Updater archive for #1ci491antkthk

Twitch Plays Pokémon - The 10th Anniversary Gauntlet Red

[Intermission] Defeated the Rival, and the Gym Leader Castle is cleared

The original updater was one long updater for the whole gauntlet; this archive splits the updater by game. Link to next updater archive

[Intermission] Gym Leader Castle: Elite Four battle cleared

[Intermission] In the Gym Leader Castle, Giovanni has been defeated

[Intermission] We are back on Stadium.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: bye cool bootleg

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: ok goodbye weird bootleg. Hopefully someday I find out how to dump the save from you

[Snark] Darn, those were all my favourites Pokémon from Generation I too.

[Intermission] Update on NES Yellow: we killed Ho-Oh, Lugia, and Raikou.

[Intermission] NES Yellow just caught Mewtwo \o/

[Intermission] So apparently NES Yellow urned. Congrats all.

[Intermission] We caught Suicune in NES Yellow.

...wait a minute.

[Intermission] Also, we've just severed fate by evolving Pikachu to Raichu.

[Intermission] [Recap] This game has no checkpoint at Indigo Plateau and no way to fly there - we have to walk through Victory Road every time. We're on walk #3 now.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: this game again, nice

[Intermission] We switched to NES Yellow, aka Lei Dian Huang Bi Ka Qiu Chuan Shuo, which we had started playing before the start of Super Gauntlet Red.

[Intermission] We caught Mewtwo about 45 minutes ago

[Snark] This is supposed to be a break for us too, screw you, you're not getting quality regular updates.

[Intermission] We just kinda keep throwing Balls, missing Mewtwo, and eventually quitting and reloading the save. You'll be let known if we manage to catch it.

[Intermission] Happened again, this is the third attempt I'm pretty sure.


MegaZard: IF I HAD ONE

[Intermission] We quit the game, and ironically go check Mewtwo's empty pedestal in Stadium's Hall of Fame.

[Intermission] Onix immediately exploded at Mewtwo.

[Intermission] A wild Mewtwo appears!

[Intermission] The issue with the GB Tower is that it lets us quit the game without saving at basically any time. Though to be fair, this also means we can get multiple chances at Mewtwo.

[Intermission] Seems we booted up the Red save file again in Stadium's GB Tower, and are currently in Cerulean cave!

[Intermission] Guess we are finally using that Dratini we got from the Prize Corner.

[Intermission] The GB Tower lets us go back to playing Pokémon Red... and we start a new game. Streamer manually backs out and picks "Continue" for us... and we just back out anyway.

[Chat] tppsimulator: you didn’t refresh the genderfluid plant

[Fluff] Also, just realized that the MissingNo. plushie is now in an urn. Someone had to point out that pun to me.

[Info] The next run in the Super Gauntlet has been confirmed to be Dual Gold & Silver! It'll start on February 19th at 21:00 GMT. In the meantime, we are playing Pokémon Stadium on the Nintendo 64, with access to our team from Super Gauntlet Red!

4d 18h 33m The screen turns off for now. See you next run!

4d 18h 31m THE END

[Fluff] Entering the Hall of Fame! Pixie the Gyarados! Airbok Orochi the Arbok! Onix the Onix! Ollie the Vileplume! Bucket the MissingNo.! And Battlemon the Hypno! Welcome to the Hall of Fame!


4d 18h 28m Venusaur comes out next. We use Body Slam, and the second one paralyzes it. Venusaur sets up Solar Beam, but goes down before it can fire.

4d 18h 27m Venasaur crits a Mega Drain as we spam Body Slam-- and that's it! Teh URN!

4d 18h 27m Arcanine comes out next. We take it down easily with Surf.

4d 18h 27m Arcanine falls to a single Surf.

4d 18h 27m Blue sends his own Gyarados. We use Body Slam to paralyze it, then take it down with Surf!

4d 18h 26m Blue's Gyarados becomes paralyzed by Body Slam and then falls to two Surfs, one of which crits.

4d 18h 26m Blue sends out Rhydon. Just as well, we are out of Thunderbolts, and take it out with Ice Beam.

4d 18h 26m Alakazam goes down to three Thunderbolts. Rhydon goes down to Ice Beam.

4d 18h 26m Alakazam is next. Gyarados keeps using Thunderbolt as it sets up Reflect, then uses Psybeam. Eventually, Alakazam goes down!

4d 18h 25m Pidgeot goes down to two Thunderbolts. Gyarados grew to Lv. 65!

4d 18h 25m Blue sends out Pidgeot. Gyarados uses Thunderbolt; Pidgeot barely survives, but wastes its turn on Whirlwind and goes down right after. Gyarados grew to Lv. 65!

4d 18h 25m Vs. Champion BLUE! (Attempt #3)

4d 18h 24m Lance sends out Dragonite, but one more Ice Beam takes care of it. Defeated Lance!

4d 18h 24m Our Gyarados uses Ice Beam, and easily defeat both of Lance's Dragonair, then his Aerodactyl.

4d 18h 23m Vs. Elite 4 Lance! Both sides send out Gyarados. Ours take down Lance's with Thunderbolt.

4d 18h 21m Agatha sends out her second Gengar. It uses Night Shade, but goes down to Psychic right after. Defeated Agatha!

4d 18h 21m Haunter goes down just as easily, as does Arbok.

4d 18h 21m Golbat goes down to Psychic as well. Hypno grew to Lv. 59!

4d 18h 20m Hypno uses Psychic, and Gengar goes down.

4d 18h 19m Vs Elite 4 Agatha! She sends out Gengar. We swap to Hypno, which gets hit by Night Shade.

4d 18h 19m Petal Dance is still going and hits Machamp twice, bringing it to red health. After a self-hit, Vileplume snaps out of confusion and uses the move again, taking Machamp down. Vileplume grew to Lv. 53! Defeated Bruno!

4d 18h 18m Despite Bruno using an X Defend, his second Onix goes down from Petal Dance too.

4d 18h 18m Hitmonlee almost goes down from Petal Dance. We use the move again, and finish it off.

4d 18h 17m Petal Dance keeps going, and takes down Hitmonchan as well.

4d 18h 17m Vileplume uses Petal Dance and Onix goes down.

4d 18h 15m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno! Gyarados wastes a Thunderbolt on Onix. We swap it out for Vileplume.

4d 18h 15m Two more Thunderbolts take out Jynx. Lapras is next, and it confuses Gyarados; Gyarados avoids the self-hit however and takes out Lapras. Gyarados grew to Lv. 64! Defeated Lorelei!

4d 18h 14m Cloyster goes down with one Thunderbolt, as does Slowbro.

4d 18h 13m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! She sends out Dewgong. Gyarados takes it out with Thunderbolt in two turns.

4d 18h 12m Pokémon League attempt #14!

4d 18h 11m Psychic takes out the next Dragonair just as easily. Aerodactyl, however, uses Hyper Beam, and takes down Hypno. Black out!

4d 18h 11m Hypno uses Double Team to raise evasion, then repeatedly Headbutts Lance's Dragonair. Finally, a Psychic takes Dragonair out.

4d 18h 10m We send Hypno and use Headbutt. Gyarados just Leers at us, and Hypno takes it down.

4d 18h 9m We send out MissingNo. again. It wakes up, but gets hit with Hyper Beam and faints.

4d 18h 8m Inputs are down once again. Streamer brings them back.

4d 18h 7m Gyarados uses Dragon Rage. We stay on Cut. The next turn goes similarly, then Gyarados uses Hyper Beam and Vileplume goes down.

4d 18h 6m Vileplume uses Cut. It inflicts damage.

4d 18h 5m We send out Vileplume and try to use Bicycle again.

4d 18h 5m Gyarados uses Hydro Pump and Onix goes down.

4d 18h 5m We send out Onix and use Dig. No effect on Gyarados.

4d 18h 4m We send out Arbok and use Strength. Gyarados misses with Hyper Beam, but hits the next turn. Arbok survives however, and almost takes Gyarados out with more Strength attack. However, Lance heals with a Hyper Potion, and another Hyper Beam takes down Arbok.

4d 18h 3m Vs. Elite 4 Lance! His Gyarados uses Dragon Rage, and takes out our Gyarados.

4d 18h 2m Psychic takes out Arbok as well. Agatha's last Gengar uses Dream Eater to no effect, then barely survives a Psychic. Agatha uses a Super Potion, but one more Psychic takes Gengar out. Hypno grew to Lv. 58! Defeated Agatha!

4d 18h 1m Inputs are back. We send out Hypno, which takes out Gengar with Psychic, then Golbat and Haunter as well.

4d 17h 58m Inputs broke again.

4d 17h 57m We switch to MissingNo., and Gengar puts it to sleep.

4d 17h 56m Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! She sends out Gengar, which confuses our Gyarados. Gyarados hits itself.

4d 17h 55m Machamp is sent out. It uses Submission a first time, survives Surf, misses its second Submission, then goes down to another Surf. Defeated Bruno!

4d 17h 54m Bruno sends out Onix and uses an X Defend on it. It promptly gets taken down by Surf.

4d 17h 54m Hitmonlee lands a Mega Kick. Gyarados suffers from paralysis, but takes Hitmonlee down the next turn. Gyarados grew to Lv. 63!

4d 17h 53m Hitmonchan uses Ice Punch for a few HP of damage before going down to Surf as well.

4d 17h 53m Vs Elite 4 Bruno! He sends out Onix and uses and X Defend. Gyarados uses Surf and takes it down.

4d 17h 51m Lapras is next. Gyarados uses Thunderbolt, then gets paralyzed by Body Slam before finishing it off. Defeated Lorelei!

4d 17h 51m Jynx is sent out. Two Thunderbolts take it to red health, and Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Another Thunderbolt takes it down.

4d 17h 49m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! We send out Gyarados, which uses Thunderbolt to take out Dewgong, Cloyster, and Slowbro all in a row.

4d 17h 49m Pokémon League attempt #13!

4d 17h 48m We save.

4d 17h 46m We enter the League building and heal.

4d 17h 46m Pidgeot wakes up as we spam Absorb. It then uses Sky Attack and takes down Vileplume. Black out!

4d 17h 45m We send out Vileplume against Blue's Pidgeot. We put it to sleep using Sleep Powder, then use Absorb.

4d 17h 44m Vs. Champion BLUE! (Attempt #2)

4d 17h 43m Dragonite is now spamming Agility. One last Petal Dance though, and it goes down! Vileplume grew to Lv. 52! Defeated Lance!

4d 17h 43m Vileplume is on Petal Dance again.

4d 17h 41m Vileplume moves to using Cut, then Absorb, both safer options than Petal Dance. Dragonite is stuck in its Barrier loop.

4d 17h 40m We send out Vileplume. Dragonite has its faulty AI kick in and spam Barrier, while Vileplume thrashes about with Petal Dance to slowly chip at its health.

4d 17h 39m Dragonite is next. It uses Hyper Beam, and MissingNo. faints.

4d 17h 39m We send out MissingNo. Aerodactyl misses with Take Down, and Tri Attack takes it out!

4d 17h 38m Arbok snaps out of confusion, than uses Wrap again, but Take Down, well, takes it down.

4d 17h 38m We send out Arbok. Aerodactyl uses Supersonic and confuses it, before hitting at it with Bite. Arbok manages to use Wrap twice before hitting itself.

4d 17h 37m Aerodactyl is next, and it lands a critical hit; Gyarados faints!

4d 17h 37m Our Gyarados then takes down both of Lance's Dragonair with Ice Beam. Gyarados grew to Lv. 62!

4d 17h 36m Lance sends out Gyarados. Our own Gyarados uses Thunderbolt and takes it down.

4d 17h 36m It's that time again! Vs. Elite 4 Lance!

4d 17h 34m Gyarados uses Ice Beam, and Gengar goes down. Defeated Agatha!

4d 17h 33m Nevermind, inputs are back! We send out Gyarados!


4d 17h 27m ...it seems inputs broke.

4d 17h 26m Gengar uses Night Shade and Onix faints.

[Snark] I swear most of the damage we take against the Elite 4 is from confusion self-hits.

4d 17h 26m Onix hurts itself in confusion.

4d 17h 25m Gengar wakes up and badly poisons Onix. Onix uses Dig, but Gengar survives and uses Confuse Ray.

4d 17h 25m Sleep Powder puts Gengar to sleep. We use the opportunity to swap to Onix.

4d 17h 24m We send out Vileplume. It gets confused as well, then uses Cut, which has no effect.

4d 17h 24m Agatha's second Gengar confuses Hypno again, which self-hits. Night Shade then knocks out Hypno.

4d 17h 23m Another Psychic takes care of Agatha's Arbok.

4d 17h 23m Haunter confuses us once more. It self-hits, then uses Psychic the next turn and takes out Haunter. Hypno grew to Lv. 57!

4d 17h 22m Golbat is next, and Psychic takes it out without trouble.

4d 17h 22m Agatha uses a Super Potion. Hypno snaps out of confusion, and takes out Gengar!

4d 17h 22m Gengar confuses Hypno, then uses Night Shade. Hypno uses Psychic, but Gengar barely survives.

4d 17h 21m Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! She send Gengar. We swap Gyarados for Hypno.

4d 17h 19m Surf just as easily takes out Hitmonlee and Onix. Machamp survives the first Surf, uses Leer, then goes down too. Defeated Bruno!

4d 17h 19m Gyarados uses Surf against Hitmonchan and takes it out. Gyarados grew to Lv. 61!

4d 17h 18m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno! Gyarados uses Ice Beam and takes out Onix effortlessly.

4d 17h 17m Gyarados finally lands another Thunderbolt. Lorelei defeated!

4d 17h 16m Gyarados uses Thunderbolt once more against Lapras. Lapras uses Confuse Ray, and Gyarados hurts itself in confusion as Lapras Body Slams into it.

4d 17h 16m Jynx is out next. Gyarados uses Thunderbolt again twice to take it out.

4d 17h 15m Vs. Elite Four Lorelei! Thunderbolt fails a few times to take Dewgong out, but finally manages. Cloyster goes down in one hit, and so does Slowbro.

4d 17h 14m Pokémon League attempt #12!

4d 17h 12m We enter the Pokémon League building and heal.

4d 17h 12m Arbok is sent out as our last Pokémon. Alakazam uses Psychic, and we black out.

4d 17h 11m Onix next. Another Psybeam, and it faints too.

4d 17h 11m We send out Vileplume. Alakazam uses Psybeam and Vileplume faints.

4d 17h 10m Alakazam uses Psychic and MissingNo. faints.

4d 17h 10m We send out MissingNo. next. Alakazam uses Recover to heal.

4d 17h 10m Using Metronome, Hypno raises its evasion, then its special. It resists a Psybeam with 2 HP, attacks with a multiple-turn attack, posions Alakazam with Poison Sting, and finally goes down.

4d 17h 8m Alakazam is next and takes out Gyarados. We send Hypno.

4d 17h 8m BLUE sends out Pidgeot. Gyarados uses Thunderbolt and takes it down. Gyarados grew to lv. 60!

4d 17h 8m Surprise (not really), someone else beat the Elite Four before us, and now we have to battle them... Vs. Champion BLUE! (Attempt #1)

4d 17h 6m The next Dragonair is taken out by Ice Beam as well. Aerodactyl goes down the same way, and so does Dragonite! Defeated Lance with a complete and merciless sweep by Gyarados!

4d 17h 6m We use Thunderbolt again against Dragonair. Gyarados gets hit by Dragon Rage, then uses Ice Beam to take Dragonair out.

4d 17h 5m Lance sends Gyarados. This time we have our own Gyarados to send, and we take out his with Thunderbolt!

4d 17h 5m Vs. Elite 4 Lance! (Attempt #6)

4d 17h 5m Here we go again. We check Bulbasaur's cry for good luck.

4d 17h 4m The other Gengar comes out. After another self-hit, Hypno snaps out of confusion, and lands two more Psychic attacks, taking Gengar out. Defeated Agatha!

4d 17h 3m Haunter is next. Hypno self-hits, then uses Psychic and takes it out. Arbok is next, and it immediately goes down as well.

4d 17h 3m Gengar is back, and uses Confuse Ray. Hypno still manages to use Psychic and takes it out for good. Hypno grew to Lv. 56!

4d 17h 2m Hypno uses Psychic and almost takes out Gengar. Agatha swaps it for Golbat, which another Psychic takes out.

4d 17h 1m Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! She sends out Gengar. We swap Gyarados for Hypno.

4d 16h 59m Surf deals great damage to Machamp. It tries to use Fissure against our Flying-type Gyarados, and is punished by another Surf. Gyarados grew to Lv. 59! Defeated Bruno!

4d 16h 58m Surf then takes care of Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Onix in one hit each.

4d 16h 58m Finally, Gyarados uses Surf and takes out Onix.

4d 16h 57m Bruno sends out Onix. Our Gyarados uses Body Slam, then spams Thunderbolt.

4d 16h 57m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno!

4d 16h 56m Lorelei sends out Lapras. We use Thunderbolt again, then Gyarados is confused by Confuse Ray, but still manages to attack again, taking out Lapras. Defeated Lorelei!

4d 16h 55m Jynx is sent out, and we take it out with a few more Thunderbolts.

4d 16h 55m Slowbro is next. Thudnerbolt takes it out swiftly. Gyarados grew to Lv. 58!

4d 16h 54m Cloyster comes out. We use Surf and take out half its health. Another Surf, and it goes down.

4d 16h 54m Another Body Slam paralyzes Dewgong, and one more takes it down.

4d 16h 53m Gyarados uses Ice Beam, then Body Slam, as Dewgong just Growls at us.

4d 16h 52m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! She sends out Dewgong and we send Gyarados.

4d 16h 51m Pokémon League attempt #11!

4d 16h 50m We swap MissingNo. and Vileplume in our party, then Hypno and Vileplume.

4d 16h 48m We check out MissingNo.'s stats so next attempt may have funky sprites again.

4d 16h 48m We send out Onix. We use Dig, which has no effect. We then throw a Poké Ball at Dragonite, and finally use Explosion. Onix self destructs and we black out.

4d 16h 47m Dragonite is last. It spams Barrier at Vileplume, but a self-hit takes Vileplume down anyway. We send Hypno next and Use Psychic, but this time it's poison that causes Hypno to faint.

4d 16h 46m Vileplume hurts itself in confusion twice, then is hit by Bite. It snaps out of confusion and lands a critical hit with Petal Dance. Another Bite almost takes it out, but it takes down Aerodactyl.

4d 16h 45m Dragonair goes down, and Aerodactyl comes out.

4d 16h 45m We send out Vileplume, and Dragonair begins spamming Agility. Vileplume attacks with Petal Dance while Dragonair's speed maxes out.

4d 16h 44m Another Dragonair comes out and uses Slam. MissingNo. faints.

4d 16h 44m Dragonair is next. It uses Dragon Rage, then gets taken out by another Tri Attack.

4d 16h 44m MissingNo. uses Earthquake, but Gyarados is immune to it. Thankfully, paralysis prevents it from attacking back. We then use Tri Attack and Gyarados goes down.

4d 16h 43m We send out MissingNo.

4d 16h 43m 4d 16h 42m Lance uses a Hyper Potion. We keep using Wrap, until it misses and Gyarados uses Hyper Beam. Arbok faints.

4d 16h 42m Gyarados is sent by Lance, while we send Arbok. Glare paralyzes Gyarados, then we start spamming Wrap, slowly chipping at Gyarados' health without letting it move.

4d 16h 41m Here we are again, and this might be our best chance yet. Vs. Elite 4 Lance! (Attempt #5)

4d 16h 40m Agatha sends out another Gengar. It uses Toxic, and badly poisons Hypno. Hypno retorts with Psychic once more, and Gengar goes down. Defeated Agatha!

4d 16h 39m Haunter is back, but Hypno uses Psychic again, and it goes down.

4d 16h 39m Hypno wakes up and uses Psychic, taking down Arbok. Hypno grew to Lv. 55!

4d 16h 39m Haunter uses Dream Eater, then Night Shade. Then, Agatha swaps it out for Arbok, which uses Acid.

4d 16h 38m Haunter comes out and uses Hypnosis. Hypno falls asleep. It also gets confused, and hits itself once it wakes up.

4d 16h 37m We send out Hypno. Gengar tries to use Dream Eater and is taken out by Psychic.

4d 16h 37m Another Night Shade, and Gyarados faints.

4d 16h 36m Gengar comes out. It puts Gyarados to sleep again, then uses Night Shade. Gyarados wakes up, gets hit by Night Shade again, and retorts with Thunderbolt.

4d 16h 35m Agatha switches to Golbat. Gyarados is still asleep, and Golbat confuses it too, before removing confusion with Haze. We use Thunderbolt and take it down.

4d 16h 35m Gengar is sent out! We send Gyarados, and Gengar puts it to sleep.

4d 16h 34m Next one! Vs. Elite 4 Agatha!

[Chat] thegriffincash: We should really thank that guy that sold us magicarp

4d 16h 33m Machamp comes out, gets hit by Surf, and tries to use Fissure. It misses, and we take it down as well. Defeated Bruno!

4d 16h 33m The next Onix fares no better.

4d 16h 32m Hitmonchan comes out, and Gyarados uses Surf, taking it down in a single hit. Hitmonlee is next, and goes down the same way. Gyarados grew to Lv. 57!

4d 16h 32m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno! We use Ice Beam and take out his Onix.

4d 16h 31m We move on to the next room. We still have our full team, and Gyarados only lost about a quarter of its health so far.

4d 16h 30m Minimal damage from DoubleSlap, then Jynx goes down to another Body Slam. We then use Thunderbolt on Lapras twice, and get confused. We manage to land one more Thunderbolt however, and Lapras goes down! Defeated Lorelei!

4d 16h 29m Jynx comes out. We use Body Slam, and almost take it out, while paralyzing it.

4d 16h 29m Two more Thunderbolts take care of Slowbro, with minimal damage suffered so far.

4d 16h 28m Another Thunderbolt, and Cloyster goes down too. Gyarados grew to Lv. 56!

4d 16h 28m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! She sends Dewgong against our Gyarados. We use select to place Thunderbolt in the first slot, then use it and take down Dewgong.

4d 16h 27m Pokémon League attempt #10!

4d 16h 26m The girl at the entrance wishes us good luck. Thanks, we might need it.

4d 16h 25m We save again.

4d 16h 25m We save.

4d 16h 24m Haunter uses Night Shade again and Vileplume goes down. We black out!

4d 16h 23m Haunter uses Night Shade twice before Vileplume wakes up. The next Hypnosis misses, and Vileplume uses Petal Dance.

4d 16h 23m We send out Vileplume. Haunter uses Hypnosis and Vileplume falls asleep.


4d 16h 22m We send out MissingNo., which gets confused by Haunter. It hurts itself in confusion, and because of its wildly uneven stats, it actually loses all of its health.

4d 16h 20m Haunter is sent out. It uses Night Shade and Hypno faints.

4d 16h 20m Golbat comes out next. It uses Supersonic and Hypno gets confused. it hurts itself in confusion twice, then uses Psychic and Golbat goes down.

4d 16h 19m Gengar's Hypnosis miss, and we take it out with Psychic.

4d 16h 18m Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! She sends Gengar, we send Hypno.

4d 16h 16m Machamp comes out. Vileplume keeps going while Bruno uses another X Defend. A critical hit lands, and Machamp goes down! Vileplume grew to Lv. 51! Defeated Bruno! Bruno is not looking good.

4d 16h 16m Onix is next. Bruno uses an X Defend on it, but Vileplume takes it out while thrashing about.

4d 16h 15m We send out Vileplume. It uses Petal Dance and takes out Hitmonlee.

[Snark] So many Megas you'd think this is Gen VI.

4d 16h 14m Hitmonlee comes out next. Arbok uses Mega Drain again, but Mega Kick lands a critical hit and Arbok faints.

4d 16h 13m Arbok keeps using Mega Drain. Hitmonchan ladns a critical hit with mega Punch, but Arbok holds on. The next Mega Punch misses, and Arbok finishes off Hitmonchan.

4d 16h 12m Hitmonchan comes out. We use Mega Drain again, and Bruno uses another X Defend.

4d 16h 11m Arbok uses Mega Drain, and Onix goes down.

4d 16h 11m Arbok uses Strength again. Bruno uses an X Defend.

4d 16h 11m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno! We send out Arbok and use Strength on Onix. It's super effective on its sprite but not very effective on its health.

4d 16h 9m One more hit, and Lapras goes down. Hypno grew to Lv. 54! Defeated Lorelei!

4d 16h 9m We send Hypno and use Psychic. Lapras holds on and uses Blizzard. Critical hit!

4d 16h 8m Onix uses Dig and dodges Hydro Pump. The next Hydro Pump, however, hits, and Onix goes down.

4d 16h 8m Lapras comes out and we use Ice Beam. It takes Gyarados down with Body Slam and we send Onix.

4d 16h 7m We use Body Slam and destroy Jynx's sprite as well. Another Body Slam, and we faint it.

4d 16h 7m We finally land on Thunderbolt, but Slowbro survives with a silver of HP left. It uses Withdraw and it really should stop doing that because its sprite goes haywire again. We take it down for good and Jynx comes next.

4d 16h 6m Gyarados manages to take down Cloyster! Slowbro comes out next.

4d 16h 5m Gyarados uses Surf again and lands a critical hit. Cloyster responds with Spike Cannon, hitting 4 times.

4d 16h 5m We use Surf, and Dewgong goes down at last. Cloyster is next.

4d 16h 4m We paralyze Dewgong with Body Slam, then Lorelei uses a Super Potion. We then start spamming Ice Beam.

4d 16h 3m It's Dewgong vs. Gyarados again. Gyarados uses Surf and scrambles Dewging's sprite.

4d 16h 2m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei!

4d 16h 2m Here we go again. Pokémon League attempt #9!

4d 16h 0m Gengar seems to really want to use Dream Eater even though we are not sleeping. With one last self-hit however, Vileplume goes down. Blacked out!

4d 15h 59m Vileplume manages to use Petal Dance, and gets brought to red health by Night Shade.

4d 15h 58m Vileplume gets confused and hurts itself in confusion. Arbok misses with Glare, and Vileplume snaps out of confusion. Petal Dance almost takes out Arbok, but Agatha switches to Gengar and uses Confuse Ray.

4d 15h 58m We send out Vileplume. Arbok lands a critical hit with Bite. We start using Petal Dance and take Arbok down to orange health.

4d 15h 56m Just kidding. It uses Bite and MissingNo. faints.

4d 15h 56m We use the Bicycle, and this time successfully throw it at Arbok and take it down!

4d 15h 55m We send out MissingNo.

4d 15h 54m Arbok comes next. Hypno hits itself and faints.

4d 15h 53m Haunter comes out, and Hypno falls asleep from Hypnosis. Confuse Ray makes Hypno confused too, and it takes two Night Shades before waking up. It then takes it out with Psychic.

4d 15h 53m Golbat is next! It uses Wing Attack, but then goes down to Psychic as well.

4d 15h 52m Gengar uses Dream Eater because Agatha is an idiot. Hypno lands a critical hit with Psychic and Gengar goes down.

4d 15h 52m Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! She sends Gengar, and we send Hypno.

4d 15h 51m Machamp comes out, but Tri Attack takes it down as well in a single hit. Defeated Bruno!

4d 15h 50m Hitmonlee is next. We send MissingNo. and use Tri Attack, taking it down. Onix then lands a critical hit with Rage, and we use Tri Attack again. One more Tri Attack after Bruno uses an X Defend, and Onix goes down.

4d 15h 48m Onix uses Explosion and self-destructs! At least it took down Hitmonchan with it.

4d 15h 48m Hitmonchan comes out next. Ice Punch misses as we Dig once more.

4d 15h 47m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno! He sends out Onix against our own Onix. Ours uses Dig twice, while Bruno uses two X Defend on his. One more Dig, and his is out.

4d 15h 46m We send out Onix. It digs underground. Lorelei uses a Super Potion, but Onix lands a critical hit and takes it down! Defeated Lorelei!

4d 15h 45m Arbok uses Strength and lands a critical hit. Lapras uses Hydro Pump, but we survive and land another Strength. Arbok then gets confused by Confuse Ray, and Lapras survives another Strength before using Blizzard. Arbok faints.

4d 15h 44m Bicycle strats fail us again.

4d 15h 43m We send out Arbok.

4d 15h 43m Confuse Ray causes Gyarados to get confused as well. It hits itself and faints.

4d 15h 43m Lapras is out. Both Pokémon use Body Slam, and Gyarados is paralyzed.

4d 15h 42m We use Thunderbolt again. Jynx barely holds on and Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Gyarados uses Surf, and finishes off Jynx. Gyarados grew to Lv. 55!

4d 15h 41m Jynx comes out. We land another critical hit with Thunderbolt, get hit in return with Body Slam (which thankfully does not paralyze this time).

4d 15h 41m Thankfully, a critical hit manages to take down Slowbro despite all of its boosts!

4d 15h 41m Slowbro comes out next. Gyarados self-hits in confusion, and Slowbro raises its Special with Amnesia. Then another turn of that, before we use Thunderbolt, which now has its power greatly hindered.

4d 15h 40m Cloyster is next! Thunderbolt almost takes it out and paralyzes it. It confuses Gyarados, which nonetheless manages to use Thunderbolt again to take it out.

4d 15h 39m Gyarados uses Thunderbolt, and Dewgong goes down.

4d 15h 39m We use Ice Beam again. Dewgong uses Rest and falls asleep.

4d 15h 38m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! She sends out Dewgong against our Gyarados. Gyarados uses Ice Beam, Dewgong goes for Take Down.

4d 15h 37m We go back in for Pokémon league attempt #8!

4d 15h 35m We decide to end things on our own terms and use Explosion. Onix self-destructs and we black out.

4d 15h 34m We send out Onix and use Rock Slide, but it misses. We then go for Bind, which does very little damage each turn it goes on for.

4d 15h 33m Aerodactyl is sent out by Lance. It uses Bite, and we retort with Cut. Aerodactyl then uses Hyper Beam and Vileplume goes down.

4d 15h 32m With only a third of our health left due to confusion, we move on to Absorb to drain Dragonair's health. It doesn't do much damage, but since Dragonair won't attack due to its AI, it eventually goes down.

4d 15h 31m Lance sends out another Dragonair, which also spams Agility, letting us almost take it down as well through repeated Petal Dances. Lance uses a Hyper Potion.

4d 15h 30m We send out Vileplume. Dragonair proceeds to spam Agility forever, and despite a few self-hits due to confusion, Vileplume manages to take it down with petal Dance. Vileplume grew to Lv. 50!

[Snark] Seems we got that Dragonair after all for our snake-themed team.

4d 15h 29m Metronome again; Hypno uses Transform and changes into Dragonair, then faints to poison damage.

4d 15h 28m Metronome again! We end up using Lick, and Dragonair is paralyzed. Lance uses another Hyper Potion.

4d 15h 28m Dragonair is next. We land a Psychic and survive Hyper Beam. No more PP for Psychic though, so we resort to metronome, landing on Swords Dance.

4d 15h 27m We send Hypno next and Headbutt Gyarados. We manage to flinch it, then uses Psychic twice while it leers at us, taking it down. Hypno grew to Lv. 53!

4d 15h 26m Gyarados finally manages to use Hydro Pump, and Arbok goes down. A vaillant effort nonetheless.

4d 15h 26m Gyarados appears unable to escape as Arbok just keeps spamming Wrap. Eventually, lance uses a Hyper Potion.

4d 15h 25m Arbok uses Wrap and slowly chips at Gyarados' health while it can't move.

4d 15h 24m Gyarados comes out. We send out Arbok. Bicycle-throwing is still out of the question, so we use Glare to paralyze Gyarados. It retorts with Dragon Rage.

4d 15h 23m Here we are once again. Vs. Elite 4 Lance! (Attempt #4).

4d 15h 22m Agatha sends Gengar as her alst Pokémon. It confuses Hypno and endures a Psychic attack, then uses Toxic to badly poison Hypno before going down at last. Defeated Agatha!

4d 15h 22m Haunter comes out, and Hypno takes it out with a single Psychic. The same goes for Arbok.

4d 15h 21m Agatha uses a Super Potion, but with one more Psychic, Gengar goes down. Hypno grew to Lv. 52!

4d 15h 21m We send out Hypno, which gets confused by Supersonic. Wing Attack inflicts some damage, then Hypno takes out Golbat with Psychic. Gengar is next, and Psychic almost takes it out as well.

4d 15h 20m Agatha switches to Golbat, but MissingNo. hurts itself in confusion and goes down.

[Chat] AmorphousTrousers2: omg why won't he submit

4d 15h 19m Another Night Shade hits us, while MissingNo. still tries to use Submission.

4d 15h 19m A few turns pass. Gengar uses Night Shade again, and MissingNo. finally wakes up.

4d 15h 18m Gengar uses Hypnosis and MissingNo. falls asleep. Confuse Ray then causes it to be confused as well.

4d 15h 17m We send in MissingNo. Gengar uses Night Shade, and we go for Submission, which does nothing. Gengar then tries to use Dream Eater, which does not work, and MissingNo. goes for Submission again, which fails too.

4d 15h 17m Gengar uses Night Shade and Gyarados goes down at last.

4d 15h 16m Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! She sends out Gengar, we send Gyarados again.

4d 15h 16m We move on, with no Pokémon on our team taken out yet.

4d 15h 15m Machamp is the last Pokémon sent by Bruno. It uses Leer, then Focus Energy, then Leer again. Gyarados lands a Surf but then is unable to move twice in a row due to paralysis. Bruno does not take advantage of it however, and another Surf finishes off Machamp. Defeated Bruno!

4d 15h 14m Onix is sent out by Bruno. One more Surf, and it goes down.

4d 15h 14m Hitmonlee comes out. Surf scrambles its sprite as well before it goes down. Gyarados grew to Lv. 54!

[Chat] 3333qwappy3333: i think the missingno disease might be slightly contagious WutFace

4d 15h 13m Hitmonchan comes out next. Gyarados uses Surf again. It too gets its sprite messed up before going down.

4d 15h 13m Bruno sends out Onix. Gyarados uses Surf, and it goes down.

4d 15h 12m We move on to the next room. Vs. Elite 4 Bruno!

4d 15h 11m Lapras comes out. We go for Thunderbolt again, and land yet another critical hit. Body Slam paralyzes Gyarados, but it manages to use Thunderbolt again and Lapras goes down. Defeated Elite 4 Lorelei!

4d 15h 10m Jynx comes out. Gyarados keeps using Thunderbolt while it thrashes around, and a critical hit takes it out.

4d 15h 10m Slowbro is sent by Lorelei. Gyarados uses Thunderbolt, and Slowbro uses Withdraw, which completely messes up its sprite. We put it out of its misery with another Thunderbolt.

4d 15h 9m Gyarados uses Thunderbolt, and Dewgong is out. Cloyster is next, and almost goes down as well to a single Thunderbolt, but survives and Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Another Thunderbolt though, and it goes out as well. Gyarados grew to Lv. 53!

4d 15h 8m Gyarados uses Surf, and lands a critical hit. Dewgong growls.

4d 15h 7m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! She sends Dewgong against our Gyarados.

4d 15h 6m We walk back inside for Pokémon League attempt #7. We save.

4d 15h 4m Dragonite comes out, and uses Hyper Beam, taking out Hypno. Black out!

4d 15h 3m We send out Hypno. Aerodactyl uses Bite, and Hypno retorts with Psychic. Aerodactyl then goes for Supersonic, and Hypno hits itself in confusion. Aerodactyl stupidly uses Supersonic again though, and so Hypno takes it down.

4d 15h 2m Aerodactyl is next. It uses Hyper Beam, and Vileplume goes down.

4d 15h 2m Gen I being Gen I, Dragonair refuses to stop using Agility against our Poison-type, and eventually goes down.

4d 15h 2m We send out Vileplume. Dragonair spams Agility, while Vileplume chips at it with Petal Dance.

4d 15h 1m The next Dragonair seems immune to Bicycle-throwing, and uses Hyper Beam. MissingNo. faints.

4d 15h 0m Dragonair is next. It uses Agility, then also gets taken down by Tri Attack.

4d 15h 0m We send out MissingNo next. Gyarados uses Dragon Rage, then gets taken out by Tri Attack.

4d 14h 59m Lance sends out Gyarados. We send Onix, which takes an Hydro Pump to the face. Onix faints.

4d 14h 59m We walk inside the next room. Vs. Elite 4 Lance! (Attempt #3)

4d 14h 58m Arbok comes out next. Onix uses Dig once more, and takes it out easily. Defeated Agatha!

4d 14h 58m Arbok is next. Onix digs a hole again, but Agatha switches again to Gengar which takes the damage and then uses Toxic to badly poison Onix. Another Dig takes Gengar out, and Onix grows to Lv. 50!

4d 14h 57m Onix successfully uses Dig and takes out Haunter.

4d 14h 56m Agatha sends out Haunter. Onix gets confused but digs a hole nonetheless.

4d 14h 56m Golbat comes out next! Onix uses Rock Slide, and despite Agatha using a Super Potion, it goes down soon enough as well.

[Snark] Forget what I said about the AI suddenly being smart.

4d 14h 55m Agatha switches out again, back to Gengar. Onix almost takes it out with Dig, and then takes it out with Rock Sldie. Onix grew to Lv. 49!

4d 14h 54m Throwing the Bicycle is still not a viable strategy no matter how many times we attempt it.

4d 14h 53m Golbat confuses Onix again, which self-hits a few times, then misses with Rock Slide.

[Snark] When did Gen I AI get smart

4d 14h 53m Agatha withdraws Gengar and sends out Golbat. Onix digs a hole, and snaps out of confusion, but Dig of course does nothing to the Flying-type.

4d 14h 52m Agatha sends out Gengar, and we send Onix. Gengar confuses Onix with Confuse Ray, and Onix hits itself.

4d 14h 51m We walk to the next room. Vs. Elite 4 Agatha!

4d 14h 51m Machamp comes out. It uses Submission, then attempts a Fissure but misses. Meanwhile, Vileplume gets confused, but manages to use Petal Dance again, taking out Machamp. Defeated Elite 4 Bruno!

4d 14h 50m Onix is next, but Petal Dance takes it out right away.

4d 14h 50m We send Vileplume next. Hitmonlee uses Hi-Jump Kick but crashes down. Vileplume takes it down with Petal Dance. Vileplume grew to Lv. 49!

4d 14h 49m Hitmonlee is next. We land one last Strength before Arbok goes down.

4d 14h 49m Hitmonchan is next. We use Strength and land a critical hit, but it retorts with Counter and leaves us with a measly 6 HP. Bruno uses another an X Defend, but another Strength takes out Hitmonchan. Arbok grew to Lv. 49!

4d 14h 47m Arbok keeps using Strength. Onix uses Rage, and it barely does any damage. Then Arbok uses Mega Drain, and Onix goes down.

4d 14h 46m Onix comes out. We send Arbok, and chip at it using Strength, causing Onix's Rage to build. Bruno then uses an X Defend on it.

4d 14h 46m Vs. Elite 4 Bruno!

4d 14h 45m Moving on to the next room. We run circles around Bruno.

4d 14h 44m We send out MissingNo. and use Tri Attack, taking Lapras down. Defeated Lorelei!

4d 14h 43m Lapras comes out. Gyarados uses Ice Beam, barely does any damage, then uses Thunderbolt. Lapras confuses Gyarados, and it hurts itself. Another Ice Beam, then lapras knocks out Gyarados with Body Slam.

4d 14h 42m Next is Jynx. It uses DoubleSlap at us for 5 hits, while Gyarados goes for Thunderbolt. Jynx then starts thrashing, while Gyarados uses Surf two more times to take it out.

4d 14h 41m Cloyster comes out. Gyarados uses Thudnerbolt, and Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Another Thunderbolt takes Cloyster out. Slowbro is next, but another Thunderbolt takes it down as well.

4d 14h 40m We use Ice Beam again, then finally make it to Thunderbolt. Dewgong wakes up, but another Thunderbolt take sit down. Gyarados grew to Lv. 52 and did not learn Hyper Beam.

4d 14h 39m Dewgong uses Take Down. We keep going for Ice Beam, and Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Then Dewgong uses Rest again and heals while falling asleep.

4d 14h 39m Gyarados uses Surf again twice, the latter being a critical hit. Dewgong wakes up, and we use Ice Beam.

4d 14h 38m Lorlei sends out Dewgong. We send Gyarados and use Ice Beam, then Surf, neither doing much damage. Dewgong uses Rest and falls asleep.

4d 14h 37m Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei!

4d 14h 37m We walk back inside immediately. Vs. Pokémon League (Attempt #6).

4d 14h 35m We send in Missingno. Gyrados uses Dragon Rage. Missingno uses an ineffective Earthquake. Gyrados uses Hyper Beam, knocking out Missingno. blacked out

4d 14h 35m Vs. Lance! (Attempt #3). The opposing Gyrados uses Hyper Beam. Vileplume starts a Petal Dance. Gyrados recharges then uses Leer. Gyrados uses a Dragon Rage to knock out Vileplume

4d 14h 33m Gengar tries to use Dream Eater as Missingno tries a Tri Attack. Gengar uses Toxic. Missingno uses Earthquake to knock out Gengar. Agatha defeated

4d 14h 31m Arbok hits Hypno with Acid. Hypno lands a critical Psychic to knock out Arbok. Gengar uses Toxic. Hypno uses Psychic. Gengar uses a Night shade to knock out Hypno

4d 14h 30m Hypno uses Psychic to knock out Golbat. Haunter lands a Night Shade, then Hypno uses Psychic to knock out GHaunter. Hypno grew to Lv. 51

4d 14h 29m Vs. Agatha. The opposing Gengar puts Hypno to sleep, then confuses Hypno. Hypno wakes up and hits itself. Gengar continues to use Confuse Ray. Hypno lands a Psychic, to knock out Gengar

4d 14h 26m Missingno uses Earthquake, knocking out Machamp. Bruno defeated

4d 14h 26m Bruno uses an X Defend on Onix. Missingno uses Tri Attack, taking out half of Onix's health. Onix uses Harden. Missingno uses Earthquake, knocking out Onix

4d 14h 25m We send in Missingno. Bruno uses an X Defend. Missingno uses Tri Attack to knock out Hitmonchan. Hitmonlee uses Focus Energy. Missingno uses a Tri Attack to knock out Hitmonlee

4d 14h 23m Onix continues to use Dig. Hitmonchan lands a critical hit Ice Punch, knocking out Onix

4d 14h 22m Our Onix uses Dig to dodge a Rage, then hits Dig to knock out the opposing Onix

Vs. Bruno. Onix vs. Onix. Our onix leads with Dig, as Bruno uses an X Defend. Dig lands, then the opposing Onix uses Rock Throw. We use Dig again, as Onix uses Harden.

4d 14h 20m Onix digs underground before Lapras uses a Hydro Pump. Dig lands, knocking out lapras. Lorelei defeated

4d 14h 19m Arbok uses a Strength as Lorelei uses another Super Potion. Arbok misses a Strength. Lapras uses Blizzard. Arbok uses Strength, then Lapras uses Hydro Pump to knock out Arbok.

4d 14h 18m Gyrados uses Ice Beam as Lapras uses Body Slam. Gyrados switches to Body Slam, then Lapras uses Confuse Ray. Gyrados uses Body Slam, paralyzing Lapras. Lapras uses Body Slam, paralyzing Gyrados. Lapras is fully paralyzed, as Gyrados hits itself, then uses a Body Slam and an Ice Beam. Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Lapras uses a Confuse Ray, then Gyrados hits itself knocking out Gyrados

4d 14h 16m Gyrados uses Thunderbolt twice to defeat Slowbro, despite Slowbro's Amnesia. Jynx begins to thrash, as Gyrados uses a Thunderbolt, followed by a Body Slam to defeat Jynx

4d 14h 14m Gyrados uses Thunderbolt to finish off Dewgong. A critical hit thunderbolt 1KHOs Cloyster.

4d 14h 13m Gyrados leads with Surf. The opposing Dewgong leads with Take Down. Gyrados uses Surf again and Dewgong uses Growl.

4d 14h 12m We pace in the league building a bit before starting another attempt. Vs. League (attempt #5) Vs. Lorelei

4d 14h 7m We send in Vileplume. Golbat uses Haze. Vileplume starts a Petal Dance to inflict chip damage. Golbat uses a Wing Attack to finish off Vileplume. blacked out

4d 14h 6m We send in MissingNo. Agatha switches to Golbat, and Golbat avoids MissingNo's Earthquake. Golbat uses a Wing Attack to knock out MissingNo.

4d 14h 5m Gengar uses Hypnosis to put Arbok to sleep. Gengar uses Night Shade and Dream Eater to knock out Arbok.

4d 14h 4m We send in Arbok. Gengar uses Dream Eater as Arbok uses Strength, neither to any effect.

4d 14h 3m Gengar finishes off Gyrados with one more Night Shade

4d 14h 2m Vs. Agatha Gengar leads with Hypnosis, putting Gyrados to sleep. Gengar uses Night Shade, then Dream Eater, then Night Shade as Gyrados sleeps.

4d 14h 0m Gyrados continues with Surf. Machamp uses Leer. Gyrados uses a second, critical Surf to knock out Machamp. Gyrados grew to Lv. 51. Bruno defeated

4d 13h 59m Gyrados continues using Surf to 1HKO Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee and the second Onix.

4d 13h 58m Vs. Bruno. Gyrados uses Surf to 1HKO the opposing Onix

4d 13h 57m We send in Vileplume. Lapras uses Blizzard to bring Vileplume to 12 HP, then Vileplume finishes off Lapras with a Petal Dance. Lorelei defeated

4d 13h 56m We send out Hypno. Hypno uses Metronome into Confuse Ray to confuse Lapras. Lapras lands a Blizzard. Hypno uses Metronome to summon a Hyper Beam. Lapras uses a Body Slam and paralyzes Hypno. Hypno recharges, and Lapras hits itself. Hypno uses Growl. Lapras lands a Blizzard to knock out Hypno

4d 13h 53m Gyrados uses Surf. The opposing Lapras uses Confuse Ray. We switch to Onix. Lapras uses a Hydro Pump to knock out Onix

4d 13h 52m Gyrados uses Surf. Jynx begins to thrash around. A second Surk brings Jynx down to a sliver as Lorelei uses a Super Potion. A third Surf knocks out Jynx. Gyrados grew to Lv. 50

4d 13h 50m Gyrados's Thunderbolt 2HKOs Cloyster as Cloyster fails to confuse Gyrados. Gyrados uses Thunderbolt to 3HKO Slowbro as Slowbro uses Amnesia and Growl

4d 13h 48m Gyrados uses Thunderbolt twice to knock out Dewgong before Dewgong wakes up.

4d 13h 47m Vs. Lorelei. Gyrados uses Ice Beam. The opposing Dewgong uses Growl. Gyrados uses Ice Beam again. Dewgon rests.

4d 13h 46m We head back in. Vs. League (Attempt #4)

4d 13h 44m Hypno uses Double Team again. Gyrados lands a Dragon Rage, knocking out Hypno. blacked out

4d 13h 43m Hypno uses Metronome to Withdraw. Gyrados lands a Hyper Beam, taking Hypno down to 4HP. Hypno uses Double Team as Gyrados recharges. We consult our bike

4d 13h 42m The opposing Gyrados uses Leer. Hypno uses Psychic. Hypno uses a second Psychic as Lance uses a Hyper Potion. Hypno uses a final Psychic. Gyrados lands a Hydro Pump.

4d 13h 41m Vs. Lance! (Attempt #2)

4d 13h 40m Gengar confuses Hypno. Hypno hits a Psychic. Gengar tries confuse ray again. Hypno uses a second Psychic to knock out Gengar. Agatha defeated

4d 13h 39m Golbat confuses Hypno. Hypno hits itself. Holbat uses Haze, breaking the confusion. Hypno hits a Psychic. Agatha uses a Super Potion. Hypno lands a second Psychic, taking out Golbat. Hypno grew to Lv. 50

4d 13h 38m Golbat confuses Vileplume, and Vileplume hits itself. Golbat uses Wing Attack to knock out Vileplume

4d 13h 38m We send in Vileplume. Arbok bites Vileplume as Vileplume starts to Petal Dance. Arbok screeches, then Vileplume's thrashing knocks out Arbok

4d 13h 37m Agatha sends in Golbat. We attempt to run. Agatha switches to Arbok, and Onix explodes

4d 13h 36m Golbat confuses Onix. Onix digs. Agatha switches out Golbat for Haunter, and Onix 1khos haunter with dig

4d 13h 35m Gengar uses Night Shade, then tries Confuse Ray twice, then uses another Night Shade. Onix wakes up. Gengar uses confuse ray again as Onix Digs. Onix breaks out of confusion and hits Gengar. Agatha uses a Super Potion as Onix digs again to knock out Gengar. Onix grew to Lv. 48

4d 13h 33m Vs. Agatha Gengar puts Onix to sleep, then confuses Onix.

4d 13h 31m Hypno uses Psychic to 1HKO both Onix and Machamp. Bruno defeated

4d 13h 31m We send in Hypno. Hitmonlee misses an attack, and Hypno knocks out Hitmonlee with a Psychic.

4d 13h 30m We send in MissingNo. Hitmonlee lands a Mega Kick, knocking out Missingno.

4d 13h 29m Arbok continue to use Mega Drain on Hitmonlee. Hitmonlee uses a Jump Kick, to knock out Arbok.

4d 13h 28m Arbok uses a Mega Drain on Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan fails to Counter. Arbok uses a second Mega Drain, as bruno uses a X Defend. Arbok lands a critical Mega Drain. Hitmonchan uses Mega Punch. Arbok uses one more Mega Drain to finish Hitmonchan.

4d 13h 27m Vs. Bruno. Arbok uses wrap on the opposing Onix. Bruno uses an X Defend. Arbok switches to Mega Drain, knocking out Onix.

4d 13h 24m We send in Missingno. Missingno finishes off Lapras with a Tri Attack. Lorelei defeated

4d 13h 24m The thunderbolts paralyze and eventually knock out Jynx. Gyrados's Thunderbolts continue, as Lapras uses Body Slam, followed by a Confuse Ray. Gyrados hits itself, then Lapras knocks out Gyrados with a Body Slam

4d 13h 22m Thunderbolt takes care of Cloyster and Slowbro. Gyrados grew to Lv. 49. Jynx starts to thrash as Gyrados continues using Thunderbolt.

4d 13h 21m Gyrados hits three Body Slams. Dewgong wakes up. Lorelei uses a Super Potion. Gyrados uses another Body Slam, then takes out Dewgong's last HP with a Thunderbolt

4d 13h 19m Gyrados uses Surf. The opposing Dewgong leads with Rest. Gyrados uses pair of Body Slams. Dewgong wakes up. Gyrados misses a Body Slam, and Dewgong rests again.

4d 13h 18m League Attempt #3. Vs. Lorelei

4d 13h 17m Gyrados misses a Hydro Pump, as Hypno uses Psychic. Gyrados uses Leer, and Hypno uses Metronome, summoning a Comet Punch, but missing. A second Metronome summons Scratch. Gyrados hits a Hydro Pump, knocking out Hypno. blacked out

4d 13h 15m We send in Missingno. Gyrados uses Hyper Beam to 1HKO Missingno. We send in Hypno.

4d 13h 15m Onix vs. Gyrados. Gyrados misses two Hydro Pump, as Onix attempts to Dig. The third Hydro Pump hits, knocking out Onix

4d 13h 14m Continuing on. Vs. Lance! (Attempt #1)

4d 13h 13m Arbok is 1HKOd with a Psychic. Gengar hits Toxic on Hypno. Hypno breaks out of confusions, and uses two Psychic to knock out Gengar. Hypno grew to Lv 49 Agatha defeated

4d 13h 12m Golbat hits with a Wing Attack. Hypno breaks out of confusoin, then finishes off Golbat with a Psuchic. Golbat grew to Lv. 48. Haunter uses Confuse Ray, and Hypno hits itself, then lands a Psychic to take out Haunter

4d 13h 11m We send in Hypno. Gengar misses a Hypnosis, and Hypno 1KHOs with a critical Psychic. Golbat hits with Confuse Ray, but Hypno hits a Psychic anyway, taking Golbat down to 1HP. Hypno hits itself in confusions as Agatha uses a Super Potion

4d 13h 10m Gengar leads with a Confuse Ray. Arbok hits itself, and knocks itself out.

4d 13h 9m Onto the next room. Vs. Agatha! (Attempt #2)

4d 13h 8m Arbok switches to Mega Drain. Machamp uses Focus Energy. Arbok continues Mega Drain. Machamp uses a Leer then a Submission, then misses a Leer, then a second submission as Arbok continues to use Mega Drain until Machamp faints Arbok grew to Lv. 48 Bruno defeated

4d 13h 6m Arbok fully drains the second Onix in one Mega Drain. Arbok wraps Machamp until wrap runs out of PP.

4d 13h 5m The continuing wrap wears down Hitmonchan. Hitmonlee is sent out. Arbok misses two Wraps, letting Hitmonlee use a High Jump Kick and a Focus Energy. Then Arbok hits a Wrap. Arbok then misses a Wrap, letting Hitmonlee use another High Jump Kick. Then Arbok hits its wraps until Hitmonlee faints.

4d 13h 3m Bruno sends out Hitmonchan. Arbok uses Wrap. Bruno uses a pair of X Defends, but Hitmonchan is otherwise unable to move.

4d 13h 2m Arbok uses Strength on the opposing Onix. Onix misses its attack. Arbok fully drains Onix with a Mega Drain.

4d 13h 1m We advance to the next room. Vs. Bruno

4d 13h 0m We send in Vileplume. Lapras misses a Blizzard attack, while Vileplume hits a Sleep Powder attack. Lapras wakes up immediately, and Vileplume starts a Petal Dance. Lapras hits a Blizzard, taking Vileplume down to 1HP. Vileplume's thrashing takes Lapras down to low HP, but Lapras hits another Blizzards, taking out Vileplume. We send in Hypno, and finish off Lapras with an Earthquake. Lorelei defeated

4d 12h 57m Gyrados uses a Thunderbolt, then a series of Surfs to take down Jynx, while Jynx uses Body Slam. Gyrados uses an Ice Beam on Lapras, and Lapras uses Confuse Ray to confuses Gyrados. Gyrados hits itself in confusion, knocking itself out.

4d 12h 56m Gyrados uses Thunderbolt twice to take out Cloyster. Gyrados grew to Lv. 48. Thunderbolt also takes out Slowbro.

4d 12h 55m Gyrados uses another surf while Dewgong sleeps. We consult our bicycle. Gyrados switches to Ice Beam. Dewgong wakes up and uses a Take Down. Gyrados uses a Thunderbolt, paralyzing Dewgong. Dewgong is fully paralized, then is hit by another thunderbolt, defeating Dewgong

4d 12h 53m Gyrados leads with a Surf, while Dewgong leads with a Critical Take Down. Gyrados uses Surf again, taking dewgong down to half health, then Dewgong rests.

4d 12h 51m We walk through, and begin E4 attempt #2. Vs. Lorelei

4d 12h 49m We enter the league building. We talk to the nurse and heal.

4d 12h 48m Golbat finally remembers it has access to an attacking move and uses Wing Attack. Vileplume goes down! Blacked out!

4d 12h 47m We use Petal Dance again. Golbat goes into the red, but Agatha uses a Super Potion to heal it.

[Chat] hrgbrlst: VoHiYo Absorb is not very effective. We should try another attack.

Quoctopus: No, we just need to absorb harder Kappa

4d 12h 46m We move on from Cut to Absorb, for minimal damage.

4d 12h 45m Golbat finally changes strategy and uses Haze. Then it confuses us again.

4d 12h 45m Golbat has so far spent every turn trying to confuse us. Still, from all the self-hits, we only have half our health left.

4d 12h 44m Golbat keeps trying to confuse us even though we already are confused. It eventually works after we do snap out of confusion.

4d 12h 43m A self-hit interrupts Petal Dance. We try to throw the Case Coin at it, then eventually just self-hit again.

4d 12h 43m Gengar confuses Vileplume. It however manages to use Petal Dance, for low damage. Agatha withdraws Gengar and sends out Golbat.

4d 12h 42m We send out Vileplume, our last Pokémon.

4d 12h 41m Gengar comes out, and Hypno uses Psychic, taking out half of its health. Gengar the confuses it, and it hits itself. Night Shade takes out most of its remaining health, and with another self-hit, Hypno faints.

4d 12h 41m We move on to the next room. Vs. Elite 4 Agatha! (Attempt #1)

4d 12h 39m Machamp comes out. Hypno uses Psychic, but Machamp holds on. However, it wastes its turn on Focus Energy, and goes down to another Psychic. Hypno grew to Lv. 47! Defeated Elite 4 Bruno!

4d 12h 38m Hypno uses Psychic, and Onix goes down as well.

4d 12h 38m Hypno uses Psychic, and Hitmonlee goes down! Another Onix is next. Hypno is down to half of its health.

4d 12h 37m Hypno uses Metronome and lands on Drill Peck, which inflicts decent damage.

4d 12h 37m We send out Hypno. As often, we try to throw our Bicycle at Hitmonlee and fail.

4d 12h 36m We send out MissingNo. It takes a hit from Onix and barely holds on, but manages to take it down, along with Hitmonchan. Hitmonlee, however, comes out and uses Hi Jump Kick, taking down MissingNo.

[Snark] Guys I know Bruno tends to be an easy fight but you might want to try slightly harder than that.

4d 12h 35m Our Onix uses Explosion. Bruno's Onix barely takes any damage, but our Onix goes down.

4d 12h 34m Bruno sends out Onix, and we send Onix as well.

4d 12h 34m We go into the next room. Vs. Elite 4 Bruno! (Attempt #1)

4d 12h 33m We send out Hypno and finally take down Lapras with Psychic. Hypno grew to Lv. 46! Defeated Elite 4 Lorelei!

4d 12h 33m We send out Arbok next. We use Mega Drain, while Lorelei heals with a Super Potion. However, we don't manage to take out Lapras before Arbok faints.

4d 12h 32m Lapras comes out. It use Body Slam and paralyzes Gyarados, then uses Confuse Ray, and despite inflicting good damage with Thunderbolt, a self-hit causes Gyarados to faint.

4d 12h 31m Jynx comes out. We keep using Thunderbolt and paralyze it as it Thrashes around, and eventually take it down.

4d 12h 29m Slowbro comes out. Gyarados uses Body Slam again, then finishes it off with a critical Thunderbolt.

4d 12h 29m We finish off Cloyster with Body Slam. Gyarados grew to Lv. 47!

4d 12h 28m Cloyster is next. We use Thunderbolt again, but it holds on to a last few HP.

4d 12h 27m Lorelei sends out Dewgong. We send Gyarados and take it down with two Thunderbolts.

4d 12h 27m Seems it's about to happen right now however! Vs. Elite 4 Lorelei! (Attempt #1)

[Recap] During the last few hours, we finally made it out of Victory Road and entered the Pokémon League. We made an attempt to catch but ultimately knocked out Moltres. However, we have yet to attempt to take on the Elite 4.

[Recap] We got almost to the end of Victory Road before Digging out. Suubsequent attempts to approach has resulted in us Flying away.

[Meta] The live updater will be going dark for now; you can check out #run-status for further updates.

4d 4h 8m We manage to use Strength! Time to try these boulders again.

4d 4h 6m Back inside Victory Road...

4d 4h 4m Successfully Surfed!

4d 4h 2m Made it past the ledge on our 6th try. Time to hopefully not Fly away again...

4d 3h 57m Ledge hops: 4️⃣

4d 3h 51m Ledge hops: 1️⃣

4d 3h 48m Back to the ledge for now.

4d 3h 45m We leave and reenter Victory Road a few times, then Dig back to Saffron. Then we fly to Viridian and checkpoint there.

4d 3h 42m We pick a new boulder to push around on our bike...

4d 3h 36m We hop on our bike, then use Strength! We push a boulder into the wrong corner.

4d 3h 31m Still standing in the entranceway of Victory Road. Arbok reaches Lv. 39!

[Info] Oh hey, all of that pushed us past 600,000 inputs.

4d 3h 26m After several wrong turns and overshoots, we make it past the final guards. Entered Victory Road!

4d 3h 23m We successfully Surf away! Passed the fifth and sixth guards.

4d 3h 22m Oops, we did it again.

4d 3h 21m We successfully use Surf! ...and then land back where we were.

4d 3h 17m We talk to the guard, who reassures us we still have the RAINBOWBADGE. Then we ask again, and again, and again.

4d 3h 16m Reached the water again...

4d 3h 12m Made it on our fourth try! (For this attempt, at least.)

4d 3h 6m Ledge hop counter for this attempt: 2️⃣

4d 2h 58m Back to the Route 22 ledge.

4d 2h 50m We fly back to Pallet Town and, after some fighting with the menu, walk north.

4d 2h 43m Flew to Saffron City. We successfully click Surf now that we're away from the water.

4d 2h 40m Our mom heals us, although she can't heal our pride. Checkpoint in Pallet Town.

4d 2h 39m We activate Strength several times and hop on and off our bike. Then we, uh, Fly to Pallet Town.

4d 2h 38m We hop on our bike, which unfortunately is not a water bike.

4d 2h 36m We pass our first four badge checks. We arrive at the water section and save.

4d 2h 34m Escaped the ledge! Heading up toward Victory Road.

4d 2h 28m Glad we're finally out of the Game Corner so we can make progress again! Anyway, we just jumped the same ledge again.

4d 2h 22m One more loop! One more loop!

4d 2h 20m We head west, jump the ledge, loop around, the usual.

4d 2h 16m We leave Viridian City, and head onto Route 22.

4d 2h 14m We save.

4d 2h 13m With Porygon successfully "freed" from the Prize Corner at last, we fly to Viridian City.

4d 2h 11m Bought a Lv. 26 Porygon! No nickname.

4d 2h 9m Almost bought a Porygon but backed out in time. Hey, wait--

4d 2h 9m Almost bought a Dratini this time.

4d 2h 8m We almost buy a Scyther, but back out in time.

4d 2h 8m Alright, we now once more leave the Game Corner and enter the Prize Corner.

4d 2h 7m Bought 1050 coins!

4d 2h 4m Bought 700 coins!

4d 2h 2m Bought 1050 coins!

4d 2h 2m A tiny Dratini figure was added to the set~

[Chat] SenseiGanja: now we can do pory :D

Spiderpig2398: *another dratini

4d 1h 58m Bought a Lv. 18 Dratini! Nickname: YQQO.

4d 1h 57m Chat is so excited at the prospect of buying Porygon that they are having trouble actually getting there.

4d 1h 56m And we enter the Prize Cor... oh, we overshot it.

4d 1h 56m We head out of the Game Corner.

[Chat] oldenne: funding team rocket all by ourselves like this

4d 1h 55m Bought 1769 coins!

4d 1h 47m We walk to Celadon City and head for the Game Corner.

[Snark] We're halfway through getting the needed amount to actually buy a Bicycle.

4d 1h 45m With our new fortune of ₽500,816 in hand, we fly to Pallet Town, then to Pewter City, the to Saffron City.

4d 1h 43m Sold 99 Nuggets! Holy Muk that's a lot of money.

4d 1h 38m We get back on land, on Cinnabar Island.

4d 1h 37m Arbok grew to Lv. 38!

4d 1h 37m Another wild MissingNo., this one is Lv. 146. Attempting to throw our Bicycle at it does nothing so Arbok takes it down instead.

4d 1h 36m Arbok uses Strength and can now move boulders! Very useful when we are currently surfing.

4d 1h 35m A wild Lv. 80 MissingNo. appears! We take it down.

4d 1h 33m A wild Lv. 18 Mankey appears. We take it down.

4d 1h 32m We begin surfing and moving up and down the coast.

4d 1h 31m We fly again and this time actually arrive at Cinnabar Island.

4d 1h 30m We fly to Fuchsia City. Wait, this isn't it...

4d 1h 29m We talk to the old man and accept to let him show us once again how to catch a wild Pokémon. How many Weedle does this guy have at this point anyway?

4d 1h 27m We move the aforementioned Nugget to the sixth slot in our inventory, then fly to Viridian City.

[Snark] Okay now that is definitely rude.

4d 1h 25m We check the Copycat's PC and read something on there titled "My secrets".

[Snark] ...seems a bit rude to just steal that from a little girl's room but okay.

4d 1h 23m We found a hidden Nugget on the Copycat's desk!

4d 1h 22m We visit the Copycat again.

4d 1h 20m We arrive in Saffron City.

4d 1h 19m We leave Celadon City through the east.

4d 1h 19m We save.

4d 1h 18m We left the Game Corner and are actually walking away from it.

4d 1h 4m M4's hand take away the MissingNo. plushie for a moment, then place it back inside of a bucket.

4d 1h 3m Meanwhile on the set, M4's hand is moving balls around.

[Chat] MegaZard: >lost 400 coins so far

4d 0h 57m This one works though. We currently have 8245 coins.

4d 0h 56m We check a machine that turns out to be out of order.

4d 0h 55m We save for the first time in two hours and thirty-eight minutes.

[Snark] Live updating during gambling time is great, just have to keep an ear out for jackpots and otherwise throw in an update every five to ten minutes. Keep doing it as long as you want, chat, makes my job easier.

4d 0h 41m We are down to 8310 coins, still no big payout.

4d 0h 33m We're basically checking every machine one after another, hoping to find a "lucky" one.

4d 0h 31m Still gambling. We currently have 8361 coins.

4d 0h 28m We check another machine, but there's someone keys on it. Chat wants to take the keys because they are horrible people.

[Chat] tppsimulator: I want porygon

Ryodragon7: Working on it sim

4d 0h 9m We have 8468 coins currently.

4d 0h 9m Speaking of the Game Corner, that's where we are right now.

[Recap] Nothing much happened aside from us doing some item shuffling at our house's PC, selling some useless stuff (including the aforementioned 99 copies of TM23), and spending a lot of the money earned on coins at the Game Corner.

3d 23h 41m Sold 99 TM23s!

[Recap] The update remains dark for now, but here's a recap of the events of the past hour: We caught a Lv. 40 Voltorb (Nickname: H/AJJJ?×KK), a Lv. 20 Pikachu (Nickname: HH-,,,), and a Lv. 23 Magnemite (No nickname). We also made it to the deepest part of the Power Plant, where we ran from Zapdos. We then flew to Saffron City and defeated the Karate Master of the Fighting Dojo; as a reward, we obtained a Lv. 30 Hitmonchan (Nickname: AA).

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 21h 43m Caught a Lv. 32 Magneton! Nickname: A/JKB.

3d 21h 40m Picked up a Carbos!

3d 21h 39m We enter the Abandoned Power Plant.

3d 21h 38m Lickitung comes in next and is instantly bowled over by Surf. Gyarados grew to Lv. 40! Victory!

3d 21h 37m We land and draw the attention of a Pokemaniac. He sends in Rhyhorn against our Arbok, but we switch to Pixie and use Surf. It crits. Rhyhorn down.

3d 21h 35m We begin Surfing down Route 10.

3d 21h 35m We check if Bulbasaur's cry is the same.

3d 21h 32m We enter the Pokemon Center and heal.

3d 21h 32m Found a hidden Super Potion! Sadly, bag is full.

3d 21h 31m We emerge from Rock Tunnel and Cut down the tree blocking our path.

3d 21h 23m Arbok grew to Lv. 33!

3d 21h 15m After enough Wrap turns, the final Geodude falls. Victory!

3d 21h 14m Slowly but surely, Geodude falls. Another comes in.

3d 21h 13m We get Geodude low before running out of Strength pp, so we resort to Wrap.

3d 21h 11m Sprites are a little distorted due to Missingno's presence in our party, but Geodude swiftly falls to a few Strengths. Machop comes in and falls to a single Strength crit, followed by another Geodude.

3d 21h 11m Jumpscared by an unfought Hiker! He sends in Geodude against our Arbok.

3d 21h 4m We enter Rock Tunnel.

3d 21h 4m We head up north to Route 10.

3d 21h 3m We arrive in Lavender Town.

[Fluff] Chat makes jokes about how rare HM03 is and our ability to duplicate it through Missingno means we have hundreds to sell on the black market, and we can fuel our gambling addiction.

3d 21h 1m Officially decided on Route 8.

3d 21h 0m We are indecisively walking back and forth between Route 8 and the gate.

3d 20h 57m We arrive in Saffron.

3d 20h 55m We get on the bike and start heading north.

3d 20h 54m We fly to Vermillion City.

3d 20h 53m We go inside to heal.

3d 20h 49m We Dig our way back to Cinnabar.

3d 20h 47m Arbok fainted and we fled.

3d 20h 46m Now fighting a wild Articuno.

3d 20h 41m Caught a Lv. 29 Horsea! Nickname: MMN[.

3d 20h 39m Caught a Lv. 31 Seel! Nickname: BBBAABDEI.

3d 20h 36m Caught a Lv. 29 Slowpoke! Nickname: -?.

3d 20h 32m Arbok grew to Lv. 32!

3d 20h 30m We begin surfing through the islands.

3d 20h 30m Down a second and third ladder.

3d 20h 29m Down the first ladder we go.

3d 20h 29m We successfully and swiftly arrive at the Seafoam Islands.

3d 20h 28m After contemplating the water for a second, we begin surfing.

3d 20h 25m Chat enters the Center to heal.

[Fluff] M4 put a lot of PokéBalls on the display to signify how many balls we bought.

3d 20h 23m Giving up on the ledge, we fly to Cinnabar.

[Snark] We may be here for a while.

3d 20h 10m We get on our bike and head on over to the ledge hell of Route 9

3d 20h 8m Bought 68 PokeBalls!

3d 19h 59m We finally succeed in swapping PC boxes! Leave with no casualties.

3d 19h 57m After failing to run from a Spearow for a bit, we return to Cerulean.

3d 19h 55m We hop some ledges.

3d 19h 55m Finally, we land a Rock Slide to take Parasect out. Victory!

3d 19h 54m Onix starts Digging, struggling to land through the paralysis.

3d 19h 52m We struggle to Bind through the paralysis and try to throw a ball. It fails. Parasect continues to chip Onix down as we struggle to Bind.

3d 19h 50m Onix becomes paralyzed while Paras begins to chip. We muscle through with Bind. Now Parasect comes in.

3d 19h 50m Arbok goes down. We send in Onix.

3d 19h 49m Paras eventually falls to Poison Sting and the Lass sends in another. The situation repeats.

3d 19h 48m Chat consults the bike for advice but Arbok keeps snoozing while Paras delivers chip damage.

3d 19h 47m We reaches the ledges of Route 4 and-- UNFOUGHT LASS JUMPSCARE. Paras against Arbok. Arbok lands hefty damage but falls asleep from Spore.

3d 19h 46m The guard informs us that only champions can enter Cerulean Cave.

3d 19h 45m Chat approaches the Unknown Dungeon but there's a guard blocking the way. No Mewtwo for us.

3d 19h 44m We surf along the coast of Route 24

3d 19h 43m We make our way up Nugget Bridge.

3d 19h 41m Third attempt abandoned.

3d 19h 38m Another attempt is abandoned.

3d 19h 35m Immediate PC panic so we abandon our endeavor.

3d 19h 33m Chat enters the Center with the intent to switch PC boxes.

3d 19h 32m We fly to Cerulean City.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 19h 22m Ledge jumped.

[Chat] tppsimulator: Just keep buying the live updaters

...wait wha--

3d 19h 19m We head west, back on Route 22.

3d 19h 16m We enter the Poké Center and decline to heal, then leave.

3d 19h 15m We fly to Viridian City.

3d 19h 13m After a bit of menu struggle, we finally manage to use surf again and leave the old man to his, uh, whatever he's doing over there.

3d 19h 9m We keep talking to the old man but our bag is not getting any less full.

3d 19h 8m We walk to the pond near the Game Corner and surf across. We talk to the old man on the other side, who wants to offer us something, but our bag is full.

3d 19h 7m We are once more caught in a tug-of-war between the pro-gambling and anti-gambling crowds.

3d 19h 1m We save the game and leave the Game Corner.

3d 18h 59m We now have 3933 coins and resume gambling.

3d 18h 58m Bought 200 coins.

[Chat] ShimShimaPan: Ash stop you have a problem

3d 18h 57m Bought 950 coins.

3d 18h 49m Seems gambling won, as we are back at it.

3d 18h 48m There's currently a struggle going on between those who wish to keep gambling and those who do not.

3d 18h 45m We exit and re-enter the Game Corner a few times.

3d 18h 43m Started playing on the first machine again.

3d 18h 43m We stop playing on that machine and go in the corner to consult our Pokédex.

3d 18h 36m Started playing again on a different machine.

3d 18h 36m We try to change machines, but the one we pick is apparently reserved to someone currently out to lunch.

[Snark] Gambling addiction can be a real problem. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/addictions/gambling-addiction-and-problem-gambling.htm

3d 18h 32m We lined up three BAR and win 100 coins! We now have 2945 coins.

3d 18h 31m And so we start gambling. Already we win 15 coins. And again! that's 2860 coins total we got now.

3d 18h 30m We enter the Prize Corner, leave, then enter the Game Corner.

3d 18h 28m We enter the Poké Center and heal.

3d 18h 27m After jumping the ledge again, we fly to Celadon City.

3d 18h 24m We move on and- oh, that's a ledge we just jumped.

3d 18h 22m Defeated Blue!

3d 18h 22m Venusaur is sent out last. Psychic takes out half its health. Poison Powder poisons Hypno, but another Psychic takes out Venusaur, and Hypno grows to lv. 45!

3d 18h 22m Hypno goes back to using Psychic, while Alakazam slowly takes poison damage while trying to set up Reflect while it's still active. Blue uses a Potion, but one last Psychic takes down Alakazam.

3d 18h 21m Alakazam uses Psychic as well, while Hypno goes for Poison Gas and poisons it.

3d 18h 20m Blue sends out Alakazam. We keep using Psychic, while Alakazam sets up Reflect. It then uses Recover, undoing all of the damage we inflicted it.

3d 18h 19m Another self-hit and Ember, and Vileplume goes down. We send out Hypno, and take out Growlithe with Psychic.

3d 18h 19m Petal Dance keeps going as Blue sends out Growlithe. Vileplume then gets confused as the move ends, and hurts itself. Growlithe uses Ember and Vileplume is burned.

3d 18h 18m Vileplume uses Petal Dance, dealing a good chunk of damage. Gyarados is still asleep, and goes down the next turn!

3d 18h 17m We throw a Poké Ball at Gyarados.

3d 18h 17m Vileplume uses Sleep Powder and Gyarados falls asleep. Then uses it again, to no effect.

3d 18h 17m Gyarados is next. Vileplume keeps using Absorb, but is losing HP faster than it recovers it. Not helping, Bite manages to flinch us.

3d 18h 16m We switch to Vileplume. Rhyhorn uses Stomp. Vileplume retorts with Cut. Another Horn Drill misses, and Rhyhorn finally goes down when we use Absorb. Onix grows to Lv. 47! Vileplume grows to Lv. 48!

3d 18h 14m Bind finally lands, and very slowly chips at Rhyhorn's HP.

3d 18h 14m Rhyhorn is next and we switch to Onix. Rhyhorn uses Horn Drill and misses, while Onix fails to land a Bind. Rhyhorn moves to Fury Attack, but it barely deals any damage.

3d 18h 13m Pidgeot is defeated, and Arbok grows to Lv. 31!

3d 18h 13m Another Poison Sting does a critical hit. We then move on to using Strength, which deals a lot more damage. Meanwhile, Pidgeot keeps trying to use Agility because Gen I.

3d 18h 12m Blue sends out Pidgeot against our Arbok. It raises its speed twice with Agility, and we land a few Poison Stings before trying to throw our Bicycle at it.

3d 18h 11m Vs. BLUE! (Attempt #1)

3d 18h 11m Onto Route 22 we proceed. Suddenly, Blue shows up!

3d 18h 9m We squeeze by a narrow path, and are faced with a tree at the end of it. We head back.

3d 18h 7m We fly to Viridian City and head west.

3d 18h 1m We enter the Poké Center and leave a few times.

3d 18h 0m We leave the Pokémon Mansion for now.

3d 17h 59m We are still wandering around the Mansion and beating stuff up. Hypno is out of Psychic though.

3d 17h 49m Hypno grew to Lv. 44!

3d 17h 46m Vileplume was worn down and fainted

3d 17h 36m We harass more wildlife while pacing the carpet, then go up a flight of stairs and harass more wildlife on the second floor

3d 17h 24m We pace on the carpet near the mansion entrance, and encounter some wild Pokémon. Vileplume grew to Lv. 47

3d 17h 18m We walk to the burned mansion

3d 17h 16m We have ₽43867. We think about buying an Ultra Ball. We leave the mart

3d 17h 15m We leave the lab, then bike over to the mart

3d 17h 13m We toss one Max Potion. We talk to the scientist again We receive TM35 Metronome

3d 17h 12m We enter the laboratory. We talk to one of the scientists. The scientist brags about making a TM, and that our bag is too full to receive the TM

3d 17h 8m We fly to Cinnabar Island. We step through the Poké Center's doors a few times.

3d 17h 7m We go up another floor, then exit the Seafoam Island cave on the Fuchsia City side

3d 17h 2m We go up another floor

3d 16h 59m We climb onto land, then take the western ladders up to B2F

3d 16h 58m We push a second boulder down the other hole and follow the second boulder down

3d 16h 57m We start pushing boulders around. We push one of the boulders out of an alcove and into a hole

3d 16h 54m We head up the other ladder to B3F. We walk past the next ladder and go to the south part of this floor, with the movable boulders

3d 16h 53m We return to land, then head up the nearest ladders to B2F. We fall down the nearby hole, and are pushed back to where we were

3d 16h 50m We go up a ladder, then find a hole and fall through the hole, and through another hole. A current pushes us to the bottom-most floor

3d 16h 47m We move our Bicycle to the top of the bag, and get on the Bicycle. After defeating a wild Slowpoke, Vileplume grew to Lv. 46

3d 16h 40m We head south, then go up a ladder. We save

3d 16h 37m We head down a ladder to B1F, then head down the ladder in the center of the floor to B2F

3d 16h 32m We reach Seafoam Island and enter the cave

3d 16h 30m Petal Dance also tears through a Beauty's Seadra and Horsea

3d 16h 28m Another swimmer. Vileplume uses one Petal Dance to thrash through the first three opponents. Vileplume grew to Lv. 45! Vileplume hits itself before using another Petal Dance to defeat the swimmer's last Pokémon

3d 16h 25m We fight another Swimmer. Onix lowers the opposing Shellder's defense with Screech, while Shellder raises Shellder's defense with Withdraw. A Rock Slide 1HKO's Shellder anyway. Onix uses Dig on the Cloyster. The Cloyster survives, and finishes off Onix with an Aura Beam. Vileplume puts Cloyster to sleep, then uses Petal Dance to defeat the Clloyster.

3d 16h 20m We fight a Swimmer. Onix defeats the Horsea, Tentacool and Goldeen with Rock Slide Attacks

[Correction] Onix does not have Strength. It must have been Arbok that used Strength back in the Game Corner

3d 16h 16m We begin surfing.

3d 16h 16m We fly to Fuchsia, then hop south to the beach

3d 16h 14m We fly to Viridian. We jump the ledge that is in front of the Poké Center. We then fly to Viridian, and jump the ledge again.

3d 16h 10m We step outside. We call upon Arbok's Strength, then listen to Bulbasaur's cry in the Pokédex

3d 16h 7m We enter our house, then we save

3d 16h 5m We fly to Palette Town

3d 15h 50m We still gambling. We currently have 2900 coins.

3d 15h 29m 7 lined up. Up to 2505 coins.

3d 15h 19m We enter the prize tent with 2319 coins. We check the prices at all three windows, but don't buy anything. We return to the slots

3d 14h 49m BAR. Up to 2411 coins

3d 14h 40m We've found a lucky machine. Up to 2301 coins

3d 14h 29m At 1897 coins, we step outside, apparently to reset the slot machines' luck. We go back in and gamble more

3d 14h 11m We got a BAR, pushing our coin count over 2000

3d 14h 8m More gamble. We have 1849 coins

3d 13h 49m At 1404 coins, we step outside, step back in, save, then go back to the slots

3d 13h 36m We have 1493 coins

3d 13h 33m We switch to a different machine. We manifest Onix's Strength before starting at the next machine

3d 13h 12m Still playing the slots. 1615 Coins

3d 12h 55m Another Jackpot, followed by a BAR

3d 12h 53m We got a Jackpot. We have over 1000 coins now

3d 12h 46m We have more than 600 coins

[Chat] a BIGRACC

3d 12h 37m We resume playing the slots

3d 12h 36m We find 10 coins and 10 more coins on the ground.

3d 12h 34m We buy 350 coins. Then we find 10 coins and 10 coins on the ground. We receive 10 coins from a patron.

3d 12h 29m We run out of coins. We comb the ground and find 20 coins, 10 coins and 10 coins. We resume playing the slots.

3d 12h 25m We try to play at different machines, but we still have no coins. We walk around and find 20 coins on the ground, then start playing one round at a nearby machine before heading to the south-east-most machine and playing there

3d 12h 23m We run out of coins

3d 12h 22m We enter the Game Corner. We talk to a few patrons, and try to use a reserved machine, before sitting down at a different machine and starting to play the slots

3d 12h 19m We pass through the underground passage, and enter Celadon City

3d 12h 17m We flew to Lavender Town, then headed west through Route 8, fighting a Super Nerd along the way.

3d 12h 10m We leave the gym, and jump the ledge outside the gym

3d 12h 8m Giovanni sends in Rhydon, we switch to Vileplume who knocks out Rhydon with a Petal Dance. Defeated Leader Geovanni and received the Earth Badge! We don't have space in our bag to receive the TM gift.

3d 12h 8m Giovanni sends in Nidoqueen, and we switch to Hypno. Hypno uses a Psychic to KO Nidoqueen. Hypno grew to Lv. 43 and did not learn Meditate. Nidoking is similarly knocked out by a Psychic.

3d 12h 6m We send in Missingno. Missingno uses a Submission to knockout Rhyhorn. Giovanni sends in Dugtrio. We switch to Gyrados. Geovanni uses a Guard Spec, then Gyrados 1HKOs Dugtrio with Surf.

3d 12h 4m Vs. Leader Giovanni! (Attempt #1). Rhyhorn vs a low-health Arbok. Arbok chips, but is finished off with a Stomp.

3d 12h 4m Onix grew to Lv. 46 while fighting the gym trainer just before Giovanni's room. We wander the room and save.

[Chat] tppsimulator: I've already had huge delays 10 years ago? Was honestly

[Meta] The live updater will stay dark for the time being however. Sorry.

[Recap] In the past few hours, we completed the Pokémon Mansion and obtained the Secret Key, letting us access the Gym of Cinnabar Island where we defeated Blaine and obtained the Volcano Badge, as well as TM38 Fire Blast. We also made a detour by our house and deposited a few items in our PC. We are now inside the Gym of Viridian City.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark for now; check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

3d 7h 19m We fly to Cinnabar Island and checkpoint there.

[Info] Also, earlier, used our TM49 and taught Missingno. Tri Attack over Sky Attack.

3d 7h 17m Used our TM48 and taught Onix Rock Slide over Rock Throw.

3d 7h 15m We fly to Viridian City and start heading south again.

3d 7h 10m We head to Route 7 and rearrange Missingno.'s moves a bit in the grass.

3d 7h 6m Traded our new beverages for TM13 Ice Beam, TM48 Rock Slide, and TM49 Tri Attack.

3d 7h 6m Bought a Water, a Soda Pop, and a Lemonade.

3d 7h 3m Climbing the stairs repeatedly in the department store...

3d 7h 1m After awhile of that, we end up in Saffron, which is close enough to walk to Celadon.

3d 6h 56m We Dig back to Cinnabar, then Fly to Pallet Town. Then we Fly to Pallet Town. Then we Fly to Vermilion. Then we Fly to Pallet Town. Then we fly to Cinnabar. Then we Fly to Pallet Town. Then w

3d 6h 55m Taught Missingno. Earthquake over one of its Water Guns.

3d 6h 53m We spend awhile trying to work the elevator before taking the stairs. Picked up TM26 Earthquake.

3d 6h 52m Running around in Silph Co.

[Info] Net bag changes, I think: Withdrew SS Ticket, PP Up, TM21, 19 Poké Balls, HM02 Fly, and Coin Case. Deposited Nugget, TM37, Card Key, HM04 Strength, TM18, all 128 TM32s, and 7 of our 128 HM03 Surfs.

3d 6h 48m We leave the PC and fly from Pallet Town to Pallet Town, then Saffron City.

3d 6h 45m Deposited and withdrew a lot of items I'll describe in a bit. Taught Missingno. Fly!

3d 6h 36m Never mind, heading back into Pallet Town. We head for the item PC in our room.

3d 6h 28m Headed up Route 1.

3d 6h 26m We talk to our mom and heal; checkpoint in Pallet Town.

3d 6h 25m Taught Arbok Strength over Leer!

3d 6h 25m We land in Pallet Town. We almost teach Gyarados Strength, but back out.

3d 6h 20m We start surfing up Route 21.

3d 6h 14m We head back outside and briefly consider tossing TM37 into the ocean, but think better of it.

3d 6h 11m We step into the mansion and introduce Missingno. to its first wild Pokémon. Missingno. leveled down to Lv. 100!

[Info] We're down to ₽5962 after all those blackout attempts.

3d 6h 2m Threw away our 1 Thunderstone.

3d 6h 0m We spend some time admiring Missingno.'s moveset and its beautiful party sprite appearance of a human man. We wander onto the Route 21 dock, meaning the glitch is officially gone.

[Chat] GoldenElucidator02: this truly....is Wind's Vision

[Info] We now have 128 of TM32 Double Team, which was the item in our sixth slot (the Master Ball was in slot five). Also, a Missingno. plush has appeared onscreen.

3d 5h 54m Used the Master Ball! Caught a Lv. 138 Missingno.! Nickname: bkkkttTW;

3d 5h 54m Encountered a lv. 138 Missingno.

3d 5h 50m Encountered a Level 4 Weedle. Sure.

3d 5h 49m We Cut the Missingno. in half. Vileplume reaches Lv. 42! Back to searching.

3d 5h 48m Onix faints. Missingno. is at very low HP.

3d 5h 48m We use our regular Poké Ball, but it misses.

3d 5h 46m We begin surfing again and go so far we find a normal Tentacool. Chat has to be reassured it's fine, but we go back to our shore corner. Encountered a wild Missingno.

3d 5h 42m We accidentally land back on the island.

3d 5h 41m We encounter a Lv. 128 Golbat, our other real-Pokémon option, and manage to flee.

3d 5h 40m We use Surf and start smashing our face against the gym on the shore. Encountered a Lv. 141 Snorlax.

3d 5h 39m We stand near Blaine's gym while attempting to use Surf. We notice that the door is locked.

3d 5h 36m Hypno faints. Blacked out! We wake up on Cinnabar Island.

3d 5h 33m We talk to the old man and he demonstrates how to catch a Weedle.

3d 5h 32m We walk in a circle around the old man.

3d 5h 31m A wild Weedle poisons Hypno. We begin heading south.

3d 5h 29m We encounter a wild Pikachu and kill it immediately.

3d 5h 21m Arrived in Viridian City. We walk directly into the old man for 20 steps before dodging around him toward Viridian Forest.

3d 5h 18m We get back in the water and Gyarados faints. Landed in Pallet Town proper.

3d 5h 14m We stumble into the Route 21 grass and beat up a rat and some spaghetti.

3d 5h 14m Onix faints from poison.

3d 5h 13m Arbok faints against yet another Tentacool.

3d 5h 9m We surf onto Route 21 and send out Arbok against a wild Tentacool, getting down to low HP before we defeat it.

3d 5h 5m Standing on the Cinnabar docks, we double-check Bulbasaur's cry in the Pokédex. It still sounds the same.

3d 5h 3m Vileplume faints and we head outside.

3d 4h 52m Back to the mansion, with Onix leading the party this time.

3d 4h 46m We make it to Viridian City and stare at the old man... and while he's on screen, Onix faints. Blacked out!

3d 4h 43m We enter Route 1's grass at 26 HP and slooowly make our way north...

3d 4h 42m The Tangela poisons us! We then keep spamming A and it uses Absorb next, putting Onix at 33 HP. We run.

3d 4h 40m The game is back! We're wandering around the grass on Route 21.

3d 4h 33m M4 takes over, saves the game, and puts us on standby while backing up the save. We begin watching some sort of Gundam/DBZ commercial?

3d 4h 31m We land in the grass on Route 21.

[Info] (Due to Gen 1 being Gen 1, those Poison Stings were doing 0 damage against Onix's defense. The poor worms never had a chance to poison us.)

[Chat] Spiderpig2398: back to the jellyfish mines

3d 4h 23m We head back to Pallet Town and start Surfing for Tentacool again.

3d 4h 17m We locate a Weedle and Onix begins screeching repeatedly. Weedle tries to use Poison Sting each time, but each one mysteriously misses. We eventually defeat the poor thing and leave Viridian Forest.

3d 4h 14m Into Viridian Forest.

3d 4h 12m We stop to learn some Trainer Tips as we head up to Viridian Forest. On the way there, Gyarados faints, leaving just Onix standing (wiggling?).

3d 4h 9m We do some sort of sick Tony Hawk move to evade the island, zoom straight through Pallet Town and walk onto Route 1.

3d 4h 7m Vileplume faints to a wild Weezing. With Gyarados slowly losing health to poison, we head outside and surf north.

3d 3h 57m Hypno faints.

3d 3h 51m Hypno and Gyarados tag-team a Grimer and reach Lv. 39 and Lv. 38, respectively.

3d 3h 45m Back to the mansion. Arbok faints.

3d 3h 40m We make it about halfway up Route 1 before Gyarados faints. Blacked out!

3d 3h 35m Gyarados, our last mon, is poisoned. We head back to Pallet Town.

3d 3h 34m We defeat the Swimmer and move on to battle his friend Cue Ball.

3d 3h 32m Vs. Swimmer. Gyarados reaches Lv. 37.

3d 3h 26m Surfing around, encountering the odd level 5 or 10 Tentacool...

3d 3h 20m Surfing again.

3d 3h 11m Landed in Pallet Town. Hypno also faints from poison.

3d 3h 9m We narrowly avoid the island and approach Pallet Town. Onix faints from poison.

3d 3h 6m We use Dig and escape from the Burglar's clutches. We head north and begin surfing away.

[Info] Forgot to mention that Arbok and Gloom have fainted.

3d 3h 4m Hypno reaches Lv. 38!

3d 3h 3m We attempt to use Cut on Burglar Simon. He doesn't like it.

3d 2h 59m We pass 500,000 inputs!

3d 2h 56m We put ourselves in a very specific corner and talk to Burglar Simon. We make short work of his team, but successfully banish ourselves to the corner.

3d 2h 48m Headed to the second floor. Arbok reaches Lv. 26.

3d 2h 46m Entered Pokémon Mansion.

3d 2h 43m We land and checkpoint on Cinnabar Island (also, we save).

3d 2h 42m We surf off the island, then land on it again immediately. It takes us another try to finally escape.

3d 2h 37m Vs. the other Fisherman. This one has a more robust team of Seaking and Goldeen, and we switch out to Gyarados, subsequently shuffling all our moves around (Body Slam now in first). Defeated Fisherman.

3d 2h 36m While Arbok beats up six Magikarp in a row, we move Leer to the first move slot. Defeated Fisherman.

3d 2h 33m We Surf out of Pallet Town and make a beeline for the nearest island, beaching ourselves immediately. Vs. Fisherman.

3d 2h 30m Outside, contemplating Surfing.

3d 2h 27m Deposited the Bicycle, Super Rod, Silph Scope, Poke Flute, HM02, Old Rod, Helix Fossil, Moon Stone, and both our Poké Dolls. Also, withdrew one (1) Poké Ball.

3d 2h 21m At the item PC, shuffling key items around very slowly...

3d 2h 19m Never mind, Mom notices us and heals us. Checkpoint in Pallet Town.

3d 2h 18m In Pallet Town now. Rather than talking to our mom we make a beeline for our TV.

[Info] Current party order after that menu spam: Arbok, Gloom, Hypno, Onix, Gyarados.

3d 2h 16m Made it through the second tree; heading down through Viridian City.

3d 2h 13m Staring down the second tree on Route 2. We manage to fix our text speed, at least?

3d 2h 9m We attempt to surf on the tree, but eventually figure out how to cut it.

[Info] Apparently we have ₽41418? Neat.

3d 2h 6m We emerge onto Route 2 and start slamming our face into the cut tree.

3d 2h 0m Gyarados reaches Lv. 35!

3d 1h 59m Making our way through Diglett Cave.

3d 1h 58m We go through the Underground Path and arrive in Vermillion City.

3d 1h 56m We try to trade our Gyarados for a Nidoran♀, but the girl realizes it's not the Nidoran♂ she was asking for.

[Snark] Can't use the Master Ball on something terrible if we don't have a Master Ball anymore.

3d 1h 54m Almost tossed the Master Ball there.

3d 1h 52m We once again try to use our Thunder Stone on Hypno. It still doesn't work.

3d 1h 49m We leave Raticate in the Daycare, and then leave.

3d 1h 48m We then retrieve Arbok from the Daycare and try to leave Gyarados instead, but it knows an HM and thus can't be deposited in the Daycare.

3d 1h 47m We retrieve Hypno from the Daycare, then deposit Arbok instead.

3d 1h 47m We successfully entered the Daycare! Deposited Hypno in the Daycare!

3d 1h 45m We almost enter the Daycare, but overshoot by the left side and now need to be careful not jump the lower ledge-- nevermind, we just did.

3d 1h 42m We leave through the north, and make our way to Cerulean City. Then, we jump down some ledges, trying to reach the Daycare.

3d 1h 39m And now we arrive in Saffron City.

3d 1h 38m We make it to the top of the Cycling Road, and enter Celadon City.

3d 1h 36m Machoke is next. Gyarados uses Surf again. Machoke barely holds on but goes down to another Surf. We win!

3d 1h 35m We send out Gyarados and put our newly learned Surf to use. Primeape goes down.

3d 1h 35m A Cue Ball spots us! he sends out Primeape.

3d 1h 32m Onto Cycling Road we go!

3d 1h 30m Saved the game as we bike away.

3d 1h 27m We left the Warden's house.

3d 1h 24m Tossed away TM06 Toxic.

3d 1h 23m We walk through Fuchsia City and enter the Warden's house. We return his Gold Teeth to him, and in exchange, we received HM04 Strength!

3d 1h 18m Ding-dong! Our Safari Game is over and now we never have to listen to its awful theme again.

3d 1h 15m We try to pick up an item, but our bag is full.

3d 1h 13m We use Surf and it's a very sweet few seconds of hearing the surfing theme rather than this horrible 4-second loop, but alas, it doesn't last.

3d 1h 11m Picked up TM32 Double Team! We saved.

3d 1h 10m We save, then boot up HM03 again. Onix and Gloom still can't learn it, but Gyarados forgets Leer and learns Surf!

3d 1h 7m We exit the Secret House. 128 steps remai-- oh right, that doesn't matter anymore.

3d 1h 7m We use a Hyper Potion to heal Gloom.

3d 1h 7m We try to teach Surf to several of our Pokémon, none of which are compatible with it.

3d 1h 5m We try to use a Thunder Stone on Hypno. It does not work.

3d 1h 4m We actually make it to the Secret House! Obtained HM03 Surf!

3d 1h 2m We still have 235 steps remaining and have already made very good progress.

[Snark] This is not me telling you to go spam start.

3d 1h 0m This attempt is going much smoother already. So much that I can't tell you how many steps are left, as all the start spammers left.

[Snark] This made me realize that Egg Bomb is a TM despite only four Pokémon being able to learn it, including Mew. Generation I is weird.

3d 0h 54m We use a Carbos on Arbok, then enter the Safari Zone again.

3d 0h 52m We try to use TM37, but no one in our party can learn Egg Bomb.

3d 0h 51m Ding-dong! We are out of steps. We didn't get Surf, but at least we got the Gold Teeth, so it wasn't a total waste.

3d 0h 51m Found the Gold Teeth!

3d 0h 50m We enter the fourth area with only 16 steps remaining.

3d 0h 49m Only 76 steps remain.

3d 0h 45m 192 steps remain.

3d 0h 45m Cool Tauros, wish we could try to catch it.

3d 0h 44m Made it to the third area.

[Snark] This is pretty much foreshadowing an upcoming tragedy, isn't it.

3d 0h 43m We try to catch a wild Paras, but uh oh, our PC Box is full.

3d 0h 42m Still in the second area, 314 steps remain.

3d 0h 41m Caught a Lv. 22 Paras! No nickname.

3d 0h 41m 337 steps remain.

3d 0h 38m Caught a Lv. 24 Nidoran♂! Nickname: AALDEJK.

3d 0h 38m We make it to the second area. 443 steps remain.

3d 0h 36m We almost leave early.

3d 0h 36m We enter the Safari Zone. Here we go.

3d 0h 33m We arrive back in Fuchsia City, and make our way towards the Safari Zone.

3d 0h 30m And now we go down the road. Wheeeeeeeeee!

3d 0h 30m The Biker sends out Grimer, which Gyarados takes down effortlessly. He then sends out Koffing, which hardly fares any better. It's a win for us!

3d 0h 29m We are back on Cycling Road. A Biker challenges us though!

3d 0h 28m Tossed 1 Awakening.

3d 0h 26m We use Dig, teleporting us back to Celadon City.

3d 0h 23m We are back inside Silph Co. for... some reason.

3d 0h 22m We successfully escape the Copycat's house.

3d 0h 19m ...she's, uh, standing on the stairs so we kinda can't leave.

3d 0h 18m We saved.

3d 0h 18m We enter a house, and in the second floor's room, we meet the Copycat! We try to give her a Poké Doll, but our bag is full so she can't give us anything in exchange.

3d 0h 16m We make it out os the Silph Co. building and are back outside in Saffron City's streets.

3d 0h 13m We talk to the president we just rescued and obtain the Master Ball!

3d 0h 12m Gyarados takes out both Kangaskhan and Rhydon using Bubblebeam. Giovanni uses a Guard Spec on Nidoqueen, but it goes down just as easily. Gyarados grew to Lv. 34! Defeated Giovanni!

3d 0h 10m Giovanni sends out Nidorino, which Gyarados paralyzes with Thunderbolt before taking it down.

3d 0h 10m Vs. Giovanni! (Attempt #1)

3d 0h 9m We open the door to Giovanni!

3d 0h 9m Gyarados took down the Grunt's next Pokémon, Marowak. We win the battle!

3d 0h 7m We were challenged by a Grunt, who sent Cubone. Raticate grew to Lv. 27 and learned Focus Energy. Drowzee was sent out next, and took down Raticate. We sent out Gyarados and took down Drowzee.

3d 0h 6m Raticate grew to Lv. 27 and learned Focus Energy over Double-Edge.

[Recap] We made it through the entirety of Silph Co. and are close to facing Giovanni. We just defeated our rival BLUE, and received a Lv. 15 Lapras! (Nickname: CCCMF, ()

[Meta] Alright, the live updater is going dark again. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates. And if you're interested in live updating as well, make it known!

2d 23h 27m We save!

2d 23h 27m Next is Electrode. Confusion takes out half its life, but it then sets up a Light Screen. Yet it decides not to use the opportunity to inflict any damage, instead using Screech, and thus goes down to two more Confusions. We defeated the Scientist!

2d 23h 26m We take the teleporter and a Scientist challenges us on the other side. He sends out Grimer, and Hypno easily takes it out. Hypno grew to Lv. 35!

2d 23h 25m Apparently third time is the charm, and we succeed! Gloom evolved into Vileplume!

2d 23h 24m Oh right. The gimmick here is teleporters. Instead of stepping one the one next to us however, we decide to make an attempt at using the Leaf Stone once more.

2d 23h 23m We try to use our Bicycle, but no cycling is allowed inside this building.

2d 23h 22m Last is Magneton. It's bulkier and manages to inflict decent damage to Hypno using Sonicboom before going down as well. We won!

2d 23h 21m Voltorb is next, but it hardly fares better and goes down in two turns as well.

2d 23h 21m This is one generation too early for Magnemite to resist Confusion, so Hypno takes it out in two turns.

2d 23h 20m This time it's a scientist that spots us! He sends out Magnemite.

[Fluff] Come to think of it, a Rocket Grunt using a Cubone has disturbing implications considering what happened in the Pokémon Tower...

2d 23h 19m Two Confusion take care of Cubone, and another of the Zubat sent afterwards. And just like that, we win the battle.

2d 23h 18m Another grunt spots us. He sends out Cubone.

2d 23h 17m One last Zubat taken down by Confusion, and the Grunt is defeated!

2d 23h 17m The next Pokémon sent out is Raticate. It takes two Confusions this time, but it is easily dealt with. Hypno grew to Lv. 34!

2d 23h 16m Another Zubat is sent, another Confusion takes care of it.

2d 23h 16m Hypno manages to use Confusion, and Golbat goes down. The Grunt sends Zubat next. Another Confusion, and it leaves as quickly as it arrived.

2d 23h 15m Hypno uses Headbutt and lands a critical hit! But Golbat confuses it, and it then hurts itself in confusion.

2d 23h 13m We move to the second floor, and a Grunt spots us! He sends out Golbat.

2d 23h 11m We enter the Silph Co. building.

2d 23h 11m Arrived in Saffron City.

2d 23h 9m We leave Celadon City, onto Route 7.

2d 23h 6m We exit the Department Store and get on our Bicycle.

2d 23h 4m Bought 1 Leaf Stone and 1 Thunder Stone!

2d 23h 4m Bought 1 Poké Doll!

[Snark] To be fair, we'd need that many to be safe given how easily we seem to toss them.

2d 23h 1m We try to buy 99 Leaf Stones, but don't have enough money.

2d 23h 1m We're gonna try to buy a Leaf Stone once more.

2d 22h 57m We enter the Department Store.

2d 22h 57m We save.

2d 22h 56m We enter Celadon's Poké Center and heal, then quickly exit.

2d 22h 54m Due to poison damage going off every few steps, Onix faints.

2d 22h 53m We slowly make it back up, and arrive at the top at last. We're back in Celadon City!

2d 22h 51m And now we go waaaaaaaay down because we forgot to spam up as the battle ended. Wheeeeeeee~

2d 22h 51m Onix takes almost no damage from Weezing's attacks, but it does suffer from poison damage. It finally takes Weezing down using Dig however, and we win the battle!

2d 22h 50m Onix uses Rock Throw. Weezing is in the red, but instead of finishing it off, we use Screech.

2d 22h 50m We switch back to Onix. Sludge does almost no damage to it.

2d 22h 49m The Biker send sout another Weezing. Gloom keeps using Petal Dance, then gets confused and hurts itself after getting hit with a critical Sludge.

2d 22h 48m Koffing is sent out by the Biker. Gloom keeps using Petal Dance, until Koffing goes down.

2d 22h 48m We switch to Gloom and use Petal Dance. Weezing goes down!

2d 22h 47m We swap out to Onix. A few Rock Throws bring Weezing in the red, but Onix also gets poisoned.

2d 22h 45m The Biker sends out Weezing, which poisons our Hypno.

2d 22h 45m A Biker spots us and asks if we are going to Fucshia. We are not. He challenges us to a battle.

2d 22h 43m We struggle to keep going up, although we do save.

2d 22h 42m Machop is last. We take it out just as easily and win the battle! Back to spamming "up".

2d 22h 41m Machoke is next. Again, Confusion easily takes it out. Hypno grew to Lv. 33 and learned Poison Gas over Hypnosis.

2d 22h 40m The Cue Ball sends another Mankey, which once more goes down immediately to Confusion.

2d 22h 39m We get spotted by a Cue Ball! He sends out Mankey, and Hypno puts it to sleep before taking it down with Confusion.

2d 22h 37m We are back on Cycling Road!

2d 22h 33m We saved.

2d 22h 29m We use Dig and end up aaaall the way back in Fuchsia City. We enter the Poké Center and heal.

2d 22h 27m We enter the Silph Co. building.

2d 22h 23m We walked through the entire Underground Path, then exited and entered Saffron City.

2d 22h 22m The Soul Badge has been added to the case on the set~

2d 22h 20m We exit Celadon City, and enter the Underground Path.

2d 22h 18m We made it to the top! We exit the Cycling Road and enter Celadon City.

2d 22h 15m We send out Gloom, and this Voltorb too uses Self-Destruct. We win.

2d 22h 15m The Biker sends another Coltorb, which takes down Raticate using Sonicboom.

2d 22h 15m Raticate uses Double-Edge. It looks like a second one will do the trick, but surprise, Voltorb uses Self-Destruct! Raticate survives though.

2d 22h 14m Or not, as now it's a Biker who spots us. he sends out Voltorb, and we send Raticate.

2d 22h 14m We send out Gloom and use Petal Dance, which is enough to defeat Machoke and win the battle. Back to spamming "up"!

2d 22h 13m He sends out Machoke, and we send out Arbok. We spam Bite, until Machoke takes Arbok out with Low Kick.

2d 22h 12m We are spotted by a Cue Ball who tells us his Pokémon can't evolve. We can relate.

2d 22h 10m We enter the Cycling Road, and up spam ensues as we try our best to climb it up.

2d 22h 9m We wander around and end up on Route 18. We save.

2d 22h 4m We climb back, enter the Poké Center, tug-and-war for a while, then exit and jump the ledges again.

2d 22h 1m We jumped some more ledges and end up on Route 19.

2d 22h 0m And we're outside! We head towards the Poké Center-- and jump the ledge.

2d 21h 58m Now we just need to find our way out again. Should be, uh, somewhere around here...

2d 21h 57m Defeated Leader Koga and received the Soul Badge! Received TM06 Toxic!

2d 21h 56m We send out Gloom and use Cut. Koga wastes a turn using an X Attack, allowing Gloom to land one more Cut, taking down Weezing! Gloom grew to Lv. 40!

2d 21h 55m Weezing is next. Onix uses Dig and lands a critical hit! Unfortunately, it suffers poison damage and faints.

2d 21h 55m Onix took down Koga's second Koffing and grew to Lv. 42.

2d 21h 54m We have already taken out one of Koga's Koffing as well as his Muk. His second Koffing just took down our Hypno and we sent out Onix in its place.

[Info] Should be attempt #2.

2d 21h 48m Vs Gym Leader Koga (idk what attempt this is lol)

[Recap] During our second visit in the Safari Zone, we caught a Lv. 22 Nidoran♂ (No nickname), a Lv. 23 Exeggcute (Nickname: AA--××SSSS), a Lv. 22 Paras (No nickname), a Lv. 26 Doduo (Nickname: AAAA), another Lv. 26 Doduo (Nickname: AAAAAAAAA), yet another Lv. 26 Doduo (Nickname: AAAAAAAAAK), a Lv. 25 Exeggcute (No nickname), a Lv. 24 Nidoran♀ (Nickname: (Kssi-)), and yet another Lv. 26 Doduo (Nickname: BB).

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates. Also if you are interested in joining the live updater team, don't hesitate to make it known over there!

2d 19h 26m We save.

2d 19h 26m We check another zoo exhibit. It's Kabuto!

2d 19h 23m Struggle resumes between those wanting to try again and those who don't feel like bothering right now.

2d 19h 22m Ding-dong! Our Safari Game is over. We are kicked outside.

2d 19h 21m 8 steps and 4 Safari Balls left.

2d 19h 20m Caught a Lv. 25 Kangaskhan! No nickname.

2d 19h 20m We throw rocks at a wild Paras. It gets angry and runs.

2d 19h 19m 34 steps left.

2d 19h 18m Caught a third Lv. 24 Nidoran♂! Nickname: sjb--?--((.

2d 19h 17m 71 steps left. We are highly unlikely to make it.

2d 19h 17m Found a Carbos.

2d 19h 16m A Nidorino runs from us. We have 115 steps and 8 Safari Balls left.

2d 19h 16m Caught a Lv. 24 Nidoran♂! No nickname.

2d 19h 15m A Doduo ran from us, then a Kagaskhan, then another Doduo.

2d 19h 14m Ran from a Doduo.

2d 19h 14m Ran from another Nidoran♂ after failing to catch it, then from a Kangaskhan.

2d 19h 13m We are now below 200 steps left and haven't made any progression with the past 100 ones.

2d 19h 12m Tried to bait a Doduo. It ran.

2d 19h 12m Tried to catch a third Doduo. It ran.

2d 19h 12m Ran from another Nidoran♂, then a Paras.

[Snark] There's really no need for me to detail each and every Safari Zone encounter, but we all know this isn't ending with us getting Surf, so might as well give you some filler.

2d 19h 10m Ran from two other Nidoran♂.

2d 19h 9m A Nidorino ran from us. Then we ran from a Nidoran♂.

2d 19h 8m A wild Exeggcute ran from us. We are already down to less than 300 steps left.

2d 19h 7m Caught another Lv. 26 Doduo! No nickname.

2d 19h 7m Nidoran♀ ran from us, but we caught a Lv. 24 Nidoran♂! Nickname: AbBF.

2d 19h 5m Caught a Lv. 26 Doduo! Nickname: KTKttAJT!-.

2d 19h 4m A Nidorino and a Kangaskhan ran from us.

2d 19h 3m Threw bait at a Parasect. It ran.

2d 19h 3m Threw a rock at a Doduo. It ran.

2d 19h 3m A wild Exegccute and a wild Doduo both ran from us. Then we ran from another Exeggcute.

2d 19h 0m We end up entering the Safari Zone after all, though we almost quit immediately.

2d 18h 59m There is currently in-fighting between those wanting to visit the zoo, and those trying to get into the Safari Zone.

2d 18h 58m We look at an actual exhibit; it's a Chansey!

2d 18h 56m We look at the zoo's first exhibit: Erik, a guy who said to Sara he'd meet her here.

2d 18h 54m We enter a house and chat is quite upset that it is not, in fact, the zoo.

2d 18h 52m Part of the chat wants to heal, but another part seems to have gotten it in their minds that they really want to visit the zoo.

2d 18h 49m We arrive back in Fuchsia City.

2d 18h 48m Gloom finally takes out Ditto.

2d 18h 47m We send out Arbok and play the Poké Flute again. Now that's a catchy tune! Ditto uses Confusion and Arbok faints.

2d 18h 47m We play the Poké Flute again. Now that's a catchy tune! Anyway, Ditto transformed into our Hypno and uses Headbutt; Hypno faints.

2d 18h 46m We play the Poké Flute. Now that's a catchy tune!

2d 18h 44m We get on our Bicycle, and encounter a wild Ditto.

2d 18h 43m We make it out of the Route 13 maze and make our way down Route 14, then onto Route 15.

2d 18h 41m Some guy tells us to get lost when we talk to him. We pettily stay next to him and save twice.

2d 18h 38m Navigating the twisted narrow paths of Route 13 is troublesome, but at least there's no ledges or spinning tiles.

2d 18h 34m We are now navigating Route 13. We save.

2d 18h 26m We walk south onto Route 12.

2d 18h 25m Finally, we exit the Pokémon Tower and are back in Lavender Town.

2d 18h 14m Picked up an Awakening.

2d 18h 8m On Confusion from Hypno, and Gastly goes down. Hypno grew to Lv. 31 and we win the battle.

2d 18h 7m Another Channeler spots us! They send out Gastly.

2d 18h 4m Gastly confuses Hypno, who then disables Gastly's Confuse Ray. Hypnosis fail the next turn, but Confusion takes down Gastly in one hit, winning us the battle.

2d 18h 3m On the way down, we are spotted by a Channeler! They send out Gastly.

2d 18h 1m We're back on the 5th floor, where we enter the purified zone and heal.

2d 17h 58m Hypno grew to Lv. 30!

2d 17h 56m Instead of leaving the Tower, we actually make it to the top. Since we already completed it, there's just nothing there, so we turn back.

2d 17h 50m We slay more Gastly on the way. Hypno grew to Lv. 29.

2d 17h 42m With this accomplished, we go down to the lower floor as we consider leaving the Tower.

2d 17h 38m Drowzee grew to Lv. 28 and evolved into Hypno!

2d 17h 37m More grinding, not much else to report so far. We heal again.

2d 17h 29m We heal.

2d 17h 28m Another Gastly takes down Drowzee again.

2d 17h 22m We walk into the purified zone and heal.

2d 17h 22m A wild Gastly takes down Drowzee and we flee.

2d 17h 20m Drowzee grew to Lv. 27! Evolution cancelled again.

2d 17h 7m We heal.

2d 17h 6m A few more Gastly slayed, and Drowzee grows to Lv. 26! Unfortunately, the evolution is cancelled.

2d 17h 4m We walk into the purified zone and heal.

2d 17h 2m A wild Gastly appears and uses Night Shade; Drowzee faints and we run.

2d 17h 2m While wandering, we are spotted by a Channeler! She sends out Haunter, which uses Night Shade on Drowzee. We retort with Confusion, then Haunter actually confuses Drowzee with Confuse Ray. Fortunately, Drowzee avoids the self-hit and takes Haunter down with Confusion. We win!

2d 17h 0m Picked up a Nugget.

2d 16h 58m A few more battles, then we heal again.

2d 16h 54m Speaking of which, we heal.

[Info] The purified zone inside the Pokémon Tower allows us to heal between every few battles, which makes it a pretty good spot for grinding.

2d 16h 53m Drowzee grew to Lv. 25!

[Recap] Nothing much seems to have happened in the past hour, although Gyarados learned Leer over Dragon Rage. We are currently grinding inside the Pokémon Tower.

[Meta] After this brief update, the live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 15h 46m Raticate misses with Double-Edge twice. So does Muk with Poison Gas. Raticate then uses Tackle, but is taken down by Sludge. We black out.

2d 15h 44m We send out Raticate. We use Double-Edge, while Muk goes for Minimize.

2d 15h 44m Koga sends out Muk and uses two X Attacks on it while we spam Bite. Muk then uses Sludge, and Arbok faints.

2d 15h 44m We send out Arbok. We use Bite, and Koffing retorts with Tackle. Both Pokémon are in the red, but another Bite takes down Koffing. Arbok grew to Lv. 25.

2d 15h 43m We send out Gyarados and use Thunderbolt. Koffing retorts with Sludge, and inflicts a critical hit; Gyarados faints.

2d 15h 42m Koffing wakes once more, and takes down Drowzee.

2d 15h 42m Koffing woke up again. We put it to sleep again before moving to repeated Pound attacks.

2d 15h 41m After a few turns, Koffing wakes again. We put it back to sleep.

2d 15h 40m We send out Drowzee. Koga sends Koffing, which we put to sleep.

2d 15h 40m Vs. Leader Koga! (Attempt #1)

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 15h 16m We enter the Pokecenter. After pacing a bit, we talk to the "You have to raise your Pokemon evenly" guy a few times. we heal, then leave the center and hop south

2d 15h 13m We enter Fuchsia City. We stop in the middle of town to look at our Pokédex, then continue towards the Poké Center

2d 15h 11m We head west, through Route 15, back towards Fuchsia.

2d 15h 4m We head up Route 14, we save, then we fight a biker on the west half of the route

2d 15h 3m We reach Route 14, then double back to fight one more trainer on Route 15: the Jr. Trainer with a Pikachu and a Raichu. Onix Digs to defeat both. Onix grew to Lv 41

2d 15h 1m A beauty's Wigglytuff puts Gloom to sleep, then finishes off Gloom with a Double Slap

2d 14h 57m Gyrados defeats the next few trainer's pokemon, but is poisoned by a Grimer. Gyrados grew to Lv. 31. The poison wears down Gyrados and Gyrados faints during the next trainer battle

2d 14h 49m Arbok faints to a Beauty's Bulbasaur

2d 14h 46m Raticate fainted from Double Edge recoil

2d 14h 40m While fighting a Bird Keeper, Raticate grew to Lv. 25!

2d 14h 38m We fight the trainers in the route this time. While fighting a Jr. Trainer, Drowzee is taken down by an Oddish and Arbok grew to Lv. 24 after taking down a Tangela

2d 14h 32m We leave the zoo, then head east to Route 15

2d 14h 30m A safari hat was placed in the background

2d 14h 28m We make two more donations then return to the zoo

2d 14h 27m We pay for entrance to the Safari Zone. After receiving 30 safari balls, we immediately bail and leave

2d 14h 26m We enter the zoo, and cut down the trees to take the direct route to the safari zone entrance

2d 14h 24m We step outside, jump a ledge east, then we rearrange our party approximately in ascending level order

2d 14h 20m We peek in Bill's relative's house, then we heal at the Poké Center

2d 14h 19m We enter Fuchsia.

2d 14h 18m We leave the store, and head west to Cycling Road. We fight a cue ball at the top of the route, then ride down the road

2d 14h 14m We enter the elevator, then decide to walk down the stairs instead.

2d 14h 10m We reach the fourth floor. Bought 1 Pokedoll ₽24465 remaining

2d 14h 7m We enter Celadon, and enter the department store. We try to walk up the stairs, but keep finding our way down the stairs

2d 14h 5m We leave Diglett's Cave, and pass through Vermilion and Saffron

2d 13h 59m We use a Rare Candy. Gloom grew to Lv. 38 and learned Petal Dance over PoisonPowder. We save. We toss a Leaf Stone

2d 13h 58m We continue to harass the wild Diglett. Gloom grew to Lv. 37

2d 13h 45m We're still beating up wild Diglett. Gloom grew to Lv. 36

2d 13h 34m Gloom beats up the wild Diglett. Gloom grew to Lv. 35

2d 13h 28m We pass through Vermilion, and enter Diglett's Cave

2d 13h 26m We turn south. We enter Route 6 and fight a few wild pokemon

2d 13h 23m We leave the center and head west. We enter Saffron City

2d 13h 20m We enter the Lavender Town Poké Center and we heal

2d 13h 19m We reach the gate house, pass through, and enter Lavender town

2d 13h 17m Further north, another fisherman with level low-twenties Pokémon. Gloom has a bit more trouble with a Goldeen's Pecks and a Poliwag's Hypnosis, but Gloom still wins the battles.

2d 13h 12m We continue north, and encounter another Fisherman. Gloom has no trouble dispatching this fisherman's Lv. 24 Pokémon either. Gloom grew to Lv. 34!

2d 13h 9m Poliwag misses a hypnosis, allowing Gloom to 1HKO Poliwag with Absorb. Gloom then drains the rest of the Fisherman's Pokemon, fully restoring its health

2d 13h 6m We continue north, past the t-intersection, and encounter a Fisherman. The opposing Poliwag keeps putting Gloom to sleep with Hypnosis, preventing Gloom from attacking, however, Poliwag's bubbles barely do any damage to Gloom.

2d 13h 1m We look at our bag, then reach the other end of the maze and bike north across the piers

2d 12h 55m We head north, and reach the fence maze

2d 12h 54m We head through the grass to dodge the trainers of Route 15, but get spotted by a Bird Keeper as we enter Route 14. Gyrados smites the Spearow and Fearow with Thunderbolt. Gyrados grew to Lv. 30

2d 12h 51m We return to Fuchsia, then walk through to Fuchsia's eastern exit

2d 12h 46m We return to Fuchsia, then turn west and return to Cycling Road gate house, then exit the gate house, turn south and enter the bird keeper's hunting grounds

2d 12h 44m We return to the Fuchsia Pokecenter and we heal. We then hop south to route 19

2d 12h 43m We engage a second swimmer. Gyrados thunderbolts through the swimmer's Tentacool and Shellder.

2d 12h 42m A swimmer stops us before we reach the water. A Goldeen uses supersonic to confuse Drowzee, and Drowzee hits itself until Goldeen finishes it off. Gyrados then rages through Goldeen, thunderbolts Horsea Gyrados grew to Lv 29, then thunderbolts Staryu for the win

2d 12h 39m We talk to the trainers in the center, then leave. We jump the ledge south, and enter Route 19

2d 12h 37m We return to the Pokecenter.

2d 12h 36m Gyrados uses Dragon Rage to finish off Drowzee and Kadabra, defeating the Juggler. We flee the gym.

2d 12h 35m We switch to Arbok, which is 1HKOed from the opposing Kadabra's Confusion. We switch to Gyrados, then to Onix, as the Juggler switches to Drowzee. Onix's Rock Throw lowers Drowzee to 1HP. The Juggler switches to Kadabra, which 2HKOs Onix with Confusion

2d 12h 32m The opposing Kadabra's attacks are not very effective, but out Drowzee's Pound isn't doing much damage either. The Juggler switches to Drowzee then back to Kadabra. Kadabra uses Recover, while Drowzee continues to not deal much damage

2d 12h 30m Raticate uses Double Edge to damage Drowzee, then the Juggler switches to Kadabra and uses Psybeam to knock out Raticate

2d 12h 29m The first gym trainer's Drowzee 2HKOs Gloom with a Confusion followed by a Psychic.

2d 12h 28m We return to Fuchsia, and return to the Poké Center. We heal. Then we head to and enter the gym

2d 12h 25m With all trainers in that area defeated, we save

2d 12h 23m Raticate defeats a different Bird Keeper's Spearow but falls to that trainer's Fearow. Raticate grew to Lv. 24. Drowzee finishes off the Fearow.

2d 12h 21m Onix throws rocks at a bird keeper's Dodrio. Gloom grew to Lv. 33 and Onix grew to Lv. 40!

2d 12h 17m We leave the center, walk past the gym and jump the ledge. We head west to the guard house, enter then exit the house, then turn south to the bird keepers' hunting ground.

2d 12h 15m We make our way to the Pokecenter. We walk into the pillar that separates the nurse from the link club, then we heal

2d 12h 14m We continue east, and we enter Fuchsia City for the first time

2d 12h 12m We exit the guard house to the east, then enter the area south of the guard house to throw rocks at a bird keeper's birds

2d 12h 11m We enter the guard house, then go to the second floor and look into one binoculars to see people swimming and another to look at Pallet Town

2d 12h 10m The Weezing falls to bind, then Onix uses Dig to defeat a Muk and the biker. We continue south, despite chat's attempts to go up. We reach the bottom of the route, then head east.

2d 12h 7m We try to head up the west side of the route, and are spotted by a biker. Onix binds the Weezing to slowly deal damage

2d 12h 4m Onix lands a critical Dig despite the Muk's minimize, defeating the Muk and Onix grew to Lv 39. We continue down the middle of the route

2d 12h 3m The cue ball's Machop takes out Raticate. Gyrados finishes off Machop with a Dragon Rage. Gyrados grew to Lv. 28. With the cue ball defeated, we head down the route and are spotted by another biker with a Muk

2d 12h 1m Onix finishes off the opposing Weezing with a Dig. We continue to the next trainer, a cue ball

2d 12h 0m The next trainer's Weezing finishes off Gloom. Drowzee's confusion attacks don't deal enough damage, and Weezing also takes out Drowzee

2d 11h 58m We move Gloom to the top of the party. We engage a trainer at the top of the route. Gloom cuts down the grimer, but is reduced to red health in the process.

2d 11h 54m We continue, entering Cycling Road

2d 11h 53m We go through out bag, and don't have any Pokéballs. The Snorlax knocks out Arbok. Arbok's leer and Onix's Screech lowers Snorlax's defese to the minimum, then Onix knocks out the Snorlax in one more strike.

2d 11h 49m We play the Pokéflute, and the Snorlax wakes up and attacks

2d 11h 48m We continue west, to route 16. A sleeping Pokémon blocks the way.

2d 11h 47m We talk to the clerk. We buy 1 Leaf Stone We have ₽15440 remaining. We return to the elevator and ride it to the first floor. Then ride it to the first floor again. We leave the store

2d 11h 45m We enter the department store, and ride the elevator to floor 1, then to floor 4

2d 11h 44m We turn west, and enter Celadon

2d 11h 42m After warping to Vermillion, we head north through Route 6 and into Saffron

2d 11h 39m Spearow chips Onix enough to take Onix out. blacked out

2d 11h 38m With only Dig and Screech left, Onix can't do anything to Spearow; and Spearow's normal attacks only manage chip damage on Onix. Spearow decides to Mirror Move to copy Dig, but Onix uses Dig to dodge the Spearow's Digs until Onix runs out of Dig PP

2d 11h 35m We head further south, and we fight another bird keeper. We send in Gloom, and the opposing spearow defeats Gloom with a Drill Peck. Gyrados can't do much while paralized, and is defeated with fury attacks

2d 11h 32m We take a step south, in front of a bird keeper. Onix uses up the rest of its binds while fighting the Bird Keeper's Farfetch'd. Onix Screeches while Farfetch'd sets up with Swords Dance. We switch to Gloom and Farfecth'd sets up with Agility. Farfetch'd switches to Leer as Gloom slowly drains with Absorb until Farfech'd faints. Bird Keeper defeated

2d 11h 29m We walk south in front of a Biker. Onix digs to defeat the Biker's Pokemon

2d 11h 24m we save

2d 11h 23m We walk up behind another trainer and engage the Bird Keeper. Onix binds the opponents to victory. Onix grew to Lv. 38!

2d 11h 18m We find the exit of the maze, and find another Bird Keeper there. Onix lands a critical hit to 1HKO Pidgeotto using its last Rock Throw. We switch to Gloom as the opponent sends out a Fearow. Fearow Leers and Growls as Gloom uses Cut, until Fearow uses a Mirror Move to copy Cut and severely damage Gloom. We switch back to Onix. Onix misses a Bind, which lets Fearow copy the Bind. Onix endures and hits the next Bind, defeating Fearow Gloom grew to Lv. 32! Bird Keeper defeated

2d 11h 12m Onix throws rocks at the Bird Keeper's birds. Onix grew to Lv. 37! We turn back and try another path

2d 11h 8m Gloom is sent in and cuts down the rest of the Biker's Koffing. We continue down a path, and talk to a Bird Keeper blocking the exit

2d 11h 6m We continue to a biker. Raticate defeats a Koffing with Double-Edge, then knocks itself out using Double-Edge against the next Koffing. The Koffing then poisons and knocks out Drowzee

2d 11h 2m Raticate starts the battle, but most of that Bird Keeper's 'mons are handled by Drowzee. Drowzee grew to Lv. 22

2d 10h 59m The last bird keeper moved, blocking a path. We try a different path, and encounter another bird keeper.

2d 10h 53m We continue through the maze until a bird keeper spots us. Airbok is taken out by one of the opposing Pidgey, then Onix comes in to throw rocks at the rest of the birds

2d 10h 46m We reach the Route 13 maze. A Beauty fights us. Gyrados uses a few Dragon Rage attacks to defeat the opposing Rattata and Pikachu, but is paralyzed by the Pikachu

2d 10h 39m We return to Route 12. We head south.

2d 10h 36m We fight another engineer. Arbok takes out two Magnemite alone, then we switch to Gloom to defeat the Magneton

[Recap] Also, Ekans evolved into Arbok at 2d 6h 59m

2d 10h 32m We fight an engineer, then a few wild Ekans. Arbok grew to Lv. 23!

2d 10h 27m We go east to Route 11. We save

2d 10h 24m We look around a house for a bit, then enter the Poké Center. we heal

2d 10h 20m We pass through Route 11, briefly enter Diglett's Cave, then enter Vermilion City

2d 10h 18m We head north to the t-intersection, then turn west towards Vermilion

[Recap] We went through and completed Pokemon Tower (we gave Marowak's ghost a pokedoll); we took a detour home through diglett's cave to use the PC in our house; woke up the Snorlax on Route 12, went as far south as the Route 13 maze, and are currently fishing just outside of the fishing guru's house on Route 12 with a Super Rod

[Recap] Onix is now AAAJA. Ekans is now AAAIIRR. Gloom is now VNT--x((?

[Recap] Changed a few nicknames for the un-nicknamed mons.

[Recap] Onix swept Giovanni. Silph Scope obtained!

[Recap] Tossed the Moon Stone for bag space. Obtained HM Fly.

[Chat] Taintedtoaster: Welcome to Helladon City.

2d 4h 39m After gambling must of our coins away, we return to the Rocket Hideout.

[Recap] Taught TM Double-Edge to Raticate, replacing Hyper Fang.

2d 2h 24m Picked up a Nugget.

2d 2h 23m TM Thunderbolt was taught to Gyarados, replacing Tackle.

[Meta] And with that challenge ahead, the live updater is going dark for the time being. Enjoy the spinning, and check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

2d 2h 11m We descend back into the Rocket Hideout. With our Lift Key in hand, it's puzzle time again!

2d 2h 10m We enter the Game Corner. Purchased 50 coins.

2d 2h 7m We walk back to Celadon.

2d 2h 5m Back to grinding.

2d 2h 3m We enter the Underground Path, then leave it.

2d 2h 2m We grind against a few wild Pokémon, then save.

2d 1h 58m We leave Celadon, and walk to Route 7.

2d 1h 57m And so we are back at the Celadon Poké Center. We enter and heal.

2d 1h 55m We shuffle around our bag trying to find something to toss. We sort of succeed in making space in our bag eventually... by using an Escape Rope.

2d 1h 52m We find another item nearby, but our bag is full.

2d 1h 51m We save, then successfully pick up the Lift Key.

2d 1h 50m We talk to the grunt, and he drops the Lift Key right under our feet. We struggle to pick it up, though.

2d 1h 49m Zubat is next. Gyarados uses Body Slam, and defeats it instantly. We win the battle!

2d 1h 49m BubbleBeam does some good damage, and Koffing is defeated in two hits.

2d 1h 48m On the next floor, we challenge a grunt to battle. He sends out Koffing, and we send Gyarados.

2d 1h 47m There's a brief push to put us back on the wild ride, but we make it through and progress further into the Hideout.

2d 1h 46m The grunt sends out Drowzee, which takes out Onix. We send Gyarados and use Bubblebeam, then Body Slam, defeating Drowzee and the grunt.

2d 1h 45m We send out Onix again. Rock Throws get Raticate down swiftly. Onix grew to Lv. 30!

2d 1h 44m Ekans uses Wrap for a few turns, but then Raticate uses Hyper Fang and Ekans faints.

2d 1h 43m Raticate is next, and we switch to Ekans.

2d 1h 43m The grunt sends out Rattata. Our Onix uses Rock Throw and takes it out in a mere two turns.

2d 1h 43m We then un-dodge the grunt by walking in front of him, so it's battle time.

2d 1h 42m Using start as a buffer, we actually make it through! And we dodge the grunt waiting at the end too.

[Chat] MariosYoshi: this is not even the difficult one

2d 1h 36m Right now we're basically just spinning around, walking on the wrong tiles, going back to the start, rince and repeat. So updates might be a bit slow for a while.

2d 1h 30m We go down another floor, and engage the infamous spinning floor tiles puzzle.

2d 1h 25m Picked up TM10 Double-Edge!

2d 1h 24m Another Machop comes out. Onix uses Bind again until said Machop goes down as well. We win the battle and the Rocket grunt didn't even get to attack a single time.

2d 1h 23m The grunt sends out Machop. Our Onix uses Bind and traps it repeatedly. Machop doesn't even get a chance to retort and goes down.

2d 1h 21m We ignore the puzzle and go down another floor, where another grunt spots us.

2d 1h 20m We go down another floor, and hey, it's our old friends the spinning floor tiles up ahead.

2d 1h 18m We send out Onix again. Then we swap it for Drowzee, who takes a critical Karate Chop to the face before taking out Machop with Pound. We defeated the Rocket Grunt!

2d 1h 17m Onix gets hit by Low Kick. We switch it for Ratticate, which actually deals some serious damage with a critical Hyper Fang, but is quickly taken down.

2d 1h 15m Onix takes out Drowzee with Rock Throw without too much trouble. Machop is next.

2d 1h 14m We are now back inside the Rocket Hideout. A grunt spots us and sends a Drowzee against our Onix.

2d 1h 11m We enter the Prize Exchange building, realize it's not the Game Corner, then leave and enter the Game Corner.

2d 1h 10m We enter the Poké Center, save, and heal. Then we rush back outside.

2d 1h 8m We leave Saffron City, cross Route 7 and are back in Celadon City.

2d 1h 4m We go back the way we came, and enter Safrania City again.

2d 1h 1m Cut lands a few times, but eventually Koffing takes Gloom down. We send out Onix, and a single Rock Throw takes care of Koffing, winning us the battle.

2d 0h 59m We send out Gloom next. After a few turns of trading blows, Gloom puts it to sleep, but it wakes up the very next turn.

2d 0h 57m We switch to Ekans, and Koffing uses Tackle. Ekans faints.

2d 0h 56m Another Trainer spots us! He sends out Koffing.

2d 0h 53m Biking resumes.

2d 0h 52m One more Absorb attack, and Pikachu is out. We win!

2d 0h 51m Pikachu can't do much damage to Gloom even when it's paralyzed, and, Gloom uses Absorb twice. Pikachu barely holds on, and Gloom puts it to sleep with Sleep Powder.

2d 0h 49m Pikachu is the last Pokémon on the opposing team. We call back Ekans and send out Gloom, which gets paralyzed by Thunder Wave.

2d 0h 49m The Lass sends out Meowth. Ekans takes it out, but takes enough damage in the process to end up in the red.

2d 0h 48m Nidoran♂ is the Lass' last Pokémon. Onix uses Screech, then we switch to Ekans and trap it with Wrap. We then use Bite, and finish it off. Onix grew to Lv. 29!

2d 0h 47m Rattata is next, and Onix takes it out just as easily with Dig.

2d 0h 46m The Lass sends out Pidgey. Our Onix takes it down with a single Rock Throw.

2d 0h 46m We exit Safrania, and ride our bicycle on Route 8. A Lass spots us though and challenges us to a battle!

[Chat] tppsimulator: TEACH Ekans Mega drain or we'll have you

2d 0h 43m After killing a wild Pidgey, we enter Safrania City.

2d 0h 42m We leave Celadon City and go into the Route 7 grass patch.

2d 0h 41m And so in disgust, we have left the Department Store.

[Info] There was a leaf-shaped badge placed on the set soon after we bought the Leaf Stone, so Streamer taunted us by tossing it into a bin on camera.

2d 0h 38m Threw away 1 Leaf Stone and TM45 Thunder Wave.

2d 0h 36m We repeatedly try to teach Mega Drain to Gyarados, but it is not working.

2d 0h 36m Almost tossed all five of our Thunder Stones at once there.

2d 0h 35m We talk to a clerk and receive TM18 Counter.

2d 0h 34m Tossed away 1 Poké Ball.

2d 0h 34m We use a Rare Candy on Ekans! Ekans grew to Lv. 21!

2d 0h 31m Bought 1 Leaf Stone! Success at last! Now we need to use it on Gloom, but first, we save.

2d 0h 21m Sold 1 Poké Ball!

2d 0h 20m We save again.

2d 0h 18m Bought 1 Poke Doll and 1 Thunder Stone!

2d 0h 15m After all of this not-buying stuff, we naturally save.

2d 0h 14m We almost buy another Thunder Stone.

2d 0h 14m We try to buy 94 Poké Dolls but don't have enough money.

[Chat] mnkboy907: I'm excited for more Thunderstones

2d 0h 10m We made it inside the Department Store.

2d 0h 4m We are walking back and forth as chat seems torn between getting Eevee from the PC and buying a Leaf Stone at the Department Store.

2d 0h 0m Another tree is in the way, but this time we manage to cut it down relatively fast.

1d 23h 58m A candle with a Flareon on it has appeared on the set. Some players take this as a sign that it's time evolve Eevee into Jolteon with one of our four Thunder Stones... but Eevee is in the PC.

1d 23h 57m We boot up TM30 Teleport, but don't use it.

1d 23h 56m We finally managed to use Cut! We're free! We escape the Gym as fast as possible.


1d 23h 51m We also try to use Dig, but it does not work either.

[Info] While we desperately search for an exit, the Rainbow Badge has been added to the badge case on the set.

[Snark] Ash made so much progress talking to girls, but apparently being trapped in a room with a bunch of them is still too much to handle for him.

1d 23h 46m We try to escape using an Escape Rope. It doesn't work.

1d 23h 45m During the battle the trees have grown back, so right now we are stuck in this 4x4 square with these four girls until we manage to cut one down.

[Chat] tppsimulator: VoHiYo There's no need to save

1d 23h 43m We, of course, save.

1d 23h 42m Vileplume comes out. It also fails to poison Gloom (obviously), and we put it to sleep before spamming Cut again. It wakes too late, and goes down as well. Defeated Leader Erika and received the Rainbow Badge! Received TM21 Mega Drain!

1d 23h 41m Tangela is next! It misses Bind twice as we Cut at it, then moves to Constrict, which deals little damage. After a few turns, Tangela faints and Gloom grows to Lv. 30!

1d 23h 40m We send out Gloom. Absorb doesn't do much damage, but at least Victreebel can't really fight back as it seems itnent on using PoisonPowder on us. We then switch to Cut, and take down Victreebel!

1d 23h 39m We send out Drowzee. Victreebel poisons it, then uses Wrap to trap us. Quickly enough, Drowzee faints.

1d 23h 38m Erika sends out Victreebel. We send out Gyarados, and it gets put to sleep. Then it uses Razor Leaf, and Gyarados faints!

1d 23h 37m Vs. Leader Erika! (Attempt #2)

1d 23h 37m Finally, we manage to use Cut, freeing the path to Erika! We save to celebrate.

1d 23h 36m Oh phew it had been almost two minutes since the last save, but we saved again. What a relief.

[Snark] Guys, when the Streamer said to make sure we save regularly...

1d 23h 33m Two more saves.

1d 23h 32m Another save! And another save! We can never be too safe I guess.

1d 23h 29m Another save, then we boot up TM45 Thunder Wave without using it, and then check the Pokédex a few times, all while trying to stay in position in front of the tree.

1d 23h 27m And we save again, presumably trying to get in position to cut the tree blocking Erika.

1d 23h 26m We saved.

[Recap] During the past hour, we made our first visit to the dreaded Rocket Hideout. A "DON'T FORGET: YOU'RE HERE FOREVER." sign has accordingly appeared in the set. For now however, we are back at Erika's Gym.

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 22h 15m We head towards the Game Corner. We attempt to teach Bubblebeam to each member of our team that cannot learn it, then Teach BubbleBeam to Gyrados

1d 22h 12m We disengage, and we save. We enter the elevator, ride it to F1, then leave the store

1d 22h 7m We continue talking to the clerk, but we can't buy anything nor can we sell the bike

1d 22h 4m Bought 1 ThunderStone! We have ₽726 remaining. We try to buy a Fire Stone, but don't have enough money.

1d 22h 2m We reach the fourth floor, and walk around the counter

1d 21h 59m We try to head up the stairs, but keep walking down immediately after

1d 21h 58m We head west and save. We enter the department store

1d 21h 55m Our Gloom vs. Victreebel. Victreebel stun-locks Gloom with Wrap. On the turn Wrap misses, we use Poison Powder, still doing nothing. Gloom faints. blacked out

1d 21h 53m We talk to the other gym trainers, then talk to Erika. Vs. Erika

1d 21h 53m Gloom puts exeggute to sleep, then switches to Absorb, fully restoring its health. Exeggute wakes up but continues using Reflect. Gloom poisons Exeggute, then resumes attacking until the Exeggute faints. Beauty defeated.

1d 21h 51m We head left, and are spotted by the third gym trainer in the room. We send in Gloom against the Exeggute. The Exeggute uses Reflect repeatedly, while Gloom fails a poison powder then switches to Cut

1d 21h 49m We send in Gloom, which cuts down the opponent's oddish and gloom, but our Gloom is paralyzed. Gloom grew to Lv. 29!

1d 21h 47m We walk right, and enter line-of-sight of another trainer. Raticate uses Hyper Fang to bring the opposing Oddish down to red, then misses the second Hyper Fang and is finished off by poison.

1d 21h 46m We send in Gloom, and the Ivysaur starts repeatedly using Poison Powder. Gloom cuts down Ivysaur to red. The opponent switches to Weepinbell, but is cut down. Gloom grew to Lv. 28! Gloom did not learn Acid. The opponent sends in Ivysaur, which is cut down. Cooltrainer defeeated

1d 21h 43m Eventually out gloom switches to Cut, which is much faster at defeating the opposing Gloom. The opponent sends in the damaged Weepinbell. We switch to Ekans. The opponent withdraws Weepinbell, and sends out Ivysaur. Ivysaur uses a Vine Whip to take out our Ekans, then our Onix.

[Snark] Pitcher plants and corpse flowers are a kind of terrain

1d 21h 40m The Cooltrainer withdraws Weepinbell, and sends out a Gloom. Both Gloom use Poison Powder. Out gloom uses a Sleep Powder, then resumes Absorb, while the opposing Gloom continues to try Poison Powder

1d 21h 38m We switch to Gloom. Weepinbell repeatedly tries to use poison powder, but fails. Gloom slowly drains Weepinbell with Absorb

1d 21h 38m Onix wakes up to land a critical rock throw. Weepinbell paralyzes Onix, and now Onix is slower than Weepinbell. Weepinbell continues to Wrap.

1d 21h 36m Onix is wrapped, but does wake up. Onix misses a Rock Throw, and Weepinbell misses a sleep powder. Onix misses a second Rock Throw, then Weepinbell hits a sleep powder, then resumes Wrap

1d 21h 35m We cut down a tree, and enter the inner circle. A Cooltrainer♀ greets us with a Weepinbell. we send out Onix, who is still asleep.

1d 21h 33m Ekans misses the first wrap, which allows Bellsprout to wrap Ekans. Ekans is released at red health, then wraps Bellsprout until Bellsprout faints. Beauty defeated. AFEEBDEEEE evolves into Raticate

1d 21h 32m Oddish next, which Ekans stun-locks with Wrap unill Oddish faints.

1d 21h 31m We send in Ekans. Ekans is wrapped by the opposing Bellsprout, but gets an opporunitiy to move and wraps the Bellsprout until the Bellsprout faints Rattata grew to Lv. 20

1d 21h 30m After several turns of Wrap chipping Onix, we switch to Gyrados. Gyrados gets a hit in, but is then wrapped and falls to poison

1d 21h 27m Bellsprout next. Poison+Wrap lowers Rattata to red, so we switch to Onix. Bellsprout puts Onix to sleep, then wraps Onix

1d 21h 25m Drowzee wakes up just in time to be fully absorbed by Oddish, and faints. We send in Rattata, who uses Hyper Fangs to defeat Oddish, but is poisoned by the Oddish.

1d 21h 24m Drowzee wakes up, then puts the Oddish to sleep, then tries to put the oddish to sleep again, failing. Then the Oddish wakes up, and puts Drowzee to sleep, and resumes using absorb

1d 21h 22m We walk past the second trainer near the front, then turn back and engage that trainer. We send out Drowzee, which the opposing Oddish puts to sleep, then drains with absorb

1d 21h 21m Gyrados uses Tackles then Body Slam to defeat Bellsprout, but is poisoned by the bellsprout. The Weepinbell uses Wrap, to capitalize on the residual poison damage. Gyrados manages to get enough hits to knock out the weepinbell. Gyrados grew to Lv 22 Lass defeated.

1d 21h 18m We walk to and enter the Gym. The first trainer is a lass with a Bellsprout

1d 21h 17m We attempt to dig under the tree, but it doesn't work. We inspect our Pokémon, then move Gloom to fifth, then have Gloom cut down the tree

1d 21h 14m We leave the restaurant, then resume pacing near the tree outside. We save

1d 21h 12m We enter the restaurant, then talk someone near the back who has sworn of gambling. We receive a Coin Case

1d 21h 9m We walk through the city, and head to the cuttable tree blocking the path to the gym. We pace around near the tree.

1d 21h 8m We then leave the gatehouse the way we entered. We pass through the route, and reenter Celadon

1d 21h 6m We walk around the grass, then enter and encounter a Pidgey, which Gyrados takes care of. We leave the grass, enter the gate house, and give the guard a drink

1d 21h 5m We head east, and leave the city. We enter Route 7, jump the ledge, and walk through the grass, but don't encounter anything.

1d 21h 4m After more stair traversal, we manage to leave the stairs while on the first floor, and exit the building

1d 21h 0m On the roof, we save. Then, we return to the stairs. We try to dig out, but now is not the time to use that.

1d 20h 58m We return to the stairs, going down to the first floor, then going up all the way to the roof

1d 20h 57m Most of the way down the hall, we consult the Helix Fossil. What could it tell us about the Eevee that is allegedly here?

1d 20h 56m We head down and up the stairs between the second and third floors a few times, before heading all the way back to the roof, then descend to the second floor and walk through the second floor's hallway

1d 20h 54m Seeing the dead-end, we start heading back down

1d 20h 53m We head up another floor to the roof of the building

1d 20h 53m We look at the computers in the room too. We don't look at the games script from the back end of the monitor, then read the sign labeling the Game Freak room from the inside of the room.

1d 20h 50m We enter the room, and talk to a couple of Game Freak developers.

1d 20h 49m We head up to the second floor, and enter the unoccupied room. We then leave and head up to the third floor

1d 20h 47m We enter the first floor's room, inspect our Ekans, then leave the room. We head up and down the stairs to the second floor a couple of times

1d 20h 46m We enter the front of the condominiums. We try to ride our bike, but no cycling is allowed here

1d 20h 45m We save in the plaza outside the mart, then north towards the condominiums and save again

1d 20h 43m We enter the elevator and ride it to the first floor. We leave the department store.

[Chat] is hyping up Jolteon

1d 20h 41m We return to the clerk, and we buy one Poke Doll and one more Thunder Stone. We have ₽833 remaining

1d 20h 38m We disengage the sales clerk, and talk to another customer before looking at the shelves

1d 20h 37m On the fourth floor, we talk to the sales clerk. We don't buy anything the first few talks, then try to buy 96-98 of a few stones. We buy 2 Thunderstones

1d 20h 32m We try to dig our way out of the store, but are told not to. We start heading down the stairs

1d 20h 31m We buy 3 Fresh Water from the vending machines

1d 20h 31m We try to teach TM08 Body Slam to gloom ,but Gloom is incompatible. Then we Use TM08 to teach Body Slam to Gyrados. we save.

1d 20h 30m We head up the last flight of stairs, and reach the store's roof

1d 20h 29m We ride the elevator to F5, then leave the elevator, then save again

1d 20h 28m We read a sign that tells us that this is an elevator, then enter the elevator and ride the elevator from F1 to F1 a couple of times, then save

1d 20h 27m We walk past the front of the department store, save, then turn back and enter the store

1d 20h 26m We pace around the intersection south of the pond, before heading clockwise around the pond and instead pacing near the east wall of the department store

1d 20h 22m We walk around town, and south of the pond we save twice

1d 20h 20m We investigate the hallway of the first floor. Then we leave.

1d 20h 19m We leave the Center. We walk between a man and a poliwhirl, then enter the condominiums

1d 20h 17m We head up, and enter Celadon City. We investigate the east wall of the center, then enter the Poké Center and we heal

1d 20h 16m We ascend the stairs at the other end of the passage, and head outside

1d 20h 15m We enter the underground passage and save. The person inside tells us about the department store's great selection before we head down the stairs

1d 20h 14m After a few Bubbles and Water Gun attacks, Gloom wakes up and fails to put Poliwhirl to sleep with Sleep Powder. Poliwhirl continues using Bubble. Gloom poisons Poliwhirl. Poliwhirl continues using bubble and Gloom continues using Poison Powder, then finishes with a Cut just before poison would KO Poliwhirl. Gambler defeated.

1d 20h 12m Poliwhirl is next. Poliwhirl's attack misses, and Gloom lands a critical absorb for most of Poliwhirl's health. Poliwhirl uses Hypnosis to put Gloom to sleep, then attacks with Bubble

1d 20h 11m We send in gloom, who is hit by a Water Gun, then drains Poliwag's last HP. Gloom grew to Lv. 27. Gloom survives the next Poliwag's Water Gun, then drains the Poliwag for a net gain in HP.

1d 20h 9m Poliwag defeats Onix with a Water Gun. We send in Drowzee. Drowzee hits twice, but poliwag suvives and defeats Drowzee with two water guns and a bubble

1d 20h 8m We continue down the route, and reach another Gambler. Onix vs. Poliwag. Rock Throw and Bubble hit, each dealing about half damage. Then Onix misses a Rock Throw, and Poliwag puts Onix to sleep with Hypnosis

1d 20h 6m A third Meowth is taken out with a pair of Rock Throws and a Dig. The lass is defeated. ₽240 is picked up in addition to the ₽360 prize money

1d 20h 5m We send in Onix. Meowth continues scattering coins everywhere, until Onix binds the Meowth. Meowth growls and screeches while Onix knocks out Meowth with two Rock Throws

1d 20h 4m The lass sends out a second Meowth, which uses Pay Day to finish off Gyrados.

1d 20h 3m We head down to the next less. Gyrados is asleep and pelted by the opposing Meowth's coins until Gyrados wakes up. Gyrados uses a few tackles to knock out the first Meowth.

1d 20h 2m Ekans uses Wrap, while Nidorina uses Poison Sting. Ekans does more damage. Ekans grew to Lv. 19 Lass defeated. Magikarp evolved into Gyrados

1d 20h 1m Gloom switches to Cut, while Nidoran stays asleep. Nidoran wakes up just in time to be knocked out by Cut. Magikarp grew to Lv 21. Nidorina next. Nidorina and Gloom trade blows, until Gloom is lowered to red and we switch to Ekans.

1d 19h 59m We continue forward to a Lass. Nidoran♀. We send in Gloom and try to poison the Nidoran♀ while the Nidoran♀ uses Poison Sting. We put the Nidoran to Sleep, then continue trying to poison the Nidoran.

1d 19h 57m A second Grimer is sent out. The disable wares off, allowing Drowzee to defeat Grimer with Confusion Drowzee grew to Lv. 22. Super Nerd defeated

1d 19h 56m We switch to Drowzee, and Muk immediately disables Confusion. Muk and Drowzee then trade Pound attacks until Dowzee tries a Hypnosis, puts Muk to sleep, then continues using Pound to defeat Muk

1d 19h 55m Muk disables Wrap, so Ekans switches to Poison Sting. Muk continues trying Poison Gas. We switch to Magikarp, and Muk uses Pound while Magikarp sleeps

1d 19h 54m Ekans switches to Poison Sting, and Grimer disables Leer. Ekans uses Bite, to knock out Grimer. The Nerd sends out a Muk. The Muk disables Bite, and Ekans uses a Leer then switches to Wrap. Muk outspeeds Ekans, but keeps trying to use Posion Gas to no effect on the turns Muk is free from Wrap

1d 19h 51m Gloom is hit a few times while attempting more Poison Powders, then uses a Sleep Powder to put the Grimer to sleep. We then switch to Ekans, and Grimer wakes up. Ekans uses Wrap against the Grimer

1d 19h 50m A Super Nerd is next. Gloom's Absorbs prove ineffective against the opposing Grimer, but Grimer disables absorb anyway. Gloom switches to Poison Powder, but that proves even less effective

1d 19h 48m We next encounter a Gambler. We send out Magikarp against the Growlithe, then switch to Onix. Onix defeats the Growlithe with a Rock Throw followed by a Dig, and defeats the next Vulpix with a single Dig, defeating the Gambler.

1d 19h 45m Clefairy lands a Double Slap, then Gloom hits with an absorb fully heal. Clefairy sings Gloom to sleep, then resumes with the Double Slaps. When Gloom wakes up, it drains the clefairy fully, then drains the second Clefairy to mostly restore its HP and defeat the Lass

1d 19h 43m A Lass asks us which pokemon is cute and fluffy, then sends out a Clefairy. Magikarp lands a Tackle, then is sung to sleep. We switch to Gloom

1d 19h 42m We leave the center, and head west to the route

1d 19h 41m We walk around the center, once heading as far up as Route 10, then enter the center and we heal

1d 19h 39m We enter the Center, and head halfway to the PC before turning around and leaving the center

1d 19h 38m We bike around the Pokémon Center, then ride around the rest of the town, then bump against the north-west corner of town

1d 19h 36m Ekans continues to wrap until Slowpoke faints, defeating the Pokemaniac. We continue south. We enter Lavender Town

1d 19h 36m We send in Ekans. Wrap does only chip damage, but Ekans outspeeds Slowpoke, for a stun-lock. Between turns, we spend time to consult the Bicycle, the Helix Fossil and the Old Rod.

1d 19h 33m We send in Rattata; Rattata uses a pair of Hyper Fangs to knock out Cubone. The Pokemaniac sends in a Slowpoke, and the Slowpoke uses Confusion to knock out Rattata

1d 19h 32m Drowzee vs. Cubone. Drowse lands a Pound, then disables Cubone's Growl. Cubone's growl is disabled, but Cubone then uses Bone Club twice to knock out Drowzee

1d 19h 31m We make a bee-line for the exit, and leave the Rock Tunnel. We head clockwise around the route, and enter the sights of a Pokemaniac.

1d 19h 30m We send in Ekans, and use Wrap on the Oddish. Ekans outspeeds Oddish, and can resume Wrap before the Oddish can do anything. The opponent sends in a Pidgey next, and while Pidgey is faster, Pidgey elects for Whirlwind and Sand attack when it isn't bound by Wrap. Ekans defeats Pidgey and Ekans grew to Lv. 18!. Jr. Trainer defeated

1d 19h 27m The opponent sends out an Oddish. Onix lands a Rock Throw, but Oddish lands a Stun Spore, paralyzing Onix and allowing Oddish to outspeed with its next Absorb attack, which knocks out Onix

1d 19h 26m Onix uses Rock Throw, while Meowth uses Pay Day. We try to run, then miss a second Rock Throw, while Meowth bites. Onix. The third Rock throw hits, knocking out Meowth.

1d 19h 24m We ride, and reach the Jr. Trainer♀ that we blacked out to before. Onix vs. Meowth

1d 19h 21m Just before reaching the next ladder, we get on our bike, and ride our bike up the fourth ladder

1d 19h 17m We head north to the next ladder, and descend

1d 19h 15m Onix grew to Lv. 28!

1d 19h 11m We head to the south edge of the room, then east to the nook and pace up and down in the nook

1d 19h 4m We reach the second ladder, and ascend

1d 19h 1m In a battle with a Zubat, Gloom repeatedly hits itself in confusion, letting the Zubat knock out Gloom

1d 18h 54m We rearrange Onix's moveset, either moving moves that are not Dig or moving Dig and then immediately moving Dig back to first. Meanwhile, Onix keeps using Dig against wild Zubat to little effect

1d 18h 42m Magikarp is knocked out by a zubat. We reach the first ladder and descend

1d 18h 37m We head back into Rock Tunnel

1d 18h 36m We walk forward a little more, and get spotted by another Jr. Trainer. Gloom cuts down the Jr. Trainer's Meowth, and starts to cut down an Oddish, but Gloom is stopped with a sleep powder, then drained with Absorb. blacked out

1d 18h 33m Gloom wakes up and is released from Wrap, and uses the opportunity to try to poison Bellsprout. It doesn't work. Bellsprout switches to using poison powder itself, letting Gloom use Cut to defeat Bellsprout and the Jr. Trainer. Gloom grew to Lv 26.

1d 18h 31m We send in Magikarp, but is finished off by the Rattata's next attack. We send in Gloom, and Gloom uses two absorbs to drain the Rattata. The opponent sends out a bellsprout. The Bellsprout puts Gloom to sleep, then wraps Gloom

1d 18h 29m The Jr. Trainer sends out a Rattata, that deals minor damage but falls to two Rock Throws. A second Rattata is sent out; Onix has difficulty hitting this one while the Rattata chips at Onix. Onix faints

1d 18h 27m Onix repeatedly fails to land a hit, whether because of dig's ineffectiveness or just plain missing from sand attack accuracy drops, but eventually land a Rock Throw to knock out the opposing pidgey

1d 18h 24m We encounter a Trainer with a Pidgey so we switch Magikarp for Onix.

1d 18h 23m We consult the Old Rod for advice on evolving Magikarp.

1d 18h 18m Slowpoke goes down. Onix grew to Lv. 27! Victory!

1d 18h 18m We miss a Wrap and Confusion takes Ekans out. Gloom comes in.

1d 18h 15m Another Slowpoke comes in and we switch in Drowzee to get exp, but Drowzee soon goes down. We send in Ekans next to Wrap.

1d 18h 14m Encounter a Pokemaniac with a Slowpoke. We swap to Onix to take it out.

1d 18h 13m Magikarp grew to Lv. 20! Evolution is sadly denied.

1d 18h 6m We encounter a Hiker who sends in an Onix, so we swap to Gloom. After an Absorb, he sends in another Onix, and it meets the same fate. Same for his Geodude. Victory!

1d 18h 3m Gloom grew to Lv. 25!

1d 17h 58m A single Absorb is all it takes to procure victory.

1d 17h 58m We stumble across a Hiker! He sends in Geodude so we send in Gloom.

1d 17h 54m Switch training is going surprisingly well. Potential Gyarados soon?

1d 17h 40m Magikarp grew to Lv. 19!

1d 17h 39m We consult the Old Rod for advice.

1d 17h 38m Rattata falls.

1d 17h 30m Return to the cave.

1d 17h 25m Drowzee goes down to a crit. Wipe! Thankfully, we checkpointed just outside the cave.

1d 17h 23m Another Jr. Trainer! She sends in Pidgey. We fail to switch and Magikarp goes down.

1d 17h 22m Clefairy falls to a slew of Confusions. Victory!

1d 17h 21m Onix goes down so we send in Drowzee to take out Bellsprout. Drowzee grew to Lv. 19! Clefairy comes in.

1d 17h 19m Run into a Jr. Trainer female, who sends in a Bellsprout. We swap to Onix, but it is out of Dig pp. Thankfully we hit Rock Throw, but get poisoned!

1d 17h 16m Another Geodude explodes. Graveler comes in and tanks Dig, so we start Binding. Eventually we witness another Self-Destruct for the victory.

1d 17h 15m Onix grew to Lv. 26!

1d 17h 14m We stumble across a Hiker. Geodude comes in, so we swap Magikarp for Onix and witness a KAPOW!

1d 17h 13m After many missed Rock Throws, Onix lands a crit and secures our victory.

1d 17h 12m Pidgey comes in next. Onix begins squeezing mercilessly. Meowth comes in. We continue with the same tactics.

1d 17h 11m We find a Lass with a Jigglypuff, and swap Magikarp for Onix.

1d 17h 8m Rattata falls.

1d 17h 7m Magikarp grew to Lv. 18!

1d 17h 1m Gloom falls.

1d 16h 56m Ekans falls.

[Info] Also, we were able to successfully checkpoint at the Center outside the cave this time.

1d 16h 51m We've made it into Rock Tunnel.

[Snark] Falling down a ledge while riding a bike: for when normal falling down a ledge isn't dangerous enough

1d 16h 20m We are still struggling in the route 9 ledges.

1d 16h 4m We finally managed to cut the tree.

1d 16h 0m We seem to be stuck trying to cut the tree.

1d 15h 59m We leave the house to the north. We look at TM45 Thunder Wave, but do nothing with it and continue towards Route 9

1d 15h 57m We enter the robbed house, and inspect the west wall and the bookcases

1d 15h 55m We leave the house, head south a bit and move the escape rope down in the bag. We then head over towards the robbed house and walk into the officer

1d 15h 53m We look at the wall of the Gym, then head over to and enter the badge information guy's house and walk into a corner of the room

1d 15h 51m We return to Cerulean City.

1d 15h 48m We throw a Pokeball at a wild Spearow. Caught a Lv. 10 Spearow! Nickname: AIHHGHGF ×.

1d 15h 44m The next Rattata knocks out Magikarp

1d 15h 43m A Rattata's Quick Attack takes out Onix's last HP. Onix Faints

1d 15h 37m We leave the grass and head up the ledge. We consider tossing an Escape Rope and using the BubbleBeam TM, but don't. We jump down the ledge and return to the grass

1d 15h 35m We save

1d 15h 29m We pace in the grass, frequently bringing up the start menu. We occasionally encounter a wild pokemon, but usually run right away. Magikarp and Gloom switch party positions.

1d 15h 23m We also rearrange our bag. Now, an escape rope is at the top

1d 15h 22m We rearrange our party some more, moving Rattata to fourth and Magikarp to sixth

1d 15h 20m We consider saving a few times. On the third time, we do actually save

1d 15h 14m With Onix at 2HP, we leave the grass, and fail to ascend the ledge back to town, then return to the grass

1d 15h 10m We switch the party position of Gloom and Magikarp, moving Gloom to second and Magikarp to fourth

[Info] Onix's other moves are Screech (currently at 23 PP) and Bind (11 PP)

1d 15h 4m The wild Pokémon are wearing down Onix 1HP at a time, but Onix is still hanging on. Onix grew to Lv. 25. Onix did not learn Rage.

1d 14h 56m We never healed after returning to Cerulean, so Onix is still at red health, and has run out of Power Points for both Rock Throw and Dig

1d 14h 48m We head west to to Route 4, and enter the grass there

1d 14h 46m We listen to Wartortle's cry in the Pokédex, then tell Onix to dig. We return to the Cerulean Pokémon Center

1d 14h 42m While walking, we occasionally look at our Pokedex. We reach the first ladder down.

1d 14h 38m After beating up a Geodude, we walk back out, then walk right back in

1d 14h 35m We enter Rock Tunnel

[Meta] Anyway, the live updater is going dark. Enjoy the ledge and check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 14h 10m We're so proud of having used Cut earlier than we try to Cut again even though there's nothing in the way.

[Snark] Not gonna lie, I was fully expecting us to use Dig instead.

1d 14h 7m We're at the tree blocking Route 9, and with surprisingly little trouble, we use Cut on it.

[Snark] Surely that's not foreshadowing or anything.

1d 14h 6m We walk through the house that Team Rocket broke into, and attempt to make our way back to Route 9, but instead just jump a ledge a few times.

1d 14h 2m We talk to a guy offering to trade his Jynx for a Poliwhirl. We decline, not that it matters because we don't even have one.

1d 14h 1m We enter a house and check the Town Map on the wall. Wonder if it's better than ours?

1d 13h 57m We also talk to the clerk, and apparently chat forgot we already have a Bicycle.

1d 13h 56m We leave the Gym, enter the Bike Shop, and save.

[Chat] FairlySadPanda: "use it on an aquatic pokemon" :cries:

1d 13h 52m We walk to Misty and talk to her. She tells us about TM11 and how it contains BubbleBeam.

1d 13h 51m We entered the Cerulean Gym. WE NEED TO BEAT MIST-- wait a minute.

1d 13h 43m We enter the Poké Mart and purchase 6 Poké Balls and 3 Potions. We also sell 1 Antidote, but the clerk refuses to buy our Town Map.

1d 13h 31m Well, since we're here, we might as well heal.

[Chat] TheObserver99: Wow it’s been 10 years and we’re still in Cerulean City Kappa

1d 13h 27m While navigating menus, we end up using Dig, and since we didn't visit the Route 10 Poké Center, we warp back to Cerulean City.

1d 13h 20m A wild Geodude takes out Drowzee and we flee.

[Info] Oh by the way, we passed 300,000 inputs!

1d 13h 18m Two more uses of Confusion, and we win the battle!

1d 13h 18m Cubone is sent out next. We ask the Town Map for advice, then use Confusion and confuse Cubone.

1d 13h 17m Our Drowzee disables Charmander's Leer. It then uses Confusion and confuses it, then another Confusion takes it down. Drowzee grew to Lv. 18!

1d 13h 15m We get spotted by a PokéManiac! He sends out Charmander.

1d 13h 13m We saved.

[Info] During the battle, the 1 Grit rock on the set was swapped for an evil computer plushie.

1d 13h 11m Bulbasaur is next, but thanks to its newly learned Confusion, Drowzee takes it down without issue, winning us the battle!

1d 13h 10m We send out Drowzee, and it manages to take Oddish down. Drowzee grew to Lv. 17 and learned Confusion.

1d 13h 8m Ekans uses Bite, which deals a lot more damage. Oddish survives with a silver of health though, and takes Ekans down.

1d 13h 6m We send out Ekans and Wrap around Oddish, then go for Poison Sting instead. Oddish uses Stun Spore and Ekans is paralyzed.

1d 13h 5m A Jr. Trainer spots us! She sends out Oddish and we send Magikarp. Oddish lands a critical hit with Absorb and Magikarp faints.

1d 12h 57m We battle a few wild Pokémon in Rock Tunnel, and a wild Geodude causes Onix to faint.

1d 12h 53m We go right past the Pokémon Center and enter Rock Tunnel. Who needs checkpoints, it's not like we just got past a notoriously difficult section or anything.

1d 12h 51m We fight a few wild Pokémon on Route 10 and Onix grows to Lv. 23.

1d 12h 47m We made our way back to the upper part of the Route, and make it further east than we did before... until we make it! WE ARE FREE!

1d 12h 46m We are back in the grass patch.

1d 12h 45m We save the game, then make it to the upper part, before jumping a ledge back to the middle part...

1d 12h 41m We go a bit far to the left and enter the isolated grass patch in the northeast.

1d 12h 40m Made it past the first section... for now.

1d 12h 34m We save.

1d 12h 33m The updater hasn't gone dark, we're just, uh, still at the ledge.

1d 12h 13m We are back to jumping the ledge.

1d 12h 9m The victory music was a bit screwed up (possibly because of all the Growls and Screeches?), but thankfully sound is back to normal as soon as the Route theme resumes.

1d 12h 7m Sandshrew is the last Pokémon sent out by the Jr. Trainer. We use Dig again, but Slash sends Onix in the red. We swap to Gloom, and with a few Absorb attacks, we win the battle!

1d 12h 6m Ekans is sent out next, and we use Dig twice more, taking it down.

1d 12h 5m Diglett uses Dig and lands a critical hit. Onix uses Rock Throw and deals a lot of damage. Then Diglett uses Dig again, but so does Onix! Diglett has no target to attack, and goes down!

[Chat] Zathuria89: GoldPLZ MY EARS

1d 12h 4m The Jr. Trainer sends out Diglett next, which Growls at us while we Screech back.

1d 12h 4m We get spotted by a Jr. Trainer! He sends out Rattata. Onix takes it down with Rock Throw without taking too much damage.

[Snark] As a reminder, this is slow hours.

1d 12h 1m Made it past the first section! So players immediately spammed down to bring us back to the ledge and jump. Back to the start.

1d 11h 57m Made it all the way to the end of the first portion of the ledge, only needed a single up input... and jumped.

1d 11h 55m We are unsurprisingly jumping down the ledge a lot.

[Recap] While the updater was dark, we caught an Onix, and more notably, we defeated Lt. Surge and earned the Thunder Badge! We managed to relatively easily cut down the tree east of Cerulean City thanks to calm hours, and are now on Route 9... for those of you who don't know, yes, that's the ledge one.

[Meta] The updater will be going dark for now; stop by #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 9h 3m We head back to the Pokémon Center, heal, and make our way back toward the tunnel.

1d 9h 1m Drowzee faints to a wild Zubat; only Gloom remains.

1d 9h 0m Still walking back and forth at the very entrance of Rock Tunnel.

1d 8h 50m Magikarp faints.

1d 8h 46m Rattata finishes out the fight, and we enter Rock Tunnel.

1d 8h 44m We switch out to Ekans, who faints.

1d 8h 41m Vs. Jr. Trainer. Magikarp and Gloom are quickly paralyzed by their Pikachu.

1d 8h 40m Checkpoint on Route 10 outside Rock Tunnel.

1d 8h 39m Crossed the ledge! Made it to Route 10.

1d 8h 35m We hop the ledge. Whee!

1d 8h 32m Magikarp reaches Lv. 17, followed by Rattata.

1d 8h 30m We make enough ledge progress to trip over a nearby Bug Catcher.

1d 8h 27m Drowzee faints. Rattata gets revenge with the help of its new gun and reaches Lv. 16! Defeated Hiker.

1d 8h 25m We defeat the Hiker's Machop. Ekans faints to his next mon, Onix.

1d 8h 22m Vs. Hiker. Gloom faints to a normal-type Karate Chop.

1d 8h 21m Picked up TM30 Teleport.

1d 8h 20m Oddish stops going, and so does the second Bellsprout. With the Trainer defeated, we immediately start hopping ledges.

[Chat] tppsimulator: go Oddish!

1d 8h 18m We slowly Cut down the Trainer's first Oddish and Bellsprout, and out comes a second Oddish.

1d 8h 13m Gloom gets paralyzed but reaches Lv. 23.

1d 8h 9m Cut the tree! Vs. Jr. Trainer.

1d 8h 6m We make eye contact with the cut tree to Route 9.

1d 8h 1m While we're here, we hand over our Bike Voucher for a brand-new Bicycle.

1d 7h 59m Checkpointed in Cerulean City.

1d 7h 53m We head through the Underground Path to Route 5.

1d 7h 47m Magikarp faints too. We stop to move our dead fish to the front of our party.

1d 7h 46m Drowzee fainted.

1d 7h 43m Making our way up Route 6.

1d 7h 39m Bought 6 Poké Balls.

1d 7h 33m Rattata faints too, but Drowzee finishes the Trainer's final Pokémon off. He gives us enough money that we head to the mart.

1d 7h 29m The Gambler's Poliwag puts us to sleep. We wake up but it's too late, and Ekans faints.

1d 7h 28m Ekans reaches Lv. 16! We trip over a Gambler in the process.

1d 7h 24m Paying a visit to Route 11.

1d 7h 21m We start messing around with the options accidentally.

1d 7h 18m Rattata and Gloom fall. Wipe.

1d 7h 7m Magikarp falls to a crit.

1d 7h 5m Ekans falls to a crit.

[Fluff] This is our home now.

1d 7h 2m Return to cave.

1d 6h 59m Magikarp down. Black out.

1d 6h 59m Rattata down.

1d 6h 57m Gloom falls.

1d 6h 49m Return to Diglett's Cave to grind.

1d 6h 45m Drowzee falls.

1d 6h 39m Ekans falls.

1d 6h 35m Return to Route 11 to grind.

1d 6h 34m Bought 1 PokéBall!

1d 6h 14m Magikarp falls.

1d 6h 11m Started to switch-train Magikarp.

1d 6h 9m Gloom grew to Lv. 22!

1d 6h 7m Rattata falls.

1d 6h 3m Drowzee falls.

1d 6h 2m Drowzee grew to Lv. 15!

1d 6h 1m Drowzee gets poisoned.

1d 5h 58m Ekans falls.

1d 5h 56m Not much to report. We spam Wrap with Ekans until it runs out of pp but continue to grind.

1d 5h 48m Return to the Route to grind.

1d 5h 44m Gloom falls. We wipe.

1d 5h 37m Magikarp falls.

[Fluff] Not gonna lie, seeing a successful first-try evolution for once gives me hope we might get a Gyarados.

1d 5h 35m Rattata falls.

1d 5h 33m Oddish grew to Lv. 21 and evolved into Gloom!

1d 5h 32m Drowzee falls.

1d 5h 29m Ekans falls.

1d 5h 27m We return to Diglett Cave.

1d 5h 24m Oddish goes down. Blackout.

1d 5h 20m Magikarp goes down.

1d 5h 18m Rattata goes down.

1d 5h 17m Rattata grew to Lv. 14 and learned Hyper Fang over Quick Attack.

1d 5h 16m Magikarp grew to Lv. 16!

1d 5h 14m Drowzee goes down.

1d 5h 14m Drowzee grew to Lv. 14!

1d 5h 12m Ekans goes down.

1d 5h 11m Return to Diglett Cave. Time to grind.

1d 5h 9m Ekans grew to Lv. 14!

1d 5h 8m Seems like we've decided to grind in the wild grass instead.

1d 5h 6m We end up caught in a wild battle on the Route outside. It's snake vs snake and ours spams Wrap.

1d 5h 4m After the wipe, chat decides to return to Diglett Tunnel to train Oddish a bit more and maybe evolve it.

1d 5h 2m We catch the eye of a Rocker, the final Gym Trainer. He sends in a Voltorb, we send in Rattata. We wipe.

[Snark] Somehow, I don't think Surge will be very intimidated by our Rattata, however.

1d 5h 0m And so it begins. The frantic search for the button... Nope! There's only trash here!

1d 4h 58m To our surprise, Rattata manages to scrape by with a few well-timed Quick Attacks, despite being paralyzed! Victory!

1d 4h 57m Unfortunately, not even Oddish is a match for this monster! It all rests on Rattata's shoulders now...

1d 4h 55m Unfortunately, Magikarp is paralyzed and shocked into oblivion, splashing helplessly in the face of Pikachu's onslaught. Oddish comes in for revenge.

1d 4h 54m Pikachu crits a Thundershock and Drowzee goes down. We send in Magikarp to take revenge!

1d 4h 52m After consulting the map and attempting to run away, we land Hypnosis. Pikachu wakes, however, and Hypnosis begins to miss. Pikachu paralyzes us.

1d 4h 51m We quickly get into a fight with a Gentleman and his slightly stronger Pikachu, to which we send in Drowzee.

1d 4h 50m Oddish grew to Lv. 20! One more level until a potential Gloom.

1d 4h 50m After attempting to poison the already-poisoned mascot, Oddish starts landing Absorbs and takes the Pikachu down. Another one comes in, so we Absorb while it Growls. Eventually, it goes down.

1d 4h 47m We succeed in poisoning Pikachu but lose Ekans to a crit Quick Attack. So we send in Oddish and consult the Map.

1d 4h 46m First battle of them gym, a Sailor with a Pikachu to go against our Ekans! Ekans is paralyzed but lands a Poison Sting. Pikachu Growls menacingly but we are not deterred.

1d 4h 45m Nvm, we succeed! Onwards to Surge's Gym!

1d 4h 45m In the menu trying to get the cursor on Oddish, this may take a bit.

1d 4h 39m We walk to the Gym's Cut tree and start staring at it intently...

1d 4h 37m We toss a Potion on the ground in celebration.

1d 4h 36m Taught Oddish Cut over Stun Spore!

1d 4h 35m Hanging out with the Machop at the construction site.

1d 4h 24m We manage to use the Old Rod while facing the Vermilion beach. Ekans takes a brief break to stare down a Magikarp.

1d 4h 22m We boot up HM01 Cut several times, attempt to teach it to things that aren't Oddish, and then somehow use a Rare Candy on Rattata! Rattata reaches Lv. 13! Then the item menu resets to the top and we use the Water Gun TM on Rattata, too.

1d 4h 20m Back to the house, frantically mashing A at a bookcase.

1d 4h 17m Outside, but still menuing.

1d 4h 11m We barricade ourselves in the fisherman's house in an attempt to find our Cut TM. We save.

[Info] We have three Poké Balls left.

1d 4h 9m We try our best, but the Dugtrio overpowers us. Oddish faints; blacked out!

1d 4h 8m Just before we exit the cave, we come across a wild Dugtrio and start throwing balls...

1d 4h 7m After several minutes, we manage to get Absorb out of Oddish's first move slot in hopes of teaching Cut.

1d 3h 59m Oddish reaches Lv. 19 and learns Sleep Powder.

1d 3h 56m Oddish to Lv. 18.

1d 3h 56m Drowzee and Ekans have fainted.

1d 3h 53m Magikarp faints. You did your best.

1d 3h 50m Magikarp defeats a Diglett all by itself with four Tackle crits in a row. Chat is very proud.

[Info] (We just passed 250,000 inputs!)

1d 3h 47m We return to the cave; one battle in, Rattata faints.

[Info] Current party order: Magikarp, Rattata, Oddish, Ekans, Drowzee.

1d 3h 42m Taking a nice stroll around Vermilion. We change battles back to Set mode.

1d 3h 37m We manage to get Tackle into Magikarp's first moveslot! ...and then Magikarp faints. Blacked out!

1d 3h 35m Oddish and Ekans faint.

1d 3h 33m Back to Diglett Cave.

1d 3h 29m With the money that Trainer gave us, we buy 2 Poké Balls and are left broke once more.

1d 3h 26m Back in town. We save, and also change our settings to Set mode and medium text speed.

1d 3h 15m Oddish grew to Lv. 17 and learned Stun Spore!

1d 3h 11m We get caught eavesdropping on a Trainer up on Route 6. Vs. Jr. Trainer and his Squirtle... Oddish sips up its HP, winning the battle.

[Chat] eviizard: Hey, it's my cat's 10th birthday today. Can people please say "Happy Birthday, Magnus"?

1d 3h 9m Rattata faints too.

1d 3h 8m A minute ago Drowzee fainted.

1d 2h 59m ...not for long. Ekans faints; blacked out.

1d 2h 57m Oddish and Magikarp down; only Ekans remains.

1d 2h 55m Rattata has fainted.

1d 2h 53m Rattata to Lv. 12.

1d 2h 51m Oh, Drowzee's already fainted.

[Info] Current party: BTLmNNNNo, Lv. 13 Drowzee | AFEEBDEEEE, Lv. 11 Rattata | Oddish, Lv. 16 | --?ᴾᴋz, Lv. 15 Magikarp | Ekans, Lv. 13

1d 2h 47m After several more minutes of fighting the menu, we head back to Diglett Cave.

1d 2h 40m We pay a brief visit to the mart, then realize we have an entire 5₽ to our name. Back to wandering around Vermilion.

1d 2h 37m We enter a random house and have a scintillating conversation with a Pidgey.

1d 2h 36m We fight with the menu for a bit, then save.

1d 2h 29m Ekans puts up a brave(?) fight, but faints too. Blacked out!

1d 2h 28m Drowzee and Magikarp have fainted to yet another Diglett.

1d 2h 25m Rattata is down.

1d 2h 24m Oddish faints, but with its help Rattata reaches Lv. 11.

1d 2h 17m We meander back to Diglett Cave.

1d 2h 11m Oddish reaches Lv. 16, and immediately afterward we black out. Back to Vermilion.

[Recap] We've made our way to Diglett Cave and are attempting to grind vs. the wild Diglett.

[Snark] (I am bad at taking breaks.)

1d 1h 55m We tossed TM34 Bide.

1d 1h 53m Caught a Lv. 15 Oddish! No nickname.

[Meta] Going dark again for now. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

1d 1h 35m The Squirtle plushie just got knocked off the set.

1d 1h 35m Also, we black out.

1d 1h 34m PC struggles keep going on, and Kakuna and Wartortle are both released.

1d 1h 33m Some... thing has been showing up on the side of the screen. It just reared its head again.

[Info] Also there is a PC visible in the screen's reflection. Ominous.

[Snark] Gee, looks like we are back exactly where we started three hours ago, but with even less options. Good job, chat.

1d 1h 30m PC struggles have been going on for quite a while, as people want to deposit something and retrieve Spearow instead. They just now wielded results, as Spearow is released.

[Recap] 1d 1h 18m Ekans is retrieved from the PC

1d 0h 55m [Info] We got very close to pressing the release button, and also depositing Magikarp, but avoided it in time in both cases.

1d 0h 55m After skirting around the PC for several minutes, we successfully deposit Ekans before fleeing with a newly opened party slot.

1d 0h 40m PC is accessed, and then fled from.

[Recap] Magikarp grew to Lv. 15 and learned Tackle. Chat has struggled in vain to switch move order on both Magikarp and Kakuna, has struggled to put Kakuna first, and Wartortle grew to Lv. 35. There have been multiple motions to approach the PC that have been thwarted each time. In short, not much progress has overall been made in the last couple hours, aside from battling a few Trainers.

1d 0h 35m [Info] Popping in again to comment on the fact that chat is somehow convinced there is a Dugtrio in the PC. There is no Dugtrio. Also, happy Day 2!

0d 23h 52m Briefly coming back to say that we attempted to toss the Helix Fossil but failed, as it was too important to toss.

[Meta] Alright, I'm officially no longer available. The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 21h 45m [Info] It occurs to me I forgot to add timestaps to the input freezes, oops.

0d 21h 45m [Meta] Ok we're back now

0d 21h 45m [Chat] TheScrumpe: SPEAROW, UNHOLY GAME-CRASHER

[Meta] Aaaaaaaaand broke.

[Meta] And we're back.

[Meta] Uhhhh alright so inputs froze.

0d 21h 37m With a Tackle, Bellsprout goes down. Oddish comes in and hits a Stun Spore, but even paralyzed, Wartortle outspeeds and lands two Tackles for victory.

0d 21h 35m Magikarp goes down. Wartortle comes out but goes to sleep. It wakes up but now we're Wrapped. Chat tries desperately to flee.

0d 21h 34m Gambler attempt 3. We lead a poisoned Magikarp on 1 HP against Bellsprout.

0d 21h 30m Tossed the Nugget

[Meta] Alright, now the updater actually goes dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 20h 48m We move on, talk to the Captain, and obtain HM01 Cut!

0d 20h 47m It's a long struggle of us damaging Ivysaur with Water Gun and it getting healed by Leech Seed... but with a suprise critical hit, we defeat Blue!

0d 20h 45m We switch again, back to Wartortle, which get seeded.

0d 20h 44m Blue's Kadabra is also defeated by Wartortle. We switch to Magikarp against his Ivysaur.

0d 20h 43m Wartortle manages to defeat Blue's Pidgeotto then his Ratticate. Wartortle grew to Lv. 34!

0d 20h 42m Drowzee is taken down as well. We send out Wartortle.

0d 20h 40m Blue's Pidgeotto took down both Ekans and Rattata.

0d 20h 37m Vs. Trainer Blue! (Attempt #4)

[Meta] And like Ash, the live updater is going dark for the moment. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 20h 29m Magikarp is our next Pokémon, and as it's one level away from learning an attacking move, there's not much it can do this time. Indeed, Vine Whip takes it out and we black out!

0d 20h 28m More turns of nothing happening... then finally Kakuna goes down to Tackle. We just needed one more Poison Sting...

0d 20h 27m We send Kakuna! Ivysaur uses Growl, and Kakuna retorts with Strin Shot. We use Poison Sting, get hit by a Tackle. Two more Growl and String Shot turns, then Tackle sends us in the red.

0d 20h 26m We manage to land a critical hit with Water Gun, and Ivysaur gives us a free hit by using Leech Seed. Wartortle goes down, but Ivysaur is not doing so well itself.

0d 20h 26m We send out Wartortle again. It takes down Kadabra without much issue. Ivysaur is next however, and Vine Whip is quite strong against us.

0d 20h 24m We switch to Rattata, which gets KO'd in a single hit.

0d 20h 23m 0d 20h 22m Blue's next Pokémon is Kadabra, and we switch to Kakuna. The latter lands a Poison Sting while Kadabra attempts to Teleport away.

0d 20h 22m Ratticate is next. Using Bubble twice suffices to take it down.

0d 20h 21m Wartortle takes a few Gusts to the face, but manages to take down Pidgeotto. Magikarp grew to Lv. 14!

0d 20h 20m Our Magikarp goes against Blue's Pidgeotto. Splash is of course useless, so we switch out to Wartortle.

0d 20h 19m Vs. Rival Blue! (Attempt #3)

0d 20h 18m We almost tossed TM34.

0d 20h 17m Found a Rare Candy!

0d 20h 17m We send out Wartortle, which takes out Pikachu with a single Water Gun. We win!

0d 20h 17m Drowzee keeps using Pound, but more Thundershocks and one last Quick Attack, and Drowzee faints.

0d 20h 16m Another Thundershock paralyses Drowzee.

0d 20h 15m Thundershock deals some notable damage to Kakuna, so we send out Drowzee instead, which takes far less damage from it.

0d 20h 14m We send Kakuna next, and after consulting the Helix a bunch use Poison Sting, while Pikachu uses Quick Attack.

0d 20h 12m The Lass' next Pokémon is Pikachu. We send out Ekans, but Thundershock takes it down.

0d 20h 12m She sends out Rattata. We swap Magikarp for Wartortle. It easily withstands Quick Attack, and retorts with two Bubbles, taking Rattata down.

0d 20h 10m We leave the room, but then go back as we didn't pick up the item. A Lass spots us on the way however!

0d 20h 9m Wartortle uses Bubble, and almost takes out Ponyta. Another Bubble, and it is out for good, winning the battle. Ekans grew to Lv. 12!

0d 20h 8m Ponyta uses Ember. Ekans is badly hurt but retorts with Wrap. Ponyta is trapped, but doesn't take much damage from the move, so we swap for Wartortle again.

0d 20h 8m Ponyta is next, and we swap Wartortle for Ekans.

[Snark] Clearly the Helix gives better advice than the Town Map.

0d 20h 7m We consult the Helix a few times, then use Bubble. Growlithe almost goes down, and another Bubble takes it out for good.

0d 20h 6m We enter a cabin and face again a Gentleman. He sends out Growlithe, and we switch our Magikarp for Wartortle.

0d 20h 4m We leave the kitchens and make our way back to the upper floors.

0d 20h 2m We check a trash can and obtain a Great Ball!

0d 20h 1m We go visit the boat's kitchens and talk to some cooks.

0d 19h 57m We walk back aboard the S.S. Anne.

[Snark] If only Magikarp hadn't fainted earlier, we might have had a chance against Kadabra.

0d 19h 53m Ratticate is sent out next, and Wartortle still holds on long enough to defeat it. Then comes Kadabra, which takes down Wartortle with Confusion. We black out.

0d 19h 52m Pidgeotto is sent by Blue. Wartortle uses Bubble a few times and takes it down, but it's close to fainting itself.

0d 19h 51m Vs. Rival Blue! (Attempt #2)

[Recap] Aside from that, we fought some Trainers on the S.S. Anne, but no new attempts have taken place to defeat Blue.

0d 19h 48m Updates are back just in time to inform you that Squirtle grew to Lv. 33 and finally evolved into Wartortle!

[Meta] The live updater is going dark. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 19h 24m Invigorated by Magikarp's triumph, chat returns swiftly to the boat.

[Fluff] Okay but actually, what the hell was that fight? #doyourbestpixie manifested

0d 19h 17m Despite eventually finding Poison Sting, Kakuna still lost. And after all that, too. Oh I should mention, by defeating Kadabra, Magikarp grew to Lv. 13!

0d 19h 14m Our Drowzee is doing very little damage and Leech Seed recovers all the HP lost. We desperately consult the Helix Fossil to no avail. Only Kakuna remains.

0d 19h 11m Unfortunately, Ivysaur is not so lenient, and Magikarp falls. Our hail mary is Kakuna. But after multiple Growls and lowering Ivysaur's speed, we swap to Drowzee.

[Fluff] send help i'm dying of laughter

0d 19h 10m Against ALL odds, Blue stupidly refuses to use a damaging move against Magikarp, allowing it to Struggle Kadabra to death.

0d 19h 7m We throw in Squirtle but it dies swiftly to a Confusion. We send in Magikarp in to take a Disable, which leaves us able to spam Struggle while Kadabra futilely Teleports.

[Chat] Zaphimu: Throw map at Kadabra

0d 19h 6m Confusion takes Ekans out. We send in Rattata but it meets the same fate.

0d 19h 4m It's a battle of Tail Whips before Raticate goes on the offensive, but a Tackle from Squirtle takes it out! We switch to Ekans as Kadabra comes in. Chat consults the Map for advice.

0d 19h 3m Blinded by sand, Squirtle struggles to land Water Guns, but ultimately succeeds in taking the bird out. In comes Raticate!

0d 19h 1m After trekking through the halls, we encounter our Rival Blue once again! He sends Pidgeotto against our Magikarp so we begin Splashing to show dominance. Meanwhile, he begins spamming Whirlwind and Sand Attack. Using this opening, we successfully swap to Squirtle.

0d 18h 58m After that fiasco, we decide to return to the SS Anne.

0d 18h 55m We go to the PC and successfully rescue Kakuna!

[Info] There is still the option to simply buy more balls, I believe we have enough money. But chat is gunning for the PC now.

[Snark] This can only go well.

0d 18h 49m We encounter a wild Spearow and waste our last two balls on it. Uh oh. That just leaves the PC...

Oh, while I looked away, Magikarp grew to Lv. 12! Must have happened before the blackout and I missed it.

0d 18h 44m Sadly, Squirtle faints, so we send in Rattata and consult Helix some more. But Helix's advice cannot save us and Rattata falls to Absorb onslaughts. This leaves only Magikarp, and well, I think you know what happens next.

0d 18h 42m After a brief battle of attrition, Bellsprout faints. Oddish comes in, and we send in our Magikarp--then consult Helix for a bit, then return to Squirtle.

0d 18h 41m After some time, Bellsprout decides to stop Growthing and turns our own tactics against us. Ekans goes down. We send in Squirtle.

[Snark] It is time to spam Wrap.

0d 18h 38m We engage with yet another Gambler! He throws out his Bellsprout, so we swap Magikarp for Ekans.

0d 18h 37m We encounter yet another Spearow and consult Helix for advice. Helix says to use the Ether on Magikarp's Splash pp, so we do. The menu promptly resets and we flee.

0d 18h 35m A few Bubbles later, we secure victory, though Squirtle is poisoned in the process.

0d 18h 34m Magikarp comes back in. This time we switch to Squirtle.

0d 18h 33m Well, after thinking very hard about catching Spearow, we run instead and wind up against a Youngster with an Ekans. We are thankfully able to swap Magikarp for the still-sleeping Drowzee, who is mercilessly wrapped while living up to its name and snoozing its life away.

[Snark] Yes chat, that sure is a Nugget. Now find the Poke Balls. I know you can do it.

0d 18h 31m We are back on a different route intending to capture Spearow.

[Fluff] We put Helix Fossil at the top of the bag to consult freely.

[Snark] Hey at least we got to see Wartortle briefly from the evo animation. It's all we'll see of it, probably, but it's something!

0d 18h 25m Squirtle grew to Lv. 32! Evolution is once more denied.

0d 18h 25m Thankfully, Squirtle comes in to save the day, and we FINALLY overcome Butterfree.

[Snark] Vs. Bug Catcher's Butterfree! (Attempt #3)

0d 18h 24m Drowzee is put to sleep, however, and chat desperately consults the map for an answer to Gen1 sleep mechanics.

0d 18h 23m We run into a Bug Catcher! He sounds out Butterfree, we send out Magikarp. Chat, immediately understanding the situation, guns for a switch and goes into Drowzee.

[Snark] We uh. Still need to beat the Rival of course, but one conundrum at a time.

0d 18h 21m We return to the Route to search for either a Spearow that isn't in the PC or an Oddish to solve the Cut issue.

[Snark] First time using the PC in this 10th Anniversary run, anyone feel like celebrating? No? Fair.

0d 18h 18m Thankfully, all that happens is Kakuna getting deposited before chat flees.

[Snark] Well, we're at the computer. I'm sure this will go well.

0d 18h 15m After spawning before the Center, it seems chat is ready to brave the PC... or not. A struggle immediately breaks out between the bold and the fearful.

0d 18h 13m We run into another Gambler who sends out a Bellsprout. We only have a burned Squirtle on low HP. We consult the map even more before spamming Tail Whip, only to get Wrapped. We wipe!

[Snark] I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map~

0d 18h 11m Chat wanders around while attempting to menu and change party order for safer PC usage, but gets into a wild battle. Consulting map for advice.

0d 18h 8m We run into a Gambler! His Growlithe vs Squirtle, and we have the type advantage but we get burned! His dog falls but Vulpix comes in next, and we consult the Map before spamming Bubble to secure our victory.

0d 18h 5m After trading Horn Attacks and Tackles, our Squirtle prevails. Nidorino comes in, but it falls shortly after. Victory!

0d 18h 4m Unfortunately Wrap misses and Ekans goes down. We send in Squirtle next.

0d 18h 3m We face a youngster. It's our Ekans vs Nidoran-m. Spamming Wrap slowly squeezes Nidoran-m in place.

[Info] Spearow was sent to the box. We are now faced with the option of: evolve Kakuna, go to the PC to get Spearow for the Dux trade, or bust without access to TM Cut for progress.

0d 18h 0m A wild Nidoran♂ KOes our Kakuna.

0d 18h 0m We throw some Poké Balls at a wild Spearow. Caught a Lv. 13 Spearow! No nickname.

0d 17h 57m Drowzee and Rattata both faint from poison.

0d 17h 56m Caught a Lv. 13 Drowzee! Nickname: BTLmNNNNo.

0d 17h 55m A wild Drowzee puts Kakuna to sleep. We consult the Helix, try to use TMs and a Repel, but nothing seems to work.

0d 17h 53m We send out Rattata against a wild Ekans. It gets poisoned, and almost faints before we run.

0d 17h 50m We venture onto Route 11.

0d 17h 44m We are sent back to the Vermillion Poké Center, we enter it, decline to heal a few times, and exit once more.

0d 17h 43m We send out Ekans. Despite its low health, it actually manages to take down machop with Poison Sting! However, Shellder is next, and it takes down Ekans. We black out!

0d 17h 42m Another Sailor challenges us! He sends out Machop, and Squirtle is starting to suffer from all of this consecutive battling, ending up in the red after a Karate Chop. It almost defeats Machop, but a critical hit takes down Squirtle for good.

0d 17h 39m A Sailor challenges us! He sends out Machop, which Squirtle doesn't have too much trouble defeating. Tentacool is next, and it manages to Wrap us. Thankfully we eventually break out and defeat it, winning the battle.

0d 17h 38m Onto the second floor of the S.S. Anne. That's pretty good progress so we save.

0d 17h 33m We pick up TM08 Body Slam!

0d 17h 32m Another battle right away! The opponent sends out Pidgey, which Squirtle has no trouble taking down, followed by a Nidoran♀ that doesn't take much more effort to defeat. Victory is ours!

0d 17h 31m We enter another cabin and get challenged to a battle! Our opponent sends out Nidoran♂ against our Squirtle. We easily defeat it, and Squirtle grows to Lv. 31! We win and the evolution is immediately cancelled.

0d 17h 29m We consult the Helix, then boot up Bide but don't use it, and then toss a Rare Candy. We then succesfully use another Rare Candy and Ekans grows to Lv. 11!

0d 17h 25m With that battle won, we exit the Gentleman's room.

0d 17h 24m Another Growlithe is out. Ekans uses Wrap for a while, then we switch to Squirtle. Tackle is used a few times, and Growlithe goes down. Ekans grew to Lv. 10 and learned Poison Sting!

0d 17h 23m We send out Ekans, and it actually manages to take down Growlithe! Ekans grew to Lv. 9!

[Snark] We gotta stop consulting this Town Map, I swear.

0d 17h 23m Growlithe uses Ember and Magikarp is burned. Splash vs Roar wastes a turn as both Pokémon suffer from their respective status conditions, then another Ember and Magikarp faints!

0d 17h 22m We send out Squirtle and use Tackle. Growlithe uses Roar, and we check the Town Map before switching to Magikarp.

0d 17h 21m Unfortunately this Growlithe knows Ember, so Kakuna faints as well.

0d 17h 20m Rattata faints from a single Bite, so we send Kakuna back out.

0d 17h 20m We are challenged by a Gentleman! He sends out Growlithe against our Kakuna. We poison Growlithe, then switch to Rattata.

0d 17h 18m We show the S.S. Ticket to the guard and board the S.S. Anne.

0d 17h 16m We exit the Poké Center after this simple quick-and-done trip to heal.

0d 17h 15m We enter the Pokémon Center, walk to the PC and back without booting it up, then save the game, walk back and forth again, save once more, then another save for good measure, talk to some NPCs, check the Town Map a few times, try to toss it, decline to heal, struggle back and forth some more, make sure Bulbasaur's cry is still the same, bump against the corner a few times, talk to the NPCs some more, check on our team that's in desperate need of a heal, walk back and forth again, check Bulbasaur's cry just in case, keep talking to the guy on the bench, check that our team still needs healing, save again because it's been a while, save again, look at the Town Map some more, and then we heal.

[Chat] Elio_SB: Now we can catch infinite magikarps

0d 17h 4m We enter a house and check out what kind of books the guy living there owns, then check on our Magikarp a few times, before actually talking to him. A bit inconsiderate, but he doesn't seem to mind as he gives us the Old Rod.

0d 17h 2m We send Squirtle back. A few Tackles, and victory is ours! With that done, we arrive in Vermilion City.

0d 17h 1m We send Ekans next, and Wrap Ratticate for a few turns, but soon enough Ekans faints too.

0d 17h 0m We send out Squirtle. Bubble twice is enough to take out Spearow, and Raticate is sent out next. We switch to Rattata, who faints immediately to Hyper Fang.

0d 17h 0m One step further is another Jr. Trainer. He sends out a Spearow, which takes down Kakuna with Fury Attack.

0d 16h 59m The Jr. Trainer sends out a third Pidgey and Squirtle makes quick work of it. We won!

0d 16h 58m Squirtle easily takes down Pidgey, and another Pidgey follows. It's taken down just as swiftly.

0d 16h 58m A bit further, a Jr. Trainer challenges us. She sends out Pidgey, and we swap Kakuna for Squirtle.

0d 16h 57m We are back on Route 6, and this time avoid the stare of the Bug Catcher, walking past without a fight!

0d 16h 55m Down the path we go after all.

0d 16h 55m We enter the Underground Path, then exit again. Chat is definitely divided right now between those wanting to use the Daycare and those not willing to bother.

0d 16h 54m We save.

0d 16h 54m We once more jump the ledge blocking the Daycare.

0d 16h 52m We encounter a wild Pidgey which actually puts quite a dent into our Kakuna's health, and end up running away.

0d 16h 50m We finally make our way back up! Aaaaand we jump past the Daycare again. Chat seems conflicted on whether it's worth the trouble in the first place.

0d 16h 46m We jump a few ledges on Route 5, going past the Daycare, which some people do want to visit.

0d 16h 43m Back in Cerulean City.

0d 16h 42m Magikarp is our last Pokémon. We consult the Town Map, but it likely will not provide a solution for this situation. Indeed, one more Confusion and we black out.

0d 16h 41m We send Ekans next! Wrap does minimal damage but traps Butterfree for a few turns. It stupidly uses Poison Powder when freed, twice, and gets trapped again, but finally puts Ekans to sleep and finishes it off.

0d 16h 40m We send out Kakuna. Butterfree uses Poison Powder, which fails, then Stun Spore, and Kakuna gets paralysed. One Confusion later, Kakuna faints.

0d 16h 39m Squirtle finally wakes up, but only uses Tail Whip and as such gets taken down by two more Confusion.

0d 16h 38m We send out Squirtle next. Butterfree puts it to sleep, then assaults it with Confusion.

0d 16h 37m The Bug Catcher sends out Butterfree, and we send Kakuna. We switch it for Rattata, which immediately gets taken down.

0d 16h 36m We are back on Route 6, and get challenged by the Bug Catcher once more.

0d 16h 34m Back on Route 5. Jump, jump, jump, and in the Underground Path we go.

0d 16h 30m We blacked out against a Bug Catcher on Route 6 and were sent back to Cerulean City.

0d 16h 14m aaand we saved after 20+ minutes!

0d 16h 7m We keep falling off the ledge, and we did it THREE times...

0d 15h 55m We finally defeated the rocket member!

[Recap] During the last hour, we made it through Route 24, visited Bill, obtained the SS Ticket, and most notably Weedle finally evolved into Kakuna!

0d 15h 52m We are battling with a rocket member right now!

0d 15h 51m After some minutes, we managed to enter in the house team rocket destroyed!

[Info] And so we are back! With a new person in the updating team! (which is me, of course)

[Meta] And just like us, the live updater is going dark for the moment. Check #run-feed on the Discord server for continued updates.

0d 14h 54m We send out Rattata next, but Nidoran♀ proves to strong for it and we black out.

0d 14h 54m A Lass challenges us next and sends out Nidoran♂. Squirtle uses Tackle twice and defeats it easily. Nidoran♀ is next, and Squirtle uses Tail Whip, then Tackle, but one more attack causes it to faint.

0d 14h 52m Another Youngster! He sends out Slowpoke. We tackle it, and get hit back with Confusion. Squirtle gets confused, and misses its attack. The next two Tackles land, then another miss before Squirtle snaps out of confusion and wins the battle. Squirtle grows to Lv. 29 and does not evolve.

0d 14h 50m Squirtle takes down the enemy Rattata. The Youngster sends Spearow next, which two Tackles take care of. We win the battle!

0d 14h 49m We send out Rattata, which takes heavy damage from a Quick Attack. Town Map apparently says to switch to Squirtle, and for once that seems like a good call.

0d 14h 47m We send out Magikarp next... and Hyper Fang takes it out right away.

0d 14h 46m Rattata takes down Weedle. We send out Ekans, and trap Rattata in a Wrap. Once freed though, it takes down Ekans as well with Quick Attack.

0d 14h 45m A Youngster is next! He sends out Rattata.

0d 14h 44m We finally hit Geodude for super-effective damage, winning the battle!

[Snark] Starting to think the Town Map just has terrible advice.

0d 14h 44m Squirtle is pretty overleveled by now and has no trouble taking down Machop. Geodude is next, and we use Tackle at it after checking the Town Map a few times.

0d 14h 42m The Hiker sent out a Machop. We switched to Magikarp, then back to Weedle, then to Squirtle.

[Chat] tppsimulator: GoldPLZ LETS JOIN TEAM ROCKET

0d 14h 41m We just... walked by the Rocket Grunt? Huh, okay. We move on to Route 24 then, and get challenged by a Hiker!

0d 14h 36m Another PC push briefly takes place, but we quickly exit the Poké Center.

0d 14h 35m Zubat confuses Squirtle. It hurts itself in confusion and gets hit by Bite, but barely holds on. It manges to use Bubble twice, but another Bite takes it down and we black out.

0d 14h 34m Zubat is sent out next. We check the Town Map a few times.

0d 14h 33m The Grunt sends out Ekans. We take it down to a silver of health with Tackle, then get trapped by Wrap a few turns before finishing it off.

0d 14h 32m We reached the end of the bridge and obtain a Nugget! But shocker, this guy is actually a Team Rocket grunt!

0d 14h 32m The fifth Trainer challenges us, and sends out Mankey! But Squirtle is strong enough to easily take it down, and we win already.

0d 14h 30m Nidoran♀ comes out next. We use Bubble a few times and take it out without much trouble, winning the fight.

0d 14h 29m Squirtle uses Tackle thrice, and Pidgey goes down.

0d 14h 29m Fourth Trainer! Pidgey is sent out, and we only have Squirtle left.

0d 14h 28m Ekans wraps up Squirtle, but after a few turns, it escapes and takes it down. Zubat is next, and Squirtle only needs to Tackle twice to take it out. We win and what a shocker, no evolution.

0d 14h 26m We switch to Magikarp, who immediately faints from a Poison Sting.

0d 14h 25m The Youngster sends out Ekans. We consult the Town Map.

0d 14h 25m We send out Squirtle. Tackle lands twice and Rattata faints. Squirtle grew to Lv. 28 and did not learn Withdraw.

0d 14h 23m Here's No.3! It's a Youngster whos ends out Rattata. Our Weedle is first, but it faints from the very first opponent's Quick Attack due to being on low health.

0d 14h 22m Tackle does some massive damage due to the level difference, and Nidoran♀ is out two turns later. We win!

0d 14h 22m We send out Magikarp again. Splash does nothing (gasp) and after two Scratch attacks from Nidoran♀ we switch to Squirtle.

0d 14h 20m Wrap misses and Ekans takes some serious damage, but it lands the next turn and Wraps Nidoran♀ for a while. Eventually, it misses and Ekans faints, but half of the opponent's health is gone now.

0d 14h 20m Nidoran♀ is next. Weedle uses String Shot, then we switch to Ekans.

0d 14h 19m We try running some more, but finally take down Pidgey with one last Poison Sting.

0d 14h 18m Quick Attack is too strong, and Pidgey takes out Rattata in two hits. We send Magikarp out, then switch it for Weedle again.

0d 14h 17m Pidgey and Weedle trade a few hits, then we try to run before switching to Rattata.

0d 14h 16m She sends out Pidgey, which our Weedle poisons.

0d 14h 15m We leave and make our way back to Nugget Bridge. The Lass rematches us!

0d 14h 13m We're finally outside once more, and we enter the house next to the Center.

0d 14h 13m In the midst of the Struggle, we boot up TM12 but don't use it (not that we could anyway).

0d 14h 12m Back at the Poké Center, another push for the PC takes place.

0d 14h 10m Pidgey finally attacks, and Magikarp faints; we black out.

0d 14h 10m Magikarp does not manage to Splash hard enough to take down Pidgey. As if to taunt us, Pidgey seems to want to spam Sand Attack rather than take us out of our misery.

0d 14h 8m We only have Magikarp left so this battle is as good as over.

0d 14h 8m Squirtle is sent out. It survives a Gust and uses Tackle, but the next Gust takes Squirtle down.

0d 14h 7m Another Quick Attack and Weedle faints! We send out Magikarp, and immediately switch to Ekans. Quick attack does some serious damage, but Ekans survive and uses Wrap, but Pidgey is almost immediately freed and uses Gust. Ekans faints.

[Chat] tppsimulator: Why didnt we just die

0d 14h 5m She sends out Pidgey, and we send Weedle. We use String Shot and avoid a Sand Attack. We then get hit by Quick Attack, but survive and land a critical Poison Sting.

0d 14h 4m Back on Nugget Bridge! We are challenged by the second Trainer.

0d 14h 3m We jump the ledge a few times, but don't go into the tall grass and instead walk back to Cerulean City.

0d 14h 1m We're back on Route 4.

0d 13h 59m We enter the bike shop, look around at the bikes, then leave.

0d 13h 58m We enter the Poké Mart. Bought 5 Poké Balls!

0d 13h 56m Back out we go, and without healing, but at least we didn't boot up the PC.

0d 13h 54m We get worryingly close to the PC once again, then walk back and forth in astruggle, during which we save.

[Snark] ...you know the guy next to the counter is not the nurse, right?

0d 13h 52m PC too scary, so we leave, and then remember we need to heal so we go back inside.

0d 13h 50m We walk back to the Poké Center and talk to the guy next to the counter a few times, then... don't heal. Is that a PC over there?

0d 13h 49m Weedle evolving was cancelled. Sigh.

0d 13h 49m Ekans uses Wrap, trapping Weedle for six turns. Then again for three turns, two turns, and one last time to take it down. We win!

0d 13h 48m The Trainer sends is own Weedle. We trade Poison Stings, then switch to Ekans.

0d 13h 47m First Trainer of Nugget Bridge! He sends out Caterpieand our Weedle swiftly take sit down with a few Poison Stings. Weedle grew to Lv. 17!

0d 13h 45m We land a Tackle, and thankfully don't take too much damage from Vine Whip. Then we start spamming Bubble? Thankfully Bulbasaur isn't very smart and keeps using Growl, so we eventually win! Defeated BLUE!

0d 13h 45m We send Squirtle back out. Three Tackle attacks suffice to take Rattata down, and Blue sends out Bulbasaur.

0d 13h 44m Blue sends out Rattata, so we send our own Rattata. It immediately is taken down.

0d 13h 44m We finally land two Water Gun, but Abra still has a single HP left. We switch to Ekans, and use Wrap, taking it down.

0d 13h 43m A few turns of trading blows, and Pidgeotto is taken down! Blue sends out Abra. Water Gun keeps missing, likely due to all the earlier Sand Attacks, and Abra spams Teleport, so not much happens.

0d 13h 41m We send out Weedle, and he sends Pidgeotto. Weedle manages to poison Pidgeotto, then we switch it out for Squirtle.

0d 13h 41m We make our way back to Nugget Bridge. Guess who? Vs. BLUE! (Attempt #6)

0d 13h 39m We take some steps towards the PC, but after a bit of struggle, we eventually leave without reaching it.

0d 13h 38m We enter the Poké Center and heal.

0d 13h 36m We leave Route 4 for now, and save the game on the way back to Cerulean City.

0d 13h 35m Another wild Rattata appears and we throw more Poké Balls. Caught a Lv. 10 Rattata! Nickname: AFEEBDEEEE.

0d 13h 32m While fighting a wild Rattata, we use a Potion on Magikarp. We then throw a few Poké Ball at another wild Rattata, but it escapes and takes out Weedle, so we flee.

0d 13h 30m While grinding, we throw a Poké Ball at a wild Ekans... Caught a Lv. 8 Ekans! No nickname.

0d 13h 26m We're now back onto Route 4 for some grinding.

0d 13h 23m Bought 6 Poké Balls and 2 Potions!

0d 13h 22m Wandering around Cerulean City. We boot up TM12, don't use it, then save and enter the Poké Mart.

0d 13h 18m We enter the Pokémon Center then heal.

0d 13h 18m We cancel Squirtle's evolution once more, then exit the Gym.

0d 13h 16m Defeated Leader Misty and received the Cascade Badge! Received TM11 BubbleBeam!

0d 13h 14m Starmie is out. The Tackle battle begin, but we then begin using Water Gun instead for a few turns. We eventually resume using Tackle, and it looks like a loss... but Squirtle lands a critical hit and Starmie goes down!

0d 13h 14m We send out Squirtle, and after three more Tackle attacks, Staryu goes down. Squirtle grew to Lv. 27!

0d 13h 13m Magikarp splashes while poison does its thing, and eventually goes down to a Tackle.

0d 13h 12m A single critical hit from Water Gun and Weedle is in the red, but it does manage to poison Staryu. Weedle goes down the next turn, and we send out Magikarp.

0d 13h 12m Weedle vs. Staryu! This time we consult the Helix Fossil. Maybe it has better advice than the Town Map.

0d 13h 12m Vs. Leader Misty! (Attempt #6)

0d 13h 10m Starmie only has a silver of HP left, but sadly Squirtle faints. And given our Magikarp only knows Splash, this is pretty much a loss already. Magikarp goes down and we black out.

0d 13h 9m Squirtle and Staryu both spam Tackle, but ours deals significantly more damage and Staryu goes down. Misty sends out Starmie, and the Tackle battle resumes.

0d 13h 8m No poison this time. After two Water Gun attacks, Weedle faints. We send out Squirtle.

0d 13h 7m Staryu vs. Weedle again! We continue to repeatedly take advice from the Town Map.

0d 13h 7m Back in we go! Vs. Leader Misty! (Attempt #5)

[Chat] crazylions656: its because of your using the map instead of the fossil lol

0d 13h 5m Both sides are using Tackle at each other, then we take a break to look at the Town Map again. Then more Tackles. We're almost there, but one of Squirtle's attacks misses, leaving Starmie to take it down. We black out!

0d 13h 4m Bubble, poison, and Tackle, and Staryu is finally down. Starmie is next.

0d 13h 3m We consult the Town Map. Whatever was on it compels us to start using Tail Whip. Not sure this is the most efficient strategy. Neither is Water Gun, but at least it and poison do slowly chip at Staryu's HP.

0d 13h 2m We send out Magikarp, who gets hit by three Tackles, two of them critical hits. Magikarp faints and we send out Squirtle.

0d 13h 2m Staryu vs. Weedle again! Weedle once more manages to poison Staryu, but eventually goes down to Water Gun.

0d 13h 1m Given how close an attempt this was, we immediately go back for another try. Vs. Leader Misy! (Attempt #4)

0d 12h 59m We send in Magikarp and it predictably faints from a mere two Tackles. Blacked out!

0d 12h 59m Starmie is next! Both Pokémon kinda spam Tackle, with Misty taking a turn to use an X Defense, until Squirtle faints to a critical hit.

0d 12h 58m We send out Squirtle next. It lands a critical hit with Tackle, then two more Tackle and Staryu is down.

0d 12h 57m Misty sends Staryu against our Weedle. Weedle manages to poison it, but is taken down by Water Gun.

0d 12h 56m Back in Cerulean City, we enter the Gym and challenge Misty once more. Vs. Misty! (Attempt #3)

0d 12h 55m Bulbasaur lands a tackle. Weedle uses Poison Sting. Weedle is seeded. Weedle uses Poison sting. Bulbasaur tries to leech seed again. This lets Weedle use another posion sting and take Bulbasaur down to red health. The leech seed reduces Weedle to 1HP. Then Bulbasaur uses a tackle to knock out Weedle. Bulbasaur then uses a tackle to knock out Magikarp. Blacked out

0d 12h 53m Blue sends out bulbasaur. Squirtle uses Tail Whip, repeatedly, while Bulbasaur uses leech seed and vine whip. Squirtle faints. We send out Magikarp. Bulbasaur growls while Magikarp splashes. Bulbasaur uses a tackle, then we switch to Weedle

0d 12h 51m Blue sends out Abra. Abra does nothing. Squirtle uses bubble until Abra faints Squirtle grew to Lv. 26!. Squirtle takes out Rattata with a few more bubbles.

0d 12h 49m Pidgeotto leads with a Sand Attack. Weedle leads by poisoning Pidgeotto. We switch out to Squirtle. Pidgeotto and Squirtle trade damaging attacks. The poison helps Squirtle out-damage Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto faints.

0d 12h 47m We head north, but overshoot the north exit and look over the fencing to the east. We save. Then head up for Vs. Blue Attempt #5

0d 12h 45m Abra does nothing. It takes a few turns for Squirtle to land an attack, but eventually one hits, knocking out Abra. Blue sends in Rattata, and Rattata finishes off Squirtle with a few attacks. blacked out

0d 12h 43m We send out Squirtle. Squirtle and Pidgeotto trade weak damaging attacks for a few turns. Pidgeotto switches to sand attack at half health. It takes a few more attacks, but Squirtle knocks out Pidgeotto. Blue sends out Abra

0d 12h 41m We send out Magikarp. Pidgeotto uses Sand Attack while Magikarp splashes. Pidgeotto switches to Gust and knocks out Magikarp in two attacks

0d 12h 39m We head north. Vs. Blue Attempt #4. Weedle vs Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto leads with gust. Weedle uses string shot twice in a row. Pidgeotto uses a second gust, lands a critical hit and knocks out Weedle

0d 12h 36m We walk around the Pokécenter. We talk to the guy who is sitting down, and he also talks about Bill. When I was referring to "the Bill fan" earlier, I was referring to the one standing near the nurse's counter

0d 12h 33m We return to the Cerulean Center and we heal. We don't talk to the Bill fan before healing, but we do talk to the Bill fan after healing

0d 12h 28m We continue harassing the wildlife in Route 4. Magikarp grew to Lv. 10!

0d 12h 17m Weedle faints to a Rattata. We switch to Squirtle, and Squirtle finishes off the Rattata

0d 12h 12m We head west towards the Route 4 grass. We reach the grass, and fight a wild Spearow

0d 12h 9m Squirtle and Rattata both use Tail Whip a few times. Squirtle continues to whip its tail, while Rattata uses Quick Attack and a Tackle to knock out Squirtle. Blacked out

0d 12h 8m Weedle uses Poison Sting against Rattata, but Weedle faints to Hyper Fang. We send out Magikarp, and similarly Magikarp faints to Hyper Fang. We send in Squirtle

0d 12h 6m Twenty two turns of not much happening later, we switch to Squirtle. Then we switch to Weedle. Weedle uses a few Poison Stings and few String Shots to knock out Abra.

0d 12h 1m Pidgeotto switches to Quick Attack after Squirtle lands an attack. After Squirtle lands one more attack, Pidgeotto faints. Weedle grew to Lv 16. Blue sends in Abra. We switch to Magikarp. Splash vs. Teleport ensues

0d 11h 59m Vs Blue Attempt #3. Blue's Pidgeotto leads with a Gust, dealing just under half-health to Weedle. Weedle uses Posion sting, failing to posion Pidgeotto. We switch to Squirtle. Squirtle gets hit by sand attack, and misses several attacks while Pidgeotto uses Gust and more sand attacks.

0d 11h 56m We slowly head towards the Cerulean's north exit. We save.

0d 11h 51m We enter the Pokécenter. We save right in front of the nurse, then we heal

0d 11h 50m We return to Cerulean. We head towards the center, but stop every few steps to open the start menu

0d 11h 45m We keep entering the Options menu and changing the battle animation setting. Chat seems to want to change the text speed to fast - text speed was slow, now it is medium

0d 11h 36m Magikarp grew to Lv. 9!

0d 11h 34m Still in the grass. We save

0d 11h 28m Weedle is already down, although it left the Rattata poisoned and with almost no health. We send in Squirtle, and the Rattata immediately faints from poison damage. Squirtle grew to Lv. 25! Squirtle does not evolve. We listen to Bulbasaur's cry to console ourselves.

0d 11h 25m We return to Route 4, look up the ledges briefly, then enter the grass patch for more wild Pokémon battles

0d 11h 23m We talk to the Bill fan one more tile, then we heal, then we talk to the Bill fan some more

0d 11h 22m We try to walk through the Center's walls, then find the door. We talk to the Bill fan a few times. We wander around the Center some more, and we save

0d 11h 20m We leave the grass and return to Cerulean

0d 11h 17m We continue wandering in this grass. Magikarp faints to a wild Spearow. We save twice

0d 11h 11m Weedle lowers the health of and poisons a wild Rattata. The Rattata knocks out Weedle. We send in Magikarp, then switch to Squirtle while Rattata uses Quick Attack and is whittled down by poison. Just before Rattata faints, we run

0d 11h 3m We walk back and forth in town, but eventually take the western exit to Route 4 and enter the grass there

0d 11h 1m Blue's Bulbasaur uses a tackle to knock out Squrtle, and Leech Seed followed by a Tackle to knock out Weedle. blacked out

0d 11h 0m Blue sends in Rattata. Squirtle can't hit with tackle, while Rattata lowers defense with Tail Whip, then uses Tackle and Quick Attack. Squirtle is taken down to 5HP before Squritle can land a second tackle to knock out Rattata. Blue sends in Bulbasaur

0d 10h 59m We switch to Squirtle, and Squirtle lands the Tackle attacks despite Pidgeotto's Sand Attacks. Squirtle misses a final tackle, but poison takes out Pidgeotto anyway. Blue sends in Abra, who is 2HKO by tackle

0d 10h 57m We send in Weedle, then immediately switch to Magikarp. Blue's Pidgeotto uses Quick attack to bring Magikarp down to 3HP. Pidgeotto fails a few Sand Attacks while Magikarp splashes, before using a damaging attack to knock out Magikarp. We send in Weedle; Weedle survives a Gust with 7HP and poisons Pidgeotto

0d 10h 54m We attempt to head north, but have a bit of trouble climbing a ledge. We eventually manage, and head to Vs. Blue attempt #2

0d 10h 52m Squirtle and Starmie trade a few Tackles; Starmie deals a decisive blow with a critical hit Tackle. blacked out

0d 10h 52m We send in Squirtle, use Tail Whip, the switch to Magikarp. Misty uses an X Defend. Starmie uses two tackles while Magikarp splashes, knocking out Magikarp. We send in Squirtle

0d 10h 50m A water gun deals the decisive blow to Staryu. Weedle grew to Lv. 15! Misty sends out Starmie. We switch to Weedle. Startmie misses one tackle, and lands the second. Weedle uses Poison Sting, but does not poison Starmie. Starmie knocks out Weedle with a Water Gun

0d 10h 48m Staryu leads with a critical hit Tackle. Weedle leads with a Poison Sting, that poisons Staryu. We switch to Squirtle, while Staryu continues to Tackle. Squirtle switches between its water attacks and tail whip, while we consult the moon stone and staryu slowly looses its health to poison

0d 10h 45m We return to the Gym. After a bit of waffling, and talking to the other trainers, we reach Misty. Vs. Misty Attempt #2

0d 10h 42m We find the clerk from the south side. We cannot afford 99 burn heals with our 420₽. We attempt to sell the Helix Fossil, but the Helix Fossil is priceless. Bought a Repel. We leave the mart

0d 10h 39m We pace around the south end of town, then enter the PokéMart. We walk around the counter without finding the clerk, then walk through the door a couple of times

0d 10h 36m Squirtle uses Tail Whip, while Starmie doesn't deal damage, followed by Starmie finishing off Squirtle with a tackle. blacked out

0d 10h 36m Misty sends in Starmie. Squirtle switches to the ineffective Water Gun. We consult the Town Map and Helix Fossil then use Tackle, while Squirtle endures one of Starmie's tackles

0d 10h 34m We talk to Misty. Vs. Misty A half health Squirtle vs Staryu, but Squirtle's tackles do more damage than Staryu's Tackles, to Squirtle defeats Staryu

0d 10h 33m We send in Squirtle. Squirtle tackles Goldeen. Goldeen uses Tail Whip, switching to Supersonics when it reaches critical health, but the supersonics do not hit. Squirtle grew to Lv. 24! Squirtle does not evolve

0d 10h 31m A Jr. Trainer stops us and initiates a battle, sending out Goldeen. Goldeen confuses Weedle, and Weedle hits itself twice, before we switch to Magikarp. Magikarp tanks one Peck, but faints to the second Peck. We send Weedle back in, and it too is defeated by a Peck

0d 10h 29m Squirtle uses another Water Gun to finish off the Horsea. The Swimmer sends in a Shelder. Shellder and Squirtle trade tackles, with Squirtle's Tackles dealing more damage. The swimmer is defeated

0d 10h 27m We enter Cerulean Gym. We fight the first trainer. Weedle's Poison sting does barely any damage to the Swimmer's Horsea. We switch to Magikarp. Magikarp survives a bubble. We switch to Squirtle. Squirtle's tackle deals about two-fifths of Horsea's health, and a Water gun deals about one-fifth, while Horsea's Bubble does almost nothing to Squirtle

0d 10h 23m We pace around outside Cerulean, occasionally looking at our trainer card. ₽381.

0d 10h 20m We send out Weedle. Pidgeotto uses a Gust and a Quick Attack to knock out Weedle. We send in Magikarp. Magikarp survives a Quick Attack with 2HP, but Magikarp's splash does not finish off Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto finishes off Magikarp. blacked out

0d 10h 18m Pidgeotto lands critical hits while Squirtle misses. Squirtle lands a few Tackles, then Pidgeotto switches to Sand Attack. Squirtle misses its next few Tackles while Peidgeotto wears down Squirtle with Gusts and Quick Attacks until Squirtle faints

0d 10h 16m We head to the north exit of town, and encounter Blue. Vs. Blue. We send out Weedle and Blue sends out Pidgeotto. We attempt to run, but cannot run for a trainer battle. We switch out Weedle for Squirtle

0d 10h 13m We save, then we walk through the house again, and talk to the house's resident this time. The resident tells us about badges in general, then we ask about and are told about the Boulder Badge and Cascade Badge in particular

0d 10h 10m We leave the center. We walk through a house, and walk around the house's backyard. We find a hidden Rare Candy

0d 10h 8m We enter the Pokemon Center. We walk around a bit, talk to the person who tells us about Bill again, then we heal

0d 10h 6m After a bit more bag rearranging, we leave the grass and return to Cerulean City

0d 10h 3m A wild Spearow uses a big Peck to knock out Magikarp

0d 10h 2m The Helix Fossil is now second in the bag, after the Moon Stone

[Info] Bag contents: Moon Stone ×1, Town Map, Potion ×1, TM12 (Water Gun) ×1, Escape Rope ×1, Helix Fossil, TM34 (Bide) ×1, Antidote ×1, Rare Candy ×1

0d 9h 52m We continue to look at our bag, while the wildlife occasionally watches us. A wild Spearow knocks out Weedle

0d 9h 46m That same Spearow uses Peck to take away a significant chunk of Weedle's health, followed by Weedle using String Shot. We look in our bag some more, and attempt to use a Potion on our full-health Magikarp. Then, we run

0d 9h 41m A poisoned wild spearow waits patiently for our move while we rearrange our bag. We move the Helix fossil up another slot, and move a Moon Stone to the top

0d 9h 35m We use a Potion on Weedle while fighting a wild Ekans.

0d 9h 33m Inputs stop, and the game is saved manually. M4 places a sign down in the background "Backing up save Please Wait". M4 takes the Red cartridge out of the Super Gameboy. The TV switches between the end of a Bob Ross episode and a Sonic episode. The Red cartridge is replaced, the game restarted, and the sign removed

0d 9h 26m We consult the Helix Fossil, then move it up a slot in the bag and we run from the Ekans

0d 9h 23m M4 placed a small Squirtle figurine atop the SNES, almost adjacent to the TV. We head west, and fight some encounters in the Route 4 grass. Weedle gets hit by an Ekans's Wrap, and we look through our bag for a solution to this predicament

0d 9h 20m We enter the Pokemon Center. We walk around. We save, then talk to a guy who tells us about Bill. We find the nurse and we heal. We leave the center


0d 9h 18m We jump into the patch of grass, but leave the patch before encountering any wild Pokemon. We enter Cerulean City for the first time

0d 9h 16m We leave Mt. Moon, entering Route 4. We think about, but decline to toss our TM. Then we save, twice for good measure

[Fluff] Praise Helix!

0d 9h 13m M4 shows us an ammonite fossil, and places it atop the SNES. M4 then places a cylinder with the words "Save" and "backup" in front of the pokedex

0d 9h 11m Miguel offers to share one of the fossils he found. We walk all over the plateau, but we eventually walk back to the right and We pick up a Helix Fossil

0d 9h 10m Miguel sends out Koffing. Squirtle lands a hit, then we switch out and send in Weedle. Koffing tackles Weedle and knocks out Weedle. We send Squirtle back in. Squirtle tackles and tail whips a few times until Koffing faints. Miguel defeated. Squirtle does not evolve

0d 9h 9m We send in Squirtle. Squirtle tackles Grimer. Grimer disables Bubble. Squirtle takes out Grimer with another tackle. Miguel sends in Voltorb. Voltorb and Squirtle trade tackles until Voltorb faints. Squirtle grew to Lv. 23!

0d 9h 7m We switch to Magikarp. Grimer uses a Pound to take Magikarp down to two health, then fails to disable Magikarp. Magikarp splashes, and Grimer knocks out Magikarp with another tackle.

0d 9h 5m We reach Super Nerd Miguel, and the Super Nerd stops us for for attempt #2. Weedle leads with a Poison Sting, and Grimer disables Poison Sting. We inspect the stats of our party

0d 9h 3m We continue down the main path. We send out Magikarp against a wild Geodude. Magikarp's splashes prove ineffective. We run after Magikarp's health is lowered by half.

[Info] I see an item ball in the floor's southern room. The north room's item ball is too far away to see from the main path

0d 8h 58m We reach the main path ladders and descend to Floor B2

0d 8h 57m Weedle grew to Lv. 14! Weedle does not evolve

0d 8h 55m We're in the north east region of floor 1. We check our trainer card. We have 463₽. We save.

0d 8h 52m We passed 100,000 inputs

0d 8h 47m Back into Mt. Moon

0d 8h 45m We reach and battle Super Nerd Miguel. Squirtle uses Water Gun a few times to take out Miguel's Grimer and Voltorb, but the combines assault of those two and Miguel's Koffing is too much for the already-weakened Squirtle. blacked out

[Info] 6 Attempts is a Wattson rating of 0.26

0d 8h 42m We reach the Rocket grunt at the end of this hallway. The grunt's Rattata and Zubat fall to two Water Gun attacks each

0d 8h 40m We continue down the main path, mostly running from the wild encounters

0d 8h 37m Squirtle enters. Raticate moves first, with a Hyper Fang. Squirtle uses bubble. The two trade blows. Raticate misses one Hyper Fang, while Bubble lowers Raticate's speed. Squirtle starts to outspeed Raticate, which allows Squirtle to land a decisive blow before Raticate. Raticate Grunt defeated. Squirtle grew to Lv. 22. Squirtle did not learn Bite. Squirtle did not evolve

0d 8h 33m We make it back to Raticate Grunt. Attempt #6. As before, &&Weedle is promptly defeated&& by a Hyper Fang. Raticate misses a Hyper Fang against Magikarp, while Magikarp splashes. Raticate lands the second Hyper Fang, &&KOing Magikarp&&.

0d 8h 30m We continue through the main path, with Weedle defeating a few wild Paras along the way

0d 8h 24m We head straight back into Mt. Moon

0d 8h 22m After a few more tail whips, Raticate uses a quick attack to knock out Magikarp. We send in Squirtle. Squirtle looses more than half its health to one attack, and but survives two Quick Attacks while taking Raticate down to red health with Bubble. Squirtle falls to the third Quick Attack, however. black out

0d 8h 20m We descend the ladders. Raticate grunt tells us to leave the grown-ups alone. Attempt #5: Raticate uses Quick Attack to 1HKO Weedle, then uses tail whip while Magikarp spashes.

0d 8h 17m We head through the cave. Just before reaching the ladders, Magikarp grew to Lv 8 from a switch-training against a wild zubat

0d 8h 8m We pace around some more outside, then enter Mt. Moon

0d 8h 5m We leave the center, pace around outside, step inside the center, then leave the center and pace around outside some more

0d 8h 2m We return to the route's Pokémon Center and we heal

0d 8h 2m The next Spearow we find knocks out Weedle before Weedle wakes up.

0d 8h 1m One of Jigglypuff's sings finally misses, letting Squirtle land a tackle for the KO.

0d 7h 59m A wild Jigglypuff sings Weedle to sleep. We switch to Magikarp, and the Jigglypuff also sings Magikarp to sleep. We switch to Squirtle, and Squirtle is also sung to sleep. Squirtle wakes up, then is put to sleep again. Jigglypuff continues to sing while Squirtle sleeps, and Squirtle wakes up just long enough to be sung back to sleep.

0d 7h 53m We head south and walk into the grass patch. We pace around the grass, and start fighting wild Spearow

0d 7h 49m We save, standing outside the doors of the Pokemon Center. We then jump down the ledges outside of Mt. Moon

0d 7h 48m Raticate Grunt Attempt #4. Raticate knocks out Weedle. We switch to Squirtle. Raticate's Hyper Fangs out-damage Squirtle's Tackles, even before counting that Raticate landed a critical hit one of its three attacks. Squirtle faints with Raticate still above half health. We send out Magikarp. Raticate uses tail whip once before landing a Tackle blacked out

0d 7h 42m We return to and descend the north-west ladders

0d 7h 34m Weedle grew to Lv. 13! Weedle does not evolve

0d 7h 33m We walk back into Mt. Moon

0d 7h 32m A few wild Pokémon take our Squirtle down to 7 HP. We then walk into Raticate Grunt's sights, and the Raticate promptly removes those last seven HP. black out

0d 7h 28m We return to the northwest ladders and descend to floor B2

0d 7h 23m We save, then look at our trainer card. We have about 550₽

0d 7h 20m Magikarp faints to a wild Paras

0d 7h 19m We walk around an Escape Rope before picking up the escape rope

0d 7h 14m We find a Bug Catcher with a bunch of Caterpie and a Metapod. Magikarp grew to Lv. 7 from the first Caterpie, and Squirtle grew to Lv. 21 from the second Caterpie. Squirtle does not evolve

0d 7h 9m We walk counter-clockwise around this area, and find and pick up a rare candy

0d 7h 6m Slightly past the Super Nerd, we toss one of our two antidotes and pick up a potion

0d 7h 5m Still on floor 1, we sneak up on a Super Nerd that we hadn't battled yet. Squirtle defeats the Super Nerd's electric types with water gun attacks.

0d 7h 3m Magikarp is second after Weedle in party order; so after Weedle fainted, Magikarp is being sent out at the start of battles. Sending out Magikarp at the start seems to be making the switch-training easier. Magikarp grew to Lv. 6!

0d 6h 58m Against a different zubat, we switch to Magikarp, then switch back to Weedle, then Weedle faints, and we run

0d 6h 54m We manage a successful switch-training against a wild Zubat. Magikarp gains experience, but not enough for a level.

0d 6h 51m We fail to sneak past the Raticate Rocket grunt again, and get defeated again. black out. We head right back into the cave

0d 6h 48m We head down the ladders for the path to the Mt. Moon exit

0d 6h 46m Wandering around the first floor. In a few battles with wild Pokemon, we switch to Magikarp, then run before switching to something that can deal damage. After a few instances of this, Magikarp faints.

0d 6h 36m We reenter Mt. Moon. A lass tells us that there are some rare fossils here.

0d 6h 35m We enter line-of-sight of a rocket grunt, initiating a battle. The grunt's Raticate sweeps our team. blacked out

0d 6h 31m We reach the north-west of the top floor, running from most wild encounters, and head down the ladder. then down that corridor and down a second ladder

0d 6h 26m We turn on battle animations

0d 6h 25m Saved a third, fourth and fifth time while pacing around outside. Then we reenter Mt. Moon.

0d 6h 22m ASH saved the game. Twice.

0d 6h 20m We walk back towards the Mt. Moon entrance, but black out before exiting the cave

0d 6h 14m We wander around the ladder without going down, and enter the sights of the Hiker. Squirtle's tackles give the opposing rocks chances to attack, but does eventually use some water attacks to defeat the hiker's pokemon. Squirtle grew to Lv. 20, but does not evolve

0d 6h 9m We reach the north-west edge of the top floor. Ash picks up a Moon Stone

0d 6h 6m We traverse down and up a ladder a few times, then head south to fight a Youngster Squirtle grew to Lv. 19, but does not evolve.

0d 6h 3m Weedle faints. We run from the Zubat that KOed Weedle

0d 5h 59m Defeating that zubat grants a level. Weedle grew to Lv. 12! Weedle does not evolve

0d 5h 58m While fighting a wild Zubat, we switch active pokemon a few times. Magikarp take a few hits and Magikarp faints

0d 5h 50m We hath returned to the Cave of Waiting Fossils (Mt Moon)

0d 5h 46m Swapped Magikarp to second place in the party. Chat is worrying about what it means to have a party that will never evolve due to all the b-spam.

[Chat] #doyourbestpixie

0d 5h 37m Grinding on wild mons in an effort to evolve now that activity is slightly calmer.

0d 5h 36m Into the grass of Route 3. Chat talks about teaching Magikarp the Water Gun TM.

0d 5h 34m We start trying to teach Bide but Magikarp sadly cannot learn it.

0d 5h 33m Chat is torn between going back to Pewter for balls -- oh nvm not enough money -- and going back to the cave to grind.

[Snark] Back to the center yet again. Glad I'm not tracking blackouts cuz I've already lost count.

0d 5h 30m Another rat comes in. Squirtle goes down. Magikarp left. You know the drill

0d 5h 29m Squirtle comes in at very low HP. We search the bag before Tackling but are put in red by Quick Attack. Another leaves us at 1 HP as Rattata goes down

0d 5h 28m Right after I post, Weedle faints.

0d 5h 28m We've encountered a Youngster. Rattata vs Weedle and our Weedle doesn't look so hot.

0d 5h 25m A few Tackles later and Oddish falls. Bellsprout next, and it meets the same fate. Victory!

0d 5h 23m Tired of the 1v1, we go to Squirtle

[Snark] We... are literally trading 1 HP damage back and forth

0d 5h 19m We cross a Lass! Oddish against our Weedle!

0d 5h 18m Obtained a Rare Candy

0d 5h 17m Back to the cave we go! The fossils call...

0d 5h 17m It is now Magikarp vs Rattata. I think you see where this is going.

0d 5h 16m Strangely, Tail Whip does not inflict damage. Chat searches for an Antidote to cure this strange affliction but to no avail. The low HP music is quite catchy... oh Squirtle fainted

0d 5h 14m Run into a Youngster! Rattata vs Squirtle

[Fluff] I whip my tail back and forth, I whip my tail back and forth~

0d 5h 13m Battling wild Zubats for our lives while spamming Tail Whip

0d 5h 9m Weedle faints to wild mons. o7

0d 5h 7m After landing a trio of Water Guns, Clefairy goes down. Weedle grew to Lv. 11! Squirtle grew to Lv. 18! Evolution is denied both times.

[Info] Tail Whip is now in move slot 1

0d 5h 6m We poison Clefairy but take a bad hit from Pound, so swap into Squirtle

0d 5h 5m Returned to the Lass with a full party. Clefairy vs Weedle

[Meta] For the first time since the title screen went up, viewer count has dipped below 600

0d 5h 2m Fell asleep from Sing. We frantically search our bag for items to help us from the curse of Gen1 sleep... And we just narrowly manage to wake up! Unfortunately, chat spams Tackle after several Growls and back to sleep we go. And sure enough, we wipe.

0d 5h 0m Ran into a Lass! She sends out a Clefairy and we respond with Squirtle

0d 5h 0m Grinding against wild mons

0d 4h 56m A Water Gun takes it out! In comes Kakuna, which takes massive damage from Water Gun. Another takes it out. Victory!

0d 4h 55m We catch the eye of a Bug Catcher! He sends out a Caterpie and we respond with Squirtle.

0d 4h 53m Obtained TM 12!

0d 4h 53m Wasted all our Balls on a wild Zubat. We fled after Weedle fainted.

[Snark] We sent in our fish against a wild Paras and Splashed until death. Good job chat.

0d 4h 47m Entered Mt Moon

0d 4h 47m Chat considers going to get a Pidgey... and then returns to the Pokemon Center.

[Info] Ok our karp is actually named --?PKZ. My mistake. That's what I get for looking away for two seconds I suppose.

0d 4h 44m At long last, we finally heal and checkpoint.

We talk to a shady man and purchase a Lv. 5 Magikarp! No nickname.

0d 4h 41m After much thought about the ledges, Ash finally makes his way to the Pokemon Center on Route 3. After consulting the map for a bit, we talk to some npcs to learn of Team Rocket's nefarious deeds!

0d 4h 39m We reach the next patch of tall grass and grind against some wild birds.

0d 4h 36m We send out Squirtle. It deals some decent damage but then gets put to sleep. Fortunately it immediately wakes up and takes down Jigglypuff. Squirtle grew to Lv. 17, but the evolution gets cancelled once more.

0d 4h 35m We wander around the tall grass, run from a few wild Pokémon, and then get challenged by a Lass. She sends out Jigglypuff which takes out our Weedle.

[Snark] What a shock

0d 4h 32m One more Poison Sting, and Metapod goes down! We win, and cancel Weedle's evolution once more.

0d 4h 30m Metapod is next! We again use Poison Sting, and manage to poison it, then let poison do its thing as we enegage in a battle of Harden vs String Shot.

0d 4h 29m The Bug Catcher sends out Caterpie. We send out Weedle and spam String Shot for a few turn, before switching to Poison Sting. We poison Caterpie, then take it down. Weedle grew to Lv. 10!

0d 4h 28m Back on Route 3, and we somehow make it quite swiftly through the narrow passage without jumping a ledge! A Bug Catcher challenges us on the other side.

0d 4h 27m Back in Pewter City once more.

0d 4h 24m We jump a ledge and get challenged by a Youngster. He sends out Fearow against our Squirtle, which immediately faints to a Peck attack. We black out.

0d 4h 23m Caterpie finally goes down to Bubble. Next comes out Metapod, which despite all of its hardening goes down to a few Tackle attacks. Against all odds, we win!


0d 4h 21m We waste two Poké Balls, then consult the Town Map a whole bunch.

[Snark] Boy this low HP music is a bop

0d 4h 20m We trade Tackles with Caterpie, then switch to Weedle. A critical hit from Caterpie takes it down however, so it's back to Squirtle already.

0d 4h 19m We keep trying to use items and the cursor keeps hovering dangerously close to our Poké Balls.

0d 4h 18m One Water Gun and one Tackle, and Kakuna is down. Caterpie comes out next.

0d 4h 18m Bubble then Water Gun take down Weedle. Next is a Kakuna.

[Info] we were actually able to use the select-spam to swap Water Gun and Tackle's positions in the fight as well, to put Water Gun in slot one.

0d 4h 17m A Bug Catcher is next! We both send out Weedle, but ours is severely damaged already, so we switch to Squirtle again.

0d 4h 16m Nidoran♂ is next. Two Bubbles suffice to take it down. We win the battle, and Squirtle grows to Lv. 16! It ries to evolve, but we cancel it.

0d 4h 15m Tackle does decent damage to Rattata. We swap Antidote and TM34 in our inventory before finally taking down Rattata.

0d 4h 13m String Shot fails, so does the Town Map, and so does running. We String Shot again, but Weedle is almost down, so we switch to Squirtle.

0d 4h 12m We struggle with ledges but finally make it to another Trainer. Lass wants to fight! She send Rattata against our Weedle.


0d 4h 9m We almost make it to the next section, but nope, jumped a ledge.

[Snark] Surely not foreshadowing of the things to come.

0d 4h 6m Back on Route 3 we are! And we immediately jump the lower ledge.

0d 4h 5m The sign is blocking us from easily getting back to Route 3 again, so we save.

0d 4h 3m Back out we go.

0d 4h 2m We heal! About time.

[Chat] WeirdThingsToEnsue: OKAY JIGGLYPUFF WE GET IT

[Fluff] Getting really sleepy for some reason...

0d 4h 0m We talk to the nurse, but decline to heal and instead listen to Jigglypuff some more.

0d 3h 58m We enter the Poké Center and listen to Jigglypuff sing a few times.

0d 3h 57m We're checking the stat screens of our Pokémon. They sure need healing.

0d 3h 53m We're back in Pewter City. We check the Town Map, then almost toss some Poké Balls, but close the menu in time.

[Info] According to Streamer, we may get combined and held inputs back soon \o/

0d 3h 52m We backtrack towards Pewter City, but chat seems to actually be indecisive about whether to go back and heal or push forward until we black out.

[Snark] It's cool, I can make mistakes, it's my updater, I can't get fired for incompetence anymore.

[Info] Yeah that was Wrap, not Bind, my bad. Same difference though.

0d 3h 49m We switch to Weedle, but Ekans takes it out with Wrap. Sadly Ekans barely survives Bubble and Wraps us again. Thankfully, we get free before fainting, and use Bubble again, winning the fight!

[Info] For those unaware, in Generation I, as long as Bind is active, your Pokémon cannot attack.

0d 3h 47m Squirtle and Rattata trade some blows, but our turtle has the level advantage and easily defeats Rattata. Ekans is next and we end up in Bind hell.

0d 3h 46m We are challenged by a Youngster. They send out Rattata against our Weedle. Quick Attack, Poison Sting, Quick Attack, String Shot, and we switch to Squirtle.

0d 3h 46m Alright, back onto Route 3!

0d 3h 44m We exit the Center and make our way onto Route 3 agai-- hold on, there's a sign in the way.

[Fluff] Zzz...

0d 3h 43m We enter the Poke Center, save, and listen to Jigglypuff singing. Then we heal.

0d 3h 41m We enter the Poké Mart and save, then exit without buying anything.

0d 3h 39m We walk back to Pewter City, presumably to heal.

[Chat] oldenne: look at kakuna's dex entry in utter despair

0d 3h 38m Poison damage does its thing, and as we wander around, Squirtle faints.

0d 3h 36m Caterpie is next, but Squirtle's Bubble easily defeats it. We win the battle, and unsurprisingly cancel Weedle's evolution again.

0d 3h 36m Finally, a Tackle takes down the opponent Weedle, and our Weedle grows to Lv. 9!

0d 3h 35m Weedle is next! We waste another Poké Ball, then switch to our own Weedle, which gets hit by Poison Sting. We switch back to Squirtle, which gets hits too and poisoned.

0d 3h 34m We switch to Squirtle, and it trades Tackles with Caterpie. One Bubble finishes Caterpie off, and Squirtle grows to Lv. 15 and learns Water Gun!

0d 3h 33m There we go! We get challenged by a Bug Catcher sending Caterpie. Our Weedle uses Poison Sting and poisons the opponent... and then we throw a Poké Ball.

0d 3h 32m Instead of moving onto the next Trainer, we're kinda moving back and forth between Route 3 and Pewter City.

0d 3h 30m The second Pidgey comes out. Gust doesn't do to much damage, and three Tackles later, we win the battle!

0d 3h 29m Tackle misses and we get hit by Gust. Squirtle then uses Bubble, then two Tail Whips. Another Tackle, and Pidgey is down!

0d 3h 29m Pidgey vs. Weedle again. Gust does way more damage than Poison Sting; we manage to poison Pidgey, then switch to Squirtle.

0d 3h 28m After being sent back to Pewter, we return to Route 3 and challenge the Lass again!

0d 3h 25m We challenge a Lass. She sends out Pidgey against our Weedle. Poison Sting does little damage, and after two Gusts, Weedle faints We send out Squirtle and use Bubble twice. Pidgey could take us out, but uses Sand Attack, allowing us to finish it off! However, she sends out another Pidgey, who takes down Squirtle. We black out.

0d 3h 25m We finally move onto Route 3!

[Chat] amajorflod: supporting local businesses :)

0d 3h 23m We spend ₽50 on a ticket and then immediately leave.

0d 3h 22m We talk to an NPC who leads us back to the Museum. Back inside we go!

0d 3h 21m We leave the Poké Mart with only ₽82 left but a stock of Poké Balls we surely will be putting to good use.

0d 3h 20m Bought 8 Poké Balls!

0d 3h 18m One of the customers is warning us of some shady guy selling fish Pokémon. I'm sure that's nothing we need to worry about.

0d 3h 16m Back outside we are, and we make our way to the Poké Mart, in which we save.

0d 3h 15m "Take plenty of time to look!" Thanks, we definitely did.

0d 3h 14m We're still inside the museum, going back and forth between floors. They have a space exhibit now.

[Snark] Museums are neat. No need to talk to girls in museums. You just look at the cool exhibits and don't have to talk to any girls.

0d 3h 7m We're looking around the space exhibit. Chat seems very interested in the Moon Stone in particular.

[Info] The Boulder Badge appeared on the set~

[Chat] allanderbf: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ MUSEUM RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

CountRaposa: tppBop no rioting in the museum

0d 3h 4m We get in and out a few time, and are now wandering around the Museum.

[Chat] TitaTitanium: DBstyle guys we need to work up the courage to talk to misty. girls are scary

0d 3h 2m We take a detour to visit the Museum.

0d 3h 0m Defeated Leader Brock and received the Boulder Badge! Received TM34 Bide!

0d 2h 59m Brock sends out Onix and we use Tackle for minimal damage... then we defeat it with a single Bubble! Squirtle grew to Lv. 14! We cancel Weedle's evolution again.

0d 2h 58m We use Poison Sting and miss twice while Geodude just Defense Curls. We then switch to Squirtle and use Tackle for minimal damage, the take out Geodude with a single Bubble. Weedle grew to Lv. 8!

0d 2h 58m Brock sends out Geodude against our Weedle. We try to use Antidotes, and our Town Map, but neither is working.

0d 2h 57m Vs. Leader Brock! (Attempt #1)

0d 2h 57m Weedle starts to evolve... but the evolution gets cancelled.

0d 2h 56m Squirtle is using Tackle and Tail Whip, before two Bubbles take out Sandshrew. Squirtle grew to Lv. 13!

0d 2h 55m Oh also Weedle grew to Lv.7! The opponent sends out Sandshrew, and we switch to Weedle again, then change our mind and send Squirtle back out.

0d 2h 54m We swap out Weedle for Squirtle. Digglet uses Scratch and we use Bubble, then heal with a Potion. Another Bubble, and Diglett is out. Squirtle grew to Lv. 12!

0d 2h 53m The first Gym Trainer challenges us! They send out Diglett, and we send Weedle.

0d 2h 53m We enter Pewter Gym!

0d 2h 52m We save, and try to leave Pewter City through the eastern route, but the NPC is preventing us and guiding us to the Gym. That's actually probably more efficient for us than walking there ourselves.

0d 2h 51m Back outside, and checking our Pokémon stats for a bit.

0d 2h 49m We finally make it inside the Poké Center, and after a bit of struggle, we heal!


0d 2h 48m We're trying to enter the Poké Center. So close to a checkpoint.

0d 2h 47m We exit Viridian Forest and enter Pewter City for the first time!

0d 2h 45m Squirtle makes quick work of the opposing Weedle with a few Bubbles. We win!

0d 2h 44m We fight another Bug Catcher! He sends out Weedle. We switch to our own Weedle, but it faints.

0d 2h 41m We pick up a Potion!

[Info] We just passed 50,000 inputs!

0d 2h 36m A long battle against a wild Metapod. No levels gained, but exp is exp.

0d 2h 34m A few more wild battles, and we are back in Viridian Forest.

0d 2h 32m Seems we finally gave up on checkpointing, and are once more moving on to Route 2.

0d 2h 29m In a surprising development, we just jumped the ledge again while trying to get into the Pokémon Center.

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: tppLedge

0d 2h 23m Saved the game, because we just made so much progress running circles around this Poké Center.

0d 2h 18m Back in Viridian City, we're trying once more to enter the Poké Center.

0d 2h 17m We save the game, then check the map. Yup, we're on Route 1.

0d 2h 15m While on Route 1, we try to use and Antidote on Weedle. It won't have any effect however.

0d 2h 14m [Snark] Do you think Mom is getting tired of us wandering back, broke, with our tail between our legs?

0d 2h 14m Back to Pallet Town once again.

0d 2h 13m Weedle is next. We almost take it out, but Poison Sting and poison damage take out our last hit points. Squirtle faints and we black out.

0d 2h 12m We send out Squirtle again. We fail to attack before finally using Bubble and taking Weedle out. Kakuna is next; as it only knows Harden, we take it out easily with a few Bubbles.

0d 2h 9m We challenge a Bug Catcher! We trade blows, then send out Weedle to replace Squirtle. Both use Poison Sting at each other, then both decide to use String Shot instead. We go back to using Poison Sting, but the opponent eventually does the same and our Weedle faints.

0d 2h 8m A wild Weedle poisons Squirtle. We send out Weedle and it takes its wild brethren out.

0d 2h 7m And we're back in Viridian City!

0d 2h 5m We defeat another wild Weedle, and Squirtle grows to Lv. 10!

0d 2h 5m Back onto Route 2, without checkpointing at Viridian.

[Chat] rockno01: Hail bug jesus

0d 2h 2m And again! Fourth Weedle.

0d 2h 1m The Old Man shows us how to catch a Pokémon again! That's his third Weedle.

0d 1h 58m We defeat some wild Pokémon on the way, and arrive once more in Viridian City.

0d 1h 56m We are making our way back up Route 1 now.

[Chat] tppsimulator: select to not ball

0d 1h 55m And we are all the way back to Pallet Town.

0d 1h 55m Weedle faints! We black out!

0d 1h 53m We threw our last Poké Ball at the not-wild Weedle.

0d 1h 52m Another Bug Catcher spots us! He sends out Weedle. We trade Poison Stings, then start throwing Poké Balls at it again.

0d 1h 52m Weedle actually manages to defeat a wild Metapod and grows to Lv. 6!

0d 1h 49m We send out Weedle, which defeats the opponent's Weedle. Weedle grows to Lv. 5! Caterpie is next, and we spam Poison Sting at it. We poison it, then defeat it. We won!

0d 1h 48m Another Poké Ball wasted, then two Tail Whips. Weedle uses Poison Sting, then poison takes us out. Squirtle faints!

0d 1h 46m Vs. Bug Catcher! He sends out Weedle. It and Weedle trade a few blows, then Squirtle gets poisoned. Then we waste two Poké Balls on it. Don't be a thief!

0d 1h 44m Picked up a Poké Ball!

0d 1h 41m We found an Antidote hidden in a tree.

0d 1h 40m We throw a Ball at the wild Kakuna but it escapes. We make no further attempt and just take it down.


0d 1h 39m Caught a Lv. 4 Weedle! No nickname.

0d 1h 38m We try to catch a Weedle with the Town map. It doesn't work, so we run.

0d 1h 36m We entered Viridian Forest.

0d 1h 34m We make our way onto Route 2 for the first time!

[Streamer] M4_used_Rollout: hey make sure you let me back up the save before you go for MissingNo y'hear

0d 1h 32m Catch tutorial again! Guess the Old Man has two Weedle now.

0d 1h 31m After leaving the Mart, we try to enter the Poké Center again, fail, check the sign in front of Route 2, and it's back to wandering around Viridian City.

0d 1h 26m We enter the Poké Mart a few times, then talk to the clerk and buy 8 Poké Balls.

0d 1h 22m We're trying to get inside the Poké Center in Viridian City but keep jumping the ledge.

0d 1h 17m Caught a Lv. 5 Weedle! No nickname. Also it's not us who caught it.

0d 1h 17m obtained a hidden potion from a tree

0d 1h 16m We check on the old guy. He had his coffee and is feeling fine, so we let him show us how to catch a wild Weedle.

0d 1h 15m Squirtle grew to Lv. 9!

[Fluff] There seems to be two recurring names suggested for our Squirtle, those being Marvin and Mushmouth.

0d 1h 11m Back onto Route 1.

0d 1h 9m We enter Blue's house and save the game... and finally muster the courage to talk to Daisy! Obtained the Town Map!

0d 1h 7m And so we are back in Pallet Town.

0d 1h 6m Blue sends out Pidgey. We get hit by Gust and use Bubble, then use Tackle and get hit by another Gust. Tackle critical hits, and it looks like we might win as Pidgey uses Sand-Attack... but the next Tackle isn't strong enough to take down Pidgey and the next Gust takes us down. We black out!

0d 1h 5m Guess who? Vs. Trainer Blue! (Attempt #1)

0d 1h 4m We visit Route 22 for the first time.

0d 1h 3m We are back to Viridian City! We save.

[Chat] 1in256Miss: Its been 10 years and bulba's cry has not changed

0d 0h 59m We talk to an NPC and obtain a Potion.

0d 0h 59m Squirtle grew to Lv. 8 and learned Bubble!

[Info] A Pokédex has been added to the setup~

0d 0h 56m The idea of talking to Daisy is just too scary so onto Route 1 we move on.

[Snark] Oh no, if we want the Town Map we'll have to talk to Daisy. Guess we're never getting it.

0d 0h 54m We save the game twice. Better make sure, walking into that building was quite the achievement.

0d 0h 53m Obtained the Pokédex!

0d 0h 53m Delivered Oak's Parcel!

0d 0h 53m We finally made it inside the lab!

[Streamer] TwitchPlaysPokemon: struggling to talk to girls?

0d 0h 51m We enter Blue's house a few more times, but we don't seem able to muster the courage to talk to Daisy.

[Fluff] The name "Marvin" seems to have caught on for our Squirtle, by the way.

0d 0h 42m And back outside.

0d 0h 41m We enter Blue's house.

[Chat] MemeMeow6: rest well you wont be able to for a long time

0d 0h 39m And then we heal again!

0d 0h 39m And then we heal again!

0d 0h 39m And then we heal again!

0d 0h 38m We made it inside! ...of our house. But at least we heal!

[Snark] We are not good at delivering packages.

0d 0h 33m We run and make it back to Pallet Town. Again.

0d 0h 33m We're back on Route 1, and a wild Pidgey appears. Uh oh.

0d 0h 32m "Technology is incredible!"

0d 0h 31m We still haven't managed to enter Oak's Lab, but at least we saved.

[Chat] tigerbullfly5698: Why is it taking forever to do one simple thing?!

Welcome to TPP, buddy.

0d 0h 25m We much less smartly make our way back to the tall grass. Then back down... Then back up...

0d 0h 22m Squirtle has a single HP left. Thankfully the wild Rattata we're facing doesn't attack us and we take it down. We then smartly run from a Pidgey, and make it back to Pallet Town!

0d 0h 21m Squirtle grew to Lv. 7!

[Chat] Spiderpig2398: no pokeballs yet means no catching bird jesus BibleThump

0d 0h 18m We try to throw Oak's Parcel at Pidgey, but apparently it's "not ours to use", so instead we just defeat it with Tackle.

0d 0h 17m Back onto Route 1, and we encounter our first wild Pokémon! It's a Pidgey!

0d 0h 17m We made it inside the Poké Mart, finally! Obtained Oak's Parcel!

0d 0h 16m Okay, we are back to making rounds around the Poké Mart.

0d 0h 15m LEDGE JUMPED

0d 0h 14m Yup, sign says it's a Poké Mart. Wonder if we should go inside.

0d 0h 12m We're trying to leave Viridian City through the north, but some old man is blocking the way. Instead of going to the Poké Mart, we visit the nearby house and talk to the bird inside.

[Info] There's a Squirtle plushie in the background now~

0d 0h 10m We arrived in Viridian City for the first time.

0d 0h 9m We saved the game.

0d 0h 6m Squirtle grew to Lv. 6!

0d 0h 6m We defeated BLUE! Riveting battle, really.

0d 0h 5m Vs. BLUE!

0d 0h 4m We picked Squirtle as our starter! Its nickname is MVWNONNFPP.

0d 0h 3m We refused Charmander three times and now are trying to leave.

0d 0h 3m We just met with Oak! We're about to pick a starter.

[Snark] "named", third update and already a typo, dang it.

[Fluff] This is the third time we are playing as a character named "Ash" for the record.

0d 0h 0m Our Host for this run is name ASH, and our rival is BLUE!

0d 0h 0m OKAY WE ARE ON

0d 0h 0m AND IT BEG-- wait, false start.

[Info] Title screen is up!

[Streamer] M4_Used_Rollout: GET READY FOR TITLE after a short downtime

[Info] ok test is working

[Chat] Testing 1,2,3. Buttons are working!

Testing, testing.