grass-tera Gible. No nickname.
1d 12h 8m Joined a raid. Caught a Bug-tera Venonat. No nickname.
1d 12h 19m Joined a raid. Caught a Psychic-tera Carkol. No nickname.
1d 12h 29m Flew to Cascarrafa
1d 12h 52m Flew to Porto Marinara, then leave eastwards
1d 13h 0m Receive Pokedex completion rewards for 50 volumes through 90 volumes

[Recap] [S] 1d 12h 27m The attempted strategy to catch the titan is aiming for the titan, pausing, pressing n- in the menu until enough speed is built up, then unpausing with continued ns and a dash.
1d 12h 50m Several attempts at catching the titan later, we fly to the Kitakami Community Center and heal

[Recap] [V] 1d 11h 10m Caught a male Lv. 50 Veluza. No nickname.
1d 11h 12m Arven calls us about a nearby False Dragon Titan.
1d 11h 20m The high level wild Pokémon around this lake overwhelm us. Blacked out. We head north to the beach
1d 11h 30m Caught a male Lv. 49 Cloyster. No nickname.
1d 11h 40m On an island, found a Lv. 60 Fighting-Tera Raichu. It defeats a few of our Pokémon, and we run.
1d 11h 43m Caught a male Lv. 41 Bergmite. Nickname Slu
1d 11h 46m Changed Slu's nickname to Slush
1d 11h 52m Flew to West Province Area 1
1d 11h 59m Enter the Asado Desert

[Recap] [S] 1d 11h 4m Caught a male Lv. 25 Cufant. No nickname.
1d 11h 6m Fought and defeated Worker Oliver
1d 11h 16m Caught a male Lv. 22 Larviatar. No nickname.
1d 11h 21m Caught a male Lv. 24 Salandit. nickname Se. 1d 11h 23m Received Pokedex completion rewards for 40 volumes through 90 volumes 1d 11h 28m Fought and defeated Student Lea 1d 11h 36m Caught a female Lv. 25 Meowth. NicknameMeow1d 11h 38m Fought and defeated Musician Lidia 1d 11h 39m Caught a Lv. 26 Voltorb. NicknameVolto`
1d 11h 44m Climbed a watchtower and defeated the Gimmighoul on top
1d 11h 47m Found the Lurking Steel Titan and started chasing it around

[Recap] [V] 1d 10h 15m Flew to Porto Marnia and marked Medali as our destination. Started heading east.
1d 10h 17m Caught a male Lv. 28 Flaffy. No nickname.
1d 10h 45m Caught a male Lv. 27 Oinkologne. No nickname.
1d 10h 51m Caught a male Lv. 28 Arrokuda. No nickname.
1d 10h 56m Caught a female Lv. 50 Dondozo. No nickname.

[Recap] [S] 1d 10h 6m Fought in a raid. Caught a Rock-Tera Zangoose. No nickname.
1d 10h 10m Fought in a raid. Caught a Flying-Tera Munchlax. No nickname.
1d 10h 16m Fought in a raid. Caught a Ground-Tera Shuppet. No nickname.
1d 10h 23m Fought in a raid. Caught a Bug-Tera Pincurchin. No nickname.
1d 10h 31m Fought in a raid. Caught a Fire-Tera Rellor. No nickname.
1d 10h 32m Considering that the prior raid took an unusually long time to start, we save
1d 10h 42m Flew to Levincia then leaves north to East Province (Area 2)
1d 10h 50m Caught a male Lv. 22 Rolycoly. No nickname.
1d 10h 52m Caught a male Lv. 26 Dugtrio. No nickname.
1d 10h 55m Caught a male Lv. 26 Rufflet. No nickname.
1d 10h 57m Arven calls us about a nearby Titan

[Recap] [V] 1d 8h 45m Changed Skeledirge's nickname to Mikroc
1d 8h 47m Changed Flamigo's nickname to Glovian
1d 8h 57m You evolved into Gumshoos
1d 9h 1m Flew to Mezagoza
1d 9h 6m Changed to the Slicked Back hairstyle
1d 9h 28m Checked a bunch of shops, then flew to Cascarrafa
1d 9h 43m Bought and put on a Black Beanie
1d 9h 48m Bought several pairs of oval sunglasses

[Recap] [S] 1d 8h 37m We fly to Artazon (West), heal, then swim in the puddles near the town's flowers
1d 8h 48m Left town eastwards, to East Province (Area 1)
1d 8h 52m Caught a male Lv. 20 Cyclizar. No nickname.
1d 8h 57m Met Clive at the Schedar Squad's base entrance and defeated the guard outside.
1d 9h 0m We begin storiming the Schedar Squad base
1d 9h 9m Succeeded at base storming.
1d 9h 16m Defeated Team Star Mela and earned the Fire Badge!
1d 9h 22m Cassiopeia grants us the ability to make a wider variety of TMs
1d 9h 24m Flew to Mezagoza
1d 9h 34m Changed hair style to Scarlet Long and Straight
1d 9h 50m Fought in a raid. Caught a Shiny Water-Tera Charjabug. No nickname.
1d 9h 56m Fought in a raid. Caught a Steel-Tera Oinkologne. No nickname.

[Recap] [V] 1d 7h 36m Flew to West Province (Area 2).
1d 7h 38m Machhiff evolved into Mabosstiff
1d 7h 43m Caught a male Lv 26 Staravia. No nickname.
1d 7h 44m Caught a female Lv. 28 Meowth. No nickname.
1d 8h 14m Fought and defeated Student Abril. ggggyy evolved into Naclstack.
1d 8h 30m Crosses a bridge and reaches West Province (Area 3)

[Recap] [S] 1d 7h 40m Took a picture of Carmine, and made it our Trainer Icon
1d 7h 45m Fought in a raid. Caught a Grass tera type Girafarig. No nickname.
1d 7h 49m Fought in a raid. Caught a Dragon tera type Barboach. No nickname.
1d 7h 55m Meet with Kieran. We decline to say what we talked with Kieran's Grandpa about. Kieran tells us the location of the last signboard.
1d 8h 1m We fly to the South Province Area 3 Watchtower and set the Fire Crew base as our destination
1d 8h 7m Caught a male Lv. 11 Spoink. No nickname.
1d 8h 19m Caught a female Lv. 13 Yungoos. No nickname.
1d 8h 22m We fall off a cliff and into Schedar Squad's base. We are kicked out and then fly back to the South Province Area 3 Watchtower.

[Recap] [V] 1d 6h 33m Arrived at Porto Marinada
1d 6h 40m Returned Kofu's Wallet to Kofu
1d 6h 42m Made the winning bid on the auction Kofu made us join, and passed the gym test
1d 7h 0m Returned to the Cascarrafa Gym. Met Rika inside.
1d 7h 21m Fought Kofu and Skeliderge swept. Defeated Gym Leader Kofu and earned the Water Badge!

[Recap] [S] 1d 6h 40m the festival ends
1d 6h 53m showed the teal mask to Kieran and Carmine's Grandpa. We opt to wait to hear the long story
1d 6h 59m Fought in a raid, and caught a grass-tera-type Passimian. No nickname.
1d 7h 3m Fought in a raid, and caught a dragon Tera Plusle. No nickname.
1d 7h 6m Took a new profile picture, using the What's This pose and Carmine in the background
1d 7h 12m Took a new profile picture. Same idea, but with Carmine slightly more in-frame.
1d 7h 19m Fought in a raid. Caught a ground-tera type Rhyhorn. No nickname.
1d 7h 25m Fought in a raid. Caught a Water tera type Noibat. nickname QWQ
1d 7h 30m Fought in a raid. Caught a Flying tera type Pawniard. no nickname.
1d 7h 30m We listen to Grandpa's story about Ogrepon

[Recap] [V] 1d 5h 43m Caught a male Lv. 26 Rellor. No nickname.
1d 5h 51m Caught a male Lv. 27 Murkrow. No nickname
1d 5h 56m Caught a female Lv. 29 Cyclizar. No nickname
1d 6h 13m Fought and Defeated Student Yassin. Fidoss evolved into Dachsbun.
1d 6h 24m Caught a female Lv. 26 Girafarig. No nickname.

[Recap] [S] 1d 5h 31m Bought White Shimmer Driving Gloves
1d 6h 0m Bought Pink Striped High Socks
1d 6h 9m Bought a White Boater Hat
1d 6h 12m Flew to Kitakami and partook in the Festival of Masks.
1d 6h 19m Tried to do a round of Ogre Oustin, but the game crashed
1d 6h 25m Did a round of Ogre Oustin and got 10 points. Received an Exp. Charm as a reward.
1d 6h 29m Spotted and followed a mysterious child. Picked up the Teal Mask that the child ogre dropped.

[Recap] [V] 1d 4h 42m Whited out while trying to catch an 45 Iron Treads
1d 4h 55m Checking in the Levincia Gym. Still certified.
1d 5h 2m Defeated and Caught an Ice-Tera Smoliv, nicknamed Smoliva
1d 5h 5m Used some Exp Candy. Crocalor evolved into Skeledirge
1d 5h 12m Caught a Lv. 45 Iron Treads. nickname Iron T1
1d 5h 23m Flew to Cascarrafa
1d 5h 27m Reached the gym, watch Kofu leave in a hurry. Was given Kofu's Wallet.

[Recap] [S] 1d 4h 32m Obtained the Teal Style Card
1d 4h 42m introduced to Director Cyrano of Blueberry Academy
1d 4h 44m Arrived at the Blueberry Academy
1d 4h 54m Fought Lacey and lost. Didn't even get past the Plusle or Minun. Still, was given a Indigo Style Card
1d 5h 3m Visited the Terarium
1d 5h 5m The Blueberry Pokédex has been added to the Pokédex app
1d 5h 9m Flew to Levincia and began clothes shopping
1d 5h 17m Left this clothes store and began migrating to other clothes and style shops
1d 5h 20m Changed hairstyle from the Kitakami ponytail to the Kitakami ponytail

[Recap] [V] 1d 3h 32m Caught a Psychic-tera-type Applin nicknamed Appli1
1d 3h 39m Caught a female Lv. 26 Tinkatuff nicknamed Tink
1d 3h 42m Caught a male Lv. 25 Bramblin nicknamed Brandon
1d 3h 52m Caught a female Lv. 23 Cacnea no nickname.
1d 3h 54m Caught a Lv. 24 Falinks nicknamed Falinks69420
1d 4h 4m Caught a male Lv. 25 Larvesta. no nickname.
1d 4h 12m Caught a male Lv. 33 Hippopotas. no nickname.
1d 4h 13m Caught a male Lv. 24 Sandile. no nickname.
1d 4h 20m Defeated the Quaking Earth Titan's first phase
1d 4h 27m Defeated the Quaking Earth Titan's second phase and earned the Ground badge. Obtained a Sour Herba Mystica and fed it to Miraidon. Miraidon will be able to glide now.

[Recap] [S] 1d 3h 32m Caught a Psychic-tera-type Applin nicknamed Applina
1d 3h 35m Caught a female Lv 14 Vulpix nicknamed Vulpi
1d 3h 37m Caught a male Lv 14 Ralts nicknamed Ralt
1d 3h 41m Found the second signboard
1d 3h 50m Caught a male Lv. 14 Magikarp nicknamed Ma
1d 3h 53m Caught a male Lv. 16 Noibat nicknamed 1
1d 4h 12m Rekoolor evolved into Rabsca
1d 4h 25m Battled and defeated Kieran outside the Ogre's Den

[Recap] [V] 1d 2h 17m Caught a male Lv. 23 Rufflet nicknamed Rufflets.
1d 2h 21m Caught a male Lv 23 Silicobra nicknamed bra.
1d 2h 30m Encountered, but whited out to, the Quaking Earth Titan
1d 2h 50m made another failed attempt at fighting the Quaking Earth Titan
1d 3h 7m Caught a female Lv 21 Capsakid. No nickname.
1d 3h 9m Caught a female Lv. 38 Espathra nicknamed Esphhhhyu.
1d 3h 12m Caught a Lv. 25 Bronzor. No nickname.
1d 3h 12m Nym evolved into Lokix!
1d 3h 14m Caught a female Lv. 20 Tinkatink. No nickname.
1d 3h 19m Used a Thunderstone to evolve gay into Bellibolt

[Recap] [S] 1d 2h 25m Caught a male Lv. 14 Sentret.
1d 2h 35m Fought and defeated O'Nare.
1d 2h 49m Caught a female Lv. 15 Fomantis nicknamed Fo.
1d 2h 53m Caught a male Lv. 13 Spinarak nicknamed Sp.
1d 3h 4m Caught a male Flying tera-type Chingling after defeating it in a raid. No nickname.
1d 3h 7m found the first Kitakami signboard.
1d 3h 15m Caught a female Lv. 16 Sentret nicknamed Sen.
1d 3h 18m Had a picnic with Jacq and receive a Pokémon Egg
1d 3h 21m Caught a male Lv. 13 Pikachu. No nickname.

[Meta] On that short update the live updater is going dark again. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 2h 13m [S] We're done buying ingredients.

1d 2h 12m [V] We can now make more TMs at the TM Machines!

1d 2h 11m [V] By sheer coincidence, Penny arrives on the scene.

1d 2h 11m [V] As we leave, we get a call from Cassiopeia, and report on our success.

1d 2h 10m [V] Clive arrives, and tries to convince Giacomo to attend classes again.

1d 2h 9m [V] Received TM062 Foul Play!

1d 2h 9m [V] Team Star's Dark Crew defeated!

1d 2h 7m [V] Revavroom goes down! Defeated Giacomo of Team Star!

1d 2h 7m [S] We are buying a bunch of sandwich ingredients.

1d 2h 7m [V] Toedscruel spams Mud Shot, taking out about a quarter of Revavroom's health each turn.

1d 2h 6m [V] Vs. Segin Starmobile!

1d 2h 6m [V] We are facing Giacomo of Team Star!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 1h 43m [S] Our Maushold is bigger than average, our Bellibolt is quite big as well, and our Glimmora is noticeably large.

1d 1h 41m [V] Caught a male Lv. 18 Swablu! Nickname: Swablu1weg55.

1d 1h 40m [S] We talk to someone who tells us our Charcadet is smaller than average, and our Rellor is quite big.

1d 1h 39m [S] We fly to Mesagoza.

1d 1h 38m [S] We then talk to them about our travels to Galar, and receive the Ball Guy case.

[Snark] We've never actually been to the Kanto of Let's Go on stream, but thanks anyway.

1d 1h 37m [S] We talk to someone about our travels to Kanto, and receive the Pika-Vee Case for our Rotom Phone!

1d 1h 37m [V] Bought 47 Great Balls.

1d 1h 36m [V] Bought 1 Great Ball.

1d 1h 32m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

1d 1h 31m [S] We fly to Naranja Academy.

1d 1h 31m [V] Caught a male Lv. 18 Numel! Nickname: lk181.

1d 1h 29m [S] We rename it again, to Rekoolor. Better.

1d 1h 28m [S] We rename Rellor to Rellor. Not much of a change.

[Meta] Apologies for missing every other level up, they only stay on screen for a second or so in this generation so it does happen sometimes.

1d 1h 26m [S] Deposited Spidops and withdrew Rellor.

1d 1h 26m [V] Maschiff grew to Lv. 16!

1d 1h 25m [S] We fly to Artazon.

1d 1h 23m [S] Caught a male Lv. 26 Rellor! No nickname.

1d 1h 18m [S] Caught a Lv. 45 Great Tusk! No nickname. Glimmoragrew to Lv. 44!

1d 1h 18m [V] Caught a female Lv. 14 Bombirdier! No nickname. Flamigo grew to Lv. 31 and learned Roost! Nymble grew to Lv. 22 and learned Bug Bite! Maschiff grew to Lv. 15!

1d 1h 16m [S] Bellibolt goes down next!

1d 1h 15m [S] Maushold goes down as well!

1d 1h 14m [S] We found a wild Great Tusk! ...but it takes down Spidops!

1d 1h 12m [S] A wild Donphan takes down Charcadet!

1d 1h 12m [V] Maschiff grew to Lv. 14!

1d 1h 11m [V] Caught a male Lv. 16 Mankey ! No nickname`.

1d 1h 10m [V] Maschiff grew to Lv. 13!

1d 1h 10m [S] Donphan gets nicknamed Donp.

[Chat] Melia_Antiqua: VoHiYo Average Tusk

1d 1h 8m [S] Caught a female Lv. 35 Donphan! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 44! Bellibolt grew to Lv. 37! Charcadet grew to Lv. 32!

1d 1h 6m [V] Found a Great Ball!

1d 1h 1m [V] Caught a female Lv. 13 Misdreavus! Nickname: MisdMMM.

1d 1h 1m [S] Caught a male Lv. 24 Larvesta! No nickname.

1d 0h 59m [V] Caught a female Lv. 16 Capsakid! Nickname: Cap1.

1d 0h 56m [V] Defeating some wild Pokémon, Toedscruel grows to Lv. 31 and Maschiff grows to Lv. 11.

1d 0h 52m [S] Glimmora uses Mud Shot, and Grimer goes down. Spidops grew to Lv. 34! We win the battle!

1d 0h 51m [S] We challenge Renardo the Scientist! He sends out Grimer, and we send Glimmora.

1d 0h 50m [V] We fly to Area One of the West Province.

1d 0h 46m [S] We then fly to Colonnade Hollow.

1d 0h 45m [S] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

1d 0h 44m [S] We fly to Medali.

[Info] The Violet team is now composed of Toedscruel, Flamigo, Crocalor, Nymble, Maschiff, and Dreepy.

1d 0h 43m [V] Withdrew Maschiff and deposited Drifloon.

1d 0h 42m [V] Caught a male Lv. 10 Maschiff! No nickname.

1d 0h 38m [V] We fly to Cortondo.

1d 0h 36m [S] We fly to Cascarrafa.

1d 0h 34m [S] Caught a male Lv. 33 Tropius! Nickname: Tropi. Charcadet grew to Lv. 31!

1d 0h 31m [S] Caught a female Lv. 33 Fletchinder! Nickname: FletUc.

1d 0h 31m [V] Caught a male Lv. 7 Azurill! No nickname.

1d 0h 28m [S] Caught a male Lv. 35 Espeon! Nickname: Esp. Glimmora grew to Lv. 43! Meowscarada grew to Lv. 43!

1d 0h 24m [V] We climb up the hill leading to the Pokémon league, but on the way we fall down a cliff into the water below. Miraidon can swim now though so it's... fine?

1d 0h 21m [S] We heal at the Poké Center.

1d 0h 20m [S] We fly to Medali (East).

1d 0h 18m [S] As we leave, Professor Sada calls us to inform us of what the game already told us. Koraidon can now glide.

1d 0h 17m [S] Mabostiff is done eating too... and it manages to let out a woof! It's doing better!

1d 0h 16m [S] Koraidon is now able to glide!

1d 0h 15m [S] We sit down to eat, and Koraidon comes out to have some of our sandwich.

1d 0h 15m [S] Quaking Earth Titan defeated!

1d 0h 14m [S] We enter the cave, and find the Sour Herba Mystica!

1d 0h 12m [S] Spidops grew to Lv. 33! Charcadet grew to Lv. 30! Bellibolt grew to Lv. 36! Maushold grew to Lv. 37!

1d 0h 12m [S] Glimmera goes down! We send out then terastallize Meowscadra and use Flower Trick. Arven's Scovillain uses Razor Leaf, and Great Tusk goes down! Defeated the Titan Great Tusk!

[Recap] The Violet side is currently in Mesagoza, while the Scarlet side is fighting the second phase of Great Tusk, the Quaking Earth Titan!

[Recap] [V] Gym Leader Iono beaten, and Electric Badge earned.

[S] 0d 23h 22m 07 Gym Leader Larry defeated, and the Normal Badge is earned!

[V] 0d 22h 28m 01s Arrived in Levincia.

[V] 0d 21h 31m 51s Titan Bombirdier defeated!

[S] 0d 21h 18m 36s Team Star Giacomo is defeated, and the Dark Badge is earned!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 20h 44m [S] Received TM048 Volt Switch!

0d 20h 43m [S] Levincia Gym defeated!

0d 20h 43m [S] Defeated Gym Leader Iono!

0d 20h 43m [S] We send out Glimmora, and take down Mismagius! Charcadet grew to Lv. 25!

0d 20h 42m [V] We get a call from Professor Turo informing us that Miraidon (not Koraidon, sorry) shoumld now be able to dash!

0d 20h 42m [S] Mismagius uses Charge Beam, and Spidops faints!

0d 20h 41m [S] Iono terastallizes Mismagius into the Electric-type. It confuses Spidops, which uses Bug Bite.

0d 20h 41m [V] Arven prepares a sandwich with the Herba Mystica, and shares it with Koraidon, which regains some of its strength!

0d 20h 40m [S] Iono sends out Mismagius!

0d 20h 40m [S] Maushold fails to move and goes down! We send out Spidops and use Bug Bite, taking Luxio down.

0d 20h 39m [V] Defeated the Stony Cliff Titan!

0d 20h 39m [S] Iono sends out Luxio. Maushold uses Bullet Seed again, which hits twice. Luxio uses Spark, and Maushold gets paralyzed.

0d 20h 38m [S] Maushold uses Bullet Seed once, twice, and Bellibolt goes down! Our Bellibolt grew to Lv. 27!

0d 20h 38m [V] We make it into the cave without crashing.

0d 20h 37m [S] Another Tidy Up, then Maushold takes down Wattrel! Bellibolt is sent out.

0d 20h 37m [V] We terastallize Flamigo, use Double Kick twice, and once more defeat Klawf, the Stone Cliff Titan!

0d 20h 36m [S] Iono sends Wattrel, and we send Maushold. We use Tidy Up.

0d 20h 35m [S] Vs. Gym Leader Iono! (Attempt #1)

0d 20h 35m [V] Vs. Klawf, the Stone Cliff Titan (again)!

0d 20h 34m [V] We are back before the second phase of the Klawf battle, which we thus have to redo.

0d 20h 34m [S] We head back to the Gym lobby.

0d 20h 32m [V] The game gets reset on the right side.

0d 20h 31m [V] We entered the cave, and... the game crashed.

0d 20h 31m [S] After selling a bunch of items and materials, we bought a Wide Lens and gave it to Maushold to hold.

0d 20h 29m [V] Defeated Klawf, the Stone Cliff Titan!

0d 20h 28m [V] Arven's Shellder uses Water Gun, finishing off the Titan Klawf!

0d 20h 28m [V] We terastallize Flamigo into the Fighting-type, and use Double Kick! Klawf is brought to low health, and Anger Shell is triggered.

0d 20h 27m [V] The Herba Mystica boosted Klawf's stats, and we enter the second part of the battle!

0d 20h 26m [V] We follow the Titan Klawf and find it eating something...

0d 20h 25m [V] Flamigo uses Double Kick, and Klawf runs away.

0d 20h 25m [V] A huge Klawf suddenly jumps down in front of us! Vs. Klawf, the Stony Cliff Titan!

0d 20h 24m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 20h 22m [S] We passed the Gym Test!

0d 20h 20m [S] After paralysis immobilizing it for a turn, Maushold takes down Flaffy, and we win the battle!

0d 20h 20m [S] Flaffy is sent out. Bullet Seed hits it twice.

0d 20h 19m [S] Maushold uses Bullet Seed, which hits twice. Another Bullet Seed, and Tynamo goes down. Maushold grew to Lv. 28!

0d 20h 18m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer Michael! He sends out Tynamo.

0d 20h 18m [S] We found Clavell again!

0d 20h 16m [S] Maushold gets paralyzed by Luxio, but manages to take it down. We win the battle!

0d 20h 16m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer Marty! He sends Luxio.

0d 20h 15m [V] Found a Max Ether.

0d 20h 15m [S] We found Clavell once.

0d 20h 13m [S] Clavell arrives on the scene. We are told we'll have to find him three times to complete the Gym Test.

[Snark] Oh shit, we're being livestreamed! I mean, yeah, we obviously are, but I meant...

0d 20h 11m [S] We leave the Gym lobby, and hear it's time for the Iono Zone??

0d 20h 10m [S] Received 3 Full Heals from Nemona.

0d 20h 10m [S] Floragato grew to Lv. 36 and evolved into Meowscarada! It learned Flower Trick!

0d 20h 9m [S] Crocalor uses Incinerate again as Maushold is held back by paralysis. It uses Double Hit again the next turn, and Crocalor goes down! Defeated Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 20h 9m [V] Flew to Area Three of the East Province.

0d 20h 8m [S] Nemona terastallizes Crocalor into the Fire-type! Our Maushold uses Double Hit, then gets hit by Incinerate.

0d 20h 7m [S] Pawmi is taken down just as easily. Crocalor is next.

0d 20h 6m [S] Spidops grew to Lv. 23! Pawmi is sent by Nemona.

0d 20h 6m [S] Nemona sends Rockruff, and we send Maushold. We use Bullet Seed, and take Rockruff down easily.

0d 20h 5m [S] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 20h 5m [S] We enter the Gym in Levincia, and Nemona joins us and invites us to a warm-up battle!

0d 20h 5m [V] As we return to the lobby, we meet a man named Hassel, who takes an interest to us.

0d 20h 3m [V] Received TM021 Pounce!

0d 20h 3m [V] Defeated the Cortondo Gym!

0d 20h 2m [V] Defeated Gym Leader Katy!

0d 20h 2m [V] ...and it goes down to a single Peck.

0d 20h 2m [V] Katy sends out Teddiursa, and terastallizes it into the Bug-type!

0d 20h 1m [V] An unnecessary critical hit takes down Tarountula. Pawmo grew to Lv. 26!

0d 20h 1m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 20h 1m [V] Flamigo uses Peck, and Nymble faints. Tarountula is sent next.

0d 20h 0m [V] Katy sends Nymble, and we send Flamigo.

0d 20h 0m [V] Vs. Gym Leader Katy! (Attempt #1)

0d 20h 0m [S] We arrive in Levincia.

0d 19h 59m [V] We report our success to the Gym staffer, and are allowed access to the battle court!

0d 19h 58m [S] Defeated and caught Swablu! Nickname: KjSwHablu.

0d 19h 56m [V] We fly back to Cortondo.

0d 19h 55m [V] We brought the olive to the goal and passed the Gym Test!

0d 19h 55m [S] We enter a 1★ Swablu Tera Raid.

0d 19h 54m [V] The olive goes "boing" down the unlocked shortcut.

0d 19h 54m [V] Flamigo takes down Venonat, and Antonio is defeated.

0d 19h 53m [V] Vs. Gym Trainer Antonio! He sends Venonat.

0d 19h 53m [S] Caught a female Lv. 22 Wattrel! No nickname. Charcadet grew to Lv. 24 and did not learn Flame Charge.

0d 19h 51m [S] Maushold is taken down by a wild Wattrel!

0d 19h 50m [V] The olive keeps going "boing".

0d 19h 49m [S] Caught a male Lv. 22 Finizen! No nickname.

0d 19h 49m [V] Vs. Gym Leader Esmeralda! She sends out Kricketune, which Flamigo takes down easily. We win the battle, and the path is freed.

0d 19h 48m [S] Caught a female Lv. 23 Gyarados! No nickname. Maushold grew to Lv. 27!

0d 19h 47m [V] The olive goes as "boing" as it ever did.

0d 19h 46m [S] We defeat some more wild Pokémon. Bellibolt grew to Lv. 26!

0d 19h 46m [V] We arrive at the area where the Olive Roll takes place, and begin undertaking the Gym Challenge!

0d 19h 43m [S] Stepped into the East Paldean Sea.

0d 19h 43m [V] We are instructed to head north of the town.

0d 19h 42m [V] We talk to the staffer inside, who tells us about the Olive Roll Gym Challenge.

0d 19h 42m [V] We enter the Gym, and find Nemona inside. She gives us 3 Ethers!

0d 19h 41m [S] Found a Super Potion.

0d 19h 41m [V] We head to the Gym but door is hard.

0d 19h 40m [V] We arrive in Cortondo.

0d 19h 39m [S] Caught a female Lv. 22 Litleo! Nickname: L1Q.

0d 19h 37m [S] We use the Ability Patch on Maushold, changing its ability to Technician!

0d 19h 35m [S] Retrieved the Ability Patch from Steenee.

0d 19h 34m [V] We flew back to Mesagoza and exited towards Area Two of the South Province. We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 19h 34m [S] Traded our Igglybuff online for a Steenee!

0d 19h 32m [S] We begin setting up a Link Trade...

0d 19h 31m [S] We disband the Union Circle.

0d 19h 27m [S] We easily defeat and catch Sinistea! Nickname: Sinistea1.

0d 19h 26m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 19h 24m [S] We enter a 2★ Sinistea Tera Raid.

0d 19h 24m [V] We exit the Gym.

0d 19h 21m [S] We defeat a few wild Pokémon. Maushold grew to Lv. 26! Glimmora grew to Lv. 36!

0d 19h 21m [V] As we return to the lobby, Nemona gives us a call to enquire about how our battle went.

0d 19h 19m [S] Made Maushold remember Double Hit over Echoed Voice!

0d 19h 19m [V] Defeated the Artazon Gym!

0d 19h 18m [V] Truleewoodo goes down! Defeated Gym Leader Brassius!

0d 19h 18m [S] Made Maushold remember Tidy Up over Baby-Doll Eyes!

0d 19h 17m [V] We also terastallize Flamigo, and use Peck on Truleewoodo.

0d 19h 17m [V] Brassius sends out Sudowoodo, and terastallizes it into Truleewoodo!

0d 19h 16m [V] Smoliv is sent next, and fares no better.

0d 19h 15m [S] Caught a female Lv. 20 Oinkologne! Nickname: Oinak. Spidops grew to Lv. 22! Charcadet grew to Lv. 23!

0d 19h 15m [V] Brassius sends Petilil, which our Flamigo takes down.

0d 19h 15m [V] Vs. Gym Leader Brassius! (Attempt #1)

0d 19h 14m [V] We officially completed the Gym Test, and are allowed to challenge the Gym Leader!

0d 19h 13m [V] We return to the entrance, and are told to report to the Gym staffer.

0d 19h 11m [V] Found a 9th and 10th Sunflora.

[Info] Glimmora is currently disobedient due to being too high-level for us.

0d 19h 10m [V] Found a 9th Sunflora.

0d 19h 8m [V] Found an 8th Sunflora.

0d 19h 6m [V] Found and defeated a 7th Sunflora. Flamigo grew to Lv. 26!

0d 19h 5m [S] Found a TM009 Thunder Fang!

0d 19h 4m [V] Found a 6th Sunflora.

0d 19h 2m [V] Found a 5th Sunflora, which joins us after Flamigo defeats it in battle.

0d 19h 1m [V] Found a 4th Sunflora.

0d 19h 0m [V] We have so far gathered 3 Sunflora.

[Recap] The current Scarlet team is composed of Glimmora, Spidops, Maushold, Charcadet, Floragato and Bellibolt, while the Violet team is made up of Flamigo, Toedscool, Crocalor, Pawmo, Clefairy (shiny), and Furret.

[Recap] Since the last update, the Scarlet side has defeated the Stone Cliff Titan and the Open Sky Titan! Said side is currently in Area One of the East Province, while the Violet side is in Artazon, taking up the Gym Challenge!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 12h 55m [S/V] Left side showed a pokemon anime episode breifly, before switching to Bob Ross - painting a wintery mountain. The right side showed a blue screen, before switching to an early Pokemon anime Episode. Ash protecting Metapod from a Beedrill, followed by Metapod evolving into Butterfree.

0d 12h 51m [S/V] M4 says it's save backup time, so both sides save. then the camera is covered.

0d 12h 51m [V] The party's move order is reorganized.

0d 12h 46m [V] walks through the Mesagoza, then flies to South Province (Area 3) and heads north-east

0d 21h 40m [V] walks a little more, than gets on Miridon, then flies to Mesagoza (East)

0d 21h 31m [V] We take an Oran Berry from a Gulpin that was in Box 1. We withdraw Lenconk and deposit Fletchinder

0d 12h 27m [V] briefly picnics, then goes through the bag and removes the new mark from items

0d 12h 22m [V] After a bit more wandering around Reveler's Road, caught a male Lv. 14 Ralts. No nickname. Pawmi gained a level, and learned Dig over Growl.

0d 12h 19m [S] saves

0d 12h 14m [S] flies to South Province (Area 3). We heal, then talk to the league representative and receive a Shell Bell.

0d 12h 12m [S] We find another trainder down the road. Vs. Backpacker Samuel. Charcadet attacks Samuel's ember twice with Ember. Samuel defeated.

0d 12h 11m [S] We continue down the road, which continues west then turns south. Caught a male Lv. 10 Rookidee! No nickname.

0d 12h 7m [S] We spot a trainer slightly north-west of the center, and engage. Vs. Musician Alicia. Charcadet's clear smog defeats Alicia's Igglybuff. Alicia defeated.

0d 12h 5m [S] A league representitive tells us that we can get a reward if we defeat 6 trainers in South Province Area 3, and that we've defeated 4 so far.

0d 12h 4m [S] flies to South Province (Area 3) and heals

0d 12h 3m [S] finds another watch tower and climbs the tower. Charcadet picks up a Metronome TM and defeats a Gimmighoul.

0d 11h 58m [S] Vs. Artist Laura. Vivillon repeatedly puts Charcadet to sleep with Sleep Powder, but isn't able to do much damage using Stuggle Bug to Charcadet, so not much damage is dealt to either side. Charcadet eventually manages to inflict a burn with Ember, and eventually vivillon is knocked out by the burn. Laura defeated.

0d 11h 57m [V] Caught a Lv. 13 Poltchageist! No nickname

0d 11h 51m [V] Caught a male Lv. 16 Riolu! Nickname: Rioko.

0d 11h 51m [S] Vs. Student Benjamin. Charcadet's Ember 1HKOs Benjamin's Sunkern. Tandemous's Bullet Seed takes out Benjamin's Bonsly. Benjamin defeated.

0d 11h 48m [S] We take the held Revive from Tandemous

0d 11h 47m [S] We fight Office Worker Severino. Charcadet uses Clear Smog a few times to defeat Jigglypuff, then Ember twice on on Skiddo.

0d 11h 42m [S] flies to South Province (Area 3)

0d 11h 40m [S] climbs higher up the watchtower and finds a Gimmighoul. Caught a Lv. 10 Gimmighoul! No nickname.

0d 11h 35m [V] heads down to the river fork and picks up an Aerial Ace TM

0d 11h 35m [S] climbs up the watchtower, and picks up an Electro Ball TM.

0d 11h 31m [S] flies to South Province (Area 2)

0d 11h 31m [V] Caught a female Lv. 16 Heracross! No nickname.

0d 11h 29m [S] changes Glimmet's nickname to %/'ytgfd.xcd

0d 11h 24m [V] continues riding Miraidon in circles in the grass just east of Mossui, although running from the wild encoutners

0d 11h 21m [S] changes Charcadet's nickname to Pyroid

0d 11h 19m [S] changes Bellibolt's nickname to Belbo

0d 11h 15m [S] organizes the order of moves on our party mons, generally moving the higher damage moves to the top of the move orders.

0d 11h 9m [V] Flamigo knocks out a wild Heracross. Flamigo grew to Lv 18. Cleffa grew to Lv. 13. Crocalor grew to Lv. 18. Furret grew to Lv. 17. Flamigo learned Low Kick over Copycat. Furret did not learn Helping Hand. Cleffa evolved into Clefairy!

0d 11h 5m [S] saves

0d 11h 5m [V] leaves Mossui Town eastwards, over the river

0d 11h 1m [V] flies to the community center

0d 10m 57m [V] Caught a male Lv. 10 Sewaddle! Nickname: Sewaddleijht.

0d 10m 56m [S] flies to Cortondo (East)

0d 10m 55m [V] flies to the Kitakami Bus Stop.

0d 10m 54m [S] As we ride Koraidon up the stairs of the Mesagoza, we send out Charcadet to pick up a Soothe Bell.

0d 10m 50m [V] leaves the hair stylist buildling.

0d 10m 49m [S] We go deeper into town, step on the flowers to pick up a Quick Claw, then fly to Mesagoza (East).

0d 10m 49m [V] Selects a new style: Eye style 8, Burgundy colored contacts, Eyelash style D 2, Eyelash color black, Dark denim blue eyebrow color, Mouth 2, Freckles 1.

0d 10h 45m [S] We start to walk out of the canyon, then fly to Artazon (West) and heal. We take a held Super Potion from Tandemous.

0d 10h 35m [S] Joined another one-star raid. Caught a Rock-tera Bonsly. No nickname.

0d 10h 31m [S] uses Exp Candy on Floragato. Floragoto grew from Lv. 23 to Lv 32. Floragato did not learn U-Turn nor Worry Seed.

0d 10h 29m [V] considers look options, particularly different eye shapes and eyelash styles.

0d 10h 28m [S] Joins a two-star raid. Caught a Fairy-Tera Shuppet! No nickname.

0d 10h 23m [S] Joined another online raid. Caught an Electric-tera Growlithe! No nickname.

0d 10h 19m [S] We fail to start an online group, then fail to join a raid, then join a 1-star raid. Caught a Bug-terra Shroomish! No nickname

0d 10h 15m [V] We switch our outfit to the new autumn uniform, shcool socks, white performance sneakers, new school gloves, new school backpack, new school hat and no glasses.

0d 10h 8m [S] We change our outfit. We put on the school hat, and switch to the Summer uniform.

0d 10h 6m [V] After half an hour of browsing hair styles, we select the Slicked back hair style, with dark denim blue coloring. We remove our hat.

0d 10h 4m [S] takes a new profile picture. We stand right next to the side of the canyon, and use the canyon wall as a background. We also use the Roar pose and a sepia filter.

0d 9h 59m [S] joins another raid. Caught a Bug-tera Wiglett. No nickname.

0d 9h 54m [S] joins another one-star raid battle. Caught a normal tera-type Starly. No nickname.

0d 9h 50m [S] connects to the internet and joins a raid battle. Caught a poison-terra Dunsparce! No nickname.

0d 9h 44m [S] Caught a female Lv. 16 Skiddo! Nickname: yuxSZ.

0d 9h 38m [S] Floragato beats up the wild Nacl and Makuhita in this canyon. We also fight and defeat Student Rayan's Diglett and Luxio.

0d 9h 34m [V] We ride down to the Mesagoza, and enter a salon. We browse the hairstyle options

0d 9h 28m [S] Caught a male Lv. 17 Growlithe! No nickname.

0d 9h 23m [S] We fight and defeat a wild Nacl and the rain stops. Caught a male Lv. 16 Klawf! Nickname: Klawf1.

0d 9h 18m [S] it suddenly begins raining

0d 9h 18m [S] goes through the Adventure Guide and removes the new marks from the entries.begins to rain.

0d 9h 18m [V] flies to Uva Academy.

0d 9h 13m [S] walks to South Province (Area Three) and briefly picnics.

0d 9h 11m [S] goes through the bag and removes the new mark from the items in the bag

0d 9h 7m [V] joins another random raid. Caught a Bug-tera Flabébé. No nickname.

0d 9h 2m [S] We go to the Poké Center and heal.

0d 9h 2m [V] joins a random two-star raid. Caught a psychic-tera Drifloon. No nickname.

0d 9h 0m [S] flies to Artazon (West).

0d 8h 59m [S] withdraws the newly-caught Glimmet and deposits Flamigo

0d 8h 58m [S] Caught a male Lv. 25 Glimmet in a Great Ball! No nickname.

0d 8h 57m [V] We watched as others defeated a dragon-tera Ralts. We elected to not catch the Ralts.

0d 8h 54m [V] ends the picnic, and joins another random raid.

0d 8h 53m [V] makes a butter sandwich. The ham didn't end up on the sandwich, but at least the bread slices mostly lined up.

0d 8h 51m [V] sets up a picnic and starts to make a sandwich.

0d 8h 50m [S] reaches the crystal pools.

0d 8h 43m [S] continues climbing the mountain. We tend to run from the Pokémon that get in our way.

0d 8h 43m [V] saves

0d 8h 41m [V] withdraws Crocalor and deposits Corvisquire.

0d 8h 38m [V] We deposit Lechonk, and withdraw the newly-caught Cleffa. The Cleffa is Lv 12 and female. We use more Exp Candy on Fletchling. Fletchling grew to Lv. 22. Fletchling evolved into Fletchinder. Fletchinder did not learn Flame Charge.

0d 8h 32m [V] We join a 1-star Cleffa raid. Caught a shiny, Ice-terra Cleffa. No nickname.

0d 8h 32m [S] We reach Kitakami Hall

0d 8h 27m [V] We try on our different outfits, but decide to stick with the Summer Uniform.

0d 8h 26m [S] We heal, then head out to Reveler's Road

0d 8h 24m [S] An elder appears, and Carmine and Kieran run off. The elder invites us to the community center, then goes to where we left the other students to help

0d 8h 23m [V] takes a new profile picture, with the cliffs and an item ball beacon in the background, and using the Oh Dear pose.

0d 8h 23m [S] Carmine sends out Vulpix. Floragato uses a Quick Attack to knock out half of Vulpix's health. Vulpix disables Quick Attack. Floragato Bites to knock out Vulpix. Carmine sends out Poltchageist. Floragato bites for a 1KHO. Carmine defeated.

0d 8h 21m [S] We reach Mossui Town and encounter Kieran and Carmine. Carmine challenges us to a battle. Carmine's Pochyena howls. Our Charcadet attacks with Ember. We switch to Floragato. Poochyenabites for small damage. Floragato uses a Seed Bomb and knocks out Poochyena. Floragato grew to Lv. 21

0d 8h 18m [V] We use Exp Candy on Fletchinder. Fletchinder grew to Lv. 21. Fletchinder did not learn Flail. Fletchider learned Acrobatics over Growl. Fletchider did not evolve.

0d 8h 15m [V] After the plane ride, one of the students is feeling unwell, so we are sent ahead of the group to the town

0d 8h 14m [V] We enter the school. Ms. Briar intercepts us, then Jacq interrupts Briar's introduction. We are invited to the Kitakami school trip, and the Kitakami Pokédex is added to our Pokédex app. The Briar talks about the Scarlet Book and Terapogos. The other Kitakami trip students join us, and we fly off.

0d 8h 13m [V] A wild stantler knocks out Fletchling. Caught a male Lv. 15 Stantler in a Great Ball. No nickname

0d 8h 10m [S] Bought 4 Great Balls, then flew to Naranja Academy

0d 8h 8m [V] Caught a male Lv. 13 Rockruff in a Quick Ball! No nickname. Rookidee grew to Lv. 18 and evolved into Corvisquire!

0d 8h 7m [S] flies to the Mesagoza and heals

0d 8h 6m [V] Caught a female Lv. 13 Starly in a Quick Ball! Nickname: FG.

0d 8h 6m [S] Hassel of the Elite Four talks to us as we leave the gym. We say we collect these gym badges because we want to get stronger. Hassel suggests we attend his art classes.

0d 8h 5m [S] Defeated Gym Leader Brassius and earned the Artazon Gym Badge! Received TM020 Trailblaze!

0d 8h 4m [S] Brassius sends in Sudowoodo, and terastallizes into Truleewoodo. Flamigo uses a Wing Attack for half of Sudowoodo's health. Sudowoodo uses Trailblaze to little effect. Flamigo uses a second Wing Attack to knock out Sudowoodo.

0d 8h 2m [S] Brassius sends in Smoliv. Flamigo uses a Wing Attack and 1HKOs Smoliv. Flamigo grew to Lv. 20.

0d 8h 2m [S] We switch to Flamigo. Petillil attacks with Mega Drain. Flamigo uses a Wing Attack and knocks out Petillil.

0d 8h 1m [S] Brassius leads with Petillil. We lead with Charcadet. Petillil uses Mega Drain. Charcadet uses Ember to deal just under half health to Petillil. Petillil uses Sleep Power and hits; Charcadet is fast asleep.

0d 8h 0m [S] Vs. Gym Leader Brassius! (Attempt #1)

0d 8h 0m [V] A wild Petilil knocks out Lechon and Pawmi. Caught the female Lv. 13 Petilil!. Nickname: lilli.

0d 7h 59m [S] We bring the Sunflora to the Sunflora Lawn. We passed the gym test and return to the gym.

0d 7h 56m [S] finds the 10th Sunflora in a playground

0d 7h 52m [V] Reached Mossfell Confluence

0d 7h 51m [V] We check our Pokedex. Received 3 bags of Stardust and 10 Great Balls as a Pokedex completion reward for having 20 volumes.

0d 7h 50m [V] Caught a male Lv. 13 Sentret! No nickname. Fletchling grew to Lv. 10 and learned Ember.

0d 7h 47m [V] Caught a female Lv. 16 Fomantis! No nickname

0d 7h 43m [V] Withdrew the newly-caught Tadbulb and deposited Crocalor. We look at Tadbulb's summary, then deposit the Tadbulb and withdraw a Fletching.

0d 7h 40m [S] We head to the gym and enter. Nemona finds us, gives us 3 Ethers, then runs off. We register for the gym challenge, and begin the Sunflora hide-and-seek test.

0d 7h 37m [V] joined a Random raid: a one-star Psychic Tadbulb raid. Caught a Tadbulb. Nickname: gay

0d 7h 34m [S] Reordered the party: Charcadet, Spidops, Bellibolt, Tandemous, Flamigo, Floragato.

0d 7h 31m [V] joined a two-star raid. Defeated the stunky. Caught a Stunky. Nickname: uh oh

0d 7h 31m [S] Took the held Pokedoll from Tandemous

0d 7h 30m [S] Deposited Fidough. Withdrew Charcadet.

0d 7h 28m [S] arrived at Artazon and healed at the pokecenter at the town entrance

0d 7h 23m [S] Tandemous grew to Lv. 18 and learned Bullet Seed over Helping Hand. Floregato grew to Lv. 20 and learned Seed Bomb over Leafage. Tarountula grew to Lv. 15, evolved into Spidops and learned Silk Trap over Tackle

0d 7h 19m [V] Joins a random online Terra Battle against a Tynamo.The Tynamo is obliterated quickly. Caught a normal-tera-type Tynamo! No nickname

0d 7h 14m [S] Caught a female Lv. 15 Charcadet! No nickname

0d 7h 13m [V] tries to create a Union Circle group, but nobody joins.

0d 7h 13m [S] Bellibolt gained a level, and did not learn Charge

0d 7h 12m [S] Fidough gained a level, and did not learn Play Rough

0d 7h 10m [S] Caught a male Lv. 10 Shinx! No nickname

0d 7h 10m [V] Entered the G0TCHAP0KEM0N Mystery Gift code, and Received 30 Quick Balls from the Quick Balls Gift

0d 7h 9m [S] Caught a male Lv. 15 Clawf! Nickname: Klaq. Tarountula gained a level and learned Bug Bite over Feint.

0d 7h 5m [S] We get a call from Arven about the Stony Cliff Titan, speculating that the titan is on a cliff.

0d 7h 4m [S] Flamigo grew to Lv. 18 and learned Low Kick over Detect!

0d 7h 1m [S] Used a Thunderstone on Tadbulb! Tadbulb evolved into Bellibolt!

0d 6h 59m [S] We check our Pokédex. Our Pokédex has 30 volumes. Received 10 Great Balls and a Thunderstone as Pokédex completion rewards.

0d 6h 58m [S] Caught a male Lv. 11 Makuhita! No nickname

0d 6h 56m [S] Caught a female Lv. 10 Naci! No nickname

0d 6h 56m [V] Entered a Mystery Gift code. Received the Purchase Bonus gift of 100 Poke Balls!

0d 6h 53m [V] connects to the internet and checks mystery gift. Received the Mythical Pecha Berry Gift

0d 6h 52m [S] flies to the Mesagoza (Exit) and heals

0d 6h 50m [S/V] M4 has been setting up badge displays behind the inputs. The black board has one badge with the right half covered by tape. The white board is empty. M4 holds up a "Download codes for 100 Poke Balls" and gestures towards Violet

0d 6h 50m [S] Caught a female Lv. 7 Azurill! No nickname

0d 6h 48m [S] Caught a female Lv. 10 Buizel! No nickname

0d 6h 47m [V] Caught a female Lv. 15 Aipom! Nickname: A0iq.

0d 6h 43m [S] Caught a male Lv. 8 Psyduck! No nickname

0d 6h 39m [S] Caught a female Lv. 8 Kricketot! No nickname

0d 6h 36m [S] Caught a male Lv. 9 Diglett! No nickname.

[Meta] That'll have to wait however, as the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 6h 30m [S] As we leave, our phone rings. It's Nemona, calling to know how our battle went, and, of course, tell us she's ready to battle whenever.

0d 6h 29m [V] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

0d 6h 28m [S] Defeated the Cortondo Gym!

0d 6h 27m [S] Katy sends out Teddiursa and terastallizes it! However, it only takes Flamigo two Wing Attacks to take it down.

0d 6h 26m [S] Tarountula goes down just as easily. Tandemaus grew to Lv. 16! Floragato grew to Lv. 18! Tadbulb grew to Lv. 16!

0d 6h 26m [V] We fell in the wat-- oh, it's not that deep actually.

0d 6h 25m [S] Katy sends out a Nymble, which Flamigo immediately takes down.

0d 6h 25m [S] Vs. Gym Leader Katy! (Attempt #1)

0d 6h 23m [S] Having cleared the Gym Test, we are now allowed to face the Gym Leader!

0d 6h 23m [V] Deposited Charcadet and withdrew Furret.

0d 6h 23m [S] We return to the Cortondo Gym.

0d 6h 22m [V] Caught a male Lv. 16 Furret! Nickname: Fp:p. Crocalor grew to Lv. 17! Pawmi grew to Lv. 12 and learned Nuzzle over Charge!

0d 6h 19m [S] Caught a female Lv. 10 Jigglypuff! No nickname.

0d 6h 18m [S] Flamigo grew to Lv. 16! Tarountula grew to Lv. 13!

0d 6h 16m [V] We head onto Reveler's Road.

0d 6h 14m [S] We finally bring the olive to the goal and pass the Gym Test!

0d 6h 11m [V] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 6h 10m [V] Carmine and Kieran run off as the caretaker arrives.

0d 6h 9m [V] Defeated Pokémon Trainer Carmine!

0d 6h 9m [V] Poltchageist is taken down by Power Trip. Rookidee grew to Lv. 17!

0d 6h 9m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer Antonio! Flamigo makes short work of his Venonat and the way is freed.

0d 6h 8m [V] Vulpix goes down, and Carmine sends out Poltchageist.

0d 6h 8m [S] The olive continues to go "boing".

0d 6h 7m [V] Vulpix disables Pluck, so Rookidee uses Hone Claws.

0d 6h 7m [V] Rookidde easily takes down Poochyena. Vulpix is sent next.

0d 6h 6m [V] Carmine sends out Poochyena, and we send Rookidee.

0d 6h 6m [V] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Carmine! (Attempt #1)

0d 6h 5m [V] We arrive in Mossui Town, where we meet two characters named Carmine and Kieran. Carmine wants to challenge us to a battle!

[Snark] Realistic olive physics.

0d 6h 3m [S] We run into the olive and it just pushes us into a cliff. Physics in this game work perfectly.

0d 6h 2m [S] Vs. Gym Trainer Esmeralda! She sends out Kricketune. Flamigo takes it down with ease, and we win the battle, freeing the path she guarded.

0d 6h 0m [V] We arrive in Kitakami!

0d 5h 59m [V] Seems Ms. Briar has made arrangements for us to travel to Kiakami! The Kitakami Pokédex gets added to our Pokédex app!

0d 5h 58m [S] The olive goes "boing".

0d 5h 58m [S] We arrive at the place where the Olive Roll challenge takes place, and enter it!

0d 5h 58m [V] The woman's name is Ms. Briar. She tells us about Kitakami.

0d 5h 57m [S] Flamigo grew to Lv. 15! Tandemaus grew to Lv. 15!

0d 5h 56m [V] We enter the Academy and talk to the woman inside.

0d 5h 55m [V] We fly to Uva Academy.

0d 5h 53m [S] We enter the Cortondo Gym, in which we find Nemona. We receive 3 Super Potions from her. The receptionist then instructs us to take part in the Olive Roll.

0d 5h 52m [V] Caught a female Lv. 18 Litleo! No nickname.

0d 5h 50m [V] Received a Lv. 50 Revavroom from Mystery Gift! No nickname.

0d 5h 48m [V] We open the Mystery Gift menu.

0d 5h 44m [V] Caught a male Lv. 18 Corvisquire! Nickname: Corvi8i. Rookidee grew to Lv. 16! Charcadet grew to Lv. 15!

0d 5h 40m [V] Flamigo grew to Lv. 15! Rookidee grew to Lv. 14!

0d 5h 39m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 5h 36m [S] Caught a female Lv. 15 Mankey! No nickname.

0d 5h 36m [V] Caught a male Lv. 20 Skiddo! Nickname: S1ijjj.

0d 5h 34m [S] Caught a female Lv. 14 Gastly! No nickname.

0d 5h 31m [S] Caught a male Lv. 15 Tadbulb! No nickname.

0d 5h 28m [S] Caught a female Lv. 14 Tadbulb! No nickname.

0d 5h 26m [V] Fuecoco evolved into Crocalor!

0d 5h 26m [S] Caught a female Lv. 15 Drifloon! No nickname.

0d 5h 26m [V] Fuecoco uses Incinerate, and Skiddo goes down! Defeated Severino the Office Worker!

0d 5h 25m [V] Severino sends out Skiddo.

0d 5h 25m [V] A few more Ember attacks, and Jigglypuff goes down! Fuecoco grew to Lv. 15 and learned Incinerate over Leer! Charcadet grew to Lv. 14!

0d 5h 23m [V] We terastallize Fuecoco and use Ember.

0d 5h 23m [V] We get spotted by Severino the Office Worker! He sends Jigglypuff and we send Fuecoco.

0d 5h 22m [S] Fell in the water.

0d 5h 21m [V] Rookidee grew to Lv. 12!

0d 5h 20m [S] Caught a male Lv. 14 Phanpy! No nickname.

0d 5h 19m [S] A wild Phanpy takes down Flamigo!

0d 5h 17m [S] Pawmi grew to Lv. 13!

0d 5h 16m [V] We burn Igglybuff with Ember, then get confused by Sweet Kiss. Fuecoco then lands another Ember and Igglybuff goes down. Defeated Alicia the Musician!

0d 5h 15m [V] Vs. Alicia the Musician! She sends Igglybuff and we send Fuecoco.

0d 5h 14m [V] As we continue onwards, our phone rings. It's Arven! He tells us about the Titan Pokémon that can be found around here.

0d 5h 13m [S] Caught a female Lv. 15 Capsakid! No nickname. Tarountula grew to Lv. 11 and learned Feint over String Shot!

0d 5h 11m [V] Rookidee grew to Lv. 11! Fuecoco grew to Lv. 14!

0d 5h 11m [S] A wild Capsakid takes down Floragato.

0d 5h 10m [V] A wild Makuhita takes down Lechonk.

0d 5h 9m [S] Withdrew the Tandemaus named T333d and deposited Quaxly.

0d 5h 9m [V] Caught a male Lv. 10 Yungoos! Nickname: You.

0d 5h 7m [V] Caught a male Lv. 11 Spoink! Nickname: Spoinqa.

0d 5h 6m [S] Caught a male Lv. 15 Rockruff! No nickname.

0d 5h 4m [S] Caught a male Lv. 11 Mareep! No nickname.

0d 5h 4m [V] Caught a male Lv. 11 Makuhita! Nickname: ik.

0d 5h 2m [V] Caught a male Lv. 12 Gulpin! Nickname: Gulpik1i. Lechonk grew to Lv. 12 and learned Mud Shot over Tail Whip! Flamigo grew to Lv. 12!

0d 4h 58m [V] Caught a male Lv. 10 Shinx! Nickname: SEEDnWW.

0d 4h 58m [S] Arrived in Cortondo for the first time!

0d 4h 58m [V] We talk to a Pokémon League rep. We have defeated zero trainers and receive no prize.

0d 4h 56m [V] We find a Poké Center, at which we heal.

0d 4h 56m [S] Caught a male Lv. 8 Smoliv! No nickname. Quaxly grew to Lv. 15!

0d 4h 53m [S] We leave Mesagoza and venture onto Area Two of the South Province.

0d 4h 51m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 4h 50m [S] Sprigatito grew to Lv. 16 and evolved into Floragato!

[Info] Violet is currently in Area Five of the South Province by the way?

0d 4h 47m [V] Withdrew Charcadet and deposited Ralts.

0d 4h 47m [V] Withdrew Rookidee and deposited Sunkern.

0d 4h 45m [V] Caught a female Lv. 13 Charcadet! Nickname: Chak. Fuecoco grew to Lv. 13! Flamigo grew to Lv. 11! Pawmi grew to Lv. 10!

0d 4h 44m [S] Flamigo grew to Lv. 12!

0d 4h 42m [V] Caught a female Lv. 8 Rookidee! Nickname: Ro,,. Lechonk grew to Lv. 11!

0d 4h 40m [S] We take down Noa's Drifloon next, and win the battle. Fidough grew to Lv. 13!

0d 4h 40m [S] Sprigatito takes out Noa's Scatterbug and grows to Lv. 15, learning Quick Attack over Scratch!

0d 4h 39m [V] Caught a female Lv. 10 Nacli! Nickname: ggggyy, with a space in front.

0d 4h 38m [S] Spotted by a Trainer! Vs. Noa the Student!

0d 4h 34m [V] Our phone is ringing. It's Arven, asking us for help with a Titan Pokémon!

0d 4h 33m [S] Made Sprigatito remember Bite.

0d 4h 30m [V] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

0d 4h 30m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 4h 29m [V] Sunkern grew to Lv. 11!

0d 4h 29m [S] Flamigo uses Double Kick and takes down Meowth. Defeated Jaxon the Student! Flamigo grew to Lv. 11! Pawmi grew to Lv. 11!

0d 4h 27m [S] Sprigatito fails to wake in time and faints! We send out Flamigo.

0d 4h 27m [S] Jaxon sends out Meowth. Sprigatito is asleep.

0d 4h 26m [V] Caught a Lv. 10 Tandemaus! Nickname: 1weeewwo.

0d 4h 26m [S] We are spotted by a Trainer! Vs. Jaxon the Student!

0d 4h 25m [V] We leave Mesagoza.

0d 4h 24m [S] Caught a female Lv. 9 Igglybuff! Nickname: Igglybutyy.

0d 4h 23m [S] A wild Igglybuff puts Sprigatito to sleep.

0d 4h 23m [V] We made our way back inside Mesagoza.

0d 4h 19m [V] We make our way around the outer walls of the Academy.

0d 4h 18m [S] We head to a Poké Center and heal.

0d 4h 17m [S] Caught a Lv. 13 Tandemaus! Nickname: T333d. Flamigo grew to Lv. 10!

0d 4h 15m [V] We fly to Mesagoza (East).

0d 4h 15m [S] Caught a Lv. 7 Tandemaus! Nickname: Tandeazz.

0d 4h 12m [S] Caught a Lv. 10 Tandemaus! Nickname: Tandem1. Sprigatito grew to Lv. 14! Flamigo grew to Lv. 9 and learned Detect! Fidough grew to Lv. 12!

0d 4h 11m [V] We fly back to our house.

0d 4h 10m [S] Flamigo grew to Lv. 8! Pawmi grew to Lv. 10!

0d 4h 10m [V] We try to jump over a fence and instead fall down a cliff.

0d 4h 7m [S] Caught a Lv. 8 Tandemaus! No nickname.

0d 4h 4m [V] Caught a male Lv. 4 Scatterbug! Nickname: Scattasa.

0d 4h 1m [V] We fly to Los Platos.

0d 4h 1m [S] We change our clothes to the Winter Uniform.

0d 3h 59m [S] We open the DLC menu and receive a New Uniform Set!

0d 3h 58m [V] We heal.

0d 3h 57m [S] We head to a Poké Mart and buy 31 Poké Balls.

0d 3h 57m [V] We head to a Poké Mart and buy 60 Poké Balls.

0d 3h 55m [V] We get a communication error.

0d 3h 55m [V] A wild Fletchling takes down Lechonk.

0d 3h 54m [S] We leave the hair salon.

0d 3h 53m [S] We change our hairstyle to a pink long and straight haircut.

0d 3h 53m [V] We leave the academy.

0d 3h 52m [S] We enter a salon.

0d 3h 51m [S/V] Our phone rings again. This time, it's Jacq, who tells us about a collaboration with another school on the land of Kitikami, that we can take part in if we want.

0d 3h 50m [S/V] Koraidon/Miraidon come out, and invite us to ride on them!

0d 3h 48m [S/V] Arven and Nemona begin fighting over us. Cassiopeia then calls us, and the two get even more possessive.

0d 3h 45m [S/V] Clavell announces that it's time for us to go on our Tresaure Hunt, aka journey across the region!

0d 3h 43m [S/V] The bell rings, and asks all students to assemble in the schoolyard.

0d 3h 42m [S/V] Both sides decide to go to bed. Several days pass by...

0d 3h 41m [S/V] As we prepare to leave, Nemona comes in, and takes us to our dorm room.

0d 3h 39m [S/V] We arrive in the Director's office. On the screen, Professor Sada/Turo appears, and asks us if we are travelling with Koraidon/Miraidon., and asks us to look after it on their behalf. They also give us their contact info.

[Snark] Is this because we arrived two hours late--

0d 3h 36m [S/V] Suddenly, we are called to the director's office.

0d 3h 35m [S/V] Nemona is talking to someone, who leaves as we arrive. Nemona then suggests aiming for a Champion-rank, just like her!

0d 3h 34m [S] We head to the staff room as well.

0d 3h 34m [V] We head back to classroom 1-A, then to the Staff Room.

0d 3h 34m [S] We are back in the main hall.

0d 3h 33m [V] We head back to the cafeteria.

0d 3h 33m [S] We get the same speech from Cassiopeia on this side.

0d 3h 32m [V] We are back in the main hall.

0d 3h 32m [V] Our Rotom Phone rings... Someone named Cassiopeia somehow obtained our number, and wants to enroll us in Operation Starfall, a quest to take down Team Star.

0d 3h 31m [S] We meet with Arven and get the same speech we just got on the other side.

0d 3h 31m [V] Arven tells us about his search for Herba Mystica, located inside the lair of Titan Pokémon.

0d 3h 30m [S] We exit the class and head to the cafeteria.

0d 3h 29m [V] We exit class, and meet Arven again inside the cafeteria.

0d 3h 26m [S/V] Class is in session with Mr. Jacq!

0d 3h 26m [S/V] We enter Uva Academy on one side and Naranja Academy on the other, meeting up with Clavell inside. He seems quite alarmed to hear about the bullying going on outside.

0d 3h 24m [S/V] The Team Star Grunts run away on both sides, and both Nemona and the girl we rescued head off to class.

0d 3h 23m [S] We terastallize Sprigatito and take down Yungoos with Leafage. Flamigo grew to Lv. 7! Defeated Team Star Grunt!

0d 3h 22m [V] We terastallize Lechonk and use Tackle! Yungoos goes down! Defeated Team Star Grunt!

0d 3h 22m [S] Vs. Team Star Grunt! He sends Yungoos.

0d 3h 22m [V] Vs. Team Star Grunt! He sends Yungoos.

0d 3h 21m [S] Received a Tera Orb from Nemona as well.

0d 3h 21m [V] Nemona comes in, and we receive a Tera Orb from her!

0d 3h 20m [S] Vs. Team Star Grunt! Sprigatito makes short work of Shroodle, and we defeat her. Flamigo grew to Lv. 6!

0d 3h 20m [V] A few Tackles from Lechonk, and Shroodle goes down. Fuecoco grew to Lv. 12! Flamigo grew to Lv. 9! Sunkern grew to Lv. 10! Defeated Team Star Grunt!

0d 3h 18m [V] Vs. Team Star Grunt! She sends out Shroodle.

0d 3h 18m [S] Same thing over here.

0d 3h 18m [V] We run into a girl being bothered by two kids presenting themselves as "Team Star".

0d 3h 11m [V] We enter Uva Academy at last!

0d 3h 11m [V] Received 3 Revives!

0d 3h 11m [S] Deposited Bounsweet and withdrew Flamigo.

0d 3h 10m [V] Fuecoco still manages to take down Pawmi. Lechonk grew to Lv. 9! Defeated Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 3h 8m [V] Nemona sends out Pawmi, and terastallizes it!

0d 3h 7m [S] With that done, we go through the doors and enter Naranja Academy proper!

0d 3h 7m [S] Received 3 Revives from Nemona.

0d 3h 7m [V] Pawmi grew to Lv. 8 and learned Charge over Scratch! Ralts grew to Lv. 9 and learned Hypnosis over Growl!

0d 3h 6m [V] Fuecoco takes down Sprigatito without much trouble. Pawmi is sent out next.

0d 3h 5m [S] Defeated Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 3h 5m [S] Quaxly manages to take down Pawmi! Fidough grew to Lv. 11 and learned Bit over Growl! Sprigatito grew to Lv. 12!

0d 3h 5m [V] Nemona sends out Sprigatito, and we send Fuecoco.

0d 3h 4m [V] Namona catches up and challenges us to a battle! Vs. Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 3h 4m [V] We finally arrive at Uva Academy (possibly a bit late).

0d 3h 3m [S] Nemona sends out Pawmi... and terastillizes it!

0d 3h 3m [S] Quaxly uses Aqua Jet, and Fuecoco goes for Round. Antoher Aqua Jet, and Fuecoco goes down. Bounsweet grew to Lv. 7! Pawmi grew to Lv. 8!

0d 3h 2m [S] Nemona sends Fuecoco, and we send Quaxly.

0d 3h 1m [S] Nemona arrives and immediately wants to battle! Vs. Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 3h 1m [S] After many detours, we finally arrive at Naranja Academy!

0d 2h 59m [S] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

0d 2h 58m [S/V] Both characters now appear in each other's game.

0d 2h 57m [S/V] ...and the Violet side successfully joins it!

0d 2h 57m [S/V] Let's try again. The Scarlet side sets up a Union Circle...

[Info] Airplane mode gets turned off on the Violet side.

0d 2h 55m [S/V] The Scarlet side creates a Union Circle, and the Violet side tries to join it... but Airplane Mode is on.

0d 2h 53m [S/V] Both sides open up Poké Portal.

0d 2h 53m [S] Quaxly grew to Lv. 13 and learned Aqua Jet! Bounsweet grew to Lv. 6!

0d 2h 52m [V] We arrive back in Los Platos.

0d 2h 50m [V] Caught a female Lv. 5 Fidough! Nickname: Fidoss.

0d 2h 48m [V] Caught a male Lv. 7 Igglybuff! No nickname. Sunkern grew to Lv. 9! Lechonk grew to Lv. 8 and learned Echoed Voice!

0d 2h 45m [V] Found a Potion.

0d 2h 41m [V] We fly back to Los Platos.

[Snark] Isn't our mom going to wonder why we are back home instead of at school.

0d 2h 40m [V] We fly to our house.

0d 2h 39m [S] We fly back to Los Platos.

0d 2h 38m [S] We fly back to our house.

0d 2h 37m [V] Found an Antidote.

0d 2h 35m [V] We activate the option to automatically send caught Pokémon to the PC.

0d 2h 34m [V] Withdrew Flamigo and deposited Fletchling.

0d 2h 34m [V] Withdrew Fuecoco and deposited the other Lechonk.

0d 2h 33m [V] Added Lechonk to the party and sent Fuecoco to the PC.

0d 2h 32m [V] Caught a female Lv. 7 Lechonk! Nickname: nkqk*88.

0d 2h 29m [S] Caught a female Lv. 5 Bounsweet! No nickname.

0d 2h 26m [S] Caught a female Lv. 5 Bounsweet! Nickname: Bounsweet1.

0d 2h 24m [S] We fly to Los Platos again.

0d 2h 24m [V] We fell in the water again and respawned at the Poké Center of Los Platos.

0d 2h 23m [S] We fly back to Cabo Poco.

0d 2h 21m [V] Fell in the water.

0d 2h 20m [V] Caught a female Lv. 6 Flamigo! No nickname.

0d 2h 19m [S] Flew to Los Paltos.

0d 2h 18m [S] We fly to Cabo Poco.

0d 2h 17m [S] Found a Potion.

0d 2h 13m [V] Fell in the water.

0d 2h 12m [S] We head to the Poké Center and heal.

0d 2h 12m [S] We fly to Los Platos (East).

0d 2h 11m [S] For adding 10 volumes to our Pokédex, we received 3 bags of Stardust!

0d 2h 10m [V] Caught a male Lv. 8 Ralts! No nickname. Lechonk grew to Lv. 8! Fletchling grew to Lv. 7! Sunkern grew to Lv. 6!

0d 2h 8m [S] Caught a male Lv. 5 Flamigo! No nickname.

0d 2h 6m [S] Fell in the water.

0d 2h 5m [S] Found a Pecha Berry.

0d 2h 4m [V] We fall off a cliff, then warp back up.

0d 2h 4m [S] Found a Paralyze Heal.

0d 2h 2m [S] Found a TM032 Swift.

0d 2h 0m [S] Deposited Shroomish and withdrew Tarountula.

0d 2h 0m [V] Fell in the water.

0d 1h 59m [S] We activate the option to automatically send caught Pokémon to the PC.

0d 1h 58m [V] We open the map.

0d 1h 57m [S] Caught a female Lv. 7 Hoppip! Nickname: Hopzip.

0d 1h 56m [S] Found a TM047 Endure.

0d 1h 56m [S] Caught a male Lv. 5 Fletchling! Nickname: Fletchlin.

0d 1h 55m [S] Caught a female Lv. 8 Tarountula! Nickname: Tar. Quaxly grew to Lv. 12! Lechonk grew to Lv. 8! Pawmi grew to Lv. 8!

0d 1h 52m [S] Caught a male Lv. 20 Shroomish! Nickname: Shr. Our entire party leveled up!

0d 1h 52m [S] Caught a male Lv. 6 Pawmi! No nickname. Lechonk grew to Lv. 6! Fidough grew to Lv. 7!

0d 1h 50m [V] Found a TM032 Swift.

0d 1h 48m [V] Fell in the water.

0d 1h 47m [S/V] There are too many inputs going on at the moment, so Union Circle may have to wait.

0d 1h 44m [S] We open up the Poké Portal menu again and set up a Union Circle.

0d 1h 40m [S] Received a Lv. 5 Sprigatito from Mystery Gift! No nickname.

0d 1h 39m [S] We open the Mystery Gift menu and begin entering a code.

0d 1h 38m [V] Caught a female Lv. 5 Sunkern! No nickname. Fletchling grew to Lv. 6!

0d 1h 37m [S] We open up the Poké Portal and connect to the Internet.

0d 1h 35m [V] We leave the Poké Center.

0d 1h 34m [S/V] Both sides have arrived to a Pokémon Center, and received some LP and materials from Nemona.

0d 1h 33m [S] Caught a female Lv. 6 Fidough! Nickname: Fidough11. Quaxly grew to Lv. 9!

0d 1h 31m [V] Caught a female Lv. 5 Pawmi! No nickname. Lechonk grew to Lv. 5!

0d 1h 30m [S] Oops, fell into a puddle and almost drowned.

0d 1h 30m [S] Lechonk grew to Lv. 5!

0d 1h 29m [S] We head down, and make our way to Area One of the South Province as well.

0d 1h 29m [V] We venture onto Area One of the South Province.

0d 1h 27m [V] Then back down, and we're back on Poco Path.

0d 1h 27m [V] We head down from the lighthouse, then back up.

0d 1h 26m [S] We also make our way to the upper floor of the lighthouse.

0d 1h 25m [V] We make our way to the top of the lighthouse, from which we can see the school.

0d 1h 24m [S] Received Koraidon's Poké Ball from Arven.

0d 1h 23m [S] Quaxly easily takes down Skwovet. Defeated Pokémon Trainer Arven!

0d 1h 22m [V] Fletchinder grew to Lv. 5 and learned Quick Attack!

0d 1h 22m [S] Arven sends out Skwovet.

0d 1h 22m [S] Arven isn't sure we're up to command Koraidon, and wants to test us. Vs. Pokémon Trainer Arven!

0d 1h 20m [S] We arrive at the lighthouse, and someone seems to recognize the Pokémon, identifying it as Koraidon. Nemona recognizes him; it's Arven, the son of Professor Sada.

0d 1h 20m [V] Received Miraidon's Poké Ball from Arven, who then runs off.

0d 1h 19m [V] Defeated Pokémon Trainer Arven!

0d 1h 19m [V] Fuecoco easily takes down Skwovet and grows to Lv. 8.

0d 1h 18m [S] The mysterious Pokémon seems to lose most of its power. Nemona is intrigued, and trades phone numbers with us before handing us TM032 Swift.

0d 1h 17m [V] Arden wants to know if we're up to order Miraidon around... Vs. Pokémon Trainer Arven! He sends out Skwovet.

0d 1h 16m [V] Someone arrives, which Nemona's identifies as Arven, the son of Professor Turo.

0d 1h 16m [S] The large Pokémon carries us towards Nemona, and the cave's exit.

0d 1h 15m [S] Oh no! A wild Houndoom appears! We send out Quaxly, but Houndoom gets rid of it easily. the mysterious Pokémon thankfully intervenes, but Houndoom calls for backup in the form of numerous Houndour!

0d 1h 14m [V] Nemona trades phone numbers with us, then hands us TM032 Swift!

0d 1h 13m [V] We're thankfully able to escape, and join Nemona outside the grotto. The mysterious Pokémon seems to suddenly lose all of its strength and collapses.

0d 1h 12m [S] A group of Houndour arrives, but the mysterious Pokémon chases them away.

0d 1h 12m [V] The mysterious Pokémon comes to the rescue and attacks Houndoom, who calls more Houndour as backup!

0d 1h 11m [V] We send out Fuecoco. Houndoom immediately takes it down.

0d 1h 11m [V] As we keep going, Nemona warns us that something is coming... It's a Houndoom!

0d 1h 11m [S] Found a Potion.

0d 1h 10m [S] Defeated a wild Yungoss. Lechonk grew to Lv. 4!

0d 1h 10m [V] We keep going for a while, when a large group of Houndour shows up! Thankfully, the large Pokémon scares them away.

0d 1h 5m [V] We follow the Pokémon and enter the Inlett Grotto. We can hear Nemona calling for us from outside it.

0d 1h 3m [V] We give our Sandwich to the Pokémon, who eagerly eats it, before entering the nearby cave.

0d 1h 1m [V] It doesn't want to eat our phone either.

0d 1h 1m [V] The large Pokémon doesn't seem to be doing great... We try to feed it our Adventure Guide, but he doesn't want to eat that.

0d 1h 0m [S] Back inside the cave, we keep drowning over and over.

0d 1h 0m [V] We spot a large Pokémon lying on the shore down the cliff. It roars at a group of Houndour, causing us to fall down!

0d 0h 58m [S] We fall in the water some more, and eventually the game sends us back outside of the cave?

0d 0h 58m [V] Caught a male Lv. 4 Fletchling! Nickname: Fletc.

0d 0h 57m [S] Found a Poké Ball.

0d 0h 56m [V] We make some progress, and Nemona catches up to us. Our discussion gets interrupted by a loud roar...

0d 0h 56m [S] We hear Nemona yelling at us from above, thankful than we are not hurt. We then fall into the water.

0d 0h 55m [V] Defeated a wild Scatterbug. Fuecoco grew to Lv. 7!

0d 0h 54m [S] We follow the large Pokémon and enter the Inlett Grotto.

0d 0h 53m [S] The large Pokémon is doing much better it seems. It roars loudly, and heads into a cave.

0d 0h 52m [V] Nemona congratulates us on our catch, and hands us 10 more Poké Balls. She also heals us.

0d 0h 52m [S] It seems hungry... We give it our Sandwich.

0d 0h 52m [V] Caught a male Lv. 3 Lechonk! Nickname: Lechonk1.

0d 0h 51m [S] There's a large Pokémon on the shore... and we fall off the cliff, landing near it!

0d 0h 50m [V] We receive 5 Poké Balls from Nemona.

0d 0h 49m [S] We move onwards, and Nemona catches up to us. In the middle of our discussion however, a cry is heard!

0d 0h 49m [V] We arrive on Poco Path and meet up with Nemona.

0d 0h 48m [S] Took down a wild Scatterbug, and Quaxly grew to Lv. 7!

0d 0h 47m [S] Received 10 more Poké Balls from Nemona, who also heals us.

0d 0h 45m [V] We head out the gate of Nemona's house, where our mom is waiting. She gives us a Sandwich and 5 Potions!

0d 0h 45m [S] Caught a male Lv. 3 Lechonk! Nickname: L.

0d 0h 43m [S] Nemona hands us 5 Poké Balls, then decides to show us how it's done!

0d 0h 42m [S] We meet up with Nemona on the Poco Path.

0d 0h 42m [S] We try to follow Nemona best as we can.

0d 0h 40m [V] Received the Pokédex app from Clavell.

0d 0h 40m [S] Our mom gives us a Sandwich and 5 Potions!

0d 0h 39m [V] Sprigatito goes down. Fuecoco grew to Lv. 6! Defeated Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 0h 39m [S] We head out the gate of Nemona's house, where our mom meets us.

0d 0h 39m [V] We finally manage to use Ember, burning Sprigatito.

0d 0h 38m [V] We screw around the menus, then use Leer.

0d 0h 36m [S] Clavell installs the Pokédex app on our phone.

0d 0h 36m [V] We send Fuecoco, and Nemona sends Sprigatito.

0d 0h 36m [V] We arrive at the beach as well. Vs. Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 0h 35m [S] Two Water Guns, and Fuecoco goes down. Quaxly grew to Lv. 6! Defeated Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 0h 34m [S] Quaxly uses Pound. Fuecoco uses Ember.

0d 0h 33m [S] Nemona sends out Fuecoco, and we send Quaxly.

0d 0h 33m [S] Vs. Pokémon Trainer Nemona!

0d 0h 32m [S] We arrive on the beach, where Nemona is waiting for us.

[Info] Streamer's hand appear to show us a pamphlet for 100 free Poké Balls.

0d 0h 31m [V] We open the DLC menu and retrieve the New Uniform Set!

0d 0h 30m [S] Nemona also picks a Pokémon, namely Fuecoco.

0d 0h 30m [V] We saved.

0d 0h 29m [S] We picked Quaxly as our starter! No nickname.

0d 0h 28m [V] Nemona seems enthusiastic about our choice, and decides to pick a Pokémon of her own. She goes for Sprigatito.

0d 0h 27m [V] We picked Fuecoco as our starter! No nickname.

0d 0h 26m [V] We told Nemona we want to be friends.

0d 0h 25m [S] We almost picked Quaxly thrice already, and are struggling to get in front of any of the other two, let alone stay in front of the starters at all.

0d 0h 24m [V] We made it to Nemona's house!

0d 0h 23m [V] We are now going the complete wrong way.

0d 0h 23m [V] Meanwhile, we're struggling to get up the stairs. Classic.

0d 0h 22m [S] There's a girl with Clavell, who introduces herself as Nemona! We tell us we don't want to be friends.

0d 0h 21m [S] With the three starters by our side, we make our way to the house down the path. Time to pick a starter!

0d 0h 19m [V] We head outside, and are shown the same three Pokémon and given the same speech.

0d 0h 18m [S] Clavell leaves, and our mom gives us a Rotom Phone!

0d 0h 17m [V] We head downstairs and are onc emore denied the right to exit until we talk to Clavell again.

0d 0h 17m [S] Clavell sends out three Pokémon, and tells us we'll be provided with one of them upon entering the academy.

0d 0h 16m [S] We leave the house at last.

0d 0h 16m [S] Finally, Clavell tells us to follow him outside, so we might finally be allowed to leave.

0d 0h 15m [S] We head back downstairs, but once again the game tells us we can't leave yet.

0d 0h 15m [V] We put on our bag and hat.

0d 0h 14m [V] We go back to our room, and check the Adventure Guide.

0d 0h 14m [S] We head back to our room, and get our hat and bag.

0d 0h 13m [V] Clavell comes in to deliver some documents that should've arrived earlier.

0d 0h 12m [S] Still can't go to school yet.

0d 0h 12m [V] We get downstairs and talk to our mom, when the doorbell rings.

0d 0h 11m [S] Someone is at the door. His name is Clavell, and he's here to deliver some documents.

0d 0h 10m [V] We're not ready to leave either, the game tells us.

0d 0h 10m [S] We go talk to our mom in the kitchen, who tells us we're waiting for something important.

[Info] Inputs get briefly muted while Streamer turns off the music on the right side.

0d 0h 8m [S] We head downstairs and try to leave our house, but get told we're not ready for school yet.

0d 0h 6m [V] Set the text speed to fast.

0d 0h 6m [S] Set the option to skip move learning.

0d 0h 5m [V] Set the text speed to s l o w.

0d 0h 5m [S/V] After the intro plays on both sides, we are ready to start playing!

0d 0h 2m [S/V] It begins! The Violet side picked a brown-skinned girl named qqqq///////? , and the Scarlet side chose a white-skinned girl named 2wdccnnnmmnv!

[Info] Title screens are up!

[Intermission] The game on the left is now Octopath Traveller, while the game on the right is Mario Golf: Super Rush.

[Intermission] Yesterday, Little Kitty, Big City was replaced by Suika Game, and Princess Peach: Showtime was replaced by Famicom Detective Club: The Missing Heir. Having just finished the latter, we have now switched to Famicom Detective Club: The Girl Who Stands Behind.

[Intermission] The left side is now playing Princess Peach: Showtime, while the right side is set to Little Kitty, Big City.